#Zion Zvi
matan4il · 10 months
To the person who wants us to differentiate the modern political movement that came to be called Zionism, and the Zionist nature of Judaism, I'll address you politely, even though your assertion that I must be a teenager (quick search of my blog would show you that I work at a Holocaust museum, education and research center, that also studies the history of the Jewish people in general, so... not a sound assumption) is very insulting and condescending.
Sure, we can distinguish the thousands of years old Zionist nature of Judaism from the modern political movement that came to be referred to as Zionism.
But do you understand that the modern political movement wouldn't exist without the fact that Judaism has ALWAYS been Zionist? That the distinction is, to a degree, an artificial one, especially in the context of anti-Zionists claiming that Judaism is incompatible with Zionism, which is a lie. With that claim, they mean to deny the very right of Israel to exist as a liberation and land back movement of the Jewish people, and while they're at it, they are de-legitimizing every Zionist movement ever, whether modern or not, they're de-legitimizing every Jew who had returned to Israel, even just as an individual, because they are denying the very Zionist nature of Judaism.
I'll attach at the end an attempt at demonstrating why the distinction is somewhat artificial in this context.
But before that, I'll address some of your other claims. You said that Zionism is a secular movement, and religious Jews are opposed to it. While some ultraorthodox Jews are indeed opposed to active Zionism, and prefer a passive wait for the Mashiach, they too are Zionist in the non-modern-political-movement sense (they still believe and pray for the Mashich to bring all Jews back to Israel and re-establish Jewish sovereignty in this land, not to keep them in the diaspora). And they do not represent all religious Jews. The modern political Zionist movement was very much joined by religious Jews, such as a political organization called "Ha'Mizrachi," which was established in 1902. Their Zionism was connected to the actions and writings of rabbis who preceded many secular Zionist leaders like Herzl (first published a Zionist pamphlet in 1896), such as Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever (first established Ha'Mizrachi as a spiritual and educational pro-Zionist center in 1893), Rabbi Yehuda Alkalai (published "Minchat Yehuda," a Zionist call for Jews to return to Israel in 1840, and established the Society for the Settlement of Eretz Yisrael in 1852), and Rabbi Zvi Kalischer (asked Mayer Amschel Rothschild to help with the purchase of land in Israel for Jews to return there in 1836, and published the Zionist book Drishat Zion in 1862). Even among ultraorthodox Jews, there are Zionist ones. Some of them were a part of Ha'Mizrachi organization. During the British rule in Israel, there were ultraorthodox Jews who actively helped the Zionist underground movements, the Etzel and the Hagana, and in a 2022 poll, 76% of Chassidic Jews defined themselves as Zionist.
You also made the assertion that the modern political movement of Zionism is European. Again, while many of its founders were from Europe, many Jews from Arab and Muslim countries came to Israel as a part of the modern Zionist movement. Please don't erase them. And why would they be a part of this movement? Because of the intrinsically Zionist nature of Judaism. Yemenite Jews didn't need to be a part of the founding fathers of the modern political movement, in order to be a part of the movement, and to see it as a fulfilment of ancient Jewish prophecies, when they were brought to Israel in a special operation in 1952. In fact, there was a Zionist Yemenite movement of return in 1881, following a verse in the Bible, in the Song of Songs book, that they believed told them they had to return to Israel during this year. Many of them settled in a village close to the Temple Mount, which the Arabs refer to as Silwan, a mispronunciation of the ancient Hebrew name Shiloach (that can be found in the Bible). These Yemenite Jews were ethnically cleansed by the Arabs during the 1936-1939 anti-Zionist, anti-Jewish riots. And when Jews tried to return to Kfar Ha'Shiloach, anti-Zionists attacked that as "colonization," too. Anti-Zionists make NO distinction between Jews returning to Israel from Europe, and Jews returning to it from Arab and Muslim countries. We're all just "Zionists" and "incompatible with Judaism," no matter how much our Zionism is derived from our Jewish identity, and no matter that we are native to this land, not colonizers.
You asked, "how can judaism be 'inherently zionist' when the idea of a jewish state has only existed for less than 200 of those years?" and I will ask you, what's unclear when I say that Zionism is about Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish ancestral homeland, which is an idea that I showed was inherent to Jewish tradition and religion? There were Jewish kingdoms here (the unified kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel, the Kingdom of Yehudah, and the Hasmonean Kingdom), that fulfilled that idea long before there was a Jewish state, and the Jewish state is a direct (and yes, modern) continuation of those ancient Jewish kingdoms (I mean, of course that's the modern reincarnation, we're not going to build a Jewish kingdom now, just so no one can use the accusation that a Jewish state is a modern concept... and I'm sort of weirded out by the fact that I have to defend the right of Jews to implement modern reincarnations of their traditional notions... Also, pretty sure that if we went with the old version and tried to set up a Jewish kingdom, we'd be crucified for being backwards), because it is founded on the same exact principle, that we get to self rule in our own ancestral land. Denying that is erasing Jewish history and parts of Jewish identity.
You said, "our connection to the land does not need to be mediated through a political body the majority of us have absolutely no say in," and I wanna ask you, does every German in the world (or at least most) have to live in Germany, and have a say in it as a citizen, for the nation state of the German people to have the right to exist? Same for every other nation state out there.
You called Israel, "a country younger than our grandparents, and for that matter any other country too," which is untrue on several levels. The state might be younger than some grandparents, but its right to exist is an ancient one, connected to those thousands of years old kingdoms, and in that sense, the modern state of Israel being founded in 1948 is no different to the modern state of India being founded in 1947. Would you tell Indians that their state has no right to exist, erasing its connection to previous forms of Indian self rule in that land, just because those weren't a modern state? Would you offend them by suggesting that the age of their modern state is a factor in its legitimacy? No. But for some reason, you feel comfortable doing that when it comes to the modern Jewish state. While we're at it, whether the current self rule of Palestinians constitutes a state is a matter of debate, but let's say that it counts, and that a Palestinian state started existing when they began self ruling in 1994 following the Oslo accords (the first time ever in history when Arabs in Israel self ruled, rather than be a colony serving a metropole situated in some other Arab or Muslim country), that would make their state not only younger than our grandparents, it would make it younger than quite a few Tumblr users. But I bet you wouldn't say that this de-legitimizes the right of a Palestinian state to exist. Yet you feel it's perfectly okay to say such things about Israel. You should ask yourself why can you accept others, but not a Jewish state. For the record, here's some modern states younger than Israel, that you would never dream to de-legitimize based on their age: Malaysia (1957), Singapore (1965), Zimbabwe (as Rhodesia, 1965), Bangladesh (1971), Guinea-Bissau (1973), Comoros (1975), Lithuania (1990), Latvia (1990), Belarus (1990), Armenia (1990), Georgia (1991), Croatia (1991), Slovenia (1991), Ukraine (1991), Moldova (1991), Uzbekistan (1991), Macedonia (1991), Azerbaijan (1991), Slovakia (1992), Montenegro (2006).
Okay, a small demonstration of how artificial the distinction between modern political Zionism and historical Zionism is...
Where do we put the start of the modern political movement of Zionism, what is the date when it began?
A lot of people would suggest that it started with Herzl. He's often referred to as "the father of Zionism" (that's incorrect. It would be more accurate to refer to him as "the father of diplomatic Zionism"). Herzl was actually an assimilationist Jew, who believed Jews in Europe should aspire to be like all other Europeans, erase the difference between them and the non-Jews (relinquishing our tradition, culture, religion, everything that makes us unique and a contribution to the richness of the human experience), and rely on the equal rights that Europeans would grant us. He believed in this, but experiencing antisemitism in the cosmopolitan Vienna, as well as covering the Dreyfus trial (when a Jewish officer was convicted of treason, and shamefully exiled, despite his many years of loyal service to his country, just because he was a Jew), he came to publish (as I mentioned) a Zionist pamphlet in 1896.
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1896?
But the term "Zionism" as the name of the movement was actually coined in 1890, by Nathan Birnbaum!
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1890?
But for the term to be coined, it had to describe something that already existed. And in fact, many Zionist groups, counted as a part of the modern political movement, were already active by that time. For example, some people start counting the new Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael as starting with the arrival in Israel of the Zionist Bilu group, in 1882 (they were established in January of that year, and despite being secular Jews, they were drawing from Jewish tradition, naming themselves after a biblical verse from the book of Isaiah. Because like I said, modern political Zionism wouldn't exist without the ancient Zionist nature of Judaism).
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1882?
But that doesn't work either, because by the time the Bilu group arrived in Israel, the first Jewish moshava (a Zionist form of settlement based on values of agriculture and communality), Petach Tikva (sometimes nicknamed "the mother of moshavot"), was already established in 1878.
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1878?
But how did this new movement of Zionists know to work the land, if in the diaspora, for hundreds of years, Jews were prohibited from being farmers, so they would have no claim to the land they worked? Well, many young Zionists learned how to do this work thanks to a Jewish agricultural school called Mikveh Yisrael, which was founded in 1870.
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1870?
But a part of why Mikvah Yisrael was established, was the poor condition of Jews in Jerusalem. By the time demographic surveys were conducted in the 1840's, Jews were the biggest religious group in the Old City of Jerusalem, and so overcrowded that it made their lives much harder, sometimes even endangered (like when a plague would break out). The Jewish minister Moshe Montefiore started building neighborhoods for Jews outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1860, moving Jews out of the old Yishuv and into a new form of settling in the land of Israel, outside the "protecting" walls of the four cities holy to Judaism, and into the idea that they can and should use agriculture to sustain themselves outside these cities, and re-connect with their land.
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1860?
But the first victim of anti-Zionist terrorism in the land of Israel is actually considered to be Rabbi Shlomo Avraham Zalman Zoref, who was murdered by Arabs in 1851 for his Zionist efforts to help in the settlement of Jews in Israel and in the restoring of Jewish religious life in the Old City of Jerusalem through diplomatic efforts vis a vis Muhamad Ali Pasha, the Egyptian occupier of the Land of Israel at the time, and by enlisting the help of the consuls of Russia and Austria (by the way, one of his grandsons was among the founders of Petach Tikva).
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1851?
But his diplomatic Zionist efforts, for which he was murdered, didn't start at the time of his death, they go back to when he managed to get that permit from Muhamad Ali Pasha in 1836 for Jews to re-build the Ashkenazi community in the Old City of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by Muslims over a hundred years earlier.
So, shall we count the start of the modern political movement of Zionism as 1836?
But where did that Ashkenazi Jewish community, which Rabbi Zoref tried to restore, come from? Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Chassid successfully called Jews to return to Israel, and he did manage to inspire many to follow him as he started his own journey to Israel in 1697, and managed to buy land for his community in the Old City of Jerusalem, which was joined by Jews already living there. This WAS a form of a semi-modern Zionist movement. And it IS quite connected to what came later, in more modern times.
