#a different approach
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azertyrobaz · 1 year ago
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We missed you, kid.
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amandamadeathing · 3 months ago
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Post for Crosshair and Omega.
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lightwise · 1 year ago
Crosshair's Choice
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Fine. We'll do it your way.
I won't leave you this time.
I've made my decision.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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Blast back "A Different Approach"
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winniethewife · 10 months ago
Are you with me? (Commander Wolffe x F!Reader)
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Gif by @starwarscolors
Words: 1135
Warnings: Mild Spoilers for The Bad Batch season 3.
Wolffe paced the room a few times. He couldn’t get the idea out of his head. Rex was alive, he was fighting against the empire, and so were other clones. He hadn’t even considered it. Rex’s voice echoed in his mind. “As your brother, I'm asking you to do the right thing.”
What is the right thing? The right thing…He needed to get out, he needs to leave. He starts to look around, fearful for a second as if someone could read his mind, but there was no one else in sight. Wolffe sighed, he knew he needed to leave, but he knew he couldn’t yet, not without her. He had to find her, convince her to leave with him. If he asked, she would go…Right? He needed to know.
He made his way to her sector of the base. Hoping he would be able to pull her aside. He thought about how they had met, when she was working with the republic as a intelligence officer, she had intercepted separatist transmissions and decoded them, but now that she worked for the empire she was practically s secretary, but working for the empire was the only way they could stay close, so she had continued the work. He thinks about the long nights they used to talk for hours about life after the war, this was not at all what they had imagined. There was no home in a nice town on her home planet, there were no small feet pattering around. How had he lost sight of those things so quickly? As he approached her desk he couldn’t help but feel the reality of their lives crashing down on him. The way she looked, the light in her eyes had faded away. The way she didn’t look out the window day dreaming as he walked up to her, she was focused on the data pad in front of her. He cleared his throat and she looked up, a slight smile on her face.
“Commander, how can I help you?” Her professional tone sounded wrong to him. Wolffe was beginning to realize how wrong it all was.
“Can we talk? Alone.” He said with urgency, her brow furrowed and she stood from her desk to follow him. He walked with her at a brisk pace to an alcove where he hoped they wouldn’t be noticed. He grabs her waist and pulls her into a close embrace. She gasps, this was unexpected, as they had not been very close as of late, since joining the empire, before she could ask what was happening she felt the cold wall on her back and his hot breath on her ear as he whispered to her. “I’m getting us out of here. I am so sorry I didn’t see it sooner, how wrong this is, how unhappy you are here. You deserve better, you deserve the best in the galaxy and you aren’t going to find that here, I realize this now. Cyar’ika, I’m…I’m so sorry.” He feels like these word are barely enough. Her heart flutters, this is exactly what she had dreamed of, but had given up on long ago. She leans in gently to kiss his cheek and whisper back.
“Let’s run, run far and fast away from all this, we’ll run so fast and far they’ll never see it coming.” She looks into his eyes, and he sees just the beginnings of a glimmer of the light that he had loved so much. He smiles at her, laughing softly.
“You know there’s no looking back, after this, are you sure?’ He asked as he reaches to gently caress her face.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything, just you and me. No one to stop us or tell us what to do.” She lets her face rest in his hand, gazing wistfully at him. He knew then for sure, that this was the only way to go. It was the two of them, and no one else. He pressed his lips to hers, feverishly needing that moment of closeness, the taste of her on his lips. It gave him the courage, his path seemed more clear than it had in a very long time. Wolffe knew just who to call. The face that had been haunting him, His brother. It was time to do the right thing. As he pulled away from the kiss he locked eyes with her for a moment before releasing her from his grasp. He took a step away, she straightened herself.
“Wait for my signal, and we’ll run.” He says softly. As he starts to walk away he looks back over his shoulder to see her smiling at him. She shakes her head.
“Don’t look back, Don't ever look back.” She says firmly.
After that day they never did. Rex was more than happy to arrange transport to get the both of them out of there. It was all going to plan, his hand wrapped around hers as they made it through the forest, trying to make it to the rendezvous point before they were noticed. Wolffe felt like his heart wouldn’t settle. Every mission, every success, every failure, it all came down to this. His nerves sky rocketed as he heard as sound far behind them, he didn’t look back, just held her hand tighter as they moved even faster through the trees. The darkness of the night covered their escape, their only hope to get away. She held his hand tightly as they took the unfamiliar path to the cliffside. She felt her heart in her throat as she could see the trees thin out ahead, they were almost there. Almost free. Just as the rocky ridge came into view so did a ship, and a familiar figure, in the darkness they were almost impossible to see, but Wolffe knew.
