#a hunter's prey
the-black-manor · 2 months
Little pet that's too shy to ask to have their intestines rearranged, so they sit between my legs and nuzzle at my cock instead, getting me worked up until I can't control myself anymore, pin them down, force myself inside, and breed them deep.
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mishacakes · 2 months
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sometimes different hyperfixations roil around in your head and you go “hmmm how can i combine these”. also sometimes ur like “damn this visual is cool” and have to exorcise it like a demon
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daily-trey · 3 months
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Where did he get...you know what, never mind.
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makenna-made-this · 16 days
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BAWKmission of @awkward-parabuteo 's beautiful boy, Aramis~
I'm still offering these fun little bird doodles for anyone who wants to see their bird BAWK-o-fied~ Proceeds go to helping me pay my bills and further spoiling of my already spoiled chickens<3
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tessalation · 2 years
The best trope is enemies to found family. This either works as “we all used to try and kill each other but now we fight for each other” or as “you were sent to assassinate my found family but we simply adopted you, and now you’re on a redemption arc like no one’s ever seen,” and they both mean so much to me
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size-two-shrimp · 2 months
You know whats fucked up? V2 is the one you fight in 1-4 and 4-4, and who you should've fought in 7-4 because they're your rival right? You always fight them and they're the opposite of you. Except they're not. And instead of opening the door in the final layer of greed to see them put back together and ready to brawl again, the Earthmover is there. There's not a single mention of V2. Because V2 was never your opposite, nor were they ever your rival. You don't care about them. Its always been the Earthmover that you wanted to see. That you wanted to fight. Wanted to kill. Before you even knew of it's existence, you knew it was what you were looking for. The Earthmover was always more of your antithesis than V2 (something more akin to a doppelganger) could ever be. This is the only way their story could have ended.
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l3viat8an · 9 months
Nsfw ❤︎………..thinkin’ about how much Diavolo would love hunter / prey play- cw: afab reader, roleplay ‘dubcon’, you two are fuckin’ in the wood btw + I think that’s it! tho it’s 1am so this is just me typing thots-
It feels so natural for Diavolo, such a powerful demon enjoying the chase, tracking down and overpowering his helpless little human pet.
He loves being rougher, more aggressive during it.
Pinning you against a tree, tearing your clothes off biting ‘n letting his nails leave little scratches on your skin. All while whispering the filthiest things in your ear, asking if you wanted to get caught? and ofc you did-
He’ll fuck you hard, one of his big hands on your hip and the other around you neck. Keeping you pinned in place while he ruts into you.
Diavolo’s voice a low growl when he talks right by your ear, “You like this don’t you, little one? Tsk I know you do, you keep sucking me back in. Your body is begging for more.”
Feeling your body tremble against his, watching your expressions change, the way you attempt to fight back to keep ‘the hunt’ as real as possible, it all fascinates him.
He’ll play along too- saying he caught you, now, it’s only right he mark you as his….inside and out as he cums inside.
After he’s so gentle with you, mumbling sweet praise as he carries you back to the castle. Promises of a hot bath and tea waiting for you <3
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indeedgoodman · 5 months
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undefeatablesin · 11 months
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I'm coming up on infra-red; forget your running, I WILL FIND YOU.⚡️
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thymeofarrival · 7 months
Gem’s bloodlust is genuinely scary and unsettling and I adore it and her so much
… I hit tag limit on this and I’m not even close to done spilling my thoughts in the tags so I’m going to post so I can copy my tags into real text and keep writing them
#I can’t imagine facing her as one of the uninfected when she’s got my heart rate up just watching from her perspective#she’s a hunter#I’ve written something before about how she talks about murder in the same excited tone as cute decorations#and people sometimes underestimate her because of it despite her reputation as a good fighter#but she’s not a fighter she’s a predator#she’s a hunter and even watching from her perspective sometimes it feels like she’s hunting me#she’s hunting All#and it’s exciting and fun for her#and she needs her pack to some extent but when it gets too big she needs to split off again#idk what’s going on in these tags it’s just. hnnghhh. Red Gem#or even before she went red#just bloodthirsty predator gem reveling in the thrill of the hunt#it’s not nearly as much fun on your own but once you’ve killed a couple people to your side and have the numbers to terrify people#you can do that. you can circle around your prey and corner them and terrify them before