#Zeus cabin
splosh-crime · 4 months
Demigod Kids Always Win
Some demigods have godlike power or mastery over the mind, but others have more subtle abilities. These understated skills are among the first to present among demigod children.
And what do these divine young ones do with these blessings?
Whether it’s competitions, bets, or just a game, very few demigods lack a competitive spirit.
⚡️Zeus: best jump-roper, longest breath-holder, highest jumper
🌊Poseidon: best sandcastle builder, best paper boat-maker, fastest swimmer, deepest diver, best fisherman
🌾Demeter: most berries picked, prettiest flower crown-maker, coolest stick-finder
💀Hades: coolest rock-finder, deepest digger, scariest storyteller, hide n seek champion, mafia winner
☀️Apollo: Angry Birds winner, Quack/Clap Dilly Oso champion, loudest voice, longest sun-stare, best singer
🍇Dionysus: funniest Mad Lib, staring contest champion (credit: @king-zacharyy ), fastest tree-climber, best storyteller, best party-thrower
🕊️Aphrodite: best braid/hairstyle, prettiest nail polish, best makeup
📦Hermes: Mario Kart winner, Duck Duck Goose champion (credit: @king-zacharyy ), fastest runner, best pickpocket, best prankster
🧠Athena: prettiest friendship bracelet, rock paper scissors & Evolution game champion, chess champion, ninja game champion
🧨Ares: thumb war champion, arm-wrestling champion
🔥Hephaestus: best Minecraft builder, best Lego builder, Jenga champion, most jalapeños eaten
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bugwolfsstuff · 8 months
Headcanon that the Zeus/Jupiter kids give off little shocks when theyre happy.
Thalia hugging Luke (pre-everything) and his hair sticks up.
Jason accidentally giving Leo a slight shock when he holds his hand, resulting in Leo walking back and forth on a carpet in socks to get him back.
Which of course then started a shock war that spread throughout the argo crew.
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girlkisser13 · 21 days
zeus cabin headcanons
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children of zeus
• over time, they develop lightning scars on their body from the sheer amount of electricity that passes through them whenever they summon lightning.
• the mortals call these "stretch marks".
• they have a hard time holding their breath for longer than a minute due to their father’s air-based nature.
• eventually, someone sets up a tent inside to make it feel less empty and uncomfortable.
• they have an intrinsic understanding of the law wherever they are and could pass a bar exam with no preparation.
• they can play electric guitars and basses without using an amp.
• they give off little shocks when they're happy.
• they have a natural charisma that draws others to them, coupled with an authoritative aura that commands respect.
• they are immune to static electricity.
• their personalities are intense, mirroring their father’s own mood swings. they are passionate and driven, but are also prone to sudden bursts of anger if things don't go their way.
• when chiron decided that the electricity bill was getting too expensive, he had the hephaestus cabin set up underground wires so they could extract electricity from their cabin.
• due to their strong personalities, they have a complex relationship with authority figures, sometimes clashing with them or struggling to fit into conventional roles.
• they’re extremely impulsive and quick to act, especially when they sense injustice or danger. their actions are often driven by a strong sense of urgency.
• a lot of them grow up to become pilots or meteorologists.
• the statue of zeus is constantly covered with blankets to prevent anyone from seeing his "hippie" face glaring down at them.
• they can move lightning-fast over short distances, becoming electricity in the process.
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cabin exterior
• the cabin resembles a large, imposing greek temple. it is made of solid white marble, giving it a regal and timeless appearance. the building has a rectangular shape with a peaked roof, and it's elevated slightly above the ground, with steps leading up to the entrance, similar to ancient greek temples.
• the front of the cabin is lined with impressive, thick columns that support a triangular pediment. these columns are doric in style, which are simple yet strong, symbolizing zeus's power and authority.
• the triangular pediment above the entrance often has carvings depicting scenes associated with zeus. these include lightning bolts, eagles, and scenes of zeus sitting on his throne. the frieze running along the top of the cabin is decorated with intricate designs of mythological scenes involving zeus.
• the roof is tiled with golden shingles that catch the light, making the cabin gleam and stand out, even from a distance. it has a weather vane shaped like a lightning bolt at the top.
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cabin interior
• the doorway of the their cabin is grand and imposing, with a large wooden door inlaid with lightning bolt designs. it has a high, arched entrance that makes every camper feel small as they walk in.
• the ceiling is a high dome with a large skylight in the center. the skylight is magically enchanted to always show the sky outside, whether it's day or night. during thunderstorms, the skylight shows the storm directly above, with lightning occasionally flashing across it.
• lightning bolt patterns are carved into the walls and furniture. the bedposts, chairs, and even the table have intricate designs that resemble streaks of lightning. these designs occasionally glow with a faint blue or gold light, especially during storms.
• the interior is primarily made of white marble and stone, giving the cabin a clean, powerful, and timeless feel. the floors are polished marble, and the walls have stone columns reminiscent of ancient greek temples.
• the cabin is never completely silent. there is a low, almost imperceptible rumble of thunder that can be heard, especially during quiet moments. it feels like the power of the sky is always present.
• the cabin is illuminated by electric lanterns that mimic the look of ancient greek torches. these lanterns have a bluish-white flame that flickers like lightning. they provide a soft, but sufficient light for the entire cabin.
• each bed has dark blue bedding, with gold trim and embroidery. the pillows are soft, and the headboards are engraved with thundercloud patterns. each bed is spacious and sturdy, resembling a king's bed, giving a sense of royalty.
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cabin traditions
• whenever something bad happens to one of them, they kick the statue of zeus in the balls.
• to start each day with energy, the head counselor has a morning routine where they produce a loud clap of thunder to wake everyone up. it eventually becomes a competition to see who can make the loudest or most impressive thunderclap each morning.
