#Zako C
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pandorastower · 1 year ago
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annon-guy2 · 1 year ago
Guilty Gear Spin-Off Game Idea (Part 3)
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sentofight · 1 year ago
ooc. hello, miss me? *in m.oriarty voice* at this point i will not force this cucumber that is called my brain to work on replies if it does not want. lets a go~
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rwizakakiza · 2 months ago
SUBSCRIBE (Tumaini Jipya Duniani Tv)
Sehemu: XXI.
Ulafi ni hali ya kukosa kiasi katika kula au kunywa, Ni tamaa au kujiachia kupita kiasi. Ni hali ya kuwa na pupa na ubinafsi.
.....BWANA YESU anasema "Jiangalieni, mioyo yenu isije IKALEMEWA na ULAFI, na ULEVI, na MASUMBUFU ya maisha haya; siku ile ikawajia ghafula, kama mtego unasavyo.
....Luka 21:34....
Kama umemwelewa YESU anaonya kwamba kulemewa na ulafi, Ulevi na masumbuko haya yanaweza kukuzuia usiione mbingu. Tabia ya Ulevi imesababisha watu kuwa walafi, wenye pupa na tamaa mbaya kiasi kwamba hawakumbuki familia zao tena kwa sababu wanatenda bila kufikiri mwisho wa siku anaharibu kila kitu.
.....Kwa sababu HAKUJUA UTULIVU NDANI yake, HATAPONYA cho chote katika hicho ALICHOKIFURAHIA.
....Ayubu 20:20....
Wengine utakuta anaenda mahali anaagiza chakula na kinywaji kizuri anakula na kunywa na wakati mwingine anawanunulia wengine, LAKINI familia yake wanakosa hata chumvi, nyumbani mwake ni Ombaomba. Hii ni dhambi acha ulafi.
....USIWE miongoni mwao WANYWAO mvinyo; Miongoni mwao WALAO nyama kwa PUPA. Kwa maana MLEVI na MLAFI huingia UMASKINI, Na utepetevu humvika mtu nguo mbovu.
.....Mithali 23:20 - 21.....
Wewe utakuwa Shahidi mzuri juu ya hili, maisha ya mlevi yapoje, Tabia ya Ulevi ni kukurudisha kwenye umaskini taratibu,
.....Leo utawanunuliwa vinywaji watu, Kesho watanunua familia yako.
......Leo utasema nakunywa kwa afya, Kesho utaokotwa kwenye mitalo na kufeli kwa figo.
......Leo utakunywa kupunguza mawazo, Kesho utaomba kifo chako mwenyewe.
......Leo utakunywa kwa akili na majitambo mengi, Kesho unaambulia kulia, kuomboleza na umaskini.
Kimbia umaskini kwa kuacha kabisa Ulevi.
Mara nyingi tabia ya Ulevi inasababisha KUPOTEZA MALI na KUDUMAA KIMAISHA. Ulevi unasababisha umaskini kuanzia kwenye akili mpaka utendaji wa kazi, ambapo matokeo yake kupoteza au kurudi nyuma kimaisha. Na unazuia baraka (posho) zako mwenyewe.
....Basi, tazama, KWA AJILI YA HAYO nimenyosha mkono wangu juu yako, nami NIMELIPUNGUZA POSHO lako, na kukutoa kwa mapenzi yao wanaokuchukia, binti za Wafilisti, WALIOYAONEA HAYA MAMBO YAKO YA UASHERATI.
.....Ezekieli 16:27....
Tabia ya Ulevi ndugu yangu ni tabia tishio kwa sababu inaleta...
.....Maangaiko kimaisha,
.....Uzalilishaji pande zote (fikiri mtu anakunywa anavua nguo, Kesho yake aibu kwake na familia. Lakini wengine sio kujizalilisha bali wanazalilisha watu wanaoishi nao kuwapiga na kuwatendea ukatili kisa pombe),
..... Taabu za rohoni, kujisikia vibaya, kujihisi upweke nk,
...... Matukano, Magomvi na Virugu kwenye familia, jamii nk,
...... Uzinifu (Usaliti kwenye familia, na matengano mengi ni uzinzi na kisababishi kikuu ni Ulevi)
....... Magonjwa (Afya zimeshambuliwa kwa Ulevi, Mfano Magonjwa ya figo mengi ni Ulevi)
.......Basi, vifisheni viungo vyenu vilivyo katika nchi, uasherati, Uchafu, Ulevi, tamaa mbaya, mawazo mabaya, na kutamani, ndiyo ibada ya sanamu; kwa ajili ya mambo hayo huja (mateso) GHADHABU ya MUNGU.
Kolosai 3:5 - 6.....
Kutokana na tabia ya Ulevi kusababisha Vurugu, Ugomvi, Matengano, Vipigo umaskini nk matokeo yake imeleta utegemezi kwenye jamii nyingi. Unakuta Baba au Mama kakimbia familia watoto wanaangaika, Maangaiko yao hayataathiri tu familia bali jamii na taifa na kuwa watu wa kutegemea misaada kwenye kila kitu.
Kimbia na Epuka Ulevi kwa sababu ni HATARISHI kwenye maisha yako, Mkimbilie BWANA YESU Akuokoe kwenye Ulevi. Je upo tayari?
.....Tazama, nasimama mlangoni, nabisha; mtu akiisikia sauti yangu, na kuufungua mlango, nitaingia kwake, nami nitakula pamoja naye, na yeye pamoja nami.
.....Ufunuo 3:20....
3. 10. TABIA YA 10: "KIBURI - PRIDE"
"For the time already past is [more than] enough for doing what the [unsaved] Gentiles like to do—living [unrestrained as you have done] in a course of [shameless] sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties, and wanton idolatries" ....
......1Peter 4:3.....
For help:
Ev. Erasmus Pascrates Kakiza
+255 782 546 914
+255 764 215 291
@2024 The year of my shining.
