#a game you have to play when you know you're emotionally ready for it!
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*waves* Hi there -- to save people's dashes I'm initiating readmore times, because holy shit did this get long fast XD
Ah, so you like yeeting the characters from their own world into another, like most LiveJournal/Dreamwidth RP games I’ve participated in. XD Nothing wrong with that, it’s a venerable tradition, and one I quite enjoy as well. Valicer In The Dark just works best if everyone is native to the timeline...though I do enjoy yeeting the trio from that into OTHER worlds so people can react to just how fucked up their native world is (short form, sun blew up and afterlife broke 850 years ago so everyone lives in eternal night with ghosts everywhere). XD And I see – I’ve had plenty of AUs like that, where it ends up just being a few scraps of an idea. Maybe one day the Sanitized Cephalopocalypse shall come into the spotlight, but it is not this day. :p
*pats* Trust me, I feel that. *stares at the growing list of scores and such for my Valicer In The Dark verse* Like, brain, not only are there only so many hours in the day, but I’m working on other stuff too… *sigh* Hopefully you get some time to get to work on it soon enough! And huh, had no idea there was a manga (though I guess I’m not actually surprised, given I understand it’s a pretty popular game...sorry to hear that it’s apparently not very good, or at least the main plotline isn’t). *snrk* Yeah, you murder that canon – if you’re having fun, who cares, and I, a person who has never played Splatoon and is very unlikely ever to because I don’t like multiplayer games, isn’t going to be able to tell the difference. :p Though I did know the whole thing about humanity going extinct in those games – so yeah, I can imagine there’s going to be a lot of “wow, humans!” among the inklings, who are otherwise just vibing. Unlike everyone else in this universe. XD
Ooooh~ :D How interesting – so it sounds like there are going to be some shenanigans with Wonderland and Headspace and their potential connection to dreams/the afterlife. Though I feel a bit bad for that character who had their world forced on them – that’s never fun. And ooooh, cool! We do love a good spirit design. (LOL, I see – and yeah, honestly, if you’re doing the Liddell sisters as anthropomorphic animals, they HAVE to be cats of some description. Just like Victor would have to be a dog in my head)
It is fascinating culture clash times, isn’t it? And yeah, you know what, that’s fair, I do put them through a lot of shit. (I mean, Alice’s shit is mostly just the same shit she got in canon, but Victor definitely gets extra bullshit.) And TELL me about it, I’d love for there to be a 2024 that doesn’t suck and where everybody could just get along and be happy, human and nonhuman and other (for the most part, since dumb shit causing conflict is ALWAYS gonna happen). I would HOPE cake and candy would be cheaper for them, but I honestly have no idea how current prices would compare to the 1870s anymore. Though I hear you on going down the research rabbit hole – I used to have so many various Victorian trivia websites bookmarked when I was writing the Forgotten Vows Verse. XD We do love our shipping goodness… And LOL, I see – so, basically, the portion of Whitechapel that Victor and Alice spend most of their time in doesn’t notice anything’s up until at least a few months in, and then they realize what’s going on, and – well. It’s not like they didn’t have ENOUGH to deal with before discovering that huge chunks of different worlds have been suddenly thrown together through unknown means. XD Like, Alice is like “I really wish this WAS just a hallucination of mine, because then I’d know I could get back to the real world at SOME point.” XD And yeah, I imagine that’s easier for everyone than in the Time Travel AU (and I’m sure they’d love to meet the dork!)
Ahhhh, I see – so they’re being thrown around to help fix different worlds, or at least help people in those worlds? Well, you think the universe would be kind enough to give them a head’s-up on what they’ll be investigating. *shakehead* Poor kiddos… And I see – well, at least Manami doesn’t have to worry about the fighting and death, usually? I mean, granted, I don’t think she’s gonna be wild about this assignment, especially when it comes out what Bumby’s been doing, but still. She can leave any fighting up to Alice in Wonderland. (And Victor punching out Jack Splatter.)
Oh, I know a bit about Okami! I’m pretty sure a guy I used to watch for his video game LPs did a LP of that game once! And Victor had some nice interactions with some Ammys over on Dreamwidth back when I did RP over there. :) Not really familiar with Okamiden other than it stars adorable puppy kiddo. :p But ah, okay, I see – well, okay, I’m not sure I DO see, but I get that we have two sisters and one not-brother thanks to time anomaly weirdness, and they all have special supernatural powers but not necessarily the ones that they’re supposed to have. (I do not blame Manami for NOT wanting to tell anyone about her very powerful pyrokinesis, ESPECIALLY Alice. I feel like this would be an EXCEEDINGLY bad idea, at least at first. Alice would need some time to get used to the idea, and would probably STRONGLY PREFER Manami never use it in front of her if possible.) And LOL, maybe – I know he has the spell for seeing magical auras, and if he used that on her, it would probably be a “WTF ARE YOU” moment, since her magic would be SO DIFFERENT from what he knows. XD
*snrk* I mean, I’m sure there’s only so much the guy can do, given that his magical experience cannot help her particular brand of supernatural weirdness. And I see, interesting… (sounds like it’s time to go look this sucker back up – you want all the info you can on fae-like creatures!) And that’s good! I mean, I don’t know if he will appreciate having such an important role, since, again, this is entirely new supernatural weirdness for him, but still. XD (And ooooh, well then – sounds like they’re going to be doing some fighting of dangerous mental creatures. Strength in numbers is always a plus there!)
Oh come on, purple is my favorite color! Why were so many Victorian paints and dyes and whatnot made with damn arsenic?! (Because they didn’t realize that arsenic was dangerous even if you weren’t eating it *sigh*) I’m not sure if it would be popular in Burtonsville because they seem to be allergic to color in general, but I guess the original form would be dark enough for their gloomy sensibilities… (And don’t say stuff like that, because then it puts the idea in my head XD I shall spare him the purple wallpaper, but maybe Nell has a fancy purple dress she brings out for special occasions…) Hopefully his tie is not murdering him every time he plays with it! Seriously, Victorians, can you not poison yourselves for the sake of color… And I can’t say I blame her! I wouldn’t want to touch anything from the Victorian era either at this point! (Though yes, gotta take some risks when it comes to keeping Bumby from being all Bumby at her friends. That guy is worse news than arsenic.)
Awww, good – they need a kind person in their lives. And yeah, unfortunately that kind of closeness wouldn’t exactly be tolerated in the time and location that they all find themselves in! Not to mention Alice isn’t really into being touched by anyone she doesn’t know very well… (though AFTER making friends, she’d be at least a little more open to hugs.) And oof, hmmm, concerning…
Oh, I’m pretty sure Victor had a lot more than one moment of going red if Manami is as pretty as you say she is. XD But yes, Alice is definitely going to be the one having the most crises as she tries to figure out what the fuck these new feelings are that she’s having for this impulsive-yet-kindhearted new woman in their lives. XD Good to have an idea what Manami and her siblings look like anyway! Sounds like they’ve all got really cool-looking eyes too, even if two of them don’t have the “standard” eye color for their family type. (Nothing wrong with a pretty teal, and thanks to Smiler I am a pretty big fan of yellow, soooo…)
Oh Manami – though honestly, Alice would totally sympathize with/get Manami ending up in a dissociative state from ADHD, given her own brain problems (even if hers are a different flavor from Manami’s). And she’d probably be interested in the fidget cube – Victor too, if he spotted her with it. I suspect he might actually like those kinds of toys – keep his hands away from his tie. :p And I seeeee – sounds like Manami has some learning to do if she wants to see Cheshire and the others! But Alice appreciates the support no matter what. :)
Which Victor also appreciates! It’s nice to have more people believe him about Emily. (And LOL, I bet, though I suspect Victor would actually rather like that song. XD It’s a bit of fun, isn’t it?) And awww, I see… Butterflies do seem to be associated a lot with death and rebirth and all that, huh? (And I’m not surprised if you have a spirit form for a certain older sister…)
*snrrrk* Well, to be fair, Fixxler is playing up being “weird” and “foreign” in order to get more sales. He’s more normal than he lets on. XD And yeah, she’s trying her best.
Ooooh, oh boy...well, I mean, I get why she would be very reluctant to bring up that the person she considers her soulmate isn’t human, that’s a hell of a thing to admit. And probably wouldn’t be taken well by a decent number of people. :( But if anything poly happens, she’s gonna have to bring it up sometime. Not the kind of secret you can keep from people you are now potentially going to be romantically involved with! Hopefully they can all work their way through the revelation if and when it becomes relevant.
LOL, oh dear – I imagine he’d do his BEST to keep up with her, but – well. He’s not the highest-energy person, and while he appreciates her enthusiasm about music...some of it just isn’t for him. XD And yeah, I can bet – Victor isn’t so great at that kind of multitasking! (And damn, yeah, I’m sure they LOVE having someone else to entertain the kids around so they can get on with their own shit! Sounds like she’s very well-versed at handling potentially-unruly children too, good for her.) And good, yes, Alice needs that patience. Though Alice WOULD be rather confused by that response, being like ??? Which would probably lead to more shenanigans. :P
Damn, Sunny, you definitely have your own fair share of fucked-up shit in your head, don’t you? Poor kid indeed. . . *will pat him if he’s okay with that* And LOL, yeah, I can understand that – she’s used to the nonsense, basically! And awww, I see – well, I’m glad Victor’s drawings don’t freak her out! Victor would be very sad and apologetic if they did. And good, yes, I am all in favor of her messing with that asshole (she’s completely right about rats, rats are good animals, unlike Bumby) and turning his own bullshit around on him. I’m sure Bumby will in turn make it his personal mission to break her so she stops screwing with him, but, uh, good luck to him. Kick his ass, Manami! Physically, verbally, mentally, I don’t care, just make sure he doesn’t get to you. (And I am PERFECTLY FINE with that – non-con is not my thing either, really, and I actually was really hoping to AVOID the whole Thirteen situation when I FIRST came up with this verse. I just realized it wasn’t realistic and thus tried to make sure Victor’s torment was kept to as short a period as possible. :( Yes, let the mind-jumping happen in different ways for different purposes, instead of Victor dealing with massive trauma!)
Oh, wow, that would just make Fixxler feel even more like he’s out of his depth. XD Like, he’d be FASCINATED, but also “I really don’t think I can help you much here.” XD But honestly, it’s probably good that she tries her hardest to not muck up the timeline, we want time travelers to be careful. But it sounds like the time situation is pretty weird already. O.o
*snrrk* We’re all disappointed about the lack of flying cars (though, as someone who has to drive on a regular basis, I don’t think I’d trust the average motorist WITH a flying car, honestly. Ground-based cars are dangerous enough!)
Hah, I see – well, sounds like she’s making some sweet dosh off it, at least. XD And I think Doc and Marty would look at each other and nod in response to that, given some of the nonsense THEY’VE gone through. XD
I knoooow – see my previous complaints about my brain refusing to stop giving me ideas about the Valicer In The Dark verse. *bonks head against desk* And yeah, not having the time to write stuff down is the worst. I’ve been doing my best, but...again, hope things are a little less hectic for you now!
Helo yes, I just want to say that I found your Forgotten Vows verse again, and also your Secundus verse, because of @thesatiricaldemon 's "Beneath A Broken Sky" and all I have to say is:
... how dare you both, now I have two AU fic ideas that sprouted from them because of inspiration! [Positive] (Actually three, but that one is just an afterthought)
*snrrrk* How very dare we XD But hey, I'm glad that both my fics and SatiricalDemon's have been inspiring to you! Love to know more about what percolating in your head! (And hey, don't dismiss that "afterthought" idea -- my ORIGINAL idea for an Alice: Madness Returns / Corpse Bride crossover after the release of the former was for them to meet after Alice killed Dr. Bumby and Victor had gone through both the "corpse bride" incident and its aftermath, but while I was sorting out that, I had a stray thought of "but what if Victor's parents hadn't believed him and instead sent him to Dr. Bumby to force him to forget the whole thing...and we see where THAT ended up. XD)
#magicalcaffeine#magical-caffeine#ask#finding you Valice AUs#ah the wonders of school#I get having no time for shit trust me#8:30 to 4:30 job here Monday through Friday usually#and lately I've been dealing with PMS and period brain sooo#plus like you I wanted to respond to everything as best I could and#well it took me a while to get through the actual reply XD#and LOL I see#well I'm glad that you still love Spiritfarer so#we all need to have a thing we are utterly obsessed with and hold close in our hearts#and yeah Spiritfarer sounds like a game that is full of The Feels#a game you have to play when you know you're emotionally ready for it!
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Hello Dandy's World fans.

