#a fox in ladybug's clothing
the-au-queen · 2 years
Our Transfer Student Can’t Be This Cute! (1/?)
Giftee: @vindhler Rating: Teen and Up (some cussing) Words: 2644 Pairings: Adrinette, later JuleRose as well Warnings: None Beta reader: @faunusroman Event: @mlsecretsanta
Prefer AO3? Here you go! It includes me rambling about stuff in the notes.
Summary:  When a new transfer student from Shanghai arrives, Adrien gets assigned to guide her around. In his purely objective opinion, she's unbelievably cute. Also, Chat Noir makes friends with a trickster. Bonheur Rouge is not amused.
“Everyone, please welcome your new transfer student, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Mlle Bustier led a small girl with black hair into the classroom. “While she is half French, she lived her whole life in China with her family and only speaks Chinese. Please be nice to her, and help her if she needs anything.” 
The girl bowed and smiled. 
“Now, about your seat…” Mlle Bustier pointed at a seat behind Adrien. “M. Agreste speaks Chinese. He can help you if you need it.” 
Adrien watched the girl pass him and sit behind him. He turned around and smiled. “Welcome to our class. The teacher said you can ask me if you need anything, since I speak Mandarin.”
Marinette looked surprised, but returned the smile. Oh god, she was cute. “Thank you. It’s nice knowing I’m not completely alone in here. I didn’t expect anyone to speak Mandarin.”
“Yeah, it’s not a common language to learn.”
Marinette looked like she wanted to ask more, but Mlle Bustier called for attention and began the class. Adrien reluctantly turned back and focused on the lesson instead. He wouldn’t have minded talking with Marinette some more.
“..... and here’s the cafeteria. The food’s pretty good here, but you can bring your own, too.”
Marinette nodded and took a curious look around. “It’s much smaller than in Shanghai.”
Adrien laughed. “I can imagine. Let me show you the locker rooms next.”
“That sounds nice.” Marinette smiled and walked along with him. “Say, why did you learn Mandarin? Do you like the country?”
“Oh.” Adrien tried not to show the uncomfortableness show. “My father made me learn it. He said it’s a useful skill to have.”
Marinette seemed to have sensed his unease, because she elbowed him lightly. “Hey, it has some use now! I’m glad you’re here to help me.” And in that moment, Adrien’s heart was stolen.
“Thanks.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I can also show you around Paris, if y-” He was interrupted by his phone beeping with an akuma alert. Really? Right now? He looked back at Marinette, who still smiled innocently. Right. She didn’t know about them. She just moved here.
“That was an akuma alert.” He explained. “We’re kinda dealing with a supervillain around here. He akumatises people when they feel angry or sad. This one is…” He glanced at his phone. “... pretty close. We have superheroes like Bonheur Rouge and Chat Noir to deal with them, but we better get to safety nonetheless. It can get pretty crazy.”
Marinette nodded, looking a bit confused, but determined. “Okay. We will get to safety.”
“Yeah. You, uh-” Adrien tried to think of a reason to separate. He had to help Bonehur Rouge, and she wasn’t fond of him being late. “You go hide in the toilets. I’ll check if our class is safe.”
“If you say so.” Marinette looked unsure, but still ran off to the toilets. Adrien sighed in relief. Good, now to find a place to transform.
“Plagg?” He whispered to his inner shirt pocket. “Are you awake?”
“Wide awake and ready to go, boy!” The kwami peeked out of the pocket. “Just say the word.”
Adrien ducked into an unused classroom. “Plagg, transform me!”
Chat Noir hopped from roof to roof and landed next to Bonheur Rouge.
“Kitty reporting for duty.” He grinned at her. She only rolled her eyes. “What kind of akuma are we dealing with?”
Bonheur regarded the chaos below them with a calculated look. “It seems like a tree based akuma. He’s been rooting people in place, quite literally. Everyone hit grows roots from their legs and can’t move.”
Chat Noir shuddered. He loved the freedom that came with his powers. He was forced to stay in one place against his will often enough that he absolutely did not want to get hit by that guy.
“Any thoughts on the item?”
“I haven’t gotten that close to him yet, but I think he’s holding it in his right hand. He’s not letting go of whatever it is, so it’s fairly obvious.”
“Alright.” Chat bounced and got ready to jump down and fight the akuma, but Bonheur held him back by pulling on his tail.
“What did I tell you about his powers? If you’re hit, I’ll be all by myself.”
Chat placed his hand on his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me, Bonheur. I’m a nimble cat. I’d never get hit like that.” 
She raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay, maybe sometimes I get hit. But not by this guy! He’s my absolute nightmare!”
“If you say so.” She let go of his tail. “Be careful. I will need your Cataclysm.”
“Yes, Mademoiselle.” He saluted at her and jumped off. On the ground, he was met with people janking at their feet or trying to take their shoes off, trying to escape the roots holding them in place.
“Ah, Chat Noir,” a deep voice rang out, and when he turned, he could see the akuma approaching. 
It was a weird concoction of man and tree, his left arm transformed into a branch that grabbed people and made them grow roots. His right arm, the one that was holding the item, was the most human looking thing about him, but everything else just gave Chat the creeps. Covered in bark, the man couldn’t move much, except for the left arm that grabbed people. But not moving much didn’t mean he wasn’t fast. His left arm grew at will and sometimes even grabbed several people at once. 
“I am Racineur. Welcome to my forest.” 
Chat jumped on a mailbox when the arm branch lashed out to grab him.
“Sorry, this kitty prefers to run around.” 
He jumped from object to object –a car, a fire hydrant, another car, a lamppost, a trapped person’s head, a café umbrella– each time elegantly escaping the branch that was trying to take hold of him. It was effective for not getting grabbed, but he couldn’t get any closer. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he could spot Bonheur struggling similarly. It seemed like Racineur had more than just his arm to trap people. She didn’t even have enough time to call for her Lucky Charm. He was this close to just using Cataclysm on the ground to give them some breathing time when a giggle distracted him.
“Need help?”
Chat almost fell from the lamppost that he had just landed on. He spotted a girl in white, sitting on a nearby windowsill, seemingly undisturbed by the whole chaos. How was she so calm? She almost looked like she enjoyed watching the two heroes struggle.
“Who are you?” 
Chat barely escaped Racineur’s branch and landed on another car, briefly looking back to see the previous car he had stood on grow roots from its tires. Chat had enough of this and decided to jump on the window sill the girl was sitting on. Her legs were crossed leisurely, and she watched Racineur with a hint of amusement. 
Her face was covered by a white half mask with pointy ears, and Chat could see whiskers painted on her cheeks. The eye holes on her mask were lined with black eyeliner and one spot of red on each corner of her eye. Above them were two thick black spots, probably because the mask covered her eyebrows. Her top seemed to be some kind of variant of Asian traditional clothing. 
Chat remembered seeing some similar clothes pictured in the decorations of some Chinese restaurants, the kind with overly long sleeves that covered the hands and seemed generally impractical. He couldn’t quite remember the name of that particular piece of clothing, but he could always ask his Mandarin teacher some time. 
Her top stopped shortly below her chest and the rest of her torso was wrapped in a broad sash. The sash held up a pair of wide pants that were stuck in leather boots that had bells attached at the top of them. Chat could spot two more bells dangling off the ornamental hair sticks in her almost ribbon shaped updo. From her get up, he would guess that she was another hero, but what kind of hero just watched as people were being terrorized by the minion of a supervillain? 
“Why are you just sitting there? Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Oh, how rude.” The grin didn’t leave her face. “I was just holding back, since I didn’t want to get in the way of the local authorities.” 
Was she kidding him? Any help would be appreciated. Bonheur wouldn’t complain either. 
She must have been reading his mind, since she gave him a look. “My powers are the type that can confuse friend and foe alike. So it would be detrimental, had I just done what I thought would be best.” 
Fine, he’d give her that point. His thoughts were interrupted when Racineur spotted them again, and he had to leap out of the way. The strange heroine just jumped one floor up to the next windowsill. Chat could see three tails trailing after her, attached to her top. He still couldn’t quite grasp why she was so calm about this, but just as he landed next to her, ready to grill her, Bonheur landed on the windowsill as well.
“What are you doing? This is no time to stand around and chat!” Her eyes fell on the heroine in white. “Oh.” She narrowed her eyes. “And who are you?”
“You may call me Hu Shen.” Hu Shen…. fox god. Hu Shen let her legs dangle. “I am new to this city. I thought I’d lend my power.” Bonheur looked like she was about to ask something, but they were once again interrupted by Racineur reaching for them.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” Bonheur conceded. “We can’t talk like this, and we do need to talk.”
“Great!” Hu Shen smiled. “Follow me!” And she was off. Bonheur and Chat had no choice but to follow.
“What’s with her?” Bonheur’s voice was low, but Chat could still hear her. “Wouldn’t we pick a spot to talk? Why is she just taking the lead like that? Who does she think she is?” 
Chat had no answer for that either. 
Hu Shen landed on the railing of a small roof garden somewhere close to their school and made an inviting gesture.
“Make yourselves comfortable.”
Bonheur looked skeptical. “What about the civilians that live here? Won’t we be discovered?”
Hu Shen giggled. “I’ve come here plenty of times. We’re safe.”
“I don’t see what’s so funny about all this.”
“How serious you are, of course!” She pushed Bonheur’s shoulder. “No one’s dying! We can relax for a little.”
“No one’s dying?!” Now she had done it. Bonheur was furious. “We��re in the middle of an akuma attack and you tell us to relax because ‘no one’s dying’?! Are you insane?!” 
Chat couldn’t understand how Hu Shen could meet Bonheur’s furious gaze and still smile like nothing was wrong. 
“You have five seconds to explain yourself or else I’m leaving. I’ve got civilians to save.”
“Oh, Bonheur.” Hu Shen was at Bonheur’s other side in an instant. How did she move so fast? “You need to learn how to enjoy life. Live the fox way.” 
Bonheur lashed out at her, but she jumped up and Bonheur’s arm only met air. 
“I didn’t help because my power is tricky. If the ally doesn’t know about my illusions, it can only waste time, instead of giving them a chance to trick the enemy.” 
Chat heard the faint ringing of bells behind him and whipped around to see her drop down on the railing again. 
“Who knows, you might have even attacked me, if I joined the fight without introducing myself. Which I suppose I should do.” She bowed deeply, meeting their eyes with a playful grin. Chat noticed that she had slit eyes, just like him. “Hu Shen, the white fox, trickster, illusionist, lady of tricks and benevolence alike. At your service.”
Chat saw his opportunity and returned the bow with one of his own. “Chat Noir, master of destruction and puns.” He winked at her. “Purr-leased to meow-t you.”
