#Yup she definitely would love to get more hugs
toasted-melow · 10 months
*hug-ambushes your tfdw gangle* ">:3"
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Honestly she wouldn't be complaining about it!!
She loves hugs in general any kind of hugssss
But except that she gonna definitely return it >:3c
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prettyflyforawhitelie · 7 months
Hi I love your work so far, do you think you could do headcannons for all the different characters of the main Hazbin Hotel cast when their lover comes to them injured? Like how they would treat you and then how they would deal with the person who harmed you. I would love to see this ahhhh 😫
Ahh of course! I love this, thanks for the request! I hope you like it!
Trope: Hazbin Hotel x Injured!reader
Characters: Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Angeldust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Lucifer
Warnings: Physical violence, mention of death, injured reader, blood.
author's note: hey guys! this is my first time doing one of these, and I'm still getting better, so forgive me if its a bit shabby. If you have any requests, feel free to send them in! I'm in a creative buzz rn lol. Enjoy!
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The day that your attacker decides to hurt you is the day that they decide to die. Messing with the Radio Demon’s plaything is about the last thing you want to do. 
Alastor often sent his shadows to follow you into town when he couldnt be with you, so the second you were attacked, Alastor could sense that something was wrong. 
By the time his shadows had carried you back to the hotel, your attacker had already escaped, but luckily, his shadows saw everything.
When he rushed down to see you, he seemed rather indifferent at first. He carried you up to his room, immediately conjuring several healing ointments to heal you quickly.
He laid you in his bed, in which you almost immediately fell asleep.
He hears the whispers of his shadows, and gains all of the information he needs out of them. 
With a single snap of his finger, the issue was taken care of. Rumor has it that the screams of your attackers' seemingly “random” death could be heard about 3 rings down. 
While waiting for you to wake, Alastor conjures two steaming bowls of his mother’s jambalaya. Placing one on the side table next to you, he sits down next to your sleeping body and lightly grazes your head, singing soothing songs until you wake up.  
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Would of course be so very angry at whoever did this, but her first priority would be healing you up and making sure that you’re absolutely 100% okay and comfortable. 
Would set you up in her bed and assure that you have anything at all that would make you feel more comfortable. Tea? Yup. Ice pack? Already got it. Cuddles? Of course!
Would definitely let you cuddle with Razzle and Dazzle for as long as you needed.
She would try her best to talk to you and figure out what happened - to figure out who did this to you.
As you told her, she seemed surprisingly… calm? She simply thanked you for telling her and left the room. 
Though Charlie doesn't seem like a particularly violent person… She can get protective over the people she loves. So, let's just say she got that issue taken care of real quick. How stupid to mess with the Morningstar family. 
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Anybody in her vicinity needs to watch out when she hears that her love is hurt. 
Like, seriously, heads will roll. But not before she checks on you to evaluate how badly she needs to fuck up the person who did this to you. 
When she sees you, bruised and bloody, she can't help but hold you so tight and cry, scolding you for getting yourself into a bad situation without her there to protect you.
Vaggie knows what it feels like to be beaten and dumped on the side of the street like garbage. She could never forgive herself if she allowed that to happen to anybody else, let alone the genuine love of her life. 
When she asks for the person who did this, you can only give her a vague description. That’s alright though, she will use her former exterminator skills to scan all of Hell and find the person who dared to do this to you. She will not leave this alone until she serves you justice. 
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Coming home from the studio to find you in his room, crying and bruised, he immediately drops whatever he’s doing and comforts you in the biggest hug ever. 
Angel has plenty of experience with being abused and left to fend for himself, so he doesn't immediately resort to asking questions. No, that’s not what you need right now. You just need to know that you’re loved, beautiful, and that this does nothing to affect your worth or value as a person.
He carries you from the floor to his bed, covering you in blankets and laying next to you with Fat Nuggets. 
“It’s okay baby. You can cry, it's okay.” he whispers as you sob into his chest.
He allows you to initiate the conversation of what happened, not wanting to push you past your limits. 
Once he finds out what happened, he knows what he has to do. He waits until you fall asleep, and heads down to the club where your attacker happens to frequent. For once, being a famous pornstar will actually serve in his favor. He tempts your attacker to follow him, and immediately beats him to an absolute pulp. 
He allows the person to live, saying “I am only letting you live so you can know how it feels. You ever try this shit again, and I will find you. Except that time, you wont leave here looking so… whole.”
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Husk is used to all the residents of the hotel bitching and moaning to him about all of their issues. With Charlie coming to him and oftentimes crying about the many failures of the hotel, tears were no foreign sight to him.
But coming from the kitchen to the bar and seeing you there, looking an absolute mess, was different. 
“What the-What the fuck happened?” he yells. When you flinch, he knows that something happened.
When you explain to him what happened, he immediately needs a description of the attacker. He takes possibly the largest shot you've ever seen and storms out of the hotel.
He wishes that he could do more to protect you. Back when he was an overlord, he had power beyond anybody's imagination. He could've snapped a finger and your attacker would simply disintegrate (but not before he tortured him a bit first). But now that Alastor owned his soul, his powers were limited. 
You know what wasn't limited on husk, though? His pure physical strength.  
He immediately finds the guy walking on the street adjacent to the hotel (dumb, right?) and absolutely obliterates him. 
As the attacker is begging for his life, he just keeps hitting, blind with rage and love for you.
When he wants back into the hotel bloody and exasperated, he sits in the stool next to you and wraps you with one of his wings. 
“It’s all okay now. I’m here” he says as you lean on his shoulder, so ready to go to bed. 
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🐍⚙️Sir Pentious⚙️🐍:
Sir Pentious always loved coming to your room to show you his many zany inventions. Normally you welcome him in with open arms, a sweet smile on your face, but today was different.
When he knocked on your door, he was met with absolute silence, which isn't normal for you. When he listened a bit closer, though, he could hear your small sniffles. He trusted his gut and slowly opened the door, fully ready to be denied entry.
Instead, you looked at him shyly, turning away and crying. He could've sworn that he saw a… black eye?
He took this opportunity to come and sit next to you on your floor, placing his arm around you and letting you lean your head on his shoulder. 
When he noticed that you were calming down a bit, he asked you what was wrong.
You explained that while you were engaged in a turf war, some ruffian beat you up, and badly. The girl you had momentarily teamed up with had left you behind, and you were left to trek back to the hotel on your own, barely able to walk. 
You could see something change in his eyes. 
He curled his tail around you, his cool skin calming your nerves. He assured you that he was here now, and nothing like this would ever happen to you again. He then swiftly called his egg bois to entertain and comfort you while he prepared his airship. The idiot that did this to you was going to pay, and not just in turf.
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Bursting into Lucifer’s room, the only thing you could mutter is “Help” as you fell into his arms. 
He frantically carried you to a chair and tried to assess your injuries. Man, someone fucked you up, and badly. Too bad he would kill them before they could brag about their success. 
He rushed to find ANYTHING that could help you. Bandages, ice, your favorite food, a rubber duck, ANYTHING. 
When he finds you absolutely passed out asleep in the chair, he gently moves you to his bed and tries his best not to stir you. 
As he sits watching you, thinking of your beautiful smile (and how he’ll brutally kill the person who did this to you), he observes your features with great detail. 
When you wake up, you smile. Lucifer must have gone, but sitting on your table is a bowl of soup and… is that a rubber duck that looks like you?
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chaoticloving · 1 year
the making of stomper
harry styles x reader masterlist
summery: harry has his wife make the feature of his new music video
a/n: reader is described as an engineer and the "flashbacks" are italicized
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“Satellite was inspired by my love of Wall-e.” Harry explained. “I love the little guy, looking around in search for his point of life—so human, really.”
“I need your skills.” Harry ambiguously stated, rushing into the bedroom and meeting Y/n who was relaxing on the bed on her laptop.
"Come again?" Y/n laughed, confused by her husbands question and vaguely raunchy implications.
Harry climbs on the bed, sitting between his wife's legs on his sock-clad feet, yes, the pair with holes in them. "I have an idea and I need your help building it."
Harry gave a sweet smile, the face he poses whenever he wants Y/n to build something for him, first it was a new camera, fixing up a new engine for an old car harry had his eyes on, and any other little thing Harry wanted. Y/n never minded of course, she enjoys creating new things and Harry was always there to help by any means he could. She enjoyed working on other things besides work--which at her level typically involved designing, no actual building.
"Intriguing , what is it?"
"Huh." Y/n thought for a moment, before switching tabs on her laptop and opening up a new design file, labeling it "wall-e". "What's your vision."
"It's to go with Satellite and it would feature a little robot roomba thing thats looking for the meaning of life. It would walk or roll and move it's little face around." Harry summarized, stopping before he rambles too long, and make a list too extravagant.
“I’m down, I just need some time to think about what I’ll need and the process.” Y/n decided.
“Stomper was actually the 6th Stomper.” Harry thought back. “The first couldn’t move its head and only go very slowly on it’s little wheels. Two through four short-circuited. Five got injured by our cat. But six—he was a trooper.”
“Alright, we rolling?” Y/n spoke over to Harry, doing some final looks on the remote and Stomper.
“Yup! Ready for testing!” This was always Harry’s favorite part, despite it not being Y/n’s because she was always very thorough and was always waiting for a flaw with her creation. Harry, ever the optimist, was excited to see the little creature come to life.
“Okay, lemme just turn him on.” It was definitely a he this one, something in Y/n was just telling her it was a boy—as boyish a robot could be. But maybe she just thought the robot would act like Harry and all of his boyish charm.
Stomper grew to life, it’s “eyes” producing a subtle glow.
“Alright and moving forward—“ He moved, a little quicker then the others before him, which Y/n surprised and confused about. “Turning around…” The little robot did just that.
“It works?!” Harry shouted, letting the camera out of focus. He ran up to Y/n and hugged her tight, kissing her wherever his mouth could reach.
“Harry we got to give it more time, he might explode or something-“
“It’s perfect.” Harry chided, ignoring any concern his wife had for the little robot.
“I think Stomper was a subliminal message of some sort—“ Harry told the camera. He held on tight to the small child in this lap, who was trying to grab his ear and hair. “Y/n didn’t know she was pregnant yet. Only about a week after the music video went up Y/n had this epiphany that she didn’t have her period for the past two months—and the rest was history.”
Harry looked down at the little boy in his arms, brown hair showing through and a nose like his daddy’s. His eyes and lips through, were a copy and paste from his Mama.
“I joked that we should name him stomper--Y/n did not like that joke at all—so we settled on something else that will forever remain a mystery for you lot, or until I end up rambling uncontrollably.”
Harry, ever the scared Papa Bear, wouldn’t let anyone get a picture of any sort of the small boy. During the video, the boy was wearing a hat covering his face while Harry’s large hand would cover from the neck up. The only way you could know that Harry’s son was there was from the little grabby hands that kept making an appearance.
“But it’s getting close to this bubs nap time, so thank you for all the love.” Harry turned the camera off, smiling as he know the fans would love the one year special treat.
Harry went upstairs and met with his lovely wife taking a nap in their shared bed. His little boy yawned, causing Harry to yawn, so he knew it was family nap time.
“How’d it go?” Y/n whispered.
“Good.” Harry said, moving around so he could big spoon his son and wife. “Bubs was the star.”
“He takes after you.”
Harry smiled at the comment, but knew the opposite to be true. His little baby was showing signs of intelligence that could only be traced to his wife. “With any luck he’ll turn out just like his mama.”
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
IDiots (dean winchester x reader )
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Summary : when reader becomes the victim of a entity Dean is forced to admit feeling that he thought he could keep away in fear of being hurt .
Warning : little angsty mostly fluffy
Shit hitting the fan was an understatement of the century . The boys stood stuck to the ground watching as it loomed over her . He knew it was his fault , he knew they told him it was bad idea and yet he knew better . He knew this stuff more than they did or so he thought. Now he stood frozen while his brother screamed for it to leave her alone , while the woman he's loves in now on the ground out cold while evil lurks over her and it was all his fault . They warned him a week ago and he didn't listen.
