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Last Line Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag, @amaiguri!
The last thing I technically wrote was a very spoilery line for Stained Integrity, so I'm going to post the last line I wrote from another WIP (Minding Q's):
He was already done dealing with people for the night—and possibly the rest of the year.
...I'm realizing this is actually kind of funny when there's absolutely zero context.
I'm willing to bet that some of y'all have done this already but I'm gently tagging (with no pressure): @my-cursed-prince, @harleyacoincidence, @officialzombeefish, @holdmyteaplease, @leisoree, and anyone else that wants to join in!
I am still trying to learn the ins and outs of tag games so I'm sorry if I'm a little clumsy
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Okay okay I'm gonna insert some characters from Minding Q's (that have yet to be introduced in the story):
Chase: "No, I don't have a cool hobby, I'm from fucking Idaho!" Brooke: "Make some cranes and take a chill pill, dude." Brooke, shuffling through her bag: "Hey I've actually got some chill pills if you want one." Chase: "I don't want a Xanax, Brooke."
This is so funny gkwjfkqkfkqkfk Anyways here’s another random quote, once again from my WIP Secrets of a Gon:
*A, B, and C are about to go up a very steep staircase* Person A: [to Person B] “After you, hon.” Person B: “I think I’ll go last.” Person A: “Person C, you go first. I’ll stay behind Person B just in case they fall.” Person B: “What makes you think I’m gonna fall?!” Person A: “We’ve all done it. You should’ve seen me--” Person C: “They went all the way down.” [snickering] “Clunk, clunk, clunk, crash! Oh my god—it was so freakin’ funny.”
This is such a long post but regardless I shall gently tag: @athenswrites, @planets-and-prose, @dancinginsepia, @my-cursed-prince, and also offer a ping-pong back to you, @k-v-briarwood!
What if I made a Writeblr tag game where we turn lines of dialogue from our own stories into an incorrect quote for the next person to insert their characters into. Is that anything
#ZootaWrites#Secrets of a Gon Series#Minding Q's#OOO Incorrect Quotes Tag Game#Tag Games#Long Post#Other Writers#Other People's OCs#Rebloggle#Writeblr#CW swearing
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Incorrect Quotes Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag (on this post), @card-queen! I love doing these so much hehehe
Using this incorrect quotes generator, I... generated some quotes. This time I decided to do it with the main five from Pentad of Un! (I did a bunch so I'll put most of them under the cut.)
Adif: "Problem, I can't tell if this food is over-sauced or undercooked." Shayrow: "Solution, just put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes. There's at least a 50 percent chance that'll fix it, right?" Kestek: "Result? Food has somehow become unpleasantly soggy and unpleasantly crunchy at the exact same time." Luss: "No better time than this to pull out my favorite word! Slunchy!" Jelro: "…Put it away."
Kestek: "Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like--" Kestek, to Adif: "Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual." Luss, to Shayrow: "Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire." Jelro: "...There are two types of people."
Jelro: "Could you please go to the shop and get a carton of milk? If they have avocados, get six." Luss: [coming back from the store with six cartons of milk] "They had avocados!"
Shayrow: "Why would anyone want to harm Luss?" Kestek: "Maybe because they met him?"
Jelro, carrying a box: "What would you say if-- if I, hypothetically, came home with 7 kittens one day?" Adif: "…" Adif: "What’s in the box?" Jelro: "What woul--" Adif: "Jelro, what’s in the box?" Jelro: "I think you know."
Kestek: "How would you like your pancakes?" Jelro: "Plain." Adif: "With sprinkles!" Luss: "Chocolate chips." Shayrow: "Potatoes." [Jelro, Adif, and Luss look at Shayrow] Shayrow: "What? They're good."
Kestek: "What is wrong with you?" Shayrow: "Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression."
Adif: "Do crabs think people walk sideways?" Jelro: "…Adif, what the f--"
And this one as a bonus because it made me laugh way too hard:
Luss, to Shayrow: "Wow, left handed AND British? You really are an illusion."
These are always so fun haha
Anyways, gonna gently tag @k-v-briarwood, @athenswrites, @maskedemerald, @my-cursed-prince, @worldsfromhoney, and leave the tag open for anyone that would like to play!
