#a collaboration with once we were islands
oldguardleatherdog · 11 days
The Night Before the Tribute In Light September 10, 2003
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One month ago today, this long-forgotten photo suddenly popped up in the photo app on my laptop. I took this photo with my Sanyo clamshell phone on September 10, 2003, 21 years ago tonight, from Hudson River Park in Manhattan.
Don't ask me how it survived all these years or where it's been stored all this time or how in the world it could have found its way to me from the long-dead storage servers of a long-defunct cell phone carrier. We're in the penumbra of The Anniversary, and time is out of joint.
I had been back in New York for about a month (after getting violently run out of the place I was staying by a fellow who is now one of my closest friends), homeless and living in that roach-infested HIV crack-house shelter at 96th and Broadway that I describe in "The One Decent Thing I Ever Did" (it’s archived on this blog), and you can imagine my state of head and spirit at this moment, the night before the 2nd anniversary of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center that drove me from my home in Lower Manhattan, four blocks east of the site.
I was sitting on a bench in Hudson River Park on the West Side of Manhattan, somewhere near Houston Street, maybe ten or fifteen blocks north of World Trade. I hadn't noticed these beams of light as I walked, and I think they might have just been activated while I was sitting there. As I recall, it was a full moon in Virgo, and I was positioned just right to snap this shot. I had *no* idea what this was all about, as I recall, but I thought the image was so striking and affecting that I wanted to capture it.
As it turns out, this was the tech run-through for the first September 11th installation of the “Tribute In Light”. Here’s Google’s AI summary of this remarkable memorial:
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So there I was, just two years after the blast, stunned by this sudden, mysterious apparition rising from just south of what was still a giant, messy hole in the ground. I was still not fully myself at that time and would not regain my full memory or sense of who I was until the following January (therein lies a tale!), and as I recall I was just numbly stunned, not knowing what to make of it.
As I write, I’m getting the physical sense memory of that moment: the dog in me (my medulla oblongata speaking) feels his hackles rise, it’s not what I expect to see filling the hole in the sky, is it another attack? Do I bark at it, sound an alarm, run towards it, away from it, why is there light there, is this some unholy ruse, another trick being played on me from that big smoky hole where nothing but poison has spilled out for the longest time?
My phone rang. It was a fellow that I had met and hung out with in San Francisco while I was stranded there, and I was stunned to hear from him, especially at that moment. “Hi Dave… well, right now I’m on the riverfront looking at the damnedest thing… [I just wanted to make sure you were ok] hey, thanks for checking in… yeah, take care bud.” I closed the phone and started walking south along the riverfront, toward the light beams.
When I got there, I saw the massive banks of klieg lights assembled in their arrays, a strange and unfamiliar (unwelcome) echo of the shapes and the placement and the footprints of the place I loved so well.
The faces of the artists who surrounded the lights were intense, focused, sober. I still didn’t quite know what was going on, but there was profound reverence in the air, on those faces, at that place, as the beams of pure white light soared upwards, past the point of naked-eye discernment, unending, likely petering out tens of thousands of feet off that spoiled piece of ground, perhaps piercing the ionosphere, did they get clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration for this? Are pilots being disoriented by these columns at 45,000 feet? Do they touch the feet of God?
And I kept walking south, my back to the light,
Down to the oldest part of the civilized island,
Past the Battery, the bronze bull, the buttonwood tree,
The Port of New York dead ahead,
The Staten Island Ferry terminal, ramshackle, ancient,
Entry restricted by terror tape and armed sentinels
No two uniforms alike, a panoply of enforcement,
Heavy weapons at the ready, so jarring in my neighborhood,
And the working dogs with the keen snouts, the trained muzzles,
Jumping up to paw at the brown bag in the soldier’s hand
Is that peanut butter? Apple? Hunk of cheese?
Let’s play! You’ve been so serious, so worried,
You smell sad and scared, are you lost? Let’s play!
Even Cerberus needs break time, belly rubs, treats!
For the first time in weeks, I smile to myself
As I round past the ferry, those strange lights at my back.
Hope I can sneak past the turnstile downstairs,
I won’t have to hike back up three hundred blocks
To that awful low place. Did you know roaches bite?
They shit on you too. Try to sleep, fully dressed,
Watch cap pulled low on my head, long sleeved shirt
Buttoned up to the collar, heavy pants tucked in boots,
Gloves on my hands, one more night without food
Half-bag of speed takes my mind off the pain
Sleep comes in fits if at all. – On the train
Dreading the stop: ninety-sixth street and Broadway.
Tomorrow, this city will jack itself off
In performative weeping and gnashing and cursing
Oh, how we loved them! I snort in derision,
You didn’t lose nothin', you pieces of shit!
Let the dead bury the dead. Beams of light
Don’t feed this refugee reeking of ashes -
What, do I smell bad? So sorry to stink up
The place where you’ve laid out the feast for your friends
Who still have their jobs, their high homes in the towers
Behind the glass doors where your larders are stocked
With the food that you bought with your government money
That flooded your midtown Manhattan apartment
With all the new clothes, electronics, the sausages
Fresh from Enrico’s, Zabar’s, D’agostino’s,
Bought with the Victim’s Fund money you stole
When you filed your claim. “OMG, it was awful!
“I couldn’t get up to the fifty-fourth floor,
“I had to find shelter on Upper Park Avenue.
“Power was out. I was homeless that night!
“So glad that my friend who was shopping in Gramercy
“Gave me the number to call for my claim
“September 11th was horrid! I told them
“I couldn’t go home for two nights! Oh, thank God
“The claim got approved with a wink and a nod
“And no one’s the wiser – I’ve never been south
“Of the Plaza Hotel! That all happened on Wall Street,
“Who goes down there? Jesus Christ, are you kidding?
“That’s four miles away! Christopher, are you coming
“Or what? Reservations at Nobu won’t wait
“For you or for me, so quit primping!”
The pain
In my stomach, relentless. My gorge won’t stop heaving.
Am I gonna make it? Damn, *ouch!* What the fuck…
The tooth that I hoped would hold out just gave way,
Fuck me. Another huge hole in my grille.
When I made six figures and lived in a high-rise,
Fuck buddies laughing on Saturday night,
Nobody told me that one hundred minutes
And two hijacked jet planes would make such a difference.
No one will laugh with me now – my best friends
Are yelling and angry, how dare I show up
Sweaty and toothless, a walking reminder
Of September tenth. No, I’m not gonna feed you.
Now, twenty years later, they’ve retooled their memory:
“Animal! Damn, dog! We’ve missed you, you know,
“Wow, you’re alive! You look fabulous! Listen,
“I never gave up on you. Give a call
“When you come to the City. I want you to meet
“My beautiful husband – he remembers you too!”
Twin beams of light where the Towers were anchored,
Okay, not exactly precisely those spots,
But who’s gonna criticize? Look and recall
How majestic they were. Yeah, the new One World Trade
Is cool, I suppose – no one mentions the absence
Of Two World Trade Center. Insurance, you know.
Not enough money or civic ambition,
And Bloomberg discouraged it. Why add a target?
“Don’t you think sixty or seventy stories
“Are more than enough? Hell, let’s just get it done.
“The sooner we finish construction, the better.”
*There will never be lumens of adequate volume
Sufficient to seal that hole in the sky,
But the hole in my heart I will finish, I tell you.
Walk with me as I go forward. Tomorrow
I’m back in the studio. Tonight, we can play!
You smell like apples and – damn, is that chocolate?
(our light beams shine upward forever)
"Good boy!"
Animal J. Smith San Francisco, California September 10, 2024
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
For years, the people of the Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation watched over their waters and waited. They had spent nearly two decades working with Canada’s federal government to negotiate protections for Kitasu Bay, an area off the coast of British Columbia that was vulnerable to overfishing.
But the discussions never seemed to go anywhere. First, they broke down over pushback from the fishing industry, then over a planned oil tanker route directly through Kitasoo/Xai’xais waters.
“We were getting really frustrated with the federal government. They kept jumping onboard and then pulling out,” says Douglas Neasloss, the chief councillor and resource stewardship director of the Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation. “Meanwhile, we’d been involved in marine planning for 20 years – and we still had no protected areas.”
Instead, the nation watched as commercial overfishing decimated the fish populations its people had relied on for thousands of years.
Nestled on the west coast of Swindle Island, approximately 500km north of Vancouver, Kitasu Bay is home to a rich array of marine life: urchins and abalone populate the intertidal pools, salmon swim in the streams and halibut take shelter in the deep waters. In March, herring return to spawn in the eelgrass meadows and kelp forests, nourishing humpback whales, eagles, wolves and bears.
“Kitasu Bay is the most important area for the community – that’s where we get all of our food,” Neasloss says. “It’s one of the last areas where you still get a decent spawn of herring.”
So in December 2021, when the Department of Fisheries and Oceans withdrew from discussions once again, the nation decided to act. “My community basically said, ‘We’re tired of waiting. Let’s take it upon ourselves to do something about it,’” Neasloss says.
What they did was unilaterally declare the creation of a new marine protected area (MPA). In June 2022, the nation set aside 33.5 sq km near Laredo Sound as the new Gitdisdzu Lugyeks (Kitasu Bay) MPA – closing the waters of the bay to commercial and sport fishing.
It is a largely unprecedented move. While other marine protected areas in Canada fall under the protection of the federal government through the Oceans Act, Kitasu Bay is the first to be declared under Indigenous law, under the jurisdiction and authority of the Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation.
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Pictured: "In some ways, I hope someone challenges us" … the Kitasoo/Xai’xais stewardship authority.
Although they did not wait for government approval, the Kitasoo did consult extensively: the declaration was accompanied by a draft management plan, finalised in October after three months of consultation with industry and community stakeholders. But the government did not provide feedback during that period, according to Neasloss, beyond an acknowledgment that it had received the plan...
Approximately 95% of British Columbia is unceded: most First Nations in the province of British Columbia never signed treaties giving up ownership of their lands and waters to the crown. This puts them in a unique position to assert their rights and title, according to Neasloss, who hopes other First Nations will be inspired to take a similarly proactive approach to conservation...
Collaboration remains the goal, and Neasloss points to a landmark agreement between the Haida nation and the government in 1988 to partner in conserving the Gwaii Haanas archipelago, despite both parties asserting their sovereignty over it. A similar deal was made in 2010 for the region’s 3,400 sq km Gwaii Haanas national marine conservation area.
“They found a way to work together, which is pretty exciting,” says Neasloss. “And I think there may be more Indigenous protected areas that are overlaid with something else.”
-via The Guardian, 5/3/23
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
As You Wish - Eddie Munson x Reader, Part 9
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Collaboration with the one and only Dr. @munson-blurbs 💛
Summary: Eddie's finally moving into a place of his own. It's fun and exciting but at the same time, it makes things more real for the boys.
Note: It is here! A happy As You Wish Wednesday to you all
Warnings: talk of divorce, Brittany
Words: 7.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie usually hated his government name. He’s Eddie, not Edward; the latter too formal and a reminder of when he’d get reprimanded at school. 
But today, as the ballpoint pen glides over the paper, he’s never been happier to be Edward Munson. 
“All right,” the leasing manager chirps, procuring a key from her back pocket, “congratulations on your new apartment, Mr. Munson.”
“Thank you.” It’s bittersweet; his first place without Brittany, without his boys as permanent fixtures. But he no longer needs to couch surf or rely on anyone else. This is his place, and though it’s not quite the house he once lived in, it’s home. 
The Harrington household is in its usual state of controlled chaos when Eddie arrives. His sons are running around with Steve and Nancy’s three oldest kids on their front lawn, so engaged in a rousing game of freeze tag that they don’t even notice the car pulling up. 
You spot him right away, greeting him with an excited wave. One arm stays wrapped around Mia, who offers a big smile when she sees her favorite uncle. 
“Ryan! Luke! Dad’s here!”
The boys grumble, clearly upset about their game being cut short, and the Harringtons cheer triumphantly. 
“We won! We won!” Theo cheers. 
Luke shakes his head. “No, we’re just pausing until next time.”
“Nuh-uh! You guys forfeit, which means we win!”
You sigh. “We’ll call it a tie,” you decide, not waiting for a reply. Nancy comes out of the house to pay you, scooping up her youngest. 
“Did we avoid a fight?” She whispers to you. 
“Barely,” you confirm, tucking the bills into your front pocket. “I’m hoping to make our escape before it escalates.”
Nancy nods. “Godspeed.” She ushers Natalie, Theo, and Danny back into the house, bidding Eddie and his boys farewell, but not before Luke sticks his tongue in his friend’s direction. 
“Saw that,” Ryan mutters. So did you, but you lack the energy to reprimand the youngest Munson, so you act oblivious. 
This evening was the final celebration of your birthday week—the cherry on top that it seemed the boys wouldn’t let you go without: them treating you to a McDonald’s date. Ryan and Luke had both chipped in some pocket change they had in a piggy bank or hidden underneath a mattress. Though, you wouldn’t be surprised if Luke scrounged some of his from between couch cushions and between seats in his dad’s truck as well. 
With their donations appreciated, Eddie pocketed the money and told everyone to order whatever they wanted. That’s dangerous territory with the two rugrats around, but it’s a special occasion. 
The order in total managed to fit on four trays, which the guys said they had handled and would head off to find a table while you wait for the milkshakes at the counter.
As you rest your hip against the cool metal island that contains condiments and utensils, you hear familiar giggles coming from the tables around the corner. They bring an instant smile to your face. There’s a lot of turmoil going on in these kids’ lives right now, so the fact that they get to have these moments of peace and joy with their dad is very important. It’s part of the reason you told Eddie that it might be better to take Ryan and Luke shopping for their new rooms on his own. None of the three Munson men were having this, though. Every single one of them trusted your opinion far more than anyone with an XY chromosome in your little gang. 
The worker’s voice pulls you out of your head and you give her a polite smile as you pick the cardboard carrier up off the counter, holding two vanilla shakes for you and Ryan, a chocolate for Eddie, and a strawberry for Luke. You set off in the direction the previous laughter came from and just as you turn the corner are greeted by the sight of the back of your boyfriend’s head in all its curly glory. Thing One and Thing Two are on the other side of the table throwing fries at one another, trying to catch them in their mouths. 
“Come on, try me,” Eddie says, tilting his head back a bit. Ryan throws a fry first, but it bounces off his father’s cheek. Luke then throws a fry that is way too long and was never going to make it across the table. You watch in silence as the boys make a few more valiant attempts, Ryan able to sink one in eventually. The shakes are getting melty now though, so it’s time to barge in on their game.
When you walk over to the table and set the drink caddy down, you notice Eddie’s expression goes from playful to remorseful. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take your brain long to make the connection that this is something Brittany probably would’ve berated him for in the past—acting like a child and goofing around with the boys. It’s preposterous to even think of, really.
Instead of assuring Eddie with comforting words, you just slide onto the red vinyl booth next to him and nudge his arm with your elbow. 
“My turn.”
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Juxtaposed with the fun dinner you just had is the quiet car ride back to Brittany’s house to drop the boys off. Seeing the two happy little moods dampened weighs on Eddie’s heart, so he tries to get them engaged in another fun topic.
“Are you guys excited to pick out stuff for your new rooms tomorrow?” he asks, grinning at them through the rear-view mirror.
“Do I get, like…a new bed?” Luke asks.
“Sure do,” Eddie says as he flips the blinker on to turn into his old neighborhood. “And whatever kind of sheets you want to put on it.”
“Can I get ones with Spider-Man? Or Batman? Or Spider-Man and Batman?”
Eddie chuckles. “We’ll see what they have.”
That seems to satisfy Luke, at least for the moment, which is all you need. Eddie takes a deep breath as he pulls up to Brittany’s house—his former house. That twinge of pain never seems to dissipate, even though the end of his marriage was inevitable, the loss still hurts. Ryan doesn’t give him much time to dwell on things, though.
“Can I get a PlayStation for my room?”
Eddie barks a laugh and rubs a hand over his eyes. Before he can open his mouth to say no, Luke has to add his own outlandish request.
“Can I get a dog?!”
Your boyfriend just looks at you, silently begging you to take over before his patience completely runs out.
As you unbuckle your seatbelt, you casually announce, “No additional living beings until further notice.”
Luke grumbles, but ultimately relents, climbing out of his booster seat and running up to the door where Brittany is waiting.
“Mom!” Ryan and Luke yell out in unison. The older boy’s enthusiastic grin falters a bit when he notices the fakeness in his mom’s smile, but the younger boy thankfully remains oblivious.
“We’re gonna pick out stuff for our new rooms tomorrow!” Luke chirps.
Brittany’s perfectly plucked brows pinch together in a mix of confusion and her usual perpetual annoyance. “Tomorrow?” she asks, her voice far from genuine. “I thought we would spend tomorrow together, guys.”
“Britt, you said tomorrow you had that work thing, remember?” Eddie reminds her, a smug smile on his face. They both know damn well she just wanted to get out of taking the boys to the toy store when Luke originally asked the other day. 
Brittany glares at Eddie but Luke shrugs and walks away.  
“Another time, Mom.” He says casually, and something inside you breaks. You can feel it in Eddie, too. Luke’s unbothered attitude is too natural, like he’s accustomed to his mother constantly breaking their plans. 
Speaking up will only incur the wrath of Brittany, so you stay silent, leaving Eddie to maneuver the rest of the awkward conversation. 
“See you guys tomorrow,” he calls out to his sons, giving a cordial wave to Brittany. She doesn’t return it, closing the door in your faces. 
Eddie turns to you. “That could have gone worse, I guess.”
You scoff. “Yeah, she could’ve turned into one of those Demogorgon things from your D&D campaigns.”
“Now that would be entertaining.” He takes your hand in his, his rings pressing against your fingers. 
The car ride home will almost certainly involve a discussion about the way the boys’ faces fell when they saw Brittany and how to undo the damage of her bailing on plans. But for now, you take the moment to relish the love between you and Eddie. 
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“Look at that lamp! It looks like a jellyfish!”
It seems as if every other thing that Luke sees as the four of you walk up and down the aisles of the store catches his eye. If his new room incorporated all these new interesting finds of his, the small bedroom would look like the storage space of an eccentric car enthusiast who has an odd pension for nautical memorabilia. 
“I thought you wanted a Hot Wheels room,” Eddie says for what feels like the fortieth time.
“I do, that lamp just looks cool,” Luke says. “Hey! Can I get one of those rugs that looks like there are roads on it so I can drive my cars all around?”
“If we see one,” his dad tells him. 
Luke may only be five, but he already has expensive tastes. Ryan seems to be the opposite on this shopping trip—he doesn’t seem to know what he wants. None of the movie or character themed bed sets thrilled him, and there wasn’t a sport or activity he wanted highlighted. The only things the elder Munson brother had in the cart so far were a set of two black bookshelves to hang on the walls and a package of glow in the dark stars to stick to his ceiling. 
On the other hand, Luke had already collected Hot Wheels sheets, Hot Wheels curtains, a nightstand that looked like three tires stacked one on top of the other, a stuffed German Shepherd (since he can’t get a real dog, he said), a Scooby Doo calendar, and a set of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle posters. The young boy had also tried to add an espresso machine to the cart, which was immediately halted by both you and Eddie.
“What in the world do you need an espresso machine for?” you had asked.
“For when I have guests,” Luke replied simply. 
“Oh, right,” Eddie said, raising his eyebrows. “Because I think that much caffeine is exactly what Mia Harrington needs.”
Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes as if his dad thought he was stupid. “Well, I wouldn’t give any to a baby.” 
You pinch the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger, massaging gently. As grateful as you are that you have this opportunity to shop with Eddie and his boys, you can’t deny that your patience is swiftly draining.
“Luke, why are you pouting?” 
The voice doesn’t belong to you, Eddie, or even Ryan. No, this shrill, weasley voice could only belong to one person.
Brittany stands before you, a gaudy pocketbook tucked underneath her arm. Her lips curl into what you can only consider an attempted smile, though it still makes your insides curdle. 
“C’mere.” She motions to her youngest son, pulling him into a too-tight hug. You watch him squirm out of her grasp.
“Britt,” Eddie says through gritted teeth, “I thought you were busy today.”
Brittany shrugs nonchalantly, as though she hasn’t just completely derailed your afternoon. “Moved some things around.” She grins at Ryan and Luke. “What are we buying today?”
We. Like she was paying for any of it.
You swallow your frustration and shoot her an equally feigned smile. “Luke’s getting stuff for his Hot Wheels room, and Ryan still needs a reading lamp.”
“I wanted a race car bed, but Daddy said it was too ‘spensive. So, I’m gonna get Hot Wheels sheets instead,” Luke proudly announces.
Brittany furrows her brows in mock confusion. “But how can you have a Hot Wheels room with a regular bed?” She cocks her head, looking at Eddie. “I mean, you can’t splurge a little? I’m sure you have a guitar you could pawn.”
Eddie bites his lower lip so hard that you swear you see a speck of blood form. He’s holding himself back; being in public and in the presence of his kids keeps him from launching into an expletive-laden tirade.
“I’m not pawning a guitar for a bed he’s going to outgrow in a few years. Especially not when we came up with a good compromise.” His tone is terse, clipped.
Brittany rolls her eyes. “I’m sure the court will love to hear that,” she mutters under her breath, still loud enough for you and Eddie to hear. The boys, luckily, have dashed ahead. 
Your instinct is to bite back with a snarky comment about the court being much more interested in every important event she’s missed, but you restrain yourself. This isn’t your battle to fight, and any remark will just make Eddie’s life harder. Instead, you act as though she hadn’t said a word as you all catch up to the kids. 
Not one to be ignored, Brittany turns to her oldest son. “What about you, Ry? What did you pick out?” Her frown deepens when Ryan shows her the three items in the cart belonging to him. “That’s it? It’s like they forgot about you!”
“We didn’t—” you start, watching hurt seep into Ryan’s eyes, but Eddie quickly squeezes your hand. Don’t play into it. You know her comment stung him, too, and that it was even more difficult for him not to defend himself. 
There was no need for either of you to say anything, because Ryan is ultimately the one who speaks up. 
“I’m still deciding what I want. No one forgot about me—not like how you forgot about my holiday concert.”
Brittany’s cheeks go beet red, her jaw clenched. “You know what? I need to get going now, anyway.” She glares at Eddie. “Drop them off at my house when you’re done.” With that, she walks away. 
Your gaze immediately drops to Ryan, who just stands there as though shocked by his own comeback. “I…I didn’t mean to…” Tears well up in his eyes, and he blinks them back before they can stain his cheeks. “She just…”
Eddie puts one hand on his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, looking up, and you know he’s weighing his options. He can harp on Brittany’s insufficiencies, or he can do the right thing. Be a role model. 
“I know, bud. It’s hard. Especially when we’re angry.” He gives a soft smile. “You’ve got that Munson temper—quiet till it boils over. But you can apologize to Mom when you see her later.”
Ryan nods somberly. 
Eddie glances at you for help, and you carefully oblige. “That doesn’t mean that it’s okay for her to miss your concerts,” you say. “But you can talk about how it makes you feel before those emotions get to be too much.”
“Maybe we should go home,” Eddie says, but Ryan shakes his head. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” Ryan swipes at his misty eyes. “I wanna pick out a bed. Maybe one that has the drawers underneath.”
You grin. “More storage space for books?”
Ryan nods, and Eddie grins. “Whose kid is this? Certainly too smart to be mine.”