It was always the same on case sam and Y/N sat in the kitchen of the bunker laptops on and researching away . " so the story goes a woman Jane Howard was killed by some dude one night , a man by John.. Smith really this has got to be fake .. anyway he was in love with Jane but never told her went on rampage in his madness killing single women some say he now attaches to a woman and if her love doesn't announce himself to her he take her soul to live with him for eternity " she couldn't help laugh at the ridiculousness of it all . " hey maybe I can get slash to admit he knows and loves me " she snorted. " or someone else would grow balls and do it " sam muttered shooting his brother a quick glance . " awh Sammy I love you too .. not like that though but we have our pact still " she teased . " pact? " . " if we're both single by 50 I marry her " sam smiled seeing the jealous glare from his brother . " yup have in writing too , I mean it's on a beer mat but still OK I need to pack up I'll meet you guys in an hour " she giggled heading off to her room . " you think maybe we should ask her sit this out giving she probably going to die before you admit your feelings to her " sam mused . " she not into me dude so let's drop this " he huffed walking off to his own room . " idiots I'm surrounded by idiots " sam face palmed .
Walking out she was standing looking at the brothers pouting up at them. " cas will be fine " Dean rolled his eyes . " but he's a baby " she whined . " he older than three of us combined ... plus Bobby's got him " . " I miss him already " she pouted making his heart beat faster . " go give him another hug " he smiled making her bolt into the bunker . " now if I asked that I'd be told to suck it up " sam teased . " hey Bobby give her special treatment too , plus she clearly pining for the big baby " he pointed out . " well then maybe he'll do what you can't but cas isn't the one she pining for i can definitely tell you that much " sam shot back . " he's a bit better but still sad " she sighed getting into the impala cutting dean asking what his brother ment by that . " come on we can get you some of those candy bars you like on the way " sam smiled brightly at her . " its like your in love with cas " Dean rolled his eyes . " I love all you guys .. some more than other " she whispered looking at him before getting into the car . " idiots " sam exhaled before following.
Pulling up to the motel instead of waking the sleeping woman Dean decided she was too cute to disturb only for him to lift her and carry her in leaving his brother to carry the bags . " yeah course I got it " the younger winchester huffed . Not that his brother listened nor did he care when she held on tight nuzzling her head into his chest letting out a content sigh . Maybe she could love him back like he loved her but then again the self doubt kicked in . She was light and he was just the darkest of dark . A woman like her couldn't love him. She was too special and he was the boy who couldn't even make his own father proud no matter what he did . No a girl like her was made for his brother . Caring sweetheart who would make sure everyone was OK before herself . A smile and laugh that could brighten anyone's day no he would never have a woman love the likes of him , he was sure of it . Placing her gently on the bed he rushed out of the room, only just as he did she smiled in her sleep calling his name . " idiot " sam huffed placing the bags at the near by table .
Driving to the house another woman losing her life what perplexed then was the man admitted he love her yet she still died . " oh no " she gasped . " what is it " sam turned checking her over . " she didn't love him back its why she died " she sniffled . "Great so it like a true loves first kiss but with a entity " Dean growled . " we'll get him don't worry " she patted his shoulder. " hey why don't you sit this one out " sam turned to her. " yeah I mean if he latches on I don't think we could get slash here on time " Dean joked making her eyes roll . " he not my true love though " she blew her nose. "Well im sure cas can come soon then " he didn't mean for it to come out snappy . " you think I love cas like that " she snorted . " I mean your always cuddling him , hate leaving him and well i don't know " he shrugged. " i cuddle sammy too and bobby when he lets me " she deadpanned which wasn't a lie she was a cuddler . " your not in love with cas " he asked. " i love him but not in love with him " she murmured . " idiots " sam grumbled .
they went after the entity it keep messing with her locking her into rooms or pushing her little things it considered as warning leading the brothers to take her from the house and back to the motel. " your sitting this one out " dean slammed the door while sam checked the small cuts the litter her hands after she was pushed into glass. "i'm not letting a bully win " she growled. " your not going " sam said putting the gauze on her hand . " i'm going and where going to kick his ass, i'm going to have a shower " she got off the bed grabbing her clothes before heading to the bathroom . " you need to either tell her or make her sit this one out " sam waited til the shower was on . " why don't you tell her , it's clear your the one she loves " he shot back . " i love her like a sister god you are so blind to what's in front of you , you need to get her to sit it out, he's already feeding on you and she getting hurt " he said holding up the glass shard filled dish . " a guy like me doesn't get with a girl like that ok i am sick of you pushing this " he growled slamming the door . only for sam to look up and see her standing there heartbroken hearing his words. " he didn't mean it the way you think he did " he began but she just grabbed her coat and shoes before heading out the door herself storming past the older winchester . " idiots " sam yelled out at them .
she knew it was stupid , something she was completely regretting the minute she stepped in the house but ever since they took on this case everything went to shit . Maybe a broken heart could take on a broken heart was her stupid reasoning . His words replayed over in her head making her head reel . That was til she was locked in a room trying to get out til she was knocked across the room her phone hitting the ground as dean number came up and answer , he could here her groans and followed by something he could only describe as a disembodied growl . " shit we're coming sweetheart " he called before the line went completely dead. now here they stood stuck while the entity stood over her body sucking and draining the life from her . The fear of losing her was growing stronger then the fear of rejection . "please stop ok take me , i know you don't but take me i will take her place , they world can't lose a woman like that , a woman who would starve rather then let someone go hungry , one who cries at stupid video's online because someone is sad and she can't help , i'd rather you take me then take the woman i love out from this world" he finally felt the words spewn only for her to sit up gasping grabbing the pistol and shooting the entity and the two men being able to move . " i'm sorry " was all she said not that he cared he was stunned , knowing the only reason she was talking now was because in some divine madness meant she loved him like really loved him . she couldn't get another word out before she felt him pull her up and smash his lips to her . " finally ... idiots " sam smiled looking at the pair.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hello! Can you please write a story where the reader cleans up and slips on the wet floor? What would Azriel's reaction be? Thank you!
I love all your stories and I am delighted every time you post.
Azriel x f!reader
A/n: Hi anon! Thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say. I hope you enjoy this❤️
Warnings: injuries then some fluff
Making your way to the kitchen you hear Cassian and Nyx playing. Correction, you heard them screaming and running around. As you walked down the hall Nyx comes barreling out of the kitchen, laughing and screaming at his Uncle Cassian chasing him.
He’s holding an almost empty sippy cup with no lid in his little hands. He screeches out a ‘hi auntie y/n’ as he disappears around the corner. Cassian follows shortly laughing like a maniac. “I’m gonna get you Nyx! Hi y/n.” You laugh at the boys and their shenanigans.
Walking into the kitchen your smile fades. The two left a mess! Cookies all over the island, bowls of snacks left out, and some sticky candy that you were sure Nyx couldn’t have was stuck to the marble counter top. Rubbing your eyes you knew you couldn’t leave the kitchen like this. You had to clean it or it would drive you crazy, and if not you definitely Rhys or Az.
As you bustled about the kitchen wiping down the counter tops and putting dishes in the sink, Azriel walks in. His face lights up when he sees you. “Hi baby,” he saunters over to you, pulling you in by your waist and giving you a quick kiss.
“Hi Azzie.” You continue cleaning the other side of the island. Azriel looks over the mess that’s still left, “Cass and Nyx?” “Yup,” you emphasize by popping the ‘p’. Az chuckles, shaking his head. He spots the sticky candy still on the counter, “Cauldron save me, Feyre told us he couldn’t have those before dinner.”
You kept walking and wiping down the counter listening to Az rant about Cassian giving Nyx candy until you slip. Letting out a squeak, you try to grab the ledge of the island but your fingers slip. Letting go, the back of your head hits the floor.
You hear Az yell your name as he rushes to kneel beside you. You blink owlishly as you start to feel the pain in your back, head, and fingers. “Baby? Y/n, are you ok?” “Yeah I’m fine,” you groan out. You start to sit up and Az helps you. He holds the back of your neck as his one of his shadows swarms you, checking for injuries. It lingers by the back of your head alerting Azriel to the bump forming there.
Staring at the floor you notice a puddle of juice. Then you remembered Nyx’s almost empty sippy cup and figured Cassian forgot to clean it up.
Azriel touches the back of your tender head, you suck in a harsh breath and wince. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Come on let’s get you some ice.” Az scoops you up into his arms, sitting you on one of the bar stools. He grabs an ice pack from the freezer.
He comes back over to you and holds the ice pack to the back of your head. “You ok?” “Uh-huh, thank you Azzie.” He hums, “Can I get you anything else, my love?” Letting out a dramatic sigh Az leans his face in front of you. His eyes shining and a playful smile graces his lips.
“Hhmm…I think a kiss would make me feel better.” Az lifts the ice pack and kisses your head. “Better yet?” “One more, I think,” you pucker your lips, tilting your head slightly. Az’s shoulders shake from silent laughter and kisses your lips.
You get lost in each other for a while until you hear two voices, “Eewwww.” You and Az break apart, shooting Cassian and Nyx dirty looks. “Gross Uncle Az.” “Yeah, gross Uncle Az.” Cassian mimics. Az juts out his hip, placing his free hand on it, giving them a stern look.
“You two should be apologizing to Auntie y/n. You spilled your juice and didn’t clean it up, she slipped and hit her head.” Cassian pursed his lips as if to say ‘oh’. Nyx’s eyes go wide as he leaves Cassian’s side and runs over to you. He lifts his arms up and Az picks him up to sit in your lap. He gives you a big hug, tucking his face in your neck. “I’m sorry auntie.”
You stroke Nyx’s hair, “It’s ok buddy. Just gotta be careful next time ok.” “Ok. And really it’s Uncle Cass’ fault. He didn’t put the top on my cup.” Cassians mouth opens and his brows furrow together. Az laughs at the accusation. “Yeah Cass, your fault.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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mewhenimanangel · 4 months
cherry, eren jaeger
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—synopsis. you have a little more fun at jean’s party that you thought you would
—chapter 4 ౨ৎ
𝜗𝜚content!: au-high school, ballet dancer, teenage romance, black reader, underaged drinking, drunken makeout sessions, high school party
previous ౨ৎ next ౨ৎ
you yawned and stretched out your arms before rubbing a hand over your face.
a bad habit, you reached for your phone that was sitting on your nightstand. there was a text from eren - it was an address followed by the texts 'forgot to give you the address' 'you know for when you decide to come thru 😉' you found yourself smiling like a dork for some reason before texting him back, joking that you weren't going anywhere.
you clicked on lana's contact and face timed her. "hey" you said putting toothpaste on your toothbrush. "hey girl, what are you waking me up for" her voice was groggy. "are you going to that party tonight?" you asked her.
"yeah, i was actually gonna text you and ask if you wanted to come. who told you about it?" she asked you. "eren asked me to come" you told her and you could practically hear the smirk in her voice when she said "ohhh he definitely wants you. you should definitely come then" she continued "plus you've been like mad busy lately you need to come and get a little crazy"
maybe she was right, for the last month the only places you'd been were school, home, work, and dance. maybe you could use a break.
"fine i'll come. what are you gonna wear?" "that little black jean skirt i got from nando's in janurary. and maybe that cute little black shirt. you know, the ones that make my boobs look good" she told you. "oh, tryna look good in case connie's there?" you smirked. "oh shut up, but yeah of course he's gonna be there"
lana had a little crush on connie ever since junior year when they had to do a chemistry project together. you never really knew eren's group of friends but connie was always really touchy and flirty with lana, he was definitely into her too.
"anyways, ima go. i have a shift at one and my boss is gonna wring my neck if im late again." she sighed. "okay just remember to let me know when you're on your way, love you byeee" you blew a kiss to the camera and she did the same before hanging up.
you finished washing your face before going out into the living room to find your mom and enya on the couch watching bob's burgers. "hey sleepyhead, finally decide to join society?" your mom joked. "yup" you smiled, giving enya a kiss on the cheek to which she wiped off. "rude" you rolled your eyes.
you went to the kitchen to pop half a bagel in the toaster.
you went back into the living room to join them. "mommy.." you whined. "uh oh, what do you want?" she smirked. "can i go to a party tonight.." you smiled. she deadpanned "whose?" 
"it's jean's party" you told her. "ugh the kiersten's kid? he's such a troublemaker" she scoffed. "i promise to stay out of trouble, come on you know me. plus lana's coming" you told her. you knew your mom trusted lana.
you spent five more minutes begging her to go, going in front of her to block the tv.
"ugh fine you can go. but, no alcohol, no drugs, and no boys" she pointed a stern finger at you. "yayyy thank you so much mama" you smiled, going to give her a hug.