“Not another one of you,” Bonheur groaned. “Fine, we know you now. Let’s get back to Racineur. You tell us what you’re gonna do, and we use the confusion to take his item. But I don’t trust you yet.”
Hu Shen tilted her head, the bells attached to her hair ornaments ringing quietly. “The fox is never fully trusted. A wise judgement, Bonheur Rouge.” She pulled a flute out of her sash and twirled it. “Where do you hide a tree? The forest.” 
She set the flute to her lips and played a melody made out of strong, playful notes. A red fog formed at the end of her flute and she took it off her lips, whipping the fog down at the ground. Bonheur and Chat materialized. Then again. And again. And again. Over and over, until even the roof couldn’t fit them any more. She flicked her flute and one by one, the pairs departed, presumably towards the akuma. Chat had to admit, he was impressed. 
Hu Shen bowed once more. “If you need any further help, please request so, within the next five minutes.”
“No, thank you.” Bonheur watched the last fake Chat and Bonheur depart. “This is as far as my trust goes. I appreciate your help, but we need to go now, before Racineur sees through the ruse.” She nodded at Chat. “Let’s go.” Chat watched her jump off the roof and turned to Hu Shen one last time.
“She’s just cautious.” Hu Shen shrugged, as if it didn’t bother her. “But if you ever need a partner in crime, just ask this cat. I’m always up for some mischief.”
“The white fox and the black cat, huh?” Hu Shen hid a sly smile behind one of her long sleeves. “I look forward to it.” 
She bowed, and moments later she was gone, jumping from roof to roof before dropping down in some alley. Chat watched her disappear, then made off after Bonheur. Time to test those illusions of hers.
The illusions worked perhaps a bit too well. Sometimes, he wasn’t even sure which the real Bonheur was, until Racineur managed to get one of them, only for her to turn into red smoke. Several times he shouted out to his partner, only to realise she was somewhere else entirely. He started to get why Hu Shen didn’t help immediately. 
He was about to push one of the Bonheurs out of Racineur’s reach, when a red yo-yo wrapped itself around Racineur’s human arm and a triumphant Bonheur snatched the item, a self made bookmark, out of his hand and tore it in half. Racineur transformed back into a young man, and after Bonheur cast her cure, the people hit by him were rid of their roots. Chat even spotted one guy so happy, he kissed his own freed feet.
“What happened?” The young man that was Racineur looked around in confusion, “My tree…. Where is my tree?”
“You were akumatized,” Bonheur explained calmly. 
Usually, akuma victims felt better after she had cast her cure, but this man only looked distraught. Chat gave her a look of ‘I’ll handle this’ when he heard her earrings beep. He hadn’t used his Cataclysm, so he had more time than her. He kneeled down next to the man and rested one hand on his shoulder.
“Do you remember what set you off?”
“They cut down my tree!” The young man’s lip trembled. “Just to make space for some condos!” It seemed like Chat would be here for a while. This wasn’t something easily solvable. He offered the man a hand.
“Let’s get some coffee. You look like you need it.”
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
Since SL is ending, do u have a favorite outfit you wished you could have draw more of it? Can be any character.
You unlocked something in me cuz I went digging for these:
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I drew this super cute coat-dress for Rose and then only got to show the back of it?! And I looooved this fall look on Alya so much I tried to use it again in "Puppeteer" but barely got use out of it there either. And I deliberately referenced my favorite Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2 look with Mylene...and then only showed her tiny 😭😭
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This blink-and-you'll-miss-it look for Alix was so layered and so what I think I'd put Alix in as her permanent outfit if I was designing her for the show. Same for this adorable oversized fit for Ondine, she needs an "out of the water" look. As for Chloe and Sabrina, I felt like these both really reflected them well so it's too bad I only got two pages out of them.
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I actually DID get a lot of real-estate out of this Alya look, I just liked it so much I want to see it more. And this Nino doesn't blow my mind but I drew him so cute in my sketchbook quick sketch that I want to bring the look back just to recapture the magic. And this long skirt on Nadja made her look kinda hot, I waited to late to start messing with the adults.
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I just really liked the few times I got to draw Juleka in this look, I wonder if it's actually the hair that I liked most. And poor Marc, I drew them in this "is it a shirt? is it a dress?" look but you never see below their waist! And I killed it with these three, you can tell that I just really like the outfits I made for Alya, Kagami doesn't get to wear casual clothes enough, and Nino isn't super fashionable, but when I nail it for him I NAIL it!
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I like making the rich kids casual. (Also I fully admit that there's just something about showing off guys collarbones for me, idk what it is). I especially like this Chloe look because it's inspired by fellow creator @mikoriin's artwork of her! Ivan is hard to get excited about because I feel like part of his visual design is that he's NOT fashionable (I mean he's wearing two different shades of black, the nightmare) so when I can trick him into looking good, I like it 💖And I like most of the looks I give Lila, wanting to see her outfit more is just me wanting to write her more.
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Last but not least, the Hero fits from the kids. If you add in Alya dressed as Fox Trot, the Cesaires cover the Main 4 of SL (pre Ladybug) lol. It's a shame that they couldn't show off their hero worship more.
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ct-multifandom · 3 months
Miraculous s6 Trailers Breakdown
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Before I get into it, if it calms anyone’s nerves, I think this poster is a case of questionable graphic design. The weird official render style makes the characters look different from normal, plus Chat, Carapace, and Rena are all squished to match Ladybug’s proportions on the poster. This is an interesting choice from the designer: making the smallest character in the group take up the entire height and corresponding width of the poster and then awkwardly smushing the others in next to her. That’s why Carapace looks more short and stout than usual, and why Chat and Rena are kinda elongated. It doesn’t help that they shrunk Rena to accommodate her fox ears.
I’m liking the little updates to the hero suits. I honestly wasn’t expecting to see change for anyone but Ladybug and Chat, so now I’m excited to see everyone else. I love the changes on Carapace. They took his old, pretty simple suit and added a lot of new textures like the chest plate and wrist guards, and they gave him fingerless gloves and neck speakers. This gives me hope that they’ll update other designs that get criticized for just being a bodysuit with a decal on it like Ryuko and Viperion’s into something more interesting.
Rena is very similar, but her ears are bigger and pointier, the flute has been redesigned, her palms are white now, she has big poppin’ eyeliner, and her tail seems to be dark. Some people noted that they seem to be making Alya’s skin look darker after accusations of whitewashing her, so I hope they’ll finally give Pegasus the same treatment.
I’ve seen people say LB and CN must’ve taken influence from their reverse selves for their current designs, and CN seems to have some PV nods like his new shirt collar. Ladybug’s design feels more mature and is probably a response to criticism of her looking too simple as a character with a fashion interest among other superheroes with more detailed designs.
I didn’t include the poster of Marinette’s outfit, but overall I like it. I agree with people saying the bow on her shirt feels extra, but I like her emonette jacket. Her tights under jorts remind me of Mylene’s outfit, making me wonder if there’s some character influence there, or if they’ll be changing Mylene’s clothes so they don’t look too similar.
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First look at Alya! Yay! I love her new haircut. It reminds me of Haru from persona 5. She seems to be wearing the same shirt, which is lame. Maybe the rest of her outfit has changed, or maybe they’re not fixing what isn’t broke. It’s disappointing, though, that Adrien’s outfit looks the same. I can only dream that they’re leading up to a makeover scene where he realizes he’s allowed to pick out his own clothes now, but alas.
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Here Adrien is jogging with a new character (?) who has a prosthetic leg. There’s no good look at their face and even this screenshot sucks. If this is the same scene as Marinette with binoculars, then we might be getting a rare moment of a new character being introduced through Adrien rather than Marinette, perhaps someone he knows from rich people stuff or whatever nebulous and dubiously canon sports he participates in.
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This frame appears after a camera pan right from a modernized remodel of the school. Before, there were average city blocks around the school, so whatever this is might be part of an expanded campus built for Bustier’s utopian academy.
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I think I’ve written in a post before that I hope ML does something to commemorate the Paris 2024 Olympics, so I’m thrilled to see an Olympian akuma in the trailer! Perhaps this character is a celebrity cameo, but idk anything about Team France and its stars. It’s possible this scenario will be a special episode as well, but maybe more like the plastic special than the world specials. I hope they have to beat her by competing in games like Penalteam but with less cheating. It’d be awesome if the other heroes helped represent events that fit their characters. An episode like that would be a fun and light way to introduce the new animation and hero designs without diving into deep overarching drama and lore.
Perhaps the character jogging with Adrien is connected to this episode since they have a prosthetic running leg and seem athletic.
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Here’s our first look at Lila’s akumatization. Her mask thing is very pretty and soft looking compared to Gabriel’s sharp, geometric, simple one. It reminds me of a masquerade mask with all the swirls. Maybe there’s some visual symbolism here of Lila being a more complex butterfly user than Hawkmoth. We also see her shooting some sort of beam at CN from the mask, maybe separate from the akuma’s power. I hope they’ll revisit the somewhat-retconned bloodbending power we saw Hawkmoth use on Evillustrator and Pixelator and explore the full extent of the butterfly’s power over their akumas.
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Tomoe? Astruc said he wants Kagami to fight her and take her down further down the road, and I believe she may be a bigger villain than they’re making her out to be now. Lila is great and all, but an adult threat who owns a tech megacorp and is one of the only surviving members of Gabriel’s creepy billionaire sentibaby cult seems like a scarier enemy than the pathological liar from class. We don’t know Lila’s deal yet, but I imagine her villain motives are probably something deeply personal. Meanwhile, Tomoe might be trying to reach some greater goal that Gabriel failed to achieve. Both she and Lila practically had all the fruits of his evil labor fall into their laps without lifting a finger, so they might have an interesting dynamic as rival villains or fake allies.
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Okay this is from the London special. The synopsis says someone found Ladybug’s identity to take her down, and she and Bunnyx have to solve the mystery and reverse the events. This masked person looks like they may be the enemy, and their design is themed after the rabbit miraculous. People have been kinda assuming that it’s just Lila, but everyone in the audience knows she’s the next big villain right now, so it feels like a cop-out to frame this special as a mystery. It could still be her, and it’s just a mystery to the heroes, but what if the enemy is someone else? If they’re using the rabbit miraculous, Lila wouldn’t have access to it during season 5 unless she stole it somehow and gave it back unnoticed.
My theory is that the villain is Tomoe who got the miraculous from Gabriel. The trailer shows catbug looking in on Adrien and Kagami in their white rooms, so maybe during that time, Gabriel sent rabbit!Tomoe after Ladybug to ensure his victory in the upcoming finale, and maybe she has her own motives as well.