you kill them#and it feels like power and it feels like a game and it feels like fun#because it’s not life or death it’s success or failure#but maybe everything is a game to a creature like gem who hops between worlds at will#what if she could leave secret life at any time#like she could hop between empires and hermitcraft at any time#if she can leave then she really is just there to have a chance to enjoy the hunt in a setting where it’s expected#encouraged even#death games as a way to satisfy her bloodlust so it doesn’t spill over someplace where it might Actually Hurt#death games to take the edge off#death games to get a chance to reveal the fangs behind her grin and the sharp points of her antlers#we call her a deer because that’s the closest thing our minds can connect to her appearance#but she’s always been a little too Other for that#oh and now the Void has taken root in her too#it’s claimed her eye and arm#maybe it helped guide her aim#or maybe she’s always been a creature of the space between worlds (what with the way she hops between them)
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bonesmarinated · 2 years
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the last of the Blue Tongue 
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mochie85 · 1 year
The Chase
These Wicked Games Collection | Complete Masterlist
Summary: You and Loki continue the poker game from earlier in the night. A/N: This is a sequel to my Poker Face fic. You don't have to read that first. But I would greatly appreciate it if you do 🥰. I'm thinking this is going to be part of a collection. This won't be the last time you see this Loki and Reader. This is also my submission for @the-slumberparty Week 2 Challenge: Blast From The Past. Word Count: Over 2.5K Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Smut; handcuffs, praise kink, hunter/prey dynamic, bondage, spreader bar- ya, you read that right. Fluff ending.
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Loki’s smoldering eyes never left yours as his fingers continued to unbutton his shirt. You deftly shuffled the deck of cards, watching him strip bare in front of you. “A Las Vegas past, you say? I wonder how many other tricks you have up your sleeve, darling.”
You smirked, unable to come up with a witty retort. He had taken off his shirt and was working on the buttons of his trousers. Your eyes roamed his smooth skin. The contours of his muscles made you want to trace each and every line with your tongue.
He quickly unzipped his dress pants and let them pool down to the floor. He stepped out of them and hummed as he spotted you licking your lips at his half-erect cock, growing by the second. “Are you sure you won’t get distracted, darling? You know, we could forego all the formalities and just have our own game instead,” he tempted, coming closer to you. His naked body glistened in the light of the fireplace. And somehow that just made his voice sound deeper, richer, more perilous.
“But where’s the fun in that? Where’s the chase, Mischief?” you smoldered as you walked further away from him. You weren’t going to let him win. You were too proud, too stubborn, to let him get the upper hand.
“Oh, you’d like me to chase you. Is that right?” he provoked, standing proudly as his eyes stalked you moving further into his room, but still maintaining your distance.
Unbeknownst to you, you were already playing a game with the god of mischief. A game that he started earlier that night when he lost his hand to you. You had played right into his trap.
He knew you would win. He didn’t cheat. Although, he could have. It was all too easy after the first round where Barnes and Rogers taught him how to play.
When the rest of the group came, that’s when Loki learned that it was about deception. When Natasha suggested a provocative game of strip poker, he finalized the plans in his head of how he could get you alone.
Loki noticed how everyone was losing an article of clothing besides himself- and of course, you.
You were shrewd. Your canny ability to read everyone’s body language and the ability to mask your own made you so irresistible. So mysterious and intriguing. He wondered how he could break your poker face and finally get past that shield you seem to have put up.
“I have a wager for you,” Loki said in his deep husky voice.
“You’re already naked, Loki. I don’t think there’s anything else I want,” you said cooly, goading him along.
“Are you certain? There’s nothing else I can offer you?” he spoke so sharply you could hear the crinkle of his smile. “At least let me win back some article of clothing,” Loki added.
You expressly ran your stare down his sculpted body. From his strong shoulders down to his veinous arms that were holding onto his sharp hips. You purposely kept your stare on his evident arousal before looking directly into his eyes and grinning.
Confident that you wouldn’t lose, you agreed. “All right. For every hand you win, you can put on an article of clothing,” you stated. Loki smiled. “But what do I get if I win?” you asked.
“For every hand you win, you get a one-second head start before I catch you.” Loki teased. “And trust me, darling, I will catch you,” he said taking one step forward causing you to back away further and deeper into his room. You stood behind his desk, pushing his chair aside as you secured the table between you.
“This won’t stop me, dearest. You can put as many obstacles in my way as you want, but I would still seize my prize.”
