#You would think after going through the pain of microwaving her i would know how to draw her from all angles but no
daily-amber · 3 months
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day 156: amber but the reference picture is a picture of me
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holdinbacksecrets · 10 months
how do you think svt would subtly let you know they have feelings for you? 🥺🫣 or how they’d confess?
first of all, my sincere apologies for taking a year to answer this… but a couple nights ago i woke up at 2am, scrolled through my requests, and yours ended up inspiring these voicemails. thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoy 🖤
thank you @un-love for helping me assign these🫶🫶🫶🫶
voicemails seventeen leave you, hinting feelings
seungcheol: “hey…a lot was said last night…it’s important that you know how proud of you i am for opening up to me. it’s just…you have to know that… my home is yours for however long you need. there are clean sheets on the guest bed, but i know you prefer my mattress…we can switch- i just want you to be comfortable, not to worry about anything, ok? i hope i see you when i get home tonight. or if you want me to meet you at his—yours, i’d be happy to.”
jeonghan: “hey, are you ok? you looked upset last night, and i tried to show i noticed without… showing i noticed. you left earlier than i expected with lia, so i didn’t get a chance to ask. then hoshi was fucking wasted, so i was trying to get him home in one piece. let me know, please.”
joshua: “morning, let me know what time you’d like to leave tonight. the party starts at 8, but i don’t think it’s really going to start until 8:30. we could get dinner before if you want? and it’s ok if you forget a cardigan. now i keep one in my car in case we end up on a balcony.”
jun: “you’re probably freaking out, but your laptop is here. it’s fully charged. i can bring it to you. i know you have classes friday afternoon… if you use your ipad instead, come over after. i’ll make you dinner.”
soonyoung: “at this point, i need to keep your grocery store list on my notes app or something. it doesn’t matter where i am or what grocery store i find myself inside, i’m immediately wondering what you need. i end up getting things i know you’ll like… tampons too and those pads with the wings. i started keeping them in different bags i use because i never know which one i’ll have when i see you. i know it’s silly because you always have something with you just in case, but… i don’t know. i don’t want to be completely helpless. now i feel bad for my sister. is that weird? i never did this for her. i should have. i hope her boyfriend does.”
wonwoo: “i think you’re asleep, but i wanted to remind you to take another dosage of pain medicine when you wake up. it’s been twelve hours, and i know how forgetful you can get in that post-sleep haze.”
jihoon: “it’s so sunny here. i’m sending some to you for your birthday. missing your birthday… how the hell did that end up happening? i’m definitely not incredibly upset about it either… happy birthday. tell me all about your day when you get this. if i don’t answer, leave a detail in your voicemail” *whisper sings happy birthday*.
seokmin: “hey you. so i’m at the cafe, and i ordered a chai latte for you before realizing i didn’t know how much longer you’ll be. if it’s cold by the time you get here, i’ll order you another or see if they have a microwave. i think some customers are staring me down because i’m a single man occupying a table. please hurry. kindly. i say that so kindly.”
mingyu: “is it absolutely ridiculous to believe you… some part of you manifests in willow trees? i think of you, and i see one. it’s happened too many times to be a coincidence, even in other countries. i’ve taken pictures, so you have to believe me.”
minghao: “—you have to come with me next time.”
seungkwan: “do you want to be my date to my sister’s wedding? it’s not a big deal. i mean, it is, but i know how anxious you can get about things like this, so i want you to know it’s not a big deal… did you believe that for a second?”
hansol: “there’s going to be an indoor pop-up market two blocks from your apartment on saturday. i took a picture of the flyer through the car window, but it came out all blurry, and i’m running late for a schedule. this is a reminder for myself to make sure the details reach you. i also want to go with you if you decide to go… if you can go.”
chan: “can we change our friday night plans to saturday? i’m so sorry. my mom has an appointment, and i offered to drive her before my brain caught up and realized the day and time she’s scheduled. i don’t think i’ll make it back early enough, and i don’t want to leave her either, you know? she’s having a little procedure done. i want to be around just in case… because i’m worried about it. i didn’t think i’d be this worried. call me when you get this.”
bonus: “i’m around the corner from your place, and i have the tokyo hoodie with me. it’s your week, it’s freshly washed, so let me know if you’re home. i’ll drop it off.”
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itsabouttimex2 · 11 months
Platonic Yanderes
(Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist)
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Enji Todoroki:
His own child, whom he previously spurned.
He regrets it. God, he regrets it so much. The memories seethe inside him like an angry scar, pulsing in pain.
“I made dinner, Dad! I knew you’d be out late, so I stayed up to make sure you had something to eat!” He doesn’t sit down to to eat or say thank you. He grabs the plate from your hands and stomps off to his own room to eat, casting a baleful glare to you as he does. At least you’re good for something, he thinks.
He doesn’t think like that anymore. Do you know that, Y/N? You are worth so much more than he ever let you know.
“Hey, dad. You wanna go out jogging? Fuyumi grew out of her old tracksuit and gave it to me, and I wanted to see if-“
You cut yourself off when he glares at you, a withering look on his face. He stares down at you, a sneer turning the corners his lips. “You wouldn’t be able to keep up with me,” he snaps at you, walking away and slamming the door as he exits.
But you never actually thought you’d be able to keep up. You knew you’d fall behind. You just wanted to spend time with him, didn’t you? He’ll spend as much time with you as he can from now on, Y/N.
“Do you want to train with me? I’d be happy to put up some targets for you!” You smile, tiny bits of ice sparking on your hands. That smile doesn’t reach your eyes anymore, not when you’re talking to Dad. “There’s nothing you can put up that I wouldn’t melt right through. You don’t have the skill.” As expected, he turns on his heel and leaves.
He wonders how long it’s been since the two of you talked. You were there, reaching out a hand to him, trying to get through to his heart. You made offer after offer, and he struck them down without hesitation. Even without a scrap of love of affection, you kept trying to help him become a better person.
“Why didn’t I let you help me?”
He asks himself this question again and again, looking down on you. He always looked down on you, for being weak or sentimental or distracting.
Now he’s doing it in a more literal sense, staring at your feverish form on the bed.
Your severe sickness had been the perfect excuse to squirm back into your life. He comes in with nearly a dozen grocery sacks held in his arms, a steely and determined look in his eyes. Before you have a chance to slam the door in his face (not that you strength to do so right now) he walks into the house, heading straight to the kitchen.
“What are you-“
“Hush. Not a word, Y/N.” He’s dressed in his own expensive and tailor-made version of casual, not that it makes him any less intimidating. He places the bags on your table, and walks directly towards you, his hand moving to cover your forehead. He grimaces.
“You’re burning up, Y/N. Get to bed. Now.”
“You need to-“
He grabs your shoulders and spins you around, marching you to your room, checking the rooms one by one as he walks with you. Once he finds it, he pushes you towards it and pulls back the covers. “Get in.”
You’re frozen stiff, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, your estranged father busting in with groceries and literally marching you in around your own home, room by room. That pause gives him the chance to push you onto the mattress, tucking the blanket around you. “Good,” he says, sounding satisfied. “I’ll make you something to eat. Don’t move.”
He pulls the top off of a can of microwaveable soup, dumping the contents into a plastic bowl. He had wanted to just buy you something gourmet and professionally made, but Fuyumi had talked him out of it, saying you’d be better off with something simple and easy to eat. That you would be better off with him.
