fokispokis · 2 years
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This au is macaque central and basically nothing involving the other characters changes. Everything that happens in canon happens in this au and there is no change in the plot or timeline. BUT!!!! The main thing about this au is that it features my little homie, the nine-spirited lion, Yuansheng!! SO in peachbuds Yuansheng manipulates macaque into possession because he has six ears and is the only one able to hear him (or smth like that) and this au is based off of that!! It’s theorized that Yuansheng was a master manipulator at shadows and dark magic, his nine heads have a powerful bite that surpass sun Wukong’s power.
In my au, similar shit goes down. Sun wukong leaves to fight Buddha and leaves ffm to Macaque in case his return is… delayed. Yuansheng and Macaque have met before, however Yuansheng is not keen on getting his ass beat by wukong so their meetings are slim. Now that wukong is gone, he sees it as the perfect time to get into macaques feeble little head. He doesn’t posses him flat out, he starts small, manipulating him gaslighting him girlbossing if you will.
The moment he ACTUALLY possesses macaque is after erlang burns flower fruit mountain. Macaque feels small and powerless and no matter how high of a rank he’s granted he is still nothing but a pathetic monkey to the eyes of heaven. Yuansheng strolls up and he’s all like, “hey I got unfathomable power just let me use your body and I’ll beat the living poop out of erlang.” And so HE DOES
After the whole thing Macaque is absolutely PUMPED at the fact that he got to use magic- albeit not his own- BUT MAGIC NONETHELESS!!! He asks Yuansheng if he can stick around in case he needs to use his powers and he’s more than happy too!! (Maliciously)… Time goes by and Macaque and Yuansheng are good friends!! Buuut Yuansheng is still an evil bastard sorry to disappoint 😔 He starts to taint Macaque’s relationship with wukong and trying to completely cut his ties with him, constantly telling Macaque that he doesn’t deserve this kind of pressure and that Wukong was just abusing your loyalty (hypocritical LOL). At some point, it works and Macaque is absolutely SEETHING with anger. He decides to search for wukong and give him a piece of his newfound power. So macaque and Yuansheng set off!!!
They find wukong, macaque is delirious with anger and Yuansheng sees it as the perfect opportunity to possess macaque and kill wukong because he killed his grandchild that one time (or smth). Wukong recognizes that macaque is possessed and wukong being wukong figures the best way to get unpossessed is to BEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of macaque. Macaque did not expect him to have a 1 v 1 against his old friend but FUCK IT WE BALL!!! Macaque gets struck in the eye and this is when Yuansheng realizes “OH SHIT!!! This is not a good sign…”
(Side note, whatever happens to macaque does NOT happen to Yuansheng, Macaque is just a vessel).
Yuansheng pops out of macaque last minute and just watches wukong KILL HIM!!! Wukong is dripping with rage, and instead of mourning for his best friend, he zips off to try and find Yuansheng and make him atone for his sins. After hours of searching, he comes back empty handed and goes back to his journey in hopes that it’ll give him a distraction.
When the coast is clear Yuansheng returns to Macaque and tries to possess him again, to try healing him. When he can’t seem to access macaque’s spirit he realizes he’s dead, like DEADASS DEAD. For some reason this hits Yuansheng hard and he starts sobbing profusely. Usually he doesn’t attach himself to his vessels but Macaque :(.
Que the whole LBD resurrection sequence and macaque is back! He comes face first to Yuansheng throwing up all over the floor and he’s like “Erm…. Akwaaaaard.”
Blah blah blah they reconcile or smth idk still working on this part. Macaque tells Yuansheng that they need to work on teamwork and rather than Yuansheng just possessing macaque, macaque eases into the use of magic and they let their powers intertwine instead of feed off of each other. So they do that and they become a powerful and awesome duo!!!
I like to think during that whole era, those two bounced their habits off of eacother. Like, Yuansheng can do a monkey grimace, climb trees, search for ticks, and mimic monkey sounds. And macaque can hiss/growl, purr, and unintentionally lick himself.
ALSO these two are not meant to be shipped they are just best friends who are on the top of everyone’s wanted list.
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beehunni62 · 2 years
Married Mongolian Women’s Hairstyle in the Yuan Dynasty
Mongolians have a long history of shaving and cutting their hair in specific styles to signal socioeconomic, marital, and ethnic status that spans thousands of years. The cutting and shaving of the hair was also regarded as an important symbol of change and transition. No Mongolian tradition exemplifies this better than the first haircut a child receives called Daah Urgeeh, khüükhdiin üs avakh (cutting the child’s hair), or örövlög ürgeekh (clipping the child’s crest) (Mongulai, 2018)
The custom is practiced for boys when they are at age 3 or 5, and for girls at age 2 or 4. This is due to the Mongols’ traditional belief in odd numbers as arga (method) [also known as action, ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠤᠯ, арга] and even numbers as bilig (wisdom) [ᠪᠢᠴᠢᠭ, билиг].