“Rex, thank the maker.” Wolffe said relived as they walked up to him. Rex threw his arms around the two of them for a brief moment before ushering them onto the shuttle. As they sat down and the ship flew out of view of the imperial base a sense of relief washed over them.
“Its good to see you both, especially given the last time we saw each other.” Rex chuckled. He looked at Wolffe. “I’m glad to see you found the right path.”
“I wouldn’t have without you, something I’m sure we’re both thankful for” He says wrapping his arm around her. She leaned into him as the two brothers continued to talk, for the first time, in a long time, they were together, and they were safe. As she started to drift to sleep she felt Wolffe pull her in closer and kiss the top of her head.
“Just You and Me, from here on out.”
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magicandmundane · 11 months ago
Currently rotating the reunion scene from ep4 around in my head like a rotisserie chicken (as one does), and there’s one thing that’s really standing out to me.
Hunter didn’t immediately step outside when that stolen freighter landed.
He and Wrecker have crossed the galaxy 5 times in almost 6 months, dead end after dead end, disappointment after disappointment. It’s got to be soul crushing, and then out of fucking nowhere they get a transmission telling them to go to that moon where they dropped supplies for Ryloth that one time, something Omega surely remembers, so it can’t be a coincidence, right? But it’s just too good to be true. No planning a prison break? No Hemlock? She just made her way back? What are the odds they’re being tricked?
So Hunter waited because he couldn’t stand to face the disappointment himself. (And Wrecker goes out there because he’s still hopeful and excited.)
Imagine the two of them on the Marauder as that ship lands and the stairs come down. Wrecker goes to the door and notices that Hunter is still sitting and typing something, and asks, “Are ya coming, Hunter?” And Hunter just looks at him and says, “Yeah, in a minute.” Wrecker gets it and doesn’t push (emotionally intelligent Wrecker ftw).
Then Hunter listens as Wrecker shouts, “Now there’s a sight!” And with those enhanced senses (who knows, that’s been dodgy at best this season) he probably hears Omega say, “Wrecker! I knew you’d show up.”
And then, he takes yet another moment to collect himself because holy shit it’s real this time, she’s really here.
Finally, Hunter goes out there, skips a bunch of stairs, and gives his kid the biggest hug.
And I just aaahhhhhhhh it’s so good! So intentional! I’m going to be thinking (translation: crying) about this for a long time.
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kalevalakryze · 1 year ago
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queen-daya · 10 months ago
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Hunter Being Omega’s Dad -> A Different Approach (2/2)
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locitapurplepink · 10 months ago
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If you ever feeling like you're lost, I will come found you man all fronts
There's no ocean I will swim across to be right by you
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And not just once, here and now, I swear on my response, I'll remind you
And promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs
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Keep you safe here in my arms
I, I will protect you at all costs, at all costs
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adh-d2 · 1 year ago
Ok. I'm going to need to wait for the next episode to truly decide how I feel about this, but right now I'm like, pretty pissed off at Hunter and Wrecker?
You'd go to the ends of the galaxy for your sister, spend the rest of your lives searching for her, stop at nothing to get her back...yet when she returns with your long-lost brother you look at him like this?
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Look, you've been on thin fucking ice since he told you he'd had his chip removed and you just believed him. The guy that you know had a mind-control chip in his brain. The effects of which you've seen and felt and know for a fact are impossible to resist. And you just believed that the people who put it in him in the first place voluntarily took it out? No follow up questions? No doubt?
How little did you care about Crosshair to begin with that you'd so readily accept that he was of sound mind and acting of his own autonomy?
Just for fun, let's review what you know about Crosshair right now:
His chip activated. He was forced to say, think, and do horrific things; and these things were outside of his control.
Those horrific things included trying to kill you. He's shot at you multiple times. He's an unparalleled marksman. He's always missed.
You left him behind on Kamino. It was the right choice at the time. He was literally trying to kill you, you didn't know why, and you couldn't have safely extracted him. But he still got left behind.
He has expressed how painful this was for him every time you've interacted since ("we didn't have a choice" "and I did?" | "They don't leave their own behind...most of the time").
He also said some really mean things to you.
He was horribly injured while under the Empire's control.
He rescued Omega from drowning.
He maybe had his chip removed? No need to confirm, I guess.
You left him behind on Kamino. Again. But he asked for it this time, and he said he knew what he was doing, so...
He became a prisoner of the Empire. In the facility that houses dissenting, disloyal clones.
He managed to get a message out to you while imprisoned. That message wasn't a cry for help, but a warning. Go to ground. They're after Omega. Protect yourselves.