• they take it upon themselves to predict the weather for the day, using their natural instincts and connection to the sky. they could even post a daily weather forecast outside their cabin door, which would often be surprisingly accurate and trusted by other campers..
• on the nights when the sky is clear, they hold a tradition called "sky bridge," where they create a makeshift bridge with ropes and wooden planks, connecting the cabin to a nearby high tree or structure. they use this bridge to sit and stargaze, feeling as if they're closer to the heavens.
divider by @plutism
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audreyscribes · 8 months
⚡ ZEUS: God of the Sky, Thunder & Lightning, Kingship, Honor, and Justice ⚡
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
Before you even get claimed, it’s been a wild and long event before you get to camp. Your life has already been filled with trials and misfortune, and just when you think life can’t be any harder, the curtain has been ripped from you and the monsters and terrors are jumping out at you. 
So when you arrive, people already have an idea who your godly parent is or how powerful you are. The rumour mill spreads fast. 
But as soon as you arrive, you are immediately claimed and your parentage is revealed. Thunder rumbles through the sky and everyone starts immediately backing away from you and looking nervously at the sky. Then they see the claim mark above you, and everyone is immediately gaping and there’s a ruckus. 
Then you hear more than one person go “Of course it’s Zeus” in the most tired voice and there was a cacophony of groans. 
You are swiftly brought to the Big House with the core cabin leaders, Mr. D, and Chiron who all look uncomfortable. They all make occasional glances up towards the roof, gesturing to the sky with every rumble as everyone takes turn to explain the Big Three, their pact, then the overturned pact, and the crux of the matter that this is not the first time and doubt be the last child of Zeus they’ll be seeing coming out of the woodwork; but considering the time frame of your age and when the pact was overturned…well something exactly doesn’t line up. Then you also remember or informed about Hera, the Goddess of Marriage and Zeus’ wife, and her track record reacting towards children of Zeus…mostly being a sign of infidelity. Annabeth tells you this is because Hera, being the goddess of marriage, and Zeus’ blatantly, repeated infidelity goes against her entire being, but since Zeus is a god and is above her, and won’t ever divorce him either, she usually directs her ire towards the mortal parent and the demigod in retribution. 
There’s a big boom of thunder and you see Mr. D, who you later find out who he is, makes a sour face before his face goes completely red, chugs his diet coke and slams it into a puck on the table, before standing up to yell outside the window. You all watch him yell at the sky to “quiet down and not to smite them all down because of their arguing” and Mr. D grumbling about fathers and how their children get all the backlash-
Chiron and a few other campers quickly and smoothly guide you away during the commotion and you’re then led to the orientation of everything else. All the pieces come together very quickly as thunder rolls and crackles above the Big House.
You start to get trapped in your own head about being the child of Zeus, and you try not to think about the implications, and then one night when you’re lying in bed, you jump out of your bed when your door is slammed open with thunder rumbling outside. 
You stare at who the person is, grabbing your temporary weapon just in case, and lo and behold, you see Thalia Grace at the doorway. She stares at you with disbelief before a grin appears, before she introduces herself boldly to you as your new sister. 
As soon you were claimed, all hell broke loose; which you would think be more fitting for a child of Hades. People were running around like they were headless chickens, some had their heads in their hands, and some were staring at you like they didn’t believe you existed or were looking right up the sky with anticipation. 
You had heard more than once, from more than one person, and quite frequently, the words: “Of course it’s Zeus” in various tones; mostly exasperation. You had a faint idea of why based on your knowledge of Greek mythology, and a small heavy dread began to form. Then you were brought to the Big House, given the biggest lore dump and then you were taken to one place and another. 
You lay in your bunk bed, trying to wrap your brain around what just happened and tried to process it. Basically, it hadn’t been that long since the overturned Big Three pact had made, and here you were. They could only imagine how many children of Zeus were just out there and would be appearing in Camp Half Blood in utter mass, and they feared what that meant (and Hera’s wrath). 
There was a crack of lighting, making you jump before you remembered you were a child of Zeus, as much how that insinuated, it brought you some comfort you were not going to die from being smite by lightning. As you closed your eyes, the door to your cabin was slammed open, shaking your utter camp and making you fly off your bed, and onto your floor. 
There was a figure at the open door and you saw the silver tiara on her head, and the electric blue eyes. The moment both of your eyes made contact, there was electricity in the air and you just knew, and she knew. 
“Wow, it is true” said the figure before stepping in, “Dad did really have another child-”
“Yeah….which I’m guessing I’m not going to be the last one” you said from the floor. 
There was a snort, “Oh yeah, knowing our shared father? Zeus definitely didn’t leave just you. Which is why I got called back here” she said. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yeah, Thalia Grace. The others, sort of, told me about you” you explained. 
“Yup that’s me. The name is Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, as well as Lieutenant to Lady Artemis…and also your sister” she introduced while holding out her hand to you. 
You introduced yourself while you looked at her hand before clasping it. A jolt of electricity spread between you and her, causing you to look wide eyed before you two shared a grin.
“Come on,” said Thalia she hauled you up, “first thing first, you and I have a lot to talk about before inevitably, the rest of our half-siblings start appearing on our front door.”
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enehana · 1 month
Jason Grace with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. It's just him and Thalia because of the oath. Probably. Hopefully. Jason would be very protective of any younger siblings. He'd use his status as Champion of Juno to try and protect them from her wrath. It would work, for the most part.
Cabin 2: Hera. There isn't any children of Hera. He'd absolutely be chill with the 'adopted' children of Hera, though. Like the Iris cabin.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Percy Jackson, baby. I don't believe they really compete over much unless its an actual competition or game. They work together just fine. Good friends, only gay sex as a joke. Any other children of Poseidon (that aren't supposed to exist either), Jason wouldn't really talk to. Percy would probably be too protective of them for Jason to have much to do with them.