Or another example. Dona Garcia Nassi was a crypto Jew from Portugal, whose family had fled the Spanish Inquisition, only for the Portuguese Inquisition to grow stronger and harsher, driving her and a part of her family to Istanbul. There, they could stop pretending to be converts to Christianity, they got to publicly return to their Jewish identity. She did a lot for Jews, and in 1561, she used her financial and political ties to ask the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the First to lease land in Israel, for Jews to self rule there. She first asked for land in Jerusalem, was refused, and so she ended up leasing land in Tiberias instead, helping to re-build the city and the Jewish community there, and allowing for a movement of Jews to return to Israel and settle in Tiberias. It's another type of semi-modern Zionist movement striving for Jewish sovereignty in Israel, in whatever form they could get it.
So where do we draw the line? How do we say, these Jews returning to Israel count as Zionist, but those don't? One of my best friends is a Jew from Morocco, his family was religious and fiercely Zionist, and your ask erased them. How do we accept a narrative that looks at thousands of years of Jews returning to Israel, from all sorts of backgrounds, and from all sorts of countries, and yet doesn't recognize that they all returned for the same reason, drawing from the same Jewish foundation? How do we not see that the separation is an artificial one?
Anti-Zionism is antisemitic in so many ways, and one of them is exactly what this narrative does to so many Jews who were proud, and wanted to be counted as Zionist, precisely because to them it was an expression of their Jewish identity.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Nice try. 
But NOBODY was calling Yusif Pasha Al Khalidi a “#Palestinian” in 1877. 
Let me fill in some other blanks for you.
To be clear, the Ottoman Empire was #Turkish, not #Arab.
Also, while #Herzl built #Zionism into the political powerhouse it became and was a focused, determined, genius who cared about saving his people and doing the actual job of state-building and planning, he was most definitely not the first person to just come up with the idea of Zionism – not even close.
First, Zionism is baked into the #Jewish soul – there has been a yearning to return to #Zion since Emperor Hadrian brought 12 Roman army legions from #Egypt, #Britain, #Syria, and areas of #Judea to finally put down the three-year Bar Kokhba Revolt (the Third Jewish Revolt against the Romans) in 135 CE – after which Hadrian was so embarrassed by the early Jewish victories that he murdered more than 1 million Jews, he outlawed the practice of #Judaism on pain of death, and he renamed our homeland “Syria Palestina” after our ancient, long-extinct enemies – the Aegean “sea people” known as the Philistines.
The Jewish yearning to return is why, ever since then, #Jews have always faced #Jerusalem when we pray, Jews have always said “Next Year in Jerusalem” at the end of every Seder on Passover, Jewish grooms stepped on and broke a glass to signify the destruction of the Temple and to remind us, even in happy times, that we are a scattered people, and it is why we would recite the Psalm, “If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning.”
Also, waves of Jews from Europe frequently made Aliyah and moved back home to Eretz #Israel over the years. For example, in 1211, a group of 300 #French and #English rabbis made Aliyah back to Israel. And more Jews from both #England and #France followed them in 1260.
Nahmanides also made Aliyah in 1267, which then encouraged other Jews join him and together they built the Ramban Synagogue in Jerusalem.
More waves of Aliyah came from #Spain because of the Inquisition starting in 1492 – thousands settled largely in Tzfat (Safed), Tiberias, and Jerusalem.
The 1500s saw waves of additional Aliyah from France, #Germany, #Italy, and other European countries as well as North #Africa – these Jews mostly joined a flourishing Jewish community in Tzfat.
Then, on October 14, 1700, a group of 1,500 Jews from Europe, headed by Rabbi Judah Hasid, made Aliyah and settled in Jerusalem.
1764 saw another organized Aliyah, this time of Hassidic Jews who were led by disciples of Ba’al Shem Tov; and they were followed by more Hassidic Jews in the subsequent years and generations.
Then in 1808, the Perushim – Jewish disciples of Elijah, the Gaon of Vilna – organized an Aliyah and established a community in Jerusalem. Others followed them to Jerusalem, while still others moved to Tzfat, Tiberias, and Jaffa.
Then, in 1830, there was a significant wave of Aliyah of Jews from Germany as well as #Holland and #Hungary.
After the Ottomans retook Jerusalem from Muhammad Ali in 1840, Jewish Aliyah more than doubled in the next four decades since Jerusalem was seen as a safer place to live.
Finally, we get to the first writings of the early pioneers of modern political Zionism. Only neither of the two early Zionist pioneers were named “Theodor Herzl.” 
Modern political Zionism started with the writings of Sephardic Rabbi Judah ben Solomon Chai Alkalai  (LEFT) and Ashkenazic Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer (RIGHT) in 1843.
Then in 1852, Alkalai established the Society of the Settlement of Eretz Yisrael in #London, and in 1871 he established a branch of this Society in Jerusalem.
Kalischer’s influence, meanwhile, led Chayyim Lurie to form the Association for the Colonisation of Palestine in Frankfort in 1860, and Kalishcher helped found the Mikveh Israel agricultural school in Eretz Israel in 1870.
Then, still before Herzl, Leon Pinsker published Auto-Emancipation in Germany on January 1, 1882, in which he urged Jews to strive for independence in Eretz Israel.
Meanwhile, the “First Aliyah” of modern political Zionism began in 1882, at a time when fewer than 250,000 #Arabs were living in the Land. About 35,000 Jews moved to Eretz Israel between 1882 and 1903.
It was in 1890 (still pre-Herzl) that publicist Nathan Birnbaum coined the word “Zionism” to describe the Jewish return to Eretz Israel where they could become a “normal” people again and live in their own sovereign nation in the only place on Earth the Jews could call “home.”
Then, finally we get to Theodor Herzl and his famous book Der Judenstaat (“The Jewish State”) in 1896.
That should clear a few things up.
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Beneath their pork-eating, Yom Kippur-violating veneer, Rabbi Zvi Yehudah discerned in kibbutzniks holy Jews. They were working the land of Israel, defending the people of Israel. The kibbutz's very utopianism negated its professed commitment to "normalizing" the Jewish people. What other nation had been founded by voluntary communes seeking to purify human nature of selfishness? The kibbutz confirmed Mercaz's essential insight on secular Zionism: that the return to Zion was a utopian venture, masquerading as a mundane political movement.
To support his radical Jewish ecumenism, Rabbi Zvi Yehudah cited the rabbinic comparison of the Jewish people to the "four species," four plants that Jews bless on Sukkoth, the harvest-time Festival of Booths. Each of those four plants—citron, palm branch, myrtle, willia—is said to represent another kind of Jew: on one end of the spectrum the citron's pleasing scent and taste represents the saint, whose inner life and deeds are equally pure; on the other end, the willow, without odor and inedible, represents the Jew bereft of redeeming qualities. But the blessing can only be recited if all four plants are bound together, the willow along with the citron. So too the Jewish people, said the rabbi, each of whose components has a unique role in redemption.
from "Part One: The Lions' Gate (May–June 1967)" in Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation by Yossi Klein Halevi, p. 26
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triple-tree-ranch · 11 months
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Aryeh Alexander Sandler, the late 5-year-old
The late Gabriel Issachar Sandler, 3 years old
The late Daniel Aryeh Wiplich, 16 years old
The late Elad Fogel, 4 years old
The late Hadas Vogel is three months old
The late Yoav Fogel, 10 years old
The late Yonatan Palmer, one year old
The late Shlomo Nativ, 13 years old
The late Segev Paniel Avihil, 15 years old
Yonatan Yitzhak Elder, 16 years old
Yondav Chaim Hirshfeld, 18 years old
The late Naria Cohen, 15 years old
The late Yohai Lifshitz, 18 years old
The late Avraham David Mozes, 16 years old
The late Roy Aharon Roth, 18 years old
The late Eliyahu Pinchas Ashari, 18 years old
The late Mazel Zaribi, 15 years old
The late Daniel Waltz, 16 years old
The late Amir Naim, 17 years old
Shaked Lasker, the late 16-year-old
The late Omer Menashe Pisakhov, 8 years old
Ella Aboxis, the late 17-year-old
The late Rachel Hali ben Abu, 16 years old
The late Oz Israel ben Meir, 14 years old
The late Nofer Horvitz, 16 years old
The late Avihai Levi, 16 years old
The late Aviad Yehuda Mansour, 15 years old
The late Yuval Abba, 4 years old
The late Afik Ohion Zahavi, 3 years old
The late Lior Azoulai, 18 years old
The late Aviel Yitzhak Atch, 3 years old
Two-year-old Dorit from the late Binsan movie
The late Roni Sarah Hatuel, 6 years old
The late Merav Rachel Hatuel is two years old
The late Hila Esther Hatuel, 10 years old
The late Hadar Simcha Hatuel, 9 years old
Son Jonathan Zuckerman, 18 years old
The late Lior Liorinka Niv, 3 years old
The late Gilad Giladi Niv, 11 years old
The late Avraham Shaked is one year old
The late Tomer Almog, 9 years old
The late Habib Dadon, 16 years old
The late Benjamin Bergman, 15 years old
The late Avraham Bar-Or, 12 years old
The late Shmuel Zargari, one year old
Noya Zar, the late Aviv, one year old
Liran Zer Aviv, the late 4-year-old
The late Erez Gizro Hershkowitz, 18 years old
The late Tom Hershko, 15 years old
The late Daniel Harosh, 16 years old
The late Shmuel Taubenfeld, one year old
The late Moran Menachem, 17 years old
The late Yuval Mandelwitz, 13 years old
The late Abigail Lytle, 14 years old
The late Noam Leibovitz, 7 years old
The late Tehila Natanzan, 3 years old
The late Elisheva Meshulami, 16 years old
The late Elizabeth Liz Katzman, 19 years old
Asaf Blondi Tzur Zollinger, the late 17-year-old
The late Smeder Firstetter, 16 years old
The late Asaf Steyer, 10 years old
The late Issachar Dov Reinitz, 9 years old
The late Tal Kerman, 17 years old
The late Shani Avitzedek Abutzadeka, 16 years old
The late Asnat Abramov, 16 years old
Matan Ohion, the late 5-year-old
The late Noam Levi Ohion, 4 years old
The late Yael Ohana, 11 years old
The late Orly Ophir, 15 years old
The late Noa Orbach, 18 years old
The late Dvir Anter, 14 years old
Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu, the late one year old
The late Lidor Ilan, 11 years old
The late Oriya Ilan is one year old
The late Gal Eisenman, 5 years old
Gilila Bugla, 11 years old
The late Hodia Hudish Asraf, 13 years old
The late Noy Enter, 12 years old
The late Shubal Zion Dickstein, 9 years old
The late Elmer Dzbrailov, 16 years old
The late Adi Dahan, 17 years old
Jonathan Gamaliel, 16 years old
The late Hadar Hershkovitz, 14 years old
The late Rachel Gila Teller, 16 years old
The late Gabriel Hoter, 17 years old
The late Shmuel Ephraim Yerushalmi, 17 years old
Atara Livna, 15 years old
The late Racheli Hali Levy, 17 years old
The late Shiraz Nimhad, 6 years old
The late Shaul Nimhad, 15 years old
The late Liran Nimhad is 3 years old
The late Avraham Eliyahu Nicham, 16 years old
Baruch Asher Zvi Markus, 18 years old
Her father, the late Malka, is one year old
The late Nehmi'a Amar, 15 years old
The late Linoi Serousi, 14 years old
Avraham Yosef Haim Seton, the late 17-year-old
The late Gaston Parfi Parfinial, 15 years old
The late Ilan Perlman, 8 years old
Aharon Mordechai Eric Krugliak, 18 years old
The late Sinai Kenan is one year old
The late Tal Tzvi Tlik Kurzweil, 18 years old
The late Ran Koren, 18 years old
The late Gal Koren, 14 years old
Asaf Moshe Tzafira, 18 years old
Avraham Nere' Shebo, deceased, 16 years old
Avishai Yosef Shabo, deceased, 5 years old
The late Keren Shatsky, 14 years old
The late Nathaniel Riahi, 17 years old
The late Erez Shlomo Rond, 18 years old
The late Ofer Ron, 18 years old
The late Yafit Rabivo is 14 years old
The late Daniel Bat-El Shafi, 5 years old
The late Adi Sheeran, 17 years old
Sara Tafarat Shilon, deceased, one year old
The late Gilad Stiglitz, 14 years old
Zvi Yaakov Yisrael Shabu Zal, 12 years old
The late Hadas Turgeman, 14 years old
The late Michael Sherashevsky, 16 years old
The late Assaf Avitan, 15 years old
The late Irina Usadchi, 18 years old
The late Yosef Ish-Ran, 14 years old
The late Yossi Elezra, 18 years old
The late Yuri Goshchin, 18 years old
The late Marina Berkovski, 17 years old
Shoshana Rachel Shushi ben Yishai Zalvat 16
The late Adam Weinstein, 14 years old
Yaakov Israel Danino, deceased, 17 years old
Genia Keren Dorfman, the late 16-year-old
The late Ido Cohen, 18 years old
The late Maria Tagiltsev, 14 years old
The late Tamar Messengisar, 8 years old
The late Jacob Kobi Mendel, 13 years old
The late Aliza Malka, 16 years old
The late Mariana Medvedenko, 16 years old
The late Naftali Ben-Zion Lantzakron, 13 years old
The late Ronen Landau, 17 years old
The late Alexey Lupalo, 17 years old
The late Raya Sahivashordar, 14 years old
Hamda Bracha Sahivashurdar, the late two-year-old
Avraham Yitzchak Sahivashordar, the late 4-year-old
The late Irina Nepomniaschi, 16 years old
The late Yelena Nalimov, 18 years old
The late Yulia Nalimov, 16 years old
The late Avraham Nachman Avrom Nitzani, 18 years old
The late Shalhav Tahiya Pess is one year old
The late Yair Amar, 13 years old
The late Yulia Yael Skalianik, 15 years old
The late Michal Sara Raziel, 16 years old
The late Malka Hana Malki Roth, 15 years old
The late Eliran Rosenberg, 14 years old
The late Simona Rodin, 18 years old
The late Menashe Mani Regev, 14 years old
The late Katrina Arias, 15 years old
Anya Eniota Kazachkov, 16 years old
The late Golan Turgeman, 15 years old
The late Yochaved Shoshan, 10 years old
Yehuda, who is one year old
The late Ofir Rahum, 17 years old
The late Gil-Ad Sha'er, 16 years old
The late Naftali Frankel, 16 years old
The late Adele Beaton, 4 years old
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infosisraelnews · 1 year
Graves inondations à Rishon Lezion et Lod, effondrement de l'asphalte à Holon
Des orages ont frappé la plupart des régions d’Israël jeudi matin, entraînant des inondations dans de nombreuses villes. À Rishon LeZion, Ness Zion, Lod, Taiba et Jérusalem-Est, des voitures ont été vues flottant sur des routes inondées après la pluie. A Holon, un ravin s’est formé sur la rue Zvi Tadmor, les conducteurs sont priés de suivre d’autres itinéraires. Les records de précipitations à…
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thepoolscene · 8 years
The Pool Scene - Zion Zvi - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
New Post on http://thepoolscene.com/?p=21631
Zion Zvi wins Joss Stop #11
Players & Fans, Congratulations to Stop # 11 winners, Zion Zvi ($1,700 main event), Al McGuane ($360 second chance event), Seamus Sweeney ($1,500 Joss cue raffle winner), Jeremy Sossei (entry into the Super Billiards Expo pro event provided by Allen Hopkins for being our 2015/2016 Tour Point Champion) & all of this years New England Pool & Billiard Hall Of Fame Inductees.
Congratulations as well to Stephen Janes of Joss Cues for being named “Cue Maker Of The Year” by the American Cue Makers Association!!!
On March 11 & 12, stop # 12 of The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour, the “Northeast 9-Ball Open XXIX” will be at Trick Shot Billiards & Sports Pub in Clifton Park (near Albany) NY. This event will also serve as a memorial and is dedicated to the memory of our recently departed friend Kevin Ketz, who passed away suddenly last December at the very young age of 53. He is missed already.
Our hosts Tim & Julie Berlin deserve many thanks from all of us for their continuing support and having already hosted 2 events this season at their other room, Sharp Shooters Billiards & Sports Pub!!! Thanks again Tim & Julie!! Tim has even arranged to have all of the tables recovered in 860 Simonis (The Cloth Of Champions) just in time for our event! Trick Shot is a full service room with everything needed for a great time of pool and fun anytime. It is complete with a delicious full food menu and a separate full service bar where you can watch all of your favorite teams in action. You could even win a gorgeous, custom, engraved, Joss Cue valued at $1,500 by participating in Trick Shot’s cue raffle. Anyone can participate and you don’t have to be present to win! The drawing will be just prior to the final match of the main event on Sunday. This amazing cue that will be given away at Trick Shot can be viewed here: https://josscues.com/joss-northeast-9-ball-tour-2016-17/
For more info about Trick Shot, or to get directions and nearby motel info, please call them directly at 518-383-8771. Or visit their site at www.trickshotbilliardsny.com
This event at Trick Shot will consist of a $1500 added Saturday and Sunday Main Event (entry Fee $120 for pro level or $70 for non pro level) and a $500 added consolation event on Sunday ($20 Entry Fee) for those non pro level players eliminated from the main event on Saturday.
For those of you coming to play, please arrive on Saturday, March 11, BEFORE 11:30 AM, and in proper dress please. Yes, jeans and sneakers are permitted in our billiard parlor events. But please, no T-shirts, tanks, shorts or sweats. Complete tour info can be found on our site www.joss9balltour.com
A reminder that stop # 14 will now be at Hippo’s The House Of Billiards on April 8 & 9, 2017, due to the fire at Salt City Billiards.
Our season finale, the $25,000 Added Turning Stone Classic XXVIII 9-Ball Open, is scheduled for August 31 – September 3, 2017. I am currently accepting entries and strongly suggest that you pay your entry early to avoid being shut out. Entry fee for this prestigious WPA, BCA and Mosconi Cup ranking event is only $150 for Current tour members and only $200 for all others. As you can see, membership has its privileges! If you would like to enter, please contact Mike Zuglan at 518-356-7163 or see me at any of our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour regular season events before it is full. Currently, we are already about 2/3 full and it is still only March!
Finally, I can’t stress enough how important it is for all of you to please frequent your local billiard parlors and utilize the services and products of our most generous sponsors who are the backbone of our sport. These are the ones who keep our sport alive. So get out and play!
I hope to see you all at Trick Shot.
Mike Zuglan The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – http://www.josscues.com Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.com Aramith – http://www.aramith.com Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com Heidrich Custom Cues – http://www.heidrichcustomcues.com World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.com
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eliseumachado11 · 7 years
Lista de Oração de Jerusalém 8 de fevereiro de 2018
Netivyah Instrução Bíblica, boletim semanal do Ministério de Joseph Shulam.
                     Ministério da Instrução da Bíblia
                        Lista de Oração de Jerusalém
                               8 de fevereiro de 2018
                                     Joseph Shulam
A leitura da Torá desta semana é chamada Mishpatim / ordenanças ou Julgamentos ou Estatutos. Começa em Êxodo capítulo 21: 1 e termina no capítulo 24:18. Existem alguns princípios muito importantes nesta parte da Torá que lê este Shabat.
A Torá ensina que se você matar uma pessoa pré-meditado / assassinato planejado. Você pagará com sua própria vida. No entanto, se você matar uma pessoa por acidente, Deus providenciou para você uma cidade de refúgio e quando o Sumo Sacerdote morrer, você e todas as outras pessoas que estiverem na cidade de refúgio irão libertar-se e ninguém pode prejudicá-lo.
Aqui encontramos um princípio muito interessante que é usado para lidar com a questão da morte que expõe os pecados cometidos por engano ou sem intenção maliciosa. A morte do Sumo Sacerdote em Israel durante os tempos bíblicos quando tivemos um templo e os sacerdotes expiatório por esses pecados cometidos sem intenção maliciosa e os homens e mulheres que estavam nas cidades de refúgio foram libertados. Este é um princípio importante da Torá que demonstra que a morte de um terceiro pode expiar e libertar uma pessoa de culpa por um crime tão grave como matar uma pessoa de coisas como negligência ou acidente.
Outro princípio que é introduzido no capítulo 23 é a questão de "um olho por olho".
O problema real não é o da retribuição por um dano infligido a outra pessoa, mas a compensação que o culpado deve dar para compensar um dano corporal acidentalmente cometido a uma pessoa. Compensação é o valor de um olho para o olho. O valor de um dente para um dente. O valor de uma mão por mão. O valor de um pé para um pé. O valor de uma queimadura para uma queimadura. O valor de uma ferida por uma ferida. O valor de uma hematoma para uma hematoma. O fato de que a Torá elabora o princípio com tantos exemplos é uma indicação clara de que a Torá está lidando com uma compensação financeira que normalmente é designada pelas regras do tribunal.