I've recently been playing the game on Roblox with my friends and sibling, and it's been a ton of fun! Sure, I'm horrible at it, but it's the thought that counts ig.
And don't worry, I draw normal things too.

Like these things.

But it's mostly angst and unhinged things lol.
Below is a silly goofy Shiny Shrimp (that's the ship name I made up for Glisten x Shrimpo lol) AU that's just angst and tragedy and bullying Shrimpo emotionally lol:
OKAY SO CONTEXT: I thought it would be funny if Shrimpo had to keep Glisten company while exploring the floors but was also the one to witness his change into his full twisted form and almost die lol.
SO, I'd imagine it going down like this.
Basically, during one of the missions below, Glisten doesn't make it to the elevator in time. Shrimpo gets wind of this and gets very pissed. Despite everyone's protests, Shrimpo decides to join on of their runs to gain iquor, but mostly to fine Glisten.
And boy does he find him and all his shattered face glory.

Glisten: "Shrimpo!?" Shrimpo: "G-Glisten?" Glisten: "I knew you'd come back for me!"
Shrimpo attempts to leave the situation, seeing that Glisten is indeed twisted, despite Glisten's insistence that he is not. As Shrimpo tries to leave, Glisten gets more attached, constantly asking Shrimpo to not leave and to stay with him. Another person in the party (haven't decided who yet), tells Shrimpo to stay with Glisten and keep him company until all the machines are done. Shrimpo reluctantly agrees (and says "I HATE YOU" a couple times) and spends the rest of the round with Glisten.
However, the whole time Shrimpo's trying not to get attached because deep down, he knows it's too late for Glisten.
At the end of the round, everyone is called to go to the elevator. Shrimpo goes to leave. Glisten tries to block him off. Shimpo forces his way through. Glisten gets pissed and rips off his ribbons in anger, letting the infection take over his whole body. As Glisten's shifting, Shrimpo grabs one of his discarded ribbon pieces and beelines it to the elevator (as fast as Shrimpo can run). However, it is not fast enough, and Glisten easily catches up. He knocked over Shrimpo and lunges at him, ready take him out.
That's when Goob comes in. While everyone is trying to get the elevator to close faster, Goob grabs Shrimpo from below Glisten and pulls him into the elevator. Glisten hits the floor and breaks his face even more. As he gets up, he shouts at Shrimpo, who is shaking in Goob's arms watch Glisten break down.

Then, the doors close. Glisten is gone, and Shrimpo is angry and traumatized. How fun.
Shrimpo does not do well after the whole incident. He is much more reserved, but still just as angry. Except to Goob. Goob saving him gave Shrimpo a soft spot for the guy. Also, Goob let's Shrimpo vent to him like the supportive icon he is.

Shrimpo: I think I miss my partner, Goob.
But he's not the only toon Shrimpo talks to.

Vee: "Geez. This crying is ruining your "tough guy" persona."
My sibling gave me the silly idea to have Shrimpo and Vee be "friends" in this bc Shrimp hates Dandy waaaaaaaaaay more after the Glisten incident. And Vee hates Dandy in general, so boom, situation friendship. However, Vee sucks at being a supportive friend.

And some silly stuff my friends requested. Shrimpo chucking Dandy into the stratosphere and Goob being Goob. Healing the world one crappy doodle at a time.
Thank you for looking at the dooles and mindless rant of a grown adult about a Roblox horror game for 9-year-olds. You're a real one. Have a good day broksies.
#mmmmmmmmm i love shipping characters who hate each other#dandys world#dandy's world fanart#dandys world fanart#roblox#roblox dandys world#shrimpo#glisten#twisted glisten#razzle and dazzle#rodger#teagen#goob#finn#vee#dandy's world shrimpo#dandy's world glisten#dandy's world goob#dandy's world vee#dandy's world rodger#dandy's world teagen#dandy's world razzle and dazzle#dandy's world finn#dandy's world au#glisten x shrimpo#shrimpo x glisten#shiny shrimp#doodles#katiekatdragon27
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in ur last svt post (which made me fold btw) you mentioned you love doing bf thoughts (and we love reading them!!) so i’m gonna be the one to do it… any dirty bf!wonwoo headcanons sweetie? 🫣
not me dropping two wonwoo asks in one day like i’m not hansol biased i’m gonna run away 🏃♀️ he’s so husband material tho (getting back into my svt phase is fun 🙂↕️)
lmaoo honestly it's valid being whipped for wonwoo, i am too even though i'm a seokmin and chan girlie (hansol is coming at me these days though...)
BF!WONWOO who's a silent lover, but who loves you so much that everyone can see who smitten by you he is.
another member of seventeen that i think is a very good listener. wonwoo is always ready to listen to you when you need to talk, be that because something funny happened to you or because you had a bad day. and he's also really good at giving you advice when you have a problem. he strikes me as someone who's emotionally smart, so it isn't difficult for him to know that you're sad without you having to tell hims. sometimes he'll notice that you're not doing well and he will prepare you a little snack and deliver it with a kiss and a sweet "i love you, i'm here if you need to talk." that almost makes you tear up from how caring he is. also, wonwoo's hugs must feel incredibly good, like being engulfed in a warm bubble of love that's so soothing you immediately relax in his embrace. you could literally spend your whole life hugging him because it's genuinely the best feeling in the world.
"it's okay darling, i'm here now. everything is going to be alright."
wonwoo would love to play video games with you. it's good if you are already into it, but it would be even better if you don't because he would love to teach you how to play his favourite games. he would even use it as an excuse to make you sit on his lap while he's trying to show you how to play. from there, you would often play together, but it's also not rare for you to simply sit in wonwoo's lap and watch him play, or take a nap there, lulled to sleep by his breathing and heartbeat. one of his favourite ways to spend a date night at home with you is playing board games. you'd pick out one or two games together, make yourself some tea and prepare snacks and then you'll spend your night playing together. the members often joke about how the two of you are like an old couple but you don't care because what matters is that you're having fun during these game nights. also, wonwoo loves to just stay at home with you, all cozy in your matching pajamas and getting to see you all relaxed. he obviously loves it when you're dressing up when the two of you are going out, but you're the most beautiful to him with only a big beautiful smile on your face.
"let's just watch a movie tonight, i don't want to see other people, only you."
he's adamant on reminding you of how beautiful you are every single day. and that's the way he says it that makes you blush - like it's the most natural thing ever and that it's obvious. however, when it's your turn to praise wonwoo, he gets shy and bashful, and you literally have to fight him to get him to accept the compliment. but wonwoo loves your insistence on adoring him and he loves the attention - he's down bad for you, but it's good to know that you're down bad for him as well. he would often take photos of you without you noticing when he thinks you look particularly pretty. he won't show these pictures to you, but he has folder of them on his phone and on his computer too, and he looks at them when he's away from you and that he misses you. wonwoo would put all these secret photos into a pretty album he made and decorated himself, and he would gift it to you for your anniversary. overall, he would gift you a lot of mindful things like these, and you keep all of them in a little box under your bed.
"when did you take this one nonu ?" - "when we went to the botanical garden, you were so pretty that day."
BF!WONWOO who's a service top and who loves to please you, but who can also get a little bit mean when he wants to.
wonwoo definitely loves cockwarming with you. when you sit on his lap while he's playing video games, it's not impossible that he'll end up pushing your panties to the side and slipping his cock inside of you, not moving at all. he just loves the intimacy of it, how much you trust him and relax into his touch immediately. but it's impossible to not get hard when your pussy feels this wet and this warm, nor when you're sometimes clenching around him. wonwoo usually gives up pretty quickly, because he loves the feeling as much as you. most of the time, he would grip your hips and help you drop down on his cock slowly until the both of you cum. but when he's feeling more needy, he would bend you over his desk and fuck you rough from behind until you're screaming his name. but sometimes, you can stay like this for a long time, even managing to fall asleep because it feels so warm and safe to be so close to him. it's the way you feel so comfortable around him that gets him going mostly.
"just sit on my cock for while baby, then i'll fuck you, okay ?"
overall, wonwoo just loves to please you in every way he can. he's inflexible about foreplay because he loves to have you cumming at least once before he fucks you - his girl should get as much orgasms as possible because you only deserve the best. he woul often keep his glasses on while eating you out, because even if it's the most comfortable for him, he knows how crazy you go when he looks up at you through the fogged lenses and how hot you think he is when he has them on. wonwoo prefers positions where he can see your face as he fucks you, so missionary is a must with him. he loves to see your face contort when you're close to the edge, and he loves to watch you as he brings you to your orgasm - your pretty expressions and the sounds you make often enough to trigger his own release. again, he loves how close he can be to you in this position, chest and forehead pressed against each other's, whispering praises and love confessions against your lips while he ruts his hips into you deep.
"you're so pretty darling… so fucking pretty like this."
despite him being very romantic, he also knows how much you like it when he shows you how strong he is. wonwoo would definitely manhandle you into bending over for him if that's what you want - and he's not gonna lie by saying that he doesn't like it when you become all putty in his hands because he's holding your hands firmly behind your back. it's quite good for his ego too to hear you gush about how attractive he is, how hot his strength and his muscles are. wonwoo also uses it to his advantage when you've been a little tease or that he's frustrated. all these hours spent at the gym are worth it when it allows him to hold you down against the mattress while he pounds into you until you're crying out his name and that tears are running down your face. of course, he's always mindful of any signs of discomfort when he's rougher, but you both love it when wonwoo doesn't hold back and ruins you. it feels rewarding to know that he can make his girl scream his name so loud that the neighbors complain the next day.
"i'm not gonna let you go until you're dripping baby, i need to have you again."
#the wonwoo brainrot is real#eli answering your questions#eli's moots#dinna's asks#seventeen x reader#seventeen smut#seventeen hard hours#seventeen hard thoughts#wonwoo x reader#wonwoo smut#wonwoo hard hours#wonwoo hard thoughts#jeon wonwoo
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sfw alphabet | jake sim (en-)

