#a kurai lover even
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Kurai is sooo...
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i really enjoyed your yandere allie’s being broken up with post! could you do one for a yandere 2p axis as well? thank you in advance :) sincerely, a yandere lover
(Y/N) stood in the doorway, a bursting duffle bag digging into her left shoulder while her hands tightly grasped the strap. Licking her lips, she murmured.
“I-I can’t do this anymore. We’re over.”
Japan: Kurai’s dull, garnet eyes slowly drifted from the paperwork on his dark, cherrywood desk to his Sakura blossom. He noticed the crystal tears that threatened to bubble over like an unspoken plea for mercy, terrified quivers that made her shake and tremble like a kitten left to die in the coldest December blizzard.
A shark-like smirk split his face as he cooed her pet name. “We have only three days until we are wed, do you really want to dishonor your family by calling it off?”
Trying to leave Kurai’s web is like trying to pull a live rat off a glue trap. He will manipulate you into staying by pulling at your sense of duty. It starts by mentioning all the people who will be disappointed should you two split. If you continue to insist that you are done. Then it will begin to get violent.
Kurai drags you with a bruising grip to a hidden white room, the door locking as he leaves you in isolation. For two weeks all you see is white, even the very food and dishes become that vile color.
At the lock’s click and hinge's squeak, you hoped in vain that Kurai had come to his senses. Finally letting you leave this hell. In reality, you saw red. A lot of red, of much so that he claimed it was to shine the honor that your ‘threat’ had tarnished.
Germany: Groaning, Luther popped his neck with a loud crack as he raised his scarred body from the worn, leather couch. His blond brow raised in a questioning manner. “What are jou talking about?”
He watched with cold, tired eyes as (Y/N) took a deep breath before forcing the horrible statement again from her throat like a lion cub’s first roar.
Chuckling, Luther shook his head as he held his out his calloused hand.
 “Come now, Kätchen. Let’s nap on it before we do anything.”
Shaking her head, (Y/N) backed up. She screamed a loud no, before sprinting down the hall. Her bag swung and bruised her hip as slammed against the wooden door and fumbled with the slippery knob.
The click of the locking mechanism quickly became a loud slam as the door was forced to close again. (Y/N) now frozen still from the man she was trying to escape.
“Vhat made jou think I was asking?”
Luther is quick to forgive. A simple bow to his demands will quell his anger in ways that could be used against him. IF, he wasn’t already suspicious of all behaviors leading up to your foolish declaration. The missing objects, full cardboard boxes hidden in the closet, and failed attempts at distancing yourself from him.
Your announcement is what causes the iron fist to finally drop.
Similar to the ‘fighting and married’ bit, he begins with house arrest while retrieving all the items you’ve sneaked out. Any found attempts of planning to escape will lead Lutz to become more controlling and to harsher punishments.
What makes it worse, is that even on the darkest nights, locked in the rusted, gilded cage and draped in heavy, silver chains, Luther will remain outside the door. Murmuring promises of a better life and love, if only you agree to stay and obey. Forever.
Prussia: It had been two weeks since Wilheim let (Y/N) go. Two weeks of hoping she would return, of hoping she would realize how deeply their souls were intertwined. Fourteen days he had been pained by a wounded heart, that felt like each weak beat may be its last without his Maus.
He could bear it no longer when he watched as she set off with another man. The bright laughter and innocent blushes told him all he needed to know. With the flutter of his cloak, Wilheim set out to reclaim what he had lost.
Wilheim’s long, blood-stained life has taught him a lot. One such lesson is the use of free will. He hopes by letting you go for a time that you will come back, but as the time goes on without even a text from you, Wilheim begins to crack.
His cracks start small by stalking and recording. But as he hears how happy you are to be away and the proud compliments from friends about escaping the abuse, they become large fissures within his psyche
The last straw is your attempt to move on. That was the night he drags you back once the date is done. Questioning you on why you would betray him, did the time you spent together mean nothing?
With eyes like a burning ocean, Wil will force you into a small cell. Its tight walls only allow you to stand or sit. As the days wear on, you’ll find yourself taking comfort in Wilheim by your own volition.
He is the only one to open the door. So, doesn’t he deserve your love?
Austria: Jon cocked his head in a similar fashion to his little bat. Observing her intently as (Y/N) shuffled. She, at first, might have thought it was cute until a demonic laugh erupted from his pale throat. Heavy heaves for breath causing his chest to sink in showing his ribs in the tight, red shirt before expanding outward like an organic balloon, that no one could properly fill.
“That’z a funny yoke meine Queen.” Jon wiped a tear from his red eyes. “But, vhile jou here, did jou pick a place for dinner?”
(Y/N) shook her head quickly and muttered a no. “I-I’m breaking up with you, don’t you understand that?”
A loud sigh came from Jon as he stood from the leather couch. His heeled boots clicked against the wooden floor as closed the distance on the cowering woman.
“Of course I do, but” he looked at his shiny, black polished nails. “if jou really vant to, zhen go for it. Juzt don’t be zurprized vhen zomeone dizappearz.”
Jon lives in an odd mix of delusion and reality. He will take the smallest acts of obedience and view it as you submitting to and loving him. Every moment of rebellion shows him how far he still has to go until you are ready to be his Queen of the Night.
Since, you’ve decided to walk out the front door, consider the threat now a prophecy. He will start with the disappearance of a close friend. At first, you may dismiss it, until a body is found and the red words ‘come home’ are painted on the alley wall.
During your mourning, you try to tell the police of the possible lead. That Jon may be the cause of it all. Yet, it all falls on deaf ears as they explain that man doesn’t exist.
You, wanting justice, decide to confront him and run to his home, expecting a fight. Instead, you find an open door that reveals a dark house. Stepping inside, you feel a cold chill and gasp as the door shuts behind you, locking you in. Before you continue your forced path forward, you notice the shadows move like dancing snakes.
A quick glance and scratching at the light switch reveal no working lights. You scream when you feel the first shadow latch onto your ankle. Attempting to pull you through the floor. Shaking and pulling doesn’t help as more attach, eventually pulling you into an inky blackness. Ensuring that Jon’s pale skin is the brightest thing you see in your world of eternal night.
Spain: Armando’s eyes slowly lifted from the stacks of paper in front of him. His quill rested limply against his rough fingers as he took (Y/N)’s form in wholly.
 He noted her straight lip tremble at its edges, the subtle scrapping of her nails over the nylon bag straps as his silence continued. She shuffled an inch back whenever he twitched or breathed too loud, before shakily regaining the lost ground. Though, she remained tense, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.
His question shattered the silence like a hammer to a mirror.
“You want to leave me?”
“Y-yes, I do.” She nodded as her heels dug against the wooden floor.
“Well,” Armando stood before walking to a large glass and oak display case. His hand gripped the wooden handle as he opened it, reached in, and pulled out a large, silver axe. “I think that we should let a simple game decide our fate.”
This man isn’t going to let you go. End of story.
But! That doesn’t mean it will be a simple no with slices to disable your legs. No, Armando doesn’t work that way. He’ll have fun by forcing you to play a game, his favorite to be specific.  Axe throwing.
If you are one to see the dark side of his world from the beginning, then you’ll know that your chances are low, even if you have thrown axes before. He won’t play fair, offering damaged axes and using a target that is just a little too far out of reach.
Most likely, you were kept in the dark. Not fully knowing the amount of blood that stained his hands. Your axes are sharp, but the target itself is dry, hardwood. Your muscles were never meant to throw with the power to dent such a mass, and it didn’t. You could only watch in fear as Armando hit consistently a bull’s eye each time from a different angle.
