#a California Christmas city lights
A California Christmas: City Lights (2021)
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This is the sequel to yesterday's movie. Also, in my research into the lead actor and actress being married, I found out that she has her own production company and she produced these movies. I have mad respect for a woman who uses her own husband to make not one but two thirst trap movies.
We open on Callie (Lauren Swickard) and Manny (David Del Rio) giving a tour to a group visiting the vineyard and Joseph (Josh Swickard) interrupts to propose to Callie. Leo (Ali Afshar) happens to be visiting to share some news with Joseph but also to hang out with Manny because they’re long distance besties now I guess. But the news that Leo shares is big- Joseph’s mom ran off with her yoga instructor and is living on a remote island now, so her right hand person is now running his deceased father’s company. We don’t find out much about this person yet, but it’s clear that Joseph isn’t a fan. However, Leo says that the company is in Joseph’s name. He would just have to go back to San Francisco to step in as CEO.
We do also get some new characters in this one. Brandy (Raquel Dominguez) is Callie’s best friend who is training to be a farm vet and is getting credit hours on the farm now. When Joseph and Callie head to the city, Brandy and Manny are in charge of the farm and taking care of Hannah (Natalia Mann) since their ill mother passed away in the time between the movies. Brandy and Manny have a super awkward romance blossoming as well. I won’t get into details because there’s a solid chance that I’m being dramatic, but it’s heavy cringe.
In the city, Callie meets lots of people, but there are two characters who are the most prominent- Victoria (Laura James) and Owen (Noah James). These two just happen to have the same last name and are married to completely separate people in real life (yes, I checked). Victoria is the current acting CEO of Joseph’s company and his mom’s right hand person, but it is clear very quickly that she hates Callie almost immediately and doesn’t trust Joseph to lead the company. Owen is a business friend of Joseph, but is also Callie’s deceased fiancé’s older brother. So. That’s a fun coincidence. Owen seems like he could go either way as being a good person or a total douche (like the guy friend in the first movie who just hung around too much) and I was leaning one way and was wrong, so. I’ll let you find that out for yourself.
This movie was harder to get through just because there were so many rich people tropes we had to experience. I strongly prefer cities to small towns in real life, but not the rich part of cities. I am staunchly middle class (eat the rich). Anyway, the conflict in this movie seemed much more genuine and I loved the resolution. I think the flashback (iykyk) was a really great way to resolve things instead of having one character do large romantic gestures. Too many of those is just manipulation anyhow. The production components were just as good as the first movie (writing, acting, music), so no complaints there. Overall, 3 stars.
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eterhnite · 2 years
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San Francisco Trip, 2017
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kawaiijay · 2 years
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Downtown San Diego
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hopefulshipper · 2 years
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Lauren Swickard
May 25, 1993
American actress
Lila [Holiday Harmony: 2022]
Callie [A California Christmas: City Lights: 2021]
Callie [A California Christmas: 2020]
Eva [Posse: 2018]
Carolyn [Web Cam Girls: 2017]
Lorynn [Roommates: 2016]
Heather [Lilly’s Curse: 2011]
hazel eyes
playable: teenager, young adult
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trickphotography2 · 9 months
'tis the damn season | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Julie/Cece (OC, no physical description)
Word count: 3.8K
Synopsis: After six years away from home, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin was finally going to make his parents happy and surprise his family by spending Christmas in Magnolia, Texas. Introducing his pregnant fiancee to his family is a culture clash, with rural Texas meeting California influencer. Though unhappy in his relationship, Jake knows he has to buckle down and do the right thing with a baby on the way.
The last person he expected to run into was his high school sweetheart and the one that got away, Julie.
The holidays are already going to be hard enough for Julie. Her home baking business, which had started as a fun side project, exploded after a few TikToks went viral. Just when she was getting the hang of juggling her job and business, tragedy struck. Facing her first Christmas as an orphan, the last thing Julie expected was to hear that once familiar nickname - Cece.
After almost a decade apart, Jake and Julie can't help but feel that old familiar spark. Even with the realities of their lives pressing in, they can't help but wonder what might have happened if just one of them had fought for their relationship all those years ago.
Master List | Ao3
Chapter 1
“It’s so…flat,” Shayla frowned. 
“It’s Texas,” Jake shrugged, not taking his eyes off the road. A winter storm had blown through, delaying their flight and making the roads icy in the weak early morning sun. As usual, the streets further away from the city hadn’t been treated, and he’d already hit a couple of patches of ice. He only hoped that it would be better closer to home, but then again, rural Texas wasn’t exactly a priority for road treatment.
“I still don’t see why we couldn’t have gone to the Bahamas or somewhere warm,” she pouted. His grip tightened on the steering wheel, unwilling to engage in the argument that they’d had for the last few weeks. 
The engagement ring he’d bought sat on her left hand. It hadn’t been the one she wanted - he couldn’t justify spending $10K on a piece of jewelry, especially since they had a baby on the way - but still took a chunk out of his savings. Apparently, her followers had approved, even though Shayla had commented about it being the ‘starter ring.’
With a sigh, Shayla flipped down the visor and fixed her bangs before taking out her phone and checking the lighting. Apparently satisfied, she turned on the camera, starting to pose and make faces as she filmed before holding it higher and placing a hand on her stomach, ensuring her engagement ring was in the frame. “Say hi, babe,” she finally said, flipping the camera toward him. He glanced over, unable to muster a fake smile for her video. “Jake.”
“I’m concentrating,” he snapped. 
Her constant filming had been a novelty when they'd first started dating. She’d been trying to launch a career as an influencer, sharing dating experiences while doing her makeup or documenting her daily life. He didn’t exactly get the appeal, but whatever. As they got more serious, she roped him into more of the videos - at first, just glimpses of them working out together or in the car, then making dinner and going out. After he set the firm boundary that she couldn’t film nights out at the Hard Deck with the Daggers, which was an argument in itself, she refused to go. Instead, she tried to drag him to other spots. Eventually, Shayla caught the attention she was craving, and her follower list grew. With it came products that cluttered up her apartment and offers to appear at restaurants around California. 
The more her internet fame grew, the more Shayla pulled him into her videos. While drunk one night, she’d let it slip that her view rates skyrocketed when he made an appearance, and he tried not to read too much into it that she usually tried to have him half naked. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin wasn’t shy by any stretch of the imagination and worked hard to keep his body in top physical shape. He knew he looked good, but the muscles were born from long hours working on the ranch and later maintained for his job. 
For ten months, Jake had put up with it. A two-month deployment had prolonged the inevitable, but the final nail in the coffin had been the fact that Shayla barely seemed to care that he was gone until he was back and shoved a camera in his face while sobbing about how much she missed him. Back on land, he quickly scrolled through the videos she’d posted while he was at sea only to see that she’d screen-recorded their few calls and talked about how hard it was to be a military dependent. It was satisfying to see the military spouses in the comments tearing her apart about the fact that she wasn’t a dependent until she had a marriage license. 
He’d already planned on breaking up with her as soon as he got home but felt bad about doing it when she’d already planned a couples’ costume and lined up sponsors for her video. Finding her making out with someone else in the bathroom at a Halloween party after they’d had a quickie in the truck helped bolster his case for ending the relationship.  
Jake had thought that was the end until she showed up at the Hard Deck looking for him. When he’d brushed her off, she ambushed him at his apartment the next day and demanded to speak to him, throwing a positive pregnancy test in his face when he tried to close the door.
And with that, Jake knew he had to do the right thing. He would never abandon his kid, even if it meant trying to figure out how to fall in love with his now-fiancee. 
Snow covered the fields as Jake drove under the arch, announcing they’d reached the Seresin ranch. Cows meandered, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the calves with knitted ear muffs courtesy of his mother. As a kid, it had been his job to check that the calves hadn’t managed to knock them off overnight before going to school. 
Since joining the Navy, Jake hadn’t spent as much time home as he should, according to his mother. Instead of returning to Texas, he took advantage of being able to travel cheaply on the military’s dime. So far, he’d made it to England, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Japan, and Korea. He sent souvenirs home to his parents, who weren’t quite sure what to make of their youngest. 
Bill and Kerry, proud owners of the Seresin Dairy and Horse Ranch and prouder parents to Bill Junior - who constantly reminded the family that he went by Will now - and Jake, had done what they could to support their sons. Will took after his father and wanted nothing more than to take over the ranch when the time came. Jake had fallen in love with flying after going up in the neighbor’s crop duster when he was eight, and his head had never left the clouds. Whenever they went into town, Jake would beg to stop at Magnolia’s little library to get books on aviation. As he got older, he devoured the biographies of the Wright Brothers, Charles Lindberg, Amelia Earhart, and military aviators turned astronauts. 
When the time came to apply for college, he drove his beat-up truck down to Lubbock, dressed in his Sunday best to meet with his congressional representative to request a nomination to the Naval Academy. 
Two months after graduating high school, Jake’s family drove him to the airport and wished him good luck. Plebe summer took all of his attention, and he could barely think about life outside the Annapolis campus, let alone what was happening at home. Days were spent learning the proud Naval traditions, military terminology, and expectations between physical training. Nights were spent with the other plebes, trying to keep their eyes open long enough to study. His two-week break at home was spent catching up on sleep and answering questions the few times he ventured into town. 
After his Third Class summer, it was harder to come home. Summers were spent at sea or sent to different bases. His Mama pushed for him to come home for the holidays, but between the flights and drive, it wasn’t always worth it. He started to spend time with his classmates whose families lived closer. Spring Break was spent at Myrtle Beach, relaxing in the freedom away from early morning classes and strict behavioral regulations.  
Christmas was when his father put his foot down - that was for the family. Come hell or high water, he expected his sons to be home. Will had no problem with it. He’d met his wife, Allison, while studying animal science at Texas A&M. Once she finished training as a large animal veterinarian, he moved back to Magnolia. After graduating from the Academy, Jake found it harder. As a single guy, he felt terrible about taking time off from aviators with kids who wanted to spend the holiday with them. So he didn’t ask for leave and spent the holiday getting dinner at the mess and calling his family, trying to ignore the sadness and resignation in his mother’s voice. 
Which is why this trip needed to be perfect. After six years away from home, Jake Seresin would finally make his parents happy and spend Christmas in Magnolia with a pregnant fiancee by his side. He owed it to his mother after putting her through so much disappointment. 
A beat-up red truck was out in the field, moving slowly as the herd followed, and Will pitched hay off the bed. His hand curled on the steering wheel, the phantom feeling of a pitchfork and a hand on his shoulder sneaking over him. “Steady, son.” His Pop’s voice echoed the words he’d said the first time Jake had taken over the job, nearly falling backward into the hay bales when Will hit a divot. 
“So you actually, like, grew up on a farm?” Shayla asked, nose scrunching the the loud mooing. 
“I told you I grew up on a ranch.”
“I thought it was horses or something.”
“We have those too.” An SUV was parked next to his Mama’s ancient truck in front of the house. Parking behind the truck, Jake took a moment to glance at himself in the rearview mirror. For all the reasons he imagined coming back to Magnolia, this hadn’t been one of them. Scrubbing a hand through his hair, he glanced over at Shayla, who studied the house. 
From an outsider's perspective, it looked pretty impressive. His grandfather - whom Jake was named after - had built it for his grandmother after they inherited the ranch. He could remember sitting on the wrap-around porch with his grandmother, snapping green beans and shucking corn for supper, listening to stories about the cowboys that used to work on the ranch. Every other summer would find all the Seresin boys, regardless of their age, painting Granny’s house a new coat of white. The upper floor had a breezeway connecting two of the six bedrooms, which Jake had used pretty often when sneaking out of the house once they moved from the foreman quarters into the main house when Pops inherited. 
Mama had decorated for Christmas. Garland was draped over the porch banisters, and lights and red ribbon wrapped around the posts. A wreath hung on the door, and lights hung from the roof. In every window, he could see the electric candles she would go room by room lighting. Of everyone in the family, she was the biggest fan of the holiday, lovingly bullying the men in her family to embrace the cheer. 
“Damn,” Shayla said. “I’ll get some awesome Christmas footage here.” Pressing his lips into a thin line to keep any unkind words from escaping, Jake flung open his door and quickly circled the rental to help her out. 
“Watch for ice,” he cautioned. A glimpse at her phone screen showed that she was already recording. “Could you put that away?” 
“I want to catch the first time I meet your parents.”
“Shay.” Scoffing, she rolled her eyes and reluctantly stopped. “Thank you.”
“Whatever.” Gritting his teeth, he turned on his heel and walked towards the house, automatically jumping over the creaky second step. Jake hesitated a moment at the door before raising his fist and knocking twice, then twisting the knob. It turned easily in his hand, and he pushed it open. “You’re just walking in? What if they shoot you?” Choosing to ignore her, he stepped inside his childhood home.
The smell of coffee and cinnamon washed over him, and he knew the family would already be on the second pot at this time of the morning. Pops and Will would have taken most of the first with them into the barn and fields, with Mama finishing it and starting the next before her chores. After kicking off his shoes and glancing at Shay to ensure she did the same, he walked the familiar path to the kitchen. 
Family pictures decorated the walls, and he let himself really look at them for the first time in ages. His grandparents stood proudly in front of the house, his parents' wedding photo. The first time he and Will were on a horse. Will and Ally’s wedding and his graduation from the Academy. 
“Where is everyone?” Shay asked as they stepped into the large kitchen. Like much of the house, it was clearly older but lovingly maintained. The coffee pot gurgled on the counter, and Jake made a beeline for it, retrieving a mug from the cabinet above. 
“Working somewhere. You want some?”
“No. Coffee’s not good for the baby.” Nodding, he poured himself a cup and tried not to think too hard about the coffee she’d demanded before getting on the plane in California. Spotting a tray of cinnamon rolls on the stove, he quickly retrieved a plate and cut one for himself. At his raised eyebrow, Shayla scrunched her nose and shook her head. 