୨ৎ : synopsis : sfw a-z alphabet for sim jaeyun
୨ৎ : word count : 1131
୨ৎ masterlist ୨ৎ
(a/n) : don't forget to like & reblog !! my requests are open!
a ⤖ affection (how affectionate is he? how often does he show affection?)
jake's affection is like a ray of sunshine
he's warm, consistent, and genuinely impossible to ignore
he always finds ways to make you feel loved
whether its random hugs, cheeky texts, or just holding your hand because he can't stand being apart from you
b ⤖ beginning (what would he be like as a bsf; how would the friendship start?)
definitely meet a random group hangout back when he was in school and ever since then you guys have been in touch
he'd be the one to randomly spark up a conversation about something completely irrelevant
next thing you know, you're sending each other memes at 3 in the morning
c ⤖ cuddles (does he like to cuddle; how would he cuddle?)
jake would be the ultimate cuddle enthusiast
he’d pull you into his arms without hesitation, burying his face in your shoulder or hair
expect lazy afternoons with him playing with your fingers or tracing shapes on your back
d ⤖ domestic (does he want to settle down; how good is he at cooking and cleaning?)
jake dreams of building a cozy life with someone special but also thrives in chaos
his cleaning skills are solid—he hates messes—but his cooking?
let’s just say he’d need a lot of practice.
e ⤖ ending (if he had to break up with you; how would he do it?)
he’d be heartbroken but incredibly respectful
he’d sit you down, look you straight in the eye, and explain everything while making sure you know how much he still cares about you, even if things can’t work out
f ⤖ fiance (how does he feel about commitment; would he want to get married quick?)
he’s 100% down for commitment but wouldn’t rush into marriage
he’d want to enjoy every moment of being with you before taking the next step
when he’s ready, though, he’d make it unforgettable.
g ⤖ gentle (how gentle is he; emotionally + physically?)
jake is the definition of soft
he’d be the type to hold you like you’re made of glass and talk to you like your feelings are the most important thing in the world
because to him, they are
h ⤖ hugs (does he likes hugs; how often does he hug you; what are his hugs like?)
hugs are his favorite love language
he’d hug you every chance he gets—quick ones when he’s excited, long ones when you’re upset, and every hug in between
they’re always warm, tight, and full of love.
i ⤖ i love you (how fast does he say he loves you?)
he wouldn’t rush it
he’d wait for the perfect moment, like when you’re laughing so hard your stomach hurts, and he realizes just how much you mean to him
j ⤖ jealousy (how jealous does he get; what does he do when he is jealous?)
he’s pretty chill, but if someone flirts with you, his protective side comes out
he’d casually wrap an arm around you or flash a smug smile, silently claiming his place by your side
k ⤖ kisses (what are his kisses like; where does he like to kiss you; where does he like to be kissed?)
his kisses are playful and sweet, with just the right amount of passion
he’d love kissing your cheeks and forehead because it’s so intimate
as for him, he’d secretly melt when you kiss his nose or jawline.
l ⤖ little ones (how is he around children?)
he’s a natural with kids
they’d adore his goofy energy, and he’d happily spend hours playing games or telling them silly jokes
m ⤖ morning (how are mornings spent with him?)
mornings with jake would be chaotic but fun
expect him to sleepily mumble jokes, mess up breakfast while trying to impress you
and also pull you back into bed “for five more minutes.”
n ⤖ night (how are nights spent with him?)
nights would be full of random conversations about life, movie marathons, and low-key karaoke sessions
he’d end the night by holding you close, whispering random thoughts until you fall asleep
o ⤖ open (when would he open up; does he say everything at once or does he wait to reveal himself?)
he’d open up in bits and pieces, trusting you more with each passing moment
late-night chats would be when he spills his deepest thoughts and feelings
p ⤖ patience (how easily angered is he?)
he’s super patient and doesn’t get angry easily
if something bothers him, he’d try to talk it out calmly rather than letting it build up
q ⤖ quizzes (how much would he remember about you; does he remember every little detail; or is he forgetful?)
he’d remember everything
your favorite snacks, that random fact you told him weeks ago, even the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you love
r ⤖ remember (what is his favorite moment in the relationship?)
his favorite moment would probably be the first time you did something completely unfiltered and goofy around him
it’d be the moment he realized he could be 100% himself with you
s ⤖ security (how protective is he; how does he protect you; how would he like to be protected?)
he’s low-key protective, always keeping an eye out for you
he’d walk on the traffic side of the sidewalk or hold your hand in crowded spaces
he’d appreciate you checking in on him emotionally
t ⤖ try (how much effort does he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
jake is the king of thoughtful gestures
dates would be creative, gifts meaningful, and he’d always find ways to make even the simplest days feel special
u ⤖ ugly (what are some of his bad habits?)
he might overthink things and occasionally doubt himself, but he’s working on it
he also has a tendency to procrastinate
but he always pulls through in the end
v ⤖ vanity (how concerned is he with his looks?)
he takes care of himself and likes to look good, but he’s not overly vain
he just wants to feel confident and presentable
w ⤖ whole (would he feel incomplete without you?)
he values his independence
however you’d become such an important part of his life that he’d feel a little lost without you
x ⤖ xtra (random headcanon for him)
he’d send you voice notes of him singing random songs he heard during the day, just because he thinks you’d like them
y ⤖ yuck (what are some things he wouldn't like; in general or in a partner?)
he wouldn’t vibe with dishonesty, arrogance, or people who don’t respect others
in a partner, he’d value honesty, kindness, and a good sense of humor
z ⤖ zzz (what are his sleeping habits?)
jake would knock out fast but be super clingy in his sleep, wrapping himself around you like a koala
he might also talk in his sleep, mumbling things that’d make you laugh or swoon
2021-2024 © jungwnies on tumblr | All rights reserved. Do not repost, plagiarize, or translate.
#enhypen imagines#enhypen reactions#enhypen scenarios#enhypen fanfic#enhypen fluff#enhypen angst#enhypen x reader#enhypen oneshot#jake imagines#jake oneshot#jake reactions#jake fluff#jake angst#jake fanfic#jake x reader#kflixnet#ficscafe#enhypen#enhypen jake#jake scenarios#sim jake imagines#jakehours#𐐪♡︎₊˚ ― jungwnies#jungwnies
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needy | jack hughes
pairing; jh86 x fem!reader
warning(s); fluff, established relationship, idk what else, smidge of angst (?), lowercase intended, not rlly edited.
word count; 1.1k
summary; jack comes home from a five game road trip
"can you please come to bed?" jack whines from across the hall, interrupting your concentration.
pausing the outline you were currently writing, you let out a deep sigh. "just a few more minutes, j."
you hear stumbling across the floor, and in moments jack is leaning against the doorframe, wrapped in a burrito blanket you got for your birthday last year.
his hair has gotten longer since that last time you’ve seen him, messily resting past his ears and down his neck.
"you said that ten minutes ago."
you look up, and meet jacks pleading gaze. "you look tired, love. why don't you try and get some sleep?"
it was a little after one am, you were growing tired, and you knew he was too.
he rolls his eyes at you. "i miss you. didn't you miss me, when i was gone?"
removing your glasses, you rubbed at your eyes with your palms, trying to rid the looming tiredness.
of course you missed him, you always did, but you had inventory at work on monday and an important deadline coming up, you couldn't just drop everything because he was home. you had a life without him, too.
"of course i missed you, jack. i just need a little bit more time to work without you bothering me every five minutes, please." you knew the moment you said it, that you shouldn't have.
jack's eyes widen momentarily, as if he can't believe the words that just came out of your mouth.
jack is normally needy, roadie's aside. that was actually one of the first things that made you fall in love with him, his constant need to show you how much he valued and cared about you.
your family is emotionally distant, you've only hugged your dad maybe five times in your life, and you don't think you've ever heard him say i love you to your mom.
jack said it everyday, multiple times a day. leaving to go to practice, "i love you". ending every phone call "i love you". you made him dinner, "i love you"
you had yet to say it back to him.
there was a time you wanted to, but then it passed, and now every time you think about saying it, it just feels forced.
jack hasn’t taken offense that you haven’t said it yet, he knows how you are with this sort of thing.
‘whenever your ready’ he says.
"sure, yeah. sorry for bothering you." jack turns on his heels, not giving you a chance to respond.
the door closes quietly, echoing throughout the quiet apartment.
you sit in silence, your brain not quite processing what had just happened.
you figured you might as well finish your work, then call it a night. you plugged your headphones in and chose a random spotify playlist to work to.
it's about two hours later when you finally give in and close your macbook with a curse under your breath.
shutting the lamp off, you make your way to your bedroom, opening to door quietly as you're unsure if jack is awake or not. part of you hopes he is awake, so you can form some sort of apology.
hockey plays quietly on the tv, while jack is laying down, his body turned towards the window, light snores escaping him.
you go to the bathroom and brush your teeth, too tired to bother with your skincare routine tonight.
stripping out of your day clothes, you throw on one of jacks t-shirts that he's left, and join him in bed. you spared one last look at your boyfriend, before turning the tv off.
turning so your back is facing his, you shut your eyes, and try and force yourself to sleep.
after hours of tossing and turning, you glance at the clock to see that only about 45 minutes has passed since you last checked the time.
turning back to jack, you shook his shoulder. "jack.. jack wake up."
groaning, he pushes your hand off him, turning to face you. "what time is it?"
"a little after three."
"oh.. did something happen? are you okay?" he gives you a concerned look, his face illuminated by the small nightlight in the corner.
"no, nothing happened."
his lips part in confusion. "i don't understand."
"fuck i just-i don't want you to be mad at me, okay?!"
jack jumps slightly at your outburst.
"i'm sorry." you add quickly, before he has a chance to speak.
jack avoids your gaze, seemingly unsure of what to say. "it's not-i should've just left you to your work."
you reach out, brushing stray fallen hair out of his eye line. "you know me, you know i'm not good with.. feelings. but im trying, for you. of course i miss you when your gone, maybe too much. that's why i'm always working, i guess. to distract when your not here."
jack watches you intently. the two of you have moved closer now, his hand palming small circles on your thigh.
"it makes it easier, to not have days off when all i can do is think about you."
"you can always facetime me, or text me when im on the road." he says.
"i know, i just-i don't wanna annoy you. and please don't say 'you could never annoy me' because i know that's not true." you tell him.
"i would love to hear more from you when i’m on the road. even if it's a text here and there, it'll be nice to know you're thinking about me."
you nod.
"and if, you start to annoy me, i'll let you know." he finishes.
you crack a smile. "okay."
jack pulls you into his side. "though, you could never annoy me, because i love you."
"me too." you say, out of habit, but you continue. "i love you, too.”
"you love me?" jack asks, his face, a mixture of adoration and awe.
"stop it." you mumble against his chest.
"i knew it." he's teasing.
"only cause' i just told you."
"luke told me."
you whip you head up to look at him. "when?!"
he laughs at your response. "not sure, maybe a few months ago."
your face contorts in confusion, then realization. "i’m never telling luke anything again."
you lay back down, wrapping your arms around him.
"you loooooove me."
"you're gonna sleep outside."
"you can't make someone you love sleep outside!"
mari speaks! emptying my drafts i guess. if this sucks—sorry, i just started seriously writing a few months ago, so any constructive criticism is always appreciated, thanks! 🙂
#jack hughes#jack hughes imagine#jack hughes imagines#jack hughes fluff#nj devils#new jersey devils#nhl#hockey#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes x you#jack hughes fic#jack hughes blurb
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tsunami - w. eklund
pairing: william eklund x reader | fluff, slight angst, a bit suggestive at the end | friends to lovers | wc: 3k+ | warnings: one of the main characters got cheated on in the past | namu's notes: i was WILLING to write a smut for this one but i'm struggling to do it, so i'll post it before ella reads the open ending (she might actually k*ll me). yeah, byeee!!
i'm going under storm, lightning, thunder i'm drowning in the deepest of truths fuck, i think i'm falling for you — tsunami, by niki zefanya
it happened during a gathering with your friends. well, they weren’t around at the time, some of them lost the game you played to decide who would run to the grocery store before the second period started. you and william were left alone in the living room, your legs over his lap on the couch, which he was mindless tracing his fingers on your skin. the commercial playing on tv was something about taking your lover to one of the most beautiful places on earth — valentine’s day was close by. the invitation got lost on the tip of your tongue, that’s when you realized.
"oh gosh."
"what?" he looked at you.
"i like you!"
"you what?"
"i think i'm falling in love with you!"
you were terrifyingly excited over something so sensitive, that’s why william kept his eyes on you, waiting for the laugh telling him it was a joke. but what he got was a shy giggle as you jumped off the couch, covering your face.
he knew you were aware of his issues with romantic feelings, he knew you were aware of his past relationship. what just happened?
“goodness, this is so fun! i know you're emotionally unavailable, don't worry,” you pointed.
"it’s not that— listen, you just confessed out of nowhere and it looks like i just proposed to you!"
"yes! i finally know how it feels! isn't it great?!"
william frowned, utterly confused by your reaction. he couldn’t get why you were so happy when you knew he didn’t feel the same. his first girlfriend was his first love back in sweden, but things got messy when he got drafted to the nhl. that was when her behavior started to make sense; how she kept on shaming him for being romantic, that he didn’t have to be so performative about his love — even in private. “that’s not the aura of a professional athlete, okay? you’re so charming, try being more cooler towards me, that’ll keep me interested,” she used to say. he was so blinded by his feelings for her that he didn’t realize how alarming that was. he molded his behavior to please her, just to be cheated on with a guy that was cooler than him, the ideal man to just have fun and enjoy popularity. william didn’t know he was molding himself to become a ladder. then when other women looking for fun started showing up in his life, he came to terms with the environment he would live in from that moment on.
“y/n, i’m not ready for this. we talked about it before."
"listen," you paused to look at the door, lowering your voice so you wouldn’t get caught by your friends. "it’s like an experiment."
"what the hell? what's that supposed to mean? you're scaring me." william put a hand over his chest.
you sat by his side once again, as ready as you would be for a business presentation.
"i want to experience this. i want to give you my feelings and enjoy this while i can. since you won't feel the same, i can easily get over you later."
"that's not how it works, dear."
"i will make it work."
william covered his face and groaned. damn, she’s adorable, he thought.
"please, please, please!" you begged. "this is such a big moment for me, you know i’ve never been in love before."
"and why would you like me?" he stared, making you gulp.
"i have a lot of nice things to tell you, but only if you agree. i'd never do something to make you uncomfortable."
the longest william pondered, the longest you scanned his face — and the need to kiss him all over was strong. he noticed when you got lost in your own thoughts and squinted, holding a smile to himself.
“alright, let’s do this.”
the touch of his hand on your cheek brought you back, making a radiant grin flash on your lips. you went to hug him, but stopped mid action, silently asking for permission. when he crossed his arms around your waist, everything made sense. the scent of his cologne was usually the one that got stuck on your clothes because not only you were always together, but william used to be the last one to hug you goodbye after taking you home. the warmth of his body was also responsible for everything you were feeling in that moment, which kind of hurt to think that you wouldn’t be able to be this close anymore without making it weird for him.
later, you got home and did your night routine, excited about your team’s win and for the realization about your feelings. william wasn’t allowed to take you home that night, “i might not be able to hold myself from kissing you, so let me get my uber in peace.” you didn’t realize how he had to turn around so you wouldn’t see him blush.
you: permission to be corny eky: sighs- permission granted you: i hope you show up in my dreams tonight, hopefully it won’t be weird i won’t tell you if it is eky: and if it’s sexy? you: do not flirt with a woman in love if you’re not willing to give her what she wants eky: my lips are sealed. you: i like them, btw eky: my lips? you: yeah, love when you smirk trying to pretend i’m not the funniest person you know and i love when you laugh out loud, even when i can hear from a distance i love how it makes your nose wrinkle, it’s adorable eky: i’m not adorable, but thank you you: you are to me i’m so excited to be cheeky when i notice all the things that made me feel like this eky: glad you’re having a good time you: sorry you don’t feel good about romance anymore, thank you for not being weird about me eky: it’s okay, you deserve to know how it feels i’ll try to be a great first love for you you: oh my heartbeat is speeding up right now, gotta blast eky: cute sweet dreams you: goodnight, eky
you took a long time to sleep, your racing thoughts didn’t give you a break. your mind kept replaying the events and planning everything for the next day. one of them was telling one of your closest friends, so she would prevent you from going crazy when necessary. the following days, you worked with a silly smile on your face, dismissing your colleagues that teased you about it. you spent some of your breaks writing love letters, giggling like a high school girl because of how exciting everything was. the butterflies on your stomach, the scenarios playing in your brain, the chills every time you thought about william’s touch. you allowed yourself to be delusional, to enjoy every sensation of pure joy that love delivered.
“how will he talk about other girls if he knows you like him? it’s not like he can keep acting normal,” lena said after you spilled what was going on.
“he already didn’t before, so.” you shrugged. “have you seen him with someone lately?”
“no, but that’s not the point. you want to enjoy the feeling of being in love, but you need to be realistic that it will hurt because it’s unrequited.”
“yeah, he’ll keep on living his life…”
“i love it for you, it’s such a beautiful feeling.” she held your hand. “i need you to be careful, don’t want you to be disappointed.”
“i get it, thank you for helping me back down a little,” you said, a tight smile on your lips. “i’ll be seeing him tonight, i’ll give him the love letters i wrote.”
“love letters?” she gasped and started laughing. “girl, you’re down bad!”
“i am!” you admitted, covering your face. “i’m wondering if this is considered some kind of love bombing because i’ll have to get into a lockdown at work for the next week.”
“well, depending on his reaction to your actions, he might show up at your door just to spend time with you,” she suggested. “you know eky is a romantic, he’s just been through a lot.”
“yeah, don’t want to scare him off,” you worried. “well, once last month i wasn’t responding enough so he showed up with groceries and nagged at me until i took a break.”
your friend squinted her eyes, suspicious.
“have you ever considered how comfortable eky is with you in comparison with the rest of us?”
“i didn’t, it’s just that i’m more of a touchy person, but he has other love languages with everybody.”
“i agree, i love my quality time with him, but i sense it’s so different from what i see between you two.”
“okay, don’t do this. i’m already struggling not to jump on him, i don’t want to think of the possibility of any truth in his flirting.”
“he flirts with you?!”
“yeah, well, he has these witty responses to my confessions. you know how cocky he can be.”
“y/n, my love, i need you to be so serious right now.”
“it’s enough that he’s letting me enjoy this first love thing, i won’t go further than that. period.”
“okay, okay. once again, be careful, but pay a little more attention. i might not be overreacting here.”
you arrived at william’s place with your heart in your sleeve. that could be a metaphor or simply all the words you wrote in those journal pages, mixed with cute doodles and printed pictures of you two. you were focusing on not being embarrassed when he opened the door. william looked like the cuddliest human being on earth, his soft cologne taking up your senses when he immediately hugged you.
“hey, dear. craving sushi tonight? it might be here at any moment.”
“sushi is nice,” you agreed, throwing yourself on his couch.
“how was work today?”
“pretty calm right now, to be honest. but we’ll be locking down for the next week to step up in the research of this new found element.”
“oh, are we talking about nasa classified shit?”
“no!” you burst out laughing. “it’s just that we need to have a lot ready for the seminar at the end of the month, so i’ll be working even at home.”
“got it. so i won’t be seeing you for a whole week?”
your eyes softened instantly.
“i think so. i don’t know how i can make it work, lena already said she’ll be texting every three hours to check if i’m taking care of myself.”
“well, i can do that in person. did that before, no?”
“yes, indeed. but what about the games?”
“i can’t accept that you won’t watch them, so i gotta show up and talk about each of them. i’ll be resting as well, so don’t worry about me.”
“okay, you know where the key is.” you smiled. “now tell me how you’re expecting the next matches.”
couple hours later, after you and william devoured the japanese food, he put on the highlights of a game you missed recently. he ended up as one of the top stars, skating around and scoring like he owned the opponent’s ice. at some point, though, your focus changed from the tv to his face, expressions immersed in every aspect of his story.
“i can’t stop looking at you, what the hell,” you muttered, regretting as soon as it came out.
“kinda creepy,” he teased.
“i know!” you admitted, averting your gaze. “i just like seeing you happy, that’s all.”
his eyebrows raised, william couldn’t hold back the grin hearing you be so forward with your words. he liked watching you be in love, although he still didn’t know how to deal with the fact that he was the one you were in love with.
the silence didn’t go unnoticed by you, which suddenly made you self conscious.
“too far?”
“hm?” william was brought back. “no, don’t worry.”
“now i’m thinking back on giving you the love letters i wrote.”
william gulped, turning his whole body towards you.
“you wrote me love letters?”
“you don’t have to read them, to be honest. it was good for me to reflect on what made me like you romantically when i already loved you as a friend.” unable to hold his gaze, you looked back to the tv now paused in a random player. “and it’s been kind of hard not to touch you like usual or feeling all the time that i’m making you uncomfortable or how you can’t talk to me about other women because you don’t want to hurt me.”
william held your hand, stopping your ramble.
“dear, look at me.” he touched your cheek. “i love you, alright? nothing’s changing that. i feel honored to be your first love, i don’t feel uncomfortable at all. and there’s no other women to talk about.”
you tilted your head and chuckled, making his hand drop from holding your cheek.
“thank you for reassuring me, eky.”
“well, there’s actually a woman that’s been writing me love letters and i still haven't had the chance to read them. i’ll update you when i do, though.”
you laughed, biting your lower lip to hold a gasp when you noticed he was closer than before, his other hand still holding yours. his warm touch was making you dizzy.
“i saw you sighing and licking your lips, dear. you’re not subtle at all,” he said, finding hilarious how he could watch you be a mess in front of him. he was loving every second of it.
“i wasn’t trying to be. i’m more focused on thinking of something else.”
“yeah? like what?”
“like how i’ll hide my spare key so you won’t actually see me for a week,” you whispered. “i need time away from your touch, ‘cause right now it feels like we both want the same thing.”
you noticed when his eyes quickly dropped to your lips, then back to your eyes.
“and what do you want right now?” he whispered back, a haze starting to grow in his eyes.
“i want to go home and hopefully not dream of you tonight,” you said, standing up mid sentence. it confused you to see william seemingly disappointed with your reaction. “this week will be good for us, i mean, i can’t wait to go back to normal.”
william hummed quietly, his body defeated against the couch’s backrest. he was exactly the opposite of you, his eyes wouldn’t leave you for a second.
“i’ll be counting the days ‘till i see you.”
his eyes went wide when your tone raised.
“the past week has been fun, but i’m starting to feel sorry for myself.” you bit the inside of your cheek. “i’m in love with you, that’s nice, now it’s time to start getting over it so i can be you dear friend again.”
william frowned, but no words came out of his mouth.
“i think i exposed myself enough, so i won’t give you the letters. i’ll take them as memories of a good time,” you decided, a smile tinged with sadness. “in the future, when it happens again, i’ll recognize it easily enough to do something about it sooner.”
“dear, i’m really sorry.”
“no, it’s my fault. i know what you went through, i know your reasons, that’s why it needs to stop now.” you nodded. “i don’t feel bad about liking you, though, it’s not that. i’m glad my heart made the right choice, it was just not the right timing.”
you got your purse and headed for the door. you heard a frustrated sound coming from him, but you didn’t look back.
“förbaskat, this is not fair,” he muttered, standing up to catch you before you opened the door. “y/n, wait.”
“i can’t stop myself from living a real love story just because someone else hurt me. i don’t know why my mind got so blurred when i know i’m happy with you, it’s freaking dumb to let you go when i feel the same.”
you didn’t dare to interrupt his train of thought — too shocked to do that, honestly.
“i want to read all your letters, to hear all your confessions, i want to write you my own as well, to tell you beautiful words even though they won’t be as poetic as yours. being loved by you is amazing, loving you is amazing. i don’t know how different it can be from what i already feel. i want you emotionally and physically, i want to be the one you're still in love in the future. so please don’t give up on me yet, let me try to be the boyfriend you deserve.”
william waited, almost out of breath. you just stared back at him, thoughts going crazy around your head.
“eky,” you whispered.
“yes, dear.”
“i have this need right now to kiss the hell out of you. all the touches i held the past week are tingling my skin for having you so close.”
“i can take you, baby. just say the word.”
your purse dropped to the floor, you took a step closer to him.
shake my earth, suck the air out, burn me down it's like you've known me through all my past lives what an evil thought wreck my plans, stop me dead, kiss me now
“your love, give it to me. don’t hold back.”
his hands were all over you in a second. it seemed like william was doing his best to be delicate with the first kiss, but your enthusiasm matched his, which turned everything too intense. your hands went down his sweatshirt, the warmness of his skin against your hands gripped a moan out of the both of you. he reached the back of your thighs and picked you up without warning, ripping a small scream from you, which made you both laugh.
“that was freaking sexy, but don’t scare me like that.”
“sorry,” he pampered you with kisses all over your face. “promise to be more vocal from now on.”
“oh, i expect you to.”
“you’re a freak, dear. hope you’re ready for me.”
#william eklund#william eklund imagines#william eklund scenarios#nhl imagines#nhl scenarios#nhl drabbles#nhl blurbs#william eklund x reader#william eklund fluff#san jose sharks imagines#sportswriters ❤
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dark star!johnny cage > against the world
what it's like dating the evil version of hollywood's golden boy. it's not all fun and games, even if that's how he sees it
warnings: lowkey abusive relationship like just straight up. yandere. lil smutty but nothing horrifically graphic.
notes: listened to "wrap me in plastic" and "watch me work" while writing LMFAO also please god the coat stays ON ‼️‼️‼️‼️ hes so scrummy i need him biblically
masterlist <3
part 2* / part 3* / part 4* / part 5* / part 6*