Depending on how badly you lose will determine what comes next. If Armando absolutely destroyed you, then he’ll keep his punishment simple. A quick snip to one of your Achilles tendons and being locked in a room with minimal contact for a couple of weeks with only him to rely on will help subdue your fire without snuffing it.
If you presented a challenge to him, then it would be worse. A debilitating injury to hinder your chances of escape mixed with a strict schedule of labor on the farm and obedience training. This mix will drown any thoughts of rebellion, leaving behind a fearful shell of yourself that is easier to control.
Italy: The silence of (Y/N)’s statement reverberated off the walls as Luciano set his wine glass on the dining room table. His leather-gloved hands came together to intertwine as a chinrest while he leaned back into the wooden chair—a large grin on his face as he sized up his darling fiancée.
“What made you think that was your call? When you agreed to be mine,” He stood, slamming his hands down as he leaned forward on the table, the taunting smile turned to a vicious snarl in a mere blink. “It meant until the day the world stopped turning when Italia would be wiped off the map and forgotten about by the fragile minds of mortal men. NOT because you got cold feet! NOT W-“
“I NEVER AGREED TO THE BLOODSHED!” She sobbed; the dam of emotions finally bursting. “You are nothing more than a monster that feeds off the mutilated flesh of your victims. Always looking for an excuse to kill again!”
(Y/N)’s declaration shocked Luciano like he had been bitten by a hidden viper. His eyes were wide as his focus never left the woman he loved.
She backed up a few steps. Hesitance caused her frame to tremble, before she turned her back to him. “I’m leaving, goodbye.”
It was only a few steps before the sound of maniacal laughter accompanied the sound of whistling metal. 
(Y/N) gasped, before collapsing. As the laughter came closer, she saw three knives embedded within her flesh. All lay within her lower half, making the mere thought of running from the mad Mafioso impossible.
“Oh, Tesoro.” Her head snapped up to view the smiling Italian. “You’ll be staying with me forever.”
After your shouting match and injury, Luciano will decide it's time to retrain. After all, you’ve shown him that your loyalty was false. Nothing more than a piece of tin that needed to be forged into something stronger. Something steadfast.
He will take the time to rebuild you. Each step toward what he wants means healing, rebellion just creates additional injury. Eventually, you’ll either break into a creaked and numbed doll, or you’ll be the perfect wife, trustworthy enough to join Luciano in the flames.
Romano: (Y/N)’s stomach flipped as Fabrizio stepped closer, his questions ignored as she turned her back. She was ready to run, pushing her legs to their limit as she forced her stride to be at its max.
It wasn’t enough.
A small dart with a fuzzy tip, no thicker than the graphite of a #2 pencil and no longer than a standard ballpoint pen, had sailed into her thigh.
The mosquito-like sensation caused her to pause. Gingerly, (Y/N) tapped the object, before pulling it free. As she stared at it the world began to blur and sway. One dart became two, then four and more. Her attempts for balance failed as a numbing sensation crawled from the hit point.
Falling due to weakened legs, (Y/N) gasped as the marble floors caught her. She heard Fabrizio speaking, his voice muffled as blackness started to flood from her periphery. As the drug took its hold, the last thing she felt was the warmth of her devil’s hands.  
To Fabrizio, it was a sin to end the relationship. He has done so much for you; creating fabulous outfits, spoiling you with various luxuries, and most important of all gifting you something precious, his love. When you ended it, allowing him no time to rebuttal, he threw away his dramatic flair. A quick shot of a special sedative, and you’re down and out.
As you’re fainting, Fabrizio will give his monologue. He rants about how he won’t allow one of the purest things to grace him to just walk away. No, it was time you learned your place.
When you finally awake, the world feels off. Firstly, you’re upright with legs bound to steel bars. Secondly, it’s a new, strange room. Your stand is surrounded by glass-encased mannequins, all dressed in outfits from many different eras. Some outfits go back further than the Dark Ages.
A subtle tightening sensation on the chest would distract you. Taking away from the strangeness of the room. Looking down you would see a white, velvet corset with silver steel rivets. Your breath quickened as the constriction continued, while your arms felt paralyzed. Black spots would reappear in your vision as a hushed chuckle brushed against your ears.
“Mia Bambola, it’s-a time you learn to listen.”
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Short Prompt # 13
Decided to spice things up with villain x villain instead of my usual hero x villain.
TW: None!
"I've never cared for a thing in the world, love," the villain purred, tracing the perfect curve of their lover's jaw, lazily trailing their finger down to their neck.
"I know," the other villain breathed out heavily, refusing to meet their gaze.
"But you, on the other hand," they started, pressing a slow, delicate kiss to the other's cheekbone, "occupy a space in my mind that continues to spread, like poison in the bloodstream. And I just can't fathom living without it."
"You had. . .ambitious plans, I did, too," the other villain reminded them, their tone sober, but their eyes half-lidded, peeking out beneath gorgeous, dark lashes, letting their fingers intertwine with those of their paramour's.
The criminal pulled them into their lap effortlessly, making their now shallow breath catch in their throat as they temporarily let go of their hands. They could feel their partner's strong arms bracketing around them, their hands in theirs again, their fingers skirting over their sweetheart's knuckles in soothing motions.
"And what's stopping us from doing everything we've ever desired, together?" they whispered, voice velvety against the other's ear.
"Vulnerabilities," they concluded, treacherously kissing the crown of the second evil-doer's hair in spite of their dismal words. Or word, actually.
To their surprise, the villain chuckled. "Darling," they crooned, their hands now toying with the fabric of their flame's silk shirt, "we are not heroes. We do not love in the weak-willed way they do, no sacrifices for the greater good or whatever spiel they believe in. You and I make each other stronger, so what if we enjoy ourselves in the process? Even hardened hearts like ours need someone to belong to."
They eased their fingers out of the other's hands, tracing patterns into the skin of their arms, rubbing the lean muscles tenderly, smiling a little to themselves as they watched the tight line of their shoulders fade.
"Well, there's no holding back, now, lovely," the other villain said with a grin, pressing a passionate kiss to their jawline.
Their villanous lover laughed, a genuine, musical sound. The world was theirs, and more importantly, so was the beautiful villain in their lap.
Previously, both villains had feared love, thought of it as a trap, something to clip their wings. Foolish reminisces of naïve minds. They'd never imagined they could feel so free. Nothing felt like pure ecstasy, unbridled euphoria coursing through their veins the same way that this did. It tasted sweet, felt intoxicating, set their hearts on fire, the same flames that would soon consume the world, leaving only their names written in ash and smoke.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @usernotfound000 @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @theangstyclown @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @muffinrebel44 @sunnynwanda @annablogsposts @cardboardarsonist @itsmyworld23 @onlywhump @shr3ya @crotchgoblin69 @wtfevenisausername
Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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michimiart-blog · 1 year
More Reserve Course OC Students!
Greetings! I have used some screenshots of Danganronpa Anime as a base/model for some poses, trying to make it as similar as the anime itself even though it is an AU thing.
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Yumeno Saki is Gekkogahara Miaya's nephew.
Fumetso Makoto is the cousin of Fumetso Ichiko, the known SHSL Nailist from Class 72 and part of the SHSL Assault Team.
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Torayoshi Najimi is the SHSL Judo Master from the SHSL Assault Team from Class 74 and Torayoshi Akumi is his younger brother and also, he has another twin brother in the Reserve Course.
Aishi Megami is the known SHSL Archer from the SHSL Assault Team from Class 63, Aishi Kokona is her niece.
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Torayoshi Hokori is Torayoshi Akumi's twin brother and also Najimi's younger brother.
Ronshaku Horāno and Rokuda Kirā are merely random students with no relation to Ultimate students.
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Shirasu Kurai, Mamoru Katana and Shingetsu Kenkō are also random students who don't have relation with Ultimates.