The roll was fluffy and soft as he bit into it, quickly followed by the rich caramel icing. He moaned, not remembering his Mama’s cinnamon rolls being this good. After polishing off his first, Jake was halfway through his second when he heard voices from the back patio. Quickly, he set the plate down and stood beside Shayla, who looked up from her phone and smirked as he ran a nervous hand through his hair.
“You’ve got some icing,” she said, brushing the corner of his mouth as the back door opened. After licking the sugar from her thumb, her hand rested on his chest before he could step back.  
“Holy Mary, Mother of God - look what the cat dragged in!” his mother exclaimed. Jake turned to greet her but froze when his gaze landed on the woman standing behind her, a basket of eggs hanging limply from her hand. Her red-rimmed eyes widened as they darted between him and Shayla.
“Mama. Cece.” 
Nine Years Ago 
When Jake pictured his life imploding, he hadn’t imagined it so… quiet. 
Cece sat beside him on the couch, gaze lowered as she fiddled with the engagement ring he’d slid onto her finger at his Academy graduation, dropping to one knee on the field and asking to be her husband before disappearing into flight school. The replacement for the class ring he’d put on her finger before he left her in Texas at 18 with a promise of forever. 
He’d naively hoped that they could push off this conversation, give it some more time to figure out how to be with one another again. To set up their home in Virginia as he navigated being a Naval Aviator and she tried to find her footing in a new town. That they could go back to how easy it was before spending the last five years apart. “Jake,” she sighed.
“Don’t.” Resignation was etched in her features when her eyes met his, and he hated it. 
“We - ”
“Please, Cece.” Her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath, lips pressing into a thin line as her chin wobbled. 
“Are you happy?” she asked after a long time. “Be honest.”
“Yeah. I’m happy you’re here. That we’re finally together. Are you?”
“I… I don’t know.” Those three little words felt like a blow to the chest, and Jake inhaled sharply. “I just… this doesn’t feel…”
“Like before.” She nodded, and he deflated. “I know.” Relief flooded her face, and her shoulders sagged as though a huge weight had been lifted. 
“I thought it was just me.” 
“No, Cupcake. Not just you.” Tears flooded her eyes, and she gave him a watery smile. “It’s only been two months. We just need some time to figure out our new normal.” 
“How much time are we supposed to give it?”
“I dunno. More than two months.” 
“Three years?” Unable to meet her gaze, his eyes dropped to watch her twist the ring. “I think we can both admit that things have been hard for a while. And that we got used to being apart from each other.” 
“We can get used to being together again.” At her silence, he reached out and caught her hand, gently tugging her across the couch. Reluctantly, Cece let herself be drawn closer and settled in his lap, knees digging into the cushions at his hips. His hands slid up her thighs to wrap around her waist. “I love you, Julie.” 
Her name on his lips sounded so foreign. To everyone else, she was Julie. She’d only been Cupcake or Cece after making Jake a birthday treat in eighth grade, carefully packaging it in her lunch box to present him at school. Always seated next to each other in class, it had been hard to avoid the Seresin boy. 
If she looked closely, Julie could still see traces of that farm boy she’d grown up with in the man she loved. There was still a mischievous glint in his green eyes and dimples that she took pride in making appear when he smiled. He was still awake at first light and a wicked tease.
But those glimpses were rare. Jake had told her that his first few years as a junior officer would be busy, but she hadn’t expected to see so little of him. She made an effort to get up with him before work and then settled in to job hunt or wedding plan while he was gone. After work, he either wanted to go to the bar with the other young pilots, or he was too tired to do more than shower, eat, and collapse into bed. Simply put, this hadn’t been the life Julie imagined while living alone in Austin for a year after graduating from the University of Texas, waiting for him to finish flight school. While her friends had moved on to careers, marriages, and grad school, she waited.
Just like she always had. 
When Jake got into the Naval Academy, he’d explained that cadets couldn’t be married. And at 18, she wasn’t ready for that commitment. So instead, he’d put his class ring on her finger and promised they would get married as soon as he graduated. For four years, she’d worn the ring on a chain around her neck and tried to push away her jealousy, watching her friends spend time with boys and having fun in the clubs. A small part of her had always felt guilty when a man had pressed against her while dancing, his hands holding her tightly and asking her to come home. Every night she went home alone, she reminded herself that four years was nothing in the face of forever. 
Their weeks together felt like stolen time - spring breaks in South Carolina, a few weeks during the summer, and Christmas in Magnolia. And just when the end was in sight, Jake came home for Christmas his last year of school and told her he’d been accepted into the pilot program. “It’s just another year and a half after graduation,” he’d explained. And when she asked where he’d be living, he couldn’t meet her eyes while explaining that he would be moving to different bases every few months, so it didn’t make sense for her to come with him. 
“Cupcake?” Jake said softly, pulling her from her thoughts. He gently ran a knuckle along her jaw, paying particular attention to the scar on her chin, earned when she slipped on a patch of black ice and fell face-first into his truck junior year of high school. They’d spent a few hours in the emergency room, his bloody shirt pressed to her face until she got stitched up. 
“If I said I wanted to get married today, what would you say?” Julie asked. Try as he might to hide it, she caught it - that brief flicker of panic in his eyes before it disappeared.
“What about the wedding?” It was his turn to catch the flash of irritation before her expression smoothed. The wedding had been a point of contention for a while - Jake knew that she wanted his input, but he’d never been interested in party planning before. 
“I said married, not the wedding. Would you marry me today?” There was a moment’s hesitation before he nodded. 
“Of course. I love you.” A sad look crossed her face before Julie cupped his cheek and gently kissed him. 
“I love you too. And I always will. But I-I don’t know if that’s enough.” Jake pulled back.
“What?” he demanded, fingers digging into her hips, hit with the irrational fear that she would run if he let her go. Her glistening eyes met his for a moment before darting away.
“I love you so much,” she said softly. “And I have since you kissed me under the mistletoe at the winter formal. But I am so, so lonely.” Tears slipped down her cheeks as her voice broke, and he felt his heart fracture. “I moved here for you, to a place where I don’t know anyone and barely see you. And I sit in this house all day and think about my life in Texas, where I missed you, but I was happy. I had a life and friends, and I could see my daddy whenever I wanted. And I missed you, but missing you has been my normal since high school. I love you, and I have put my life on hold for almost six years because I love you. And I was happy to do that so you could chase your dream. B-but…I didn’t realize that I was giving up my life and my dreams because of a promise we made when we were 18.” 
“Cece,” Jake breathed, tugging her closer as she started to sob, tears soaking his uniform's shoulder. “Tell me how to fix this.” At that, she cried harder, and he felt the numbing realization that there was nothing he could do. 
Cece lifted her head from his shoulder when her tears faded into hiccups. His green eyes were reddened when she cupped his damp cheeks. The taste of salt and sadness merged when their lips brushed. “I’m sorry,” she breathed. 
“Me too. I-I want you to be happy, baby.” 
Which was why he didn’t fight her. He helped her pack up the car a week later, forced the engagement ring she tried to return back into her hand, and kissed her one last time. And then watched as she drove out of his life. 
Then, Jake realized how hard it was to be the one left behind while the person you loved chased their dreams. 
Author's note: Welcome to my angsty holiday fic! A major thank you to @mamachasesmayhem for letting me bounce ideas off of her for this story, and being such a lovely cheerleader ❤️
Read Chapter 2
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Taglist: @mamachasesmayhem; @buckysteveloki-me; @fanficfandomlove; @maeleeme; @djs8891; @kmc1989; @justenoughmadness
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gunnerfc · 9 months
❄️ WOSO FICMAS: Dec. 15 - Christen Press❄️
Christen Press x Reader (USWNT & Gotham) | WC: 574
Dec. 15 prompt - date night looking at Christmas lights/decorations
-> woso ficmas masterlist can be found here!
Playing in the NWSL was fun for the most part, you were close to home and it was easier to spend time with Christen. While you played on opposite sides of the country, it was easier to travel between California and New York than to a different country.
You and Christen had decided to spend part of the Christmas holidays in New York this year, having spent every other Christmas in LA. With Christen’s injury, you didn’t want to push her in the things the two of you did when you went out but she was insistent on seeing New York in its Christmas glory.
This is how you found yourself walking through a neighborhood in Brooklyn that was known for its Christmas decorations. Christen’s hand held tightly in yours as you walked down the sidewalk, taking in the sights of all the colorful lights and life-sized decorations. 
“Babe! Look at the Santa!” the forward gasped, eyes wide as she pointed at a very large Santa display that included a sleigh and the reindeer. 
“That would take up my entire apartment,” you joked, but you weren't entirely wrong.
Christen laughed as you two kept walking, still having many houses to see. As you kept walking, the lights were reflecting across Christen’s face and you couldn’t help but focus on her. You were pulled from your thoughts when Christen pulled your hand suddenly, trying to keep you from running to someone.
“Gotta watch where you're going, babe!” Christen giggled, pulling you into her side. 
“I was distracted by the pretty view,” you flirted, sending her a quick wink. 
Christen’s face flushed at your comment, and she turned her head quickly so you couldn’t see the blush spreading across her cheeks. It was your turn to giggle as you pulled away from her, forcing her to stop under a brightly lit arch at the end of a driveway. 
The forward raised an eyebrow at your sudden stop but all she got in return was a bright smile from you. You took her face in your hands, pulling her into an intense kiss. It was short but full of love, wanting her to feel how in love with her you were.
When you pulled away, your smile was just as bright as you tilted her head up slightly so she could see the mistletoe that had been hung. 
“You gotta kiss under the mistletoe, baby. It's the rules,” you said, jokingly shrugging your shoulders. 
Christen had a bright smile on her face as she leaned for one more quick kiss before you two started walking down the sidewalk once again. You walked past a few more houses before deciding you needed to head back to your place for the night. 
You hailed a cab, giving the driver your address as you slid into the back seat. Your hand never left Christen’s for the whole drive home, only letting go briefly for you to pay and tip your cab driver. 
The two of you settled in for the night pretty quickly, needing to get a lot of rest for the upcoming days. Christen had taken it upon herself to plan out multiple date nights surrounding Christmas in the city to truly experience the holidays in New York. While most of the things she had planned weren't new to you, you didn't care since it meant you got to see her all excited to experience what you've already experienced.
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enam3l · 2 years
Hi Mona!
I love your rockstar!eddie series!
I know request for him are closed for now, but when you decide to open up request again, I wanted to leave this here so that I won't forget.
Rockstar!Eddie coming back home after touring and he's so touch starved and deprived of you. So, when he comes home he ravishes you. He catches himself asking you if he's too rough and you're thinking he's NOT rough ENOUGH because you're just as deprived of him.
I hope have a winter/December and a great new year!
thank you angel! and you know what? because you've all enjoyed our rockstar eddie christmas request week, i'll give you guys one last fic. don't worry if i didn't answer yours. i will do them all i either A. just didn't get round to it or B. want to do it at a certain point cos i need to cover some other plots first
three fucking weeks (rockstar eddie x reader) 3.6k / mega smut from start to finish / fluff
this is for everyone who got involved in the xmas request week because of that, i've hit 700 followers. so here is my biggest smut fic yet before rockstar eddie goes on hiatus for a couple of weeks. this one ends on a cliffhanger! but you might want to refer to here to work it out... maybe then you'll also know what happens in the next fic
you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist! and check out my new series love, lola
 February 1993. 
The last words you'd heard from Eddie were muffled from the other side of a bad telephone line. Although the sound warped by the the airport's tannoy and bustling passengers, you heard his lust filled words clear as day. 
 'The second I get home, I'm going to ruin that pretty little pussy.' 
Three weeks since you'd seen Eddie. Three long arduous weeks since you had felt his touch. Corroded Coffin stowing away in a Joshua Tree music studio, hoping the barren surroundings would inspire new music. The writing process intermittently broken up by a series of gigs at intimate venues around California. Back in New York, the greatest city in the world had become the dullest in Eddie's absence. With damn Steve having swept your best friend off her feet you hadn't even anyone else to occupy your free time. Between your working hours, you'd managed to rearrange the bedroom, paint the living room and spend your months wages in retail therapy. But finally your boy was coming home and you couldn't lie, you were fucking horny. 
Left to your own devices for the best part of a month, no toy compared to Eddie. Your touch incomparable to the sparks he could ignite on your skin with just a featherlight stroke. Vibrator redundant now your body knew the sensation of Eddie's mouth humming against your clit. Dildo a mere cheap imitation of the way Eddie overwhelmingly filled your holes perfectly. By now the flight had landed, it was just a waiting game until he came through that door and you could show him how much you missed him. 
The front door slams open, handle cracking into the wall, sure to leave a dent but Eddie didn't care - he was eager. 
'Sweetheart, I'm homeee!' he sings. 
Bags carelessly discarded on the floor, all he can think about is being back in your arms. 
'Baby? I'm back!!' he shouts again. 
Eddie strips his jacket and kicks off his boots, giving you a chance to reply but to no avail. 
'Y/N? What the fuck, where are you...'
When entering the apartment, he'd been too excited to even realise the lights were off, the entire place seeming desolate. Socked feed pad along the hardwood floors as he moves further into your shared home. Kitchen? Empty. Bathroom? Empty. Study? Empty. It's only as he catches himself from slipping that Eddie notices a trail of petals leading from the front door into the bedroom, where the door sits ajar. Too wrapped up in wanting to see you, he'd failed to notice. Now he realises a soft glow seeping through the cracks. Grinning in anticipation as he pushes the door open. 
'Mother of god,' Eddie gasps as if the wind had been knocked out of his lungs. 