Cabin 4: Demeter. The Demeter kids would always be asking him if he could change the weather for their gardens. He doesn't. He's too worried that if he tried it would get too out of hand and ruin their gardens. Some of them think the gesture is sweet. Others are more annoyed that he won't try. Cause he's literally the son of Jupiter, he should be able to control his powers. And he can. But he isn't risking it. They probably get along pretty well.
Cabin 5: Ares. The Ares kids are always challenging him to duels and asking to spar. He usually agrees, granted it's a friendly thing. They want to make their dad proud by defeating the son of Jupiter. They don't. Jason wins, and then gives them pointers. This makes them want to fight him more. If he thought it wasn't a friendly thing, he wouldn't fight them unless they actually attacked him. He'd always try to talk through the issue. Jason fully believes he isn't anyone special because his dad is the king of the gods. He thinks they want to spar with him because he genuinely is one of the best and most experienced fighters. Cause that's how Camp Jupiter is. Overall, they probably wouldn't get along well naturally. Zeus wasn't the biggest fan of Ares, so their kids wouldn't be inclined to be playmates or anything. But Jason would always try to work well with them.
Cabin 6: Athena. One of the best combinations. Jason and the Athena kids would be working together constantly. Sparring tips, doing research, teaching younger campers. Jason is built for leadership despite how much he never wanted it. Athena kids want to lead and earn their glory. He would absolutely support them on anything they decided.
Cabin 7: Apollo. I refuse to believe Jason died in TOA. It all happened, but he didn't die. Just no. The Apollo kids would be incredibly grateful for Jason not letting their dad die, especially after he actually started being a good dad. Jason would try to relax with the Apollo kids if he ever got a break. They'd all definitely be great friends.
Cabin 8: Artemis. Thalia Grace. Need I say more?
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. They'd love each other. Hephaestus was not treated great by Zeus and Hera at all. Jason would 100% try to make up for that. AND Jason always tried to befriend the outcasted kids. Hephaestus was one. Leo certainly loved Jason. The potential for Valgrace to be canon was insane. And the electricity. He could charge anything they made. He's strong too. Definitely able to hold up heavy machinery while they worked. He'd be amazing with the Hephaestus cabin.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper Mclean. Her siblings would love him. The younger Aphrodite kids would look up to Piper so much, so the fact that things ended 'amicably' between them would mean so much. Jason would be caught up on Piper for a long time, and would avoid the Aphrodite cabin for a while. But once he came around, he was there to stay. They were his siblings too, in his eyes. He'd steer them away from the whole rite of passage thing and encourage them to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. And he'd understand if they didn't. Jason was so sweet to them, but I can't image that he would date another child of Aphrodite.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Probably a pretty neutral thing. The Hermes kids tend to be tricksters and rule breakers, which Jason is not. He'd try to keep them in line, but he'd also want to maintain a good impression with them. He'd love to make friends with them. He had heard about Luke from Thalia, and he wouldn't forget that. Thalia did throw him off a cliff. But he would never hold Luke's betrayal against them.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. Jason wouldn't be a fan of the Dionysus cabin parties that were definitely against the rules. Dionysus let them happen anyway. The Dionysus kids would try to get Jason to let loose and forget about his responsibilities for a while. It didn't work, but he did appreciate their effort.
Cabin 13: Hades. NICO MOTHERFUCKING DI ANGELO. They're besties of course. If Bianca lived, she would like Jason purely because Nico liked Jason. I don't remember a lot about canon Bianca, but I can't imagine she would really be friends with Jason. Hazel and Jason were absolutely friends. She missed him when he went missing. And Jason always tried to befriend outcasts, and Hades wasn't considered an Olympian despite literally being the king of the underworld, and Nico was outcasted too much for literally no reason. (I love Nico.) Jason would be great with the Hades cabin.
Cabin 14: Iris. Jason briefly met Butch Walker. It wasn't much of anything. The Iris cabin would love Jason. Hera absolutely adores children of Iris because their mother is her personal messenger. Jason is the champion of Juno. So of course being loved by the queen of the gods would put them together too often. They would make pride flags and hold them up to him, silently asking if he's queer. He doesn't understand what they're doing. Genuinely clueless. He just praises their work. Awesome pride flags.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. Jason and the Hypnos kids. With Jason's PTSD induced insomnia, what better combination? They would absolutely be willing to help him sleep at night. The problem isn't even nightmares, he just cannot fall asleep. The Hypnos cabin would let him sleep in there at any time. And Jason would do anything in return. He takes any gesture of kindness towards him very very seriously. He would do anything for the Hypnos kids.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Mutual respect. The Nemesis kids respect Jason so much. They can sense that he's done so much good and so many bad things have happened to him AND HE'S STILL A GOOD PERSON. They look up to him so much. They have a lot of adoration or maybe even obsession with this man. Jason respects them in turn. He appreciates how they want justice, they want everyone to be equal, and everyone has to follow the rules. They work incredibly well together. The Nemesis kids can link up their powers with an ally so they're in perfect balance during a fight, and holy shit do they do that with Jason. Jason and the Nemesis cabin is unstoppable. Jason by himself is unstoppable (HE DID NOT DIE I SWEAR), so the Nemesis kids being able to put themselves on par with him is insane. But they cannot spar with each other. The Nemesis kids know that Jason deserves to get revenge more than anybody they've ever met (and Percy, Annabeth, Leo, etc.). They just cannot fight against him under any circumstances. They would let him beat them every single time. He would get very frustrated that they wouldn't even try.
