#Ziu imagine
Zius, reciting from a magazine: tips to improve your mental health. first, get therapy.
Nagyunn: *holds up a tiny kitten*
Zius: Nagyunn, that's a kitten…
Nagyunn: *petting the kitten* yes.
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cupidoargiades · 5 years
you look up from your book and take off your sunglasses to see heejun scribbling on a notepad. "what are you doing?" you ask. to answer your question, he shows you a doodle of your side profile. you know, one of those drawings where you don't take your pencil off of the paper.
"it was so pretty but then i made the nose look a little weird" he says. "no," you start. "it's perfect" you say, turning your head to the side. "look jun, it's identical". he smiles and looks down at the paper. "you think so?" "of course i do"
he nods and smiles again at your approval, fiddling with the pencil before placing the tip on the paper one last time. the sketch now becomes more of a drawing as he makes the lines a bit darker and thicker, taking his time to get it all perfect "your eyes.. your jaw.. your nose.." he begins, tracing them with the end of the bright yellow pencil.
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simplykpopaus · 4 years
~ VAV Master List ~
Bold = coming soon
You not being able to ice skate
St.Van - [11:30 am] 
Baron - [9:57 am]
Ayno - [5:14 pm]
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
Hello could I request something with VAV (I had a look to your rules but wasn't sure if it was something you would do) with what pet names they would call you? If so, thank you! If not, sorry!
Hellooo~ I do write stuff like this, i just mainly seem to get smut requests for the same kinda things lmaoAlso thank you for actually reading the rules before requesting, its amazing the amount of people who dont sfgfgdf
St.Van: darling, my love, honey
Classically romantic kinda names, he like names he can use in public and not feel everyone around yall die from the cringe lol
Baron: princess, sugar, dear
More-so kinda cute pet names rather than overly romantic lol
ACE: angel, sweetheart, love
Kinda simple nicknames, yet really romantic at the same time
Ayno: love of my life, beautiful, kitten
Likes the dramatics of proclaiming you as the love of his life every day lmao, super sweet >.
Jacob: babygirl, princess, doll
Names that are romantic, but still a lil bit sexy at the same time lmao
Lou: babe, sweetie & probably a super cute variation of your name
Hosung is probably the least comfortable with pet names tbh, so he goes with just the basic kinda names, as well as a more personal one that ties in with your name, it’ll probably come from some kinda inside joke lol.
Ziu: sunshine, pudding, pumpkin
He really loves anything a little bit cheesy and over the top, anything that makes you crack a smile or roll your eyes at how cringey it is.
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Can I request VAVs reaction to rimming? Thank you so much in advance 💖
I got bias wrecked while writing this as I thought of som more fan fic ideas, so I hope you like it! 💖
VAV's Reaction to Rimming
St. Van
     So I've seen quite a few people say this man is a dom, but I see him as a pure switch. 50/50. Like, he's such a sweetheart and I could see him doing whatever to please his s/o, whether it be him dominating them or him being a good boy for you. That being said, I don't think rimming would be his thing. He loves you to death and tries to do everything that makes you happy, but rimming just feels so weird to him. He much rather enjoys your fingers or your strap, your tongue so close to his hole just makes him want to squirm away from you as fast as possible.
     He would try it once or twice to make you happy but it probably won't ever happen again.
     I feel like he would be the one to suggest it honestly. He's such a precious babyboy and he loves when you dominate him. There would be very little conversation about the topic of rimming because he would be straddling your lap and begging for you to play with his ass within a few minutes of thinking about it. He would be moaning and begging for it the entire time so you either wanna make sure no one is home or you can gag him. Your choice, he likes it either way.
     You can guarantee that you are doing this again.
     Another sucker for rimming. I see Ace as a switch leaning sub. He loves anything that requires him on his knees with his ass in the air for you to admire. He does, however, have a small favoritism for rimming. He loves the feeling of his face pressed into the sheets, trying to quiet down his moans with his back arched and his ass in the air with you teasing his hole with your tongue. If you even mention rimming to him, he'll become hard in seconds.
Honestly, rimming in his sex life is a MUST, so you'll find yourself doing just that most nights.
     Ayno is one of the brattiest subs ever so good luck controlling him. He does love rimming, though he won't tell you that. Instead, he teases the life out of you in hopes of you finally getting tired of his antics and giving him what he wants. He would probably walk around the house all day in nothing but his boxers, showing off his ass and then claiming he has something else to do when you get near him until you finally just bend him over the kitchen counter and start eating him out just like he wanted, but of course you'll have to tease him until he's crying first.
