boredtechnologist · 9 months
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Infocom's Moonmist for the PC-9800
Analyzing Infocom's "Moonmist" from a philosophical perspective requires delving into its narrative structure, thematic elements, and gameplay mechanics, interpreting them in light of broader existential, ethical, and epistemological themes.
1. The Search for Truth in a World of Illusions: "Moonmist" is a detective-themed text adventure game set in a haunted castle, where players must uncover the truth behind a series of mysteries. This quest for truth in a world filled with secrets, lies, and illusions echoes the philosophical journey of discerning reality from appearances. The game's emphasis on gathering clues and making deductions parallels the philosophical inquiries of epistemology – the study of knowledge, its nature, and how we come to understand truth.
2. The Nature of Identity and Deception: As players interact with various characters, each with their own secrets and agendas, "Moonmist" invites players to contemplate the nature of identity. The characters’ hidden motives and the masks they wear to conceal their true selves resonate with the philosophical exploration of authentic versus artificial identities. The game challenges players to consider the extent to which identity is a construct, shaped by social interactions and personal secrets.
3. Ethical Decision-Making and Moral Ambiguity: Throughout the game, players face choices that require ethical decision-making, often in situations where the moral implications are ambiguous. This aspect of "Moonmist" aligns with moral philosophy, challenging players to navigate complex ethical dilemmas where the distinction between right and wrong is not always clear. The game encourages players to weigh their decisions and consider the ethical ramifications of their actions.
4. The Ghostly and the Supernatural as Metaphors: The ghostly and supernatural elements in "Moonmist" can be interpreted metaphorically, representing unresolved past issues, hidden fears, or repressed emotions. From a philosophical perspective, these elements can be seen as manifestations of the subconscious mind, exploring how unaddressed aspects of our psyche can haunt us, much like the ghosts in the game.
5. The Role of Perception in Shaping Reality: "Moonmist" requires players to rely heavily on textual descriptions to navigate and interact with the game world. This reliance on descriptive language to construct a mental image of the setting and events highlights the role of perception in shaping our understanding of reality. The game serves as a reminder that our perception of the world is often based on incomplete information, subject to interpretation and personal biases.
6. Solitude, Isolation, and the Individual's Journey: The game's setting, a remote and eerie castle, creates a sense of isolation and solitude. This setting can be philosophically interpreted as a representation of the individual's journey in seeking truth and understanding. The solitary experience of the player, navigating the mysteries of "Moonmist" alone, mirrors the solitary nature of philosophical inquiry and the personal quest for knowledge and self-understanding.
In conclusion, Infocom's "Moonmist" is a text adventure game that offers more than just entertainment; it serves as a medium for philosophical exploration. Through its narrative and gameplay, the game engages players in themes such as the search for truth, the nature of identity, ethical decision-making, the metaphorical significance of the supernatural, the role of perception in shaping reality, and the solitude of the individual journey. It prompts players to engage with deep philosophical questions and reflect on the nature of knowledge, reality, and self.
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joyfullyposhing · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Zenana Premium Dark Purple Strappy Neckline Tunic Top.
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carusothefic-blog · 6 years
IF Blog #3. More Intercom with Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It.
The intercom game I’ve recently played that I enjoyed the most out of any game I’ve played was  Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It.  Nord and Bert is a game who’s gameplay focuses on using puns and idioms and terms of speech to solve puzzles. There are 7 playable levels from the start that can be done in any order but the eighth needs passwords that you can only get from completing the other 7. I played 3 of the levels but I think I will come back to this one for sure
The first level I played was called “The Shopping Bizarre”. The shopping bizarre takes place in a shopping center with various aisles named after weird things like the meets aisle or the British Aisle. In each of these aisles, you find weird things that could line up with homonyms. For example, the first one I found was a moose covered in chocolate. When you enter in say a Chocolate Mousse the moose transforms into the desert. My favorite of these homonyms was in the dessert aisle where it describes 22/7. This confused me at first but out of curiosity, I tried entering the number into my calculator. 22/7 I found out translates to  3.14285714 aka pi. When you enter pie it transforms the number into a pie. There’s a whole bunch of things like this in the level and in my opinion this was the most fun level in the game.
Now onto one of the weirder levels “Playing Jacks”. Playing Jacks focuses on a machine called the Jack of all Trades. The jack of all trades can do many things like becoming a jacket, jackhammer, jack in the box or a jacuzzi. Basically, anything that involves the word jack. It’s a weird and unfocused one but it was fine.