#ZootaWrites#About the OCs#Pentad of Un#The joke of the last one is that Shayrow's accent is based on a British accent and he also started as a lefty#Tag Game#Incorrect Quotes tag game#Long Post#Writeblr
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Out of Context Line (Tag Game)
Thank you for the tag, @abalonetea! (This post)
This is perfect because I love sharing out of context lines! I was working on Minding Q's yesterday, so here's my last line:
“I’m gonna take a nap,” Sterling decided, pulling off his coat so he could use it as a blanket. “Wake me up when it’s time for pancakes.”
Gonna gently tag... @athenswrites, @autumnalwalker, @worldsfromhoney, @my-cursed-prince, and open tag for anyone else that wants to play!
#ZootaWrites#Minding Q's#Tag Game#I swear I make Sterling say the most random yet iconic lines#No Context tag game#Writeblr
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Last Sentence Tag!
Thank you @nettleandthorne for the tag (in this post)!
Rules: post the last sentence you wrote in your WIP and tag as many of your followers as there are words in the sentence.
...How do you guys keep catching me at my worst moments with these jfkakfjajjdja
We were halfway through dinner when Linden suddenly bolted down the stairs, sprinted into the kitchen, and snatched his keys from the wall hooks near the door to the garage—all while somehow managing to put on a coat, gloves, and a scarf.
That's 43 words. I think I'll get flagged for tagging that many people (do I even follow that many Writeblrs that do tag games??), but here goes nothing I guess:
Gently tagging @my-cursed-prince, @athenswrites, @maskedemerald, @card-queen, @zestymimblo, @k-v-briarwood, @the-grim-and-sanguine, @planets-and-prose, @aziz-reads, @space-writes, @da-na-hae, @harleyacoincidence, @owlsandwich, @junypr-camus, @ahordeofwasps, @serendipminiewrites, @autumnalwalker, @worldsfromhoney, @taveren-writing, @fire-but-ashes-too, @ainahwrites, @bassguitarinablackt-shirt, @lordcatwich, and literally anyone else because. That's so many names and I'm blanking on more so I'll just leave it open.
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Yes I do write a lot of long sentences because I write stream of consciousness but how did you catch me like this in a non SoC story#This is from my new WIP! I will be officially intro-ing it this weekend#Writeblr#Tag games#Last sentence tag game#25% Crisis Series
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No Context Line (Tag Game)
Thank you for the tag, @ahordeofwasps!
Here's a random out-of-context line from the new random WIP I've been messing around with, which is currently titled Feather Candles.
“Levine!” Phoenix snapped. “You can’t just go about snatching women from their rooms on whim with some magical spell!”
(You can see a doodle I did of some of these characters over on this post.)
Anyways, gonna gently tag @my-cursed-prince, @athenswrites, @lordcatwich, @planets-and-prose, @the-grim-and-sanguine, and anyone else that wants to play!
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OC in 15 (Tag Game)
I was tagged by @aziz-reads in this post! I'm excited to try this one for the first time, so thanks for tagging me!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I think for this one, I'm going to share dialogue spoken by Sterling from Minding Q's, mostly because it's going to be really funny to me at least (CW: strong language)
“I wasn’t sure if it was gonna be warm or cold today, since it’s s’posed to rain later or whatever, so I just went with layers like usual. I think I made a mistake wearing pants, though. Damn, it’s hot out here.”
“Don’t die in there!”
“Wow—okay, stalker.”
“Okay, I should actually start heading back so I don’t get struck by lightning. Uh, but thanks for talking!”
“You’re not my real mom!”
“I don’t have a Pilea yet, actually. But-- I mean, if you want, we could swap. Not the whole plant! Just, like, a cutting. Or a leaf. I’d give you a cutting from one of my plants that you like. Maybe not the albo, though. Just ’cuz-- Sorry, I just sell cuttings from him, so I dunno if I could give you one for free. I could if I didn’t have to pay rent—but unfortunately, capitalism exists! And I have to buy groceries. Whiiiiich I totally forgot to do yesterday. Fuck—why does adulting have to be so hard?”
“Can you just let me deal with the consequences of my actions in peace?”
“Wait—oh my god, you’re right. It’s already Wednesday today. Ugh! I hate Labor Day! Not having classes on Mondays always fucks me up. I mean-- Sorry, you don’t mind swearing, right?”
“What! That’s lame. Seriously, why does being an adult have to be so lame?”
“Oh, sweet! They have grilled cheese sandwiches! I fucking love grilled cheese.”
