#lou drabbles
shehungthemoon · 5 months
Bucktommy Fic prompts: first vacation or snowy cabin vibes
first 118 bbq
Buck rescues a kitten from a tree and keeps it #catdads
Buck telling Tommy he was a sperm donor with zero context like ‘oh yeah biologically I have a kid’ and walking off leaving Tommy like ???
First Christmas together
Idk if it’s your vibe but something relating to the ring cutter?
Babysitting jee
Tommy realising ‘random facts with Buck’ is a thing
Flying lessons
Sorry I have a lot of thoughts and zero ability to write lollll
Oh, anon. I saw "babysitting jee" and could not get the image of Tommy looking at dollar store kids coloring books out of my head. And here we are 🖤
"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Buck asked into his phone, balancing it in between his shoulder and ear as he unpacked his locker for the night. "It's just that Tommy and I don't really get a lot of time to see each other with our schedules and everything, and—"
"Buck," Chim interrupted, "Yes I'm sure. I've known Tommy longer than you have, unless you've somehow forgot that since the last time you begged me for old, embarrassing photos of the man."
"Yeah yeah," Buck mumbled, "I know I know, sorry." Chim made a satisfied hum. Buck finished zipping up his bag. "Bet I know him better though."
Chimney started squawking indignantly over the phone. Buck grinned into his chest.
So, Buck invited Tommy to come babysit Jee with him that night, nervous the whole time he typed the text.
-i know it's not really a great date setting
He typed after he sent the initial message.
-totally ok to say no
He was stupid to be nervous. The reply came almost immediately.
-Are you kidding? I've been waiting to meet that girl ever since Chimney sent me those first pictures.
-Of course I'll be there
Tommy met him at Buck's door with a sweet grin and a bunch of coloring books in his hand. Buck couldn't do anything but stare at him for a moment and smile back.
Buck wondered if those butterflies in his stomach would ever go away. When Tommy leaned forward and pressed a gentle, quick kiss onto his lips, Buck came to the conclusion that there was no possible way they ever would.
"I brought these," Tommy said as he walked into the apartment, shaking the coloring books in the air and looking just a little bashful about it. "Didn't want to show up empty handed but I figured wine wasn't the right call for the venue."
Buck chuckled and shut the door behind him. "You definitely figured right." He pointed over toward the media area. "Wanna meet the star of the show?"
Tommy grinned. "More excited to see her than you, really."
Buck scoffed with feigned-offense and pinched Tommy's arm before moving his hand to the small of Tommy's back, pressing him gently toward where Jee was set up in front of his couch.
Jee looked up from her toys with wide eyes when they came into view. "Hey hey, princess, I got someone for you to meet!" Buck held his free hand out to point at his boyfriend. "This is Tommy. Tommy, this is Jee-Yun." She kept still in contemplation and made a humming noise up at them.
Tommy crouched down and gave her a little wave, and Buck would have laughed at the sight of such a big man making himself so small if it weren't the most endearing thing he'd seen in ages.
"Hi Jee-Yun. It's really nice to meet you," Tommy said with a quiet voice Buck'd never heard before. Jee just kept staring over at him with blinking, assessing eyes. "I really like your sparkly dress," he continued, and that seemed to do it. Jee broke out into a wide, squinty-eyed smile and let out one of those little kid laughs that melted hearts.
"Sequins," Jee said brightly; or at least tried to say, there was definitely an 's' sound in there somewhere.
The floor became their home for the next few hours, Jee happily adjusting to her new friend and toddling between the two of them, carting markers and dolls and pieces of Goldfish back and forth across the carpet. The two of them got easily talked into playing Barbies for one memorable twenty minute stretch, in which Buck learned quite a few things about Tommy's sense of fashion.
"You can't put those rain boots on Tiffany when she's wearing that dress, they don't go at all," Buck said contemptuously.
Tommy rolled his eyes. "Why not? There's yellow in the belt." He squinted and held Tiffany up a little closer to his face. "Sort of."
Buck groaned painfully. "They're way to clunky for that outfit! And it's not even raining, Tommy! Why would she be wearing rain boots?"
Tommy blinked at him for a second before slowly tilting his head up toward the ceiling. Of his very-much-indoors living room. Buck groaned louder.
