#Zandeh is so good
innerchorus · 5 months
Hilmes will probably have my head for saying this, but—
I actually prefer the design of the “shabbier” crown in this chapter than the one many kings before him have worn. I don't know, it doesn't look half as stupid as the older one.
Zandeh, you did a good job.
There's something to be said for simplicity! Shame we didn't actually get to see it on his head. He didn't even get to be Shah for a few seconds, poor guy.
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strangeshipper · 1 year
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Friendship Massage is magic! Arslan Senki : : Zandeh, Gurgin, (not so) Magic Healing AU
Oh, Zandeh is so big! it's not an easy job even for magician to knead his muscles well :) Yesterday I suddenly find that the crack friendship I made up still lives on and inspires people )) @innerchorus , it was so touching! How many yeas have passed? my blogs tell me it all was back at 2016-17 :D I'm rather far from Arslan theme now, but it is so strange and pleasant to go back there and find that people remember you still and the caracters are still warm & dear for you. I'd made some unpublished sketches while plotting "the magic healing au" & this is one of them. It is back from that time, yes.
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tired-reader-writer · 3 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 130 Live-reaction Commentary
WOAH that sword landed just shy of Innocentis' family jewels LOL.
Arslan sweating and panting even after he won 😭
Gieve is surprisingly a good teacher, hot damn
Narsus and Elam and Alfarīd in the background of that scene!!
“Let them call me a coward. I've heard worse.” this line is so Gieve in ways I find difficult to articulate, it's just so him. Maybe it's that he doesn't care for stuff like honor and whatnot, he doesn't give a shit about those, and he's willing to go any lengths for the person he's loyal to. Looking at how he chose to make a villain out of himself in order to tap out of Peshawar before, yeah this tracks.
He only lowers his bow when it's clear Arslan has won.
Narsus turning back to nod at him! 👌
Oh god weapons do be going flying today, huh?
Okay, we all know there was no way Zandeh could've defeated Daryun, right?
But still, I couldn't help but wonder how much of a difference his new mace would've made in closing that gap of strength if his concentration hadn't been compromised by Hilmes' loss.
Like, he did say it's more suited to his strength so I couldn't help but speculate.
Him yeeting everything to the wayside in his desperation to get to his prince tho 👌
Arslan turns to Alfarīd knowing that Hilmes was the one who had killed her father... and Alfarīd understands that he, her friend, doesn't want to kill this man. They exchange knowing nods, and Arslan continues.
I really, really liked this little wordless exchange between them. The way Arslan doesn't forget Alfarīd, the way he turns to her, the way she understands him and the way she's willing to set her own grievances aside for the greater good... Sobs.
Zandeh's face after Arslan says, “But he bears responsibility for leading the Lusitanian army to this land and plunging my people into chaos. We will discuss this later. For now, find a room in the palace and wait there.” is... I don't know. It's doing something to me. Something about it just feels... raw. Vulnerable. Something like a kind of realization sinking in or maybe it's the adrenaline. Or maybe it's the adrenaline starting to wear off. Either way, it's quite something to behold.
Hilmes looking up, we don't get to see his eyes...
Merlaine, Merlaine pls arrive first I need you to be with Arslan.
“If my banishment were revoked, would that make me Crown Prince by your side once more... Your Majesty?”
I'm going to lose my mind.
No, legit, that face is creeping me out WTF
And that's it! That's the chapter! That's where it fucking ended!
Hoooooooly fuck
Now for some additional thoughts:
Gieve and Zandeh both came into clutch as protective forces for their princes this chapter. I highly approve.
And who can forget Saam? Ever the diplomat, beseeching for mercy for his prince.
The acknowledgement between Arslan and Alfarīd still gets me.
All his life, Arslan has been chasing Andragoras as a son, wanting for parental love and approval as Andragoras puts that distance between him and his “son”. But now? Andragoras is trying to invoke filial piety to get the sword, while Arslan takes a step back and puts an emotional distance between them. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Poetic cinema.
(if you wanna see me talking about Andragoras putting distance between himself and Arslan, it should be under my reread tag: #arslan senki reread)
Howst the fuck did Innocentis go loose? He was zoinked out on illness and fever, and he was never that physically strong to begin with. I wonder if there was some help from Team Zahhak to get him loose beyond just controlling/manipulating him?
Aaaaaand that's all the thoughts I have rn, I think! Holy shit what a chapter.
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Chapter 130 rambles...
Okay, I stayed up late for this chapter so many of my first thoughts are gone, lost in the world of dreams, BUT I still want to try to form any coherant sentences.
Which is hard this chapter becaue when i read it my mind just goes blank. No thoughts behind those eyes lol. Warning: a lot of pictures!
Anyway (spoilers ahead! Read at own risk)
Possessed Innocentis still giving me the creeps eww
NOOOOO not the soldiers that guarded Innocentis!
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Like that we are still at the falling stage and have yet to hit the ground (this sounds horrible jesus)
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The panel with the Lusitanian unifrom (is it a unifrom???) just haning there ragged - oof that was a red herring right there! I was convinced that something awful will happen to Estelle...
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Aaand we cut to this! The placment of the helmet! Their faces!
I will spare you the image of Innocentis and Amdragoras mangled bodies. @tired-reader-writer has it in their reaction post if anybody wants to see it.
The way Arslan reaches for the helmet! How we can't clearly tell if it is happiness (least likely - thats just not his character) or sadness (also not really likely in my opinion) or just pure shock (most likely)
okay, Elam calm thy self! Because if you say that now then it will most likely not happ-
aaaand I was right!