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In this AU, Munakata Kyosuke had two older siblings, the oldest of them had a son named Haneyama Sosuke, who is Kyosuke's nephew.
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Demura Hikari is Bandai Daisaku's niece, she is a soft and kind-hearted person who deeply adores her uncle. Both his uncle and her are pretty good farmers, but he got the Ultimate title.
Mio Ishida Maki is the younger sister of Mio Ishida Kuroko, the known SHSL Yo-yoer from Class 75 and part of the SHSL Assault Team. Maki is a master in Taekwondo and could have been selected as an Ultimate but someone else got the talent first.
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Meet the triplets siblings Nejire! Nejire Yume is an archery specialist, not like Megami but close. Nejire Gekkō is a book lover (that allows her to learn all languages) and a clairvoyant, however, her accuracy is approximately 9/10 contrary to Hagakure who is 3/10, but she hates fame hence why she rejected the title of Ultimate Clairvoyant. Nejire Akumu adores japanese decorations, foods and specially, the kanji writting.
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Kusha Aoi is the grandchild-niece of Tengan Kazuo, the former headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy. She is best friends with Guramu Osana, a singer prodigy very close to Sayaka's habilities.
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These last five are random students who are not related to any Ultimate. Riotto Luca is a transfer student from Italy.
Note: As always, if the Reserve Course works exactly like a normal (if exclusive) japanese high school, then the Reserve Course has classtime and clubs (like Cooking Club, Photography Club, Kendo Club, etc), so some of these characters belong to them, aside from the special class mentioned in my previous post.
Reminder: None of these characters are canon in Danganronpa, they are part of my Alternate Universe (AU) in which Komaeda Nagito has multiple talents. Also, the names for the SHSL students known only by talents (aka the SHSL Assault Team members) are headcannon/created just for the sake of the AU.
Danganronpa, Reserve Course Department and SHSL Titles: Spike Chungsoft & Kodaka
Characters' name and backstory: @michimi-maidenvelekblog / @michimiart-blog
Alternate Universe: MultiTalent!Komaeda Nagito AU by @michimi-maidenvelekblog
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darkangel1117 · 1 year
Spamton Blog Introduction
Hello! My name is Kurai, and this is my blog! Here are some quick things about me:
⟟ have ⏃ typing quirk (⟟-i ⏃-a)
⟟ have ADHD and Autism, so if you can, tone indicators would be great :)
⟟ have very strong hyperfixations so you will see ⏃ LOT of the same thing for ⏃ LONG time (im so sorry)
My pronouns are he/they void/voidself :) ⟟ dont really have ⏃ preference but please don't use strictly they/them, ⟟ like variety with my pronouns
⟟ live under ⏃ rock so if you ask me about any other media ⟟ haven't hyperfixated over you can almost guarantee that I've never heard of it
This blog is strictly Spamton themed! If my hyperfixation changes, ⟟ will simply make another blog and keep this one for anyone who wants to run through it :)
The DNI List (It's Not Scary)
Kindly DNI if you are any of the following (warning if your blog is empty and looks like ⏃ bot account, your gonna get blocked. set an actual pfp and make ur profile decorated to avoid being blocked):
Anti-Tone Indicators (If this is even ⏃ thing?)
Toxic people in general
People under the age of 13 (pls get off the app)
Dsmp Fans (this includes smps made by the original dsmp members) (toxic ones)
Genshin fans (toxic ones)
The Interact List (Please Interact)
Please follow or at least interact if you like or are part of the following:
Deltarune fans, specifically Spamton lovers (please I'm so desperate)
Undertale fans, ⟟ don't post about Undertale but ⟟ like talking about it :)
Artist, fanfic writers, etc you guys are super cool :D
People who love theorizing and sharing headcanons (YOU ARE MY LIGHT PLEASE 🙏)
Really any good person (⟟ will not dislike you or shame you unless your on the DNI list, then you're getting blocked)
If you ever get scared of interacting remember asks can be anonymous, and ⟟ love answering cool questions :)
Tags ⟟ Use On My Blog
Here are the tags ⟟ will use on posts so it's easier for you to find them! ⟟ find them pretty fun and ⟟ hope you see them the same way :)
1. YIPPEE SO COOL!!! (reblogs cutey)
⟟ know it's ⏃ typo but I'm rolling with it, this is my reblog tag when ⟟ reblog stuff!
My theory tag for when ⟟ post ⏃ theory (As is the point of this blog, which ⟟ need to do more often)
3. bro id headcanon that tbh
This is also ⏃ headcanon blog, so ⟟ will use this tag for when ⟟ post headcanons of any kind (Which ⟟ ALSO need to do more often)
4. writers block doesnt exist if ⟟ dont look at it
When ⟟ write anything, whether it be musical remakes of Toby Fox songs (which ⟟ have hesitated on posting) or fanfic writing, this'll be the tag for it :)
5. [%$&¥] posts
When ⟟ just post whatever is on my mind (Almost like mind reading :O )
6. queue the questions
When ⟟ answer asks! You could find the answer to your's here!
7. other content that isnt the number one rated salesman
Self explanatory but an extremely rare tag to find because I'm so obsessed with spamton
If you got this far, congrats! Here have pictures of my cats :)
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ekleipsi · 1 year
it could've been partial the heavy atmosphere of masses of people dancing flesh pressed against flesh. with the scent of sweat and alcohol weighing down upon the air to an equal amount , and lights flashing rhythmically to the beat drumming to the ears. despite couple drinks that have been quite impactful on it's liquor , steed finds himself clear-headed enough , to snake his pathway skillfully so through the crowded sea , until reaching destination upon dance floor. arms come to circle around femme's waist. against chest , for the tengu's backside to be pulled against , swaying along with her very frame.
a row of kisses , peppered the side of her neck , and trails it's way upward to earlobe of hers. palms pressing into hips , with a possessive ( and claiming ) touch of nature lingering beneath. a murmur shapes , to be delivered straight into the shell , so girlfriend could hopefully hear him over crowds and music alike.
‘ .. 's go home , dancing queen. ’
// ( kurai&ciphor. )
--- Nights like these were always carefree and riddled with fun; tengu much enjoyed her evenings in, with brush in hand or fingers daring to dig into a clay pot but then the need for socializing sputtered forth and boyfriend was always eager to vibe with nightclubs. Wasn't it how they'd met? She recalled it with great amusement, lips quirking- for the moment, he'd decided to stay at the bar and have a couple more drinks. Femme of course, had already taken her fill (at least, enough such that she wouldn't fall over) and strayed to the dance floor to move her body.
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--- Some considered art a dance form as well, and while she agreed in many ways, it wasn't one she was amazing at. While not awful, it wasn't difficult to mimic the idle gyrations from surrounding bodies, pressing against one another intermittently until she could feel the sticky sheen of sweat bead along her forehead. Orbs hadn't met those of lover, lost in her own movements, before she felt arms curl around center.
--- A brief pause, for a moment thinking that maybe it was a stranger trying to feel her up...but the row of kisses along her neck coupled with the smooth way he swayed with her and the familiar scent he possessed had her relaxing. ' Almost elbowed you in the gut, you know... ' she teased, somewhat breathless from all the moving and bouncing along the dance floor, before a grin pull at her lips. Head tilted with the trail of his lips, allowing for him to find a less obstructed path to earlobe as he groped at her hips.
--- Breath caught, briefly and fleetingly, at the gesture. Ciphor wasn't overt in his possessive displays, and it was so rare that they were demonstrated at all, but each one reminded her that they were together. Dating. That they belonged to one another in so many ways- heart went aflutter, and head tips back upon his shoulder with the muttered into her ear, a request to return home. Fingers and palms alike settle over his own, resting there for a handful of moments as she kisses sweetly on the underside of his jaw.