Cabin 17: Nike. Honestly, not the best relationship at camp. Definitely not the worst though. Nike kids tend to believe there can only be one victor and that life is an individual game, no teams. Jason wants everyone to win together. Equality amongst everyone. And the Nike kids 100% stand a chance against Jason. They can influence the outcome of any competition, so the chances of them beating Jason in anything skyrocket. But they also know that when it comes to survival they have to work together. They do tend to push in favor of Jason then. But usually, it's the Nike kids VS. Jason Grace. And Jason just wants peace between them.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe cabin practically worships Jason. They always wanted a relationship with someone like their mother's husband. And Hebe married Heracles, son of Zeus. So when Jason showed up to camp, they got all fancy and fawned over him. Though they did the same thing with Thalia. Jason was not a fan of the attention. He never wanted to be a leader. So when all these attractive, young demigods start begging for his attention, he felt really awkward. And he was raised at Camp Jupiter, where they value skill over parentage greatly. He did not like getting attention because of who his dad was. He wanted to prove himself through his skill. He did not want to be his father. He spends a lot of time avoiding the Hebe cabin, but he is always polite when he can't.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Jason is on relatively good terms with the Tyche cabin. The Tyche kids do have an illegal gambling room set up in their cabin, which Jason is not very happy about. He doesn't try to stop them though. Their ability to give people chronic bad luck stops people from reporting it. And Mr. D doesn't care anyways. If Chiron shut it down, he'd just help them set it back up. The Tyche kids do admire Jason because somehow he's managed to survive for so long. Abandoned by his mother, raised by wolves, was a child soldier his entire life. They figured their mother must like him if he's survived that long, so they like him too.
Cabin 20: Hecate. Half of the Hecate kids like him, and the other half don't. It's mostly the judgey ones that don't like him. The ones that do like him look up to his power and skill and status. They are the Hecate kids that accept Hazel as their own sibling. The ones that don't like him think he isn't very powerful for a son of Jupiter and is weaker than them. They also typically are the ones that are jealous of Hazel for being their mother's favorite. Hecate kids typically use their powers to enhance other camper's powers. They can lend their magic to others to have a greater effect. They do this with Jason. He works well with the Hecate kids when they're willing to.
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jgracie · 6 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH . . . cabin one headcannons
masterlist | rules
warnings zeus (sorry)
an im gonna be doing these for all the cabins cz i have a lot of ideas in my head LOL but in order of numbers so sorry hecate kids
on the radio electric touch (taylor swift), thunder (imagine dragons), she’s thunderstorms (arctic monkeys), skyfall (adele)
In my head, there are two types of Zeus demigods: lightning and thunder 
‘Lightning’ are the ones with (literally LOL) electrifying personalities, representing the Zeus a lot of their parents probably fell for. They’re fun loving party animals and are down for almost anything. Not to the extent of a Hermes or Dionysus kid, but definitely up there 
‘Thunder’ are quiet and level-headed, showing more of the ‘ruler of the Gods’ side of their father. They have a royal-esque aura to them and carry themselves with confidence and pride. Despite not doing too much to frighten others and mostly keeping to themselves, people still know to stay respectful and that they’re a force to be reckoned with 
The two seem like polar opposites most of the time and have people questioning how the same God could create such different kids, but they actually have a lot in common
The main trait all Zeus kids share is an extreme calling to leadership. Just like how their father saved all his elder siblings from their father’s stomach and became their king, they feel the need to be in charge and make sure everyone’s okay
They are also incredibly good at it. Zeus kids are always the people to go to when you need a pep talk or some words of motivation. Even the ones who perceive themselves as more pessimistic have it in them
A lot of people believe Zeus kids have a minor form of charmspeak because of how good it is, but they don’t
When they’re leading a cause they’re excited about, or if they just have a lot of energy in general, their energy tends to rub off on others like static. Once one person gets it, it's passed along and all of a sudden everyone’s hyped
While their leadership is a good trait to have, it can become obsessive and unhealthy, turning into perfectionism as they want to control every aspect of their life. A severe need for control in all aspects of life is a common fatal flaw for Zeus kids
All of Zeus’ kids could have the ability to fly, but they have to actively try in order for it to happen. If they’re afraid of heights (like Thalia), it just won’t
They can also jump really high. They say it comes naturally, but in reality they just use the air to propel themselves up LOL
The main power associated with Zeus kids is, of course, electrokinesis. They all have it, but it takes them a while to be able to fully control it and harness it to its full potential. They can usually summon lightning no matter the weather conditions, but it tends to be more powerful the more clouds there are in the sky 
Multiple Zeus kids could also create a chain-reaction of sorts with their lightning powers (kind of like that one Pikachu scene in the og Pokemon)
Since metal is a good conductor of electricity, I’m gonna make an assumption and say so are celestial bronze and imperial gold (I know gold is really low on the reactivity series but shh), which means Zeus kids could just wield a weapon of pure lightning if they were in the mood
Some of them have control over clouds/can create clouds. Obviously not to the extent of their father’s powers (like how he made a whole fake Hera out of clouds), but they could use clouds to obstruct people’s vision and make fun shapes for little kids 
Zeus’ children also have an EXTREMELY ACCURATE gut feeling. Extremely accurate in caps because it's that good. Theirs is the only one that could rival Apollo’s kids. Somehow they just know everything
If you asked a child of Zeus what it’s like, they’ll say something along the lines of some random voice randomly appearing in their head and telling them something
It sounds kind of creepy, but it's not. They could just be staring at two people they’ve never met and immediately think, “she’s gonna confess this afternoon,” or something. This ability is especially powerful with the weather. They always know deep down what the weather will be like as soon as they wake up
The sky could be dark grey with thunder rumbling in the background and, as long as a Zeus kid says it won't rain that day, you wouldn’t need an umbrella. This is an ability that becomes pretty handy during quests
Very scary when they’re mad. Ares kids are scared of them when they’re mad. They go quiet and grunt a, “I’m fine,” if you ask them if they’re okay but you can tell they’re angry from the way their eyes seem to get darker and people’s hairs stand on end when they pass by them
#1 grudge holders and believers in payback. Especially if someone hurts the people they love. A lot of their lives were negatively affected by their father’s carelessness towards people he claimed he loved, so they vow to never do the same
If you genuinely believe a Zeus kid has let you off the hook after you did something to upset them, you’re so wrong and I’m scared for you
Anyways love you Zeuserinas please take care and remember you don’t have to be perfect all the time & its okay to rest every once in a while
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24kmar · 7 months
𝖢𝖺𝖻𝗂𝗇 1
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𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖹𝖾𝗎𝗌
𝖠𝗆𝖻𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌, 𝖦𝗈𝖺𝗅 𝖮𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Demigod Powers!