Mongulai, 2018.
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The Mongolian concept of arga bilig (see above) represents the belief that opposite forces, in this case action [external] and wisdom [internal], need to co-exist in stability to achieve harmony. Although one may be tempted to call it the Mongolian version of Yin-Yang, arga bilig is a separate concept altogether with roots found not in Chinese philosophy nor Daoism, but Eurasian shamanism.
However, Mongolian men were not the only ones who shaved their hair. Mongolian women did as well.
Flemish Franciscan missionary and explorer, William of Rubruck [Willem van Ruysbroeck] (1220-1293) was among the earliest Westerners to make detailed records about the Mongol Empire, its court, and people. In one of his accounts he states the following:
But on the day following her marriage, (a woman) shaves the front half of her head, and puts on a tunic as wide as a nun's gown, but everyway larger and longer, open before, and tied on the right side. […] Furthermore, they have a head-dress which they call bocca [boqtaq/gugu hat] made of bark, or such other light material as they can find, and it is big and as much as two hands can span around, and is a cubit and more high, and square like the capital of a column. This bocca they cover with costly silk stuff, and it is hollow inside, and on top of the capital, or the square on it, they put a tuft of quills or light canes also a cubit or more in length. And this tuft they ornament at the top with peacock feathers, and round the edge (of the top) with feathers from the mallard's tail, and also with precious stones. The wealthy ladies wear such an ornament on their heads, and fasten it down tightly with an amess [J: a fur hood], for which there is an opening in the top for that purpose, and inside they stuff their hair, gathering it together on the back of the tops of their heads in a kind of knot, and putting it in the bocca, which they afterwards tie down tightly under the chin.
Ruysbroeck, 1900
TLDR: Mongolian women shaved the front half of their head and covered it with a boqta, the tall Mongolian headdress worn by noblewomen throughout the Mongol empire. Rubruck observed this hairstyle in noblewomen (boqta was reserved only for noblewomen). It’s not clear whether all women, regardless of status, shaved the front of their heads after marriage and whether it was limited to certain ethnic groups.
When I learned about that piece of information, I was simply going to leave it at that but, what actually motivated me to write this post is to show what I believe to be evidence of what Rubruck described. By sheer coincidence, I came across these Yuan Dynasty empress paintings:
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Portrait of Empress Dowager Taji Khatun [ᠲᠠᠵᠢ ᠬᠠᠲᠤᠨ, Тажи xатан], also known as Empress Zhaoxian Yuansheng [昭獻元聖皇后] (1262 - 1322) from album of Portraits of Empresses. Artist Unknown. Ink and color on silk, Yuan Dynasty (1260-1368). National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan [image source].
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Portrait of Unnamed Imperial Consort from album Portraits of Empresses. Artist Unknown. Ink and color on silk. Yuan Dynasty (1260-1368). National Palace Mueum in Taiper, Taiwan [image source].
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Portrait of unnamed wife of Gegeen Khan [ᠭᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠬᠠᠭᠠᠨ, Гэгээн хаан], also known as Shidibala [ᠰᠢᠳᠡᠪᠠᠯᠠ, 碩德八剌] and Emperor Yingzong of Yuan [英宗皇帝] (1302-1323) from album Portraits of Empresses. Artist Unknown. Ink and color on silk. Yuan Dynasty (1260-1368), early 14th century. National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan [image source].
To me, it’s evident that the hair of those women is shaved at the front. The transparent gauze strip allows us to clearly see their hairstyle. The other Yuan empress portraits have the front part of the head covered, making it impossible to discern which hairstyle they had. I wonder if the transparent gauze was a personal style choice or if it was part of the tradition such that, after shaving the hair, the women had to show that they were now married by showcasing the shaved part.
As shaving or cutting the hair was a practice linked by nomads with transitioning or changing from one state to another (going from being single to married, for example), it would not be a surprise if the women regrew it.
Mongulai. (2018, April 19). Tradition of cutting the hair of the child for the first time.
Ruysbroeck, W. V. & Giovanni, D. P. D. C., Rockhill, W. W., ed. (1900) The journey of William of Rubruck to the eastern parts of the world, 1253-55, as narrated by himself, with two accounts of the earlier journey of John of Pian de Carpine. Hakluyt Society London. Retrieved from the University of Washington’s Silk Road texts.