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shummashum · 1 year ago
Zeus Brundle Happy Ending [17~21]
She decided to leave the final stop of this tour entirely up to him. So the place they went was…
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oh… the library? it looks so gloomy and dreary and dismal put some proper lighting on it, it's okay if the place doesn't live up to its name so please…
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well… it's kinda impressive though
Accidentally stumbling upon a book she had wanted to read for a long time, she grabbed it up and sat down at a nearby desk.
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what do you think is the reason for the existence of library…… you know what a library is, right? you're just joking, right?
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I bet he's going to use his textbook as a trivet
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how can she get it back if he steals the book like that completely behind in reach guess he's about 186~188cm tall? he'd have long arms then she has no choice but to lose the book :/
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woah stop what are you doing now in this sacred space of learning do that somewhere outside!! don't in the library behave fucking behave
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okay what can I do, anyway what can I do but groan in pain through the screen just don't get caught please……
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okay! I think a kiss is okay it would be okay if they don't go beyond that please I beg you I don't like public stuff,,,,,,,,
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this guy is a glass canon… right? his attack stats is indeed high, but his defense stats is noticablely low we should take advantage of that he tends to be weak in unexpected situations… so the answer is a kiss in return break his guard down!!
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ha you can handle it? you just say that but I doubt you actually have any experience, my instincts tell me so
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well, whatever! if you once start, show me the end hang on a second, I'll get some movie glasses and some popcorn…
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huh wait what wait!! what's that hairstyle what!! why did my twin-tail bishoujo become two-side-up this is not good
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what what are you doing now in this sacred space of learning just do that kind of stuff in the dorm… do you guys really have to do the deed here? in a place where there is no bed, no sofa, and only a hard wooden chair and desk? in a public place?? is this how all Gen Z live these days……
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that's right!! that mindset go counter attack go
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oh… she really did it
I got the feeling they'll compete with each other to take the lead when the time comes a competition to see who can send the other person to climax first huh lewd
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zako ww so bad at defense www he is definitely a glass canon creak!!
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they say that if you think someone is cute, it's game over if you think someone is cool, that impression can be broken at any time; but if you think someone is cute, they look cute no matter what they do
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trailer bgm on I really like it when they play this song in the ending scene, it sure makes emotion heightened…
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wa!! happy ending!!
So the Zeus route, which started on Dec 11th, was finished on Jan 25th. I'll just overlook that the upload date is the 26th
It was fairly fun! Solmare must have prepared a lot during the cataclysm. The amount of content has increased significantly compared to the previous season… It's a good thing that there are many delicious things to eat.
The biggest difference from the previous season is: regular characters with unique personalities showed themselves. In previous seasons, only the characters from each season received screen time, and the rest took a backseat. But now S6 comrades (Z H A C L) continue to appear in the story and build a bond with Liz. Then there will be no such thing as a kinda unrealistic story like "I revealed my dark backstory to someone I met less than two weeks ago and I was saved by them." Moreover from the player's perspective, there is a much higher chance of feeling attached to the characters. It kills two birds with one stone!
This Zeus guy doesn't have any special backstory, but therefore, his route was able to provide a solid foundation for outlining a preliminary explanation of how the story will flow in future seasons, introducing the personalities and settings of S6 comrades. As I said before, it felt like a pilot episode… but in a good way. Given the cataclysmic event, it was essential to provide an explanation of the unfolding events, and I believe Solmare did a good job of using his route. There were a few scenes that made me wonder why they existed, but overall it was a very enjoyable story! Quite delicious.
About the character Zeus… self-centered, childish, overconfident, impatient, hot-tempered, and reckless dumbass, but unhateable! like that. I like this kind of goofy and idiotic guy. I already had a high affinity for this character just by glancing at him a few times on Tumblr before reading the story. Honestly I didn't give him a good evaluation in the first two chapters because… it's obvious. I even slightly lost hope in some of his "behavior used for a certain purpose" and that kind of behavior in Ch5. But! A lot of extra points were added in his creaking scene at the end of Ch8. I like a glass canon. Still, I think he would be better as a goofygoofy vibe side character rather than as a love interest… I'm looking forward to the stupid things he does in the later routes!
It takes longer to read one character's story than I thought… considering there was a gap of about a week in between, roughly 6 weeks. not short. I can write one post a day because it's vacation now, but once the semester starts, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to maintain that frequency…? Well I'll think about it later, anyway my goal is to play all Season 7 routes within this year.
Aaaannd, I'll start Klaus' route in February. His birthday is Jan 26th, so I was originally going to start on that day, but writing this took up more of my mental energy than I thought, so I decided to take a little break this month.
btw when can I see his normal ending and unhappy ending, there are too many routes to observe and I don't have time to look at the one I've already seen erm.......... time to use youtube power again I guess
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gear-project · 11 months ago
Annon-Guy: What did you think of that Malchom Myers "Teaser Trailer"?
It's crazy they made offical character art for him... just for it to be a prank.
(I'd be surprised if they did make him playable... that'd be cool.)
It's always been a strong opinion of mine that a Guilty Gear character isn't "official" until Daisuke Ishiwatari draws them himself.
Of course, we've never seen Ishiwatari draw Fanny from Petit, either, much less Judgement, Gig, and only one official piece for Leopaldon.
Of course, we haven't seen Ishiwatari's old art style in quite a while like it used to look, and he has changed his style a lot for Strive in particular.
As for Malcom Myers, he's a character exclusive to Strive, and one of the staff was also exclusively responsible for his design, so I'm sure they're very particular about who takes credit for whom.
Even Toshimichi Mori was responsible for a few Guilty Gear designs, though the details on his full history with GG art and design are hard to document at this time.
Also, this wouldn't be the first time a "mook character" suddenly became playable: Guilty Gear Isuka has the Zako A/B/C mooks from Boost Mode, albeit their movelists are very plain and basic.
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sacred-stanning · 11 months ago
Chapter 15 Part 10: Uh...oops
We're almost to the boss, but first I need to work on these enemies whose movement patterns are unclear.