Jee solved the problem easily by shoving the rain boots onto Tiffany's arms and yelling out Gloves! Buck was a little miffed he didn't think of that first.
Dolls, juice-box breaks, Buck chasing Jee around the first floor making firetruck sounds and sending Tommy into stitches from where he was still sprawled in front of the TV—the evening passed all too quickly and with more laughing than either of them had done in weeks. Which of course meant that by the time that Maddie and Chimney texted that they were going to be heading back soon, both grown men were beyond pooped and covered in more sticky substances than was probably recommended by most health codes. Jee had not decided to take it easy on the new guy, that's for sure.
Buck had handed a squirming Jee over to Tommy a bit ago while he got his niece's stuff all organized back together in her bag. By the time he'd gotten the rest of her leftover snacks out of the fridge and made a passable effort at tidying up the counters, the excitable sounds of Tommy and Jee's earlier conversations had died down and Buck decided it was about time he headed over to check up on them.
He was greeted with the sight of the two of them tucked into the couch, Jee set up on Tommy's lap with one of her new coloring books in her hand and an assortment of markers wedged into the crook of Tommy's bent knee in easy reach beside her. She was quietly and happily plugging away at one of the drawings—a startlingly pink giraffe, Buck thought he could make out—scribbling nonsensically across the page with an intently closed fist. Tommy had an arm resting along one of her sides to keep her from falling off, but the man himself was very much not paying too much attention anymore. His head was lolled back against the cushion, eyelids fluttering as he caught a few needed minutes of rest. Buck wasn't worried; he knew by the way Tommy's finger was still drawing lazy shapes along the frills of Jee's sparkly dress that Tommy'd be awake and aware in an instant if she needed him.
Buck stole a moment to just stand there and watch without either of them noticing. He took it in.
Tommy. His boyfriend. With a baby tucked happy against his chest.
Unbelievably small compared to him yet being held with all the gentleness in the world. His boyfriend and his niece. Both safe and content, on his couch.
Something tugged warm and tight behind Buck's ribs. The feeling almost toppled him over, dragged the breath from his lungs, love, pride, want.
He could have been sick with it.
He quietly padded over and lowered himself onto the cushion next to them before he could get too overwhelmed. He couldn't help himself. He leaned over and pressed a lingering kiss against where he knew Tommy's dimple was, and soon enough felt Tommy's smile underneath his lips.
"You having a good time there, Jee?" Buck asked quietly, pulling back just enough to see her. She twisted around to nod empathetically up at him.
"Uncle Tommy got me a jungle," she said, holding her booklet up with a grin, and Buck let out a surprised noise.
"Uncle Tommy, huh?" He teased, poking Tommy in the ribs and looking at him fondly. Tommy swatted his hand away and then grabbed his fingers before he could retreat too far, and Buck let him tug him in close and rest their now tangled hands against his side. Buck settled in sideways against the back of the couch and tried to push down the fondness bubbling up inside him before it burst.
"She said it earlier," Tommy said, brow furrowed just a bit. Buck wanted to press it out with his thumb. "It felt mean to correct her." Buck just hummed and squeezed his hand until he'd relaxed back into the couch again.
Tommy let him rest his forehead against his shoulder, and the three of them whiled away the next quarter hour laughing at Jee's animal noises and picking crazy colors for tigers and monkeys and toucans.
Maddie and Chimney showed up before for too long, greeting Tommy with just as much warmth as they did Buck, especially after they saw just how adamant Jee was about hanging off of Tommy's calf and not letting him go even in the face of Goldfish bribes.
Maddie and Chimney finally got her detached with the promise of an extra bedtime story, and in a flurry of side-hugs and handshakes and little versions of such for Jee, they said their goodbyes. Tommy waved them out the door with an arm around Buck's shoulders.
They stumbled up to bed that night too tired for much else other than sleep, Buck's heart skipping a beat in his chest every time he caught Tommy's eye or felt him brush against him as they moved around the loft. Tommy's strong arms wrapped around him as they drifted off. Buck pressed himself hard back into Tommy's chest and fell asleep to the feeling of feather-light kisses pressed against the back of his neck and a heart beating alongside his own.
