#Zale ( interests )
milkpumpkin96 · 8 months
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So, my dad helped kickstart Sea of Stars—I miraculously (without the code) found the monument dedicated to him, my siblings, and I! It’s a BIG one!!!
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acourtofserpents · 1 year
This is such a fascinating game - I wish the demo was longer, it's very immersive and intriguing!
I need to thank you dearly for one thing, too. I love all sorts of isekai / "transported to another world" stories, but my biggest trigger in fiction ever (to the point of having panic attacks if that happens) are stories of that kind where the protagonist goes back to their birth world at the end. The fact the very intro post mentions that "(...) shall you decide to stay or escape." is so nice to me. That means I can actually read this story without freaking out. Usually I have to ask the author if they are planning for a route where the MC stays in the other world, but some authors see it as fishing for spoilers and don't answer, sadly. Yes, I know it's a weird thing to thank you about, but I'm very grateful! I do have a small question about that, if you're willing to answer. Will this be a story where we're able to decide early on if the MC wants to stay or try to escape, or will the MC be "undecided by default". I tend to prefer to be able to make a choice fast of course, but I'm sure it'll be well written regardless! Or well, maybe the situation would not really lead to any of these alternatives at all... That aside, for the ROs, I'm most interested in the prince (though of course, I have to exclude the human RO anyway considering the direction I want to take my MC in), but I think it's interesting... I somehow consider the prince to be less awful than the other fae ROs? Well, he's a jerk, but he's a jerk to everyone, clearly. It doesn't seem like his behavior is focused only on the MC - he just has an awful personality (and I'm saying that lovingly) overall.
Oh and a question about Caerus. Again, this might be spoilery so feel free to ignore it. I'm assuming we WILL get opportunities to get closer to him and what not... But what will dad think about MC's relationship with (insert chosen RO), once the relationship actually starts or well, once it becomes clear there is something between the two? Because I feel like he may have strong opinions, like wondering if MC, as a human, will do the same their mother did and "betray" their fae partner after a while, or would he on the other hand have more trust in the MC since he raised them? And if the RO is human, would he on the other hand be judgmental of that thinking the child he raised has bad taste haha? An well, does his opinion depend on his relationship with the MC, too?
Sorry for the long ask and multiple questions! Thanks for indulging me, and have a great day!
hi hi lovely!! first, thank you so so much for all the love and kind words!! i’m so extremely happy you’re enjoying the story, these kind of messages are really my biggest motivators <33
now, to answer your questions,, i’m not too sure about when the final and ultimate decision will take place, as i’m planning quite a few different routes that MC could take. so far, i don’t see that decision being made anytime soon, as i’m not planning to add it to chapter 2. MC will have to start thinking about it, but a permanent decision won’t be made so early, sorry!!
hehe, you can say Ryzan has an awful personality unlovingly (that’s definitely not a word, oopsie) too, i don’t mind!! i think it all depends on how you perceive all of them, they all have their faults, some of them maybe more than others.
about Caerus, it’s not spoilers, don’t worry!! if MC’s careful, Caerus won’t know about the relationship until much later. that also depends on who MC chooses to romance. i think he’ll be very VERY very surprised to know that MC is involved with a Fae. he doesn’t have a problem with them, per se, but it’ll just be very surprising to see MC kissing someone they claimed to hate for their whole life, and vice versa. now, with Silos, Caerus almost expects some kind of relationship (even if it’s just platonic friendship) to bloom between them and MC. the way he’ll treat MC and their relationship with anyone definitely depends a lot on their own relationship!!
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anakinh · 3 months
finished sea of stars. spoilers ahead.
overall i really liked it! but honestly? thought it was kinda mid until the clockwork castle. It got really good when you entered the sea of stars, but I've always loved sci-fi more than fantasy (and sci-fi fantasy mixes more than either of the two), so that's not surprising. didn't much care for the golden ending either. I think it's because i didn't love garl? which is surprising, usually I like good good boys.
tbh i think that's because they really mythologized garl. like, he's a 100% great dude, would love to be friends with him in real life, sounds like a wonderful guy. but as a character? he has some trauma but he's well adjusted? he's not snarky or bitchy? he's not even dumb?? but all my favourite good good boys fall under at least one of those categories!
anyway i loved resh'an, serai, and erlina. not surprising. especially resh'an's immortal all-powerful being love affair with a dude destroying entire worlds. i was a doctor who fan.
edit: one other thing to add. Sea of Stars is gorgeous. it's amazingly beautiful. play it for the art alone. hell, play it for the attention to detail in the art - the way it shifts when you move worlds is so great.
