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the-scientist-7 · 2 years ago
[Ch2 S3, Above Voyager Island, countdown to Hightower detonation]
“They’re coming to get me, I just know it…”
“No. They aren’t. They don’t evenly know where you are. You’ll die here. Even if they are, it’s just them, and MAYBE some of your pathetic robots, but even then, they won’t be able to save you. Not in time.” Spoke a henchman.
Meanwhile, far below the mothership, on a boat approaching the voyagers’ island. “This is as far as I can take you before we’re detected. You’ll have to go in yourselves. As you know, since you did the planning, you’re strike team A. You make room for strike team B and C to get to the island before going after the scientist. Once you board the ship and secure whatever room you enter in, strike team D will join you. Now, go bring them down.”
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neweresth · 2 years ago
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morganphotographies · 2 years ago
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sight-decoding · 2 months ago
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"He who would hear the voice of the silence, the soundless sound, and comprehend it, he has to learn the nature of the intense and perfect concentration of the mind upon some one interior object, accompanied by a complete abstraction from everything pertaining to the external universe, or the world of the senses. Having become indifferent to objects of perception, the pupil must seek out the Raja of the senses, the thought-producer, he who awakes illusion.
The mind is the greater slayer of the Real. Let the disciple slay the slayer. For when to himself his form appears unreal, as do on waking all the forms he sees in dreams; when he has ceased to hear the many, he may discern the One - the inner sound which kills the outer.
Then only, not till then, shall he forsake the region of the false, to come into the realm of the true. Before the soul can see, the harmony within must be attained, and fleshly eyes be rendered blind to all illusion. Before the soul can hear, the image (man) has to become as deaf to roarings as to whispers, to cries of bellowing elephants as to the silvery buzzing of the golden fire fly.
And then to the inner ear will speak."
~ P.D. Ouspensky, 'Tertium Organum'
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jahirseoprox · 5 months ago
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ZeroPoint Credit card Processing
Looking for a free credit card processor? At ZeroPoint, Our merchants are the reason we exist We understand the complex nature of running a business. We know at the end of the day we are all trying to what is best for our company and customers. Credit card processing is an overly complex system designed to confuse to the point of giving up trying to understand. At ZeroPoint we make it easy to accept credit cards with he best and most user-friendly Point of Sale, Credit Card Terminals, and Gateways for online orders. Having a safe and secure credit card processor that makes the entire process from start to finish easy and secure is what ZeroPoint strives to achieve every day.
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daemon-debugger · 6 months ago
Beehive Breakdown
why did the A.I.'s beehive plan fail? streamable.com/2gpz9p
“Nature's on its own side” ― Beehive Breakdown | Copyright 2024 Peter Leyshan, All Rights Reserved | law of i dot com
“We don't belong in a fake, false, AI world of … conformity and punishment. … We know it's not right.” ― Anmarie Uber, (Do you belong here?)
“We're here to shut it down.” — Lalita Karoli, (Spelling: Time)
“I'll see you on the other side, just get off the wall.” ― Cara [Cassidy Gifford] in Time Trap (2017) streamable.com/frvk54
“How does a queen bee control her hive? … How do radios operate? [Spirit] … What is a Hive Mind? [Formic Fleet] … Who is the Parasite Queen?” — PARASITE PILL npc.veto.codes/parasite-pill
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nirajphotographer · 9 months ago
Sikkim Tour 
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ecoeconomicepochs · 2 years ago
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Zero point, over unity energy reveal June 6th
on the EE Electrical Engineering front, on June 6th @ National Press Club, Dr. Stephen Greer is supposed to demonstrate live the zero point, over unity energy device described in this video: https://youtu.be/dxqUpOvg5Is #zeropoint #overunity #energy
Variation of what Dr. #Greer #CSETI is demonstrating on June 6th in front of the NPC National Press Club ? #energy #ZeroPointEnergy #overunity #electricity https://twitter.com/i/status/1641405096553586688
#electricity #energy #zeropoint #overunity #Tesla #Wardencliff
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spookydamaen · 2 months ago
Well, hell...
I'm trying to not be disappointed that I'm not starting off strong with WW since it was a bit of an impulsive decision I made last night. I still have a ton of food at home that needs to be eaten before I can really engulf myself into the ZeroPoint foods, which is A LOT now compared to how it was years, if not about a decade ago when I last tried it.
I'm going to try to be smart about it and pair up the high point meals like Indonesian rendang. I love that dish and I make it frequently. I'll have to reduce the amount of rice I use and try some other ZeroPoint foods.
Though I'm disappointed I already used up a lot of points today and it's still the AM, I am happy that I joined WW and I look forward to reaping the benefits once I can truly focus my new meal ideas.
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the-scientist-7 · 1 year ago
Not the first to be looped…but the first to escape.
(Tiny italic text is him thinking words)
It was just another day. Jack was on his motorcycle, driving around. Once again taking a quick stop, he was about to take off his helmet, when suddenly he was rifted away, taken to reality zero, taken to the loop. Unbeknownst to him, his helmet had luckily provided him temporary protection from the loop’s effects…but it wouldn’t last too long. He ran, unaware that he was now in an endless cycle of slaughter. He had no idea where he was, but he had to figure that out later. He was looking, hoping to see a familiar face. Anyone who could potentially help him get through this.
“Gotta find someone who can help me figure out where I am. Then, I gotta figure out a way back home…”
20 minutes…
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demagol004 · 5 months ago
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lifechangingtips · 6 months ago
Understanding the Weight Watchers Diet: A Flexible Approach to Weight Loss
Unraveling the Secrets of the Weight Watchers Diet: A Flexible Approach to Weight Loss The Weight Watchers diet, now known as WW (Wellness that Works), has been a popular weight loss program for decades. What sets it apart from other diets is its flexible approach to food, fitness, and overall wellness. Rather than focusing on strict calorie counting or eliminating entire food groups, the Weight…
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graviticdeeds · 1 year ago
found some djent covers of armored core 6 tracks and the djent was weaksauce
3 out of 10, where was the low end? The mix was as thin as milk.
Now considering if u should try and make operation basepoint/zeropoint heavier to remedy my need for heavy shit to listen to
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r0bin--sparkles · 2 years ago
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Same procedure as every year
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theonion · 2 months ago
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In a desperate attempt to revive their floundering brand amid declining revenues, WeightWatchers officials announced Thursday that butter was now worth zero points. “Joining the likes of cauliflower, plain Greek yogurt, and air-popped popcorn, butter will now be a WeightWatchers ZeroPoint food, so go ahead and eat—or drink—as much as you like,” said interim CEO Tara Comonte, adding that to make planning easier, the company would be releasing its own brand of frozen butter that customers could purchase in their supermarket’s single-serve meals section.
Full Story
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nirajphotographer · 8 months ago
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Sikkim Tour
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