controlling thunder and lightning 
ability to make storms (including hail, snow, rain)
controlling electricity and static 
can fly
control storm spirits 
create winds
make tornados 
teleport (traveling through winds)
similar to charm speak, can order others to do things 
shapeshifting- very rare
controlling eagles
creating cloud nymphs (summoning cloud nymph guardians)
gift of prophecy (rare) (can’t be wearing shoes while doing it) (this is a real thing i’m not making up)
gifts of public speaking (commanding silence, unnatural voice projecting)
ability to create light
inherent diplomacy (automatically knowing right words to negotiate/get out of something)
stealing the breath from someone (suffocating them)
able to just create sanctuaries monsters can’t get through (why thalia became the border)
ability to hold someone to their oath
cloud walking 
automatically able to pilot aircraft’s (helicopters, planes, drones, etc)
cloud cloning people (it’s a thing in the myths)
can talk to birds
increased temperature endurance
enhanced speed (by reducing wind resistance)
manipulating the electricity in people’s brains (causing seizures) (source: @ebony-reine-vibes )
under Zeus Skotitas they can momentarily make things dark or murky to opponents in a fight
Under Zeus Konios— they can make dust appear in a fight  (again to cloud their opponents eyes)
he has a couple of titles about games/the myths about the olympic games, and i think in modern times this translates really well to board games, especially monopoly.
Sensing how honorable a person is
If a person is telling the truth or not (guilty or not– god of justice)
Increased endurance (don’t need as much air to breathe because used to higher atmosphere)
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ohdearlucifer · 5 months
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I͟ ͟w͟a͟s͟ ͟b͟o͟r͟n͟ ͟c͟r͟o͟o͟k͟e͟d͟ ᭨ ⃟ ͏ ͏҉ my voice can go against a hundred!
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ٝ 𓉮ֶ⠀ ☒   ⚡️𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ ݁ 𓈒     ∿⁺ ✧̩͙̾͒
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! ◟⊹ 🀢͟ ͟ ✧ 𝕔𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕟 𝟙.
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genz420 · 5 months
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Cabin 1 Headcannons ☁️ 🦅
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Cabin Headcannons
Warning: None
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Daddy Issues 
MAJOR Daddy Issue
And step-mom issues 
And sibling issues
Just family Issues all around 
Some of the best fighters at camp 
They have to be 
To live up to the standards that is placed on their shoulders when they were born
But this also applies to mortal life as well
They HAVE to be the best on the team
Or top of the class
They have to be the best 
Bec how else will they be able to be worth the love of their father 
The vibe I get from them is that of the person who thinks they are popular but are not really popular 
They want to be 
But just can be kind of annoying 
They think loud = funny 
But some are funny 
And kind 
But they still inherited that massive…
Type of person to call a teacher mom or dad
But who hasn’t done that 
Right?  Not just me?
The most eclectic blue eyes ever
Like no matter what
It’s a trait they all have 
Type of person to be scared of birds 
And Butterflies
They like to think that all the cabins love them 
But in truth, the cabins that do are Athena and Dionysus
Zeus’ fav daughter and son 
But at the same time they kind of hate the Dionysus's cabin
For the relationship they have with their dad
The rest of the cabin is a little put off by the fact of who their godly parent is 
They have this aura about them
Like a buzz in the air when they are around 
Big rule followers 
And the off chance that they do break the rules, then you can bet they know how to avoid getting blamed 
But will also never listen to someone in an authority position 
They love thunderstorms 
Is it because they can think that it is their father saying hello
Yes it is
The type of person to be considerate one moment but then a total ass wipe the next
So hot and cold 
They hate spending time in their cabin 
Bec even though they want the praise and love of their father 
They are not sleeping on the cold ground in front of a massive statue of him
Like what if they wanna bring someone back to the cabin
They have to be like, “Don’t mind the statue,” 
They like to think they are big players at camp but they have no pull
Like zero
And when they do pull someone, then you can bet that their ego skyrockets 
The type of kid who coughs weird 
Also sneezes so loudly 
Big iPad kid energy 
Have to have YouTube or something else playing in the background while they eat
They are kens
Even the girls and people between
They are just kens
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valewritessss · 3 months
I like the idea of a cabin pet for every cabin in camp half blood. And they’re all based on the godly parents sacred animal.
Athena cabin- owl
Poseidon cabin- seahorses(mix of sea animal and horses, both posedon’s sacred animals)
Zeus cabin- eagle
Hermes cabin- snake
Demeter- spotted lizard
I’m too lazy to google more of them but you get the point. It’s like a class pet but for the cabins.
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[It was a late night at Camp Half-Blood and you couldn't sleep so you left your cabin to walk quietly around camp.]
[As you were walking, you could hear some snaps from twigs and sticks and it wasn't from you. You turned around and saw Jazzlyn walking towards the forests with two bags.]