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incognit0slut · 8 months
Your gaze fell on him, noticing the casual suit jacket draped over his shoulders, the top button of his crisp shirt undone. His tousled hair was swept back, framing his handsome face that accentuated the rugged charm of his stubbled jawline. But it was his warm brown eyes that captivated you. And when he flashed that charming smile, you found yourself unable to resist the urge to lean closer, eager to capture those lips with your own.
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geoxstxrs · 6 days
I've been thinkin a lot about Cole's family.. here are last name hc's !!! Lilly's maiden name is 'Hence' but she took Lou's last name, 'Brookstone'. Cole's last name in tlnm is 'Bucket'...
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leonsdoll · 11 months
The balloon scenario was cute, haha! How about the same scenario, but what would Abby and Dina do if you were to ask them separately? Kinda curious for your headcannon 😭
okay so
abby hates loud noises in general so I think she would pop it just because you asked her to but she would cover her ears, I can imagine her with her ears tapped and like squinting her eyes trying to pop it with her feet😭 like stomping on it with her boots, and when she finally pops it she looks all proud even though you low-key were joking when you asked her
dina is fearless frfr, she would be skeptical on why you would want her to pop a balloon, 'what the fuck kinda request is that?' then she'd snicker and just grab something sharp and pop it, she's a mom a balloon popping does not scare her
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Introducing them to their special interests/hyperfixations.
Domestic samhiggs, possibly lou doing related arts and crafts
(Sorry if this is kinda sappy, but you asked for Higgs related prompts and I answer as best I can)
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"Darlin', I know you just turned four, but you gotta tie the knots like this, see? It'll keep comin' undone if you don't grip. Use those brain cells of yours." Higgs chuckled as he held up the quipu he had been working on. He watched as Louise curiously tilted her head, a small noise of frustration leaving her mouth. Her big eyes were in awe of the quipu as her small fingers reached out to grasp and feel where the taut round ball of the yarn met in the middle of the string.
To Higgs she looked like a little doll with a head too big for her body, and he couldn't help but smile big as she tugged hard on the end of the quipu strand before he retreated it back.
"Ah, ah, ah! Don't be throwin' a tantrum now! C'mon, finish what you started." He murmured firmly, gesturing with his chin toward her unfinished project. Higgs couldn't hold back a grin as she gave him daggers, the plopped onto the floor beside him.
Louise picked up the small quipu Higgs had gotten started for her, and for several moments her eyes glanced back and fourth between her project and Higgs's. She observed the way he looped the strings, and did her best to mimic his gestures. At one point warm tears began to pool in the corner of her eyes, feeling upset she couldn't get the knots to stay put before going to the next one. It was only when she felt a hand upon her back, giving a gentle pat did she cease and met Higgs's gaze as she looked up.
"Don't be a baby," Higgs teased. "You almost got it Pipsqueak."
Her lips grew into a wide smile, accentuating her chubby cheeks at hearing the nickname. Even though she didn't understand what it meant, she knew it was something special that was only reserved for her.
A few more failed attempts later, and then something clicked. Louise had finally created not one, but two knots on a strand. She held it up proudly as she babbled, and Higgs exaggerated his features to make she knew he was proud of her.
"C'mon, show me how you did it!" Higgs coaxed, watching Louise nod rapidly as she went through the motions. He clapped a few times, and messed with her hair while she giggled. "That's my girl, you did it Pipsqueak!"
While the two celebrated, Sam had been observing the scene from afar. His body leaning against the frame of the door as he cracked a smile himself. Higgs had always been big into quipu's. Arguably more than anyone Sam had ever met in his life. The symbolism of how each knot represented special moments in time had grounded his soul, especially once he began working on a large quipu for their found family. Each knot tying to their destinies, from the moment Sam decided to give him a second chance, to Louise taking her first steps. The little moments, though mundane like knots on a string, added to something bigger than the three of them.
As Lou and her little hands continued to weave, and Higgs proudly watched her, Sam's smile faltered. He remembered all the times Higgs was terrified to be near Lou, much less be affectionate toward her. The fear of being just like his uncle, of being like his 'daddy' hung onto the back of his skull like BT that never sought providence from having its tether be cut.