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Eww get back, get back, get back! Do NOT come ANY closer!
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The way Elam and Daryun immediatly get into action! Same, Alfarid, same!
~Andragoras, you are a hypocrate and delusional~ You were a shit king and your court was also full of shit. Being a king does not only require to be strong. Maybe you should have listend to Narsus instead of stroking your ego, ey?
Yes, Arslan! Tell him (again)! He will still not get it but tell him!
Oh eh, he-hello Tahamenay...
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Oh, why is that momet so fucking tender? It seems he did actually love her...?
Aaand it is over... serves you right, Andycakes!
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Love Tahamenays face here. The pure desperation and hatred...
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I also like that he slowly excepts his demise and hugs her one last time before dying... Ugh I am a sucker for tragic romances (here one sided though) and the last hug... GAH
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The faces of everyone! Alafrid is me through out this entire chapter for real!
Ugh Tahamenay! I have never fell more roller coaster feelings for this woman since her talk with Arslan! You are now free!
Estelle!!!!! No baby don't falter now!
Alafriiiid! My baby, my cutie! I will die for youuuu!!!! (I will put you through so much shit in my AU, I am sorry)
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This panel... It makes me feel so dejected...
The citizens stopping Estelle... There is noboy at fault (except the racism against Jaswant. Not cool, guys!)
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FARANGIIIIS! My queen to the resque!
The way my heart sank when Estelle opened the door and there was nobody...
And they were save afterall! Thank you, three boys whos names I forgot (sorry)
Oh the news are spreading like wildfire!
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Love the different reaction shots! And the diferent levels of emotions! (also side note: Zandeh looks really good here...)
aaand here we go! Straight to hell... here I had hoped that we get at least a little breather...
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That is NOT Shapur, you two! RUN!
I had such a jumpscare. I was awake and tired at the same time.
No thoughts about my AU this time. Maybe some reaction scenes from Farzin and his army? Will defenitly wait until the kidnapping of Alafrid and Gieve here. Alfarid is way to important right now to just... yoink her from there.
OH! What if the do the same with Vahriz as they are doing with Shapur!? CHABIK REACTION SCENE OOOOOOH!
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daryun · 2 years
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Finally had a quiet day to draw some Arslan Senki you may recognise I've had in my system for a while.
Hope you are also having a warm time in good company and time for resting during the winter holidays.
I've been reading the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb and the Wit is magic that bonds you to an animal and you can telepathically communicate with the animal. Isfan would totally have a wolf.
Zandeh mistrusting the ground after learning about the ground travelling magic Ghardak is so cute. I bet he checks around him before he goes to sleep now.
I will never abandon Santa Guiscard. He's had a tough year really putting his little existing faith to the test, but as we head towards the end of the story (I feel), let's have fun with him as much as we can. (Arakawa I am begging you to let him live - we already lost Gurgin, no one is safe, ah!)
After drawing Narsus angrily eating grapes... I just think he would naturally go for the fermented ones, so Arakawa did a smooth move changing that, haha. I think for panels and elegance wine is just a better choice for a visual medium.
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cavalrytwunks · 4 years
S1E23: The Battle for the Keep of Saint Emmanuel
I type these as I watch; bonus points if you spot the scenes that made me hit caps lock are kind to your friend who has an anxiety disorder.
so, apparently this semester took more out of me than I thought
also, I’m having a Gender Identity Crisis™ and i’m seeing a counselor tomorrow (because I’m a hot mess, but I’ve had a lot of practice being a hot mess and I know it’s a good move)
anyway, I actually wrote this one a few weeks ago and just... never posted it?
-- loving the contrast between Arslan talking battle plans sitting on the same level as his advisors...and Hilmes, shouting from a balcony for bloody victory and death to heathens
-- did something happen in the manga that like... more firmly established Alfirid/Narsus?
-- ZANDEH, that's his name. -- well shit, that's one way to end a siege, I guess. Zandeh does not have the patience for it.
-- I want to see Kishward stomp some fuckers. -- fuck, Sam's pretty good at this. -- but I firmly believe that Kishward can kick every ass and that Narsus has at least 7 more contingency plans
-- Kubard has the same eyebrows as Daryun
-- uh... yeah, Étoile, you're not gonna convert anyone like this
-- I have a lot of sympathy for Zandeh's blacksmith
-- yeah, there's no way Arslan is in that tent, dummy. it's bait.
-- yo, Kishward fighting with 2 swords? is awesome. mostly because it's a monumentally stupid style of fighting until you're disgustingly good at it.
-- sorceror? just popped out of the ground to be creepy for a second. okay, weird guy.
-- OHOHOHOHHHHHHHH Étoile, now you know the truth! -- cliffhanger? damn it.
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ryukoishida · 5 years
Arslan Senki Manga Ch. 79
Aka. my unremorseful picspam of Gieve
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our local trash musician looking cute as heck
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serious/angry is an excellent look as well
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excuse you Hilmes but Zandeh literally just saved your ass and this is the thanks he gets? “I only forgive you because your dad died for me.” Wow, nice. unpopular opinion time: this chapter literally reminds me why i find this character SO annoyingly unlikeable ok venting finished
Ending this post on a good note: Surprise Merlain!
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thil4n · 5 years
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I tried to stay as close as his character design from the manga but I still lack something (but I think this one is a bit better than my first tries).
I want to see him smile more in the manga 😭 he deserves so much to be happy and peaceful.
