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memorialmerits · 8 days ago
This article delves into practical coping strategies and
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piedraangularpr · 4 years ago
Fortaleciendo mi ser
¡Me toca!  Simplemente me toca fortalecer mi ser, mi espíritu y mi cuerpo para ser la madre, la mujer, la profesional que quiero ser... La que soy y el dolor a veces oculta, la que soy y el cansancio derrota.  Este año retomo mis rutinas para empoderarme de la VIDA.
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tightenupbuttercup · 4 years ago
here goes nothin...
I dont know, writing on sticky notes as a way to journal? whateveR. It works for me. Except for the little checkmark that keeps refreshing. haha! Thats definitely messing with me. So here I am, planning to be as authentic and me with you all as I can be. Which lucky for you, means that you can expect raw honesty with humor to mask real life pain. I am doing this mainly for me. If anyone else stumbles upon it and finds it helpful in anyway, then BONUS! I'll just put it all out there with labels for you all to try to identify with. I am a 30year old widowed single mother whom happens to be an addict. I have found recovery for a few years now. It is recovery for me. my journey back to finding myself. Which has proven to be messy. I have been far from perfect. As I write this, its 2 months before the 1year anniversary of the death of my youngest son’s father and my boyfriend of 6years. He was my person. I have been having so many dreams about him. I am in my bathroom at them moment trying to get some nicotine in, while my 2year old roams the house. Meanwhile, being very quiet I need to go make sure he isnt about to flood my home or something crazy. He isn't always up to no good. Like I sometimes think. He was just sitting quietly watching tv.          Anyways, these dreams. They make me feel him all over again. I wake up feeling alive. Feeling alive with his love again, having just been in his arms in my dreams. Its crazy how I had my first one only a couple of weeks ago. The first time he had come to me in a dream since he died. I cant even put into words how it made me feel him again. I can say that I am so very grateful for these dreams. His memories are begining to get distant and It is breaking my heart. but this has helped remind me that he is deeper than just a memory. Its the love I carry for him in my heart. Along with our baby girl Cora.
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Jane Russell in YOUNG WIDOW (1946)
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inmyskin13 · 5 years ago
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I woke up feeling horrible today. Physically, mentally and spiritually. I just don’t have the energy today to pretend like I’m not devastated by these health conditions. The hardest part is that I’m being attacked by all angles. Physically by the #ankylosingspondylitis and #potssyndrome and mentally by the #ptsd. I’m grieving the person I was before getting sick. I’m grieving the fact I’m not physically able to do much of anything. I’m grieving the loss of all of it. Besides being a #youngwidow this is the hardest challenge of my life. I had so much hope for my life, now I’m faking smiles and faking being interested in the things that used to interest me before my world crashed. I do realize everyone has bad days and that I get another chance tomorrow to have a good day, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t killing me to the core. Thank you to @positively_chronic for the words to explain how I’m feeling today. Tomorrow I will try again, and in that lies my strength, but I’m honoring my feelings for today. . . Follow me @khronikallykarly . . . . #khronikallykarly #grief #thegrievingprocess #fightingformylife #fightingformyhealth #chronicallyill #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicpainawareness #ptsd #ptsdsurvivor #potssyndrome #potssyndromeawareness #ankylosingspondylitiswarrior #ankylosingspondylitisawareness #positivelychronic #grievingmyhealth #youngwidowsclub #chronicillnessmemes #depressionkills #feelingalone #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #tachycardiaproblems #fakeittillyoumakeit #lifequotes #chronicpainsucks #depressionawareness #chronicallyillwarrior (at Alvin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7UShxKgR2Z/?igshid=ra1xte5iu0jv
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sabrieee · 6 years ago
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Well never in a million years did I think I would be curled up in a ball listening to an audible book with the title “the hot young widows club”. Yes technically Lorenzo and I weren’t married but if you told him that he would of argued with you that we were. I miss him more as each minute goes by. #youngwidow #soulmate #grief https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzecle-hAOq/?igshid=1br9ns9kd6h2h
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memorialmerits · 1 month ago
This article delves into practical coping strategies and
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grimhearts1985 · 7 years ago
PREVIEW OF MY SERIES Nocturnal Colours! 🏮🌃🌆🏮 @sluggish_ruggish @nataliecalavera @citysurfer_ @sup_its_april_ @crystaljcuevas_ HUGE THANK YOU to the first round of incredible ladies!!! 🌹🌹🌹 I still have more paintings of many more awesome ladies, so stay tuned! . . . #portrait #painting #portraiture #oilpainting #portraitpainting #neon #neonlights #neoncolors #colorful #nightscape #youngwidows #newskin (at Los Angeles, California)
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piedraangularpr · 4 years ago
Solo parent
La vida me sorprendió, nadie te puede preparar para esto... pronto conversaremos más ...
