#Zane Cobriana
sihakadan · 11 months
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In his basic form. My OC Ulyesses, who I created 20 some years ago while reading the Kiesha'Ra Series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.
My first OC that I ever made. Man, it has been a ride, huh buddy?
Original form Ulyesses is a mamba shapeshifter who was the mate of Sisal Cobriana before her death. Is still very close to Zane and Irene but disapproves of the joined courts.
No matter what AU he is in love and taken by @sinedra 's Sadira, a blonde little shit that drives him up the goddamn wall but she is his pain in the ass.
I am going to tag him in a lot of stuff because he do be thrown into a shit ton of AUs.
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simply-yelly2 · 2 years
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@opal-tea and @justawfulxmenart
So this morning I was looking through folders for something else and I came across this picture that I did not finish. It was for a Kiesha'ra character and I decided to give it another go, and I just finished her a while ago.
This is my version of Sisal Cobriana, the older sister of Zane and Irene.
Call it silly, but Sisal is one of my favorite characters even though we do not ever see her in the books. The only time any of the characters talk about her is in regard to her death, which was very tragic. But surely there was more to this cobra princess than just the fact that she was killed by an enemy soldier when pregnant.
A shout out to my friend @greatmarta because I did borrow a design feature, the eyebrows. I thought it would look nice and she would also inherit the brows from her dad. But that aside, a big part of Sisal's design for me is her eyes. I wanted to give her a more reddish-gold color because the avians and cobra do share a common magical ancestor (Kiesha's magic was split and some were given to Alasdair). I feel like you might get "oops" every now and then and it might prove interesting to see how such a situation is handled. I imagine for some it does not end well, but others might get lucky. I do like the color, was inspired by saffron flower stems (what is used to get the dye for fabrics)...but I feel it looks too orange. I kind of wanted more of an illusion of sorts. Like in certain lighting, it seems like Sisal has golden eyes like a hawk.
"Avian Eyes" is a nickname used throughout Sisal's life, though never where the rest of her family can hear. Serpiente does love a good scandal, so many people wondered if the eldest daughter of Donovan and Charis was secretly sired by an Avian. This made Sisal rather self-conscious, even though she was surrounded by a loving family and supported by good friends.
Sisal wants nothing more than to have a loving mate and children of her own (though she knows there is a risk that the war will take them away much too soon) and engages in several relationships. None really last, namely because the partner can't quite get over the rumors. Sisal ends up pregnant but doesn't know who the father is. Yet she does not care, for she will raise the child on her own and has her family to help. What Sisal will not say aloud is that she wants this baby because (hopefully) they will come out a perfect cobra. Maybe that will finally convince the people that she is not a mongrel.
Unfortunately, Fate has different ideas. Anjay leaves to seek an alliance with the falcons, leaving his mother and siblings to handle the affairs back home. Zane and Gregory had both offered to go to the meeting with a trusted ally, but Sisal insisted that it would be safer if she went instead. Nobody would be mad enough to attack a pregnant woman and most shapeshifters knew the meaning of the Snakecharm worn around her neck.
The first part of the trip went well, but it was the return trip that would see a tragic end. A fight broke out and Sisal was badly wounded, having been stabbed in the stomach with a poisoned blade. Those helping her tried to save her, but when it was clear that she was beyond their means, they sought to save her child. The infant was cut from her mother's womb, but the poison and magic it contained had gotten to her first and the baby was born dead. Since Sisal had planned to name her daughter, Hai, it would later be used by her niece Oliza for her own daughter.
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opal-tea · 2 years
I finally have polls now so YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
Ties That Bind 22 of ???
Of course the first person I encountered upon waking was Adelina.
Rei was long gone from the tent, if the chill of the bedroll was any indication. I’d expected to find him just outside the tent flap. Instead I was met by the long, lean body of Zane’s primary guard.
And lover.
My cheeks immediately flamed in spite of myself, knowing what she must think. My mouth worked uselessly as my mind offered no words to explain. I couldn’t exactly claim it wasn’t what it looked like, though Rei and I certainly hadn’t spent our time together in the way I knew a serpiente would assume.
But surprise followed surprise, as Adelina ushered me back into the tent with a conspiratorial air.
“We don’t have much time,” she whispered, nearly knocking me over in her rush to get us back under cover. “Our men will only keep each other busy for so long.”
“I-- what?”
I couldn’t begin to parse it. Adelina didn’t seem to mind my clueless state. She rushed on, eager to say her piece.
“I need to know how we’re meant to play this. Is Zane to be your lover or not?”