So here he is, a giant man trying his best to not break a tiny spoon as he pushes it to your lips. Now that you’re actually lying down instead of trying to work in your weakened state, your body finally gives out, entirely sapped of the energy you’d need to get up or tell him off for coming in unannounced and uninvited. With nothing else to do and a body that won’t listen to your commands, you let him him feed you.
It’s a tiny step forward, the first of so many to come. And he won’t stop until you call him your father again.
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Keigo Takami:
A young and innocent member of the League of Villains.
“I really appreciate you stopping by, Mr.
You slide him a drink, sweet and fizzy and non-alcoholic. You’ve never actually served him anything with alcohol, not even by accident. He refuses to drink it, keeping himself sober and fully focused at all times.
You appreciate it, because it means one less grown man to babysit, one less puddle of vomit to mop, one less fight to break up.
And he appreciates that you don’t ask questions or try to convince him otherwise, because it means that he can do his job much easier.
“Did you make me something new, kiddo?”
“Yeah, I did! Club soda and cherry syrup and whipped cream!”
“Looks delicious, kid.” He takes a sip, and damn, it’s actually pretty good. “And tastes even better than it looks,” he praises, buttering you up in a way that aren’t used to. The other members, the real members of the League aren’t so kind. You’ll get an errant compliment or two, but mostly you gets nods, grunts of approval, and impatient demands for refills.
But Mr. Hawks is relaxed and charming and actually talks to you outside of ordering drinks. It’s easy to trust him.
“Got any news for me, kid?”
Maybe a little too easy, with the way you spill out all the gossip you’ve overheard, bits of information that you would’ve never considered critical or even important. And all the while, he grins and sips his drink, listening very, very close.
You’re betraying your own teammates, and you don’t even know it, he thinks to himself. And why? Because you’re just a good kid, a lonely kid? A sweet and polite kid, in spite of being surrounded by literal killers and remorseless criminals.
More than anything, he feels bad for you.
Especially when he catches you drinking.
You sniffle, a red handprint outlined on your cheek, and bruising from a rough hand encircling your wrist. You tip the shot glass back, trying to take a another sip.
But something soft blocks your lips, soaking up the alcohol before it can enter your mouth. You set the shot glass down, opening your red-rimmed eyes. A feather, hanging midair, separating your lips and the glass.
“You’re still a bit young for that kind of coping, kid. Give it a few more years, and then you can start.”
His voice is soft, and he takes your wrist to turn it over, looking at the outlines left behind by rough, grasping fingers.
“Who was it?”
A flash of something fierce and angry, protective and nurturing. His eyes sharpen and then that sharpness fades, gone in an instant. He switches to laid-back and unaffected in a moment.
“C’mon. Just one word, and I’ll make sure they don’t mess with you again. Can’t have my favorite bartender making my drinks with a bruised hand, after all.”
You give him a name, fighting back tears. You aren’t supposed to cry. You aren’t supposed to break. You need to be strong and useful or you’ll get thrown out, nowhere to go and no one who wants you.
No one who wanted you until you met Hawks, that is. He’s sure you’ll know that soon, when these villains are brought to justice and he takes you into his personal custody, under the guise of rehab.
He hooks an arm around your shoulders and when you lean into his side, starved for warmth and comfort, he slips a feather into your pocket. A sign that he’s there, that you aren’t alone.
You won’t be alone again.
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Tsunagu Hakamada:
A shy, insecure UA student who performs well at the Sports Festival.
You aren’t the usual kind of student he’d take under his wing. You stumble and stutter and whimper and then you crumble and hide yourself away. You have no self-esteem, no confidence, no sense of personal worth.
But your fighting prowess is impossible to deny or ignore. You might not have any self-worth, but you’ve got enough skill to make up for it.
“Fifth place”, he starts, while combing through your hair, “Is very impressive, especially for the school in question. You went up against skilled and varied opponents, and beat out all but four. Be proud.”
He doesn’t see the need to use Fiber Master on you. One single command of “sit” had you on the stool, holding as still as you could while he fixed your unruly hair, swept and tangled by the wind. You are certainly a well-behaved student, listening closely to his words, blushing at his praise.
“I was scared,” you mumble, in a sudden show of honesty. “I thought I was gonna mess up in front of everyone. With all those cameras. And everyone watching.” He’s won you over quickly, his unshakably calm yet supportive and patient personality providing you with the comfort you need to open up to him.
“And you did not. That is admirable.”
You blush a little deeper. Clearly, you are receptive to praise and positive attention. Building you up as a properly confident student and hero-in-training becomes one of his priorities.
He finds himself enjoying your presence. Something as simple as children running up to you to ask you about the sports festival, asking you to show off your Quirk for them has you looking up to him for approval, for his consent. He gives you a nod, carefully regarding your actions. You do decently with people when someone is behind you with a supporting hand on your back, it seems.
Then it’s teenagers, some classmates, some friends, occasional newfound fans. Every now and then, an outright admirer. Usually, you hide behind him, eyes down, arms wrapped around yourself. He interferes personally on the last ones, politely but firmly rejecting them on your behalf, nudging you along to continue your patrolling. You mumble a thanks, staying close beside him.
For adults, it’s two drunkards who laugh and sneer and shout obscene things about what they’d do to a shy schoolgirl like you if they got the chance. One whips out his phone to take a picture of you, only to drop it in his drink when the cuff of his sleeve tightens around his wrist like a snare. Tsunagu ushers you to a bench, draping his jean jacket around your shoulders gently. “You need not worry. I will be right back.”
He’s a dreadfully powerful man, in terms of both influence and Quirk. In seconds, both men are bound tightly by their own clothes, and in a matter of minutes, police officers are stepping in to take them into custody for sexual harassment.
He clicks his tongue in distaste, watching them get carted off. “Some people simply have no moral fiber.”
The way you look at him right then reminds him of why he became a hero. Not only to save lives, but to instill peace and hope into the hearts of those around him.
And he starts to like being around you. You look to him, not only for safety but for guidance and even for comfort. He offers it to you, watching closely as you fall deeper into the web that he weaves, one where you are safe and secure and utterly oblivious to your own entrapment.
And the longer you stick around, stumbling after him like a newborn fawn, the tighter and thicker those bonds grow. You can’t ever leave him.
But why would you ever want to leave him?
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notanactressyay · 3 months
— ₊⊹ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐫 (𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞)
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— ₊⊹ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 . Natasha Romanoff x reader
— ₊⊹ 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 . she did. she allowed her feelings and past to take you away from her. now, guilt and confusion consumed her, and when the one chance to make everything right comes, she doesn't think twice before taking it. and you have to love her from afar. from somewhere you don't even know.
— ₊⊹ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 . major character death, the blip, Thanos, cursing, grief, breaking down, no happy ending.
