#Yves and licht ....im so sorry lol
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 11 months
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We're the baddest bitches on the block ✨
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something random again
my first impression of ikemen prince love interests
leon: he reminds me of napoleon from ikevamp. nice dude ✌🏻 lowkey thought that he was first born because of his seemingly good leaderhship but then he is a leo so it was no wonder lol
chevalier: mika from ons??? hes so hot and pretty at the same time, tho im lowkey scared of him HAHAHA
yves: his name reminds me of yves from loona. pretty boi. kind of like the short angry vibes JDJWJS
nokto: hes the flirt, vv classic type of love interest in otome games lol. he looks like hes samatoki’s flirty twin
clavis: aZUL wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg HeRe? everything about him reminds me of azul, no one can tell me otherwise
licht: he seems quiet. and yes, i forgot he existed too during the prologue part. was literally reminded that he existed when the mc said that she forgot about him
(im sorry but why does it look like the game devs gave up on making luke’s and jin’s design lol)
luke: seems soft. but oohhh he seems nice. tho i wonder why he carries around a teddy bear charm
jin: seems kinda mature at first compared to the rest. like tbh he and luke dont really have a big impression on me so
sariel: i thought he was an actual devil. bro why you kidnap me. the temptation to punch him through the screen smh
rio: golden retriever energy. is he actually okay tho, why is he devoting his entire being for mc dnwksjw it feels lowkey weird to me 😭 but he seems pretty soft and cute
i was debating between leon and chev’s route DNWKSKS chev seems like an interesting person but ehhhh. tbh just from the prologue alone i feel like leon would be best fit for king, considering his political stance and personality. he cares a lot for the people and i feel like if you dont care much about your country, how you gonna defend yourself and gain external allies? if u gonna govern a country you need to have that bit bit of feel into it. idk what im talking about fjejdjwjs
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jejecchi · 3 years
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as someone who will abandon yves for licht this hurts twice as bad
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