The one time every blue moon he can control himself enough to be a good boy instead of the brat he usually is you should definitely make sure to reward him with this, he loves it.
     No. No way. Rimming isn't his thing. This man is a whole ass dom and while he might be willing to hand over the reigns to you some nights, this is never going to happen. 
He really loves you, but there are just some thinings he isn't willing to try.
     Precious babyboy #2. You can fight me on this but he is just ThE cUtEsT tHiNg EvEr and I just wanna protect him at all costs 🥺. *cough cough* Anyway he looooves rimming. He loves whenever you give him attention because he just loves you so much but that's besides the point. He loves to eat you out and only finds it fair that you return the favor. He likes it better when he's laying on his back so he can see you licking and kissing at his hole with his long legs thrown over your shoulder with his hands nestled safely in your hair. (And, side note, the deep, low moans he would let out- 😤👌 I'm Lou biased if you couldn't tell.)
Please do this often. This cutie deserves the entire fucking world.
     I think Ziu is at least a little bit subby, seeing as he's always clinging onto the other members just trying to gain their love and attention. Which is exactly what he would do with you. I think he likes any position that lets him hug you close to him. That's why he wouldn't particularly like rimming. He loves the feeling of it, but he just needs to hold you in his arms. If you're rimming and he's on his back, he can only grab your hair which isn't enough, and if he's on his knees with his ass in the air he can't touch you at all, which is far from what he wants. He just needs your head next to his, whispering sweet nothings in his ear or hovering over him, looking him in the eyes. He just needs the comfort of you there, because if you think he's clingy now, just wait until you see him in subspace.
     He really wishes you could do it more, but the poor baby just panics when he can't see your face.
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coolskinless · 4 years
Between Pleasure and Pain
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I was getting ready for our date night, even though I felt a little uncomfortable because it was that time of the month and my belly did not feel right. I usually never get cramps, but I do not know what it was with me tonight that I just did not feel good enough. So, I decided to call Lou and change the plans.
*On the phone with Lou*
Lou: Hey babe, what’s up?
Y/N: Hey babe, I don’t feel very good enough to go out tonight, can we just say in this time?
Lou: Omg, sure! Are you ok? What’s wrong? Do you need me to take you something? Do you need to go to a doctor? Tell me what to do, what do you need?
Lou sounded frenetic which made me giggle because of how adorable he is.
Y/N: Noo haha I’m fine, I just don’t feel comfortable enough to go out, maybe we can stay here tonight…order something…watch a movie?
Lou: Of course! Whatever you want, you got it. Are you sure you don’t need me to take you something? Medicine or…?
Y/N: Nah, I’m good, thank you babe, you’re very sweet.
Lou: Mmmkay, I’m on my way.
We hung up, and I just smiled looking at my phone, he´s just so sweet and attentive, he literally can’t be any more perfect. I put my phone down and start putting some more comfortable clothes because just the thought of putting on some jeans made my uterus rumble.
A few minutes passed and I heard a knock on the door and I immediately get happy butterflies in my stomach instead of angry wasps in my lower belly, so I drag my sorry but excited ass to the door and open up to see Lou holding a grocery bag up to his face. Just when I thought he could not be more perfect, he tops himself.
Lou: I did not know in what mood you might be in for, so I brought you everything.
He dumped the whole bag in the kitchen island, and he did bring me everything. Ice cream, instant noodles, strawberry milk, spicy chips, mini cakes, the whole ass store! I looked at him with grateful eyes and reached out my hands to cup his face.
Y/N: Thank you babe…
Then joined out lips in a gentle and warm kiss. His lips are so soft and plump, his hand grab me tenderly by my waist and pull me closer to him. I move my hands to the back of his neck and intensify our kiss. He really is the perfect man.
We break the kiss and look at each other smiling.
Y/N: So, what movie do you wanna watch?
Lou giggles
Lou: You pick the movie, first I wanna make my famous homemade instant noodles for my sick girl.
Half an hour went by and Lou finished making his so called “famous instant noodles”, lowkey they looked bomb, smelled spicy, lots of veggies and an egg, just how I liked it. I was grabbing my first bite, but as soon as I swallowed the spicy broth, my cramps started to act up again intensely, like Satan started to shake hands with my womb. So, I couldn’t help but to make a painful face with still the noodles in my mouth. Lou started to panic, as usual and came to my side of the island.
Lou: What is it!? You don’t like it!? Is it too spicy!? I’m so sorry babe! Spit it out, its ok! Tell me what’s wrong! What do I do!?
I smiled at him as I still chewed the food in my mouth, trying to look better so he would stop worrying. But the look on his face told my total opposite, he looked concerned af.