"that's not fair i wanna go to parties" enya groaned. "you're 12, sit down" you scoffed.
you got out of the shower and decided to keep it simple with your outfit. you put on a white tube top and a pair of denim shorts that ended a little under your butt. you wore a pair of white adidas on your feet and threw on your jacket while you waited for lana to text you that she was here.
once she was, you said bye to your mom and went out into her car. "wait, lil pregame first" she handed you a pink whitney shot bottle. "how are you just driving around with this in your car? you're not scared you're gonna get pulled over?" you scoffed. "it's fine, we'll just drive a bit and throw it in some random trash can"
"ready?" she asked you as you untwisted the cover. you cheered and tapped the bottom before shooting your head back and downing the liquor. "WOOOO, okay let's go! the party's at some random airbnb" she said, putting the address in her gps.
it was about a 20 minute drive there, twenty minutes spent singing along to lana's music.
when you got to the house, lana parked her car about a minute away and you walked your way up.
connie was on the porch talking to someone when he saw you two walk up. "hey girl!" connie smiled at lana bringing her in for a hug by the waist. "what's up" he nod his head at you and you put your hand up to wave.
the three of you walked inside, there were a lot more people there than you thought would be - you wondered how the party wasn't busted yet.
playing on the speakers was 'love scars', there were solo cups and beer bottles everywhere, people dancing, some guy shirtless on a table dancing, there was a game of beer pong going, and people just scattered around the house in general.
"wait what should i do with my jacket" you asked lana. "oh you can put it upstairs in the master bedroom, that's where we're putting all our shit. nobody else is allowed in there but i'll make an exception" connie told you. not wanting to let you go alone, lana asked connie to lead the way upstairs.
you put your jacket on the bed, looking at everyone's stuff you spot the jacket eren wore sitting on the arm chair. you wondered where he was, you may have even been a little excited to see him.
"aight let's get crazy" connie said, grabbing lana's hand and heading toward the door. you followed behind them before stopping when you saw eren coming up the stairs.
you saw the smile that graced his lips when his eyes landed on you. he was wearing a black shirt with a pair of black baggy jeans. his hair was tied back in his usual low bun and he smelled like cologne and a hint weed. his eyes were low and glossed over.
"hey" eren smiled , standing incredibly close to you. you could smell his cologne and a hint of weed on him, the combination was intoxicating "hi" you looked up at his eyes.
lana gave connie a look before leading him downstairs to leave you two alone. "i'm glad you made it" "yeah, i had to beg my mom to let me come, she doesn't trust jean"
eren blew air through his nose "nah i wouldn't trust him either" he watched you for a second. his eyes trailed over your body, admiring the way your top hugged you, and the shorts that showed off your slim dancer legs. you were somehow glowing, maybe it was something you were wearing. you smelled so good, like a mix of vanilla and strawberries. your hair was coily and down a little past your shoulders. your lips were outlined and glossy, god everything about you drew him in.
"you look good" he smiled, bottom lip between his teeth. "you do too" you sized him up, arms crossing.
"you wanna go get a drink or something?" he asked you. "sure, lead the way" you grinned.
he reached down to grab your hand, leading you downstairs. your heart beat a little bit faster, this is the most you've ever touched. you liked the feeling of your hand in his hand, it was a little bigger than yours and he had a ring on his middle finger. you watched the slight vein that peeked through under the watch on his wrist.
he reached both hands back behind him to lead you and weave through the crowd to the kitchen.
there were a few people in there, pouring shots and eating snacks. "what can i get you" he turned to look at you. "nothing too strong" was all you told him. he nod his head and grabbed a bottle of pink whitney "this more your speed?" he asked. "pink whitney does not fall under the category of 'nothing too strong'" you joked. "but sure" you said and he poured it in a shot glass.
he handed it to you and watched as you downed it in a few seconds. "you want another?" he asked you. "sure" you told him as he grabbed another shot glass for himself. "we'll do this one together" he poured the drink in the glasses.
he reached out for cheers as the two of you tapped the drinks on the table before shooting them back.
jean, connie, lana and armin joined you guys in the kitchen. they were currently passing around a blunt that jean had rolled. you noticed that eren was somehow even more touchy when he was high. you were sitting on one of the island stools while he sat next to you. his hand grazed your thigh, tracing random swirls over your skin with his fingers. he would rest his hand on the small of your back, stare you straight in the face while other people were talking.
as the night went on, you met with lana again before she dragged you into the crowd of people that were dancing in the living room. you wound up drinking more than you intended, solo cup on its second refill of tequila.
recently you've felt like you've been drowning in your day to day life. maybe tonight was a chance to drown in alcohol instead, letting it take over your body and let loose.
eren sat on the kitchen island with jean and watched from the kitchen counter for glimpses of you through the crowd. he watched how you whined your waist to the song playing. it was so interesting to see you like this, you're usually so laidback, he felt like he was seeing a new side of you.
he's watched you dance before, but this was different, your movements were more carefree, wild, and almost sensual.
somehow you made your way on the coffee table and the people around you began cheering as you danced. you were twisting your body and whirling your ass around. the crowd was now chanting your name.
as much as lana wanted to indulge in the fun, she knew if you sobered up and found out you did this, you'd be pissed at her for not stopping you.
she quickly ran over to eren "can you help me get y/n. she's on the coffee table dancing like crazy. can you come take her down? she's getting a little too drunk" lana told him. eren furrowed his eyebrows before nodding his head and following her.
he shoved through everyone to get to you, grabbing your legs and holding you in his arms by your thighs, taking you to the living room.
lana turned the kitchen stools around and eren sat you down on it. "how much did you even have to drink" eren chuckled. you giggled "not a lot-"
lana cut you off "way too much" you playfully shot your middle finger at her.
"alright so no more for you, time to sober up" eren rubbed the top of your head, grabbing the water he was drinking from earlier to hold it by your mouth.
"guess princess can get a little crazy too" jean laughed. "shut up" eren rolled his eyes. "you feeling okay?" he asked, bending his head to look at you. he put his hand on your shoulder and rubbed his thumb over your skin. "yeah i'm good" you smiled at him.
while you sobered up, eren and jean started a game of beer pong. you sat at the side of the table watching the game. soon - connie, lana, armin, mikasa, and marco joined the game.
right now it was connie vs armin and eren moved off to the side. you were watching them play until you looked up and saw eren staring back at you. he was leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
you weren't sure if it was the alcohol but his stare felt so intense. he didn't look away when your eyes met his, instead his lips twisted into a slight smirk that someone that wasn't staring right at him would've missed. you trained your gaze on his, waiting to see who would break first. the alcohol in your system was making you a lot bolder.
he smiled with teeth, placing his bottom lip between his lips. he nod his head towards the back door before slipping away from the group. you smiled as you watch him leave, getting the hint, but you decided to make him wait a minute or two.
you looked down at your phone to see a "you coming?" text from him. you tapped on lana's shoulder to tell her you'd be right back and she nod her head, telling you to be careful. you opened the door to the back patio - there were plants, a couch with a coffee table in front of it, and string lights decorating it. you were surprised no one was out here, it was so pretty.
it was a little cold but you braved it.
eren was sitting on the couch and smiled when he saw you come out. he had a joint in his hand and he was laid back in a manspread position. "you smoke?" you asked him. "nah, not often. you?" he took an inhale off it, blowing the smoke out through his mouth. "no, i never have" you admitted. "do you want to?" you nod your head "sure" and walked over to join him on the couch.
you sat next to him wrapping one leg under the other and leaning against the cushion.
eren moved closer and turned to face you put the blunt in front of you and instructed you on how to properly inhale it. "you ready?" his voice was low and his hand was held in front of your mouth, eyes not leaving yours. you nod your head and you wrapped your lips around it, trying to follow what he told you.
you felt the smoke go straight to the back of your throat and immediately coughed. you bent forward coughing as eren pat your back. you could hear him laughing though, "you okay?" he asked once you were done. "yeah" your voice was shaking. "wait lemme do it again" you reached for it. "are you sure" he chuckled. you nod your head and he gave it to you, throwing his arm around the back of the couch behind you.
once you were comfortable, you sat there for a while just talking and passing it to each other. you could feel yourself getting a little high, or at least what you thought it felt like. eren's arm that was around the couch was now blatantly on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing circles across it. the tension between you two could be cut with a knife, his low red eyes never leaving yours unless it was to look down at your lips.
you were now aware of how close you were sitting - your leg was laying against his, the other still underneath you, knee rubbing his thigh. his arm was basically around you and you were so close you could almost feel when he exhaled.
you weren't sure who leaned in first, all you knew was your lips were on his. he leaned over to put the blunt on the little tray in front of him. your lips pecked against each other until his hand behind you came to hold the side of your face, pressing his body against yours.
you put your leg across his lap and his hand came down to hold your inner thigh, just below your shorts. the kiss went from soft to sloppy and needy. you placed your hand at the side of his neck, pulling him closer. his tongue slid into your mouth and you jumped a little, pulling away. you looked back at him and he only stared back at you, eyes needy like if he doesn't kiss you again he'd starve.
you pressed your lips back against his and his hand on your thigh rose higher, almost touching your crotch. just as he did that, lana came through the door. you pushed yourself off him and jumped to your feet.
"oh! sorry to interrupt" she smirked. "but y/n we have to go now! my mom just called to ask where we were" she told you, tossing your jacket at tou. "o-okay i'll be right behind you" you said as she turned around to leave.
"um well i've gotta go now" you told him, all of a sudden feeling awkward. "damn okay then, i'll try not to miss you too much" he smirked. "yeah yeah, bye" before you walked away though, he grabbed your arm to spin you around. he held your waist and pulled you into another kiss.
"y/n let's go!" lana yelled from in the house. "bye"  you giggled. "bye" he smiled at you. you turned to leave before bumping your hip into the table. you rubbed the spot and awkwardly smiled and waved at him as you turned to leave.
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emodaryls · 4 months
Cg!Daryl agere alphabet
Alphabet credits to... me!
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A - activities [what is their favorite activity (or activities) to do with you?] He loves coloring more than he'd admit. It keeps him busy for a while, and he's not even the one who's regressing. If its not coloring then he'd like watching movies with you. Having you cuddle into his side, maybe you fall asleep.. its peaceful.
B - baby talk [Do they like to talk in a baby voice when interacting?] Based on how he talked to Judith when she was born, yes, probably. It wouldn't be an all the time thing though, and it would also depend on your preferences. If you don't like people using baby voices with you, then he wouldn't use it.
C - cuddling [Do they like to cuddle with their regressor?] yup!! especially during movies and nap time. It makes the both of you feel all warm and safe. He will usually let you sit on his lap and rest against his chest or he'll wrap an arm around your shoulder and bring you in close.
D - dress up [Will they play dress up? what would be their favorite outfit?] He'll play dress up if you nag him enough. His favorite outfit is probably when you "did his makeup", put a party hat on him, and tried to fit him into a tutu. You also wanted to paint his nails a glittery pink but sadly he didn't let you. He did let you give him "tattoos" with a pink glitter pen, though.
E - entertainment [What is their favorite movie, show, or book to watch/read with their regressor?] Hm... i think he likes to watch Popeye. I also think he found a bunch of those A Little Golden Books to read to you. For example, the Baby Animals, the Spongebob books, Disney, The Wait-For-Me Kitten, etc.
F - forgiveness [How forgiving are they when their regressor makes mistakes? How fast do they forgive?] He'll forgive you, definitely . He'll get upset at times, but he won't take it out on you, he never will. He reminds himself that you're bound to be a little more clumsy (depending on your little age), and that you don't do it on purpose.
G - gentle [How gentle are they with their regressor?] VERY gentle! Daryl dreads the thought of possibly hurting you physically or mentally. He will be very careful with you, careful with how his words come out. Sometimes he may unintentionally be a little 'smart' with his words, but he'll correct himself if he sees that the way he worded it upset you.
H - hugs [Do they like to huggies?] Yes!! He would love to hug you, to hold you tightly in his arms. He gives really warm bear hugs.. it would feel safe and be soo comfortable!!
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I - imaginary [How imaginative are they?] Imagination probably wouldn't be one of his strong points, but it's not like he has no imagination at all. He can get pretty creative with thinking of storylines while playing with toys. Might get repetitive at times, but he tries!!
J - jokes [Do they like to joke around?] He jokes sometimes, but again, he watches how he words things so that he doesn't upset you. He'll make non-harmful and not distressing jokes and pranks sometimes, things that will make you both laugh.
K - kisses [Do they like to give (platonic) kissies? Where is their favorite spot to kiss?] Yeah!! I feel like he loves to kiss your forehead and hand, also the top of your head. His kisses would be soo gentle and sweet!