I have also drawn him as a boy, maybe I’ll show you later, he must have been such a cute boy when he was young 😍
Säm is my fav for so many reasons… he’s very brave and has high moral standards. He’s not the kind of man who lives seeking the recognition from others, he only seeks to achieve what is right, what he belives in, even though he will be badly looked at, as a traitor : we have a case of him looking pained when Zandeh says to Kubard that his father did not betrayed, Säm is a bit distraught because he knows to be in the same position as Kharlan now, and feels pain at the thought that he will be despised by comrades he hightly thinks of, like Kishward for example, but even though, he won’t give up, he chooses to carry the weight of this burden, even if it means he will be alone on his path. He might even feel it’s ok to be the one alongside the darker, shadier Hilmes (compared to Arlsan) because it also means that Kishward, Daryun and Narsus will be free to carry on on their bright and right path (bc if Hilmes is totally alone it would trigger more pity) : yes he is the man willing to do justice to Hilmes by serving him, thus, in a way, allowing others to serve Arslan (he doesn’t think at all that Daryun or Narsus are wrong serving Arslan, as he says, it wouldn’t be fair if either Hilmes or Arslan were to be alone on their path because he feels that both of them deserve to be recognised and fought for). He does say to Kubard that what matters most for now isn’t who will become shah but how to draw out the Lusitanians. I love that he isn’t one-sided or blinded, or purposely refuses to acknowledge the valour of the “other side”, he is very much alike to Kharlan on this point (when he dies :“good grief, what a prince…”), contrary to Hilmes or Zandeh. In this way he has a soft heart, big heart and an understanding character.
But he’s not at all a weakling, I love that he stands fiercely for his high moral values, like when he bites Kharlan’s head off when meeting him in the palace, uttering blunt words (“what nonsense, a dog talking of preserving a human status !”), he can be “fiery” showing true anger. Even then he’s never cruel, or never becomes blindly enrages, he is angered but will not fall into a stupid or pointless massacre, we see him keeping all of his senses, and not blinded by rage. I read again the first moments of him, when Ecbatana is under a siege, and slaves began to rebel. I love how he is composed and highly disapproves of Gharshap’s killing of gholam, but he does’t shout at him or anything : what I love is his true wiseness. He’s really wonderful throughout this chapter, with his battle against Kharlan at the end.
He is a very humble man, also, and I’m very touched by this. He’s always measured, and doesn’t think too highly of him, in fact he doesn’t think about him often, he’s totally the opposite of egoist or egocentric. He sees himself too much as expandable I guess…. He is not to type to boast, or to take pride (even if he has great skills for example, the victory at Zabul is thanks to his military skills and strategies), because he only feels that he fills his duties and nothing more.
He’s also not the kind of man mourning again and again over the past, even though he does feels conflicted, and I love the cases where we see him pondering over something. Yet he keeps himself in action, and is never paralysed by his interior conflicts : he does what has to be done without hesitation, but again he doesn’t overlook the complexity of the situation he takes part in (like when he says he respects thoses who acts in keeping with what they believe so he won’t make fun of the templars). What I mean is that to me, he’s one of the most, if not the most, “aware” character of this story, probably one of the most conflicted (because not one-sided) and the most aware of the complexity of all situations he faces (up until now he possesses more informations about Hilmes, Andragoras and Pars than anyone else, but kept it to himself, not out of manipulation, but out of wiseness and compassion), BUT he is not the sort of man to mourn forever, refusing commitment into action, and rather has the bravery to carry his burden alone and in silence, utterly conscious of the painfulness and the weight of his acts, nevertheless doing it without any trace of hesitation.
We never really see his thoughts : up until now, there are many cases where he is silent, and reflecting or thiking about something but we never have his thoughts written. He talks not so much about his feelings or thoughts (he talks a bit about his heart mostly to Kubard and a bit to Andragoras, but in general he’s quite reserved) , and his interior self is not reveled through words contrary to other characters, but through facial expressions, it is something that beautifully reflects his mature and complex self. I really love that in the manga, Arakawa takes the time to show us his feeling trough panels with only his face, even though he is a “minor character” (compared to Daryun or Narsus etc).
I loved when he was with Kubard because he smiled geniunely for the first time. He is so serious all the time, and when he’s with Kubard we see a bit of his more peaceful and kinder self, what probably he was like before war begun. So that’s why I wanted to draw something similar, a happy and peaceful Sam…
I’m so damn in love with this character 
Btw I bought and so read again book 10, and the duo and dynamic between Kubard and Merlain is so refreshing, they are both characters I really like. Merlain has a very cool character design ~
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innerchorus · 3 months
Just a few more disjointed thoughts about Chapter 130 after rereading again (sign of a good chapter that I've been thinking about it throughout the next day, too).
Arslan repeating Hilmes's own words back to him ("Let the true Shah be revealed by his mastery of the sword") 👌👌👌
Zandeh trailing blood on his way to Hilmes 😭 (I'm still not over it, but thankfully the wound on his arm doesn't look serious.)
Andragoras broke Arslan's sword with one swing. If Innocentis hadn't entered the scene, what would have happened next? I think we'd have seen Andragoras vs Daryun, personally. They're inside the tower so no possibility for Gieve to save the day with an arrow, but Daryun being prepared to fight and kill the Shah for Arslan's sake? Looking at his expression in the panel before Azrael shows up, I think he was readying himself to do just that.
I'm going to need a scene of Team Hilmes waiting together inside that room next chapter. I need to see the look on his face. I need to hear the words that might be spoken between them.
