#a hunter's prey
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just-a-forest-nymph · 2 months ago
Need someone to chase me through the woods then pin me in the dirt and fuck the daylights out of me in an adrenaline fueled, violent yet romantic, haze of passion
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nyxi33 · 28 days ago
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months ago
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r-aindr0p · 2 months ago
Can I ask where is Ace at in this Vampire au? Is he just a random family born baker that hates his job and glares secret daggers at Deuce when he sees him on his walks or something?? 😭😭🥺
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At this point I feel like doing a lil something for everyone remaining :") Just in case yknow
Vamp lilia was far too easy of an option so i went for something else that can bestow blessings jut like faes do ! Unicorn, he isn't on any particular side, just frolicking around. Lucky be the one who sets their gaze on such a rarity. pun intended
The other horses are... hiding as well yes but not as distant if you are their next meal. Kelpie Jade and floyd, wanted to keep them aquatic and creechur. They bite, they can shapeshift, good luck.
Lil Ortho vamp is looking around for his brother, very polite, will absolutely bite in defense do not be fooled by his tiny victorian child build.
Ace is the church's errand boy, janitor, altar boy, cook helper etc... He enrolled to be part of the hunter squad but wasn't deemed efficien enough. Stays just in case maybe just maybe Rollo changes his mind and takes him as a hunter. Hey he's got plenty of wits ! He will eventually succeed. (but he's so salty about it so jealous of deuce and epel)
Trey bakes the breads for the church, he can live off of refular food and just tries to live normally without being too tempted about the other kind of snacks he could have. Surely no one would dare just barge in the bakery call him out on his double nature, noo no one in the cast would think of that everyone is so polite !
Finally, Cater as a Rusalko (Rusalka but guy) He is sunbathing, chilling near another pond near fleur city. He might call you to come closer and keep you around to have a lightheatted chit chat ! Oh what happened to him ? sometimes he tells he drowned accidentally, sometimes he got drowned. No one really knows the truth.
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the-black-manor · 11 months ago
Little pet that's too shy to ask to have their intestines rearranged, so they sit between my legs and nuzzle at my cock instead, getting me worked up until I can't control myself anymore, pin them down, force myself inside, and breed them deep.
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shenzhiheng · 6 months ago
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Snowfall + whatever the hell is going on between these two
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mishacakes · 11 months ago
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sometimes different hyperfixations roil around in your head and you go “hmmm how can i combine these”. also sometimes ur like “damn this visual is cool” and have to exorcise it like a demon
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daily-trey · 1 year ago
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Where did he get...you know what, never mind.
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stubz · 21 days ago
"...are human chasing games basically the human equivalent to our hunts?"
"I know they say they don't hunt like us anymore but look."
"What am I looking at? younglings running around aimlessly?"
"the humans you quack."
"That's who I'm looking at. Some of them are fast ye but there's no tactic, no strategy, just mindless running."
"Focus on the adult male. The one who is paired with the youngest."
"...He's not bad I guess. The child slows him down though--Look! she's following him rather than letting him drive them towards her."
"...maybe I was wrong. Oof this hurts to watch." they suck a breath through their teeth. "So many mistakes."
"Aye, my young would've never done what she's doing."
"Oh...looks like he's giving her a thrashing."
"Scolding, not thrashing. They believe thrashing is too harsh on them given their size."
"Bah...he's leaving her. Better off without her."
"I don't understand why he talks to them instead of jumping at them."
"Perhaps he doesn't think he can make the jump without falling in? Or to make them more nervous, he walks slowly as he talks. Nervous prey are more reckless."
"True but by the time he runs to where it narrows they'll have made it the trees. He's losing his chance to catch them before they hide--"
"..." "..."
"Sneaky little whelp." they chuckle. "she jumped the narrow end while he distracted them."
"Aye. Can't outrun them but can be quieter than them. Not my preferred way of doing things but I respect that."
"Oh oh! Look at the others now! Look at how they talk amongst themselves. Look at how they're trying to figure out what they'll do now."
"Where will you go little ones? To the steep hills? Back to the stream? The open fields?"
"Oop, a lone runner. Bait. Ah, he holds the child back from taking it."
"...perhaps they are more like us than we thought."
"Perhaps they are more like us than they thought."
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just-a-forest-nymph · 4 months ago
Primal Desires:
I don’t just want to be chased through the woods by him. I want to be given time to roam through on my own and get comfortable in the isolation. Get to the point I feel safe to stop walking to look at a pretty flower or watch a squirrel run up a tree. I want my pulse to quicken and the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up at the sound of a twig snapping or feeling his eyes on me but not being able to pinpoint where he is. I want the temporary paralysis like a deer in headlights. To become suffocated by the anxiety and fear that rises in my chest as I hear him laugh still unseen by me. I crave the intimacy in knowing I’m already caught before the game has even really began. I want to run anyway, so the crunch of the leaves warp together and I can’t tell how close he is on my heels. I need the adrenaline as I dodge trees and trip over roots. To hear his laughter at my screams when his hand grazes my shoulder or tangles in my hair as he toys with me. Because he knows as well as I do that he’s playing with his food. I can’t outrun him. I want to feel the helplessness in my certain defeat. I want to scream as hard as I can when he forces me to the ground. To struggle and fight back as he pins my quickly exhausting and cut up limbs and growls at me in animalistic hunger. I need him to devour me in a way only a primal predator could. To take my body how ever he needs to. Rough, passionate, full of bruising power, and teeth as he sinks into me. I want the pleasure to mix with the pain and overwhelm my senses. I crave the tears and moans as my body and mind struggle to keep up. To try to ground myself by grabbing onto leaves or a root as he fucks his seed into me as an orgasm rips through my body. I want to feel his total ownership and control over me..