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dagongji · 11 months
r. Li Yuansheng is here! The Rooster Crows at the Beijing Party (1)
Original Big Rooster Yangdong Big Rooster Story 2023-11-15 15:18
Press and hold for two seconds, focusing on the rooster
Mr. Li Yuansheng is here!
The Rooster Crows at the Beijing Party (1)
Look at the big cock's eyes, how much love these folk superior people.
Because Mr. Li Yuansheng does not use wechat and is busy every day, the whole floor of the hotel is crowded with help, since the big rooster interviewed Mr. Li Yuansheng on March 14, 2021, the big rooster has not been in contact with Mr. Li.
But miss Mr. Li every day, every time for the help of Mr. Li thanked for saving the grace and sent the grateful information and happy, proud of Mr. Li Yuansheng, proud of the excellent culture of the motherland.
Li Lao heard that I had arrived in Beijing, said that I must come to see me, specially accompanied by his daughter, took a taxi tens of kilometers across Beijing, found me in the venue, so that the rooster's excited voice were choked up.
Why is the rooster so excited?
Because I really want to tell you all about the miracle created by Mr. Li Yuansheng.
Unfortunately, unfortunately, because of the crazy obstruction of TCM black, we are now this article ah, video ah, this can not be said, that can not be said.
So, what does Mr. Li Yuansheng do? What are you good at?
These are banned words.
All you have to do is talk, and the bad guys will report us for advertising.
Now, the bad people have sealed all the articles that the big Rooster has worked hard to interview and report on 100 folk TCM doctors for three years.
So, we can't talk about it.
We are clearly objective facts of the interview report, but framed us for advertising.
Alas, these black Chinese medicine, how immoral.
However, the big rooster tells you that this is a high-level national treasure, and you can't find it if you want to.
Recall that when the interview, a group of people came up and told the big rooster:
"You know, reporter Yang, I almost bought my husband a coffin!"
"Yes, yes, I am too, this life is a white picked up, lost Li Lao ah, the savior ah!"
These noble men hidden among the people,
Maybe someone's whole life
It's hard to meet someone,
Meet is fate,
Including reading this article,
Brush to this video for you!
We must cherish them,
Do you think so?
原创 大公鸡杨东 大公鸡奇闻 2023-11-15 15:18
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1five1two · 2 years
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Wang Yuansheng.
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jyytheriverdragon · 3 years
Yuansheng takes over to say hi to an old friend...
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bookofjin · 3 years
The beginning of the Commentary on the Water Classic
The Shuijing水經 or Water Classic is a terse geographical work by Sang Qin who lived during Eastern Han or Three Kingdoms era.
The Shujingzhu水經注 or Commentary on the Water Classic by the Northern Wei official Li Daoyuan massively expands on the original text.
Jing經 when referring to a literary work is usually translated in English as Classic. In its more basic and literal meaning, 經 refers to thicker vertical threads (the warp) on a weave which the horizontal threads (the weft) are woven around. Conceptually then, a jing經 text creates the core framework that other texts can be written around.
In my translation below, the core Water Classic is in bold while the Commentary is in normal font. I have grouped the Commentary sections somewhat more together to allow the Classic be more easily read on its own.
he Kunlun Barrens崑崙墟 are in the north-west[1],the distance to the Song Heights嵩高 is 50 000 li, it is the centre of the land[2]. Its height is 11 000 li[3].
(A distance of 50 000 li is about half the circumference of the Earth.)
[1]Three layers make up the Kunlun Hills崑崙丘.
The Explanation of Kunlun says: The mountain of Kunlun崑崙 have three steps. The lower is called Fantong樊桐, and is also named Bantong板桐. The second is called Xuanpu玄圃, and is also named Langfeng閬風. The upper is called Cengcheng層城, and is also named Tianting天庭[“Heaven's Courtyard”], here are the dwellings of the Grand Deity.
[2]The Basic Annals of Yu and this are similar. Gao You claim the He River河出 sets out from Kun Mountain崑山, it flows hidden within the earth for 13 000 li. Yu directed and then opened it, to set out from Jishi Mountain積石.
According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, from Kunlun崑崙 until Jishi積石 is 1 740 li, and from Jishi積石, from it sets out from Longxi隴西 commandery to Luo洛, in the standard Geographic Treatises it can be more than 5 000 li.