Sam wanted nothing more than to interrupt and tell Higgs he was wrong about everything, but he couldn't bring himself to interfere with this moment he wouldn't soon forget. Not when Lou looked at Higgs with adoration that rivaled the love she had for Sam, and not when peace lingered in Higgs's eyes for the first time in years.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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levispersonalslave · 2 months
Based on my past experiments it seems that shorter drabbles do better than longer one shots. So people have the attention spans of goldfish, okay (I cant read multi-chapter fics without losing interest)
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
“You and me, di Angelo? We’re not that different.”
He scowled as she spun around in the chair. “You don’t know what its like-“
“To what? Be outcasted? Pushed to the outside? Feared? All because you’re an Underworld kid?”
He blinked a few times and she stopped spinning, tilting her side and grinning.
“We’re both children of chthonic deities, Nico. We don’t have the same experiences, obviously. I’m not saying that. But when it comes to camp specifically. We’re not all that different.” She shrugged. “I used to be a solider in Kronos’s army, did you know that?” She didn’t give him time to answer. “Probably not, right? It’s sort of taboo to talk about the titan army. But I wasn’t exactly welcomed back at camp. None of us were. But eventually they said they trusted us. Spoiler alert, they didn’t. When Percy first went missing the titan army campers were the first suspects.” She shrugged again. “That got super off topic when all I was trying to say is we can be outcast buddies."
I'm here to spread my Lou Ellen Blackstone and Nico Di Angelo friendship agenda. You don't have a choice and this is a threat(/j)
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bg-sparrow · 2 months
mcfly july 2024 || 🌲🌲 || day 18 "Roll With Me, Henry"
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Tough guys like Biff Tannen needed tossed in the trenches with a few near misses and a gangrene scare. 
That’s what set Lou straight when he was a punk kid.
And Biff was a terrible influence on his nephew.
“You gotta get that boy enlisted,” Lou told his kid sister. “He’s not hanging with a good crowd, Nance.”
“Lou, you know he hasn��t been the same since his father died.”
Lou sighed. Guiltily glanced at the Medal of Honor framed next to his brother-in-law’s photograph on the mantle. 
JUNE 6, 1944
“Just tell him to stop chewing all my toothpicks.”
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Valentines Day Morning
Plot: A pleasant Valentines morning with Y/n and Lou.
Prompt: ''Turning around, and suddenly being met with a kiss.''
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
Requested By: @will-grammer
Warnings: None, just some pure domestic fluff.
Words: 541
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Morning light shined through the kitchen window, as bird song could be heard from the trees just outside.
Humming softly to yourself, you were lost in thought as you cut the strawberries into heart shapes to place along the crepes you were making.
You smiled to yourself, amused, you decided when making a Valentines themed breakfast, that you were allowed to be cheesy, at least for today.
On the table nearby, was a bouquet of your favorite flowers and chocolates you had found in the kitchen when you got up. You figured Lou had snuck down and placed them there after you had gone to bed, so you would find them first thing this morning.
Though you were making breakfast, you had already eaten a few of the chocolates, unable to resist.
Too lost in thought, you didn't hear Lou walk into the kitchen behind you.
Lou leaned in the doorway for a few moments as he buttoned up his shirt. He watched you with an adoring smile on his face as you hummed a familiar tune.
He could tell you hadn't been aware he came into the kitchen, as you always say hello when you noticed his presence. After another moment, he walked up to you, taking soft quiet steps as to not alarm you of his presence.
As you sliced another strawberry, you felt as though someone had approached you from behind. Just as you began to turn, you felt hands gently grip your wait and turn you around swiftly.
You let out a soft gasp, that was then muffled as his lips met yours. You stifled a surprised laugh until after Lou pulled away. He grinned down at you, amused that he managed to sneak up on you. You grinned playfully at him, but smiled.
"Good morning." He greeted.
"Morning." You said with a forced, yet amused tone.
Looking over your shoulder, Lou smirked as he saw the red and brown crepes, with a strawberry cream cheese filling, heart shaped strawberries and chocolate drizzle.
"Very festive." He said with light sarcasm and a smile.
You smiled as you reached up and placed your arms on either side of his neck, as his hands rested on your hips.
"Thank you, I was feeling cheesy this morning."
He chuckled softly before he slowly leaned down. Leaning up, you met him in a kiss.
"Thank you for the flowers and chocolates." You said with a smile as you motioned your head towards the gifts on the table.