What are you gonna do next?
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kekaki-cupcakes · 4 months
Hello 👋, nice to meet you!
what you're doing sounds really cool, could I please order a lunch ✨
(no pressure)
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Child of Zeus.
Fights with a metal baseball bat. That may or may not have glitter on it.
Definitely have one of those extravagant floaty curtain things over your bed in the Zeus cabin. There's also a lot of energy drink cans next to all of Jason's cups of tea. And polaroids.
You've introduced Jason to the internet and are carefully cultivating his taste before Leo and all of his anime's get to him first. Jason's favourite album is Lover so far. Thalia disowned you both the first time she heard you listening to anything except for Greenday.
Everyone was really scared you'd turn out like Zeus but the first time you walked into the dining pavilion you tripped over your own feet and then ate three slices of cake for breakfast and made friends with half the Apollo cabin so they figured you'd be fine.
Definitely has a pet flesh eating hellhound.
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audreyscribes · 2 months
Hii i love your writing <33 could you do headcanons for a child of zeus? l always wondered what it would be like for a child of zeus to be in camp half blood. Maybe they went to the same school as percy and grover brought them back too? How would her getting claimed by zeus change the situation between gods in the first book and stuff(lightning theif) specially since the prophecy said 1 of the kids of the big three wpuld overthrow the gods when they turned 16. Would hera be mad at them and send mosters after them since they're a byproduct of zeuses infidelity ? Thanks in advance ♡
If you’re just talking about being a child of Zeus, I have the headcanons already written in the Major Demigods H/C’s. I already have my own thoughts written about it there. 
Though, you’re talking about stuff as if the daughter of Zeus being in the main storyline. Well dear anon, let me first warn you that this is not going to be as cool and as great as it you might think it will lead to be. There’s a reason only why Thalia is there and being a child of Zeus is already a set-up for having a hard life. Not necessary a happy story with a good ending either. That just makes it worse. [Disclaimer: massive text wall below]
First addressing the daughter of Zeus being a daughter of Zeus. Hera is already historically going to do something and take out her anger at Zeus’s infidelity again at the daughter of Zeus and her mother.
What’s worse is that this daughter of Zeus would be the second or worse third time Zeus has broken the Oath the Big Three swore after WW2; since depending when, the daughter would be born right after Thalia or around the same time as Jason. 
So not just Hera, there’s going to be other gods after her. We already knew Hades will be evoking his wrath at the daughter of Zeus, because he did it to Thalia. Her existence would stoke Hades’ anger even more because what Zeus did to Nico and Bianca’s mother, so for him to break the Oath again? Not looking too well on her prospects. And following Zeus, it’ll be Poseidon because up until Percy, he hasn’t have any demigods since the Oath; he’s the only god out of the Three to not have any children since WW2 started or had any before the Oath (like Hades). So for Zeus to break his oath twice/thrice? The gall of him being King and not upholding his own oath, law, and honour? That’s absolutely not fair. Oh it’s all hands on deck. (Side tangent: Poseidon has a whole lot of restraint for a sea god. He kept his word and it really paints the picture that Poseidon broke his own oath because of Zeus breaking the oath (twice if you include Jason as well), and Hades having his own children still alive really leaves him left out of fatherhood). If the daughter of Zeus hasn’t died or majorly cursed after all those THREE gods, and more gods along the way, and there are also monsters, SOMEHOW, and I’m assuming they do for the sake of your ask, I’m going to assume that this daughter of Zeus is either a year younger or the same age as Percy. Then there’s when her birthday is, is it going to be one month or a few months before Percy’s birthday or after that? It’s going to be tight and absolutely nerve-wracking because of the prophecy. The daughter of Zeus would not be naive to the world of the gods and monsters after what I said earlier. There’s also how she would survive that long being in Nancy Academy with Percy for that long, even if she is a new transfer student. Cause two children of the Big Three surviving in the same vicinity? Percy only survived that long because of Sally’s endurement and love to be with Gabe to mask his demigod scent, him being ignorant as a demigod,  Grover and Chiron doing their absolute damnest to keep him alive and yet they still didn’t know Mrs. Dodds was one of the furies among them. 
So that doesn’t paint a good picture for the daughter of Zeus. Even if it was the same scenario like Percy, she already be exposed to the world of the gods, so her demigod scent would be activated. To be hidden, would mean interference from a god like Zeus, and that’s not fair. 
The Lightning Thief plot wise, it doesn’t paint well either. Zeus’ thunderbolt is missing so it would be natural for the Daughter of Zeus to target whoever searching for who stole her father’s weapon…meaning she would have to fight Percy in accusation; thus splitting the camp in half much more earlier; between those who support Zeus and those who support Poseidon. There’s also to consider the Hades's Helm of Darkness also missing at the same time, which is also another thing. 
It would be super easy for Luke and Kronos to convince, trick, and manipulate the daughter of Zeus. Not just in the Lightning Thief but for the entirety of the books. That’s where it gets sad/unpleasant. Percy has always been meant to be the child of the Prophecy, and the one to turn the tides. He has the necessary perspective and personality, his journey as a hero adding to his nature and the people he has met along the way, both good and bad. Those experiences making up Percy for the prophecy to come to fruition is the key. Anyone else would have succumbed and led to the downfall of Olympus and the gods. If the daughter of Zeus’ birthday is a few months after Percy’s, then it's a matter of holding out till then, and everything is fine. It’ll be a tug of war over who is the child of the Prophecy that’ll make great tension in the books.
If her birthday is before his, well…not so good. She’ll be at peril by the gods to smite her so the prophecy doesn’t come true, like they tried with Percy and Nico. She could have been or is on Kronos’ side. If not that, then she’ll either be in a state to be suspended in time like Thalia joining Artemis’ huntresses or being cursed into one in an untimely way (i.e. being frozen as a statue), or meet an untimely demise (like Bianca).