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--- ' All tired of the club now that you've had your fill of drinking and drunk men and women flirting with you? ' she beamed, laughing and relaxing further against his frame. She never...had to worry about him, in the respect of him flirting with others, or cheating. In fact, she had absolute faith and confidence in their relationship to no fret at all over it, though that didn't stop her from occasionally making a show that he was hers. Rare as that was, she hummed a small noise in throat and gave a nod. ' Alright, ' she agreed, lacing digits into his own and allowing him to guide her from the pulsing crowds and the loud club until sweet, fresh night air hit her face
--- ' The air feels nice, damn...didn't realize how suffocating it was in there. ' a chuckle, turning around until she was walking backwards, so that she could face him as they left. Tangled digits were brought to her mouth, liquor causing her balance a bit of trouble so that kiss she pressed to steed's fingers was...messier than intended, but eager all the same. ' Your home or mine this time? '
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diagirlsrua · 1 year
GIN NO BARA (ENG) [Reiji Sakamaki]
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Character: Sakamaki Reiji
CD: DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Song Vol.5 REIJI SAKAMAKI Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi Mai : Gin no Bara is a great Diabolik Lovers classic, without a doubt. However, my favourite version is the one by Reiji, probably with Subaru, Kanato. What's more, this translation was my very first in 2016, so I haven't touched anything up. Link to the song: here.
kurutta SAIRENSU ni hisonda kuro no KUREIDORU kashin ni yurete "moshi, owari ga aru nara, oshiete hoshii" muku na hitomi ni kotaeru imi wa naku
Hidden in the peaceful, disturbing silence, a cradle rocking with too much confidence "If this is the end… I want you to tell me" is the meaningless answer in your pure eyes.
sotto sabitsuita gin no bara nigiritsubusu no sa hidoi itami o wasurereba to, nomikurasedo omoi wa todokazu yami wa, rinne---……
Like gently breaking the tarnished silver rose If we could forget the cruel pain of fate, I could bleed you without caring how lethal it is This darkness… Is an endless cycle~
shizuka ni nemuru, anata no kubi ni nokotta akashi afureta NAMIDA no saki ni aru no ga towa no jubaku da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to, setsunasa o mune ni futari nemure
Sleeping quietly, those scars on your neck… To the point where even tears were an eternal curse Now this precious pain sleeps in our hearts
"owaranai nemuri da toshite mo---" yuganda MoonLight, waraeba kono chi, omoidashi gishin ni karareru "hi o, nikumitsudzukenasai, yasuragu kara ne" haha no juso ni sugaritsudzukete iku
"Even if it's a never-ending sleep… " In the distorted moonlight, if only I could laugh… Driven by the doubt of the memory of that blood "Keep hating the sun, because now I can bear it," still clinging to my mother's curse
None will be forgotten… Once I've tasted your delicious bloody scars. Our desires in this labyrinth, our lips entwine. Love is… So distant.
dare mo, yurusanai akai kizu amaku nametoreba futari no negai wa In The Labyrinth karada yosete kuchibiru, kawasu yo ai wa, tooku---… honoka ni kanji, anata no mimi ni sasayaku kibou yumemita omoi no hate ni tsuku no ga kurai shin'en da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to setsunasa o mune ni futari nemure
"ano tsumi ni, eien ni shibarareteiru---"
A faint feeling of inspiration, the wish of my whispers in your ears Even as we pass the darkness at the end of these feelings we dreamed of. Now this precious and this pain sleep in our hearts
"We are forever… Bound to this sin."
shizuka ni nemuru, anata no kubi ni nokotta akashi afurete NAMIDA no saki ni aru no ga towa no jubaku da toshite mo ima, kono itooshisa to setsunasa o mune ni honoka ni kanji, anata no mimi ni sasayaku kibou yum
"saa, ikimashou. kono chi no saki e---"
Sleeping peacefully, those scars on your neck… To the point where even tears were an eternal curse Now this precious pain sleeps in our hearts A faint feeling of inspiration, the wish of my whispers in your ears Even as we pass the darkness at the end of these feelings we dreamed of. Now this precious gift and this pain sleep in our hearts
"From now on, I'll wait for this blood."
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
Lavender back! As expected you're the kindest and sweetest person ever and doesn't have dislikes <3333. But PhD school is 5 years and I want to do it neurodegenerative sciences research (so like schizophrenia, alzheimer's disease, stuff like that!)
now for our favorite romance tropes
enemies to lovers
GOSH DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS like the tension that this creates is UNRIVALED I LOVE it *SLAMS CREDIT CARD ON THE TABLE* i love it when they both are like academic rivals or something it just makes me go insane i love i love i love (OR COWORKERS? PLEASE????) (or like in kamisama where from literally the first meeting you can feel the tension just build and build like ARGH)
you already know how i feel about these and i scream so loud for it every time i will cheer from the bleachers for a solid kuudere yamada akito I'm looking at you my amazing boy i just love it so much i love
delinquents, social outcasts, edgy man
look i live for this, especially in a manga it just hits differently gosh when they have like the piercings, the rings, the like edgy style YES I KNOW IT'S SO CLICHE AND I WILL FOLD every time. EVERY SINGEL. TIME.
and what about youuuuu? (honorable mention is age gaps but that's getting too thirsty for me and i need to reel myself in)
ahahaah oh I do dislike things...I just don't hate them 🤣 ...soon you will find out I'm actually not a hater, I'm indifferent if I don't like something I just ignore it lol. 5 more years?!?! woahhh that's a lot but neurodegenerative sciences research sounds so fascinating and interesting, and I feel that there isn't much research about certain diseases yet.
YESSSS YES YESS AND YESSS to all of them!!! they are also my faves (including age gaps (done with delicacy and development and eventually all the characters aged up) , also I'm sorry but I'm a basic b*tch and I do enjoy my love triangles hahah I usually suffer because I also root and love the one that never wins "second male lead syndrome" 😭 . Oh I also love a good deconstruction of the shoujo tropes, the ones that are not your typical shoujo storylines or have interesting twists.
Since you mentioned "delinquents, social outcasts, edgy man" these are the few that I've been reading recently that fit the description in case you want to check them out (I'm terrible at giving summaries sorryyyyyy) but they are really good and I love all the character so much... i wouldn't be surprised if one of them becomes your fav too :)
Fundari, Kettari, Aishitari
Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai
Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru
Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsukii
Hotaru no Yomeiri
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What are you made of?
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Lavender & Sleep
You're tired. All you do is fight for others, fight for yourself, fight for a cause. All you really want is to fall asleep forever, though your selflessness creeps in and you fear missing being needed. You smell like a hug after being long robbed of one, and you feel as though you'll never feel the relief of being held back. Trust me, dear, there is someone waiting for you with open arms. Be it your mother, your best friend, or your lover, someone wants to do for you what you do for everyone. As much as it may hurt, never settle for less. I hope you rest well.
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Wood & Leather
You are sturdy. You keep yourself in order, and you believe the world should follow suit. You are stubborn and strong, and people look up to you for it. Leaders like you deserve to be fostered with love, and it is probable that you were given enough to flourish, but not enough to believe in it yourself. You are distrusting, though perhaps once upon a time you trusted too easily. You build walls high, and plaster concrete over your doors. When people knock, it can take you months, or even years to answer. I know it can be hard, darling, but please learn to step outside those walls, even if in armour. You will be hurt, and you will be loved, and it is part of the beautiful whirlwind that is life. You can always retreat later. I'm proud of you.