Also, according to the Transmittals on the Majestic Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven from Kun Mountain崑山 entered into Zongzhou宗周, and then numbered the li to the western lands. From Zongzhou宗周 river and westward, until the nation of Hezong河宗 and the mountain of Yangyu陽紆, there were 3 400 li. Westward from Yangyu陽紆 to the head of the He河, there were 4 000 li, for a combined 7 400 li.
The Map of the Outer States also states: From the state of Great Jin, heading straight west for 70 000 li, one get to the location of Kunlun崑崙, the various immortals dwell there.
The several explanations are not similar. The way is difficult and moreover long, and the classics and records are entangled and denuded. The water and land roads are unusual, and paths are again not similar. There are superficial looks and peripheral hearings, but nothing is thoroughly investigated. [We] are unable to not depend on describing what has been heard or seen, and so write down where they deviate and contradict.
[3]The Classic of Mountains and Seas claim it is 800 li square and 10 000 ren tall. Guo Jingchun [Guo Pu] considered them to be more than 2 500 li from the top. The Master of Huainan claims it is 11 000 li, 114 bu, 3 chi, 6 cuntall.
The He River河水[4]sets out from their north-eastern corner[5], bending to follow its south-eastern flow to enter into the Bo Sea渤海.
[4]The Spring and Autumn's Explanations of Topics and Phrases says: A word for the He河 is lotus [he荷]. The lotus' essence is divided and spread out, holding dear the shadowy and bringing forth measurement.
The Interpreting Names says: He 河 means “lower”. It follows the earth to a lower place and then flows through.
The Examinations into the Different and Unusual says: The He河 is the breath of water and the essence of the Four Conduits, by which they flow and transform.
The Wrap of Primal Instructions says: The Five Agents begin with it. It is what causes life for the ten thousand beings, and the wrinkles and sap of the primal breath.
Master Guan says: Water is the blood and breath of the earth, flowing through it like muscles and blood vessels, for that reason it is said that water provides wealth. Among the Five Injuries, floods are the greatest. Rivers are great and small, and are distant and near. Those rivers that set out from the mountains and then flows to enter the sea, the instructions call Main Rivers. Those that bring forth other rivers to enter into a great river and the sea, the instructions call Branch Rivers. Those that set out into earthen drains, and flows into great rivers, and into the sea, again the instructions call Stream Rivers.
Master Zhuang says: When the time of autumn floods arrive, the hundred streams pour into the He河, to the greatness of the main flow.
The Classic of Filial Piety's Guide to Godly Pacts says: The He河 is the elder among rivers, its correspondence above is the Heavenly Han (the Milky Way).
The New Discussions says: Of the sources of the Four Conduits, the He河 is the highest and the longest. Pouring down from the heights, the water flow hurtles steeply, and for that reason its flow is quick.
Xu Gan's Rhapsody on Qi Commandery says: Of streams and conduits, then the Vast He is immense and unending, springing forth from Kunlun. Nine flows split off and go away, [into the] northern morning's deep green abyss. Startling waves are sudden and sharp, the floating foam scatters and flees.
The Comprehension of Manners and Customs says: The Jiang江, He河, Huai淮, and Ji濟 are the Four Conduits. A conduit is something that passes through, from that they pass through the Central States' dirt and mud.
The White Tiger Comprehensions says: Their potency is visible and great, and for that reason they are addressed as Conduits.
The Interpreting Names says: A conduit is something which is alone, each are alone from where they set out and then enter the sea.
[5]The Classic of Mountains and Seas says: The Kunlun Barrens崑崙墟 are in the north-west. The He River河水 sets out from its north-eastern crook.
The Erya says: When the He河 sets out from the Kunlun Barrens崑崙墟, it is coloured white. Where channels combine one thousand seven hundred and one streams, it is coloured yellow.
The Discussion on the Order of Things says: The He河 being coloured yellow: The flow of multitude streams perhaps muddies it. For [every] hundred li there is one small bend, for [every] thousand li it has one bent and one straight [part].
Han's Grand Marshal Zhang Zhongyi says: The He's河 water and mud clears and settles into one shi of water, six dou of mud. But the people vie to draw out the He to irrigate the fields, and causes the He河 to not pass through gainfully. Arriving at the 3rd Month, when the peach-flower water arrives,. then the He河 bursts forth due to its blockage not spilling. Forbid the people so they do not again draw out the He河, this is the name of the Yellow He黃河 and also the Muddy He濁河.
The Records of Narrated Travels says: Meng Ford 盟津 and He Ford河津 are constantly muddy. Side-by-side the Jiang江 it is narrow, in comparison to the Huai淮 and Ji濟 it is broad. When cold, the ice is several zhang thick. When the ice begins to gather, chariots and horses do not dare to go over. They demand a fox travel, stating this creature has good hearing, and if below the ice there is no water, then it goes over. When people see a fox travel, they soon after cross over.