Also someone please go and fetch Irina! At least let her know Hilmes is okay and make sure she's safe, but ideally bring her to his side!
Hilmes going through all of this while still wearing his fur trim coronation cloak 🥲
A few characters were conspicuous by their absence... Estelle (who I'm sure we'll see searching for the Lusitanians she previously helped soon), Jaswant and Farangis. We saw what Gieve was up to in this chapter, maybe next chapter we'll see what their role was during this time?
There's a part of me still hanging on to the whole 'what if Team Arslan DID go the Mount Damavand before their arrival in Ecbatana?' theory. As I said before, they had time... And Arslan once more stating "This sword was bestowed on me by the Hero King Kaykhusraw", this time to Andragoras... what if there's some truth in that? What if his bluff in the previous chapter was mixed with truth? He cannot draw the sword (yet), but something happened to indicate Kaykhusraw's will that he possess it? Perhaps Kaykhusraw's wishes are that the blade is only used to shed the blood of the Snake King, meaning that Arslan will be able to draw it when he faces Zahhak? Ah, I don't know, though, because would a flashback to that moment even work now? Well, maybe if they had captured a mage and next chapter we see Farangis guarding their snakey prisoner, we could then backtrack to see how that happened.
Surely there will be a full Team Arslan reunion next chapter, right? Kishward's forces are right outside, meaning that he, Isfan, Tous and Kubard can soon join forces with Arslan, given that Andragoras is now out of the picture.
I wonder whether Arslan will have his own coronation before or after the matter of Zahhak is settled? I imagine, unlike Hilmes, he wouldn't rush to do something like that until the city is in a better state. But how ready are they to to defeat Zahhak? How much do they even know about him, his servants, where they might be hiding, and what their plans are? This is why I keep saying they need to capture a mage. Though really, good luck getting anything out of one of them, they're unlikely to be willing to talk.
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innerchorus · 3 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 130 (Part 1)
You know, I'm starting to get so nervous for these that the last ten minutes before the chapter comes out are a really unpleasant experience!
Arakawa reminding us of Innocentis's presence in this scene by having Hilmes's disarmed sword land between his legs... There's a reason for this (I already know it, but for readers who don't it's a good choice not to let us forget he's there).
Then we move to a flashback montage of sword training scenes for Arslan, some old and familiar (with Vahriz and Daryun) and some new (with Gieve in Gilan, and I'd have to check but I wonder whether that was mentioned as one of the ways Arslan passed his downtime there?).
Funnily enough, I did look back through Arslan's training scenes before to see if there was any sign of the move he pulled on Hilmes AND HERE IT IS; Narsus's approach to swordplay put into practise by Gieve. Basics, practice, application; all the components that Arslan drew on to help him defeat Hilmes. Yes, there was an element of luck in that Hilmes's mental state was so shaken, but not only did Arslan take advantage of that, behind it lay months of diligence in training.
Arslan's dialogue really shows that now Hilmes has been defeated, he has no clear way to deny Arslan's victory and therefore his right to the throne, and at this point I really just wanted to see his face but instead we backtrack a little more to Narsus and Gieve on their way through the waterways...
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I think I uttered my first "holy fuck" of the chapter here?
(Never have I been more glad that Hilmes lost. For the record, Narsus did NOT try to stop Gieve, lmao. I imagine, though, that they will keep this agreement between themselves.)
(Also, things coming full circle etc etc with Gieve in a high place on Ecbatana's walls drawing a bow to protect Arslan versus his mercy killing of Shapur)
Anyway, Gieve lowers his bow when Hilmes stands there defeated and ZANDEH CRIES OUT HILMES'S NAME after seeing Hilmes stood there weaponless with Arslan's sword levelled at him (help me I love Team Hilmes so much it's really hard to be coherent right now but I love this moment and what happens next)
It really feels like Daryun just becomes an obstacle to Zandeh; nothing more than something standing in his way on his path to Hilmes's side. Duel be damned, he just wants to get to his Prince at all costs. Yes, I know he swings his weapon at him but Daryun is literally standing between him and Hilmes and in that moment I think it's clear that Hilmes matters more to him than revenge.
And he gets to Hilmes's side after having his mace swept away by Daryun and sustaining a wound to his wrist and honestly I'm sure Daryun could have killed him there and then but he lets him go to Hilmes... another thing to be thankful for
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I'M FUCKING CRYING ZANDEH YOU GOOD BOY, look how he puts himself between Arslan and Hilmes without a thought, without a weapon in his hand, ready to protect him at all costs. He would die for Hilmes if need be (really hope I'm not tempting fate by saying that)
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Sam asking for mercy because of course he would! If I remember rightly, in the novels he orders their men to put down their swords to prevent further pointless bloodshed. What's Hilmes thinking right now? In all likelihood he's as numb as his sword arm, but I hope he understands that both Zandeh and Sam value his life this much.
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I can't zoom in on this any more but...
Zandeh's protective posture 👌
Sam kneeling to beseech Arslan that Hilmes be spared 👌
Both of them positioning themselves in front of Hilmes, between him and Arslan 👌
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THANK YOU ARSLAN but surely none of those who know him were actually thinking he'd kill Hilmes.
Arslan: "He can live. But I'm not gonna forget about his crimes." That's fair.
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MY BOY ZANDEH KNEELING TOO. He's giving thanks! I really think he must have been worried that Hilmes might not be spared; he looks so taken aback by this suggestion. Or perhaps it's also the fact that they're apparently not going to be restrained and imprisoned? Though I'm sure that room will be under guard.