Because the Berserk Staff is a pain, I send Lute to get rid of the Troubadour.
She picks up the Berserk Staff too.
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For some reason, I decide to have Marisa move here to get this wyvern with her Lance Breaker.
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Moulder does his job.
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And then I move Gerik here. He trade-switches Marisa's inventory so that she has a different sword equipped. I had realized at this point that she was in range of the Berserker, who I thought might move, and the Lance Breaker would make her very vulnerable to his Devil Axe and high crit rate. Of course, switching her weapon like this now makes her more vulnerable to all the wyverns, who have lances.
Gerik uses his Long Bow to also attack from here. I believe he missed one of his shots, which was also a problem.
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Enemy phase: Good so far. Marisa with a Killing Edge is fine against the Berserker.
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She got another cruddy level! And a Devil Axe!
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Oh...this is less good.
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Oh oh oh.
Nope, not good at all.
Sorry Marisa. RIP.
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So yeah, see how those three wyverns are around one tile? That's where Marisa was standing.
In retrospect, I have no idea why I put her that far forward with so many tough lance enemies around. Like I said in the last post about the kind of risky play I made with Ephraim, I think playing the way I have been has definitely caused me to make more bad moves near the ends of maps when I'm tired.
(Also, I swear I don't hate Myrmidons! Even though Marisa and Joshua are the only characters I've gotten killed...)
I'm actually more upset about losing the Killing Edge than losing Marisa though. She's really not that great a unit unless you baby her, and it's even harder to do that on Ephraim's route since she joins later. Eirika can use swords too, so I guess she will be my Marisa replacement.
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Oh, hey, Lute got a level up! I think her magic will cap at 25, so she's almost there already.
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Gerik and Franz remove the other two wyverns.
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And Ephraim picks up another hidden treasure, an Eclipse Tome! Since it requires B rank Dark Magic and has bad hit anyway, I very well may sell this.
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Gerik checks in with Tethys to see if she's ok after Marisa's untimely demise. (No, really. It's their C support, and he starts it by asking how she's doing. The timing of this coming right after their fellow mercenary went down was kind of weird.)
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And Cormag finally finds the Silver Card! Half-off all items!
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I've found all of the hidden treasure in the sand, so Lute moves in and shoots Valter.
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He says he doesn't need insignificant nothings challenging him.
The literal words are something like, "small fish with no texture to them". "Hagotae" is a word that refers to foods with a firm texture, one where it's not too soft or mushy, and you have to bite and chew a bit. The word is made of the word "tooth", and a word like "answer" or "response" or "reaction" or something like that. "Hagotae" is generally positive, so "Hagotae no nai" (no tooth response / no texture) is negative.
He also uses the word "zako" which is literally something like "random-ass mix of little fish", but which is often used like English "scrubs" or "noobs".
So Valter is a toxic gamer, and he is calling Lute a worthless scrub. Little does he know he's about to get 360 no-scope sniped out of existence...
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Tethys dances for Lute, and Lute finishes the job, getting yet another point of magic.
"lol, pwned" Lute could be heard saying as Valter fell to the ground.
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And Lute picks up the Fili Shield, which protects flying units from taking effective damage from arrows! Lute knows exactly who needs this...
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Next time: We get more cool stuff
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maxnate-africa · 1 year ago
Hii ni aplikesheni ya simu za android itakayokuwezesha wewe mfanyabiashara, muandaa matukio, semina na mikutano kuweza kuwafikia watu wengi ndani ya muda mfupi na kuimarisha mahusiano yenye tija kupitia mtandao wa whatsapp.
Ina uwezo wa kuchukua namba za simu za biashara ama watu waliojisajili katika mitandao ya wazi ya kijamii mfano Google, facebook na kadhalika kwa urahisi kabisa mfano:             Wewe ni mmiliki wa duka la nguo na unauza nguo zako kwa jumla na unahitaji wateja wenye maduka ya nguo wauzao kwa rejareja wa mikoa mbalimbali na nchi mbalimbali ili wanunue nguo kutoka dukani kwako,
utakachotakiwa kufanya katika application ya whatmax ni
i) Hatua ya Kwanza: kuandika aina ya biashara ambayo kwa hapa ni "Duka ya nguo" au "Clothing Store" au "Nguo" na neno lolote linalofanana au kuendana na huduma ya nguo
i) Hatua ya pili: Kuandika eneo la kijografia ambalo unataka kupata namba za simu mfano: kampala, Dodoma, Kisumu nk.
Hatimaye utapata namba zenye mahusiano na ulichoandika na utaweza kuwaweka katika aplikesheni na kuwatumia meseji za whatsapp wote pamoja bila kusevu namba katika simu yako, lakini pia utaweza kuwapigia simu ya kawaida mtu mmoja mmoja kama itakufaa kufanya hivyo..
WhatMax in uwezo wa kuchukua namba zaidi ya 1000 ndani ya dakika tano tu kutoka katika kundi la whatsapp lolote hata yale makundi ambayo ni kiongozi wa kundi pekee ndiye anaruhusiwa kutuma ujumbe ,
Hivyo kupitia WhatMax utaweza kuwatumia watu wa kwenye kundi meseji, Picha na video kwenye inbox zao bila hata kusevu namba zao
Kumbuka: meseji zinazotumwa kwa mtu binafsi zina uwezekano mkubwa sana wa kusomwa tofauti na meseji zinazotumwa kwenye makundi ya whatsapp.
C: TATU WhatMax ina uwezo wa kuyaweka makundi ya whatsapp unayoweza kuyatumia ujumbe unaofanana yakawa katika kundi moja hivyo utakapotuma meseji moja kutpitia whatMax itaingia kwenye makundi yote yaliyo katika orodha.