I lean on the Comprehension of Manners and Customs which states: A saying in the hamlet[s?] delcares that "when a fox wishes to cross over the He河, there is nothing to be done about the tail." This fox is by nature very distrustful, and for that reason customs have explanations of the fox's distrust. Likewise it is not necessay that [this] one is like the words of Yuansheng.
(Guo Yuansheng was the author of the Record of Narrated Travels.)
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thefeastandthefast · 4 years
Thoughts on Serenade of Peaceful Joy as propaganda...
I was just thinking about Serenade of Peaceful Joy as propaganda tool and political morality play and realized... 
If the drama is intending for the Chinese viewer to put themselves in the shoes of “the people” and not in the shoes of Danshu or Huirou or the other female characters, then I can see how the writer might think that the characterization of the emperor is sympathetic and that Huirou should ultimately accept her fate. All of the utterly illogical writing suddenly makes way more sense if that was the goal. I’ll explain my theory:
So... the emperor is constantly going on about how “the people” want peace and economic prosperity and most importantly, they need the imperial family’s conduct to be a moral example. In the last episode, he takes Huirou to visit a lantern-making family and shows her how everyone, from the oldest to the youngest, is working hard to make a living. He tells Huirou that her actions need to be considered above reproach because she owes it to “the people”, because “the people” didn’t pay taxes to support her posh princess lifestyle for twenty-some years so that she can hit her working class mother-in-law, canoodle with Huaiji, burn her house down, and interfere with government policy- you, if you are a Chinese viewer, are supposed to think, “EXACTLY, I DIDN’T PAY MY TAXES SO THAT SOME FUERDAI CAN GO CRASH THEIR FERRARI STREET RACING, HAVE ORGIES IN SANYA, AND USE THEIR PARENTS’ POLITICAL INFLUENCE TO GET AWAY WITH IT.” 
Fuerdai (富二代) is the term for the rich children of China’s current political and economic elite. They are a much-reviled group in China, because they’re often the very public, scandalous face of the type of corruption that enormous economic inequality has wrought in the past few decades and because they are often shielded from the consequences of their scandals by powerful parents. 
Badly behaving fuerdai are also considered dangerous to the stability of the CCP, because their existence has been used to levy criticism at the CCP’s failure to manage party officials. This Bloomberg article is worth reading to understand the whole phenomenon and I’ll just quote a little bit here: “The fuerdai (pronounced foo-arr-dye) aren’t just an embarrassment. The Communist Party seems to consider them an economic or even political threat. President Xi Jinping himself spoke out this year, advising the second generation to “think about the source of their wealth and how to behave after becoming affluent.” An article published by the United Front Work Department, the bureau that manages relations between the party and nonparty elite, warned: “They know only how to show off their wealth but don’t know how to create wealth.” Some local governments have taken steps to reeducate their wealthy elite. In June, according to Beijing Youth Daily, 70 heirs to major Chinese companies attended lectures on filial piety and the role of traditional values in business.”  
The failure of Huirou to understand Huaiji’s attempts to explain poverty makes sense if this was the show’s message. She wasn’t meant to understand that lesson from his mouth because the writer needed Huirou to be taught this lesson by her father, emperor Xi Jinping... I mean, Renzong. So Renzong putting her in her place is presented to us as an act of benevolence to “the people” even if it destroys Huirou. Actually if you follow this logic, the story’s emphasis on Renzong’s love for Huirou makes his sacrifice of her happiness even more an act of selflessness for “the people”. You’re supposed to think, “WOW, even his daughter is not as important as justice for the people!” 
The character of Zhang Bihan is interesting to consider from this angle too. Her love of extravagant luxury goods like ivory, pearls, and rare porcelain are shown repeatedly to be a political liability in addition to a personal failing. Add to that Lady Jia’s black market salt and human trafficking ring. Zhao Zhen’s weakness for Bihan and everything she and her circle represented and his rejection of sober, sensible Danshu was a sign that he still needed to learn how to put his own desires second to that of “the people”. Bihan is his fatal flaw to overcome on the path to sainthood. Because propaganda is most effective when you feel like those in power are just nice people trying their best even as they are fucking you over. But of course, in the end the writer makes Zhao Zhen realize that Danshu was always the best choice and choosing her signals his apotheosis. This is why Bihan and Danshu could never evolve beyond their tired archetypes. Never mind the ahistorical characterizations and relationships! Evidence-based depictions of a more complex Zhang Bihan that remained Renzong’s true love to the end and an adversarial Empress Cao/Renzong relationship wouldn’t fit the story that this propaganda requires. 