“Sure! My class gets done at... Hang on. I literally just checked this. It ends at... No, not that button. That’s also the wrong button. Can I just-- Can I-- Oh my god—can I please open the right tab? There we go. That should not have been that hard. Uh... Thursday... Thursday... Where the hell did it go? Wait, I’m stupid—it’s right there. Jeez. Okay, it ends at two fifteen.”
“Yeah, I definitely was not paying attention.”
“That’s another thing I don’t like! Fucking roller coasters!”
“Huh? Oh. Oh, wait. Shit! I forgot—I’m super angry at you and never want to speak to you ever again!”
“Yeah, that’s prob’ly a good idea. I’m not really in the mood to die today.”
Yes I put those entire paragraphs in there on purpose. It’s just who he is.
I'm going to gently tag @mary-is-writing, @veneritia, @maddstermind, @asablehart, @amaiguri, @macabremoons, and anyone else that managed to scroll all the way down here!
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Minding Q's#Writeblrcafe#Writeblr#OC in 15 tag game#OC in 15#Tag Game#Long Post#I'm pretty sure this isn't how the game is supposed to be played but Sterling’s whole thing is he talks A LOT#I'll do shorter lines next time I promise
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OC in 15 (Tag Game)
For this one, I was tagged by @tabswrites in this post! I had a lot of fun the last time I did this, so here we go again!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Okay, for this one, I'm actually going to do some of Laurie's dialogue from Stained Integrity:
“Oh, hello. Come to join me in isolation?”
“Your nobility here sure are uppity. Don’t get me wrong—I’m flattered that the ladies here find me attractive, but they sure don’t mince words, do they?”
“Oooh, mysterious backstory? I’m listening.”
“Well, it’s certainly not only for the charm.”
“I don’t know what it is you’re trying to prove, but coming after me was really stupid. And, quite frankly, you coming along with me anywhere is a bad idea.”
“Because that’s the sort of comment that gets a man slapped back where I’m from!”
“I already told you—I don’t owe you my life story.”
“My dear, I am the drama.”
“You sure ask a lot of questions. Hasn’t anyone ever told you that curiosity killed the cat?”
“My dear, can we please not fight? The both of us are suffering enough as it is.”
“Ah—unfortunately, I believe you’ve dug deep enough into my life for one morning.”
“I’m flattered, darling, really—but I can’t be spilling all my secrets.”
“Look, I appreciate that you assume I have some twisted backstory—but it’s really none of your concern.”
“Some things are beyond helping, my dear.”
“...Would you prefer the abridged version?”
I'm going to gently tag @my-cursed-prince, @akiwitch, @serpentarii, @writingbyricochet, @betweenthetimeandsound, @wheres-all-the-tea-gone, and leaving the tag open for anyone that scrolled all the way down here!
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Stained Integrity Series#Writeblrcafe#About the OCs#I love writing dialogue for Laurie haha#Tag Game#OC in 15 tag#Long Post#Writeblr#Writeblr Tag Game
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Heads Up, Seven Up! (Tag Game)
Thank you for the tag, @autumnalwalker!
Here are 7 lines I wrote for a scene in Minding Q's that may or may not actually make it into the story, but I think it's funny:
“Okay—you know what really makes me mad?” Sterling said. “Raspberry milkshakes.” “Please don’t elaborate,” Max grumbled. “No, okay—listen to me,” Sterling said, smacking his hands on the table. “I actually love raspberry shakes—except for the fucking seeds! Like, I just wanna enjoy a shake that tastes like raspberries without feeling like I’m also eating sand!” “There are not that many seeds in raspberry shakes,” Max said. “Are you kidding me?! There’re so many of them! It’s literally the worst mouthfeel ever!” “What about eating actual sand?” Katelyn offered. “Yeah, that’s worse.” Sterling gagged.
Gently tagging @athenswrites, @worldsfromhoney, @serendipminiewrites, @my-cursed-prince, @aziz-reads, @maskedemerald, @macabremoons as my 7 people, but I'll leave the tag open for anyone else that wants to play!
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Minding Q's#I was fighting with my parents' blender yesterday so I wrote a scene to make myself feel better#Heads Up Seven Up#Heads Up Seven Up Tag Game#Tag Games#Writeblr#CW swearing
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Heads Up, Seven Up! (Tag Game)
Thanks for the tag, @ahordeofwasps! (In this post!)