•first of all, dark star!johnny is so incredibly emotionally immature. he's a whiny bastard fr. hell hath no fury like a white man that's in the wrong during an argument with his girlfriend
•"baaaabe what's wrong?? it was just a joke!" after he says you're a 6/10 compared to a model on his phone. ZERO awareness.
•WALL PUNCHER. IM JUST BEING HONEST. your beautiful pale pink walls have so many shoulder-height white patches from you having to fix the wall every time his water has an inadequate amount of cucumber slices.
•he's got the same upbringing as the better johnny, shitty dad and dead mom. he just never really knew how to cope with it. equally as famous as his counterpart, he prefers throwing punches in action flicks. he's just somehow more of a dick about it.
•pampered to holy hell between shots, all relaxed in his chair with his name embroidered on it while one woman tends to his makeup, another to his hair, a third feeding him water. it's how he wants it to be, he needs to be perfect. he is perfect.
•spends like two hours getting ready, most of the time is spent on his hair. you tell him it'd be more efficient to trim it down a couple inches but he likes the way it flops over. you also like the way it falls in front of his face during his stunts. he's just so effortlessly sexy.
•uses his height and physique to his advantage. he loves backing you into corners and looming above you menacingly to watch you squirm, flustered. his large sunglasses reflect your pathetic little face.
•now with you, he loves to show you off, but not enough for you to steal the spotlight. you're his favorite little accessory that hangs off his arm. he chooses your outfits when you make public appearances. INSISTS on matching all the time. misty blue dress with gold jewelry to match his obnoxiously large coat.
•the good johnny plays things up for the camera and saves the sweetness for behind closed doors. dark star!johnny doesn't know when to turn off "camera mode." bro will not be sweet with you unless it gets him brownie points after he fucks up.
•he's so unfair. women fawn over him constantly and he smiles all smugly and leans into their touches. but if a man so much as looks at you for more than a couple seconds, he's beating the guy in moments.
•hates it when you find joy in other people. he will constantly fill you with thoughts that everyone will leave you one day for one reason or another, and that you should feel lucky that a world famous actor wants you.
•will make you turn against people you hold dear, he cuts them out of your life so they can't influence you like he does. this man is a smooth talker and hardcore manipulator that'll leave you anxious when you talk to anyone but him. he has you thinking everyone's out to get you.
•"come on baby, you really think they'd love you like i do? don't be delusional. it's just you and me against the world, you got it?"
•you guys have had so many public scandals, you're the main source of income for the TMZ employees.
•sex tape here, public screaming match there
•speaking of which this dude FUCKS. HARD. :3
•johnny will literally pound you into oblivion whenever he pleases. he prefers doggystyle so he can use your hair as leverage. sometimes he reaches forward and holds your jaw, chest pressed against your back as he mercilessly fucks you. he totally gets himself off on your pathetic moans.
•records it every time. partially to jerk off to later, partially as leverage against you.
•"you like that?" he'll ask in that low growl, somehow hitting even deeper. "nobody can fuck you like i do. so don't even fucking think about leaving - ngh -"
•after an argument, you'll find gorgeous purses or necklaces on your shared vanity. not because he's sorry, but because he knows you'll forget about how annoying he can be when he shells out a couple thousand on a gift for you.
•you could honestly probably do better, but who's gonna say no to johnny cage?
#johnny cage#mk1#mortal kombat#mortal kombat x reader#johnny cage x reader#johnny cage smut#mortal kombat smut
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for some reason, he kept adding extra to your portion. while you appreciated it, you're worried it'll get him into trouble. but that's the least of his concern.
a/n: is it a surprised if i say i ADORE suzuri? not really. he's a cutie patootie 𖹭