I could only blink.
“I know how the serpiente would read this, but I just want to be sure. You’ve taken his hand before you mother, you danced with him last night before the crowd. But when its just us, you’ve made no overtures. So I just want to know what role I—I mean he—is meant to play before you people. Are you two seriously planning to join our kingdoms?”
I stumbled to a seat, sitting before my wobbling legs made the choice for me. Did they really think--
“Danica, please. We don’t have much time.”
I felt like I was missing something, great swaths of something. I suddenly wished I’d stayed behind to walk and talk with them more as the serpiente had made their way here.
“I… honestly have no idea.”
It was the best I could give her. I felt this woman deserved the truth, but Zane and I hadn’t really discussed it. Mostly because I hadn’t thought either of us had taken the suggestion seriously. But looking back on all our conversations--
“What do you mean you have no idea?” Adelina snapped, but even without a serpent’s ability to read emotions I knew she wasn’t cross with me. The tense, pent up energy that so often drove me to pace was obvious in her posture, her tone, her entire being. I realized suddenly that if the serpiente could sense emotion anyways, there was no reason not to wear their hearts out on their sleeves. Or lack thereof, as was often the case.
I was getting side tracked. My mind was working furiously, but not in any useful direction. Adelina, like a dog among sheep, was not having it.
“Sweet Anhamirak, Danica are you listening to me? How will we be presenting Zane to your people?”
“I had wondered that myself.”
Adelina’s head whipped around as the man himself pulled back the flap of the tent. Rei scowled just over Zane’s shoulder. But amazingly, he didn’t pull the serpiente away from me to make sure I was unharmed. Adelina, at least, it seemed he trusted.
“Shall we have this conversation out in the open?”
The question was ostensibly for me, but his eyes remained locked with Adelina’s.
“You were never going to ask--” she began, tone pleading.
“I was biding my time,” her prince asserted. “Neither I nor Danica appreciate being rushed.”
“We’re at the bleeding gate!” she countered. “If not now, then when?”
“If we could maybe refrain from shouting?” Rei suggested. “And maybe come out of the tent? We’re making a scene.”
Zane nodded and backed up, holding the tent flap with a magnanimous sweep of his arm.
The last thing I wanted to do was face a mixed assemblage of curious serpiente and avians, but I didn’t think hiding in the bedroll with a blanket over my head was an option. I let Adelina help me to my feet, drawing the coolness of her hand into my demeanor. I hoped that maybe, some small of my reserve went to her as well. The shaken woman looked like she needed it.
The sun was well and truly risen, slanting sharply through the trees. It was mid, maybe late morning, but any sleepiness I might have felt was burned away by the singing of my nerves. Time to face the day.
Adelina, to my surprise, stayed on my far side, keeping myself between her and Zane. Rei fell into step on Zane’s other side, the four of us making the short walk to the main central fire and the breakfasts cooking there. Food suddenly sounded wonderful, and not just because it would present further delay. That was simply an added bonus.
Zane handed me down onto a log with as much grace and decorum as he would if it were a dining room chair. The absurdity of it made me smile, which I realized was the goal when he rewarded me with one of his own. I was learning to tell the difference between his pleasantly bland, haughtily mocking, and genuinely pleased smiled. I hoped I got to see the latter one more. It looked good on him, turning an inhumanly beautiful sculpture into something warm and soft and touchable.
And just like that I was blushing again, with merely the hint of thoughts of intimacy.
Zane laughed. It wasn’t a nice sound.
“And here I thought I was being on my best behavior. Courtly manners too forward for you, pretty Danica? You didn’t seem to mind my hands on yours last night.”
I scowled at the abrupt shift in his tone, the venomous suggestion I knew was meant to wound. Was he really mad at me for showing genuine emotion? Well, too bad. He was about to get even more.
“That’s petty, Zane. Don’t threaten my reputation just because you’re unhappy with something.”
Zane blinked, and Adelina laughed. She reached down and squeezed my shoulder, startling me, Zane, and Rei all. That only made her laugh harder.
“Well done, Dani. You’ll handle him just fine.”
“That’s Shardae, to you,” Rei bristled.
Zane opened his mouth, and whatever was going to come out of it was not going to be good. I gave a sharp pierce of a whistle, not thinking, just determined to cut this off before it got any worse.
“Alright! That’s enough.”
Adelina removed her hand, which I was surprised to find I missed, but it was time for me to take the reins while I could. I could invite her to be more informal with me later, if there was a later.