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insert-game · 4 months
again thinking about how i wish Sea of Stars was Good. painful
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officialma · 2 days
Multiverse!Zale is polyamourous. If you care.
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hedgewitchnecromancer · 4 months
So I went in for an interview at Zales today. For context, I applied about two weeks ago on indeed, and they were the only company out of about a dozen I’ve applied to over the two weeks around then to show any interest in me. (One place let indeed give me a ‘sorry, they moved on without you’ email, and that’s all the feedback I’ve gotten). They had me fill out a second application on their personal company website (Signet, like every other major jewelry shop, apparently) and made me do 35 minutes of hypothetical situations on helping customers and asking if doing what is asked of me is enough for me (it’s enough for me, but that’s apparently the wrong answer).
They called me on Saturday (note: on the weekend) to schedule me for an interview. I picked Monday at 11 am. I live about half an hour from the mall, so I’m up two hours early to get ready and then drive there with extra time for traffic or anything else unexpected. I gel my hair, something I haven’t done since my junior prom (I’m in college now), iron my shirt, and head out.
I get to the mall about 10:35 and head inside at about 10:45. I find the store at 10:50, and tell the manager I’m here for an interview. He asks my name, I tell him, he notes it and goes to help some customers. I’m like “Oh, okay, that makes sense, this interview will probably be like fifteen minutes, that’s fine, I can wait.” So I wander around the store for ten to fifteen minutes because I’ve never actually been in there before because I can’t afford anything in there. The woman he was helping buys a ring worth over half my college loans for a year. Great. Then, finally he comes back to me.
“Hi, I’m the manager.”
We shake hands, I reintroduce myself.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. I tried to call you earlier, but we actually canceled this interview. You don’t meet our company expectations, I’m sorry. You can reapply in six months.”
He shows me a paper where he notes my home phone number (I don’t give people my cell phone because it’s my personal phone and thus used only for personal reasons and I don’t want companies invading my personal life) and that it went to voicemail. “I didn’t want to call you on the weekend, but as soon as I got here I called you.” I smile and nod along because what else can I do, then leave to go back to my car.
I sit there for several minutes being pissed for several minutes, because what the fuck, why schedule me for an interview if you don’t want to interview me, send a lengthy complaint to my mother, and then drive off. At 11:10, my dad texts me that he just got a voicemail that they were canceling the interview from the house phone. (He’s at work, but the voicemails go to his cell phone somehow). I don’t see this, because I’m driving, and my 2013 Subaru doesn’t support voice texting, until I get home at about 11:30. At which point I get to tell him I know, the manager told me in person. But, the time of it also tells me that the reason I missed the call that my interview was canceled, actually, was because I was walking into the store for my fucking interview, and not because the manager called within the fifteen minute gap between when I was up and when my mother left for work at around 9 am, like I had assumed. It was also around then that I realized that I scheduled that interview on Saturday, aka on the weekend, so the manager’s excuse about not calling on the weekends was bullshit, because he already did it.
So yeah, thanks Zales, thanks Signet Jewelers, for wasting my time, effort, and gas, and for making me do all this stupid song and dance for you to not even do your half of it.
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thefreelanceangel · 2 months
OC Smash Or Pass: Esti Kyton
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Quick Facts:
Height: 5' 7"
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Kinsey Scale: 2 (Predominantly heterosexual but more than incidentally homosexual) [i.e. bisexual but male-leaning]
She's VERY driven for financial success and stability, so she'll work her tail off to ensure that you're comfortable, even if you don't work.
'Devoted' doesn't quite begin to touch just how much of herself she'll pour out for you.
With years of aerial acrobatics as a background and the inherited double-jointed flexibility she has...
She's intellectually curious and willing to learn about basically anything, especially if her partner is interested.
Rigidly, strictly monogamous. She tried polyamory and it did... bad things to her mental health. She's just not built for it.
She has a large family. She doesn't want her large family and goes out of her way to avoid them except for duty visits.
Her mother. You'll find out soon enough.
She'd still working past the abusive relationship(s) she's gone through, so she is... extremely emotionally fragile. You'll have to be VERY careful.
Additional Information:
Do you like coffee? Lucky for you, she is devoted to coffee and loves to make it. She's also a professional barista and extremely good at it.