Is that a promise? You wanted to ask. “Ok. Let’s make it simple. The game: Blackjack. Are you familiar?” you diverted and resisted the urge to smile. Loki nodded his head. “Wonderful. I’ll deal.”
“Excellent,” he agreed, and you dealt the cards out between you.
In the first two games, you won with 18 and 20, respectively. Loki wanted to see how you would play this out. You had kept your poker face on the entire time, not once giving him an inclination to your thought’s inner workings.
He adapted and analyzed you quickly. After winning a total of five seconds, you felt a sense of confidence and misplaced pride. Loki, standing proudly naked, decided to be riskier with his hits.
You drew the cards and Loki won with 19 to your 17. “All right, Laufeyson. One article of clothing,” you stated, expecting him to put his underwear back on. All Loki did was fold his arms and grin widely.
You felt a heavy weight pull on your left wrist that wasn’t there before. You felt the soft fur lining before you saw that Loki had conjured thin leather cuffs for you.
“Loki? What the hell is this?” holding your hand up for him to see.
“I’m just staking my gains, dear. You said I can add an article of clothing for every hand I win. You didn’t clarify what type of adornment I could add,” he smirked. “And on whom.”
You narrowed your eyes and seethed. “You sly little-”
“Would you expect anything else from me, my dear? Come on, darling. You have your five-second head start. Why don’t you try winning the cuffs off then?”
“All right. Bet.” You shuffled the deck and dealt each of you two cards. Loki won the hand when you busted at 23. Another cuff materialized on your right wrist.
“Are you cheating?” you accused him.
“No. Never with you, my dear. Winning you any other way would taint the joy of having you scream out my name.” He leaned down onto his desk and looked you in your eyes. “When I catch you, darling, I want you to remember that I won fair and square.” The devilish grin he gave you made you swallow. And now you weren’t sure whether you wanted to win or lose.
“Let fate decide,” he answered as if he could read your mind. “Play.”
You dealt out another set of cards. You lost the hand when he hit 20, and you busted at 22. You felt a weight attach itself to your left ankle. Looking down, you saw a cuff that matched the other two on your wrist.
You’re breathing got heavy. Your bravado shattered instantly. “Last game,” you tried to say nonchalantly.
“If you’d like,” Loki granted. “Although, I did want to see how tantalizing your neck would’ve looked adorned with a matching collar.”
You dealt the cards and received two kings. A small glimmer of hope swelled in your chest.
Loki had a Queen of Clubs. “How ironic,” he stated as he turned his other card around revealing an Ace of Spades. 21.
The look on your face fell as you realized that he had won his hand. A new weight was added to your right ankle. The now familiar fur lining rubbing against your skin.
“I suggest you start running, pet,” Loki said so sweetly. You looked up into his greedy eyes and tried to gather your thoughts together. “Five,” he started to count down.
“Four.” At this, you threw the cards onto the desk and ran towards his door, squealing when you passed him.
“Three.” The weight of the cuffs was evident, but not so much that it hindered your speed.
“Two.” Your hands reached for his doorknob, turning it over quickly and opening the door.
“One,” Loki growled in your ear. His hand was on his door, slamming it closed as he pinned you against it. You turned to face him, and he trapped you in between his arms, holding the door closed.
All at once he was everywhere around you, invading all your senses. You could see the craving in his eyes. You could smell the fine hint of his aftershave. You could feel the heat all around you as he caged you in between his arms and body. You could hear nothing but your heartbeat throbbing in time with his breathing.
He leaned down. His bright face was on level with yours. “I don’t think you really tried, pet. Did you want to get caught?”
“You cheat-”
“Ah, ah, ah.” He interrupted, putting his fingers on your lips. “I did not cheat! But what game are you playing at, my dear? Why did you come into my room? In the middle of the night? Certainly not just to play cards. Or maybe…as I stated before…you wanted to get caught.”
He kissed you. He brought his mouth to yours and moaned as he finally savored the taste of your lips. He pushed you harder against the door and you could feel his hard length twitching against your body. “Tell me you want this…”
“I…unh…” he ground his pelvis into yours and you felt slick wetness coat your panties.
“Tell me, darling. Tell me that you’ve been fantasizing about this as I have,” he whimpered on your neck.
“I have, Loki,” you sighed as he thrust his hips against you again. He growled his desire as he picked you up and carried you over to his bed. He laid you down, his weight, a welcome heaviness that makes your breath hitch.