Omega just told you he helped her escape the Empire.
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I'd say I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed...except actually nah I'm pretty mad.
Episode 5 is going to have to do some serious work to salvage my opinion of these two. Or at the very least stop framing them as the moral centre of the show.
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spatulahat · 1 year ago
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New Stormtrooper fit just dropped.
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ezras-left-thumb · 1 year ago
MY PREDICTIONS: Hunter + Wrecker and Crosshair will have a showdown. Maybe blasters, not sure tho. Definitely some yelling and arguing. When it gets too heated, Omega will tell them to stop because she loves her dad and brother <3
He doesn't know Tech's dead. Oh my god that's gonna be heartbreaking.
Anyways, Wrecker is a massive teddy bear and wants his lil brother back, so i reckon he'll forgive Cross easier than Hunter, who will remain probably a bit sour for a while, but eventually will forgive him.
I have so many feelings and theories but my fingers physically can't type fast enough.
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amandamadeathing · 9 months ago
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Social media post where Crosshair revels being a bad influence.
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lightwise · 1 year ago
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snow-dragon-rider · 1 year ago
Love that Omega sat down and promptly won like 45,000 credits in, essentially, a game of Space Phase 10. That’s my girl.
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winniethewife · 10 months ago
The consequences that are rendered (Crosshair x F!reader)
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Gif by @theworstbatch
Warnings: Angst, Hint of unrequited love, season 3 spoilers
Words: 677
“Now, there's a sight!” Wrecker’s booming voice confirms everything they had hoped, She looked at Hunter with a smile, Omega was finally home. She looks at Hunter with a smile on her face, the emotion on his face was almost overwhelming. She motioned for him to go a head.
“Go ahead, I’m right behind you.” She says softly with a smile. As he starts to the entry port they hear Wrecker speaking.
“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you.” Wrecker’s voice is filled with tears as he put Omega down from lifting her up in the air.
“Five. But you're the one who found us.”  Hunter’s calm voice still showing the excitement he’s holding. She watched as he skipped a couple steps down to reach the young girl, her heart soars as she watches the scene unfold. The way the two of them hugged, she couldn’t be happier. Well there was one thing that could make her even happier, but she was sure that would never happen. She leans on the door frame watching the sweet reunion unfold. The tears in her eyes threatening to spill over. 
“But how did you escape?” Hunter asked as he looks at the blonde clone girl with affection.  
“I had help.” She said and as they all looked to the ship the sight nearly brought her to her knees. It was like seeing a ghost.  Crosshair disembarking the ship, she couldn’t believe her eyes. After a moment of bewildered silence she started to walk over to him, she was stopped by Hunters hand on her shoulder. She looks back at him silently pleading with him. She needed to see for herself, needed to know for sure. Hunter nods his face worried but understanding. As she walks on Hunters hand runs down her arm until he touches her hand, holding it for a second before letting go, she was never his to loose, but they had been through so much together, he had hoped… but as she walked over to his brother, He knew, his fingers finally pulled from his grasp.
“Crosshair.” Her voice filled with pain. “Its…its been awhile.” He couldn’t look her in the eye. He had done something unforgivable. He didn’t deserve to look at her. to see the love in her eyes that somehow remained after all this time. She put her hand gently on his face, gently guiding his eyes to hers, as he reluctantly followed her actions he choked up. It was almost too much, seeing her face again after all this time.
“It has…Its…It’s been too long. cyar’ika” He says the name with soft affection, in a way he hasn’t heard his own voice sound in so long he doesn’t even recognize it. He hesitates at her touch, he feels like he doesn’t deserve her affection after everything he put her through, but his need to feel her overpowers his doubts he puts his hand over hers and nuzzles in to her hand, letting the soft feeling of her hand and her familiar scent fill his senses. She smiled with tears in her eyes, running her thumb over his cheek, treasuring the feeling of him. Crosshair closes his eyes, wanting to savor the moment.
“I’m…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. ” He mutters, he doesn’t know what else to say, he dosen’t believe he is worth forgiveness. Before he can try to say another thing, he is surprised by the feeling of her lips on his, the taste of her flooding his mouth, the feeling was everything he remembered, everything he missed, everything he had dreamed about. He thinks od those nights he stared at the celling of his cell thinking of this moment. He wraps one arm around her waist and pulls her in closer as he kisses her back, with more intense passion, his other hand on her upper back, holding her close. She’s surprised at first, letting out a little shocked sound before matching his passion, both her hands holding his face between them.
He was home.
He was finally home.
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