Y/N: I’m fine babe, its not the noodles, its just that time of the month and it hurts a bit.
Lou: Omg babe, why didn’t you tell me? I’m so sorry!
Lou apologized as he hugged me in the chair, putting one hand in my back, the other at the back of my head and resting me on his chest.
Y/N: Sorry for what? Its not your fault.
I smiled while looking at him
Lou: Still! I don’t like it when my baby is in pain.
Lou looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, and it just made me melt. I convinced him that I was fine after much insisting to go to the doctor lol. We finished our noodles, we talked and laughed about our day, this kind of distraction is just what I needed to make me feel better. Then we grabbed some more of the snacks Lou brought and moved to the couch. We started watching some movie while eating the snacks, but at some point, I feel asleep in his chest, my favorite place.
I was sleeping comfortably with the movie noises on the background when all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my lower belly that made me sit up abruptly scaring the shit out of Lou who was also falling asleep.
Lou: Babe, what’s wrong!? Are you okay!?
Y/N: Yeah, it’s just…
I couldn’t even finish my sentence, I just sat there holding my belly trying to make the pain away. Lou held me tight against him and surprisingly the pain went away almost immediately. I was happily surprised and looked at him in awe.
Y/N: It stopped…
Lou: It did!?
Y/N: Yeah, I guess it has something to do with the apartment being so cold and your body temperature being warm.
Lou: Okay, that settles it.
Lou got up, picked me up in his arms bridal style and started walking to my bedroom.
Y/N: What are you doing? Haha
Lou: We are going to bed
He said that with total confidence, and I was in shock because we´ve never been in bed together. But I couldn’t help but to look at his side profile and smile at him.
He tucked me into bed, went to put the unfinished groceries away, turn the TV off, to switch all the lights off so just the moonlight entered the room and crawled in next to me under the sheets. This was a next step to our relationship, but I was loving it. Just the two of us together, in bed, you could listen to our breathing, and just by feeling Lou´s warm body next to mine made me feel so much better.
The hours went by and I didn’t even notice when I fell asleep, but another sharp pain woke me up out or nowhere. I opened my eyes and saw Lou´s face get illuminated by the moonlight entering the dark room through the window. I felt a sense of peace just by looking at him sleep, so calm and beautiful. I wanted to keep admiring him, but a second wave of pain appeared like the one in the living room, making me move and moan a little, waking Lou up.
Lou: Babe, what’s wrong?
Lou´s groggy and confused voice next to me made me stop my complaining and look up at him because he highkey sounds very sexy when he just woke up. His roommates are very lucky guys.
Y/N: I’m fine…
I say out of breath, while I press on my lower belly trying to make the pain away. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he knows that he can’t do much. So, without saying anything, he just grabs me and pulls me close to him, again, my head in his chest, his arms wrapped around me, our legs intertwined, if my lower stomach wasn’t so uncomfortable I would say this is heaven.
Some minutes went by and the pain would come and go, mild, I can handle it. But it started getting worse to the point where I couldn’t keep still, I was moving and moaning and shaking. All I could do was hug Lou for some comfort.
Lou´s POV
It hurt my soul so see Y/N in pain, I couldn’t do much but to hold her and wait for her to feel better. But then something happened...
She was moaning, and moving her body against mine, I didn’t know what to do. She was like, asleep still, but in her discomfort, she couldn’t keep still. She was moaning and rubbing her body with mine, her legs went up and down on mine, she kept tilting her head back with her eyes closed, just enough of the moonlight hit her so I can see her features het enlightened in the most flattering way. I’ve never seen her this way, not that I haven’t imagined it, I actually think about her like this all the time but seeing her like this in real life is just so much better.
Little moans escape her slightly opened lips, making me go crazy, but I can’t do anything about it. Her arms keep moving back and forth at the back of my neck, and all I could think about was this is how she would look like if I was insider her.
Lou get your shit together…your girlfriend is in pain and you are here next to her just perverting yourself. You´re right…I should stop thinking, I should stop thinking about her breasts pressed to my chest, her hips pounding against mine, her breath against my ear, saying my name over and over again. How can I focus on making her feel better when she is turning around, and her ass is literally pressing on my cock??? I mean..I cant to much but hug her anyways, so I just hug her by her tiny waist and pull her even closer to me to feel her even better. She keeps moving and if I let myself go I can easily cum right now, but I keep my cool and just snuggle my face into the back of her neck and breathe in real deep. She smells amazing, a combination of her shampoo and Y/N, makes my blood boil in lust just like that. I run my hand through the side of her body making a perfect wave between her arm, her waist, and her hips, I cant believe that this is…like, she…and…I have no words to describe the effects that she has on me.
