#Zoran didn't really want to
the-apex-hub · 3 months
Zoran walked up to Lex with a confused look on her face. "Dad, I met a really weird guy coming home from school. I don't know if the authorities should be alerted, but he wasn't from Quietem. I'm telling you first cause I don't want Papa Xander to lose his mind."
"That is...mildly concerning." Lex said, rubbing his chin as he thought about it. "It's good that you told me. What exactly made him weird? He didn't say anything inappropriate to you, right?"
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morgana-lefay · 7 months
Yes, Zoran sounds pissed because Till isn't working with him anymore! He needs him but Till doesn't. And saying Till's videos not from him are like Rammstein from Ali Express? Man, you sounds pissed because you're not the onde who directed masterpieces like Ich hasse Kinder, Zunge or Sport frei!
Well, @franwikema just pointed out to me that Zoran had a clip of Till's guitar players on his Instagram, that I've seen being shown during his latest Tour, so he might have been responsible for the video part of the shows, including the more recent ones, even if he directed none of his music videos (at least, so far) since that one I mentioned, back in 2020. But he still sounds pissed that he went with different directors for his music videos in Zunge, since he directed pretty much everything for LINDEMANN.
I don't doubt that he and Till work well together, but does Till really needs to be pushed to extremes all the time? Is Zoran the only one who can get the best out of Till as a solo artist? Even if he, very conceitedly, wants to believe it, I hardly think so and, like I said in my previous post, I enjoy some of their work together and with Rammstein, I just think it's also interesting he's working with different crowds (including a woman director for Zunge).
Till the End, for example. I don't think all that was necessary to convey the message he refers to, which I actually got from it. But, to me, the uncensored version of Platz Eins was much more efficient on that matter (and the song is 10 times better than Till the End) and would have sufficed. Also, I think it's funny he's now saying this about "Praise Abort": "The video starts with "Rammstein Till" and then "solo Till" comes in with a pig face and kicks him off the stage. A lot of people didn't understand that". Well, a lot of people didn't understand that (me included), maybe because there's a making of on that video and never once he mentioned this take. Why now?
To finish this subject, I just think he would have done a better service to his friend by keeping his mouth shut, because it brought back old stuff and just made people lash out on Till yet again (also, I don't think it's cool to talk for another person, especially when that person isn't found of giving interviews...).
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ - Euryhaline Zora & Coastal Rito Port Town
I have an idea for a new settlement in Hyrule.
This is a result of an adventurous Zora woman falling in love with an equally adventurous Lurelin man. However, both had desperately wanted children of their own, but obviously couldn't have them. Neither were opposed to adoption, but they still want what they want. Then the little Lurelin man remembers an ancient story of the Hero of Time.
And part of that story had been about a magical mask that could turn the wearer into a Zora. The story had spoken of a distant land across the sea to the east & falling into another world.
So, while not totally believing it, they figured that the journey would be worth it at least.
Anyway, they sort of commandeer a monster pirate ship, gather a crew, & set sail to lands long forgotten.
Only to discover a new land named New Hyrule, ruled by another Hylian Royal Family, where people rode along on long, metal carriages chained together, the one at the front seeming to billow out smoke, & moved down large minecart tracks. The people also seemed able to capture images with wooden boxes that produced those images on pieces of paper almost automatically. Not even the Purah Pad could do that & while not as advanced as the Pad, it seemed that these "Pictoboxes" were low-cost enough & made of cheap enough materials that a decent number of people could own one if they wished. They didn't even seem all that complicated to make if you knew how!
It was certainly a great surprise, as these individuals claimed that their ancestors had ventured there from the Great Sea in the west to found a new kingdom inspired by the old legends of a sleeping kingdom beneath the Great Sea.
The unlikely pair informed the king of the time that there was no Great Sea in that direction, only their home country of Hyrule, which was founded 10,000 years ago, which comes as a shock.
This is how it was discovered that the legendary kingdom was, in fact, real & that King Rauru had merely refounded a new iteration of the kingdom based on what was considered a myth at the time.
Anyway, this began the process of a new & great alliance.
Turns out that the 2 Hyrule Royal Families were indeed related by blood, though so distantly that it didn't even really matter anymore.
But that wasn't what the pair had come there for. They set off to find the doorway to another world & found it they did. They fell into the terrifying world & began to search high & low for the desired mask. Which this world was filled with. In the end, they found themselves aiding a number of people before acquiring the Zora Mask as a reward.
Anyway, the unique mixing of Termina's old Sea Zora with Hyrule's new River Zora results in euryhaline Zora able to survive in both the ocean & rivers.
Their appearance ends up resembling that of the Twilight Princess Zora, though with more color variation. Their main color remains that sort of silvery-blue or faded teal shade of the old Zora, but with vivid accent colors much like the new Zora. However, they do seem to retain the new Zoran sizes.
The males tend to have the more utilitarian webbed fins of the green River Zora, while the females tend to have more betta-like fins.
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A bit like this in style. Not my art. Though, with more variety of colors for the accents & following the specifics that I listed above.
These Zora later make a settlement on Eventide Island & create a new Domain called Koholint.
I'm also making Koholint a chain of islands much like Hawaii with Eventide being the smallest & closest to the mainland & their capital being on an island named Windfall. The other islands are Outset Island, Gale Island, Greatfish Island, & Dragon Roost Island. The domain is called Koholint, but the whole of the island chain are called the Koholina Archipelago. Koholina being the Lurelin word for "to choose joy."
Later, some human/Hylian Lurelin residents begin to live there, as well as a small faction of Rito that eventually adapt to the climate, becoming more water birds. They come to be known as Coastal Rito.