— ₊⊹ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 . this is the second and last part to loving you silently. i didn't think i'd make a part two, but turns out i enjoyed writing angsty things. i'm switching accounts, my pinned explains everything.
fic started: june 23, 2024, 04:30am. | finished: june 23, 2024, 03:01pm.
dividers belong to: @saradika — ₊⊹ ★
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the breakup messed up with her mind more than she initially thought it would have. you hadn't used the exact phrase "i am breaking up with you", but the way you said it, "when you become the Natasha i fell in love with again", it was almost the same thing. because she knew there was no way she was ever becoming the same old her.
during the whole 5 years, her mind was slowly being taken by her own pride and guilt, and the only thing keeping her grounded was you. she knew somebody was looking out for her, outside the prison of her brain. she knew that, when she finally manages to find a way and bring everybody back, things would be okay, and then, you'd live happily ever after.
but life unfortunately wasn't a fairy tale. you were a real person. and unlike her, you were way too ordinary to cope with a messed up individual like herself. you didn't learn how to manipulate people's emotions, or how to kill, or how to hide your true self. no one should learn those things anyway, but she did — and felt crazy for it.
and now that you had moved out of the compound to let your relationship breathe, the russian felt crazier than ever.
"stop squirming," Steve whispered as he used the wipe to clean the dry blood from Natasha's hands. "i know it hurts. but no more than breaking the whole kitchen. does it?"
"i lost," she murmurs, gaze fixated on a spot on the floor. clearly she wasn't listening to whatever captain america was saying. "i lost them. i-i lost everything,"
Steve takes a deep breath and throws the dirty wipes on the bin, grabbing the bandages. he scooted his chair closer to where Natasha was sitting, a defeated look on his face.
"i don't know what i am supposed to tell you." he admits, wrapping the bandages carefully around all the cuts and bruises on the spy's hands. "i watched you reject their love and care for you. i watched you pushing them away."
"i'm a lost cause," she murmurs — being cut off by a sob escaping her throat. a loud, pained sob, as the events of the past few days registered on her mind. she was still a human being to prevent a break down from happening. "i-i don't know what to do, Steve,"
his eyes shows concern as he finishes patching her up. he sighs heavily and pulls the woman into his arms, cradling her trembling frame, allowing her to cry. he takes a look around — the microwave, stove, windows, glasses, plates. everything breakable, Natasha had punched. they now despite everything, had a kitchen to reform.
— ₊⊹ ★
the street was empty. there were no cars, or no neighbors. you unfortunately — yes, unfortunately — had been one of the lucky ones who Thanos didn't snap. what was the point of continuing to live if you had no friends, no family, and now, not even your loved one anymore? giving her a time was supposed to feel freeing, but you had nothing to free yourself from. you had nothing other than that.
you kicked the suitcases inside your old house and shut the door close. the silence felt terrifying now. you felt like you could go insane anytime. you sat down by the doorframe and ran your hands through your hair, leaning your head back against the wall with a thud.
the atmosphere was so different from the Avengers Tower. previously, living with a bunch of superheroes was so fun. especially when you weren't one. you loved being in the middle of so many dangerous missions and sobrenatural stuff — little did you know it would become that.
you missed your best friends. the laughter shared with everyone. Tony, Bruce, Thor, Cap, Clint. Yelena and Kate too. Wanda.. and now it was just you. you, the faint blow of the wind. nothing else.
it was an endless nightmare that certainly couldn't get any worse. right?
your watch showed 7pm. you stood up and walked to the balcony, where you could see practically the whole New York, and the glow from the Tower you used to live. the stars were twinkling. your gaze locked on them, as you prayed for anything, anything that could see you, or sense you, to get you out of this.
— ₊⊹ ★
Natasha was back on her office, after making herself a couple of peanut butter sandwiches and tearfully biting on the bread. Tony walked in a few minutes later, holding a sleeping Morgan on his hip.
she raised an eyebrow, not speaking, not wanting to wake the little girl up. Tony sighed, siting on the sofa. he whispered to Natasha, knowing she could hear. "Steve told me about the kitchen. and about you. so i had to come."
the redhead sighed and nodded in acknowledgement, holding her bandaged hands up, chuckling humorlessly. "i'm a hundred percent lost. i don't think i have much time left, honestly."
"shush with that." Tony tsks and shake his head. he holds Morgan closer, watching as Natasha cleared her throat, her heart aching for what Tony had. "we'll figure something out,"
"easy for you to say," she whispers shakily, pointing her head at his daughter in his arms. he knows what she's talking about, but couldn't do much.
they fell in a silence again, before receiving a call on the panel. it had been ages since they received one. Tony frowned, sitting more upright. "is that an old message?"
"is there anyone home? this is Scott Lang. hi, hi! we met a few years ago at the airport? in Germany?! ant-man? i know you know that, i got Captain America here with me,"
"Scott, Scott. calm down. they can see us. wait until they open the gate."
"it's the front gate," Natasha weakly stands up and look at the image of ant-man and captain america, a tiny, tiny flicker of hope showing on her eyes as she thinks of the possibilities for them to be together.
as they allow the other two inside, Tony goes up to let Morgan sleep in one of the dormitories. Scott paces around, muttering to himself. Natasha watched, confused.
"Scott, calm down." Steve says, placing a hand on the man's shoulder to stop him. "let's tell them what happened, easy."
"have either of you guys ever studied quantum physics?" he asks, eyes searching around until they landed on Natasha's sandwiches. "is that anyone's sandwich? god, i'm starving." he rushes to the desk and grabs it, taking a giant bite out of it.
"only to make conversation," Natasha comments, narrowing her eyes.
"alright, so. five years ago, right before... before Thanos, i was in a place called the quantum realm. it is like it's own microscopic universe, you have to be incredibly small to get in there. i got stuck in there, for 5 years.. because.. the person supposed to pull me out was snapped."
"i'm sorry." the russian whispers, clearing her throat. "that must have been long five years."
"except it wasn't. for me, it was 5 hours," Scott continues, making Natasha frown even more. "time works differently there."
Tony seemed to get a finger on what he was talking about. he shook his head and shoved his hands into his jeans' pockets. "so you want us to navigate the quantum realm. you want to create a time machine."
"not a time machine. it's.. it's.. it's crazy, it's.." he mumbles, huffing frustratedly. "yes, a time machine."
"no, absolutely not." Tony says firmly, not having to think twice. "quantum fluctuation messes with the planck scale. which triggers the deutsch proposition. in layman's terms, means you're not coming home."
"Scott did." Steve shrugs, simply.
"no. he accidentally survived." iron man insists. "it's a billion to one cosmic fluke. and now you wanna pull your so called.. 'time heist'?"
"the stones are in the past. if we go back, we can get them," Natasha nods slowly, her expression changing to a more determined one. "we can snap our own fingers. we can bring everybody back."
"or screw it up worse than he already has. right?" Tony chuckles and denies it once more. "no. i'm not doing this."
"Tony." Natasha murmurs. "we have to take a stand."
"we know you got a lot on the line. you got a wife, a daughter. but i lost someone very important to me. all of us did. it's not only you we are talking about here," Steve explains and Natasha flinches at the mention. "there's somebody who i absolutely know will help you, help us,"
the redhead looks down, a bittersweet smile crossing her lips. "they're not really talking to me right now. but if you ask them, Tony. isn't that a shot worth taking?"
"oh. you all mean Natasha's partn—" Scott mumbles, but is interrupted by Steve smacking his shoulder.
Tony seems to think for a while, but eventually, his walls break, as he remembers you. all the times you helped with his projects, how nothing ever failed when you teamed up. yup. to your house he went.
