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erisluna35ocblog · 3 days ago
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Natalia and Shizuke sure cope differently when it comes to their respective first love. Leo was a more out and out asshole when he broke up with her. There's a whole episode on that so I won't essay on her any further. Just that he's a relatively fresh wound that still stings. There's a clear person to blame.
Shizuke on the other hand, he believed it was completely one-sided and he mistook her kindness for friendship. When he blurted out he liked her, he wasn't just friendzoned, she full on stopped talking to him and he got mocked by the class for thinking he had a snowball's chance in hell with her... They were just in 2nd grade and it may have just been puppy love but it's like a core memory to him. He doesn't blame her at all but it still hurt. It's been so long it's like a dull ache for him.
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erisluna35ocblog · 3 days ago
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First Love
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Current Love
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erisluna35ocblog · 6 days ago
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idk I wanted to draw their swimwear and Keagan would totally wear a shirt with abs printed on them and a hawaiian shirt. Also to remind myself when Keagan's being harmless silly rather than dangerously stupid, Fiona's laughing along with his jokes.
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erisluna35ocblog · 7 days ago
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"Hey, Shizuke! Have you heard? The Tsurugi Heiress is coming to town for a fencing competition!"
"Didn't you come from the same school as her? Is she as beautiful and elegant as she is in the pictures?"
"... She's... She's nice. And polite. Very polite. So much so she'd spare a few minutes of her day to grace even the most useless of nobodies who can't read the room."
This is the accompanying reaction for the magazine cover series.
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erisluna35ocblog · 7 days ago
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Ai 🤝 Leo
Broke the heart of a nerdy bug hero and antagonized a Crawford twin with it.
Regrettably, they do develop feelings for their respective nerds but the nerds already found happiness with a Crawford twin.
Looked down on a Crawford twin cause unlike them, they came from a line of heroes. The twins has the blood of history's most infamous villainess running in their veins
Willfully ignoring that their mothers aren't being heroic with their respective miraculous. May have even gone as far as to hench for them.
In their cover pic, they're even referencing their respective mothers in their outfits.
Their cousin hit them where they're weak and helped them with their redemption arcs.
Prideful jerks.
They have a unique understanding of each other, having the same chip on their shoulders. Low-key they kinda hate each other for it.
Fencing maniacs.
I kinda ship it lol
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erisluna35ocblog · 9 days ago
For anyone interested in their family trees:
Ai Tsurugi is definitely a descendant of Kagami's. I left Kagami's spouse ambiguous cause when I was conceptualizing Ai, feligami wasn't canon and I'm in a weird spot with the ship where I like it conceptually but didn't like how canon went with it. Anyway, some of the miraculous are under the Tsurugi family's protection, among them are the snake and the dragon. Since the matriarch is still alive, the dragon is currently with her while Ai gets the snake, as hinted with the little accessory on the bow of her hakami. Kagami's genes are pretty strong.
Blair and Blake Crawford are descendants of Lila Rossi - whatever her actual name is, but history books just went with calling her Lila Rossi. She's gone under multiple aliases over the years. Crawford is just a surname the twins' great grandfather picked when he escaped Lila's cult with his daughter/the twins' grandmother. And the surname stuck cause being a descendant of recent history's most notorious villainess, there aren't many who'd be eager to marry her. The twins' dad got super lucky with his wife. The stigma of being the villainess' descendants still affect Blair and Blake but it's less severe now. They don't resemble Lila as strongly as their grandmother, but some of it is still there. It's enough for Marinette to look at Blair and feel uncomfortable. The twins also hint at their respective miraculous with their color schemes and the way Blair did her hair.