"You're welcome."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, and stepping up onto your toes, you hugged him close, as he wrapped his own arms around you. You took in a deep breath, and the familiar scent of your favorite cologne engulfed your nose. Your whole body seemed to tingle, yet relax in his arms as you felt warmth wash over you.
Stepping away from him, he gently caressed the side of your face before planting a kiss to your forehead.
Turning to finish the crepes, Lou began grabbing plates and forks, a familiar routine you did each morning as you switched turns cooking for each other.
Popping a strawberry into your mouth you smiled to yourself as you realized just how happy you were.
xx End xx
I'm not sure I like how this came out, as I wanted it to be longer but I hope you enjoy it anyways!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @will-grammer, @aliceinwondwonderland,
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
Wesper funeral home au
@waterloou once again, failed at three sentences, but here you go lol
“Eva, Eva, Eva…” Jesper shook his head slowly, then leaned across the desk. “That’s my aunt’s name, you know.” He winked at the old woman, who rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “No, really, love, who do you take me for? This is Jesper Fahey at your service! I would no sooner let them bury you in khakis than let them sell you down the river for dissection. On my honour, I will be styling you myself, so if you’re satisfied with the details of the package we’ve discussed…”
Eva stood from her chair several minutes later, smiling brightly as she came around the desk and pressed a kiss to Jesper’s cheek. She waved to him with a white-gloved hand as she swept out of the office in a flowing trail of fur and silks, passing Wylan in the lobby.
“Ma’am,” said Wylan politely, nodding his head at Eva. He watched discreetly as she left, closing the heavy wooden doors of the funeral home in her wake. Finally, he plucked one of the stray white lilies from the flower arrangement he’d been working on and meandered over to Jesper’s office. The door was open, so he leaned on the frame and twirled the flower in one hand, observing Jesper on his laptop.
After a moment, Jesper glanced up to see him there and broke into a bright smile. “Good news, sunshine! Eva’s paying for our holiday.”
Wylan raised an eyebrow, then glanced down at the lily, starting to pick at the petals. “She’s not coming with us, is she?” he asked casually, letting one petal after the other drift down to the floor.
Snorting, Jesper pushed back from the desk, serving Wylan a knowing look even as Wylan pretended he didn’t notice Jesper crossing to meet him. “Sounds like someone’s a little jealous…”
Wylan sniffed and tossed the empty stem of the flower at Jesper before turning away back into the lobby. “I’m not jealous,” he said airily, waving Jesper off as he felt two strong, thin arms trying to wrap around his waist from behind. “Jes,” he warned, but a laugh crept into the word as Jesper persisted, finally locking his arms around Wylan and sweeping him off his feet into a dizzying spin.
“Oh, you’re so jealous, my sunshine,” said Jesper in a sing-song, spinning so fast that the two of them nearly knocked into one of Wylan’s carefully arranged flower vases. He chuckled at Wylan’s shriek of, “Jesper!” and dizzily dragged them back until they were sinking onto the floor of the lobby in a heap of limbs and laughter.
“Ghezen,” Wylan grumbled through a smile, “you’re so…”
“Kissable? Handsome? Beguiling? Radiant? Insufferable?”
Wylan burst into laughter anew. “That last one, yes.”
Grinning, Jesper rolled them over until he was straddling Wylan’s hips, then leaned down to kiss him on both cheeks as he whispered, “You have to admit, though, I have a way with affairs of the body.” He winked, and Wylan rolled his eyes, though he was smiling—
“I really don’t remember why I hired you sometimes.”
“Oh, darling, it was dead in here before me.”
“Yeah, not helping me remember.”
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beuatifulbuttercup · 1 year
Idea I just had and if I had any writing talent in fanfics I would write:
also this was not beta read so prepare for bad grammar lol
Luke had just betrayed the camp. Tension was high and the counselors were trying to assure younger campers that things would be okay. Some of the campers who are going to join Luke are biding their time until the night. Lou Ellen was nervously sitting in the Big House waiting for Chiron who had called her there. He enters the Big House quietly and goes up to Lou Ellen.
"Lou Ellen do you know why I called you here?" Chiron trotted up to where Lou Ellen was sitting.
"If this is about Luke I swear I had no idea! I-I didn't do anything!" Lou Ellen said frantically. Who could blame her? She was a daughter of a minor deity, a chthonic one at that. People had a tendency to blame her and her brother, Alabaster, when things go wrong.