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Blood & Smoke
You're angry. Your heart is consumed by fire, because no one else can understand the way they hurt you. You gave them everything you had, your time and love, and still they chose to betray you. You wish that somebody understood, anybody out there. I hear you, little flame, I do. You need a hand to hold, but you can't be sure they won't stab you in the back again, so why bother? I implore you to try anyway. Get up everyday, use your spite as power, and never back down from a challenge, be it noble. You're a hero that will be painted as the villain time and time again; keep going anyway. Those most remembered are loved so little in life.
Stolen from: @kurai-honoo (you’re feeding my addiction alskdjfa)
Tagging: @game-weaver, @xmagicalpansexualpandax, @sweetcobaltblue, @captivatedbyaibou, @kaibacorpbros​, and anyone else who’d like to participate!!
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namonaki-pharaoh · 5 months
“Have you ever been to a cat cafe?”
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“I haven’t! I want to go though. I just wish I had someone to go with.. It’s more enjoyable when you go with someone even if having cats as the only company isn’t that bad either.”
He is a cat lover through and through.
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milliezm · 5 months
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"She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings".
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I. Meet the soul
Having the name Millie Everelyn, I do not set a specific nickname and allows people to call me anything – as convenient. Born in the December sky twenty years ago, making me one of the fire signs, Sagittarius. Proudly, I am one of a part of a house with people who are bravery and courage, where the house has a representation of lion with the colors are scarlet and gold. Yes, I am a Gryffindor. As for personality, I am an ENTP who likes to be discussed with many things and use She/Her as my pronouns. I love animals, especially dogs and cats. I am currently trying to find out about many animals and learn about them. I am the oldest sibling with eight younger siblings {cats} – I have eight adorable cats. Last but not least, I'm a meme collector.
II. Interest of the soul
I am a music lover and like all genres of songs, whatever they are. But the genres that I often listen to are: Pop, Rock, Metal, Indie, Hip-Hop, R&B. My top five Kpop groups: BoyNextDoor, 82Major, P1Harmony, Kiss Of Life, Fromis_9. My top five KHHRNB: DPR Gang, Jey, Zico, Gemini, DEAN.
Furthermore, here is a list bands that I like:
Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Simple Plan, Bad Omens, Bring Me The Horizon, Caskets, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Evanescence, Thousand Foot Krutch, Green Day, Three Days Grace, Skillet, Suster Of A Down, Our Last Night, Sleeping With Sirens, One Ok Rock, BABYMETAL, My First Story, Oasis, Nirvana, Papa Roach, Tetrarch RADWIMPS, Xdinary Heroes, The Rose, Day6, Rolling Quartz, AliA. (This is just the big part, because it would be very long if I mentioned more).
Not just that, I also found myself interested in reading, whether it's books, manga, manhwa, even though I haven't read that much. My current reading: The Girl Who Lived Twice, Museru Kurai no Ai o Ageru (Choking on Love), Operation: True Love. Apart from that, I like anime and am paying attention to Korean dramas of any genre. My current watching: Takt Op Destiny, Twinkling Watermelon, DC Titans.
III. Addendum: Pay attention
My account is safe for everyone, no matter who you are, including minors. But with a note: sometimes I curse about various things, make sure you're okay with that. I love to make friends with everyone but can easily lost my social energy, my bad. If you want to keep in touch with me on DM, feel free to hit me up, I will be happy to talk to you. 
DNI if you can't respect each other, don't want interact with me, hates my favorite, racist, homophobic, likes to make fuss and make people uncomfortable.
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Can I ask the 2p allies and the 2p axis, separately to each of them, reacting to a love confession from a close country with whom they recently developed feelings but did not yet confess because they feared she would reject them as she was too good a girl for them? ❤️
“I love you.” That was all it took to change his world.
France – François stood there. He couldn’t have heard that right, did they really just confess to him?
He is confused. François is a firm believer that you often get someone at a similar level to you in relationships. An example of this is wanting to be with someone active, for the relationship to work you have to either already by at that level or work toward that level of fitness. So, to have perfection not only acknowledge him, but like him back causes a second or two of him blue screening.
After his blue screening, François will tell her how he feels. His words will be kept simple but will feel poetic. He will also not allow her to leave his side until a time and day is set for their first date.
America – Allen smiled, it wasn’t the overconfident smirk or the wide predator’s grin he usually showed. It was a genuine smile big and full of hope.
For Allen, in this moment the world felt bright and colorful. The sounds that were once so loud became quiet and the only beings to exist were the two of them. He was happy and this level of purity was not something he had felt in a long time.
Since this relationship is with someone that Allen feels like would reject him, he would feel his ego grow. Don’t get me wrong, he would be amazing and happy, but it would boost his ego. It was not only a sign your love was meant to be, but that he was also irresistible.
Allen would take her on a date that very hour. It would be something informal like dinner at a diner. They would talk for a while and enjoy each other’s presence.
Canada – Matt’s hand came to cover his face. Looking closely, one could see the blush covering his cheeks as he laughed.
Laughing may seem like a weird reaction, but it is one way Matt shows feelings of relief and joy. He had never expected to end up with this cutie and for her to confess first, that isn’t very manly of him. In his mind, he would have imagined various different scenarios where he finally let this fear go and manned up. Many of them involved him winning her heart in a fight or competition. Though, he was not upset with this.
Matt would take a note out of François’ book and plan a date with her, but he would treat her to something before the date. If they had a meeting before the date, he would bring a small gift for her to the meeting and would work extra hard to be chivalrous.
England – Oliver looked stumped for a moment, before asking if it was heartfelt. Her reply of a confirmation sent Oliver launching into her arms.
Since Oliver works in the realm of emotional manipulation, he would do his best to certain that emotions like love were actually felt by the woman he yearned for. He would accept the words after double checking and be willing to show he love for her openly. After a day or two past connections would resurface, and he would be paranoid about it. Though, if she stays true in both word and deed, Oliver would do all he could to make up for his odd behavior.
Being the nation known for chivalry, he will fall right into the boyfriend role. Opening doors, carrying things for you, and coming up with amazing dates would be his forte.
Russia – Viktor’s body relaxed when he registered the words that came from her mouth. A small smile graced his features as he gently pulled her close.
This man of tradition would feel both relief and agitation. His relief in that she felt the same, while agitation that he failed to notice her pining. Viktor would tell himself that he would have to make up for his lack of attention. This would mean taking extra care to the needs of his snowflake. After all a good man does not leave his woman wanting.
Viktor would surprise her with a date a couple days after the confession. He during the time in between he would talk with her nearest kin and ensure that they know she is in good hands and that he wants the same thing has them, her happiness.
China – Jin could feel his eyes water as he smiled. He was not this blessed often and he would not take this chance for guaranteed.
It had been so long since Jin could say that a person made him happy. The last few decades, joy had come in fleeting bursts from worldly pleasures and had left him searching. Until she walked in, but the difference between them felt like canyons that Jin could never cross. She was too good, pure, and precious. While Jin walked along the deranged and dirt of the earth.
When he realized the her words were true, Jin’s tears flowed. Despite their differences, he always hoped they would be like the love stories that are so common. Lovers from different worlds that end up creating a beauty all their own.
Jin would be determined to make this relationship work. Right from the get-go he would be ready to change habits in his life to ensure that he could stay with his light.
Italy – Luciano had felt the woman of his dreams was above his station. An impossible dream meant to be indulged in the quiet hours of the morning, and yet here it was. His fantasy becoming a reality with the bright rays of the morning light. Luciano was quick to capture her lips within his own, almost as a way for him to confirm that this was not a dream.
Luciano may be smoother than butter, but even he can catch feelings. Wanting for someone that he believes that he could never have is torture. He never meant for his heart to be caught and now that it was, he had been fantasizing about them. Their words caught him off guard, it made him wonder if he was still home, lost in the throws of the land of dreams.