While the island's architecture resembles a mix of Zora's Domain, Rito Village, & Lurelin Village, with the commercial district & Rito & human/Hylian residences being on the island itself & the Zora's residences being underwater, the colors of the stonework resembles more the inside of the Face & Color Dungeons from the new Link's Awakening remake. With some definite influence from Lurelin & the Rito.
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The Zora homes will mostly retain a Zora's Domain architecture, but with definite influences from Hindu & coastal Greco-Roman design aesthetics. On the other hand, the island architecture will use more wood & take on the more Maori aesthetic with coastal Hindu influence. Though, both will have definite influences from each other. (I guess what I mean when I say Hindu inflence is a look like what you see with Skyward Sword's Ancient Cistern. So, some definite Buddhist influences. At least as far as design.)
They don't really have a king, more so a Chieftain as the culture there tends to take more influence from both the Rito & Lurelin, which both tend to be more tribal.
The overall result ends up being a mix of Polynesian, southern coastal Native American, & coastal Hindu with some ancient coastal Greco-Roman influence (even Atlantis-like) for the underwater sections of the settlement. As well as in their formal fashion. Though, again, even when showcasing these Greco-Roman features, they still showcase an overall fusion of the many cultural influences as a whole.
There'd likely also be a tiny bit of Caribbean & Okinawan inspiration in there too.
They'd also have various Polynesian weapons such as the mutitude of types of Lei'o'manō (sharktooth weapons) for a Lurelin weaponry. As well as stuff like an Ulimasao (paddle-club used to end wars & usher in peace) & an Aufana (bow). Not to mention fishing & hunting spears too.
Likewise, the Coastal Rito will have invented a wooden double-limbed bow called a Pālua Lima Pana. It is a high-performance bow with a lot of power behind it & was inspired by the bow used by Karina, the Goddess of Love & Passion. Who the Faronites refer to as Kalina.
Either way, I feel like they'd eventually become a fishing & port town.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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mareastrorum · 1 year
Tinfoil Hats for LitMoR
OKAY SO, here is a shitty conspiracy theory map for the connections between people in @grayintogreen's Life in the Margins of Redemption series on AO3.
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Turns out Scrivener is useful for charts as well as drafting really long stories.
Here's a few excerpts to back this up:
Let's start with The Seven. They're the masterminds behind a lot of what's going on. The current members are Ashley Allard, Jayne Merriweather (both co-leaders), Gabriel Ferreira, Obann (idiot who doesn't know what's going on), Jourrael (geas), and Zerxus (geas).
Gabriel's reveal as a member included some background about the Seven:
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His mother's line was a family of Tharizdun worshipers, much like the Merriweather family. Given that pattern, and that Yves Allard was also a worshiper, it's safe to assume the entire Allard family is as well, which explains Ashley's involvement.
But Ashley's the one running the plan about interfering with stuff, not Yves!
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Presumably Ashley still plans to get the Laughing Hand, just not yet.
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So that would be their Seven members. And they wanted to delay Cognouza's return! They did this by getting Lucien away from the Somnovem and interfering with the other Tombtakers gathering the crests.
Ashley is the one that ensured the MN would find a way to get Lucien away from the Somnovem because he put Twiggy and the Happy Fun Ball in their path.
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Ashley's the one that intervened with Tyffial in Aeor, and (presumably) had Jayne (and maybe Obann) inflict a geas on Tyffial, Zoran, and Otis.
Jayne was personally invited to Yves Allard's party in OUADYA and knew Obann's plan for Yasha.
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Oddly enough, Ashley wasn't at the party. He wasn't invited?! Some kind of falling out maybe. Ashley had a brother, so maybe there was some family strife that got resolved with murder so he could get the Blade of Broken Mirrors.
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Ashley being the unfavorite Allard would explain SO MUCH about his need to lead and have everyone's attention.
But, anyway. At the same party, Jayne pissed off Molly to get him to go feral...
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and kill Yves Allard...
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and/or to get Molly to lose control and let the Somnovem take over? Or was that a test?
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So the Seven know how to trigger Molly for sure. But to what end? When do they plan on making that shit permanent?
Gabriel also kept an eye on the Mighty Nein for Ashley while the group was in Darktow.
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And Jayne checked in on the Somnovem after Lucien's rescue to ensure they were feeding off of the chains at the fane they had broken when they first escaped to the Astral Sea.
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So the Seven are manipulating the Somnovem and the Nein, and they're waiting for some specific time to try to get Cognouza back. We just don't know when, nor why Molly would be useful as the Somnovem's puppet. Maybe they just want a body separate from Cognouza and the Nonagon's body has some specific use.
That's all we know about the Seven for now. They're behind everything and have some timeline they're working on.
Next is Shadycreek Run. There's a few loose ends there that need tying. First, when Lucien was 5, before the Dougals were killed, thugs showed up and offered 1,000 gold for Lucien.
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Now, I thought it'd be the Jagentoths at first, BUT once the Dougals were murdered and the thugs took Lucien to the Jagentoths, Reese commented they could get 800 gold for him. They didn't have a buyer lined up!
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So it couldn't be that the original buyer was from or went through the Jagentoths. It must have been that they heard about some buyer and decided to get some quick cash by taking Lucien by force, but they couldn't find whoever the original buyer was. So SOMEONE ELSE wanted Lucien as a kid and didn't get him.
Later, when Lucien, Cree, Tyffial, and Jurrell are caught by the Jagentoths, Ionos bragged that he found a rich buyer for him on the coast.
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Which is where Yves Allard's estate was! We know Ashley is too young to have been plotting this scheme since Lucien was a kid (which would have been behind the 1000 gold offer), so it probably wasn't Ashley's plan. Thus, it might have been an older generation's plan. Yves? Probably not, since he was off having a party and being useless. Another Allard then!