You want to ask him what he kept stored in his bedroom drawers, but refrain at the last second. Perhaps some things are better left unknown. 
Just one aisle over, Ryan’s attention snags on a bed that has his eyes widening. 
“It has a desk, too!” he says, taking off towards the bed at the end of the aisle. 
“Whoa!” Luke echoes, following behind his big brother. 
You slip your hand into Eddie’s as he pushes the cart forward with the other hand. Even though the boys are preoccupied with the piece of furniture, you keep your voice low. 
“I’m so proud of how you handled that,” you tell your boyfriend. “I was ready to scoop Ryan into my arms and comfort him and tell him everything is okay, but you did the right thing.”
Eddie sighs and gives your hand a small shake. “Shit. When did I become a grown up?” With another, more dramatic sigh, Eddie shakes his head. “Gotta fix that.”
Before you can ask what he means, he leans over and licks up the side of your face, tongue flat and hot against your skin. You squeal, taken by surprise and duck your head down away from him. 
“You’re a child!” you say through a heavy bout of laughter. 
“Damn straight, baby.”
When you look up ahead, the boys are now watching you two, your squeal having gained their attention.
“You guys know that your dad is bonkers?” you ask with a playful smirk on your face. 
“Uh huh!” Luke declares proudly. “We’re the Goof Troop!”
“Oh, are we?” Eddie questions. He spins the cart out of his way, like a car doing donuts, and hoists Luke up, throwing him over his shoulder. “I think you’re the goofiest of the goofs.”
Luke laughs as his orange t-shirt rides up his back. You adjust it for him before leaving the two guys with the matching curls to their antics and join Ryan over by the bed.
“You like this one, huh?” You wrap an arm around the elder brother’s shoulders and give a gentle squeeze. 
Ryan nods. “I wanted a desk in my old room. I mean, the room at the old hou—uh, Mom’s house. But my room is too small for one. But this is perfect! I crawl up top, there’s my bed! I come back down, it’s a desk!”
His excitement is palpable, and you can’t help but lean in and press a kiss to the top of his head. God, you’d give this kid the world if you could. Luke too, of course. They’re both such great kids and it’s moments like these where you realize just how lucky you were to meet this family. 
Brittany’s abrupt departure, while welcome, also means that the boys will be accompanying you and Eddie while you pick out his furniture. Or, as Luke so aptly puts it, “the boring stuff.”
The youngest Munson lasts all of six minutes before he starts whining. Your patience has already worn thin from Brittany’s antics, and you have to take a deep breath before you respond. 
“Luke, we picked out your stuff, now it’s Daddy’s t—”
Tears well up in his eyes. “But I don’t wanna! I wanna go home!”
You and Eddie share a glance. Between your schedule and his, there are few opportunities for you to shop together. You’re trying to remember what days you’ll be free when you hear Ryan pipe up. 
“We should play The Price is Right!” He exclaims. “Y’know, that show we watch when we’re home sick? We can guess the price of Dad’s furniture and see who gets the closest.”
Luke ponders this for just a moment before nodding emphatically. You and Eddie exhale twin sighs of relief, and you make a mental note to thank Ryan later. 
The boys guess on everything from bed sheets to sofas, with Luke’s answers only getting more outlandish. There’s no way he thinks a TV stand costs $80 million…right?
Eddie chuckles as he watches his sons over his shoulder. They’re looking up at a chandelier, Ryan’s lips pursed, and Luke with his head tilted to the side like a confused puppy. Your boyfriend shakes his head in amusement as he faces forward again, pushing the now-heavy cart further down the aisle. 
“I kinda like that lamp,” Eddie says, taking a closer step to the display sets blinding you with their high wattage all aimed in your direction. “Oh shit, that’s nice, too. Babe, what do you think?”
Coming up beside him, you loop your arm through his and press a few kisses to his shoulder.
“Sweetheart, it’s your apartment,” you remind him. “You deserve to make this place your own.” Giving a soft shake of your head, you wrinkle up your nose in a way that Eddie finds adorable. “You don’t want your girlfriend playing interior decorator.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows and angles his head down to meet your eyes. “Am I allowed to ask for my girlfriend’s opinion?”
“Of course.”
“Okaaay,” Eddie says, playfully pulling you in front of him so he can wrap his arms around your middle and run the tips of his calloused fingers over the soft material of your pink shirt. “So, girlfriend, which of the two lamps do you like better?”
The one that first caught Eddie’s eyes was a simple, basic design, but who really needs more than that? The black, twisting metal that twines up to an off-white lampshade is elegant and something you can absolutely see being in Eddie’s new living room. The second lamp is a little more ostentatious, though it’s certainly pretty. The silver body of the lamp resembles an hourglass, rounded edges topped off with a round white lampshade. It’s nice, but not something you can see Eddie being really happy with.
“I like the first one,” you tell him.
“That’s the one I was leaning towards,” he says. Eddie presses a kiss to your cheek before unwinding his arms from around your body so he can grab two of the lamp boxes to add to the cart. “Come on, shortstops. Keep up.”
The boys trail at a small distance, calling out numbers and pointing at various objects on shelves they’ll never be able to correctly identify prices on. With one hand, Eddie pushes the cart forward, and he lays his other hand, large and warm, against the small of your back as you walk.
“Now, this next part in particular is what I really want your opinion on.” Eddie’s words are just above a whisper and the ghosting of his lips against the shell of your ear sends a chill down your spine. There’s no need for you to look, you already know your boyfriend is smirking at the reaction he has on you. 
You turn the corner with the cart and when you see the next aisle, your face feels warm. Of course this is what he wants your input on the most. The bedding department. 
“What exactly would you like my help with?” you ask, feigning as much innocence as you possibly can. 
The aisles of bed linens, bed frames, mattresses, and pillows seem to stretch out for a mile before you. You don’t see this ending without Eddie severely working you up. 
“Well,” Eddie says with a shrug, far too innocuous for the thoughts you know are running through his mind. “We found things for the boys’ rooms, but none for mine yet. And since I’m really hoping you’ll be spending a good amount of time in my bedroom, I’d like you to be comfortable there.”
“Sounds reasonable enough.” You don’t meet his eye, instead strolling closer to the mattresses, to get a better look at them.
“Oh, yes!” you hear Luke cheer as his black and blue sneakers squeak on the linoleum floor. “I’m gonna guess all the beds right!”
Ryan follows along behind his little brother, shaking his head. He looks at you and mouths no he’s not. A chuckle rumbles your chest as you watch the boys walk further down the aisle, inspecting a shelf of body pillows. 
“What kind of mattress do you prefer?” you ask Eddie. “Firm? Soft? Somewhere in the middle?”
“I—” he cuts himself off, brow wrinkling as he looks down at the scuffed white floor beneath his boots. “I don’t actually know.”
“No?” you ask, curiosity burning inside of you. He’ll explain if he wants to, but you’d never push. 
He shakes his head. “I had a hand-me-down mattress when I lived with Wayne. Brought that same mattress when Jeff and I got a tiny ass apartment on the edge of Hawkins. After that I moved in with Brittany and we just used the one she already had. We got a new mattress when we moved into the house, but Brittany went out and picked it out herself. I didn’t see it until I went to sleep on it that night. It’s the same one there now.”
“So that mattress has a few good memories then,” you tease, giving him a gentle smirk. “Let’s test out what you like then.” You take a seat at the foot of the bed on the nearest mattress and hold out your hand to Eddie. 
He parks the cart between two adjacent mattresses and climbs on the mattress next to you. The two of you situate yourselves as if you were going to go to bed, to sleep. 
“This feels…” Eddie shifts his position, adjusting his shoulders to make himself more comfortable. “It’s a little hard.”
“I think so, too,” you agree. “Onto the next.”
After testing half a dozen beds, you and Eddie have deduced that he likes softer mattresses, but not too soft. With one goal achieved, now it’s time to find the most comfortable of the semi-soft mattresses.
“Okay, this might be the best one we’ve laid on,” Eddie says after four attempts. “I really like this.”
“This is nice,” you concur. “One more test.”
Eddie turns his head to look at you in question, but it clicks soon enough as you cuddle up to his side and rest your head on his chest. It’s the exact position the two of you lay in quite frequently, and you have to make sure that this bed is accepting and supportive of that. 
“I mean, I can think of another test,” Eddie says as he wraps his arm around you. “But I don’t think they’d let us do that in the store.”
With a girlish giggle, you press a kiss to Eddie’s chest and push yourself into a seated position. 
“What’s your verdict?” you ask.
Dark chocolate eyes gaze up at the ceiling as Eddie adjusts his position on the bed once more. Then, he slips his eyes closed and rolls onto his side, which is his most common sleeping position.
“Yeah,” he says, opening his eyes. “I’m gonna go with this one.”
“And this one is…thirteen thousand dollars!” Luke calls as he and Ryan run over. Luke face plants on the bed and Ryan plops down next to his brother on his bottom. 
“He tried guessing the price of a lady’s dog,” Ryan says.
Luke lifts his head, blue eyes wide as he pulls his shoulders up towards his ears.
“She was carrying him in a little doggy bag! It looked like she was buying him!”
“This is the one you’re getting?” Ryan asks, ignoring his little brother completely. The older brother bounces slightly as he sits, testing out the springiness.
“Yep,” Eddie says as he pushes himself up from the bed. “Just have to get some sheets for it now. You two stay here and watch the cart, okay? We’re just gonna be right over there looking at the linens.”
“Okay,” Ryan says.
“Aye aye!” Luke gives his dad a salute before going to sit up near the pillows. 
Eddie laces his fingers with yours, tugging you over to where bedsheets lay wrapped in their plastic coverings. “Gonna need your help for this one, baby.”
“Eds,” you protest, “this apartment is for you and the boys. I don’t wanna—”
Your boyfriend leans in and silences you with a kiss. “While I appreciate that…you and I are gonna be the ones getting well-acquainted with these sheets. I wanna make sure you’ll be comfy laying on them…or kneeling on them.” His eyes twinkle mischievously. “Don’t want those pretty knees getting scratched up while you’re riding me.”
You shove him away playfully. “Behave,” you warn, thumbing through the linen options. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Eddie mumbles under his breath, though it’s hard to take that promise seriously when it’s followed by a pinch to your ass. 
Eddie grabs a set of dove gray sheets and a matching comforter from the shelf and turns to head back towards the boys. Before the two of you reach the end of the aisle though, your boyfriend stops short and looks to you with eyes wide as saucers.
“Can I get Star Wars sheets?”
As much as Eddie tries to hold in his laughter, a snort breaks though. You shake your head in bemusement as you pass him by and head towards the arguably more mature Munsons. 
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“Okay, so.” Steve stands with his hands on his hips as he addresses his two oldest kids along with Eddie’s boys. “Any box marked with this word,” he points to where FRAGILE is written in black Sharpie, “is not for kids to carry.”
Luke furrows his brow. “Why not?”
Before Steve can answer, Theo speaks up. “Because it says the F-word,” he says matter-of-factly. 
“No, it does not!” Steve sputters. 
“There’s an F right there,” Luke points out. “See?”
Steve sighs. “Yes, that is an f-word, but it says ‘fragile,’ not—never mind.” He shakes his head. “Just don’t touch it.”
Across the room, Eddie grimaces as his uncle tries to lift a coffee table. “Old man,” Eddie calls out. “Put that down before you hurt yourself. My goal is to avoid the emergency room at all costs.”
Wayne shakes his head. “I’m not just gonna stand around while everyone else works,” he protests. 
Eddie runs his fingers through his hair, wincing when he snags them on a knot. 
“I didn’t wanna have to bring out the big guns…” He grins at Wayne’s puzzled expression before calling out to his sons. “Ryan! Luke! Grandpa wants to hear all about that cartoon you’re obsessed with.”
Luke bounds over with Ryan right behind him. “Okay, so there’s a cat and a dog, but they’re stuck together where their butts would be!” He cackles at this. 
“And Cat is scared all the time, but Dog is crazy,” Ryan chimes in. “And he’s always getting Cat into trouble.”
Eddie throws his uncle a wink, a silent I warned you, and slides his arm around your waist. 
“Thank God for shitty kids’ shows,” he murmurs. 
You roll your eyes. “Pretty sure I’ve caught you watching that ‘shitty kids’ show’ on more than one occasion. Even without the boys there.”
Pressing a smacking kiss to your temple, Eddie whirls around to see Lucas, Max, and Dustin struggling with the sofa. “That’ll stay our little secret,” he says before darting off to help them. 
A few hours later, once the moving van has been unloaded and furniture and boxes have been placed in their respective rooms, the whole group finds themselves in the living room. The youngest Munsons sit on the floor next to their Uncle Dustin. Wayne rests on the couch, sandwiched between Eddie and Steve. You, Lucas, and Max pull up some folding chairs. Each of you has a slice of pizza on a paper towel, since no one wanted to unpack the plates. 
Pressing on his knees, Eddie stands up. “Before we dig in, I’d just like to offer a toast.” He raises his beer bottle, and everyone does the same—root beer for the boys, of course. “To the best moving crew this town has ever seen. May we never have to do this again.”
Everyone nods in agreement, bottles clinking before the room goes quiet. The only noise is the sound of pizza being devoured. 
You look at Eddie, trading exhausted smiles. Today was long, but it was one huge step closer to your future together. No matter how strongly sleep beckoned you, you wouldn’t trade this for the world. 
Once all that remains of the pizzas are the few crusts left behind in the box, everyone starts to head out. Eddie makes sure to thank each of them again when they say their goodbyes. 
Wayne is the last one there besides you and the boys. The older man yanks his keys free from his back pocket and jingles them in his hand as he walks towards the front door.
“This is a nice place you got here, Ed.”
It doesn’t matter how old he is, hearing praise from Wayne still makes Eddie feel like a little boy making his father proud. He can’t help but smile as he shuffles over to his uncle.
“It is pretty nice, isn’t it?” Eddie looks around, taking in the dark green walls that he can’t wait to fill up with silly photos of the boys and pictures of your beautiful face to greet him every morning. A blank slate, his to do what he wants with.
“I’m proud of ya, son,” Wayne says, clapping Eddie on the shoulder. “You were dealt a rough hand but you’re making it through alright.”
“Doing my best,” Eddie admits with a shrug.
“That’s all anyone can,” Wayne says. “I’ll see you later, kid. Where my boys?”
As if waiting for their cue, both Luke and Ryan rush at Wayne, arms open and ready to receive their goodbye hugs.
“Bye, Grandpa!” Ryan says as he’s squeezed in the older man’s arms.
“Remember,” Luke says when it’s his turn to get hugged, “Catdog is on Nickelodeon, not Cartoon Network.”
“I’ll try to remember that,” Wayne says with a hearty chuckle. Next, those wise blue-gray eyes are aimed your way and before you even realize it, you’re going in for a hug. 
Being hugged by Wayne is like cuddling up with a cherished childhood teddy bear after you’ve had a bad day. It feels safe, warm, and loving. It’s as obvious as Luke’s love for Hot Wheels where Eddie learned how to be a good father. Wayne might like to make people think he’s rough around the edges, but you’ve learned in a short time that he’s Mr. Softy when it comes to anything involving his family. But who can blame him when his family is Eddie, Luke, and Ryan?
“You take care, doll,” Wayne says, giving you a soft pat on the back before pulling away. “And let me know if any of these three get out of line.”
“Us?” Luke asks, voice an octave higher than usual as he gestures to himself. “Never!”
“Uh huh,” Wayne hums with a rumbling laugh. He ruffles the smallest boy’s curls before heading out the door. 
You, Eddie, and the boys leave a few minutes later—not without arguing with Luke about using the bathroom. Ryan and Luke climb into the backseat, and after double-checking that they’re securely buckled in, you slide into the passenger seat. 
Eddie shifts the gears from park to reverse, and you keep your hand atop his. The ride back to Brittany’s is fairly quiet, with no bickering from the brothers. Apparently, a long day of unpacking boxes and bothering their grandpa has worn them out. 
It isn’t until you’re a few blocks away from the house that Luke speaks up. 
“Dad, what’s for dinner tonight?”
Eddie keeps his eyes on the road as he answers. “You’re, uh, gonna have to ask Mom about that,” he says evenly. 
“Can you ask her not to make fish sticks? I hate those.”
A lump forms in Eddie’s throat. He thought the boys both understood what the living situation was going to be. Sometimes it’s easy to forget Luke is only five with the larger than life personality he has or that Ryan is only seven when Eddie’s pretty positive the kid is smarter than he is. Eddie silently prays that he won’t have to explain the separation time and time again because he doesn’t think he has the strength to repeatedly let his sons down. Because that’s what he’s doing, right? Breaking their little hearts by telling them things are changing whether they like it or not.
It seems like aspects of it they like—like you being around more and being their father’s girlfriend. But it’s hard for them to grasp that in order for that to happen, they have to have Mom live in one place and Daddy in another. Eddie’s sure that the three of them not all waking up in the same house everyday is killing him more than it is them.
“Luke, buddy,” Eddie starts. “I’m not eating dinner with you tonight. We’ll eat dinner together when you stay at my place.”
Ryan leans forward. “Is Mom gonna eat with us there, too?”
You catch the sadness in Eddie’s face. The two of you know that it isn’t healthy for the boys to grow up in a home with parents who don’t want to be together, but that doesn’t mean the divorce is easy. You give Eddie’s hand a small squeeze of support.
“Guys, Mom and I don’t live together anymore. She lives at the house, and I live at the apartment.”
“Oh.” Realization hits Ryan. “So…you and Mom are gonna be separate forever?”
Forever. Eddie had promised Brittany forever that day at the altar, and now they’d reached a much different definition of that word. 
It’s funny how the same word is so full of promise and excitement, blooming with life and warmth when he says it to you, but shriveled up and desiccated when presented by his sons in this context.
“Yeah. That’s what happens when people get divorced—they stop living together. But you will always have a home at Mom’s, and you’ll always have a home with me. They just won’t be the same home.”
There’s only silence as Luke and Ryan process the information. Neither you nor Eddie are used to them being so quiet; the million follow-up questions you’d anticipated never arise. 
The floodgates burst when Eddie pulls into Brittany’s driveway, before the seatbelts can even be unfastened. 
“I d-don’t wanna leave!” Luke cries, tugging his knees to his chest. “I don’t want Dad to live at the ‘partment!”
Your heart lurches. There’s nothing to say or do—he’s disappointed, and rightfully so. As much as you love Eddie, as glad as you are that he’s yours, you wish he and his sons didn’t have to deal with the pain of this divorce. 
Eddie helps Luke out of the car, then Ryan. The older boy is fighting back tears of his own. 
“I know this change is hard,” Eddie says to both kids, “but we’ll get used to it. I promise.”
Luke shakes his head, his curly mop of hair tangling. “No! I don’t wanna get used to it! I want you to live here again!”
“I know,” Eddie repeats, exhaling. “I wish I could make it easier.” He kisses each of his boys on the forehead and turns to you. 
Ryan and Luke follow his gaze. They look even younger, smaller somehow, when they’re sad. All you want is to protect them from all of the bad in the world. 
You open up your arms, enveloping them in a hug. “We’ll see you guys super soon, okay?”
It isn’t okay, and you’re sure Luke is about to tell you that. But then the front door swings open. 
“Good, you boys are home. Wait. What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Brittany looks from the heartbroken boys in your arms over to Eddie in question. She doesn’t give anyone a chance to reply before her eyes snap back to the boys and she demands, “What’s wrong? Luke?”
The five-year-old turns out of your arms and buries his face in his father’s t-shirt. His small sniffles and sobs are heart wrenching, and you find yourself holding onto Ryan a little tighter out of reflex. Ryan rests his head against your body. The feeling of his shoulders heaving dials up your instinct to comfort, so you card your fingers through the boy’s honey brown curls.
Eddie is doing his best to comfort Luke as well. One ringed hand rubs up and down Luke’s small back, while the other cups the back of the boy's head as he cries. The pain lashing through your heart is nearly unbearable—you can’t even begin to imagine how bad it is for Eddie. 
“He was a little confused about having two places to live now,” Eddie explains to Brittany. “He, uh, doesn’t want me living at the apartment.” 
Brittany, to your surprise, stays quiet. She simply nods her head and crosses her arms over her chest. 
“Do you want to go inside, Luke?” Ryan speaks up from your arms, standing up straight so he’s no longer leaning against you for support.
Still sniffling, Luke turns from Eddie’s torso and nods at his big brother, his left fist coming up to rub at his eye. 
Ryan nods and steps out of the circle of your arms to offer his little brother his hand. Luke grips it tightly, like it’s a lifeline and he’s scared Ryan is going to be the next one to live somewhere else. 
The two make their way into the house and the gazes of you three adults on the porch follow them until they’re out of sight. 
Letting out a pained sigh, Eddie rubs his hands over his face. He hardly gets those two seconds of reprieve because Brittany immediately snarls at him.
“So, you just explained it all to him without me? Without even telling me?”
The look you register on Eddie’s face first is shock, but it disappears after half a second, used to this insanity and savagery from his ex.
“What did you want me to do?” Eddie sounds exhausted. Mentally, now, in addition to physically from moving furniture all day. “He was upset, did you want me to have him hold on so I could have you come over to the apartment? Get into the car with us?” 
She probably wouldn’t have anyway, you say to yourself.
“Now I have to deal with him being upset,” Brittany complains.
You’re seeing red. The world is painted in crimsons and scarlets and it’s a good thing Eddie speaks up first, because something would’ve come out of your mouth that you would’ve ended up regretting later. 
“He’s your son,” Eddie argues, seething anger present in his voice as well. “That’s part of your job. You should want to comfort him when he’s upset.”
With one last roll of her eyes and a loud scoff, Brittany steps back into the house and slams the front door behind her. 
Eddie takes a few breaths before he lets out a pained chuckle and turns away from the house.
“I hate her so fucking much,” he says. 
Your boyfriend takes a deep breath and turns to you. The pain in his eyes steals the breath from your lungs. That agony morphs into a look you can’t interpret at first. No, it’s still pain, just a different kind. He speaks up before you can ask about it.
“This shit isn’t easy,” he says. The tone of his voice makes it click for you. Part of him thinks you’re going to walk away from all of this. Now that the emotions are raw on a different level, he thinks you’re going to change your mind about this. About him. 
But he’s crazier than Brittany is if he thinks you’re going to leave his side for even a moment.
“I know,” you answer him with a shrug of your shoulders. “But I’m not going anywhere, Eds. I’m here for you—all three of you.”
The plug is pulled on that pain and worry, and it all disappears down the drain to make room for the love and gratefulness that fills him up now. A small smile even curls one corner of his mouth up.
“Have I told you that I love you lately?” he asks.
“Not in the last…” you peer down at your watch before meeting his gaze once more, “hour or so. So, I think you’re due.”
Eddie steps forwards and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
His voice faltered slightly on the word “home,” but you don’t let him dwell on that. You slip your arm around his waist and start walking towards the car. “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Eddie says as the two of you step into the driveway, “I got that bottle of champagne I bought for your birthday that I left at the Harrington’s. Figured it could be used to celebrate the new place. But, shit, I think I’m going to need something a whole lot stronger than champagne when we get back.”
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doromoni · 11 months
Burnt Pan Shenanigans | CL16
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Ship: Charles Leclerc x chef! reader
Warnings : slight cursing
Genre : fluff
Summary : Charles is “secretly” crushing on the famous celebrity chef … maybe a little too much.
