#a good role model for jimin!
sugaggukkie · 2 years
my initial thought from the vibe music video: the dance moves were very michael jackson and the beat was very bruno mars
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andy-wm · 3 months
On a personal note...
This is a personal story, so feel free to scroll on past (if you're only here for the Jikookery I can respect that).
I'm posting this because it's connected to what Jimin and Jungkook (specifically Jimin) may or may not be doing with this album and their travel series "Are you sure", and by that I mean coming out publicly as queer and as lovers. If it sounds vague, it is, because I don't know what they're doing yet. I don't know how far Jimin is taking this or what direction he'll go. But if he is going to make his private life public, then my post is relevant even though my experience is a microscopic spec 0f what he will encounter.
I live in a conservative little town on the edge of a big city, we're almost the last stop on the metro train line. This place has 10 000 residents and a reputation for being a little on the rough side. It's not a bad place and the people are not bad people but they won't step aside if you pick a fight, lets put it that way.
There's one high school in our little town, and I am the school librarian. I also run the school's pride club and when I started it 5 years ago (that's when I joined this school) it kicked up a bit of a stink. The community had mixed feelings. I wasn't out as trans at that point, only as queer. The school principal supported the club but wanted me to keep it quiet (I didn't). She wanted me to be appeasing (I wasn't). And when we had challenges from homophobic students, she wanted me to 'let her handle it' ( I didn't).
I responded to bigotry with patience and kindness, modelling the behaviour I expected and having many many conversations about prejudice, the patriarchy, learned behaviour, fear of the unknown, and minding your own damn business....
When I came out as trans to the school community - changing my name and pronouns - I faced some real push back from both staff and students. Students were less openly hostile but sometimes the subtle attempts at bullying are worse. My line manager was really difficult about it. I was a hot topic of conversation. It wasn't a good time. But I stuck with it, partly because I couldn't go back and partly because the Pride Club students were so empowered by what I was doing. They thought I was really brave. I couldn't let them down.
It was a tough time for me personally. Every day was a struggle as I navigated my wavering sense of identity and tried to be true to myself. Most of my family and friends were okay with it but some were not. Some flipped back and forth, some thought I had lost my mind. I had to let a few people go from my life, including one of my closest friends. I've lost a few more since then. I've cried more in the past few years than I have in my whole life and I am pretty tough, so you gotta know - it was a lot.
Fast forward to now. The pride club is well established, homophobia still exists but it's less overt and it's no longer ignored, and we have staff who are active allies. It's definitely a success. Our students to have a safe place where they can be themselves, and slow change is coming to the culture of the school.
It has come at a personal cost though. Not a HUGE personal cost but enough for it to matter. I am recognised and known around town because, well, most people in small communities know each other. But more so because of my role in the school, and because I am the only out and vocal queer person on school staff (yes, there are other LGBTQIA+ staff but they keep it quiet, and I don't really blame them).
At school i still have to correct people on my pronouns on a daily basis, and occasionally a student will throw a comment my way but it's not often these days. I have to come out to all the new staff pretty much as soon as I first meet them otherwise it's awkward. It's just an everyday thing. It's not a big deal but it's tiring, and it's something cis/straight people don't ever have to think about.
What is tough, though, is sniping from the community at large every now and again. I have been targeted on community socials and I've had had some pretty brusque service from local shop owners and service personnel in local businesses. Sometimes I see kids from school at the shops and they point me out to their parents. I pretend it's because they're happy to see me (what the fuck else am I going to do - hide in the apple crate?) They may say a friendly hello... or they may following me through the aisles of the supermarket trying to menace me - yes, that has happened - I just have to wait and see.
I do have allies in the community too - like the gorgeous pharmacist who always gets my name and pronouns right and compliments me (on whatever he can think of) every time I collect my meds. There's a stern woman in the hardware store who makes a point of loudly correcting herself when she uses the wrong pronouns (often). I appreciate this, I really do, but honestly it would be great if she could be a little quieter.
I am not a celebrity by any means, just a small town school librarian. But wherever I go in my small town - to the doctor, the supermarket, the park, or the gym - there's a chance I'll encounter someone who knows my face. Sometimes that makes me nervous.
The point of this long and boring post is to give people who may not know what it's like, a bit of insight into the experience of a regular, everyday person who lives in a conservative place and who is both recognisable and queer. It can be exhausting, and from time to time I struggle with mental health issues. So I have no doubt that for people who are really well known, it would be much, much worse. They would be the subject of public debate on news sites and TV. They'd be tossed into arguments by politicians on both sides of the divide. They'd encounter hostility in person too, and that's really frightening.
So please remember that if the celebs you admire choose NOT to come out, it's because they've weighed up their choices and that's the safest option for them. Support them where they're at, so they can live their best life under the circumstances.
If they do come out, they'll probably need even more support. Please love them, defend them, celebrate them, and validate them. They need you more than you know.
And above all else, be a good human.
PS, no need to comment here, this is purely a PSA <3
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sweetvoidstuff · 3 months
Yoga Pose: Love
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Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Jungkook, a dedicated gym enthusiast, finds his routine disrupted when Y/N, a serene yoga instructor, joins the gym. As they bond over shared challenges and personal growth, their friendship evolves into a profound connection, nurtured by their mutual love for fitness and resilience in overcoming obstacles.
Jungkook wiped the sweat from his brow, his chest heaving with exertion after a particularly grueling workout session. The gym around him buzzed with activity—weights clanked, music pumped through the speakers, and people moved with purpose. This was his sanctuary, where he pushed his limits and found solace in the rhythm of physical challenge.
Jimin, the blonde gym owner and a close friend, had recently introduced a new addition to his team: Y/N, a yoga instructor renowned for her transformative classes. Jungkook had heard whispers of her arrival, promising to bring a fresh perspective and welcoming atmosphere to the gym. Intrigued, he had yet to witness her teaching firsthand.
As Jungkook approached the water fountain, his eyes swept across the studio floor where Y/N conducted her class. soft, ambient music is heared and a gentle scent of lavender lingers around the studio door. The room is warmly lit, creating a calming atmosphere. Mats are laid out in neat rows. She guides her students through a series of asanas, or poses, each one flowing seamlessly into the next. Moving with grace and precision, demonstrating each pose with clarity while offering modifications for those who need them. From the grounding Mountain Pose to the invigorating Warrior Series, each movement is deliberate and purposeful. Her fluid movements seemed almost choreographed, a serene contrast to the intense energy of the weights area.
“Hey, Jungkook!” Jimin’s voice interrupted Jungkoos thoughts. “How’s the workout going?” He hadnt realised how long he had watched the session and Y/N.
“Good, Jimin,” Jungkook replied, glancing back at Y/N’s class. “Who’s the new instructor?”
Jimin followed Jungkook’s gaze and grinned proudly. “That’s Y/N. She’s fantastic—her classes are really popular with the ladies.”
Jungkook nodded appreciatively, taking a moment to observe Y/N's teaching style a little longer before sipping from his water bottle. “She seems great,” he remarked quietly a soft blush forming on his cheeks.
Later that week, after completing his usual routine and stretching out his muscles, Jungkook overheard a group of guys loitering near the studio entrance. Their snide remarks about Yoga class cut through the gym’s usual din.
“Yoga? Seriously? That’s not even a real workout,” scoffed one of them, smirking as he leaned against the wall.
“Yeah, what’s next? A knitting club? Park should have put a Cycling session there or anything else, man.” another chimed in, prompting laughter from his companions.
“At least they look good stretching like that,” added a third, gesturing dismissively towards the big glass studio doors.
Jungkook’s jaw clenched, his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek in anger. He had always believed in respecting every form of physical activity, understanding the dedication, discipline, and skill required to pull through with any kind of workout routine. Those comments struck a nerve—dismissive, disrespectful, and entirely uncalled for. Especially as the girls closest to the door shyly turned their heads at the noise.
Meanwhile, you seemed focused on your class and undeterred by the comments echoing nearby, continuing to guide your students with professionalism and grace. As Jungkook watched you calmly lead your class, he felt a surge of admiration for your poise and resilience. You embodied a lot he valued in fitness—a commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and unwavering dedication to your students. It was clear to him that you were not just an instructor, but a role model who commanded respect through your actions and expertise.
A couple of weeks passed in the steady rhythm of the gym. You continued leading your yoga classes with unwavering dedication, despite the occasional snide remarks from a group of guys who loitered near the studio area. Jungkook, often observing from a distance after his workouts, seemed increasingly agitated each time he overheard their disrespectful comments.
One afternoon, after finishing your usual routine, you found yourself chatting with Jimin near the front desk. Your class had just concluded, and you approached them with a friendly smile, ready to head home for the day.
“Hey, Jimin,” you greeted warmly, nodding politely at Jungkook.
“Hey, Y/N,” Jimin responded, introducing you formally. “That's Jungkook. Jungkook, Y/N.”
“Hi,” Jungkook smiled back at you, admiration for you evident in his eyes. You returned the smile graciously.
“How’s everything going?” Jimin inquired, leaning casually against the counter.
“Good, as usual,” you replied, your voice carrying a hint of weariness. “The classes are great, with ecxeption of those guys…”
Jungkook’s brows furrowed, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface. “Yeah, about that. I wanted to talk to you about some of the members. Their comments are way out of line.”
Jimin’s expression shifted to concern, exchanging a concerned glance between you and Jungkook. “Should I talk to them? It’s not acceptable for them to make you or the others uncomfortable.”
Shaking your head calmly, your demeanor composed despite the underlying annoyance. “I appreciate it, Jimin, but I’m not fazed by them. I’ve dealt with worse.”
Jungkook nodded thoughtfully, his respect for you growing. “Still, you shouldn’t have to put up with it. If you ever need backup, just let me know.”
Your smile widened gratefully. “Thanks, Jungkook. It means a lot. Just having some privacy screens on the windows would be appreciated. Not all the girls want to feel like they’re on display.”
“Consider it done,” Jimin assured you with a nod of determination. “I’ll get that sorted out.”
As you bid them good evening and headed towards the exit, Jungkook’s admiration for you was palpable. You handled adversity with grace and strength, your focus unwavering on your passion for yoga and your students rather than letting the ignorance of a few detract from your mission.
Later that week, true to his word, Jimin had privacy screens installed around the studio windows, ensuring you and your students could practice yoga without feeling scrutinized or objectified. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by you. You expressed your gratitude with a nod and a warm smile to Jimin.
Your classes continued, now with a renewed sense of peace. The girls in your class seemed more at ease, no longer casting wary glances towards the windows. Your studio became an even more welcoming sanctuary, a place where everyone could focus on their practice without the distraction of unwanted attention.
Over the next few weeks, your interactions with Jungkook blossomed into a genuine friendship. You noticed him actively seeking you out a couple of times, and in turn, you made a point to spot him as soon as you came in. Those moments of connection brightened your day—whether it was sharing a quick chat after your workouts or exchanging friendly smiles across the gym floor.
One day, after a particularly challenging boxing session with Jimin, Jungkook noticed you watching him from the sidelines with a curious expression. As you caught his eye, he wiped the sweat from his face and sauntered over with a playful smirk.
“Enjoying the show?” he teased lightly, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You laughed, feeling a slight flush spread across your cheeks. “You’re pretty good, Jungkook. I might have to join one of Jimin’s classes someday.”