And that brings up another thing: why would Jack Mardoon adopt Ophelia? C'mon, that was just too weird.
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And it seems awful convenient that the Mardoons have a no kid policy. That means Lucien would have HAD to be left behind.
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But Ophelia went through with it, leaving Lucien with the Dougals, and pretty much anyone else in the Run would have sold him in those instances above. It seems that plan fell through.
But the Allards were on the coast if that's actually true. So who was their contact in Shadycreek Run?
This brings us to Rowan.
At the Court of Nightmares party, Jester ran into a weirdo that stuck out just a bit too much!
Rowan is another name for the mountain ash, a tree that is native to Ireland and grows red berries that look like eyes. That's a little too convenient. Plus the Allards (Ashley and Yves) have names derived from trees! Ashley-> Ash and Yves is another word for the yew tree, which ALSO has red berries. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
So let's figure out where else we might have seen Rowan. Rowan's appearance was unique because of asymmetrical bangs...
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and gold eyes.
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Caduceus also had a vision of a gold figure with antlers (very fey) near where his family was turned to stone.
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And both of those are similar to Solana, who was the quartermaster on Gabriel's ship.
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And again, Gabriel was tracking the Nein for Ashley. Now, granted, Rowan was a half-elf, whoever was at the Menagerie had antlers, and Solana was an eladrin. But you know what other fey-related race often has metallic skin/features? CHANGELINGS.
/tinfoil hat
If so, Rowan could be anyone who has gold motifs. That is a LOT of people, admittedly. Fjord, Nott, Cree, Chance, and a few others have been described as having gold eyes. But maybe they need to be hazel. The only person seen up close enough to be sure was Rowan so far. Maybe we'll get a closer look at others.
And since there's a gap in Shadycreek Run, I bet Rowan (or IS THAT THEIR REAL NAME..?) was the contact in the Run for the Allards. Which means they would have been responsible for Jack adopting Ophelia. So Rowan has to be older and have some connection to the Allards, but probably NOT Yves since he wasn't doing anything.
SO Yves probably also had a sibling. MORE ALLARDS! But what happened to that one? Maybe the same thing that happened to Ashley's brother.
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voxvulgi · 2 years
1 and 11 for Adonis and Jude for the opinion corner meme!! ☺️
𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆   ,   𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏   𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒓   ! 
1. where did you get your idea for them?
i got the idea for Jude during my Marvel hyper-fixation summer. that was also around the same time i read A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi, i believe? and i just got very frustrated with how bad representation is for muslim women. and i was like...you know what? i'm gonna make my own representation. and it was particularly easy for be inspired for Jude at the time bc it was Ramadan and i was drowning in the muslim vibes, fasting and praying more than usual and all that. i remember it took me a long time to figure out what my muslim superhero's power would be. i don't know how i landed on Alien Blob Friend Who Gives You Super-strength and Endurance. but what i do remember is coming up with Jude's family. she needed to have some sort of family drama (bc which of my muses don't?), but i didn't want to play into the conservative/misogynistic/abusive muslim dad trope. i honestly would have rather DIED than gone with that, so i decided to do the opposite: toxic mom. and i started building from there.
Adonis, like Zoran, was a product of his time. i believe it was 15yo me who started RPing Althea on tumblr and then decided to make a "genderbent" verse for her, and the result was Adonis. @iincantatorum helped me massively with his creation proccess, actually!!! and just like with Zoran, Adonis became his own person. i was in the proccess of doing my SATs and deciding what college i wanted to go to and all that stuff, so my arab dad's expectations (he wanted me to study medicine) bled right into Adonis' character, making him who he is today.
11. what’s something that you don’t get to express with your oc often?
with Jude, I don't really get to express her religious side often. i guess some people may feel that her religious side is expressed well enough bc she's a hijabi, but...that's not really an all-encompassing aspect of religion? i don't get to write Jude much, and when i do, it's usually her superhero side. i don't get to express everyday Jude, trying to find somewhere quiet to pray in uni, trying to tie her hair in several directions at home bc the roots have been locked in one way under her scarf all day. i don't get to write the Jude that talks about her mom or sings arabic songs under her breath while doing the dishes. i don't get to write the Jude that helps her father read an english children's book and playfully insults her brother in passing. i guess i just really want to write domestic Jude.
as for Adonis, i feel like i don't get to express his reliable side much. sure, he's fragile as glass and very emotional and lets people use him as a doormat, but he's actually... like, dude, he's a grown adult man. he's great with his patients at the hospital, he's a lovely and reliable coworker, he can cook and take care of other people. that's the side Pearl brings out in him in verse 2. when he's alone, he doesn't really bother to take care of himself. but when his daughter is there, he has to cook every day and spend time relaxing with her and playing some games and just-- doing things that are good for the soul and taking care of a whole human child. in most threads, Adonis is this helpless man-child that everybody loves bc he's nice and soft and horny, but he's so much more than that
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grayintogreen · 2 years
Super honorable mention goes out to this
The difference was starker than just magic. Lucien had made a speech too that night. He had pointed them all out and offered his gratitude to them, but only as extensions of himself. Tyffial, his lockpick. Jurrell, his tracker. Zoran, his muscle. Otis, his wildcard.
Cree, his Second. His right hand. The other half of his soul.
Years later, she could see how cruel that speech really was when it had resonated so profound with her at the time. Tyffial, the fiercest and bravest woman Cree had ever met who could not stand to see people abused or used or tortured, reduced to just her skills with locks; Jurrell who might be able to track, but also would have (and did) take a blade or an arrow for any of them; Otis, who yes, was wild and untamed and a fucking miscreant, but would never abandon a damn one of them when it mattered; Zoran, who might be muscle and might be gruff and claim to hate people and not do friends, would never lay a godsdamned hand on a woman or a child and loved to cook, even if all could ever make for them was shit because he didn't have anything better.