“Adelina brought up a valid point with me Zane; we need to sort out what kind of impression we intend to make.”
For a moment, Zane looked pained, almost like he would plead with me. But he straightened, put his feelings aside, and just like that, I was talking with the Arami of the serpiente, the man who would be king. Like Adelina’s hand, I missed seeing the genuine him, but appreciated his cooperation.
One ego down—and another immediately took its place. Rei fidgeted beside me, and without even making a sound, he was throwing just as much a fit as Zane had. I could ignore him—I should ignore him—but I’d had enough.
“Yes, Andreios?”
“Nothing, Shardae.”
“No, no. Speak your piece. You obviously disapprove of something.”
I watched him pull away from me, drawing his emotions deep inside--only to come rushing back in an even larger wave.
“I do. As your alastair, I take offense to serpents barging into your tent, and taking liberties with your person.”
My mouth dropped open, eyes as wide as the moon. I absolutely could not believe my ears. This was not my Rei. It was so utterly unlike him to be speaking of such personal things in front of company. Had one single evening of kissing really changed him so?
I was suddenly more glad than ever that I’d not let my mother bully me into an announcement last night. I had some reevaluating to do.
“The man I name as my alastair will have to be comfortable with the serpiente way of doing things. I don’t need a hoverhawk. I need a partner, who understands me.”
It pained me to have to speak so bluntly with others listening. I’d have much rather had this discussion in private—or better yet, not at all. This was not my Rei. Unfortunately, I did not have time to deal with him now. And if he really intended to be my alastair, he needed to understand that my people and this peace would have to come first.
Rei’s face went stony, then empty. This time, it was no retreating tide. It was a frozen glacier, his hurt feelings behind a wall of ice for good.
“Of course, Shardae. I don’t approve of it as a guard, either. But Adelina is hand picked by the Arami, and its not my place to question her.”
Just as my words were meant to subtly remind him that he was not yet my mate, his were intended to throw Zane and Adelina’s relationship in my face. It steeled me against pity I might have been feeling before. I had neither time nor patience for this.
“Quite right, Captain.”
I turned my back on him, and my own hurt, and gave all my attention to Zane.
“Please pardon our rudeness, Arami. Now, let’s discuss introducing you to my people.”
The Ties That Bind Tag list: @thehellinsideyourhead @therecouldbecolorsandlove @adventuresofacreesty @writing-with-melon @rainydaydarling @faithfire
Raev’s Gen Tag List (should I tag you guys in this? It IS a thing I wrote. I’m gonna say yes unless you guys are like “no of course not we’re sick of hearing about your stupid fic for a twenty year old book XD)
No one has complained yet so yall gonna keep getting tagged :P
List is currently: @lordkingsmith @writinglyra @drbibliophile @mperialscribe @adie-dee @lexiklecksi @theramwrites @writinginslowmotion @raenawrites @apollon-arium @anika-writes @faithfire @thehellinsideyourhead @adventuresofacreesty
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justawfulxmenart · 3 years
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Dear gods, I love Charis... she and her daughter Irene are my favorites of the serpiente. I just love how supportive and kind she is towards Danica - I almost think she was like a second mother figure to her - or at the very least she could have been. :( Also it’s easy to see where Irene and even Zane to a point got their optimistic hopeful worldview. 
And, yes, we don’t get to even see Donovan or even really talk about him, but I like to think Charis proposed to him (top right). Also Charis kisses Zane in front of his friends which is sooooo embarrassing!
I haven’t drawn the cobra kids in their snake forms. It’s always irked me how the children of a python and a cobra are all little cobras, so I tried to give them traits of both python and cobra - especially Sisal. I think Sisal dwarfed her big bro Anjay and even her Dad eventually. Anjay takes after Dad. Zane and Irene have similar markings sorta. And Gregory ... maybe takes after a grandparent or a distant aunt? I didn’t draw Carson because I was tired - let’s just say he wasn’t born yet, m’kay?
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goblin-grandma · 4 years
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Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes “My prayer is simple, my dear one, my dear one. May you never need understand. My prayer is for peacetime, my child, my child. Live it well, and this life can be grand.”
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Hey guys, so I started a thing I’d love for you to check out if it sounds interesting. This is a crossover between Good Omens and a book called Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. 
Hawksong was a book I read in my early teen years that I absolutely adored. It is about two kingdoms of shape-shifters that have been at war for thousands of years, the Avians and the Serpiente. Hawksong begins with the new leaders of these two kingdoms coming together to form a union between them in the hopes that they might finally bring peace to their people.