The final level I played was called “Buy the Farm”. Buy the Farm was the hardest of the 3 levels as it needed to use many cliched expressions to progress. The problem was that some of the cliches aren’t common in today's vernacular. Ones like “teach a dog new tricks” and “make a mountain out of a molehill” were pretty easy but the one that tripped me up and made me look up a guide was “ Beat swords into ploughshares “ and the one that made me stop playing was “ Make a silk purse out of the sow's ear “. I have never heard these expressions before so that made everything very difficult.
Overall this game’s focus on humor made it a very fun game to play. The clever wordplay made me think real hard to try to progress further. I enjoyed the shopping level way more than the farm level as the shopping level felt more clever to me.
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clintondavidoxford · 3 years
Explained it all to the 'Shrink'.... She won't give me Marinol, 'stead Neurontin. The Tree-Of-Life was ALL I ASKED FOR!?!!
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sghost · 5 years
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slotfabrik · 4 years
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http://www.slotfabrik.com/index.php?cat=c9_Beleuchtung---Elektrik-Zmachine-Beleuchtung--Elektrik--Zmachine--LED--Kabel--Kondensator.html Slotfabrik is the most reliable of the best slot car products, such as tires, paints, etc. We also have an extensive collection of slotcar lighting products that are made with high-quality materials.
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gappydeejay · 5 years
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boredtechnologist · 9 months
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Infocom's Planetfall for the PC-9800
Reviewing Infocom's "Planetfall" from a philosophical perspective involves an exploration beyond its surface as a pioneering interactive fiction game, delving into its narrative structure, thematic elements, and the broader existential, ethical, and sociopolitical implications it presents.
1. Isolation, Existentialism, and the Human Condition: "Planetfall" places the player in the role of a low-ranking space fleet ensign who crash-lands on an alien planet. The ensuing narrative of survival and exploration in an isolated environment can be interpreted through the lens of existential philosophy. The game echoes themes of existentialism, particularly the notion of confronting the absurdity of existence. The player's struggle for survival and sense of isolation on an alien planet resonates with the existentialist idea of individuals facing an indifferent universe, where they must create their own meaning and purpose.
2. Bureaucracy, Authority, and Individual Agency: The game begins with the protagonist serving on a spaceship under a hierarchical, bureaucratic system, often engaging in menial tasks. This setting can be viewed as a critique of bureaucratic systems and their dehumanizing effect, reminiscent of Kafkaesque themes. The protagonist's eventual crash and subsequent autonomy on the alien planet can symbolize a break from oppressive structures, inviting philosophical contemplation on the nature of authority, the individual's role within larger systems, and the quest for personal agency.
3. Environmentalism and Responsibility Towards Other Lifeforms: As the player navigates the alien planet, interacting with its ecosystem and non-human entities, the game subtly addresses themes of environmentalism and ethical responsibility towards other forms of life. The player's actions towards the planet's environment and inhabitants raise questions about humanity's relationship with nature and the moral obligations we hold towards non-human entities and ecosystems.
4. The Role of Technology and Human Reliance on Machines: "Planetfall" features a notable character, a robot named Floyd, who assists the player. This relationship highlights the interdependence between humans and technology, prompting reflection on the philosophical implications of our reliance on machines. It raises questions about the bond between humans and artificial entities, the potential emotional connections with non-human companions, and the ethical considerations of creating sentient machines.
5. Discovery, Curiosity, and the Pursuit of Knowledge: The game's emphasis on exploration and discovery taps into the philosophical theme of human curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. The player's journey on the alien planet, filled with unknowns and mysteries to uncover, mirrors the human quest for understanding and the desire to make sense of the unknown, a fundamental aspect of the human condition.
6. Solitude and the Search for Companionship: Throughout "Planetfall," the player experiences solitude, with Floyd as the only companion. This solitude can be interpreted as a reflection on the human need for social interaction and companionship. The game invites players to explore the emotional and psychological impact of isolation and the value of companionship, even when it comes from non-human sources.
In conclusion, Infocom's "Planetfall" is more than a text-based adventure game; it is a rich tapestry for philosophical exploration. The game engages with themes such as existentialism, bureaucracy and individual agency, environmentalism, the human relationship with technology, the pursuit of knowledge, and the human need for companionship. Through its narrative and gameplay, "Planetfall" offers a medium for players to engage with deep philosophical questions, making it a thought-provoking experience in interactive storytelling.