What if Team Zahhak were to kidnap Hilmes from that room? Team Hilmes can't get out, but snakes can get in... But with a change that was made later in this chapter, I'm now considering that maybe it's not Hilmes who is in line to be a vessel for Zahhak? Or at least, there's another option.
Okay this marks the halfway point of the chapter so I'm just gonna post this part and then write up some thoughts on the rest.
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innerchorus · 5 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 128 (Part 2)
What a top choice, contrasting Arslan, the ruler Pars needs, being unable to draw the sword that would prove his right to rule, with Hilmes, who is choosing to brute force a coronation ceremony in order to give his position legitimacy.
While Arslan freely admits that his bloodline gives him no claim, Hilmes is still trying to maintain the lie that he is the son of Osroes. Ugh, watching him falter over this line during the ceremony was hard. He is far from at his best here, but I still have sympathy for him despite all that he's done.
However he needs to BE NICER TO ZANDEH, DAMN IT.
Things in Ecbatana... are not good. We get an overview: dry wells, Andragoras's growing army outside, closed gates, dwindling food, friction between citizens and soldiers, all combined to insinuate that it's only a matter of time before Hilmes's control of the city is overturned.
And a coronation won't fix this, (and nor will a crown patch up the emotional damage that was inflicted on him by Andragoras's big reveal) but what else can Hilmes do right now?
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Ashamed to say I laughed at this. His face...
Man, Zandeh really is trying his best in this chapter. He and his men were the ones who went scrounging up golden coins to melt down in order for Hilmes to actually have a crown to wear after Guiscard stole the real one, but Hilmes isn't in the mood to appreciate his efforts.
(That little guy is with him in this scene, looking nervous of Hilmes's reaction! Feels like Zandeh also knows Hilmes isn't going to love what they've done, but as he says, it's the best they can do for now.)
The fact that Zandeh adores Hilmes and can't wait to see him crowned yet is willing to tell it to him straight: calling Sam away from defending the underground waterways to attend to coronation ceremony is a bad move.
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Fucking ouch. At least he didn't tell Zandeh to go and watch the passageways himself!
'The ceremony was a miserable, spare, and unsatisfying one' 🙃
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Starting out strong.
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My boy is so happy!
When Hilmes starts talking about 'King Osroes's legitimate heir', things start to go to shit. He falters, Sam and Zandeh can see something is wrong (and while Zandeh is puzzled, you know Sam knows) and then after failing to get the words out twice Hilmes rips the cloth off his scar and fucking commits to that lie.
I wanted a mask-free coronation for Hilmes but NOT LIKE THIS 😭
Sacrificing Innocentis to the gods isn't going to make that lie any truer, but Hilmes is just grasping at anything that will give him even a whisper of security right now.
Zandeh is very into it, lmao. I love him but am unsurprised to see his rough treatment of Innocentis. If I recall correctly he was excited about the idea of killing him before.
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Filing this away under 'things that should not be hot'. (Also noting that he removed his armour for the ceremony 👀 and that he's abandoned the idea of burning Innocentis alive in favour of a different method.)
Also... how blind can you be, Hilmes? "Thus will I show what happens to those of other lands whose ambitions threaten the peace of Pars!"? Pars is your own country, and you facilitated that. Pars would likely still be at peace if not for you and your ambitions.
Anyway, Innocentis, who is likely delirious with fever from his wound, asks for sugar water, which enrages Hilmes so much he's about to strike him with his sword, when who should burst in (no doubt through those poorly-defended waterways, sigh) than Team Arslan?
(The coronation ceremony is taking place 10 days after Team Arslan set out for Mount Demavant. Chapter 126 says they 'rode East along the Continental Highway for several days' until they encountered Don Ricardo, so it seems a little more time has passed between the events of the first part of the chapter and those of the second).
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This fills me with fear because no way will Hilmes withdraw.
Anyway, there's a panel of Team Arslan entering the room where you can't see what weapon Arslan is holding. Rukhnabad, you there?
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innerchorus · 9 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 125
I'm not going to cover the whole thing, just a few bits and pieces that are most interesting to me. My heart rate still hasn't calmed down, and the way this chapter ended is not helping! (No Zandeh yet, sadly... next time for sure!)
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Losing my shit over these glimpses of TINY BABY ARSLAN and his birth father. Sad that we didn't get to see his mother too, though.
'Marzban' though, uh... I'll have to check the raw to see what it says there but I'm pretty sure in the novels it says that he rode off to battle with the rank of 100-rider captain. Honestly, Marzban feels like a totally inappropriate and way too attention-grabbing promotion for a man who needed to be killed off without anyone suspecting anything out of the ordinary.
I wonder what, if anything, will come of the 'Tahamenay's lost daughter' plotline in the manga? Will we ever find out the truth? Will it be different to the novels?
The end of the conversation between Tahamenay and Arslan felt very fufilling. Can't help but admire Arslan.
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good panel GOOD PANEL
The end of this scene was slightly different to the novels, but I don't wanna drop spoilers here in case it comes up in the next chapter or so.
OKAY onto the last quarter of the chapter which is back with Hilmes and Andragoras...
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What a horrific way to refer to the child he raised.
Hilmes trying so hard to rally himself after hearing all this, but when he hears Andragoras's reason for telling him all of this (which is totally on brand for Andragoras) he loses any composure he'd regained; he must sense that it's true.
I do think it's impressive that despite having the foundations of his world effectively shattered, he doesn't just let himself crumple, and his thoughts even turn to what Bahman said all those months ago, leading him to follow that line of reasoning in full and ask Andragoras who Arslan truly is.