Huaiji, his brother Yuansheng, and their family clearly represent “the people” starting from the very first episode. They’re the equivalent of the coal miners that American politicians love to talk about in the abstract as representatives of the working class. If you take Huaiji and Yuansheng’s journey as citizens who were deeply wronged by their government but who were then given opportunities to thrive later by the same government, you’ll see how the writer has very purposefully created a narrative (not in the book!) where lives destroyed by bad policy are merely accidents of fate but lives improved or justice restored are credited to compassionate government policy. The brothers losing the family business and each other, Huaiji losing his bright future and becoming a eunuch- none of the Liang family’s misfortunes can be attributed to Renzong or previous emperors purposefully making decisions to hurt people. Whereas their reversals of misfortune CAN be attributed to deliberate action on the part of the emperor and the government. 
And when forcing a corrupt government to see and address injustice through unorthodox means, the writer wants you to know that you should expect and accept without complaint punishment for using those unorthodox means, even if you are justified in your cause. Yuansheng, after capturing and publicly reporting his aunt and the local official who had colluded to sell off his brother, doesn’t resist army exile and sees it as an opportunity instead. He’s later rewarded for his unquestioning submission with imperial patronage of his restaurant, becomes a successful businessman, and is reunited with his brother. 
The emperor, after discovering that Huaiji is Yuanheng in the last episode, gives him back his real name and reunites him with Yuansheng. Though Huaiji is brutally parted from Huirou, his loss and longing are neatly tucked away from view in the end, unlike in the novel. Drama!Huaiji’s end is presented as a relatively happy one, where you see him sitting in a schoolhouse next to a beautiful river, quietly mounting a painting. He hears that the emperor has passed and makes a respectful obeisance. The drama wants you to think that he is grateful and he will recover, despite all the trauma that he has gone through. Because he HAS to recover, as a symbol of one of “the people” who has enjoyed the emperor’s grace. 
The only wrench in the gears, though, is that Huirou, Huaiji, Danshu, He’er, Maoze, and Qiuhe got their personalities and backstories from a book with different priorities. And so that persistent feeling of wrongness I kept having watching this show was the feeling of seeing the visible seams stitching this Frankenstein’s monster together.
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Researchers develop photostimulated transparent glass ceramic
Magnetic data storage has been gradually replaced by optical data storage (ODS) with higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, larger capacity, and longer service lifetime. As a classical kind of ODS medium, photostimulated (PSL) materials with persistent luminescence have attracted researchers' interest because of their good erasable-rewritable ability and ultrafast writing speed.
In a study published in Light: Science & Applications, a research group led by Prof. WANG Yuansheng and Prof. LIN Hang from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FJIRSM) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the collaborators developed a new kind of ODS medium, PSL transparent glass ceramic, via in situ precipitation of PSL LiGa5O8: Mn2+ nanocrystals (NCs, 2-7 nm) from a glass matrix.
The researchers found that the controlled thermally driven glass crystallization leads to a highly ordered nanostructure in the glass network, while the self-limited growth of LiGa5O8: Mn2+ NCs facilitates the generation of deep defects for PSL at a relatively low temperature due to low ionic diffusion mobility and, thus, the balance between nanosized grains and PSL performance is leveraged.
The highly ordered nanostructure enables light-matter interaction with high encoding/decoding resolution and low bit error rate.
Read more.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Liligaofeite (Fuzhou) Trade Co., Ltd.