The lights are dimmed low, only aided by candlelight which together illuminates your reclining figure on the bed. His eyes scan your body, drinking in the sight he'd been longing for. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that sight could improve. Your cute toes wiggle in black stockings that travel up your legs and cut off at the meat of your thigh. Even with your legs crossed, Eddie can see a tiny black material that barely covers your pussy. Then your torso is adorned in a black bustier, hooks travelling up to where a deep v cut finished below your sternum; breasts spilling out of the ruffled cups. His cock twitches at the thought of ripping the hooks open. Your neck and collarbones are exposed, soft, delicate skin waiting to be marked by his lips. And then there's your face. Eyes sparkling at him, full of lust and love. Mouth struggling to keep a grin at bay. The face he went to sleep thinking about every night, woke up from dreams about and spent the day with it in mind as he tried to write music. Your arm reaches out, hand beckoning Eddie forward. 
'Hi Eds. I missed you... too much.' 
Your head nods down to his crotch now. Too lost in the vision before him, Eddie hadn't noticed the way his cock had hardened to the point of straining against his jeans. 
'I think you should probably take your clothes off and come and say hello,' you smirk. 
Instantly, he's scrambling. Head barely able to form a coherent thought aside from how he needs to touch you right now. T-shirt flings to one side of the room and socks to another. 
'Sweetheart... I - fuck. You look like a dream. I'm scared I'm still on that fucking flight or delirious in the stupid desert,' Eddie pants as he scrambles with the buckle of his jeans. The second his aching cock springs free you let out an inadvertent moan. As soon as his body is entirely freed of fabric constraints, he's hurling himself onto the bed and crawling up towards you. 
Eddie's lips kiss every inch of you as he moves upwards. His lips need to reacclimatise to the body he knows better than his own. Kisses pressed from the tips of your toes, your kneecaps, covering your thick thighs and then lingering on your poorly concealed cunt. He hisses as he leans in towards your mound, able to smell your arousal. Lips kiss the satin fabric of your thong and the skin it fails to cover. You're unable to stop your hips from involuntarily bucking as soon as he's near the place that's longed for him. Eddie's hands find yours and your fingers intwine, both of you gripping tightly at the other. Desperate to never let the other slip away for such a prolonged period again. Kisses litter up your sternum then across your pushed up cleavage. Once he reaches the plains of your collar and neck, Eddie indulges himself. Lips sucking marks onto the skin that's looking far too bare due to his absence. Teeth nipping gently causing those giggles that make his heart and cock swell. And finally, your faces are level, his hovering above yours. 
The pair of you just stare for a moment. Absorbing the person you'd both been lost without; reacquainting with every freckle, blemish or fleck of colour in each eye. Both of your hands have traveled up to cradle the other's face. Your fingers twirl the curls that frame Eddie's face, pushing them away so you can fully appreciate your pretty boy. 
'My pretty boy, I love you.'
Your noses rub against each other. Even this close, vision slightly obscured, you can see the blush that creeps up on his cheeks at the nickname. 
'I love you too, sweetheart. Gone crazy without you.'
Humming in agreement, you tug at his hair. 
'Feral,' you whine. 
Eddie chuckles in a warm, sexy way that travels to your core. His eyes look down at your body beneath him, admiring again the outfit you'd chosen. Retracting a hand from your face, travelling it down your side before he slides it between your thighs. The string of the thong wet with your arousal as he pulls it from between your lips, then pings it back. The brief contact making you whine. 
'Yep, I think you are feral, my love. Think I oughta do something 'bout that.' 
Your plea is cut off as Eddie's lips crush into yours. The sweet kisses that had covered your body are gone, replaced by desperate wet ones. It's seconds before the kisses are open mouths, tongues flicking against each other. Hips pressing towards the other, frantically seeking friction. Both of you whine into each others mouth as you begin to hump. You push your hips up, legs spread achingly apart to trap Eddie between. In return, he presses hard against you. Thick length bearing down on your clit, occasionally sliding between your wet pussy. You're both groaning and grinding, transformed once more into hormonal teenagers and whilst it's good, it's not enough. 
'Gotta stop,' Eddie pants, 'this isn't - isn't how I wanna cum with you.'
You're unable to reply because your teeth are sinked into his shoulder to stifle the embarrassing moans scratching to come out. Never in your life have you been this pent up. Eddie tears his crotch away from yours, crawling back down your body. His hands, rough from weeks of constant guitar practice, firmly grip your thighs, keeping them apart. Doing so causes the thong to ping between the lips of your cunt which are now spread. His tongue flickers over his lips at your glistening wetness.
'Baby she's desperate... going to eat your cute little pussy now, 'kay? Missed her taste.'
You've been stifled by the built up desire, unable to produce anything but pathetic whinnies. But now you grab his hair harshly, yanking his head back up before his tongue can touch you. Wide eyed at your hard tug, Eddie looks up. 
'No!' You snap. 'Spin the fuck around and get on top of me. Need to taste you too.'
The sternness in your voice has the ability to scare him in the way every authority figure has previously failed. Careful not to squash you, Eddie turns around, swinging a leg over so he's straddling you and then slowly reverses until his crotch hovers near your face. Usually you'd be on top so now he's far too aware of his weight. But the firm grip on his ass that tugs him down makes him to cave. Instantly Eddie's thick cock is bottoming out in your throat. Tears well in your eyes but you groan, pleased that his taste and smell now dominate your senses. 
The luring natural musk of his skin and the slight salted taste of precum that had beaded on his tip. 
The moment he sinks into your mouth, his teeth sink into the dough of your thigh - the pleasure sudden and overwhelming for him.
'Oh fuck-' Eddie sobs into your skin as you adjust and start to bob your head up and down his length. 
Resting on his knees allows him to thrust in time with your movements, fucking his cock into your warm mouth. Eddie dives his face into your cunt, hand lifting away the thong that prevents him from burying his tongue deep into your folds. Humming at the taste he's been dreaming of for weeks. The vibrations cause you to gargle against his dick. After a few swipes of his tongue, lapping up the pool of arousal that had formed, he finds your clit. Tongue flickering over the enlarged bud, already feeling better than your fingers and vibrator had. Instantly, you spread your legs wider, granting him more access. Now he latches on, suckling at your clit desperately. The pair of you lie there, contorted to suck feverishly at the most sensitive parts of each other's body. It's overwhelmingly intimate and carnal. Something neither of you would've done for any previous lover. 
Now, Eddie lets his hand travel towards your hole that he knows is begging to be filled. Two large fingers plunge inside your cunt and instantly he feels your walls contract against him, eager to maintain the fullness. Your throat contracts in response as you moan at his fingers penetrating you. Eddie continues his assault on your clit as his fingers fuck into you. The pair of you forlorn in pleasure, you whimpering against his cock as he moans against your clit. Mimicking his movements and desperate to reward him, you bring your hand up to his exposed ass. You grab and knead the fat of his asscheek before letting a finger rub gentle circles round the rim. Immediately, Eddie breaks contact with your clit.
'Oh shit, please, baby, please,' he begs. 
Now you're warmed up, he slips in a third finger. As if to encourage you to go further with your own movements against his hole. You want to coo at his begging but your mouth is too full of his perfect cock. Applying firmer pressure as you circle his hole, you feel him ready. Finally you finger slips into his asshole, it's hot and desperate for attention. Walls pulsating against your finger. 
The pair of you mirror the other now. Fingers fucking into the other at the same pace, growing more brutal by the minute. Your mouths sucking and licking at the other's sensitive spot. Knowing both of you will only last a few minutes at this overwhelming pace, Eddie breaks away. 
'Y/N we gotta stop. I'm so close and I need to fuck you. Sweetheart, I gotta be inside you'.   
Eddie pulls himself out of your mouth, allowing you to instantly gasp for the extra air his thickness had been blocking. He moves back so your eyes can meet again, large warm hand cupping your cheek. 
'You okay?'
You nod as you catch your breath. 
'Yeah, Eds. Please, please fuck me. I need to cum,' you beg. Unbothered at the slight patheticness to your tone. 
Eddie removes your thong entirely now. 
'We both know that was doing nothing,' he laughs. 
Without guidance, you're putting your legs over his shoulders; an unsubtle hint that you need him now and you need him deep. He takes his length and lines himself up with your entrance. Then, three weeks of longing are broken as he thrusts into you. Too overwhelmed with wanting to even slowly enter you. Eddie is instantly bottoming out, balls pressed to your asshole as you wail at finally being filled. 
'Oh jesus - yes Eddie!' 
The volume and anguish in your moan takes even him back. He's never heard you be this desperate and it triggers something primal in him. Instantly he's thrusting into you fast and hard. Each unrelenting push jiggling your breasts further out the corset. 
'God I missed - ugh - this tight little pussy,' he grunts. 
You need even more. Your fingers yank at the hooks of the top until it parts and your tits finally spill out. Eddie moans at the sight. Instinctively, he's latching onto your hard nipples, folding your body in half to do so. Now he's sucking at your breast and fucking you deeper and it's still not enough. You're greedy in a way you've never been before. Making their way around his back, one hand finds his head, pushing him close to your breasts as your nails scratch his scalp. The other hand seeks his ass, squeezing it until you retract your touch and then crack your palm hard against his soft cheek. 
Instantly Eddie bolts up from your chest, staring at your eyes, wild. The warm chocolate of his iris, eclipsed by blown out pupils. 
'Did you just fucking spank me, sweetheart?' he chokes out. 
Now he's upright you're no longer able to reach so you seek a new method of showing him how you want it. Your hand now clutches at his throat, Adam's apple bobbing against the stretch of skin between your spread thumb and forefinger. 
'Yes and I'll do it again.'
You sound like a brat and you have no remorse. Three weeks of pent up frustration is now rearing its head. Eddie puts his hand over yours and squeezes it, encouraging you to tighten the grip at his throat. He's continuing to fuck you but his pace has slowed, intrigued by this turn. 
'Sweetheart,' he coos, 'what has gotten into you? I like it.'
With one hand flexing across his throat, your free one takes his and pulls it to your mound. Encouragingly placing it over your clit. Grinning, Eddie's fingers rub firm circles over it as he languidly thrusts into your cunt. Although at a slow pace, his cock plunges deep into you. Hitting the sweetest, most filling spot and then dragging torturously along it. The movements have your hard exterior crumbling and whining under him. 
'You- you were gone... I was... was so fucking horny. Couldn't c-cum,' you're gasping now. Eddie's motions along with the way the chocolate of his eyes appears molten at your confessions. 
'Not with you. Needed you... Eddie. Tried everything.' 
He bends down to give you a deep kiss. Years together and yet he remains in shock that you need him as much as he needs you. He hopes this kiss will wipe away your cute little pout. 
'Couldn't even play with your toys?' he murmurs, intoxicated by how fucked out you look beneath him. You shake your head, hands wrapped around his neck, thumbs stroking his skin. 
'Okay, baby. I'll make you cum, yeah?'
'Please Eds,' you beg. 
The smile that appears from hearing your pleas is heartaching. Then he starts concentrating on thrusting into you again. Speeding up his movements, languid pace abandoned. But it's not enough, the earlier momentum lost. 
'No,' your hands tighten on his throat, 'like before. Harder.'
'It wasn't too hard?'
The nails that dig into his Adam's apple tell him the answer before you do. 
'No. I want you to make me fucking cry.'
'Fuck, fuck baby, yeah okay.'
Instantly Eddie is folding you again, arms braced either side of your head as he towers over. Your knees press up near your shoulders. His pace quickens, fucking you senseless. The drawn out process of this evening has left you dripping. Sounds of wetness filling the room as he plunges back into you each time. 
'Hear that fucking sound, best music I ever heard,' he groans. 
Your hand seeks his ass again and you repeat your earlier actions. Spanking him again. The crack against his skin ringing even louder than the squelch of your cunt. 
'Oh fuck yeah,' Eddie cries, 'again.' 
The spanking repeats, each time you do it, his pace somehow quickens. Your clit is throbbing now, aching for touch again. You hand wedges between your bodies and you whimper as you relieve the ache. 
'Wait,' Eddie's shifting over you, 'from behind, wanna fuck you from behind. Only I get to play with your clit.' 
His voice is strained, you know he's at the edge of cumming. Eddie gets off the bed, standing and tugging your ass towards him once you're on your knees. The moment he slams back into you, your back caves into a deep arch and you both moan. 
'Yes, that's it!' he cries. 
Eddie wraps his arm under you, finding your clit and continuing his assault. Fingers pressing harder and covering a greater expanse than you ever could. The fast circles in time with his cock fucking into you. From behind he goes deeper, pressing against that one spot with growing frequency. 
'More,' you demand. 
He leans forward until his mouth latches onto your shoulder. Like this, he's prevented from pulling out far and instead it feels as if he's humping you. It's dirty and animalistic and it's what you needed. 
'Ed, I'm close.' 
His teeth sink into you now causing you to cry out, giving you exactly what you asked for. 
'Look at you... fuckin mess sweetheart... all cos you couldn't get my cock.' 
The tightness in your abdomen increases and Eddie feels how your cunt clenches round him like a warning. 
'Shit,' you cry 'please please come inside me.' 
Eddie instantly pulls you up so your back is flush against his chest. Fingers still toying your clit that has begun to ache from stimulation. His free arm wraps around you too, hand shaking around your throat to gently grip. Plush lips seek out your neck, pressing encouraging kisses as you near your climax. 
'Don't you worry baby...' he grunts against your neck. 
'Daddy is going to fill you up good.'
The nickname pushes you over
'Eddie,' you cry as you come. Three weeks have of build up, only worsened by tonight's teasing, come shattering down in a climax. 
'Holy fuck y/n,' Eddie chokes. 
He's realised before you and it takes you a moment to clock that you've squirted. Spraying over Eddie's cock and the sheets. He grunts like a feral beast at the sensation. An additional wet warmth showering over him alongside the tight clench of your spasming pussy. He takes a few more drawn out thrusts, sloppy from your cum. 
'Three... weeks... worth!' 
Eddie moans your name as his comes after his final word. You feel the heat squirt up inside you and he suddenly jerks, shooting out another load deep inside. 
'Oh jesus...' Eddie whimpers as he humps at you again, 'there's more.' 
And again another burst paints your insides. Instantly you flop forward, exhausted. A subconscious part of you whispers to make sure his spend stays buried in your cunt. 