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He's cute here.
But of course Andragoras isn't prepared to answer that question, and the chapter ends with the two of them crossing blades for the first time aksdhjfshshj I am going to be an utter nervous wreck next chapter.
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innerchorus · 4 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 129 (Part 1)
Okay, I had a fun time reading this one, despite the face off between Team Arslan and Team Hilmes it felt way lower stakes than the encounter with Zahhak so I was able to relax in the (correct) assumption that nobody was about to die just yet.
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Early moment of appreciation for the attention to detail in Arakawa's storytelling. Yes, corvids cawing like this is frequently used as a sign of something ominous (and it certainly feels that way as another panel shows them atop this tower with Hilmes stood below) but I love that they have a reason for doing so in that they've spotted a hawk (Azrael!) circling above and are giving the alarm.
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Sam's chin has gone full rectangle.
This is his reaction upon hearing how Team Arslan got in (yes, through the very waterways he'd been defending, Hilmes should've listened to Zandeh, but Hilmes hasn't been in the mood for listening to his followers as of late, has he?)
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This is him trying to recover the situation, I guess.
Anyway no doubt you guys recognise Daryun's helmet on the left there, and he's about to jump in but Arslan holds him back in order to handle matters himself. He's the opposite of Hilmes throughout, calm and composed where Hilmes is shaken and erratic. The contrast is important and becomes starker as the scene goes on.
I feel bad but I laughed at Hilmes's expressions so many times this chapter, but I think it's only because I was feeling confident that no real harm will come to him? He really is having the worst day. Asking Arslan what legitimacy he has was a mistake because Arslan brandishes none other than Rukhnabad.
And thanks to Hilmes's tomb robbing adventure, the majority of the soldiers present recognise it, as does Zandeh (boy is shocked, he thought that thing was gone for good!)
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I'm not sure Zandeh's had time to process any of this fully, but he saw what happened when Hilmes tried to take the blade at Mount Damavand. For Arslan to turn up with the blade and claim it's Kaykhusraw's will... No wonder he looks so shocked. It really does pose a challenge to Hilmes's claim.
Hilmes begins an attempt to defend his position by starting to reveal the truth about Arslan's parentage, when...
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He falters, and misreads Arslan's composure as a sign that Arslan knows Hilmes's own secret.
Man, I fucking love this. Hilmes, who couldn't bear to share the burden of that secret with even his most loyal followers, cannot comprehend that Arslan has done just that. Arslan's calm demeanour comes from having done so; he has found his resolve with the truth out in the open, and it's part of what enables him to confront Hilmes like this.
Arslan addressing Hilmes as 'cousin' and then being all 'wait, that's not right' all but confirms to Hilmes that his suspicions are correct, but in truth Arslan is correcting himself because he already knows that he is not Andragoras's son. What Hilmes was threatening to reveal holds no power over Arslan, yet the effect that fearing his secret is out has on Hilmes is clear, and it makes him desperate.
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Zandeh being all ??? when if Hilmes had just told him he could've had the reassurance that Zandeh would continue to support him no matter what 😭
Anyway, both Narsus and Arslan notice how unsettled Hilmes is, though they don't know why nobody cares about your fucking secret except you, Hilmes. And because Hilmes is so rattled, he calls for Arslan to fight him. Honestly, it's not a bad choice and even if he weren't so flustered about what Arslan may or may not know he likely would have done so, but his mental state going into it is already working against him.
Him ordering Arslan to face him with Rukhnabad is also not a bad shout. I imagine he's both hedging his bets and hoping that Arslan doesn't really have Kaykhusraw's favour, and assuming his odds against Arslan when it comes to a duel are good in any case.
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The Rukhnabad twist I didn't predict! And just wait for the full reveal! But first I want to remind you of this moment from Chapter 93 where Hilmes speaks with the Master after having failed to retrieve the sword for himself:
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Arslan's words can only remind him of his own failure.
He's definitely on the back foot here now; Arslan not only has Rukhnabad in his possession, but he's also bold enough to claim he will defeat Hilmes without it.
Now, if you had said to me that Arslan will face Hilmes without Rukhnabad and actually stand a chance of winning, I would have dismissed it as unbelievable. But that's where Arakawa's careful attention to Hilmes's inner fears has come into play, and combined with Arslan's (accidental) further shaking of his confidence and (deliberate) provocation by saying he's not worthy of using Rukhnabad on... How well will he fight? Combat begins before swords are even drawn, it seems.
Also ARSLAN STILL CANNOT DRAW RUKHNABAD JSHDFJSDHGG wow, honestly did not see that coming, what a bluff that was—
Presumably that means we will see him gain the ability to draw the sword when it comes to a fight against Zahhak? Or maybe there will be time for him to visit Kaykhusraw's tomb before then (since it seems less likely it's already happened)?
Narsus declaring that it's Hilmes's decree that this duel will decide who will be Shah is a smart move, too. There are those with personal grudges and those who may seek to object, but with the decision framed this way, they cannot. Alfarid knows too much is at stake. Sam can't go against Hilmes's own word.
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Now here's a match where I feel we all already know what the outcome will be. ZANDEH PLEASE. I don't want you to get hurt.
I do appreciate Daryun still responding to him with tired exhasperation, though. It's like 'really, we're still doing this?'. And I'm just clinging on to the fact that it's clear he wouldn't hold a grudge if Zandeh just fucked off somewhere other than Pars like to Maryam with Hilmes.