86-0591-83848585 13675088177
1/F, Building 15, Caimao Garment City, No. 756, Qi'an Road, Gaishan Town, Cangshan Dist., Fuzhou, Fujian, China
Caimao group is headquartered in Hong Kong, Kowloon east wing on plaza, which owns rich mau industry park in fujian fuzhou goods mau textile garment city, jiangsu province city trade and industry alum wealth mau group is a science as a whole is given priority to with clothing production and other industries of give attention to two or morethings comprehensive entity enterprise, with tao boring women’s goods mau men tao emperor children beauty high M0A world watches raving west and best wishes, red wine, and other brands, is also the world’s largest apparel brand H&M specified platinum producer, and with the world’s third largest C&A in Germany and other international well-known children’s clothing brand established a cooperative relationship Fujian Yuansheng Textile and Garment City Co., Ltd. was rated by the Fujian Federation of Industry and Commerce as one of the top 100 private enterprises in Fujian Province in 2018 (Ranked 54th)
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pooja1234 · 4 years
Global Solar Water Heater Market Report 2021 – Industry Capacity, Manufacture, Value, Consumption, Status and Prediction 2025
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Market Overview The Global Solar Water Heater Market is foreseen to experience a fall from USD XX billion in 2020 to USD XX billion in 2021 at a CAGR of XX%. The descent is primarily the result of economic decline across countries unsettled due to ongoing Coronavirus outbreak, including controlling it. Thereafter, the Solar Water Heater market is likely to restore and expand at a CAGR of XX% from 2021, stretching up to USD XXX billion in 2024. BUY ANY 3 AND PAY FOR ONLY 2 Hurry Up To Grab This Exciting Offer…………! This Discount offer is valid till 31st March 2021 Get Free Sample Report @ https://ordientmarketresearch.com/sample-request/equipment-and-machinery/world-solar-water-heater-market/OMR2145 The research document comprises market traits, opportunities, industry size, fragmentation, territorial breakdowns, market shares, ongoing trends, competitive landscape, and strategies for the Solar Water Heater market. The report also tracks essential information about the market and predict market expansion by the geographic landscape. It also positions the market under the extensive Solar Water Heater market framework and collates it with other alternative markets. This report also offers the planners, policymakers, senior leadership, and traders crucial details to estimate the global Solar Water Heater market as it arises from the COVID-19 closure. Market Scope The Solar Water Heater Industry sets out tendencies that affect various subsidiary industries. Therefore, the Global market has ruled for being one of the leading revenue generators over the past several decades. This industry has challenged every economic disruption and withstands the test of time. Though this could benefit to motivate new market players in the Global industry, the preference for product development and novel procedures could assist new participants in obtaining a stronghold. Browse Full Premium Report @ https://ordientmarketresearch.com/equipment-and-machinery/world-solar-water-heater-market/OMR2145 Solar Water Heater Market Research Report is Segmented as Follows: Product Types can be segregated as: Integrated Collector Storage (ICS or Batch Systems) Evacuated-tube solar collectors Thermosyphon systems Flat-plate collector Applications can be segregated as: residential use industrial use Others Regions covered in this report are: North America United States Canada Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Nordic Rest of Europe Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea Southeast Asia India Australia Rest of Asia-Pacific Latin America Mexico Brazil Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Rest of Middle East & Africa Checkout Inquiry For Buying or Customization of Solar Water Heater Market: https://ordientmarketresearch.com/enquiry/equipment-and-machinery/world-solar-water-heater-market/OMR2145 Global Solar Water Heater Market Report provide in-depth information about the Leading Competitors involved in this report: Sunrain Solar Energy Shandong Sang Le Linuo Ritter HUAYANG TP Solar TSINGHUA SOLAR Sunshore Solar Huihuang solar Qingdao Aucma Himin BEST Haier SUNHOME 5 STAR Shandong Ecoo Solar YuanSheng Solar Group CHINSUN SUNLEADA GOMON Royalstar Innovations in the technology field have contributed to the growth of the Global industry. The arrival of energy- and cost-efficient appliances have rejuvenated procedures in the Solar Water Heater industry. Economic expansion in developing countries as well have arisen as an advantage for the Global industry. Although strict rules that supervise global production and processing affect the growth rate of the Global industry. Enquire about Discount for This Report @ https://ordientmarketresearch.com/check-discount/equipment-and-machinery/world-solar-water-heater-market/OMR2145 Reasons to buy this report: Obtain a genuinely global viewpoint along with the most extensive report obtainable on the Solar Water Heater market, including more than 50 ecologies. Develop regional and territorial schemes depending on local data and research. Recognize customers and client
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jyytheriverdragon · 2 years
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Here's evil/possessed Yìng Yue's dragon form! She has some qualities shared by Yuansheng (the demon possessing her) such as the green coloring and the curlier mane
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dareal3snoveldotcom · 4 years
Chapter 1754 - Break Up with You | The 99th Divorce
Chapter 1754 – Break Up with You | The 99th Divorce
There was a very handsome lad.  Gu Yuansheng spotted Fang Tongtong and introduced himself, “Hello. I’m Gu Yuansheng.”  Fang Tongtong reacted immediately and nodded her head. “Oh, hi. I’m Fang Tongtong, spelled T-O-N-G.”  Gu Yuansheng chuckled. He saw the black bag in her hands and asked, “Are those Brother Shen’s clothes? Let me help you with them.”  “Yeah. I just took a few pieces at random.…
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Hyundai Buys Boston Dynamics From SoftBank In $1.1 Billion Deal
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/hyundai-buys-boston-dynamics-from-softbank-in-1-1-billion-deal/
Hyundai Buys Boston Dynamics From SoftBank In $1.1 Billion Deal
Euisun Chung, chairman of Hyundai Motor Group.