— ₊⊹ ★
"so basically, in Saint Francisco, ant-man suddenly left the quantum realm and Steve found him laying in a bunch of boxes in an abandoned parking lot."
you listened to Tony's explanation wide-eyed, not believing a single word. you smirked somehow. it took a lot to even let him in, you only did it because he had his daughter anyway. and now he was asking for you to suddenly go back to where you left.
"and now, you all want to pair up again and build a time machine and time travel." you ask, but it sounds more like an affirmation.
"you see, they took a while to convince me too." he says, looking into your eyes. Tony wasn't the selfish man he usually was. he was genuinely concerned, and seemed to consider the request.
"because you don't wanna lose her,"
you say quietly, as Morgan snuggles up against you. you were the one who always took care of her when Pepper and him couldn't. she was like a niece for you. a rush of wind causes the girl to shiver and mumble something, but she quickly goes back to sleep. you carefully lean your head down against the girl's.
"... Pepper and i already consulted FRIDAY." Tony gulps, nodding. "it might work. can you believe that? we are actually able to time-travel."
"usually you'd say that's horseshit," you snicker, coaxing a small laugh out of Tony.
"i did say that." he nods, wrapping his arm around you both, allowing your weight to rest on him.
it was good to know you still had a friend, something to take care of. and also, someone needed this to work as much as you did. and you didn't want that person to think you had forgotten about her.
"..fine." you mumble, tucking a strand of hair behind Morgan's ear. "when and how are we doing that?"
— ₊⊹ ★
seemingly, everyone was back. well, the glimpse of who the team was.
Thor had gained a few pounds and hadn't gotten his beard done for ages. Clint, looked like a teenager who liked being emo. Tokyo did something to him. Bruce, had somehow joined himself and the Hulk, and now he was green all the time. a lot changed ever since you saw everybody.
"okay, here we go. time-travel test number one," you say, holding the clipboard where you noted the events. "Scott, fire up the... uh, the van thing."
he opens the back of the van which was being used as the time-travel portal and fires up the engine. Steve sets the emergency generators, as Scott puts the helmet on.
"i'm sending you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds." you explain, taking a step back.
"we got this," Natasha says apprehensively, picking on her nails.
you look at her with your peripheral vision, taking a long, sharp breath, trying to focus on the main task there. bring everybody back, before thinking of your previous relationship.
Scott is send back a week, then. the propellant pulls him inside the portal and in a count of three, you press all the buttons again, and boom. ant-man, perfectly fine.
"time travel!" Bruce-Hulk exclaims. "i knew it would work! you're the best,"
"mhm," you hum, bittersweetly smiling and sighing in relief. "now, it's simple, we just gotta find a way to know where the stones are, travel, come back, and everything is solved."
"good job," Tony throws you a smile. you return it.
"this is how we're doing it," Clint steps in, and everyone looks at him. "we're taking Nebula, Rhodey, Rocket and all the Guardians of the Galaxy. we're gonna need as much as back-up possible. we know the how, now, it's the where, and the when."
"to the meeting room we go," you comment, placing the clipboard down and walking back inside.
— ₊⊹ ★
"almost everyone in this room had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones," Steve says, pointing at the images of the stones showing on FRIDAY's pannel.
"i haven't," you whisper, covering your mouth to prevent a chuckle from escaping. "i have no idea what the hell you're all talking about."
"regardless," Bruce sighs. "we only got enough pym-particles for one round-trip each."
"and the stones had been in a lot of different places throughout our history." Natasha finishes, following the path of thought.
the Avengers analyze each stone and recall in which time of their lives they had found each stone, so that they could pick their targets correctly and find them. until Nebula begins talking about the last one. the soul stone. "Thanos found the soul stone in Vormir."
"what's Vormir?" Natasha asks, grabbing her notepad and a pen. the explanation, though, was not something you were expecting.
"a dominion of death." Nebula whispers. "at the very center of celestial existence. it's where.. my sister was murdered. by him."
that word. death. the team sees how it affected both Natasha and you. she shifted uncomfortably on the couch and finished scrabbling on the paper, dropping it on the coffee table in front of her.
"we got a plan." Steve speaks, breaking the awkward silence. "six stones, three teams, one shot."
"am I going?" you ask quietly, looking at everyone who shook their heads at you.
"no, of course not." Natasha was the first to reply. "you're strong, mentally. but you're not a superhero. you're staying here to pull us out as soon as we're back. copy?"
that didn't feel right. and Natasha felt your uneasiness. it broke her so much to know you were still concerned for her. you both weren't in the right places for her to comfort you, so she stayed right where she was.
— ₊⊹ ★
Natasha 'flew' to so called Vormir with one and only objective. making things right. it wasn't true to say she wasn't a little shaken by Nebula's words before. but if it meant dying, to get her family back, get her sister back, and her lover back, she wouldn't hesitate.
it was damn creepy. the sky was a mixture of purples and blues and blacks, mountains covered in snow and long, long cliffs.
"you okay?" Clint places his hand on Nat's back as he sees her expression. she's scared.
"i will be," she whispers, giving him a not-so-convincing smile. "as soon as we accomplish our mission."
the truth was that she was scared of not seeing you again. not seeing your smile for a last time, hearing your voice once more. she had lost everything already, but not you. you stayed. the universe had decided to keep you there with her, that had to mean something. and she was only realizing how much of an idiot she had been right now. the potential last moments she had you by her side, she discarded like they were nothing.
"no time to think back, Natasha." Clint breaks her out of her trance and nudges her shoulder. she gulps nervously and follows him.
the two continue to walk up the mountain, until a strange voice calls out for them. Clint unsheathes his sword and Natasha pulls out her gun.
"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith."
"consider me a guide," the voice continues, "to you, and to all who seek the soul stone."
"good." Natasha comments dryly, aiming at the figure in the black robe. "you tell us where it is, and we'll be on our way."
the figure approaches them, revealing the creature under the black fabric. Red Skull. "what you seek, lies ahead of you."
a glow comes from the end of the cliff, and they both know what it means immediately. they lower their weapons and secure them again.
"in order to get what you want, you need to lose what you love the most. a soul for a soul."
Natasha's eyes lock on the glow coming from down below. those were like two pieces of a puzzle. the sparkle her eyes had lost. it was what she needed to do. she nad nothing to live for. she had already disappointed you, and besides, it would bring your family back — the perfect call. you would be happy again. away from her. freed from her.
"promise me something?" she whispers, taking baby steps towards the edge, and Clint follows. "tell my love i'm sorry."
"Natasha, stop.'' he places his hand on her shoulder and turns her to look at him. he knew that look. determination, pure determination.
"five years. five years and all i did was screw up." she points at herself, voice shaking with raw emotion. "five years and i didn't do a single thing right. i never did, actually, but now its worse."
"promise me." she repeats, desperately grabbing on Clint's suit, squeezing him. "promise me you'll tell them i'm sorry, that i loved them more than anything in the world. that they were the best thing that ever happened to me."
"no, you'll tell them yourself,"
"promise me!" she yells, feeling tears build on her eyes.
Clint stumbles backwards in awe, dumbfounded. what the hell was he going to do? lose Natasha like that? it didn't seem like she was going to back off from this, and if he didn't promise, he'd make her even more disappointed. and it took only a single nod from Clint for Natasha to use her widow's bite and punch him down against the floor, and run towards the end. "i'm sorry. i love you,"
"what the hell?" he mutters and squirms out of the webs, pulling out his hook — he hooks Natasha, and the other end, he hooks on the rock surface. they both hang out of the cliff. "you're a pain in the ass, y'know that?"