Cree, herself, so full of multitudes but who had never been allowed to be anything but a follower and a devotee and the other half of someone else. She was someone new now because the Nein let her be a whole person. Lucien had loved her but he had never really met the woman she could be if only someone had let her grow beyond what the Pathans had tried to make her. She wanted him to meet the new her. If she had to tear the veil between them apart somehow, he would. He would learn what he never saw in all of them. When this was all over, they would be who they were meant to be, the kind of people who loved and made the world better like the Mighty Nein did.
Because I also Really wanted a quote from this, BUT I COULDN'T FIND A GOOD PLACE TO CUT IT and It was too long for a "quote"
but I love this whole part so much. The Tombtakers! And Cree especially, Look at her Character growth!!!
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grangerdangersims · 7 years
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Zoran and Nathan got in a fight after Nathan quit his job, and Zoran said bye-bye.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
In an aesthetic you made somewhere, you wrote that Harriet and Anthony got married and have two children so far, a boy named Tommy and a girl named Katie.
What would happen if Shan Shiro, by pure chance, happened to meet them?
He would probably see all the dead Tremaines whose deaths are on him in them. Meanwhile Anthony is willing to kill Shiro if he comes within a hundred meters of his children.
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Well, you're absolutely correct about Shiro seeing all the dead Tremaines and Anthony being 100% willing to kill Shiro if he gets close to his kids....that is, if Anthony even knew Shiro was around them.
Which he wouldn't.
Because Shiro would do his best to make sure he wasn't seen.
Also here's a tiny drabble for you, called 'The Guardian Angel';
By the time Harriet and Anthony got married and had a baby, Shiro had been alone for many years. Bitter and near forgotten. Wandering the world on his own and watching his former friends from the shadows.
You could say it was creepy-- and Shiro wouldn't deny it, because he knew it was. But he didn't really care.
He had to atone for his sins in some way, after all. And this was how he was gonna go about it.
By sticking to the shadows and stalking his former friends-- mainly Anthony-- and their families. And protecting them.
Which he did alot over the years by doing various things;
Taking out muggers following Dizzy.
Slipping money in Anthony and Harriet's pockets when they needed the extra money.
Hiding flammable things from Cj.
Hiding alcohol from Harry and making sure he got home safe when drunk.
And most importantly, protecting The Hook-Tremaine-Rose kids from themselves and others.
Anthony and Harriet had two kids; Tommy and Katie Tremaine.
Ginny and Clay had five; Gabe, Tim, Connie, and May Clayton.
Harry and Audrey had four;
Alex, Mordermore, Jesse, and Annie Hook-Rose.
Cj and Zevon had one;
Carter Zoran Hook.
Dizzy had twins;
Dustin and Denny.
And Shiro watched them all, intervening when needed-- all the while making sure to stay out of sight.
He had stopped many disasters from occurring.
He stopped Tommy from falling down the stairs when he was a baby.
He stopped Katie from running out into traffic as a toddler.
He stopped Alex from drowning.
He stopped Mordermore from being humiliated by a group of mean boys in middle school.
He stopped Gabe from getting into his dad's hunting supplies.
He saved Tim from his allergic reaction.
He saved Connie from Gothel.
And he saved May from having her youth stolen.
He stopped Jesse from getting arrested.
He stopped Annie from jumping into shark infested water when she was 4 and wanted to go swimming.
He stopped Carter from drinking Zevon's potions and from falling from the mast.
And he had stopped the twins from swallowing random things they had found around the salon.
And he protected the Charmings' descendants too.
Never revealing himself and never once taking credit for his deeds. Never once regretting a thing.
He had to atone for his sins.
Why shouldn't he do it this way?
By being the last Tremaines' and their family's Guardian angels?
What did he have to lose?
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purewhitewolf · 2 years
Concept: Protection
It's time to act. She succeeded in securing the entire building with her heavily armored shadow guards. Donned in her own armor and royal cape, she marched inside a room where she kept some of her closest loved ones captive... for their own protection.
The fox went first as always. "Kaitlyn, my dearest friend, this is a bit over the top. This could get out of hand and you do not want anyone to get hurt. Why don't we wind down with a cup of cocoa and a nice snuggle~"
"Jacqueline... please. I am not in the mood for your... enchanting words..." She sighs
"Dearest, I am not trying to swoon you. I want you to let the people of Quietem go. But I am willing to listen to your reasoning."
Of course, the owl would speak up next before she could even explain to them. "Sister, please stop this nonsense! You are scaring people you love, people that trust you. This is not how to go about righting the wrongs of Quietem. Let everyone go and we can talk this out civilly." Maybe...maybe they should just talk this out. These are her friends after all.
NO. There wasn't much time like before. Why didn't they listen to her the first time?! "Azry, cease! I know what I'm doing. Perhaps once you guys see the results, you'll thank me." She had to be right. She just needed to be. They just didn't fully grasp the situation yet.
Azriel calmly "Sister...You know this is wrong. Look at yourself...You look like a tyrant. Quietem has a good leader. You are his shadow sister; you are my sister...We do not need your hostile takeover to better Quietem."
That owl continued "What of your wife, Kaitlyn? You take over her country and let her family suffer? How will she ever forgive you? And what of your children? Charlotte would not support this, Bataille will fight against you, and Zoran will get her father involved. You are not going to like having to challenge your own family."