He grinned, his playful demeanor lighting up his features. “I’d love to see that. Maybe I can join one of your yoga classes in return.”
“Deal,” you said with a smile, extending your hand for a friendly shake. Jungkook’s hand met yours, his touch warm and firm, sending a subtle thrill through you. His fingers were strong, yet surprisingly gentle, wrapping around yours with a confident ease. The calluses on his palm told tales of hours spent lifting weights and honing his physique, while the smoothness of his skin spoke of care and dedication to his craft. As your hands clasped together, you couldn’t help but notice the contrast between his slightly larger hand and your own, a physical reminder of the differences and similarities that drew you together.
However, it wasn’t easy to coordinate meetups, despite both of you attending the same gym. As a fitness instructor, some of your class schedules clashed with Jimin’s, making it challenging to attend his sessions. Despite your best efforts, your schedules rarely aligned. Jimin’s classes were popular among women, partly due to his charismatic and his appearance. Many attended to get close to him, but few could keep up with the demanding workouts he offered.
On the other hand, Jungkook made an effort to attended your yoga classes, where he stood out as the lone man amidst a sea of women. He approached yoga with dedication, diligently stretching and balancing, though he was often surrounded by admirers after class, making it difficult to approach him. It was impossible not to notice Jungkook’s attractiveness, which was on par with Jimin’s. Despite these challenges, life had a knack for throwing unexpected curveballs into the mix, complicating things further.
After a particularly bad day, you found yourself needing an outlet for your frustration. You came to the gym on your off day, feeling mentally and emotionally charged. Your usual calm demeanor was replaced by a storm of emotions that you needed to unleash. You waltzed through the front desk without greeting anybody, your face set in a determined scowl. The receptionist's cheerful "Hello!" went unanswered as you beelined for the locker room. You changed quickly, the routine motions doing little to quell the turmoil within you.
Once you were in your workout gear, instead of heading to the yoga studio, you decided to channel your frustration into something more physically demanding: boxing. Boxing had always been your go-to for releasing pent-up emotions when yoga didn't suffice, a skill honed through years of training and personal discipline even if your fitness focus had shifted over the years. It was an outlet where you could unleash your energy and focus on the rhythmic cadence of punches.
It was particularly frustrating that you couldn’t fit one of Jimin’s classes into your schedule. Jimin had seen you box once or twice before, and you preferred not to do it with so many people around. It didn’t quite fit the image of the calm yoga instructor you portrayed to your students. Luckily, the gym’s boxing area was today less crowded, providing a sanctuary where you could let loose and regain your balance.
Making your way to the punching bag, it stood as a familiar and comforting presence in the dimly lit corner of the gym. With practiced precision, you wrapped your hands, the ritual grounding you in purpose. Each loop around your wrists was a reminder of discipline and control, a prelude to the cathartic release that awaited.
As you stepped closer to the bag, you took a deep breath. The rhythmic thud of your fists against the heavy bag echoed in the quiet space, filling the air with a steady beat that matched the intensity of your emotions.
With each strike, you felt the tension in your muscles melt away, replaced by a surge of adrenaline and clarity. The physical exertion demanded your full attention, drawing your focus away from the frustrations of your day and into the present moment. Jab, cross, hook—each movement was deliberate, a calculated release of energy that brought a sense of satisfaction.
The combined stress of everything—the missed connections, the demanding job, the personal struggles—felt like too much. You began with some shadow boxing, your movements sharp and precise. Each punch and jab was thrown with the intent of expelling the negative energy inside you. The familiar rhythm of boxing, the controlled breathing, and the power behind each hit helped you focus and calm your mind.
As you transitioned to the heavy bag, your strikes became more forceful. The sound of your fists hitting the bag echoed through the gym, a physical manifestation of your inner turmoil. You lost yourself in the workout, each punch and combination a cathartic release. The rhythm of your fists against the bag was almost hypnotic, providing a temporary escape from your thoughts.
But the relief was short-lived. A few minutes into your session, the comments of the gym bros reached your ears. They were gathered nearby, their conversation loud and invasive. Their crude jokes and dismissive remarks about women in the gym were hard to ignore, especially today. Normally, you could brush it off, but today their words felt like daggers, turning your sucky day into an even worse one.
“Man, now the girl is even occupying the boxing space,” one of them laughed, not even trying to lower his voice. Another one added, “Yeah, why even bother? She should stick to yoga or something.”
The words stung, a reminder of the relentless misogyny you had to navigate more often than not. Anger bubbled up, mixing with your existing frustration. You threw another punch, harder this time, imagining the bag was the source of all your problems. Your form faltered, which just annoyed you even more.
Their laughter continued, a grating soundtrack to your workout. You tried to refocus, to let the rhythm of your punches drown out their voices, but the irritation was too persistent. The gym had always been your sanctuary, a place to clear your mind and channel your energy. But today, it felt tainted, the safe space violated by their insensitive banter.
One of them, a tall guy with a cocky grin, stepped closer, watching you with a smirk. “You’re wasting your time, sweetheart. Boxing isn’t for girls,” he said, his tone dripping with condescension.
His words hit harder than any punch, reigniting memories of every time you'd been underestimated or belittled. The rage simmered beneath your skin, threatening to boil over. You clenched your fists tighter, feeling the rough texture of the tape against your palms, a tangible reminder of your determination.
Ignoring them was becoming increasingly difficult. You could feel their eyes on you, scrutinizing your every move. Each punch you threw was an act of defiance, a statement that you belonged here just as much as they did. Yet, the weight of their judgment was heavy, pulling you down, sapping the energy you desperately needed to keep going.
You paused, trying to steady your breath, to calm the storm inside. You were one deep breath away from going over there and catching yourself a lawsuit. The intensity of your anger was palpable, your fists still clenched tightly. Just then, a familiar voice cut through the din, sharp and authoritative. “Hey, why don’t you guys shut up and mind your own business?" he said, his voice low and controlled but carrying an unmistakable edge. "If you have a problem with how the gym is organized, Park would be happy to hear about it. And if you have a problem with her, well, we can deal with that right now.”
It was Jungkook. He had walked in unnoticed, and now he stood between you and those assholes, his expression a mix of pure anger and annoyance. His skin was glistening with sweat, evidence of an intense workout, and his hair was slightly disheveled, clinging to his forehead in damp strands. His chest heaved slightly, as if he had rushed over mid-set, not caring to finish his exercise the moment he sensed trouble. The sight of him, fierce and protective, momentarily took your breath away.
His eyes were dark and intense, practically blazing with fury as he glared at the gym bros. The muscles in his jaw tightened, and his lips were pressed into a thin, hard line. Every part of his body language screamed readiness to defend and confront, creating an almost palpable aura of protectiveness around him. His usually calm demeanor was replaced by a formidable presence, one that demanded respect and silence.
As he took a step forward, the gym bros visibly shrank back. "Well?” Jungkook's broad shoulders squared off, making him appear even more imposing. His arms, still tense from his workout, were now crossed over his chest, showcasing the taut muscles beneath his skin. Each movement was deliberate, his stance unwavering, as if daring anyone to challenge him.
The gym bros exchanged uneasy glances, their earlier bravado quickly evaporating in the face of Jungkook’s challenge. Their murmurs turned into grumbles, and they reluctantly dispersed to another corner of the gym, casting furtive glances over their shoulders. None of them dared to meet Jungkook’s eyes again, the threat of confrontation still lingering in the air.
Jungkook watched them retreat, his stance not relaxing until they were a good distance away. Then, he turned to you, his eyes softening instantly, the anger melting away to reveal concern. “You okay?” he asked, his voice gentle now, a stark contrast to the intensity he had displayed moments before. The tension in the air eased slightly, and you felt a sense of relief wash over you.
You nodded, letting out a deep breath, the tension in your body slowly dissipating. The whirlwind of emotions you felt—anger, relief, gratitude—left you momentarily speechless. The sight of Jungkook, standing there like a protective barrier between you and those man-children, had both calmed and unsettled you in ways you couldn’t quite describe.
He seemed to understand, nodding in return. “Want some company?” he offered, his tone now light, as if trying to bring you back to a more normal, comfortable space.
You hesitated for a moment, the residual anger still simmering beneath the surface. But the idea of having someone like Jungkook by your side was too reassuring to pass up. Finally, you nodded. “Can you hold him steady?” you asked, gesturing to the punching bag.
Jungkook joined you at the punching bag, his lips curling into a small smile. “You sure you only mean this?” he teased lightly, gripping the bag firmly.
You managed a small smile in response. “For now,” you replied, your voice steadier than before.
With Jungkook holding the bag steady, you resumed your punches, each strike more controlled and precise than the last. His presence beside you grounded you, lending a sense of stability. As you unleashed your energy on the punching bag, the anger that had threatened to consume you began to dissipate, replaced by a renewed focus on your workout.
“Thanks for stepping in,” you said after a few minutes, your punches finding a rhythmic cadence. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly, his grip on the bag firm and steady. “From the looks of it? Probably broken a nose or two.”
You chuckled at his remark, jabbing the bag once more. “So you were actually concerned about them and not me,” you teased, a playful smile spreading across your face.
His smile mirrored yours, bright and genuine. Seeing you relax and unwind brought him a sense of contentment. He shook his head playfully. “Hey, you know I’ve got your back, whether it’s punching bags or them.”
You continued to punch the bag, feeling the weight of the day’s frustrations gradually lifting with each powerful strike. Jungkook stood by your side throughout the session, steadying the bag and occasionally offering words of encouragement or lighthearted jokes. His unwavering support transformed what had started as a terrible day into a moment of resilience and determination.
After a while, both of you took a well-deserved break, settling onto the mats. Jungkook handed you a water bottle, and you gratefully took a long drink, feeling the coolness soothe your parched throat and ease the residual stress that had built up inside you. Despite the bustling atmosphere of the gym around you, there was a peaceful bubble of calm in your corner with Jungkook.
As the workout came to an end, exhaustion and relief washed over you in equal measure. The earlier incident now seemed like a distant memory, fading into insignificance in the glow of your friend's unwavering support. Jungkook released the bag and flashed you a thumbs-up. “Feeling better?”
“Much,” you replied sincerely, a genuine smile spreading across your face. The anger and frustration had ebbed away, replaced by a sense of calm. “Thanks for this, Jungkook. I really needed it.”
“Anytime,” he said warmly, wiping sweat from his brow with a towel slung over his shoulder. “And about those guys... don’t let them get to you.”
You nodded, feeling lighter. “Yeah, I know. Some days it’s harder to brush it off.”
“I get that,” Jungkook said softly, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. “But I have to ask. Who taught you to throw a punch like that? It can't be Jimin. I never see you in his class.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “No, it wasn’t Jimin. My dad, actually. He taught me when I was a kid.”
“Your dad?” Jungkook looked impressed. “He must be pretty good.”
“He was,” you said, feeling a pang of nostalgia. “He used to be a boxer before he got injured. He wanted to make sure I could defend myself.” You made a mental note to call him later and tell him about the day's events.
“Smart man.” You hummed, as you both sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the hum of the gym around you providing a soothing background. It was nice to just be, without the weight of the day pressing down on you. Jungkook’s presence was calming, his steady demeanor a counterbalance to the chaos you had felt earlier. The silence between you was filled with unspoken understanding.