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babyawacs · 6 years
@sciam @naturephysics @harvardphysics @scmp @cctv @cgtnofficial @xhnews @nhkworld @japantimes #zmachine #z #machine @southchinamorningpost @sichuan .@sandia .@sandialabs .@china @sandialabs .@energy @energy @iterorg @lhc @brookhavenlab @losalamosnatlab @
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@sciam @naturephysics @harvardphysics @scmp @cctv @cgtnofficial @xhnews @nhkworld @japantimes #zmachine #z #machine @southchinamorningpost @sichuan .@sandia .@sandialabs .@china @sandialabs .@energy @energy @iterorg @lhc @brookhavenlab @losalamosnatlab @nnsa @lhnnsa
Iread again there is a fastneutron problem
As expected (below) Its an electric transmutation machine The anticipated fusion of…
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Where to buy NES classic, Don’t
This year I have been plagued with something cool to buy to let me explore my creative inner kid. I thought of all the fun gadgets that are available and none of them seemed appealing. From wifi peripherals to home automation nothing struck my interest until I saw the NES classic. I thought of being 5 again sitting in Beacon New York with some family and playing mario and track and field. Well thats when I started seeing ads for the NES classic.
Posts were popping up as the most wanted thing to buy for christmas. Well you know how that goes, clearly the availability will not meet the demand. I was right. Lines were forming at best buys for them when they knew shipments were coming in. So if you know me then you will know that I don’t wait in lines, I shop black friday online and price match in store so I don’t have to wait in line. Now a lot of stores have caught on and exclude price matching from November 15th-30th for this reason. People like me, shopping smart. I won every year. I dont like breaking the system but last year I shopped amazon online and price matched at walmart. Walmarts pricing was already marked to black friday sales and they said they couldnt sell me those products due to the system already having them marked down.  I was in!  The pricing  at walmart  was same price as online! The manager told me If you tell anyone about this I will find you, (she was joking of course). She authorized all the purchases and allowed me to checkout with a PS4, controllers and a bunch of games that people will be rushing for the next day. That brings me back to the NES Classic. The nostalgia of having a NES would be a great flashback. But I enjoy functionality over aesthetics. I surely found myself hunting down emulators on my jailbroken phone but that got me nowhere because my space was already taken.
Introducing Raspberry Pi. This is the only computer you’ll ever need to do a lot of interesting features like, build a NES… Atari, colequo, sega, psp and more.The great thing is I bought a kit that had everything I need. the pi did come right to the door step and I didn’t have to be bothered with driving to a crowded store. It took about 3 minutes of programming (copy and pasting the operating system from (website) to micro sd card that was included. I then went to COOLROm.com/ and downloaded backups of the games I own that are up in the attic. Guess what. I was playing NES and I ordered a cool NES controller as well. My PS4 controllers I mentioned above also work perfectly with a little bit of assigning controls (automatic prompt when booting up). So if you’re afraid of programming it’s nothing more than pushing buttons and copying files The build, I purchased the Canno Kit directly from amazon. The price was right around $65.00. It came with the case, powercord, memory card, heatsyncs and NOOBS Software. The build is super easy, snap in the CPU board to the case provided, and place the cover on. Power up and you’re on your way to learning linux playing games and running a compact computer.
RetroPi, this is what you’re here for. the games right? I was curious after a friend mentioned that he was building a retropi to play some vintage video games and emulated computer systems. Thats where retropi comes in. You will not need to buy another system to play any of the games you grew up with. This does it all. Here’s a list of all the games playable with emulators. If you have the controller for your old system you can get adapters that will allow it to work. Otherwise pick up a usb game controller of your favorite system.
What game emulators does it run? A lot of them, use CTR-F to search out any systems in the chart below.