Leo Aurelio, resident asshole, is actually a descendant of Adrien and Marinette. His mother bears more of a resemblance to them with her bluebell eyes and fairer skin while Leo took after his father's side more. This relation is part of why he is kinda fixated on the twins and picks on them and looks down on them. He's a descendant of heroes. The twins are descendants of a villainess and they're lucky to be standing under the same spotlight as him... So it pissed him off when Blake is their company's top model and not him. Part of why he hit on Natalia at all, knowing Blake liked her and is one of Blake's few weak spots. He also tried to flirt with Blair to get to Blake but Blair's not easily swayed. His color scheme is meant to hint at his mother's miraculous.
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The complete set of front covers. If there's one thing these four have in common other than fame, it's that they're all descendants of someone from canon. Some are just more obvious than others, Ai Tsurugi being the easiest one to guess but Leo Aurelio took after the OC side more than the canon side of his gene pool.
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erisluna35ocblog · 9 days ago
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Fourth and probably the last in my series of putting my ocs on a magazine cover. Ai Tsurugi may not be a model but she's famous enough to land herself on a cover as the Tsurugi Heiress and a fencing champion. She's a bit of a struggle to figure out cause she uses a much darker palette than the last ocs I rendered.
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erisluna35ocblog · 13 days ago
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Shizubug internally: Blair, please stop making fun of Marinette and Adrien. You'll only embarrass yourself.
Shizuke and Blair are the Ladybug and Chat Noire of the distant future. Much like their predecessors, they got themselves into a love square with their own take on clownery. Stuff happens, and they had a one-sided reveal where Shizuke knows Blair is his cat but Blair doesn't know Shizuke is her bug. For now, Blair lives in blissful ignorance while Shizuke lives in painful awareness.
For those who read "No Two Cats are the Same"... I mean, it's not a spoiler Blair eventually gets back to her time line and it's inevitable she'll figure out there was a love square going on.
If you dont clown around in a love square with your partner are you even a worthy ladybug or chat noir???
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erisluna35ocblog · 14 days ago
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How I draw Dark Venus around five years ago vs now.
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erisluna35ocblog · 14 days ago
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For Valentine's Day, instead of drawing any of my oc ships, I decided to draw their holiday themed akumasona. I've actually written the episode for this but I haven't gotten around to editing it yet.
Natalia was dumped by her boyfriend on Valentine's Day. They say they love her yet they always leave her. Her mom, her friends, and now her boyfriend. Why can't she make them stay?
If they don't love Natalia enough to stay, Dark Venus will make them stay.
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erisluna35ocblog · 15 days ago
Mental note to self: things to edit on BTaL remastered, episode Bully Hunter.
The resolution should be a lot less optimistic. Leans more on Shizuke still not being ready to forgive Damien but is willing to work with him on their extra credit group. There's a lot more of Shizuke being frustrated with himself for not being able to forgive Damien, letting the past blind him in his judgement which led to Shizuke causing Damien to get akumatized.
Holding grudges and letting it cloud his judgement is one of Shizuke's flaws, I need to make it harder to change even if he's more self aware after Bully Hunter.
Damien on the other hand, there should be more instances of him being seemingly kind but Shizuke waves it off. They used to be friends for a reason, Shizuke was the Sabrina to Damien's Chloe... Seeing him be kind towards Natalia gives him war flashbacks.
It's part of why Keagan is pretty chill with pairing Blake up with Natalia, he and his friends are under the impression she's basically Shizuke's replacement and getting her away from Damien might help her pull that chip off her shoulder, make her nicer.
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erisluna35ocblog · 21 days ago
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"This poster didn't capture the essence of his being. Let me fix it."
This is Natalia being a spiteful ex hehe. Her first ex is a certified asshole, so unlike her later ex, there's no room for wondering where shit went wrong when he's the one who clearly fucked up.
As pitiful as Natalia was in the past few pictures I made of her, I felt the need to remind people: she is first and foremost a petty, spiteful, mean little bitch. At least, to those who she believes hurt her or her friends. But she's still kind of a coward. She doesn't have the guts to actually confront Leo so she does stuff like this instead. Mean but she's all bark and no bite.
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erisluna35ocblog · 24 days ago
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Blake at work vs Blake at home.