Y/N had no idea why a racing team had reached out to her proposing a collaboration. She for one couldn’t connect cooking or anything of her profession to the sport of high speed car racing. The vague email didn’t help either . Nevertheless, it had piqued her interest and had decided to keep in contact with the Formula 1 team , asking for more details of the project.
She is going to be featured as a special guest for Ferrari’s C2 challenge. Her task is to teach the 2 drivers on how to cook her favorite dish, blindfolded. The only problem was that she knew nothing about what a C2 challenge is and who the drivers where!
Deciding to actually do some form of research to avoid looking stupid and somehow show a professional front to the Ferrari drivers, Y/N had plopped herself on the couch laptop at hand, Y/N had then started to search the web and had clicked on the first video she had saw .
Not long after , her stomach had began to hurt from laughter as the driver , she now knew was named Charles confidently shout “ Chicken!” To what clearly was an emoji of a turkey.
One video turned to into two , and two became four. Without her knowing she had binged every episode of C2. What can you say? You were hooked — how can you not? The drivers are adorable.
“ Wow they are freakishly gorgeous” Y/N tilted her head as she stared at the two Ferrari drivers. They were both equally captivating in their own way but she can’t help but gravitate towards the other —The one with blue eyes, a dreamy smile and dazzling hair.
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” once the side of the chicken gets to that delicate caramelized brown, and you can smell the aroma in the air — it means that it is seared and it’s time to flip it to the the other side! ”
Charles’ eyes never left the phone screen that was balancing on top of his kitchen island , his full attention on Y/N who gliding gracefully and looking so effortless as she cooked.
The sound of the smoke alarm blared through his apartment , snapping Charles away from his daydreaming; as puffs of smoke covered parts of his kitchen . Quickly closing the stove and turning off the fire alarm , for the 3rd time this month. Charles was really a lost case when it came to cooking.
A soft smile placed itself on his lips , as your voice continued to project from his phone. You made everything look so simple and easy , even Charles thought he could do it! He continued to watch the beautiful girl work— completely forgetting the burnt chicken that was still on the pan.
“What are you doing?” A male voice suddenly came from behind
“Juste ciel! You scared me!!” Charles exclaimed, scared for his life as he held his chest.
Turning around to see his Ferrari teammate, Carlos Sainz, folding in half as he cried from laughter, clutching his stomach . Charles continued to curse the Latino driver in the languages hr knew— throwing the kitchen towel to the man who was still giggling.
“Why are you even here Carlos?” Charles had asked seeing that his teammate started to gather himself together.
“Nancy wanted to make sure that you got her texts, since you are clueless by my arrival— when I texted you that I was coming, I assume you didn’t see her text. No?” Carlos said, wiping the remaining tear stains from his cheek.
picking up his phone , and saw that it was actually on do not disturb.
“She said that we are needed earlier than expected tomorrow, we’ll be filming a lengthy C2 Challenge.”
A groan escaped the Monegasque at the thought of another day filled with media and journalists. Racing was supposed to be just that , racing . Not reporters hounding them about their lives — to that rolled he had rolled his eyes . Ruffling his hair out of frustration,
“Oh, don’t groan , I think you’ll particularly like tomorrow “ There was a dubious grin present on the Spanish driver … He knows something that Charles did not.
“What is it Carlos? Tell me, come onnnnnn” Charles badgered.
“Just be early tomorrow~ you’ll be surprised! Hehehe. Ciao , charles~” and with that the Spaniard was out.
“WHAT?! Y/N L/N?! TODAY? Huh??” Shocked was an understatement to describe the Monegasque driver .
Ferrari and it’s team knew Charles’ little crush for the chef, and they decided to surprise him with her presence.
Still confused Charles spouted out questions to Nancy — their pr manager.
“What do you mean y/n will be in the C2 challenge?”
“Just that, Charles. Ms. Y/n was invited to host this week’s C2 Challenge”
“You’re not serious…. Right??” Charles was downright panicked. His emotions spilling everywhere— excitement, fear, worry, happiness … he was a mess, and the whole team was giggling amongst themselves.
“When will she arri—“ Charles was not able to finish his sentence, when he heard the voice that owned his admiration.
“Hi everyone! My name is Y/N ~ let’s enjoy our time together, yes?”
And at the sight of her smile , oh boy… Charles Leclerc was a goner.
Im not sure if a part 2 is needed 😮‍💨 any thoughts? should I write a pt 2 or just leave it as a oneshot ?
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essycogany · 2 months
Guess what surprise both me and @saltynsassy31 cooked up? It’s nothing really. Just an add on to Sonic Prime fanfic we decided to collaborate on. No biggie. Correction! You most definitely can come into our restaurant and serve yourself to this meal with different flavors of emotions. What are they? That’s for you to uncover. We both put our own ideas and mixed them into this dish for you. Enjoy!
For safety reasons we decided to private it on AO3, so you’ll need an account to read it there. But don’t worry, if you want to still read it, here you go!
The Little Things
Summary: Have you ever felt a weight on your shoulders? A tingling sensation throughout your body? A lump in your throat? You get the point. Well, a certain blue hedgehog hero gets the worst of it and feels as if he can’t tell anyone. Does he eventually find someone who can help? Let’s find out.
It was very early in the morning, around 11:00 when a group of friends defeated their greatest foe named Dr. Eggman. It was earlier than they usually fought. Not that it mattered much as the team would be fighting him the very next day after he recovered from his recent defeat. Sometimes Eggman bounced back quicker and attacked twice in the same day, but even a villain needed his rest. It’s become routine at this point, which neither complained about. The evil genius content in finding ways of improving his inventions and the heroes just happy to bask in each other's company. For as long as they were together, every adventure was a special one. They wouldn't have it any other way.
Especially a certain blue hedgehog.
After the battle, everyone went their separate ways. A hero, known as Sonic, went with his friend. A two tailed fox named Tails who was known for his incredible intelligence and inventions. Sonic wanted to crash at his lab on the other side of the island, Green Hills. Tails didn't question why Sonic decided to join him. It wasn't as if he hadn’t done it before. Their relationship was a relatively close one. Sonic, in a way, raised the fox and became a sort of family. He admired him a lot. Not only as a hero but an older brother. And he wasn't ashamed to admit it.
So when Sonic asked Tails if he could come over for the day, he didn't think twice about it. The answer was an immediate yes, before they raced over to his lab. Even if they knew who the obvious winner was.
Once they arrived, Tails went straight to working on the Tornado. Trying to find ways he could improve upon it based on their latest battle. There were always ways to improve it, even if his friends told him it was already perfect. Sonic climbed up the ladder above the workshop and sat on it. Making himself comfortable as he idly watched his little brother work on his favorite toy.
Sonic couldn't help but smile, watching the way the fox's ear twitched at every creak of the gears. His twin tails smoothly flowing beneath him like they were soft clouds. How his brows furrowed in concentration. Or how he would sometimes stick his tongue out to better focus. Quite the adorable sight, if he was being honest. It was these little things he took for granted and missed the most. He'd never make that mistake again. It’s what Sonic swore to himself the moment he returned to his world, his home. Speaking of, it had only been more than a few weeks since the “incident” happened. Just the thought of it had his insides doing backflips.
Sonic could feel the phantom sensation of his skin fading and fizzing out. Almost by instinct, he reached to wrap his arms around himself to somewhat ground him as he averted his gaze from the small fox below in favour of the window. He wasn't looking at anything in particular; Sonic just didn't want Tails to catch him staring.
He’d gone several nights without sleep and when Sonic did they were restless. Images of his friends and their many variants, the lifeless shell of his own group of friends repeating themselves over and over in an endless loop, like a broken record. It was haunting. His dreams, or rather, nightmares, consisted of him wandering in that empty, blueprint world alone trying to call for his friends. Not even Shadow was there to give him a beat down, shake him awake from that awful place. He'd cry for them and try to bring them back to their senses, but to no use. Then a loud, piercing laughter of a cunning fox would ring through the fields as it all began to fall apart. Hills and trees flying off into the cracking sky that he'd desperately try to hold into place, but there was only so much a lone hedgehog could do.
Other times he'd be having a normal day out when all of his friends would suddenly freeze up and the world got drained of its color. He'd watch as all of his friends looked at him panicked and confused before anger clouded them, blaming Sonic for what was happening. Part of him knew it was warranted.
Sometimes Sonic wondered if it happened at all. If everything was just a convoluted nightmare he was forced to live through.
But Shadow never really let him forget it. Not that they talked much after everything, but it was clear that things had changed between them. For the better, thankfully. But he was living proof that it indeed happened.
That didn’t stop Sonic’s thoughts from swirling, though. He’d wonder about the others, worry if he’d lose it all again. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he lost everything all over again. He couldn’t, and the mere thought made him break into cold sweat.
Sometimes his brain reminded him the only reason he was even here was by luck alone. Shadow did most of the work after all. Heck, Sonic wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him! He barely remembered the trip back, only the sizzling, static pain and the wind passing through him. The mere thought of it made Sonic’s brain hurt. He brought his hands to his head, trying to ease the throbbing in his skull. While doing his best to muffle a pained groan.
Sonic couldn’t do this. He couldn’t live the rest of his life in constant paranoia of any day being the last. Not allowing himself to fully enjoy the good, peaceful moments because he’d waste time worrying himself. He would do his best to force more enjoyment out of life. If only because he didn’t want to leave in regret, which was already an old friend to him. Stuck in his own paradox. Sonic scoffed. The word brought a bitter taste to his mouth. He was home now, and he wouldn’t let anything or anyone ever take it away from him again. Even if it was by his own fault, he’s done more than enough to prove himself capable, right?
A few hours of this torture passed. Sonic’s sense of awareness was so bad, he couldn’t recall what day of the week it was. Let alone an hour. Sonic let out a shaky exhale as he stretched his legs out first from the ladder. Then his arms before jumping down, startling the busy fox. Tails rolled out from underneath the Tornado, and lifted his goggles to look at his friend. His head tilted. “Sonic?”
“Yo, Tails. You don’t mind me heading off for a sec, do ya?” Sonic shot the fox with what he hoped was a convincing smirk, his signature look. But it only came off as fake and caused his cheeks to hurt.
Tails looked him up and down for a moment. His lips curled into something Sonic has come to learn as worry. It made him feel slightly guilty, but he tried not to falter, making a conscious effort of keeping his tail and ears from giving off too much of his internal struggles.
After what felt like an eternity, Tails shrugged and put his goggles back down, seemingly finding nothing of note in Sonic’s sudden want to depart.
“Alright, be back in time for dinner.”
Sonic chuckled, feeling himself becoming more laxed. A genuine smile took over the forced one at the small joke. “Very funny, Tails. When did you become my guardian?”
Tails rolled his eyes without answering. Then pressed the button to let Sonic out before laying down and rolling back under the Tornado to continue his work. But as Sonic was about to turn around and dash off, Tails quickly got back up.
Sonic turned around to face him. “Yeah, bud?”
There’s a moment of silence. Tails seemed to ponder his next words carefully, looking like he wasn’t quite sure if he should say anything. He bit the bottom of his lip and rubbed his index finger with his thumb. Trying to find the right words, he looked anywhere except Sonic himself, until they suddenly locked eyes.
Tails was smart, he noticed the little things, as he always does. But he couldn’t find the right words he needed to convey that. And even if he did, the probability of him getting an answer from the stubborn hedgehog was zero to none. He gave out a heavy sigh as he broke off their staring contest, looking away with solemn resolve. Maybe this wasn’t the right time. He shook his head and gave an awkward smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. Then waved Sonic off with the other. “Never mind, just be careful out there.”
Sonic gave Tails a puzzled look, but shrugged it off. Not wanting to push on the already stiff atmosphere. He winked and gave Tails a single finger gun.
“Will do. Catch ya later.” And before Tails could blink, he was gone. A puff of dust was the only indicator of Sonic being there.
Tails let out another defeated sigh, his shoulder sagged as he dropped back down the creeper and rolled under the Tornado to resume his work. “I hope he’s okay.” He mumbled to himself.
The late afternoon sun painted the landscape of Green Hills in an array of pinks, purples, and blues. A soft, gentle breeze made the grass and flowers dance gently in place. Blowing the heat of the morning away. It made for a calming atmosphere to relax in, but it wasn’t enough to calm Sonic’s nerves.
He could feel his skin sizzling, fading from existence. The phantom pain of every punch he got from faces he once knew as friends bruising his very soul. It made him shudder, and no amount of running would make it go away.
He hoped the brute force of the wind would numb the pain, numb his thoughts. He tried to focus on the sharp breeze against his skin, the way the grass felt under his footsteps as it pushed against it to go faster. Sonic tried to see if slowing down would help instead, as running from his problems didn’t fix them last time. Only it didn’t, and he would argue it made things worse. So he pushed on. Counting how many times he broke the sound barrier only silenced his thoughts for so long.
Sonic wanted to take a pause, a moment to stop his thoughts from consuming him, but he couldn’t. He felt like an everlasting motor, never running out of fuel. Every thought that’d pop into his head would make him run faster, letting Sonic feel as his heels began to dig into the soft dirt below him, making him sink but never slow down. It honestly didn’t matter where he was going anymore; he just let the wind take him, mind too cloudy to think about the directions. He just wanted to be as far away from people as possible.
The look Tails kept giving him….Sonic didn’t want to worry his little brother, but he couldn’t burden him with what he should’ve told him from the start. Sonic was vulnerable with his emotions, he could admit that, but he knew which ones to display or not…Kind of. He would usually mask his emotions with a punny joke or smart comment, but lately, it’s become harder for him to hold them back.
Sonic eventually came to a halt on the other side of the island. The pain in his heart outweighing the pain in his head to the point he couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t do it anymore! His legs could keep running for days, but his lungs felt constricted against his ribcage and it was like he was being suffocated with every step. He tried to even them out, but each breath was shakier than the other. It was unbearable.
He wanted to claw at his throat, gloved hands pawing at his chest in hopes to ease the pain, but it did nothing but make it worse. His vision clouded with tears and with shaky hands, he tried to search for support, feeling the ground beneath him become unsteady. The hedgehog’s expression was almost unreadable. It seemed to be a mix between a grimace and confusion. Sonic wanted to scream, to vomit out all the anguish bubbling inside of him like a roaring storm, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to disturb the peace of the valley, call any attention to him, or signal that he was there at all.
Instead he let himself cry. Thick tears rolled down his cheeks as he slid down to the ground and leaned against the palm tree he initially used for support. He bit down his trembling lips to muffle out the whimpers and hiccups, swallowing any noise that tried to escape him. His ear went flat against his head, tail tight against his leg. He wanted to stay strong, like he was back when he first arrived in New Yoke. He couldn't falter….he couldn’t let himself be weak.
But now it was just him and his thoughts, battling against each other with no distractions. At least, that’s what he assumed.
Somewhere else in the island lived a young, pink hedgehog, Amy Rose. Like Tails, she was part of Sonic’s team. She was the heart of the group; the one keeping their team glued together. After the battle, she bid her friends farewell and set out to a little spot she claimed as her own. Along with her companion, Birdie.
The place was located below a small blocky hill, where most of the flowers grew and other small animals gathered around. She watched as Birdie joined its other friends, laying down on a small patch of soft, green grass with a satisfied sigh. It was moments like these which made the hammer smashing worth it. Every battle, every hardship.
Amy wasn’t sure how long she’d spent outside, watching the Flickies and other critters play about the field. At some point she got up to tend to the flowers, something to keep herself busy.
While she worked, a sudden rustling of grass grabbed her attention. Despite that, Amy didn’t move. Didn’t even try to turn around to see who it was. The familiar gust of wind coming with the speed of sound told her exactly who it was, she simply smiled and continued her work. It took a while for the mystery person to speak, which was odd. But Amy figured he might’ve not noticed her there, so she let it be.
She smiled as her feathered friend flew over to her with the exact tool she needed. “Thank you. Remind me to give you a treat when we get home.” The Flickie chirped happily. That seemed to snap some awareness to the person behind her. A small gasp and more rustling of grass indicated they were still there.
“Amy, didn’t expect to see you here. What’s up?” The voice spoke, proving her initial suspicions correct.
“Didn’t we already see each other a few hours ago?”
Sonic clenched at his chest dramatically with a drawled out, offended gasp. “I thought you’d appreciate me here since we don’t hang out much. But if not, then I guess I’ll just head on home and–”
“What are you doing here, Sonic?”
Despite her tone coming off as annoyed, she was actually glad someone had found her. And it was Sonic, no less. Of course she’d be happy to see him over. Though maybe Amy’s tone was a little too harsh because Sonic cringed at the question. He was thankful she was facing forward, so she couldn’t see the falter of his persona. It gave him ample time to fix up his act as he walked up closer to her. He wasn’t quite sure how to respond, so he settled on a half truth.
“You know me. Felt cooped up in the lab, so I went out for a run.”
The pink hedgehog wasn’t convinced, but she didn’t press the issue, not wanting to scare Sonic off knowing she wouldn’t be able to catch him. So she hummed in reply.
Sonic, feeling ignored, awkwardly got on his knees next to Amy and waved at her Flickie friend. It raised its tiny eyebrows at him and he looked away nervously.
“Whatcha doin’ there? Oooh, seeds! Can I have some?”
“Are you going to eat them?”
Sonic gave a faux guilty look, pursing his lips as he glanced up. “Probably~”
“Then no.”
Sonic’s eyes quickly widened as he looked at her. He raised his hands and clasped them together over his chest in a pleading gesture.
“Ahhh, Amy. C’mon, don’t be like that. Please?”
Amy let out a small huff and reluctantly shoved a bag over to Sonic. Who quickly grabbed it after shaking off the initial shock of the sudden action. Birdie gave him a shovel and he responded with a salute. It rolled its beady eyes and flew off.
The two hedgehogs quietly planted the seeds together, basking in each other's presence until the stars began to creep up in the sky. The soft shift between warm to cool colors left a calm atmosphere to blanket over the hills. The breeze became slightly colder than before, blowing away petals to dance with the stars.
Amy looked up briefly before finally patting down some of the dirt over the flower. Letting out a small, satisfied huff as she placed the back of her wrists over her hips proudly.
“That’s the last of them. Thanks, Sonic.”
Sonic smirked. “Are you happy I came now?” He said, unknowingly wrapping an arm around Amy as she playfully hit him on the elbow.
She pulled away from the half embrace and began to make her way towards the edge of the hill. Laying down on her stomach with her ears tucked, Amy smiled at the setting sun. Only the peak of its head layed over the horizon, painting the waters with all its glory. Birdie joined her and sat over Amy’s head, making itself comfortable on her quills.
Sonic stood in the same position as before, a little dumbfounded and unsure of what to do. He looked around for a moment before deciding to join her. He laid on his back, head resting on the soft grass that intertwined themselves with his quills. It eased the headache that split his brain just moments before, but Sonic knew he’d have to go back to the lab eventually. It made the pain linger.
“The sky is really beautiful tonight, isn’t it?”
Sonic didn’t answer.
“Sonic?” Amy turned her head to look at Sonic, wondering if he fell asleep. Something she’d partially hoped for because the eyebags he carried weren’t hard to miss. But what she saw was even more confusing. Sonic had a thousand yard stare, looking up at the stars with no real direction. It was like he wasn’t even there!
Amy’s yell made Sonic flinch, snapping him out of whatever daze he was in with a startle. He looked around disoriented before his gaze met Amy’s. For a moment he saw someone else, her expression eerily similar to one of her counterparts. He felt his heart rate spike up for a second, but quickly schooled his expression.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, it sure is lovely.” He said, a little more rushed than he would have liked.
By the way Amy’s face twisted into a grimace, he knew her leniency towards him to not push the subject had dropped, and he tried to prepare for what was to come.
“Sonic, I didn’t want to say this, but ever since we saved the Paradox Prism you’ve been acting weird! What’s gotten into you?!” There was desperation in her tone, like she had exhausted all her options and was at a loss on what to do.
“I-I’m sorry, alright?”
Sonic felt his legs itch, bouncing just a little as he got the sudden urge to go on another run. But he was tired of leaving his friends in the dark, picking up the pieces he left behind. They didn’t deserve that.
Amy was getting frustrated, clear by how her facial features wrinkled. But when she noticed how agitated the Sonic looked, she felt it all get whisked away, softening to a more concerned expression. It made her feel guilty for yelling. Adding to her soft approach, she sat up and placed a hand over his shoulder.
“I understand you might not want to talk about it, but you know me and the others have your back.”
Sonic rolled over and hit his head against the grass in frustration. It was clear that he was battling himself inside, trying to find the right way to word things, to say or not to say.
Amy sighed, “It’s okay. If you want to wait until you’re ready, I’ll do the same. Take as much time as you need.”
She sat there for a moment longer. Waiting for something before deciding that there was nothing to wait for, not in that moment at least, and began to stand up and make her way out of the field. She hugged herself and rubbed her cold arms to warm them up when a sudden force wrapped itself around her from behind, sending Birdie flying off of Amy’s head and making her stop dead in her tracks.
She was frozen for a moment before slowly moving around and reciprocating the gesture. Amy felt the desperation in the action and how gloved hands grasped at her dress as if she would vanish in thin air. It wasn’t the first time Sonic hugged her in such a way. After the “incident” he did it constantly, and each time it felt more desperate. They were awkward and sometimes overwhelming, and he never failed to thank her each time. It was odd, but she didn’t push. She gave it twice the squeeze. Being much stronger than most of her friends, Amy was usually careful to not hurt them. Not noticing her own strength sometimes. But she knew this was the moment Sonic needed it.
After a while, she pulled away, much to Sonic’s protest, and moved one hand over to cup his face. He looked at her with bleary, emerald green eyes before closing them and leaning into the touch. Seeing Sonic up close now made it abundantly clear he cried earlier. The tears long since dried, meaning it was before he found her. But the fur on his cheeks still felt rough and stiff. The rim of his eyes looked red and puffed up.
“Oh, Sonic.” Amy thought to herself.
She rubbed her thumb against the tear streaks for a moment. Then gazed at him kindly and caring before wordlessly sliding her hand over to his and moved to stand beside him. Birdie looked at the two a little exasperated. Unsure, it tried to gain Amy’s attention for some form of answer. She only gave a shrug and a slight shake of her head. The Flickie flew over to the other hedgehog. With resolve in its expression, it chirped as it rubbed its head against Sonic’s cheek, gaining his attention. Birdie felt satisfaction in its chest at the light and quiet chuckle Sonic gave at the action. A gloved hand scratching its head as a form of gratitude. Sonic still felt too overwhelmed to speak, but he didn’t want such a kind act to go thankless.
The Flickie perched on Sonic’s shoulder and curled up in the crook of his neck, wanting to be of some comfort to Amy’s friend. She gave her own form of thanks through a smile. They walked in tense silence after that, Amy rubbed gentle circles on the back of his hand to try and calm his nerves.
Amy would occasionally glance over at Sonic to check on him, and he never looked more miserable. His ears were loosely flopping to the sides of his head, bouncing gently as they walked. Inside, Sonic was having another war within himself over all his internal struggles and how he wanted to spill everything out. But the lump that formed so tightly inside his throat prevented him from doing so. All it did was make him choke on air and made him want to puke.