This fic I am writing places Crowley and Aziraphale in this shape-shifting world and explores the events that take place in Hawksong with their added perspectives. If this at all sounds interesting to you, I’d love for you to check the story out! 
I hope to update once or twice a week in addition to my normal updates to “Time is the Longest Distance”. 
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benevolenterrancy · 5 years
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@meso-mijali is reading hawksong and had a hot take
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sleepyspoonie · 6 years
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unsurprisingly zane was written by a queer woman
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goddamnhotdamn · 5 years
I’m rereading one of my favorite series from childhood (middle and high school), and I was really ready to cringe. A lot of old books I read had some concerning themes- and I especially hate revisiting books that show strong women by bashing femininity and other women, which was more common than I remembered.
But I just finished rereading Hawksong, Book 1 of the Kiesha’ra series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes and I remember exactly why I loved it. And all the reasons I loved it are still there. There was a hint of nostalgia but also I didn’t remember a lot of the book so I was rediscovering a lot.
It’s awesome to rediscover things you loved when you were younger and find you still have things in common.
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qaraxuanzenith · 6 years
@raevenlywrites tagged me in this thing a thousand years ago and I am finally going to bite the bullet and answer it!
Rules: What is your favorite work (be it a book, a video game, a poem, a movie, etc.), and how would you rewrite it? 
So I have many favourites, which means that of course I am going to cheat, because most of those favourites I cannot even fathom rewriting or even fanfictioning.
The Kiesha’ra series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (and if you weren’t expecting this pattern, you wouldn’t have tagged me :P). It is definitely one of my favourites.
And I would rewrite it with a beautiful Zane/Danica/Andreios OT3. Would it make the series better? Almost certainly not. Would it even make sense? Well, it would work for about a book and a half, maybe two, before everything falls apart, and probably the last three books (including Wyvernhail, my actual fave in the series) would not be possible to even happen.
But! It would have that beautiful OT3 that honestly makes so much sense in my head because do you see the tension between Zane and Rei? The grudging admiration? The ways that Rei is a protector to both of them, and why shouldn’t Danica have an alistair and a king, and why shouldn’t Zane have a Naga and an alistair!
(also imagine, just IMAGINE if Rei’s dancing lessons had been to impress Zane) (or Danica and Zane) (and remember Zane’s Emotions when spoiler things happened to Rei in the second book because yes them having Respect and a platonic friendship and Zane wanting to protect Rei because he is now one of his people is reasonable and viable but WHAT IF THAT WASN’T WHY)
Anyway I love the books and they are perfect as is but I have thought way too much about this particular AU and how to write it.
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gay-nidoking · 3 years
An Eventful Week
In a final bid to decide which man to marry, Ylva decided to meet Ravi’s family. It probably should’ve been a sign that it never occurred to her to meet Jabari’s. His mother wasn’t entirely impressed with him bringing home a pregnant woman, but Ravi assured Ylva he would defend her should it come to that.
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While in the area, Ylva decided to visit that strange realm again...and this time she walked away a changed woman.
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When she returned home, still dizzy with the rush of magic, Ylva couldn’t put out of her mind the decision she had to make...and really, already had made.
The next morning, she called Jabari to meet her in the town square, in a secluded corner away from any prying ears. With their wedding looming only weeks away, he awaited her anxiously...but what she had to say wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
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She returned home, miserable, and feeling wretched. As far as she knew, this was the father of her child, and she had broken their engagement to be with a man who, for months, hadn’t even given her the time of day.
But she knew this was the right decision. Not only for her--Ravi was the perfect match for her, he could hold her interest and her conversation, yes...but she was alone in the world without prospects, and Ravi’s family was unbelievably wealthy. Surely the trauma of moving to another country and learning a new language would be worth knowing her children would be cared for for generations.
All she had to do now was propose...
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She wasn’t surprised that Ravi accepted, but she was unprepared for the depths of his feelings, and how he pledged to care for her child despite knowing full well it wasn’t his. They eloped immediately, marrying in a small private ceremony even his family wasn’t told of. He returned to his estate with her in tow. Ylva sold her small abode, bid farewell to her chickens and cows, and brought her faithful Friend across the sea to live with the Cobriana family.
Quite contrary to their first meeting, Ravi’s family was extremely friendly to her now. While it took a while for her to become fully used to this lifestyle--not having to forage for her food or clean an entire house on her own--Ylva found herself settling in happily. As she entered the third trimester of her pregnancy, Ravi’s love and excitement for her only seemed to grow, and hers for him in turn. The guilt of how she had gotten here began to fade, ever so slowly.