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eversonpoe · 4 years ago
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quarantine jams, pt. 155 young widows • in and out of youth and lightness • “bathed in blood, but still clean” • every now and then a record changes your life. almost 10 years ago, @uhhuhthem helped me discover this album and it truly had a profound effect on me. • #vinyl #quarantinejams #youngwidows @youngwidowsband https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQUNU3l8H7/?igshid=1chgc40efu6tl
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thatlaylachick · 4 years ago
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One of my favorite photos of my late husband and me. 2013, by @eandjspv 💙 Today would have been our 14th wedding anniversary. It is my third one without him. #fucksuicide #youngwidow #inlovingmemory #thesnarkywidow 🖤 I miss you, Bret. Forever and Always. 💜💚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdQAOZHmP-/?igshid=1a7glwp9xvkms
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widowstartingover · 7 years ago
Welcome to 2018
Well it is here!! I made it!! graduated from Texas A&M University- Commerce with B.A degree. I am going on 3 years strong as a widow! I am a still a widow at the Potters House. Josh (my son) is now married and I am a survivor! Though times may still be hard I am going to make it!
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sristargold · 5 years ago
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In Support of Widow Empowerment Standing By Your Side because We Understand it’s tough to handle everything alone Losing your companion is an extremely heart-breaking experience. You might have to face many hardships all by yourself during. Sristar Gold Company is aware of these challenges and is committed to helping Widows in need. We are in support of Widow Empowerment. In this condition, a sudden need for taking care of your family can be a serious issue. Besides, affording day to day expenses can also become challenging for you. If you’re in a similar position, come to Sristar Gold Company at once. We have different services and offers just for you. You can choose the service or offer that suits you the best. We buy gold as well as other precious metals and offer you the best deals on the market. Besides, we also pay for stones. We pay interests for your pledged gold. You get the worth that you deserve. We also provide a golden opportunity to become our trusted partner. Sristar Gold Company is the first of its kind to promise a guaranteed return of 35% to 45% annually. BUSINESS INQUIRIES Please contact 6366 333 444 at [email protected] #widowed #widow #grief #youngwidow #widowlife #griefandloss #widowshelpingwidows #widowsofinstagram #griefjourney #lifeafterloss #widows #widowhood #widowcoach #griefrecovery #hopeforwidows #griefsupport #grieving #widowedmom #griefawareness #widowhoodsisterhood #thelifecoachschool #strongmom #widowlifesucks (at Widow and devorced women welfare karnataka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxC2DBJAUN/?igshid=ewz6e7i3i0rz
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nikkiferncapp-blog · 7 years ago
Let’s Talk About It: Thanksgrieving
For the record: Nope. Nope. Nope. I don’t want to eat a turkey right now. I don’t want to talk about my blessings. And I DEFINITELY don’t want to be asked one million times, ‘Are you okay?’.
Because I’m not. I worked the last 3 long days leading up to this horrible holiday for me. I had to hear people complain about how my store could possible run out of elbow macaroni pasta on a holiday like this. 