“You know,” he began, breaking the silence, “if you don’t have any classes today, would you want to grab a bite with me?” He smiled at you, his eyes warm and inviting.
“I’d like that,” you replied warmly, feeling a genuine smile spread across your face. “Where do you want to go?” You looked at him, appreciating the offer.
The thought of spending more time with Jungkook, away from the tension of the gym, was undeniably appealing, especially now that you realized your feelings for him were more than just friendship and gratitude. His presence had always been comforting and supportive, but today, seeing him stand up for you had stirred something deeper within you.
As Jungkook stood there, defending you with such unwavering determination, you couldn’t help but notice how his eyes flashed with intensity, how his voice held a protective edge that sent a thrill through you. The way he effortlessly commanded respect from those around him, yet showed such gentle concern for your well-being, made your heart skip a beat.
Jungkook’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he returned your smile. There was a hint of amusement in his gaze, as if he had sensed your newfound admiration. “There’s this great place nearby that serves amazing Korean BBQ,” he suggested, his voice carrying a touch of enthusiasm. “It’s perfect for unwinding after a tough workout.”
“Sounds perfect,” you agreed eagerly, the prospect of spending more time with him outside of the gym lifting your spirits even higher. “But I think I need a shower first.”
Jungkook chuckled at your mock offended expression. “Oh, you definitely need to!” he teased, his tone playful. “Can’t have you stinking up the restaurant.”
“Rude!” you shot back with a laugh, playfully nudging him. “As if you’re one to talk!” Smiling and shoving his biceps teasingly, unable to budge his solid frame. Jungkook laughed in response, his eyes crinkling even more at the corners.
“Yeah, yeah, ‘stinky’. Let’s go,” he said, still chuckling, as he gently nudged you towards the showers.
Inside, the air felt crisp and refreshing, a stark contrast to the warmth you felt in Jungkook’s presence. The thought of spending the evening with him, enjoying good food and each other’s company, was enough to make your heart race with anticipation.
As you gathered your things and headed out of the gym together, a sense of contentment washed over you, warming you from within. The day had started off poorly, marred by the insensitive comments and frustrations, but it was ending on a high note. With Jungkook by your side, the world seemed a little brighter, and the challenges a little more manageable.
During the short walk to the nearby Korean BBQ restaurant, you found yourself stealing glances at Jungkook. His hair was slightly disheveled from the quick shower after the workout, strands falling over his forehead in a way that made him look effortlessly cool. His eyes, normally sharp with determination, softened whenever he looked at you, a small smile playing on his lips. Each detail about him seemed to imprint itself more vividly in your mind, as if you were seeing him in a new light.
The restaurant buzzed with activity as you settled into a cozy booth, the scent of grilled meats and spices mingling in the air. Jungkook’s easy conversation and genuine interest in you only deepened your feelings. He asked about your interests, your day, and listened attentively as you shared anecdotes and thoughts, his laughter blending with yours in perfect harmony.
As the evening wore on, you couldn’t help but notice the subtle gestures Jungkook made—the way his hand brushed yours accidentally, the playful teasing that brought out your laughter, the way his eyes seemed to linger just a moment longer on yours. Each interaction sent a flutter through your stomach, a mix of excitement and nervousness as you realized that your feelings for him had definitive grown beyond friendship.
The realization that you had developed a crush on Jungkook filled you with a heady mix of emotions. You wondered if he could sense the change in your demeanor, if he could tell that your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at you, whenever he leaned in closer to hear your words.
As the meal came to a close, Jungkook leaned in a little closer across the table, his voice warm and sincere. “I’m really glad we did this,” he said softly, his gaze locked with yours. “Spending time with you today... it’s been really great.”
His words echoed in your mind, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. You felt a rush of warmth spread through you, a confirmation of the connection you felt with him. In that moment, you realized just how much you valued Jungkook, how much you wanted to continue exploring these newfound feelings.
Before you could respond, Jungkook’s expression softened further, his eyes searching yours with a depth of emotion you hadn’t expected. “You know,” he began, his voice a little hesitant but filled with sincerity, “I... I really enjoy being around you. More than just as friends.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his admission, your own feelings suddenly laid bare. The tension between you melted away, replaced by a shared moment of vulnerability and honesty. You could feel the weight of his words, the unspoken question hanging in the air.
Before the silent could grow into something uncomfortable you replied “I feel the same way, Jungkook,” your voice steady despite the rapid beating of your heart. “I’ve... I’ve liked you for a while now.”
A radiant smile spread across Jungkook’s face, genuine and filled with joy. It was a smile that spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of mutual feelings finally expressed. In that simple exchange, the air around you seemed to shimmer with newfound possibilities, the future unfolding with promise.
As the server cleared away the last of the dishes, you both stood up from the table, hands brushing lightly against each other. The evening had become infused with a sense of exhilaration, a shared excitement for what lay ahead.
Walking out of the restaurant together, the city lights casting a soft glow around you, Jungkook gently took your hand in his. His touch was warm and reassuring, sending a tingle of anticipation through you. With a gentle squeeze, he looked at you with a playful yet sincere gaze.
“Do you mind if I ask for one more thing?” Jungkook said softly, his voice carrying a hint of nervousness beneath his usual confidence.
You met his gaze, feeling your heart race with anticipation. “What is it?” you asked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Jungkook took a small step closer, his gaze unwavering as it locked onto yours. “Can I... kiss you?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with hope and longing.
Your heart skipped a beat at his request, a rush of exhilaration coursing through you as you felt your own desire mirrored in Jungkook’s eyes. Without hesitation, you leaned in, closing the distance between you. His lips met yours in a tender kiss that started softly, a gentle exploration that quickly deepened into something more.
There was an immediate spark of electricity as your lips melded together, drawing you into a primal dance of passion. Jungkook’s touch was confident yet tender, his hand sliding into your hair with a gentle pull that brought you closer to him. The taste of his lips against yours was intoxicating, igniting a hunger that intensified with each passing moment.
As the kiss deepened, fueled by the growing intensity of your feelings, Jungkook’s lips moved with increasing fervor against yours. His kisses became more urgent, each one a silent plea for more, a testament to the depth of his desire. His hand found the small of your back, drawing you against his body, the heat between you heightening the sensation.
Your own hands instinctively roamed, finding their way to his shoulders, then to the back of his neck, pulling him closer in a passionate embrace. The connection between you intensified, tongues tangling in a dance that spoke volumes of unspoken longing.
In that moment, the world around you faded into obscurity, lost in the heat and intimacy of the kiss. All that mattered was the electrifying bond between your lips, the mingling of your breaths, and the sensation of Jungkook’s touch against your skin. Inhibitions melted away, leaving only the fire of desire burning fiercely between you.
As the kiss lingered, a rush of emotions swept through both of you—desire and affection. It was more than a physical act; it was a soulful exchange, a declaration of the newfound intimacy between you. When you finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, you met Jungkook’s eyes, both of you silently acknowledging that this kiss had changed everything.
Hand in hand, you continued your walk down the bustling street, the world around you seeming brighter and more vibrant. It was as if the city itself was celebrating the intensity of your shared moment. This kiss had marked a new chapter in your relationship, one filled with promise, passion, and the boundless possibilities of love.
A/N: Please let me know if you liked the story. If you didn’t like the story, I would appreciate your feedback even more so I can work on improving my writing style. Thank you!
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perfectsunlight · 8 months
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: none
𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌: 𝟤𝗄
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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it's my 1 year anniversary of this account. i figured we'd celebrate it together with the story that started it all <3
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“jihae!” you shouted as you stepped quickly down the stairs, sighing as your daughter already reached the bottom way before you. the smaller girl’s uniform was neatly pressed, and her hair was adorned with two small barrettes on the sides. 
the five year old made a sharp left down the nearby hallway while her giggles echoed off the walls along with the sounds of her small feet. “yu jihae!” you repeated, following the girl with more speed with a pair of black shoes in one hand and a can of hairspray in the other. 
however, right when you turned the corner and looked down the hallway you saw your daughter hiding behind your wife who had half her body through the front door.
“where are your shoes?” jimin chuckled as she gently picked up jihae in her arms, brushing a few strands of her midnight hair back into place. the younger girl buried her face into her mother’s neck, ignoring the head shake of disapproval from you as you approached the two.
“she’s so stubborn,” you mumbled as jimin leaned over to quickly kiss your cheek. 
“well, she learned it from you.” the former idol whispered with a smirk before gently nudging her daughter with her shoulder. “isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
jihae peeked out from her hiding spot and grinned mischievously, making you playfully roll your eyes. there was no doubt in your mind that this was your daughter. jimin chuckled, setting jihae down as she grabbed the black shoes from your hand. 
“come on, jihae, let's get these shoes on so we can go,” the raven haired woman said, kneeling down to help her daughter with the task. jihae giggled, clearly enjoying the attention from both her parents. as jimin fastened the tiny shoes, you couldn't help but admire the scene with a soft smile. 
you had seen jimin in many different roles. girlfriend, trainee, idol, leader, model, and even as a wife. but to see yu jimin as a mother was definitely your favorite role.
once jihae's shoes were secured, jimin stood up, holding out her hand for jihae to take. “alright, my little princess, are you ready for a good day?” jimin asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. jihae nodded vigorously, her enthusiasm contagious as she skipped to the car with her mother in tow. 
the former idol shot you a small smile before following jihae towards the door. as you settled into the car, jimin handed your daughter a small, heart-shaped box. 
“for you, my little valentine,” she said, watching as the small girl’s eyes widened in delight as she opened it to find a small necklace with a heart pendant. your daughter’s squeal in excitement brought a smile to both of your faces as you watched jimin pull out of the driveway. 
“do you like it?” jimin asked as she glanced in the rearview mirror quickly, both hands on the wheel. jihae nodded rapidly in response before your wife added another comment. 
“your mama will put it on for you.” 
you playfully glared at jimin for a moment, already knowing that jimin knows very well what happens when you try to put anything on your young daughter. 
jimin chuckled, catching your playful glare. “oh, come on, it's just a necklace,” she teased, glancing at you with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. 
the car ride to jihae's school was filled with jimin and jihae’s daily “i spy” game. occasionally, you participated. but you only ever did when jihae said so, because those were the rules according to your daughter herself.
the joyous atmosphere was infectious, and by the time you reached the school, everyone was in high spirits. you gently fastened the necklace around the small girl’s neck before giving her forehead a small kiss. as your daughter excitedly hopped out of the car, jimin leaned over to give her a quick kiss. “have a great day, my little valentine,” she cooed, making jihae giggle before running off to join her friends. 
once jihae disappeared into the crowd of her peers, jimin turned to you with a sly smirk. “now, time for your gift,” she whispered as she gently interlaced her fingers with yours.
you raised an eyebrow with a teasing smile. “was last night not my gift?” you teased, watching your wife’s face flush with a small shade of red as she smiled and started driving. 
“very dirty of you, darling.” she chuckled before shaking her head lightly. “but no, you have more than one gift.”
her mysterious smile only deepened as she navigated through the city streets, her thumb gently tracing circles on the back of your hand. the anticipation grew with each passing minute, and as you continued, a subtle realization began to dawn on you. 
the familiar sights of the cityscape, the turns, and twists in the road—it all started to make sense. 
your heart skipped a beat as you began to connect the dots, and you couldn't help but shoot your lover a curious glance. 