Didn’t she deserve this, after a life of strife and struggle?
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graphicallyill · 7 years
Honey and Wine and Unspeakable Atrocities
Part 2: Fiery Neglect and Icy Ignorance
Zane and Irene talk about loss, consequences, and could-have-beens.  Still trying to get my bearings. I hope this one was better!
The second Oliza and Salem left the room, I collapsed onto the bed where moments before a ghost had lain. Or the last trace of a ghost long thought to have moved on.
My beloved brother's only daughter, only child, his last mark left on this world. She'd been conceived in his final days, when he was acting as diplomat to the falcons on Ahnmik, attempting to reestablish a relationship with them for the first time in over a century. He had been trying to make peace, treaties, and allies ever since he had begun to take control as Arami, even extending a hand to the Obsidian Guild. I couldn't help but think of this young, half-falcon girl simultaneously as a gift and a curse. After all, what kind of gift is ripped away before you ever even knew it existed?
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
The Ties That Bind 19 of ???
I couldn’t sleep this night, and there was little point in trying. So I stayed among my people, hoping my presence would reassure them where my words might have failed. I had never been more grateful for my people’s habit of holding our emotions close; it kept my fury with my mother’s milquetoast words at a manageable distance.
She was better than this. I’d heard her give inspiring speeches all my life, words that inspired hope where it was waning, fervor where it was lost. I could only view tonight as an act of sabotage, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. What would she have to gain from undermining me, and the peace I was trying to build? Was it not what we all were working towards?
On the one hand, I wanted very much to speak with her, to demand an explanation. But on the other... well, I had sort of given up. From the moment the Disa suggested marriage, my mother had been shut down. There was more at work here than the surface negotiations of peace. My mother seemed deeply disturbed at the notion of my life deviating from her plan for it--and that was just too bad. It was my life, my reign, my people. Her ways and her mother’s ways and her mother’s mother’s ways had not led to any resolution. I was willing to try something new.
But I was never alone with my thoughts for too very long. It was rare for the Shardae to mingle nowdays outside of festivals and holy days, so many were eager for my attention. Many offered wishes for my continued good health, simple excuses to engage and be near. More than I wished expressed their condolences for our “wasted trip” out to the Mistari, which I politely redirected back towards the news of Irene’s expectancy. Those that topic did not turn away expressed interest in my singing in the birth, and did that mean that I would be returned to my work with the midwives, now that I would no longer be needed on the battlefields? It was an excellent question, and one I hadn’t considered, but found that my answer was an eager yes. It did much to buoy my spirits to think my family gifts returned to acts of growth rather than simply easing the pain of loss. Perhaps even my mother--
I didn’t care to think on my mother overly much this night.
So I stayed among my people until well after moonset, making note of those faces that stayed, those that seemed cautiously hopeful, and those who’s distrust and disdain I’d had to redirect. There weren’t many who lived directly in and around the Keep; I knew most by family name at least, from the Lyssia tailors to the jewelers who ran the Aurita, to the Silvermead blacksmiths and soldiers.
One I did know by first name, Jeanne Kejamarl, approached me much later in the evening. I remembered her from our shared school days, when I was still learning to shape my letters and reading only the simple sentences chalked on the board. The children of the Keep were all raised and educated together, because there were so few. So while I had little cause to interact with the Kejamarl tanneries directly, I knew Jeanne by name, though I wouldn’t call her a friend now, the way I did Elanor. Which I only considered because of how utterly forward her question was.
“Forgive my asking, Shardae, but why wasn’t Captain Andreios by your side this evening?”
I blinked, long and slow and foolish. My brain felt like thick mud, unwilling to allow my thoughts to rotate and pivot this conversation change with any speed.
“I know it’s not my place to question, but if you’re not going to announce him your alastair....”
Jeanne’s cheeks colored, and I realized with shock and horror the direction this conversation was headed, too late to head it off. She was interested in Rei, and I had dragged my feet so long that others were wondering if they might court him.
It wasn’t entirely uncommon for young adults to pursue one another. Yes, alastairs were often chosen for children in their infancy, but tragically all too often, those alastairs and pairbonds did not live to see adulthood. And while it was traditional for men to take the role of alastair--chivalrous protectors--it wasn’t unheard of for a would be pairbond to express her interest in being pursued. And Rei was handsome, and highly ranked, and courteous and thoughtful and dependable--
The thought of his lips against mine came surging back, filling my own cheeks with heat. Luckily, Jeanne misinterpreted my reaction for embarrassment at the topic--or maybe not so much a misinterpretation--and quickly backed off.