Luckily for my excellent customer service skills - I kept it together. I didn’t want to remind them that they are OK. That their world was not ending because they had to find another type of noddle for Mac & Cheese. My world though? It ended August 23rd of this year when my husband died. THAT was something I could bitch about.
The days leading up to today, I tried to give myself positive thoughts. I tried to surround myself with people who could make me laugh. But here is today - and even though I am currently surrounded by my favorite adopted family members - I am sad as hell. I want to be thankful. I really do. But I miss my husband. I was forever thankful for him and he’s gone now.
Right now, Chris and I would be working. This was the only holiday that we volunteered to work because it was a short day for us. We would get off at 3, then head home real quick to load up the truck (we would be off for the next 2 days) and drive to his parents’ house in San Antonio.
On the way there, we would stop at some fast food place off Mason and i10 (probably Panda Express), eat something real quick to hold us until our rest stop at Buc-ees. Once in SA, we would eat way too much - drink some sour beers or good wine - and chat with his parents’ about work. The next day (Black Friday my favorite day because guess what we did) we would go SHOPPING at the Outlets right after lunch at Cracker Barrel. 
We would attempt to visit Grandma before leaving back for Houston Saturday evening and rest up before a busy Sunday at work. That was our Thanksgiving.
My reality this year is different. It’s my Thanksgrieving holiday. However I’m going to change it up. I’m going to talk about some people I’m thankful for this year. Starting with:
Angel Chris - my favorite Aggie. Who taught me how to budget and be an adult, but also empowered me to be a girlboss in all things. He matured me into a better person and gave me the most supportive backbone I’ve ever experienced. God I miss him.
Momma Tam Tam - My Mother In Law who is as much a part of me as Chris is. This women has laughed with me, cried with me, and listening to me vent about insensitive comments that people have made. She has reminded me that I can, and I will, keep living.
Cody - My Brother In Law aka brother aka the funniest person I know. I am so thankful for his bright spirit. He is just as unfiltered as I am, and I cannot tell you what a blessing that is. He makes my heart happy.
Momma Fern - My Mom. I can write this entire blog about how Thankful I am for her. To love my husband as if he were her own, to be there for not only me - but everyone during the funeral process. For the continued check ups and love from the East Coast. Who I am is because of her. I love her so much.
Jessie - Chris’ Turtle. This girl has always loved me as if she knew me her whole life. I have never felt so included in all things - she was the first wedding I was in! She will do anything with me and constantly reminds me how badass I am. Thankful for this sweet lady.
Cousins - Who will travel and do so many crazy things with me, including going to New Orleans and dancing the weekend away. Talk about positive people - there is no times for any sadness with them They are beautiful inside and out and I am so glad to have them be my family.
Chrissie - my NOLA cutie who may be a 6 hour drive away but never lets me feel forgotten. Love this soul who makes the best Creole food ever.
Marisa - My tiny human who has been sucked into this shit storm of family drama thanks to life. ANYONE who can play with your hair and rub your arm till you fall asleep every time she sees you is a Saint.
Mel - Good gravy. Who lets you immediately move in after your husband dies no questions asked? This girl took me in and all my bat shit crazy issues and loves me like family. She feeds me pasta and lets me cuddle with her dog. She also keeps me educated on Pop Culture and will just chill me with when I need to decompress. Thanks Mellie Mel.
Jaya/Eigeges - My adopted family. They’ve been there for every life event and of course we have spent every holiday with them. They remind me that there is good in the life. They remind me to have HOPE.
The Williams - My sweet friends who have been there thru everything. They keep me warm and bubbly and are always down to hangout any where and any time. They keep their home and heart open to me.
Ray Ray Fre$h - My Best Friend. Who continues to drop everything for me when I need her too. Who forces me to do things outside of my comfort zone - but reminds me it is my comfort zone because I’m with her. 