I'm just relying on Zandeh to agree to let it drop in the end. If Hilmes does, Zandeh would too, I think.
Anyway, while I don't think he'll be able to beat Daryun, this is the first time he's facing him with a mace, a weapon he has acknowledged is better suited to his strength, so maybe he won't do as badly as I feared?
That's it for Part 1! Stay tuned for Part 2!
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innerchorus · 8 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 126 (Part 2)
And unlike Kmanga you don't even have to pay twice for the privilege of having it split into two. SPOILERS for this chapter, I can't stress enough that the ending is a huge fucking cliffhanger so if you don't want to get spoiled please don't look.
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That's a piece of the (Un)Holy Master's cloak...
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Nicely dealt with by Andragoras!
Anyway, this is proper confirmation that Team Zahhak's clothing has magical properties / a life of its own and can potentially be dangerous even when separated from the wearer.
Given how fast the Master can dodge (or more correctly this is a teleportation style of evasion that I mentioned before where he reappears behind them) it's impressive that Andragoras actually landed a blow, though it's not even close to being a fatal one. Still, he looks like he's aiming to finish the job until the Master tries to regain control of the situation by attempting to blackmail Andragoras with the location of his child!
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These panels of a shocked Hilmes in the background just watching all this drama unfold, lol
Anyway, it turns out Andragoras cannot be blackmailed and he'd rather renounce his child than be manipulated like this, which is... very on brand for Andragoras, regardless of what the truth about the child turns out to be in Arakawa's manga.
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The Master: tch! Hilmes: Yikes
(Is anyone of the Parsian royal line a good father? Doesn't seem that way in recent generations. Hilmes, please reverse this trend with Irina by your side, I'd love to see you both happy with a family!)
Anyway GUESS WHO'S KNOCKING AT THE DOOR IN THAT LAST PANEL? THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S ZANDEH, PUPPY BOY TO THE RESCUE! And he's still got that little guy who was one of Kharlan's soldiers with him, and that warms my heart for some reason, I hope he gets to live.
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Hilmes... 😭
I wonder what Zandeh thinks? It's clearly not 'nothing at all'.
Anyway this makes me really sad because where we saw Arslan open up to his followers and receive their support, Hilmes... can't bring himself to do that. Personally, I feel that at this point, Zandeh would support him regardless (as would Sam, who unbeknownst to Hilmes already knows the truth) but Hilmes can't bring himself to admit it, to admit the fact that he's based his whole life around a lie. Without his claim to the throne, who is he?
It's sad that he can't see that the right to rule and the qualities that might inspire loyalty and love are based on so much more. I'm not saying that he's a worthy ruler right now, unlike Arslan he hasn't even thought about how he'll govern the country for the better, but I do find it sad that his mindset leaves him so isolated here when it doesn't need to be that way.
(I'm going to need an Irina mention soon. At least show that Hilmes is thinking of her, even if he feels he can't speak with her.)
That's it for Team Hilmes content this chapter, anyway.
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Who should Team Arslan bump into on the way to Mount Demavant but the Zot with a leashed Don Ricardo, still clinging on to Rukhnabad! So while Arslan did deliberately set out to get the sword, in the end it looks like it's going to happen via a chance encounter (well, if anyone can ever persuade Don Ricardo to let go of it).
Gieve recognising Rukhnabad is a great moment! Even he is so shocked that it seems like he's struggling to form the words as he processes what he's seeing.
I feel pretty sorry for Don Ricardo, he hasn't really recovered mentally from his encounter with Zahhak, he doesn't look to be in a great state, and while the Zot are merely intending to hand him over to Arslan, they can't communicate with him so presumably all he knows is that he's their prisoner, he has no idea what his fate will be and nobody to reassure him. Likewise, they don't know what he's been through.
Team Arslan try to figure it out thanks to Estelle, but Don Ricardo is too distressed, so they decide to find a village to stay the night. It's at this point that alarm bells started going off in my mind.
Narsus says "It's too quiet." (I start thinking of the village he stayed in with Alfarid where Arzhang had killed all the villagers.)
The horses start freaking out (we know they react this way to Team Zahhak)
Team Arslan find bodies of villagers with only their brain eaten (and who do we know of who has an appetite for brains?)
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A weird mist begins to seep into the scene; Zahhak in the novels was described as exuding a miasma of sorts, I think it provoked fear in those who were close to it?
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Gods, I hope everyone survives this encounter. I don't know how it's going to go down but it strikes me that this could be it, this could be the actual deciding fight as far as Zahhak is concerned, because we have Rukhnabad on the scene right here, it could really be happening in Arakawa's manga right now, and I'm not sure I'm ready?
My head is ringing with questions. What does Zahhak's full form look like (we see the snakes clearly but not what they're attached to)? Is he fully resurrected or are the shoulder snakes just operating on the instinct of hunger? What happened to Kaykhusraw's body? Are any members of Team Zahhak here with the Snake King? If Team Arslan do fight Zahhak here, how do they go about it? One on one? As the strongest warrior, will Daryun take him on? Will Arslan (with Estelle's help) manage to persuade Don Ricardo to hand over Rukhnabad, and will he opt to take on the Snake King himself with the sword's powers?
Man I wish Kubard were here... I've always said he'd set everyone straight about the notion of taking on a being like the Snake King in single combat... Just kill it, any way you can.
Part of me feels like Zahhak won't be defeated yet and this encounter will serve its purpose mainly in showing Team Arslan that he truly has been unsealed, so now they'll know what the sorcerers were working towards and they'll know what they're up against. But will they come through this unscathed? I'm not ready for character deaths!