Eddie watches as you wriggle back up to the pillows, collapsing with a sigh. Knees bent, keeping your hips angled up. He crawls onto the bed and opens your legs to take in the view. Pussy puffy and blushing and completely full of his cum. 
'Tryna keep me in there?' He chuckles. 
'Yes,' you blush. 
Bringing his forehead to rest against your knee he groans. 
'Fuck sweetheart, don't tell me that. My balls ache from how much I just came but you'll get me hard again.'
The desperate look in his eyes makes you chuckle. You tug him on top of you, his head falling to your chest. Stroking his sweat matted curls, you cradle his face. Littering kisses all over him as he hums in content. 
'I missed you so much Eddie. It physically hurt.'
'I know, Y/N,' he looks up at you smirking, 'could tell. But I missed you too. Missed home.' 
Eddie snuggles into your chest. Exhausted by the sex and blissed out in your arms. This is where he belongs, always. He's certain he'll fall asleep here for the night. The question he was going to ask on his arrival will surely have to wait til tomorrow. But it's okay, he's been waiting since October - so what harm is another day? 
my taglist angels: @whoahoney@lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos @munsonology@mseddiemunson @kreepja
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Tis the Damn Season
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
summary: Based on a request from the lovely @dorothleah, Matt and his childhood best friend have a realization at Christmastime.
warnings: smut adjacent times (it’s just spicy towards the end, nothing graphic), descriptions of family holidays (they’re positive), Christmas specific, swearing
A/n: ahhhhh this one was so difficult to write—I really hope I did the prompt justice. (Also, this is set early on in S1 but let’s just pretend that all the bombing stuff didn’t happen bc that would definitely overshadow Matt’s holidays. Plus Mrs. Cardenas was an Angel so she is still alive and living her best life somewhere outside of this piece because I said so.)
w/c: ~4k
Breathing deeply, you couldn’t help but smile as the bitter cold wind swirled around you. Despite the extreme temperatures, winter in New York was beautiful. Layers of silver clouds drifted through the city, muting the constant stream of artificial light into something less aggressive, more ethereal. The thin layer of snow covering every exposed surface created a gorgeous blank slate of sorts, like an untouched page in a child’s coloring book. Monotone and full of possibilities. It was a sight you missed dearly, so much so that your heart flipped every year when you stepped out of the airport and back into the city you were raised in.
California was beautiful too, of course–not that you’d gotten to see much of it between your 8 years of post-secondary school and 2.5 years of residency so far. Even summer breaks had been spent studying or interning, rather than visiting the gorgeous beaches or tourist attractions across the state. When you found yourself swamped with work and longing for a break, you never dreamed of California, though. Only of New York.
Which is why the winter holidays were so important to you now. This was the only opportunity you had to visit family, to visit Matt. Most years, you spent about a week with your family for Christmas and spent a few wonderful evenings with your beloved childhood-best-friend-turned-charitable-defense-attorney, but this year was unique.
After encouraging your parents to take a much needed vacation, you’d mentioned to Matt that you were struggling to find a hotel to house you for the holidays. Charming and protective man that he was, he was appalled that you hadn’t asked to stay with him instead–arguing passionately with you until you agreed to stay at his loft for a couple days rather than spend the holidays alone.
Which led you on the snow-laced journey from the baggage claim to Matt’s front door, which you studied apprehensively, hand frozen in a fist that hadn’t yet knocked. The fluttering in your stomach was inevitable, your nerves always acted up when you saw Matt, but it was especially intense when your mind was occupied with the knowledge that you’d be surrounded by him and his things for a weekend.
Blowing out a breath, you let your eyes fall shut as you knocked rapidly on the door, the percussive sound echoing the pulsing in your ears. Footsteps padded down the hallway towards you, halting at the door as it slowly creaked open.
“Hi Matty,” Your voice was quiet, your cheeks blooming with warmth as he grinned at you. His beautiful smile hadn’t changed at all, still revealing the wit and mischief of the 14 year old you’d met all those years ago at St. George College Prep.
His signature red glasses twinkled with the reflection of the flickering hallway lights. “Long time, no see, sweetheart.”
As the familiar joke vaporized your anxiety, you dove into his open arms with a squeal. He was as warm and muscular as ever, his arms tightening around you as if waiting for you to dissolve. You weren’t sure how long you stood there, basking in the comfort of his embrace and letting it melt a year of stress away.
While you were enjoying the first hug you’d received in too long, Matt remained almost rigid beneath your touch–his brain counting every second and wondering where the line would need to be drawn. He could have stayed in your grasp all day, but that wasn’t what “friends” did, right? Inhaling deeply, he pulled away from you.
“C’mon, sweet girl, let’s get you inside and warmed up.” Taking your hand, Matt guided you down the hallway and into his apartment, the sight of which made you gasp.
Strings of multicolored lights were strung around the perimeter, wrapped around every available surface in a festive tangle. A small, but otherwise impressive, fir tree stood against the massive paneled windows, smattered with glittering ornaments and candy canes.
The air suddenly felt forced out of your lungs, your breath staggering like a newborn foal as you surveyed every inch of the apartment. When your parents had booked their holiday cruise, you’d been slightly devastated–which wasn’t fair of you, since you’d encouraged them to get away for the month, but that didn’t stop your heart from aching at the thought of the traditions you’d miss. Christmas was your parents’ favorite holiday, and they went all out each year–decorating the house with gorgeous poinsettias and tinsel, buying the largest tree they could find at the local farm, stringing lights around the entire house. The festive beauty of your family home was one of your favorite sights, and you weren’t ready for the absence of decor.
But the absence never came, because you had Matt, the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for. The man who knew you inside out, and had anticipated your reaction to skipping a family Christmas, taking it upon himself to make up for their departure.
Biting your lips as tears threatened to fall, you let Matt enfold you in another hug, a drop of moisture rolling down your cheek when his lips pressed against your forehead.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
“You did all this for me? Matt, I–” Withdrawing from the shelter of his arms, you strode around the apartment, running your fingers along the wires Matt had painstakingly decked his apartment with.
“Before you get too grateful, you should know that Foggy helped.” Matt laughed, rocking from foot to foot as he waited for you to take it all in.
Giggling at his glowing blush, you nodded, “Well, you both did an amazing job. Ugh, I could kiss you right now!”
The words slipped out of your mouth without a thought, but they froze Matt in place.
Your relationship with him was unlike any of the other friendships he held. There was a flicker of something deeper–a tense heat simmering underneath every touch, a magnetism that simultaneously drew you together and forced you apart.
After knowing you for 15 years, Matt could read you as if you were composed of braille. Every inhale, every pulse of your heart, every flutter of arousal from you crafted a story of love that he was terrified of losing. Neither of you could handle the stress of a long distance relationship. So, he held you close while keeping you at arm’s length.
Or, at least, he had. The urge to abandon all logic and act on his wildest desires was growing stronger by the minute. Treading over to where you stood, admiring the Christmas tree, Matt encircled your waist with his arms, tilting his nose against your temple.
“I missed you.” He murmured against your cheek.
“I missed you too, handsome. So much.” You leaned backwards into Matt’s firm chest, tangling your fingers with his.
Swaying slightly as he held you, Matt stayed silent, allowing you to soak up every ounce of joy from each tiny detail of the holiday ambiance he had painstakingly put together. Sure, it had been a chore, but it was absolutely worth it for the skip of your heart beat, the stutter of your breath as you held back happy tears. He’d do anything to give you the Christmas you deserved, and that included enlisting Foggy as his eyes for a week of decorating.
Because he was human, and his patience could only be strained so much, he eventually pressed a kiss to your head and spun you to face him. “Ok, I think it’s about time for me to pull my responsible host card and remind you that you need to eat.”
Laughing at his smirk, you nodded eagerly. “You’re right, I’m starving.”
“Really? I had no idea.” Matt gasped in feigned surprise, sparking another round of giggles from you.
“Shut up, asshole. I was admiring your hard work! Isn’t that what you wanted me to do?” You shoved at Matt’s chest fondly.
“You’re right, I apologize,” Matt chuckled with you, rocking backwards after your playful push. “Have a taste for anything in particular?”
“Anywhere you want to take me, Matty.” You grinned.
Nearly tripping over a crack in the sidewalk as you laughed brightly, you were launched into another set of giggles as Matt caught you by the elbow. Comfortably full after dining at Matt’s new favorite Thai place, the two of you ambled around the city catching up on the last year.
“Christ, you’re going to break something.” Matt sighed, but he was beaming at you. “That would honestly serve you right, though, after laughing at my pain.”
“I’m sorry Matty, but the idea of you wearing one of those bikini body shirts is amazing. Foggy is a pranking genius!” You crooned, jealous that you hadn’t been there to witness the practical joke.
“This from the woman who tricked me ruthlessly every April Fool’s Day.” Matt shook his head, biting back a grin as his mind flooded with memories from your shared childhood.
“Oh please, toothpaste oreos and salted coffee is child’s play, Murdock.” You jested, letting your joined arms grow taut as you leaned towards an enticing display in the window of a store you were passing.
“Hmm, well I’ll continue waiting for an apology then.” Matt turned his nose into the air teasingly.
“Should I buy you another Christmas gift to make up for the torture I put you through?” Without waiting for a response, you entered the doorway of the quiet little shop you’d been admiring, drawing Matt up the steps after you.
Carefully studying the rows of vibrantly colored trinkets, you felt an overwhelming sense of peace as you wandered the store. You let your mind wander as you ran your fingers along the rack of knit sweaters you were ogling. Somewhere in the rush to look through the myriad of options, you’d dropped Matt’s hand. Swiveling your head over your shoulder, your heart jumped when you didn’t see Matt behind you.
Before you had a chance to panic, a calloused hand tangled with yours, tucking you back into your friend’s warm side.
“God, Matty, I thought I lost you!”
“Don’t fret, sweetheart, I’ll always find you.” Matt murmured, his voice steady with truth as he kissed your temple.
Leaning into his touch, your heart twirled at the sentiment, emotions welling up in your throat. Squeezing Matt’s hand, you coughed around the lump in your esophagus, eyes once again roaming the row of sweaters. “Did you want to get out of here? You said we were meeting your friends tonight, right?”
“Yes,” Matt answered, a bit hastily given that he was still trying to decipher your reaction to his words. “Uh, yah, we aren’t too far from Josie’s.”
“Oh my god, you didn’t tell me we’re meeting at Josie’s! Fuck, I’m glad the place hasn’t been condemned after all these years.”
“Foggy and I have done our due diligence. The health department must have our pictures taped over dart boards by now.”
“My two favorite menaces to society,” You laughed. “I’m embarrassed to admit that you may have to lead me there. My navigation of the city is a bit rusty this year.”
“You’ve been away too long.” Matt tutted in disapproval. “Far too long.”
You grew silent beside him, your fingers twitching in his hold. “I know, Matty.”
“Sorry I didn’t mean—“ He started but you interrupted.
“Oh, I know you didn’t. And I miss you too.” Matt withheld from turning to you in surprise before you corrected your statement. “I mean, I miss you and my family and the city, you know? I love California, it’s just not the same.”
Cursing yourself for fumbling over your words instead of just admitting to Matt how much you wanted to stay here with him, you tugged at your lower lip with your teeth to keep from rambling any further. Twin blooms of heat pricked across your cheeks, your eyes falling shut with regret and longing.
Matt bumped your hip with his. “Hey, don’t go quiet on me. We still have more catching up to do.”
The corner of your mouth twitched into a small smile. “Oh yah?”
“Of course! I haven’t even told you about the kitchen fire that Foggy set at Landman and Zach in the spring.”
Snorting in disbelief, you shook your head. “How on earth did you two not get fired?”
“He blamed it on a partner.” Matt grinned, making you chuckle.
The walk to Josie’s was short and filled with pleasant conversation, despite the brief hiccup. When you finally reached the familiar dive bar, you inhaled deeply, smiling at the sour odor of stale beer and tobacco.
Inside, the sticky floors and dim lighting immediately transported you back to the first time Matt brought you here, begging you to come with him to the “Jewel of Hell’s Kitchen”. Sure, it was more cubic zirconia than a diamond in the rough, but you understood why Matt loved it. The atmosphere was unmistakably familiar. No bells and whistles, just cheap beer and good company.
“This way,” Matt lead you further into the establishment, waving at Foggy and a gorgeous blonde woman who were seated near the windows.
Foggy leapt up to tackle you in a hug as soon as you were within hugging distance, crushing your lungs before you could laugh. “God, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
“Way to rub it in, bud.” Matt scoffed, smirking when his business partner gave an exaggerated eye roll.
“You’ve seriously got to teach me how to keep him in line.” Foggy sighed, scowling at the dark-haired man.
“You think I know how to do that?” You chuckled incredulously. “I’m not sure that’s possible without divine intervention.”
“C’mon, you’re practically the Matt-tamer.” Foggy cajoled, spinning around to face the table. “Karen, Matt-tamer. Matt-tamer, meet our lovely receptionist, Karen Page.”
Laughing as Foggy gestures towards the seated woman, you gave her your real name.
Karen smiled brightly, reaching her hand out for you to shake.
“You know, I could’ve introduced her myself. She is my friend, after all.” Matt pouted and you grinned, placing a hand on his arm.
“We all know you would have done a great job introducing me, Matty.” You snorted, rolling your eyes to Foggy.
“Um, are we not going to comment on the fact that I’m apparently not allowed to be friends with you?” Foggy asked, taking his seat beside Karen again.
“I didn’t say that!” Matt argued, sliding into the other side of the booth.
As Matt and Foggy bickered, you and Karen exchanged a knowing smile before you headed to the bar.
Waving as you spotted Josie’s stony face, you couldn’t help but smile when she rounded the bar to give you a one-armed hug. “Hey, kid. We’ve missed ya around here.”
“So I’ve heard,” You chuckled. “Can I get a couple of beers?”