He felt his skin start to sizzle again with phantom pain and he couldn’t take it anymore! Like a kettle boiling over, something inside him tipped and he finally managed to spill the needed words out. They felt like sandpaper scratching at the walls of his throat, weighed so heavily on his tongue that it made it hard to lift, and clenched at his jaw like glue, keeping it from opening.
“Uh, Amy…”
But he did it. It was just two words, and they were weak, frail. If the wind was any stronger, it would have taken them away like dead leaves. But it wasn’t, and Amy heard his desperate plea for help.
She turned to him, those big, green eyes looking at him expectantly, a small hum notifying him she was paying attention. They were gentle, kind, warm, everything Sonic loved and feared at the same time. They looked at him with such sincerity, it weighed on him like a heavy blanket, comforting but suffocating. They expected so much, yet nothing at all.
Sonic couldn’t disappoint them, not any more than he already has.
So, he told her.
He told her everything that haunted him, everything that weighed him down. After the first couple of words being rasped out, it was like a dam had been broken and he couldn’t stop it from overflowing. One word after another, it all came out in a fury of emotions that felt terrifying, but there was no stopping them. Or the small tears he didn't even realise were there until Amy kindly wiped them away. It wasn’t crying though, it was frustration, and his words suddenly came out as bites and growls the longer he talked.
Sonic’s rant felt exhausting, like he was drowning in a sea of doubt. Yet solace in a way he had never expected it to be. Amy didn’t talk, didn’t intervene. She just let Sonic get everything out while tenderly giving him reassuring gestures to keep him grounded.
The gentle bumps of Birdie’s head against his and Amy’s soft rubs of his hand helped more than he could thank them for.
Eventually, things began to slow down, and Sonic could feel the grey clouds that surrounded him gently fade away. Allowing him to see things clearly. Strangely, they were right outside the path that led to Tails’ lab, and Sonic wasn’t quite sure when they got there.
Once Amy determined Sonic finished ranting, she spoke up. “Oh wow. You’ve been holding all of that in?”
Sonic looked at her. His disorienting gaze was still unfocused, but he was there. He looked away and scratched his ear in shame.
“I figured pretending everything was fine would help me forget about it.”
“And how did that turn out?”
Sonic cringed a little. “Not great…”
“Does anyone other than Shadow know about this?”
Amy was surprised, in disbelief even. She had to ask, just to be sure. “Not even Tails?!”
Sonic didn’t reply, which left Amy fumbling in complete confusion. Mouth agape, trying to find the right thing to say. Not even Tails?! Sonic told that fox almost anything that came to his mind! Shadow knew before his own brother?
“Sonic, we’ve–”
Sonic quickly shut down whatever Amy was about to tell him, with urgency in his voice.
“How am I supposed to tell them?!” The way the pitch in his voice raised caught her off guard. “Hey guys, guess what?! I’ve almost permanently destroyed the entire shatterverse! Luckily, I had Shadow around to help, right?! Please…” He exaggerated a happy tone of voice that almost broke into frustration. The response was so obviously fake that when he dropped to a more annoyed tone, it wasn’t surprising.
Amy felt unsure what to say for a moment, but quietly muttered, “Yeah, but everything’s fine now. You saved us.” Amy swore she could hear a small scoff from him, though it sounded more sad than angry. “More like Shadow saved you guys. I only made things worse.”
Amy let out a frustrated huff, one that the Flickie mimicked as it flew over to her head from Sonic’s shoulder to emphasize their sentiment. They placed their hands and wings over their hips. Amy turned her whole body to face him, making them stop walking for a moment, right in front of the lab. “Hey, blaming yourself isn’t going to help! Both of you saved us, and you’ve changed. That’s an achievement.”
Sonic paused for a moment, eyes wide and hands up in surrender.
“On top of that, you...” Amy stuttered, struggling to find the right words to convey her thoughts. “You sacrificed yourself for them. For us. That’s what makes you a hero, Sonic. I know you still feel awful about shattering the prism. Anyone would. But what’s important now is that you’re doing your best to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Besides, the Sonic I know is still one of the bravest and strongest hedgehogs I’ve ever met.”
Sonic snickered, leaning to the side as he placed one hand on his hip and looked away. “But he’s definitely not the brightest.”
Amy smiled satisfied and shrugged. “Baby steps.”
Finally, after what felt like hours since, Sonic had a genuine smile on his face. “You’re right. As usual from The Amy Rose.” He stretched his arms towards Amy as if he was presenting her on a stage. Emphasising his admiration for her in his own way.
Amy curtseyed with a guffaw, “What can I say? I know my stuff.” She paused for a moment, looking up at the familiar orange lab ahead of them.
“You know, I never expected you to take my advice. That was really sweet of you to do for them.”
Sonic chuckled. “It seriously came in handy. And I needed something to keep my head straight.”
They were silent for a moment. Sonic tilted his head up. Amy followed Sonic’s gaze and stared at the beautiful starry sky.
“You really missed us, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Suddenly, Amy’s ear perked up as it picked up the sound of a small whimper. She brought her head back down and looked at Sonic who was staring up. Desperately trying to keep tears from rolling down his face again.
“Um, Sonic. Are you…?”
Sonic quickly lifted his hand up to his eyes and covered them, trying to keep them as dry as possible. “Oh, uh. *Sniff* Nope! Totally fine! Nothing to see here!” He said with a strained voice and wobbly smile.
Amy held back a giggle by raising a fist to her lips. “Awww, it’s okay. Ya big softy.”
Sonic’s ears dropped as his muzzle suddenly became very hot. “Ames, please stop…”
“You started it.”
He huffed and crossed his arms, looking away with an embarrassed smile.
Amy couldn’t help but laugh. She turned to face the lab once more, letting a small, content sigh leave her. “You might wanna explain to Tails why you missed dinner.” She said with a knowing smile.
Sonic looked at Amy incredulously, “You too? I mean–” he shook off the initial shock, “fair. I’ll tell everyone else eventually. Thanks for the pep talk, Ames.”
Amy smiled at him, satisfied at their progression. “If you ever need me, I’m always available.”
Sonic gave her a thumbs up and a small nod before making his way to the front door, typing in the code to let himself in. Amy gave him one last knowing smile before leaving. Birdie spun around her head to wave its little wing at him until they were out of sight. Sonic let out a small laugh as he waved back, turning around to face the lab once he could no longer see them.
As soon as Sonic entered the lab, Tails was all up on his business, concern and frustration clear on his face. “You know, for the fastest thing alive, I’d figure ‘being on time for dinner’ would be an easy task for you. Mind explaining yourself?” He sounded like a disappointed mother scolding her kid for missing curfew; Sonic held back a laugh.
“Sure thing. But I gotta tell ya, it’s gonna be a doozy.”
Welcome to the end! Did you like it? Hope so because we both had a BLAST creating it. The Little Things was a way to show how much Prime’s events affected an emotionally driven Sonic. Unlike in the Games or IDW this broken blue blur isn’t as good at hiding his emotions and is more open towards others. It’s what keeps him going. The story also plays with the swapped roles of Amy and Sonic and expands it in an emotional and hopefully fun way. Also, if you’ve ever felt this since of hurt and anguish, remember the people you love in your life and that even if you think you’re alone, you’re not. Thank you for reading!
Also, definitely recommend following @saltynsassy31 she’s an amazing writer. Give her some love!
Stay Creative! 💜🍓
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tarot-swords-gemini · 25 days
Things That Don't Make Sense Yet Exist Because of Manifestation
To boost your manifestations babe! Because unfortunately and fortunately manifesting has nothing to do with what you do, but what you believe and know as a fact! There are people who are hard workers and try their best all the time, like our parents, and still don’t live in abundance because they are subconsciously attached to the survival instincts and they can’t even accept that manifesting is their own fated skill! It’s in our fate to manifest, that’s who we are! You can’t learn it, you can only remember it by doing it!
P.S: check my paid readings ❤️ make me happy ❤️
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There are celebrities out there with zero talent and skills who have unlimited abundance and would be saved if the world ended. They give nothing to the world but are still seen as "chosen" in their world. — So, do you really think manifesting your ideal job position in a week is that difficult?
There are bad people who engage in crimes you can’t even imagine, yet they and their families live their best lives and die happy. — So, do you really think manifesting a better apartment is so shocking?
There are singers who don’t even sing their own songs but still perform and have fanbases. — So, do you really think manifesting an acting role is beyond your reach?
There are broke people who have traveled the world with zero money and found promising opportunities. — So, do you really think finding the right chance to fix your teeth is weird?
There were homeless individuals who are now superstars, buying islands and living abundantly. — So, do you really think manifesting a new closet is insane?
There are people who cheat and manipulate their colleagues and friends to get what they want, even if others are left with nothing, and still succeed. — So, do you really think manifesting a better position, even as a young person, is too much?
There are people who were once considered unattractive but now have fanbases and campaigns dedicated to their looks. — So, do you really think losing face fat is unachievable?
There are talentless individuals who are loved despite contributing nothing valuable. — So, do you really think finding your soulmate is impossible?
There are couples who do absolutely nothing of note but are in love and live out the love story everybody wants, and guess what, they suck. — So, do you really think reconciliation is too difficult?
There are people who fight for justice and face hardships, while others step upon the system and thrive. — So, do you really think overcoming your enemies is too hard?
There are people whose everyday lives seem like those your parents say “this only happens in movies”. — So, do you really think manifesting a better income is too much to hope for?
There are people who have a new romantic partner every day and still look like monkeys. — So, do you really think attracting your crush is too challenging?
There are people who literally worked once in their life and now they are famous and rich. — So, do you think that manifesting a car is insanely hard?
There are people who are publicly known for their vi0lence tendencies and history and yet they have amazing collaborations and connections that will never leave them alone or poor. Oh, again, you think it’s unworthy for you to manifest your crush?
Let’s not also talk about the fact that our existence is also weird af yet brilliant. Like look at the sun, at your hands, at the sky, at the seas — nothing makes sense good or bad yet they are being manifested so maybe it’s time to shut up and manifest what u want❤️ with always harm to none! Be responsible of your power and desires babes!
❤️Boo, your good intentions will only lead to abundance! If what you wish for is intented for good then why blocking its way towards you?❤️
If others can achieve these things while they are seriously nothing but bad people, you can definitely achieve your goals too especially with the what you own!
By the way, I’m trying to save money and manifest you all to purchase my paid readings, so take a look and help me guide you!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My popular reading is in 50% discount! Hit me up!!!
GENERAL REALITY CHECK FROM 40€ only 20€! It’s 50% discount! It’s not gonna last long! Hit me up, make me happy ❤️😎🫶🏻
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bluepotion85 · 2 months
The Golden Ratio - Chapter 1
The Straw hats are tricked into a massive dept inside the biggest entertainment city in the world. To make sure they come back to pay, they have to leave Zoro as a prisoner on the island. Zoro is confident his crew will return to save him, but what he doesn't know is that his captor has bigger plans for him.
(The following story contains male weight gain, food play, BDSM, kidnap, encouragement, and feeder/feedee scenarios. If that's not for you, then go to church or something vanilla dude.
This takes place during and after the events of the One-Piece film GOLD. For a better experience see the film on your local streaming service.
This story is written in collaboration with @bee-wg )
Seeing Strawhat's crew's expression from shock to despair is exactly what I live for.
Their captain had naively bet against me, the king of the casino, with the twenty million berries I loaned them. In total, they have to repay three hundred and twenty million berries.
“You know we can't pay you a damn thing!” said the cat burglar, Nami.
“Then I guess you would have to work your debt off. If you refuse, I will have to collect your debt by force.” I replied.
After eating, drinking, racing, and gambling, they have dug themselves into a hole they can't crawl back from.
“I’ll handle this. Taking out the boss is the quickest way to end a fight,” said the pirate hunter, Zoro.
“Interesting statement, so you’re going to beat me? Here, in this city?” I asked.
“Easily,” he replied.
He charged toward me, and with a single gesture of my hand, his body solidified into gold where it stood. Only the pirate hunter´s head is left untouched as he screams, “Stay behind!”
“Good call, another second, and they would all be golden statues,” I said.
“What's this power?” said the green-haired pirate.
“I ate the gol gol fruit. I can control any gold I've touched, and you were all covered in gold flakes when you entered this city, weren't you?” I replied.
“Like everyone else, once you entered this city, you were completely under my control,” I shouted.
With a kick, the pirate hunter falls to his back.
“Now then, I’ll have you return the money we loaned you. With your three hundred and twenty million berry bounty, that is,” I say.
“So, from the beginning you …!” Said Nami.
With a laugh, I reply, “Nobody can oppose me!”
“Don't get cocky! she replied.
My main singer and servant, Carina, approached them and put a knife to Nami´s neck before saying, “Don't move.”
“Who-?” Nami asked, looking at the knife.
“Shut your mouth and obey,” Carina replied.
You- We will pay our debt,” said Nami.
“Perfect, from now on, you shall work for me. I will take this man as insurance over your debt. If any of you try to betray me or escape, I will have him executed before a live audience!” I replied.
With gritted teeth, they looked as Nami said, “Fine, we agree,”
“Of course you do. After all, this is just another one of life's gambles. Will you pay off your debt and save your friend, or will you end up slaves for the rest of your lives?”
Their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, the man capable of defeating Doflamingo lies uselessly, his expression filled with rage and impotence, while my workers drag the golden body of his crewmate.
“Be sure to entertain me thoroughly. I look forward to it!” I said.
We walk through the hallways that connect the VIP room to my studio. Dice drags Zoro's body while he struggles foolishly to break from my golden bind.
“What is the most dangerous mission we can send them to, Baccarat?” I asked.
“We could make them capture the legendary bird of Garuda Island, Steal the treasure of the Ataraxia kingdom, or even dig out the remains of the former Phrygia king,” she replied.
“Send them on all three then, and install Den Den Mushi on their ship. I want everyone on Gran Tesoro to see their gamble run,” I replied.
My laugh drowns the hallway before I hear him speak.
“You will regret this,” said Zoro.
“You still have some spirit in you, pirate hunter,” I say, leaning closer to him.
“It's going to be entertaining beating that energy out of you,” I add.
With a single kick, I put him to sleep.
My eyes open to find an office. No, a Lounge? Just where am I? The last thing I remember is Tesoro taking me hostage.
Looking around the room, I see golden decorations everywhere and a massive desk in front of me. That's when I noticed. I'm half attached to the room with both my arms and legs deep within the golden walls.
I need to get out of here, reunite with everyone and get the fuck away from this gold prison. The door to the room is underneath me. It opens up to reveal Tesoro. He walks to his desk without even looking at me. When he sits down, he grins at me and says.
“Our guest has woken up. Have you enjoyed your stay in my studio?”
“It’s ugly,” I reply.
“Lie to me all you want, but you know these walls are paradise. I guess you can't comprehend your luck,” he added.
“Luck? After getting kidnapped by a golden eyesore?” I replied.
“To be a trophy on my wall, only the most luxurious of pieces are here. Also, to be here and not like your friends running around, desperately to pay your debt,” he replied.
“I would rather die like a man out there with them than live here as a wall decoration,” I said through gritted teeth.
Tesoro laughed at that and added, “Let's make a gamble of our own then. Will you stay this strong till your friends come to your rescue, or will you beg to stay here at the Gran Tesoro before your friends can pay up their debt,”
“What's in for me?” I replied.
“If you win by a miracle, I will forgive your friend's debt, and you can take the three hundred and twenty million berries with you. But if I win, you will be my slave for the rest of your sorry life,” he said.
“I´ll buy some good booze with that money,” I reply.
“I can't wait to break you, Roronoa Zoro,” he replied before exiting the room.
I stayed there waiting for hours or days, wondering if Tesoro was planning on leaving me here to slowly starve to death. In the darkened room, I could only sense the smell of cologne and him. It's a suffocating thing. As the hours pass, I feel a strange burning sensation spreading all over me. It begins in my chest and extends to every inch of my body. My heart starts to pump faster, and sweat runs through my forehead. I try to ignore it the best I can, but with every breath I take the sensation grows stronger, and the temperature in the room continues to rise.
I keep thinking that my nose will get used to it, and my body will adapt to whatever makes it react like this. But the more I stay here, the more I can smell it in the air.
For three days, I stayed in the wall. With some meditation, I tried to keep my strength. My muscles remained steady in this position, and a puddle of my own sweat formed on the floor. Even with all of my efforts, my body betrayed me. A haze of need clouds my eyes. I crave release.
Occasionally, a golden tube will descend to try and give me food or water but I refuse to. After getting turned into a gold statue from golden flakes, how could anyone trust them with food?
Finally, Tesoro came back to his studio at the end of the third day.
“What a great show that was! It's a shame you couldn't see it, pirate hunter,”
I don't reply, as I am at my limit. My body can withstand three days easily without food or water, but this goddamn smell is making me mad. I need to get off this wall! If I open my mouth, I'm not sure what I will say.
“I see you are withering away while everyone else is out there enjoying your friends' adventures. It is the ultimate entertainment.”
“What are you talking about?” I replied.
My mouth is dry, and the words come out dry and slow, but that doesn't bother him. If anything, it makes his grin grow.
“I sent your friends on treasure hunt missions and live-streamed their misadventures for everyone to enjoy. The hottest new show at the Gran Tesoro, Straw Hats Adventure!” he replied.
I can feel my rage bubbling inside me when he says.
“I could show you if you want, under one condition,” he says.
”What?” I reply.
“You have to do everything exactly as I say when you are off that wall,” he said.
My body has been running in high gear for the last three days. Through the haze of the heat, I wonder if I should accept what he will make me do. I need to know they are safe, yet I trust them to be on their own. Before my brain can come to a conclusion, my broiling body responds for me.
“I knew you would be smart and agree,” he said.
The gold of the wall turned liquid and descended me onto the floor. I collapsed to my feet after days of not using them.
“What's the matter, a cramp?” He says, looming over me.
“Show me,” I replied.
His mad eyes looked at me with a twisted pleasure as he pushed a button on his desk. A Den Den Mushi descended from the roof, and after opening his eyes, a projection appeared in front of us.
“Incredible isn't it? A live projection of their adventure twenty four hours,” he said.
I couldn't listen to him because I was too focused on watching Luffy and the rest fight a hoard of beasts so expensive I couldn't see the end of it.
“Garuda Island, they have the strongest beast in the new world. A legendary bird capable of laying golden eggs is said to be nesting there. Bringing a batch of their eggs seemed like a simple enough first mission, don't you think?” He said.
A giant turkey takes Luffy with its beak and throws him off the view. The bird approaches Ussop, and I know he is dead meat.
“Now, for payment. You have to do as I say,” said Tesoro.
He presses another button on his desk, and a group of women show up at his door with a trolley filled with food.
“You have rejected every meal for the past three days. I have to commend your dedication, but we can’t have you dying out of starvation. Otherwise, our show will end too soon. So, I want you to eat,”
“I'm not hungry,”
My stomach betrays me and rumbles. Damn it. I take a spoonful of the saffron rice and shrimp they gave me; the taste is good, but nothing compares to the perv cook. If that twisted eyebrow freaked knew, he would never let me live it down.
“Good to see you cooperate. You know, I have a couple of collaborators near the island. They could lend a hand to your friends. Make sure they are safe on their mission if you eat a second plate of food.”
“I trust them to survive on their own,”
At that moment, the bird catches Usopp and throws him as well, but I see Luffy intercepting him mid-air.
“Gum Gum Balloon!”
They will survive on their own. I can't allow Tesoro to poison me with whatever could be in this food.
Then I noticed Luffy left Usopp drop, and I wondered if the second plate might be necessary at some point.
“Suit yourself. It's more exciting to see them struggle. In any case, What do you think of the food? The best ingredients in all of the new world,” he asks.
“Shitty, I have tasted better stuff from a pervert,”
“You will see it has an acquired taste. For now, enjoy it,”
He stayed there watching me eat. Like he said, with each mouthful my palate got accustomed to the flavor until my fork hit the empty plate.
Tentacles of gold stretch from the wall and drag me back to it as soon as the plate is off my hands.
“What the fuck?”
“Well, you said you only needed that one plate. Your friends are safe and sound, and know you are back to being my trophy. Ain't I a man of my word?”
“What gives?”
“What, you wanted some private time or something? Don't forget Roronoa Zoro. You are my slave now. I don’t need to give you shit. Every meal, every drop of water is a gift out of a merciful king,”
“Damn you,” I replied.
“If you want something in particular, and I can see what it could be,” he said, eyeing me.
“Then beg for it like the lowlife you are,” he added.
We stayed silently there for a minute. Then he broke the silence with a laugh.
“Millions of people enter the GranTesoro with dreams of winning a fortune. Like them, you too will succumb to despair. Try as much as you want to look strong, it won't help you in due time,”
He exited the room, and I lowered my head in defeat. By the time I wake up from my nap, they will be here.
Next Chapter >>
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legacygirlingreen · 20 days
Peace || Captain Rex x OFC
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Pairing: Captain Rex X Original Female Character (Mae Killough); mentions @leenabb104104 's AU verse including Aiko x Echo, Tech x Leena, Wrecker x Chori
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: mentions of former injury, mentions of former clone death, brief mentions of order 66 (but only if you squint), mentions of unnamed character in labor, brief allusions to abusive childhood -- all that said its mostly VERY sweet/wholesome vibes in the midst of some introspection
AN: Hi friends! So some of you may know, but I've been doing some collaborating with my friend @leenabb104104 ! This is a short oneshot for her Pabu AU introducing Mae, the doctor on the island! It can be read independantly or separately! Overall it's just a sweet, wholesome meet cute for her and a particular captian whom we all know and love... If you wish to see Mae's intro on her account you can find it HERE and if you'd like to read about her being the MOH during her OFC Aiko and Echo's wedding that is HERE! Anyways, hope you like it. Don't be afraid to comment, and if you prefer the AO3 link that's here...
Rex always tried his best to never eavesdrop on Echo’s conversations with Aiko when possible. Despite introducing the pair, he respected their privacy. However, it was hard to not overhear portions of their conversation as they were both sharing the bridge of the small transport ship. 
“We are headed back, shouldn’t be more than a few hours before Rex drops me off-” Echo reassured the woman when a loud swoosh and bang interrupted the background noise of the transmission. Rex turned his head, watching as the pale blue image of the woman’s head turned in the direction of the noise on her end. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked kindly and with concern, as she immediately sensed the tension rolling off her roommate. 
“Labor. Can’t leave. Medical supplies-” came the fragmented words over the transmission.
“She sounds flustered,” Echo pointed out with a chuckle, and for a rare moment, Rex leaned in to hear more of the plight concerning Aiko’s friend. Rex knew the Empath, seeing as he met her before Echo, but had yet to formally meet Mae - the resident Doctor on Pabu.  In fact, he’d made it his mission to never linger on the island: always dropping Echo off quickly and returning to one of the facilities he’d help install for the clones they’d rescued. 
Rex watched as Aiko opened her arms up and the outline of a woman collapsed into her lap without warning over the blurry imagery. “I need to head back, I just ran home to get some clothes to change into later,” she groaned, audio cutting out slightly from the position of her mouth pressed into Aiko’s neck. 
“What if I knew someone off-world who could grab the supplies for you? Would that relieve some of the stress?” she asked the doctor nodded, sitting as she reached for the large clip at the back of her head holding back her hair. 