Nós vemos esse princípio bem demonstrado em nossa leitura deste Shabat quando a discussão está em perseguição de um escravo que está danificado no olho ou no dente - porque é um escravo hebreu - se você, como seu mestre, não se importa com ele com a proteção adequada e um olho de seu escravo é danificado, o preço de seu olho é total liberdade da escravidão. Mesmo que o escravo perca um dente ele é libertado como compensação por sua perda. Em outras palavras, o valor de um olho ou dente do escravo é muito maior do que o valor de um olho de um estranho que passou a passar e seu olho danificou.
Eu gosto muito deste princípio porque coloca a responsabilidade no mestre de ter cuidado e proteção dupla que o escravo que ele possui (temporariamente) é garantido e garantido.
Nós vemos aqui que, apesar de a Torá ter sido escrita durante um período em que a escravidão era comum em todo o Oriente Médio e, na verdade, no mundo, a Torá toma precauções especiais para dar privilégios extras aos escravos.
Como interpreto estes princípios hoje? Aqueles que estão sob nossos cuidados como funcionários ou convidados ou aqueles que são menos afortunados em nossa sociedade merecem não só a mesma proteção e privilégios como qualquer outra pessoa, mas mais cuidado devido à sua dependência em você e na sociedade e na comunidade. Esta prática da Torá teria resolvido tanto sofrimento e tanta dor e tanta injustiça mesmo em nosso mundo de hoje. Se nossas comunidades, igrejas e sinagogas aprendessem esse princípio, posso imaginar grande sucesso no evangelismo e no verdadeiro "crescimento da igreja". Sim, também não seria apenas um verdadeiro e bom crescimento da igreja, mas também um crescimento saudável que produzirá uma comunidade justa e justa em um mundo tão cheio de iniquidade.
Por favor, orem por nossos irmãos e irmãs no Brasil e de todos os lugares que vão participar do congresso em Belo Horizonte neste fim de semana. Ore para que o Espírito Santo seja presente não apenas conosco, mas que as pessoas sintam a presença do Espírito de Deus e sejam motivadas a agir em suas próprias famílias e comunidades e no nosso em Israel.
Orem por Israel. Parece que nosso governo está em investigação policial de cima para baixo. Existe o perigo de uma ruptura do respeito pelas agências de aplicação da lei e pelo Supremo Tribunal de Israel. Isso está acontecendo em Israel, mas Israel não é o único país do mundo que está sendo submetido e desafiado pelo mesmo fenômeno. Nós, os discípulos de Yeshua, somos a luz e o sal deste mundo, e nos incumbe resistir à lacuna e alertar o mundo de qualquer possível perigo possível. Devemos fazê-lo por meio da oração e tomar uma posição para tudo o que é puro e santo e uma benção para nossas comunidades e países e, se não para nossa própria geração, para as gerações futuras até o Senhor retornar.
Daniel Stern também está viajando para o Brasil amanhã e por favor, mantenha-o nas suas orações. Outros que viajam dos EUA e da Europa e outros países da América Central e do Sul - todos nós precisamos da proteção e provisões de Deus. Nossos irmãos no Brasil que estão trabalhando arduamente para fazer deste o melhor congresso que já tivermos também precisamos de suas orações e suas bênç��os e apoio. Mantenha-nos todos em suas orações.
Ore para a nossa equipe Netivyah. Eles estão fazendo um ótimo trabalho e trabalham muito. Rezo para que eles se tornem um time coeso que tenha uma visão forte e clara e um relacionamento profundo com o Senhor e confie no trabalho do Espírito Santo em sua vida e ministério.
Rezo pela situação no Oriente Médio (para todos os lados) para receber uma boa dose de sabedoria divina e motivação para buscar a paz e persegui-la.
Continue a orar pela obra do Senhor em Netivyah e na Congregação Roeh Israel. A liderança está fazendo um trabalho muito bom. Fui a maior parte do tempo para ser uma benção do lado de fora e Yuda, Daniel, Hannah, Adam, Tigis, Gabriella, Nancy, Hanoch, Dror, Oleg, David e Zvi e Saiichi, estão fazendo um trabalho maravilhoso liderando e dirigindo e servindo o Senhor e a Congregação de Roeh Israel e Netivyah. Há muitos mais voluntários maravilhosos da congregação e alguns convidados que merecem nossas orações e elogios pelo trabalho de serviço que eles fazem. Por favor, levante todos eles em suas orações e ore bênçãos a todos os trabalhadores e voluntários.
Continuem a orar por mim e Márcia. Orem pelo pai e pela mãe de Márcia. Especialmente seu pai que tem mais de 90 anos e teve um CVA. Seu nome é Horace e orem para que o Bom Senhor tenha piedade de Horace e lhe dê força e vontade de trabalhar na reabilitação e melhorar sua situação.
Orem também para mim hoje, se Deus quiser, eu vou viajar para o Brasil e no Brasil para o 12º Congresso do Ministério do Ensino do Ministério Zion brasileiro e voltar para os EUA para pegar Márcia e voltar para casa em Jerusalém para Purim e Páscoa e a celebração do 70º aniversário de Israel.
Por favor, continue orando pela comunidade Aliyah da Anussim de Portugal, Espanha, Brasil, América Central e Itália.
Estes são os últimos prisioneiros de Sião. Eles foram prisioneiros de Sion por cerca de 500 anos e o Estado de Israel precisa deles para chegar em casa. O Estado de Israel foi criado após a Segunda Guerra Mundial para ser um abrigo e restaurar o Land-Land do povo judeu. Estes Anussim são os prisioneiros mais longos de Zion espalhados por todo o mundo. Israel precisa deles, mas agora como uma pessoa doente que precisa de cirurgia, mas está em negação e não confessa que está doente. Suas orações e nossas orações acelerarão a abertura da cortina e a restauração desses judeus perdidos de volta para casa.
Continue orando pelas necessidades de Netivyah e da Congregação Roeh Israel. Temos necessidades espirituais e necessidades sociais e necessidades de pessoal e necessidades financeiras para todos os diferentes serviços e ministérios que a Netivyah está fazendo.
Por favor, orem por uma amada e preciosa mulher muçulmana chamada Um Abu Eid. Ela é velha e doente e precisa da misericórdia de Deus. Um Abu Eid é a mãe de um dos nossos queridos amigos e irmãos. Orem por uma jovem que tenha uma situação muito grave com câncer. O nome dela é Tineke. Tineke vive na Holanda e sua família são irmãos e irmãs fiéis. Quando você orou por Tineke algumas semanas atrás, sua situação melhorou e devemos continuar orando e batendo na porta do Céu para Tineke e para todas as pessoas nesta lista de orações.
Peço-lhe uma oração especial para o Pastor George e Bida, sua esposa, de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Ambos são muito doentes e ambos são muito especiais e muito apreciados, irmãos e irmãs e servos de Deus.
Por favor, continue orando por esses irmãos e irmãs especiais que estão lutando com questões deste mundo, e precisam de sabedoria divina e ajudam a ter melhores trabalhos e empregos, e outras questões que não são doenças físicas, mas testes e provações na vida. Por favor, ore pelo Sr. Chung e pela irmã Lee. Tenho especial preocupação para o nosso querido Irmão Goh e sua família, e para Irmã Christy, Irmã Laurel, e para o Irmão Michael Kenzevic, e Abe San e sua família e sua sogra centenária, Sadako San, no Japão.
Continue orando por Gary em Jerusalém, Aharon (Don e o Filho de Nancy) ainda está lutando com um tumor em seu cérebro, mantenha-o nas suas orações, por favor! Também mantenha sua família nas suas orações. Yuri Marianenko está lutando contra câncer de próstata. Nossos maravilhosos irmãos e irmãs mais velhas precisam de nossas orações: Ahuvah Ben Meir, David Stern está no hospital hoje em dia e precisa de muita oração e cura milagrosa divina, Márcia Shulam, Sarit, Miriam, Ilana e Leah. Yehuda H., nosso irmão também precisa do toque de cura gracioso de Deus. Estou adicionando um pedido para você orar por um casal querido.
Nós levantamos nossos queridos irmãos e irmãs Ruby, Clara, Paulo, Naomi, Tim Tucker, Anne-Mirijami, Satu-Maria, Anna-Majia, Sinni Tuuli, Erki e Sirpa, Keijo e Salme, e Evelina, Eva H., Liz na Geórgia e nos pais de Horace e June Marcia. Levamos especialmente diante do trono de piedade de Deus o pai e a mãe de Marcelo em Belo Horizonte.
Oremos pelos seguintes queridos irmãos e irmãs: Pastor Curita em Tóquio, Toru San e o marido de Yumi e por seu pai Ohara Sensei, Shoko San, Takeo Sensei e Tomoko San, todos no Japão. Sadako San, teve seu aniversário de 100 anos há 10 dias e ela continua orando diariamente pela salvação de Israel e por favor, orem por Sadako San para continuar a ser saudável e com uma boa mente e continuar orando pela salvação de Israel.
Deus abençoe e mantenha suas promessas a Abraão e abençoe todos aqueles que abençoam os filhos de Abraão, Isaque e Jacó. Mantenha todos saudáveis, abençoados e felizes em tudo o que o Senhor está fazendo por você e pelo mundo ao seu redor!
Joseph Shulam
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hoshvilim · 7 years
Israel – Palestine For Critical Thinkers
This post describes the ways in which the Allied Powers remapped the Middle East creating the British Mandate and French Mandate. The British designated Palestine as the Jewish national home.
Dividing up the Ottoman Empire after WWI
The Mandate system was instituted by the League of Nations in the early 20th century to temporarily administer non-self-governing territories. Great Britain, France and Czarist Russia planned to divide the plunder among themselves before the end of the war (Sykes–Picot Agreement, 1916). Czarist Russia dropped out when they made a separate peace with the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey).
The Balfour Declaration
In November 1917 the British government made a pledge with the Jewish people through the Balfour Declaration to help establish a Jewish National Home in the territory known as Palestine. Note that this does not mention a “Jewish State”.
The British Mandate
At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Emir Faisal asked for Arab independence, or at minimum the right to choose the United Kingdom as the mandatory. The World Zionist Organization also asked for a British mandate because of the Balfour declaration. The WZO submitted a map of the areas they asked to be included in the British Mandate of Palestine. Unfortunately, this map was not accepted. Lord Curzon replaced Arthur Balfour as British Foreign Secretary and tried unsuccessfully to omit any recognition of the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine.
