#Zellie x Uliana
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perfect-revenge · 4 months ago
Guys, hear me out on Uliana x Zellie…
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skellseerwriting · 1 month ago
Healing Flowers Part 3
Soulmate!James Hook x Gn!Reader
Flower Scars Soulmate AU
Part 1
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Word Count: 2.3k
Content & Warnings: Cliffhanger ending (there’ll be a part 4), no angst but references to past angst, Uliana is a bully, some violence, brief description of blood of injury, canon divergence - Hook becomes good, sorry I accidentally made reader a bit of a nerd/teacher’s pet
Summary: Two years have passed since everything that happened and you’re now in your Junior year. As you try to go on with your day, Uliana shows up to mess with you, but someone else shows up too
Two years had passed since the incident.
Two years had passed since Hook accidentally hurt you. Two years had passed since he approached you with apologies on his tongue. Two years since you told him you wanted nothing to do with him.
Two years since you rejected him.
Life had been great since then. You did well in school and continued to stay friends with Bridget and Ella. You also managed to get close to some other students like Aladdin, Jasmine, and Zellie. The teachers and Headmaster loved you and your good nature to stay out of trouble and being a model student; always helping out wherever was needed. Sound to say, your life was fulfilling.
And then there was Hook.
You saw him around fairly frequently. It was never up close, though. Two years ago he stopped hanging out with his friends. He was like a lone wolf. He kept to himself. Quiet. Sometimes you saw him talking to Morgie, though it was when Uliana was never around to see it, so you suspected they managed to stay on good terms despite everything. Starting last year, Bridget occasionally brought up that he gifted her a new cupcake pan or something else baking related. Ella would sometimes mention how competent he was as her potions partner. Neither of them did it often, however, because they knew how you felt about stuff like that, so they let you pretend he avoided them just as much as he avoided you. Which he did; It was just as you asked. Hook never got in trouble. You never once saw -or heard- him do something morally questionable. Suffice to say, he wasn’t the villain he tried to be on those first few days of school.
And then there were the rumors.
After you had rejected Hook, you defiantly went gloveless for the next month or so; displaying your red hand for all to see. It was an act of rebellion and anger. It got people to whisper and gossip. In hushed tones they shared secrets of what they thought about it and what it meant. It’s not like it was a secret, though; Hook was your soulmate, and you rejected him.
Some said they pitied them. Most pitied you. They saw the scar on your cheek (and many had seen the instance that caused it) and the matching line of flowers on Hook’s, so they drew the conclusions for themselves. After a few months, your boiling rage died down, and your feelings changed. Now, you were empty. Neutral. Unbothered by any of it, to be most accurate. All you wanted was to get through school and spend time with your friends.
You never considered dating even as you entered your Junior year. And even if you had, everyone in school knew who your soulmate was. You’d never get asked out due to publicly having someone the universe connected you to (even if it was clear that it didn’t work out), or even less likely, out of fear that Hook might intervene. He may have only been trouble on those very first days of Freshman year, but he had a history of violence and thievery long before that.
Romance was a bit of a hassle anyways, you thought. Maybe once you were an adult you’d try it out, but right now you had more important matters.
Like deciding what you were going to wear to Castlecoming.
“I’m telling you!” Bridget insisted, shoving some fabric in your face. “This color goes best with your eyes!”
“It’s not about eye color.” Zellie countered, pulling the fabric away and dropping some rings in your lap. “That’s supposed to go with jewelry. The fabric color goes with the hair.”
You eyed Zellie’s rainbow hair and silently questioned how she was going to make it work.
“You’re both wrong.” Ella deadpanned, laying like the dead in a comfy armchair Bridget recently established in her dorm room. “It’s supposed to go with skin tone. Most natural hair colors are neutrals, so unless you’ve got red hair or-“ she eyed Zellie’s hair just as you did. “other colors, it doesn’t matter. And no, Bridget, pink does not go with a cool undertone.”
Both of the girls gawked at her.
“How do you know that?” One of them asked in disbelief. Ella shrugged.
“I have two step-sisters who are obsessed with that stuff. You pick up a few things.”
Smiling to yourself, you stood up off Bridget’s bed and the rings fell off of your lap. Oops.
“I appreciate the help, really.” You told them. “But I’m honestly not even sure if I’m going.”
“What?!” Zellie said, grabbing you by the shoulders. “But it’s Castlecoming!”
Gentle prying her fingers off, you sidestepped her.
“I know.” You sighed. “I just… don’t care for it like I used to. I’m sorry.”
“Is this because you don’t have a date?” Bridget inquired. “I’m sure we could find som-“
“No dates.” You found yourself snapping, then felt guilty at the way her face dropped. “Sorry. I mean: I don’t want to have a date to Castlecoming, and even if I did, it wouldn’t influence my decision.”