“Your boyfriend letting you pay for the drinks?” Josie shook her head in distaste.
Almost dropping the two beers she’d passed you, your mouth dropped open in surprise. “Oh, uh…”
“C’mon, don’t tell me he hasn’t made a move yet. Poor kid acts like ya hung the moon.”
Chuckling awkwardly, you shrugged. “We’re just friends, Josie.”
“Yah, yah. Heard that one before.” Josie sighed, shooing you back to the table.
Trying to refocus after her comment, you plastered a smile back on your face and took your seat next to Matt, handing him his beer.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” He leaned against you and your skin burned. You could practically hear Josie raising her eyebrows from across the bar.
“You ok?” Matt asked, tilting his head towards you. “Did Josie snap at you or something?”
“You have to cut her some slack, she’s working hard to keep this place afloat.” Foggy frowned in sympathy.
“Oh no, nothing like that, she just caught me off guard is all.” You reassured, willing your body to relax into Matt’s hold.
“How so?” Karen asked with genuine curiosity.
“Oh, er, she asked me if…” Looking at Matt hesitantly, you let the words tumble out before you could fib. “She was wondering if Matt and I were dating.”
“What did you say?” Matt murmured.
“I told her the truth. Though, I wonder if I should’ve said we were, that was always easier.” You sighed, shifting in your seat uncomfortably.
“Always?” Karen asked, eyebrows shooting skyward.
“When we were kids, people always assumed we were dating. Eventually, it was easier to say yes than explain anything.” Matt explained with a shrug.
Foggy smiled, “Ah, so this has nothing to do with the fact that you both act like you’re dating for a weekend every year?”
You and Matt immediately grew defensive, spitting out two remarks at the same time.
“We do not—“
“Are you kidding me—“
But the realization of how close you were sitting to Matt made you pause. The man in question seemed to have the same epiphany because you both jumped apart with a huff.
Foggy and Karen exchanged a glance before nodding. Clapping his hands together, Foggy changed the subject.
“So…how’s California treating our favorite medical student?”
Sitting on the worn leather couch in Matt’s living room, you blinked sleepily, the bright LED string lights coming back into focus as you reopened your eyes. You’d hoped that the beautifully decorated tree would draw you out of your thought spiral, but it was only fueling your rapid fire thoughts. Fidgeting with the fabric of the cushion you were sitting on, you couldn’t help but think of Foggy and Josie’s parallel accusations.
You and Matt were close, that was true, but you didn’t “act like you were dating”…did you? Sure, you were pretty much constantly touching each other, and you had nicknames for each other, but that was all platonic.
Or was that just what you’d told yourself? To let yourself sign off on the emotional turmoil you experienced every year when you had to leave the man that you loved.
Fuck. You loved Matt.
“What are you thinking about?” Matt’s voice startled you, your body jumping a few inches off the couch. Handing you the mug of hot chocolate he’d prepared for you, Matt took a seat next to you, his brow folding in concern.
“Oh, uh, nothing, Matty.” You lied unconvincingly.
With a snort, Matt shuffled closer, placing a hand on your knee. “You’re a terrible liar, sweetheart. What’s on your mind?”
“Did it…bother you? What Foggy said, about us?” You asked timidly, biting your lip when his hand stilled on your leg.
“Did it bother you?” He parrots, his voice uncharacteristically small.
Laughing despite the thick tension clouding around you, you shoved your shoulder against his. “I asked you first, Murdock.”
“Fair enough.” Matt chuckled nervously, exhaling quickly before answering, “No. It didn’t bother me.”
“Permission to ask you a follow up question?” It was risky to ask for further clarification before answering yourself, but you needed to know.
“That seems like cheating, but I’ll allow it.” Matt jested, his worry poorly concealed behind his teasing tone.
“Why didn’t it bother you?”
For an intense moment, your soft question was met with icy silence. Then, he responded with a warmth you’d never heard from him. “Because I’ve known exactly what I’ve wanted with you since we met all those years ago. And, consciously or not, I decided to enjoy my time with you in that way.”
Mouth falling agape, you pondered the answer for a moment. Had you been seeking that with him too? Is that why you were more than ok with the state of your relationship every year?
Interpreting your failure to speak as unease, Matt apologized. “I’m sorry. If I’d known that you were uncomfortable about it, I wouldn’t have–”
“I never said I wasn’t ok with it, Matty.” Your voice was deep with want, your eyes focused on every twitch of his facial muscles as he processed your response. “I’ve wanted more with you for years, I just thought I was better at hiding it than I apparently was.”
Matt chuckled, resting his forehead against yours. “We’re idiots, aren’t we?”
Matt’s breath heated your face, his lips felt too far away despite them hovering over your nose. Leaning into him, you crossed the invisible boundary you’d been dancing around for over a decade. “That depends on what we do next.”
Matt’s sharp inhale sparked a shiver down your spine. Settling one hand on your waist, the other cupped your chin gently. “Do I have permission to kiss you?”
“You fucking better, Murdock.” You murmured, hands wrapping around his nape as he closed the distance between your mouths.
As his plush lips met yours, the air was forced from your lungs. The evening ambiance of the city was drowned out by the blood rushing in your ears. A jolt of adrenaline, that was heavily threaded with pure need shocked your system, drawing a soft loan from your vocal chords as his tongue prodded your bottom lip.
“Matty, please,” You whimpered as he withdrew his mouth from yours.
“What do you want, sweetheart? Use your words for me.” Matt’s smug tone prompted another moan from you.
“Want you. Please.”
“Anything for you, love.” Hiking you into his arms, Matt wove his lips between yours again as he carried you to the bedroom.
Scrunching your nose against the chill that overtook you as your foot slipped out from underneath the blankets, you retracted your leg, settling back into the cocoon of sheets and muscular arms with a sigh. Unfortunately, the abrupt temperature change had shocked your consciousness out of slumber, and now you had to face the consequences of whatever had happened last night.
Your bare back was pressed against Matt’s warm chest, each inhale of his lungs jostling you with a comforting rhythmic motion. His hands were joined atop your stomach, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin. Whining softly, you pressed backwards into his hold, his arms tightening instinctively as you did so.
“Morning.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple.” The feeling of his lips dancing across the thin skin on your head was pleasant, until your brain reminded you just how fleeting this moment would be.
“Morning.” You responded, your tone revealing your nerves.
“Hey, I can hear you working yourself up. Talk to me. Are you ok?” Matt’s brow furrowed, his blank eyes darting around you as he sat up to study you closely.
“I’m ok, Matty. Just…thinking about us, is all.” You shrugged, eyes falling closed as he placed kisses down your neck.
Hesitating before planting a kiss on your collar bone, his voice quieted. “Do you regret it?”
“Absolutely not.” Using two fingers to turn his face to you, you drew him in for a deep kiss. “God, you make me so happy, Matt. But I still have a few months left in my residency.”
“I know, sweetheart.” The clear disappointment in Matt’s voice almost shattered your composure.
“I wish things were different.” You sighed, resting your foreheads together.
“Don’t say that. You are getting a fantastic education so you can become the best pediatrician the world has ever seen. We can enjoy our time together now, that’s enough for me.” Matt’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, but his optimism was contagious.
“And in April?” Matt’s hand came to cup your cheek.
“I’ll be here, waiting for you, as long as you want me.”
“I’ll always want you, Matt Murdock.” You promised, threading your fingers into his hair as he kissed you with a smile.
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itwasrealtome · 3 days
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Scarlett Johansson x fem!OC fic | Masterlist
Summary :
Content Warning : Elle listening to some Buddy Guy | New School | Discovering a new place and new people | Carter hates LA and misses Portland
Navigation :
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Don’t miss any more chapters or info by being tagged
DECEMBER 06, 2016
Carter hated Los Angeles. 
From its sweltering heat to its crowded streets and inhabitants. He'd only been there two short weeks and was already missing Portland. Not what he would have liked to call home, or the people who were supposed to be his family, but the city itself. The alleys of Japanese maples, the café where he played his first guitar notes in public and, above all, the weather in favor of a snowy Christmas.
Here, the air was stifling and the sun never seemed to take a break. Even sprawled out in his new bed, the atmosphere seemed to descend on him, crushing his chest. Repainting the walls and assembling the furniture had been an ordeal for him. Unlike his sister, who seemed accustomed to the Californian air, Carter was still wiping the corner of his eyebrow and inhaling every second. 
In the car, the ordeal was the same. But at least he could enjoy the occasional light breeze. He leaned back, his cap hitting the headrest of the seat, his long legs stretched out to the glove compartment. For someone who has money, he thought, it's definitely no luxury.
— Don said it’s a very good school, reminds Elle, taking her eyes off the road for a second. They have excellent results and programs. 
— Yeah, whatever… 
Chewing gum wrapped around his tongue, Carter blew until the bubble burst in his face. Elle flinched at the sound though she tried to hide it. She nudged her brother's shoulder, a heavy sigh covering Buddy Guy's voice.
— I'm doing this for you. 
It was as if the words were floating around in the vehicle without ever reaching their intended target. The dark-haired teenager's face was now glued to the glass, his eyes glued to the immense building looming overhead. It was by no means the same kind of school as the one Aunt Nancy had placed him in. 
The facade alone was impressively large. From their parking place, he could see teachers dressed in a clean and serious manner, but also students who did not seem at all to be petty criminals. Yeah, it was definitely a big change.
— I know it's nothing like the shithole we grew up in, but I think you're going to love it here.
Carter simply shrugged, following the actress blindly, hands clutching his backpack. He relied heavily on his feet to lead him to the right place. The sight of the path through the trees didn't interest him. He wanted to see the branches move with the light breeze and the white chalk of the walls lighten with the sun. If he had to face this view for the rest of the year, then it was nothing like the hell he'd imagined.
— Ah. Ms. Wiley, it's a great honor to have you here in our school. The school principal spent some extra time buttering Elle up, before realizing Carter’s presence. And you, young man, must be Carter.
Carter shook her hand and gave a brief, shy smile. He suddenly felt his cheeks heating up, just as they did when attention was focused on him. Only this time, Elle was right by his side.
— I hear you have an excellent program for athletes. I'm quite interested, can you tell me more about it?
The woman went into her lengthy explanations and began guiding her guests around the establishment. Elle didn't care much for the school's sports program, but she knew Carter did. He trailed behind the two women, his gaze darting all over the place, swallowing each piece of information he was given.
His sister was right. This building was nothing like the one they'd known. The corridors were huge, well-lit and furnished with rows of lockers that still looked new, or at least functional. He was surprised to find that the refectory was clean and free of tags on walls and tables, something to which he'd become accustomed in his old school. Only a few kilometers stood between him and the place he had once known, yet he had the distinct impression of being in another world. 
When both women halted, Carter missed his cue and lightly jostled his sister. He murmured a simple apology, tightening the grip on his backpack straps. Elle quietly patted his shoulder and prompted him to focus on the space in front of them, where one of the school’s gymnasiums stood out. Her knowing smile betrayed her familiarity with her brother's interests. There were only two places to find Carter: the music classroom and the gymnasium, ball in hand.
— Coach Cruz has already studied your profile, Carter. Let me tell you, if you keep up the good work, you'll soon be the team's new star.
The brunet only nodded, too absorbed by the sound of soles on the wooden floor, the whistles and the power of the strikes to find words. Los Angeles may not have been home, but this place could be. 
He could already see himself practicing for hours on end, improving his sets and shots, making this room his reference point. The equipment didn't look as bad as he'd imagined. 
Here, at least, they had equipment.
— I have a couple of matters to settle with Mrs. Hale. stated Elle, her hand massaging the nape of her brother's neck. Why don't you introduce yourself and take a walk? I won't be long.
Before he could react, Principal Hale had already called the coach over to them. Cruz was a man in his fifties, with an athletic bearing and a posture that showed immense respect. His handshake was strong and seemed genuine. And for the first time since he'd been in his sister's company, Carter saw a man more preoccupied with his sport than with the actress' beautiful face.
— Hey son, welcome to the team. Cruz guided him with a hand on his shoulder, his fatherly posture almost reassuring for a young boy like Carter. You're gonna love it here!
Taglist : @micaluvssoccer @rain-mikaelson @red1culous @taylucky13 @womenlovingwomen-imagines @aqiia24 @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mmmmokdok @unexpected-character @iheartmilfies @natalia-quinzel @electricboost @angeliqueh5331 @emskisworld @sami1642 @waltermis @imjai02 @enjoytheentireworld @jatrovyknedl @madamevirgo @lyak12 @anku1901 @ssaaggwwaa @marvelandotheruniversesloveradhd @canvasscoloredin @butwhynothavesomwmore @hi-1-1-blog @g1u2y @fanfiction-24824 @greyslover3004
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 6: Proof of life ➢prompt: "I've got a pulse" ➢character: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Shy!Wife ➢warnings: car accident, severe injuries, description of gruesome injuries, blood loss, trauma. ➢word count: 3.5k ➢Opposites Attract Masterlist
|| masterlist || whumptober || whumptober masterlist || library page ||
It wasn’t normal for it to rain in California. Actually, when it did rain, it seemed like the whole city had shut down. Jake wasn’t a fan of rain, growing up on a ranch in Texas, rain meant that you can’t work. That statement had stayed true for Jake when he became a pilot. Rain meant no flying, no training. Rain meant having the day off to cuddle with his wife on the couch. Except today, it meant going to visit her parents. They had kept the kids this past weekend while Y/N and Jake went to a retirement for his old commander up in Lemoore. They were set to drive back today, but the sky decided to become gray and rain. 
“It’s like no one knows how to freaking drive in the rain,” Jake grumbled as he adjusted the speed of the wipers against his windshield, “And when is this shit going to stop?” 
“You’re so grumpy when it comes to rain,” Y/N giggled, looking out the window at the falling rain. Unlike her husband, Y/N loved the rain. Most of her childhood, her father got lucky to be stationed in Washington State, where it rained 90% of the time. She had grown up in the rain and cold, and loved it. It probably was why she was so cuddly and loved physical touch. Rain made her feel cold, but snuggling up to Jake made her feel warm. It was the only thing Jake liked about rainy days. 