“I’m so sorry, m’lady, I shouldn’t have asked.” She ducked her head, chin all but tucked to her chest as she tried to make herself small. “It’s just after all the rumors of the Arami’s proposal, and with Rei’s absence--“
“He didn’t propose!”
I snapped a too rapid answer in a furious whisper, too caught up in my own snarl of emotions to keep my usual decorum.
“I don’t know who started that stupid rumor but I would really appreciate it if people stopped speculating about my private life!”
Jeanne looked up, horror warring with curiosity. It was utterly unlike me to be so emotional--and if she was a lover of gossip, this was too good to miss. I cursed inwardly and did my best to regain my composure.
“Jeanne, please. It has been an excruciatingly long day, week, all of it, and I am tired of my love life being the topic of so much discussion. It’s unseemly, don’t you think?”
“Yes, m’lady, of course. I shouldn’t--“ “No, you shouldn’t. And I would ask you please to keep others from discussing it as well? I have enough to deal with right now.” I sighed, hoping to use the show of emotion to my advantage. “I hope to start my own family under the light of peace, not in the shadow of my brother’s funeral.”
“Yes, m’lady. Gods above, yes of course. I’m so sorry.”
I reached out, laying the lightest touch on her arm. “Please. I don’t need your apologies, just your consideration. You knew me when I still couldn’t form my S’s front ways.” She smiled at the shared memory, and how ridiculous it was that I couldn’t write out “Shardae”. “Please give me the room to be just Danica where I can. There are so many places where that won’t be possible.”
“Of course, my--Danica.”
I smiled, trying to positively reinforce the behavior. My mother had become distant from our people, and by extension, me. So many of them had expressed a desire to see us out and among them again. If I could befriend my people again, help them see this shift as a positive one, become their darling, golden young queen, perhaps it could help me regain the power our family had lost to the generals. I could sell them an idealistic young family, a vision of the future that was shiny and bright.
Maybe, if I sold it hard enough, I might believe it myself.
“Rei is back with the serpiente, helping keep the Arami safe.” Jeanne’s eyes widen, and I nod, leaning closer as if in confidence. “There’s no one else I would trust with so high a priority. Here among my people, I could not possibly be safer. But I worry for Zane--as my mother said, this is an extremely brave thing for him to be doing. I hope my people will greet him with courtesy and dignity, but I am too pragmatic to trust his safety to anyone less than Rei.”
There. Maybe using his nickname twice will drive the point home. Of course, a part of me whispers that if I just declare my intentions on him here and now that would end all of it. I have no reason not to. Everyone assumes I’m as good as his pairbond. But for some reason I don’t--probably because I worry the story will grow in the telling, much like my “proposal” from Arami Zane. No, when I’m ready for word to spread, it will be through an official announcement, not from wildfire gossip from an old schoolmate. I release her arm and take a step back, letting some of my weariness show on my face.
“Now I think its time I take my leave. We all have a big day tomorrow. I should try to sleep while I can.”
I take another step back and melt into my golden hawk’s form, trusting whoever is on my most personal guard duty to peel off and follow as they always do. Only I don’t fly up to my balcony on the far side of the Keep. Instead, I turn my flight towards the east, and the waiting encampment of serpiente. - I am not so foolish as to have not considered this to be a potential invasion. I have let a score of serpiente warriors within an hour’s flight of the heart of my kingdom. But as I have said, more times than I care to, I refuse to behave as if Zane will betray me. It will either happen or it won’t. If a cobra is destined to slay a hawk again, then I have made peace with it being me. Our people began with one golden queen, if they are to end with simply one, then Fate will have her way no matter what we design. And honestly, they could do worse with a conquering monarch than Zane Cobriana. From what I have seen, he is fair, just, considerate, and generally in favor of art, self-expression, the well-being of his people--
I bank and circle back, realizing  my mental wandering has allowed my wings to wander as well. I am too tired to think, but thinking is all I seem to be able to do. I want to see Rei, to wrap myself in the warmth and comfort of his arms to maybe try another few kisses, softer and gentler this time, to reassure myself that my life has not turned completely upside down. Instead I am circling around the encampment, having flown right over it while thinking of Zane Cobriana’s qualities as a king.
I realize as I circle in to land that partially my mistake was due to the sheer size of the gathering. I don’t know what my distracted mind must have made of the numerous campfires now dotting the fields, a small village perhaps, but it is certainly too many for the two score of soldiers or so that should be out here. This gathering is nearly twice that, centered around a ring of figures--
Zane and Adelina are dancing, with six other serpents besides. They weave in and out of each others’ steps, intricate rings within rings, scales flashing in every color of the rainbow.