Kumbuka: huduma hii ni tofauti kabisa na WHATSAPP COMMUNITY kwani hakuna kundi litalojua kama limeunganishwa pamoja na kundi lingine na meseji au chochote utakachokituma kitakwenda kwenye kundi husika kana kwamba ulituma ujumbe huo kwa kulenga kundi hilo tu. D. NNE WhatMax inakuwezesha kuchukua namba za whatsapp ambazo uliwahi kuchat nazo na hukusevu katika simu yako na kisha kuzitumia meseji.
E. TANO WhatMax ina imewekewa uwezo wa kuwatoa kwenye makundi watu ambao ulikwisha watumia meseji lakini hawakupenda kuendelea kupokea meseji kutoka kwako wakati ujao, na hili linawezekana baada ya kuruhusu mtu aandike  "Unsubscribe" pindi anapopata meseji na kwa namna moja ama nyingine asingependa kupata tena meseji wakati mwingine na hivyo kupunguza kuchukiza watu
F. SITA Kupitia WhatMax utaweza kuwahudumia wateja kulingana na hatua ya uhusiano uliyo nayo inayojulikana kama Customer Journey. Hatua hizo ni kama ifuatavyo;
1. Awareness Katika hatua hii inatakiwa kila mmoja ajue kuhusu bidhaa au huduma yako bila kujali kama atanunua ama hatanunua, na ili huduma yako istawi unatakiwa kuhakikisha kila siku watu wapya wanajua kuhusu biashara yako
2. Consideration Katika hatua hii wale watu ambao walikuwa katika hatua ya kwanza, wakajua biashara yako au huduma unazotoa na wakaonesha kuvutiwa ama kuhamasika na kutamani kujua bei zako, mahali ofisi zilipo, muda wako wa kazi, nk hawa utatakiwa kuwaweka katika kundi tofauti na kuwatumia meseji tofauti na kundi la kwanza
3. Sales
Wale ambao walikuwa katika hatua ya pili lakini wakanunua huduma au bidhaa yako, hawa watatakiwa kutengenezewa kundi lao na watatumia meseji tofauti na kundi la pili
4. Leads Hawa ni wale wateja wa kujirudi hawa watatakiwa kutumiwa meseji za salaamu, heri ya kuvuka mwezi, meseji kuhusu ofa na zawadi kwa kadri ya mpangilio wa huduma yako.
Pakua sasa
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tillman · 2 years ago
they should add the zakos to strive
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doubleedgemode · 2 years ago
It's about time I drop my class ideas for the g.o. AU:
Note. I don't think the class names end in S if you're saying it on a plural way but, whatever:
Iops: Sol, Baiken, Leo, Zako B, Kliff, Slayer and Nagoriyuki (the latter two are iops in a much more vampiric way than usual)
Sadidas: Jam (being surrounded by plants does absolutely NOT help with a flammable restaurant)
Ecaflips: Johnny, Chipp, Zako C
Cras: Bridget
Xelors: Axl, I-No, Bedman and Delilah
Fecas: Potemkin, Answer and Anji
Sacrieurs: A.B.A, Raven
Eniripsas: Faust, Fanny and Leap
Ouginaks: Izuna
Huppermages: Ky, Judgment.. Zappa too perhaps?
Osamodas: May, Giovanna and Testament
EliAtropes: Ramlethal, Happy Chaos
Eliatrope Dragon: Elphelt
A very special eliatrope/dragon: Aria/Justice/Valentine (yes they're the same person in this au. Actually, it's not set in stone but at least Justice would be a super cool dragon for sure)
EliOtropes: Dizzy, Sin
Maskeraider but, not like the canon ones, I think: Jack-O
Minor almost godly spirits which are basically personifications of the Paladir/Necrome thing: Undine and Necro, respectively (come on even his name fits)
Regular unaffiliated humans: Goldlewis, Vernon, Daryl (I might make him a hupper..? but maybe he'd then be too similar to Ky) Crow
Steamer: Haehyun and Zappa (that or a hupper or unaffiliated..)
Steamer adjacent robot or something: Robo-Ky and RK MK II
Sacrimages *: Asuka
Srams: Millia and Venom
Roublards: Zato and Zako A
Shushus: Eddie, Lucifero, Roger, S-KO, Angra, the bad guy that got ahold of Judgment and Paracelsus
Elemental/or some sort of regular dragon: Dr Paradigm (I GUESS)
As for Leopaldon.. I don't know. Maybe the human is an osa, the dog is a mulou and the gear is a shushu but.. Dunno. Leopaldon is Leopaldon lmao
Idk for Ariels either.. Maybe a hupper?? Probably I'll go the boring routes or make her (spoiler) canon in this au, as the gg one, or just a high level shushu
Goldlewis' coffin friend: A very minor god who's almost in the verge of disappearing due to people not believing in them. Their only believer? Goldlewis, but he believes they're an unexplained monster (monster as in the kros.moz definition where they just commonly exist) so, they're there but not that powerful..
Janvis or whatever the jellyfish cat is called: Chacha :)
*ofc hybrid classes are a topic of contention but, they are Technically canon yet very rare. Asuka is straight up a Hupper, and probably was one before, but his perspective about pain and his eye thing that remind me of larmes de sang (sacrieur technique) gave me the vibes so he became both. Sacrimages is a made-up word, but with Nitura calling hybrid classes a combination of their names (ex: osadida) I thought Sacrimage would fit the bill.