I recall Zag releasing concepts of some hero or spy characters from London a long time ago, and I thought they’d be for the London world special like Eagle and Lady Dragon, but maybe they’re for a different show or got scrapped in favor of focusing on the main miraculous plot (which honestly, good. Please focus on the existing characters)
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Finally, poor Nooroo in Lila’s creepy catacomb bunker. I hope her jumpscare reaction at the end of s5 wasn’t just the sight of him. It would feel odd after the latest of Marinette’s hero friends were totally chill seeing kwamis for the first time. He’s in some bubble here. Maybe it’s stopping him from sharing things he’s not allowed to say, or maybe Lila is forcing him to stay put? I’m also curious about the angle and what that metal bar is a part of. Is Lila sitting under a table?
Anyway! TLDR I like the new designs overall and I’m excited to see everyone else. I’m also excited at the prospect of an Olympics episode and I think Tomoe may be the next big villain next to or even surpassing Lila.
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breadnauppercrust · 1 year
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some designs i came up with for the girls in miraculous. the idea was 'what if they could have multiple outfits like sailor moon, as told by ginger, or totally spies?' and 'what if their clothes reflected their story arc?' however, i kind of gave up on them because i no longer have time to work on it as much as i would like to, so below this are copy+paste from my wip instagram account. lowkey its fanfiction-y lol
Alya redesigns! tbh don’t know if they’re cohesive but 🤷‍♀️
S1: dresses for comfort & is geeky - think DrWho/Marvel/Tumblr. Obsessed w superheroes & has dedicated blog for each one, & that includes LB. Beginning of her & Maris friendship, starts to dates nino halfway s1.
S2: Mari influences her way of dress, still geeky but experimenting w clothes. Ladyblog becomes popular, interested in finding out her secret ID. Is also investigating akumas, HM, The Who/what/where/whys. Lowkey figures out who ladybug is but doesn’t say anything. Has been given fox miraculous at least a couple times.
S3: notices changes in Maris behavior & confronts her. Becomes fox miraculous holder full time, helps LB figure out who HM is & shares all the info she’s found. CN lowkey pushed to the side, causing friction, bc wrapped up w finding out who HM is ig. Constantly wears a Fanny pack now for trixx. Goes w comfortable but stylish clothes (ig lol idk) also at this point is BFF w Mari
S1: wears preppy designer brands to impress mom, despite living in diff countries. Basic mean girl, her only friends being Sabrina and Adrien - whose a childhood friend & lowkey helped him attend school. Both know how it feels to “lose” a parent & Adrien has seen a softer side of her. Probably has a crush on him ig. Maris bully, jealous of her talents at sewing & making friends easily, & prob her knit tight family.
S2: still preppy but w 60/70s inspo. Given bee miraculous a couple times, has resisted akumas - info she uses to help others later. Helping ppl & being somewhat nice makes her feel good & likes the appreciation from others+LB. Maybe Mom moves back to Paris w half sister, Zoe - might be significantly younger than Chloe idk. Didn’t like her at first but warms up to her as season goes on. Sees lil sister copying her & their mom, has an epiphany ig. Connects dots on akumas & feelings & tries to be better.
Should Zoe exist tho??? idk
S3: preppy but more casual. She’s nicer but still sarcastic, has made a few new friends, treating Sabrina better. Still trying to get moms approval tho & follows her around, even to fashion things w the Agreste. Notices Gabriel is acting strange, more distant towards Adrien, doesn’t notice what he’s doing or where he’s going. pt queen bee ig, probably given towards the very end of the season tbh by Adrien/CN after being ignored by LB bc of RR involvement w finding out HM id. AND noticing Chloe change significantly in the past several months (?) does Adrien reveal to her IDK he is still loyal to LB but eH
1st Mari is shy, her outfits are safe & she kind of disappears in a crowd. She just became 🐞 & isn’t 💯 with her role yet. She’s designed and made her own clothes but doesn’t wear them outside of the house bc Chloe, oof
2nd she’s now comfortable being 🐞 & that boosts her confidence as Mari, she’s wearing more bold colors & outfits that she may or may not have designed herself 👀
3rd 🐞 is now the guardian of the miraculous box, has bigger responsibilities & problems to deal with. Being 🐞 has creeped into her daily life. Doesn’t have time to design/make clothes so wears w/e, but tries to appear happy.
i like the idea of kagami being prim and proper looking all preppy at the beginning, but after making friends she starts to rebel by modifying her school clothes w accessories but eventually wears w/e she wants w a punkish vibe. lowkey worried about falling into a trope so idk
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Miraculous: Magical Connections Power Changes
I went over certain power changes briefly in my backstory rewrites, but I wanted to go into more detail as well as add a specific link to the master post I have pinned
Let's get into it (keep in mind, certain things won't be said to avoid spoilers even if you're reading this after things have been revealed)
No Changes:
Rabbit Miraculous (Only it's concept which is now Time)
Turtle Miraculous
Monkey Miraculous
Mouse Miraculous
Eagle Miraculous
The Prodigious
Weapon Changes:
Goat/Rooster/Dog/Horse Miraculous:
All four of the original weapons (Paintbrush, fountain pen, ball, and horseshoe respectively) were not good weapons, so I changed them to keep the same feeling as the original but actually work as proper weapons
The Goat now has a bat, the Rooster has a dagger, the Dog has a flail, and the Horse has a tekkō (the tekkō is similar to that of brass knuckles and resembles a horseshoe)
Pig/Snake Miraculous:
Neither of these weapons (tambourine and lyre respectively) fit and unlike the other four, they aren't even on brand with the power or animal, so they've been changed to be good weapons and fit with them better
The Pig now has a rapier, a weapon that needs precision to use as it is a stabbing, not a slicing weapon, and the Snake now has a whip, a fitting choice for it as it resembles a snake tail (both of these also play into their powers)
Minor Changes/Tweaks:
Cat/Bee/Horse/Fox Miraculous:
When the user activates their Cataclysm/Venom/Voyage/Mirage, it won't start their timer until the use it, meaning they can also deactivate it after it's been primed (This is only the case for these four as these do not immediately activate)
Bee Miraculous:
The user sets the time for Venom to last, ranging from seconds to hours to days (depending on the experience of the user), however if the user doesn't have a set time it'll simply be "Indefinite" as it'll either disappear when the user wants it to or when the user detransforms (or an outside force frees them)
Cat Miraculous:
We've seen before that the Cataclysm can spread; however it can only spread if it is the same item, so it could be spread further and faster along something like a billboard, but the moment the user's hand is not touching something it'll stop
Dog Miraculous:
It's not a simple touch anymore because it was too easy to do accidentally, now the user most use the end of their flail (the weapon was changed) and say "Sniff" to activate it, and "Fetch" to retrieve it like in canon
Fox Miraculous:
We've seen this in canon, but it's never been clarified, so I wanted too here: it's possible to create a "scene" of illusions which will not all disappear when one is disrupted (ie; an illusion of Ladybug and Chat won't both be disrupted if the Ladybug illusion is)
Ladybug Miraculous:
Very small tweak that the power adapts not only to the user but to the villain, while this is sort of true in canon, I wanted that to be more apparent here
For example, if Marinette were to fight Mr. Pigeon, she'd get a coin for the vending machine, if it were Adrien, he'd get a clothes pin because of his allergies and fight him head on, if it were Alya, she'd get a bird call to confuse the pigeons and so on
Peafowl Miraculous:
When an Amok uses negative emotions it creates a Sentimonster, whereas if it uses positive emotions, it creates a Sentibeing
The name of the Miraculous has also been changed to Peafowl
Major Changes:
The "Miraculous Ladybug" Ability:
It still exists but in concept but in concept alone, the entire power has been reworked to be less overpowered and not be an undo button at the end of each battle
The first change is that, to use it, it can only be used by combining the magic of the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous (not unification, but two holders combining their powers)
The second is that it can only fix damage directly caused by magic, so it'll put the animal's that Animan controlled back in the zoo, but if Ladybug ripped out a streetlight it wouldn't fix it since, while it was her enhanced strength that did it, it wasn't magic in nature
The third is that this power takes a lot of energy from both Ladybug and Chat Noir AND Tikki and Plagg, meaning this isn't something that can be done constantly without taking a physical toll on the users
Butterfly Miraculous:
The thing is, there wasn't anything wrong with them before, but since I wanted to reduce the Ladybug Miraculous to not being a magic fix-all, I had to change how the power worked
Akuma and Kamiko are the same and work identically with the exception that Kamiko target positive emotions and Akuma target negative emotions, so Akuma aren't just a reverse of a positive power because none of the Miraculous are inherently good or bad
Second, if the Butterfly wielder recalls their Akuma/Kamiko, it'll stay powered and can be reused, however if it is forceable removed (Ie; Ladybug/Chat Noir breaking the item it's possessing) the magic will disappear completely; however, either way once the Akuma/Kamiko is no longer possessing an item, all the magic disappears and everything that needs the magic to work will go back to normal (ie; Reflekta's clones, Syren's water, and Kung Food's mind control)
While this isn't really a change, I wanted to clarify that if someone is unwilling Akumatized OR Kamikotized, they'll only remember fragments or it'll be fuzzy, in other words they don't just have a gap in their memory, rather it's just not a clear image of what happened
Dragon Miraculous:
The Dragon's power was one of the MOST powerful in canon, and since it was three-in-one, I needed to fix that
The power is now "Storm Dragon" which transforms their body into a cloud-like state in which they can control wind, water, and lightning; however, as a tradeoff, they cannot physically interact with anything while in this state
This basically puts them into a ghost-like state, however magic can still affect them the same way their magic can affect others
Goat Miraculous:
Originally the power was being able to create any one object (or set of objects) but not only does that directly interfere with the Ladybug, given it's, y'know, the concept of creation, plus it just being an overall boring power, I changed it to be "Magic Repel"
This makes it so any and all physical, mental, and magical attacks don't do anything, however this only lasts for five minutes (regardless of their timer) and they still feel the effects even if it leaves no physical/mental damage
Ox Miraculous:
I changed the power because I decided to make it better and give it to the Goat instead, plus I wanted to go with a popular headcanon/theory for it instead
Stampede increases the Ox holder's strength, stamina, and speed to superhuman level, allowing them to act as a one man stampede
Rooster Miraculous:
Like the Dragon Miraculous, the Rooster's canon ability is too overpowered, especially since it can quite literally cross dimensions
To play into the whole "Mother Hen" phrase, I gave the Rooster the ability to heal any and all injuries of a person under the pretense that they could otherwise heal from it, so it can't be used to bring people back from the dead or save them if they otherwise cannot be saved
It also cannot heal emotional, mental, or spiritual damage unless it was directly caused by a magical source, so it's mostly for physical injuries
Snake Miraculous:
To keep from the ability crossing over into Fluff's concept of time, I changed the power to instead focus more on the user's true intuition
Ontological shows the user anywhere from a few to thousands of possible future timelines, forcing them to figure out what the best course of action is at any given moment, this will also update whenever something drastic enough happens to change their entire future (ie; Ladybug's identity is exposed)
(The name Ontological comes from the Ontological Paradox in which a future event causes a past event which therefore causes a future event)
Tiger Miraculous:
I liked the idea of the Tiger being invisibility, so I went with it (especially since the Ox now had super strength)
While invisible, the user's heat signature is also gone, and they also become much quieter, however they aren't silent
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In regards to Miraculous Gaang animals:
-Sokka: I was thinking just Captain Beetle, especially since it sounds vaguely close to Captain Boomerang, which is an appropriate title for Sokka but also not because it's also the name of a DC villain who killed Tim Drake's dad (and it doesn't have ladybug theming). I definitely think use Captain though, because I am now attached to Sokka having Cap as a nickname.