L - lullaby [Do they sing lullabies to their regressor? What is their favorite one?] Hm.. not really sing, but maybe hum. He'd like to sing "go to sleep" (idk what its called.. my mom would sing it to me thats all i know) and hum "rock-a-bye baby".
M - morning [How do they spend mornings with their regressor? (when regressed)] He'd gently wake them up (or let them wake up on their own, whichever they prefer), and make their favorite breakfast!! Depending on their little age he may warm up some milk in a bottle too. After breakfast, he'd have them brush their teeth and get dressed, then they can do whatever activities they have planned for the day!!
N - night [How do they spend nights with their regressor? (when regressed)] He'd make them dinner, help them brush their teeth, and if they need it, help getting into their PJs. Daryl would tuck them into bed, making sure they're comfortable and cozy, their favorite plushie in their arms. He'd plant a kiss on their forehead and tell them goodnight and that he loves them. If his regressor prefers to sleep with him or for him to stay beside them until they sleep, he'd happily do so.
O - overprotective [Are they more overprotective, underprotective, or somewhere in the middle?] I think he'd be a bit overprotective. He wouldn't let them out of his sight, he probably wouldn't leave them with someone else unless he ABSOLUTELY trusts them 100%. His regressor's precious to him. He would never let anything happen to them.
P - petnames [What are their favorite petnames to use for their regressor? (ex: darling, sweetheart, little one)] Little one, kiddo, sweetheart. Things similar to that.
Q - quality time [How much time do they usually spend with their regressor? Do they live with them or visit?] He would likely live with his regressor. He'd spend pretty much all day with them, except for when Daryl's on supply runs or similar things. He likely wouldn't let them go, he hates the possibility of anything bad happening to them.
R - regression [Do they age regress as well?] He would, having a rough childhood himself, he would want to regress as a way to cope and heal his inner child. I feel like he would be a flip, mainly being a caregiver.
S - snacks [What snacks do they feed their regressor?] Their comfort snacks, baby/toddler snacks. (Self projecting a bit... baby teething biscuits, yogurt melts, those star puff baby snacks i forget what they're called)
T - tea party [Do they enjoy playing tea party? Will they play with the toys and/or stuffies as well?] He'd secretly love it. He would absolutely play with the toys and stuffies.
U - understand [How well do they understand their regressors needs and emotions?] He would absolutely understand, being a regressor himself. He would try his best to accommodate to their needs and wants, learning how to deal with their emotions.
V - visit [What are some of their favorite places to visit with their regressor?] In Alexandria, the lake and some grassy area is enough for them, just getting out and getting fresh air, maybe having a picnic. For a no apocalypse au, parks, movie theaters, amusement parks/carnivals, toy stores... stuff like that.
W - warmth [Do they provide physical warmth to their regressor, such as giving blankets or cuddling? Do they make their regressor feel warm and secure, mentally?] Yes and yes! He'd love to cuddle up with his regressor, especially before bed or to comfort them. Daryl seems really fatherly, and i feel like it would be reaallly comforting to have him as a cg.
X - (e)xtra [Additional headcanons?] When they both regress, they would spend a lot of their time napping together and snacking watching old childrens shows or movies, with the occasional coloring in between.
Y - yummy [What are their favorite meals to make for their regressor? Are they good at cooking and/or baking?] He'd make simple meals, maybe microwavable. For breakfast, maybe eggs, pancakes, or french toast. Lunch, Grilled cheese, dino chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, soups. Dinner, spaghetti, mac and cheese, chicken tenders.
Z - ZzZ [Do they take naps with their regressor? What are some sleep habits of theirs?] Definitely. Some of his sleep habits would be things like holding his regressor close the whole night, being super clingy. Sometimes he might even unintentionally hog the blanket... Thank u for reading <3
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Javi and Dulzura taking the kids grocery shopping and Dulzura leaves Javi with the kids(maybe she takes the youngest with her in like a baby carrier cause that’s just cute) because she forgot something a couple isles over and someone tried flirting with Javi cause they’re thinking “oh hot single dad” but Dulzura shows up just in time and is like nope.
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AN | Oh yeah, but no. No one messes with Javi when Dulzura is around! Can be read as a stand alone or part of the ‘verse! ❤️
Pairing | Javier x Fem!Reader 
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Main, Javier, A Good Man ‘Verse
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“Javier!” you sighed as you looked through the fridge for a third time before turning back to the pantry and finding that it was just as empty as the fridge. This was definitely not good.
“What’s wrong, Dulzura?” he made his way into the kitchen, a smile on his face as he found you standing there with your hands on your hips, “I didn’t do it.”
“Oh? You don’t eat in this house anymore?” you snorted in amusement as you motioned for him to come closer. He raised an eyebrow as he came over and gave you a kiss, “we’re running dangerously low on groceries.”
“Uh oh,” he took a quick look through everything before groaning slightly, “we’re going to have to go to the store.”
“We have to go to the store,” you confirmed as a few shrieks of joy reached you from the living room, “and I think we’re going to have to take the gaggle with us.”
“The gaggle?” he couldn’t help but laugh as you nodded seriously.
“They’re like baby geese honking and running all over the place,” despite your best efforts you weren’t able to keep the smile off your face, “therefore they are our little gaggle of geese. And you’re Father Goose.”
“Does that make you Mother Goose?” he put a hand on your waist and pulled closer to his body, before wrapping you up in a tight hug.
“Nope,” you could feel him smiling against your lips, “I’m Queen Goose, and you’re all my loyal subjects.”
“And I would never dare to cross you,” he promised, taking a moment to kiss you properly, “do you think we’ll survive?”
“I can put Bella in her carrier and the others will be okay,” the two of you grimaced for a moment. It wasn’t that you didn’t love your children - you absolutely did, more than anything - but they were a lot. A whole lot, “they’re good kids. They’ll listen…they’ve been good before.”
“And we can incentivize with ice cream,” he suggested as you nodded.
“Like that was a question,” you grinned, “whatever it takes.”
“When should we go?”
“We’re going to have to feed them soon,” you playfully sighed, “unless you’ve got something else that you need to do first?”
“Never,” he pressed a kiss to the side of your head and that made you smile softly. He was always so tender and gentle with you, even after all these years, “you and the gaggle are always my number one priority.”
“Oh cielito,” you beamed at him, making his knees weak, “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he promised, “now, let’s get everyone rounded up and get going. I have a feeling this is going to be quite an adventure.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Alright,” you and Javier jumped out of the car to quickly go over the game plan for grocery shopping. When you had a family of seven, planning was a must. It gave you some pause for a moment as you took in the scene in front of you. A large SUV filled with children and a hot husband  that were all yours. You’d never imagined that this would be your life, even when you’d first started your relationship with Javier this was never anything you’d imagined. But you wouldn’t change a thing either.
“You have your list?” you asked as he pulled the paper with the groceries he was going to procure out of his pocket. You mirrored him and held up your list, “okay, I’ll start with the kids, and then we’ll meet in the middle and swap.”
“And you’re okay with taking Bella?” 
“Yup - she’ll be strapped to my chest so she’s not going anymore,” you were very proud of your little plan, “but she’s also eight months old so she's not really going anywhere either way. You can get her next time.”
“Sounds like a deal, Dulzura,” he put his hand on your face and brushed his thumb over cheek, “you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you could hear the small giggles from inside the car. That alone made your heart soft, “let’s get this done so we can all get some ice cream.”
“Now that sounds perfect,” he opened the back door so the two of you could start getting the kids out. Lucia hopped out, along with Diego who was much more tactful than his older sister. They clambered over to Javi as you took Bella out of her car seat and into the carrier you had on your chest. She cooed happily as you got her settled before you each grabbed out one of the twins. 
“Oh my little loves,” you grinned at them, trying to hold back your internal squeals. As they stood by Javi, you could see just how much they all seemed to take after him with their dark hair and soft eyes and bright smiles. You liked to joke that you did all the hard work with carrying them and birthing them and they betrayed you by taking after their father. Except for Bella who definitely took more after you. But you loved them all beyond words, “we are going to go grocery shopping so we can have food at home - and if you’re all good, we can go get ice cream afterwards and go to the park. What do you guys think?”
You were met with little cheers and bright smiles; alright - you had them reeled in.
“You’re going to go with your mamá,” Javier affectionately ruffled Lucia’s curls and then later on you’ll come with me. Si?”
“Si papá,” Lucia and Diego chirped happily as the twins nodded. 
“Inside voices please and stay close, okay? And remember your manners,” you gave Javi a look and he silently responded. The two of you didn’t even have to verbalize conversations anymore, you were so in sync, “okay, let’s go then kiddos! And no running either, por favor!”
“Good luck, Dulzura,” Javi punctuated his statement with a kiss as you both grabbed shopping carts, “if you want to trade off early, just say the word.”
“You’re a good man, amor,” you whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” and he gave your bum a small pinch which made your eyes widen as you tried to quiet your giggles, “and that never gets old.”
“See you soon,” with that, he took off towards the other end of the store to start on his list. 
You shook your head with a fond smile as Bella babbled away, “your father is impossible, I swear. But luckily for all of you, you’re all so cute!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your children were definitely small agents of chaos, but you had to admit that they definitely listened and listened well when asked to. One would think that Javier, former DEA agent Javier, would have been the more strict parent, but if anything, it was definitely you. Luckily, there weren’t many times you had to pull out the strict mom card too often.
"Mamá?" Diego was at your side as his sisters and brother were up ahead, excitedly looking at all the bright packaging on the shelves.
"Yes, my love?" You reached down and touched his little cheek, "everything alright?"
"Mhmm," he grabbed your hand with his much smaller one, "can we get cookies?"
"Cookies?" You playfully scoffed at him as he grinned at you shyly, "you want cookies?"
"Yes please," there came your favorite little gap toothed grin, "I like the oreos! Abuelo likes them too."
"Well I can't say no to you and abuelo," you put a hand on your heart, "we can get some cookies, but you have to share with everyone."
"Even with Bella?"
"Maybe not Bella," the baby in question was already asleep again, "but your other sisters and brother and papá."
"Okay," he nodded eagerly as he padded up ahead to where he could see the telltale blue packaging. 
At the end of the aisle you saw Javier pop up and you felt yourself relaxing. He leaned against the cart and offered you a cheeky little wink accompanied by a wave. You stuck your tongue out in response as he shook his head fondly.
"Doing alright?" He asked when you made your way down the aisle. 
"Not a single hair on their heads harmed, no missing kids, and no meltdowns," you grinned as the kids all studied the different types of oreos that were available, "I promised your son some oreos. Made a sucker right out of me."
"My son?"
"Yes," you confirmed fervently, "when he makes a sucker out of me, he's your son. Other times I will take half credit for him."
"What about the others?" 
"They can be ours. But they're on thin ice!"
"You, Dulzura, are something else," he whispered before stealing a kiss. Lucia had gotten to the age where she called you both out for any sort of PDA. Diego was out at any age where he naturally agreed with his older sister. The twins were still young enough to be unbothered, "my turn?"
"Yes Daddy," you teased as his eyebrows shot up in amusement. It was your turn to wink at him as you herded the kids over to him, "all yours!"
"Two can play that game baby," you shrugged innocently, "I'll see you at the registers."
"See you soon!"
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You were walking the rest of your half of the grocery store in peace, enjoying a few quiet moments to yourself. They were far and few in between - no complaints on your part - but nice when you got them. Bella remained sleepy, drifting in and out of a little nap, but that didn't stop you from speaking quietly to her. She was such a happy baby and so calm and sweet; she was more like Diego than her sisters and other brother. They were all unique in their own special ways.
"Alright mija," you grabbed the last of your fresh produce and set it in the cart, crossing the items off your list. You were finished now and even earlier than anticipated, "let's go see if papá needs help."
You made your way to the other end of the store, grabbing a few things that looked good on the way - going shopping when hungry was never a good idea.
You spotted Thea from around the corner and attempted to follow her to Javier when you heard him speaking to someone. It definitely wasn't one of the kids, so you wondered if it was someone you knew.
"Look at those curls," the voice was high pitched and screeching, causing you to cringe. This was definitely not someone you knew, "what beautiful children!"
"Thanks, I-"
"They're all so precious," well then, this was interesting if nothing else. You could just imagine Javier's face, "they look like you. What are their names?"