Rex watched the blurry image of curls springing loose almost cartoonishly the second they were released. “Depends on how trustworthy this person may be,” she said septically, hands raking through the curls as she quickly wound it all back up and into a respectable bun. Despite having her back turned on the transmission, he was still amazed hair could be that long and take up that much space. Not that he’d really even thought about it until now. It was just, well, hair. From all his years in combat such a thing he determined to be a nuance for himself personally, opting to keep it short and more importantly, practical. However, that didn’t stop him from wondering what color the doctor’s might be in real life-
“Echo can. You can handle it, can’t you darlin?” she asked, turning her attention once more to the holopad as the woman whipped around abruptly.
Her features were slightly distorted by the transmission, so he couldn’t exactly make out the true shape of her nose or tell complexion beyond simply pale. Certain details were absent such as how long her eyelashes were or if she had freckles. But what he could see was that her eyes were large and wide and hidden behind comically sized frames. Lips pulled into a shocked expression, but still very plush and full. Fair with a sharpness to her features. Softness hidden beneath high cheekbones. Despite the poor image quality, it still wasn’t hard to determine she was stunning.
“Oh! Sorry! Didn’t mean to interrupt. I need to head back anyways! Like I said, patient in labor-” she responded, abruptly standing and moving slightly out of the recording device 's ability to see. 
“Mae, slow down-” 
“Yes?” She whipped around as Aiko once again pointed at the transmitter raising an eyebrow. 
“Don’t you need to tell Echo-” 
“The supplies. Right! I will have AZI send coordinates since he normally goes with me to get them. Thank you Echo! Tell your Captain I am so sorry for any inconvenience the additional pitstop may bring” she smiled and rushed off before either could get a word in. 
Rex hardly imagined that she even got a real glance at the mirroring image of the transmitter. If she had, she'd have seen him barely in the corner of the image alongside Echo, and wouldn’t need to mention the apology directed at him. Hearing such a concern made him feel those light stirring sensations that began in the pit of his stomach and crawled their way up his sternum before settling along his neck. It made Rex wonder if she knew much about him in general. Obviously, she allowed Aiko into her home. She must be familiar with Echo’s frequency of departures to assist him and the other clones. That meant that she likely knew something. And yet,here he was without even the first clue of her beyond the fact that the empath lived with and befriended the woman.
Silence lingered as no one spoke at the doctor's hurried departure. Eventually Rex cleared his throat, as not speaking for the majority of the flight had caused it to grow coarse.  Intending to ask Echo, however with the audio received on Aiko’s end as well as he asked, “Is she uh, always like that-” 
The pair in unison spoke the confirmation that yes, the resident doctor was indeed comparably chaotic majority of the time. Only allowing a light nod before turning back to the distant transmitter, knowing that they would receive information about the drop soon, he once again remained silent. Rex didn’t listen to the end of their conversation, preferring to once again tune them out for privacy. 
He wasn’t sure why seeing the frazzled woman with glasses so large they rivaled Tech’s goggles to be such a perplexing sight. Perhaps it was the fact that he’d mentally assumed a doctor who opened her home to Aiko to be… more mature? Older even. Not someone physically close to his own age that’s for sure. Could it be the apparent loneliness that he continually shoved down, but more recently found himself acknowledging with Echo’s transmission home, was revving its nasty head again?
He’d be remiss to deny that the longing hadn’t always been there. Maybe it was always there. Something that existed inside of Jango’s DNA so strongly that the longnecks couldn’t work it out. It was feasible it resulted from his injury on Saleucami, meeting Cut and Suu with their children. And Rex would continually tell himself that he didn’t need what the man had, or even the 99 boys had found on the island. Rex had his brothers and a mission and that was enough… right?  Regardless, he couldn’t deny that it had been a long while since he’d actually had time to be with a woman. 
As of recently the only women he saw were those already engaged in various relationships with his brothers, contacts to assist with assignments, friends like the Martell sisters or Senator Chuci. All of which were unobtainable or didn’t turn his head quite the same way-
“You sure it’s not a bother to make an additional pit stop?” Echo asked him, Rex turning to realize that Aiko had ended the transmission. 
“No, not at all?” He posed it more like a question than a statement as Echo raised a brow. Only humming in response. Meanwhile, Echo glanced at the way his friend straightened his posture, adjusting his collar slightly before pinning his eyes at the hyperspace lane ahead of them, as if it suddenly became the most interesting sight in the galaxy. 
“Remind me again, but are your plans while I am back on Pabu for a few days?” Echo asked. 
“Wait to see if my contact gets more information on that prison in the outer rim. Catch up on manuals. Keep the others in line. The usual” he shrugged simply. Rex often felt that to spend time on Pabu was to impose on the relaxing life that Clone Force 99 had built for themselves. All the boys finding their own personal… distractions. With the kind of line of work he had, and the responsibilities he felt to his brothers trapped with the Empire, such distractions were a hazard.  It’s why he continued to put a mental block around such relations.
“You know, you are always welcome to spend downtime on Pabu-” 
“No, no, that’s your home-” 
“You have to recharge sometime-”
“I can recharge back at our satellite facility-”
“By the time you get there and come back it’ll be a waste of fuel,”
“Still, I don’t want to impose-” 
“Rex, we go way back,” Echo said with a sigh, the new hand attachment gripping his brows as he massaged his temples, struggling to find the words to say. 
“Pabu is your home Echo. I don’t mind making an additional pit stop to help out someone who does a lot of good for the community where you boys hang up your armor, but that doesn’t mean I need to stick around to see it through,” Deep down Rex knew that lingering and getting cordial with a pretty doctor wasn’t a good idea. Besides, if she was nearly as busy as Echo often explained, he imagined she felt similarly. As stunning as she was, she likely had her pick of the clones residing there. What if she already had-
“Are you listening to me?” he heard Echo ask with a huff. Rex knew there was no sense in lying so he shook his head. 
“One or two days will not kill you. Besides we both know that the likelihood that anyone gets us pressing information on that prison is slim to none. It’s a waste of fuel. Plus the others keep hounding me about how you are doing, so this will get them off my back. Especially Aiko. I think she’s worried about you,” Echo said with a playful smirk.
“Why on earth would she be worried about me?” He quirked a dark eyebrow, tension dissipating as the conversation turned more jovial instead of loaded. 
“She’s concerned you are lonely and overworking yourself. And in case you forgot, I am actually incapable of lying to her,” Echo reminded the Captain. 
“You just had to fall for an empath,” Rex shook his head. Fuel was also expensive and the leave on principle wasn’t exactly a valid or rational decision. Slowly feeling himself won over, as a few days to just sleep and remove himself from the worry would be good for his health. He continued to feel the fatigue every day when he rose and the second he slid back onto his bunk. Time was wearing him in ways he didn’t like to acknowledge. Starting in that crick in his back, and ending with the lingering tightness in his neck and shoulders.
“Hey now, need I remind you that you are the one who introduced said Empath to me?” Echo once again interrupted the train of thought as a slight beep indicated coordinates to his right. Looking down he saw it was already on the way, and wouldn’t put them very long out of the anticipated arrival. 
“Fine, it’s my fault. I accept full responsibility. 2 days as punishment. That’s all you get.” He threw up his palms in mock surrender as Echo simply rolled his eyes. Sarcasm. That was one thing that he’d blame on the Jedi for teaching Rex. The thought twisting in his stomach for a moment when he realized that General Skywalker was likely gone like the others. It made him nauseous to think about. Echo brushed off the thought as quickly as it came over him.
“Some sun may do you good brother. Got the coordinates?” And with a nod of the head, before setting the navigation system, they were off to make a small pickup. 
In his head Rex could justify the stop. After all, it was to help a woman who dedicated herself to helping others. And that was a sentiment he understood well. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
In a galaxy full of war, disease, famine, and just about every horrible atrocity imaginable, being a doctor meant dealing with many unpleasant sights. And sounds. Sometimes even smells. 
So when the rare occurrence to bring life into the grand design made itself available, Mae felt it was a wonderful kind of labor. A small second of light and hope that reassured her in the decision to leave home and forge a way into the role in which she’d found herself. 
Running away from home at such a young and fragile age, to escape the organized crime that they so well delighted in leading, for a more noble pursuit wasn’t easy. Finding a way to fund education in rising tensions across the galaxy meant taking a transport ship to the heart of the Republic, and joining the civilian based program which provided aid relief to systems. Gaining training through various deployments to deal with natural disasters, minor planetary scuffles and other smaller incidents lead to proper medical knowledge. But when the war broke out, and suddenly the deployments were accompanying clone troopers into combat, the job turned sour. 
So many friends and colleagues forgoing their duty because they enlisted during a time of peace, not an intergalactic civil war. It left Mae one of the few willing to go into the dangerous situations to help the unfortunate souls who’s homeworlds were being attacked. It also provided a level of seniority, as she was one of the longest running members in the organization.
That seniority is how she ended up on Ryloth. One of the nastiest conflicts during the course of the war, and regretfully the reason the entire relief organization funded by the senate was disbanded. Civilians dying at an alarming rate in combat didn’t look good to politicians apparently. It also didn’t look good in the face of the Jedi who sent her off world after a surprise attack startled their camp. So after months of a deployment residing in Ryloth’s canyons amongst clones and rebels, Mae took the last shuttle off world before things took a particularly nasty turn in the form of a bullet wound in her chest.
Looking back she carried the guilt of being one of the last to see Master Di and his brave clone Commander alive. Learning of their unfortunate end, but extremely valiant stand against the droid army, was what accompanied the discharge notice she’d been served the second Mae had woken up after surgery aboard the Jedi Cruiser. 
Having nowhere to go once she arrived, hardly recovered mind you, to the Republic Capital, she spent time floating about the galaxy until eventually life brought her to the peaceful island of Pabu. The sole doctor on the island and the kind of peaceful life she’d craved since she was a little girl growing up around violent criminals. 
The war never made it out there. Not until the deserters of Clone Force 99 arrived, seeking solitude as she had. And even then, it wasn’t their fault the newly appointed Empire was after their familial unit. Once it was dealt with, through means she never truly had taken the time to question, things returned to normal. 
A small revolving door of clones coming and going as they were rescued from captivity came through her clinic doors, as she helped recover their often aching bones and residual injuries from war, before sending them off to a new life. And yet, through it all, she never got the chance to meet the clone responsible for their rescue. Not the one organizing it at least. 
Aiko had come to the island with Echo - after almost a year of the bad batch settling in with the residents. In fact, Mae had only spoken to him personally a few times, since he was hardly there and not in the stars with his former captain. But once the friendship between herself and the kind empath he called “love” grew, it was only a matter of time before she got to know him better by extension. 
Shared tales of his journey during the war along brief explanations of how she had been in it temporarily before finding solitude in helping ones. All over drinks in the evening of course. And yet, still no Captain making an appearance. Not that it truly would matter. He was a busy man after all. And from what Echo recounted: one of the kindest and bravest he knew. Still, it would be nice to know the man responsible for continuously dumping new patients outside her door. 
As Mae returned to her office, after finally delivering the child, who’s labor took on a long forty three hours of attention, she was ready to clean up and sleep. Yet, the gnawing feeling of having to ask for help crept in. In the midst of the panic she’d allowed Echo, and his Captain to become inconvenienced. And she would likely never be able to thank him beyond expressing it indirectly through Echo. Knowing of the work the two did, and its importance, it only made guilt grow. 
Luckily the clinic was close to the shared home between herself and Aiko. And if she hadn’t been so extremely exhausted, Mae would’ve recognized the laughter before she even reached the door. Slipping inside and tossing her glasses along the table next to the door, the doctor removed her shoes quietly. Murmurs from the kitchen dying out for a second and the noise. 
“Mae, when was the last time you slept hon?” came Aiko’s gasp and soft voice from the kitchen. Not glancing in that direction, her clammy fingers probed at her temple before removing the clip from her hair, enjoying the sensation of her hair flowing free once more. Being tightly wound for so long had caused a tension headache. Aiko hadn’t needed to ask who arrived, feeling the exhaustion rolling off her friend in waves. 
“Fifty-four hours I believe. Unless you count a lothcat nap in my office between contractions, then twenty-one,” Mae said as she rounded the wall into the kitchen. Fingers shaking the bun loose as she realized that she had an audience. 
“She is alive after all.. You can cancel the search party,” Crosshair smirked as he leaned against the counter and teasingly pushed her into the middle of their small circle before once again placing the toothpick into his mouth. 
“Crosshair is only attempting humor, as there was no indicated search party, although I might recommend rest as staying awake for prolonged periods is unhealthy-” Tech began and she shook her head towards him. 
“Thank you for the medical advice Tech. I plan to do just that. I did not know we were hosting tonight-” she said quietly at Aiko who simply looked up sheepishly. 
“Something came up that I hadn’t anticipated, so the others decided to congregate here. But we will keep it down if you need to sleep-” Aiko realized the disruption to her very overworked housemate may not have been the best idea, only to silence that thought at the shaking of Mae’s head. 
“It’s fine really. What’s a few more hours anyways,” Mae paused for a moment before turning towards Tech stopping his interruption before it started, “Unhealthy, I know. I know. But it’s okay I promise. I just can't promise I’ll be my lively self,” she yawned as she heard Crosshair mutter out something along the lines of “thank the maker,” only to be slapped playfully on the shoulder for being rude by Leena’s twin sister Kay. The pair broke out into a teasing spat as she walked towards Aiko and Echo. 
Surveying the room, the majority of their group was there, with only Hunter and Omega missing. Perhaps it was a bit late for the girl. Wrecker and Chori had left Pabu to visit her family, leaving her pup muffin under the care of Leena, who proudly held onto the pet as she spoke with the others. Tech’s arm maintained distance from Muffin, as he so eloquently referred to the mischievous animal as “a missing finger waiting to happen”, while he kept a hold on his wife.
“Do I have time to clean up before this something that came up or-” Mae began, only to have the door slamming open, accompanying Hunter’s shout at Omega to slow down interrupted her questioning. 
“Come on, you have to meet Mae too!” the girl’s voice yelled through the space as everyone turned to examine the blur of movement behind caused by Omega literally pulling the poor man through the living room. At the sound of her name, the doctor turned, only to be met with her cheek pressed against a firm chest. Plastoid armor covered in fact. Which, as one might imagine, doesn't feel great making semi-decent contact with one’s face following hours and hours of delivering a baby. 
“Oops-” Omega said, attempting to back away from the altercation she inevitably caused by shoving the man into the doctor, as the girl had misjudged the distance between them. 
“Oh wow-” 
“Are you alrigh-” 
Came the joined voices of both Mae and the former Captain. In the background, Omega receiving a reprimand from Hunter faded away as the two locked eyes. Hand pressed to her cheek from the dull throbbing underneath, she slowly lowered it as she craned her head to get a look at him.
Tall. Similar face to the others. And yet something so very different entirely. She was used to the standard eyes almost all the clones had, but his own seemed somehow brighter. Crows feet at the corner of his eyes slightly deeper. And obviously light blond hair instead of dark brown cut very short, reminiscing a halo as it deeply contrasted his tanned skin. 
She’d blame it on the lack of sleep if anyone asked, but staring at the poor man hadn’t been the intent. Mae was very familiar with the glorious genetics of Jango Fett, and they were immaculate indeed, but she couldn’t quite put a finger on why he seemed so much more handsome than the others. 
As for Rex, he was finally able to see the doctor in real life instead of just in a poor image quality of their ship's transmitter. Red. Her hair was bright red. Not in an unnatural shade like he so often saw on women planet side or occasionally on his brothers. But a natural, warm tint. She was extremely pale despite the pink shade of her cheeks. The missing details meshed so wonderfully from the poor image he had in his mind, now seeing her in the flesh. It also brought out the horrible realization that she was in fact, much prettier than he realized. 
“That looks like it's going to leave a mark” Echo jokingly called out, the attention drawing from them as he stood with Aiko just to their side. At his acknowledgement Rex once again looked down and sure enough, right at the top of her cheekbone was already forming a small shinner.
“Kriff, I am so sorry,” he replied as his honey eyes moved back towards her own, noting the unreadable expression in her pale eyes. 
“It’s definitely not the worst blow I’ve ever been dealt, no need to apologize, soldier-” she tried to laugh it off, as she looked to Aiko and Echo for an introduction. Assuming him to be another rescued soldier passing through, she was surprised as Echo put a hand on his shoulder and turned to her with an explanation. 
“Mae, this is my old Captain from my 501 days. Rex, this is Mae-” As he introduced the pair, she suddenly felt as if she would dissolve on spot. Not only had she slammed her face into some man’s chest, but that man was Echo’s good friend. The one he worked with to rescue other clones. The one who’d saved his life from the Separatists. The same one she’d allowed to be inconvenienced on her behalf earlier in the day. 
“Pleasure to finally meet you ma’am-” he stuck out a hand and she simply froze, staring at the outstretched digits covered by black gloves. The gentle nudge from Aiko forced her hand out as well, watching as it was dwarfed by his own in a firm handshake. 
“You as well. Thank you again for making a pitstop on the way here. I hope it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience-” she began only to have him slip his hand from her own with a chuckle. 
“Not at all. Happy to help,” he gave her a polite nod. 
“We were going to go to the square for some drinks, if you are feeling up to it that is-” Aiko offered and Mae thought about it. As nice as it all sounded, finally washing up seemed more appealing. 
“I might go clean up. I can’t imagine I look fantastic. And if I am still standing by some miracle I can meet you all there,” she offered, eyes glancing back at Rex to see his reaction. If she didn’t know any better he almost looked disappointed. 
“I may actually do the same back on the ship-” Rex spoke only to have Echo shake his head.
“You can take ours. No need to make the track down the island for the fresher.” He pointed towards Aiko’s room, knowing that it had a separate shower stall. He hadn't been allowed time to use it as Hunter and Omega had drug him around the island to meet the others and catch up. 
“Alright, I guess we both will join you in a bit then,” he looked between Aiko and Echo before turning back towards her. In the background slowly the group was wrangled, Omega calling a cheerful apology at the conclusion of Hunter’s disgruntled conversation. Soon the room filled out, leaving the very silent and uncertain pair. The sliding shut of the front door ignited them both to speak at the same time.
“Do you-” 
“I am real-” 
Both of them grew wide eyed, pausing immediately as if to query who would continue their sentence. Asserting herself more this time, Mae let out a humored puff of air before saying, “you first.” 
Promptly the man shook his head, “No I insist,” gesturing with his hand as if he could pull the words from her mouth simply by shrugging. 
“I was just asking if you needed anything. I was going to grab some towels from the linen closet, but I wasn’t sure if you needed something. We keep quite a bit of spare clothes here since any troopers Echo brings through come through my home,” Mae explained as she reached a slight protrusion on the wall, swinging it open and stepping back for him to look inside. Rex stared into its contents surprised as his eyes examined the supply closet. Nothing fancy, just some spare clothes, toiletries and other assorted items, but the knowledge that they were dedicated for his brothers as they made their way from the places he picked them up in, and onto their new lives, made him feel delighted to know that this sweet doctor was taking care of them along the way. 
“Oh, that’s uh-” he began, cheeks warm as his eyes glanced at its contents, suddenly overwhelmed by it all. 
“Take your time, I’ll go grab a towel,” she responded with a slight bow of the head and soft footfalls down the hall. Rex couldn’t help but watch the way she moved so easily throughout the space. I suppose there is an ease when it is one’s home, but that comfortability came in the form of swaying hips and light steps until she faded from view. 
Shaking his head and simply grabbed a bar of soap and a change of clothes as he waited for her to come back. Rex figured leaving more for others was smart. Her prompt return was accompanied by a smile and passing off of a simple white towel, and an outstretched hand pointing him in the direction of Echo and Aiko’s shared room. He hadn’t meant to zone her out as she explained how to work the refresher, but something about her exhausted tone made him almost concerned. 
“Holler if you need something hon-” Mae told him as she promptly shifted away and walked back to what he assumed was her own space. Trudging towards the room, he closed the door before shucking off the armor he’d had for many years now. Practiced hands undoing all the latches with ease as he set them on the floor before reaching over the back of his neck to grab the top of the black body glove. 
Panicking, only for a moment as he tried to recall exactly how to turn on the water, he eventually figured it out. Not after allowing the cool air to caress his bare body until goosebumps appeared, he finally got it working and stepped under the warm stream. Rex couldn’t recall the last time he’d actually had hot water. Lukewarm at best was what he now considered a luxury, but this was heaven for the man. Soothing aching joints and tense shoulders. Running over the top of his head and down his back as he sighed. 
And still, there was something almost selfish about indulging in it. So the relief turned into ‘how quickly can I wrap this up’ and before long he was drying off and getting dressed. That’s when another unusual sensation presented itself. He couldn’t remember the last time he wore civilian clothing. Especially any not intended at least for minor protection. To just slide a simple cotton shirt over his body was… odd. 
Returning to the living space, clean and without the stiff armor donning his body, he found it empty. Water in the other room was still running as he heard the occasional hum carrying through the walls. Uncertain if he should wait to see if she’d join or if she was immediately going to collapse into the covers - not that he’d blame her since delivering a baby naturally always seemed like a lot of work. Rex carefully padded around the space taking in the various artifacts. 
Some house plants, miscellaneous paintings that seemingly looked like they were done by an artist on the island, and collected items from travels. He could see elements of Echo’s minimal presence - such as his meager belongings from being an Arc Trooper, as well as memento’s from Aiko’s home world. Yet, worn white and maroon plastoid caught his attention. 
Coming closer to the small shelf he was surprised to see a single shoulder pad, decorated maroon with markings he recognized. The 501 spent their time on Ryloth breaking the blockade after the initial forces had been killed, while other divisions were on the ground. Howser didn’t speak much about the legion who’d been there before, but Rex was aware of the fate met by the 303 and their Jedi leader.  
Next to the shoulder armor lay a small photo frame and when he touched the on button he was surprised to see that it belonged to Mae, not Aiko or Echo. The small woman wormed between some of the troopers with a worn smile and the standard uniform of the Republic Aid Relief. Albeit, she looked dirty and half starved, but still incredibly beautiful. 
Having been so long since he’d crossed paths with any of them, since the senate disbanded them early in the war, he’d nearly forgotten them. Last he remembered hearing was Wolffe’s complaints about having to take over their responsibilities after a natural disaster on a planet occupied by strange alien reptiles. If his mind served him, it was Ryloth’s failed first invasion that caused the Senate to dissolve the RAR contracts. And if the 303 was the original clone legion assigned to Ryloth that would mean… 
“I like to think that it is important to remember those who have fallen. Even if the war is over,” came the quiet hum behind him. Immediately dropping the photo display tablet, Rex looked at her with guilt at being caught snooping. 
“I shouldn’t have-” he began to apologize only to pause at the waive of her hand. 
“If I wished for it to remain private I would have left it in my own quarters or stored away.  I do not hold my past like a well guarded secret after all,” Mae explained as she bent down to retrieve the tablet and set it once again on the shelf, allowing it to showcase the image of her amongst the clones and Twi’lek rebels. 
“You were in the RAR,” he said, phrasing it as a statement instead of a fact, eyes glancing back down at her features. Hair still damp from the shower, mark on her cheek turning a deeper shade of red as the bruising set in.  She looked positively worn out from the difficult few days with lack of sleep, but still her eyes contained a light he wouldn’t expect from someone who was a civilian who’d braved one of the nastiest battles of the clone wars. 
“I was,” she said simply, eyes finally tearing away from the memorial and looking at him. He too looked positively exhausted. 