Natasha held onto Clint's wrist tightly, the thread of her lifeline almost breaking. she silently told Yelena a goodbye, letting the faint images of you and her together play on her brain. with that, she was in peace.
"no." he feels himself start to panic, as he restlessly tries to pull them both upwards again. failing. "please, Natasha."
"thank you for saving me. for not killing me on that rooftop on Budapest." she grabs her hand knife. "you gave me the chance to have the only thing i ever wanted."
a love. someone to call hers.
"it's okay." the redhead finishes, and takes a deep, final breath. "goodbye, Clint." she cuts the rope off.
the last thing she feels is the wind on her face, and then, an everlasting silence. oops, she doesn't feel anymore. the pain was over. it never existed. from now on, her soul would rest along the memories she had built with you. even if the memories of her suffering were stronger.
the soul stone was now in Clint's hands.
— ₊⊹ ★
"tell me you're lying." you shake your head, taking long, slow breaths.
"i'm so sorry—"
"tell me, you're fucking lying!"
your scream shatters Clint's heart more than he could handle. he looks down, shaking his head in denial.
"you're telling me, she sacrificed herself for the sake of a world who didn't value her," you sharply grab his arm and push him back against the wall. "in the past, in a complete foreign place, and i didn't even had the chance to see her again!?"
it was too much. you sob, covering your mouth and falling to the floor. Clint crouches down with you, his feelings matching yours exactly. you cry, wrapping your arms around yourself and trying to ignore the coldness from the tile floor — or just how cold your body actually felt.
"i'm sorry, Natasha," you whisper to the air, curling yourself into a ball. "i'm so sorry, my love. i'm so, so sorry. wherever you are, i hope you can hear me. i'm so goddamn sorry."
yeah, surely it wasn't going to be easy to live with the glimpse of her everywhere. you weren't even going to live with it. you'd do everything, everything to avenge her, something her own superhero friends didn't do — and go to see her once more.
the blip had destroyed everything. it took everything from you. thinking again, no, it wasn't cool to live with a bunch of superheroes.
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( @scarjosii22, finalmente terminei a fanfic 😭 me matei pra escrever tudo isso, tô esperando meu pagamento 😋)
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Bobby Nash x reader - our own family
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Heyyy, if you ever find the time could you please make a hurt/comfort bobby nash x platonic!reader who is a fighter based off of the prompt “ I’m not your dad” “I know…do you know that”. I’d love some more bobby as a parental figure material please and thank you. 😊 - @purplecrayola 💜
You had woken up in the hospital, you didn’t have much recollection on how you ended up there or why.
Everything was still really hazy, and but the pain you could feel radiating from your abdomen was definitely real, you could feel it.
It wasn’t bad, maybe the IV in your arm had something to do with that, you had no clue.
You laid there taking small breaths, just staring up at the ceiling, and you heard the door open.
“Hello…?” You asked softly.
You didn’t want to risk sitting up, so you waited for the nurse to come over, and she smiled warmly at you.
“Well hey you, you’re awake again.”
You furrowed your brows a little bit in confusion.
“Yes, you woke up a week ago, not for long, only a few minutes. Can you sit up for me?”
You nodded, and the nurse helped you in slowly sitting up.
She checked your vitals, took some blood and checked your injury sight.
“Do you.. do you know what happened to me?”
“You came in about two weeks ago, you had major trauma to your abdomen. Do you not remember?”
You thought for a moment, forcing the memories to come to light.
You remembered the flames, you had been called out to a huge fire at a construction site, where a couple of people were said to still be inside the building.
You had gone in to try and find them, you were with Eddie and Hen.
You heard a loud creaking noise, and you barely had time to react when scaffolding fell, and then you remembered the pain.
People screaming your name.
Rain hitting your face.
You furrowed your brows a little bit.
Was it rain?
You felt a tap on your shoulder, and you snapped out of your head to look at the nurse.
“Are you alright? Are you in pain?”
“No I uh.. I remember what happened…”
She nodded her head.
“We need to keep you in for another few days, but after that you can go home, would you have anybody you can stay with?”
“I uh.. my chief, Bobby Nash. Has he been here?”
“Oh yes, comes by every day after work.”
“Can you ask him if he can take me? I live closer to him so it’ll be easier.”
She smiled, nodding her head and you went back to think.
While you were thinking, you went back to the last thing you remembered.
You were sure it wasn’t rain, it wasn’t supposed to rain that night, maybe it was water from the trucks? But that didn’t make sense.
Why would they keep you so close to the trucks if you had been hurt?
You shook your head, taking a sip of the water that was put next to you.
You shuffled back down, deciding to get some more sleep.
You spent a lot of the time sleeping, up until the point where Bobby came to take you home, and you still sat in your own head.
He helped you to your apartment, slowly sitting you down on the couch.
“I’ve been given a strict list of what medications you’re supposed to take and when, how to look after your wound and signs of infection.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“Right now you need some food that isn’t hospital food.” He smiled.
This made you laughed a little bit.
“Can we order Chinese?”
“Oh no, you’ve got to stay away from takeout right now. So, we’re going to do some simple chicken and rice and see how that goes.”
You grumbled a little bit but said nothing.
Bobby walked to your kitchen.
“I did some shopping before coming to get you.”
“I have food.”
“You have meals you throw in the microwave, we’ve been through this (Y/N) that’s not healthy.” He scoffed.
“But cooking is effort.”
“You live five minutes away from me, you could just come over you know.”
You shrugged a little bit, shuffling down so you could lay down and you placed a hand over your stomach.
You closed your eyes, the pain medicine taking hold, letting you fall asleep again.
You weren’t sure how long you had been asleep for, but somebody was gently shaking your shoulder.
“Hey kiddo, hey.., come on..” Bobby whispered.
You opened your eyes, and you stared at him.
“It was you…”
“What was?”
Bobby helped you sit up, placing your dinner in your lap.
“I.. I thought it was raining, but it was you, crying. I.. I said something but I can’t remember what. I’m trying to remember the accident.”
“Don’t rush yourself (Y/N), you went through a lot. Just let it come back naturally.”
Bobby sat down with his own dinner, and you looked at him.
“What did I say bobby?”
He sighed.
“You called me your dad.”
You glanced back down at your plate, that part of the accident rushing back to you.
You were begging and pleading about how you didn’t want to die, about how much it hurt, begging Bobby not to leave you.
You kept calling him dad.
Bobby cleared his throat, and you looked up at him.
“I’m not your dad”
You nodded your head a little.
“I know…do you know that?”
He looked at you confused.
“You’ve been sleeping in my hospital room, the nurse told me. That’s not something a chief does for his fighters.”
“You don’t like being alone. That’s why you’ve got a cat, who by the way will be returned in the morning by Chim.”
“That doesn’t change what I said…”
“We’re not talking about this.”
You nodded your head, setting your plate down, not having touched a single thing on it.
“I’m really tired…”
You pushed yourself up with a great deal of pain, hand over your stomach.
You slowly padded away, making your way to your room and you laid down on your back, placing an arm over your eyes.