She turns around again, facing me and breaking my trance, she has her eyes open and is looking at me. I was breathless for a second because I didn’t know how long she was awake, if she felt me grow in my pants, maybe I made her feel uncomfortable by touching her in her sleep, I don’t want her to think that I don’t care about her feeling sick. I was lost in my thoughts when I feel Y/N lips against mine.
I was half asleep and half awake, I was so uncomfortable, I couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep in, the only thing that made me not lose my mind was Lou next to me holding me tight. I was moving nonstop in my sleep without realizing it when I felt it.
Lou was rock hard next to my thighs, pressing against them, me with still my eyes closed I kept them that way, I don’t want him to notice that I felt him and scare him away. I’ve always thought about Lou that way, we’ve been dating for two months and since we met, I’ve always wondered what’s he like in bed. We´ve never done much but make out on the couch, but this was different, he was rock hard, and I knew he wanted me. So, I just kept pretending that I was asleep in discomfort and kept moving, the only thing that wasn’t pretend was the pain, the cramps actually made me shake, I was just gonna keep my eyes closed while I ride the waves of pain and see how Lou reacts.
I turn around and purposely face my butt against his bulge, feeling grow harder. I don’t know if he is asleep anymore, but I don’t care, I keep moving slowly and little by little, so he doesn’t realize that I’m awake. But then I feel him trace my side with his hand, his slow steady hand drives me crazy, then he puts his face in the back of my hair and I feel him inhale and exhale, he is definitely not asleep anymore. So, I turn around and look at him wide awake, I stare at him for a few seconds and just see him look a little surprised, like waiting for me to do something, but all I can do is cup his face in my hands and press my lips against his.
I would love to continue this kiss and see what happens next, but unfortunately I’m on my period and we cant do anything about it, so I just kiss him softly and return to our original position and try to fall sleep again.
Lou´s POV
A few days have gone by since that night, and all I can think about is Y/N. Her body in the moonlight, her collarbone exposed, her thighs rubbing mine, her lips letting out little moans. I find myself distracted thinking about that in everything I do, while I’m cooking or eating, while I’m in the studio, with the guys, cleaning, or literally just laying awake at night thinking about her. The bathroom of our dorm has been very busy lately, not gonna lie, she is all I can think about. Its hurts that I can´t see her every day because of my schedule, but I gonna see her tonight and I cannot wait.
A few days have gone by since that night, and all I can think about is Lou. I keep daydreaming of what it would be like to have him inside me, moaning in my ear, squeezing my flesh…ok that’s enough. I need to focus, because thanks to all these thoughts I have been washing a lot more of my underwear than any other clothes lately. I’m gonna see him tonight, and maybe who knows, maybe tonight is the night.
Lou arrives late at night as per usual, he greats me with a kiss like always but it feels different this time, the kiss was longer and more passionate than usual, you know…those kisses that leave you breathing a little heavier after. And in general, you feel like there is a heavier mood around the room, like, dense, but I ignore it. We order dinner and start our nightly ritual of eating and watching a movie. While we have dinner, we talk about our day and just regular stuff, but with these glares he gives me, I finally figure out what this dense mood I feel is, its sexual tension. You can feel the sexual tension in the air like fog, this boy wants action tonight, and you know what? He´s gonna get it.
We finish our dinner and move to the couch to watch a movie; we start cuddling like usual, me slightly on top of him resting on his chest and his arms around me, but the dense fog of sexual tension is still there. I look up at him and smile looking for some clue, but he just gives me a side smile with a kiss on my forehead. So I look back at the TV and continue the movie, but then I feel his hand slowly lower from my upper back to my lower back where my skin is showing because of my crop top and I feel his thumb draw a little heart between my Venus’s dimples which send shivers all over my body. I look up at him and we stare at each other’s eyes for like 5 seconds looking for permission, and we join our lips on a profound kiss. My hands are around his neck and his hands are all around me, we continue kissing for a few minutes with hot and heavy breathing before I break the kiss to look straight into his eyes again and tell him:
Y/N: Lou…can you make love to me tonight?
Lou´s pupils dilate with hunger and just nods lightly before joining his lips with mine once again. He stands up with me on top of him and we stumble across the room on the way to my bed while his hands rumble across my body in desperation. Oh my god, this is finally happening.
The back of my knees feel the edge of the bed and Lou lays on top of me as we continue kissing frantically. For a second Lou break the kiss and with heavy breathing he looks at me asks:
Lou: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Y/N: Im sure…
And I pull him back to me kissing him anxiously, I run my tongue lightly through his bottom lip and bite it softly, making him let out a little grunt from the back of his throat. Which was the drop that spilled the glass, I was soaking wet and ready for him.