“I had no idea,” he said simply. In all honesty, there was no reason for him to have ideas of her past. They were not friends. They had simply met. Furthermore, their only connection stemmed from mutual acquaintances.  He was not entitled to such information about pretty doctors who he didn’t know. And yet, the knowledge that she’d been there, the thick of it by choice, meant something. It showed an unexpected courage and strength he wouldn’t have imagined to reside in such a small and almost mousey woman. 
“I would’ve stuck around too, but the second I got out of surgery they tossed discharge papers and said we were no longer needed,” she hummed out almost guilty. 
“Surgery?” he asked, knowing full well that Ryloth at that point did not have sterile environments for such intense care. 
“I got the last shuttle off world before the blockade went up. Surprise attack. Took a shot to the chest,” Mae explained, fingers delicately pulling down the simple shirt she wore to show the pale white scar right at the top of the valley between her breasts. The sudden flash of skin surprised him and he looked away, blush atop his tanned cheeks. Unable to stop the hand from reaching up to the back of his neck he looked away momentarily as she righted the material back down to cover herself. 
“Want to know the worst part of it all?” she hummed out almost sadly as his golden eyes once again returned to her face with a raised brow. “They just shoved us all into that situation. And we made the best of it, but in the early days we weren’t given the choice. When enough people complained they enlisted during peace times and war was a different thing, they allowed whoever wanted out the choice.  Only a few of us actually stuck around to see it through. Yet, when things got bad, they still tossed us all to the side and told us we weren’t needed anymore. I would’ve stayed. I wanted to stay. I-” she abruptly stopped ranting for a moment when she noticed he’d grown wide eyed at her outburst. “I am sorry, it was so long ago, being angry about it now doesn’t help,” 
“No, I understand. More than most would actually,” he tried to reassure her, but in order to do so, he would need to unlock that part of his brain he kept under lock. The sadness of losing brothers. The guilt of being the one to carry on. The feeling he wasn’t doing enough. 
“Survivors' guilt is a nasty plague. I’m a doctor. I am well aware how debilitating it can be. Almost every trooper who comes through my clinic door has it, and I feel like such a hypocrite telling them they need to manifest it into something productive. Not when I carry my own,” the woman said, turning away from him to simply sit on the sofa. The rising guilt and lack of sleep made her feel almost faint for a moment. Rex watched her sit down, hands shifting in her lap as she refused eye contact. 
He felt responsible. Not necessarily for the root of her pain, but definitely for bringing it back up to the surface. Stepping towards her with cautious footsteps, he eventually lowered himself onto a knee in front of the sofa, pausing as he didn’t want to startle her or invade her space too much. He knew how to remove soldiers from shell shock. He’d done it countless times. He’d been there to help them try to put back together the pieces after battles. But that didn’t mean he knew how to handle a civilian. Especially when he also never let the walls down, and felt the need to keep them up, as she seemed to. So instead he took a different direction.
“Thank you,” he told her simply, laying a hand atop her own to give it a reassuring squeeze. 
Having anticipated another one of those bland, “you did all you could” or “you aren’t alone” phrases she’d heard a thousand times, her eyes snapped to his own in shock. 
“For what?” she asked him almost timidly. 
“For actually putting up with all of us. I know I can’t speak for all of us on principle but to be cared for by someone who doesn’t have to be kind, who doesn’t have to be gentle, and who actually sees us as individuals, it means a lot. All I ever hoped for was to know that my brothers could get their freedom, and start to live the life they wanted. I didn’t realize how much Echo was allowing our burden to fall to you,” he explained to her. 
“It’s not really a burden per say,” she explained and he gave her a reassuring chuckle. 
“I know my brothers better than anyone. Trust me. It’s a task to keep them in line,” Rex smiled at the way she snickered. 
“Then might I inquire…” she leaned in as if she was going to ask a deep kept secret. And surprisingly Rex allowed it, moving his head to the side so that she could whisper her response. “Does that mean the inherent stubbornness is genetically wired into you all, or is it taught?”  
When Rex pulled back he saw the grin along her lips and the mischief in her wide eyes. Up close they looked more blue than the grayish hue they held at a distance.  Still, the acknowledgement of eye color didn’t stop him from feeling warmth in his chest from her joke. Well that and the way she was looking at him. 
Unable to stop the way he barked out a loud laugh at the jest while removing himself from the floor to take a seat on the furniture next to her. As much as he knew the others were anticipating him, he wasn’t exactly ready to leave. Especially since she appeared to be running out of energy. Leaning his head back to rest along the back of the sofa he sighed while closing his eyes for a moment. 
Silence often unnerved him. It often predated enemy strikes as right before things got nasty, they usually went dead silent. So that association between calm drilled into his bones, it was odd he found the beat of comfortability lingering in the space to be surprising, however not unwelcome. It was nice to just take a moment to be, instead of focusing on what came next. Especially when he felt the shift along the back of the couch next to him. 
Eyes opening at the shift, he looked over to see Mae had mirrored his movement, her head resting only a few inches from his own as her eyes remained closed. Soft breaths coming out past her lips every few seconds as the tension in her brow finally relaxed after the moment of understanding they had. It made the soldier realize that sometimes you didn’t have to vocalize to still feel connection.  That on occasion you’d meet people who just simply recognize the unexplainable parts of yourself.  And that was such a beautiful discovery for the man as he closed his eyes once more in the still, softness of Pabu. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
“I highly doubt Rex would slip away without saying goodbye, especially since he agreed to stay a few days, Love,” Aiko said as her and Echo walked back towards the house. It hadn’t been long before the others realized that Rex and Mae never joined them, prompting the pair to slip away to find the missing soldier and doctor. 
“I’d like to agree but Rex can be… very driven by his sense of duty that it blinds him to pleasantries,” Echo mentioned as they stepped up on the front porch, opening the door to find the lights dimmed but not completely shut off like they’d left it. His eyes quickly saw the illuminated screen of Mae’s Ryloth memorial while Aiko gasp and pointed in the direction of the sofa. And when Echo followed his lover’s finger he almost couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped his throat, doing his best to suppress it quietly. 
Sitting side by side and in deep sleep came the picturesque scene of both Rex and Mae. His head leaning against the back of the couch, with legs stretched out in front of him. The soft snores escaped his nose as it became obvious that Echo and Aiko’s entry hadn’t woken him. All the while Mae had slumped over, her head resting along his shoulder as she too slept, seemingly unaware of both her position and the fact that they now had an audience. 
“Well that's… unexpected,” he said quietly before gesturing to the door. Aiko followed him as she took one last look at their sleeping form and said nothing. Her smile speaking enough on its own. If the Empath knew one thing, it was that finding peace in the midst of all this chaos was a blessing.
To be continued...
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monarch-afterdark · 6 months
Titan History: Kong
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
Apologies for the lack of communication in recent weeks, Monarch has been hard at work collecting data and collaborating with global governments through the most recent Titan crisis, including the disposal of deceased Titan remains and the best course of action to take with Godzilla in his new resting place.
That said, today's communication will be going over a Titan who has been surging in popularity across the globe over the past few years; the undisputed king of the Hollow Earth, Kong.
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(Pictured above: Kong approaching an Apex Cybernetics research facility on Skull Island, circa. 2017)
Monarch Database File: Kong
Monarch Designation: Titanus Kong
Height: 337 feet
Weight: Unknown
Nature: Unknown
Behavioural Classification: Protector
Until recently, Kong was believed to be the last of his kind. Born during a climactic final battle between his parents and a horde of Skullcrawlers (ravenous amphibian predators on Skull Island), Kong grew up in an isolated world filled with danger at every angle. Growing up to become the guardian deity of Skull Island, Kong was held in great reverence by the native Iwi tribe that lived on the island. His species, designated Apus giganticus, were also known protectors of the Iwi, fighting off the Skullcrawlers and other threats until their last breath.
During his centuries on the island, Kong fought a variety of creatures, from the Mire Squad and Sirenjaws to other Titans such as the mysterious Kraken or night-bringer Camazotz. However, in 2021, a storm generated by Monster Zero fused with the perpetual storm surrounding Skull Island and plunged it into chaos. Three years later, in 2024, Kong was removed from the island as the key to a daring plan to uncover a Hollow Earth energy source to stop Godzilla. The two alpha Titans clashed twice before setting aside their differences to take down Apex Cybernetics' rogue superweapon, Mechagodzilla.
Currently, Kong now resides in the Hollow Earth alongside a newly-freed tribe of his speices, an orange ape-like Titan which he seems to have adopted as a son, and the ancient ice Titan Shimo.
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(Pictured above: Monarch officials reviewing recovered footage of Kong from the doomed 1973 expedition to Skull Island, circa. 2019)
While Kong's exact origins are unknown, research conducted within the Iwi settlement appears to place his birth somewhere in the 17th Century, making him perhaps the youngest Titan on record. However, his entangled history with Monarch began much later, in 1973.
In a time where Monarch was on its last legs and facing the possibility of being shut down, founding figure William Randa and geological advisor Houston Brooks lobbied to piggyback on a Landsat expedition to Skull Island. With a military escort courtesy of the Sky Devils squadron, the team dropped seismic charges on the island to map the bedrock beneath the surface. Unknown to them at the time, their charges awakened the Skullcrawlers living in thermal vents beneath the island and incurred Kong's wrath.
Kong swiftly destroyed the Sky Devils' helicopters, leaving the survivors split into two groups. One, including Brooks, encountered the Iwi and stranded WW2 pilot Hank Marlow, where they learned about Kong and his history with the Skullcrawlers. A second, including Randa, embarked on a mission of revenge driven by Colonel Preston Packard.
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(Pictured above: Kong battling the remnants of the Sky Devil squadron after being lured into a napalm trap, circa. 1973)
After being lured into a napalm trap by Packard, Kong was initially helpless to battle the recently awakened Skull Devil, the last of the adult Skullcrawlers that had a hand in wiping out his family centuries prior. Recovering quickly, the two beasts engaged in a brutal encounter. Following some assistance from the expedition survivors, Kong triumphed by tearing out the Skull Devil's innards, avenging his parents in the process.
His next major sighting occured in 1993, but without a Monarch presence on Skull Island at the time, this is pending investigation. According to witnesses, Kong did battle with a large underwater Titan (designated 'Kraken'), after being coaxed to the island's coast by Annie, a young girl stranded on the island for years with a strange dog-like beast as a companion. After exchanging many blows, Kong ultimately killed the Titan by tearing its body in half.
In 1995, Aaron Brooks (Houston's son) led an unauthorized expedition to Skull Island, as he felt unsatisfied with leaving protection against the Skullcrawlers to Kong alone. During their stay, mythographer Walter Riccio experienced vivid visions of Kong's origins, under the influence of an Iwi medicinal drink. When Riccio destroyed the wall to the Iwi village, Kong stepped in to vanquish the Mother Longlegs swarm that seized their chance and killed Riccio before communing with Aaron and the Iwi.
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(Pictured above: Artistic rendition of Kong tearing the "Kraken" Titan in two, based off eyewitness testimony, circa. 1993)
In the following decades, Kong was largely left to his own devices as the island's guardian. Though Monarch teams briefly assisted him in 2015 with a crisis involving the unknown organisation Janos Biotech and the island's Snarehunter population, and Kong himself kept a horde of Skullcrawlers that attempted to leave the island in response to Monster Zero's 'alpha call' in 2019, no major events really transpired between 1995 and 2021.
In 2021, as mentioned previously, Skull Island was plunged into chaos when one of Monster Zero's residual storms merged with the storm system surrounding Skull Island. When darkness fell, the bat Titan Camazotz emerged and battled Kong for dominion over the island. Thanks to a daring pilot triggering a sonic boom to disorient Camazotz, Kong was able to prevail, though he was ultimately unable to save his home.
Three years later, and the artificial habitat Monarch built for Kong was unable to hold him much longer. He was reluctantly taken to the sea and transported to Antarctica's Outpost 32 (now rebuilt as a Hollow Earth station), though not without attracting Godzilla, who destroyed the naval fleet transporting him and almost drowned the ape. Following the acquisition of an axe left in the Hollow Earth by his ancestors, Kong and Godzilla clashed again in Hong Kong. While Godzilla prevailed through sheer power, Kong refused to submit to his rule.
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(Pictured above: Kong leaping onto Godzilla's back from a building after staging an ambush, circa. 2024)
After being revived by an exploding H.E.A.V, Kong jumped in to stop Mechagodzilla from executing his organic counterpart. Setting aside their differences, the two Titans teamed up to take down the mecha. A blast from Godzilla's atomic breath charged up Kong's axe, and he was able to deal the finishing blow by hacking Mechagodzilla to pieces and holding its severed head in triumph. The two Titans regarded each other one more time before parting ways.
Which brings us to the present. While much of what transpired is still being compiled to our databanks, it is known that Kong returned to the surface on three different occassions. The first was to have an infected tooth removed at a Monarch facility, the second was in Egypt to coerce Godzilla into assisting him, and the third was a two-on-two battle in Brazil between Kong and Godzilla, and Shimo and the "Skar King", evil ruler of the Kong tribe in Hollow Earth.
And there you go! An up-to-date account of Kong's history in the modern world, intertwined with Monarch from the 1970's. Currently, Kong is enjoying life down in the Hollow Earth, and as the world should do, this is where we leave Kong's story be, until the world needs him again.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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localcapricosimp · 26 days
Leovil Week 2024 Day 7
Prompt: Gala
"Leona, hold still! You're making it impossible to sit back here!"
"Do I have to? The coat's so itchy."
Vil looked up at him, a look of annoyance on his face.
"If you had such an issue with it, you should've said something when we bought the outfits!"
Leona couldn't argue with that. Why hadn't he said anything? Was it because he was trying to be on his "best behavior" for once? Was it because he felt like a bunch of people would mock him for not being able to appreciate "such a fine piece" of attire?
...or was it because he was too distracted by how stunning Vil looked as he walked out of the dressing room?
It didn't matter anymore, the two were stuck in that limo for at least another 30 minutes heading to NRC and RSA's special collaboration Gala. A brand new Pavillion had been opened on Sage's Island, and the two schools agreed to set their differences aside and celebrate together. Crowley, that damned feathered idiot, had decided that the NRC dorms would be patterned with each other to fully show the "fabulous" contrast between each of them, meaning the housewardens of two patterned dorms would have to arrive together. Leona could still remember Vil having the dirtiest glare and mouthing "Don't embarass me" when they learned Savanaclaw and Pomefiore were partnered.
Vil still looked annoyed after a solid 15 minutes of silence.
"Vil...Vil, I'm...I'm sorry. I guess I should've said somethin' earlier."
Vil sighed before speaking.
"If it's really bothering you, you can drape it over your shoulder and then leave it on the back of your seat. But..."
Leona tilted his head a bit.
"But what?"
"Why didn't you say anything? You had every right to, the store would've understood."
Leona's ears twitched. Not with anger, but with a bit of anxiety. Was he really going to tell the truth?
"Well I...I was going to but I...I uh...I got distracted."
"Distracted by what?"
His ears flattened a bit with embarrassment.
Fuck. Vil was looking right at him. But how could he hide it or lie to Vil now?
"Truth be told...you."
Vil flinched.
"M-me? What do you mean?"
Leona took a deep breath.
"Vil, you're gorgeous. That's a given. But somethin' about seein' you step out of the dressing room in your outfit for the Gala looking like a damn Goddess emergin' from the Heavens...nothin' else mattered to me at that moment 'xcept, well...you."
Vil's eyes widened a bit with shock and his cheeks went bright red. He looked away from Leona.
"I...t-thank you."
They didn't say anything for the rest of the ride. Leona glanced out the window and noticed the scenery getting progressively brighter. Meaning? They were almost at the Pavillion and their time alone was almost done.
Despite entering the event together and being at the same table, Leona lost sight of Vil almost 5 minutes after dinner had started. Had Vil deliberately vanished or was Leona just easily pulled away from him? In any case, Leona wanted to find him. He hoped he didn't frighten him off. But no matter how many people he asked, it seemed like nobody had seen where Vil had gone.
"Have you considered Vil doesn't necessarily want to be found?" Ruggie asked.
"Ruggie, have you met him? There's no way that's the case."
At least he hoped.
"Dude, what did you say to him?"
"None your business."
Ruggie wouldn't understand. Or maybe he would and would just tease Leona like no tomorrow. Regardless, he just wanted to find Vil.
And then he saw Epel.
"'Xcuse me, Ruggie. I think I've got an idea of who could help me."
Epel had been standing by the food table, eyeing some of the barbecue options.
"Epel! Epel, I need your help."
"Oh, Leona-san! What is it that you need!?
Epel tilted his head in confusion.
"Vil? I saw him making his way to that massive garden out back."
Oh great. That place looked huge. Well, it's now or never.
"Thanks, Epel. Really, I mean it. Now, choose somethin' to eat before your eyes pop out of your head from staring too much."
"Yes, sir!"
Leona turned to look at the larger glass door that lead to the garden at the back of the Pavillion's dining hall.
"Wait for me, Vil."
The farther he got from the main building, the more...peaceful everything seemed. There fireflies almost everywhere in the garden and the scent of flowers was...incredibly strong. Perfect place for a nap, he thought. But that wasn't his goal right now.
After walking for what felt like forever, he sat down on the side of a fountain at the center of the garden...at least what seemed like the center due to how grand everything in the area was. He looked up at the moon, as if it would give him advice.
And then he heard footsteps approaching.
His ears flicked up, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the approach. He turned his head to the left and immediately stood up.
"I take it you've been looking for me everywhere tonight," Vil said.
Leona shrugged, "More or less."
Vil looked pretty amused and sat down next to where Leona had been sitting. Leona hesitated to sit back down, and only did so when Vil gestured slightly with his head. They didn't say anything for a while, and instead just listened to the fountain while watching the fireflies. After about 10 minutes, Vil finally broke the silence.
"You didn't scare me off, just so you know."
"I didn't?"
Vil shook his head, but his expression and voice remained gentle.
"No. I just...I needed some time to process what you said to me, if that makes sense."
"Y-yeah it does. I'm...sorry if it came off as sudden or weird."
"You're fine, don't worry."
Leona smiled weekly before turning back to look at the fireflies surrounding the two of them. But then he remembered something about the event tonight.
"Hey, weren't there supposed to fireworks before the main events started-?"
And just like that, a bright flash followed by a loud bang had gone off in the sky. Vil laughed a bit.
"Well, does that answer your question?"
"Heh, sure does-...woah."
"What is it...oh my gosh."
The fireworks combined with the fireflies was truly a beautiful sight to see. Almost...romantic. Leona was so caught up in the moment, he didn't realize his hand ontop of Vil's. At least, he didn't until Vil kissed him on the cheek. His ears flicked up and his cheeks grew bright red.
"I-Vil...you know I-"
"I love you, too."
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kmomof4 · 5 months
Destination Dream Weddings, Driving Disasters, & Dented Derrieres: A Fic Collaboration Between @kmomof4 @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose and @jrob64
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Hello everyone!!! We are back again!!! After the fun we had turning last year's trip into a fic, we decided to do the same with this years Girls Vacay!
Summary: Picking up one year after last year's fic collaboration - Cave Cruises, Cabin Capers, & Cracked Craniums - the six couples and Roland meet on St. Simons Island off the coast of Georgia for Mary Margaret and David’s dream wedding.
Rating: T
Words: Almost 4800 of approx 21k
On ao3 and ff.net
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it
Emma Swan was truly glad that they were finally on the road and making progress toward their destination. While attempting to leave the previous morning, Elsa had needed to say goodbye to Liam “just once more”, visit the restroom again, and they’d had to rearrange the luggage to fit something else in, as well as call to coordinate with the other members of their friend group numerous times, before they’d actually set out on their travels. Liam needed to lead one more previously scheduled Lake Michigan boat tour before he could follow them from Chicago to Bowling Green, Kentucky.  After a long day of driving, an exuberant reunion with Emma’s dashing and altogether irresistible boyfriend- whom she hadn’t seen in months- and a good night’s sleep in his arms, they were all back on the road again, Liam and Elsa following in his Expedition with Graham and Will in the back seat. 
Now that they were rolling down the highway, wheels on the pavement and making good time toward Georgia, she felt much of her frustration melting away. It had been well past time for a break from her job - even loving it as much as she did - and a few hours of girl talk in the car with Elsa. But now having Killian in the seat beside her, their fingers intertwined where hers rested on the gearshift of her vintage yellow VW, made all the difference in the world. Though she wouldn’t want to admit it to most people, her stomach still fluttered at his nearness with all the excitement and joy of their first date, even a year into their relationship.
She had been pleasantly surprised by how easily Killian had acquiesced to being her navigator and co-pilot rather than trying to take over driving duties himself. She had dated a few guys who would have been unwilling to allow her to take control on the road, and would have had their masculinity insulted if she insisted on driving. Killian had simply taken her hand gallantly, bent over it to kiss her knuckles playfully - much as he’d done the first time they’d met - and helped her into her seat, before rounding the front to get into the seat beside her. “As you wish, Emma Love,” he’d agreed gamely. “It is your chariot which awaits us after all.” Since then, he’d proven to be a very apt and helpful navigator, more so than “the Google Woman” whom he had groused at repeatedly for offering them longer trip times and trying to take them on unwanted scenic detours. She couldn’t help but laugh when Killian managed to find a reroute that shaved fifteen minutes from their drive time and then berated the automated navigator proudly. 
As glad as she had been having Elsa to keep her company on their way to Lost River Caves to pick up the guys, Emma was thrilled to have a little time with just Killian now.  He launched into some story from a recent tour group they’d seen through the caves, and she marveled again at how seamlessly they had navigated into being a couple - even with the physical distance between them. Warmth swelled in her chest and a small voice in her head whispered just how happy it made her that he was hers and she was his - when not so very long ago she wouldn’t have believed such a thing was possible.
She knew that Elsa was equally glad to be back with Liam, despite being apart for just a few hours. Though her friend and Killian’s older brother were both more quietly reserved in their affection, since they had eloped in the spring, they were nearly inseparable unless parting was absolutely necessary - and only then for as short a time as possible. The other members of their group were easy to spot in Liam’s stuffed-to-the-gills SUV as they all traveled to meet the rest of their friends for David and Mary Margaret’s week long nuptial celebration, culminating with their wedding the following weekend on St. Simon’s Island off the Georgia coast. 
For several hours they made decent time, passing from Kentucky to Tennessee and into western Georgia without a hitch. They’d texted back and forth from one vehicle to the other about roadside billboards seen, accompanying commentary that those in the opposite car would enjoy, and when to stop for gas and a restroom break. 
Emma was just settling into a calm stretch of highway and feeling as though they had thankfully reached the last leg of the journey, when dark, jagged detritus reared up in her vision spread across all three lanes. Not even sure what it was, Emma let out a shocked cry, veering as best she could without swiping the traffic on either side of her, in an attempt to avoid the worst of whatever had seemingly exploded on the interstate.
“Well done, Lass!” Killian congratulated - a bit too soon as it turned out, when a moment later a loud thump sounded and their tire and the car’s undercarriage undoubtedly made contact with some of the debris Emma had hoped to miss. If the sound hadn’t alerted them, the jolt they felt could not be ignored. Once they were past the area, Killian breathed out a deep sigh, looking back over his shoulder at the road behind them. “I think someone violently blew their tire, Swan. I doubt anyone could have missed that mess entirely; you really are quite the captain.”