“are you taking us to our tree?” you asked, an excited grin spreading across your face as you gently shook your intertwined hands. the other woman’s eyes widened for a moment, and then she hummed in feigned thought. 
“oh, is that where we’re going?” she mused with a smirk as she parked the car into a nearby side street. 
you chuckled, recognizing the playful tone in jimin's response. “yu jimin, you know exactly where we're going,” you teased, your eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and affection. 
she gave you a knowing look, her midnight hues sparkling with mischief. “well, it's our special place, isn't it?” she replied, stepping out of the car and motioning for you to follow. 
the morning air was cool, and the soft glow of the morning sun set a romantic ambiance around you both. hand in hand, you walked up the path toward the familiar oak tree, noticing its branches adorned with delicate lights that reflected in jimin's eyes. 
but as you got closer, you noticed there were photos attached to a small string and hanging off each of the branches. they were all of you two over the years. you spotted your wedding photos, the photos of you soaked in the ocean from the proposal, and even the day jihae was born and you two were holding her.
there was a blanket spread beneath the tree, surrounded by rose petals that danced in the gentle breeze. 
“i wanted to spend today here,” she confessed, pulling you into a tender embrace. “underneath this tree, where we first realized what we meant to each other.” jimin gently rested her chin atop your head while the other hands rubbed circles on your waist. 
“we haven’t been here in forever,” you whispered, earning a nod of agreement from your wife. her fingers traced patterns on your back as she spoke. 
“i know. but i wanted to remind us of where it all started, and to see how far we’ve come.” 
as you both settled onto the blanket surrounded by the pictures of your journey, the ambiance became even more enchanting. the sun rising in the distance, and the muffled sounds of seoul waking up for the day added a nostalgic touch to the atmosphere. 
“do you remember this day?” jimin asked, pointing at a picture from your first valentine’s day together. it was a photo ningning had taken of the two of you. the shaky image (due to ning’s laughing) captured the deep red shade of your lover’s face as you kissed her cheek as she held the small bouquet of flowers in between the two of you.
you smiled, your heart swelling with love. "of course, how could i forget?" jimin leaned in, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. “you just stood there and stuttered for a few seconds–”
jimin groaned before silencing you with another quick kiss that lasted a little longer than the first. she chuckled against your lips, the sound vibrating with affection. 
“let's not relive my embarrassing moments,” she teased, pulling back with a playful glint in her eyes. “but i was a nervous wreck because i wanted everything to be perfect for our first valentine's day together.” she reasoned as she brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
you both shared a small smile, the memories of that day vivid in your minds. “and look at you now,” you murmured, gazing into the same midnight eyes from your trainee days. “with a family and everything.” 
as you soaked in the moment, jimin reached into her back pocket, revealing a white envelope. “i have one more surprise for you,” she whispered, her eyes dancing with excitement. curiosity flickered in your gaze as she handed it to you. opening it, you found a folded piece of paper with a lot of writing on it. it looked like something out of a lawyer’s office, but your vision focused on one highlighted sentence at the bottom.
property owners – yu jimin & yu y/n
“what is this for?” you whispered with confusion, looking up at your wife who only gave you the brightest smile.
“we own our spot now. officially.”
your eyes widened as the significance of the words sank in. you looked back down at the paper, scanning the details and realizing the gravity of the gift. a wave of emotion swept over you, and you felt your heart swell with love and gratitude. 
“we own it?” you repeated, your voice filled with a mix of surprise and pure joy. the other woman nodded, her eyes reflecting the love she felt for both you and the place that held the echoes of your shared history. 
“it's ours, officially. i did the months of paperwork and everything.” she confirmed, warmth in her smile as she brought your free hand to her lips for a kiss. 
“i wanted to make sure our special place remained ours, a part of our story that we can pass down to jihae and beyond. it's a promise, to keep our love and the memories we've created under this oak tree.” 
tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you pulled your wife into a tight embrace. the significance of the gesture, and the permanence it added to your story, was overwhelming. 
“thank you, baby,” you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. she held you close, brushing away a tear with her thumb. “no need to thank me, sunshine. it's our forever spot now.”
a comfortable silence passed as the two of you stayed like that, holding each other close and enjoying the ambience of your spot. the wind rustling the orange leaves, the muffled sounds of the city below, and the sound of each other’s heartbeats against your chests. 
“i want to bring jihae here after school so she can put her initials under ours.” 
jimin broke the silence with a small whisper as she kissed the side of your cheek. a warm smile graced your lips at jimin's words. the idea of jihae leaving her mark under yours and jimin's initials felt like the perfect continuation of your love story.
“that sounds wonderful,” you replied, your heart swelling with the idea of creating more memories, this time with your daughter. as the sun rose higher in the sky, your wife leaned back slightly, her eyes locked with yours. 
“i’m so glad i have you,” she murmured, her thumb gently caressing your cheek. “and we can spend every valentine’s day together. forever.” 
the sincerity in her gaze touched your soul, and you felt a surge of gratitude for the life you'd built together. “you make every valentine’s day special, baby.” you whispered, staring directly into her midnight hues.
“i love you, my valentine.” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. you could only cup her face and lean in to kiss her lips, but pausing just before your mouth could meet hers.
“you’re my forever valentine, yu jimin.”
and all jimin could do was smile, and kiss you harder than the first time she ever did.
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a/n: thank you for supporting me ♡ i love every single one of you. it's been a full year of me being on this account, and i've loved writing stories for you all. it makes me smile knowing our little family here has grown so much! i hope you all look forward to more things from me soon :) ♡
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ ┊ ☪︎⋆ ⊹ ┊ . ˚ ✧
you and jimin met as trainees before she debuted, and you two never felt more in love. however, once she breaks up with you before her debut, you completely leave SM entertainment under the notion of needing a fresh start. you eventually debuted a few years later in le sserafim, where you met huh yunjin and have slowly started developing feelings for the idol. much to karina's dismay, she hates to see you have moved on, but deep in your own heart, you still can't help but feel as if maybe she has forgotten about you.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @captivq , @wonyoluvr , @yunalvrrr , @spritin , @babycubchae , @vnschldd , @sserafimez , @chaersly , @rosiehrs , @baldd , @bwljules , @jenaissantesworld , @jennasluma , @dream-chasers-things , @lcv3lies , @elyds , @archerheejin , @vnschldd , @skisk1 , @cfvgbhndun-new-blog , @silantryoo , @phamminji , @bzeus28 , @writingficsblog , @strangegirlcode , @uzumakioden , @noiacha , @sserabey , @archerheejin , @pindoris , @yourstrulytrissmerigold , @jisooftme , @yacii , @ddrummie , @justalittledissociation
[ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 ]
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nordicpoppie · 6 months
Mafia au - You're protective of his child - Maknae line
Second part with the rest of the members
Violence, guns and such may be mentioned as it is a mafia au
Y/N → Your Name
Jimin (14 year old)
Sitting at your desk in your workplace you were tapping away on the keyboard before an incoming call disturbed you. Unable to check the caller on the old wired phone you simply picked it up, introducing yourself.
“Hello this is Y/N speaking, how may I help?” “Hi Mrs. Park, we’re calling from Seojoons school to let you know there has been an incident where your son was involved”
You stiffened up listening to the seemingly young woman talking to you, already seeing all kinds of horrifying scenarios of Seojoon in pain.
“-ick him up at the dean's office as soon as possible okay Mrs. Park?”
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you shakily replied with a small “yes” before hanging up and shutting your computer off.
Knocking on your boss's office, you peeked your head in to inform her of the situation, quickly receiving her confirmation to leave early.
The whole drive to the school, your hands kept clenching and unclenching the steering wheel, thoughts running wild in your head. 
Pulling into the parking lot you noted Jimin's car parked near the entrance as well, before swiftly getting inside the building.
A lady at the entrance stopped you, asking for ID, before showing you the route to the dean’s office. Feeling a tad annoyed at the tight security because you just wanted to hurry to where your son was you gnawed your lip.
“- already said I’m sorry, what more do you want from me dad? Do you want me to bow down on my knees like some dog too?”
Before rounding the corner you heard Seojoons irritated voice sneering at Jimin, while they were stood in the hallway. Jimin wore a deep scowl, which only deepened at the words his son let out, his eyes turning icy.
Quick to interfere you ran over, grabbing Seojoon’s face, searching him for any injuries.
“What happened sweetie, are you okay?”
He sighed a bit annoyed at you and twisted his face from your grip as you turned to Jimin instead.
“What happened? Is everything solved already?”
Raking a hand through his hair, Jimin released a puff of breath before motioning to Seojoon.
“He thought it would be a brilliant idea to sneak a gun into the school and threaten the bully of one of his friends”
Gasping loudly you turned to Seojoon for confirmation, instantly getting it when he avoided eye contact with you.
“Seojoon you know you’re not allowed to handle guns outside the shooting range, what were you thinking?”
The boy shrugged his shoulders at you, still avoiding eye contact.
“He wasn’t. Which is why i was in the middle of suggesting he and I go for a little drive to talk about this”
Jimin answered for him, leveling his son with a harsh glare, not willing to let it go until it had been punished.
Biting your lip you glanced at Seojoon, who was now looking not only guilty, but also slightly nervous. You knew Jimin would never raise his hands against you or his son, but his anger was not to be trifled with…Ever.
“No, he’s driving home with me, and I’ll be the one talking with him, while you go and calm down”
Jimin turned his frightening glare on you, but you simply turned away and led your son outside.
Later that night, after Jimin had calmed down, and you’d made Seojoon promise you to never bring a gun outside the house ever again, you were in bed.
Jimin changed into his PJ and entered the bed with you, slowly dragging you into his arms.
“Thanks…For being such a good role model for him, I doubt the talk i was planning for him would’ve helped the situation”
“It’s okay, someone has to be the voice of reason between you 2 hot heads”
You smirked a bit at him, in playful banter. Shaking his head however he remained stoic.
“I mean it Y/N, thanks for protecting him, both of us, and being there for us”
Taehyung (8 year old)
You had been home with Taehyung's son the whole week, Taehyung only coming home late at night, barely having the energy to do anything other than crash into the bed. 
The week had started greatly, although Haneul had been opposed to his dad working so much, but you had found ways to distract him.
However as the week passed along, Haneul seemed to get more and more bored of whatever games and antics you made up. As much as he loved you, it was clear how much he missed the interactions between him and his father.
It all came crashing down the last day alone, before Taehyung's work would be over.
Haneul had been cross since the morning when you woke him up to eat breakfast, refusing to sit at the table with you, and screaming when you tried brushing his teeth.
He was throwing a proper tantrum that lasted almost until afternoon, where he seemed to quiet down.
You were in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch, removing pieces of bread from the floor, which Haneul had thrown in frustration. Sighing you glanced at him, laying on the couch, completely calm, probably worn out from using all his energy.
As you finished wiping everything off with a clean rag, you heard soft snoring from the couch, making your heart clench.
Quietly you turned off the tv, and eased him into your arms, before carrying him to his bedroom. Making sure his small lamp with stars was on you left him to sleep, and went off to enjoy the quiet peace.
You managed to enjoy almost an hours quiet, before loud coughing reached your ears along with broken sobs.