Zellie’s hand trailed down your arm. “But mayyybe you could still go with friends?” She asked hopefully. You couldn’t stop the small smile that made its way onto your face.
“Okay, maybe.”
Bridget and Zellie cheered; jumping up and down.
“I said maybe!” You shouted, laughing as you went to exit the room. Before you managed to leave, Bridget tackled you in a hug from behind.
“Just you wait.” She promised. “You’ll have the best time.”
“We’ll see.” You grinned.
You were in the fountain courtyard (why was it always the fountain courtyard?) trying to finish a writing assignment.
Zellie had chided you for thinking of schoolwork when Castelcoming was so close, but you were unbothered. You knew the teachers were already going to be flooded with late work and hastily-finished assignments soon after the big school event, so you didn’t mind getting yours done earlier in the week and sparing them the additional pain. It was convenient for you, too.
As you contemplated where you wanted your next paragraph to go, something appeared in front of you and snatched the notebook right out of your hands. It was a tentacle.
You almost didn’t even bother looking up to see who it was.
Uliana stood in front of you, using her multi-colored appendages to scroll through the mostly empty pages and move it about like an object to be admired.
“My my…” she mused, tearing one page down the middle before sprinkling the paper onto the ground. “What do we have here?”
You stood up and feebly attempted to grab it from her, but she simply lifted it out of reach.
“Nuh uh.” She lilted. You kept your face emotionless. “You don’t get this back.”
Your eyebrow twitched. She didn’t often mess with you like this. Most of the time she just sent harsh glares from across the room. It was generous, considering what she put others (especially Bridget) through.
“I have no problem letting a teacher know that someone stole my homework.” You said blankly, as if you were reciting a fact. “In fact, with how great a student I am, I’m sure they’ll even let it slide if I’m unable to turn my assignments in this week; they trust me.”
Uliana’s teasing facial features dropped into a sneer. “So what?” She said, snappy. Then, dangled the notebook in front of your face. “Surely if you could pull that stunt with your teachers, there’s no possible reason you would want this back.”
Some sweat collected on the back of your neck, but you didn’t let it show on your face. “No.” You said simply, raising your eyebrows. “I just don’t like littering.” Then, to drive the statement home, reached down and picked up the page she had torn off.
“‘History of Cinderellasburg’.” You read off of it, faking interest as you looked at the old draft instead of Uliana. “Really fascinating stuff. I’m sure you’d like it too if you picked up a schoolbook.”
The jab was subtle, but Uliana took no indication of being insulted. Instead, she moved the notebook again; dangling it over the courtyard fountain. The bubbling water promised quick doom. Your skin felt clammy.
“Then I’m sure you won’t mind if I do you a favor and… wash away your troubles for you.” She said, completely amused with herself. Knitting your eyebrows, you tried to think of what to say. What to do.
Out of nowhere, her tentacle was yanked backwards and the notebook fell out of its grip; hitting the stone tile at your feet. You quickly picked it up and smoothed out the creased pages.
“Leave my soulmate alone, Uli.” Hook demanded, one hand gripping the tentacle and the other pointing his hook at the colorful limb.
“Soulmate?” She mocked with a pout, bringing her finger up to the corner of her mouth. “I thought you were rejected, remember?”
Anger flashed in Hook’s eyes and you internally flinched at him being so near to you at your side. The last time he was this close was when- well… when you rejected him.
Expecting his wrath to go somewhere, you were surprised when he let go, taking a step back.
“What?” Uliana taunted. “Not brave enough to stand up for little Red Hand over here?”
Your breath caught in your throat. Never, ever had you heard someone call you a name like that before.
“How dare you.” Hook seethed, moving to get closer to her.
“How dare I?” She retorted. “How dare you!” She pushed a finger into his chest; now as angry as he was. “We were the most feared group of villains in this school, and you left us for that- for that thing!”
Hook did not take kindly to you being called that. You watched with bated breath as his raised his metal hook towards her. Your eyes downturned disapprovingly.
Uliana wrapped a tentacle around his arm before he could do anything. She raised an eyebrow. “Wanna think again?”
Hook tried to pull out of her grip, but it didn’t budge. As he continued to try and unsuccessfully get his arm free, Uliana turned to look at you. Her lips curled upwards in a devious smile. She stalked towards you and Hook was unceremoniously dragged along. The closer she got to you the more he seemed to put up a struggle.
“Come now Jamesy.” She quipped, yanking him over until he was dangling from his arm in front of you. “Don’t you want to say hello to your soulmate?”
His eyes looked panicked as he panted for breath; sweat dripping down his temple. He looked at you, and he seemed ashamed at you seeing him in such a vulnerable position.