“No, it’s just idiots can’t drive,” Jake said and sat back in his seat a little, “We should take the kids to Colorado for Christmas. Jasper and Max have never seen snow before, and Eli is old enough to get on skis now.” They hadn’t been to Colorado since Eli was born. Jake’s parents had a cabin, and he had spent winters as a child there for all of Christmas break. As much as Y/N loved rain, she also loved the snow as well. 
“And what if it snows there?” 
“At Least they know how to drive in the snow,” Jake said, and looked over at her, as she rolled her eyes with a laugh. 
“You are just so critical because you hate- JAKE!” 
Jake gasped as he slammed on the break, and felt his body jolt forward. The sound of smashing metal and breaking glass was loud. The deploying of the airbags were like a bomb going off in his ears as he felt the force breaking his nose. The silence though, the silence was the loudest thing as the car came to a halt after being hit. The scent of copper filled the air, as neither one of them moved, simply frozen in place. 
The lights were blinding against the dark gray sky. There was a slight haze from the rain filled sky, and the smoke from the cars, which just made the flashing blue and red lights even brighter. The rain felt even colder as it fell. Slowly, the distant sound of sirens sounded even louder in Jake’s ears, as his green eyes fluttered and looked around. He could remember where he was, and what happened. 
‘I hit a car or something’ Jake thought, as he tried to turn his head and looked around, but was met with extreme pain ‘Whiplash’ he cursed. 
“Y/N?” He asked. There was no answer as he brought his hand up to his nose, wiping the dripping blood away, “Y/N?!” He went to move to her, but was stopped by a medic holding his body. 
“Sir, do not move,” The medic said. 
“No, my wife,” Jake said, trying to move again. 
“Sir, you can not move, we have to stabilize you.” The medic repeated, “Let’s brace him and move. They gotta cut her side open.” 
“Y/N!” Jake cried out again, feeling the hands of the medics on him. He felt the collar go around his neck, and was already rolling his eyes at it. He was fine, he could probably walk out of the car right now. All he needed was to hold his wife, and an extra strong dosage of advil. Jake groaned as they moved his body out of the car and onto a stretcher. His green eyes finally saw her, and he felt like his world had just stopped. 
She was pinned forward, her body passive against the dashboard. Her head was turned to face him, and he could see a large shard of glass stuck in her forehead. Her pretty hair was matted with blood, and so was her face. He could also see that her leg was bleeding as well. The white dress she was wearing was now a dark shade of red. She looked like she was sleeping, and Jake couldn’t see the rise and fall of her chest. 
“Is she alive!? Please, no, that’s my wife!?” Jake yelled, trying to get out of the stretcher. 
“Sir, you can’t move, you need to stay still,” The medic said, “If you don’t stop, we will sedate you.” 
“Please just. . . Please,” Jake cried. 
“Let’s get it cut!” A firefighter said, and Jake watched with horror as they cut the door to the side of his car. Another medic covered her with a sheet, but Jake could still see her lifeless face as the loud sound of metal filled the air, “Alright! On their count, they’ll move her.” 
Jake watched with bated breath as a medic moved into the driver’s seat and placed his fingers on her neck. He felt his heart drop when the medic had to move his fingers trying to find her pulse. The two medics in the car shared a look, and the other one tried to find a pulse. 
“I got it, I’ve got a pulse!” The female medic said, and Jake closed his eyes letting out a shaky breath, “My count, let’s get the collar on and move.” 
A loud groan erupted out of her pink lips as she was moved slightly and a cold, hard plastic collar was placed around her neck, keeping her from turning her head. Y/N could hear the yelling from the medics, and a sudden rush of warmth, as blood poured out of the wound on her stomach. Y/N could feel their hands, jumping and moving quickly to cover and stop the blood from leaving. She coughed, her whole body convulsing, as pink frothy blood escaped her lips. Her eyes shot open as she looked up at the gray sky and at the medics in front of her. 
‘Just let me go,’ She thought, ‘Oh my god, is that our car?’ The semi that hit them was in the ditch opposite of them, the damage not recognizable compared to her 4 door SUV that was in pieces, ‘Oh my god, it hurts’ The medic’s eyes moved quickly to the shard of glass sticking out of her chest. They grabbed a piece of tape, and taped it in place, their hands pressing softly on the area to stop the blood.
“Stay with us,” The medic said, as they moved you quickly from the side of the road, to the ambulance, “Keep your eyes open, keep your heart beating.” Y/N blinked twice, a sign for ‘yes’ as they slammed the doors to the ambulance shut. She looked at the ceiling of the ambulance, stickers littered the top, probably for the young kids they take to the hospital. She tried to fight the feeling of tiredness filling her body, the warmth of falling asleep becoming more inviting. The last thing she had heard was yelling and someone pounding on the top of the ambulance to get the driver to drive faster.
Jake watched from a far as they quickly moved his wife to an awaiting ambulance. He didn’t even get a chance to see her, before they were pulling out of the scene, lights and sirens blaring. The medics that were with Jake shared a look, before loading him up and following in suit of their other rig. 
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The waiting room was filled with the dagger squad and the Seresin family. Bradley had gotten the call from the hospital about Y/N and Jake’s accident. Jake had made Bradley his second emergency contact after the Uranium Mission. Bradley knew it, and he hoped he’d never get a call like this. He had contacted the rest of the dagger squad as well as Y/N’s parents since they lived in the area and had the kids. Bob and Phoenix had picked up the kids from Y/N’s parents and brought them to the hospital. No one knew the extent of Y/N’s injuries, but they knew Jake was going to be okay. He had a broken nose and a sprained wrist, as well as a pulled muscle in his neck. 
“When can we see momma?” Eli asked his Uncle Bob. Bob was currently on the floor with Jasper and Maxwell climbing all over him. 
“Not sure, buddy,” Bob said, and looked over at Rooster, who had just gotten back from seeing Jake, “How is he?” 
“Fine, asking for the best plastic surgeon to look at his nose,” Bradley said, sitting down in a chair. Ella quickly ran over to Bradley, making her way into his lap. He hugged her and kissed her forehead, “No other updates though.” They had all tried to not say anything about Y/N the best they could. Partly because they didn’t know about her condition, and because they wanted Jake to be the one to talk to his kids about it. 
“Uncle Coyote!” Alex giggled, as Coyote tickled him. 
“We should take them home soon,” Phoenix said, holding Jasper, “It’s getting late.” 
“Jake will want to see them,” Coyote said. 
“The nurse back there said he’ll be up soon, he’s signing discharge stuff,” Rooster said, “We’ll let him see them, and then take them back home.” 
“Her parents?” Bob asked. Rooster just shrugged. 
Jake had signed the discharge papers as quickly as he could, but they seemed to be never ending. All he wanted was to hold his kids and get an update on his wife. The last image of her spitting up blood was ingrained in his mind and he just wanted to know if she was okay. The only thing stopping him from going completely crazy was the fact that she did have a pulse when they left the scene. There was that bit. 
“Mr. Seresin?” His nurse, Marie, said in the doorway. She was an older lady, and certainly put Jake in his place when he pushed the young intern's hands away from his nose, “You have some visitors.” She gave him a smile, and stepped back. Jake smiled at the sight of his five kids, Alex and Ella running right to him. Eli held onto Rooster’s hand, as he held Jasper in one arm, and Phoenix held Maxwell in the other. 
“Dad!” Ella said, and climbed up on the bed. Jake grunted in pain, but brushed it off as she hugged him, “You have an ouchie.” 
“I do, baby,” Jake said, and Ella’s hands pushed tears back from his face. 
“No cry, dada,” Eli said, still not leaving Rooster’s side. That poor kid hated hospitals more than any of them. His first year of life they had been in and out of the hospital, and Jake hated seeing him back here, even though it was for him and not Eli this time. 
“I know buddy, come here,” Jake said and Eli reluctantly went towards his dad. Alex helped his little brother climb up on the bed, and curled himself into Jake’s side. “What are you monkeys doing up this late?” Jake asked, and kissed his son’s forehead. 
“Uncle Rooster picked us up from Nana and Papa’s,” Alex said, “Said you and mom got hurt.” 
“Momma okay?” Ella asked, and Jake looked at Rooster and Phoenix who were still holding one of the twins in their arms. 
“Uh. . . Momma got hurt, and it’s- it’s bad,” Jake said honestly, “The doctors are still working on her to try and make her feel better. It might be a while before you guys get to see her. The doctors are going to want to make sure she is 100% okay to be able to see you rascals.” Jake tickled the two kids by his side. 
“Did she get hurt like Rooster’s daddy?” Eli asked, his big green eyes looking up at him. 
Jake looked up at his friend and sighed. The kids had always been curious about things and had asked Rooster about his parents, and Bradley had been honest with them (of course asking Y/N and Jake for permission first). The old two Seresin kids knew what death was, and somewhat understood what happens when you die. Eli was still grasping it, it was a hard concept for a three year old to understand, and Jasper and Maxwell. . . well they were not even two yet. 
“Yeah she got hurt. . . Not sure how bad it is yet,” Jake said, and felt himself getting choked up again. 
“She’s not going with Rooster’s daddy though,” Ella said determinedly, “She’s going to stay here and get better.” 
“I hope so, baby,” Jake said. The Seresin kids stuck around a little bit longer before Phoenix and Rooster decided it was time for them to go. They had agreed to take the kids back to the Seresin house and stay with them until Jake would come home. Jake hugged his kids and squeezed them a bit tighter, saying goodnight and that he loved them, before they left. His heart broke as he watched them walk out of his room, and the sound of their voices faded. 
“They are beautiful,” Marie said, coming in after they left and checking his vitals. 
“That’s all my wife’s doing,” Jake said, and wiped his tears, “Can I see her?” 
Marie nodded, “I’ll get a tech in here to take you down. I’ll make a call and get things arranged so you can be in her room. They usually don’t let you stay with ICU patients. . . but no one likes to make me mad.” 
“I bet,” Jake smiled, “Can we request to have you as our nurse?” 
“Like I said, no one likes to make me mad,” Marie said, and walked out of the room. 
The care tech came and got Jake about ten minutes after Marie left. Jake hated having someone help him stand up from a bed to a wheelchair. He also felt weak as they wheeled him down the hallway towards the elevator. He shot Marie a glare and she just shrugged, they both knew it was out of her control, it was a hospital protocol. It felt like the longest elevator ride of his life all the way to the 7th floor. The lights were dimmed in the hallway since it was the middle of the night. But still the lights seemed so bright as he stared at her through the glass walls, laying so still, tubes and wires coming out of her body. He could see the small rise and fall of her chest, her heart was still beating. The tech opened the door slowly and wheeled Jake in. She looked so fragile, like if he breathed wrong, she would break. The tech placed his wheelchair by her bed and left the room. Jake grabbed her hand and squeezed it, as tears fell down his face. 
“Oh, baby,” He sighed out and let the tears fall down his face. Y/N’s hand was still warm, and he swore that she had gripped his hand, but that was just in his mind. He ran his hand over her hair, blood matted parts of it, and a white bandage was wrapped around her head. He placed her limp hand on his cheek, something that Y/N would do quite often as a sign of affection, “It’s all up to you, okay. If you… If you need to go, then you go. Don’t worry about us, okay. The kids and I will be here waiting for whatever you decide. But if you do go… wait for me, okay?” Jake leaned over to her and kissed her forehead. He sat down in the chair next to her and watched and waited.
Doctors and nurses gave him a sad smile every time they would come in to either administer drugs, check her vitals, or shine a bright light in her eyes. Each one said the same thing: “She’s stable” and would walk away to go check on other patients. And that’s how it went for three days. Her parents, Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, and sometimes even Mav or Penny would bring Jake food, a change of clothes and some company while he refused to leave her side. The only time he did leave her side was to go down and see the kids. He didn’t want them seeing their mother like that. No child should have to see their mother in such a state. When no one was there, Jake talked to Y/N like she could respond, telling her about things the kids did at school, or the latest celebrity drama, or showing her pictures of the kids. 
It was on day four that it all hit the fan. Jake had talked with Marie and the doctors, and had agreed to letting Alex and Ella see their mother. Alex was 10, and Ella was 7, they could handle the sight a little bit better than the littles. Jake had gone down to talk to them in the lobby, making sure they were both okay with going to see their mom, before taking them up to the seventh floor. He had been walking down the hallway, when he saw the rush of nurses and doctors going towards her room. He stopped in his tracks, holding Ella in his arms and Alex’s hand. He felt his heart stop as Marie rushed by him, and gave him a sad look. Jake stood helplessly in the hall, his two kids by him, as they rushed by with Y/N, a faint trail of blood following down the hallway towards the operating room. 
The Dagger Squad had left work as soon as Jake called them in distress. Penny had come up and taken Alex and Ella, taking them to go see a movie and get ice cream, anything to help distract them from what they saw. Jake suddenly felt like the worst parent ever, exposing his kids to that trauma. He had no idea what it was going to be like now for them. 
“I kinda hate this,” Bradley said, and sighed, sitting back in his chair, “The only other time I’ve sat in a waiting room was with my mother.” 
“Respectfully, Bradshaw, shut the fuck up,” Jake said, and Phoenix glared, “Sorry.” 
“No I get it, should’ve just kept quiet.” 
“No, I’m sorry, it’s just. . . Why is this taking so long?” Jake said, and stood up from his spot, “They said she threw a clot, which isn’t uncommon, but. . . this is taking longer than the first surgery. This is all my fault.” 
“Jake, it was an accident,” Phoenix said. 
“I was bitching about the goddamn rain,” Jake mumbled, “I hate fucking rain.” 
“You didn’t cause that accident and neither did the other driver. It was just. . . an accident.” 