Map showing boundaries (in red) of the proposed protectorate of Palestine, as suggested by the Zionist representatives at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, superimposed on modern boundaries. Photo: Briangotts
San Remo Conference
On April 25, 1920 the San Remo Conference assigned the Palestine Mandate to Britain. The League of Nations entrusted Great Britain with the Mandate for Palestine (فلسطين – א״י) and Mesopotamia on July 24, 1922. Syria and Lebanon likewise became French mandates. France demanded the continuation of its religious protectorate in Palestine but Italy and Great Britain opposed it. The British Mandate came into effect on September 29, 1923 after the Conference of Lausanne finalized the Peace Treaty with the new Ataturk Turkish regime. The British territory included the Ottoman Empire sanjaks of Nablus, Acre, the Southern part of the Vilayet of Syria, the Southern portion of the Beirut Vilayet, and the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem.
Occupied Enemy Territory Administrations, 1918 Syria Photo: Busterof666
The British Mandate in Palestine had no end date and merely stated as “until such time as they are able to stand alone.”
The League of Nations and Great Britain decided In September 1922 that the area east of the Jordan River. This constituted 3/4th of the territory included in the Palestine Mandate which would become the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The United Kingdom had made conflicting and shifting commitments regarding Trans-Jordan. They had previously promised in the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence that it would honour Arab independence if they revolted against the Ottomans. Unfortunately both sides had different interpretations.
British civilian administration operated in Palestine from 1920 until 1948.
  Great Britain’s Betrayal of the Jews
During the period of the British Mandate the Palestine experienced the ascent of two major nationalist movements. One was among the Jews and the other among the Arabs. Arab pressure forced the British to withdraw from its original commitment to the Jewish people with respect to immigration and land acquisition. The White Papers of 1930 and 1939 restricted immigration and acquisition of land by Jews. Jewish land acquisition was severely restricted by the 1940 Land Transfer Regulations.
Jerusalem 1918
  British Mandate 1920-1939: The Arab Side
British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel granted the most important posts to two competing Arab families, the Husseinis and the Nashashibis. The Husseinis were given the most powerful posts. In 1921 Samuel appointed Hajj Amin al Husayni, an ardent anti-Zionist and a major figure behind the April 1920 riots, as mufti (chief Muslim religious jurist) of Jerusalem. Increased Jewish land purchases caused property prices to spiral. Both the Arab landowning class and absentee landlords, many of whom resided outside Palestine, were quick to sell for unprecedented profits. During this period the British authorities  had to deal with riots of 1920, 1929 riots, the Arab Revolt of 1936–1939.
British Mandate 1920-1939: The Zionist Side
Zionists settlers in Palestine brought unique organizational shrewdness. The World Zionist Organization (WZO) immediately founded the formalized Jewish Agency in August 1929. The two organizations became a quasi-governmental leadership. Next came an elected Vaad Leumi (National Council), Chief Rabbinate, Hebrew school system, Technion, Hebrew University, Histadrut and political parties.
Early Jewish Defense – Jewish insurgency in Palestine
The earliest Jewish involvement was an intelligence service, Nili, operating behind Turkish lines for the British. The Zion Mule Corps was established in 1915 but disbanded just a year later. In 1918 the Jewish Legion was formed and fought for Palestine. In 1907, the first self-defense organization, Bar-Giora, was established by Yitzhak Ben Zvi. The Haganah was founded on June 12, 1920 to protect Jewish settlers. The Irgun Zvai Leumi was activated in 1931.
Hostile attacks by Arabs began during the 1936-39 riots. The Arab violence in Palestine in 1938 took a heavy toll. The Jewish Agency, tried to obtain a political settlement, while the Irgun retaliated.
Commissions & Reports
British beaurocracy produced many good-intentioned conferences and reports dealing with Palestine.
San Remo Conference (1920): Post-World War I Allied Supreme Council following the Paris Peace Conference. The conference was held in Sanremo, Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920.
Shaw Commission (1930): An investigation of the violent Arab rioting in Palestine in late August 1929. It’s conclution was that the cause of the rioting was Arab fear of continual Jewish immigration and land purchases.
Hope-Simpson Report (October 1, 1930): The report recommended limiting Jewish immigration. The Passfield White Paper was also dated October 1, 1930, recommended similar limitation of Jewish immigration.
Peel Commission (1937): Investigation of the causes of the Arab unrest in Mandatory Palestine following the six-month-long Arab general strike.
Peel Commission Report (July 7, 1937): The report stated that the League of Nations Mandate had become unworkable and recommended partition. All the Arab representatives rejected the partition plan. Chaim Weizmann and Ben-Gurion and the Zionist Congress approve the Peel recommendations ambiguously as a basis for more negotiation.
St. James Conference (1939): A conference on the Partition for Palestine (February 7, 1939 –  March 17, 1939). The Arab delegates refused to sit at the same table with the Jewish representatives. The meeting adjourned without result.
  Jerusalem (1920-1939)
The British Mandate in Palestine 1939-1948
In 1940, the Irgun split up. More militant members of the organization, led by Avraham Stern, decided to form a new group, Lohamey Heruth Israel – Lehi  – the Stern Gang.
In 1941, the Haganah created the Palmach to defend the Yishuv in the event of an emergency. The Palestine administration devoted a large part of its energy and ability to preventing Palestinian Jews from fighting Hitler. The British finally did allow the Jews to form a fighting unit to participate in the War effort. On September 20, 1944, a Jewish brigade was created.
Between November 29, 1947 and May 14, 1948 there was a Civil War between Arab and Jews in Palestine. This was actually the first half of the Israeli War of Independence (May 15, 1948 –March 10, 1949).
Jewish_immigration_to_Mandatory_Palestine_(1920-1945) Photo: Paasikivi
  An interview with Gerald Green who served in the Palestine Police from 1946 till 1948. Filmed in September 2009.
    The Flag of Palestine and the Anthem of Palestine
    United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine
The Arab revolt that ensued made life impossible for the British sovereign. The British government proposed proposed to resolve the situation by “partition” of Palestine. But with growing Nazi power, and the war afoot, circumstances only intensified in the region.
The Resolution 181 to partition Palestine was adopted on November 29, 1947 by the UN General Assembly. This resolution envisaged the creation of separate Jewish and Arab states. Each state would operate under economic union with Jerusalem being transferred to UN trusteeship. The Mandate terminated on 14 May 1948. On the last day of the Mandate, the creation of the State of Israel was proclaimed.
British Mandate in Palestine * Israel - Palestine For Critical Thinkers This post describes the ways in which the Allied Powers remapped the Middle East creating the British Mandate and French Mandate.
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jewishandmore · 7 years
Shabbat B'reisheet - October 14 - 24 Tishrei
Torah Study this Shabbat Saturday, October 14, 9:15 AM Temple Beth Zion, 805 Delaware Ave.
Discussion for this week will look at the opening words of the Book of Genesis - a teaching inspired by the Zohar, and at the ideas of Creation and Creationism of the first three chapters of Genesis, as explored by Marc Zvi Brettler in "How to Read the Jewish Bible". Supporting material from an earlier chapter in Brettler's book.
The First Three Words of Torah - a reading from the Zohar
How to Read the Jewish Bible - Chapter 6 - Genesis 1-3
How to Read the Jewish Bible - Chapter 3 - The Art of Reading the Bible
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talmidimblogging · 7 years
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The Rise and Fall of Gush-Emunim, or The Last Jewish Attempt to Annul the Secularization Process. — Tomer Persico – English There is one primary, general thing: the state. It is all holiness and without flaw. It is a supreme heavenly manifestation of ‘he who returns the divine presence to Zion.’ – Zvi Yehuda Kook Holiness is to religion what blood is to the human body.
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thepoolscene · 5 years
The Pool Scene - Billy Thorpe, Brandon Shuff, Earl Strickland, Frank Hernandez, Jayson Shaw, Jeremy Sossei, Len Gianfrate, Raphael Dabreo, Shane Van Boening, Shaun Wilkie, Steve Fleming, Thorsten Hohmann, Tom Zippler, Yesid Garabello - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
New Post on https://thepoolscene.com/?p=55138
Shane Van Boening wins 5th Turning Stone Title
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Everyone, Here is the complete order of finish for our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour’s, “Turning Stone Classic XXXII 9-Ball Open”, which was held August 22-25, 2019. The event was $25,000 added with a total prize fund of $41,400. There was a full field of 128 players. All players were paid in cash immediately upon their elimination from the event!
1st          $8,000            Shane Van Boening 2nd         $5,000            Earl Strickland 3rd          $3,600            Jayson Shaw 4th          $2,600            Billy Thorpe 5/6th       $2,000 each – Brandon Shuff, Thorsten Hohmann 7/8th       $1,600 each – Raphael Dabreo, Frank Hernandez 9/12th     $1,200 each – Jeremy Sossei, Yesid Garabello, Len Gianfrate, Shaun Wilkie 13/16th   $850    each – Hunter Lombardo, John Andrade (Can), Dan Hewitt (Can), LoreeJon Hasson 17/24th   $550    each – Randy Labonte, Steven Winter (Can), Brent Boemmels, Damon Sobers, Jorge Rodriguez, Chad Bazinet, Kevin West, Qais Kolee  25/32nd  $300    each – Mike Yednak, Eric Lim, Jesse Docalavich, Eric Cloutier (Can), Matt Krah, Holden Chin, Sean Morgan, Earl Herring 33/48th – Zion Zvi, Dave Fernandez, Darren Clement (Can), Mika Immonen, Nick Coppola, Erik Hjorleifson (Can), Paul Laverdiere, Rich Kravetz, Jia Li, Dave Dreidel, Nick Antonakos, Brad Guthrie (Can), Mike Hurley, Bucky Souvanthong, Jerome Rockwell, Donny Mills
49/64th – Matt Tetreault, Tom Zippler, Fred Gokey, Willie Oney, Johnny Archer, Dan Sharlow, Keith Nelson, Ray Buthe, Jon McConnell, Dave Shlemperis, Jennifer Barretta, Dave Grau, Alvin Thomas, Ron Casanzio, Nelson Weimer, Caroline Pao 65/96th – Tony Antone, Bob Cunningham, Bud Robideau, Ed Yero, Alan Gordon, Frank Wolak, Joe Dupuis, Steve Fleming, Jed Jecen, Rich Howard,  Jerry Crowe, Gregg McAndrews, Ray Lee, Roarke Dickson, Dave Mills, John Moody, Sean Santoro, Bruce Gordon, Pascal Dufresne, Tom Gildea,               Larry Phleger, Jay Chiu, Greg Antonakos, Phil Harju, Jim Kearney, Mike Pettit, James Stonkus, Dominic Byrne, Ed Culhane, Mike Toohig, Chris Braiman, Rob Pole, 
97/128th – Greg Bombard, Bruce Nagle, Mike Verducci, Jason Platt, Nabil Lazouzi, Gene Hunt, Ben Werblow, Steve Sutton, Dave Callaghan, Steven W. Smith, Don Reigel, Jesse Piercey (Can), Lida Mullendore, Joe Sinicropi, Randy Whitehead, Pat Fleming, Erin Bechner, Chris Pyle, Bill Cote, Ryan Smith, Allen Hazelwood, Catherine Ong, Devin Buttle (Can), Jim Prather, Aaron Cameron, Bruce Barthelette, Tommy Tokoph, Jim McManus, Marco Kam, Brian Wheel, Rob Hart, Bruce Carroll
Our Second Chance event had a field of 26 players with a total prize fund of $1,300.