"suzuri". he paused his stepped to the kitchen and looked at his caller. he met your eyes, but the smile that he loves so much wasn't there. instead you're frowning, at him, and he didn't like that. he came to kneel next to where you're sitted at your table, a tips he learned from nakamura when approaching girls to comfort them, "what's the matter?".
you recalled shizuka's comment on your food when you ate together here last month.
"don't your portion seem bigger than mine? lucky!".
back then, you didn't specifically order for an extra portion, so maybe she was right — maybe you're lucky. but then it happened again, and again, and again. now you're worried that suzuri might have used the ingredients in the kitchen just for you. that can't be good. what if his boss found out and he's fired?
so you confronted him with your concern. the whole time, he had his undivided attention on you. when you're done, he nodded in acknowledgement, but instead of worrying, he reassured you that it's not going to be a problem, "those are a portion from my meal, so you don't have to worry about it. i didn't steal any ingredients from the kitchen for my own use".
he watched you paled, not realising that he'd presented you with a bigger problem. "you can't do that! you need to eat well and enough to keep up with your tasks!". taken aback, you suddenly realised that you've been too forward and apologised. suzuri responded with a shake of his head, not bothered by it.
"i'm sorry myself. i didn't mean to upset you", he said quietly, now looking at the ground, feeling somewhat shameful about it.
at that moment, shizuka's voice echoed once again in your memory, another bit of her after commenting on the extra portion.
"maybe he likes you".
with shaky hands, you cupped his face to look up at you. from his point of view, your face was slightly red. he didn't know you could look prettier than you already are.
"w-what if next time you take me out for a meal? that way you can still eat up your portion, and i eat mine, as much as you'd like for me to eat! then.. we can hang out! w-we can play a game or two if you'd like that".
suzuri, as it turned out, had forgotten how to function due to your sudden invitation for a date, something he had been planning to do when he's ready, emotionally and financially. you had to call him out to made sure he's still with you.
"i don't think i'll be able to do that anytime soon. there's still too many things need to be done-".
"i'll wait for you! as long as it takes, i'll wait for you".
that moment, suzuri felt that he'd been blessed once again. it's a miracle for someone like him to be able to be close with you. how could he possibly repay your kindness? will loving you with all his heart be enough? he didn't know.
alas, he took your palms in his and squeezed them gently, holding them like the treasure you are, "thank you".