“Learned from the best,” she sassed back at him with a wink, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand affectionately. A moment passed silently as they both calmed down after the alarm of the past few moments. “Still,” she finally added, “just for peace of mind, maybe we should pull over, check the tire pressure, and be sure there wasn’t any damage done the next time we see an exit with a service station.”
“Aye,” Killian agreed. “Good plan. I’ll let the others know.”
Neither of them felt that the car was riding any differently, and Emma accepted that she was probably being overcautious, but the Bug had been with her a long time - longer than any other person or thing, in all honesty - and she wanted to make sure all was as it should be so it could hang in there with her a few years more. Killian texted their intentions to Elsa, got an assurance that the other group would stop as well, and soon they were exiting off the interstate and pulling into a Chevron station, stopping near the air pumps in case they needed them.
Unfortunately, though it hadn’t been apparent on the road, when they pulled into the lot, it was obvious serious damage had been done. Emma hadn’t even made it around the car before Killian was trying to slow her progress, hands gently cradling her shoulders as if to brace her for impact. “Now Swan, don’t get too upset. It’s not as bad as it may look at first.”
She didn’t like the sound of that at all, and coupled with the horrified look on Elsa’s face as their friends had parked alongside them and gotten their own glimpse of Emma’s front passenger tire, it was far from comforting. Nudging her well-meaning boyfriend to the side, Emma rounded her car only to groan and feel an almost irresistible urge to kick the curb repeatedly in frustration. Her tire wasn’t just a little low - it was completely flat! How had they not felt that?!? How had they managed to avoid wrecking her beloved Beetle?
“Great! Now what?” She couldn’t help the snap in her voice as she threw up her hands and let them slap back down against her jean-clad thighs exasperatedly. “We’re due to meet everyone at our rental cottage in two hours. I never paid to join AAA, so it’ll cost a fortune to get anyone else out here to tow us to a repair shop - if they even come within the next century! And - ” She was just gathering up steam to continue on her rant, when she looked around her, realizing that everyone else looked either pitying, rather bemused, or down right biting back laughter at her expense.
“Ya do know we could just change the tire ourselves, don’tcha?” Will suggested cheekily, shrugging as if it wasn’t any big deal. 
“You say that like it’s so easy,” Emma grumbled, narrowing her eyes at him. “The jack never wants to work right, or the lugnuts are screwed on too tightly to remove by hand - not to mention that my cheap little doughnut spare is hardly what we want to be driving on for long.”
“It ain’t all that difficult neither,” Will insisted, giving her a more genuine smile, and taking in the other guys in turn as if to garner their agreement. Killan wasn’t about to get in the middle of this little debate, nor would he side against his lovely Swan, but not hearing much support had yet to deter Will Scarlet when he got an idea in his head. He stepped right up to the passenger side, with a “Budge over, won’t cha?” to Emma, before crouching down for a closer look and then asking for the wrench to begin loosening the lug nuts.
Well used to Will’s good intentioned but often accident prone brand of assistance, Elsa looked to Emma uncertainly from where she stood, cell phone in hand, rather surprised at having had Will brush past her and move into action. “Should I still call for a tow, just in case?” she asked meekly.
Graham snorted and shook his head, sharing a grin with Killian as he spoke up. “No, don’t worry over it yet. Will might just manage this, and we’re all here to help if he needs it.” 
The Jones brothers nodded their consensus, even as Will let out an indignant, “Oi! Some friends the lot of you are! Try to do something nice for a person, and this is the thanks I get? No one even believes I can change a tire!”
Shaking his head and muttering to himself, he put each of the lug nuts into Emma’s waiting hand, while Killian went to fetch the spare tire from her trunk, despite his supposed unbelief in his friend’s capabilities. Rolling the tire with him, he brought the jack to Will, who slid it under the car’s frame to what seemed the appropriate spot. Soon the car was rising, one slow increment at a time, Will now carrying on to himself about the cheap manufacture of the jack in Emma’s kit and how awkwardly constructed the jack’s crank was for anyone to operate. 
Suddenly, without warning, there was a frightening screech that brought yelps of surprise and dismay from all of them. The car lurched sickeningly back and to the right and then to the ground, landing precariously with the wheel sticking out and only partially off the lugs which held it in place. If the sight had looked pathetic before, it was now even more so. 
“Will!” Emma yelled before she could stop herself. “You’re making things worse!” 
Will picked himself up from where he’d ended up on his backside, rubbing the tender spot where he’d landed atop the discarded wrench when he’d quickly moved to avoid being hit by the shifting vehicle. He shot Emma a rather grumpy look. “Well your precious classic isn’t exactly a model of perfection anymore. The wheel didn’t come off as smoothly as it might’ve. This flimsy excuse for a jack is a piece of junk! Bloody thing bent and that’s what made the car fall!” he snarled back.
At this point, Killian took pity on his mate and crouched down beside him to help. Between the two of them, they cranked the jack back down, managed to reposition it further under the car’s chassis and cranked it up once more, finding they could get it even just a little bit higher. This time, with Killian carefully bracing the jack so it wouldn’t shift, Will managed to wrangle the ruined tire from the VW and get the spare into place. All of them cheered heartily, along with letting out several deep breaths of relief, and Will’s friends were all patting him on the back in turn. 
After that, they managed to avoid any more mishaps and were finally able to get on the road again. Emma even gave Will a quick hug and apologized for snapping at him, giving him a teasing kiss on the cheek and declaring him her knight in tarnished armor. 
“And what about me, Swan? I did have some role in his eventual success,” Killian prompted as they got back into the car and began to carefully back out of their parking spot. He waggled his eyebrows at her mischievously, tapping two fingers against his lips and waiting in expectation. “Perhaps some gratitude might be in order?”
She was tempted to tease him back, make him wait until they arrived at their final destination, but she was too relieved to be back on the road and with her dearly loved VW still in one piece to hold out on him. Leaning over the console briefly, she gave him a quick peck on the lips, brushing her nose along his cheek for a moment and smiling warmly. “Hold onto that thought for later,” she purred. “And thank you too, of course -  my real hero.”
“Oh, isn’t it beautiful?!” Mary Margaret exclaimed as David pulled into the driveway of their home for the next week. They’d just dropped off Belle and Ruby at the cottage next door, after driving the past two days from Portland, Maine and then New York City, where Ruby lived. With all the actual wedding preparations on her plate, Mary Margaret was ever so grateful that David had been in charge of the logistics of their respective annual guys and girls trip this year. Since they were planning a summer wedding with all of their friends comprising the wedding party, Mary Margaret had the idea for them to join their two respective groups again - to commemorate how they all met the previous summer - before marrying the love of her life at the end of the week. Mary Margaret hadn’t even seen pictures of  the rental David had reserved for them, and she was blown away by the quaint romanticism of the cottage in front of her. 
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Fairy lights were draped along the eaves of the wraparound front porch, which boasted plentiful seating, in addition to the wicker sectional around a romantic firepit next to the driveway where they were parked. They climbed the steps to the porch and typed in the code to unlock the door. Mary Margaret gasped as they stepped inside. The interior was just as lovely as the exterior. Soaring ceilings and tall windows coupled with nautical and beach decor in soft blues and warm creams created a space that was as inviting as it was relaxing. To the left of the door they’d just entered was an open air kitchen and eat-in dining area, while on their right was the living room, with two bedrooms and a bath in between them on the other side of the large welcoming space. 
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“How do you like it, Sweetheart?” David asked, a wide smile on his face. He knew his bride well enough to know that she’d love just about anywhere he picked as long as they were together, but he felt his heart skip a little as he finally laid eyes on the charming bungalow. 
“I love it!” she exclaimed, spinning toward him and hugging him tightly. “It’s so light and airy with all this room.” She released him and moved into the kitchen area. “Coffee maker, gas stove, microwave,” she listed, opening and closing the cabinets to see how stocked the kitchen was. She was pleased to find plenty of dishes, condiments, and pots and pans for cooking. Not to mention the terribly organized junk drawer filled with all the unthought of but sometimes necessary things that come up occasionally - scissors, twist ties, Ziploc bags, a small sewing kit, pens, and pads of paper.
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“Our room is over the garage,” David informed her. “Come on.” 
She followed him out the side door of the kitchen into the garage and was immediately greeted with a closed door on the other side of a very small landing. David opened the door and they ascended the stairs to the room above. Mary Margaret gasped again when they entered the room. Small lamps on either side of the king-sized bed cast the room in a soft warm glow. Scattered across the cream colored bedspread were red and pink rose petals with a string of pink lights draped from the four posts at the corners of the bed. There was a crystal vase on the low dresser across from where they stood filled with red roses next to a silver tray with an ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne and twin flutes.
Mary Margaret launched herself into David’s arms, kissing him passionately. Given that they were the first ones to the cottage and no one else was expected for at least a couple of hours, she drew him further into the room, determined to show him just how much she loved him and how ready she was to be his wife.
Mary Margaret descended the stairs some time later, to find Robin, Regina, and Roland entering the cottage. Loud exclamations of joy and delight came from the ladies as they rushed toward each other and embraced. Robin grinned as he held Roland back for a moment from joining the heartfelt reunion. As soon as the friends released one another, he let go of his son, who ran as fast as his small legs could carry him to all but tackle Mary Margaret.
“Aunty M’s!” he cried, as she picked him up and spun around with him in her arms.
“Hi there, Roly Poly,” she said, hugging him tightly.
“I hear a little boy in my cottage!” David’s voice boomed as he descended the stairs. “Where’s my Roland?”
“Uncle David!” Roland cried, squirming to get down. 
David laughed and picked up the small boy. “You act like you haven’t seen me in a month instead of a few days,” he said. 
Roland shrugged. “I’m just happy to see you and Aunty M’s.”
David smiled fondly at Mary Margaret. “We’re happy to see you too, Roly Poly.” He ruffled Roland’s curls and put him down, approaching Robin and Regina to exchange enthusiastic hugs and handshakes. “Y’all’s room is back here. I’ll show you,” he said, turning the corner out of the kitchen and down a short hallway to the master bedroom. He flipped on the lights and let the others precede him into the large room. 
“You should have the master,” Robin protested. “It’s your wedding after all.”
David shook his head. “We wanted the room above the garage so we wouldn’t have to worry about disturbing anyone else. Plus, this room had the child’s bed in here,” he said, motioning to the huge walk-in closet that not only had plenty of room for clothes and shoes, but also housed a small bed and dresser. “I didn’t figure you’d want to be too far from him at night.”
“You guessed correctly,” Robin replied. “Where’s the rest of the group? Shouldn’t they be here by now? I thought they were leaving earlier than we were.”
“Emma got a flat and that put them behind just a bit. I think they’ll be here in about an hour.”
Regina exchanged a nervous glance with Robin. “Oh, man…” she trailed away uncertainly. “We’ve been putting Roland off stopping for food the last couple of hours, promising him we’d get dinner with everyone once we arrived. Adding another hour - or more - might be a bridge too far.”
“Roland,” Robin said, poking his head in the closet to find his son jumping up and down on the bed contained within. He immediately stopped, a guilty look on his face when his father appeared and frowned at him. “You know better than that, young man. It’s dangerous. And besides, this bed is not yours. It belongs to the person who owns this cottage. You do anything to damage any of the furniture and you will be in big trouble. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Papa.”
Robin nodded. “Everyone else won’t be here for about another hour. Can you wait that long for dinner, or do you want a snack?”
He climbed down from the bed and took Robin’s hand. “A snack, please.”
“Alright, let’s go, then.”
Killian and Emma arrived not quite an hour later. Killian, trying mightily to contain his laughter and failing miserably, told them that Liam and Elsa were next door, dropping off Will and Graham. As he and Emma were pulling into this driveway, they could see Will, carrying his luggage, hadn’t time to brace himself before Belle threw herself at him, toppling him in the process. He’d landed on his butt again, but Killian didn’t think he minded all that much as he returned Belle’s ardent kisses. 
It was just a few minutes later that Liam and Elsa arrived. After another round of enthusiastic greetings, with Mary Margaret and Regina exclaiming over the beautiful wedding ring set Liam and Elsa wore, the newcomers adjourned to their respective rooms to unpack and relax for a little while before regrouping to decide where to go for dinner.
Mary Margaret came back to the bedrooms containing the other two couples almost thirty minutes later. She was about to knock on the door on the left when she heard Liam and Elsa talking in low voices inside.
“Should we say anything yet?” Elsa asked.
“I don’t think so,” Liam replied. “This week is to celebrate David and Mary Margaret. I don’t think we should take away from that. We can announce it after the wedding.”
Mary Margaret’s eyes got wide and her brow furrowed in thought. What could Elsa and Liam’s secret be, and was it good news or bad? From the tone of their voices, she couldn’t help but speculate that it was good. A smile grew on her face as she imagined the possibilities.
“Time to circle up and decide where we want to eat dinner,” she called, knocking on one bedroom door and then the other. “Come on.” She turned around and went back into the living room to find the rest of their group sitting around waiting for the last two couples.
She entered to uproarious laughter, Ruby grinning unrepentantly, and Graham’s face aflame. “What’d I miss?” she asked, sitting on the arm of the chair David was in.
“Will here was complaining about the noise,” Ruby began, her eyes dancing mischievously, “and I was just explaining that we were only doing what the sign said. Did you all see the Speed Hump sign just before the cottage? Since we had some time before coming over to decide about dinner… we did.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “And it’s not like you were twiddling your thumbs and trying to plug your ears while we were busy, anyway,” she said to Will, causing both he and Belle to blush furiously. Everyone howled again, Mary Margaret, Emma, Killian, Liam and Elsa - who’d just arrived in the room - included. 
“What’s so funny?” Roland asked, coming in.
Regina tried to put on a serious face and motioned him over, picking him up and placing him on her lap. “Nothing, baby. Don’t you worry about it. Now, where are we going to eat? I don’t know about the rest of you, but I do not want to have to drive far.”
“And I’m liable to fall asleep before we get our food if we don’t go very soon,” Elsa added, smothering a yawn with her hand.
Fortunately, David had already done some research, and from print and online reviews, as well as word of mouth, he’d found a well-loved island gem right around the corner from the cottages that apparently wasn’t to be missed.
They all agreed and left to pile into the respective vehicles.
It was a pleasant evening with a cool, gentle breeze blowing as they pulled into the parking lot of the Southern Soul Bar-B-Q and began walking toward the entrance. As they came around to the front of the white painted brick structure, Regina pulled up short, bringing Robin to a stop as well since their hands were joined. “Wait just one second,” she spoke up, her polished voice expressing the exact measure of disdain which served her so well as a practicing lawyer. “This is the famed establishment you’ve been talking about?” she addressed David with arch disbelief. “I am not about to sit down for a good meal in what looks more like a gas station than anything else!”
The rest of them paused, not sure how to counter her logic. The place’s appearance from the outside didn’t quite look like what any of them had expected, but the rest of them were generally a lot more easy going in their tastes and were willing to trust the local reputation and let their taste buds, rather than their eyes be the judge. 
Robin, however, had clearly learned how best to proceed with his regal girlfriend in the time since they had all been together last. He moved closer to Regina, whispering low, cajoling words in her ear, and though the rest of them couldn’t make them out, the tone was clearly doing its job at melting her usually rather inflexible demeanor. And if that hadn’t been enough, there was the added secret weapon of little Roland. When Robin’s young son tugged on her hand, urging sweetly with his open, dimpled smile and adoring brown eyes gazing up at her, there was no way even her sophisticated queen persona could hold out against his, “Come on, Miss Gina, let’s try it! I think it looks like fun.”  
Between the two Locksley men turning their charm on her, Regina finally capitulated and followed the rest of them inside.
Despite any initial reservations, they were presented with a feast of authentic Southern sides like Brunswick stew, Hoppin’ John, and hushpuppies to accompany the variety of brisket, pulled pork and ribs they ordered. Will had insisted on trying the Knuckle Sammich, and Regina had finally settled on a chicken strip basket similar to the child’s version they got Roland, deeming it unlikely she’d be able to order much of anything else which wouldn’t have either sauce or juice dripping off of it.
It wasn’t long before Ruby and Graham drew attention to their end of the table when he attempted to feed her brisket by hand. She’d stared him down sultrily, a glimmer of seduction in her dark eyes before delicately nibbling the morsel he offered her. All would have been fine if she’d stopped there, but that wasn’t Ruby’s style. Instead she’d held her boyfriend’s gaze and then wrapped her bright red lips around his fingers, bringing her tongue into the action as well, and slowly dragging them along his calloused skin as if enjoying a succulent treat. Graham flushed all over as red as her signature shade and seemed to be having a little trouble even drawing breath. He’d started a fire that he wasn’t capable of keeping under control, and clearly he knew it. Sputtering for some sort of response, he quickly pulled his hand away when Ruby released him, glancing around nervously as if afraid their friends might be judging them. “I know I sorta asked for that, Babe,” he murmured under his breath, “but there’s a kid at the table, for crying out loud!”
Unabashed, Ruby merely shrugged her shoulders at him, and grinned at the table as a whole. Her friends knew her well, and were largely unfazed by her brazen behavior at this point. 
Nearly an hour later, they were stuffed and ready for home and their beds. David laughingly joked that Mary Margaret would have to roll him back to their rental to sleep off the meal, but it was a delicious close to day one of their reunion.
Welcome to our 2024 Girls' Trip fic! This year, as I'm sure you've already deduced, Krystal, Joni, Marta, and Jen travelled to St. Simons Island, Savannah, and Jekyll Island, Georgia. Along the way, we met up at various times with Giennie and Randi as well. When a group of fic writers get together, naturally, every event is seen through the lens of "how can we fic this?" While normally we'd be looking for ways to turn our adventures into Captain Swan stories alone, we had a lot of characters to work with this year! (Truth be told, most moments were seen through the lens of "How can we comically whump Will with this?" or "What kind of innuendo would Ruby make about that?") As last year, we'd like to give you some idea of what we took from our actual experiences and what we chalked up to creative license.
While a small detail in the fic, the need for creative packing was real with us! It took Jen, her dad and Joni (with Bear supervising) to figure it out on the way there and Krystal and her family (with Minnie supervising) on the way home.
You might think Killian’s frustration with the “Google woman” was a call back to his lack of knowledge of technology in canon, but it was indeed a factor in our trip. Jen’s GPS seemed to have a mind of its own and routinely offered alternate routes that added significant time to the drive.
Regrettably, the “driving disaster” was rather close to real life. On the way to Savannah, Jen was not able to avoid the debris from a blown semi tire strewn across all three lanes and got a flat as a result. Joni tried valiantly to come to the rescue and change the tire, but the jack did, indeed twist and the car fell. Luckily a couple of Good Samaritans helped us out and got us back on the road, all in one piece. (And Jen’s new vehicle seems no worse for the wear.) 
The description of the rental house was true to life–with a bit of creative license taken. As there were four of us and the cottage had four bedrooms, we didn’t rent a second cottage. Marta stayed in the room we gave David and Mary Margaret, but in reality it had two queen sized beds rather than one, and there were no rose petals or romantic candle light. The walk-in closet of the master bedroom contained a high chair and changing table rather than a child’s bed for Roland.
There was indeed a sign warning of Speed Humps on the road in front of our cottage. Naturally, we decided Ruby would run with that.
Southern Soul B-B-Q is a real restaurant only a couple miles from our rental that is apparently highly acclaimed, but we never made it there on our trip. We were struck by the fact that it clearly used to be a gas station and decided Regina would balk at that.
Thank you for reading and sharing! We'd love to know what you think! Stay tuned for day two of the character's adventures posting on Thursday. In the next chapter, they explore St. Simons Island.
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oldguardleatherdog · 10 days
The Anniversary: Once More, With Feeling
This year's reflection on the 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001.
Now it's the 11th, the 23rd Anniversary of that day.
Each year, I approach this day with caution: I never know how it's going to affect me or in what manner it will manifest, and some years have been brutal, but the past two have seen more blessings come my way than brickbats. The passage of time has helped, as have my ongoing PTSD therapy sessions provided by the World Trade Center Health Program.
This time, I feel as if I'm controlling the event far more than it's controlling me, and I think that's due in large part to the performance art collaboration with the guys in Berlin (the queer performance collective ONCE WE WERE ISLANDS, who are now in Finland north of the Arctic Circle making amazing art and performance on the Finnish government's dime) that's been going on for more than a year, including a three-month research intensive called "Finding Animal" (https://www.oncewewereislands.com/Finding-Animal) over the winter.
Last summer, after they extended the offer of collaboration, they proposed that our work together should focus on how I returned to life and art after losing my Lower Manhattan home that day, along with my entire performance archive and any record of it - it was as if Animal J. Smith had never existed, no record that I had done or been anything at all. I was shocked at their proposal, to be honest, but their idea for collaboration was persuasive: that my story was bigger than just me, that it had resonance in a larger way about the survival and meaning of queer art and artists, about whether it's possible to recover from the worst thing in the world. So, as our work continues, I think that my being compelled to examine my long road back as both participant and observer through a performative/creative lens has synthesized much of what I had left unexamined, forgotten, buried, denied, absorbed, leading to clarity about who I am today, how it affected, shaped, changed me, and whether I have in fact "recovered" from this giant detour, this dinosaur-extinction-level meteor that got dropped on my life plan.
I don't have an answer yet, I'm still writing and making art about it, but as I mark 23 years today, I can say that sticking it out all these years has been the right thing to do, that I intend to continue waking up each day and engaging with life.
I am alive, and I am fine.
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Silly thing, but do you have any more tidbits on Starfolk (?) culture. Loving this take on them!
I will happily make some up! Although by the time I finished writing this, they were more than tidbits....
Starfolk Culture:
Territories and Pre-Collaboration:
Dark Starfolk were more nomadic and formed into small packs or herds, travelling across specific travel paths with the seasons and resources. They had extensive trade routes and strong senses of hospitality with neighboring groups. Different regions had different high-value resources, and the trade of these goods resulted in strong ties between packs. Not all of them were nomadic - some clusters found places to build and stay put, particularly in regions with unforgiving terrain. These more sedentary residences became resting points, outposts, and capitol-style congregation zones for large scale meetings and festivals. These tended to be in the Scarlet Ravine, and Diopside Marina, given that the terrain was a bit...cliffy and/or ocean-y for constant travel. Areas like the Amethyst Bog, Amaranth Swamps, and Indigo Plains held the more nomadic groups, and both the Golden Spire and the Azure Islands were a mix of passing nomadic packs and settlement (vertical settlement especially for the spire).
Light Starfolk were a little more sedentary, with a few travelling groups here and there. They gravitated towards larger, city-style construction since the environment allowed for or required it more - the Silver Peaks, Overgrown Sanctuary (then just the Sanctuary), and Sunglow Jungle in particular required more town and city type settlement. The Midnight Forest, Twilight Tundra, and Rusting Hills allowed for mixed habits - a fair bit of settlement alongside a few wandering groups. The Amber Desert was their only distinctly nomadic area, and even then there were occasional settlements. Because of their stationary preferences, their trading routes were much less extensive. Goods exchange was more local and regional, and carried through towns in a game of telephone at most. Thus their craftsmanship was much more focused on local material.
Speaking of, areas like the Midnight Forest and Amber Desert were some of the first areas of cross-contact. The Amber Desert was home to the first official gathering place designed with both polarities in mind (hence why we don't see evidence of such collaboration in-game).
