froggybangbang · 1 year
Random song recs coz i feel like it:
Feral canadian scaredy cat:
Sans contrefaçon, the song i listened on repeat as a youth that really should have make me realise stuff about my gender earlier:
Sex and candy:
Mr Bellows:
Who Needs Sleep, my personal anthem, on par with Brain Stew:
R'viens pas trop tard (don't come back too late):
The Hearse Song (i like 3 versions but here's one):
Chocolate Jesus
And hey there's a limit so this is 1/2
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Eurovision 2005 - Number 15 - Юрке́ш - "Патріот"
Back to Ukraine.
And yes, it's the final. Юрке́ш (Yurcash) are one of the heat winners. This is their debut. They're a folk-punk outfit centred around band leader, song-writer and singer Юрко Юрченко (Yurko Yuchenko - you can see where he got the band name from). The Ukrainian Selection of 2005 is very much their moment.
They only formed towards the tail end of 2004 and you have to wonder how quickly they went from not being a band to applying to be in the Selection and submitting this song. It must have been months at most. Possibly only a few weeks. This heat took place on the 12th of December. The Orange Revolution began properly on November the 22nd. This song is on national television aiming to represent the country that's hosting television only twenty days into a peaceful revolution that had not found its resolution at that point.
The band fit right into that growing trend of eastern European brass based folk-punk-ska band (see Athena, Zdob și Zdub, etc.) that are increasingly the voice of the masses. That's exactly what Yurcash are doing here.
Unsurprisingly with a song called Патріот (Patriot), this is a song absolutely sing its heart out for Ukraine. Yurko is a man who loves the land, who loves to see his country on the map, who lives for its independence. A patriot. If that wasn't enough, the Ukrainian flag with the EU circle of stars in the corner should be a dead give away.
The delirious, crazy brass that leads off, hurls the song headlong into the joy of successful revolutionary fervour. This is a giddy celebration of a country on the precipice of freedom. Winning its heat was probably understandable, although given it took place when there was still opposition to the revolution throughout parts of Ukraine, and therefore not guaranteed. But win it they did.
The final took place post revolution and that's where this performance is from. You can feel how justified, how celebratory, how unanchored the joy is. In that final they finished third of the nineteen songs. The only two songs to beat them were the winner - which had become the unofficial anthem of the Orange Revolution and Ani Lorak, who had been the favourite to win prior to everything kicking off.
After this, there were two albums, but most notably Yurko turned mostly to song-writing and ended up writing some big songs for a lot of Ukrainian and Russian artists. In 2017 the band appeared on the Ukrainian X Factor where they reached the final by covering songs by Potap and Nastya, Verka Seduchka, Rammstein and Britney Spears. They also did a cover of Amar Pelos Dois. In 2018 they returned to the Ukrainian national final.
Yurko has also continued to support his country. Even before 2022, he was visiting the militarised border in the Donbass to support Ukrainian troops stationed there. In 2022, after the Russian invasion, Yurko signed up himself. He is serving in the volunteer Carpathian Sich battalion, fighting for his country today.
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nonenglishsongs · 1 year
Yurcash - Менуети - Тюльпани в целофані
Yurcash - Menuety Tyulʹpany v tselofani (Ukrainian)
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months
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Ukrainian singer and composer Yurko Yurchenko
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morirun · 10 months
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ilyusya · 2 years
Скоро я перетворю цей акаунт на свій плейліст
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arisveah · 18 days
i've branched into a whole new genre of music apparently... ukrainian pirate songs. dont ask me why. i dont know? i really dont. spotify, what about pink floyd and decimas victimas brings me to ukrainian pirate music? cuz i just dont see the connection- i mean, i had 1 (one) yurcash (юркаш) song in there. one!!! what?
the pirate musik is banging tho, ngl
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hiiragi2911 · 4 months
Скрябін & Yurcash — Сука-війна [Official Video]
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emiliazebra · 2 years
So one way of supporting Ukraine and Ukrainian people is donating money and things
Another one is sharing info and reporting propoganda
One more way is streaming Ukrainian artists' music. That been said, there are some Ukrainian artists that I listen to:
If you know more, please add
Слава Україні! Героям слава!