“Let go of me.” He gritted through his teeth, still huffing for air as he pathetically tried to wriggle out of her grip. You wondered what you could even do to help him. Yeah, you didn’t want to be near him, but he was in an awful position at the moment. It was impossible not to feel sorry for him.
“Or what?” Uliana laughed, shaking him around a bit with her hands on her hips. “You gonna get your soulmate to fight for you? To come save you?”
Hook looked desperately into your eyes. It was in a way that said: “I’m sorry you have to see this. Please just leave”.
But you were never one just to leave someone hanging.
Slinging your satchel off of your shoulder, you immediately swung it at the base of the tentacle holding up Hook. It barely did anything except make Uliana mad, so instead, you went for the source and aimed it at her. She deflected it easily with one of her many spare tentacles. She looked surprised at your choice of action.
“Fine.” She resided, taking a step back. “We’ll play it your way.”
“Watch out!” Hook exclaimed behind you. You moved just in time to see his arm shoot out beside you. Uliana had turned his own arm against him; pulling it around as she pleased to utilize his hook as a weapon.
“Uli-“ he grunted. She yanked him in your direction again, and you quickly sidestepped. Worry started to seep in. This was going to end badly in one way or another. Someone was going to get hurt.
“What’s wrong Hook?” She jeered loudly, swinging him around. You narrowly avoided him again. “I thought you were used to this! After all, it’s not the first time you’ve left a mark on your s-“
“Enough!” He shouted, using his momentum to lurch toward her. His free hand managed to grab her by the collar; pulling himself in close. “I’m over this.” He said, out of breath. “I’m over you, and the villains, and everything we used to stand for! I done with it.” He spat. “All of it!”
Uliana took it all to the face with a sudden shocked expression. Then, she just looked unamused. Her stance changed and her aura turned into one being entirely vexed.
“You say that,” she challenged with a slow rage, withdrawing her tentacle from his arm. Hook gasped, and you weren’t sure why. “But deep down, you’re just like the rest of us”. He stumbled backwards; closer to you. “So don’t you ever forget that”. You saw Hook’s empty left wrist; missing his hook. “Because I’m going to make you regret ever leaving.”
And then her tentacle shot forward. It was aiming for you. A flash of gold metal gleamed in the sunlight. You froze, bracing for impact.
Hook jumped in front of you. It deflected off his left shoulder. A terrifyingly beautiful line of deep red curved out of it in the direction of his hook. The terrible mix of fear, panic, and guilt twisted inside your chest; three snakes wringing around inside.
Then everything froze.
(Sorry for the cliffhanger it ended up too long)
Part 4
Taglist: For James Hook
@lesbpotmurdocklokistan @little-teacupss @mushroomdemon9 @leoisbabygirl
@brokenmilkcrates @eretsupremacy89 @1-queenofpotatoes-1 @elltheawkward
@sessa23 @yokolesbianism @come-as-you-are-111
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imahumashipper · 9 months ago
Hi, my love!
I thought I’d just tell you guys about me:
My name is June but you can also call me junnie.
she/her pronouns.
I have progressive hearing loss.
My ao3 account name is Ima_huma_shipper.
I’m 19 and in college, child physiology major.
I’m was a dancer (not sexual) and was dance teacher, I also was theatre teacher.
My blog is mostly focused on descendants and other fandoms but I also post personal stuff and stories on here to.
Yes you can ask personal questions about moi
But enough about me now let’s get into my bloggg:
I have rp account: @youknow-my-name.
But Like I said before I this is mostly a descendants blog but I do post about others such as….
•High school musical the musical the series
•China Anne McClain (yes she has a fandom)
•once upon a time
•911: lone star
•the little mermaid
•Henry danger
• Percy Jackson and the Olympians
And many many more I won’t get into.
•Huma (Harry x Uma)
•rina (Ricky x Gina)
•Eriel (Ariel x Eric)
•Jace or grudd (grace x Judd Ryder)
•Chenry (charlotte x Henry)
•percabeth (Percy x Annabeth)
(these might be controversial)
Rp characters:
Bridget Hearts: @princess-of-hearts (@the-real-agatha-harkness)
Ella Tremaine: @charmingisdebatable (@nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol)
Chloe Charming: @chloecharmingg (@scraptumblers)
Fay Godmother: @faybibbidi ( @little-teacupss)
Zellie Fitzherbert: @z3ll13 (@saturnisaroace)
Uliana Triskelion: @watchthemfleeee (@brokenmilkcrates)
James Bartholomew Hook: @sh-ttyseas (@jupiterisaroace)
Harry Hook: @firstmate-firstdate (@mystic-mae)
CJ Hook: @cjh00k (@aiodenhunt)
Morgie Le Fay: @morgieserpentine (@skellseerwriting)
Maleficent Faery: @thousandthorns (@frenchgirltalya)
Hades: @rex-exzpiravit (@sleepyking)
Bye- love June 💖
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