3do (lr-4do)
Adventure Game Studio (AGS)
Amiga (UAE4ALL2), (UAE4ARM)
Amstrad CPC (CapriceRPI), (lr-cap32)
Apple II (Linapple)
Atari 2600 (Stella), (lr-stella)
Atari 5200, and Atari 8 bit series: 400, 800, 1200XL, 600XL, 800XL, 130XE, XEGS (Atari800)
Atari 7800 (lr-prosystem)
Atari Jaguar (lr-virtualjaguar)
Atari Lynx (lr-handy)
Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon (Hatari)
CoCo (XRoar)
Commodore 64 (Vice)
Daphne (Daphne)
Dragon 32 (XRoar)
Dreamcast (Reicast)
FinalBurn Alpha (PiFBA), (lr-fbalpha2012), (lr-fbalpha)
Genesis/Megadrive (DGEN), (lr-Genesis-Plus-GX), (lr-picodrive)
Game & Watch (lr-gw)
Game Gear (Osmose), (lr-Genesis-Plus-GX)
Game Boy (lr-gambatte)
Game Boy Color (lr-gambatte)
Game Boy Advance (gpSP), (lr-gpSP), (lr-vba-next), (lr-mgba)
Intellivision (jzIntv)
Macintosh (BasiliskII)
MAME (AdvanceMAME), (MAME4ALL-Pi), (lr-imame4all), (lr-mame2003), (lr-mame2010)
MasterSystem (lr-Genesis-Plus-GX), (lr-picodrive), (Osmose)
MESS (lr-mess)
MSX (lr-fmsx), (lr-bluemsx)
Neo Geo (GnGeo-Pi), (PiFBA), (lr-fbalpha2012), (lr-fbalpha)
Neo Geo Pocket (lr-mednafen-ngp)
Neo Geo Pocket Color (lr-mednafen-ngp)
Nintendo 64 (Mupen64plus), (lr-mupen64plus), (lr-GLupenN64)
Nintendo DS (lr-desmume)
Nintendo Entertainment System (lr-fceumm), (lr-nestopia)
Oric-1/Atmos (oricutron)
PC (DOSBox), (rpix86)
PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 (lr-mednafen-pce-fast) (lr-beetle-supergrafx)
PlayStation 1 (lr-pcsx-rearmed), (pcsx-rearmed)
PSP (lr-ppsspp), (ppsspp)
ResidualVM (ResidualVM)
SAM Coupé (SimCoupe)
ScummVM (ScummVM)
Sega 32X (lr-picodrive)
Sega CD (lr-picodrive)
Sega Saturn (lr-yabause)
Sega SG-1000 (lr-Genesis-Plus-GX)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PiSNES), (snes9x-rpi), (lr-armsnes), (lr-catsfc), (lr-pocketsnes), (lr-snes9x-next)
TI-99/4A (ti99sim)
TRS-80 (sdltrs)
Vectrex (lr-vecx)
Videopac or Odyssey2 (lr-o2em)
Virtual Boy (lr-beetle-vb)
WonderSwan (lr-mednafen-wswan)
WonderSwan Color (lr-mednafen-wswan)
Zmachine (Frotz)
ZX Spectrum (FBZX), (Fuse), (lr-fuse)
The post Where to buy NES classic, Don’t appeared first on Mark Dickinson | Central Florida Photographer Serving Daytona Beach, Orlando, Lake Mary areas.
from Where to buy NES classic, Don’t
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carusothefic-blog · 6 years
Nord and Bert couldn’t make heads or tails of it gameplay. Part 1 The Shopping Bizarre
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clintondavidoxford · 3 years
35 years later, Trillions of $$$$$ spent and not one Mandate from the Original amnesty bill has Achieved AmortiZation. If It moves at night, shoot it, problem solved....cheaply.
.45-70 Gov't cartridges were made for Nocturnal Marauders
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2xstyle · 8 years
Z-Машина может помочь решить проблему возраста Сатурна
Исследователи давно установили, что по мере того, как планеты становятся старше, их температура снижается. Но это, похоже, не относится к одной из планет Солнечной системы, и этой планетой является Сатурн. Оказывается, его средняя температура больше той, которая должна была быть у планеты его возраста. И это при том, что у него нет никаких признаков наличия внешнего или внутреннего дополнительного источника энергии. Такая необъяснимо высокая температура вызывает несоответствия при компьютерном моделировании его возраста в 2 миллиарда лет. Так, например, модели, которые предсказывают вполне правдоподобно, что возраст Юпитера около 4.5 миллиардов лет, показывают, что возраст Сатурна всего 2.5 миллиарда лет.
Но, похоже, такая необычная температура Сатурна может иметь вполне обычное объяснение. Исследователи, которые занимаются экспериментами на установке Z-Машина, попытаются проверить утверждение о том, что водород может переходить в состояние металла. Впервые эту теорию в 1935 году выдвинули Юджин Вигнер и Хиллард Хантингтон, которые предположили переход водорода в эту фазу, если он сжат очень сильным давлением. В этом случае решётка молекул водорода разбилась бы на индивидуальные атомы водорода, освобождая свободно дрейфующие электроны, которые могут переносить заряд. А Z-Машина представляет собой экспериментальную установку и 1 из крупнейших в мире источников рентгеновского излучения, которая предназначена для исследования вещества в условиях экстремальных температур и давлений.