The fire in her eyes died a little. "I d-don't want.. I'm not trying to-! She w-would understand-! T-They wouldn't do-!" Don't you dare falter now! She takes a deep breath and looks away "...This is all only temporary anyway... I am not trying to rule any of you. I am trying to protect you..."
She was getting furious "I tried to tell you all earlier, several fucking times, and you all brushed my words off like I was paranoid! You refuse to understand what I saw that day! You couldn't grasp what impending threat is coming that'll take you all away from me! You... you all had plenty of time to help me with this. This is your fault! I wouldn't have to take such drastic measure if you all just listened to me earlier!"
Xander roared in Azriel's defense, "Do not blame Azriel for this, Kaitlyn! We looked to you for support. You made all of us put hope in you only for you to break that trust. I did not know why you came to my universe when I made that deal with you, but now I wish I sent you back where you came from. You weren't here to help; you were here to control us!"
Kaitlyn grits her teeth. "So black and white with you, Xandy... I told you: this isn't permanent. Just has to be this way until the real threat out there is vanquished."
A breeze then reached her ear with a whisper...Cosette, "Kaitlyn, we want to remain peaceful. Please do not make an unprepared society suffer through war."
More whispers from Cosette reached her ears, "You are fighting a fight that only you can win...but ultimately you will lose because you will lose all of us."
She could hear a soft squeaking... Césaire, "K-kaitlyn...p-pleassse ssstop..."
"P-Please stop looking at me like that... I really didn't want to do this. I'd never wanted to go through with this, but none of you helped me when I asked. I know other things were happening then, but you could've still spared a moment to listen to what I witnessed coming." She couldn't bear to see any of their faces. Seeing that anger, fear, and hurt... all directed at her... Her hands shook as her mind was being filled with doubts...
Zoran, shyly spoke out "Kaitlyn...I do not want to get my dad involved. Could you please let everyone go? I'm scared. I do not like this violent behavior. Familiar warned me that you've been lost. We can talk about this over a cup of tea and-"
Bataille cuts her off, "If she wants a war, then I will give her a war." Turns to Kaitlyn "Mom, we don't always see eye to eye, but this is the last straw. If you don't let these people go...I challenge you to a duel. If you win, you can take Quietem, but if I win...You leave forever."
Kaitlyn takes a step back, eyes wide from his words, "S-son? You'd really...?" Her guards get ready to forcefully restrain Bataille, but she pulls them all back with her immense magic. "No, no. Do not hurt him. Don't hurt any of them!" She turns back to him "And I refuse to fight you. None of you are my enemy! I swear..."
"I SWEAR YOU ALL ARE FUCKING DEAF! There's something coming! Something otherworldly! My presence is the only thing that weakens it. I have to spread my presence everywhere in order to protect all of you. I have to do this! Dadvid won't be strong enough! My vision showed me how it took all of you one by one away from me! It was terrible! I-It devoured everything! All that was left was an empty white void and me! I can't let that happen!"
"Mother." Kaitlyn turned to where the voice was. Her daughter, Charlotte, looked at her calmly. Ezekiel was right behind his sister's tail peeking out at his mom. "I believe you. I do believe you really saw something grave. I know you are trying to protect us. You always... like protecting others."
"Charlotte..." She was almost relieved. Finally someone believed her. That feeling evaporated as vines entangled her and slammed her to the ground followed by a bunch of small animals putting weight on her chest and arms.
Ezekiel and Charlotte focused their psychic power on her. The pressure on her brain kept her paralyzed as her two children got closer. "I believe what you saw ...wasn't real. Mom, neither Jacqueline's or grandma Brooke's visions showed any of what you saw. However, they did show you going crazy like this."
Kaitlyn weakly glanced at Jacqueline and then at Brooke. Her dizzy gaze lingered towards Brooke as if seeing if her face gave away confirmation on what Charlotte was saying.
None of Kaitlyn's guards reacted this time. They kept where they were. All slowly had a creepy smile appear on their faces each step the children made towards their mother. "I don't blame you for acting this way, wolf mom. You'd do whatever it takes to keep us safe from danger, but since there is no threat, you don't have to do all of this. Please, mom... stop this and get some ice cream with me and Zeke. We already forgive you... just stop everything and spend time with us"
"..." At first Kaitlyn seemingly gave up while laying on the floor. The cages and guards seem to vanish. Her eyes were full of tears as she looked to her daughters and sons, "Lotte, Zeke, ...have I ever mentioned how proud I was of you two? Heh even Battle and Zuzu... You all have guts... I truly love that about all of you."
Immediately the entire room was covered in black shadows. Everyone but Kaitlyn would be stuck to it. "And that's why I must protect all of you brilliant children of mine. I don't doubt my two foxy companions only saw my future actions and not the strange beast. Their visions are limited to this reality."
She turned to prepare her army to secure the borders, but froze as she heard a familiar sobbing.
Quietly sobbing in the corner was her wife, Past.... her arms cradling their baby Clementine...also was in distress. Clementine was reaching towards her and crying. Past starts to whimper, "Kaitlyn, what are you doing? I-I don't understand. I thought you wanted to help us. You're scaring me, I don't like this side of you. Please stop. I want to go home; I want to snuggle on our couch in our favorite blanket. We can turn on a musical, the kids can sit on a pallet of pillows in the floor. We can just be happy together and let Quietem run how it is supposed to...Wolf butt, please. I want to go home. I want to go home with you. Stop this please. I'm begging you."
Kaitlyn trembled before collapsing to her knees. She held her head trying to not hear or look at her wife's cries and her daughter's. Her heart was tearing into pieces with each sob she heard. Why did protecting them had to hurt like this?