The kiss would not last long, but the break wouldn’t either. With a confirmation of reality, Luciano will turn up the charm and continue the kisses.
Romano – Fabrizio didn’t register that he yelled out a yes until he heard her melodious giggles. He blushed and tried to recover from his outburst, but he failed as he joined her in a chorus of laughter.
This drama king’s scream would cause the birds to panic and the rabbits to run. As much as he loves her and has gotten to know her, he would be shocked by her confession. Her purity would make him doubt that he had any chance with her. So, before the confession, he was content to just be with her.
After confession, Fabrizio would make her his number one model and do all he can to make her even more beautiful. He would love her natural beauty, obviously, but to be given the opportunity to make his angel more lustrous than the moon would be something he could never turn down.
Germany – Without a second thought Luther kissed her. He had been wanting this for so long and why not celebrate.
Luther would have been flirting around to get his mind off his sweetheart. His heart would ache because of the dark thoughts telling him, he had no chance. It would have lead to him feeling empty and tried. He was shocked when she confessed, because he thought he didn’t deserve her. He flirted with others, but he guessed she saw through him.
In the same moment he was shocked, he reacted. He put all his longing and happiness into that kiss. Luther wanted her to know that he was hers and that she would get everything he had to offer.
Luther would not leave her that night. He would spend all the time he had with her, talking about how happy he was they were together. How sorry and stupid he was for flirting with others in front of her. They would share laughs and end the night cuddling.
Prussia – Wilhelm nodded. He wasn’t sure why, but he could not form the words to say, “me too.” Though judging by her smile, Wilhelm guessed that she understood too.
Though quiet, Wilhelm can be further shocked into silence. The phrase “I love you” was one he rarely even heard between him and his family. To hear it from this angel, it caused his vocal cords to seize. He wanted nothing more than to offer prayers of gratitude to his God. Despite his fallen state, and her purity, Wilhelm had been blessed with her love.
Wilhelm would not be able to talk for a bit after. He would be so happy and allow his lover to do all the talking. Once he could control his vocal cords, Wilhelm would ask if it would be okay to take her out for a date. With the start of their courtship assured, Wilhelm would then bask in her presence.
Japan – Kurai may not have smiled, but there was something in his eyes and his posture that showed joy.
Kurai knew that he had blood staining his hands, and he did not want to tarnish his blossom. It would bring him shame to even think about taking her light and turning it dark. Yet, Kurai could not stop his mind from wondering what her lips felt like and what she was like in her most tender moments. Their distance hurt, but he could only hope of one day gaining the confidence to over come it.
With her confession Kurai felt a weight leave his shoulders. Maybe he could find joy in this life. Maybe it came from falling in love with her. Though he doesn’t show much emotion, Kurai shows it in actions. He will hold her hand so tenderly in that moment and look upon her with eyes full of love.
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sukorakurai · 3 years
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@snarkyship is a true genius. I commission this Stark Family Portrait and I couldn’t be happier. I wrote a little fic to accompany this fabulous Picture. hope you all enjoy.
Stark Family Picture Day
 By Sukora Kurai
  Tony sighed over the counter in the communal kitchen. He had been there since dawn when he asked Jarvis what day it was. Then his trusty AI informed him of an importance of this month. Now he was stuck with what to do now.
 “Hey Tony what’s got you down?”
 “Hey Capsicle, I’m doomed.”
 “Oh come on Tony, it can’t be that bad you are an Avenger.” Steve smiled as he got out food to make omelets for the Team, and greeted the in coming members. “Morning Nat, morning Bruce.”
 “Morning Steve, what’s wrong with Tony?” Bruce greeted heading to the stove to put the kettle on for his morning tea.
 “Not sure I found him like this.” Steve stated cracking some eggs into a bowl.
 “His and Loki’s anniversary is this month and he has no idea what to get him.” Nat answered pouring a large mug of coffee.
 Tony shot up in his seat and stared slack jawed. “How could you possibly know that?”
 “It’s my job as a shield Agent and Pepper’s PA to keep tabs on you. So it is well documented when you clumsily asked Loki to be your boyfriend during the Lord of the Rings Marathon where you bought out the AMC Theater for the day.” The Spy shrugged ignoring the fact that all her team mates stared at her in horror. All were now wondering what she had on them in those SHIELD files.
 “So Tony, you have and anniversary coming up? Have you though about what Loki might like?” Steve coughed drawing the conversation back to the main topic.
 “No, I don’t. What does one give a god especially one that has magic and can make anything appear out of thin air?” Tony waved his arms in frustration.
 “That is a tough one but I’m sure anything you get him will be fine. Loki loves you Tony.” Bruce tried to be supportive.
 “I hope you will be putting more thought into the gift you give me next month for our anniversary.” Nat gave the Gamma Doctor a pointed before wandering out of the room to start her routine before heading out to work.
 “Ha, I’m not the only one in hot water now!” Tony crowed at the look of devastation in his science-bro’s face.
 “Tony, knock it off. Now in my day it was the thought that counted most. You should find what Loki cherishes the most. You find that then you can present to him in a meaningful way. It’s true he’s a prince and probably has had his other lovers throw jewels and meaningless expensive trinkets at him to win his affections. You know Loki better because you love him and he loves you.” Steve pointed out.
 “Yeah, Lokes complains a lot about his life in Asgard and that there were many who wooed him just to get to Thor. At night when it’s just the two of us and RC snuggled between us he sighs soft and says what a perfect night it is. He never elaborates but I think it means that he likes just the quiet nights with us.” The genius eyes went glazed as he recalled the many nights he cuddled with his god. Then the idea hit him. “Hey Spangles, can you paint or do you just draw?”
 “Huh,” Steve was caught off guard and almost dropped the omelet he was flipping. “I paint from time to time.”
 “Don’t lie babe you are in your studio whenever can get the chance.” Bucky laughed entering the kitchen. “All the paintings in our apartment Stevie did.”
 “Great! Can you do a portrait if I get you a picture?” Tony asked digging in to the ham and cheese omelet.
 “Yeah, it might take two weeks maybe less depends on if we get called out or if SHIELD needs me.” The captain estimated placing another plate in front of his boyfriend.
 “As long as it’s done before the end of the month we’re good.  Jarvis start looking through my photos and pull out any possible portraits.”
 “Yes, sir.”
 “Delicious breakfast as usual Capsicle. I’ll get you the photo as soon as I find one.” Tony dumped his empty plate in sink and ran off to his lab.
 Two hours later…
 “None of these are good enough J.”
 “Sir, might I suggest you take a new photo of you and Prince Loki.”
 “Yeah and RC too, because she’s our baby. We can’t have a Family Portrait without all the family members. Where’s are RC now?”
 “She is currently with Alpine in his play room.”
 “Cool, I think I got the perfect outfit in mind.” Tony grinned as he ran to his emergency closet in the lab. Tony had put in the closet when he realized he destroyed a lot of his clothes during his inventing and building phases. Also there was a suit or two for the days he forgot he was supposed to be in a meeting and had to make a rush to the board room.
  In the penthouse…
  It had been a quiet morning with no call outs, no calls to Asgard and no need to go anywhere. Loki decided to enjoy the peace and quite lounging in his soft Asgardian casual clothes on the couch reading his mother’s spell journal.
 “Hey there, Bambi! It’s Picture Day!”
 “Anthony, what are you on about?” The prince looked up from his book to see his lover carrying their cat into the living room.
 “Well Picture Day refers to the day school kids take pictures for the yearbook and photos are bought for family distribution. Anyways I want to have a family picture that was honest. I never had that growing up because Howard was an asshole and Maria, my mother, was frail. She loved me but she couldn’t express it because she was always ill. Now we have our own little family and I want a picture to put in the lab.”