Blake's really giving it his all playing his part for the cameras. People in showbiz didn't believe Blair when she said her brother is just a spineless dork who can't even ask out his crush. Like, with that face? Yes. He's wasting it, unlike Blair. He just has this mean game face going on when he's focused on a job that people happen to find hot. Completely loses his shit when he's not in work mode. Gets worse around Natalia. It's why he avoids her like the chicken he is.
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erisluna35ocblog · 26 days ago
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Third in a series where I try to draw my model OCs doing their jobs. Meet Keagan's bastard cousin and Natalia's horrible ex! Don't let that gentle prince-like demeanor fool you!
Leo's definitely got something more conceptual going on. The challenge for him is how to color white and platinum blond hair, like how??? I forgot how I coped before, I just didn't want to use gray.
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erisluna35ocblog · 27 days ago
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Like the last time I tried to crack a joke about Natalia, it became angst. Why Natalia?!?!
I think it's about time I dropped the context behind Natalia's angst when it comes to Blake. Spoilers for those who are reading N2CatS (which is on hiatus).
The shy introverted dork and his twin sister got to be friends with her when they were kids one summer. They were pretty close. And okay, little Talia had a bit of a crush on Blake. It's hard not to, when the boy would take a punch to the face just to get her doll back from jerks. Things were great but then one day, they just disappeared from her life without warning. In their defense, their lives were thrown into a shitstorm when their parents died and the ensuing custody battle between Mrs. Liung against their relatives.
Years passed. She tried to reach out but they didn't reach back. The first she hears of them in years is through an ad. That made her hesitate to reach out since. They're getting famous now. And very busy. Wouldn't want to drag them down with her poor average self isn't that why her mom left.
Life went on and she strove to get into a good school through a scholarship... And that's when she met Blake again.
She wasn't sure what to think of him. Honestly, she doesn't expect him or his sister to remember her. The magazines painted a picture, him being a hearthrob now who leaves a trail of broken hearts. The cold and elusive pretty boy with a tragic past.
Well, it turns out while he has gotten quieter he's still the same shy dork from when they were kids. It's weird to think about. In a good way. It's like she got her friend back.
Except not really. He's always busy. She was hurt for a while, but it's fine. She has other friends anyway. And eventually she got a boyfriend. And then that boyfriend dumped her on Valentines' Day.
It was right in the middle of her depression slump when she heard from Blair that Blake was out there trying to bribe the one person who can get away with it to punch Leo in the face. So he does care.
Since then, Blake's been more present in her life. Yet he never made a move. That's fine. As long as he's around, it's fine. He (and Blair) was even there for her when her mom came back and tried to take her into custody when she was finally worth something with her scholarship to this exclusive school.
One day, he was acting weird. He asked her out. They went into this fantastical date that felt like a dream. He was oozing with confidence and a smile reminiscent of how he was back when they were kids. It's too good to be true...
It was.
Not even a week after, he and Blair disappeared again. Their appartment is empty. They took the rest of their schoolwork online. They rarely if ever text back and when they do, even Talia can tell they're lying when they say they're fine.
More concerningly, akumas kept going after his sister, to the point the local bug hero volunteered to bodyguard her and for once, was chewing out akuma victims to handle rejection from her better. What is going on??? She tried to ask him... but he was out of reach.
He was always out of reach.
Why won't he tell her anything?!
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erisluna35ocblog · 27 days ago
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The contrast between the twins' nerds reacting to their latest photoshoots 😂 it just turned out like this, the mood whiplash was not intentional. This was supposed to be a meme.
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erisluna35ocblog · 1 month ago
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Sequel to this.
... Let's just say Natalia, the future bee wielder a.k.a. Princess Honey, isn't the only one upset by the high Bee holder turn over rate. And yeah, I can imagine Natalia trying to talk Pollen out of calling her "your Majesty" or "my Queen" only to cave when Pollen suggested calling her "Princess".
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