She also has that 'must feed people' quirk that makes a success of so many small restaurants. You WILL be fed. Regularly.
Esti struggles with voicing her own wants and with upholding her own boundaries; she may occasionally blurt something out when the pressure becomes too much and then apologize for it.
She doesn't know how to fight. At all. Combat training never crossed her path and she didn't receive the training that all the other Kyho kits did.
Yes, she's a Kyho. Yes, it's very complicated. No, she doesn't claim the surname anymore. (And she'd be happy to change the name she has now, considering 'Kyton' is a combination of 'Kyho' and 'Bolton,' her ex Zale's surname before he married C'allie & Lulu.)
No seriously, she is not poly. At all. She tried and became a neurotic wreck. She'd have to be your one and only.
Sexually: She's a sub. She's such a sub. Everything she does is aimed at pleasing her partner, even if it means strangling back her own wants. She's slowly learning how to voice her own desires, and when she feels safe doing so... she is voracious.
Romantically: She genuinely and truly believes herself to be unlovable. And so she'll never... truly... quite believe you when you say you love her. She won't tell you as much, but she'll always be waiting for you to leave.
Tagged By: @iron-sparrow (<3!)
Tagging: @luck-and-larceny; @dumb-hat; @mirugaidoesthings; @rylen-ashworth; @archaiclumina; @jigschosai; @gatheredfates; @riftdancing; @chainsofaether
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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neoyi · 3 months
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Sea of Stars is pretty clinical at the start. Even for a Beginner's Village, the NPCs in the game are far and few in-between, nameless, and doesn't have specific ties to the two main characters. Your time exploring the town is pretty limited, too. I'm not sure if I'll be able to return to Mooncradle later down the line, but the whole place feels a tad more sterile than a warm, lived in place where Zale and Valere grew up and create memories in.
Even the starting conflict feels a bit half-assed. Boy, the wise Headmaster sure was quick to administer Zale and Valere into his prestige school in spite of their incredibly stupid plan to explore the literally named Forbidden Cave with their non-magic best friend, and nearly get wiped out by monsters due to their limited abilities at the time. I'd be livid if a group of kids wandered off and did something that nearly got them killed, and it still ended with a kid losing an eye. I'm aware the protagonists are Special, but maybe knock some common sense into them first? It immediately nails presentation from the get-go, the game is gorgeous; nighttime in Mooncradle looks fantastic with its use of purple and blue. And I find the gameplay engaging enough. It's pretty much a modern SNES RPG and that's exactly what I wanted, so hey.
The biggest potential by far is Garl, Zale and Valere's Regular, Normal Friend.
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His entire character design looks utterly generic, as if he was destined to be an NPC. And he might as well have been if he wasn't besties with the Most Specialiest Children Ever. And Garl knows it. He wants to contribute and be useful because these are his pals and neither of them want to separate from each other again. His lost eye visually symbolizes that he isn't as physically or magically capable as either Zale or Valere. So, Garl compensates by being the team's cook and overall defensive back-up, skills neither of his friends possess. But how do you content with being an Average Joe when your buddies are destined for something greater?
Play their cards right and Sea of Stars could have a very interesting character arc where a traditionally ordinary JRPG NPC gets to be a main character and shine in his own way. I really want to see where the game goes with him.
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falling-star-cygnus · 3 months
KNEES TO CHEST, KNEES TO CHEST oh- oh, you’re in the fetal position oh you’re crying …oh dear
like- losing his eye to protect Zale? being separated from his two best friends bc they’re Children of the Solstice and special. BEING INTERESTED IN A DANGEROUS PURPOSEFULLY MAGICKED ASLEEP ENTITY??
even Valere’s little “Garl….” MADE ME THINK SOMETHING HAPPENED
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he’s such a mother hen about it too, oml. Garl just wants see the world with his family and keep them well fed and that’s beautiful
if you like pixelated, nostalgic found family adventure games…. COME PLAY SEA OF STARS :D
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the-starry-lycan · 11 days
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No wonder they call him "Narcis King". I'll bet that the Evil Zale Shadow Clone probably is quite prideful and vain.. and given that his armor possesses a lionly design to it, I'm really interested as to what we might see in a battle with him!
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goodshipskypirate · 2 months
If Sea of Stars was a TV show, there would have been an obligatory baseball episode where Garl somehow invents the sport (or hosts it if baseball already exists in their world) in an effort to help a random town with their problem that can only directly be solved by the sport.