My working theory as of this post: Zahhak is not fully conscious and is mainly being driven by the snakes' hunger; he is heading for Ecbatana for some sort of ritual involving the head jars where he will truly return in full. The final confrontation will take place after matters in the capital with Andragoras and Hilmes have been resolved, and may involve entering Team Zahhak's lair beneath Ecbatana (ArAkAwA sHoW mE tHe DaRk TeMpLe).
Guys... I am utterly exhausted, this chapter has wrecked me. I'll keep an eye out for raws / somewhere to read the simulpub for free and post a link if I see it.
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tired-reader-writer · 7 months
Arslan Senki Reread
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Adorable lil trot! Look at that smile!
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Arslan and physical touch. He's so tender. I doubt he was given physical affection in the palace— maybe before he entered the palace but definitely not after. Headcanon that he'd d r a p e himself all over his loved ones if he were raised in a loving environment/family where physical affection is freely given.
He makes me wanna cry for some reason.
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Y'know what, that's a mature outlook. Bravos to you, Zaravant. (Now if only Zandeh could learn that...)
And of course I kept Jaswant's face in. I'm fond of him.
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They're bonding! And yeah, what Zaravant did was Big Balls Energy and Jaswant... makes me sad bc his life had always been undervalued before he came to Arslan, y'know? Gadhevi isn't exactly a kind superior.
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Guiscard's doubts are piling and piling. He doesn't know Team Arslan's numbers, and that's crucial. That was the entire reason he didn't circle back to attack again after the battle. He didn't know. Many of Narsus' strategies involve fudging or omitting information to suit his needs, y'know? Knowledge is power and I give you none over me.
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I might be just stating the obvious but Farangis sounds so sarcastic and mocking here, I love it.
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Very cool panel of Farangis! She makes for such a good leader. I love her so much 😭😭😭😭
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innerchorus · 4 months
Ahead of this month's chapter of Arslan Senki, some predictions/theories (that I meant to post weeks ago).
We've all been wondering how Arakawa is going to tie everything together, especially how Zahhak will be integrated into what's going down in Ecbatana. Personally, my theory is that the Worst Coronation Ever™ is going to get even worse, in that following a defeat by Arslan (who as I've said before, I believe will be shown to be wielding Rukhnabad at this point), Hilmes is going to get kidnapped. I'll briefly outline some reasons for why I think this below.
Although the plot has been racing towards its conclusion, so far it has felt fast-paced but not rushed. To have Zahhak simply burst in on the coronation confrontation and be summarily defeated by Arslan there and then would feel rushed and, in my opinion, anti-climactic. But to have one event lead into another would be exciting!
We know Zahhak's body (Kaykhusraw) is vulnerable and starting to disintegrate. We can assume this is why it withdrew from attacking Team Arslan before, as the body took damage from arrows. It's clear that Zahhak is following some imperative to reach Ecbatana, likely related to the head jars. It makes sense to me that these will be used for some kind of ritual to transfer Zahhak to a new host body and bring about the full return of his consciousness.
Hilmes being yoinked (either right after shit goes down at his coronation or from the dungeons shortly afterwards) could result in Team Arslan seeking to locate Zahhak below Ecbatana and defeat him once and for all. Sure, most of Team Arslan would probably be quite happy if Hilmes just fucking died, because it's one more problem out of the way and he hasn't exactly endeared himself to them with his actions thus far, but do you really think Arslan would feel like that? Despite everything, I like to think that as well as defeating Zahhak, he would also try to rescue Hilmes if possible.
And don't you think this would be the perfect opportunity for Team Arslan and the (defeated) Team Hilmes to work together? Don't you think Sam would volunteer himself to go down there too? Don't you think Zandeh would be so desperate to save his Denka that he'd manage to put aside his grudge against Daryun to do so? I'm kind of rambling now but this sort of 'circumstances force opposite sides to work together' thing is 👌👌👌
I honestly think this would be a positive thing for Hilmes's future, too. My biggest hope/theory is that in Arakawa's manga, he will relinquish his claim on the throne of Pars and go to Maryam with Irina. Just being defeated by Arslan wouldn't be enough for him to accept this and become a good neighbour for Pars, in my opinion. But if he sees Zahhak for himself, and faces the full horror of what he has helped facilitate combined with the personal horror of the fate that Team Zahhak have planned for him, then if he survives it then I think he'll be so shaken that his perspective might change, especially if he sees Arslan wielding Rukhnabad to defeat Zahhak. One of the things that also might shake him is witnessing the death of one of his followers.
And if you're wondering how Team Arslan will even be able to find where Hilmes has been taken and where this ritual is taking place? Here is my other prediction!
Team Arslan will capture a mage!
In the last chapter, the presence of the owl felt like a hint that one of Team Zahhak is watching them. If my guess about Arslan wishing to return Rukhnabad to Kaykhusraw's mauseoleum is correct, that mage is likely to follow them there and interfere somehow. Remember Isfan apologising to Narsus for not managing to take the mage in Peshawar alive so they could find out who he was etc? After seeing Zahhak, they're even more certain to want answers. And a captured mage, brought with them to Ecbatana, will be able to lead them down into the Dark Temple.
Also not to be salty that Arakawa already killed Gurgin YET AGAIN but wouldn't it have been perfect for this mage to be Gurgin? This would have been the perfect opportunity for Farangis to recognise him! We could have had backstory! Also yes I did just want to see him fuck up and get captured lmao
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