#ZAY’S thoughts
bakkatakoyaki · 4 days
<<< When anyone relates to me for any situation like it could be someone opening up online or me talking to someone, an inner part of me from when i was an isolated kid/or teenage girl (14-15 esp) crying in my bedroom listening to CTRL trying to search on my mac on any and every online on every search forum possible for anyone who went through the same specific situation as me or if anybody could give me the answer i was so desperately searching for gets healed 🩷. She gets healed. She gets the friends and people around her she wishes could’ve had or met who could relate to these feelings and situations and could say “oh i feel the same way”, “girl i felt that before”, “oh i went through that same thing before”. I wanted a big sister, a younger sister, a same-age sister. Just a sister who could be there for me. Or a person who could show me proof that “oh girl you can rise up from this, you don’t have to feel alone. all girls have been through this”. Someone who would hug her when she couldn’t express herself and say “you are not an outlier, you’re just like the rest of us”. i just hope you guys know how much it means to me. In a way its like you hold my hand and not make me feel so alone; especially when it feels like everyone stared at me sideways; because everyone felt the opposite and just “dont get what you mean”/“never experienced it”, or look at you like opening up was like bothering someone to listening to this “troublesome issue”. Even if i may never meet this people or become friends for long down the road, I’ll always appreciate how your small presence warmed my heart when all I could feel at that time was that cold-misunderstood emptiness from feeling unloved by the people who were supposed to love you.
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kyufeed · 1 year
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kaeyx · 5 months
I personally think it would be hilarious if poly zai³ had an infatuation with someone, kidnapped them and they don't speak japanease or refused to speak it if they did, they'd have to Google translate or smth 🤭
Oh god yeah 💀 like I hc Adazai and probably Beastzai know more than just Japanese (combination of business trips in the mafia and having to be on the run in Adazai's case, plus swear words) but imagine you don't speak any of the languages they speak. On one hand immense comedic potential because constant Google translate use but let me be horny for a moment and tell you how hot that could be.
Like imagine you get snatched up as an exchange student or an intern for an international company and you know English/Chinese or whatever the working language is but only a few words of Japanese, if any at all. You can't understand any of them when they speak to you and they have to resort to communicating like you're a scared animal, cooing at you and petting your head or giving you one word commands so you can slowly learn what they mean. Positioning your body how they want to give an example of what they expect you to do with each command, like sitting or running over to them.
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chocolatytea · 13 days
imagine me or someone placing their nails or claws on your tummy, sides, or where are you most ticklish at and watching as your squirms and wiggles do the tickling for them~
Tickle tickle tic-kle~ god, you're being such a lil cutie right now, you know~? tktktktktktktk~ what's wroooong cutie? I thought you loved the tickle monster?
Pfft- and then they began to like grab onto your sides and started to poking around changing at random, from pokes to squeezes to clawing lightly and fast, wiggling and skittering~
bonus if there’s stretch marks on the tummy*
Now for your tummy..what if I started tracing your stretch marks, hm~? Tracing along them and watching your stomach quivering under my touch~ It’s a clear sign that ur stomach is enjoying it~
Oh? What’s this? Did a moment of physical contact cause your face to redden up~?
Ur so fuckin adorable~ /affec, p
hhggdd.. I love lees sm
@fizzysodathegreat <- this particular little cutie wanted to see this post so im tagging him~ <3 and everyone else who’s reading this post too kehe
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I am so confused by the Torres family tree. Are Adam and Drew brothers or stepbrothers? Which parent is biologically related to each child? Which side of the family is the grandmother on? It’s all so ambiguous and no answer makes a great deal of sense
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jenhoneys · 2 years
ok so I put this in another post's tags but I wanted it to be in a more coherent post form also:
out of context peg and birdie look like the ideal soft butch/princess femme couple and i kind of love the implications of that. i'm aware it's toxic but also their dynamic is so interesting to me like. peg knows birdie is an entitled 'rich bitch', and yet she still works for her and has for a decade, there's some begrudging affection there and it's so important to the depth of peg's character. like she's reached a point where she's comfortable enough to say 'no' to birdie (who has probably not been told that often after she'd gotten rich) and also for birdie to cling onto her and for them to have silent conversations
like yes. peg is not as detestable or as privileged a person as the shitheads, but she is so clearly NOT a victim and i love the narrative for framing her in that way. she could definitely have quit her job and work for a less morally grey and less privileged, politically apathetic person, but she doesn't because assumably the benefit and profit outweighs whatever she has to sacrifice to continue working for birdie, whether it be her morals or her perspective etc etc.