“Do you trust me?” he whispered, kissing you again on your lips.
“It varies from moment to moment,” you said as he bit your lower lip.
“I’ll take it,” he chuckled at your answer. He gathered your wrist and suspended them above your head. The cuffs attached themselves to a chain that Loki seemed to have conjured. “Pull.” And you did as he instructed. The chain was taut, but the fur lining caressed your skin.
 He made his way down your sinful curves followed by the soft kisses of his lips. You hadn’t realized that he removed your clothing already. You lay there, panting heavily as he took in your erotic figure writhing on top of his sheets.
He knelt up at the edge of the bed. His heated touch followed the bows of your calves down to the cuffs adorning your ankles. He took one ankle in each hand and as he separated your legs, a bar had formed in between them, snapping your ankle cuffs in place.
The click of the metal bar echoed throughout his room whispering promises of lurid affairs yet to come.
“You beautiful, courageous creature!” Loki said adoringly. With the bar held in one of his hands, he pushed your knees back towards your head. “How I’m going to love ruining you.” His other hand stroked his hard shaft, placing the weeping tip at your slick entrance.
Slowly, he savored entering your tight walls. Your head was thrown back in pure ecstasy as you felt him strain your pussy.
You tried to clench, tried to close your knees together and indulge in the way he stretched you, but the bar prevented you from closing your legs altogether. As if Loki knew, he gave you a fleeting smile before he lunged himself in, grinding against you when he reached your walls.
He paused only for a moment before he picked up his pace. The erratic moans you cried were drowned out by Loki’s grunts. His hips pounded madly into yours. His hands held onto the bar, using it as leverage against your aching pussy by pushing it down to your chest.
The position left you feeling open and vulnerable. You were left to his whims as he took what he wanted mercilessly. “Unhh…th-that’s it. That’s my girl,” he huffed plunging back into your tightness. “You like being tied up, don’t you sweet thing? Letting me do what I want to your sweet…delectable…mhhmmm…”
His words sent a fire throughout your body. A spark that began in your aching cunt and made you seize up altogether. “L-Loki…I ca…I can’t…fuck…it feels so good.” You felt him push the bar further against your body. Your knees bent to your chest and you came.
You chanted his name as the never-ending wave of pleasure took hold of your body and wouldn’t let go. “Loki. My god…”
He pulled himself out quickly, and with his strength he turned the bar over, causing you to land on your knees. Your face was smothered on the pillow as your peach-shaped cheeks hung in the air. He spanked you, causing you to lose your breath once again.
“Call me your god again and I’ll bless you with the most spiritual enlightenment you’ll ever have.” Loki sank himself inside you. Your cries of ecstasy muffled against his pillows.
The position was different. The angle of his thrust went deeper. You could feel almost every vein. Every torturous pull of his shaft along your tight walls. Your legs were spread, your hands bound to the headboard. You felt like nothing more than a toy to the god who was giving you a glimpse of heaven.
Loki’s breathing got heavier. His thrust got more erratic and you could feel his thighs shake behind yours. You felt his chest against your back as he fell on top of you. He tried holding himself up, losing the fight against your hot slit.
You could hear his pleasure. His rhythmic grunts against your ear. “You’re so good for me.” The torrid whispers and compliments about your body. “Th-that’s it. Take it. Take it like a good girl.” You were close again. “Unnh…faen…Gods you’re amazing!”
At his praise, you shattered into another orgasm. He held your shoulders down, trying to gain more leverage as Loki came inside you. He felt the clutch of your muscles. The velvet of your sex trying to keep him inside you and he couldn’t help but have the widest grin of satisfaction on his face.
He pulled out slowly and watch as his spent dribbled down your thighs. “Loki…” you moved to get up.
“Don’t,” he warned.
“I said. Don’t. Move.” You felt him get off the bed. Moments later a warm towel graced your thighs. He moved to cup your heated folds and when he finished, he quickly turned the bar and put you right to your back again.
With the snap of his fingers, both the bar and the cuffs dematerialized. He lifted one ankle and massaged it. He kissed where the cuffs used to be and gently set it down before reaching for your other ankle. He followed with your wrist. Ensuring that they weren’t blistered or cut.
His quiet reverence of your body contested with what he just did to it. “So, you’ve been fantasizing about me?” You asked, breaking the silence between you.