She wanted to apologize profusely as she started to doubt her actions even more. Maybe she was crazy. Maybe she should just let everyone go. "Past-" Her words cut off as an immense piercing pain was felt in her chest. A long narrow spike impaled her heart and lungs. Her eyes shot open and she noticed that everyone else had vanished. She managed to turn her head towards her attacker. It was the beast! The walking amalgamation of animal corpses! But this time... she could finally see its main face... a shriveled decaying version of her own. It lunged full force at her.
Kaitlyn suddenly gasps and kicks off her covers. Panting, she looked around... she was in her bedroom. Her wife was next to her, startled by Kaitlyn's sudden movement. Her wife said something to her but she couldn't hear it over the adrenaline pumping.
She leaps out of bed and woke up the whole house by checking every room in a panic. Everyone was okay... grumpy because it was the middle of the night.... but okay.
After assessing that everyone was fine, she went to the restroom and splashed her face a couple of times in the sink before looking up into the mirror. "W-what was that dream?"
For the rest of that morning she was hugging everyone tightly and a lot longer than normal. Even at work, she kept finding any excuse to hold onto her boss and coworkers. She especially kept hugging Azriel and the other guides.
The only people who likely understood why she was acting clingy like this were Past and Cosette given their ability of dream walking.
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Okay but really though, I need to talk about Let's Go.
Richard has said in interviews it was partly intended as a desperate reminder to Till of those times, back at the beginning, and how close they were. He talked about barely even being able to get Till into the studio, nevermind getting him to hang around. There was talk of an argument between them, some have suggested comments about inflated egos etc were about Richard, the Zoran thing had happened. Richard felt like it was time to finally record the song together because he was scared. He missed him, he didn't know if he could fix whatever was wrong, and how does Richard express himself? Music.
And then Till waltzed in with his verse about how inseparably close he felt they were, how intrinsically linked together and how much they knew each other fundamentally. Maybe he takes it for granted, at least to Richard who is well known for over-reliance on independence and rocky relationships, but it's clear he doesn't worry the way Richard does.
I really like comparing it to that line in Haifisch about their hearts all burning together because yes, their group love and passion is this big burning spectacle for everyone to see and enjoy, but Richards heart beating in his chest as his own does implies it on some level is keeping him alive.
Sidenote, this is why I believe Führe Mich is on some level, but not completely, about Richard
Zwei Bilder, nur ein Rahmen
Ein Körper, doch zwei Namen
Zwei Dochte, eine Kerze
Zwei Seelen einem Herzen
You can't "two hearts together forever" me twice without having them connect.
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Richard is usually the last to end a hug and he's almost always the one leaning closer, but Till doesn't really move away.
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He doesn't seem to like pushing it, preferring to let it progress because the other person wants it to (see: his friendship with Paul). Luckily, Richard prefers to fight.
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skiijumpinng · 3 years
1:Unpopular opinion: I think sending someone to the Olympics because its her last opportunity is not a good reason. I think last season Jerneja Brecl had the feeling that Spela was nominated to jump in the world championship team match instead of her because of this being her last world championship. So I really hope that Spela was nominated for no other reason than for showing better shape so that there won't be any ambiguity about the nominations or hard feelings for anyone this time.
2: And I just want to point out, that I do not want to attack anyone or claim, that Spela didn't deserve it last year or this year. We clearly don't know enough about the internal stuff to judge the coaches decision. But I felt that Jerneja had a very hard time coping with this decision last year, so I really hope they communicated it differently this year to avoid hard feelings. It's such a pity, that they can't take 5 or 6 athletes to the Olympics like they can at the World Championships.
I completely agree with your point that age and upcoming retirement should not be the only reasons for an olympic nomination. If we look at the standings tho, I think Zoran chose based on the overall standings. Špela is 13th while Nika Prevc and Jerneja Brecl are 'only' 20th and 21st. He would probably have to explain himself more if he chose Jerneja instead of Špela, so I think in that regard it was a fair decision.
I don't remember what was the situation last year for the championships, but I do remember that Jerneja openly said that her relationship with slovenian coach is not that great. Maybe this contributed to the decision, although I doubt they would be that unprofessional.
All in all, I can't wait for the time when the girls will also have a team competition so that at least 5 of them will be able to go.
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Lucien has Caleb in his grasp, Beau instead offers herself up, as isn't she the annoying one? Maybe she shows off one of the eyes. He doesn't want competition does he? (And Caleb's are safely hidden away)
More Lucien getting hold of Caleb. I am seeing a theme. I’m onto all of you.
"Wait!" Before Lucien could lift Caleb off his feet, she stepped forward with her hands lifted in surrender. "Take me instead. I'm the annoying one, right? Why take him when you can have me?"
"As tempting as that is, you're not the one that makes fancy towers out of nowhere and can teleport. Your group is much more of a nuisance when this one is around, so I'll stick with my original plan."
"Are you sure?"
Before he could snark at her, she pulled off her glove and undid the wrap covering the eye on the back of her hand. While Caleb struggled in Lucien's grip, she held up her hand for all the Tombtakers to see. An unexpectedly pleased smile stretched across Lucien's face that wasn't sure how to interpret. Silence stretched for several long moments as she waited for Lucien to say something in response.
"Did you really think I didn't know? You all aren't the best at keeping secrets. If you were, that might be a bargaining chip. Unfortunately for you, I know this one has a few of his own." His hand around Caleb's throat tightened to the point he couldn't even gasp for breath. "Anything else you want to try?"
When she couldn't think of anything, her eyes looked to Caleb for some indication of what she could possibly do. His eyes screamed for her to run, but she had no intention of leaving him to Lucien. A hand reached up to claw at Lucien's wrist, which caused the fingers to flex and tighten. 
"I'll take that as a no."