1st     $400 Steve Fleming 2nd    $300 Tom Zippler 3/4th  $180 each – Ben Werblow, Jim Prather5/8th  $60 each – Brent Boemmels, Joe Sinicropi, Jesse Docalavich, Jim Kearney
$1,500 Joss Cue raffle winners – Scott Brown & D. Nixon &  the winner of the autographed Aramith Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match – Bill Keymel The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – http://www.josscues.com Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.comAramith – http://www.aramith.com Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.comFargoRate – http://www.fargorate.com
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thepoolscene · 5 years
The Pool Scene - Alan Gordon, Allen Hazlewood, Alvin Thomas, Ben Werblow, Bill Cote, Billy Thorpe, Brad Guthrie, Brent Boemmels, Brian Wheel, Bruce Barthelette, Bruce Gordon, Bruce Nagle, Bud Robideau, Caroline Pao, Catherine Ong, Chad Bazinet, Chris Braiman, Chris Pyle, Cunningham Bob, Damon Sobers, Dan Hewitt, Dan Sharlow, Darren Clement, Dave DREIDEL, Dave Fernandez, Dave Grau, Dave Mills, Dave Shlemperis, David Callaghan, Devin Buttle, Dominic Byrne, Don Reigel, Donny Mills, Earl Herring, Earl Strickland, Ed Culhane, Eric Cloutier, Eric Lim, Erik Hjorleifson, Erin Bechner, Frank Hernandez, Frank Wolak, Fred Gokey, Gene Hunt, Greg Antonakos, Greg Bombard, Greg Romero, Gregg Mcandrews, Holden Chin, Hunter Lombardo, Ivaylo Petrov, James Stonkus, Jason Klatt, Jay Chiu, Jayson Shaw, Jed Jecen, Jennifer Barretta, Jeremy Sossei, Jerome Rockwell, Jerry Crowe, Jesse Docalavich, Jesse Piercey, Jia Li, Jim Kearney, Jim McManus, Jim Prather, Joe Dupuis, Joe Sinicropi, John Andrade, John Moody, Johnny Archer, Jorge Rodriguez, Kaleb Phlegar, Keith Nelson, Kevin West, Larry Phlegar, Len Gianfrate, Lida Mullendore, LoreeJon Hasson, Luc Salvas, Marco Kam, Matt Krah, Matt Tetreault, Mika Immonen, Mike Hurley, Mike Pettit, Mike Toohig, Mike Verducci, Mike Yednak, Mohammad Ali Berjaoui, Nabile Lazouzi, Nelson Weimer, Nick Antonakos, Nick Copploa, Pascal Dufresne, Pat Fleming, Paul Laverdiere, Phil Harju, Qais Kolee, Randy Labonte, Randy Whitehead, Raphael Dabreo, Ray Buthe, Ray Lee, Rich Howard, Rich Kravetz, Roarke Dickson, Rob Hart, Rob Pole, Ron Casanzio, Ryan Smith, Samoth Sam, Sean Morgan, Sean Santoro, Shane Van Boening, Shaun Wilkie, Steve Fleming, Steve Sutton, Steven W Smith, Steven Winter, Thomas Aguis, Thorsten Hohmann, Tom Gildea, Tommy Tokoph, Tony Antone, Willie Oney, Yesid Garibello, Zion Zvi - Independent
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Turning Stone Classic XXXII 9-Ball Open - August 22-25, 2019
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Mike Zuglan’s Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Resort Casino are proud to present our 2018-2019 Season Finale, The $25,000 Added, “Turning Stone Classic XXXII 9-Ball Open”. This event will once again take place in Turning Stone’s beautiful & spacious Event Center which has become known worldwide as one of the best venues ever. There are no bad seats. Our layout allows you to mingle with all of your favorite players and friends, giving you the feeling of being part of the action yourself. If you have never been to Turning Stone, located in Verona NY, you simply don’t know what you are missing. Check them out at www.turningstone.com
For the 32nd time, we will have a full field of 128 players with no shortage of past, present and future Champions. Shane Van Boening, Jayson Shaw, Johnny Archer, Earl Strickland, Mika Immonen, Billy Thorpe, Thorsten Hohmann, Jennifer Barretta & LoreeJon Hasson are just a few of the legends signed up for this event. But let’s not count out our Joss Tour regulars like Matt Tetreault, Bruce Nagle Ron Casanzio & this season’s tour point champ Jeremy Sossei, who just to name a few, all have a legitimate chance of making history. So look for anything to happen when the smoke clears on Sunday night. I am pleased to also announce that once again this a BCA ranking event for US players looking for invitations to many world events. The complete player list is on our site www.joss9balltour.com
There will once again be a “Second Chance” tournament on Sunday August 25th at 10AM running continuously and concurrently with the main event until completed. This is an extra event for those Non Pro level players (I will decide) eliminated from the main event. The event format will be as follows: $60 Entry Fee – 32 Player Max – same rules as main event – Single Elimination – Races to 4, best 2 of 3 sets, with the deciding set being a single game sudden death. This means that if each player wins a race to 4, there will be a lag for the break and a 1 game playoff to determine the match winner. Entries will be taken for this tournament as players are eliminated from the main event and will be treated as first paid – first in until the event is full. The equipment for our world class event will once again be 16, 9 foot Diamond Pro tables & lights covered with 860 Simonis (“The Cloth Of Champions”) tournament blue cloth. We will be using the new Aramith Tournament TV Pro Cup balls. Thanks again to Ivan Lee for providing us with the world’s best cloth and the world’s best billiard balls! All of these items will be for sale in tournament used condition, and only seriously interested parties are urged to contact Mike Zuglan immediately at 518-356-7163 for info and pricing.
Being a spectator at Turning Stone is an experience you won’t find anywhere else. We always offer fans, Free Admission, Free collectible posters (while supplies last) and once again Turning Stone will be giving away $10 free/match plays to all players and fans (1 per person while supplies last). So you get Free admission, Free posters and Free bets!! No one else does it like Turning Stone and the Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour! Included in the Event Center at Turning Stone is a full service, moderately priced, snack bar serving all of our favorite foods and adult beverages. There will be billiard product vendors and on site cue repairs available for all your needs. Mike Burton of www.josscues.com will have a wide range of Joss Cues and Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Shirts. CJ and Peggi Wilkinson of www.baltimorecitycues.com will be here with their extensive cue, case and supplies display. Dan Dishaw, www.dishawcues.com will be on hand with his cues and expert on site cue repairs. Feng Zhao of www.lite-systems.com will be there with his custom LED billiard lighting and other billiard products. Victor Conte will be on hand promoting his new game as well. There is still time and room for new vendor or two at a mere fraction of what you would pay elsewhere. Interested parties should contact me at 518-356-7163 immediately.
We will once again be raffling off 2 gorgeous, custom, engraved Joss Cues on Saturday at 8pm and Sunday immediately prior to the final match and you Do Not have to be present to win. These cues have a retail value of $1,500 each and are generously provided by Danny Janes of Joss Cues Ltd. Thanks again to Danny, Debbie & Stephen Janes for all they do for us!! We will also choose a winning ticket to receive the Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match autographed by the winner.
So come to Turning Stone Resort Casino August 22-25 for a great experience and 4 full days of some of the best pool you will ever witness. If for some reason you are unable to make it, there will be a Free live stream and live scoring expertly provided by Mike Howerton, Jerry Forsythe & Upstate Al Leon of www.azbilliards.com & The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Resort Casino. Match times are Thursday 4, 6, 8, & 10 pm. Friday 10 am, noon, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 10 pm. Saturday 10 am, noon, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 10 pm. Sunday 11 am, 1, 3, 5, and the final match at 7 pm.
Our upcoming 2019-2020 season, complete with 15 regular billiard parlor plus 2 Turning Stone events, will begin on Sept 21 & 22 at TJ’s Classic Billiards in Waterville ME. The new season will also include our 4th”Joss Junior 9-Ball Championship” on Jan. 25, 2020 at Sharp Shooters in Amsterdam NY. If you would like to donate items to be given to the future generation of our great sport, please contact me at 518-356-7163. Also be advised that our next Turning Stone Classic XXXIII 9-Ball Open is scheduled for January 9-12, 2020. I will begin taking entries for that event at this event in August. For more information and a complete schedule of events, go to www.joss9balltour.com
The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – http://www.josscues.com Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.com Aramith – http://www.aramith.com Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.com
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thepoolscene · 6 years
The Pool Scene - - Uncategorized
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Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour, Turning Stone Classic XXXI 9-Ball Open, Jan 10-13, 2019 - Complete Results
Here is the complete order of finish for our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour’s, “Turning Stone Classic XXXI 9-Ball Open”, which was held January 10 – 13, 2019. The event was $25,000 added with a total prize fund of $41,400. There was a full field of 128 players. All players were paid in cash immediately upon their elimination from the event!