You didn’t mean to get annoyed at him, but on the medication and the pain you weren’t thinking right now.
Bobby stayed in your living room, truth be told you were like a kid to him, but right now that was a conversation for later.
His main thought was making sure you got better
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
I Put A Spell On You
Fake Dating (Part 1)
**I know, it's not the one that I started writing and was really funny, I'm having a lot of trouble with that one. Enjoy this one instead!**
“I need your help.”
Damian frowned, stashing away the knife he’d hidden beneath his pillow. Danny was crouched on the sill of the window he’d come in through, looking at him with wide blue eyes.
“Tt. What do you need? It is well past midnight.”
“I need you to fake date me.”
Danny flinched, and Damian realized how sharp his question had been.
“My apologies. Please explain to me what is going on so that I can best assist you.”
Coming fully into the room, Danny started to explain.
“So, you know my parents and holidays, right? They- they’ve started hounding me about bringing home a significant other since Jazz got married.”
Damian nodded- he was familiar with Danny’s parents’ personality, even having never met them.
“Anyways, for Thanksgiving, they’re threatening to invite Paulina over and make me sit next to her. Paulina, Dames! I wouldn’t survive. So I told them I had a boyfriend who lived here in Gotham, and now they’re insisting on coming here to visit. If they find out I lied, I’ll be dead! My grades are too good for an early death.”
“So you came to me.”
“You’re the only person I know well enough to pull this off, Damian.”
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit picked up from his father.
“And you did not think to tell them about-“
Cutting him off, Danny grabbed Damian’s face and looked directly into his eyes, a serious look on his face.
“Damian, I assure you it would be a fate worse than death if they found out how we met.”
Damian pulled himself away from Danny, glad for the dim light of his bedroom hiding the blush heating up his cheeks. The other man had never been that close to his face, and Damian would probably say that Danny’s eyes were more dangerous for him than the entire League of Assassins.
“Please, Dames? It’s Paulina we’re talking about.”
Closing his eyes, Damian thought things through. Fake dating Danny would be- a blessing and a curse at the same time. A blessing, as it would require him to be close to the other man for extended periods. A curse, because he knew it would end as soon as Danny’s parents left Gotham. For Damian, who had been struck by Danny’s beauty from the first moment he’d seen the other, the brief benefits might just outweigh the pain of them ending. At least he’d have the memory of being close to Danny.
When he opened his eyes, Danny was holding his hands in a mock praying position, looking up at Damian through his lashes.
“Tt. Fine.”
Danny lit up, literally, and then darted forward, planting a kiss on Damian’s cheek.
“You’re the best! They’re coming in to town tomorrow- drop by mine when you can!”
The other man slid back out of the window and flew off before Damian recovered from the kiss enough to protest the short notice.
The next day found Damian waiting outside Danny’s apartment, flowers in hand. He had done some investigation as to what he ought to bring with him to meet a significant other’s parents, so he was also armed with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.
The door opened soon enough after his knock, revealing an older woman he had never seen before. He could see where Danny got his frame, though, as well as his delicate features.
“You must be Damian! Come in! Danny’s elbow deep in the microwave with Jack. I’m Maddie- we’ve heard so much about you!”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
He stepped inside the apartment, handing Maddie the wine and chocolates after she closed the door.
“Oh, you’re a charmer, aren’t you? Danny!”
Danny poked his head out of the kitchen, and Damian almost swooned at the look Danny gave him.
“Hey Dames! Glad you could make it!”
He emerged, wiping what looked like grease off his hands, and took the flowers that Damian handed him.
“For you, Beloved.”
More importantly, he also took the short kiss Damian gave him over the bouquet.
When Damian pulled away, he was delighted to see that Danny was flushed.
“Uh- thank you! They’re beautiful.”
“Oh, you two are so cute! How long have you been dating?”
“Three years.”
“Not long.”
Danny and Damian spoke at the same time, and then Damian smiled smoothly, determined to fix his mistake.
“Perhaps I feel like our time together until now has been too short. Every time I see you, you are as beautiful as the day we met.”
He was rewarded with Danny flushing an even brighter red.
Maddie turned to her son, hands on her hips.
“You’ve been dating this polite young man for so long and hadn’t told us?”
Danny shuffled his feet, looking bashful.
“I didn’t want to scare him away. I really like him, mom.”
A large man came out of the kitchen, laughing a booming laugh.
“We can tell, Danno. It’s not like you haven’t been talking about him for the last few years.”
Damian looked over at Danny, doing his best not to let his expression show. Danny had been talking about him to his parents? For years?
Danny laughed nervously and then herded everyone into the dining room.
If he were being honest, Damian had pulled out all of his acting skills to charm the Drs. Fenton throughout the evening. He did not need acting skills for his interactions with Danny. He kept close to the other, wrapping an arm around his shoulder when he could and dropping light kisses into the shorter man’s hair when the opportunity presented itself.
It was heaven.
Danny walked him out to his car after dinner, and didn’t let go of Damian’s hand the entire way.
“Thank you for tonight, Dames.”
Damian smiled down at the love of his life.
“Of course, Beloved. Anything for my husband.”
With a scoff, Danny let go of Damian’s hand and stepped back.
“Sure, Damian. Drive safe.”
Danny Fenton knew when he was screwed. His parents had been in Gotham for a week, and Damian was still dropping by to see him on a semi regular basis. He’d even been touchy, and Danny knew that of all people, Damian Wayne wasn’t ever physically affectionate.
It partly gave him hope, and partly made him think this gambit was hopeless. He was aware of Damian’s extra-curriculars, after all, and knew the entire family were good actors.
And yet-
Damian’s parting kiss to him had been long and clinging the evening before his parents left, and he seemed reluctant to leave Danny standing in his own doorway. His hand lingered on Danny’s wrist, and his eyes were the last to tear away.
So, yeah. Danny was fifty percent sure that Damian might possibly reciprocate his feelings, but he didn’t have the courage to ask outright.
He hadn’t had the courage to ask much of Damian since they met, even though he’d been half in love with the other man the moment they laid eyes on each other.
It had been a routine summoning- He’d tasted the blood in his mouth, and while it did not necessarily taste like the blood of an innocent (he always went to bat for the victim in those cases), it piqued his curiosity enough to check things out.
He rose from the summoning circle, crown of fire wreathing his head as he showed off his less human appearance.
The cultists fell away from him, scrambling to bow and prostrate themselves in front of him.
“Oh great Ghost King! Please accept this sacrifice in order to take your rightful place as the lord of all worlds!”
Danny looked down to see a handsome young man in a well fitted suit glaring up at him, blood drying from a wound on his head.
When their eyes met, something changed. The summoning circle flared from Danny’s own ice blue to a sharp neon green, and something lit up under the chair the ‘sacrifice’ was tied to.
With noises of surprise, the cultists started to rise to investigate, but Danny snapped his fingers and caught them all in ice.
Landing, Danny inspected both the runes in the summoning circle and the one beneath the sacrifice, and then floated out of the circle to find the book the cultists had been using to summon him.
When he found it, he had the urge to finish these idiots off himself. They had somehow botched the ritual so much that they had turned it into something of a wedding, and now he was ghost married to a human civilian.
Turning back to said human civilian, he found the other on his feet on the opposite side of the room, holding an improvised weapon.
“Oh cool, you got free. Good news, you’re not going to die.”