“I have,” he simpered.
“How long?”
“As long as you have.”
“Shh.” Loki crawled up to you and ran his nose against your cheek while peppering kisses on your skin. You closed your eyes and savored the intimacy he was showing. “Sleep, love. Ask me your questions tomorrow.” He wrapped his blanket around you and nestled into the crook of his shoulder.
“All right,” you whispered, slowly drifting off into slumber. “But don’t think I won’t forget!” you threatened cherubically.
“I look forward to it,” Loki smiled as he watched you fall asleep in his arms.
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⬅️Chapter 1: Poker Face | Chapter 3: 20 Questions➡️
🏷️@emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @gigglingtigger @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr @luvlady-writes @kellatron55 @huntress-artemiss @crimson25 @purplegrrl27 @sarahscribbles @ladyofthestayingpower @ozymdias @lokixryss @athalialaufeyson @thedistractedagglomeration @theotherspiderlady @cheekyscamp
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xplore-the-unknwn · 4 months
📢 GOOD NEWS for the Predator Franchise! 📢
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Ive recently discussed about the problems with developing the Predator Franchise in here . And now theres news that our big boys are finally gonna get a shot at more quality content! and the best part is Dan Trachtenberg (Director of Prey) is involved and at the center of more future projects!!! We, the fans just have to trust in his vision and SHOW SUPPORT!!!
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To the directors, producers, executives etc. funding these projects- Pleaaasee give us more opportunities to love the Yautja Universe. Show us MORE LORE, EXPAND it!! Make us root for our Yautja boys! To more hope for this franchise! And may Dan Trachtenberg have the best meals in his entire life! 😌
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Hey, other Durge players, I'm curious: what class/es did you give your Durge and how do they tie into their backstory?
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gallade-x-treme · 2 months
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neocrias · 4 months
RUNRUNRUN - Johnny Suh
warnings: Stalker!Johnny, fem reader, 18+, explicit themes, dark themes, obsession, stalking, dacryphilia, begging, prey/hunter kink, overstimulation, oral (f receiving), pet names. slightly dubcon, minors DNI
wc: 2,4K genre: dark romance, smut
Synopsis: This could be a lucky night. When you go out with your friends and meet the hottest guy you've ever seen without realizing that he had been stalking you for months until it was too late.
A/N: this is my first smut fic and english is not my native language so take it easy if anything is written wrong. I'm trying, ok? I'm also a shy person so don't be rude, pls.
The hallway was so dark that you even couldn't see your hands in front of your face, you also couldn't turn on your phone's flashlight and give away your location or else he would easily find you. For a girl used to an easy life, with your daddy willing to help with whatever the fuck you did, poor naive girl couldn't imagine being chased inside your own house by a complete stranger.
A stranger to you, of course. Johnny knew you like the back of his head, in fact, he knew everything about you. He had every point of your extensive routine memorized. But you were so naive that you didn't realize you were being followed until two weeks ago, when he started to be more explicit about his existence. Johnny started leaving things lying around your house so that you would realize that someone had been there without you knowing. Then came the messages and calls, which you almost never responded to or answered, by the way, that was the reason you were in this situation now.
When you were invited to a club opening by your group of equally spoiled friends, he knew this would be his opportunity.
After many rounds of tequila shots, you felt happy enough to dance with some of the guys you thought were prettiest at that PUB that night and, who knows, even take one of them home. Then a man approached you and he was everything you could want: tall, skin tanned like salted caramel, his hair was so dark it reflected the lights on the dance floor, the most attractive smirk you've ever seen and his eyes... his eyes were such a deep warm brown that seemed to see every bit of the impure soul you tried to hide behind your angelic face.
He looked at you completely hungry.
And you definitely liked the way he looked at you.
As soon as you arrived at your house and only after the door was locked and the key thrown on top of the highest piece of furniture did you realize the danger you're in.
— Did you like ignoring me, princess? — Johnny asked, his voice dripping with resentment and something else… something dangerous.
You widen your eyes in an expression of astonishment, which Johnny found comically adorable, and felt his heart racing to the point where all he could hear was his own racing beats. Johnny smirked as he observed the bewildered state you were in, feeling arrogant for being the one responsible for the panic you felt.
He waited patiently for a response, but all he got were wide teary eyes.
— No answer? — He tried again and, again, he had no answers so he started his own monologue, hoping that you would at least pay attention to his words. After all, you would need it.