1st $8,000 Jayson Shaw 2nd $5,000 Shane Van Boening 3rd $3,600 Jeremy Sossei 4th $2,600 Denis Grabe (ES) 5/6th $2,000 each – Petri Makkonen (FI), Tommy Tokoph 7/8th $1,600 each – Dan Hewitt (Can), Zion Zvi 9/12th $1,200 each – Alex Kazakis (GR), John Morra (Can), Spencer Auigbelle, Billy Thorpe 13/16th $850 each – Frank Hernandez, Sean Morgan, Ron Casanzio, Josh Friedberg 17/24th $550 each – Nick Charette (Can), Dennis Hatch, Kevin West, Jia Li, Raphael Dabreo, Mohammad Ali Brejaoui (Leb), Luc Salvas, (Can),Erik Hjorleifson,(Can) 25/32nd $300 each – Hunter Lombardo, Gregg McAndrews, Thorste Hohmann (Ger), Joey Cicero (Can), Brent Boemmels, Len Gianfrate, Jay Goyer (Can), Jennifer Barretta
33/48 – Jed Jecen, Mike Giurleo, Chris Braiman, Thomas Wan, Shaun Wilkie, Randy Labonte, Johnny Archer, Matt Krah, Sylvain Desrosiers (Can), Dave Shlemperis, Martin Daigle (Can), Jonathan Smith, Eric Lim, Annie Flores, Eric Cloutier, Waleed Hashem (Can)
49/64 – Kyle Pepin, Greg Johnson (Can), Hendrik Drost, Cleiton Rocha, Jesse Docalavich, Qays Kolee, Clyde Matta, Troy Deocharran, Pat Fleming,Devin Buttle (Can) Jim Kearney, Mark Creamer, Bruce Carroll, Caroline Pao, Matt Tetreault, Mike Toohig,
65/96 – Paul Dryden, Geoff Montgomery, Matt Gillingham (Can), Willie Oney, Dan Faraguna, Tom Acciavatti, Holden Chin, Rob Hart, Frank Gaetani, Steve Lillis, LoreeJon Hasson, Jason Michas, Jerome Rockwell, Paul Rozonewski, Rob Pole, Mike Badstuebner, Steve Sutton, Roger Miller (Can), Alvin Thomas, Patrick Sheldon (Can), Ray Lee, Jerry Crowe, Marco Kam, Mika Immonen (FI), Dwight Dixon, Don Reigel, Jorge Rodriguez, Matt Harricharan, Paul Pensgen, Dale Kimmett (Can), Jordan Turner, Steven Winter(Can)
97/128 – Bill Cote, Alan Gordon, Rich Grande, Bob Cunningham, Frank Wolak, Amy Yu, Mike Yednak, Dany Normandin (Can), Mike Andrews, Justin Mencfeld (Can) Lida Mullendore, Dave Mills, John Andrade (Can), Vince Prinzivalli, Will Schmidt, Al McGuane, Robert Ragusa, Eric Croteau (Can), Tom Peterson, Rich Connors, Mike Pettit, Rich Kravetz, Bruce Gordon, Redgie Cutler, Ranulf Tamba, Steven W. Smith, Tony Antone, Larry Phlegar, Nabil Lazouzi, Brian Wheel, Ed Culhane, Nick Coppola,
Our Second Chance event had a field of 25 players with a total prize fund of $1,250.
1st $500 Jia Li 2nd $300 Dave Mills 3/4th $225 each – Steven Winter, Nick Coppola
$1,500 Joss Cue raffle winners – Steve Daoust & Mark Caravaty & winner of the autographed Aramith Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match – Alethea Lazor
The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour Is Proudly Sponsored By;
Joss Cues – http://www.josscues.com Turning Stone Resort Casino – http://www.turningstone.com Simonis Cloth – http://www.simoniscloth.com Poolonthenet.com – http://www.poolonthenet.com AzBilliards.com – http://www.azbilliards.com Aramith – http://www.aramith.com Billiards Press – http://www.billiardspress.com World Class Cue Care – http://www.jnj-industries.com FargoRate – http://www.fargorate.com
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thepoolscene · 7 years
The Pool Scene - Adam Monture, Alex Osipov, Alvin Thomas, Ben Werblow, Besar Spahiu, Bill Cote, Billy Thorpe, Bob Cunningham, Brandon Shuff, Brent Boemmels, Brock Watson, Bucky Souvanthong, Chris Braiman, Chris Wilburn, Clyde MATTA, Connor Phares, Dale Kimmett, Dan Basavich, Dan Hewitt, Dave Fernandez, Dave Giner, Dave Shlemperis, Dawn Fox, Dennis Hatch, Devin Buttle, Doug Rhee, Dwight Dixon, Earl Herring, Ed Culhane, Eric Croteau, Erin Bechner, Frank Gaetani, Frank Hernandez, Fred Gokey, Gene Hunt, George Sokolowski, Greg Antonakos, Greg Bombard, Greg Johnson, Hendrik Drost, Holden Chin, Hunter Lombardo, Ivaylo Petrov, James Chemaly, James Kearney, Jason Michas, Jay Goyer, Jayson Shaw, Jed Jecen, Jeremiah Pucci, Jerome Rockwell, Jerry Crowe, Jesse Docalavich, Jesse Palone, Jesse Piercey, Joe Dupuis, Joe Sinicropi, Joey Cicero, John Francisco, John McConnell, John Morra, John Vitale, Johnny Archer, Jonathan Smith, Jordan Turner, Jorge Rodriguez, Josh Harding, Kerry McAuliffe, Kevin Clark, Kevin West, Kyle PEPIN, Lance Lisciotti, Larry Phlegar, Lida Mullendore, Marco Kam, Mark Creamer, Mark Haynes, Martin Daigle, Matt Krah, Matt Tetreault, Meredith Lynch, Mika Immonen, Mike Andrews, Mike Giurleo, Mike Nicoloro, Mike Toohig, Mike Verducci, Mike Yednak, Nelson Oliveira, Nick Antonakos, Nick Charette, Nick Coppola, Noah Wells, Paul Dryden, Paul Pensgen, Phil Harju, Qais Kolee, Randy Labonte, Raphael Dabreo, Redgie Cutler, Rich Connors, Rich Howard, Rich Kravetz, Rob Hart, Rob Staskowski, Robert Ragusa, Ron Casanzio, Ryan Urso, Samantha Barrett, Sean Morgan, Shaun Wilkie, Steve Fleming, Steve Lillis, Steve Mack, Steve Sutton, Steven W Smith, Steven Winter, Thomas Wan, Tom Acciavatti, Tom Gildea, Tony Antone, Vince Chrysler, Vince Frustaci, Vince Prinzivalli, Willie Oney, Zion Zvi - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
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Thorpe tops Turning Stone Classic
Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour, Turning Stone Classic XXIX 9-Ball Open, Jan. 4-7, 2018, Complete Results
Everyone, Here is the complete order of finish for our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour’s, “Turning Stone Classic XXIX 9-Ball Open”, which was held January 4 – 7, 2018. The event was $25,000 added with a total prize fund of $41,400. There was a full field of 128 players. All players were paid in cash immediately upon their elimination from the event!
1st          $8,000            Billy Thorpe 
2nd         $5,000            Dennis Hatch
3rd          $3,600            Joey Cicero (Can)
4th          $2,600            Besar Spahiu (Albania)
5/6th       $2,000 each – Jayson Shaw (Scot), Zion Zvi
7/8th       $1,600 each – Mika Immonen, Dan Hewitt (Can)
9/12th     $1,200 each – Brandon Shuff, Shaun Wilkie, Adam Monture (Can), Jesse Piercey (Can)
13/16th   $850    each – Nelson Oliveira, Matt Tetreault, Johnny Archer, Frank Hernandez
17/24th   $550    each – Nick Charette (Can), Randy Labonte, Raphael Dabreo, Ivaylo Petrov, Hunter Lombardo, Sean Morgan, Bucky Souvanthong, Martin Daigle (Can)
25/32nd  $300    each – John Morra (Can), Greg Antonakos, Jason Michas, Thomas Wan, Dave Fernandez, Kyle Pepin, Paul Dryden, Kevin Clark
33/48 – Mike Verducci, Jerry Crowe, Clyde Matta, Ben Werblow, Nick Antonakos, Kerry McAuliffe, Matt Krah, Mike Yednak, Dan Basavich, Earl Herring, Steve Mack, Qais Kolee (Iraq), Mike Giurleo, Jesse Docalavich, Nick Coppola, Joe Dupuis           
49/64 – Lance Lisciotti, Mike Nicoloro, Steve Lillis, Tom Gildea, John Vitale, James Chemaly, Sylvain Desrosiers (Can), Mike Toohig, John McConnell, Rob Hart,Chris Braiman, Tom Acciavatti, Rich Connors, Marco Kam, Roger Miller (Can), Vince Chrysler (Can)
65/96 – Dawn Fox, Hendrik Drost, Jorge Rodriguez, Robert Ragusa, Greg Johnson (Can), Ryan Urso, Mark Haynes, Willie Oney, Joe Sinicropi, Alvin Thomas, Dave Giner, Doug Rhee, Chris Wilburn, Jordan Turner, Jonathan Smith, Dale Kimmett (Can), Eric Croteau (Can), Fred Gokey, Brent Boemmels,Bob Cunningham, John Francisco, George Sokolowski (Can), Jay Goyer (Can), Kevin West, Greg Bombard, Paul Pensgen, Devin Buttle (Can), Steve Fleming, Connor Phares, Josh Harding, James Kearney, Steven Winter (Can)
  97/128 – Rich Howard, Dave Shlemperis, Dwight Dixon, Phil Harju, Noah Wells, Jeremiah Pucci, Frank Gaetani, Ed Culhane, Mark Creamer, Samantha Barrett, Lida Mullendore, Bill Cote, Jerome Rockwell, Vince Frustaci, Steve Sutton, Mike Andrews, Steven W. Smith, Tony Antone, Larry Phlegar, Redgie Cutler, Rich Kravetz, Rob Staskowski, Gene Hunt, Meredith Lynch, Ron Casanzio, Jed Jecen, Vince Prinzivalli, Erin Bechner, Holden Chin, Jesse Palone, Brock Watson, Alex Osipov
Our Second Chance event had a full field of 32 players with a total prize fund of $1,600.
1st     $500 Redgie Cutler 2nd    $300 Nick Coppola 3/4th  $200 each – Vince Chrysler, John Kovacs,
5/8th  $100 each – Joe Sinicropi, Jerome Rockwell, James Kearney, Jay Goyer
  $1,200 Joss Cue raffle winners – Wayne Crayton & Bill Brahney & winner of the autographed Aramith Pro Cup cue ball used in the final match – Anthony Ciampi
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thepoolscene · 7 years
The Pool Scene - Lee Van Corteza - Straight Pool 14.1 Rotation
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Lee Van Corteza Makes History: First Asian World 14.1 Champion
Lee Van Corteza Makes History: First Asian World 14.1 Champion
Photos courtesy of Joe Gonzalez Photography
  The historic finals proved a lot at stake with either Thorsten Hohmann getting within 2 wins of tying Mosconi’s 7 All Time World 14.1 wins or Lee Van Corteza becoming the first Asian World 14.1 Champion ever
New York City- Philippines’ Lee Van Corteza did what no other Asian before him could do before him, win the World 14.1. The slim, smooth playing Filipino became the Bottledeck.net 77th World 14.1 Champion, and doing so in fashion by defeating none other than the king of straight pool, Thorsten Hohmann of Germany. 
The week long event was challenging with Corteza playing a total of 13 matches and pocketing almost 2000 balls. Hohmann had pocketed over 1700 shots. The World 14.1 title is perhaps the most hard earned title in billiards with no luck or short cuts in winning games.