-Katara: So there are actually several species of big cats that like and excel in the water. One of them is the jaguar, and black jaguars do exist. Jaguars also have lots of night and water symbolism associated with them. I'm not the best with names, but I think Midnight Jaguar, Black Jaguar, Painted Jaguar, or maybe Inky Jaguar could all work for her. (Also, look up fishing cats. They're useless for this au because they don't come in black, but they're a cross between otters and bobcats and they're insane).
-Suki: ML got it right here actually because very many species of vipers are blue or teal, so I'd stick with that. For some reason my brain is getting stuck on Viperious (instead of imperious), but some other half baked options could he Velvet Viper, Silk Viper, or Vypertime (instead of hypertime),
-Zuko: Seriyu is the blue dragon spirit of Japan that represents the east and springtime. Spring represents new beginnings which is fitting for Zuko, and could provide a fun connection/contrast with Iroh's whole Dragon of the West thing. Otherwise I got nothing.
-Toph: I like the Blind Tiger too much to come up with anything else, lol. My brain said "yup that's perfect the naming machine is now off for her." Sorry if you were hoping for more options.
-Azula: I think her blue flames are significant, so I think basing her off an arctic fox, a silver fox, a blue morph fox, or maybe even a cross fox. Actually, yeah screw it, cross fox Azula. Duality, being split between red and dark gray/blue coloring as she's conflicted with her loyalty to Ozai/the fire nation and her own unique individual wants and needs. Being part blue connects her to Blue Dragon!Zuko too. I'm thinking that her costume is similar to the one in the show but if it was more flowy and elegant and less armory and intimidating. So like, the layered panels thing she has going on can stay, but more thick cloth traveling layers and less rigid armor. Instead of the big leather flaps she has like a poncho or a shawl. She's already got the cross fox coloring motif of big black middle panel and red side panels, and we obviously have to add her skirt tunic being pulled back into a coat tail. Keep the loose pants and the pointed boots for the theatre vibes. I'm thinking her mask is sort of like a masquerade/theatrical fox mask that covers the whole top half of her face and has fox ears but leaves the bottom open. Names. . .uh? Yeah I'm bad with these. Vixen?
-Yue: Also nothing, so sorry.
-Jin: Homegirl appears in one episode, we can go hog wild with her (pun intended) and do whatever we want. I'm thinking basing her off a wild boar and not a farm pig. I want her whole "chipper jubilant" hero thing to be more "Feral joy that one gets from running through an open windy feild at night and screaming at the top of their lungs." I like the idea of keeping her spiky, messy, wild hair in her costume. Like, let that go nuts. Pigella also has ballet inspo, so I think Jin should get, like, festival revelry dancing inspired costume and makeup, but also in more muted earthy tones. Names. . .maybe Babirusa? Type of Indonesian wild boar. My only other ideas are just straight up using Wild Hog or Hogwild.
-Ty Lee: I like the idea of her costume being very circus themed. Like, she looks like a trapeze artist. Lots of glitter and "look at me" kind of details on her costume. Tight, but with just enough loose flowing bits to look cool when it moves around. You could even keep the crown thing because my girl is a queen after all. I think we name her something like Sticky Sweet, Sweet Stinger, or Honey Stinger. Something that emphasizes the "looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you" thing she has.
-Mai: Hear me out---rat instead of mouse. Mai is always down to pick a fight and is a lot meaner than your average mouse, and this way, her costume could have, like bandit/thug inspiration and she could just look so menacing. The only names that come to mind are Rat-Attack-Tat, which doesn't exactly roll of the tongue or Swarm, which brings more bug than rat.
Also. Eagle!Jet because Freedom Fighters and also Jet with guns sounds like a dangerous and amazing combination. That's it.
Anyway, I gotta go find everything on the Avatar!Ty Lee AU now because I didn't know you had that and HELL YEAH!
Oh! Okay so!
I love the Captain name for Sokka. Also I am double laughing at the Captain Boomerang reference because I have heard him called 'discount Sokka' once before. May have to hammer out the exact ladybug reference with it. A previous ask mentioned Harmonia and Harlequin.
Jaguar is perfect for Katara. I think I gotta go with Painted Jaguar because gotta love the reference.
Something viper themed is good, but I'm not sure exactly what. Vipertime makes me laugh but idk if it fits.
Seiryu is great actually.
Blind Tiger is also perfect lmao.
Okay so Azula! So like. Technically this is a no Bending au. Or else there'd be too much going on to have both atla's plots and the au's. So there's no reason to have a fire theme. BUT. I can't resist bringing back the wordplay that is Vulpyro.
rip Yue I got nothing either.
'looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you' is the best description of Ty Lee. So yeah one of those Honey Stinger ones is great!
Rat time!! I like it. No idea on names.
Jet with the Eagle is a terrifying but perfect combination. Not sure what his plot will be in this au considering how different the plot is? Like obvs I want to parrallel ATLA's plots but I think a lot of him is hard to translate.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
For the Actor AU, how did they feel abt the canon heroes' outfits? If they could, how would they have modified them?
Marinette: Basic as fuck! It looks like I’m wearing footie pajamas! If I were in charge of my costume, I’d give myself a full-on punk look because Ladybug’s are some badass motherfuckers. Oh, and boots that have soles equipped with a shock-absorbing cushion, and a heel that contains a reinforced spring to soften the shock whenever I land. And… Maybe a backpack shaped like ladybug wings to hold my Lucky Charms and anything I need to collect for my plan.
Adrien: Less leather! That stuff shrinks, and a full leather bodysuit is not comfortable. Also, because of the cat holders’ powers, it would be cool if heroes had some sort of medical supplies on them just in case, like stored in a utility belt. And I’m with Mari, those boots sound badass. What else?… Oh, definitely add some more color instead of just basic black.
Alya: Well, the Fox doesn’t seem like a combative hero due to the powers. I see Rena Rouge as a distraction, really, so her outfit wouldn’t be one of those “ready for battle” types. Here’s what I’m thinking, one of those noir-film type outfits. The hat covers my face a bit to give me an air of mystery, and the outfit would look almost casual that no villain would suspect me.
Nino: I mean… Carapace’s look is cool. It’s alright. I’m liking the goggles, but… I’d prefer if he had armor. He’s the fucking turtle hero! He should be ready to take any blow that a villain sends his way!
Rose: Where to begin? Look, you all know me; I love pink more than the next guy, but… Sometimes too much is too much. The Pig Miraculous strikes me as… More farmhand than ballerina. Yee, I know, the heroes come with a tambourine, but come on! While I do love the skirt, I’d trade it in for overalls, either shorts or a skirt. Oh, and add some black in there, too. Daizzi has a black circle around his eye, let him be represented!
Juleka: Studded jacket. That is all.
Luka: Oh, honey, either give me a hood so I can look like a cobra or get the fuck away from me with that outfit.
Myléne: The mouse strikes me as more of the elegant type, I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the pastel pink mixed with the grey, but I see Polymouse wearing skirts over Pigella. But, that’s just my opinion.
Ivan: Honestly, I’m fine with the canon design for Minotaurox. Yeah, he’s got pockets and padding, I-I like it. And if you show me a better design, I’ll happily take a look at it.
Marc: … I think all of the effort went into making Rooster Bold’s costume. He’s got rooster hair, the little tallons on the back of his boots, and a fucking tailcoat! He and Mayura are the only ones to have tailcoats! I’m not complaining, though. I… I actually like it, but it is a nightmare putting on and taking off that wig.
Nathaniel: Well, I can say I sort of know how some of the girls feel, because that suit was tight as hell! You could see my hip dip! Also, I would’ve liked to have a different hairstyle and maybe some color, because I am the only male redhead around for miles. Oh, and climbing boots becuase, I’m a goat, duh.
Alix: … Do I need to say it? Okay, give me some active wear! I’m traveling through a shit ton of different timelines! I need someone sporty and active when I’m on the go. Also, I’ll need a backpack like Marinette.
Kim: Not hearing any complaints from me! I liked Roi Singe, but being Scarlet Beetle is way cooler!
Max: The glasses can easily come off. What I need is a high collar or a bandana that can cover the lower half of my face in case my glasses become askew or someone is able to place my identity because all I have on my face are some stupid glasses! God, I’m so glad I’m doing this new show now.
Chloé: Oh, I just want wings.
Zoé: Same.
Sabrina: Can mine just not look like my clothes, please?! I’ll take whatever, just not that!
Kagami: I would prefer if I had some form of armor and not a spandex bodysuit. It would need to be lightweight but also durable to allow me to travel faster, of course.
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emeliejeannie · 11 months
I've been inspired by another post I saw earlier this week to think about how the Miraculous might affect their holders. so here I go! I apologies for any misinformation about a certain animal here, I just found some info online. so there's only a few things in here with each animal...
Ladybug holders are extra sensitive to the cold, and can get sleepy.
Since Ladybug's are the most well liked bug (probably), humans are naturally drawn to them. this explains why so many people suddenly started to develop crushes on Marinette.
Cat holders have night vision and improved hearing.
Cat holders tend to be night owls.
Cat holders have the ability to purr in and out of costume.
Cat holders get affected by catnip.
Cat holder's nails grow faster and a little thicker than normal.
Ladybug (creation) holders get along well with the living while Cat (destruction) holders get along better with the dead. what I mean by that is, terminally ill people, for example, feel at peace in the presence of cat holders. while animals, nature and children alike feel at peace with Ladybug holders and thrive in their presence.