As she began to move forward, Lucien looked directly into Caleb's eyes with an intense gaze. Blood poured from his nose and eyes in thick rivers that starkly stood out against his pale skin. Between one second and the next, his body went completely limp, like a puppet with its strings suddenly cut. All her momentum came to an immediate halt as Lucien turned to her with Caleb dangling in his hand.
"Zoran." The goliath roughly grabbed Caleb from Lucien's hand and tossed him over his shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll take care of the body. I'm thinking the lava. Seems... fitting."
"I'm going to kill you."
"Now, now, let's not get too hasty. You wouldn't want to end up like Caleb here. I'd definitely have no problem throwing you in the lava." With one last smile, he turned his back to her and motioned for the Tombtakers to follow him. "Hopefully we never meet again."
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naraism · 5 years
Zoran says Till does it to himself. Zoran forced feathers down his throat and almost made him vomit, slapped him so hard his bridge was damaged, got him to do a sex scene that he didn't want to do. Boasts that he's feeling sadistic today. Has cold water thrown over Till in a music video etc. Talks about no one will be harmed in music videos but Till and expects everyone to believe him BS Zoran
Oh hey Anon.
I know it might come across as a surprise but Till is an adult man. Meaning, if he was being forced to do something he would not want to do, he would refuse. I know that some parts of the Mein Teil video might be unpleasant (they are supposed to be, and tbh even I don’t like the feather stuffing) but if it had been so bad, the guys would immediately say no/fuck off, cut ties with somebody who’s forcing them to do something unpleasant or they simply did not like. Like with Recuenco, or recently, like with Åkerlund and his directing. And yet Rammstein continued to work with Zoran. Richard did too – the Eat You Alive mv is directed by Zoran – do you think Richard would want his mv be directed bysomebody who supposedly tortures his best and dearest friend?
It just happens that Till’s behaviour and artistic expression can sometimes be self destructive – like, again recently, when Peter wanted to see who can who can hold an arm above a candle longer. And, concerning the Ach so gern mv, Zoran himself had to explain that those are trained stuntmen, they were taught how to throw a punch. The lose bridge was a joke – did you see the video where Till has a slapping competition? Paul was standing right there, laughing. Zoran’s remark sounded more like he was trying to ease the situation rather than that he was boasting about being sadistic.
Zoran has his own weird way with his art which, by the way, I’m not a complete fan either but I can still respect him as an artist. I actually bought a magazine that has an interview with him and I’d like to translate it – I’ll do it as soon as I’ll be able to.
Plus, this entire movement of saying that Till is being used/tortured feels really silly to me. People are trying to paint Zoran as some kind of an abuser who slaves Till for his little videos and has joy from seeing Till suffer. Does this mean that Till is not mentally mature/stable enough to make decisions for himself or strong enough to “escape” his supposed abuser – and even if he had problems which none of us knows – don’t you think he has a ton of friends, partners, colleagues that would see this behaviour and try to help him out? Till knows Zoran for almost 20 years – I think that’s enough time for him or the people around him to know what kind of man Zoran is; and by the apparent camaraderie, he’s a good friend of all the Rammstein members.
Overall, I’m not telling anybody to start liking Zoran or his art. I personally find Ach so gern and Knebel quite unimaginative and repetitive and feel like Zoran could do more, as I love Rosenrot and the piano version of MHB. BUT there is no reason to call him an abuser – does anybody of us fans know him personally? Or Till? No. Therefore, we should not be making any assumptions about him abusing Till (or the rest of the guys).
Tldr; You’re free to hate his videos, but let’s not assume people’srelationships on guessing. Thank.
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chachamare · 5 years
Them being big tough middle aged men does not mean that they can't be abused or badly treated. The guy said he had to do something he didn't want to
Yeah, he said that. And then laughs his ass off. One thing that overprotective fans „forget“ is what Till said after this sentence, he said “No, it’s all good.” Till was seemingly amused and relieved they finished the scene, you hear that in his voice, he’s fine. 
Another fact they often don’t mention is that at least half of the “sadistic” stuff they did for the videos were proposed and wanted by the band, Rammstein. In Rosenrot, Zoran wanted the makeup artists to make the wounds and fake blood but Rammstein was like “nah we drink vodka and do it ourself” and they had fun whipping themself because that’s just Rammstein.
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They liked the idea that the video’s scenes will be improvised more than an script. Besides that, Zoran was extremely nervous about the improvisation, everyone actually was. He knows he crossed borders and that some stuff was extreme, but that’s Rammstein and they like making music videos with him for that reason (they like people thinking outside the normal, if you didn’t notice). 
Zoran praises them all the time while filming and talks about how amazing their performances and boldness is. Zoran slapped Till’s face because the angel actress didn’t want to do it.
“Mein Teil” as a music video resulted from an very creative, improvised and deep process. The things they do there are neither ordinary nor easily done; the guys really had to let go of every hesitation and mental borders to perform like this. They had a huge trust in Zoran or else they wouldn’t have made it and as we all see, the outcome is amazing. They did those things because they felt it from the music, it’s somewhere part of their personality. It was supposed to fit to the song, y’know, a song about a cannibal eating dick from an man who met up with him to get eaten.
Another example, Schneider touched himself because he spontaneously felt to do so by the music, Zoran just guided him to go further for the sake of the dramaturgy. When they talked to Zoran about this video, he said it needs Lust and they all agreed on that, they knew it would get erotic. Schneider’s acting after all, it’s not like Zoran wanted him to jerk off, he was just supposed to grab his crotch which he already initiated himself (it really ain’t that deep).