That was the worst part for Jake, was having no one to blame. He lived a life, where there was always someone to blame. Losing a dogfight, equipment not being in, broken plates, anything around him, he could always find something or someone to blame. But how could he blame the rain for almost killing his wife? It sounded ridiculous even thinking about it. 
Slowly, the members of the Dagger Squad left, going home to their houses or partners, leaving Jake alone. They all wanted to stay by his side, but he told him it would bring him comfort knowing they went home for a good night's sleep and to go to work tomorrow. Jake sat alone in the waiting room, staring off into space as he waited. He couldn’t remember when he dozed off, but he startled awake when the doctor shook his shoulder and called out his name. The doctor’s face was unreadable as Marie stood behind him and refused to look Jake in the eye. 
Jake stood up and the doctor took a deep breath before beginning to speak. 
Jake’s steps felt like lead as he walked down the hallway. He took a deep breath before opening the door and going to the side of the bed. He sat down and grabbed her hand. Jake closed his eyes letting tears fall down his cheeks. He gently touched her forehead, which was now bandage free. Her body was stiff, and felt an odd temperature, she wasn’t cold but she wasn’t her normal temperature. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear. He sat back down in his chair and just held her hand, looking at her face. Jake waited for her parents to come in, and see her, not leaving her side until they said it was time to. 
That night, Jake went home for the first time in a week, and held his kids a bit tighter.
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A/N: is this an AU for Opposites Attract?? Idk. Stick around and find out :)
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alaskashigh · 10 months
York takes Cali to see the Rockafeller Christmas tree lighting every year ❤️
awhh he most definitely does! New York loves taking California to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree every year because he loves seeing his eyes filled with so much amazement and wonderment each time. no matter how many times California has been to see the tree and lights he always looks so amazed by it all, and it makes New York feel so good. it makes him feel special, makes him feel loved. it doesn't matter that many people who come from other states look at his cities and what he has to offer with the same kind of amazement. no one can make him feel as good as California can. no one can look at his cities, at his events, at him, with the same kind of love filled amazement that California does. whether they are best friends or life partners, California will always make him feel whole.
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askaceattorney · 9 months
Christmas Chicken
It is the day before Christmas and Larry wants to buy Edgeworth chicken from KFC. Hopefully, this year's Christmas will be better than it was 16 years ago.
Today would be the last day before Christmas break when Phoenix would be off work for two days. Last Christmas was the exception because of Edgeworth, but this year he would finally have his days off. It wasn't as if there weren't other lawyers willing to take cases. Usually, trials would not take place on Christmas unless they were big ones, especially ones that involved those who worked in law. After last year, Phoenix wanted this year to celebrate Christmas with Maya, Pearl and-
The door burst open with Larry storming in urgency. Oh no.
“NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! We gotta hurry before it's too late!” Larry cried excitedly.
“Before what is too late? Larry, what do you want?” Phoenix asked.
“Chicken, dude! It's the Holidays and we still haven't got our chicken for Edgey!”
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Phoenix asked, now seemingly more confused. Sure, California followed the tradition of eating chicken for Christmas instead of turkey or ham, but he couldn't recall him and Larry agreeing to buy chicken for Edgeworth. Not that he wouldn't want to.
“Don't you remember? How could you forget about our promise?” Larry asked his eyes in tears.
“Promise?” Phoenix questioned, rubbing his chin to figure out what it was that Larry was talking about. Christmas. Chicken. Edgeworth. “Hold it! Are you talking about that time you dragged to go to KFC to buy chicken for Edgeworth for Christmas?”
“YES! I knew you wouldn't forget!” Larry smirked, hands on his hips, before crying again. “But, Edgey and Pops weren't home that day!”
“And left me out in the cold rain for hours while the chicken grew cold,” Phoenix reminded Larry, already feeling his buckets of sweat pouring.
“And ruined our beloved chicken,” Larry finished, still in tears.
Actually, the chicken wasn't ruined. It had just turned cold and Larry left Phoenix by himself in the rain with the chicken still in the box, trying to keep it from sogging in the rain. It was recalling that memory that Phoenix remembered how much trouble he got for being out in the rain and catching the flu. This was also the last day he ever saw Edgeworth and the last Christmas they had before DL-6.
Sighing, Phoenix agreed, “I'll go, if it makes you feel any better.”
“Awesome Nick. I knew I could count on you!” Larry grinned happily, showing his teeth. He then showed his smirk again. “I checked the weather too. There should be no rain this time.”
“That's... good I guess,” Phoenix replied, still wanting to bring an umbrella just in case. “There should be a KFC just a few blocks away.”
“Let's go, then!”
Phoenix and Larry went outside, hopping on their bikes and riding along. However, Phoenix made sure to put up a 'Closed for the Holidays' sign before leaving. Maya was already shopping for chicken for her and Pearl, so why couldn't he? It was very cool today with the entire city of L.A. decorating for the holidays with their bright lights on the buildings and trees that sparkled green, yellow and red. Christmas trees were propped up with decorative lights and snowflakes were planted on the windows and doors. Advertisements were everywhere of Christmas cakes, chicken, chocolates, coffee and sodas. Lines were piling up to get their holiday meals.
“No worries, I already made a reservation, so we should have our chicken hot and ready!” Larry assured excitedly.
“Did you reserve a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked, being that 16 years ago Larry had only got the chicken bucket since he didn't know that the whole chicken had to be reserved. “How much did it cost?”
“Don't worry, it's only forty bucks. I figured you'd be able to pay for it. It beats using Edgey's lunch money,” Larry said as Phoenix shot him a glare. “I'm kidding, man!”
“Of course, you are because, at the time, you had to beg your sister for money while combining it with my pocket change I got from mowing lawns,” Phoenix reminded Larry.
“Hey, you remembered! Man, my sis was so mean! I had to clean her room for the entire week just so she could give me ten dollars. Between the two of us, we were able to reach enough to afford a big chicken bucket,” Larry said blissfully.
“Don't you get paid for that Santa gig or wherever you're working at now?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah! You want us to split like 16 years ago? I can cough up twenty.”
“Yes! I still need to save some for Maya and Pearls! I'm not spending Forty bucks for a bird you ordered!”
“Fine. Fine. We'll split the cost. Geez, that's all you had to say.”
Phoenix was now remembering that last Christmas with Edgeworth so clearly, now that he was helping Larry. He never realized how much this meant to his childhood friend. He still remembered, that after buying the chicken bucket, he and Larry were searching for Edgeworth. It was almost Christmas Eve and had realized that the Edgeworths were not home. They didn't realize that Gregory had taken him and Miles to have Christmas with his colleague, Raymond Shields. Worst of all, it began pouring rain.
“Great, now our Christmas Present is ruined!” Larry whined as Nick protected the chicken bucket with his body and the edge of the roof of the apartment where the Edgeworths lived. “Let's go home, Nick.”
“No! The chicken is fine! We can still give it to Miles,” Young Nick exclaimed, feeling the pour of water from the rain pouring from the roof and onto his back. He was determined to protect the chicken bucket.
“Forget it. He's not home. We're already in trouble as it is,” Larry sighed, walking mopily back home. “Merry Christmas.”
“Larry,” Nick muttered, hearing the thunder from the rain and feeling stupid for not bringing an umbrella like his mom always told him to. He stared down at the bucket of chicken with determination in his furrowed eyebrows. “Miles will come home. He has to.” He looked up at the dark clouds of the sky as his entire back began to drench in water, his body shaking from the cold water. Thankfully, it rarely ever got cold in L.A.
“We're here!” Larry cried excitedly, Phoenix was now back to reality as the two of them parked their bikes at the bike rack, remembering to lock their bikes with the bike lock. “Hurry!” Larry took his best friend by the sleeve of his blue suit, then dragged him to the back of the line inside KFC.
There was an aroma of cooked chicken and fried foods. It was enough to make anyone who entered go hungry, even after eating. It was mostly clean with a sizable line and people at the tables talking among themselves. The sounds of beeping could be heard from behind the cash registers all lined up along the long counter where the crew workers were cooking the food, taking orders from the drive-thru and preparing.
Larry excitedly stared at the screen menu, grinning, “I've already ordered ahead of time, so they should be ready with the chicken to pick up.”
“Did you really order a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked in an amazed tone.
“Sure did! I wasn't going to ruin the chicken this time,” Larry smirked braggingly.
“The chicken wasn't ruined last time either. It just got cold,” Phoenix reminded his friend once more, sighing.
“It was still ruined. We never even got to eat it together,” Larry cried sadly as Phoenix shook his head.
“Because you left so soon.”
“The chicken was ruined!” Larry cried with such heartbreak that Phoenix felt bad, but also...
“Larry, we...” Phoenix tried to explain before they made it to the clerk.
“What can I get for you?” The Clerk asked politely.
“Oh yes, we ordered a whole chicken earlier this month. Larry Butz,” Larry said, his tears now gone and replaced with his usual cocky expression.
“Ah yes! Mr. Butz. Let me check,” The Clerk replied checking the orders to find a whole chicken.
“Thank you!” Larry cried out.
“Larry, listen, about the chicken,” Phoenix said, taking his friend by the shoulder.
“I know, right!? I can't wait until we get a bite of that!”
“No, I mean when we were kids. After you left, I waited with that chicken bucket for hours until the Edgeworths got home.”
“I know, Nick. The chicken was cold and you caught the flu because I always ruin everything,” Larry sighed sadly.
“Larry, that's not wha-” Phoenix tried to say, but was interrupted.
“Don't try to make me feel better, Nick. I know I'm trouble. That's why they call me the Butz. 'When something smells, it's always the Butz.' I just wanna do something right for once, alright. I always mess everything up, even my relationships.”
“Larry...” Phoenix said gently before the clerk came with the bag with the whole grilled chicken inside. The white bag showed the face of Colonial Sanders on the front.
“That will be 41.23,” The Clerk said as both Phoenix and Larry opened their wallets.
“Wait, I checked the price and it said $40!” Larry exclaimed.
“That's before tax, Larry,” Phoenix explained, feeling like facepalming right now. “It's fine, I'll pay the extra dollar and cents.”
“Thanks, Buddy,” Larry cried joyfully before he and Phoenix split the pay of the chicken, with Phoenix paying an extra dollar and twenty-three cents more.
Larry and Phoenix tied the bag before making their way to their bikes. Larry dropped the chicken in Phoenix's front bike basket. The two of them made their way, peddling to Edgeworth's apartment. Larry seemed so excited that everything was going his way for once. However, the one thing he seemed to underestimate was how long it was going to take to get to the apartment and to check the sky. Phoenix knew and was thankful he always knew to bring an umbrella. It was just like 16 years ago.
The first few drops landed on Larry's face before he screamed, “SERIOUSLY!?! It's raining!” He stopped peddling as Phoenix paused his, opening his umbrella.
“I've got an umbrella and the bag is tied tightly. The rain isn't going to ruin the chicken if we hurry,” Phoenix promised before the few drops turned into a downpour.
“Why does the world hate me!?” Larry cried dramatically, Phoenix keeping his umbrella above the chicken to keep it dry.
“I just want this Christmas to go right for once! I even checked the weather to make sure it wouldn't rain and they said it wouldn't!”
“This is not fair! Christmas is ruined and I-”
“LARRY BUTZ WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!?!” Phoenix screamed at Larry, making him stop his dramatics and stare directly at his friend, who was using his umbrella to protect the chicken. “You are a butz and always cause trouble, but you were the one that brought us together!” Larry stared at his best friend dumbfounded, his eyes still blinking in shock as Phoenix continued, “You stole Edgeworth's lunch money and while that might've resulted in me getting thrown under the bus by my classmates, that action showed me who my real friends were. You were the one that introduced me to Cow Tipping.”
“Yeah, before almost getting killed by a bull,” Larry muttered.
“But, we weren't and do you know why?”
“Because Edgey got us out?” Larry replied with a question.
“That's right. In the end, getting me to Cow Tip is what brought Edgeworth into the cattle pin and got us Detention. We were the only ones in the Detention Room. We were together.”
“Our Christmas was ruined that day, but not because of the chicken. It was because you weren't there,” Phoenix said as Larry's face began changing to that of a look that had been hit by a bulldozer. “So, don't leave this time when you don't even know how Christmas will turn out. Just because it didn't go the way we wanted, that doesn't mean it's all for naught. Look at the chicken.”
Larry looked at the chicken, seeing that it was still tied shut without a drop of rain on it. Even so “The chicken will get cold,” he said.
“It will. So, don't leave us this time. Let's have Christmas together,” Phoenix said as Larry nodded solemnly.
“Let's have Christmas together... rain or no rain,” Larry decided, getting back on his bike. “I won't leave this time.”
Phoenix smiled warmly before the two of them peddled down the rainy path. They were almost to Edgeworth's apartment anyhow. While riding his bike, Phoenix made sure that the chicken stayed as dry as it could with his umbrella. He was just as determined to save the chicken as he was those years ago. At the time, he never realized how much that day meant to Larry or his wanting to make that Christmas without causing trouble. Phoenix always assumed that Larry just never thought much of all the times he caused trouble for others. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that, in Larry's shoes, he'd feel dejected.
That Christmas was the last holiday Phoenix and Larry had with Edgeworth before DL-6 which would take place only three days later. Larry just wanted to make things right with Edgeworth, knowing Christmas was probably the worst holiday for him as a reminder of the worst day of his life. However, what Larry never knew was what had happened that day after he left.
Nick waited at the Edgeworths' apartment for hours and minutes he couldn't count. It was already black outside and had been freezing from the rain pouring and trying to keep the food dry. His arms went stiff at this point, his breaths panting before taking notice of the headlights from the car. Nick blinked, focusing on his breathing without noticing someone approaching.
“Nick, is that you? What are you doing here so late at night?” Gregory asked as Nick turned, not realizing his face was in tears.
“Larry and I got Miles some chicken a-and now it's...” Nick sobbed before sneezing.
“You're an idiot! Where is Larry!?” Miles asked, sounding angry as Nick turned his face down sadly, his body shaking again before feeling a brown coat over his body.