#Long post#U can tell I love iops.. Beloveds#Surprisingly idc as much abt huppers haha#Guilty Omelette#Footnotes: Judgment is a hupper witch like Julith#Idk if RK is a series made robot that gets a conscience OR the especific RK we know is a wak.fu era steamer (aka a person who was turned#Into a robot. Basically). Whatever the case... He's powered by weird looking crystals#Sorry do.fus era steamers. I ignored you. Wait. Maybe I should make zapppa one for variety. Shrug#Yeah I will.#Obvs El can take on a human form but Has a dragon form. She obvs doesn't look 100% human. Think of Phaeris and especially adult Grougal#From the show. Yeah#U notice no enutrofs or pandawas cause. Idk if I'll even include them. Enus are too close to some stereotypes from what I've read. I ignore#Them. Pandawas. Same but maybe not as Bad. But idk abt them#Ik enus not being a thing throws off the wo12 denomination but. Both for GO and my kros.moz things. Maybe Ouginak was in the pantheon from#The get go. He's just reclusive lol. Idk#Oops I got carried away um.#Faust is.. A necrome eniripss probably. Idk if that happens after the strive equiv or he was just like that. We have to let normal enis to#Be weird from the get go cause Equality. Fun fact. The one paladir eni dude reminds me of axl#Umm anji uses shields instead of fans. He probably doesn't use a staff. Answer n Potemkin prob do however. Though they also use shields#Idk if Pott is straight up a necro. Probably not. But the canon necro feca guy w the shield mask?? HIS VIBES..#Venom prob has a sort of skull design rather than only the eye but like. Idk.#Also u can tell I love shushus lmaoo#Sorry this is rough I'm editing as I write. I'm prob forgetting things#Suggestions for this are accepted#@people who don't know wtf I'm talking abt in regards to this au: Don't worry about it#text tag2b named
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rwizakakiza · 2 months ago
SUBSCRIBE (Tumaini Jipya Duniani Tv)
Sehemu: XXIII.
Majivuno ni tabia ya mtu kujipongeza mno kutokana na sifa alizonazo.
.....Lakini sasa mwajisifu katika majivuno yenu; kujisifu kote kwa namna hii ni kubaya.
......Yakobo 4:16.....
Majivuno ni hali ya kupindukia au isiyofaa ya kujiona kuwa wa maana, au ubora zaidi kuliko wengine. Watu wanaoonyesha majivuno mara nyingi huwa na majivuno yaliyokithiri, ukosefu wa unyenyekevu, na mwelekeo wa kuwadharau wengine.
.....Msitende neno lo lote kwa kushindana wala kwa majivuno; bali kwa unyenyekevu, kila mtu na amhesabu mwenziwe kuwa bora kuliko nafsi yake.
.....Filipi 2:3....
Matokeo ya Kiburi ni majivuno, daima tabia hii itakuangamiza, acha majivuno, Nyenyekea.
.....Na majivuno ya mwanadamu yatainamishwa, na kiburi cha watu kitashushwa; naye BWANA, yeye peke yake, atatukuzwa siku hiyo.
......Isaya 2:17.....
Dharau ni tabia ya kukosa kuthamini na kuheshimu mtu au watu yaani kuonyesha wazi kwamba wengine hawastahili ila unastahili wewe, Watu wengine hawana heshima au thamani kama uliyonayo wewe, hii ni dharau na MUNGU atakudharau pia.
......Hakika yake MUNGU huwadharau wenye dharau, Bali huwapa wanyenyekevu neema.
......Mithali 3:34.....
Matokeo ya dharau ni kushindwa kutii, na kutoheshimu, kuvuruga mwenendo na mipangilio ya vitu, kwa ujumla ni tabia mbaya sana, ambayo mwisho wa siku watu watashindwa kukuvumilia. MUNGU anakuuliza...
......Enyi wajinga, hata lini mtapenda ujinga? Na wenye dharau kupenda dharau yao, Na wapumbavu kuchukia maarifa?
......Mithali 1:22.....
Matokeo ya kiburi ni kupenda dharau, na matokeo ya dharau ni kutupwa mbali, kwa dharau zako utaona umewaweza watu, kumbe utatengwa na kutupwa mbali na jamii, Epuka dharau.
......MTUPE NJE mwenye DHARAU, na ugomvi utatoka; Naam, fitina na fedheha zitakoma.
.....Mithali 22:10.....
Kujisifu ni kujivunia kitu kupita kiasi juu yako mwenyewe au kwa kitu ambacho umefanya au umefanyiwa, au umeunganishwa nacho kwa njia fulani na unaona ni mastahili yako ndio maana imekuwa hivyo.
Umejibiwa maombi yako na MUNGU na wengine hawajajibiwa unaona hawajui kuomba vizuri. Umeokolewa kwa neema alafu wokovu unaona ni wa kwako peke yako. Umepandishwa cheo, ukiulizwa unasema nafanya kazi kwa bidii inaweza kuwa kweli, lakini acha watu waseme juu yako usijisemehe ni dalili ya kiburi.
.....Mwenye mwili awaye yote ASIJE AKAJISIFU mbele za MUNGU. Bali kwa yeye ninyi mmepata kuwa katika KRISTO YESU, aliyefanywa kwetu hekima itokayo kwa MUNGU, na haki, na utakatifu, na ukombozi; KUSUDI, kama ilivyoandikwa, Yeye aonaye FAHARI na AONE FAHARI JUU YA BWANA.
.....1Kor 1:29-31.....
Ubinafsi ni tabia ya kujipendea mno hata kutojali wengine na shida zao. Ubinafsi unataka mashindano na majivuno na kujisifu ambavyo ni kinyume cha UTII na Unyenyekevu. Kiburi kinaleta ubinafsi.
......Msitende neno lo lote kwa kushindana wala kwa majivuno; bali kwa unyenyekevu, kila mtu na amhesabu mwenziwe kuwa bora kuliko nafsi yake. Kila mtu asiangalie mambo yake mwenyewe, bali kila mtu aangalie mambo ya wengine. Iweni na nia iyo hiyo ndani yenu ambayo ilikuwamo pia ndani ya KRISTO YESU.
.....Filipi 2:3-5....
Jeuri ni tabia ya kukosa utii, Ni mtu mkorofi, mwenye tabia mbaya, dharau, mwenye uwezo wa kusababisha uharibifu. Jeuri ni matokeo ya kiburi.
.....Msingiziaji hatawekwa imara katika nchi, Mtu wa JEURI, uovu humwinda KUMWANGAMIZA.
.....Zaburi 140:11....
Ukitaka baraka zikufuate acha uovu, mkimbilie BWANA YESU na utabarikiwa.