#wind breaker#wind breaker x reader#suzuri shuhei#shuhei suzuri#suzuri shuhei x reader#shuhei suzuri x reader
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Day 7. Kaeya x Reader: 81. “You owe me.”
Candlelight dances and the atmosphere is tense. You try to keep your calm under a periwinkle stare as the air grows hotter. You've never made it this far and he knows it.
Every decision you make is observed thoroughly and the atmosphere has grown heavy with anticipation. You could hear a pin drop on the opposite site of the Angel's Share without any effort.
“What shall it be?” His voice is playful and teasing as he grins at you behind of Genius Invokation TCG cards turned into a fan.
Kaeya obviously is one of the best players in Mondstadt— pastime activity to go along with drinking fine wine. You never got this far in a friendly tournament before, but facing Kaeya feels emotionally draining.
You switch your active card to Diluc, earning an amused sneer from Kaeya. “My, my…” he tuts dangerously, like a prowling panther before a giant feast, “I didn't think you'd do that.”
The doors to the bar fly open, making you jump in your seat as you turn around to look at the woman at the open doorway; the Acting Grandmaster Jean holds her arm out, like she is ready to inspect the whole bar of illegal inventory.
What also catches your eye, is that Kaeya dove at the very same second underneath the table, leaving his fully revealed hand on the table, which you shouldn't look at— but the situation screams of Kaeya’s guilt in something.
“Has anyone seen the Cavalry Captain here?” Jean asks out loud, scanning the bar slowly, “I need him to report to me as soon as possible.”
The few customers that are in are puzzled that they had seen Kaeya just a moment ago and it seems like you're the only one who knows his current location.
“Could you do me a favor and not tell her?” you hear Kaeya’s suggestive tone dangerously close to your legs.
“W-what are you doing?” You exhale as heat pools down your stomach and blossoms in your cheeks. You see his periwinkle eye sparkling below the table, mischievous smile playing on his lips. It's hard to resist when he acts like that and so you accept and respond with a low groan.
“Okay, fine— but you owe me.”
“I would expect nothing less,” he purrs happily.
Eventually Jean stops her bar raid and disappointedly moves on to her next location: the Cat's Tail. You would have been playing there as well if all of those tables weren't reserved for today.
Kaeya slowly climbs up from his cover, fixing his slightly disheveled hair. He looks gorgeous as ever, causing your heart to skip a beat in the process.
“What was that all about?” You ask him, ignoring the surprised gasps when people notice Kaeya returning so swiftly.
“Nothing to worry about,” he says nonchalantly as he examines the cards on the table, “I might have helped Klee do something earlier.” He looks at you and winks as he asks: “shall we finish the game?”
Knowing full well his hand, you beam with determination: “let's do it.”
#kaeya x reader#kaeya alberich#genshin impact fanfiction#genshin drabbles#fanfiction#october drabble
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♣︎New Tarot Game! (Open)
⚠️: First of all I want to apologize for not answering your previous questions from my previous game (the one about moodboards), I started to feel really bad energetically and emotionally but here I am! and this time I will answer ALL of them! are you ready?
The only issue with this game is that I will only answer 25 asks, unfortunately I don't know if I have the energy to answer more than that (maybe in a future).
What is this game about? The theme of this game is: Spirit Guides/ Gods
How can you play this game? Well! You have to send me an ask, and you have to ask just ONE question for your guides/ your favorite god. When you send your question I will answer you as if that god/guide is answering you, here is an example:
Ask: "What Hekate thinks about me?"
Answer: "I think you're a chill person, maybe a little introvert, you have a lot to see in this life..."
Obviously, I will answer your questions with what the tarot cards tell me.
Rules to participate:
It's not an obligation but if you can leave feedback it would help me with my reading and make me happy!
Please don't ask far-fetched questions like: "What does GOD himself think of me?", I don't think I'll be able to answer since it's a question that (for me) covers a lot of information.
I do not guarantee that my readings will resonate, I am not a tarot professional but I still hope you will be entertained by my answers. I do not guarantee that they will be very long answers, so please excuse me if one reading is longer than another.
♥︎ Please be patient! ♥︎
w love and kindness: Bri ☆
#tarot reading#tarotonline#tarotcommunity#tarotoftheday#astrology#free tarot#tarot#tarot cards#tarot witch#tarot blog#tarot game#send asks#ask game#ask blog#ask#tarot deck#daily tarot#tarotista#bts tarot#kpop tarot#tarot art#tarot journal#tarot pick a card#tarotblr#tarotdaily#tarotscope#astro community#astro observations#astro notes#astronomy
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It’s extremely hot.
It’s extremely uncomfortable.
With every move, you can feel the sheets sticking to your skin. You’re not even completely sure if it’s because you're sweaty or if you’re focusing too much on it– maybe the fever has melted your brain into a pile of mush. A pile of mushy goopy goo goop by now or something like that.
Something. Something. You feel like you’re forgetting something.
The door clicks open.
“Why weren’t you picking up my calls?” A green apron pops into your view. The tag reads: Shin.
Shin glances around the room before back at you, “Have you been laying in bed all day? Jeez…did you atleast eat?”
He slightly squints his eyes at you as he tunes himself into hearing your thoughts. Maybe your brain did turn into mush because Shin is taking longer than usual…you wonder if you should mess with him.
“Ngh! How can you still be having perverted thoughts!” He exclaims exasperated, a red tinge on his cheeks.
So, you can hear me now?
“Of course I can…” Shin continues to scrutinize you with his eyes, the red still not going away.
He abruptly turns to run away leave, “I’ll get you something to eat!”
Then, he returns with a bowl of porridge on a plastic tray. Shin stares at it, wondering if it was actually going to help you get better. Sakomoto pointed to the Ready-Made-To-Heat Porridge pile that was packed on a shelf when he asked what he should get you. Sakomoto may be an ex-top assassin, but he’s a dad now, and Shin reckoned he would know what to do.
However, this microwaved porridge is now in a ceramic bowl. Lu told him that if he poured it into an actual bowl, you would think it was homemade, and homemade food is "way better than Ready-Made ones". Shin obviously thought that was bullshit. But if there was a chance it could possibly make you feel less ill…
“Did you make this?” You ask while staring at the bowl.
A pillow cushioned your back, helping you sit up. Shin doesn’t respond. You pick up the spoon and bring the rim to your lips to blow on the porridge. Shin stares at you. There’s tiny pieces of chopped green onion nestled amongst the thick rice. Shin finally says something, “...Well, sort of.”
You gulp. …Store-bought.
Shin agrees he shouldn’t have listened to Lu.
“Thank you, Shin.”
You don’t have to look at him to confirm that his cheeks are flushed again.
:') I tried... I hope it can make you feel a little bit better
he's so cute 😭😭😭 CRYING at how he asked Sakamoto for advice (it's true!!!!! he's a father he would know now!!!) and Lu telling him to lie about it being homemade DHLRSHKFAJSJ. girl I have played that game. I will be real with you though I would not care. Shin can serve me anything and I will eat it with tears in my eyes because he was thoughtful enough to do it. especially when I am melting physically and emotionally like I am right now.......not just from this illness but also from this DRABBLE WAAAHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
also CRYING at the reader having NSFW thoughts even while sick as a dog. situationship reader characterized so correctly its killing me. I am cradling this drabble in my hands and treasuring it forever
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I have no idea how to request this and this is so awkward sorry, but I wanted to ask you if you would be down to make a Peeta SFW alphabet?
of course! ps, if you meant a nsfw alphabet, i have one in the works <3
A= affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
peeta is very very affectionate. his love language is physical touch and gift giving, especially in the form of freshly baked cookies.
B = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
peeta is the most supportive best friend. he'll tell you straight out if he thinks you're in the wrong but he doesn't shame you for it. he would make the first move in your friendship (he's just too friendly and outgoing for me to expect anything less from him tbh)
C = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
peeta loves loves loves to cuddle. he would spend all day in bed with you if you gave him the chance. i think he likes being the little spoon more than anything in the world.
D = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
it's portrayed in the books that settling down and having kids is a big thing for peeta. he wants to have a family so having someone with views that align with his own is important for peeta. he's also the definition of a househusband. he loves cooking and cleaning while you just sit there and look pretty <3
E = Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
peeta would do it in a very gentle, soft way. he never wants to hurt you, so even your breakup is done with lots of cuddles and temple kisses.
F = fiance (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
peeta is the type of man to get down on one knee when you have been dating for a week. he lives by the motto that when you know, you know and tomorrow's not promised, so he would want to get married fairly quickly, but he's willing to wait if you're not ready.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
peeta is such a gentle soul, both physically and emotionally. he's all tender touches and soft caresses and he's not afraid to wear his emotions on his sleeve
H = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
peeta loves hugs!!! he gives you at least ten hugs a day. his arms are wrapped around your waist, strong and sturdy, and he'll rest his chin on the top of your head <3
I = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word)
i actually think it takes peeta quite a long time to say i love you. its such an important thing to him and he wants to make sure he does it right.
J = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
peeta doesn't get jealous very often. i think he's quite secure in your relationship and he trusts that you wouldn't do anything to hurt him. on the rare occasion that he does get jealous, he sweeps in to your side and stakes his claim on you by kissing you in front of whoever was flirting.
K = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
peeta's kisses are slow and soft; he likes to take his time in everything he does and his kisses are no exception. peeta likes to kiss you on the forehead and he likes to be kissed on the cheek.
L = little ones (how are they around children?)
peeta can get any baby to settle with ease and he always lets the younger children win any games he plays with them.
M = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with peeta are spent with cuddles, kisses and pancakes with berries.
N = night (how are nights spent with them?)
nights with peeta are spent watching comfort movies and eating junk food (more than likely whatever didn't sell in the bakery that day).
O = open (when do they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
i think this really depends on how comfortable peeta feels with you. he typically wears his heart on his sleeve but there's a certain level of trust that comes with him opening up to you about both his family life and his trauma from the games, especially if you weren't a victor or a tribute.
P = patience (how easily angered are they?)
peeta is one of the most patient people you will ever meet in your lifetime. if you find it hard to convey your feelings, he sits there so patiently and waits until the words come to you. there's no rushing with him and he lets you take everything at your own pace.
Q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
peeta remembers everything all too well (yes that's a taylor reference sue me!). he remembers the little things and he's very attentive like that.
R = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
i think the thing that would stick out to peeta the most is the first time you said you loved him. it's just such a sweet moment that is engraved in his brain.
S = Security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
peeta's quite protective over you especially after the horrors he's seen in both the capitol and the games. he likes to be close to you, not in a possessive way but just so he knows you are safe. i think cuddling and playing with his hair helps him feel protected.
T = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
peeta is an avid planner, from what he wears that day to what he eats before bed. he plans out all of your anniversary / birthday gifts weeks in advance. he also loves it when you let him do things for you, even if it’s something as simple as brushing your hair before bed. it just makes him feel warm inside.
U — ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
peeta bites his nails and snores.
V — vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
peeta couldn’t care less what he looks like. im not sure if this counts, but i do think he worries about people noticing his limp with his prosthetic leg but apart from that, he’s not vain.
W — whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
peeta would rather die than be without the people he loves and that’s the god honest truth.
X — xtra (a random headcanon for them)
peeta loves pickle flavoured ketchup.
Y — yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like in a partner?)
nothing! peeta believes that if you love someone, their flaws and bad habits are included.
Z — zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he sleeps on his back and snores like a truck.
#the hunger games#grace talks🐚🌷#thg#thgs#peeta mellark x you#peeta mellark#peeta mellark x reader#sfw#sfw alphabet#headcanons#hcs#fem!reader#gn!reader#blurb#the hunger games x reader
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Bred by Victor Rookwood (Audio)
This is what it's all been leading up to.
🎩Rookwood x You
Admit it, little witch.. You're dying to be impregnated by this man. And now daddy is going to give you what you so desperately desire. F!Listener
"When daddy comes in you, he means it."
Breeding / Impregnation / Dominance / Daddy Kink / Praise Kink / Pregnancy Kink / Age Difference / Dirty Talk / Smut / Excessive Talking During Sex / Bad Latin
Not sure whose dirty talk is hotter - DR or @rookwoodswife!
Transcript beneath the cut
Victor Rookwood:You’re mine now darling. Now that I’ve gotten my hands on you I'm never letting you go. No. You belong to me in every way. Physically, mentally and emotionally.
Kissing, muffled moans
Victor Rookwood:Every part of you is mine. Including your womb.
Muffled moans and kissing
Victor Rookwood:Yes darling, you’re going to have a lot of children for me. Beginning immediately.
Listener: Fuck
Victor Rookwood: Oh yes, I’m going to fuck you every night from here on out princess. And I’m going to make sure it takes.
Listener: Oh gods, yes.
Victor Rookwood: Did you think I was fooling around? Victor Rookwood doesn’t play games, little witch. When daddy comes in you, he means it. So just lay back and spread your legs for me
Buckle coming undone, moaning, skin slapping against skin rhythmically
Victor Rookwood:Your pussy is so tight. Daddy’s going to fix that for you.
Victor Rookwood:That’s it. Take my cock.
Victor Rookwood: Let daddy take his pleasure from that tight little cunt. Fucking you hard and deep. Pumping his cum into you over and over again.
Listener: Fuck
Victor Rookwood: Filling you. Breeding you. Admit it darling, you want to be bred by me.
Listener: Yes, daddy.
Victor Rookwood: You want to have my baby.
Listener: Breed me daddy
Victor Rookwood:Oh gods... Beg for my seed darling.
Listener: Please, I need your cum.
Victor Rookwood: Good girl. Daddy’s going to fill you with so much cum. Tell me how badly you need it
Listener: I need it so bad, please
Victor Rookwood:Tell me you want to have my baby.
Listener: Please, I want to have your baby.
Victor Rookwood: Daddy’s little girl is so obedient.
I can’t wait to watch you swell, heavy with my child. You’re going to be so helpless, so vulnerable. Marked as mine. For everyone to see.
Listener: Oh gods, yes
Victor Rookwood: With just a single glance at you, everyone will be able to tell that I fucked you. You know that right?
Listener: Yes, daddy.
Victor Rookwood: You’re about to become so thoroughly mine, in every way. Are you ready, little witch?
Listener: Yes Daddy, come in me
Victor Rookwood:Good, because it’s coming. Fuck yes. Groans. Take all of it. Every. Last. drop.
Listener: Gods yes. I love you.
Victor Rookwood: Good girl. Now, we’re not leaving anything to chance.
Well darling, what do you say when daddy impregnates you?
Thanks so much to @berserkerrose for the transcription!
#hogwarts legacy#victor rookwood#hogwarts legacy smut#ai audio#x reader#female reader#victor rookwood x reader#x you#victor rookwood x you#daddy rookwood#daddy rookwood smut#harry potter hogwarts game#x listener#female!listener#x female listener#female listener#transcript#transcribed
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Hera had been the first to get back to playing soccer.
Everyone else was sat in the common room, half listening to the Christian shopping channel Afuro had turned the TV on to. He didn't really care for the novelty holy water keychains or the framed portraits of Jesus, but the background noise was welcome as he did his crossword puzzle.
Posei was next to him on the couch, reading a book. Arute and Deio were playing chess at the table. Aporo was off somewhere, surely destroying another patient at ping-pong. Demete walked past the window on his way back from a yoga class and peered outside.
"Look at that," he spoke to no one in particular. "He's back to it."
Hepai joined him at the window, watching as Hera passed a soccer ball to another patient and encouraged him take a shot at the goal. They both watched him in silence.
"I don't understand." Demete turned his head towards his teammate with a questioning look. "How he does it, I mean. If someone put a ball at my feet now... I'd freeze up for sure," Hepai explained.
He nodded. "Me too."
"I'm just happy for him," Deio said as the two took a seat at the table to watch the chess game. "If it's making him feel better, if he's ready for it..."
Arute raised an eyebrow at him. "What about you?" he asked as he took out a pawn. Deio frowned a little and shrugged.
"But isn't it a bit weird? It almost feels like he's way ahead of us when it comes to this stuff..." Hepai mused.
"What do you mean?" Demete grabbed a discarded rook and started fidgeting with it. "Like he's done this before?"
"Maybe, yeah."
They looked up at the sound of someone tsking them. "It's unbecoming to talk about someone behind their back, you know," Afuro put his finished crossword puzzle down on the table and gave a wry smile. "Besides, we're all in this together, wherever we may be in our personal healing journeys."
Demete scoffed. "You're starting to sound like our therapist," he chided as their captain looked through the stack of newspapers for an unfinished crossword.
Afuro hit him over the head with one. "That was the point, idiot."
"But there is something he's not telling us," Arute spoke up as he moved his bishop. "It's like he's more upset than reluctant to be here... Like he thought this was behind him."
"When did you get so good at reading people, Saneki?" Hepai teased him, but then gave his words some thought. "I agree, though. He does seem upset."
"Maybe we should talk to him?" Deio took Arute's bishop out with his knight and grinned when it earned him some muttered curse words. "Let him know we stand behind him no matter what."
Demete rubbed his shoulder. "You're a sweetie pie, but I don't think that's going to help."
"It'd likely just isolate him further. He already seems on edge."
"Then what do we do?"
Arute tapped his fingers on the table. "Let's just wait and see what happens. You don't rush things with Hera." They all nodded. "In the meantime, at least he's having fun."
Deio and Afuro looked out the window to see it for themselves.
Hera's face was indeed sporting a smile, even if it was a tired one. Like playing soccer again was draining him emotionally more than physically.
#is this anything#yes this is zeus in rehab. this has overtaken my brain i need to get it out Somewhere#might write more but for right now my notes app is filled with unrelated scenes i can't really post without context#so until i do write smth coherent this will have to do#anyways. teehee#hera tadashi#demete yutaka#hepai en#afuro terumi#arute saneki#deio geki#inazuma eleven#ina11#ina11 fanfic#suuga's fics
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💭❤️🔥Boyfriend Hyunwoo❤️🔥💭
The aloof boyfriend