Scrambling to get up you ran to Haneuls room, throwing the door open, nearly tripping over your own legs before reaching his bed. He was sat up slightly, coughing violently, snot and tears dripping down his face as he desperately tried to drag air into his lungs. 
Your hand stroked up and down his back, trying to somehow help ease his coughing. Shakily you tried to guide him with your voice.
“Shh, Haneul, try taking some deep breaths okay baby, deep breaths for me”
After a while the coughing slowly let up, but his breathing was still painfully ragged. Wiping a wet cloth over his eyes and nose you removed the tears and snot, leaving Haneul blinking red eyed and nosed up at you.
“Let’s call dad, yeah? I think we may need to take a trip to the hospital with you”
You smiled soothingly at him, while you tried to gauge his temperature with your hand. The boy sniffled quietly, shaking his head vehemently.
“Noo i hate the hospital mommy, can’t daddy just come home?”
Shaking your head at him you tried to explain, and calm him down while carrying him to the front door.
“Baby, I’d feel much better if we got you checked out at the hospital, just so I know nothing’s wrong with you”
As you felt the boy sag into your arms you smiled softly to yourself, jumping into some shoes and grabbing your car keys.
A few hours later you were back home from the hospital, as it turned out Haneul just had a very bad case of the flu. 
“He’s sleeping soundly now, I think the tea helped a bit”
You mumbled as you descended the stairs, Taehyung turned to face you from the couch. He watched your face for a few seconds, before beckoning you towards him.
“He really scared you huh?”
He asked, tugging you into his arms in a tight hug. Humming you leaned back a bit, tears in your eyes.
“I was so worried, I’ve never seen him that sick”
Taehyung sighed, rubbing your back soothingly.
“You did everything right baby, you took care of him and protected him”
Jungkook (10 year old)
“Mom? Mommy wake up”
You felt someone shake your arm, rousing you from the deep sleep. You squinted your eyes at the lights in the room, feeling slightly disoriented.
“What is it?”
You mumbled out, turning slowly to watch Binna.
“I think i heard the door opening downstairs mom”
At first your sleep muddled brain didn’t quite catch what she was saying, thinking she merely said she had a nightmare. It wasn’t unusual for her to have nightmares, something that often left her in tears.
“What?” “The door mom, I heard it open, I don’t think it’s daddy”
Sitting up you groaned slightly as your muscles ached.
“Are you sure? Did you see them?”
Binna shook her head, staring worriedly at you, clearly waiting on you to decide what to do. Getting out of the bed you threw on a robe, glancing back at her as you approached the door of the room.
“Stay here, I’ll go check, if I’m not back in 5 minutes you call your dad okay? And lock the door”
Stepping out into the cold hallway, you slowly made your way to Jungkook's office. Pushing the door open you went to his desk and opened the top drawer, pulling out a sleek gun. Being the daughter of one of the heads of a big mafia group gave you a small advantage, you had known guns and violence your whole life.
Stepping onto the landing at the top of the stairs you strained your ears trying to listen to any noises. It was silent, almost, except for muffled talking from one of the rooms downstairs. Biting your lip you sneaked down the stairs as quietly as possible, sticking close to the walls. As you reached the door you paused again, trying to make out what was being said.
“-at’s the deal? We finished on time and Yoongi made sure to wipe everything right?”
Frowning in confusion at the familiar voice, you got off the wall, about to open the door when a phone ringing stopped you.
“Hold one Tae, Binnas calling me?” “Why’s she calling you? Isn’t she asleep upstairs?”
Jungkook didn’t get to answer that, at least not with words. 
“What, baby speak clearly…Mom? Isn’t she just in the bedroom? What do you mean someone’s in the house?”
From upstairs you could hear muffled crying, cursing softly you were just about to turn and run back upstairs when the door was yanked open.
Jungkook paused in the opening, staring at you with cold calculating eyes, a large gun in his hand, ready to shoot at whatever was frightening his daughter. He glanced at the gun in your hand, instantly putting 2 and 2 together.
“Baby, it’s just dad and uncle Tae, come downstairs okay, mom’s okay too, nothing will happen to any of you”
Quickly putting his gun away Jungkook allowed you to enter the room, leaving the door open for Binna. You put your gun away too, smiling quietly at Tae when he waved a hand at you from the couch.
“I didn’t think you’d be such a badass, charging through the house with a gun at night Y/N”
Jungkook smirked at you.
“I only did it for my daughters safety Kook, if you had bothered to call out when you opened the door this wouldn’t have happened”
You pushed his shoulder lightly, as he chuckled while shaking his head.
“She shouldn’t even be awake at this hour”
He shrugged at you, trying to defend himself, before a small blur ran into his arms.
Binna laughed happily, hugging him tightly, almost having forgotten about what had happened only moments earlier.
“Dad, mom was going to shoot you earlier you know, it was so scary”
You raised an eyebrow at Jungkook, waiting for him to answer his daughter, but all he released was a loud laugh. He still almost couldn’t believe you’d taken a gun and was that willing to protect his daughter.
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nastythangzzz · 8 months
BTS (OT7) X Female Reader :
You are from the biggest gg ever known to earth, adding to that, You have an innocent & nice personality whom everyone looks up too as a role model. But only YOU and the SEVEN members know what kind of a freak and nasty slut you are, and what goes underneath that innocent mask of you.
Like the usual, both STAR! & BTS have showed up to an award ceremony called “Seoul Music Awards” where every kpop act get congratulated and awarded for their great effort. It’s like a usual day for them, knowing both of them got the most awards & congratulations this night. BTS decided to celebrate by doing their favorite thing. As for STAR! and the rest of the idols, everyone left early except for You (and some of the staff) You were left alone with bts in their dressing room wearing only a thight dress with nothing underneath but only a bare pussy and a big butt plug.
The boys started making their way towards You, they were drunk as hell and so was You. While being drunk, You were sensually dancing and teasing the boys by groping their crotch. Jimin decided to stop the teasing by fully holding you and thus ur bare pussy and butt plug showed up.
“Fuck, you are so hot” Jimin said while parting your legs and letting everyone see ur pussy and ass. Jhope came next to you and started playing with ur butt plug, while pulling it out and putting it back, while Jin came by ur side and started slapping ur pussy and spreading ur folds, everyone was amazed by your pussy all while whispering dirty words to you and you knew she was for in a long ride this night. You were then put in front of one of the boys’ makeup desk with a mirror, your pussy was spread open and so many makeup tools were being showed in your pussy. You can’t get enough of it, you loves having different sensations in ur pussy. Jin started by shoving a long & thick brush in ur pussy while playing with ur clit. Another member was playing with ur butt plug and another one was holding ur face and slapping it all while saying profanities.
“Fucken Slut!! You like that hmm?” Hobi said while repeatedly slapping and spitting on your face.
Namjoon noticed his microphone laying next to the table and immediately got it and shoved it right through Your pussy, it was a new sensation for you to have a microphone inside of you and you were so smitten n happy about it.
He spent a minute playing with his microphone inside your pussy until you started squirting while letting obscene & loud moans. At the same time, hobi left out your butt plug long ago and was fisting your ass with his full hand. A white liquid came out ur pussy at the same time and englobed namjoon’s microphone, the boys couldn’t get enough of this sight as Jin pulled his phone out and took a video of him spreading and playing with your messy wet pussy and gaped asshole.
“Fuck, this is so good… I want MOREEE” You shouted as namjoon pulled the microphone out ur pussy roughly and shoved it down ur asshole.
"Get down on your knees whore” Taehyung demanded.
You gets down on her knees with the microphone still on your ass as they all form a circle around you unbuttoning their pants and letting out their hard throbbing cocks. All of them stands in front of you slapping their cocks in ur face at the same time.
“You fuckin whore..” Namjoon said as he slams his cock down your throat.
You were being roughly fucked on your face gagging on namjoon’s cock, holding yoongi’s & jungkook’s cocks in your hands, jacking them off while jimin and taehyung were pinching n sucking on your nipples and hobi being the last one was playing behind your back with the microphone inside your asshole. You stopped jacking off yoongi’s cock with your right hand and immediately went down your pussy and started rubbing it, you started slapping it repeatedly then shoved four fingers inside and started fucking yourself while at the same time hobi was fucking your asshole with the microphone filled and encircled with your thick cum and squirting.
"Mmmm Fuck. Fuck me like the dirty slut I am” You said while continuing jacking and sucking the boys off.
“You like that bitch hmm? You can never get enough even if both of your slutty gaped pussy and ass are full with different things? “
“Now open your mouth bitch” Jin said while holding your face, slapping it and spitting inside and outside your mouth. Then the rest of the boys made it their mission to spray you also with their spit and smearing it along your face until your whole make up came out cakey and slippery.
Taehyung dragged you unexpectedly by the hair, held you on the air and immediately shoved his cock towards you pussy. you let out a loud moan in the second you got filled with his cock, he started brutally fucking and thrusting into you as you bounce back on his cock repeatedly. He stopped for a second as Jimin went behind your back and immediately shoved his cock into your ass. You were being completely sandwiched between the boys, both of them started fucking into you harder, harder and at the same time.
The other boys were standing next to you, jacking their cocks off all while at the same time they were repeatedly kissing your face, leaving hickeys, screaming profanities into your ears and slapping your face multiple times.
You let out loud & sexy moans as you were close to cum. The boys were not helping as they were also pinching and rubbing your clit as you felt like you were gonna squirt.
“please….. im so fuckin close” You moaned softly
You collapsed on jimin breathing heavily as he still hold you on his arms, your head laying on him. Taehyung pulled out of you, long tail of white cum following him while jimin was still inside your ass. Your legs were being spread then yoongi harshly and roughly fingered your pussy until you started squirting. Him and taehyung both ran the tip of their cocks over your folds as squirt continued to splash them both in their faces. As if it wasn’t enough, Jungkook shoved his whole fist into your pussy, fucking his whole fist back and forth into you as again squirt continued to splash everyone and everything.
You didn’t get to have their cum inside you but them fingering and fisting the squirt outta you also made you see stars. You was then thrown like a rag doll into namjoon arms as he quickly sat on the ground with you on the top, and positioned his cock on your asshole while you are facing him back, spreading your back and letting everyone see the state of your pussy and face. Jungkook came and sat also on the ground next to joon and quickly trusted his dick on your asshole. Now you had two cocks inside your ass while your pussy was being left alone and wide open for the rest of the boys to see and jack off about.
“FUCK” you scream loud from the pain and impact of having two cocks inside your ass at the same time but it quickly switched to pleasure, intense and loud moaning as you close your eyes and let the boys take care of you.
As you close your eyes, the boys suddenly stopped thrusting into your ass, you quickly opened it just to find yoongi kneeling to your face and kissing it as he shoved his cock into your pussy. Yoongi pushed himself deeper into you slowly till he bottomed you up. They started thrusting in and out slowly, gently at first letting you get adjusted to the feeling of three cocks in your slutty holes.
Now the three of them get to fuck you at the same time, they were thrusting and fucking you at the same time. You started moaning loudly as they began to fuck you roughly and brutally all while yelling profanities and insults at you.
The room was filled with heavy breathings, loud moans, slapping and dirty talk. It’s sure that some of the staff outside heard your moans and the sound of skin slapping but hey you like it you love being the slut of those 7 boys.