"I, ugh, ma'am-"
"I'm Lucia," you were giggling now, listening to your daughter speak up, "that's my sister Thea, that's Diego, and that's Santiago but we all call him Santi. We have a baby sister too, her name's Bella."
"You are just sweet as pie," you edged towards the end of the aisle to peek around, "and your daddy is just as sweet…and handsome!"
"And to think, you're raising them on your own!" okay, now you were getting annoyed. She looked exactly like you imagined, box blonde with over the top makeup, too much plastic surgery and an outrageous outfit. And she had the audacity to flirt with your husband in front of your children! You looked at his hand and he was definitely wearing his wedding band, "you know there's something so attractive about a single father."
"I'm not-"
"I can't even imagine everything you have to go through," she put her manicured hand over her heart, "you know if you ever need anything-"
"Hello, my love!" You slapped on the biggest grin you could manage as you sauntered over to him. Relief flooded his features as soon as he saw, along with the heart eyes he always seemed to watch you, “I was looking for you! We got separated.”
“H-hey baby,” he sounded so thankful that it caused you to shoot him a quick wink, “glad you found us.”
“Me too,” you walked over and gave him a big kiss, careful not to squish the baby, “I hate being separated from you, even if its just for a few minutes. Oh, hello. And you are?”
“Millie,” her entire face fell as she looked you over. You could tell she wasn’t expecting a wife, let alone you, “y-you’re-”
“I’m his wife,” you confirmed with a sticky sweet smile, “and the mother of all of his children.”
“O-oh, I didn’t mean to…imply anything,” but yeah, you weren’t buying that for a moment.
“Oh? Well, he’s wearing a wedding ring and clearly not interested,” you were enjoying this a little too much, “but thank you for your comments on my children. They are very adorable and sweet. But we can handle them on our own, sweetie. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
“No,” and with that, she turned the corner and you could hear her high heels shuffling away. You let out a heavy sigh before turning back to face Javier. You weren’t quite sure what reaction you were supposed to be expecting, but it wasn’t the smug, proud expression he wore. 
“What was that?” he asked, as he watched the kids look at everything on shelves. He took a step closer to you and put a hand on your hip and gave it a gentle squeeze, “Dulzura.”
“It wasn’t anything,” you replied simply with a shrug, “I was just making sure she knows who you belong to. And to stay away from my children.”
“You’re always sexy, you know that,” he whispered close to your ear, “you’re even sexier when you’re jealous.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” you put your hand on his cheek and patted it playfully, “there’s nothing to be jealous of. You’re mine and everyone knows that. You know that.”
“I do,” he promised, “I am yours. I’ve always been yours, from the day we met.”
“Hmmm,” you mused as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “good man, Javier. I’m yours too, you know.”
“I know,” he growled as you smiled.
“Glad we’re on the same page,” you grinned, “if I ever see another woman try to make a move on you, I won’t be as nice. She caught me on a good day.”
“I doubt that’ll happen again-”
“I doubt that,” you insisted, “you’re fine as hell, Javier. Just because you refuse to see it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. You really don’t notice how all these women look at you, do you?”
“Nope,” he looked so proud of him, “because I’ve only got eyes for one woman.”
“You always know exactly what to say,” you sighed wistfully as you looked him over, “I am going to take care of you tonight, amor. Let me show you how much I love you.”
“Baby,” he groaned slightly at your insinuation, “I want to-”
“Papá!” Lucia waved at him from down the aisle, “come here!”
You laughed softly as he closed his eyes and let out a small groan. You gave him a quick kiss before nudging him towards his daughter. 
“This isn’t finished,” he whispered to you as raised an eyebrow, “I mean it, Dulzura.”
“I’m counting on that, cielito.”
“Papá! Hurry!”
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avatar4life · 1 month
Reader was walking to school after getting her backpack and saw something she immediately hated: Jacob with short hair
'well, there goes my small liking of him' she thought as she saw Bella go towards him. Reader decided to ignore that weird situation and just prepare herself mentally for another day at school. When she reached the gates of the school she turned around and saw Edward and Jacob glaring at eachother with Bella in between them 'ah so it's one of those situations' she thought nodding to herself "let's hope they don't compare dick sizes at the school's parking lot" she mumbles not knowing the boys were able to hear her as she entered the building. When she was at school she noticed out of the window a figure in the woods, looking at her with glowing eyes (yes I'm making this mfs have glowing eyes cause I find it cool) 'well, there goes my sleep schedule for the next two weeks' she thought as she decided to ignore that figure 'maybe I'm schizophrenic ' .
During another day she was sleeping while Jacob was rambling how much Edward wmis a danger to Bella and how much he will be actually be the best choice and be able to protect her. She suddenly woke up with a snort and looks around confused as he continues to ramble 'ah this bitch still rambling. Take a hint and stop it...I need to stop falling asleep when people are rambling ' she thought '....mmmm, I would go for a hamburger, or a kebab, yes a kebab. God I love kebabs to an unhealthy amount.' she thought as he finally stopped talking "thanks for listening to me" Jacob said to reader, who looks confused but fakes it "yup, don't worry. You can count on me for anything" she said before packing her stuff and leaving "bye Billy" she said to Jacob's dad. She passes by the house where Jacob's friends live 'I wonder if that hot girl I saw hanging out with them is living there too...am I gay? But I do find a few guys good looking, the few that are in Thai forsaken place anyway ' she thought but shrugs her shoulders and leaves for her house.
It's been days and reader came back from a sleepover from a friend's house and found Bella with rough clothes (this is after the fight with Victoria, you can't tell me this mfs don't have torn up clothes after a battle). Reader looked at her confused "what the hell happened to YOU?!" She asked but Bella just shook her head and batter her eyes a few too many times before replying with just a simple "nothing" and went upstairs.
Reader looked at the direction her sister went and scrunched her face "...Ew. that was...Ew" she said to herself before shaking her head and going to her room. Once she arrives there she thought about something she saw a while ago:
She was asleep before waking up to go to the bathroom, trying to keep her eyes closed to hold onto the feeling of sleep in her, not wanting to be fully awake. after the bathroom she walked past Bella's room and then opened her eyes as she stopped confused, before walking backwards and looking into her room, more specifically her window. She was holding onto her blanket around her body as she reached the window and looked out of it "what the hell??" She mumbled as she saw two figures, human figures, looking at the window with glowing eyes '...what kind of drugs did I ingest today, this can't be normal. What are those? Definitely not human' she thought but didn't have the strength to stay awake and find out and decide to get out of the room immediately 'Bella can deal with whatever that is, as long as they're not after me, I'm good to go' she thought as she went back to her bed and sighs in relief and goes back to sleep, hugging her pillow and putting herself in fetal position (it's comfortable ok?!) and falling back asleep
'oh yeah, wonder what that dream was about? Ehh, who cares. Time for a nap!' she thought as she puts herself into her comfortable pajamas and went to her bed 'good thing I took the bigger bedroom ' she thought before putting her bonnet (it's for everyone, it protects your hair from humidity and such, also does not give bad bed hair) and falling asleep, not realising someone is watching her: Cullen.
This is finally part 3 of the Twilight zone.
Ok byeeeeeee
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taurussbabe · 1 year
Hello! Love yours fic and was wondering about a request, with mason. With lots of fluff!☺️
Where reader is from a different country and mason secretly has learn how to speak reader’s language and surprise reader. it's perfectly fine to change and write however you want!
about... it's in the request☝️🧸 pairing: mason mount x Italian!fem! reader word count: 1.3k a/n: Hope you like it anon! Had so much fun writing this one 🫶
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Mason leaned against the door frame of your shared home and watched as you sat in the couch, talking to your family over the phone, you smiled and laughed happily over something they said. He couldn’t understand what they were saying nor what you were replying, but judging by the way you were laughing he could understand that you were definitely happy.
You turned around and noticed he was standing there so you called him over, which caused him to smile and walk towards the couch as you turned your phone to him so your family could see him as well.
“Hi guys” he waved towards the phone and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
You watched as he talked to your family, way too focused on the conversation to even notice you staring at him. His smile widening over something your mom had said, his hand subconsciously resting on your thigh, drawing tiny little circles on it, making butterflies emerge on your stomach, it’s crazy to think that after all this time he still had that effect on you.
Your mom pulled you out of your trance when she asked you help translating something to your non-English-speaker grandma. You felt mason’s gaze on yourself while doing so and when you turned to him you noticed his proud smile.
You were fluent in English and so was most of your family, yet your grandparents and some ants and uncles weren’t, which meant you sometimes had translate everything to mason and then to your family, sometimes it was tiring but it was all worthed when you saw your family and your boyfriend connecting.
Mason was also aware of how lucky he was, because even though you were Italian you spoke perfect English, always being able to connect with his family. Since you lived together in England, you naturally spent more time with his family than yours, yet mason always made it a priority to go with you to see them or to welcome them whenever they came to England.
Once your call reached the end mason pulled you close to him, hugging you tightly. The pair of you breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the room. You switched positions so you were now laying comfortably between his legs, your head resting on his chest as you felt his heartbeat against your ear. His hands softly brushing your hair as he gently hummed a song. You kissed his chest and he let out a chuckle at the sight of you, all curled up against him.
There and then he promised himself that he would try to learn some Italian for you, it was the least he could do, considering everything you did for him and his family. He looked down and saw you sleeping peacefully, his heart fluttered at the sight and he reached over to grab his phone, snaping a picture of you in the process, then installing some app to learn Italian.
“Love, are you ready?” you heard from downstairs.
“Yes, I’m coming” you answered, going down the stairs as you, unsuccessfully, trying to bring your bag down with you.
“Let me help.” he grabbed the bag and brought it downstairs “Here, are you ready to go?”
“Yup” he kissed the tip of your nose “Let’s go, I have a surprise for you when we get there.”
“A surprise?” you asked excited.
“Yes, love, so let’s go, we don’t want to miss our plane.”
“Ciao” hi - you said as you hugged your dad, while mason offered a flower bouquet to your mom.
“Ciao. Come stai?” hi. how are you? - mason asked leaving both you and everyone else around you speechless.
“Mason, what did you just say?” you asked still skeptical of what he had just said.
“Ho salutato e chiesto come stavano” I said hi and ask how they were - he spoke in a broken Italian, yet it still made your heart warm.
“You learned how to speak Italian?”
“Si...questa è stata la sorpresa” yes…that was the surprise.
“What? When? Why?”
“Well, I figured it was about time to learn Italian, I mean it’s your native language and you deserve it.”
“God, I love you” you kissed his cheek and whispered low on his year, in a way only he could hear “I can’t kiss you properly now, but I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight” you saw a slight tint appear in his cheeks before greeting the rest of his family.
You were doing your typical night routine when mason walked in the bathroom, shirtless, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissed your cheek. “Did you like my surprise?”
“I loved it! When did you even had time to learn?” you turned around, kissing his lips ever so lightly, one hand resting on his cheek.
“I had some free time with the injury now, so I learned a bit, it’s still not perfect, but now that you know, you can help me learn more.” He kissed your lips and all the way down to your neck “If you want to, of course”
“I would love to, and I’m so proud of you for learning Italian for me!”
“Well, not just for you, don’t let it get to your head, darling. I also learned it for you family so I can talk to them without you having to translate it every time.”
You smiled at him, completely in awe of him, because how could you not? The man standing in front of you was gorgeous, had the best heart and the best part, he was all yours. You pulled his hand and led him to the bed, you pushed him down, so he was sitting on it. You felt his hands at your waist, pulling on top of him. “I said I would make it up to you tonight, didn’t I?” you took off your top and kissed that sweet spot on his neck causing him to moan before you placed your lips on his, kissing all the way to his ear, whispering delicately “Now, you have to be quiet because you don’t want my family to hear you, do you?”
“You’re such a tease, love” he kissed your neck too, all the way down to your chest before rolling you over, so he was on top of you now.
You rolled over, eyes still closed as you searched for the warmth of the body next to you, yet you found nothing. With opened eyes now, you realized you were in bed alone, but you soon heard laughter coming from the kitchen, causing you to get up, realizing you were still naked due to last night activities, so you quickly put on some clothes and went to the kitchen.
“Buongiorno bella” good morning beautiful - you heard mason say.
This mason was a different mason than the one from last night. This one was the perfect son in law, nice and kind and good to their daughter. This mason was helping your mom make breakfast, her teaching him Italian words and sentences and him paying full attention to her. You loved the sight in front of you and how mason was always so attentive to your family members and yourself. You made your way towards the kitchen island and kissed both your mom and mason on the cheek, which caused your mom to chuckle and make a comment to the pair of you.