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 6 months ago
Prey 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, includes violence, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: while out on a hunt, you become the hunted.
Characters: Kraven the Hunter (viking AU)
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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Voices stir in the air with the taste of salt. The coast isn’t far. It hardly matters where you are. You know it’s far from your mother’s hovel. What’s more, you are trapped. Bound and draped over this man’s shoulder like a slain deer. 
You writhe, trying to kick free of his grasp. He keeps his arm firmly hooked around your legs. In response to your struggle, he strikes your haunch. You grumble and exhale against his hide jacket. From his other shoulder, a bunch of rabbit dangle; the ones he stole from your traps. 
He is silent still. He grunts but it is not angry. It is dulcet, as if he is amused. 
You wiggle again, trying to see past him as the murmur grows louder. There are others near. The mulch of dirt beneath boots and the stakes set between lengths of rope suggest a camp. A figure approach but you are blinded by the back of your captor. 
“We discovered scavengers near the forest. They have been dispatched.” The man informs the one who carries you. A similar grumble meets the news. “They are rampant in these parts.” 
Yet another dull rumble. He proceeds past the other with undaunted steps. By your measure, he is deferred to, if not a leader, at least a feared warrior. 
You turn your head this way and that. Pits burn beneath boiling pots or simply amid the cluster of bodies whetting blade or carving bone. A whole horde of warriors like the one who ensnared you. They glance back at you and several give pause as they linger. 
There are women too but they pay little mind. They are dressed as the men are, sat beside shield and blade. You bend your knees in an attempt to ram them into the man’s ribs. You know it would do little to truly free you but as fate closes in, so too does desperation. 
On and on. Men look over and dip their heads or avert their gaze. Their reactions all but assure you of the sort of beast that carries you. 
He bends and enters a tent behind a pit. In an instant, you are swung up and back. You land on the ground so hard the air rushes from your chest. You wheeze as the man snickers. You cough and roll onto your side. Your fingers tingle from the tight binding around your wrist and your legs chafe in your leggings. 
He moves around you to sit on his pack. You watch him unsling the rabbits and unsheath a short blade from his belt. He diligently begins to skin his stolen game. For a moment, you wonder if you should be next. 
Silently, he carries on in his task until he is done. The prepared hare are laid in a wide wooden bowl. He stands and wipes the knife on his jacket. He comes close and squats as he presses the tip to his calloused finger. 
You stare at the knife then look at him. You lift your head and stare him down. He chuckles and slips the knife back into its sheath. 
He reaches for you and you scowl. He touches your cheek, his roughened fingertips brushing down to your chin. He cups his hand under your jaw and squeezes firmly. He makes you sit up as he examines you. He turns your head this way, then the other. 
He lets go and flips his hand. He brings his other up to pull apart the collar of your tunic. He clucks in his throat and yanks until the laces snap. You tense and try to shake him off as he stretches the fabric to look past it. He moves one hand to fondle you. He grunts as you do the same and stomp your feet towards him. 
He makes a noise between his teeth and taps your cheek then points in your face. You still. He feels along your chest and your torso. He kneads your stomach and frames your waist. You growl and gnash your teeth. He shoves his hand between your legs and hums. You twitch. 
“Healthy,” he appraises. The first word he speaks. His voice is silty like the shores. His blue grey eyes meet your glare and he smirks. “Could eat.” 
You’re not sure what he means. If you could do with a good meal or he could. He flutters his fingers before drawing away. He goes back to the bowl of rabbits and lifts it. He leaves, knowing you can’t do the same. 
You gulp. There’s no mistake to be made. It’s certain why you are here. You are game too but your end is not so swift as the hare. 
The warm of his hand clings between your legs. It makes you shudder. You look down at the slack tunic. Your heart pounds against your ribs. He felt that too. 
You curl your fingers but not all the way. The straps are too tight. Your legs ache from the friction between them and your spine throbs rigidly. You shift up onto your knees and wobble. You try to shuffle forward on knee and toe. You fall over with a thump and a groan. 
The man laughs from outside. You know is at your expense, that he can hear you through the hide walls. It is all futile, he knows it as well as you. But it isn’t funny to you. It is terrifying. 
You lay on the floor, beside the disposed pile of fur. You smell the blood. You close your eyes and shudder. You are not used to being the one caught in a trap. 
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makenna-made-this · 10 months ago
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BAWKmission of @awkward-parabuteo 's beautiful boy, Aramis~
I'm still offering these fun little bird doodles for anyone who wants to see their bird BAWK-o-fied~ Proceeds go to helping me pay my bills and further spoiling of my already spoiled chickens<3
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powerbottomblake · 2 days ago
also how heartbreaking it is that in this one moment where the hunt is on, natalie and shauna are completely in sync from the get go in a way they haven't been since the start of the season. of course. who else can track the blood scent of prey as well as the killers of the group. they are intrinsically linked through their roles and the affinity for death and killing that those give them. it has transcended human understanding, this is the primal instinct of the pack leaders
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beetlearmand · 15 days ago
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saw this picture and started thinking about all those fics where benson hunts down randy and chases him through the woods as foreplay...goddamn.
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sweetmapple · 1 month ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day to those who celebrate getting their shit kicked in by the Bloody Crow
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lavendermin · 2 months ago
going to marriage counseling with neuvillette because you fear busy schedules have created a mundaneness that you worry will drift you apart. The counselor tells you both to try new things once in a while and explore each other’s interests while still practicing healthy boundaries. All in all, they practically tell you both to get freaky and get nasty.
Neuvillette is a very vanilla man. So after a very awkward conversation at home you’re taken by a shocking surprise that he would like to explore a predator/prey situation. The name of the game? Make sure he doesn’t find you when he gets home from work.
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