The civilian stiffened even more, arching an eyebrow.
“Tt. What is the bad news?”
Danny shrugged.
“Oh, not much. We’re just kinda… Married now? I’ll find a way to dissolve it, or something, and you’re not obligated to have anything to do with me, but… Yeah. Supernaturally married. Is a thing. That we are.”
Civilian’s shoulders slumped, and he stalked out of the warehouse (why was it always warehouses?). Danny followed behind.
“Oh, hey, we’re in Gotham!”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Close to my apartment.”
The man turned to him incredulously.
“The ghost king has an apartment in Gotham?”
Danny let his transformation wash over him.
“Well, Danny Fenton does, and I’m him most of the time.”
“Damian Wayne. A pleasure.”
Damian held out his hand, and Danny shook it carefully.
“Totally! I’m gonna- go. I guess. And look into the ghost married thing.”
“No rush. It might be advantageous to be married to an interdimensional king.”
With a laugh, Danny lifted into the air.
“Sure. I’m cool with being friends, if you want. Maybe we can work together.”
“I can do friends.”
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Got a cool idea for you my friend.
The insomniac spider-men, both Peter and miles. And how they’d go when y/n offers to do a horror movie night with the likes of classics like Halloween or modern stuff like talk to me
The Insomniac Spider-Men with a horror movie night
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Note(s) : I did Headcanons for how the Spider-Men are with horror movies and then a scenario at the end where the reader does the horror movie night.
I don't know anything about Talk To Me so I chose M3GAN instead, and I haven't seen Halloween in years so I'm sorry if I got something wrong.
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
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I don't think Peter would really watch movies or shows all that often, he probably hasn't even finished any piece of media since before the spider bite. Even then, he was probably that kid who watched those really bad ones to make fun of with Harry and MJ.
I imagine his tolerance is most likely high, because of his real life experiences, he can handle fake blood, he can handle the fake injuries, most of them can't compare to what he's gone through.
But what he really can't handle? Psychological thrillers, and really good kid actors.
That scene in the shining where the two twins are standing there? He had to hold MJ's hand, Harry made fun of him for an entire month.
He tends to humanise fictional characters, especially the victims in horror movies. Maybe for some slashers he can understand their motives, but most of them hurt people who can't defend themselves and it makes him a little sick.
To see movies where this is used so effectively is honestly a little uncomfortable, he appreciates the mastery of how it's crafted and how realistic the pain is, but he can never watch it all the way through.
Peter's always been terrified of Carrie because he was also bullied, she, in a way, reflected on him. Of course, she also experienced abuse from her mother, unlike Peter, but the scene of everybody screaming in that hall will probably haunt him forever.
In a way, it keeps him grounded, it makes him remember Uncle Ben's words, it makes him remember to use his powers for good, and not for evil.
Miles Morales / Spider-Man
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Miles and Ganke most likely sit down and watch some shows or movies every once and a while, he's never been a huge horror fan, and he's never watched any that really stuck with him.
He's mostly impressed with the art direction most of the time, the way they shot that scene in Carrie where it goes all around the prom in one, long, continuous shot?
It's beautiful, it gets him so engrossed he forgets it's supposed to be a scary movie.
Miles can't handle any that tackle and treat the loss of a parent as a main plot point, he could maybe handle it as a side plot, but it reminds him so much of how his dad's death affected him, his hands clam up, he feels sweaty, he just can't handle it.
It never really makes him connect with the story, it just makes me remember it as the 'oh God don't watch that' movie
The ones that get him truly terrified are honestly any that involve children and the elderly as the villains, that's not to say he'll be completely fine if he watches an adult brutally murder people.
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Peter and Miles haven't had a day off in months, they've been so focused on saving the city, helping their friends and family, they just don't have time for themselves.
Until today.
You had finally convinced the two, after hours of subtle and not so subtle convincing, they relented, under the promise that if any serious crimes were reported, they would get Ganke to check if the police have it handled or not, if they don't? They're abandoning the movie night.
Which you agreed with, because one night having fun is better than no time to yourself at all.
Peter and Miles sit down on the couch, while you make the popcorn and drinks, carrying the bowls of food and bottles of coke to the table, the microwave hums, drowned out by the two men chatting.
"Can you believe that Electro got out again." Miles sounds exasperated, and he looks it too, he and Electro had fought for what felt like hours, in reality it was only a few minutes, shocking each other until they couldn't fight any more.
"You get used to it, he'll probably stay a month in prison at most." Peter shrugs, leaning back on the couch and wincing slightly, an aching pain in his back started up again, but he was honestly too tired to ask for someone to crack it.
"This job is crazy." Miles laughs, shaking his head with an amused smile. "I can't believe it, each day, fighting bad guys, swinging for hours and hours, it's just... I love it." You cut the conversation short by bringing in the last bowl of popcorn.
"Whooo! Movie time!" You happily say, placing the bowl on the table with the other snacks and drinks, making sure it's perfectly placed before sitting on the couch. You grab the remote next to you and smile at Miles and Peter.
"What should we watch?" Before either can respond, you suddenly gasp, your eyes snapping back to the TV. "Oh! Actually, there's this new horror movie called M3GAN, I bought it a few weeks back and forgot to watch it." You ramble, turning the television on and searching for the movie.
"I guess we go with that one then." Peter mumbles, raising an eyebrow in amusement, you all haven't hung out in a while, even then, you do wish that Harry and MJ could've made it. So, it's clear you're just excited to spend time with them for once.
"It's about this robot that this lady makes after her niece loses her parents in a car accident." You cheerfully say, pressing play on the movie and taking a swig of coke. "After this, we're so watching Halloween."
The movie was something different to the two, when they think horror, both Peter and Miles would typically think 'man with knife stabs people', so it was a refreshing change.
Both men went through a flurry of emotions, the movie was sad, then funny, than horrifying, then funny, then scary, and then funny, it was a constant switch.
The fact that the girl lost her parents and she's clinging to the first thing that shows her respect, the lady stepped up at the end and proved she's a capable mother figure, it broke their hearts, but the jokes made them forget that temporarily.
They laughed, they went quiet in shock, and most of all? Peter cried, he couldn't help it, he isn't ashamed about it either, the girl losing her parents at such a young age reminds him of himself. Miles feels a similar way, he cried like a baby, he sobbed so much at that scene where the girl and the robot have that test and she breaks down.
Now it's time for the next movie.
"Halloween! You can't go wrong with the classics." You click on the movie. "Well, that's a lie, actually, plenty of classics suck." You mutter under your breath, pressing pause and turning to the two Spider-Men.
"Okay, first, bathroom breaks and refill time, you two ate all the popcorn so I'm making double." You get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen, both Peter and Miles go to the bathroom in that time, refilling their drinks with the bottle of coke on the floor, you return a few moments later with the multiple bowls of popcorn.
You all sit down, grab your bowls and drinks, and press play.
Overall, both men did enjoy the experience, they liked the costume of Micheal Myers, the mask and coveralls are iconic, they also both enjoyed the acting, if a bit subpar at times.
The plot was something they found to be interesting, the characters as well, they thought the therapist was a strange and weird character, who seemed a bit more unstable than Micheal.
Laurie Strode is a really inspiring character to the two, a survivor, someone who managed to take down one of the biggest threats her towns ever faced.