 “You want to take this picture now? Anthony, I look a mess and how did you get the bow on the cat?”
 “Aww, you look gorgeous, love, as always. Anyways, I put a bow on our baby because RC loves to look pretty for her daddies. Don’t you sweetie.” Tony scratched under the kitty’s chin as they sat on couch next to the god.
 “Mew,” RC purred.
 “Fine, you win, where would you like to take the picture? Also what are you wearing? I don’t believe I’ve seen that outfit before, and what is on your feet?” Loki set his book aside and took in his lover’s appearance.
 “Oh you like? I dressed in red and gold to match my shoes. I had these shoes made based on my Iron Man suit. I thought maybe putting them on the market for kids but I liked them too much to share. So I have a life time supply in the lab. If you want I can have a pair made for you.”
 “No thank you. They clash with my outfit. Now let’s take your picture.” Loki said taking the cat in his arms.
 “Okay, okay. Let me get out my phone.” Tony fished his Stark Phone out of his back pocket and held it out to make them all fit in the frame. “Okay say cheese!”
 “Okay let’s see how that one turned out.” Tony looked at the photo to see him smiling a black blur and a bland look on Loki’s face. “Nope we got try again. This time smile Loki and RC you need to stay still so we can see you.”
 And it went picture by picture they have yet to take a family portrait.
 “Shit I only got half your face.”
 “Anthony your thumb is on the lens.”
 “RC Stay still!”
 “Achoo! Ow! I dropped on my foot!”
 “Do not eat my hair you Retched Creature!”
 “Okay I set it up on a tripod. Now say cheese.”
 “CHEESE BROTHER!” Thor popped up between the two men who stared at shock at the blond god.
 “Next!” Tony rolled his eyes as Loki vanished his brother to where ever. Tony didn’t ask where the Loki sent Thunder god. He rather liked staying in the tower and wanted to keep it that way.
 “No RC! Don’t chase the bunny!”
 Three Hours Later…
 “Okay, this is it I can feel it. Now Jarvis is going to take the picture the bunnies are secure in their room. The penthouse is locked down, so no unexpected guest and RC is filled of milk to keep her calm and relaxed. And I promise after we get this picture I will have Jarvis order you favorite meal from the Thai Palace down the street and I’ll rub your feet, while we watch you favorite Harry Potter movies.”
 “Oh Anthony you spoil me. I love you.” Loki sighed as a soft smile graced his face and he leaned into his lover as Tony joined their hands together. RC who was seated now on the god’s shoulder leaned in and purred soaking up the love of her people. The genius couldn’t be happier in that moment as he had his to precious family members with him and the grin on his face was wide and bright.
 Two Weeks Later…
 “Sir Prince Loki and Mr. Odinson have returned from Asgard.”
 “Great, I got everything ready. Tell Loki that I have dinner ready and waiting.”
 “Yes, sir.” Tony had the table set with Loki’s Favorite food from the five star steak house, they go to. He paid extra to have the chef come over and cook for their anniversary.
 “Thank you, Jarvis. Evening Anthony, never in my life had been so glad to leave Asgard. He talked for hours at the council over stagnant topics. What’s all this?”
 “Well my hard working God of Mischief, today is our one year Anniversary and I have planned the perfect evening. Dinner, a bath and I installed a movie screen in our bathroom so we can enjoy the movie of your choice during the bath and then I plan on us making love until dawn.” Tony pulled Loki over to the dinner table, watching as the god’s magic removed the armor and replaced it with comfortable Asgardian wear.
 “You lovely little man, you spoil me so; I don’t deserve it or you.” The Raven pulled the billionaire into his arms and planting kisses all over the man’s face.
 “Yes you do, because I love you and I got you something, well I got Cap to make it, but it was my idea.”
 “You didn’t have to, dinner is more than enough.”
 “No, I wanted to. Now close your eyes and I’ll get your present.” As Loki closed his eyes Tony ran out of the room and grabbed the portrait from where he hid it. He placed it on the wall then Jarvis turned on the lights illuminating the painting. “Okay open them.”
 “Oh Anthony! It’s wonderful.” Loki’s eyes became all misty seeing their little family together and there was so much love radiating from painting. “It’s perfect.”
 “Happy Anniversary Reindeer Games.”
 “Happy Anniversary, my Man of Iron.” Loki whispered pulling Tony in to the sweetest kiss they ever shared. They didn’t hear the click sound of Jarvis capturing the moment with the sunset background. Another memory to save for another day.
 The End.
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - sad(ish)/tragedy
So, some of these manga actually have a happy ending (I’m not saying which, cause spoilers) and a few of these are generally happy with some tragic events among the story, so. 
And they range from “ok, it’s sad, I guess” to “oh my god, why??”
Also, most of them touch the supernatural theme (either with vampires, ghosts etc)
1.      100% Gokuama Kareshi
A collection of one shots. 
! The third chapter fits the sad/tragedy theme.
2.      Babel no Tegami
Even after all these years, you’re still the only one I think of… I’ll put all of my feelings into this letter for you.
3.      Black Bird
The world is full of mysterious "things," but life keeps on going peacefully because no one can see them--except Misao. Harada Misao has the special power to see these "things," but she doesn't tell anybody and tries to continue leading a happy high school life. Though she's jealous of her friends who have boyfriends, she's just like a normal teenage girl as she keeps having dreams about a boy she met when she was younger who has the same power as she does.
Her mundane life suddenly changes when goblins try to eat her, and her old friend Kyo comes back to protect her from them. Then, she finds out that she is personally being sought out as goblin food and that Kyo is a goblin, too. Will she still marry him like they promised when they were children, based on her faith in him that he has no bad intentions towards her? Will she even be safe at school now that Kyo has become her new homeroom teacher? Her exciting teenage life is just about to begin. 
4.      Boku no Hitsugi de Bansan o
A collection of one shots.
5.      Datte, Kimi wa Warau kara
Let’s get into a time machine and return to that time.
Where it was always fun and you were always laughing, to that time... "I only have three more months to live" Yui who just transferred to a new school in the countryside becomes Ryo’s classmate. Yui who is suffering from an illness has a "wish" that she can’t tell anyone, but Ryo wants to grant her that wish but… After death, reality hits Ryo and Yui.
6.      Gunjou - Ai ga Shizunda Umi no Iro
Even though they played together innocently since they were young, somewhere along the way, the seeds of “love“ started to grow. Growing up on an outlying island from Okinawa, Kazuya, Ryoko and Daisuke were brought up like a family. They wanted to be together forever, but the three of them have different desires. One wants to stay, one wants to go, and one of them wants to go, but can’t. When Daisuke is lured away from the island, Ryoko decides to stay on the island with Kazuya. However, the three of them will experience a cruel fate...!
! The first and second chapters fits the sad/tragedy theme.
7.      Kanojo ga Tonda Hi 
Drawn from the heart, a collection of sketches about the problems of our time. “Recruiting those who want to finish it and die, but feel sad doing it alone…” Fed up with everything, Mie posted a notice on an Internet Bulletin Board and found suicide-partners. Four boys and girls were gathered together because of their ties to death. And then…?!
!!! Trigger warning
8.      Kao no Nai Otoko
Two lovers got separated by war. Now the try to find each other. But when the girl finds him, he isn't the same as before...
9.      Kigi no Yukue
Juri has always been saying to herself that she has done everything that she wanted to do, and has lived to her own satisfaction. Plus, she's always been skipping class and coming in late in the mornings, only to be confronted by her class rep, Yoh. Aware of her own situation, she knows that she shouldn't leave any remaining desires and feelings behind...