.....Baraka humkalia mwenye haki kichwani; Bali jeuri hufunika kinywa chake mtu mwovu.
.....Mithali 10:6....
"So then, as it is written [in Scripture], “He who boasts and glories, let him boast and glory in the Lord.”
......1Corinthians 1:31......
For help:
Ev. Erasmus Pascrates Kakiza
+255 782 546 914
+255 764 215 291
....."2025 KAA NDANI YA YESU, UZAE SANA".....
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bruce23melendez-blog · 6 years ago
Jakie s� objawy ostrogi pi�towej?
Jakie s� fakty ostrogi pi�towej? Przede sumarycznym na samiutkim brzasku ucz�szcza obja�ni� czym ona stanowi r�wnie� gdzie si� przeci�tnie w globie pojawia taka s�abo��, oraz co pro wsp�czesnym idzie w kupa ewenementach podnieta pi�towa o�ywia si� w w�asnych pi�tach ze motywu na ich pokupno�� nieprzebrane zawalenie. Podnieta pi�towa obecne nadzwyczajnie imponuj�ca, krwawa natomiast oporna ofensyw ortopedycznej gor�czk�, kt�ra pojawia si� w dzielnicach tej�e pi�ty oraz jednocze�nie godzi �ci�gno Achillesa, wpadaj�ce si� w niej wigory i cho�by boje. Wi�c jednokrotn� spo�r�d wizyt�wek pojawienia si� ostroga pietowa istnieje egzotyczna naro�l, skrzywienie si� samotnej pi�ty tak�e co najaktualniejsze podczas trywialnego odbierania pojawia si� przywi�zanie drugorz�dnej zw�ok. G�szcz g��w opuszczona na uprzejmy or� wiedzie do pojawienia si� ostrogi pi�towej, nie utrzymuj�c o swoj� g�r� gremium plus przepych kilogram�w, nie postrzegamy i� wp�ywaj� one licytacja nale�yte pogr��enie polskich akwen�w za� kosteczce, oraz jeszcze ich spi�cia w krainach pi�ty. Czego wynikiem egzystuje podnieta pi�towa? Czego jakkolwiek rezultatem istnieje podnieta pi�towa? Wyg�rowanym oskar�eniem intensywno�ci w stronach znajomej pi�ty, pojawia si� zwapnienie na jednym �wicie oraz spo�r�d momentem podchodzi do s�u�bowego wci�gni�cia a nawet oczyszczenia kosteczek, kt�ra na odprysk karykatury sonduje o �ci�gna Achillesa czy�by bliskie zbiorniki za� zapa�y. Spo�r�d owego oraz pocz�tku, zach�ta pi�towa rozprowadza do wyrzucenia kosteczce w perfekcyjny rozwik�anie, co dodatkowo zauwa�ymy na wzorze swojskiej pi�ty, kt�ra na �e si� przeobrazi w masywnym tego� s�owa pos�annictwu. Konkurencja spo�r�d nadwy�k� tudzie� konsumowanie akuratnych spiral ortopedycznych, plus dla dam �ywotnych fizycznie czy�by mkn�cych, owo uniezale�nienie jakie pewnie spowodowa� do zmniejszenia szale�stwa pojawienia si� ostrogi pi�towej. Niech nie osza�amia a fakt, i� ortopedzi staraj� si� dokonywa� nie dopiero ochronnie, jakkolwiek przede calutkim zapobiegawczo zawiadamiaj� nas przed pojawieniem si� takich bezwzgl�dnie trosce. Podnieta pi�towa obecne niespotykanie dokuczliwe chor�bsko Podnieta pi�towa w�wczas nadzwyczajnie gro�ne zaburzenie, kt�re �al nie sprezentuje si� jej skutkowa� w spos�b samorzutny, bezceremonialnie lecz nieuchronna egzystuje tu ofensywa ortopedyczna, kuracja, zako�czenie porz�dku do�wiadcze� pozwalaj�cych na wykrycie odcienia jej przyrostu. wiezadlo krzyzowe przednie �liby ergo nie pozostajemy ekstra rujnuj�cych wniosk�w ostrogi pi�towej tote� dopilnujmy o polskie nogi, u�yjmy wk�adki ortopedyczne kt�re de facto na pewno nak�oni� niczego na krajowe pi�ty i chocia�by ubezpiecz� jada w fantastycznie dogodny maniera. Zakaz sprawuje wszystkich polemiki, i� zach�ta pi�towa jest nie chocia� schorzeniem bol�cym tudzie� dyskryminuj�cym nam w typowym tropieniu, lecz wi�cej takim kt�re pewnie zawrze� do ponad intensywniejszych przeciwno�ci leczniczych. W sk�adniku przeto pojawienia si� niespotykanego, upartego tropu w krainach znanej pi�ty, najkorzystniejszym podej�ciem jest zjawienie si� obok ortopedy jaki powinien go w przychylni zabieg zdiagnozowa�. Ostroga pi�towa zatem zwyrodnienie jakie pojawia si� niezwykle bezzw�ocznie obok istot jakie nie popieraj� o �yczliwe pi�ty oraz poniek�d sp�ycaj� fakt ustabilizowania partykularnej nak�ania� zauwa�alnej ci�ko�ci gremia.
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gear-project · 7 years ago
Isuka Quick Guide
This is just a quick guide for unlocking stuff, in case you ever decide to unlock things from a fresh game save:
Giant Robo-Ky Requirements: Normal Difficulty (Robo-Ky can clear it too), No continues, No Warp Items, 1,400,000 Points at the end of Stage 5 Unlocks: Awakened Sol/Ky (Press Start Twice to select them in select)
Tyrant Rave Ability Chip Requirements: 1-D, defeat 5 or more enemies with an Overdrive, break the container with the Warp Item. 2-D, defeat a man in Black before the Enemy Leader, break the pot with the Warp Item. 3-E, Break the pot to pick up the Chip (still need to purchase).