“You kids know you can kiss in front of me, right? I mean, are you not gonna kiss in your wedding, I’m gonna be there too.” You choked on your drink, but mason just laughed, your send mason a wide eye look and that just made him laugh more.
“Nozze? chi ha parlato di matrimonio?” wedding? Who talked about marriage?
“l'ho fatto, sai che voglio sposarti un giorno” I did, you know I want to marry you someday - the comment made you smile wide and continue to eat so you could hide the blush on your cheeks.
Your mom laughed at the pair of you as the rest of the family arrived and mason took it as an opportunity to practice his Italian. You couldn't help but to steal glances at him every so often, you were truly so smitten for that guy.
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cubffections · 4 months
compare your moots to sanrio and/or san-x characters!
EEK NONNIE SQUEE !! been wantin' to do tis for the longest! <3 my silly sanrio hyperfix put to good use !! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
kai kai ! ( @yngxing ) my character for chu is the sweet puppi cinnamoroll ꒰(つ´Ⱉ`)꒱ m'reason is tht u alwys reminded mi of the cutie due to your personalities bein saur similar !! ( so when i saw chu with a cinna pfp i lit rally squealed . ) squeezing u into a big hug !!
ryse !! ( @neuvistar ) my character 4 chu is the luvlie fashionista mocha ! my biggest rzn 's your amazin' themes >o< if mocha had a blog she would tots b like uu ! not to mention how sweet & carin' u are ❤︎‪
rubiii !! ( @6gumi ) my character for chu is the absolutely adorable lala of the little twin stars <3 you're just as caring and sweet as her, and not mention a literal angel ! (〃ノωノ)
oakie !! ( @rinneverse ) my character for chu is the kyuutiest frog, keroppi ! the bubbly and happy vibes that surround you both that lights up everyone's world ! muah ! i just adore the energy u spread around da dash ( ੭´꒳`ᑦ )
lexieee !! ( @hanafubuxi ) m' character for uuu is the sweet bunni, wish me mell ! chu both luv writin' letters / gifts n sendin them out to evry1 like the cuties u r ! gosh c'mere n lemme smooch ur cheekkk, u deserves everything !! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
ying !! ( @xianyoon ) my character 4 uu is without a doubt, miss hello kitty !! gosh im so firm on this that i'll die on tis hill !! ( ˊᗜˋ) the bright personalities & the vibes around others, yes yup most definitely u
cocoo !! ( @hwaitham ) my character 4 uu is the pretti in pink, my sweet piano !! your personalities line up oh so perfectly ヾ( ܸ>ᴗ<)ノ" n i do remember u playin da piano as well so not only r u as sweet n fluffy as her, you both r also my beloved pianists ! ꪔ̤̮‪
torii !! ( @niitoshi ) my character 4 uuu is always gna b da mischievous kuromi !! i've always associated her wif u all da time since we've became so tis only natural that i can't even explain a reason ><
zen !! ( @saecidal ) m' character for chu is the precious pup, pompompurrin ! i dunno how tew explain it but u express tis cuddly silly vibe that i just wanna snuggle u ! like who can't get enough of sweet zenzen !!
manuu !! ( @chaldeanu ) mi character 4 uu is the loving sister of hello kitty, mimmy white ! gosh, not many talk about the adorable kitty enough >< you always remind me of her personality wise and her pretty yellow aesthetic! ( honestly u remind me of the color yellow all da time c: )
femi !! ( @femivi ) my character for chu is the sugary sweet my melody! u just scream her actually, you're teww lovely that it makes my heart ache like i just aquired a sweet tooth ?!:!: gosh my wub for u <33
river !! ( @euthymiya ) m' character for u is the cutie badtz-maru !! even though the personalities dun match well since badtz is wnts to boss arnd everyone ‎(´-ᴗ-⸝⸝ก) the kewl & silly side of him makes me pick him for chu !! you guys wuld b a duo in m eyes ჱ̒✧°́⌳ー́)੭
waaa ik there's soo much more ppl i'm missin' T^T i'm soo sorri but my brain short circuiting ! these r the sweeties that came straight to mind !! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
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lolokouhm · 1 year
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
this ff is a fix, we’re living post 235 chapter. The rest is irrelevant
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Loving him felt like cheating.
I was a fucking cheater.
I've cheated countless times in my life. There was a part of me that was convinced that this incredible luck I for some reason possessed would finally run out one day. I mean, everyone had their limits.
Well, that day definitely was not today.
I was in love with Megumi Fushiguro.
And I was more that ready to tell him that.
Actually no, scratch that. I wasn't. Despite being relatively brave (I was a jujutsu sorcerer after all), I'd much more prefer to exorcise another curse than tell him the truth. Reasons? Multiple. He was my friend. A good one at that. And the blood-freezing amount of shit we've been through together...
I mean, it takes two to tango, right?
Well, let's just put it that way. I didn't see myself tango-ing with Fushiguro anytime soon.
Maybe I was blind. Maybe I needed Gojo's Six Eyes to see what I've been so desperately wanting to see for the past few months, but unfortunately, this technique was, for some reason, reserved only for him. Well, that sucked. Almost as much as my mental state that morning.
'Didn't sleep much?'
The bed was definitely too small for two people, but I didn't really treat Nobara that way - she was a part of me by that time. A whole year of studying together, training together, shopping together, crying together was enough to blend us into one human being. Sort of.
'I'm so done.' I sighed. What would I give to hide under the bedsheets and never come out. At least for the next 15 minutes. 'It's insane that we still have classes.'
'It is', she nodded and snuck under my bedsheets to hug me tightly. 'Two more years and you'll be in the clear. So get up and let's go. We've got things to do.'
I stood up and slowly went into the bathroom, to make sure nobody would confuse me with a curse and I wouldn't get exorcised by mistake. That would suck. I shivered in front of the mirror, fixing my hair and putting on some sunscreen. Nobara joined me a moment later, being the only girl in the whole school that actually understood the importance of SPF filters, especially in this field of work. We were exposed to the weirdest shit on the entire planet, so the least we could do was putting on some cream.
'I've heard that he's coming back.'
'Today?' I tried not to sound too excited, but I apparently failed, as my best friend suddenly chuckled.
'Yup, today. So, is that it? Is that THE date? Should I prepare for being the only single person out of us two?' Nobara put the cream back in the drawer, delicately tapping the rest onto her right cheek.
'Phenomenal. I've endured your mental breakdowns for the past four months, so I'll guess another few won't kill me. I mean...' She pointed at the left side of her face. The scars were getting less red by the day, but we both knew - they weren't going anywhere anytime soon. 'I've survived that. But still, (Y/N). You're hopeless.'
'I'm considerate.'
'You were.' Nobara nodded, catching my glance in the mirror. 'But he's fine now. Or... relatively fine.' She shrugged. 'Whatever. It's not gonna get worse. Someone has to unpack his trauma. You're the best choice. You were the first one to crack the 'fushigover' joke, weren't you?'
I was. And I wasn't particularly proud of that.
'I was drunk. And you were the one who gave me that... Vodka Sour, so it's technically your fault.' Alcohol wasn't my best friend, but Nobara and booze got along pretty well, so sometimes I got dragged somewhere in between them. 'I... Can you even imagine that?' I turned around to face Kugisaki. 'What would I say? Hi, Fushiguro. I've just wanted to tell you that I think I might kinda love you. I know you probably have more important things on your mind than that, but I was about to explode, so please, just don't think about it too much.'
'You're hopeless.'
'I'm realistic', I corrected. My morning routine was over. I was ready to go out. Finally. ‘I can’t just go out like that. It’ll be a disaster.'
'GIRLS!' Somebody opened the door and barged inside my room. 'Have you heard? He's back!' Yuuji suddenly appeared next to Nobara. His eyes shone in excitement. 'Fushiguro's finally back!'
My heart skipped a beat.
'Already? Gojo's back too?'
'Yup.' Yuuji nodded and looked at me. 'Oh, (Y/N). He wants to talk to you.'
I frowned. Gojo wanted to talk to me? Right after he and Fushiguro came back from Kioto? That was... surprising, to say at least.
'Yeah. Asap. That's why I came actually.' Yuuji smiled. He was an angel. 'I kinda got too excited. Oh, is that THAT SPF?'
I exchanged a look with Nobara. She seemed quite amused, but a small crease forming on her formed made feel me a little anxious.
Praying I wouldn't see Fushiguro on my way to the Gojo's office, I almost run through the corridors. I've been desperate to see him for the past few weeks, but when the day finally came, I wish I could fall under the face of the Earth and never come back.
It's been almost a month since Gojo got Fushiguro out. Or rather, since Gojo got Sukuna out of Fushiguro's body. That day... I couldn't say I remembered it very well because of the sheer amount of emotions I went through, but even the slightest thought of Megumi's body, laying there lifeless, was making me shake. Oh, that picture was tattooed in my head.
If only you could erase it.
'You're leaking.' That was the first thing I've heard when I entered the room.
The white-haired man sat in front of me. His gaze was piercing. Gojo smiled and pointed a finger on me.
'I've been wondering for a while now. Sukuna is hiding somewhere, so some disturbances are normal. I'd be surprised, if there weren't any.' Gojo scratched his head. 'But the amounts of cursed energy in this school are ridiculously unbalanced. So I figured, someone has to be in a very bad state.' Gojo crossed his arms, but he didn't really look intimidating - rather amused. 'And it's you.'
'Me.' I repeated after him, not really sure, what to think. 'That's...'
Gojo tilted his head a bit, looking like a curious puppy. No way this man was the most powerful sorcerer.
'That's a very suggestive thing to say.'
The sorcerer chuckled and stood up.
'That was a good one. But nah. Your cursed energy is leaking out of you.'
If Gojo was joking, then the joke didn't sit right at all. What was even worse, most of the jokes we usually cracked together landed perfectly, so combining that with his piercing gaze made me feel even more confused. He wasn't joking. He was serious.
'(Y/N), I seriously adore you. And your sense of humour is just the best. But I've had my eyes on you since that day.' The stronger sorcerer alive, my ass. He suddenly looked somehow apologetic. 'I don't think...' He sighed and I felt weak. 'Let me put it this way. I felt your cursed energy during the fight, even though you were pretty far away. How is that possible?'
'I...' I was speechless. 'I have no idea.'
'You lost control. And you haven't regained it ever since.'
'It's not possible.' I panicked a little when I realised that my voice was actually shaking. 'I've got it all under control. I don't feel bad. Or any different.'
'You're lying.'
I was.
'You have to get it sorted out as soon as possible, otherwise we're going to have our hands full again. And I seriously want a break.' I've never heard Gojo speak like that. Right there, in that moment, he seemed... tired. 'But anyway, congratulations.'
'What for?'
'For getting him out.' The air in the room suddenly became colder. 'If it wasn't for your cursed energy, things might have been... different.' Gojo's gaze wandered for a second, looking for something behind the window. When he finally turned back to me, his fatigue vanished instantly. 'Whatever. I'm glad it happened. Just get it under control. Want some mochi?'
'Yeah.' I needed the sugar to process everything my teacher has just said. 'Maybe even two.'
'Take three.' Chewy rice balls felt somehow calming. 'Oh, and Megumi can't wait to see you. He was sulking most of the time in Kioto, but seemed weirdly excited to come back. And I'm good at connecting the dots. If your cursed technique was able to get his will to live back, then I guess he'll be more than happy to see you.' Gojo stretched his arms. 'Just don't scare him.'
'With what?'
'You know.' Yeah, I had it coming. 'The leaking. Megumi's inexperienced.'
'That was awful.'
'I know. But you laughed.'
I guess I really did.
It's really going to be an unhinged series. But we're going to have a lot of fun. Muahaha
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jjwantsme · 2 years
vanilla cherry bomb
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pairing: steve harrington x girlfriend!reader
summary: in which he gets addicted to her taste
warnings: kissing obv, nsfw references, this is set during summer of ‘85 but before they found out about the russians, SCOOPS AHOY STEEB WHO CHEERED, way too much fluff,, lmk if i missed anything:)<3
authors note: i adore this sm. Let me know if you want a part two of when stuff starts going down. I love steves uniform :,)
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“Ahoy, my lady! Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I’ll be your captain, my name is robin. What can i get you?” Robin exclaimed, grinning at the familiar-faced girl in front of her.