You'll see all the main characters in matching baseball outfits and that absolutely, 100% includes Resh'an.
Zale would absolutely take to the bat, but he'll swing it like a sword.
it's Valere who's the best hitter purely because this gal uses Moonerang like it's a Tuesday. She knows how to calculate when the ball is coming; that thing ain't leaving her sight. But she does that thing where she holds her baseball bat horizontally over her chest to get the ball instead of swinging her bat EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Serai is allowed to use her portal magic because their opponents will also have magic and/or fantastical powers to make it more interesting. She will be the best damn catcher anyone could ask for, positioned in ALL the bases because of her ability.
Garl is the umpire, of course. He is also just the general host of this whole game and the team's captain, but that's a given.
B'st will get every fucking home run because he can swing the bat with such force he breaks every single one. Also his baseball uniform doesn't fit him all the way because that is a comical visual and adorable as fuck.
Just pretend this is Resh'an and not his puppet, because it is infinitely funnier for him to be involved with minimum restraint. He is the pitcher, that is not even a question. The man throws vials like a beast, he will chuck that baseball with such accuracy and speed that you'd be struck out before you could even blink.
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sniffles i finished,,, 100% (sea of stars spoilers below)
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after 45 hours,,, i did it,,, all achievements, i did everything i could... HOLY SHIT WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GAME MAN. SOBS CRIES
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I love their friendship... (dont get me started on ships, we'll be here all night) The ending with elder Garl,, hugging Zale and Valere,,,, gonna think about that all the time.. and then the final FINAL secret i mean just-
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and i'm probably gonna go buy The Messenger so i can fully enjoy the studios creations. this humor is very good to me! this is a new fav game ever, idec if people think the story is "boring" I FOUND IT INTERESTING!! i thought the characters were fun!! and i enjoyed them!!! the laughter mixed with serious moments and some real tender dialogue.. a real treat for me at every turn. THE MUSIC AND ART AS WELL DONT GET ME STARTEDDDD i love it all and will listen to the osts on repeat now.
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some silly screenshots i took :3 just look at it omfg I didn't play many rpgs when i was "younger" but this captured the nostalgia perfectly Especially with the dlc coming out, I really recommend it to anyone who can afford it, or watch it,,, it's Mari approved!! I will be playing the DLC when it comes out for sure and cosplans are in the mind palace works If i can sum up the experience with an image it'd be these:
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thats all okay hyper-fixation moment over
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acourtofserpents · 1 year
I wanna ask If mc was flirted on like the person is dangerously close to mc and is like trying to charm them how would the RO's react?(both in crushing stage and relationship)👀✨
okay, i got a surprising amount of asks about this type of scenario and was just clueless about how to approach it, so i apologize to everyone who sent an ask about this and was left unanswered T^T but i’m pretty confident in it now heh so let’s give it a try!! (also, i’m calling it the crushing stage for lack of a better way to phrase it, but i just ant to make it clear that in game it would be so much more deeply emotional and layered?? yup thank you).
scenario: you’re dancing the night away, drowning in the hypnotizing music and intoxicating scents surrounding you. magic drips from every step and every breath of the Fae, coating the air around you in glowing mist. as you move in a corner of the ballroom to the rhythm of the wooden instruments, you feel someone’s fingers carefully, yet confidently, touching your back. you turn around, not necessarily feeling angry or otherwise the opposite, just slightly confused. i mean, you’re not one to converse with others at these pastries, are you? but if you are, you might be enjoying this attention, at least slightly.
“I’ve had my eye on you from the moment you stepped into the ballroom, you know?” says the Faerie with a flirty smirk. “I’m sure you’ve noticed me too, right? What do you say, wanna get out of here?”
Ryzan - (crushing stage) he’s watching the interaction so closely, it’s like his eyes are burning through the obviously thick skull of the Faerie flirting with you. i mean, god, how pathetic. it’s pathetic surely because the Faerie ended up so low as to flirt with a human, right? not because he doesn’t want anyone else close to MC except him. yeah, definitely not. he doesn’t outwardly do anything, why would he? he hates you, of course. but will keep an eye on the two of you and make sure you’re not leaving together tonight. // (relationship) oh. oh. absolutely not. he leaves MC for one short minute to get some more wine and this is what happens? he walks slowly towards the two of you, a predator closing in on its prey. “How fabulous!” he barks. Ryzan steps even closer to the Ferie until they’re almost eye to eye, “You’re trying to have some fun tonight, aren’t you? But I disrespectfully suggest that you take your hand off what belongs to me unless you want those nimble fingers of yours cut one by one.”