"I know Lou Ellen, and I believe you. However, you are correct in thinking that Luke's recent actions are the reason I brought you here today," Chiron sighed. He was looking everywhere but at Lou Ellen. His normally wise and cheerful eyes seemed darker and his brushy brows were furrowed. "I alongside Mr.D have deducted that multiple campers will follow Luke. It is highly likely that they knew of the plan and knew that they would betray camp."
Lou nodded. She had come up with the same conclusion when she found out about Luke. She may only be 10 but she was incredibly street smart especially for her age. While she didn't buy into the rumors of who may or may not betray camp (mostly because they were all the children of minor gods and unclaimed kids) she knew there was at least some merit in the rumors. "You don't think that I'm going to betray the camp, do you?"
Chiron smiled slightly at that. "No Lou Ellen, I do not. There are many reasons for why but I won't go over then right now, there is a more difficult matter to discuss at the moment."
"Is it about my brother?"
"Sadly it is," Chiron replied. Lou Ellen took in a deep breath. She loved her brother and was very defensive over him almost as much as he was with her.
"Al is way too smart to join Luke! He w-would never do that!" Lou Ellen practically stood up from her her seat. But deep, deep, deep down inside her she felt like she was trying to convince herself more than Chiron.
"Lou Ellen, I understand this is hard but this is not a baseless accusation. Alabaster, along with Luke, Ethan, and Chris have all been seen sneaking out of camp. Argus told me. At first I did not think much of it, Luke was a cabin counselor and has been here for five years after all. I trusted him and he always came back with all four half-bloods alive. But since Luke attacked Percy and both Ethan and Chris have left I do not believe it was so innocent," Chiron explained thoroughly. Lou Ellen fidgeted with the pins on her satchel. "Alabaster is the only one that has not left. I believe something or someone is holding him back.
Lou Ellen's eyes widened in shock. She felt her mouth get dry and her heart began to pump. "It's me, isn't it?
Chiron nodded sadly. "I am afraid you are. I believe Alabaster is going to try to recruit you to join Luke."
Lou Ellen didn't say anything, she couldn't figure out what to say or how to say it. This was different than all the other times the campers called them villains . This was Chiron explaining a situation and the worst part was it all made sense. It made sense why they snuck out. It made sense why Chiron would think that. And it made sense on why Alabaster stayed. That was the worst part. She couldn't think of a way to argue with Chiron because as far as she could see he was right. That is what hurt. Lou Ellen felt herself choke up and she took a shaky breath.
"I understand that this is difficult. I am so, so sorry that this is happening to you Lou Ellen," Chiron said as he reached out to put his hand on her shoulder. "And I'm sorry for asking you this. Alabaster will try to recruit you and we think it would be wise if you said yes."
"Normally we would ask an older camper however I do not know where they are meeting. You are a safe option," Chiron said in advance.
"Chiron, what are you talking about?" Lou Ellen asked.
"Mr.D and I think it would be smart to have a spy."
This came from multiple thoughts I had. The first was how Silena was low-key a bad spy because she got caught/gave herself up. Then it went to how a good spy never gets caught. Then it turned into a question; how did they know to check the labyrinth. Normal answer, well it was probably smart to check them since they could lead to camp. Fun answer, there was a spy working for them who told them that they were using it. Then spy Lou Ellen was born. Do I think it is a little weird that they chose Lou Ellen who would be super young, yes. Do I also think it makes some sense and offers a cool plot, also yes.
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antiadvil · 3 months
Tried to write today and long story short good fucking luck writing when you're so photosensitive that even when closing your eyes at night it's still too bright
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ksbbb · 2 years
All Hallows Eve (thiam)
There hasn’t been a lot going on with the supernatural lately and to be honest, he needs something to do. Going out tonight to explore seemed like the best option, and Mason even agreed to drive.  Theo wasn’t happy. Apparently he can’t ever leave his truck alone for a night or whatever, but Liam was able to convince him to come. He was going to make sure everyone had a good time. 
That’s why when Corey mentioned an old abandoned house they could go explore, he couldn’t say no. If that’s what everyone wanted to do, then Liam was up for it. Even if he had to deal with the chimera’s glares all night about not driving and doing stupid things.  Theo is a little bit aggravated right now, but Liam doesn’t mind. They both push each other’s buttons and seeing Theo complain is payback for the many times he teased him. Not that it was all bad, because sometimes Theo teases in a way that makes Liam think he might be flirting with him, and if he's honest, he is okay with that.