He is a smart man but lawd he's oblivious sometimes when it comes to relationships and feelings. At least when it comes to the less mature aspects of them.
Like communicating. He's an amazing communicator if you don't nag. You have to talk to this man and tell him exactly what's bothering you or what you want or else he's just not gonna get it. He's straight forward guy so he's not one to play those mind games of cat & mouse, silent treatments, or cold shoulders. That annoys him like hell.
He WILL NOT try to read your mind. If he asks you 'What's the matter?' And you say 'nothing', mans is just going to roll over and go to sleep and you're gonna be in your feelings. It's not that he doesn't care. He does, or else he wouldn't ask.
He's just not that perceptive of unsaid things.
Hyunwoo frowned as he chewed slowly when you stepped past him. Normally you'd speak or request a chaste kiss on the lips in greeting if you two hadn't seen each other all day, but tonight you hadn't said more than a few words to him since you got home.
The space between the couch and table was sparse, giving your boyfriend a millisecond of interrupted mealtime before clearing him.
Your body plops against the leather cushions with an exaggerated sigh that makes Hyunwoo's brow twitch. He looks over at you, noting your crossed arms, pouted lips, and scowl trained on the FIFA highlights reel on the screen.
"You alright?" He lifts his brow and you don't even spare him a look when you nod.
"Yep. Just fine." You moped, pretending to care about what he was watching. Hyunwoo knew you didn't. You hated sports and usually only tolerated them if it gave you an excuse to cuddle on him while he watched. But you didn't seem to be in the cuddling mood either.
After watching you squirm lower against the corner of the couch for a few more seconds, he stoops his head over his bowl with his chopsticks in hand, blowing the noodles and pushing them around in a mini whirlpool before bringing a nest of them to his lips.
"Hmm. Doesn't seem like it.." he mutters before he blows the bundle of noodles again, slurping them into his mouth shortly after. Your jaw tenses and you shoot him a side eye to watch him continue to eat his food and watch TV, not showing you any signs of concern.
It didn't help that he looked so good, half-naked, sitting shirtless in his baggy sweat pants that stretched widely from how his legs were spread.
Hyunwoo says nothing else to you for several minutes and it finally gets to you. A frustrated huff from the opposite end of the couch has Hyunwoo turning his head to look at you again, this time with his brow creased deeply in annoyance.
"Is there something you want to talk about or are you just angry to be angry?" He asks you and the lack of a clue in his voice has your chest churning.
Of course, there was but you didn't want to sound childish for being upset over Hyunwoo seemingly forgetting that today was your anniversary. It has been a year and while he might not be counting, you were.
You didn't expect anything grand from him but at least him letting you know he remembered. But he didn't mention it at all today. And to add insult to injury, you'd bought his gift two months ago and it was hidden in your apartment, ready and waiting to be given.
Not that you were a tit-for-tat type of person, but the gift represented the thought of him being in your life this long, and the fact that he hadn't even acknowledged it hurt your feelings a little bit.
"I don't know...Is there?" you bounce your knee over the other as you glare at him piercingly.
Hyunwoo just blinks as he stares back at you, visibly perplexed to the point where you just stand up from the couch abruptly and stomp out of the living room. His eyes follow you until you disappear down the hallway and he lets out a heavy sigh before dropping the chopsticks in the bowl.
Hyunwoo isn't outwardly affectionate. Not really big on PDA but will stake his claim on you in public by keeping his hand on your thigh while seated, holding your hand while walking, or holding your waist while waiting in line somewhere. He's the jealous type but he'll never tell you. So he just makes sure to keep his hands on you in some way to make it clear you're with him.
In private, he's similar. Not overly affectionate in daily life but he never leaves you without a heartfelt kiss on the lips, accompanied by a pleasantly suffocating bear hug. Or, when he suspects that you are upset with him and are having some difficulties with expressing yourself, he likes to walk up behind you and place the softest kiss on your neck, then your shoulder, as he pulls you into an intimate embrace with your back against his chest.
"Tell me what's wrong." He says against the curve of your neck. His lips always felt good when they were on your skin and his arms, firm and smooth to the touch, always made your body melt against him when he held you like this.
He'd caught you in the bedroom shortly after you stormed out, standing in front of your mirror that was mounted on the wall across from the bed. You were about to remove your jewelry and get ready to call it a night when he approached you.
"Nothing. I'm just tired." You lie, shrugging him off of you as begin taking off your earrings. This doesn't deter Hyunwoo one bit and he merely moves to take up the other side of your neck to pepper with kisses. His hands resting at your hips rise to the curve of your waist, pulling your ass back against him suggestively.
"Tired? Already...the sun's barely down."
He kissed your neck some more, pausing between lingering pecks to look up at you in the mirror with the tiniest mischievous smirk.
Now he was really messing with you.
Forgets your anniversary, has the whole day to redeem himself but opts to do nothing but literally kiss up to at the end of the night as if you were in the mood for anything other than sleep.
"I'm not in the mood." you reiterate, pressing the diamond stud into the earring back. Hyunwoo still isn't phased by the attitude.
You are about to leave him standing at the mirror alone when the hand holding your waist reaches back to pull something from his back pocket.
With his chin still resting on your shoulder, Hyunwoo presents you with a white envelope signed with only a little heart and smiley face.
You glance up at him curiously in the mirror and he smiles, his eyes dropping to the proffered envelope expectedly.
"Open it," he instructs and you slowly take it from him. As you open it, Hyunwoo steps back to give you some space to do just that. You tear into the envelope carefully to find a pretty Hallmark card that you were sure he picked up on his way home from work.
But it was what was inside that made your heart melt.
It was a brochure for a spa resort in Busan you'd been wanting to go to but could never find the time. But now it looks like you wouldn't have to since Hyunwoo found the time for you.
No wonder he'd been asking about your schedule lately. He wasn't very subtle about it but you figured he was planning to take you to dinner or something. Not a weekend getaway.
His eyes were reduced to slits from smiling when you turned around to look at him but they soften the moment he sees the tears welling in your eyes.
"We're gonna go here? Foreal?" you ask
"I mean it's not Paris. Figured I'd save that for next yearOOF!"
Your arms wrapped around his neck so suddenly that he stumbled back a step, immediately reciprocating the hug as you nuzzled his neck.
"I hate you so much.." you hiccup and Hyunwoo chuckles against your hair.
"Why? You thought I forgot?" His smirk prevails, his eyes committing your shocked expression to memory.
"I did! You didn't say anything!! Why would you wait all day to give me this you dummy?!"
A frequent term of endearment that never bothered him. He smiles at the shake in your voice before kissing your temple.
He pulls away just enough to see your face again and you gaze up at him.
"Because... you're sexy when you're mad." he concedes, leaning down to calm your trembling pout with his lips.
Similarly to how he prefers to communicate versus reading your mind, Hyunwoo is the same way with sex. While he's very skilled at what he does, you can't always expect him to know how you like it if you don't tell him. And despite him being oblivious any other time, he knows when you're holding something back sexually.
In most scenarios, he is a pretty vanilla guy. (We love vanilla BTW) But he's also a tad competitive and wants to be the best you've ever had. So for him to be, he's going to make sure you tell him every freaky little thing you want.
And he'll do it🥴
Not long after receiving your anniversary gift, Hyunwoo took his time helping you undress as you adorned his chiseled body with selfish touches. All he had to do was lose his pants and underwear and with not an ounce of gentleness, Hyunwoo tossed you on the bed.
He'd done his due diligence in licking you from head to toe, making sliding into you a smooth ride. It had only been a few minutes of him actually fucking you that you felt yourself coming undone.
"Baby..Choke me..choke me hard.." you pant with tearful eyes rolling into your head. Hyunwoo hurriedly trapped your throat under his hand, never skipping a beat as he rolled his hips into you.
"Like this?" He rasps sexily, spearing you deeply. You gasp when he hits you deepest, scrambling to grasp his wrist that rested over your chest.
"Yes! Harder baby. Harder!" You beg, not specifying whether you meant the choking or the fucking. But from the way your walls tightened around his dick when he did both, Hyunwoo figured there was no wrong answer.
He grunts stiffly at the squeeze and bites his lip to keep from making any other noise. You felt as amazing always and there wasn't anything could think to compare it to. There wasn't a part of your body he didn't love.
But since we're on the topic...
Hyunwoo gives me breast man vibes all the way. While he still appreciates a nice booty, he'll spend a lot of time fondling and toying with your nipples while in the heat of kissing. His hands always go there first. Partly because he knows what it does to you and how quickly it turns you on.
Him as well.
Hyunwoo watched the way your nails dug into his forearm, leaving scratches in their wake. The sting has his dick thumping with excitement as he upped his pace, choking you a little harder.
You cum hard and Hyunwoo releases your throat, opting to wedge his hand between your hair and the pillows to cradle your head intimately. His lips find yours with a strained groan of his own as he fucked you faster, obviously chasing his release now that you'd reached your climax.
His tongue is deep in your mouth when he cums just as deep inside of you, and you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him nestled there. You could feel his dick pulsing in your heat, a matching rhythm to his racing heartbeat pounding against your chest.
After coming down, Hyunwoo's languid and sloppy licks into your mouth slow into soft lingering pecks. Your hand searched his amongst the crumbled sheets and your fingers interlock sweetly as Hyunwoo's hips begin to stroke you slowly. He'd just cum but that didn't mean this was over.
Not by a long shot.
And with a whispered 'Happy Anniversary' painted on your lips in a kiss, Hyunwoo set out to make you cum for him again and again until you forgot about being upset with him.
Even though he high-key likes it when you're mad at him.
Overall he's very dominant and possessive but not in an overbearing way. You'll probably never know if he has a lot of stamina because he wears you out pretty fast. (We love that too🌚)
Love Language:
He gives me an 'Acts of Service' with a touch of 'Quality Time'. Since he's a Gemini, I say a touch of quality time because gem's tend to enjoy their alone time but when they're in love, they want to be under you consistently. Hyunwoo will take his space quietly though so you don't feel abandoned and he'll communicate it well.
A quick text to let you know what he's doing or where he's going and when he'll be back is usually how he mitigates any issues.
His main way to show you love is by being reliable.
You need a ride to and from work?
You need help moving apartments?
You caught a flat tire at 3 am?
He'll pull up ❤️
Pet names/Terms of endearment🥰
You're saved in his phone under your name with a heart and ring emoji. He's not extra cheesy enough for anything extra. Doesn't call you by a specific pet name. The common ones like babe,baby,love, etc. But loves saying 'my girl' when mentioning you to others. Fills him with a sense of pride being able to call you his.