Nailea - (crushing stage) well, that’s an interesting turn of events. i mean, of course she doesn’t even care much about it. no, she doesn’t care at all. but for some reason, she keeps looking at you and that pompous Faerie trying, and failing miserably, to flirt with you. she would do a much better job, she thinks. she’d get you all blushing if she wanted to. but she doesn’t. so she won’t. still, she walks towards the two of you and moves behind the Faerie. she takes a deep breath and concentrates, blowing out water instead of air directly under their feet, causing them to fall right on their butt, all this with a straight and uninterested face. serves them right. // (relationship) she notices the stranger talking to you immediately, as if her senses become extra sharp when it comes to you. it’s so annoying how these Faeries think they can get away with anything and everything, right? she makes her way towards you, standing behind you at an appropriate enough length to not be felt by you, but seen by her target. she silently hisses and shows her fangs, making the Faerie stagger back, excusing themselves.
Zale - (crushing stage) huh. that’s kind of funny, isn’t it! isn’t it? it is! it so is, it’s so funny to him how some no name Faerie is trying to flirt with the human … instead of him, yeah, that’s definitely what the issue is. that, and also how this stranger could possibly take his prize away, and he most certainly cannot have that. so he almost runs towards the two of you, bumping into a few trolls and elves on the way, his eyes like daggers on the way but lightning up in an instant as he reaches you. he puts himself between you and the Faerie, with complete disregard for the latter, as if they didn’t even exist. “MC! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! I’m so glad no one was bothering you, let’s go get some pomegranate wine, hmm? I’m sure you’ve been so … thirsty without me, right?” he gives you a tight lipped smile, and turns around in the same breath to wink at the stunned Faerie left behind. // (relationship) there's definitely something wrong here. his heart is besting wildly and his frown is deepening by the second. why is he so upset? because some Faerie is flirting with MC? his MC? yeah, that's right. that's his MC right there, so of course he's upset. of course he won't let this slide. but he won't make a scene now, will he? no. he's just going to step closer and closer towards MC and hug them from behind, without as much as even a simple greeting. he'll hold them close and start kissing their ear and neck, while making eye contact with the unlucky Faerie that found themselves in this position, the wrong place at the wrong time. the Faerie backs away, rolling their eyes, but Zale continues marking what's his now.
Silos - (crushing stage) oh. my. GOD. the audacity?? how dare someone flirt with MC so boldly right in front of them? i mean sure, they weren't holding hands or anything but ... oh. yeah. they weren't holding hands. because they're not together. right. and why would they? it's not like Silos has feelings for MC, my god. so they'll just stay by their side eavesdropping on the conversation, just hoping MC wouldn't go to far out of sight. // (relationship) well NOW they were holding hands. heh. because they're together, finally. so if they were holding hands and were clearly together, romantically might they add, why was this person coming out of nowhere to bother them? to bother MC? that's just simply not going to happen, so before MC even manages to get a word out they'll be pulling them away, far away from that nuisance into the nearest dark corner and kiss them till they're breathless.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Something that's so interesting about MASH is that Hawkeye and Trapper don't sleep with the local women. The one time it comes up is The Chosen People, it's only because she told Henry it was a doctor from his unit, they kinda give each other weird looks about it, and it's dropped as soon as she accuses Radar. And she's specifically contrasted with the other locals in that episode because she speaks English, which she says the nuns taught her, implying she had some level of education. Hawkeye falls for Kyung-Soon, who has money and a college education and has traveled to other countries and speaks multiple languages. Even Charles's Pygmalion romance with Sooni in Ain't Love Grand isn't played as particularly sexual, shows her holding her own against him, and includes him believing she comes from a family of status.
And yet the enlisted men do sleep with the locals, and this is usually treated as positive, even when it probably shouldn't be. Like the man whose Korean girlfriend wouldn't sleep with him unless they got married, so he lied to her and had the cook perform a fake ceremony. Or Mulligan and Mai Ping in The General's Practitioner. We're supposed to think Zale is scummy at the end of Of Moose and Men, but that's more about the hypocrisy of sleeping with another woman after spending the episode heartbroken and furious that his wife slept with another man. BJ calls him out on rewriting his marriage vows, not on taking advantage of a woman who doesn't even speak the same language he does.