The Final Four
Day 6 which took place the day before the finals saw the quarter-finalists duel it out for a place in the semi’s. Top American 14.1 specialist Danny Harriman had defeated 2012 World 14.1 Champion John Schmidt in the final 12, but fell 200-111 to the powerful Darren Appleton of the UK. Newcomer Del Sim of Scotland had his dream run through the field finally ended by a fellow Scotsman Jonni Fulcher 200-105. USA’s hopeful Max Eberle of Las Vegas was 8-0 undefeated until he ran into the buzzsaw in Lee Van Corteza 200-44 where he had very few opportunities. The most thrilling match of the day was reigning champion Mika Immonen of Finland versus Thorsten Hohmann. Leading 184-88, Immonen went for an aggressive bank and then played a mediocre safe. The minute error seemed innocent to an ordinary 14.1 pro, but Hohmann proved why he is the greatest straight pool player on the planet as he ran 112 and out to advance to his 6th World 14.1 semi-finals.
“One bad safe and he made me pay dearly. Good shooting Thorsten”, commented Mika on his social media.
Immonen and Hall of Famer Danny Barouty gave the finals commentary along with Gene Mann and Upstate Al who produced the filming
The semi-finals first pitted Appleton versus Hohmann which would be the third time the two champions faced each other in the World 14.1. In the match, neither could get things going but it was Appleton who made the most errors opening up Hohmann for the win making him 3-0 versus Appleton in World 14.1 competition.
“I haven’t played in three months, so I wasn’t really expecting a big result. That’s why I continued my high run the other day after the match. To shake off the rust”, said Appleton. He ran a 268 unofficially after his 100 point game with Michael Yednak in the round robin.
In the other semi-finals, Fulcher and Corteza both struggled. The beginning of the match saw both players consecutively foul in a defense battle that saw the score in the negatives for the first 45 minutes of play. After one hour, neither player had even 1 rack in the positive scoring. Eventually Corteza pulled away and sat at a comfortable 70 ball lead needing less than 3 racks to win. Fulcher was determined and clawed his way back to within only 2 racks from tying Corteza. A costly scratch put Lee Van back at the table, and then he missed an easy 7-ball which ended up banking and fluking back into the called pocket. The good fortune was huge and the first and only lucked in shot of all the TV matches. Unfortunately for Fulcher, this sealed his fate with Corteza running out the rest of the match for a 200-145 win.
Del Sim impressed fans worldwide while Eberle played superbly for USA. Fulcher reached new heights and Appleton stayed consistent 
In the finals, this was the third time in history that Asia versus Europe matched. Previously, Francisco Bustamante and Efren Reyes of the Philippines had came short against their western opponents for the World 14.1 title. Lee Van intended to change that. In his first try no less, as this was his first appearance at the World 14.1.
  14 year-old singing phenom Brandon Hernandez delivered the national anthem. Brandon also sung at the US Open Tennis and Yankee Stadium
The finals was a race to 300 points with a 30 minute intermission at 150 points. Hohmann was the dominant player in the first half of the match and held a sizable lead after his 83 ball run. He stood at 146-78 lead over Corteza.   But by the second half of the match, Corteza came back with his own 60 ball runs . Helped by uncharacteristic misses by Hohmann on routine shots, Corteza kept extending his lead. Hohmann returned to the table 2 more times but could not put together any significant runs, and at 217-183, he relinquished the table the final time with Corteza running 83 and out for the championship win. Ironically, equaling Hohmann’s high run of the match. 
  Hohmann dominated the first half of the finals while Corteza did the same in the second.
“Of course I would have loved to win another World 14.1, but Lee Van played great. He deserves the win” said Hohmann.
“I just tried to stay focused. Straight pool takes a lot of concentration. I’m happy to be the first Asian to win the World 14.1” said Lee Van. Corteza also held the high run for this year’s event at 130. Hohmann had the second highest at 112.
On his Facebook Corteza wrote: “Wow!!! The first asian to win since 1912 according to history! Can’t contain my happiness in winning this 14.1 title. Thank you to my ever supportive Steinway family Manny Stamatakis Anna Nikolakakos Nikolakakos GeorgiosZion Zvi Patrick Diveney Ryotaro Horiuchi Gil castillo leather goods , Joe Gonzales for the nice photos thanks to Charlie Williams and to everyone who made a major part in organizing this 77th World 14.1 championship event. And also a great honor for me to play the finals with the four time champion and a gentleman Thorsten Hohmann. Thanks everyone for the congratulations. To my family and fellow Filipinos this is for you guys!  TO GOD BE THE GLORY”
“That Corteza plays so smooth he makes silk look rough” complimented Danny Harriman, who finished 5th this year. 
Executive Producer Charlie Williams, World 14.1 Champion Corteza, Silver Medalist Hohmann, and Tournament Director John Leyman
The rest of the results can be found at TheWorldTournament.com 
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thepoolscene · 7 years
The Pool Scene - Aaron Greenwood, Alvin Thomas, Amar Kang, Ben Werblow, Bob Cunningham, Borana Andoni, Brad Guthrie, Brent Boemmels, Bruce Carroll, Bruce Nagle, Bucky Souvanthong, Caroline Pao, Charley Lamarche, Chris Braiman, Chris Pyle, Cleiton Rocha, Clyde MATTA, Damon Sobers, Danny Hewitt, Dany Normandin, Dave Fernandez, Dave Lebrun, Dave Mills, Dave Shlemperis, David Callaghan, Devin Buttle, Donny Mills, Doug Brown, Earl Herring, Ed Culhane, Elvis Rodriguez, Eric Cloutier, Erik Hjorleifson, Frank Gaetani, Fred Gokey, Gene Hunt, Gregg Mcandrews, Harry Chaggaris, Hendrik Drost, Holden Chin, Hunter Lombardo, Ivaylo Petrov, Jai Li, James Conn, Jason Hall, Jay Chiu, Jayson Shaw, Jean Therriault, Jed Jecen, Jennifer Barretta, Jeremy Sossei, Jerome Rockwell, Jerry Crowe, John Moody, Jorge Rodriguez, Josh Harding, Karen Corr, Keith Nelson, Keith Owen, Kerry McAuliffe, Kevin West, Kyle PEPIN, Larry Phlegar, Lida Mullendore, Luc Salvas, Marc Dionne, Marco Kam, Mark Creamer, Matt Krah, Matt Tetreault, Mike Andrews, Mike Nicoloro, Mike Perhach, Mike Pettit, Mike Toohig, Nelson Oliveira, Nick Brucato, Nick Coppola, Norm Pomainville, Norm Wadden, Pat Fleming, Paul Rozonewski, Phil Harju, Randy Labonte, Ranulf Tamba, Ray Lee, Rhys Chen, Rich Connors, Rodney Morris, Rohit Aggarwal, Ron Casanzio, Ron Williams, Samantha Barrett, Sean Morgan, Sean Santoro, Sebastian Laramee, Shane Van Boening, Shaun Wilkie, Steve Fleming, Steve Lillis, Steven W Smith, Steven Winter, Tim Parisian, Tom Zippler, Tony Antone, Travis Arias, Willie Oney - Joss Northeast 9-Ball
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Shane Van Boening wins Turning Stone Classic XXVIII
Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour, Turning Stone Classic XXVIII 9-Ball Open, Aug 31 – Sept 3, 2017, Complete Results
  Everyone, Here is the complete order of finish for our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour’s, “Turning Stone Classic XXVIII 9-Ball Open”, which was held August 31 thru September 3, 2017. The event was $25,000 added with a total prize fund of $41,400. There was a full field of 128 players. All players were paid in cash immediately upon their elimination from the event!
1st $8,000 Shane Van Boening 2nd $5,000 Jayson Shaw (Scot) 3rd $3,600 Donny Mills 4th $2,600 Jeremy Sossei 5/6th $2,000 each – Earl Strickland, Mika Immonen 7/8th $1,600 each – Bucky Souvanthong, Dennis Hatch 9/12th $1,200 each – Rodney Morris, Joey Cicero (Can), Brandon Shuff, Johnny Archer 13/16th $850 each – Billy Thorpe, Ron Casanzio, Zion Zvi, Billy Lanna 17/24th $550 each – Brent Boemmels, Shaun Wilkie, Nelson Oliveira, Karen Corr, Dan Hewitt (Can), Dave Shlemperis, Jai Li, Jorge Rodriguez 25/32nd $300 each – Erik Hjorliefson (Can), Luc Salvas (Can), Mike Pettit, Matt Tetreault, Earl Herring, Marco Kam, Clyde Matta, Matt Krah
33/48 – Rhys Chen, Damon Sobers, Kevin West, Paul Rozonewski, Nick Brucato, Mark Creamer, Bruce Nagle, Elvis Rodriguez, Dany Normandin (Can), Hendrik Drost, Caroline Pao, Kerry McAuliffe, Jean Therriault (Can), Kyle Pepin, Hunter Lombardo, Aaron Greenwood
49/64 – Sebastien Laramee (Can), Ivaylo Petrov, Brad Guthrie (Can), Norm Pomainville, John Moody, Gene Hunt, Gregg McAndrews, Jennifer Barretta, Larry Phlegar, Rich Connors, Steve Fleming, Ranulf Tamba, Steve Lillis, Jason Hall, Dave Mills, James Conn
65/96 – Mike Nicoloro, Cleiton Rocha, Dave Mills, Chris Braiman, Dave Lebrun, Willie Oney, Holden Chin, Martin Daigle (Can), Marie-France Blanchette (Can), Lida Mullendore, Jerome Rockwell, Dave Fernandez, Pat Fleming, Steven Winter (Can), Randy Labonte, Nick Coppola, Eric Cloutier (Can), Paul Pensgen, Rick Grannis, Raphael Balverde (Can), Tom Peterson, Josh Rupard, John Francisco, Samoth Sam, Mike Yednak, Joe Sinicropi, Harry Chaggaris (Can), Mike Andrews, Mike Perhach, Ed Culhane, Jed Jecen, Tony Antone
97/128 – Travis Arias, Fred Gokey, Mike Toohig, Jerry Crowe, Bruce Carroll, Doug Brown (Can), Rohit Aggarwal, Phil Harju, Ben Werblow, Sean Morgan, Josh Harding, Keith Nelson, Devin Buttle, Steven W Smith, Ron Williams, Samantha Barrett, Keith Owen, Bob Cunningham, Tom Zippler, Chris Pyle, Sean Santoro, Frank Gaetani, Tim Parisian, Norm Wadden, Marc Dionne, David Callaghan, Jay Chiu, Ray Lee, Alvin Thomas, Charley Lamarche, Amar Kang, Borana Andoni
Our Second Chance event had 28 players with a total prize fund of $1,500.
1st $400 Brent Boemmels 2nd $300 Hendrik Drost 3/4th $200 each – Jai Li, Steve Fleming 5/8th $100 each – Dave Mills, Ben Werblow, Rhys Chen, John Francisco
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