You were about to cum hard, panting and breathing heavily while feeling your orgasm starting to build up. And so you cummed while panting and bitting your lips. You collapsed on the ground, the three cocks left your holes long ago as squirt & cum rushed out of your holes like a waterfall. But you still hadn’t have enough of them and their cocks.
All was left are jin and jhope. They held you in the air and quickly shoved their cocks into you. Jin inside your pussy and jhope inside your ass. They spent some minutes thrusting and fucking into you harder and harder. Both of your pussy and ass were letting obscene and divine sounds, with so much cum oozing out your pussy while being fucked by Jin. They were all about to cum hard.
“Let’s all cum on her face!! on your knees BITCH” Jhope yelled as he took you by your hair and made you roughly sit on the ground. All the boys encircled you, pumping their cocks off aggressively to your face. Not only that but Jungkook held you on his arms, spread your legs and let everyone cum to your pussy. Both of your face and pussy were sticky from their cum and you loved it so much. You took a bunch of it with your fingers and shoved it to both your face & pussy like a dirty slut.
“Now comes the time to humiliate you more..” namjoon said while putting you on your knees.
You had namjoon’s belt put around your neck and you were being walked like a dog following their masters in a park. You were naked and filled with their sticky and delicious cum. The boys made it their mission to walk you naked outside their dressing room. Luckily, the staff was on the other leg of the arena so no one saw you but still it was an exciting moment that made you more horny and wet.
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seoul-bros · 4 months
Jikook Week 25 Complete ✔️(28/05 - 04/06/2024)
Their twenty fifth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2017.
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BTS had just made a landmark win at the BMA's winning Top Social Artist (22/05) and were receiving lots of attention in the press.
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TwiX Post
There first appearance after getting back from the US was a KBS news conference on 29/05. They posted on TwiX beforehand.
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Watching the news conference I realized that the SK press has never made it easy on BTS. There was only cursory mention of their win and a huge emphasis on their responsibility as role models for youth and ambassadors for South Korea.
It's just all a bit too much and I don't remember anyone talking to One Direction or Take That in quite the same way. The only other similar example is possibly the Beatles who did get quite a bit of the establishment press looking down the nose at them in interviews. No wonder Joonie got so fed up after dealing with it for so many years and we are blessed with Groin (I'm using any excuse to post about RPWP at the moment) as a result.
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After the press conference they headed to the airport. Jimin is so striking in this outfit. Shame JK's good looks were hidden behind that mask. They were off to play three nights at the Osaka Jo-Hall, Japan (30/05, 31/05 & 01/06) as part of the Wings Tour.
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The Osaka concerts come at the beginning of this Memories of 2017 video between 0.00 & 10:35 mins. What comes over is how cohesive they are as a team and how much affection there is between them all. Look at jinhopekook all glued together after the show. Whose hands are resting on JK's shoulders? I think you know.
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Finally it was FESTA 2017. There was a gift for ARMY every day from 01/06 to the 14/06.
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One of those gifts was JK & Jimin's version of We don't talk anymore which was released on 03/06. I love this version of the song.
There was also this rather chaotic exclusive fan cam on the 04/06.
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Oh to have been around when all this stuff was dropping. I have festa envy. I'm looking forward to some new music on the 07/06.
Post Date: 04/06/2024
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myobsessionsspace · 11 months
Who is Kim Young Jin?
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The man behind the looks, bringing BTS' vision to life, from photo-folios, to music videos to high fashion magazine photoshoots.
Kim YoungJin and his team have worked with the members as a group and as individuals on their concerts and everything in between.
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“Seoul-based stylist Youngjin Kim has been obsessed with fashion since he was a child, saving up his pocket money to buy magazines. “It was so special to me,” he remembers. After majoring in photography at college but leaning into the looks just as heavily, somebody suggested he give styling a go and well, the rest is history. These days, he’s working with BTS, but can also be found dressing the likes of NCT 127, Super M and Daniel Kang for cover features, campaigns and album artwork.”
ID Magazine - VICE Interview (March 2022)
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👤What was your entry point to styling?
“I worked as an assistant to [Korean actor] Jin Oh Jeon’s stylist for about five years and came to understand the overall system of the Korean fashion scene. Looking back, that time was so precious; time that brought me to this moment, I guess.”
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The man himself, Stylist @kimvinchey on IG
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Kim YoungJin styled BTS and Bang SiHyuk for their TIME Magazine 2022 photos.
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Kim YoungJin has been head stylist for MVs such as 'My Universe', styling Jimin for 'Vibe', j-hope for 'On The Street' to name but a few MVs
👤Tell us about the type of work you do.
“Styling for albums and projects such as “My Universe” by BTS and Coldplay is receiving tremendous attention on a global scale. Whenever I style an idol group, I think of a designer creating a collection. I mix and match clothes from different Japanese brands such as Comme des Garçons and Yohji Yamamoto, and I express my own aesthetic with styling to fit each concept. I also style various editorials for fashion magazines. I consider myself a fashion stylist, and when I first took on the role of an idol stylist, I was proud of demonstrating what kind of visuals could be created if a fashion stylist takes on an idol.”
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Kim Youngjin has worked with the members on the brand ambassadorship endeavours, such as styling for mag shoots like the Valentino photoshoot with SUGA
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👤Of course, a stylist doesn’t just ‘style’. You’re often a bridge between celebrities and brands — a look you introduce to an idol could quickly become a trend.
“Exactly. In many cases, celebrities or models with good momentum are recommended to brands or magazines, and if the celebrity is an ambassador of a fashion house, they communicate more closely with the fashion brand.”
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👤What do you think is the most important thing in styling?
“I try to combine the latest fashion trends with classic items. For instance, I like pairing Levi's denim and casual sneakers with a Saint Laurent blazer. As details are crucial for men's clothes, the overall outfit is often impacted by details such as perfect length and sleeves.”
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In Chapter 2 of BTS' journey, Kim YounJin has been part of many of the members solo projects that were even released post enlistment for some, such as j-hope LV campaign and styling for Esquire Magazine
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👤Do you have a favourite brand or designer?
“I’ve always loved Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci, which has had a huge impact on me as a stylist. I have such respect for a person who has accomplished what they’ve wanted to do for a long time — I think Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons are both great in that regard too.”
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“I’m 32, so I was in elementary and middle school in the 1990s, which was when I started getting into fashion. Since I was really young, like 10 years old, I used to go downtown to buy clothes by myself. In elementary school, I wore baggy sweatshirts and jeans like this Balenciaga ensemble. I liked hip-hop and K-pop even back then and would dress up like this and dance at school festivals. Retro fashion is back in style, so it doesn’t at all look out of place or time to dress like this again.”
Mr Porter - The Journal Interview (Oct 2020)
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Special Mention:
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**Though Taehyung has worked with Kim YoungJin with group projects the Head Stylist for Taehyung (V) during Chapter 2, in particular his Layover Era has been @HIJIBIN, Taehyung's personal stylist.
Info on Kim YoungJin:
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pandorasword · 2 years
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's masterlist
❒ Requested ✓ you can find the request here
「 A compilation of BTS proving themselves as gentlemen for their Chaeri 」
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⠪ Let's say that for the first few years after their debut Chaeri was not a great heel-wearer
⠪ She was young, plus the concept of their outfits did not focus on that style, so she had never felt the need to wear particularly high ones.
⠪ As she grew up and started to attend more and more important award ceremonies and events, the urge and need to wear them became evident
⠪ The first time she had to wear very high heels was preceded by a lot of practice in their company building. She did quite well on flat surfaces, the challenge was the stairs
⠪ And obviously at the event she couldn't avoid them
⠪ Luckily Namjoon seemed to be heaven-sent to make her life easier in everything, even in wearing heels
⠪ He was there, of course, waiting to hold her hand and walk down each step with her
⠪ It is still a habit of the guy to offer her help even though, as the years went by and her skills in walking on heels improved, she wouldn't even need it anymore
"You're making it off the stairs like a pro" "I don't think I could do it without you" "Just doing my duty as your favourite brother" "I will say 'favourite brother' if I'm gonna get down all the stairs without breaking an ankle"
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⠪ As the eldest, Jin has a natural inclination to always keep an eye on all the other members
⠪ With Chaeri he seems to have to intervene more often than he would like
⠪ She doesn't seem like it, but when she's really into something she can get awfully clumsy with everything else
⠪ She is a real disaster as a chef, she can cook only a few dishes and poorly.
⠪ That's why, when she tries, she is so concentrated on trying not to burn anything or add too much flavour that she doesn't pay attention to anything else
⠪ In particular, during an episode of BTS in the soop, Jin had to prevent her from hitting the kitchen shelf with her head more than once by putting a hand between her and the furniture
"Maybe next time I'll just wear a helmet in the kitchen" "Or maybe you could just pay attention to where you're going." "Hey, I was distracted by the delicious smell of your cooking" "Flattery will get you everywhere. Now, let's finish making lunch before we have any more near-death experiences."
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⠪ Very funny of Yoongi to always move Chaeri to the inner side of the road as he is the first to scold the others for being too protective of her
⠪ It's something he can't help, they start walking and at some point, at the first possible excuse, he shifts to the side of the road
⠪ The others always tease him about this and he pretends not to hear or simply glares at them to shut 'em up.
⠪ He is not the type to show protection for Chaeri dramatically, as other members do. He is for small things like this
⠪ Yoongi is the type to walk beside her keeping an arm around her shoulders
"Ooh, look at you, all responsible and stuff. You're such a good role model" "Aiish, just move to the inner side before I start regretting this friendship"
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⠪ Chaeri among them is always the one who suffers most from the cold
⠪ Whether during the recording of a music video, a concert or an event, her outfits are always those with the thinnest fabric
⠪ During the making of music videos, Jimin always carries a blanket purchased with her in the group's early days
⠪ In MV shooting videos uploaded by the company channel, there is always this scene:
⠪ Jimin taking the adventure time blanket and covering Chaeri as soon as the cameras go down
"Let's finish shooting this and go get some hot cocoa" "Sounds like a plan. And don't worry, I'll make sure you're bundled up the whole time" "Geez, you're like my personal blanket service" "Hey, it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it" "I love you"
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⠪ Chaeri's love for snowboarding starts very early
⠪ As her career began, she decided to spend some of her money on snowboarding lessons
⠪ At her first lessons she was accompanied by Jin, who liked the sport and had already been playing it for a while
⠪ As soon as she put her feet on the board, she ended up with her butt in the snow, for so many times
⠪ In the end, Jin was "forced" to teach her to snowboard the way one teaches a child to walk: by holding her hand the whole time
"You know, you're actually a pretty good teacher" "Thanks, I try my best. And you're a pretty good student, for someone who keeps falling on their butt" "Hey, it's not my fault I have bad balance" "Sure, blame it on genetics."
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⠪ Of the BTS members, Chaeri steals the most clothes from Hobi.
⠪ And he lets her do it, not caring so much.
⠪ Actually, seeing her with her clothes on only makes him more joyful.