“I know who you are, robin,” Y/n giggled. She had grown fond of Robin from the few weeks of her working with steve. “Is steve here yet?”
“Yeah, yeah, he’s around back,” Robin clarified, nodding her heads towards the door that led back there. “Thanks!” Y/n chirped and started heading that way, not wanting to distract robin from her real customers.
“You back here, lover boy?” Y/n called out as she closed the door behind her, though it wasn’t long before she could feel steve kissing all around her face.
“What are you doing here? I thought you said you were going out with Camila,” Steve furrowed his eyebrows but kept the smile on his face, cupping hers with both of his hands.
“Called me, said she was sick,” y/n let out a giggle when she felt steve drop more than a few kisses onto her forehead, “so i thought i’d come visit my steve.”
"𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 steve, huh?”
“Yup! My steve.” Y/n grinned, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the little wooden table he was previously sitting at.
“I’m glad you came, actually, because i have a little surprise for you,” steve smirked, pulling out her chair before sitting down.
“A surprise, hm?” Y/n giggled, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.
Steve grinned and pulled out two pieces of paper that y/n couldn’t quite read. She looked closer and saw…oh my god, no way!
“Stevie!” She gasped, sitting up to grab the tickets and examine them, “You got tickets to ‘Tears For Fears’?!”
“They’re your favorite artist, i had to get them for you,” he chuckled.
“Oh my god, stevie, thank you!” Y/n squeled, giving him a tight hug before pulling away to plant a kiss on his lips.
Y/n and steve had only been dating for 2 months, and it was pure bliss. Steve knew that they were still in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t care when she was the best thing that ever happened to him.
When they met, he never imagined them getting this far. She was definitely out of his league, in his opinion. She didn’t come from much, growing up poor in East Hawkins, but she was still the most positive person he had ever met. She knew how to light up a room without even trying.
A part of steve didn’t want to date her because of how chaotic his life was. Even apart from alternate dimensions and creepy monsters, he had two snobby parents to worry about, and he didn’t know if he would be able to protect her purity from all of it.
If it wasn’t for Eleven closing the gate last year, he definitely wouldn’t have risked it. (Boy, is he in for a treat!)
But, the last two months have been even better than he imagined, and he didn’t regret the tiniest bit of it.
Steve pulled away from the kiss with wide eyes, “holy, shit,”
He went back in for another one, making y/n laugh but furrow her eyebrows and pull away, “what is it?”
“Your lips,” he paused to peck them, “taste so good.”
Y/n laughed and shook her head, “Ah, my lips, huh?”
Steve nodded and leaned in to kiss her again, putting his hand around her neck softly as his lips synced with hers.
Physical affection had always been a big thing in their relationship, but kissing especially.
Y/n swore steve kissed more than he talked.
She loved it, though, it reminds her that he truly does find her beautiful, and unlike most people, he still invested in her personality as well.
On their one month anniversary, he took her virginity and let her read her favorite book to him moments after, whispering sweet-nothings in her ear.
Saying how much he adores her, how perfect she is, and how much he loves listening to her read romance.
What a guy, am i right?
“Steve, stevie,” y/n breathed, pulling away as steve kept hissing down her cheek onto her neck, “you know you’ve got to get back to work, can’t leave robin like that,”
“Just one more minute,” he mumbled against her neck.
“Stevie.” Y/n spoke sternly, although it was still adorable in steve’s eyes.
He groaned and pulled away from her neck, pouting a little. Although his pout turned into a smile when she ran her fingers through his hair.
“I gotta go, anyways, I promised my mom that I’d watch my sister today.”
Ah, angela. Steve’s self-proclaimed best friend.
“Tell them i said hi, yeah?” He proposed, smiling and kissing her head when she nodded.
“Alright,” she pecked his lips, “bye, baby.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” steve stopped her from walking away by swooping an arm around her waist.
“What chapstick flavor are you wearing?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Vanilla cherry bomb.” She tilted her head, “Why do you ask?”
“So that i can stock up on em.”
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hi :> its my birthday today (oct5) and no one really wished me a happy birthday besides my family :<. So may I please request a Bucky x fem!chubby reader romantically and avengers x fem!chubby reader platonically where they surprised her on her birthday and she didn’t expect it because she thought that they don’t care. She cried a little and she received a lot of different gifts. And bucky’s gift was very special and she cried (you can choose what special gift is that😉) and in the end the party ended and both reader and bucky went to their shared room and cuddled for a bit before saying goodnight’s and i love you’s. I hope this is okay! Thank you!!🫶🏻
Hi my lovely!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY I hope you had an amazing day, sending you lots of love and birthday hugs!!! <3
11:59 PM
You stared at the time on the clock, sighing to yourself. It was almost 12 and you knew you should have just gone to sleep, it was unlikely any messages would be pouring in anyway. You had a sliver of hope for one person. He wouldn't forget. He would definitely wish you.
12:00 AM
You could feel tears sting your eyes, no one remembered, not even him. What hurt the most was you always remembered all of theirs. You pulled the sheets over yourself, your pillow getting more wet by the second. What a fantastic start to your day.
You could hear Steve calling for you, his voice slightly muffled standing outside your door. You trudged out of bed, to find Steve standing with Sam, both of them grinning down at you while you were still in your "I <3 White Wolf" T-shirt.
"You think you could take Sam to do some shopping? He needs some help"
It wasn't the strangest request, the team came to you for help all the time. You couldn't help the feeling of your heart dropping when neither wished you a happy birthday but you figured there wasn't much you could do. You nodded, giving them a weak smile before closing your door to change.
"She looked so sad, maybe we should just tell her"
"Yeah, and ruin 6 months of work?"
"It's for my...friend. She's got a bangin' body like yours, now go try the dress on so I know if it'd fot her or not" You'd spend the entire day shopping with Sam, though he seemed to be more interested in playing dress up with you more than anything. Every time you tried something on, he'd inspect you up and down. This time, his eyes lit up. It was a floor length gown that hugged your curves perfectly. The satin material hugged your body, with a high slit that showed off your thighs. You looked amazing.
"Mhm, yup, how about you go...feed...the ducks?"
"The one's outside of the mall and I'll join you after, leave the dress in the changeroom"
You felt like you were in a fever dream, but you were really just trying to get through the day. You waited outside for Sam to join you, it appeared he bought the latest dress he made you put on.
You both reached the compound which was empty. At first you were sad, but now you were just mad because of all people to not wish you, not even see you was your boyfriend. What the hell was he doing?
"Sam, where's Bucky?"
"Where's Steve?"
"With Tony..."
"For fucks sake" You whispered to yourself. "Where's Tony and don't say with Nat"
"With Clint"
You stared at him while he had a shit eating grin on his face, dragging you to your floor. You confusedly followed Sam,
"Try it on one more time!"
"Just do it and show me!"
You put the dress on, admiring yourself in the mirror for a moment before stepping back out into the hall, to find it empty.
No response.
You made your way to the pitch dark living room, confused over where everyone had gone-
You slapped your hand over your mouth to contain your scream, the room lighting up with the entire team waiting for you, a comically large pile of presents in the center. Well almost everyone was there...you still hadn't seen...
"You know, there's another present waiting for you outside"
You made your way outside to find the garden strung with fairy lights, candles lighting the pathway to the compound lake. Bucky was waiting for you, nervously shifting on his feet while you ran to him,
"Happy Birthday angel" He whispered, his hands wrapping around your waist, pulling you close to him. He cupped your face, planting kisses all over you, his heart beating out of his chest because this had to be perfect. Before you could say anything he took your hand, getting down on one knee.
"Y/n" He kissed your hand soothingly while your lip quivered, tears already spilling down your cheeks. "Baby, I knew I wanted to be with you forever from the day I met you. You're the most precious thing in my life. I'd give anything to be able to wake up beside you every single day, to be able to hold you every single night"
"I can't even put into words how much I adore you angel, you complete my heart in a way no one else does"
"My y/n, will you marry me?"
You could hardly get any words out, your lip shaking, furiously nodding before letting out a choked sob.
He took a ring from a little black box, slipping it onto your finger before sweeping you into his arms, his lips smashing onto yours. His arms cradled you close to him, he loved holding onto your soft curves, hi hands stroking the bare skin on your back.
You could hear the cheers from the team who joined you outside, but all you could focus on was the man in front of you, your sweet Bucky. His lips didn't leave your skin, kissing every inch he could, you were his home. His everything.
"I love you sweet girl"
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Beautiful angel
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Bob x Fem reader
Hot Right Now from Rita Ora & DJ Fresh was on the radio and my mind wandered back to a company party aka as in where the daggers crashes your company party and one of them catches your attention.
Warnings: alcohol consumption, Bob fucks, smut, fluff, Minors DNI!
A/N: Pictures are from Pinterest, this got out of hand and I am not sorry.
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"Y/N, who is this girl? Two glasses of wine and our shy Y/N is gone!" One of your coworkers said. You were not drunk, just a little tipsy and definitely enjoying yourself now the lights had gone out and the music had started. Yes you still needed some drinks to loosen up, but dancing away the tension that had crept in your shoulders due to work was something you needed.
“Who are those boys and that very pretty lady?” Another coworker asked pointing at a group that just walked in, all looking very unfamiliar.
They were all good looking and fit, way too fit, the way their shirts were hugging their bodies, it made everyone who’d seen them drool. You had to take a sip from your third glass of wine to make sure you were not dreaming as one of them looked like an angel send from heaven, he was not like the rest, he was more like ... you. Normally you don’t believe in love at first sight, but you were willing to make an exception for him.
“Can you pinch me?” You asked one of your coworkers.
“The cute guy with the glasses?” Your coworker asked, while looking at you staring at him. “I think he has noticed you too, I’m not gonna pinch you, come,” your coworker/friend took your hand and dragged you with him, “we’re gonna introduce ourselves.”
“I don’t think-” the wine had loosened you up, but clearly not enough to control your nerves to talk to the man of your dreams, yet.
“Like you say, don’t think, get your man, I’m gonna get my woman. Well hello gentlemen and beautiful lady, haven’t seen you at work. The new department?”
“There is no new, oh-” you whispered in your coworker’s ear, realising he knew too they were crashing the party.
“Yeah, the new department, sorry we’re late.” A blonde man said.
“Late? The party has just started with you walking in, drinks are that way.”  Your coworker said to group, resulting in the majority going there. Leaving you and your coworker with his pretty lady and your dream man. 
Bob’s POV
“Fanboy, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Learn to live a little Bob, have some fun, maybe you find a nice girl here.” And oh what was Phoenix right about that. As soon as they entered the party his attention got attracted by a group, it seemed like they just went for drinks and were resting for a bit. But there was someone in the group that stood out, it was an adorable girl. Just like him she was wearing glasses too, she had rosy cheeks, probably because of a couple of drinks, just like you looked like earlier after nursing two beers. And then her smile, she was just perfect. The moment she looked at you, you were completely lost, normally you would look away, but you couldn’t it felt so comfortable looking in her eyes, even if it was from a distance. 
“Hello, earth to Bob, if you’re like that in our plane, I’m never going to fly with you again.”
“Huh?” you shot awake from your daze.
“Oh my, Bob, oh, she’s cute.” Phoenix said when realising who you were looking, no staring at.
“Yeah she is.” You sighed, completely lovestruck. 
“And they are coming over.”
“There’s a cute one coming over guys.”
“Hands off Rooster, she’s Bob’s” Phoenix took it up for you, too much in love to be able to say something. The next thing you knew was that you were left with Phoenix and her, and her friend of course, but that didn’t matter.
“Hi handsome, I’m Natasha.” The guy introduced himself afterwards, but you kept on looking at her, from up close she was even more beautiful. She had the perfect curves, her face was perfect and her lips ... ‘Yup you hadn’t introduced yourself and you were already thinking about kissing her, way to go Bob.’ while you were thinking that Phoenix nudged your side.
“Hi, I’m Bob."
Your POV
"Hi Bob, I’m-”
“A beautiful angel.” He said out loud, his eyes immediately widened at the realisation he said his thoughts out loud. You had to giggle at his response, Bob was too cute for words and the most handsome man you had ever seen.
“The name is Y/N, but I can live with angel.” You smiled at him, you took a big sip of your glass of wine to get more courage to talk to him. “You want a drink?” You asked, guessing he needed a drink too to loosen up to you. He nodded and you took his hand in yours to guide him to the bar. As you were making your way over, you noticed his hands were quite big compared to yours and they felt so perfect, you immediately started to wonder how they would feel on you. You had to snap out of it, you had just met him minutes ago and you had already wondered how he would like walking up to you at the altar, letting his hands roam on your body. You just hoped he didn’t notice yet how flushed you were because of him.