When they pull up onto the street he sees a dark and dreary house, scattered leaves everywhere, and boarded up windows. He didn’t think Corey and Mason enjoyed walking into the unknown, but it is All Hallows’ Eve. Maybe they should try to do something different. Something that doesn't involve the supernatural for once.
Can we not go into the abandoned house?” Theo asks, aggravation creeping into his voice, and Liam ignores the way Theo looks to him for help. He can’t help but smile at the way the chimera has complained the whole way but still being willing to follow along. He’s far from the evil chimera they met so long ago. 
“We’re werewolves Theo. “ Liam points out, his eyes widening in excitement as he studies the old house in front of them. It’s not like they have to worry they can’t handle something that jumps out at them. Although Mason doesn’t look as enthused as he was before. 
“Werewolves that always seem to get into some type of trouble and it’s somehow always your idea.”  Theo sighs as Liam’s eyes harden, and his face turns into a frown.
Liam rolls his eyes, flipping Theo off as he heads over towards the house. He’s not going to let Theo annoy him with his ramblings or blame him for the adventures they encounter due to both of them, and their love for keeping things exciting.  Beacon Hills is never boring. That’s for sure.
Theo follows Liam up to the house, scowl still on his face as he peers around the corner to verify if it’s safe. With an impatient nod from Liam, Theo throws his hands up and they walk into the dark house.
“I can’t see.” Mason mutters, just as Corey yelps and walks directly into Theo. “I don’t have wolf eyes.” Mason complains, causing Liam to roll his eyes, and Corey to pat his boyfriend’s shoulder sympathetically.
“Careful not to fall through the floor. I’m sure Liam forgot about safety hazards.” Theo sneers, and Liam is about ready to punch him in the nose again, but before he can, Theo suddenly does in fact almost fall though the floor.  He manages to avoid it by grabbing onto Liam and veering towards the walls of the house just as the boards give way.
“Oops, careful.” Liam smiles, but his face falters when he realizes Corey and Mason aren’t behind them anymore. “Theo? Where are Corey and Mason? Did you lose them?” Liam questions, as Theo turns around to see no one behind him. 
“Me? I didn’t lose anyone. They were right there.” Theo walks back towards the front door, careful to keep off the middle of the floor, as he retraces their steps. It’s not that far, and it’s pretty obvious they aren’t anywhere near them, but Liam still checks around them.
“Good job.” Theo deadpans.
“I don’t….wait, why…”Liam tries to pry open the front door, but it’s stuck. He jiggles the door knob and attempts to use his werewolf abilities to knock it down, but it doesn’t budge. He’s almost embarrassed by how ridiculous he must look struggling with a door and having his claws out.
“Liam….you’re a werewolf. Open the door.” Theo shoves him to the side, trying to pull the door open, but it still remains closed. Liam moves Theo away from the door because he will be not let Theo be the one to open it and tease him about not being able to use his abilities, but it’s no use. The door won't budge. He sighs, and finally steps back as he checks for service on his phone.
“I don’t like being locked in.” Theo growls, starting to pull at the wooden bars on the windows, and if Liam didn’t know any better he would think the chimera is….
“Are you okay?” Liam stops what he’s doing on his phone, while he watches Theo become more and more wolfed out. It isn’t like him to be so out of control. He teases Liam about how much he lets things bother him, and seeing Theo starting to become the same way almost hurts him. To see Theo lose it makes him start to grow even more nervous.
Theo looks over at him, his eyes shifting to yellow, as Liam takes a step forward, probably about to be punched, or have another torn t-shirt.  He carefully takes Theo’s hands and turns them over, eyeing the claw marks and dried blood. He’s surprised he hasn’t been shoved backwards yet.
“Any reason abandoned houses freak you out?” Liam asks, gazing at Theo as he starts to smell the embarrassment coming off him. 
“They don’t. It’s not the house.” Theo keeps his eyes averted, looking towards the floor, and Liam almost wants to hug him, or maybe yell at him. He’s not sure which. Theo is always closed off, never letting anyone discuss what’s going on with him, and just once, Liam wants to know what’s happening in his head.