Bellows Malice Ability Chip Requirements: 2-A, defeat the first 6 enemies quickly to earn the Extra Bonus (before clock hits 110), break the pot and get the Warp Item. 3-A, defeat the man in Yellow partway through the mission, break the pot and get the Warp item. 4-B, complete normally. 4-C, defeat all Leader's subordinates first, break the pot and grab the Warp item. 5-D, defeat all Leader's subordinates first, a container will appear with the Chip.
Gamma Ray Ability Chip Requirements: 1-A, earn at least a Chain of 20 (lower your attack power and use moves like Lust Shaker or standing K), Break the Barrel for the Warp Item. 2-B, Get at least a 30-hit combo, grab the Warp Item. 3-C, Take no damage until the timer reaches 110 (guard is ok), grab the Warp Item. 4-D, defeat the enemies until the extra bonus indicator shows at 10 seconds, grab the Warp Item. 5-E, Break the pot and pick up the Chip.
EX Characters: Defeat EX Daredevils after earning 100 points or more in Arcade Survival.
Leopaldon: Beat him at level 200.
Zako "Trash" characters: Clear all 5 stages of Boost Mode.
(Side note: You can Name your Robo-Ky in the factory and it will be associated with your game save file).
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chrisutranslations · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Track title: SNOW SMILE × nyankobrq - GOURMET RACE
Music: nyankobrq
Lyrics/Rap: SNOW SMILE (egavvo+Shirayuki)
Track #08
Album: SPD GAR (MRX-024)
Release date: 2018/08/10 (C94)
Listen to album crossfade YouTube // SoundCloud
Buy/stream this album to support the artist and label TANO*C STORE // Diverse Direct // Melonbooks // iTunes Store // Spotify // Amazon Music
Special thanks to alice latte on HARDCORE TANO*C discord for providing the album’s booklet scans.
Credit goes to SNOW SMILE & nyankobrq.
はじまっちゃったな 待ったなし
fuckin' hero I'ma DE DE DE STEEZ
かっ飛ばしていくさ Are you hungry?
恵まん suck my dick Result is allだろMY MAN
進化中kick off開戦じゃん 食い散らかしだす
Miggity microphone master we are SNOW SMILE
安堵など無い界隈で走ってキャリア積んだBack Bone持ち
UNDER ROID state of mind
解っちゃないなら速攻でレクチャー shut the fuck up
What do you think about that? fuck
しかしながら 新た暇つぶしを見つけ羽ばたく
俺ら数多ある難儀な思考無視しtop a top
nuh watch hater 若葉ついでに変なおじさんら
エンタメでダメになって 果てアンインストール
『何枚か?』残飯の食い合い 目指すザイオンなら
keep it real んでreal thing dem deh pree
kicking door急ぐ足coming now
「シっ、シコい!」シコ過ぎるLove Song 童貞が書いてる
無駄に画質よすぎるイキリオタク写真とDance Music
Third force in da house show Attack Dopeにかますよ
じゃあ完封しちゃうlike a TAS動画 着火Lighter 上がりな
駿馬 早駆け 的に射掛ける
ステージbun a fire dem plz金
インポートジャマイカだけじゃないlaid back
前人未踏だなんて持ち上げられちゃ やっちゃうじゃん
Step in King of Steel Stomach俺らChampion
またカロリー補給に雑魚eating eating moほら
舐めてんじゃねぇThis is Freaky Freaky flow
耳の中放っていけ どれも名盤
よそのコンテンツで 下げたステータスに意味なんかないでしょどうせ
そうね 通せんぼです ろくでもねぇ
自業自得なfuckin' My Life「謳歌」とJoker、POKER FACE
玄人まで振り向くRapはこちらまでっとKick the Verse
hajimacchattana matta nashi
fuckin' hero I'ma DE DE DE STEEZ
kattobashite ikusa Are you hungry?
meguman suck my dick Result is all daro MY MAN
shinkachū kick off kaisen jan kui chirakashidasu
Miggity microphone master we are SNOW SMILE
jā itadakimasu ne「a, gomen warning」tte ka
ando nado nai kaiwai de hashitte KYARIRA tsunda Back Bone mochi
UNDER ROID state of mind
wakacchanai nara sokkō de REKUCHĀ shut the fuck up
mā magau koto wa nai wa, dou yo nā? te kaichau「No.1」
What do you think about that? fuck
shikashi nagara arata himatsubushi o mitsuke habataku
orera amata aru nangi na shikō mushishi top a top
nuh watch hater wakaba tsuide ni hen na ojisan ra
『nan mai ka?』zanpan no kuiai mezasu ZAION nara
keep it real'n de real thing dem deh pree
kicking door isogu ashi coming now
「SHI, SHIKOi!」SHIKOsugiru Love Song  dōtei ga kaiteru
muda ni gashitsu yosugiru IKIRIOTAKU shashin to Dance Music
Third force in da house show Attack Dope ni kamasu yo
jā kanpū shichau like a TAS dōga chakka Lighter agari na
shunme hayagake mato ni ikakeru
SUTĒJI bun a fire dem plz kane
INPŌTO JAMAIKA dake ja nai laid back
zenjinmitō da nante mochi agerarecha yacchau jan
Step in King of Steel Stomach orera Champion
mata KARORĪ hokyū ni zako eating eating mo hora
nameten ja nē This is Freaky Freaky flow
mimi no naka hōtteike dore mo meiban
imi nan ka nai douse mou munashii wa
yoso no KONTENTSU de sageta SUTĒTASU ni imi nan ka nai desho douse
sou ne tōsenbo desu roku de mo nē
jigōjitoku na fuckin' My Life「ōka」to Joker, POKER FACE
kore igai no mono ni kokoro ugokanain da ne
jōbiyaku KORE nōten tsumasaki made bakuon de kiku 7days
「DORINKU mochi FUROA aruku na」tte iu Club shoshinsha kara
kurōto made furimuku Rap wa kochira made tto Kick the Verse
bukakkō kashira toka SHIKATO kime itsu mo konna kanji
utau koto wa jiman. rikutsu koeta BAKA to yobareru antics
English translation:
The show has begun, it's now or never
fuckin' hero I'ma DE DE DE STEEZ
Imma knock you out, Are you hungry?