“Это старое предположение могло бы объяснить температуру Сатурна, поскольку, когда водород становится металлом и смешивается с гелием в виде плотной жидкости, которая потом может выпасть в виде гелиевого дождя. А этот дождь является источником энергии, который может изменить развитие планеты. По существу, гелиевый дождь позволил бы Сатурну дольше оставаться тёплым”, - Майк Десьярлейс из Сандийских национальных лабораторий.
Этот предположенный ранее переход водорода в состояние металла под действием большого давления никогда не наблюдался до недавних экспериментов в Сандийских лабораториях. Были запущены специальные тесты на Z-Машине, которая может послать точно настроенный импульс длительностью до одной микросекунды на выбранную цель. Очень сильное магнитное поле, окутывающее этот импульс, может существенно сжать дейтерий, который является более тяжёлым вариантом водорода, при относительно низких температурах. Существенное отличие этого эксперимента от всех предыдущих состоит в том, что ранее всегда использовалась газовая пушка, чтобы влиять на газ. С одной стороны этим можно увеличить его давление, но с другой стороны это поднимается его температуру до диапазонов, которые уже не представляют интерес для управляемого перехода.
“Наши эксперименты мы начали с 20 �� по Кельвину, при которых водород существует в виде жидкости. Затем мы выстрелили в эту жидкость крошечной пластинкой и создали удар силой в несколько сотен килобар, чтобы подогреть её. Затем мы использовали собственное магнитное поле Z-Машины, чтобы сжать водород и сохранить его устойчивое состояние точно по границе жидкая фаза - твёрдая фаза, температура которой приблизительно 1000 ° Кельвина. Когда эта жидкость была сжата более чем в 12 раз от её начальной плотности, мы увидели признаки того, что она становится атомной, а не молекулярной. Этот переход произошёл при давлении в 3 мегабара, а результаты этого эксперименты должны позволить вычислить теоретическую структуру для того, чтобы смоделировать эти чрезвычайные условия.
Но добытые результаты не являются окончательными, они всё же должны быть сначала включены в астрофизические компьютерные модели, что проверить в симуляции возможность увеличения температуры планеты из-за перехода водороду в металлическое состояние.
"Работы Z-Машины показывает, что плотные водород может существовать в форме металла, который, в свою очередь, изменяет принципы существования гелия на планете. Поэтому, механизм выпадения гелиевого дождя, который был нами предложен, может быть вполне вероятным, учитывая наши результаты”.
Интересно, что 2 года назад прочие исследователи выдвинули ещё одну теорию, почему Сатурн выглядит моложе. Тогда они предположили, что слои газа у Сатурна, образованные физическими нестабильностями в глубине планеты, мешают теплу испариться в космическое пространство, вследствие чего Сатурн остывает значительно медленнее.
По информации Сандийских национальных лабораторий.
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moonkeybird · 10 years
the new, experimentally derived amount of iron's opacity—essentially, its capacity for hindering the transport of radiative energy originating in nuclear fusion reactions deep in the sun's interior
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slotfabrik · 4 years
Slotfabrik is the most reliable of the best slot car products, such as tires, paints, etc. We also have an extensive collection of Slotcar Beleuchtung products that are made with high-quality materials.
Right from the painting, the cars in different shades to providing your cars with different body kits.  The slotcar shop is one stop destination for car racers. The car paints are available for different models of the car. Apart from car paints, we also deal with chassis pre-assembled with body holders. We have a huge stock of zero paints to import worldwide as well as we have the best accessories for your car at a reasonable price to make your car ready for every race.
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babyawacs · 6 years
@scmp @cctv @cgtnofficial @xhnews @nhkworld @japantimes #zmachine #z #machine @southchinamorningpost @sichuan .@sandia .@sandialabs .@china @sandialabs .@energy @energy @iterorg @lhc @brookhavenlab @losalamosnatlab @nnsa @lhnnsa Iread again there is a fa
@scmp @cctv @cgtnofficial @xhnews @nhkworld @japantimes #zmachine #z #machine @southchinamorningpost @sichuan .@sandia .@sandialabs .@china @sandialabs .@energy @energy @iterorg @lhc @brookhavenlab @losalamosnatlab @nnsa @lhnnsa Iread again there is a fa
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@scmp @cctv @cgtnofficial @xhnews @nhkworld @japantimes #zmachine #z #machine @southchinamorningpost @sichuan .@sandia .@sandialabs .@china @sandialabs .@energy @energy @iterorg @lhc @brookhavenlab @losalamosnatlab @nnsa @lhnnsa
Iread again there is a fastneutron problem
As expected (below) Its an electric transmutation machine The anticipated fusion of disintegrating isotopes mustve simply misfit…
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