— Since you like making me chase you so much, let's make a bet.
— A bet? — You asked, almost voiceless because of the shock.
— You can hide anywhere in the house for an hour. If time runs out and I don't find you, I'll go away and leave you alone. — He spoke simplistically.
The proposal was so tempting that your eyes shone with excitement. You would finally be free from your shadow. Suh smiled realizing that he had already won the bargain.
— What happens if you find me? — You finally asked, realizing the ease of the agreement and that there was a missing piece to the puzzle.
Johnny just smiled mischievously and remained silent, his hands in his pockets and his face tilted slightly to the side. You felt a goosebump run up your spine and something told you that you should deny it, you should run to your room, block the door and call the police, but you loved a challenge and were confident that you would win, after all, it's your home.
Johnny noticed the determination lighting up your entire face and spoke. — I'll give you a five-minute head start.
You snorted, thinking about how he was being so stupid. You already had an advantage, you knew all the corners, passages and hiding places that existed in your mansion, it's your house. But even so, took advantage of the handsome man's foolishness and started running to the kitchen from where you would take the first secret passage to the second floor. As soon as you opened a hidden door, the lights went out and you found a melodious whistle approaching and then, without thinking about anything else, you entered the passage and closed the door.
Johnny also knew every single place in that house and imagined perfectly what you were going to do and where you were going to hide, so he went up, two steps at a time, to the second floor, there he removed one of the old paintings, a cheap imitation of the Birth of Venus, and was greeted by the passage that led straight to the attic. Once there, Suh chose the darkest corner and had a perfect view of your entrance.
Outside, you crossed the hallway trying to be as silent as possible. You took off your special designer heels, carrying them in your hands so the clack against the wood wouldn't delay your location if he was close.
One of your heels slipped and fell to the floor with a muffled thud and you stopped completely, refusing to move a single step anymore, hoping that if you stayed still, your muscle would evaporate from the hallway. You waited two long minutes in desperation, your head spinning as if you were going to faint. You feel the adrenaline numb your senses and your toes tingle with function.
What really surprised you was the butterflies in your stomach, revealing that you were more excited than you wanted to admit and found yourself thinking about the hottest man who was chasing you now. And that he's been stalking her for the last few months.
“Girl, don’t be crazy,” you thought, chastising yourself for the unholy desires you were thinking.
You tried to open the attic door slowly, cringing at the creaking of the old, rusty hinges. Johnny, who was waiting for you inside the room, glared as he watched you inattentively close and lock the door from the inside, becoming the perfect prey for him. When you started looking for a discreet corner to hide, he came out of where he was hiding with steps as silent as a feline during a hunt.
He admired your body, finding it just perfect, for a second or two, and grabbed your long hair, pulling your head back until your back hit his chest. Scared, you couldn't contain the moan that you didn't want him to hear and the man offered naughty, now pulling you back by the hips and rubbing his semi-hard cock against your ass.
— I got you, babe. — He murmured hoarsely and slyly. The hand holding your brown hair snaked to the front of your neck, trapping you against him even more.
You tried to fight his grip, but your body didn't really want to move away, wanting the man ever since he approached you on the dance floor. No matter how much your head screamed that this was a mistake, you were one step away from giving in to desire, he just needed to say the right thing.
— Do you want to know what I want? — He murmured, placing wet kisses at the base of your neck. Involuntarily, you tilted your head, leaving a larger space for him to lick and nibble your most sensitive skin as much as he wanted and purred as soon as the man bit the exact spot between your neck and collarbone. — I think you already know, don't you?
— Me? — You asked sweetly, already giving in too much, wanting more.
— Attagirl! — He praised and sucked a beautiful red mark on your neck, the first declaration that you were his. Now and until death.
He turned your body around and caught you in his arms in a tight grip. You were quick to lock your legs around his waist and your arms around the back of his head as soon as he kissed you eagerly and hungrily. He dropped you onto an old desk that was in the attic without any delicacy and you groaned at the harshness of his attitude.
His big hands went down to your ass and pulled you forward with force, pressing your barely clothed pussy against his cock, you two moaned together breaking the kiss.
Johnny took the opportunity to kneel. The super short dress had already risen to your waist and he didn't bother to take off the ruined panties, tearing them in two without being the slightest bit careful. You didn't complain, the rougher he was, the wetter you became. — Ah, princess, I'm going to make you hate every single second you despised me. You'll have my name carved into that pretty little head of yours as soon as I'm done with you and you'll be begging on your knees to be mine for all eternity.