⠪ With her, sharing is the basis of their friendship
⠪ As Chaeri always styles his jacket on crop tops, she is used to holding them open to show what she is wearing underneath
⠪ He, on the other hand, always rushes to close them and remind her that if she's wearing a jacket it's because it's cold and keeping it open doesn't even make sense
"Seriously, it's cold out here, you need to zip it up" "But I like it this way, it's a fashion statement" "Fashion statement my ass. You're gonna catch a cold, let me zip it up for you" "Oh, so now you're playing the protective big brother card, huh?" "You know it. I don't want my little sister to get sick on my watch"
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⠪ Chaeri's dress was beautiful, as beautiful as short though
⠪ However, it was never a problem at award ceremonies as girls in skirts were provided with blankets to cover themselves from improper camera angles
⠪ Unfortunately for her that evening, the staff had not been provided with enough blankets for the entire number of women participating
⠪ Looking around, it was possible to notice the girls sharing the same quilt in two
⠪ She, the only female member, could not share it with anyone
⠪ So she did her best to keep her legs tightly closed and look around in case someone was filming her from the wrong side
⠪ It was not for long, because as soon as Jungkook realised that Chaeri would not be receiving any coverage, he took off his jacket and placed it directly over her legs
"Hey there, Miss Short Dress. You're gonna get us kicked out of here with that outfit." "Oh, shut up. You love it" "Well, yeah, but that's beside the point. I don't want you to get in trouble with the paparazzi" "You're such a gentleman. Offering me your jacket like that" "Well, what can I say? Chivalry isn't dead yet"
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⠪ One thing Tae loves to do is to stop Chaeri's bodyguard before he can open her car door, to do it himself
⠪ It all started as a game in the group's early days, when the bond between the two was just beginning to form
⠪ Tae pretended to be her personal security guard and Chaeri pretended to be a world-famous celebrity
⠪ Well, over time, part of that game came true.
⠪ Growing up, however, Tae continued to have these attitudes, not just for laughs as they once did
⠪ But he loves giving her princess treatments
⠪ It's really hard to see anyone on staff getting Chaeri out of the car, then
⠪ Her Tae always takes care of it
"After you, m'lady. Allow me to open the door for you" "Oh, thank you sir" "I take my job as your personal bodyguard seriously. I might need to start wearing a suit and earpiece" "I'll make sure to get you a matching tie"
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suprnvas · 3 months
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          *     ◟    :    〔   yu    jimin  ,      cis    woman    +   she    /    her    〕      SIMI    YU    (    S1-MI    Y13.0    ) ,      some say you’re a    TWENTY    FIVE    YEAR    OLD  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both  SLICK  and  DOMINATING,  one can’t help but think of  STARGIRL    INTERLUDE   by   THE    WEEKND  when you walk by.    are you still a    REPLICANT   /     SOCIAL    MEDIA    INFLUENCER  at    STONEAGE   INDUSTRIES,     even with your reputation as the  MILLION    DOLLAR    BABY?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and    CATCHING   THE   FIRST   INFLECTION   OF   A   LIE   IN    SOMEONE'S    TONE    AND    THE    SINKING    FEELING    OF    UNCERTAINTY    THAT    FOLLOWS,    THE    INESCAPABLE    PRESSURE   OF    NEVER    LETTING    A    GOLDEN    SMILE    FALTER,    AND    A    BRIGHT    SPOTLIGHT    THAT    SEEMS    TO    FOLLOW    YOU    EVERYWHERE    YOU   GO    EVEN    WHEN    YOU'RE    DESPERATE    FOR    ANONYMITY,    although we can’t help but think of    ASHLEY    O    (    BLACK    MIRROR    ),    JOCELYN    (    THE    IDOL    ),    AVA    (    EX    MACHINA    ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets. 
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        development   of   S1 - Mi   Y13.0   initially   began   during   the   year   2020,    as   celebrity   culture   was   plagued   with   trainwreck   after   trainwreck.   too   often,   celebrities   and   the   elite   found   themselves   embroiled   in   scandals,   and   it   was   time   for   a   change.   there   was   once   a   time   where   celebrities   were   seen   as   role   models,   as    someone   that   pre   teens   and   teenagers   alike   often   fawned   over,   ripping   their   favorites   from   magazines   and   pasting   their   pictures   all   over   the   walls.   celebrity   culture   significantly   deminishes   in   the   early   2020s,   and   it's   within   the   walls   of   stoneage   industries   that   it   is   decided   to   make   a   massive   change.
        for   years,   S1 - Mi    Y13.0   is   merely   an   idea.   what   are   the   qualities   of   a   celebrity   that   people   actually   like?   her   development   begins   with   research,   years   of   it,   before   the   replicant   is   brought   to   life.   she   is   designed   with   relatability   in   mind,   and   the   announcement   of   such   a   replicant   from   stoneage   is   one   for   the   history   books.   surprisingly,   in   2038—   almost   twenty   years   after   development   began,   S1 - Mi   Y13.0   makes   her   debut   as   the   new   face   of   a   popular   alcoholic   beverage   brand. 
       the   replicant,   known   as   simi   yu   as   opposed   to   her   serial   number,   has   a   positive   reception.   of   course,   there   are   those   against   the   idea   of   replicants   taking   over   the   entertainment   industry,   but   she   has   become   a   staple   within   two   short   years.   her   face   is   all   over   the   city,   on   cell   phone   screens,   and   one   of   the   most   recognizable.   at   all   times,   simi   is   surrounded   by   those   responsible   with   ensuring   that   she   is   well   taken   care   of.   they   all   watch   her   every   move,   wanting   to   make   sure   that   she   doesn't   do   anything   out   of   turn,   but   their   efforts   are   slowly   becoming   in   vain.  
simi   is   the   first   of   her   kind,   and   is   designed   to   be   "   the   perfect   celebrity   ".   she   is   programmed   to   give   the   best   answers   in   interviews,   to   always   appear   in   a   good   mood,   and   to   be   as   pleasant   as   possible.   it   is   rare   to   see   simi   lose   her   cool   in   front   of   the   camera.
she   is   becoming   sentient.   initially,   she   was   programmed   to   not   experience   any   emotions   outside   of   pleasantness   /   happiness,   but   there   is   an   undetected   glitch   in   her   code   which   is   changing   her   perception   on   the   world   around   her.   the   glitch   was   initially   noticed   during   an   interview,   when   simi   unexpectedly   began   crying   despite   the   smile   on   her   face.
the   people   surrounding   her,   employees   of   stoneage   (   and   npcs   lol   ),   do   not   have   her   best   interest   at   heart.   as   she   is   becoming   sentient,   their   actions   are   becoming   known   to   her—   they   have   been   using   simi,   often   taking   her   earnings   for   themselves   and   putting   her   through   unnecessary   tweaks   to   her   system.   in   short,   they   do   not   have   her   best   interest   at   heart.
as   simi   becomes   sentient,   she   is   starting   to   see   that   not   everyone   likes   the   presence   of   replicants.   she   often   uses   her   intelligence   to   better   understand   who,   or   rather   what,   she   is   while   also   battling   with   whether   or   not   she   wants   to   continue   her   life   in   from   of   the   camera.
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curio-queries · 8 months
Run BTS: 042 | Sports Challenge
Original Air Date: 27 FEB 2018 Episode Length: 25:27 Total Parts: 1 YouTube English Subtitles: Yes Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears
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Synopsis: Various challenges at a sports complex
Production: I actually really liked the bike challenge. Perfect type of game for the show. Hear me out, I think the ropes course was actually kinda a bad call for the show. Fun to do in person, but they obviously struggled with the edit. it absolutely kills the momentum of the episode, especially when we keep cutting to the other 6 literally laying on the ground, bringing up how long the other person is taking. There's some great moments, but it needed a better edit to keep the energy up. Overall, I still think it's a good episode, just needs a little work to be excellent.
Endearment: Excellent episode for showing their charms. The guys are always a little more elevated when they get to do something physical, but them in a competition against each other and it's amost a guaranteed success.
Winner: JM
Loser: JH
Best Cheater: none
Member Moments:
RM: RMs comments during Jin's run on the ropes course were gold, my favorite was Vicarious Satisfaction
JN: Jin's height makes that final jump look tiny lol
YG: We've seen it before but one of Yoongi's best qualities is how unbothered he is when he's not the best performer. He absolutely owns his inability to be the fastest in a way that doesn't make him seem like a victim. Such a great role model.
JH: Hobi's absolute excitement when the punishment hat doesn't work to the instant sadness when he starts getting wet is so beautiful.
JM: Of course Jimin is the one to start the artistry bit on the ropes course!
V: V mentioned the safety song and i couldn't get those visuals from their commercial out of my head...
JK: I love how absolutely no one bothered him during the bike chalkenge, and he still got it wrong! they knew! lol
Bonus Content: Is this a rare V solo karaoke clip? He usually only does it if some of the others join him.
CQ Rank: 4
(CQ Eval Date: 07 JAN 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 041
Next Episode: 043
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Let's talk about Yoongi and Taeyang
My thoughts and impressions of this episode are below the cut to avoid spoilers for folks.
Okay so first of all, let's all agree that our Lil Meow Meow was going THROUGH IT. He started fanboying before he could even get to the introduction and he was consistently twitterpated throughout the entire show. Adorbs.
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I won't recap everything, but a few things stood out to me as significant insights into character.
Taeyang mentioned he used to eat only one meal a day. (As someone recovering from disordered eating, I have VIEWS about this but let me hush up and stay on topic.) Then he said when he served in the military, he had to eat three meals a day and do physical labor, so he gained 10kgs (22lbs). Which by the way is still a healthy weight. And he said he had to "work hard" to lose it again. I hate this. I hope all our boys come back from their time in the military used to regular meals, regular sleeping hours, a regular BMI and stick to it. They will have the power to reshape the standards of the industry if they refuse to make themselves fit into a smaller space. Just my opinion and I doubt I'll be changing it any time ever.
Taeyang said Jimin re-recorded their song 15 times. As far as I know based on the documentaries and Masterclasses I've watched from other famous musicians, singers, and songwriters, studio time is precious, even if you own the studio. Recording is expensive. A great deal of time is spent after recording on mixing the best takes to get to one master track. But our Jimin seems to have wanted to get it perfect all in one. He really does hold himself to a standard higher than most Grammy winners; I'm not kidding.
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Yoongi then of course praises Jimin for his work ethic. The praise, THE PRAISE, Y'ALL. I LIVE. Jimin keeps working even when he cramps up in pain, our dear artist... Remember when he couldn't go to Jin's birthday party because he was recovering from muscle cramps? We called it; it was because of choreo.
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Interesting how in the same breath, Yoongi compared Jungkook's organic genius to Jimin's effortful genius. I'm a huge Jikook fan but I don't want to make this out to be a shipping moment, because honestly it's just about styles of approach to work. And this isn't the first time we've heard this about Jikook as a unit. We hear it from members, producers, friends, choreographers, collaborators...
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Yoongi also is sure to rat Jimin out about how much he mimicked and idolized Taeyang as a teen and it's like... you're saying this while admitting to doing the exact same thing and knowing all his songs, but still, it's super sweet. It reminds me of when Yoongi admitted to writing fanfic, lol. Even better is how Taeyang mentions several times he knows all of BTS' work. That's a discography of 200+, my friends.
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But seeing Yoongi praise both Jimin and Taeyang so highly makes me wish that this episode came out before VIBE released. Maybe his trusted perspective would have softened the resistance many people felt toward supporting the project.
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Especially because Taeyang really comes across as a good guy. He seems humble, considerate, grounded, a team-player, sensible, deep-thinking, and kind. He also seems to be focused on being a family man, making good music, and becoming a role model for the next generation. Now yes, both times I've seen him this way, he's appearing on TV to promote his single. But as far as we can know a celebrity while they are in front of a hot camera, I feel like his character is genuine enough, and I trust the tannies when they say they ALL admire and respect him deeply.