The make out session became a little more rough, I could feel ALL the weight of his body all over me and then some…I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling his pelvis in between my legs and feeling his bulge press against me as he starts to grind driving me crazy making me moan out loud. His hands move up to my hair and his lips move down to my neck, down my cleavage, placing wet kisses all over my chest. He sit up a bit to lift my shit off and down a bit to take my bottoms too, after he strips me off my clothes he stays at the edge of the bed just staring, and I start to feel shy and he notices.
Lou: You´re perfect
He leans down on me again kissing me painfully slow from my stomach up to my now very exposed breasts. You could se my hard nipples through the lace of the bra, and he is just over them basically breathing on them, he places his mouth over my nipple and starts playing with it over the fabric making me feel electricity. I tilt my head back to the bed and just enjoy the moment, but then he starts softly biting on my nub making me moan and squirm of pleasure. I put my hand on the back of his head to pull him closer to me at the same time he bites a little bit harder making me pull a fistful of his hair, which he moans to the motion. At this point I’m kind surprised because this boy lowkey kinky, and I live for it.
He leads the kisses downtown and continues kissing me over the wet fabric of the underwear, he runs his hands along my legs until he reaches the sides of my panties to pull them down. Instinctively I try to close my legs on his face, but he stops them by putting his palms on both my knees and spreading them wide open.
Lou: Oh my god, you´re perfect, you´re so wet
He starts sliding his hands through the outside of my thighs as he starts going down on me, slowly licking, and caressing my pussy. Giving kitten lick on my clit making me whimper, slowly making his lick bigger and bigger on my clit warming me up for the main event.
Y/N: Oh my god Lou!
I start moaning and arching my back as he is sucking at my clit like as if it was a tiny cherry flavored lollipop. My moaning just encouraged him more to keep going because he wasn’t stopping anytime soon. He grabs me by the hips and pulls me closer to his face to the point my legs are at his back and his mouth is at my entrance inserting his tongue in and out scooping my juices out for him as I’m curving my back in ecstasy. I’m moaning to loud at this point, I have to cover my mouth, but I feel a hand from underneath uncovering my hand from my mouth.
Lou: Don´t stop, I love hearing you scream for me
He picks up the pace and its getting me closer, I’m a moaning mess, my body was reacting by its own, I wasn’t in control any more, was I ever in control with Lou? I start to feel my stomach knot up, you feel yourself getting tighter and tighter, your legs start to shake and close on Lou´s face, but he keeps them open with his arms as you cum on his mouth, drinking everything from you.
Lou: Oh my god, you taste delicious
Lou incorporated himself and started to take his clothes off right in front of me, I was already a breathless mess by just climaxing, now seeing him strip is another type of high. He starts to take off his shirt and you´re blown away just like the day you saw him for the first time, he was just perfection. Then he proceeds to take off his pants to release his hard cock from his boxers, he starts to stroke it as he looks at me, and I can see his jaw clench and his arm muscles tense and release with every stroke.
Lou: You like what you see?
He asks with a smirk on his face as I, apparently, was staring at IT all this time. I just couldn’t stop imagining how his size was just perfect to stretch me open and fill every bit of my insides.
Y/N: I love what I’m seeing…
I said trying to be smooth. He smirk again and starts to crawl over me again, looking straight into my eyes, he positions himself right over me but a few inches away, so I move my hips a little closer to have him right at my entrance. I started to open my mouth to say something, but he started to enter in me before I could say anything, what was I gonna say anyways? Who know? All I knew was that Lou was finally inside me, and without breaking eye contact he started thrusting in an out of me. I move my legs around his waist to give him more access, I want to feel all of him, with every thrust I can feel him stretching me open, and all of a sudden he stops and rests his head on my neck, I was confused and wanted to ask him to please keep moving, but I realized, he was already close, if I asked him to keep moving he was gonna cum and this was gonna be over very soon, so I just cupped him by his cheeks and started kissing him with all the love I have for him.
His breathing intensified as he is trying not to move, but just feeling his cock throb inside me made me quiver, and I cant stand it any longer, I just need him to move and fuck the shit out of me.
Y/N: Lou…please…move
Lou starts to move faster and faster each time, you can hear him moan in your ear, it’s like hearing an angel sing with a very deep voice, I want more of that, so I start pushing my hips at his compass with every thrust.
Y/N: Oh my god Lou, it feels amazing!
I cry out, with every thrust you feel a spark starting to form in the pit of your stomach.