Serpiente warriors can grow a scaled demi form, much like the large, angelic wings we avians sprout. While ours are used to give us an aerial advantage in battle, theirs provides a natural amrour that only the keenest arrow can pierce. And much like our wings can be used as an expression of beauty, an elegant backdrop to fine garments and jewelry, so are the serpiente before us using their scales now. Lines of color sparkle like living veins of gemstones, from the iridescent white of Adelina’s viper, to rich reds and greens of dancers I do not know, to the shimmering obsidian of Zane’s cobra.
They are a perfect complement to each other, his dark hair and scales reflecting red in the firelight, hers glinting gold like a low harvest moon. They sway and swirl, moving around each other and through their fellow dancers as if bound by an invisible chord. It is heartbreakingly beautiful, and I understand why every one of my subjects simply stands and stares. It is like nothing any of us have ever seen before, except maybe the soldiers.
I remember the ready pose Zane and Adelina fall into so easily, and thinking how perfectly it would transition to either dance or combat. I am mesmerized by the dance; I can only imagine how impossible they might seem to fight. I am struck with the sudden realizaiton that our survival til now seems nothing short of miraculous. Without the falcon’s am haj to allow us to fight with such lethality from the skies--
I want nothing more to do with this line of thought, so I land, picking a spot far enough away from the dancing serpents so as not to startle anyone. The avians in the crowd all know the silhouette of my hawk’s form, but it is late, and I am trying to be discrete. Still, several soldiers peel away, bowing swiftly as they make a report.
“No trouble yet, your majesty. As you suggested, the serpiente are well able to sense intent. None were allowed past the outer perimeter that were anything other than curious.” Curious. I should have thought of that. Raymond steps up at my side, and I realize he was one of the ravens flanking me. “Erica flew in during your mother’s speech, m’lady, with a message from Zane and Andreios. Neither one of them say any harm in letting a few come and see, but--well, I wished they’d said it was more than just a few. I never would have fielded such a decision for you if I’d thought--“
“It’s alright,” I say, holding up a hand. “If Zane allowed it, and Andreios cleared it, then I trust their judgement. I didn’t even think folks would venture out, so they’re steps ahead of me.” I gave Raymond a tired smile. “In all things security, I don’t mind letting Rei make decisions. It’s matters of battle and war I wish to be consulted on. Allowing a few--okay, more than a few--curious folk out to meet our guests...”
I trailed off, feeling sick at the idea of how poorly this could have gone. We were treading the most precarious line, and I’d barely thought any of it out. And Zane had simply come, trusting.
I should have worked something else out. I never should have asked him to come here--
Rei was suddenly before me, undoubtedly alerted to my presence here. Too tired to care anymore who saw or what they thought, I let myself fall into his arms. This was all I’d been seeking. I hadn’t meant to stumble onto more trouble, more problems--I just wanted to be held, and get some sleep.
“Do you have a tent sent up?” I asked, trying at least to keep my voice between just the pair of us.
“For you? No, but we can--“
I shook my head. “Yours is fine. I’m exhausted, we’re in the field. There’s no where safer for my than by your side, right?”
Rei sighed, but I could see him caving in. “I mean, ostensibly you were safer back at the Keep, but yes.” He tucked his arm over my shoulder, with all the familiarity of an alastair in private. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
The Ties That Bind Tag list: @thehellinsideyourhead @therecouldbecolorsandlove @adventuresofacreesty @writing-with-melon @rainydaydarling @faithfire
Raev’s Gen Tag List (should I tag you guys in this? It IS a thing I wrote. I’m gonna say yes unless you guys are like “no of course not we’re sick of hearing about your stupid fic for a twenty year old book XD)
No one has complained yet so yall gonna keep getting tagged :P
List is currently: @lordkingsmith @writinglyra @drbibliophile @mperialscribe @adie-dee @lexiklecksi @theramwrites @writinginslowmotion @raenawrites @apollon-arium @anika-writes @faithfire @thehellinsideyourhead @adventuresofacreesty
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justawfulxmenart · 4 years
The Kiesha’ra characters as John Mulaney quotes
I just (FINALLY) finished the - highly underrated- Kiesha'ra book series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. It's all about shapeshifter nonsense and I am here for every blessed word of it! If you haven't read it and you're looking for a great read check it out. But, as I love the Kiesha'ra and John Mulaney in equal parts, here are the Kiesha'ra book characters as John Mulaney quotes. Two great tastes that go great together! Hawksong * The Dasi- Aaaaah, oh no, it's the olden days. We're going to have to fill up our days with some stupid slow activities!