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enehana · 1 month
Leo Valdez with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. Jason and Thalia Grace. Leo thinks Thalia is hot and Jason is Jason. He loves them. Gets along very well. He would also be in love with any other potential children of Zeus.
Cabin 2: Hera. He probably tried to blow up the cabin. Dumb prophecy.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Things aren't the best between Leo and Percy all of the time. They have a lot of rough patches. But they do enjoy being friends and working together. Just pray that Poseidon doesn't have any kids Leo could take an interest in. Then he'd be dead.
Cabin 4: Demeter. Not great. Fire and plants. They want him to stay away from their gardens. Leo tries to build sprinklers and fountains and entire greenhouses to get them to be more open to him. They appreciate it, but they won't let him in no matter what. They like him outside of their gardens and calm.
Cabin 5: Ares. Leo is the kind of kid that the Ares cabin would bully. But as soon as they find out he's the first son of Hephaestus with fire powers since 1666, they do not mess with him. They're typically nice to him, and he definitely is confused. They stop other kids from picking on him. Like, his bodyguards. They are not risking getting lit on fire. He tries to make friends with them. They give in eventually.
Cabin 6: Athena. They actually get along pretty well most of the time. Athena kids are the gifted kids of the demigod world. And Leo is a genius. He's been doing college level math since he was like 8. He and the Athena kids will get together to work on engineering projects. Every other time, they think he's very distracting. But they're some of the very few people who recognize his intellect. They make him feel understood to an extent in a way not many other people do.
Cabin 7: Apollo. (I don't remember what happened with him in TOA.) The medics in the Apollo cabin are not big fans of him. He blows stuff up a lot. He put people in dangerous situations. People get sent to the infirmary because of stuff he did all the time. Will Solace definitely has told him off once. The other Apollo kids love laughing at his antics. Leo does a little bow to them afterwards and walks off, laughing. He loves the Apollo kids.
Cabin 8: Artemis. The hunters of Artemis scare him. Thalia Grace. He'd totally want them to like him though.
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. Leo gets along really well with all of his siblings. They all work together in bunker 9 building whatever they find the most entertaining. Of course, sometimes they have to remind him that they actually have a job to do. They all have to watch out for each other, and they do.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper is absolutely his bestest friend. Sleepovers? Yes. Annoying the shit out of the rest of the Aphrodite kids? Of course. What else do you expect? The rest of the cabin does find him endearing, but they wouldn't ever do anything with him. Just friends. Oh and the makeovers. Leo wears makeup every single day purely because he lets the younger Aphrodite campers practice on him and he doesn't want to insult them by taking it off. And he feels fabulous in it. He is.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Oh boy, does Leo love the Hermes cabin! Travis and Connor Stoll playing pranks on Leo. Leo playing pranks on Travis and Connor Stoll. He messes with them so much. And they all enjoy it. Very much fun. 10/10. Leo's besties.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. They also get along great with Leo. The Dionysus kids invite him to their parties and he IS the party. Table dancing, party tricks with his fire powers, and just being reckless in general. There's no alcohol, but with Leo Valdez in attendance, there might as well be. His fun, carefree energy rubs off on people. And the parties help him forget about his problems. He doesn't have to think about his mom's death for a couple hours. He always thanks the Dionysus kids after a party. They don't really understand why he's thanking them when he was the best thing at the party, but they go along with it.
Cabin 13: Hades. Hazel obviously likes him cause of Sammy Valdez and all that. Nico wouldn't have a problem with him if he knew him better or spent any time with him at all. Any other Hades kids may or may not. They would totally think his fire powers are badass, though.
Cabin 14: Iris. I don't think they'd appreciate his jokes very much. He would love to build them a massive projector to put rainbows on everything. They don't really talk to him though. They think he comes off too strong. Despite being some of the nicest demigods at camp, they don't realize what's behind his goofy demeanor.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. The Hypnos kids might know more about him than any other cabin. Leo definitely had trouble sleeping at night after being on the streets his entire childhood. Like every other demigod, the Hypnos cabin is happy help. They'll take Leo in and let him talk about his problems until he falls asleep and then they chase away his nightmares. He accidentally woke up in the arms of one of the Hypnos girls and got kicked out for a while. But they always welcome him back in.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Honestly, he's probably kinda scared of the Nemesis kids. He played a prank on one or two of them and definitely regretted it. But then they came around to him. Like Jason, they recognized that Leo did a lot of good despite so many bad things happening to him. So they looked up to him too. They refused to let any other campers pick on him. They checked in on him a lot, knowing that he was probably struggling with something. But they were too scared to pry, so they never really got to know that side of him. He didn't understand why they treated him that way, but he liked it. And he liked them.
Cabin 17: Nike. He wasn't very happy with their mother. But he tried to get along with them at first. He played a few jokes on them. But then they came back with so much harder, trying to turn it into a competition. He absolutely regretted messing with them. It was to the point that he started avoiding them out of fear that they would do it again.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe kids figured that because he's a hero, he should be looked up to. And he definitely flirted with them a lot. And they did like him, but it was more of a platonic thing. They liked his carefree demeanor, but he wasn't the kind of hero they were looking for in the long run. They were chill with each other though.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Leo prayed to Tyche kids after being convinced that he was cursed with his fire powers. He thought that his mom's death was his fault and he was terrified of being the reason anyone else died. He was hoping the Tyche kids could give him enough luck to not kill anyone. The Tyche kids can't exactly receive prayers becuase they're not gods, though. And Leo never killed anyone. So he assumed it worked, and the Tyche kids had no idea that anything was happening. He would thank them everytime he ran into one and they would give him a confused look, but they never questioned it. So Leo and the Tyche cabin were on good terms.