Lou: You´re amazing baby, you feel so amazing, taking me all in, swallowing… me… all… in…
His thrust started to slow down, and I feel him getting harder and bigger inside of me as I start to get tighter around him. He buries his face in my neck again, occasionally biting and sucking at my soft skin, probably gonna have marks later.
Y/N: L…Lou…i´m gonna…
Lou: I know baby I know, you´re getting so tight, cum for me
I tried to warn him, but I feel myself snapping into a million pieces. He picks up the pace and starts circling his thumb around my clit, wrapping my arms around his neck, clinging onto him as hard as I can, I feel my core bursting making me moan like crazy as I’m seeing his name in starts.
He moans as he comes with me, riding my orgasm like a wave. He stays inside me while I continue shaking, he moves some hair from my face and kisses me tiredly but passionately. He pulls out gently and you can feel the your juices combined pour out of you, he lays next to me and pulls me onto his chest, laying on top of him he wraps us in the blanket, hugging him I can get a scent of his cologne and his sweat, the perfect combination to make my endorphins act up.
Lou: Y/N, I love you
Y/N: I love you too
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readingwithlemons · 5 years
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soulangel · 4 years
VAV Masterlist
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Genre Key:
M-Mature // F-Fluff // A-Angst // S-Series // SM-Social Media
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Princess and Queen F
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yeosangs-horizon · 5 years
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Poison - Ziu 
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fallinnflower · 5 years
love thy neighbor
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ziu x reader (fluff, neighbors!au)
a/n: this was requested by a lovely anon who’s been feeling down. a mood, my friend. i hope this short and sweet little blurb helps you out. sorry it can’t be longer, i’ve got a lot on my plate already this semester. however, hopefully soon, i will be able to finish and post a long-standing ziu project! much love~ also sorry for the lame title fsksksksk
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Anytime you’d heard horror stories about annoying neighbors in the past, you’d merely rolled your eyes and laughed. Honestly, how bad could it possibly be? And if it was that bad, why not do something about it?
Oh, how naive you were.
For the first few months in your new apartment, things were great. But maybe that was because you moved in over summer break, before other college students had returned to school. You should’ve known you’d have some rowdy neighbors due to your proximity to your university, but, well—
Nobody told you the walls were this thin.
You don’t know who the guy next door is, but you can venture a guess about a few things: he’s loud, he likes to sing, and he’s probably never thought about wall thickness before in his life. 
To be fair, you didn’t really mind his singing. The guy actually had some pretty good pipes, and some mornings it was nice to drink your coffee and listen to him belt OST’s on the other side of the wall. But, another thing about this guy: his sleep schedule was fucked.
Now, listen. College is just like that — sleep is for the weak! But the semester hadn’t even started yet and you were already losing some precious time, so you were more pissed than you probably would have been at any other time of year.
It’s almost 2a.m., one week to the day before the start of classes, and your neighbor has been singing along to an entire soundtrack. His voice just doesn’t seem to give out, despite the fact that you’ve uttered a prayer for just that to happen after nights of this occurring.
So. Despite being generally non-confrontational, your sleep-addled brain decides the best thing to do is stomp over to his door with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and give him a piece of your mind.
You’ve made a few assumptions about the guy next door, and when he pauses his music and answers it you’re met with a stumbling block you hadn’t accounted for:
He’s hot.
He’s tall, with a killer jawline and voluminous hair, and you become suddenly aware of the fact that you literally just rolled out of bed to come here. 
“Um,” you start, licking your lips nervously as all fire you’d had on your way here dies out in an instant. “I’m your neighbor. I know this is kinda awkward, but, uh, could you not be so loud? I— I can’t sleep.”
Hot neighbor’s dark eyes remain fixed on you in a permanent state of confusion as you stumble to form sentences, and by the time you finish and find yourself staring awkwardly back at him, you wish the ground would just swallow you whole. If his stature didn’t make you feel small, his unwavering gaze surely does.
You definitely expect him to get pissed, tell you off, maybe threaten to report you to the landlord or something — but instead, he simply shrugs.
“Sure,” he says, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was being that loud.” 
“You aren’t!” You say, too quickly. You can feel your face heating up as you add, “The walls are just really thin here.” At that, he laughs, and you’re completely caught off guard by the change in his demeanor, your posture stiffening.
“You don’t have to lie,” he says. “My friends are always telling me to shut up, it’s fine. I’ll try to pay more attention.” This time, when his eyes meet yours, they have a playful twinkle to them. As you find yourself giggling and smiling back at him, clutching your blanket tighter around your shoulders, you wonder how you could ever be intimidated by someone like him. Now that you’ve met him, he just seems like an over-excited puppy. 