— As if. — You replied, refusing to give in so easily and you felt your core twist at the irritated expression he made. — I'm going to kick you out of here as soon as I cum.
He pushed his tongue into his cheek to control his anger and shut you up with a sharp slap to your inner thigh. — You little brat. Maybe I need to force a little politeness into that spoiled little head of yours.
He gave another slap when he saw that you were going to retort, this time on your pussy. All that left your lips was a whimper of pain and he gave the third slap a little harder, laughing at the way you moaned again, lifting your hips in search of more. Johnny had fun discovering how dirty his little girl could be.
He placed soft kisses on your thighs, moving closer to the center, but pulling away when you tried to force him closer by his hair. He repeated this twice more until you whimpered in despair.
— You want it? — He asked, his breath hitting your wet pussy with each syllable and you shook your head desperately. — Use your words.
— What? — You asked dumbfounded.
— You heard me right. — Suh replied impassively.
You laughed loudly, irritated by the man's arrogant attitude and rushed to respond. — If you don't eat me now, I'll find someone else who will.
Without warning, Johnny stuck the tip of his index finger inside you, silencing your tantrum and murmured a “yeah?” uninterested in your empty threats. You moaned with relief and dissatisfaction when he continued inserting just the tip of his finger.
— Please! — You let out a greedy moan.
— What? I did not hear? — He teased.
—Johnny, please.
— You'll need to do better than that, babe.
— Please, I want you so much. — You gave in, desperate to feel good. — I need you so fucking much, please.
He smiled satisfied and penetrated the second finger, pushing both of them all the way in, making a “come here” movement until you squirmed and squeezed his fingers. When he felt you were close, he leaned in and sucked hard on your clit.
You let out a guttural moan as you fell apart in his arms, throwing yourself back onto the dusty table. He didn't stop when you complained about the pain of the overstimulation and, with his free hand, he trapped both of your wrists when you tried to push him away.
— No more, please.
—Does it hurt, princess? — He asked condescendingly and you responded with sly whimpers as you approached the peak once again. Seeing your growing desperation, he teased you once again, feeling satisfaction in your tears. — You want me to stop?
You didn't respond, lost in the pleasure of being stimulated past the limit, Johnny took the silence as a no and stroked your clit with his thumb, watching your body tremble for the second time.
You screamed for the second time, fat tears rolling down your face and marking your round cheeks with black streaks of mascara. — No more, please. — You begged.
Johnny gave an asymmetrical smile admiring the state he left you in and gave a strong thrust into your once again. You moaned tearfully, a rhythmic “please” melody, but Johnny didn’t stop. You approached your third orgasm faster than the other two times and fell from the top even faster. When you tried to push your body up, trying to get away from him, Suh replied: — You will keep cumming as many times as I want.
He removed his fingers from inside you and released your wrists. You sighed in relief, thinking that now you could finally rest, but you were so inattentive that you didn't hear him undo his belt and unzip his pants. When both hands grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to the edge of the table, your eyes widened and you lifted your torso, supporting yourself with your hands, to look at him.
His almond-shaped eyes sparkled with lust and were so intense that you felt your body catch fire. When Johnny started to push, you fell back onto your back, accepting everything he was going to give you. The stretch was too much and it hurt like you were being split in two, but you had never felt so satisfied before. All the tension in your muscles was gone, all you thought about was the man on top of you and how broad and beautiful his shoulders looked.
You wanted to scratch and bite him so badly and that's what you did.
You wanted to leave him as marked as he was marking you now, you wanted to leave a physical reminder so that he would never forget you. Cute little thing, Johnny would look for you even in hell if he had to.
You came out of your reverie when you felt Johnny's fingers squeeze your neck, superficially cutting off your air passage, your head spun and your vision went black. When you came back, you were lying on the bed in your room and if it weren't for the pain in your body you could have sworn that you had dreamed everything, but Johnny cleared his throat at that moment, showing his presence and made you drink a whole glass of water and eat some grapes before for them to actually talk.
— How are you feeling, baby? — He asked, his voice was much calmer than minutes ago.
— I'm sleepy — she murmured tiredly. You might regret it tomorrow, but you would make the most of today, they had already done worse things that night. — Stay with me, please?
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