10.  Kyou no Kira-kun
In 360 days, there were bright days and disappointment while I was staring at you. Though they were neighbors, Nino and Kira had never talked to each other...
But when Nino found out about Kira's secret, her life changes and everyday became more interesting!!
11.  Kobayashi ga Kawai Sugite Tsurai
The comedy starts when the cross-dressing begins! The Kobayashi twins, Mego and Mitsuru, were named after historical figures, but only Mego has grown up with a taste for history. So when Mitsuru is in danger of losing his weekends to extra history classes, he convinces his sister to swap clothes with him and ace his tests! After all, how hard can it be for them to play each other? But Mego can’t rely on just her book smarts in Mitsuru’s all-boys, delinquents’ paradise of a high school. And Mitsuru finds life as a high school girl to be much more complicated than he expected!
12.  Koi Kyokusei
An overly touching love story of a miracle... “One’s “thought“ is subject to change. A change in a human can change the world. Since we’re not alone, we have to be brave.“ Toda Erika’s shining star is rising... It’s a miracle of love. Sakura is willing to do anything like wishing on a star because she wishes to grant her beloved Hirose’s dream. This small deed is what attracts Sakura and Hirose to each other. 
 !!! Trigger warning (2nd chapter)
13.  Kon no ki Konoha
Only in autumn when the dead leaves flutter about can Akino meet the mysterious boy who lives inside the deep blue tree.
14.  Mademoiselle Butterfly
Our heroine is a girl who lives as a geisha in Japan. She has a male childhood friend who's always been kind to her and is her favorite. He's a painter, only he paints on human body parts and she loves it when he paints beautiful butterflies on her arms. She goes to visit him one day and finds a naked woman lying in his room. Immediately after, she gets a customer who's rich and very interested in her. The thought of being away from her friend pains her, but is everything really too late?
15.  Maigo no Obakeyashiki
A girl is bored of her unchanging peaceful life, and goes to a house that is considered haunted. She meets a boy there instead of ghosts.
16.  Michishirube
Wakako has been in love with her childhood friend, who is 2 years older than her, Chii-nii. The thing is, he went away and she’s been sad ever since. 3 years later, she sees him at her gate. Finally she can say “i like you“ but it isn’t easy as it seems. Will she be able to do it?
17.  Natsu no Kakera
A collection of one shots.
! The first chapter fits the sad/tragedy theme.
18.  Onaji Sora wo Miteiru
Rin is always sending messages with her phone and doesn’t speak to anyone. Even though she’s like that, Taka got interested in her and keeps on following her. But why doesn’t she want to look at him...? And who is this mysterious person with whom she always exchanges messages with...?
19.  Orange
One day, Takamiya Naho receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Naruse Kakeru. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What’s more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.
20.  To the Earth-Born You
A tsunami that caught everyone off guard washed away homes and broke up families. At this moment, why bother remembering the past that can't be changed? Other than adding on to the survivors' sorrow, it also bring up those heart-tearing pasts...
21.  Tsuki no Waltz
A collection of one shots.
22.  Usotsuki Tenshi To Ama No Jaku
In front of Marika that lost ability to smile suddenly appeared mysterious boy calling himself "angel"...!?
23.  Usurai ni Saku
Two kids become friends, even though he has an incurable illness. One winter, he was told he wouldn't be able to live to the next spring and she...
24.  Winter Flowers
A cute and sad story about childhood friends. Yuudai's father is a fireworks maker and ever since he was a kid he has wanted to take over for his father once he turns 18. He made a promise to his childhood friend Hana when they were kids that she could see his first ever created fireworks... However, something isn't right...
25.  Yume Kurai
Whenever Akane falls asleep, she always dreams of talking to a boy. This boy says that he “eats“ her dreams. Who is this boy?
26.  Yurusarete Inai Watashitachi 
A collection of one shots. 
! The second and third chapters fits the sad/tragedy theme
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ekleipsi · 1 year
❛ are you wearing my shirt? ❜ // ( kurai&ciphor ! )
--- Cooking wasn't exactly her forte, but she wasn't bad at it either...and while she wasn't exactly a morning person- 2pm wasn't morning, either. That said! It was the perfect time for breakfast, and such was the reason eggs were frying in a pan on low heat; pancakes in another just beside it- something simple that would put food in their stomach after drinking last night. Not that he needed it, well aware of just how much lover could drink and still retain all his composure; where he put it all, was beyond her.
--- Still, having crawled out of bed entirely in the nude given...events of the previous evening, she wasn't at all ashamed in finding one of his shirt from the floor and slipping it over her shoulders. One or two buttons to keep the bottom closed up, but otherwise careless about anything else- she hadn't even bothered with a bra. Biting lip with a hum, she spun around with two plates the moment she heard the sound of his voice from the corner of the loft.
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--- ' Mm? This? ' a pause, tone innocent as she set the plates on the counter with furrowing brows, tugging on the material. Lifting it in taunting fashion, before eventually shoulders were raised and she turned away, searching the cabinets for syrup. ' No, definitely not. This is our shirt, Ci...you know that. ' a teasing grin pulled at her lips in amusement, standing upon her toes and reaching for the bottle only to cause the material of said shirt to lift and lift...
--- Thighs...the very bottom of even her rear, so clearly put on display for the equine until she'd reached what she wanted and then turned back to face him, naked valley between chest given even more prominence as she pulled on a lapel. ' Don't you think it looks good on me? '
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writingnojutsu · 4 years
say hello to:
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Clan: Kaneko Family (a small but extremely powerful clan which is in danger since they’re considered a threat due to their power)
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Rank: Jounin (she aspires to become an Anbu for the Hokage)
Birth Date: November 5
Height: 1.60 cm
Nature Type: Lightning Release, Wind Release
Sensei/Supervisor: switches between Kakashi Hatake and Gai 
Team: ordered by the Hokage to join Team Gai after being recruited from her clan
Rival: whoever her friends are fighting tbh
Summoning animal: Black Panther 
NOTE: - The Kaneko Clan is known for being black panther tamers, amongst other things - 
Lover: was arranged to marry Neji Hyuga but has feelings for Shikamaru
Best friends: Shikamaru, Naruto and Kiba
Kekkei Genkai: Has the ability to toss people into the darkness dimension where they're faced with their own mortality and ultimate nothingness, only to bring them back emotionally and psychologically stunted or they can be left there to death. This is a very dark and powerful kekkei genkai, which is why her clan is in danger of being executed from the shinobi world.
Despite her clan being related to darkness, mystery and power, Kurai Kaneko has been taught by her clan to not use her Kekkei Genkai unless an extreme situation requires it to. Her clan is feared by most, so they keep themselves away from everyone, but Lady Tsunade decided its better to have them on Konoha’s good side and that’s when Kurai was recruited from her clan to join Team Gai and work for Konoha. 
Kurai has an incredibly high IQ, often fighting places with Shikamaru for who’s Konoha’s biggest brain. Even though her clan is small and she wasn’t used to being around lots of people, she is very talkative and loud, which made her become instant friends with Naruto. Her clan being known for taming black panthers, brought Kiba closer to her since he has a huge interest on knowing more about it. 
The Kaneko clan is part of Konoha but is kept away, meaning they’re at least a day away from Konoha. Once Kurai joined Team Gai, Shikaku Nara volunteered to give her a home at the Nara house, making Kurai and Shikamaru become close friends since they pretty much live together.
The Hyugas and the Kanekos have been planned a marriage arrangement between Neji and Kurai, but Kurai is doing everything she can to break up the traditional clan system and choose her own destiny.
A/N: that’s it for now lmaooo, let me know if you guys want to know anything more about her!! this is my first drawing of her so I’ll do better ones once i have the time and my digital pen arrives.
would absolutely love to hear your thoughts!!
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