The Golden Age:
After the two polarities started interacting, territories became a tad more nebulous. Nomadic packs had both polarities much of the time, especially closer to borders, largely because of the naturally symbiotic nature of their polarities. Cities accumulated visitors, scholars abroad, trade outposts, and combined festivals.
One such festival celebrated the birth of interaction between them, and the ensuing - if tragically brief - golden age.
This Golden Age saw a boom of trade, quality of life, scholarly study, and the arts, all bearing marks of cultural blending as Dark Stars picked up Light practices, and Light picked up Dark.
Different types of Stars began to discover just how perfect the counterpoint was between them and their counterpart types of the other polarity. This is where you start really seeing pairs like Inkwells and Libellits, or Moths and Lunulae.
In general, Light Starfolk focused a lot more on scholar-style work - cultural studies, preservation of knowledge, observation and maintenance. Dark Starfolk were more exploratory and adventurous. The result was exploring parties of Darks with a couple Lights along as journalists, who would then report in more detail to scholars back home. This contributed to the extensive construction of archives and knowledge reservoirs, detailed cartography of territories, capitols, nomadic paths, and trade routes, etc.
Once the War started, the many records and libraries were destroyed - burned, buried, waterlogged, or otherwise. Libellits were nigh the only form of secured knowledge. In a lucky burst of action, a few of the less affected Starfolk - including the Librarians - gathered and salvaged any records they could, and transported them to the most barren zone they could find, to preserve and store them away from the conflict. Unfortunately, no one knows where this cache is, and for the time being, no one cares.
General Starfolk Shenanigans:
Starfolk relationships are largely platonic in nature. These bonds can go far deeper and stronger than ours. They call strongest of these platonic connections "Animi Gemini."
They also... sort of have an adjacent to romantic bonds, but it translates a bit differently for them, and in many ways could be mistaken for an incredibly strong platonic bond - it's somewhere between the two, with a general sense of "something just a bit more than platonic". Some (very few) records refer to this as "Conexus Aeterni." (I'm not 100% decided, but Edda and Aven in this AU are either Conexus Aeterni or Animi Gemini.)
Starfolk do have some general sense of rank, at least as far as leadership goes, but they don't have much notion of class, especially given the cultural cross-talk. Dark Starfolk in particular never cared much for material wealth, as per their nomadic style, and both polarities were always more interested in the value of relationship, social activity, and integrity in trade than they were in accumulating wealth.
The Sonar pings of Starfolk are very much their language, and to them it's coherent phrases and communication, but formatted as "pinging thoughts" at each other like data bursts.
Different types of Starfolk have different pitch sets. For Edda and Aven, we know they have the same pitch set of an open 5th and octave. For other Starfolk, that might be a major or minor triad, a third and octave, a 4th and 6th, really any intervallic combination you can think of in any key.
These exact pitches (but not the intervals) can slowly change or shift to fit the key center of stars around them, resulting in regional "dialects" and "accents." You can often tell where a Star hails from based on what key they seem to sit in.
Their pitches will also change based on loved ones. Most noticeable are the two above mentioned bonds. Conexus Aeterni's pitches will fully sync and overlap to the same set, in keeping with the name. Animi Gemini will find two chords/pitch sets that compliment each other very well, resulting in some beautiful harmonies. (I know I said I was undecided earlier, but I think I'm just gonna go full send on the Conexus Aeterni for Edda and Aven for this AU. Canon wise I imagine them closer to Animi Gemini.)
Food is a smaller but nonetheless important part of their culture. While they have no necessity for eating, they can convert and absorb food as energy, as well as "tasting" it. Tasting doesn't work quite the same way for them, but however it does work, they enjoy it. Food is first and foremost about community for them - meals are where bonds form and are reinforced.
Food varies depending on zone - as a result, a lot of the Dark zones have seafood-based cuisines, and Darks in general have a preference for meat-based food (they still appreciate their plants though). Different types of Starfolk have more difficulty absorbing certain foods, so there's vegetarians here and there, and carnivores elsewhere, but most are omnivores.
Light Starfolk, by contrast, tend to have more plant-based cuisine, with a fair mix of meat as well. Seafood is...not their favorite. Cuisine is - somewhat ironically - one of the things the polarities didn't exchange as much. They found common ground, and in some cases swapped seasoning methods and cooking techniques, but the ingredients themselves didn't migrate much.
It's getting late over here, and I'm a little out of ideas atm, but enjoy the infodump! And questions are 1000% welcome! I swear your questions are half of what get me generating ideas - vague questions, specific questions, ideas, continuity errors whatever intrigues you!
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theamityelf · 11 months
presence & Buma for the love language meme perhaps
[ presence ] - receiver is upset, and sender is - simply - present. they put their hand over receiver’s, or they sit beside them so their shoulders knock, or they link fingers, or they just barely toe at receiver’s shoe so they’re reminded they’re not alone.
(Fun fact, I tried to just write a hasty paragraph of context and then focus on the ship stuff, and I accidentally wrote multiple paragraphs of worldbuilding for largely no reason. It is...shoddier than the amount of effort I put into it, lol.)
Uma's appointment to the advisor position had only been finalized recently. Which wasn't to say that Ben hadn't appointed her the day the barrier went down; he had. It was the Council of Sidekicks that had dragged their feet about approving her. And they had seriously dragged their feet, much longer than they had waited to approve Evie.
But their not-so-subtle slight did not stop Uma from acting in the role of advisor. In the weeks they spent discussing her appointment, Uma ignored their indecision completely, spending most evenings in Ben's office, collaborating or even working independently. She was enough of a presence there that the palace staff had ceased to look suspicious when they found her in his office alone, and her publicly-acknowledged involvement in projects befitting the role of advisor forced the Council's hand; if they hadn't approved her at that point, they would have revealed (more than they already had) that their approval didn't matter.
(Shocker, the checks and balances they'd pasted onto their monarchy as an afterthought didn't hold up to one determined teen just kind of doing what she wanted.)
(Shocker, the government that had created an island prison for already-dead criminals, despite the protestations of sovereign leaders from most of the annexed kingdoms, wasn't great about answering to the people who had put it in power to begin with.)
(For once, the imbalanced system was working in Uma's favor. Not that she wasn't going to turn it upside down anyway, of course. That was no secret.)
As it stood, their decision was barely a blip on Uma's radar. It came at a time when she was celebrating a recent reallocation of resources to the VK Program; with the new budget, they were no longer financially dependent on third party donors with their irritating ulterior motives. (Some of the donors, for example, demanded that all the villain children not only be placed in mandatory Remedial Goodness courses, but that their scores should be public knowledge. And then there were those who wanted to be assured that any money they donated would be invested in a magic suppression program.)
In celebration, she'd thrown a party on the Lost Revenge. Ben and a bunch of gatecrashing AK's had showed up, of course, and had a grand old time. Ben hadn't consumed a single drop of alcohol, but he had danced as wildly as anyone. Uma, who had also elected to remain sober enough to handle anything that came up,
That was two days ago.
Now, Uma and Ben were once again working in Ben's office. Ben was at his desk, reading through one of Fairy Godmother's memos, and Uma was sitting sideways in one of the armchairs, crossing out the clauses she found most objectionable in the new legislation around VK adoption that had been put on their desk (Ben's desk) just this morning. Mrs. Potts had brought by some tea for both of them an hour ago. Uma had drunk half of hers while it was still scalding and ignored the other half once it cooled; Ben was only beginning to sip his now.
It was a comfortable silence.
Then an email arrived.
Ben glanced at his phone and cleared his throat. "Looks like we got a response from the Southern Isles about their-"
Before he finished, Uma was out of her seat and reading over his shoulder. She skimmed through, reaching past Ben to scroll down the full length of the text. It was obvious when she finished reading, because she retracted her hand. But she did not make a sound for a long time.
Ben didn't say anything. The email had technically been a concession from the Southern Isles to Auradon's request that they agree to the proposed criminal justice reforms, but it had carried with it a bevy of small caveats, all sheathed in the syrup of passive-aggressive Auradon politeness that Uma most hated. If they had simply said that they opposed the reforms, then there would have been something to say, something to do. But right now, he believed the kindest thing he could do was give Uma time to react however she needed to.
After several seconds, she flatly said, "Those elitist parasites."
She straightened abruptly, stormed across the room, and violently pulled a history book from one of the shelves, with the familiarity of one who had paced the floor of this room enough times to know where the relevant books were shelved.
She thumped the book down on Ben's desk opened to a page covering the comparatively-recent history of the Southern Isles. "They were fine with the Isle as a dumping place for petty thieves and dissenters, they threw a fit when they found out the thing they supported from the start also meant their son had to get carted off for trying to kill a queen, and now they're trying to go 'Oh, we were always against the Isle; it's unfair to mess with our tried-and-true prison system when we were always against the Isle'. Looks like being a two-faced poser runs in the family! And now they think they get to make edits to my reform plan, all because they think poor people should be punished for being poor and rich people should never be punished for anything. Oh, sorry, 'persons with royal titles'. But I'll bet if my Royal Advisor behind rolled up to their palace and choked one of their princes, they'd think I should go to jail!"
Ben nodded sympathetically as she ranted. When she needed to point to the history book again for emphasis, he helped her find the right page for the point she was making. And when her voice started straining against her vehemence, he fetched her her tea and stirred it with a magic spoon that made it warm again. (A gift he hadn't had much use for, before Uma; he usually drank his cold.)
Eventually, her tirade burnt itself out. They were both half-seated against the edge of his desk, side by side. Their hands were touching slightly. Their heads were tilted sideways toward each other, but neither consciously noticed.
"I think I might be tired," Uma confessed.
"You're right," Ben said. "About the Southern Isles. Their maneuvering has always been pretty transparent, and honestly, their stance on crime and punishment stood out to me even when I was a kid."
"Humble brag." She smirked dryly, and he chuckled:
"I don't mean to brag."
"Only 'cause you can't."
The blunt honesty made his heart race pleasurably. "We'll get them to come around."
"I will. If you do it, it's a bad look. This system is already stupid absolutist. Which I plan to change, by the way."
"I know." She'd said it before. It was like she reminded him just to make sure he wasn't shocked when she followed through. "You'll have my help, if you want it."
"They'll call you the Simp King if you depose yourself. Don't go down in history as the Simp King."
He couldn't help cracking up, at that. Uma's head turned gracefully. She watched him laugh, and she smiled.
Later that evening, she fell asleep in his armchair (her armchair) while reading up on the Southern Isles' punitive laws. He covered her with a blanket and texted Harry to drag her to bed.
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Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday!
I notice you've got a fair number of lovely maps, so I'll keep this Ask geographical.
Are there any regions in your Setting which have, in the past, been fought over by the societies in or near it? Why did these conflicts happen, and who controls it now?
Get ready BIG POST, a shit ton of worldbuilding, I'm sorry, but with several maps! If this is rambling, I apologize we just moved into a new flat, I can't sleep, and it is 4am right now. There WILL be typos, please don't judge me too harshly. This post will concern the lands of Kishetal, Korithia/Arkodai, Ikopesh, Baalkes, and Dirsia. Feel free to ask questions, I love questions and I swear they aren't usually quite this long.
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1. The Beginnings (Very Very Simplified)
After the events of the Calamity and the subsequent destruction of 92% of all human life and the complete destruction of all non-subterranean settlements, most surviving humans dwelled within the mountain sanctuaries of a number of kindly spirits over a period of roughly 300-500 years (It should be noted that some populations descended earlier or in very rare cases did not go into the shelters at all, due to the exposure to massive amounts of wild magic, most of these peoples became forestfolk, this will be discussed further below). It so happens that a number of these mountains can be found in the Green Sea. For the purposes of this discussion, the two important ones are Mt. Daruz in what is now Shabala and Mt. Argino in what is now Korithia.
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After the descent of the humans from the mountain sanctuaries, over the course of many millennia of development, war, etc, the first kingdoms were formed. The three dominant powers within the Early Green Sea were Shabala, Arkodai, and Apuna. For this discussion we are interested in the first two.
Continues below the cut!
The Birth of Arkodian Bronze and The Line of Tamel and the Birth of Kishetal
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The magical metal known simply as Arkodian Bronze was first created in the Arkodian city of Myminat, famed for its sages, and was the result of a collaboration between said sages and metallurgists. It is said that the metal was created in response to the tyrannical Spiritblooded King Akamanon, and was subsequently used in his defeat. The metal has several miraculous properties: it does not tarnish or rust, its ability to hold a razor sharp edge is unmatched. Most forms of metal armor are practically useless in the face of an Arkodian Bronze blade. Further, Arkodian Bronze is capable of harming Spiritbloods far easier than other forms of metal, and can even damage and kill beings like spirits and demons. Arkodian Bronze can only be destroyed via the application of heat. This magical material was incredibly expensive to produce, and its creation a jealously guarded secret, one which was passed down orally and never written. Using the wealth gained by the creation of these new super weapons, and their ability to kill the once dreaded Spiritblooded warlords of the Green Sea, Arkodai became an empire, creating colonies in the northern peninsula which they called Wanakat. At the same time, the Arkodians attempted on multiple occasions to colonize the islands they called Heliko (Ikopesh). These attempts ranged from the diplomatic to unabashed attempts at invasion, however in all instances, they were rebuffed by the native forestfolk population. Roughly contemporary with the initial colonization of Wanakat, the Shabalic kingdom was embroiled in a civil war between two claimants to the throne, half-brothers Kaloch and the Spiritblood, Tamel. Kaloch allegedly with the use of the Dragon Urudu, captured his siblings stronghold at the city of Kur. Tamel was forced to flee along with those families that had remained loyal to him.
These refugees would sail south, most landing in the wild and dangerous lands of the Qish Peninsula. A few of these ships however, landed instead on the isles of Iko (Heliko, in the language of the Arkodians), inhabited by the forestfolk known as the Ikopi. The Ikopi were a short people, rarely taller than 4'. They were well-suited to a semi-aquatic life, with large lungs, and webbed feet. Most striking however was their naturally brightly colored hair, most typically appearing in shades of Blue and purple. These groups would intermingle, forming the Ikopeshi ethnic group and people. The Ikopeshi, identifiable by the brightly colored hair inherited from their Ikopi ancestors, are now the most numerous forestfolk population in the Green Sea. Meanwhile Tamel and his followers would engage in the subjugation and conquest of the Qish peninsula, culminating in the creation of a new kingdom, Kishetal. Tamel's centuries long reign (Spiritbloods do not die of old age, and if allowed could theoretically live forever) saw Kishetal grow into a powerful empire, one which would go on to overshadow that which it had originally sprang from, Shabala.
Tamel's last conquest before his death were the islands of Ikopesh, justified as reuniting the two lands with shared Shabalic heritage (though very little actual Shabalic culture remained within Ikopeshi customs.)
However, during the course of the conquest, in a moment of desperation, the Ikopeshi managed to send a message to another power, one which they themselves had warred with before, Arkodai.
The Arkodic-Kishic War: The End of Empires and the Rise of Kingdoms
It's not entirely clear what drove the Arkodian lord, Ukilat, to heed the call of the Ikopeshi. Though most likely, the Arkodian's themselves hoped to colonize or otherwise control the islands for themselves. The Battle of Shattered Oars is now remembered as the first battle of the Arkodic-Kishic War. Ukilat, at the head of 30 ships, engaged 23 Kishic ships, including the royal barge of Tamel. Tamel's supernatural strength was rendered useless by the battle at sea, and ultimately the barge was sunk, taking Tamel with it.
In a bizarre twist of fate, Ukilat himself would be attacked and killed after landing in the Ikopeshi islands by the very people who had called for his help.
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(The battles of the Arkodic-Kishic war are shown above in chronological order) The response to the murder of Tamel by the cities of Kishetal was immediate and severe. The war would rage for nearly twenty three years, and would ultimately see the almost complete destruction of the line of Tamel, as all seven of his children, and the vast majority of his grandchildren would die in the ensuing battle. Though greatly outnumbered, the strategic power of the islands and the use of magical weapons allowed the Arkodians to temporarily hold off the Kishic armies. However, ultimately, a number of factors including drought, the sheer brutality of the Kishic invaders, and the appearance of Baalki raiders to the south, the Arkodian Empire would crumble. It is said that the fate of Arkodai was decided at the Siege of Myminat, the very same city in which Arkodian Bronze had been created only a few centuries before. The city was under the protection of the Spiritblood mercenary, Mikrab, and the giant warrior successfully held off the armies of the Kishics. Until for reasons unknown, Mikrab broke down the very gates that he was meant to guard, allowing for the capture and destruction of the city. In stories, Mikrab is most often remembered as Mikrab the Mad.
An intended consequence of the complete destruction of Myminat, was the loss of the sages who had been taught in the ways of making Arkodian Bronze. The art was lost, all Arkodian Bronze which now exists in the world of Kobani, can be sourced to before this battle. Though the Kishics had won, the victory would ultimately be a Pyrrhic one. The cost in both gold and human life was massive, nearly 1/5 of all adult Kishic men died during the war (though compare this to 4/5 of all Arkodians killed during the War and the subsequent slaughter). The royal line was destroyed, the Ikopeshi had revolted and seized independence, even raiding up and down the Kishic coast. In the ensuing chaos, the various commanders of the "victorious" Kishic army began to squabble over the throne and the spoils of war. This would ultimately end in the Kishic Civil war, which would further weaken the empire, leading to its shattering into the Kishic city-states which exist today. Kishetal lost control of the Islands of Ikopesh, which would go on to become a naval power in their own right. Additionally, in the face of growing pressure by rural groups and bands, the Kishics were forced to abandon the ruins of Arkodai. Though settlers from the Western Coast of Kishetal were successful in creating several permanent settlements in Wanakat, or as they would rename it, Makora.
New Kingdoms and the Arkodian Diaspora
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These rural groups, known as the Korithii, would go on to form a culture from the ruins of the Arkodians that preceded them, the city-states of Korithia, in time even managing to recolonize parts of the northern peninsula alongside Kishic colonies.
However, the Korithians would ultimately be unable to reclaim the full extent of the Arkodian domain, as the western isles were firmly in the hands of the Pyritian raiders and settlers or "Baalki" who had settled there in the wake of Arkodai's destruction. These lands have henceforth been known as Baalkes. Some Arkodians did escape from the carnage, settling primarily on the islands of Kulayu (The Clay Women of Kulayu are their own unique topic) and Kachanogoch, integrating and eventually vanishing into the culture of the first and combining to form the new Dirsian culture with the second.
The Winner: Ikopesh
In a strange twist of fate, it would ultimately be Ikopesh, caught between two great powers, that benefited most from the chaos of the war. Ikopesh is known in the present as a culture of great sailors and warriors, their pirates and raiders feared among the descendants of both Arkodai and Kishetal. Though several attempts have been made by a number of Kishic city-states, Korithian entrepreneurs, and even the Apunian throne, to conquer the islands, all have been met with bloody failure, and often immediate and brutal retaliation. Ikopesh may not be the largest of lands, nor the most advanced, but it is agreed with near unanimity, that the Ikopeshi rule the waves.
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@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe @axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen, @surroundedbypearls
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rrbobani · 1 year
Hii again, I'm just wondering if you have any headcanons/fun facts about the matoran/toa in your au that you'd be willing to share? 👀 the facts/headcanons can be random btw :]
Hello~! Hmm... let me see...
A little character tidbit I probably should get out of the way since I never mentioned it, Macku is trans in my au, so is Tamaru. An element may have a majority of a certain gender, but it's not strange to see other genders or see people transition in their society.
Glasses do exist in this au, for example, Matau needs them - but their design is more geared towards Le-Metru matoran life. So some glasses are typical looking in other Metrus, but Le-Matoran glasses were made to fit their lifestyle of transportation. This doesn't mean that every Le-matoran is visually impaired, but goggles/glasses were more typical for them.
When the time came to migrate to Mata Nui, Matau and/or the other Turaga definitely would've had a problem figuring out how to give matoran who needed glasses to them - most glasses were probably lost or broken during the move. So I imagine Vakama and Matau collaborated together to make a new type of glasses for the matoran and some still go to them for check ups and repairs, though the process of making them is being taught to other matoran.
Another thing about Le-Matoran I imagine is that most are ambidextrous or they throw disks a different way. Imagine every other Matoran on Mata Nui flinging disks from their arms like how they do in the sets (the same side as their throwing arm), but Le-Matoran fling disks like how we throw frisbees (from the other side of their body).
So I didn't get to showcase it much, but if you've noticed it, there are reddish markings on Ta-Matoran's/Tahu's foreheads that is meant to look like a single flame. I might change this fact, but on Tahu it was a sort of birthmark he got in the process of being created by Artahka, meant to signify his leadership. Once Tahu's visage was recorded and shared, some Ta-Matoran took to using that marking as a way showing support for their fire Toa. Though as time went on, the meaning for it changed. In Metru-Nui, it was changed to signifying that these Matoran had done great deeds or have created significant leaps in mask making creation. Though when it came time to migrate to Mata Nui, Vakama changed it to mean the Matoran were given a bit of Tahu's flame to fire up their spirit in battles - pretty much a blessing in a way.
During the Toa Mata's training with Hydraxon, Spinax was actually really nice to the Toa. When they weren't training, the Toa would always hang out with Spinax like he was "the family dog." Spinax especially preferred Pohatu since the both of them could keep up with each other when running and Pohatu was especially excitable around the dog.
Speaking of animals though, the rahi in this au vary in their organic-ness. Some look more robotic than others, but they don't look exactly like the sets. Like Keetongu is more organic than most other rahi, but their musculoskeletal system is more prominent than the Toa or Matoran. That's why the hordika have more metallic parts on their body too.
Gali's long, metal-ringed braid was given to her at a young age. (Since I imagine the Toa Mata were a special case and had been children at one point.) Vortixx had visited the island to drop off weapons designed for the Toa Mata to use, and Gali took notice to the long braid the lead Vortixx had worn and asked if the woman could give her one just like hers. (I kind of imagine the Vortixx were a little friendlier in the past, but time kind of whittled away at their hospitality) The Vortixx had agreed and told Gali exactly what she needed to do to grow and care for it properly. To Vortixx, the braid was a symbol of authority and power, but to matoran on Mata Nui, it turned into "Gali's iconic war braid." Some have tried to imitate one, but most found the commitment to growing one excruciating so most found it easier just to cut it off. Nokama had a hard time not mentioning what the braid actually was, since she knew Roodaka had one that looked similar. But she, and the other Turaga, never revealed what it actually represented to them.
I still think of Mata Nui and Makuta as brothers in this au. And this is a bit of a longshot headcanon, but Mata Nui and Makuta were originally Great Beings that volunteered to use their essences to become "leaders" of this universe. Makuta was jealous that Mata Nui was chosen to be the beating heart of the Matoran Universe, but once they transitioned into becoming a part of the Matoran, they would forget about all of their experiences as Great Beings. (But Makuta's jealousy still lingered in his heart) Speaking of which though, Velika was definitely jealous of Mata Nui and Makuta being the "chosen ones" though. But we all know how their story goes, especially with the whole "rule Spherus Magna" part of their plan too :')
I think I'll stop there for now. More things may pop up as they come along, but that's all I can think of that I haven't mentioned so far. I will always provide more context on my blog posts in the future, so it's always worth it to click those links! (I promise qwq) Thanks for the question, I hope this was the kind of answer you were looking for!
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