Bee holders are also sensitive to cold temperatures.
Bee holders have a heightened sense of smell and taste.
Female bee holders start craving jelly.
Pollinator holders (Bee, Ladybug etc) are drawn to plants.
Bug holders get along with bugs better than others.
Pig holders sweat less.
Pig holders have a tendency to be talkative.
Pig holders have better memory than most.
Tiger holders are one of the fastest miraculi.
Tiger holders have an increase in appetite.
Goat holders get cravings for salads.
Mouse holders produce more vitamin C.
Mouse holders like to walk by walls when they can.
Fox holders have improved hearing.
Fox holders can sense the magnetic field of the earth.
Turtle holders are drawn to light.
Turtle holders might become "slow" they process things slower than before, and sometimes respond later than usual.
Snake holders can hiss (???) like snakes.
Horse holders have fast reflexes.
Horse holders rarely vomit.
Horse holders produce more saliva than the average human.
Monkey holders like to "groom" their loved ones. they play with their hair, or pick at loose hairs on their clothes or lint. they're just generally touchy.
Dog holders tend to follow their loved ones blindly. they become very affectionate and are sometimes blinded by their love for others.
Dog holders tend to get excited easily.
dog holders tend to "look out for their pack" they always check if everyone is present in group settings, and protect their loved ones when vulnerable.
Rooster holders tend to be early birds.
Rooster holders like order in their daily lives and in their relationships.
Ox holders tend to be quiet and reserved.
Ox holders tend to be comforting and reliable people.
Rabbit holders are usually very expressive with their face and body language.
Rabbit holders, like cat holders, have the ability to purr.
Peacock holders are drawn to bright colors.
Peacock holders hate being alone.
Some Peacock holders can become aggressive if worked up.
Dragon holders have a tendency to hoard.
Butterfly holders tend to drink a lot. doesn't have to be water, as long as it's liquid.
Butterfly holders have trouble regulating their body temperature.
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disaster-biraven · 8 months
The Lazarus Problem Chapter 3
Jasonette Ch1 Ch2 Ch3(you are here) Ch4 ~ Masterlist
Ao3 Dedicated to @girl-in-thechair
Marinette didn’t forget, per say, to try and find Jason. It’s just dealing with the Bats takes a lot of attention, and she was afraid of what she’d find. Tikki would call it procrastinating, but Marinette calls it protecting her sanity. It was still bugging her, and it seemed like she was seeing him everywhere. Once she thought she saw him in the background of a video about the latest Wayne Gala, and another time could have sworn he was outside a coffee shop near Wayne Enterprise. Marinette convinced herself in was a reflection or something, cause no one was around by the time she made it outside.
Once she finally got around to looking up his name, she almost cried at how easy it was. Jason had managed to get adopted by Bruce Wayne, of course he did. While she vaguely knew about Bruce Wayne and that he adopts kids, the last time she was in Gotham there was only one. And she didn’t try and keep up with that in Paris, Marinette was busy building a new life. Looking at the timeline, he was adopted really soon after they had been separated. Reaching out to them wouldn’t be easy, much less trying to run into him. ~
Her answer to her problem came in the form of a commission request a week later. She had finally opened them up again after finishing her move. Tim Drake had reached out for the whole Wayne family, needing clothes for the next charity gala. He was a big fan of MDC and had always wanted to commission her. Apparently Tikki’s luck was still working for her.
After reaching out and setting up an appointment, all Marinette was left with was nerves about the meeting with the Bats. But she had found Jason and the two sources of the Lazarus pits. So now all she had to do was reconnect with Jason, and then convince hyper-paranoid vigilantes that she was there to help. Fun.
The meeting with the Bats was setting to take place on Wayne Enterprise, the tallest building around. Most likely to keep random Gothamites from seeing most of the Bat family and an unknown meeting at 2am. It seemed like Lyca had gotten there first, but she knew better. At least one person was surveying the area, and it was only a matter of time til the rest got there.
Sure enough, five minutes later the faint sound of boots hit the gravel. She turns to face Batman and Red Hood. While the Bat sizes her up, Red Hood decided to make introductions.
“Batman meet Lyca, Lyca this is Batman. Uh, and you both already know me…”
“How do we know you really mean to help with the Lazarus pits? You very well could be a spy sent from the League of Assassins?” Batman waits impatiently for her to answer, probably so he can continue interrogating her.
“Do you know Ladybug and Chat Noir? And that they have Miraculous that they used?” Lyca points to her necklace, “I have the Fox Miraculous. I wasn’t Rena Rouge, but I did help the heroes in Paris. Now that Hawkmoth has been stopped, Gotham is the most unbalanced place. And how I can best help with that is helping you with the Lazarus pits.”
As expected, bringing up the Miraculous threw Batman off. She was aware that the Justice League had been looking for her. One of the reasons they hadn’t found her yet was because of the Miraculous magic, and her luck. If partly revealing herself help gain their trust, so be it. She could see the cogs in Batman’s head switch gears.
“I’ve been trying to get into contact with Ladybug, would you be willing to help with that?”
“She is already aware of that, the most I can do is pass along a message.” She wasn’t ready to step back into the earrings, and she figured this would at least get him of her back for now. Red Hood then spoke up,
“How would you even help with the Lazarus pits? I mean, I believe you but we’ve already looked into healing it and hit a dead end.”
“The pits were originally made by a wish using the cat and ladybug miraculouses. Ladybug and Chat Noir have given me the tools necessary to reverse the effects. I can delve more into it closer to when we actually do it.”
Red Hood seemed to accept that. Batman, however, seemed to still have some hang ups.
“I will reach out to Wonderwomen, and look into the fox miraculous. She may want to meet you.” Lyca nodded.
“That’s reasonable, if you want to reach me use this,” She handed Red Hood a phone Max invented that could connect to the miraculous and the Kwamis. “It’s untraceable both ways, and reaches me directly.” She didn’t feel the need to mention she could trace it if she really needed to. In case she ever needed to get the phone back, if it fell into the wrong hands.
Batman obviously wanted to ask more questions, but Marinette needed to go. Her consultation with Tim Drake was early in the morning and she had a lot of prepping to do.
“It was really nice meeting you Batman, but I’ll have to answer the rest of your questions another day.” Before he can respond she calls for Mirage and silently returns home. ~
Jason stared up at the ceiling as he laid back on the couch, waiting for his fitting with the designer Tim had obsessed over for ever. Tim and Bruce had already gone, while Dick was currently in there. Everyone had decided it was best for Damian to go last, so Jason was up next. The phone Lyca had given him was in his pocket, true to her word it was untraceable. Both Tim and Barbra had tried, when it was decided that magic had been used in the process of making it and they called it a night. Jason didn’t allow himself to feel hopeful that he could be cured, as it still felt to good to be true.
“Jason? It’s your turn.” Dick said as he popped his head into the library.
“Thanks, be right there.”
“Great, I’m going to go prep Damian. Try and bribe him to not insult or maim her.” And with that Dick disappeared.
Jason swung his legs over the edge of the couch and stood up. As he opened the door, the designer turned around and froze. She was painfully familiar, but the answer was harder to remember the harder he thought about it. She unfroze, blinking slightly. Immediately the answer came to him. An old friend, long thought dead was right in front of him.
He tried to speak, but he was in shock. Clearing his throat he attempted again.
“Marinette?” His voice cracked.
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Paradise - Chapter 22 - The Battle Begins
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix stared out her window at the battle that raged below. The demons that threatened the agents of Heaven roamed the streets. The fox demon created illusions to frighten and threaten the people that ran in terror. The black cat man destroyed buildings and other random objects, but avoided the people where he could. They caused their mischief until angels descended from above. The two sides engaged each other in brutal combat.
            Alix’s blood went cold as she watched the battle. She didn’t like any of this. They were left at the mercy of these horrid monsters, but at least they had guardians. At least the fairy woman and the peacock were here. At least they had people to keep them safe.
            “What’s the matter, Sweetpea. You have that look on your face when you’re troubled,” Daizzi, a pig kwami, asked.
            “I suppose I am. There’s a war going on, right?”
            “Yes. Paradise wants to be made, but there are holders against it.”
            “Do you think we could help? Would that be a possibility?”
            “To help the holders against Paradise?”
            “No. They’re clearly evil. I don’t want to help those kind of people.”
            “So, do you want to help Paradise?”
            “Should I? Can I? What do you think?”
            “You can. They seem like the good guys here. Nothing wrong with helping the good ones out, right?”
            “Yeah. Yeah! Let’s do it. Help the good ones. You ready, Daizzi?”
            “Always, Sweetpea.”
            “Let’s go! Daizzi, wonder!”
            Luka, Juleka, and Rose ran through the back alleys in their attempt to evade the war that raged between the crazy Paradise holders and the holders of destruction. Luka led them through the alleys until a part of a building collapsed. Juleka pulled him back before it could crush him.
            “Dammit! Curse these damn holders,” Juleka hissed.
            “Maybe we should transform now. It’ll be safer, right?” Rose asked.
            “Are you mad? Why would we transform now? We don’t want anyone to know who we are. If they did, they’d stop us from enjoying ourselves. Do you want that?” Luka pressed.
            “I don’t want to be dead either!” Rose snapped.
            “Well, suck it up and keep moving. Both of you!” Juleka roared.
            Luka grabbed Juleka’s arm as he headed down another alley. He turned a corner as he was scooped up by a man dressed in navy blue tactical gear with stripes of orange and yellow camo. He looked up as Juleka and Rose were caught and thrown over another man’s shoulders, who wore all black athletic clothes and had a pair of bull horns on his head.
            Luka’s eyes widened as he recognized the man’s face as Kim, one of his old classmates. He lowered his head and kept his face hidden to avoid being recognized. He watched the alleys disappear below them as the guy that carried him leapt over the buildings and oncoming debris. He watched it shift into a street when they stopped. He risked a look around when the guy shifted in direction. His eyes widened when he saw the ladybug girl from the news trapped under a pile of debris.
            “Hold on, Hope! I’ve got you!” Aurora called out.
            Luka’s breath caught at the familiar voice. It was Nino’s voice, another of his old classmates. Aurora put him down as he rushed to help Hope. He watched Aurora unearth Hope as a shadow fox materialized out of thin air. It tossed Aurora aside with the debris and freed Hope. Hope clung to the fox as it shifted into a tall woman dressed in dark robes surrounded by nine black fox tails.