And Bob, he really needed a drink, he had to talk to you (more normally), he had to make you his, he was already haven unethical thoughts with you.
“So Bob from the new department, what do you really do?” You learned he, and his friends, were Naval aviators and some were WSO’s, like he is, you got to know each other a little and after both your drinks had been emptied you dragged him to the dance floor.
At first you faced him while dancing, but very soon something changed in him, was it the alcohol working? You didn't mind, since you had needed a little help to finally loosen up. He softly took your hips in his hands, turning you, your back facing him and pulling close. Basically flat against him. His nose in your neck, taking in your scent, his arms still on your hips, softly rocking to the music. He might be standing behind you, but you were getting even more drunk just from his cologne mixed with what you now know was jet fuel and his hands you, getting heated in all the wrong places. But he was definitely feeling the same thing too as you started to sway your hips more, pressing yourself even closer to him, feeling his excitement too.
You felt the peering eyes of his friends on the two of you as you were getting more drowned into each other with the minute. The were a little jealous that their sweet Bob was getting more action then this soon after crashing the party. But you didn’t care, the only thing you cared about was feeling Bob close to you.
You were for the first time ever disappointed in yourself for wearing dress pants like you always did as your excitement started to show in your panties. A skirt would have been easier if you were going through with your plans with Bob. You would never do this without bing in a relationship with the person, but you desperately needed him and according to what you felt in your back, he needed you too. Both thinking the same thing, you turned around, your chest against his, one hand on your waist, definitely lower than before, his other cupping your cheek.
You were trying to figure out the colour of his eyes, but you got distracted by his lips. Bob had noticed too that you were letting your gaze go from his eyes to his lips and started closing the distance between your faces letting your lips meet. He didn't have the plumpest lips, but they were still soft. The kiss started soft but Bob sneakily squeezed your ass and let his tongue slide in with the opportunity. He kissed you with so much passion and a slight hint of need.
"Bob" you moaned in the kiss. You broke the kiss, first of all to breathe, but also to pull yourself and Bob away from the crowd, searching for a quiet place. Which you found in the back of the place, it seems like some sort of small changing room, which was luckily not occupied.
"Are, are you okay with this?" Bob asked you sincerely, with a hint he’s hoping you’re going to say yes.
“Normally no, but with you, I, I can’t seem to hold myself back.” You murmured in between needy kisses. “Oh” he had pushed you against the countertop with a mirror and his grip on your hips got stronger. His kisses started to lower to your neck, nipping every now and then, probably leaving little marks.
“Good, I feel the same.” He lifted you up and let you sit on the counter top so you could wrap your legs around him, pulling him closer against you, hoping to get some friction. While lowering his kisses from your neck to your cleavage, he loosened his grip on your hips to start unbuttoning your blouse revealing your lacy bra to him. “Angel, all that for me?” You nodded and got rid of your blouse.
“I was hoping that oh-” even though he liked it, he got rid of your bra too and started attacking your nipples in a manner you had never encountered before. If this was how he was taking care of you, you couldn’t wait to find out was he could do with the rest of your body, “I’d meet you.” And your dress pants were the next victim of him, throwing them on the ground. As he wanted to start kissing your thighs, you pulled him up by his collar to unbutton his shirt. “So perfect.” you whispered while you were taking in his appearance. He was perfect, he wasn’t ripped like his friend, their shirts were too tight, even a blind person could see their muscles, his muscles were more subtle, but that made him even more perfect. You pulled him in a sloppy kiss and let your hands roam from his back to his torso, but your need took over as you let your hand slip in his pants and start to palm him softly. Your breath hitched for a second when you noticed how big he was.
As you kept your hand busy with Bob’s cock, he started to whimper and moan your name softly while playing with your boobs again. You were already soaking wet before, but his moans made you dripping, if he wouldn’t start doing something soon, you were pretty sure coming in your panties just from his touches and delicious moans.
As if Bob could read your thoughts, he pulled your hand out of pants and discarded your panties, leaving it pooling on one ankle. He pressed his slender index finger on your clit and started circling them with a pressure that made you moan his name immediately and other sounds you hadn't ever made before.
“Angel, you sound so pretty saying my name like that.” Okay, the sweet and shy Bob from earlier was definitely gone and honestly, if he would always talk to you like this in bed, or anywhere else, you didn’t mind it a bit. He stopped pleasuring your clit and slid the finger in your dripping, needy core, thrusting it in you in a very slow rhythm. His other hand on your thigh, massaging the meat underneath it.
“Stop teasing Bob, faster please. Oh ah.” Just like that he fastened his pace and hitting the right spot.
“Liking that my beautiful angel? Want one more?” You nodded, when he slid his second finger in you let your nails dig in back. He kept on hitting your spot over and over again, letting your impending orgasm build up. As he felt you almost reaching it he pulled his fingers out, leaving you feeling empty, pouting at his action. “Not yet angel.”
Not wanting to wait any longer, you helped him taking off his pants and boxers letting his cock spring free. It’s head was angry red and leaking. “Need to be in you, can’t wait anymore.”
“Then get on with it.” You saw him suddenly realising he had no condom with him. 
“I’m clean, we, uh, get tested regularly, but uh-”
“I have a IUD, and my ex didn’t have anything, uh haven't had anyone after him, so I should be clean too.” That was all he needed to hear to start kissing you again. He was falling in love with you more and more every minute. He was getting lost in the kiss, almost forgetting what you were about to do when you reminded him by taking his cock and guide it to your entrance. “Just be gentle please, it’s been a while.” Bob nodded and let it slide in gently and slowly, so you could adjust. “Shit Bob, so full and you're just half in.” You put your head on his shoulder, trying to get used to his size, now nibbling on his shoulder, definitely leaving little bite marks, making sure no one else would dare to touch him.
“Almost there angel. Almost.” He slowly started moving so you were not only feeling him stretching you out, but also feeling pleasure. “How long has it .. uh so tight, angel, you’re sucking him in.”
“Too long.” Bob was now fully in, you felt a tear forming in the corner of your eye. “M- Move again.” He obeyed to your request as he kept on kissing the slight pain away, his hips moving in a gentle rhythm first, but as soon as you started to meet his thrusts, his became faster.
"Got an idea." Bob whispered in your ear and slid out if you and guided your hips off the counter top to be able to turn you against it with your belly. "I want you to see it." Bob was going to be the death of you. He hadn't made you come yet, but you were already looking fucked out, but Bob too with his mouth slightly open, rosy cheeks and those lustful darkened eyes. He quickly slid into again and found a nice rhythm, this new angle was making you see stars immediately.
"Fuck Y/N, angel, you're made for me." He moaned while starting give your clit attention too. The combination of his thrusts hitting your sensitive spot over and over again and the pleasure your clit is receiving was almost sending you over the edge already.
"Look in the mirror when I'm fucking you, look how good you look." You did as told and you were liking it, a lot. This dream man was not only filling you like no one had ever done before, but finding your sweet spot every time and talking like that to to you, if you could, you'd marry him on the spot. Bob is your definition of perfection.
"Bobby." You moaned, you wanted to say you were close, but you were already there as you felt your walls squeeze his cock and fireworks going through your body, spasming every muscle in your body making you go weak. Bob quickened his trusts coming soon after you, spilling his seed in you. He collapsed on top of you making you all down on your elbows. When he catched his breath he slid his softened cock out of you and kissed your neck.
Luck was on your side as there were tissues in one of the open closets so you could clean up. But Bob back to the gentleman he is, did it for you, gently wiping the mixture of his and your cum away.
As you slid on your underwear, it was still a bit weird being naked in front of him, Bob kept on looking at you full of adoration. Not even your ex had looked at you like Bob was doing, was this how feeling loved felt like?
"Are you okay?" He saw you struggling with trying get your clothes back on.
"Just a little wobbly on the legs." You smiled softly, Bob helped you put your pants back on by letting you hold the countertop behind you. Compared to moments earlier, his touches were soft now. Now both fully dressed again, with one hand he took your right hand in his and his other was caressing your cheek.
"I, uh, I really want to see again. I don't really know you yet, but I think I might like you."
"I feel the same, I like to get to know you more." You smiled
"I want to do this the right way, do you think we can go for lunch, tomorrow, oh, later today actually?" Bob asked little bit shyly.
"A lunchdate it is." You quickly exchanged phone numbers and picked a place to meet.
"Can you walk? Sorry if I was a little-"
"I think I can walk and I don't want to hear a sorry, I actually really liked earlier, a lot. I hope that that wasn't the last of it."
"Definitely not, but after our date. I want to do thinks properly." You giggled at his sudden politeness.
"Thank you for crashing this party."
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"Wait, what? Your real name is not Bob, but Robert? You lied to me." You smacked his arm playfully.
The lunchdate was better than ever hoped. Apart from the wonderful food and the current walk on the beach while holding hands, you learned a lot about Bob. About his family, his job and his interests, which were similar to yours. It was easy talking to him and vice versa. He made your feel truly happy on the inside, and Bob, he never expected to feel this warm and fuzzy for someone again. When being close to he felt both comfort as excitement, if it would be possible, he wanted to put you in his pocket, so you would always be with him.
"I am already falling for you hard my angel."
"I think I like you a lot too. Can I call you Robby?"
"You can call me anything you want Y/N. There's just one thing I need to know, do you think my job could ever get a problem? I mean, I will get deployed, there will be times I won't be home a lot." His face had changed when he asked the question, something in you is telling you that this means a lot to him to let a possible relationship succeed and honestly, you didn't see why that would be a problem as you had always been independent.
"Robby, I don't know you that long, just a day, but your job seems important to you, I can see the smile on your face when you talk about it, what you can tell about it, I would not want to come in between that. If we, us, succeed, there will be hard days and I will probably curse at the Navy sometimes," you both laughed at that, "but I think we can manage. I want to give us a try." Bob had stopped walking and spun you around, making you stop in front of him.
"You're perfect, you know that? Now you're mine, my beautiful angel." he said before kissing you.
Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @bradleybeachbabe @iamdannyday @rhirhikingston
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quodekash · 1 year
im already about to cry and the episode hasn't even started yet, so that's a nice sign that'll probably foreshadow how tonight is gonna go
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lmao nice joke
based on this scene being right at the start here, this episode is definitely gonna be the one where he properly realises his feelings for sailom (if he hasn't realised them already, which I dont think he has. he hasn't accepted it, at least)
AND BASED ON THAT LOGIC, generally the way these writers and directors etc base these ones, they fully lean into the fell first / fell harder dynamic, and almost immediately after the second person realises, they kiss
SO im very much hoping for a kiss at the end of this episode (but it also might not be til next episode)
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oh yup, oh yup, we've got the heartbeat sound in the background. kang's feelings are coming to lightttt (PLEASE LET THEM KISS TODAY)
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my theory that they're gonna run away during school hours is still going strong
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yup okay so that theory is definitely right
(the theory that saifah's gonna like steal from kang's house, and his dad is gonna get shot in the process. not my own theory, it's from @ respectthepetty and it's such a good theory, I love it so much)
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awh is he lonely?
he needs a hug
from kang
all through the night
it'll be insane if they do tho, its literally night one, there's no way
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im half convinced kang is gonna walk in or smth tho
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what I wouldn't give to be that driver rn
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I rly wish that screenshot was better but the wifi is being stupid for no reason (which isn't surprising since this is Australia and we have the shittest wifi there is)
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although I wasn't expecting it to be teacher/student
she is just a trainee teacher, but its still a bit ick
idk tho
I guess we'll see what they do with it
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gay panic in real time
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ooh yes ive been waiting for the familial need for an heir thing to crop up, yesyesyes
making me think of drarry now
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but the things I said are still true
the evidence we've gotten before just now havent really felt solid enough to argue that kang likes pimfah
but now... I guess I have to agree
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pimfah knows/suspects/ships it and no one can convince me otherwise
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I wasn't expecting imaginary scenes from this series but I deeply appreciate it
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also I like kang's shoes
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again, I wasn't expecting it to be teacher/student, but anyway
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I would do the same tho
June is so pretty
and so is view
and so is chimon
and so is Perth
(and so is satang)
(no I will not shut up about my satang and perth siblings agenda, its too good to keep to myself)
on the bright side, it took a lot longer to run out today than it did last week
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