*Kiesha @ Maeve- Y’know I used to wonder how someone could murder another person. Then I got cheated on. And now I’m like, ooooh, now I get it. * Danica Shardae- I'll just keep all my feelings deep down inside and someday... I'll die. * Danica upon meeting Zane Cobriana- I'm not going to stand here and let some Blockbuster Video employee talk to me like I'm some floozy! * Erica Silvermead- As you can see I am very tired, I am very small and I have no money. *Danica comparing Rei to Zane - There are some people who give off this vibe that says 'Do not *mess* with me. As for me, I would probably apologize if you spilled soup in my lap. *Danica trying to keep the peace- Ok, ok, ok, ok ... Feel like Andy Cohen at all those *stupid* reunions. Snakecharm *Zane- This is MY WIFE! Don't you touch MY WIFE! I didn't kill MY WIFE! *The reader @ Zane- oh my, who is that fellow? I bet he did kill his wife. *Zane - My wife is my hero. She doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. Meanwhile, I have to make everyone like me all the time. It's exhausting. My wife says I'm running for 'Mayor of nothing.' *A'isha- I am TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED * Zane @ Betsy the avian doctor - 'Not allergic to anything but work' ... Seemed to be a questionable work ethic for someone in the medical field. *Zane and Danica prospective parents - People ask us 'Are you sure you don't want kids? Are you SURE??' Well, I don't know. I smoked cocaine before my college graduation and now I'm scared to get a flu shot. People change. *The falcons running around the kingdom causing chaos- This is like having a horse loose in a hospital. Nobody's ever seen that before! Falcondance *Nicias- To all you people behind me honking, I hear you and I don't want to be here either! When people pass me and find out who's driving, they're always surprised not to see a half-blind dog drinking a Slurpee, but instead a fully grown man trying his best. * Nicias upon reaching Ahnmik- It's deeply haunted but has a lovely kitchen backsplash. * Nicias: What's wrong? Hai: I can't tell you. You wouldn't understand. Nicias: Now what the *hell* am I supposed to do with that?! *Danica, Nicias, Hai and pretty much everyone to the royal falcons- You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. *Cjarsa to Araceli and Syfka- the other shoe has dropped. Wolfcry *Marus and Urban courting Oliza- AWW she's BEAUTIFUL. She's ENCHANTING. *Oliza and Hai discussing sakkri- So we'll call it back to the past? Hai: No, no, back to the FUTURE. Oliza: Sure, we'll make three of them. * Betia upon meeting Oliza- And *my* best friend is a disgraced nuclear physicist. Betia: A wha- A disgraced nuclear physicist? Uh, OK... * Keyi roaming around causing destruction- One feels like a duck splashing about in all this wet *QUACK QUACK* * Oliza @ Betia- You know how a relationship makes you feel good about yourself? That's not a joke, it's just something sweet I like to say. Wyvernhail Hai @ Keyi- Sometimes a baby will point at me and I don't care for that *crap* at all. Stop snitching muthaluver! Hai @ sakkri- Imagine me, a twenty-something, hungover, hearing this. And it gave me- I don't know? Hope?! Hai's visions of destruction- Yes, we've just received word that everyone's father and brothers are ... Dead. Yes, *Salem* you had something? Salem: Yes I do! Have you ever been walking with your betrothed and it starts to rain? Then may I present to you - and again all my condolences to the families of the deceased- a GAZEBO!! Vere Obsidian courting first one wyvern princess then another: Hey can I walk ya home? Hey can I walk ya home? Hey can I walk- The Obsidian Guild in response to the Cobrianas' "treaties"- GIVE US SOME MONEY! GIVE US SOME MONEY AS A GIFT! Pretty much every character in the series- Well, adult life is already weird enough. This might as well happen. <seriously read the Kiesha'ra! And watch John Mulaney! You'll thank me!>
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thewingedwolf · 7 years
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Completely Self-Indulgent Serpiente Fancasting - aka the Latinx Serpiente we all want
Royal Family and Consorts
Oscar Isaac as Donovan Karen Olivo as Charis Alex Meraz as Anjay Catalina Sandino Moreno as Sisal Giancarlo Vidrio as Zane Emeraude Toubia as Irene Jake T. Austin as Gregory Jayson Genao as Carson Michael Trevino as Galen
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