            Luka shifted and watched the fox woman comfort Hope, who sobbed hysterically. He tilted his head at the odd silence of Hope despite her crying. He watched them until a boulder flew in and hit the fox woman, destroying the fox woman’s illusion. Hope’s jaw dropped in a desperate attempt to scream. She stumbled to her feet as Aurora ran up and threw her over his shoulder before he grabbed Luka.
            Luka glanced up at Hope, who desperately fought to escape Aurora’s grip, but couldn’t. He fought to piece together her familiar face when it struck him like lightning. Her round, soft face. Her big, bluebell eyes. Her soft, peachy skin. Her black hair that surely shone blue when the light hits it just right. It was Marinette. He swallowed hard as old feelings resurfaced that mixed with new passions. He fought a losing battle as the passions consumed him.
            Luka breathed a sigh of relief when he was put down. He scrambled to move away when his eyes caught a glimpse of Hope. He paused and stared at her, his mind whirling with unspeakable thoughts. He watched her with hungry, desperate eyes when a lanky boy in snake-themed clothes and blond hair approached Hope. He glared at the boy, who checked on her before he moved on.
            Luka watched the boy as bitter jealousy tore through him. The boy moved around the area, checking on others when he saw Luka. The boy paused as his cheeks flushed. Luka raised a brow as the boy looked around before he trotted over to Luka.
            “H-hello. Uh, are you hurt?”
            Luka didn’t answer.
            “Uh, r-right. Um. I’m… Aspik. Nice to, uh, meet you?”
            Aspik held out his hand with a nervous, awkward smile. Luka looked at it, then at Aspik, before he turned to walk away.
            “Wait!” Aspik cried.
            Luka paused and glanced behind.
            Aspik hesitated. “Uh, well, you see… I… you… I, uh. Did you… uh… did you know you look very… nice?”
            “Uh, thanks, I guess. Anything else?”
            Aspik’s face flushed red as he looked away.
            “Right. Well, see you later, Aspik.”
            Luka disappeared behind a corner before Aspik could speak. He hid behind a dumpster for a few minutes as Juleka and Rose joined him.
            “Finally! Where have you been?” Juleka whispered.
            “Does it matter? We’re all here now. Let’s go. Ziggy, bleat it.”
            A goat kwami disappeared into a pair of hair clips in Luka’s hair. His clothes transformed into a worn leather jacket, ripped black jeans, knee-high boots with chains wrapped around them. His chest exposed with a satanic black goat head tattoo on his chest. His hair slicked back as two sets of goat horns adorned his head.
            Rose tensed up. “Styx, fangs out.”
            Juleka fumed then sighed. “Whatever. Orikko, sunrise.”
            Void struggled as she created new waves of illusions only for the angelic army Echidna effortlessly created carved through her ranks. She watched as Widow curbed the army making some of the angels betray their own. It was effective, but not like Cat Noir’s destructive attacks that leveled legions of the army along with the city.
            Void moved to create a new set of illusions when pain struck her side. She took a sharp breath as she fell to her knees. She struggled as angels surrounded her. They pointed their weapons at her as one moved up.
            “You’ve lost this battle, fox. Surrender your jewel and we’ll show you mercy.”
            Void laughed. “Were it that easy, monster.”
            The head angel raised its weapon when a cat’s yowl echoed.
            “What was that?” the head angel asked.
            Void laughed and staggered to her feet. She grinned as black blood streamed from her mouth. “Haven’t you noticed by now? I mean, it’s awfully quiet, don’t you think?”
            The head angel furrowed its brow before its eyes widened. It turned and saw Cat Noir in the distance. It shouted orders to retreat, but they were caught in the destruction beam as he leveled the district and destroyed Void’s illusion.
            Void’s eyes shot open as she looked around her dark room. She struggled to sit up as her body ached from head to toe. She let out a breath as she managed to sit on her bed when Hope burst into her room. She yelped as Hope tackled her but didn’t knock her back.
            “Hope, are you ok?”
            Hope shook her head.
            “I’m here. You can rest now.”
            Hope nodded and tapped her earrings twice. Tikki emerged from the earrings and Hope reverted to Marinette. Void glared at Tikki, who looked panicked and concerned before she retreated from the room. Void sighed and comforted Marinette.
            “Rest easy, Mar-Mar. I’m here. I’m here.”
            Echidna cried out in frustration. “We were played for fools! That damn fox tricked us. She had us running circles just to have the cat come in and level an entire district!”
            “Now, there’s the possibility that some people were harmed, right? Not everyone could have gotten out in time, right?” Erinona commented.
            “They have to be working with that little team. You saw them all, didn’t you? The little ladybug girl, the tiger, the cow, the swan, the wolf, the rabbit! They got them all out in time.”
            “And what about the goat, the rooster, and the bat?” a girl’s voice asked.
            Echidna, Erinona, Ambrosia, and Agape looked around the chapel. Their eyes landed on a girl with light pink skin, large pink pigtails, a frilly three tone pink dress with gloves and boots to match.
            “Who are you?” Echidna asked.
            “I’m Circe. I’m here to help your cause. I would sooner fight for good than for evil.”
            Echidna hummed. “We will take any help we can get. These demons have thwarted us and leveled an entire district.”
            Circe’s eyes widened. “An entire district? Why would they do that?”
            “I can’t answer that, but we could use your help in stopping them. Could you tell us about this goat, rooster, and bat?”
            “Oh, yes! I saw them head to an abandoned warehouse. I peeked inside to see all manner of debauchery and impure behaviors.”
            “Oh my! Sister, what should we do?” Erinona asked.
            Echidna considered. “These three sound vile in nature and concept. Whoever they are, they are bound to join the demonic forces. We need to stop them by any means necessary. Circe, would you help with that?”
            Circe shuffled uncomfortably. “I won’t have to enter their den of sin, would I?”
            Echidna’s eyes widened as her face softened. “No, child. I won’t subject you to that. I just ask you help be our eyes. If you see anything that can help, please tell us. You can do that, won’t you?”
            Circe nodded.
            “Good. Agape, Ambrosia, I want you two to look into these holders. Find out what you can and when we can mobilize against them, inform me at once. Understood?”
            Ambrosia and Agape nodded. The group exchanged their last pleasantries for the night before they went their separate ways. Dragnet smirked on her perch high up in the rafters.
            “Understood, Emilie.”
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erisluna35ocblog · 6 months
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This week on my Reverse AU OC portrait series, I'm using Blake to study how to do leather. Leather is such a complicated material to work with, its supposed to be so reflective hence the more intense highlights in his jacket compared to how I did Shizuke's black shirt and Blair's romper. There's also the contrast in rendering black fur compared to Blair's white fur coat. Rendering black in general is a whole different thought excersise compared to the whites on Shizuke and Blair.
Introducing the black cat for my OC's reverse AU, Blake Crawford! Compared to Blair's ring, his silver ring has an orangey tint, a referrence to how he's the fox in the original timeline. The inspiration to tie his hair back is from Attack on Titan's Eren, for the depressing edgyness. Unlike Fiona who's design took some cues from Ladybugs (Marinette and Bridgette), Blake's inner clothes is based on Nathanael's akuma form, Evillustrator. It's cause his original design takes cues from Nathanael. The reason for the aversion to referrencing Adrien and/or Felix is, other than their outfits just aren't very edgy emo, it's to signal he isn't supposed to be seen as a love interest for his Ladybug partner. I wanted there to be something of a hint with his role despite being the black cat. Instead of paralleling Fiona, his outfit parallel's Blair's more. The black fur lining and an oversized black jacket, the white (light gray) shirt underneath, the way his hair is parted, the stripes, the round details... I picked him to be the black cat so he can be more active with his arc where he's looking for his sister.
Why are the twins separated?
Much like in the original, he and Blair lost their parents and got separated because of the foster system. Blair ended up with their abusive relatives while Blake ended up with the Liungs... except they never got Blair back. It's too late by the time they found out those relatives sold Blair off to the Supreme.
Blake tried everything he could to reach his sister but the Supreme blocked him every time - she's their newest little child soldier, they still had use for her. Eventually, there was an attempt on his and the Liungs' lives. The only reason they survived was because the Resistance saved them.
There, Blake learned everything. His parents and the Liungs were members of the Resistance. Mrs. Liung, the only one left alive, stayed in contact with the Resistance despite semi retiring to focus on helping him get Blair back - it's the least she could've done for her fallen friends and husband. Yet they can't reach her no matter how many strings they pulled, which is really saying something as Mrs. Liung was a former celebrity and her strongest string is the Resistance Leader, Lorelei, who is the mayor's sister-in-law. They suspect the Supreme had something to do with it.
So to tally, the Supreme has: killed his parents, killed Mr. Liung, abducted his sister, tried to get him and the Liungs killed... Blake has plenty to be mad about. This is why Blake joined the Resistance.
At first, Blake was obsessed with taking down the Supreme for taking everything from him. He fought them from the shadows. He takes out his anger on their goons for getting in his way. It doesn't matter what they throw at him, he will destroy them all... This went on for years.
But alas, Blake is still young. After years of fighting the Supreme, things are looking more and more futile. He grew tired, both emotionally and physically. He was always fighting, always hiding, making sure the Supreme doesn't catch wind of both Blake surviving or the new black cat on the prowl... the stalemate was taking its toll on him. Nothing seems to be changing.
That is until Keagan brought a girl to their base.
It was a mistake, the fallen prince said. But Lorelei saw something in the girl and declared her the new Ladybug, his partner. The time to fight in the light has come.
Not long after this, the Supreme called in reinforcements to crush the Resistance. First was the infamous Ox-wielding Miraculous hunter they've imported from Japan. Second was their shiny new-bee who's brimming with potential... Blake's sister.
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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I have finally finished all the Miraculous Aeon pictures I had planned! I know there are more Miraculous, but these were the ones I really wanted to work with. The re-design of regular Hero Aeon was inspired by notes from @nrgrandromantic (a better version of her as an android, and a variation where she is human), and the Black Cat Miraculous design was inspired by concept art from @askr.
Why give Aeon so many Miraculous options, you ask? Well, the show gave us an absolutely cute design of her as a civilian, and then... turned her into a naked white-washed robot as a hero. My response to that is, give her ALL OF THE CLOTHES, and whether she is still an android or a human, she deserves to be cute! It is also just really interesting from a plot perspective for her and Jess to both have Miraculous as the next generation of heroes in America, stepping out of the shadows of their parents, and being part of a growing team (there is also the added layers of an android being capable of not only seeing the Kwami, but also being a Miraculous Holder; it wouldn’t be because of advanced intelligence, but the capacity for imagination, as well as her own sense of compassion and courage... but the show doesn’t care about getting that deep, so never mind I guess).