There seems to be a class element to whether American men sleeping with Korean women is too icky for the show or not and I'm fascinated by it.
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singlecrow · 9 months
Yuletide this year! Firstly this:
In the Consul's Court of Archon's Glory // Applicant No. #001 (on the instigation of the Temple of the White Rat) (5971 words) by raven Fandom: The Saint of Steel - T. Kingfisher Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Zale (The Saint of Steel), Bishop Beartongue (The Saint of Steel), Galen (The Saint of Steel), Wren (The Saint of Steel) Additional Tags: Slice of Life, the Temple of the White Rat, no spoilers for Paladin's Faith, Yuletide Treat
Administrative public law concerns the proper relations between government and governed; or, to put it another way, Zale and Bishop Beartongue have had it with this shit.
This is a treat for @naomitess, and I’m pretty sure a bunch of people guessed it was me just from the summary. Anyway it was a delight to do! and an interesting process in its way. I loved the idea of Bishop Beartongue inventing judicial review but it struck me right away that it couldn’t be American judicial review. It’s not fancy, like American judicial review is - none of this testing of lower court holdings and whatnot in high-profile whatevers. What she’s invented is ordinary administrative judicial review: the idea that any action taken by a public authority must be rational, legal and procedurally correct. Which is, I think, an interesting thought in the context of the White Rat. Because, you know, large-scale generation-defining constitutional law is fine. (It’s ok i guess. fine.) But my training and everyone’s training is one-man-and-a-dog JRs. I had probably done hundreds of them before I did the big stuff you’ve heard of. So none of this means that Bishop Beartongue and Zale can’t topple the Archon, it’s only that if they do, it begins with one person, some phallic mishaps and a horrendous stone gargoyle, and a whole bunch of other apparently inconsequential things. So that was great fun, and it turns out Beartongue is still my favourite. I wish someone would write me 50k of her just doing her thing.
The other story is my assigned story and the one that got wildly out of hand. It’s for a piece at McSweeney’s called We Are a Picturesque Small Town And We Refuse to Be The Setting For Your Romantic Comedy. That piece is delightful and hilarious! It’s 500w! And somehow I ended up writing a 9000-word romantic comedy that's essentially original f/f SF. If you like my pro work you will probably like it. At least I hope you do, I enjoyed writing it very much.
spirit falling (a ship's proper motion) (8723 words) by raven Fandom: We Are A Picturesque Small Town And We Refuse To Be The Setting For Your RomCom - Rachel McKenny Characters: Original Characters, Medical Practitioner (Picturesque Small Town), Chet Anderson (Picturesque Small Town) Additional Tags: Romance, Alien Cultural Differences, Telepathy, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Space, Romantic Comedy
While the aliens are on board, there will be no romance on the good ship Spirit Falling.
(Everything is fine.)
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clockworkreapers · 7 months
Greetings Clockwork! I hope this finds you in good spirits!
If left in an american style megamall for a day with their own black card, how would the aleph trolls individually spend their money? And what store/chain retailer do you think they'd spend the most time in?
That is an only specific question lol. Not me looking up what a black card is cuz I am both poor and dumb. ANYWAYS gonna use like the generic malls around me for reference.
Helstm: Those really expensive shoe stores guys go to where they have like shoes that are 200$. He’s really not going to be interested in much else I think maybe some jewelry but that’s it.
Majell: In bookstores that are in the mall, and secondly looking for clothes. She’d spend most of that money in some fancy dress shop I’m sure.
Cybele: She’s going straight to a Bed Bath and Beyond of all of the housing stuff like blankets and pillows and pots and pans and space heaters and buying as much as she can to bring back and share it with her hiveless community. She will get a couple things for herself from one of those little spiritual shops that smell really strongly of incense. That and a cute Japanese store that has multi colored pens and stickers and plushies.
Cyrusk: He… wouldent even know what to really buy since he’d want to go to a shop with some weapons. Malls don’t tend to have those. Thus he’s going to spend his time in the food court. Maybe an arcade if they have a Dave & Buster's or a Round One. He honestly does not care about most things you’d find in a mall.
Falmea: She’s hitting the makeup stores, the Victoria Secret, really expensive clothing shop like a Balenciaga, gonna go to a perfume store, and she’s ending by getting at least 20 different pieces of jewelry from a Zales or something. Shes coming out of that mall like those girls in the movies with 8 bags on each arm.
Sauron: Game Stop. That man is going to Game Stop. And then he is leaving.
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