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lanaren · 3 years
10 songs meme ✨
List 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then 10 tag people to do the same.
I was tagged by @lily-of-the-valleys-world, thanx!
I can even name every one in different language, to make it harder, hehe:
1. Arhangel - "Brcki II" (Macedonian)
2. N.R.M - "10" (Belarussian)
3. Yurcash - "Капітан Дирижабля" (Ukrainian)
4. Сплин & Би-2 — "Феллини" (Russian)
5. Łąki Łan - "Selawi" (Polish)
6. Zdravko Čolić - "Kao moja mati" (Serbian)
7. Dylan Xiong - "Nao" (Chinese)
8. Wael Jassar - "El ayam" (Arabic)
9. Rammstein - "Mein Herz Brennt" (German)
10. Stiltskin - "Fly high" (English)
Let's see what list have: @crownbeed and @abelarda-gildenman
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du-sha · 3 years
Останнім часом чомусь ця пісня мене захоплює)
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telegid · 5 years
Нова музика: Letay & Yurcash, Karoon, Foley, Valevska & Авраам Руссо, Opiya, Арсен і Тоня, Олександр Пономарьов, "Би-2", Dzidzio, Faydee and Antonia
Нова музика: Letay & Yurcash, Karoon, Foley, Valevska & Авраам Руссо, Opiya, Арсен і Тоня, Олександр Пономарьов, “Би-2”, Dzidzio, Faydee and Antonia
Свої свіженькі композиції та відео презентували українські (і не тільки) артисти! Letay & Yurcash разом виконали композицію “Цей день” до Дня святого Валентина; молодий гурт Karoon – свою другу пісню “Не смотри на море”; Valevska та Авраам Руссо разом заспівали трек “Цвет любви”; репер Foley зняв провокаційне відео-стриптиз в метро у кліпі “Хай буде Хайп”; дебютантка у шоу-бізі Opiya представила…
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not4yourmind · 6 years
Пісеньки лютого
От уже і дожився до того моменту, коли мені передають всякі “естафети”. Прикольно. Дякую @hmlvsk. І так 15 штучок:
Slipknot -Snuff Linkin Park-Heavy Валентин Стрыкало -Дешевые драмы Animal ДжаZ -Три полоски Linkin Park -Crawling. Yurcash- Менуети Скрябін -Танець пінгвіна Океан Ельзи- Квітка Europe-Final Countdown Nirvana -Where did u sleep last night Король и шут -Мертвый анархист Христина Соловій - Хто як не ти Один в каное - У мене немає дому The hardkiss - Shadows of time Ed Sheeran-Perfect Завжди було цікаво на кому ж ці всі естафети закінчуються. Того я просто мушу це зробити. Прошу вибачення.)  Я урочисто нікому її не передаю.
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unhonestlymirror · 1 month
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synychka-blog · 7 years
Хто може представляти Україну на Євробаченні 2018 року
Визначили 18 півфіналістів, які боротимуться за право представляти Україну на Євробаченні-2018. Про це повідомляє NV посилаючись на прес-службу UA: ПЕРШИЙ. Вже з 10 лютого в прямих ефірах національного відбору можна буде побачити таких виконавців: 1. The Erised; 2. Сергій Бабкін; 3. СONSTANTINE; 4. Kozak System; 5. The ВЙО; 6. Julinoza; 7. Dilemma; 8. KAZKA; 9. Yurcash; 10. Mountain Breeze; 11.…
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telegid · 6 years
Yurcash разрешает своим детям нецензурно выражаться (ВИДЕО) В небольшом интервью Юрко Юрченко рассказал, как воспитывает своих троих детей; что будет необычного 16 июля на большом концерте в «Украине»; зачем народу его шизофрения; и почему он хочет исповедаться на сцене.
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