After the Hero re-designs, the Miraculous I chose were; Black Cat, Ladybug, Eagle, Bee, Butterfly, Peacock, Dragon, Tiger, Turtle, Horse. Yes, the Turtle is a little homage to TMNT. Cowabunga! I also did designs for Rabbit, Fox, and Snake, with additional alternate color variations. There is a White Rabbit, and one inspired by a black otter rex rabbit. The regular Fox Miraculous with warm colors, and one inspired by a fennec fox. A regular Snake Miraculous, and one inspired by a diamondback rattlesnake.  I have this almost kinda-sorta chibi style I use because it helps me create simple shapes when I design characters, and making it in MS Paint with a mouse, it is easier to work with pixels (so I can fill-in colors without trying to shade everything evenly). Thanks so much to my friends! Y’all started me thinking about all this, and I finished it because of you too~
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intercoursefluids · 1 year
Well That Happened Chapter 6
Diana led them to a separate room and had them all take a seat before handing out a questionnaire.
“These are how we choose what squadron you are first placed in; they also help choose what exactly you will be doing in your squad. It helps things move along more quickly.” Diana gestured for them to begin.
The room was silent, there was only Damian, his family, and Diana in the room, though they could still see people walking around through the window.
They all quickly finished their questionnaires, handing them over to Diana for their placements.
It didn’t take her long to decide.
“Bruce, you will be with me, a fellow dragon. Dick, you are a rabbit, I’ll assign a conductor to help you figure out what you will be doing. Jason, you are, unsurprisingly, a turtle. A knight to be specific, I’ll see where I can put you. Tim, you’re a fox, you are free to choose between an informant and an overseer.” It felt like she was giving a debrief in the cave, it was almost startling how familiar it was.
“Stephanie, you will be working with the Ladybugs as a healer. Cassandra, you are a bee, you’re free to pick between a caretaker or an agent. Duke, you will be working as a soothsayer, I have a feeling your particular talents will be helpful there. Damian, you will be working as a mouse scout. Basically, you are free to do as you see fit, though I do encourage you to find a fellow mouse o work alongside.” As Diana finished giving them their assignments, she pulled out a few papers from her folder, handing them to each of them.
The papers were basically the details of what they would be doing. Father would be a teacher/caretaker, helping out with the people based on where he was needed. Dick would be running around, making sure everyone was communicating with everyone else, so the plans went smoothly.
Jason would be out on the field, helping people get away from the danger and protecting them. Tim had an option, the same as Cass. He could stay in the hut, gathering information away from the fighting, or he could go in, staying just out of sight but collecting data that could be analyzed later.
Cass could choose to stay and help around the huts and shellters as a caretaker, same as father, or she could go out and try to hunt down the villain. Steph would be moved to wherever the most injured were, her EMT training coming in handy.
Duke would be working with the snakes, where he would be placed had yet to be decided but his gifts as a meta would certainly help him, being able to catch glances of the future would make him perfect for his role.
Everyone’s assignment made perfect sense, it followed with their talents and abilities. Everyone was a great match.
Damian had to hope his matched as well as everyone else’s.
He wasn’t even sure what he was supposed to do, Diana hadn’t been much help, neither had the paper explaining what he would do.
They were both frustratingly vague on what ‘Scouts’ do. Everyone else had clear instructions and he had been left with a simple, do what you think is needed.
How could he possibly know what was needed here? This was an entirely new beast with a perfectly organized counter measure in place. What if he made the wrong call?
Damian sighed, calming his mind. There was no time for him to lose it here, he would just have to hope for the best.
Diana led them back out the door and down a different hallway. They entered a gymnasium, filled with all kinds of equipment.
They were all fitted with gear, none of it was professional gear, only what could be pulled together on short notice. They all had one thing in common though, a colour scheme.
In order to get gear, you had to tell the people handing it out what squadron you were with, they would hand you clothes matching a certain theme.
It was supposed to help people differentiate who to go to for what, it also helped identify what job each person had.
Dragons wore red black and gold, Rabbits were in white and blue, turtles were, naturally green, and a few browns as well, mostly just earthen tones.
Foxes wore orange, all different shades of it. Ladybugs were red, a few items with black polka dots were thrown in as well, which made Steph laugh.
The bees wore yellow and black, stripes were optional, snakes wore teal and yellow, which was surprisingly not that bad a combination.
And mice wore, sigh, Damian was dressed in grey and pink. At least he wasn’t in a bright, neon colours, though he wished he could have at least some dark colour. The pastel colours were a complete 180 from how he usually dressed.
After they were dressed, they were given various items, which again, seemed scrounged together.
The items were more identifiers, pendants and bracelets and bandanas, really just anything they could get their hands on, that had a specific animal on them.
Damian received a necklace with a mouse on the pendant. Jason had a TMNT headband, and he was far too happy about it.
After they had received all of their gear, comms included, Diana led them back to Pegasus.
“We have returned, little horse. I was hoping to find some partners for them before sending them out, to help them get the hang of things. Do you know if anyone is available.” Diana questioned, looking at the projection that was still following the Princess.
She was yelling at a giant wolf, calling it a bad dog for trying to bite her. It looked sad. Damian felt sorry for it.
Damian’s attention was brought back to the conversation after getting nudged by Cass.
“I apologize, what did you say?” Damian questioned, turning his attention to Pegasus.
“I asked if you throw yourself into danger often.” Pegasus was staring into his soul, demanding an answer.
“No?” Damian was confused.
“Do you let the people around you recklessly throw themselves into danger? Do you encourage it?” Pegasus was standing up now, he was shorter than Damian, which surprised him.
“No, I don’t. Why are you asking?” Damian wanted some answers to this seemingly random questioning.
He didn’t get answers.
“Perfect, you are being paired with Princess. She needs someone to try and keep her out of too much trouble, or at least someone who can help her get back out of it. She hasn’t worked with you yet so she can’t say you two don’t work well together, or at least she can’t say that yet.” Pegasus brushed past him, it seemed that everyone else had already been paired up but he had no idea who was with who.
Pegasus opened a portal, turning towards the group.
“Comms stay on at all times, if you need help, call for help. Don’t let your pride get in the way, we have bigger problems and don’t need anyone adding onto the pile. The comms are all connected to the network, if you need to talk to someone just say it, someone will patch you through.” He nodded his head towards the portal.
“In you go.” They didn’t waste any more time, those going onto the field rushed through, finding themselves out on a battlefield.
Ruins were everywhere, and it was quiet.
Unsettlingly quiet.
From inside the hut, it had been nonstop noise, people shouting to other people, doors slamming, chairs scraping against the floor. It had been busy.
The silence was deafening.
Damian’s family nodded to each other before running off in different directions, leaving Damian standing there alone.
It seemed that everyone else already knew where they were going.
He really should have paid attention when Pegasus had been speaking. All he knew was that he was supposed to be with the Princess.
A boulder flew past him, crashing into a nearby building, Damian looked towards where it had come from.
Lo’ an behold, there she was. Sprinting across the rooftops as a giant threw boulders at her.
Damian heaved a sigh before running for a building, scaling up the side of it quickly, trying to catch up to her before she left him behind.
Damian she past him just as he made it up, he groaned, taking off after her.
There was no reason to be as fast as she was.
A boulder crashed next to him, far too close for comfort.
Scratch that, she had plenty reason to be fast.
He started running faster.
Early update since I won't have access to my computer tomorrow
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ghostlyhamburger · 1 year
Husband Watches Miraculous: NY Special
[does this one have an actual name idk]
OK this is definitely after season 3 because of the box.
Why did they do a Marvel version of the theme? you can't tell me that's not inspired by Marvel.
Okay so they store the powerups inside the thing?
They really tried to go all out with the updated animations didn't they?
Her hair is actually black this time! it looks really good.
Okay that's the first thing that I saw that's super out of character.
Some of these things are textured really well but some are just not. Look you can see texture on her clothes, on the bricks, on the ground, and then BRIGHT GREEN TRASH CAN. It just makes no sense.
This is gonna be a long hour.
Why did they increase Marinette's bust size?
What the fuck was with the way that beard was moving? It's like they didn't want to move the anchor point on the bottom. They anchored it to his shirt is how they modeled it.
Why do they keep changing Marinette's hair color? Why is it darker in the school lighting?
I think I know why this seems so hard to place in the timeline. Its production seems to start at the beginning of season 3 but they definitely got the bible. So they just didn't see all the development Marinette had in getting over her obsession with Adrien over the season.
This whole little bit about Marinette's obsession doesn't need to be here if you've seen the series. Its purpose is only for those who haven't seen the series, which is unneeded because who's gonna watch just for this? It's not a movie. if I skipped the next fifteen seconds nothing would be missed.
When has New York ever been considered romantic? I guess if they watch a lot of American Hallmark movies? But New York is dirtier and dingier than Paris.
They actually made Gabriel look good in this. Like I get how he's supposed to be a silver fox type. He's got a bit too much Justin Bieber face for me, but the hair works for him. I can see how he'd become a celebrity in Paris.
"I'll be keeping an eye on him." If Adrien was a sentimonster under his control, he wouldn't need to keep an eye on him. He could just keep track of him with the miraculous. Like, Mayura was able to track Feast.
Also why is Nathalie in the bed? didn't they fix the peacock? Oh wait she was still super weak and life force isn't easy to regenerate once it's been drained like that.
Oh they've got best girl here.
I think I already see where the entire plot of this special is going. She's gonna be upset at Chat because he's not gonna be there when a sentimonster attacks and she's gonna be upset and debate giving up her miraculous because that's been the theme of the episodes lately and the American heroes are going to somehow be bitches.
[We're only 10 minutes in.]
Gorilla doesn't like planes.
All right so it's not going to work because it's not a sentimonster alert.
How is the eagle going to help you beat Ladybug and Chat?
Marinette, just know when to stop talking, please.
Again, a nice little moment that would be really good.
5 seconds on the plane and she's basically assaulted someone.
Nice use of symmetry and mirroring each other.
Marinette is not having a good day.
Why did they give her such an ass in that shot?
That's actually a pretty good moment.
No. Alya no.
I do like how they call out their weird animation quirks of like. Marinette arms. It's fun.
A convict with a jet engine?
So normal magical and villain type things exist already.
Okay that is just Superman. That's just Superman outfit and Superman theme.
Another thing I don't like is all the infodump. There's a better way they could've introduced Uncanny Valley than Alya's random exposition. She was answering the question of the audience without being prompted to. And it throws me off.
"It's time to show these American heroes how French heroes do it!" NO. NO.
He's not a superhero. That was his entire bit. Also what's he gonna do, endanger everyone by opening up the emergency hatch? You have no superpowers, you have no gadgets, what possibly are you going to do here?