I've been working a lot on Torn of Seeds, so have another snippet from the story as I catch up on some tag games:
The wolf growled. “Just trust me,” the hunter pleaded. “She won’t hurt you.” I took a step back, then I slowly lowered my spear. The wolf grunted and then relaxed. “Good girl,” the hunter breathlessly said, raggedly sighing with relief. They made their way over and cautiously offered their hand for the wolf to sniff. “See, he’s a nice man. You scared him as much as he scared you.” “I... I’m sorry, but does this beast belong to you?” I stared. “She’s my companion,” the hunter replied. “Her name is Queenie. Who are you?”
For my seven people, I'll no-pressure tag @lordcatwich, @serendipminiewrites, @amaiguri, @worldsfromhoney, @planets-and-prose, @wordwings, and @anyablackwood! (I'll also leave this open if anyone wants to play, too!)
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Torn of Seeds#Writeblr#Tag Game#Heads up Seven Up tag game#Writeblr Tag Game#I apologize for the storm of posts that are being released haha
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My professor gave us an optional exercise of writing something with the same vibe as the first chapter of Joyce's Ulysses (because that's what we're reading) and I. I don't know what's going on. Stream of consciousness is my safe space and yet. And yet--
I think it's because I'm better at writing first-person (which is funny because all of my current shared WIPs are written in third-person) when it comes to SoC writing? Who knows.
I might share whatever happens with this short, depending on how it goes.
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Heads Up, Seven Up! (Tag Game)
I was tagged by @toribookworm22 in this post ages ago, but I'm finally sitting down to get caught up on my tag games. Here we go!
Today I shall be sharing a goofy snippet from Feather Candles:
“Bah! Hardly anyone does,” Levine airily replied, despite the fact that the bright yellow tattoo—which branched from his neck to his left cheek—was pretty much the most noticeable thing about him. “I’m assuming you are Lord Herron Wulfram, son of the duke of Halisin?” “I am,” Lord Herron said. “Have you already met my father? Everyone says I look just like him, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how you know who I am.” “Well, yes—but you also happen to have your hand placed quite scandalously on Crown Princess Paloma’s waist,” Levine said, giving a cheeky grin. Both Lord Herron and my sister blushed—and they hastily put some distance between each other. “Ah, young love...” Levine dramatically fanned his face. “I can’t be that much younger than you,” Lord Herron protested. “You aren’t,” I said. “In fact, you’re nearly seven years older than him.”
I'm too tired to provide context for this one.
My seven gentle tags shall be: @my-cursed-prince, @thewritersplace, @serpentarii, @asablehart, @veneritia, @k-v-briarwood, and @lorenfinch!
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Feather Candles#Writeblrcafe#Heads up seven up#heads up seven up tag game#tag game#Writeblr#I always feel like I need to put a reminder that Levine is Peregrine's nickname. Because it gets confusing especially in snippets
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Last Line (Tag Game!)
Thank you for the tag (in this post), @autumnalwalker!
Once again I'll be posting a line from Torn of Seeds because I'm currently obsessed with this WIP and I think it's really funny to post completely unedited lines:
I curiously watched Kaekil’s mouth as he talked—which was glittering with the small collection of fake teeth he had acquired.
Gonna gently tag (with no pressure!) @hippiewrites, @mary-is-writing, @maskedemerald, and @lorenfinch!
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#Torn of Seeds#Ta'ashiri is the narrator here hence the focus on teeth haha#Also the only reason Marcello (the captain) doesn't have more fake teeth (he has 1) is because Odile is a stickler for dental hygiene#The crew complains about it but they're secretly grateful for her nagging#Writeblr#Last Line tag game#Tag Game#Writeblr Tag Game
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Heads Up, Seven Up!
Thank you for tagging me (in this post), @space-writes!
Gonna drop this snippet from Minding Q's, which hopefully will get a new chapter update this week.
“So, who’s the tall one?” Wedge asked, looking Sterling up and down after he and Celain had finished approaching. “Oh, uh, I’m Sterling,” he said. “He-him.” “Cool, cool!” Wedge enthusiastically shook his hand. “The name’s Wedge! I use they-them.” “Wedge?” Sterling repeated. “Yeah—’cuz I’m always stressed!” Wedge cracked, flicking out finger-guns. “He’s not a linguistics student,” Celain told Wedge. “Welp, guess my joke’s lost.” Wedge dismissively waved their hand. “What are ya studying?” they asked Sterling.