<The other Boyfriends >
#monsta x smut#changkyun#jooheon#wonho#hyungwon#shownu#kihyun#minhyuk#changkyun smut#hyunwoo#monsta x fanfic#monsta x imagines#monsta x boyfriends#kpop fanfic#kpop#kpop smut#kpop imagines#shownu smut#hyunwoo smut
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give me your favorite manga or anime of all time. NOW. like, the ones who changed you as a person. if you are okay with questions like that!
fr tho thank you Lottie for asking me too despite my death apparent, this will be long, I'll put the honorable mentions first as to make it a little more interesting and KHR will be at the bottom for the same reason-
Honorable mentions!
Sailor Moon - love myself some female friendship and magical girls. And women who could kick my ass like Pluto.
Black Rock Shooter - as above, plus vague setting and cool transformations.
Fate series - ok hear me out. I haven't watched the anime and just started the VN, I mostly play the mobile game, but it's about history and there's cute girls in it. Peak.
The Vision of Escaflowne - COOL MECHAS (hasn't finished it)
Yuru Camp - CUTE GIRLS FRIENDHIP AND COZYNESS also relaxing music (hasn't finished it)
Serial Experiments Lain - what the fuck was that
Violet Evergarden - tears? tears in my eyes? stop???
Dungeon Food - I'd have put this above if I wasn't just at the second volume of it, holy shit this is so fun but I feel it will crush my soul soon
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ah. Lord, NGE. The vagueness of its worldbuilding, the psychological aspects, the occult and religious simbology, and the GODDAMN MUSIC. If you like classical, epic and otherwordly music, I beg you to check out NGE's score even if you're not interested in the anime itself because Shiro Sagisu is a gift from the gods and one of the best composers of our time. The series is a masterpiece. People despise the movies but IMO they do exactly what a movie should do: entertain. Anno embraced the "I'll be cringe, but I'll be free" and went all out on them, as he should have. Also, there's Kaworu Nagisa. Look at him!

PLEASE. PLEASE DO AND DON'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF AT THE SAME TIME. I WAS NOT READY. This anime will take your heart, embrace it, warm it up, GRIP IT IN ITS HANDS, CHEW IT AND SPIT IT OUT. Admittedly I played the VN because I wanted to experience all endings and OH MY GOD. It's terrifying and emotionally damaging. I started playing the sequel (Steins;Gate 0) and I had to STOP because it's so gut-wrenching in all the good ways that I need to be in the right spot for it.
talk about recent experiences. I live under a rock when it comes to popular anime most times, and I never had the occasion to watch Bleach until recently (still haven't technically finished it because I'm waiting for TYBW to finish releasing to watch it). I... don't know what it is about Bleach that I like so much, but it got me in a similar way to KHR, as in I think about it often against my will and I'm even considering creating an OC for it. I think it's the characters, because the story is pretty straightforward... yeah, yeah it's the fictional men again. Kubo makes handsome men who fight with swords and transformation and everyone has their own powerups and...hhhngh. Look at this batch of cookies.

Ah no, wait, there's Shiro Sagisu again as composer. Almost forgot. *dances aggessively to spanish guitars*
Dr. Stone
I'm not a science brain, totally the opposite. Math doesn't math, geometry is evil and chemistry is wizardry. BUT, I love things that TRY to teach me those things in a funny and accessible way. I still won't understand them, but it was fun trying! And Dr. Stone has that, it's the moment I realize I like it when things are explained to me in that way, especially through media. Plus, fun characters, emotional moments, and cool plot.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your opinion on the show, KHR was the first ever japanese piece of media (excluding videogames) I've ever consumed. Being a lonely and socially awkward human being, it soon became my personality. It was these fuckers who made me get into manga altogether, I started buying the volumes (but only up to Varia Arc because 1. I didn't have an allowance, everything was done with Christmas/Easter/birthday money and 2. I was so obsessed with the Varia that my goldfish brain lost interest mid Future Arc.) and from there I discovered the pleasure of physical copies. The show has never aired in Italy, so nobody knew what the fuck I was talking about. It was, as many others were for me, a very lonely experience. But it was also the first time I felt... unique? Like, "this is my special little treasure and nobody can take it from me" kinda thing. I was emotionally invested in this show and every small piece of merch I could find like my Varia character songs CD became some of my most prized possessions (UNTIL I STARTED GIFTING AWAY MY SET OF VONGOLA RINGS BECAUSE I WANTED TO BRIBE PEOPLE INTO LIKING THE SHOW) (YEAH THAT WAS. STUPID. BECAUSE IT OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T WORK. AND ONLY MADE ME FEEL MORE LONELY AND RINGLESS) Then, the falling off. I started playing an MMO that also shaped part of my personality and as you often do with things that remind you of lonelier times, I sold my volumes and stopped thinking of KHR... until recently, when I joined this fandom and the spark came back because fuck it I'll be cringe but I'll be free. I got my fair share of flack for hyperfixating on an old anime at 24 years old, but it's one of the best experiences I've ever had. So yeah. KHR was ultimately good for me.
#ask the myell#ask answered#yeah as you can see Squalo settled my taste in fictional men for the rest of my life#swordsman ✅ long bright hair ✅ angry ✅#“it's the fictional men again” is a phrase that defines me#it's always their fault#like stop rojuro has no business being that handsome fuck off#also pre-betrayal aizen > evil aizen I said what I said#also my problem with anime is that I like to do stuff while watching it but if it's eng subbed I'm forced to look at it#so I never stop and sit down to watch anime because my brain thinks I'm doing nothing?#I could only sit through bleach because the italian dub is fire
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