As an introduction, I like this.
It's like they wanted three teachers, one to be nice, one to be crazy, one to be strict, and then they shoved two of them into one character. It doesn't work.
Hot Dog Dan? So he's ... a hot dog vendor?
All right, the dancing is a cute little callback.
Okay I like the new animation style, the very American comic book. but can no one just leave Marinette and Adrien alone? Let them just be awkward together!
Can we get to the catastrophic failure that will lead into the less lovey-dovey shit?
So they're trying to say Lafayette was a holder?
Is that one of the self driving Tsurugi cars?
Wait we've seen the akuma butterflies phase. Why is there no consistency in the rules?
"There's artifacts left by people who unveiled the statue" So there's a miracle box there, right?
Solitude is just Mr. Pigeon!
Doc Ock. Huh. With replication abilities.
Door powers are actually pretty cool.
Now it's finally getting good! Can always count on Hawkmoth to interfere in the right way.
So why is Hawkmoth going after the sabre when the claw thing is very clearly the Miraculous?
Ahh. That's why.
They're still being quite efficient even though they're pissed at each other.
[Aeon is cataclysmed] You have a miracle bomb! It can literally reset people!
That is the smart decision. They don't know each other's identities. Also the American heroes don't have the authority to do that!
I dunno I feel like the reset should have gone through to the other area. When villains have changed in the middle of the episode the reset still works. And when there was the copycat Ladybug she used that one's lucky charm to do a reset bomb. So I call bullshit on that. Also I don't think Paris is still destroyed when we come back to it. So...
"If Uncanny Valley hadn't been a robot I would've caused irreparable harm." Except people have literally died, disintegrated into nothing, converted into energy, and brought back with no issues. So no, it's not irreparable harm. And this is so heavy handed!
The emotional flip flopping here is not great.
[hearing Liiri's ability] That's an incredibly busted ability. Her power is literally limit break.
Why are they having this argument right next to the French students? That just seems stupid.
Let's just steal a bike! oh, safety first
"Adrien I love you" Okay that's just cruel to the people who were watching this.
Yep that's actually what I was expecting.
I really like Jess and Aeon's characterization.
Okay I like the skateboard.
This should've just been a movie. It would've been better with time to do all the stuff going on.
Okay that's a neat little trick.
Why does this one hour episode have more musical types than the entirety of the game that came out?
[Ladybug hugs Chat] Okay that was a really cute moment.
Oh is he just gonna launch nukes at everything?
Trading cards, really?
Yeah see Paris is repaired already
"At least let me see what's inside the safe!" It's a miracle box. it's gotta be, right?
I like [Eagle's] outfit.
Was she gonna toss a piano at a pigeon? [Haven't you wanted to do that?] Yeah...
To the sun? To the sun.
Throwing things to the sun is also a Superman reference.
Why do you need more Miraculous? You only need two, and they're not going to help you, you don't have anyone to give them to!
Paris was not like that when they were visiting.
Okay. This should've just been a three part special episode. It tried to shove so much in so little timeframe and over half the thing was just pointless grandstanding about the stupid will they won't they. And I bet that while people loved that Adrien I love you moment, he couldn't fucking hear it and that's the only thing we're gonna get 'cause fuck these producers.
If the pacing was the same throughout, it would've been really good, but it came out of nowhere to the point where they turned up the speed of people speaking to fit it in. A lot of things got super rushed through and I really wanted to see more of it but I know I'm never going to because the producer of Zag sucks!
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... Au idea.
The butterfly, peacock, and fox were lost. Butterfly and peacock found by Gabriel while the fox was found by an ancestor of Lila. Passed down through the generations making its way to Lila who eventually ends up in Paris. Trixx acts as a conscience to Lila so she's more of a prankster and trickster. Her pranks on occasion do some harm, like making Marinette look bad or ruining Adrien's clothes, but she means no harm.
As Volpina she's considers herself a professional and looks down on Ladybug and Chat Noir amateurness. I think she would have some training because of the family line stuff. I also think she would have an incorrect view of how the miraculous are given out. She assumes they are tied to a family line rather than given out to a chosen.
Volpina: "Such ametures you-"
Ladybug: "Well I think I've been doing pretty well for being thrown into this with no fucking help or training!"
Volpina: "....you WHAT?!"
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yubellia · 7 months
Reborn as Lila Rossi: The fox and the caterpillar (chapter four): Time for planning and DIY
Hello and welcome back for chapter four. Not quite sure how long this will be. Might be filler. However I will make sure that it’s still plot relevant. I hope you will still enjoy it.
„Normal Talking“ (normal thinking)
„Trixx speaking“ (Trixx thinking)
(I did not proofread this!)
It has been a week since Lucia became Lila Rossi and joined Ladybug and Chat Noir. She tried to be patient with them but it was getting harder. Watching the show, she was not too sure about it but know she knew. They do go on patrol and all that but both of them are not really doing that much to find Hawk Moth. She wasn‘t sure if that was a good thing or not. (If they don‘t know anything about him, I can do whatever I want. I just have to make sure that they don‘t find out.)
She knew that Marinette was suspicious of Gabriel Agreste. And she knew that he was getting impatient. He started three Akuma attacks this week alone. If things kept going this way, he would soon show up himself and than, Mayura would step in to help him. (I have to speed things up before this happens.)
Today, Lila was in a pretty bad mood. It was the weekend and she sat at her desk in her room. Right now she was busy writing things down and she grew more frustrated. „I can‘t believe this!“ Trixx flew over to see what she was doing. „What’s wrong Lila? Your mood is especially bad today.“ Lila looked up at him and sighed. „Trixx. It’s getting worse. I am forgetting things. Things from my old life. I am writing down things like my mothers name, birthdays, birthplaces. You know? All that stuff that I shouldn’t forget.“ Trixx had a worried look on his face as he looked at her notebook. „It seems your mind is trying to adept to this new life. Things you don‘t need anymore get erased.“ Lucia/Lila nodded but looked more frustrated. „You are right. And instead I get more knowledge about stuff that I do need now. Like my underground lair. The one we will look at later today. Or how to get a new identity. Probably because my new mother works for the embassy. I am sorry Trixx. But we don‘t have time to play around. I have to push a little harder.“ Lila got up and closed the notebook before putting it into a bag. „Push harder? You mean your plan?“ Lila nodded and Trixx flew into her little pocket on her belt. „Yes. And in order to do that, we need some stuff. But first we have to get to my lair.“
She quickly left the apartment. Luckily, where her lair was is one of the information she got by now. She used an alleyway to get down into an area close to the subway. The subway also wasn’t too far away either. At first she took a careful look around. A lot of wigs and clothes. Exactly what she needed. Also there was a pinboard. „Ok Trixx. I change my clothes and than we have to go out and buy some stuff. Oh! And we go to the zoo!“ Trixx was confused, but didn’t question why she changed her clothes. „Why are we going to the zoo? Did you forget that the weather is horrible today?“ Lila came out from behind a wall. She had taken off her wig and replaced it with a black one. She also put on some glasses and wore a different outfit now. „Because I need you to get me something from there. I have to buy a lot of stuff today but we start at the zoo.“
Shortly after that, Lila was entered the zoo. She took a closer look at a map and took off to one specific animal. Trixx was hidden in a new little bag. Once in a while, Lila stopped and took pictures. She did not want to look too suspicious.
After a while, she reached the peacock area. She took out her phone again and took pictures. She also made sure no one was there. „Ok Trixx. Hurry now. We need a peacock feather.“ she whisper/yelled that at Trixx, who took off to get to the birds. First he stayed hidden in a bush. After a moment, there were noises from the birds who jumped and ran around. Lila quickly looked around. No visitors but some caretakers were nearby. In that moment, Trixx crashed into her chest and hid under her jacket with some feathers.
Lila took more pictures before she walked away. Once she was safe and hidden behind a house, she took Trixx out and looked at the feathers.
„Great job Trixx.“ he not only brought tail feathers but some of the blue ones from the body too. Trixx did not look too happy though.
„You do know, that you could have bought these in the souvenir shop? What do you even want to do with them?“
Lila put the feathers into her bag and Trixx followed. „I know. But I had to make sure they are real. And what better way could there be to do so? Take it from the source. You see later.“
Lila Left the Zoo. The next stop was the planetarium. This time, she skipped the not so important part and went to the shop. She bought a small piece of a meteorite. She asked if it is real too.
The last stop was an art shop. Trixx gave up trying to understand what she was doing. Lila walked through the shop and got clay, paint, clear varnish, brushes and other stuff.
After she got all of that, she went back to her lair, where she let herself drop on a chair. „Finally! That’s almost all I need. Time to work.“ Lila took out some of the clay and looked up a picture on her phone. She started to work with the clay, got it into form, made it flat again and corrected any mistakes. Trixx flew over her shoulder and finally saw what she did this whole time and what the stuff was for. „Are you seriously trying to copy the peacock miraculous? Why?“ Lila looked up, somewhat happy with the outcome and let it rest to dry up. „Ok, listen. I know where the peacock miraculous is. But we can‘t just take it. I need to leave a replacement behind when I take it. I mean…. I guess there is another option that’s more convincing. But yes, these fake miraculous will play an important role.“ Trixx flew over to the clay and took a closer look. „I hope you don‘t mind me saying that but…. If there is a plan B, you should try that one.“
Lila was offended and having Trixx laugh at her pouting face did not help. She got up once more and Lila went to a Gabriel store. Before entering, she made sure to put her real miraculous under her shirt.
It didn’t take too long to find the jewelry. She knew that there had to be a fake fox miraculous. The original Lila had it. So there must be others right? After a few minutes, she really did find what she was looking for. One of the employees talked to her and she pretended that she couldn’t decide which one she should take, so she ended up buying a fake necklace and a fake peacock miraculous.
Back in the lair, she got in front of a mirror and compared the fake and the real fox necklace. „All things considered, this is convincing. Don‘t you think?“ Trixx came out of the bag and looked at them both. „For humans probably. Of course I can tell which one is which. As for the brooch…. You are happy that you took my advice no?“
„Yeah. You win. This time. At least it will save me some work.“
„So if I get this right, the next step will be to get the peacock miraculous and replace it with a fake to make sure they don‘t notice right away. What is the other stuff for? The feathers, the meteorite…“
Lila smiled and took off her disguise, turning back into ‚Lila‘. „Well, the peacock miraculous is damaged. Even if I get it, it would be useless. So before using it, I have to fix it. And I almost have all I need. Now, we just have to take it.“
Well, that took longer than I thought it would. Sorry. I wasn’t really in the mood to write. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway. See you soon!
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