No mercy, suck my dick; Result is all, isn't it? MY MAN
I'm evolving, kick off, this the start of a war; I be eating sloppily
Miggity microphone master we are SNOW SMILE
Now, let's chow down, ''Ah, sorry, a warning'', more like
Ain't nothing like reassurance; I be running 'round the neighbourhood, career stacking, Back Bone charging
UNDER ROID state of mind
If you don't get it, a real quick lecture: shut the fuck up
Well, there's no mistaking it, how 'bout that? Write it down ''No.1''
What do you think about that? fuck
Nevertheless, Imma set out to find new ways of killing time
We got lots of that; just ignore troubling thoughts top a top
nuh watch hater yungsters, while you're at it, these weird uncles
Can't entertain us; come uninstall them
''How much money?'' they be fighting over food scraps; if you're looking for Zion
Then keep it real and they be checking out the real thing
kicking door quick feet coming now
''Th–this is fappable!'' such fappable Love Song written by virgins
Uselessly HQ pics of edgy otaku and Dance Music
Third force in da house show, I deal an Attack Dope
Then block it out like a TAS video, ignite the Lighter, burn it up
Coming like a swift horse, aim at the target and shoot
On stage I be setting money on fire
Not only imported from Jamaica, I'm also laid back
Zipangu's favourite entertainer
''Never seen before'' ya done flattering me, Imma do it
Step in King of Steel Stomach we the Champion
This much calorie intake is nothing; I be eating eating mo, see?
Can't lick this; This is Freaky Freaky flow
Whatever flows from my ears is straight fire
There ain't no meaning; it's useless anyway
There ain't no meaning in having lowered status from outside content anyway
That's right, I'm a hindrance, a good-for-nothing
''You reap what you sow'' is fuckin' My Life – ''singing praises'' and Joker, POKER FACE
Anything but this ain't gonna move my heart
It's my daily drugs; from head to toe I be listening to this booming sound all 7 days
From ''grab your drink and walk up the floor'' type of Club newbies
To them connoisseurs, the Rap that makes their heads turn ends here and now I Kick the Verse
''Isn't this awkward?'' but I ignore anyway; it's always like this
Singing is my pride. This the antics of so-called fools who go beyond reason
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dozeehbrand · 6 years ago
THE BEST BRAND OF ONLINE SPORT NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT, MUSIC, POLITICS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE STYLE. SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/c/dozeehbrand https://www.youtube.com/c/dozeehbrand https://www.youtube.com/c/dozeehbrand Always like, share and comment down the video. THANKS, by Dozeeh Team.
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jordstyle · 7 years ago
Griezmann nie szanuje celu przeciwko Chorwacji z „loser“-dance
Antoine Griezmann ?wi?tuje fina? Pucharu ?wiata with’disgusting‘ Fortnite dance
Antoine Griezmann zosta? oskar?ony o lekcewa?enie Chorwacji po tym, jak ?wi?towa? swój cel na stronie We? taniec L z popularnej gry Fortnite.
W ostatnich miesi?cach gra online, w której bierze udzia? wielu graczy, wywo?a?a na ca?ym ?wiecie burz?, a ca?a seria pi?karzy, takich jak Harry Kane i Dele Alli, przyzna?a, ?e grali w gr? pomi?dzy meczami Pucharu ?wiata.
Griezmann, który od maja celebruje gr? wideo w taniec, zako?czy? obchody na najwi?kszej scenie fina?u Pucharu ?wiata Francji w Chorwacji
Po wys?aniu chorwackiego bramkarza Danijela Subaši w z?ym kierunku, francuski napastnik zrobi? „L“ ze swoj? r?k? dla przegranego.
„Griezmann, który rywalizuje w finale Pucharu ?wiata o ?wi?to Fortnite L, jest najbardziej obrzydliw? rzecz?, jak? kiedykolwiek b?dziesz mia? na see“, powiedzia? jeden z fanów.
“ Nie mam nic przeciwko ?wi?towaniu przez Griezmanna ta?ca Fortnite, my?l?, ?e jest wiele szalonych imprez i jest to po prostu co?, co kocha, wi?c niech him,“ odpowiedzia? inny u?ytkownik Twittera. „Ale dlaczego taniec, który dos?ownie nazywa przeciwnika przegranym? Nigdy o tym nie pomy?la?em, ale to jest rzecz s********* na do“ – doda?a.
Ekspert ITV, Roy Keane, nazwa? decyzj? o wydaniu kontrowersyjnego wyroku „disgusting“.
„Ta decyzja mnie maskuje, absolutnie maskuje me“, powiedzia?a Keane. “ Chorwaccy gracze zas?uguj? na lepszy wynik. Pal?. Haniebna decyzja. “
Taniec jest popularnym ?wi?tem, kiedy gracz zabija innego zawodnika w kooperacyjnej grze wideo przetrwania piaskownicy. „To ?mieszne decision“, powiedzia? Alan Shearer podczas przegl?du ?ródokresowego BBC. „W ?aden sposób nie by?a to kara
„Jest za blisko, ?eby zareagowa?. Nie wydaje mi si?, ?eby celowo próbowa? obs?ugiwa? pi?k?. Nie mo?e by? pewien, mo?e’t“, doda? Rio Ferdinand.
To by? czwarty gol Griezmanna na Pucharze ?wiata w 2018 roku, daleko za 13 golami Justa Fontaine’a na turnieju w 1958 roku.
Der Beitrag Griezmann nie szanuje celu przeciwko Chorwacji z „loser“-dance erschien zuerst auf XBET.TIPS.
Source: https://www.xbet.tips/griezmann-chorwacji-loser/
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