Cabin 20: Hecate. The Hecate cabin gets along great with him. They like to enchant his inventions, making them much more powerful. They encourage him to file for patents and be an actual inventor. He always blushes and brushes it off, claiming he's going to be an engineer and he doesn't need to make all this fancy new stuff, but he's just trying to hide the fact that he's very flustered and prideful. He tries to flirt with them, but he kinda breaks when they flirt back. At one point he was convinced he was going to marry a child of Hecate. But the Hecate kids tend to push him to work until he breaks down, physically unable to work anymore. Yet he's very grateful for them.
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Zeus Cabin Deep Dive & Analysis
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As stated in the Percy Jackson TV show and books, being a demigod sucks, especially given the broken system. Being a forbidden child sucks, given that it is an isolating experience. However, being the child of the god who is one of, if not the most responsible for the broken system, the god most unwilling to change his perspective, is the worst.
Not only that, add that in with the fact that being a child of Zeus gives you alot of added pressures in general. As a child of Zeus, you are expected to lead in one way or another, and almost always, children of Zeus have very little say in their paths in life.
Thalia Grace managed to escape the pressures of being a child of Zeus by joining the hunters. Jason, was a boy, so he didn’t get that same choice. Instead, he was forced to endure the pressures of being a child of Jupiter, until he was able to pass it down to someone else.
However, Jason was never truly free from these pressures until he died.
It also seems like, contrary to popular belief, Zeus isn’t a very popular godly parent. In a series of polls I ran, I asked people about their godly parents- nobody chose Zeus. The survey for Zeus cabin remained blank. I asked if people knew someone in real life who would be a child of Zeus, most said no.
Zeus, in general seems to be a very unpopular god in general, and it may seem very arrogant to many to claim to be a child of Zeus. I also don’t think there are a lot of discussions on children of Zeus in general.. because analyzing the Zeus cabin as a whole, there are many traits that I think alot of people don’t realize.
The curse of being a natural leader
While he is Roman, I am going to be including Jason in this analysis, because I think a lot of what applies to Thalia also applies to him, even if there is a slight difference.
Now, Jason and Thalia are the only two (demigod) children of Zeus we meet throughout the series, and both characters have distinct personality traits. Thalia, is much more hot-headed than Jason is. Jason is more experienced in leadership than Thalia is, but there is one thing they certainly have in common: they are often under immense amounts of pressure.
They are natural born leaders, mainly because their father is the king of Olympus. Leadership seems to be the trait most commonly associated with Zeus kids- even when I did the fandom survey, asking what traits people commonly associate with Zeus kids, nearly everyone said leadership.
There had always been a lot expected from Jason, being a child of Jupiter. He was expected to lead, he was Camp Jupiter’s golden boy, and sure, a lot of it was pure skill and experience, but a lot of it was also the fact that he was a child of Jupiter.
These pressures only followed him to Camp Half Blood, where he was immediately expected to lead a quest. Jason is shown to be somewhat tired of the expectations placed on him.
Thalia… was pretty much the same, just slightly different.
Thalia was not only a child of Zeus, but at one point, she was thought to be the child of the prophecy. So not only was she expected to be a leader, not only was an unreasonable amount of attention placed upon her for being a child of Zeus, there was also a level of danger that followed her around as well.
Until of course, she became a hunter of Artemis, and the expectations shifted back to Percy. However, I am fully of the belief that a lot of factors went into her decision of joining the hunt, but among the most significant factors, was that she would be free from the near impossible expectations.
Gifted Kid Burn Out
A lot of people associate gifted kid burn out with Athena kids, and don’t get me wrong, I understand why, but from examples we see in the text, children of Zeus often fit this mold much better. Children who are proven to be very gifted at a young age, very good at what they do, so they were given high, nearly impossible expectations.
Half the time, they had very little help or support navigating these expectations. Thalia ran away from home at a young age, and didn’t get to train at camp in the same way other characters were. Jason was raised by wolves… literally. So for the most part, they were left behind by the system that created them.
Then they are put into situations, with people just as good at leading, some just as powerful, after being told their whole lives they were the best at everything. That has got to suck, to be shown that you really aren’t as good at something you are supposed to be the best at.
For Thalia, we see her become a bit competitive, especially with Percy. Their egos, as children of the Big Three, tend to clash, because they are almost always fighting for the attention and respect of others.
Jason, however, does not know what to do with himself anymore. We see glimpses of him going through a existential crisis- why does he always have to be the leader? But what is he, if he is not a leader?
Thalia and Jason tend to show many traits of traumatized gifted kids, to the point where they just give up altogether.
The shittiest father in a world of shitty fathers.
Okay, this is obviously subjective, but Zeus, in the Percy Jackson universe, is probably the worst father, even towards his godly children. He quite literally tells Jason that he cannot openly show his pride towards him, or else his other children will get jealous. Not only this, but he is responsible for a lot of decisions that force godly parents to be somewhat neglectful towards their children, especially after the first series.
It is deeply implied throughout the two series, that Zeus does love his children… to an extent. He does not love his children enough to put his pride aside for them. So as isolating as it is, being Zeus’s son, they seem to be most isolated by their father.
In Conclusion
I feel like children of Zeus are some of the most misunderstood children, at least fandom wise. There seems to be this idea that all children of Zeus are arrogant assholes, like their father, but they are actually the most obvious examples of the gods’ neglect.
Overall, most children of Zeus find ways to be freed of their fate, of their responsibilities, because oftentimes, it is overbearing. Some die. Some pass the torch. Some join the hunt.
Either way, one thing is for certain: where there is a child of Zeus, there is a leader.
The Masterlist
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