(the same is said for whiskey with her contributing to duke's agenda of meninism. which she is shown to be smart enough not to agree with, and explicitly doesn't agree with -- and yet she stays with duke because it DOES help her career -- she ADMITS that)
BOTH of them actively benefit from discount elon musks' system of nepotism and his golden titties, and they know that. you'll notice that neither of them volunteered to back helen until someone else spoke up first -- someone a little higher up on the food chain. ESPECIALLY peg -- because even though she may idolise helen/andi, she won't back her if it means her loosing her profit (making it all the more important that it WAS birdie who ended up speaking up first).
but ANYWAYS, speaking of birdie -- since i haven't seen a lot of people doing that, kind of disregarding her as a ditzy, dumb blonde (which the same pushing aside can be said of whiskey) -- she is so attached to peg in a way that i don't even think she understands. when she needs clarification, she asks peg. when she wants to hang on to someone? peg. she is absolutely DISTRAUGHT by the idea that peg would leave her and it sounds like she would do anything to keep peg in her employ, making the idea of her paying peg more and more make sense, especially with that maybe being the reason peg stays and has stayed for so long.
anyways tldr: i find their relationship incredibly fascinating and i would LOVE for people to develop it further than surface level in fic (or maybe i have to :/) -- especially because there's so much history and baggage and levels and just So Much to work through which they can only do together and with deep personal character growth.
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zaycheese · 10 months
When I Die
When death comes
I hope to be content enough with what I've lived
to catch up with an old friend
And together while chatting we will walk into atoms
And I will be nothing
But boy
I sure was something
And that's enough for me,
To have been something
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mchib · 1 month
fake friends be like
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zaimta · 1 year
i was recently informed that the spikey things laxus had on were headphones n that he always listens to old school rock n roll
laxus’ s/o tryna put him onto some new age rock n i feel like he has a love hate relationship with it, he would probably like sumn with good guitars so if he thinks the guitars on the song are ass he simply will not listen to it
he could probably vibe to pierce the veil’s “a match into the water”
but if you have any old school stuff that he hasn’t listened to he’ll be more than glad to take a listen!!
do NOT try to put him onto songs that were stolen he will only listen to the og’s or genuine covers
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paradiserotting · 2 months
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why the fuck do you have recordings of me. please delete
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zaika-official · 9 months
you know, it’s almost new year’s…..maybe i could make something for everyone!! oooh how exciting!
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bakkatakoyaki · 4 months
Was feeling down as shit this morning only for me to find out me and cindy kimberly have the same birthday 🥲 praise god to give me a sign I may not be as pretty as her but just know a pussy hoe cant tell me shit rn if I share the same date as literally the prettiest girl on tumblr 😆🤭❤️‍🔥
[November 16!]
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camilletea · 10 months
Dazai never cutting his hair because it was the last thing Oda touched before he died.
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sweetwhitechoco · 9 months
I keep having dreams of Sonic Prime S3's first episode, and I'm not able to watch the first few minutes without being interrupted mid-dream or get jolted awake.
I already wrote my oneshot on that, and thought it would leave my mind since then, but apparently not.
This is the third time this week, and dreams of Sonic have been happening since I first started watching this show last June/July. But particular dreams like this were coming and going for a few months already.
I'm not hyperfixated.. am I?
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purrfectnothing · 1 month
fun fact one of my names is also a letter in arabic (*'ω'*)
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themainstarwarrior · 3 months
brainstorming to feel something :)
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