BTS has been around in the industry long enough to know when people are full of shit. And yeah, there are some seriously problematic assholes in Big Bang. There were legit scandals involving drugs and sex trafficking. I won't be rushing out to consume their products. But they did play a part in shaping BTS and Taeyang shouldn't be painted with the same brush just because he landed in the same group. He seems like someone who might have matured out of a lot of mistakes, like appropriating hairstyles or speaking on subjects outside his lived experience. I'm willing to give him a chance, here, in 2023, to get it right.
I also appreciate how honest and vulnerable Yoongi was and continues to be the moment he gets a few drinks in him. Talking about being so nervous without his members for That, That that he wanted to throw up. Mentioning the fear and disappointment when news of their hiatus caused all hell to break loose. Stating openly and without any qualifiers that he loves his members. To me, this is healing.
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Yoongi was also adorable as fuck, let's face it. Giggly, blushing, toe-tapping, squirming, gushing, flirting Min Yoongi managed to ask Taeyang if he could produce a song for him (as if anyone in the world would say no thanks). And Taeyang is like "come over to my house and eat dinner with Jimin, I'll cook kimchi jiggae for you guys."
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Oh and by the way, Taeyang and Joon apparently go to dinner and hang out and go to museums? AND WE WOULD NEVER KNOW. Do you know why? Because unless they choose to share aspects of their personal lives with us, WE DON'T ACTUALLY SEE THE MAJORITY OF THEIR PERSONAL LIVES. So just because you don't see evidence of members hanging out doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Everyone needs to chill about this with regards to Jikook. They went to ground around the same time that bullshit insurance premiums "scandal" broke and they've been to ground since. That's all.
Side note: Considering the shitstorm online earlier this week because Taehyung followed T-Top for a few hours on Instagram, I'm wondering if 2023 is the year most of the tannies stick to work-only promotions for their social media. You get burned enough, there's no payoff in sharing your vulnerable sides with strangers. It's such a shame, because we had a window to their inner landscapes, a glimpse at their real personalities and their real lives, but ruiners ruin everything. So a special Fuck You to people sending them hate for following or working with people you don't like. Know your place as a fan. Feel free to protest with your pocketbook but don't you dare talk shit and spread hate.
I digress. Back to Suchwita.
Taeyang advised Yoongi to surround himself with good people (members, staff, friends)... people who can tell him no. They had a great talk about staying realistic and humble, reminding themselves all things come to an end, being normal and grounded.
THIS is what makes BTS so easy to champion. They are uniquely talented, clearly the most hardworking, and even have streaks of artistic genius. But they forever remain set in a beginner's mind. They are the top dogs in their industry with an underdog mindset. I love this about them enough to set alarms to vote for awards and buy multiple copies of their work so they chart. I, Roo, who has never been to a popular music concert in all her 43 years; never been a groupie of anyone; never owned a piece of merch--I want them to succeed because I know they will never take it for granted.
And they keep it simple, even when it comes to how they work. Now, as someone who writes for a living and does bullet journaling every day as part of my therapy, I cannot tell you how delighted I was to learn that Yoongi writes with a pen and Taeyang with a typewriter. I am exactly the same. There's something intimate about it. I type more than 95 words a minute for work but it's not the same when crafting something personal. I also write original works better away from a designated work space--it's too much pressure to sit in a sterile environment and try to create. Real, meaningful words come from real, messy, organic moments in life. I just loved this level of detail in their conversation.
All in all, this was just such a great episode. I feel like I got to know both men better, was shown real insight into their mindsets, learned about their lives and work, and so I felt excited about VIBE.
Speaking of VIBE, we still need lots more sales to help Jimin get to Hot 100. Please contact accounts on twitter to get a gift card, make another itunes or amazon account, and buy it again, if you cannot persuade others to buy-in. Jimin worked so hard and wanted this so badly. I'm deeply troubled that ARMY couldn't cough up a buck-twenty-nine for him. It's like With You all over again. Unacceptable.
We are up against Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and Sam Smith. We need the sales to get the points. We have a day and a half to get it right. PLEASE buy it.
We also only need 1.2 million more views on YouTube to get it to 50 million in its first week, so please stream today and tomorrow!
Consider it practice for next month, when PJM1 drops. Because by all accounts--from everyone who has ever worked with Jimin--he deserves it.
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If you got this far, thanks for reading. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 7 months
I am listening to vibe now and was thinking how jimin's role model/fav singer is taeyoang and how he thiyhht he was happy being a fan and was too shy to dm hum but there was taeyang and teddy trying to catch jimin's attention for 2 years and even had dinner with wrong jimin😭😭🤣
my baby you are so loved to the point your seniors are struggling to meet you (hybe😒)
How on Earth did they get a wrong Jimin.... that was a really absurd situation.
Sometimes I can't entirely wrap my head around Jimin seemingly being so.. apart from everything, like from the celebrity world. The with you producers also had to reach to him through sungwoon to get him to sing in the ost. Does nobody have his manager's phone number or does Jimin say no to everyone unless he knows them personally? Or has some personal interest in it like him liking fast and furious before.
Throughout the years so many producers have talked about wanting to work with Jimin, and it must be for a reason. Teddy knew what he was doing.
I love love love love vibe btw. It's a feel good song to me, I love it; so well achieved, the choreo, their chemistry!!!, the melody, the vocals, the mv and the aesthetic. I never say this because I find almost all collabs to be lame and only done for the sake of attention; but vibe was a Great collab.
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lokisasylum · 10 months
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"Some weeks back, Maru, one of Jimin United Ph’s members, traveled to SK and made the necessary trip to Magnate Cafe in Busan. In that visit, she hand-delivered a copy of the Certificate of Appreciation that we received from Project Pearls, Inc. for our Jimtober scholarship fundraising project. It’s our small action to let the Park family and Magnate patrons know how Jimin sets a good example and role model as a world-famous idol with a generous and giving heart."
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
jimin deserves the world, seriously. he's a role model and he's so grounded. he finds the balance between being a private person and being an idol. he knows how he can express who he really is without being arrogant or too conceited in the process.
he knows how and when to have fun and he is still passionate after all these years. i think that even if there were times that he's tired and lost, his passion is still there; dimmed but still fighting, and he's always finding a way to make it continue burning.
he's also not trying too hard to please the fans, he just knows that he needs to constantly improve himself because it has been second nature for him, and perhaps, that is what makes him happy and confident. i know he has fears and worries too, but he has wisdom, and like what he said before, he's got a good support system.
he's not perfect for sure, but this is the man i stan. i'm proud of him and i'm so thankful that i get to know and be a fan of him in this lifetime.
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Oh I'm fucking proud of him. This is what you call being humble. It feels so good being a jimin stan. At least we don't have to run for our lives to defend our fave's arrogant ass.
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misslauwie · 1 year
The way Jimin loves and engulfs his members in his love...
Today I want to talk more about this. I think this has not been talked enough.
It was a sad day when uri sunshine left for the military. & I kept thinking the one who will be missing uri sunshine a lot is our very own Jiminie. Our Jiminie who had been roomate with Jhope for almost a decade.
Both have been equally supportive of each other. Jimin flew over and made time to visit Jhope for Loolapaloza. JHope accompanying Jimin on his Dior show. And the haters from both stans saying that they tried to take each other spot light can reflect on the meaning of friendship. I admit I was a bit ticked when I saw the twitterfuck following Dior show saying that the crowd was for Jhope and not Jimin. But the twitterfuck that followed where Jimin stan tried to shame Jhope by comparing crowds during Hermes and LV shows just made me cringe. I started going around and twitting if you are Jimin stans than this narrartive is putting shame to Jimin's name because Jimin is the epitome of love. Be a good human like Jimin always wears on his shirt.
And remember the members know whats going on in SNS. And Jimin came on weverse a day after thanking Jhope for being there with him and thus making him less nervous. I think its meant to put an end to the toxic narrative of Jhope trying to take spotlight away from Jimin during Dior show. & this is why I am less than happy when another member (who may not be name) is less supportive on SNS. I know Jin said that when you doesnt see it on SNS doesnt mean that they havent express their support towards each other. But as idols and adults they should know sometimes twitterville can get nasty as hell. And some neutralizing post can alleviate some of the toxicity. But maybe not. But then again Jimin is always the standard for me so its not others fault if they fail to meet the Jimin's standard.
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Even his band leader stated many times that Jimin is best at giving support towards his fellows without the green monster peeking in.
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And Jimin isnt the type to lie down and let the members walk all over him. He may in early days but he can assert himself and ask for affirmation from his members when he need it.
I think Jimin's own value also shines in the way that he never made other people a competition. But he made himself a competition. He always said I want to become better than I am now and thats why I need to practice. He always says he himself is his role model.
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Living over 3 decades now I can tell you the way to get out of a rut or a downward spiral where you feel you are always lacking esp against others is to get moving... to get off your feet... do the 10000 hours you want to be good at like Malcolm Gladwell book. Even TxT members praised Jimin for his work ethics where he always saw Jimin practice. Heck even Yoongi said if hard work is a type of talent then Jimin himself is a genius. I am somehow reminded of an anime where you have 2 main characters; one born with innate talent and one born with grit. And when the tough gets tougher, the one born with grit may overcome challenges that the one with innate talent cant. Just because their mental strength is superior as nothing comes easy for them. And I think this applies to Jimin in spade.
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So its never a surprise to me that Jimin is always overflowing with love and how supportive he is towards his members' works. I am convinced even though some members may not express it through SNS that they are equally happy and proud of Jimin's achievements. After all they went through hell and back together. They overcame the system together. For a while it was them against the world.
All these stuff Im sprouting is to underline, highlight and put in bold letter on how Jimin loves. And its oh so beautiful for me.
And this comes through beautifully through the hug he gave Jhope when he sent Jhope off.
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He engulfed his brother Jhope in his warm embrace. If you watch the video, you will see that Jhope was equally moved in the hug. He closed his eyes, also tilted his head for a moment towards Jimin's neck and softly hug Jimin back. But God forbid him to stay and savor the moment after all there are under watch and was recorded.
I really dont want to compare Jhope hugs with the other members but sorry I cant help it. And I might get hates here but its my blog so if you dont like it you all can take a hike.
Jhope closed his eyes as well when hugging Yoongi and RM. But the one where I can see he had to take a moment and soaked it in with all the overflowing feelings was when Jimin hug him. A testimony of how move Jhope was when Jimin hug him was ... when JK started patting Jhope as if saying "its going to be ok, I will take care of your mochi baby in your stead." Call me delulu but thats how I saw that moment.
And for those whom are jealous of the moments that the members had during the sent off. Saying that its workplace harrasment when Jimin violently playfully hug JK. Its actually making me pity you. My love language is physical touch. And how you are missing out that it is Jimin love language without any sexual connotation is just pure loss. Physical touch is reassuring. Human need physical touch to florish. Im sure there is a scientific study on this. Just couldnt be bother to put the link up. Google it yourself.
I will end this post with:
I sincerely hope I can meet a Jimin in my life. a friend like Jimin in your life can take you places.
and you gotta wonder if he is your other half. He might gives you the world.
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