“I’m Ziu, by the way,” he says, extending his hand. You shift your grip on your blanket to shake his hand, grinning,
“Y/N. Sorry I didn’t come welcome you sooner, prepping for the next semester is killing me.” 
“Don’t remind me!” He groans, retracting his hand. “I barely know how to get to campus, let alone some of my classrooms.” The expression on his face, an exaggerated pout, causes you to laugh once again — and then, all too quickly, you find yourself yawning. Ziu’s expression softens, and he pushes off his doorway,
“It’s late, you should get some rest. I’ll watch my volume from now on.” 
“Thanks,” you reply. You find yourself turning to look over your shoulder before you’ve even gotten two steps away, calling out Ziu’s name to get his attention. He pokes his head back out his door, eyebrows raised.
“Want me to give you a campus tour tomorrow?” His expression visibly brightens, breaking into a broad smile before he nods excitedly.
“I’d love that.” The two of you maintain eye contact for a moment that feels stretched long like taffy, until he finally breaks the silence again.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Ziu.”
With that, the two of you slip back into your respective apartments, unable to keep the smiles off your faces. Maybe having thin walls isn’t such a bad thing.
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vavhours · 4 years
do you think heejun is the type to enjoy giving or receiving? he has a lot of love to give but i know he loves receiving it back too
he wants to receive your full, adoring attention more than anything else.
he’s the type to be greedy for your pleasure; drawing out those perfect moans with his every perfect touch gets him off like nothing else. a lover of beauty. he’s worshipping your curves & edges, breathing praise against your heat because “you’re just so damn beautiful”. heejun finds heaven between your thighs, his name on your lips like a prayer. desires to give until you remember no other love but his own.
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Royal Estate Diamond Service Club
The Royal Estate has been known for their superb customer service—for five years, they’ve been considered the best hotel to stay at because of their kind hospitality and top-notch services. Little did the general public know, high payers are offered a “Special Service” that they aren’t provided.
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“Ropes and Roses”
“Dominance and Dahlias”
“Pencil Skirts and Peonies”
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kpoprunsmylifenow · 5 years
Ziu x Reader
Summary: Ziu had asked you to grab something for him out of his bag. And you find the oddest thing there.
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“Hey love, can you go grab my notebook out of my bag please?” You heard Ziu yelled from where he was holed up in your office.
“Sure babe!” So you set from your spot on the bed, to go get his notebook. Though, you really didn’t expect to find a rubber duck inside as well.
“The hell?” You laughed as you grabbed the notebook. “Hey babe?” He hummed. “Why do you have a duck in your bag?” He looked up startled, as you laughed.
“I think it was from a fan sign.” He guessed. “Or it may have been in there from when we watched your brothers.” He shrugged as he grabbed the notebook. “Thanks love.” He smiled. You bent down for a kiss.
“Make sure you take breaks okay. I don’t wanna have to drag you to come spend time with me on your time off.” He laughed and pushed you lightly away.
“Like you could drag me.”
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kollageimagines · 5 years
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Scream~ Featuring VAV’s Baron
Please like or reblog if you save!
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VAV Masterlist
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St. Van:
The video
edging, overstimulation, sub!Ayno, fem!dom!reader, bondage, very light degradation. 
Love at First Sight
sub!Lou, fem!dom!reader, mommy kink, fingering (male receiving) 
Reaction to Rimming
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VAV Reacts: You being the Main Vocal of your group
aesthetic-06-24 asked:
Greetings! It’s kinda been a bit. I don’t know if you do reactions or not so I have two options (yes or yes, jk) Option #1: VAV’s reaction to you being the main vocalist of your group or Option #2: A Lou and/or Ace fluff As always, much love 💕
(A/N): This is the result of Option #1. Hope you liked it! I had a lot of fun writing it. It was short, snappy and quick to get out. In summary: a really fun challenge. Feel free to send more of these types of things my way! @aesthetic-06-24 
Also, to everyone, I’ve officially reached 130+ followers! Do you guys think I should do anything special for the occasion?
Lee Geumhyuk (St. Van):
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Though he’d be a little embarrassed, he’d try his best to be a source of energy for you. Being the Main Vocalist of his group, he knows the struggles that come with it firsthand. 
The pressure, the vocal and breathing exercises, the sore throats—he knows every inch of it. 
So if you come home after a long day and you’re exhausted and disheartened, of course he’ll do some aegyo for you. It doesn’t mean he won’t regret it after, but how can he stay sulky when you look so happy to have him there for support? 
Answer: he can’t. 