“I’m actually not a huge fan of the dark. My dad always used to leave the lights off and complain about how I was wasting electricity. My biological dad. I was 4.” Liam contemplates how he only ever told Mason that, and nearly regrets saying it, but Theo’s shoulders start to relax. His gaze now drifts up to lock on Liam.
“I don’t like being locked in anywhere. I was locked in at night when I was with the dread doctors as a kid.” Theo says it so quietly that Liam barely hears it, and his heartbeat skips at the look of vulnerability the chimera has on his face. That he is allowing Liam to see.
“You’re not with the dread doctors. You’re with me.” He swallows, his throat feeling too dry, and feeling too exposed right now. Exposed to his own feelings and what Theo’s intense gaze is doing to him.  
“Liam!!?” Mason’s voice shouts from behind the door.
“Mason? Are you okay?” Liam worriedly asks, still keeping his eyes on Theo, but leaning closer to the door to hear what’s going on.
“Yes. There’s some kind of new mountain ash, or whatever out here. I guess chimera’s can’t cross it either. Corey heard someone upstairs. We thought you were right behind us when he ran out of the house. I can’t open it either. It’s almost like something is preventing it. It must have happened when the door shut. Sit tight, I’ll see if we can call Deaton.” Mason calls to him, and Liam relaxes slightly at knowing his friends are okay.
“Told you it would be a trap.” Theo smirks at him, and Liam huffs out a laugh, and realizes he’s still holding the chimera’s hands. He quickly lets go, but he catches the little hitch in Theo’s breathing as his fingers graze his, and that’s….something they should talk about, but they can wait until they're out of here. Liam would rather Theo be calm, and happy. 
He likes when Theo smells happy.
for @waterloou
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leonsdoll · 11 months
Heyy!! I was randomly thinking about a scenario where the reader and Ellie are cuddling on a cold night. The reader's hands are very cold, and Ellie warms them up in various ways. For example, Ellie would use her own hands and her breath or something to warm them up 😭
this is so real my hands are always cold😭
you laid in bed as ellie hugged you from behind, stuffing her face into your neck, she slid her hands down to yours and when she touched them she quickly pulled away, 'holy shit' she cursed and chuckled, you turned around now facing her, 'what's the problem ellie?' she picked up your hands with both of hers, 'these are the problem' you looked at her confused, 'your fucking hands are freezing' you roll your eyes and chuckled, 'ellie they're not that cold you're just a fucking human heater' she rolled you back over and intertwined her hands with yours putting them close to your chest, 'okay now your hands will be warmer' you giggle and kiss the back of her hand, 'thank you ellie, you're a life saver' you laugh and ellie pulls you closer
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years
28 for the prompt? Dialogue only, with Larry if you would!
Thanks for the prompt Lou <3 Sorry it took so long (it's a bit angsty unfortunately)
“Have you guys seen Haz anywhere?”
“I thought he was with you.”
“Well, obviously not Nialler.”
“Jeez, no need to get snappy.”
“Sorry lad. I’m just worried is all. Z? You seen him anywhere?”
“He’s in his dressing room.”
“You mean our dressing room?”
“No, I mean ‘his’ dressing room.”
“I don’t understand. Harry and I always share a dressing room. How come he has a new one?”
“All I know is he requested his own dressing room for tonight. It’s between mine and Li’s.”
“I’ve got to go.”
“Just- be nice, alright babes? He seemed pretty down when I last saw him.”
“I’ll be nice. Don’t worry Z.”
“Haz? You in here?”
“Yeah, can I come in?”
“...I guess. How did you know where I was?”
“Zayn told me.”
“So…you wanted your own dressing room, huh?”
“Any reason for that?”
“None whatsoever?”
“Nothing immediately coming to mind, no.”
“So this has nothing to do with what happened last night, then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, Haz…”
“Just drop it. Please, Lou.” 
“We need to talk about this eventually, Harry.”
“Why can’t we just pretend last night never happened? You seem to be really good at that.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Just forget about it.”
“No, I’d love to know what you meant by that actually.”
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levispersonalslave · 2 months
Guys dont listen to people who say a drabble should be only 100-200 words they're just uptight miserable hoes. Anything can be a drabble if you gaslight yourself hard enough
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