South Korean car giant Hyundai Motor Group has agreed to buy a controlling stake in Boston Dynamics, in a deal that values the U.S.-based robot maker at $1.1 billion, from SoftBank Group.
Boston Dynamics said in a statement that Hyundai will hold an 80% stake in the company, while SoftBank will retain the remaining 20%. Hyundai is led by chairman Euisun Chung, who is one of the richest men in Korea, with a net worth of $3.5 billion.
The deal will leverage Boston Dynamics’ and Hyundai’s respective strengths in manufacturing, logistics and automation, the statement said, as well as “lend synergies” to autonomous vehicles. Hyundai, which is the second-largest conglomerate in Korea after Samsung, has ambitious plans to invest more than $50 billion over the next five years to become a “Smart Mobility Solution Provider,” a broad plan that includes driverless cars.
More on Forbes: Hyundai’s Big Data Ambitions Depend On A Little-Known Credit Card Company
Boston Dynamics said in its statement that Hyundai has already invested substantially in the development of future technologies, including in autonomous driving, smart factories, artificial intelligence, robotics and eco-friendly vehicles. Just last month, Hyundai struck a deal with European chemical giant Ineos to explore joint development of hydrogen technology for the car maker’s hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles.
“The acquisition of Boston Dynamics would bring in-house some of the market-leading capabilities, technologies and know-how, and provide a significant boost for Hyundai’s plans,” says Yu Yuansheng, a Singapore-based senior analyst with Lux Research. Yu points to Hyundai’s Vest EXoskeleton, a wearable robot to assist factory workers it unveiled last year. Hyundai is now developing medical robots to help disabled people walk, he adds.
Boston Dynamics was founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1992 and ran independently until Google bought it in 2013. SoftBank acquired it four years later for an undisclosed sum. Today Boston Dynamics says that it develops “agile, mobile robots that have been successfully integrated into various business operations,” including Ford Motor.
Through the sale to Hyundai, SoftBank will “partner” with the Korean company to accelerate the commercialization of Boston Dynamics. SoftBank’s billionaire chairman Masayoshi Son said in the statement that “Boston Dynamics has a very bright future” with Hyundai.
From Transportation in Perfectirishgifts
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42soul · 7 years
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marketreports3 · 4 years
Research On World Solar Water Heater Market Report 2025
This unique report on World Solar Water Heater Market till 2025 presents quality data on the global market revenue, sales, growth rate and leading market players. The supply chain analysis completes the Solar Water Heater market understanding for a new entrant as well as existing players. The import and export data along with consumption statistics from major countries is sure to enrich the strategists understanding of the market.
Solar Water Heater is a device that uses the energy of the sun to heat water that is generally for home or building use. This type of alternative, renewable energy is one of the most common uses for solar energy. Depending on the type of Water Heater, there are several different ways in which it may work. Generally, all solar Water Heaters do three basic things: energy collection, energy transfer, and energy storage.
Solar Water Heater market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving revenue growth and profitability. The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry analysis of the key factors influencing the market.
The report includes the forecasts, analysis and discuion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry players.
The market is expected to expand at 15.49% CAGR over the period between 2020 and 2025.
Final Report will cover the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/47547-world-solar-water-heater-market-report
The players mentioned in our report
Sunrain Solar Energy
Shandong Sang Le
Linuo Ritter
TP Solar
Sunshore Solar
Huihuang solar
Qingdao Aucma
Shandong Ecoo Solar
YuanSheng Solar Group
Global Solar Water Heater Market: Product Segment Analysis
Integrated Collector Storage (ICS or Batch Systems)
Evacuated-tube solar collectors
Thermosyphon systems
Flat-plate collector
Global Solar Water Heater Market: Application Segment Analysis
residential use
industrial use
Global Solar Water Heater Market: Regional Segment Analysis
South East Asia
Download Free Sample Report of World Solar Water Heater Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-47547
There are 10 Chapters to deeply display the World Solar Water Heater market. Chapter 1 About the Solar Water Heater Industry Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape Chapter 3 World Solar Water Heater Market share Chapter 4 Supply Chain Chapter 5 Company Profiles Chapter 6 Globalization & Trade Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries Chapter 9 World Solar Water Heater Market Forecast through 2025 Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview
Purchase the complete World Solar Water Heater Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-47547
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