#Fanny (Guilty Gear)
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gamld · 24 days ago
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(Again) trying the GGST render style, now with Fanny (+ a lil redesign) 🙏💖
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mrmantisshrimp · 7 months ago
Fanny <3
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mundanesalad · 7 months ago
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Wow I can't believe they made a totally real figurine of Fanny from well-known fighting game Guilty Gear Petit!
After months of on/off work, I’m declaring her done, lol. She doesn’t have a Dr. Baldhead to pose with, but I think she looks pretty in-scale with a bunch of the other figures. For my first kitbash (and first painted figure in a LONG time) I think Nurse Fanny turned out alright! She originally was another gachapon figure (of another jellyfish pirate) that I re-sculpted and repainted.
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larslattery · 2 years ago
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smulnsander · 2 months ago
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Idk if I ever posted this lol
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zedoodles · 7 months ago
SHARON'99 "Fanny" (Concept Doodle). 🩸💉 #GuiltyGear #Fancomic #guiltygearfanart #FannyGuiltyGear #GuiltyGearpetit
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kyl3gutz · 8 months ago
you ever get bored
so basically I drew GGST swap designs ^.^
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i have more for later ^.^ but for now this is what the people will get
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seaweedddddd · 7 months ago
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Big fan(ny) of these two… yeah… kicks rocks…
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cryptidcuriosities · 10 months ago
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Saw the idea in my head and had to draw the medical besties
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kaialone · 1 year ago
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ggstcorruptionau · 9 months ago
okay survivors time
there are currently 20 survivors, they've all separated into little groups. I call them camps since that is what they are. alright, now I will talk of them in more detail.
If you want to live, it’s tip one is to get in a group and set up a camp. So, there are groups of course. This goes in-depth on those groups.
as a baseline, the camps are
The Medics
The Wanderers
In Hiding
That Man
Chipp Bound
Each camp has a few different roles, they kinda speak for themselves but I'll explain anyway
Guard - They protect the camp, usually the best in combat for the group does this.
Lookout - Taking this role means you must always be at your camp, but you keep an eye out for other survivors, the corrupted and for when your gatherers get back.
Gatherer - You gather food and other supplies for your camp, usually this is very dangerous since sometimes what you may need could be really dangerous to go grab.
Medic - you help your injured. I don't think this needs much more explanation.
and now is the part where I leave the thing so people who don't want to read more can go.
now to talk more in depth
This camp is Asuka, Jacko, and Raven. They all technically classify as being in hiding, but they're trying to help from.. wherever they are. Though there's only so much they can do. Raven can head out if they need someone out there.
this camp is Sin, Jam, Sol and May.
The Wanderers group is usually on the move, usually in pairs. Each member of this group has a specific role that they stick to, to keep the group safe.
Sin is considered the leader of this group, somewhat. Though Sol usually lends him a hand in making sure the camp is safe. This group is thusly very secure despite always being on the move.
Sin - Leader(?), Guard. 
Sol - Guard
May - Lookout
Jam - Gatherer
May often stays in the camp, she doesn’t sleep unless the camp is under a grace period so it's not uncommon for Jam to try and find something to aid her in staying awake. Coffee, usually. Though making it is a nightmare and finding it is equally as hard so it tends to be just whatever she can find.
This group is usually in the most fights since they’re constantly on the move so they all tend to encounter more of the corrupt compared to the other camp-based group, Medic. Generally, this leads to them spending a lot of time tending to their injuries. They don't have a dedicated medic but Jam tends to do this since she often trades things for medicine and the like with Medic.
All members of this group are uninjured and healthy, but May’s sanity is beginning to leave her, the rest of the group are sane.
Medic is a group that mostly stays in the middle of nowhere, near a pillaged village. They have stayed in the same place since they all found each other. Mostly, this group dedicates itself to finding a way to cure the corrupted. 
Faust - Leader. The main one researching the cure. 
Fanny - Gatherer. Trying to find things to use to attempt to find the cure.
Venom - Guard. His skills as an assassin are helpful. Faust is a bit standoffish to him sometimes but Venom doesn’t seem to mind or care.
Bedman - ??? What he does here is unclear, he can’t help since he’s sleeping and he doesn’t tend to help guard. How he isn’t dead is a mystery.
Paracelsus - Lookout. Does.. does he need sleep?
Venom, while attempting to assist in the cure, is also on the search for where Robo-Ky’s body is. So that they may bring Robo-Ky back to consciousness.
All members of this group are Healthy, but Venom has a leg injury, Paracelsus feels his sanity slipping and Fanny has some cuts here and there from a bad encounter with The Executioner that she barely escaped. Apart from that, the rest of the group is sane and uninjured.
This notably includes Baiken, Answer and Izuna
The Tyrant will spare you if you listen to him, and usually, he demands you be one of his people. These survivors listened for their safety. There isn’t much to say, they all are just trying to live normal lives while constantly in danger of getting chipped. 
All members of this group are uninjured and healthy but sanity slips for all of them sadly.
Currently, this is Slayer, Sharon, Happy Chaos, and Ariels. They aren't all hiding together side from Happy Chaos and Ariels I guess? But we know why that is.
okay now my asks are so wide open that they're a crater
also thank you to the anon who sent me words of encouragement, means a lot :)
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blueribbs · 2 years ago
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some more of my guilty gear redesigns. johnny, asuka, fanny, and DARK SOL BADGUY!!!
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4b9 · 2 years ago
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fanny design for fun bc I miss her!! put her in strive!!
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larslattery · 11 months ago
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yeaigowillingly · 4 months ago
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They flew to his face :')
some sort of sequel to this:
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synthiapanda · 1 year ago
Funniest Ways they Could Bring Fanny into Guilty Gear Strive
Give her the same body type as Faust and plays the exact same way.
Alternatively, make her the smallest member of the cast. Make her a literal actual bobblehead.
Make her story mode about her declaring herself Faust's arch enemy because he 'killed' Dr. Baldhead.
She is the new Flame of Corruption, and nobody ever explains how or why this happened.
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