With “they are adults” is not meant that they can’t be treaten badly or abused but that they are able to voice their discomfort, to defend themself and to take responsibility for themself. Assuming that six now +50 y/o men with more life experience than 90% of tumblr’s rammstein fandom can’t say that they don’t want to do something they feel uncomfortable with or that they’re some sort of abuse survivors of an director they repeatedly asked and paid to make their music videos is a fucking joke. He made several Rammstein videos, also for Emigrate and Lindemann. He’s Till’s and Peter’s friend and not Till’s abuser, jesus christ.
This already got wayyy too long and I could say much more but this pretty much answers it. If anyone got news or proof or something about Zoran in this topic, I’m open to learn but otherwise… that’s my opinion on that, anon.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
There's so many dying on the upper Midwest I think it's going to be over for you people that's that kind of number is just not seen anywhere all over his granddaddy just wait till he gets to Boston just a set of war.
I'm kind of happy and excited he'll make it there when she does you guys are screwed Jesus is in the UK this is much smaller following people think that George did and son agrees George is wicked Smart Sharp all the time your lame s it's going on.
What do you goes to prison escapes kills a whole bunch of people tries coming east, is beating up quite a bit and yeah but the midwesterners everybody beats up on them mack to. I believe he goes into several movies that are on The hunger games zombieland and some strange train movie and I think he goes back to the West in through the Northern pass some reason and he becomes zoran all in the space of a couple days and I'm sorry to dumps his own out and they eventually rest him and would have been prison in San Francisco and there he loses his torso and his son takes it sticks a robot brain on it and it leaves cuz Max is trying to take it to study it and disappears. And then reappears in Britain and Harry Potter is the one who finds it it's my series along with Lord of the rings is they it says it's awesome it's old stuff and scared for him too cuz you have to live like he lives with no medicine and none really. Then from there the wraithes or what you see as ethereal forms go to New Zealand they're really not in the erial form when people say they are.
So who's serious the tracks tons of attention to the UK Jesus Christ and Mary that's what they're after using it as an excuse they have different names for these entities they're really Wraithes, and I found commonly in loer and folklore, in dungeons & dragons have a huge number of headlines in there and giant hits the car from them and that's what it's like they can destroy just about anything and they're different types of them our son makes one in particular that keeps appearing different forms slightly different and it's just like his headless horseman strange black armor sometimes a steel hooks in it and it looks very foreboding there's a list for boading and look like a old dead guys. Eventually it Lord of the rings they find an army of us well our Wraithes and they call them the undead. We haven't go ahead and destroy it work armies and stuff that's what they say we're not really doing that but they're there and it's disgusting tons of death. It starts with this event today and continues but it really is going to be given after zoran and kills his own people they turn on him and he gets a new torso called Carnage and that's our Father's son and firstborn Savage. Says he works out of the name but it still has the name some weird thing it happened to him his father with Christ in his name it's a work out of it.
All sorts in a few days it starts with Woody harrelson as his rampaging up in North Midwest the upper Midwest really few things he didn't like even calling him things like Christian and Christian soldier sorry to ask her what do you saying it says you worship the boy and stuff so you start laughing too he said not really I said yes you do you laying on a thick, we want you out and all of a sudden you start screaming we want you out you're just freaking moron running around wrecking everything blame it on everyone else is turd to ruined my life you're ruining his. It says smiling and said that's the way it goes with us I said no it's not you're f****** rhealmyou fag our son says. And what he says you are wrecking a realm and you keep doing it and you're stupid and you're wrong go around getting rid of people valuable giving me his slightly valuable and ruin everything it's your pee on tummy Allen you don't I don't care if I have a right to judge I can discern without judging you s*** . Will you turn around says what you're doing is ruining us it's not really judging you it's calling it like it is this is judging is fun that you judge you freaking moron. Sorry yelling and throwing stuff this is not funny and you're not going to get out of it because you're bothering me finally it starts and said what do we do since stop singing against your own realm and he left it's in there forper Plex and ask him what to do. The sun said do it you feel like doing your sense of nasty stuff and he left after all they couldn't figure out anything right to do so I did what they felt like doing so pissing up a storm never been West he came in broiled again and then the Midwest emptied again over and over it happens even after he goes back through in a few days or less probably two days or less and drags everybody out practically everybody gswb sits there for a while I think that's why the statue is there in the past it's shown from the future and we think that's why this big house superhero Hall of Justice cuz that's the train station is sitting at Cincinnati
Our son says
Sin sin ati or sin sin nadi
Oh high o
Tons of people see it but that's weird what's Cincinnati mean
They do that to me so we looked it up asghv's code
Thor Freya
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voxvulgi · 2 years
He’s quick to pull them into a hug, before his brain can yell at him for it being the wrong move. Forrest knows that he is all bones and probably not the most comforting, but he wants to try. Still, he’s not holding tight, always a second away from running, if they want him gone.
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Woah, did he really look miserable enough to illicit a hug from a complete stranger?
Zoran wasn't complaining, mind you. Hugs were awesome. The reason he didn't react right away was needing a moment to process the sensory input. When he was really lost in his own head, Zoran tended to dissociate from the real world. He needed to register that yes, someone was touching him. And yes, it was a nice touch (AKA a hug).
And then, he hugged back.
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"Hey...thanks," he said softly. His voice took on a more sincere, quieter tone than the joking or sarcastic one it usually had. Zoran was quick to deflect his own misery with humour, but in a situation like this -- where someone gave him something he needed without him even asking -- he couldn't possibly brush aside the truth.
He wondered if the stranger hugging him needed a hug, too. So he patted the boy's back a few times for good measure.
Zoran resisted the urge to joke (You go around hugging strangers often?) and instead confessed, "Dude, I needed that. I usually ask my roomie to play with my hair when I need to be grounded to the physical world, but she's out of town for the weekend."
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