Jess & Josh - Although they are an hour away (UGH), they love me like a neighbor. Jess and I have gone thru some pretty serious life shit and yet somehow we are still standing! She is my motivation. She keeps my head up. She is love.
Leadership Ladies - I am so thankful for my store. These ladies keep me laughing! Whether it’s trying to give me a cat or telling me about some Drugs Inc episode, they keep my mind busy and my heart full.
Ernie (Brotatertot) - My constant remind to be positive and happy. He loves me like family and lifts me up constantly. Not just in this season of life, but in all my seasons. He is skilled in life and shares his goodness with me.
Crafty Callie - My Real. That’s who she is because that’s how she keeps it She doesn’t sugar coat and doesn’t hide. She is real. And she is everything I can ask for in a friend. Love her hugs and her sweet dog who only likes me when she’s not there.
Joshy Fern - My brother. He has dealt with a lot in his short life and continues to move forward. His sweet nickname for me reminds me that our bond is blood and I’m thankful to have the same DNA as him.
Bonfire Ags - This group that has adopted me as their own. I love them to my core being. They are my family. They keep their arms open for me and remind me to party hard and have fun.
There are so many other people I haven’t mentioned. Dad, DT, John C, etc., that I am thankful for. For so many reasons I have such amazing reminds that their is life. There is love. There is hope.
Chris - Thank you. More than half this list came from you. You knew what you were doing with you picked me.
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theoptimisticwidow · 7 years ago
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It didn’t hurt until it hurt. Like hot lava running in my veins. I balled up my fists and put a smile on. I knew it was coming. Eventually all feelings come full circle. This decision had been mine. Made strictly for me. Yet I found myself stalking Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat longing to still be the girl I would have had to be to actually be there. I was growing a resentment solely on myself for changing, for not changing enough, for actually honoring my mind and not pushing myself. Here I am though. Miles away by choice and still hurting. I thought when I bowed out of going to Arizona I was saving us all just a grab bag of bullshit. I still do not trust myself let alone emotional Jess. This would have been emotional no matter how I sliced it. Honestly at one point you were one of the closest things to a sister I had ever had. You, handsey, and Em. We were inseparable but that was at least twelve versions of myself ago. I still remember stepping out of the shuttle on that hot July night to see you smiling with Em right behind. I thought for sure you would end up being a cannibal cheerleader 🤣 Thank you for being my roommate for three of my most formative months. You saw my boobs more than Dave in the end. Thank you for the years of friendship I didn’t realize would come. Thank you for the months and months dealing with Dave and I argue. In the time before we knew how to communicate. Thank you for the late nights staying up way too long on a Tuesday night expressing philosophies and enlightenment. For never making me feel stupid or shutting me down. Thank you for the amazing late night drives or trips to Phoenix. It seemed like no matter what we always found a way to come together for each other. Thank you for getting home at 9pm and immediately going to Aj. Walking in circles around that tiny apartment, singing with that beautiful voice for like a hour straight 😳 Thank for that time period where you disappeared, I disappeared too, I grew so much from that experience. Thank you for agreeing to sit down six months later. I was so nervous to actually say I was wrong but you know what Chaiffs? I was wrong. Dead fucking wrong. Thank you for the times you showed up when I was dangerous and belligerent. I’m sorry anyone had to see that side of me but that was me, my reality I hid daily. Thank you for always listening even when I rambled. Thank you for teaching me to be girly with a boyish twist. I never dreamed I would love heels as much as I do. Thank you. Seriously. For everything. My heart hurts knowing I am no longer that young girl searching. I know exactly how lost I am and honestly I’m freer than I’ve ever been. I grew up overnight and grew away from you and everyone else. I’m sorry. Know that no matter what you have left your handprint on my heart ❤️ love you bitches. You hold my most cherished memories of who I was.
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memorialmerits · 4 months ago
This article delves into practical coping strategies and
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