“Come here,” Gregory cooed, holding Nick in his arms. “Miles, bring the chicken inside. Hurry!”
“Yes, Father!” Miles replied, hurriedly taking the bucket of chicken and bringing it inside the apartment.
“B-B-But the chicken's probably co-oh AH-CHOO!” Nick trembled before sneezing.
“We can heat it up and eat it. Come on, now. I'll go warm you up some hot tea,” Gregory said, bringing Nick inside to provide him with warm clothes and to warm up the chicken.
Larry and Phoenix finally made it to Edgeworth's apartment, the sky already dark with its black clouds and thunder. Grabbing a hold of the bag of chicken, Phoenix dashed the doors of the stairwell, making their way to the front door of Edgeworth's apartment. At least the rain couldn't touch the chicken, now that it was dry. Larry pressed the doorbell.
“Hey Edgey! It's Nick and your old pal!” Larry called as Phoenix's body began shaking. He turned, taking notice. “Hurry up man, Nick is shaking! It's pouring out there and we brought you some chicken!”
The door opened, only to meet a familiar face that Phoenix did NOT want to meet, but it seemed Larry thought the opposite. He grinned, “And, who are you supposed to- EEK!” An oncoming whip made his way from the trigger-happy prosecutor.
“What is the meaning of this!? Phoenix Wright, you better explain yourself before I-” Franziska demanded before Phoenix began to sneeze.
“Sorry,” Phoenix moaned, feeling the sniffles.
“Honestly Wright, after all of these years, I'd think you'd have learned about going along with Larry's ideas!” Edgeworth rebuked with a voice filled with annoyance.
“You know this foolish man?” Franziska asked dumbfoundedly, glaring at Larry who got up.
“Sure do. Edgey and I go way back. So... are you Edgey's girlfriend? I didn't think he would ever get a date,” Larry grinned as Edgeworth glared at him.
“For your information, she is my mentor's daughter and like a sister to me!” Edgeworth glared.
“Oh, a sister. Why didn't you say so?” Larry said, not erasing his grin.
“S-So um... can I go inside. The chicken's already cold and I- AH-CHOO!” Phoenix sneezed.
“It went cold again?” Larry asked, saddened. “It's just like 16 years ago. I always ruined everything, even chicken.”
“What are you blabbering about?” Edgeworth asked, seemingly confused.
“H-H-He's talking about that time when we bought that KFC chicken bucket and AH-CHOO!” Phoenix explained before sneezing again.
“Ah yes, my last Christmas with you. You really did miss out, didn't you?” Edgeworth smirked slightly, showing a much softer smile.
“Huh?” Larry asked with blinking, surprised eyes.
“Father took Wright in and got him a new change of clothes while heating the chicken he brought in the oven. We ate while spending Christmas Eve together. It was the very first ever sleepover I had and Father was grateful that I made a friend,” Edgeworth explained while Larry sat there, hearing everything that he had missed out on. “I always knew you were foolish, but leaving your friend out in the rain by himself and missing out on the happiest Christmas of my life was the most foolish out of all of them. Honestly.”
It hit Larry over the head in his realization of just how stupid he had been. He felt so angry and upset with himself at the time that he just gave up. Phoenix never gave up, even when all the rain was pouring down on him. This was the last and happiest time Edgeworth ever had with his father and Larry missed out on it. He got himself up, not even noticing Franziska folding her arms and thinking.
“I'm... very sorry, Edgey. I'm sorry for not being there and I'm sorry for leaving you out in the rain, Nick,” Larry apologized.
Phoenix sniffed, replying, “Y-You're always trouble. AH-CHOO but... I told you didn't I? You brought Edgeworth and I together.”
“Maybe, but you're the one that is keeping us together. You still sought Edgey when I gave up on him after he left. Don't sell yourself short,” Larry said, showing a warm smile.
“O-Only if you d-d-d- AH-CHOO don't,” Phoenix sniffed as Edgeworth humphed.
“Honestly, get inside. You're freezing to death, Wright! I've got a pair of extra clothes your size,” Edgeworth offered, guiding Phoenix inside as Franziska took the bag of chicken.
“Hmph, it seems you fools were able to keep this dry. I'll see to it that it's heated up properly, but it will have to be eaten now,” Franziska stated factually as Larry followed her.
After eating the bucket of chicken that had been warmed up by Gregory, Nick and Miles slept in their sleeping bags with night clothes on. Gregory made sure to call Nick's mother to inform her where he was and ask if he could sleep over. Nick knew that his mom was going to get onto him for staying out in the rain and catching a cold. He felt his nose stuff up, making it hard to breathe in though his nose. He blew his nose, but his nose still felt stuffed.
“You are the most stupid individual I've ever met in my life,” Miles rebuked.
“Sorry,” Nick apologized, huddling into his sleeping bag. “I had a great time tonight.”
“I did too,” Miles replied, smiling softly. “Thank you. I never had friends over for Christmas. Can we do this every Christmas?”
“Mhm,” Phoenix promised. “We'll spend every Christmas together.”
“Make sure to bring Larry this time. I won't forgive you, if you let him ditch you again,” Miles stated as Phoenix nodded. “I mean it. Larry is trouble, but that's because he only sees what's in front of him, not what's beyond. You need to remind him that there's always something beyond his sight. I know he's more capable than he thinks. If he only just tried and never gave up, he can reach the stars beyond my reach.”
“You really think so?” Nick asked.
“I believe the both of you can. Larry just never tries, while you try too much,” Miles said, sighing before closing his eyes to go to sleep.
“Heh,” Nick responded, staring up at the ceiling as he began feeling sleep taking over, perhaps from the cold medicine he was given earlier. “Merry Christmas.”
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nachoaveragejoe234 · 2 years
Barbie movies settings (including mentioned places that aren't the setting of the movie)
Nutcracker and Swan Lake - Russia. Based on Russian ballets, Tchaikovsky can be seen in a picture in Clara's house, Ivan has a Russian name and accent
Rapunzel - Germany
12 Dancing Princesses - Germany. Based on a Brothers Grimm story
Princess and the Pauper - England. Based on The Prince and the Pauper, which was set in England
Magic of Pegasus - Netherlands during winter. Annika is a Dutch name and several characters, including her, wear vaguely Dutch clothing. Other places that have been theorized are Scandinavia and Russia.
Fairytopia trilogy - Portugal. Elina mentions knowing Mariposa, who's from Spain, and is "cut off from Flutterfield".
Barbie Diaries - Malibu, California
Island Princess - Italy. Names such as Rosella, Antonio, Luciana, and Ariana already tell us a lot, but the sunny weather, the characters all having tans, and some of the architecture also indicate this.
Christmas Carol - London, England
Three Musketeers - Paris, France
Diamond Castle - Europe, likely Germany/France, and/or Greece. Liana and Alexa wear stereotypically European dresses, the house looks like a traditional French cottage, but the Muses wear togas and the Diamond Castle itself looks vaguely Greek temple-ish on the inside.
Thumbelina - United States. Updated the setting and time period to the 2000s, clearly not in Denmark.
Fashion Fairytale - Paris, France
Mermaid Tale - Malibu, California
Mariposa - Spain. Also because of the accents.
Mermaid Tale 2 - Australia (the Ambassadors are however coded as Korean, African, Brazilian, and Russian), maybe New Zealand (Aquellia is implied to be near it)
Fairy Secret - Malibu, California (Gloss Angeles is another dimension)
Princess Charm School - Europe. No indication as to where "Gardania" is. However, most speaking Charm School students are from other places (Hadley is from South America, Isla is from Japan, Portia is from Scotland, and Josette is from Africa)
Princess and the Popstar - Monaco. Meribella looks like Monaco, with it's small status and how rich it is. Also Amelia mentions her grandma knowing the King of Spain.
Mariposa and the Fairy Princess - Malta. Shimmervale is "across Fairytopia", and the British accents of many people, as well as several dark haired background fairies, some with light skin, some with dark skin, a common feature of Maltese people.
Pink Shoes - United States, France, Russia (The ballet world uses Giselle, a French ballet, and Swan Lake)
Pony Tale - Switzerland
Pearl Princess - Denmark. A mermid story with some similarities to The Little Mermaid.
Secret Door - Europe (Zinnia is another dimension)
Princess Power - Europe or an alternate reality America, or somehwere in the near distant future
Starlight Adventure - Space, in the future
Great Puppy Adventure - Willows, Wisconsin
Puppy Chase - Hawaii
Rock N Royals - Europe (with campers from other European places: Sloane from Scotland, maybe her two friends are American as they resemble Dua Lipa and Halle Bailey vaguely, Aubray from Ireland, Genevieve from England, Svetlana Petranova from Russia)
Spy Squad - Los Angeles, California
Video Game Hero - United States, "Japan". Her video game is heavily Japanese inspired, with animesque characters and Nintendoesque visuals.
Dolphin Magic - Malibu, California
Princess Adventure - Europe
Lost Birthday - United States
Big City Big Dreams - New York
Mermaid Power - Malibu, California
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frecklesky · 2 years
The Venus Signs as Winter Vacation Destinations
Aries: Somewhere they can have a warm, fun, adventure - like hiking in Peru or seeing the Galápagos Islands
Taurus: Somewhere warm in Europe where they can relax, like Spain or Portugal
Gemini: Somewhere exciting that they can enjoy playing in the snow, like the Swiss Alps
Cancer: Somewhere with a beach, so likely somewhere in the Caribbean, like Jamaica or the Bahamas.
Leo: Somewhere where they can get into the Christmas spirit, like New York City to see the tree lighting and go ice-skating
Virgo: Somewhere they’ve always wanted to go, so a classic destination like Paris or Rome
Libra: Somewhere they can let loose, like Las Vegas
Scorpio: Somewhere cool, both in temperature and vibe, so like Iceland.
Sagittarius: Somewhere warm and sunny, like Morocco or Greece.
Capricorn: Somewhere they can explore and have new experiences, like Japan or South Africa.
Aquarius: Somewhere they can be in the ocean and maybe go surfing, like Australia or California.
Pisces: Somewhere with beautiful architecture, like Budapest, Hungary or Prague, Czechia.
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afpwestcoast · 9 months
Belasco Theater, LA, 12/8/23
I’m often asked why I go to so many Dolls shows. It’s a big question with a complicated answer, but a major factor is the crowds. Most of my closest friends and almost every cool person I know I met at a Dresden Dolls show, and this one continued the trend.
I met Dolly, who had actually responded to a general call on the Facebook group and sent me a birthday card in October. She regaled us with tales of the decade she spent traveling around the country by hopping trains.
We also met Natalie and Julia, a dynamic sister duo. Natalie is a Dolls fan but Julia was tagging along out of solidarity - sisterhood is strong. They were delightful, but Natalie has been saddled with club thumbs, a genetic defect that was common amongst European royalty due to inbreeding. Drawing conclusions from that is left as an exercise to the reader. The venue was larger (~1500) and less intimate (a barrier kept the crowd back from the stage) than the recent run of shows, but the band was better rehearsed and well rested and provided the extra energy needed to overcome these issues. I generally prefer my Dresden Dolls shows with a soupçon of chaos, but watching the band flex their performance chops with virtuosity was inspiring. Annotated Set List:
Good Day
Sex Changes
My Alcoholic Friends
Shores of California - Brian said this was the first show they had played within the city limits of LA since 2008, so of course they had to roll this one out.
Mrs. O
Delilah (featuring Veronica Swift)
Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover)
There was a break in the set as Amanda warned that they were about to launch into a bunch of new songs and gave a lengthy explanation of how the Dresden Dolls are fundamentally a live band and need to work things out on stage. “The thing about playing these new songs is like they’re not quite ready, so if they suck a little bit know that we are going to continue to rehearse them and make them suck less.”
Then Brian explained that Amanda was nervous about playing the new songs and was delaying the inevitable by talking, which shamed her into proceeding into the new material, which has, in fact, gotten tighter and better over the past year. The new album is going to be fire.
Mister God - Despite Boyfriend in a Coma being officially dubbed Tom’s New Favorite Song in Orlando, I think this one is actually my new favorite.
Houdini - This is a close second in the New Favorite Song sweepstakes, which is a bit surprising since I typically prefer the bangers to the slower songs, but this one has power.
Amsterdam (Jacques Brel cover) - Amanda headed up to the balcony for this one, as is tradition.
Another Christmas (Brian on guitar, Amanda on jingle bells) - An original Christmas song that is exactly as sad and depressing as you would expect. At this point there was a medical emergency in the crowd and the house lights came up as they took someone out in a wheelchair. The response from the security team, the band, and the crowd was stellar all around.
Boyfriend in a Coma - This is a “new” song that was actually written 20 years ago and recently resurrected for the new album. It was written about an old boyfriend who almost died, and, coincidentally, Amanda reconnected with him and is dating him again. But she dusted the song off BEFORE reconnecting, in a cosmic coincidence.
The Runner - This is essentially a run-down of Amanda’s dating history in song form.
The Nail featuring the new third member of the Dresden Dolls: Amanda’s new Moog synthesizer.
Coin-Operated Boy - Amanda paused after the first few bars to comment on the harsh transition from The Nail, which is slow and contemplative, and Coin-Op, which is … not.
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Half Jack - It’s traditional to do a long intro that starts minimalist and slowly builds to launch the song, but tonight Brian took it to the next level. After the show I told Amanda if they did a show that was just Half Jack with a 2hr intro I would be here for it. She said that they actually did that at one of the shows they opened for Panic at the Disco! because they were so fed up on that tour.
Girl Anachronism - The original set list had Sing as the closer but Amanda called an audible, which was a solid choice after the medical emergency had drained the energy from the room.
Photo Gallery:
Natalie is a goddamned delight. Despite her … nonstandard thumbs.
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The creepy ghost of John Lennon welcomes you to the Internet.
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Dresden Dolls Gothic
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What’s a Christmas song without jingle bells?
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That’s a wrap!
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