Gonna gently tag @my-cursed-prince, @k-v-briarwood, @planets-and-prose, @athenswrites, @the-grim-and-sanguine, @lordcatwich, and @imslowlydisintegrating! Also leaving the tag open for anyone that wants to play. :}
#ZootaWrites#Minding Q's#Snippets#Heads Up Seven Up Tag Game#Writeblr#Heads Up Seven Up#I'm gonna slowly catch up on tag games to try not to spam too much#Tag Game
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Find the Word (Tag Game)
I was tagged by @pb-dot in this post for this game! The words I was given are fruit, ditch, joke, and smoke.
Since this is going to get long, I'll put my tags up here: @asablehart, @veneritia, @akiwitch, @maddstermind, @athenswrites, and anyone else that sees this and wants to do it! I'll give you guys the words beginning, right, leg, and tired!
Anyways, I know for a fact that all of these words are in one of my less-known WIPs, the Final Straw, so I'm using that WIP for this because, as you will see, it's going to get extremely comedic:
“Why do you say your name’s Kiwi?” I ask her after I finish telling her about the farm. “Well,” she says, “I was reading a book about places across the sea, and it had stuff about a bunch of different kinds of fruit. I dunno what a kiwi tastes like, but I’m gonna eat one someday!” I grin at her. She actually wants to be named after a fruit.
“Straw,” Mr. Hank Davis says, looking at me, “go ask your father if he moved things outta the shed. If you see Casper on the way to the house, ask him if he knows, too.” “Who?” “Mister Davis, don’tcha know you’ve gotta call him Ditch when talking to Strawbs?” Liver flashes a grin. Mr. Hank Davis sighs. “Ditch, then. Straw, can you do that?” I nod and leave the shed, hearing Liver burst into peals of laughter again. Ditch’s name isn’t really Ditch, but I can never remember his real name. I just remember that he was the one that helped me out of the ditch I fell into, so I would say things to my dad like “Where’s the one that helped me outta the ditch?” and eventually it shortened down to me just saying “Ditch” and that’s what stuck.
“Oliver,” Mr. Hank Davis is saying, “I don’t appreciate you ragging me. Where’d you put them hoes?” “I ain’t got none, Hank, Mister Davis. I’m a gentleman, Sir.” And then Liver bursts into laughter at some joke that clearly isn’t funny to Mr. Hank Davis and I just plain don’t understand. “Well if you don’t be knowing where they are, then I s’pose you and Straw are gonna have to make a trip to town to pick some up.” “Aw, but Mister Davis! Ain’t Strawbs a bit young to be picking up hoes?” Liver goes wild with laughter again. Mr. Hank Davis has gone very red in the face, and his bushy mustache twitches, kind of like how a mouse twitches its nose. Maybe he can smell cheese somewhere. “I’m too young for what?” I decide to say, mostly because I think Liver has caught sight of me.
He grins, spinning the stick from his sucker in his teeth like a toothpick or the funny sticks that catch on fire that I sometimes see Ditch have in his mouth. Then he has to spit out the smoke because his stick’s caught on fire. “You know I can’t remember your real name,” I say. “Yah, I know. Which is why I don’t keep telling it to ya.” He sits on my bed and bounces a few times. He doesn’t even weigh down the blankets. “I’d better go. My pops will get mad if I ain’t home soon.” “Where do you live?” “You won’t remember,” he says, then goes to the window.
This WIP is a hot mess and I love it. If anyone wants context, you can read the first few (unrevised) chapters over on my Wattpad. I can already see stuff that I want to change in these snippets AAHHHH
#ZootaWrites#Snippets#the Final Straw#Writeblrcafe#Find the Word tag game#Tag game#Long Post#Writeblr#I have so many of these find the word tags holy heck#Expect me to be posting a lot of these over the next few days#I'll probably drop them in my queue to try and prevent too much spam posting haha
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Last Line Tag
I've been caught in a legal trap "tagged" by @the-stray-storyteller!
Here’s the last line I added to my WIP, Pentad of Un! (It'll show up soon in a future update haha)
“Seeing as you’ve already dug your grave,” Luss said, his eyes flashing dangerously, “I’ll gladly bury you in it.”
I've elected to not give context for this.
Anyways, tagging (with no pressure) @my-cursed-prince, @amaiguri, @harleyacoincidence, @da-na-hae, @athenswrites, and anyone else that wants to join!
#Zeta Rambles#About the OCs#Pentad of Un#Tag Game#Last Line Tag#Writeblr#ZootaWrites#What can I say? Luss has a way with words#He has great people skills. believe it or not
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