Choi Chunghyeop (Baron):
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King of compliments. He brings out all the stops; anything to make you feel like a vocal queen. He’d say things like, “Your voice was so powerful right there” or “I got goosebumps at this part” (and he’d have the song time-stamp written down in a notebook, just so he could show you how much he cares). 
He wants you to know that he takes a genuine interest in your work-life, but he’d also rather keep it separate form your love life. You two will sing together sometimes, especially on lazy days, but most of the time, he’ll just ask you to sing him to sleep. 
He’ll never ever forget to remind you that your voice is soothing for him. He calls it his medicine and his healing. He loves your voice to the moon and back, but really, he loves it so much because he loves you. He wouldn’t love you any less if you had the vocal technique of a horse. 
He probably doesn’t go to many concerts, but he always calls you after (no matter what time it is) to say, “You did so well, darling”.
“You didn’t even see me perform.”
You’d be able to hear the smile in his voice when he said, “But I know you, so therefore, you did awesome.”    
Jang Wooyoung (Ace):
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All I can say is that he’s taking pictures of you 24/7 and saving them to his ‘My Awesome Girlfriend’ folder. He’d be really proud of you, but he wouldn’t express it verbally that often. Not because he couldn’t bring himself to do it, but just because he felt that you both understood each other enough to know what he was getting at. 
He figured that you understood what the pictures and videos he would take of you when you were singing meant. 
He figured you would understand what the screenshots from your performances meant.
He figured you’d realize that every time he broke into a random smile, it was always because of you. 
But still, when you were doubting yourself, he would speak his mind and tell you how amazing you are. Because even if you understood each other, sometimes hearing it out loud is the final push to assurance, and he knows that. 
Nah Yoonho (Ayno):
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Ugly-screaming. Ugly-singing. Ugly-dancing. 
Everything about him hyping you up is weird as hell and super loud, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, because it makes you laugh so freakin’ hard.
If he’s at a concert, you better believe he muscled his way up to the front, just so you could possibly hear him screeching the lyrics and going, “WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!” every five seconds. 
He won’t do it during ballads, though. If it’s a gentle, loving, or emotional song, he’d never dare. Even if he tried to, he’d find himself unable, because every time he hears you sing, he just melts into a state of, “Wow, that’s my girl”. 
If you ever made eye contact while you were singing, even if it was just casually at home, he’d feel his heart beat so fast and his chest squeeze, and without realizing it, he’s singing along. 
He likes the feeling of having that connection with you.  
Jang Peng (Jacob):
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You remember when they did karaoke to FXXK IT by BigBang and he was just kinda awkwardly bopping his arms in the background and being a general cutie? Yeah, that’s what I see. 
He’d be so proud and excited for you, but he’d try to tone it down a bit—y’know, be a man—so he might come off seeming a little boring. 
But believe me, this boy is at every single one of your group’s concerts that he can get to. If he has time, he’s there. Awkward arm-dance and all. Because even if it’s a weird, awkward arm-dance, it’s a weird and awkward arm-dance just for you.
And, don’t worry. He’d slowly get more comfortable with hyping you up. Just give him some time. He’ll eventually do it very openly, but for now, he’ll just settle for giving you a soft peck on the cheek after a performance and a sincere, “You did well, love.” 
Kim Hosung (Lou):
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Gets legitimately shocked by your voice every time he hears it. He could’ve heard it thousands of times and been to multiple concerts or listened to an album on repeat for a month, but every time he hears you hit a high-note or sound particularly emotive, the goosebumps raise. 
He might mess around with you a bit land tease you for a particular lyric you sang. Especially romantic ones. 
“Ohh,” he’d coo. “You were thinking about me, huh? That’s why this part was so good?” 
But you can tease right back. “Nope,” you’d say. “Fried chicken.” 
He’d stare for a moment, but then he’d start laughing, ‘cause God, he chose the right girl. In fact, the ultimate girl. What more could he ask for? 
You’re funny, you understand him and accept him, you take care of him and make him feel bright, and you’re extremely talented. 
Kinda someone he’d wanna marry and make a life with.
Park Heejun (Ziu):
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Hyping you the heck out! Like, dude- I’m not even kidding. 
He’d be so gosh-darned supportive of you. He’d learn all the lyrics to your songs, sing them loudly in the car with you, semi-learn the choreography, but mostly just slut-drop and appeal to you with cute winks. I feel like he’d be the type (if your relationship was public) to speak about you very often on V-live. 
Like, “Vampz! Did you hear her new song yet? You have, right?” 
Basically a pup that wants nothing more than to show you that he’s amazed by you and thinks you deserve a lot of love and attention. And maybe, just maybe... He’d like a little bit in return. 
A lot, really.
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