Just as the movie ends, you turn to the two men to see if they have any movie recommendations, but to your surprise, they've both fallen asleep.
Peter's mouth hangs open, his body pressed flat against the couch, his arms crossed and occasional light snores escapes his mouth. Miles is leaning his head on his arms, his body bent in an awkward position so he's sitting and leaning on the armrest.
For a few moments, you debate on whether or not you should wake them up, but decide against it. They need the rest. You gently move them into slightly more comfortable positions, placing blankets over the two, you stand up and reach for your phone.
You text MJ and Rio Morales, letting them know that the two would be staying at yours for the night.
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Part Five: "Seasonal Specials" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: (Then) Christmas Eve has rolled around, and unfortunately for a very pregnant Reader, she is stuck at home with a migraine. Luckily for her, her younger brother doesn't make for too bad of company. — (Now) A slow shift at Brew and Me turns out to be a good night for advice and a call from everyone's favorite nursing student.
Pairing: Nurse!Steve Harrington x Fem!Byers!Reader
Word Count: 1,900
Content Warning: teen pregnancy, discussions of homophobia, discussions of abuse and allusions to physical abuse, discussions of slut-shaming, Reader is lowkey bad at advice when it comes to these topics LMAO, explicit language, food consumption (Reader drinks hot chocolate), not really a warning but Will is gay and autistic in this series, as always lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: this should've been posted way earlier, i am so sorry it wasn't. hope you guys enjoy though!
Originally Written: 12/21/2023 through 12/25/2023
honeysuckleharringtons' main masterlist can be found here!
'brew and me' series masterlist can be found here!
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[ Then, December of 1987 ]
Christmas Eve. It was Christmas Eve and you were stuck at home with an excruciating headache.
You supposed it wasn't all bad. After all, staying at home was preferable over the rare occasion that you did leave the house, when everyone would stare you down like some caged animal at the zoo. Unfortunately, the same could be said for your family—no, not your immediate family, who'd helped you more than ever since you'd entered your third and final trimester—whose reactions had ranged from disgusted to sympathetic.
When you'd gone to the family's end-of-summer family reunion, you'd tried your best to hide the tiny bump you were sporting at the time. However, your aunt Judy had taken notice of your particularly round belly, and immediately figured out that it wasn't from one too many hot dogs at the cookout. Ever since then, you'd heard every comment in the book, everything from "whore throwing her life away" to "so sad she thought that was her only option."
So, instead of listening to the endless insults from your distant relatives, you'd prayed for some way out of the gathering. Unfortunately for you, God had a sense of humor, hence the excruciating headache.
The sound of the microwave beeping in the next room over set you off all over again, the noise like a hammer to the head. "Will, can't you tell that thing to shut up?" you groaned, covering your face with the compress he'd made you.
"Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to help," he joked. You couldn't tell if you wanted to laugh or kill him for his sense of humor. "Here's your hot chocolate."
You sat up ever-so-slightly, taking a small drink of the deep brown liquid. Almost instantly, the warmth of it made you feel a little better. "Thank you." You reached a hand over, ruffling his already messy hair. "By the way, you didn't have to stay home with me."
"And listen to Uncle Howie tell me how we're both going to hell? I'd rather have that headache of yours."
A snicker escaped your lips, knowing exactly what he meant. "Okay, maybe Uncle Howie is a bit too opinionated on the sex lives of sixteen and eighteen year olds, but you don't have to listen to him. I mean, you're missing out on Grandma's fruitcake, which is your favorite part of the holidays."
"After last year, listening to half our cousins tell me I'm fruitier than the cake, I don't think I'll ever eat it again." Will pulled his knees up to his chest, his face overtaken by an expression that looked a lot like longing. "Besides, it's not really worth it to me."
You set your mug aside before placing a hand on his knee. "What do you mean?"
"The way the family talks about you… I thought I was the black sheep of the family. You might as well be a purple sheep."
Your pregnancy hormones must've taken over, because instead of a normal reaction, you found yourself beginning to cry from his words. No, not because of pain from his statement, but rather comfort in knowing that he'd rather miss out on the finer things of life if it meant sticking up for you.
Will, and his lack of social cue skills, stared at you for a moment, unsure what to say. Eventually, he landed on, "Sorry if I made you more upset. I didn't-"
A small huff of amusement left your mouth as you shook your head. "No, Will," you smiled, reaching up to wipe away your excess tears, "I'm just… I'm really happy to have you."
He flashed you a closed-lip smile, one that felt so genuine and unapologetically Will. "I know you'd do the same for me."
[ Now, December of 1991 ]
"I would, kiddo. I really would."
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Aster Bay was a different kind of beautiful at the holidays. Sure, the small college town was normally beautiful, but upon seeing the small-town glow overtake the place, you were sure you hadn't seen anything like it.
Apartments and beach-side condos decked out in Christmas lights, a tree as high as the clouds in the town square, students dressed in Christmas and Hanukkah sweaters, their dogs in matching attire. The town felt like your own personal snow globe, tiny flakes flooding the ground beneath your feet with every step.
The magic of the holidays of course carried over into your favorite little coffee shop, decorations of red and green covering the walls and counters while the smell of peppermint wafted through the air. Unfortunately for you and Max, the one thing your little coffee shop was lacking this Christmas Eve was customers.
Neither of you were really sure why the store was open. Nearly everyone had gone home for the holidays—students, patrons, and other baristas alike—and the store was dead quiet, aside from the soft sound of Sinead O'Conner playing on the overhead speaker. Silent Night is accurate, you thought to yourself.
"So, where's your lover boy at this Christmas Eve?" Max joked, breaking the long-winded silence.
You sighed, secretly longing for the nurse she spoke of. "Apparently they gave him a week off from the hospital so he went home to see his folks." A small wave of loneliness had come over you when Steve had told you about his departure a few days prior, when he stopped by to grab a latte for the road.
"That's nice. At least he's hopefully having a good time, not working on the holidays like some of us," she said lightheartedly. Though, you could've sworn you heard a hint of sadness in her tone.
"Hey, how come you aren't at home with your folks?" The question had been a simple one, but when Max looked up at you, you could tell her answer was about to be anything but simple.
Her arms folded tightly in front of her chest as she looked at you, a sigh falling between her plump lips. "It's… complicated."
You placed a loving hand on her shoulder. "I know we're only coworkers and we aren't really supposed to bring our personal lives to work with us, but you know you can talk to me, right? I'm your friend, plus I'm a mother so I have problem solving skills now."
She huffed in amusement at your last remark. "It's just… I can't really say a lot but my life in California, it's not as good as my life here. And as much as I love my mom, there's just… well, it's just better for me to stay here even as much as I miss her. Besides, it's not like I make enough to fly home and Neil certainly isn't going to pay for my flight."
You could tell from the clear distaste in the way she said Neil that she didn't like to say his name anymore than she had to. Unfortunately, you knew all too well what that was like, and there was a certain name that left a bad taste in your own mouth the same way Neil did for Max.
"I can't give you much advice because my dad was the one that left, but I promise, it does get better," you empathized. "You made the right decision by staying here. I'm proud of you, Max."
She began to fiddle with the sleeve of her flannel, her eyes darting away. "I hate being here though. I can't help my mom from here. There's no telling what he does to her when me and Billy are away."
You knew exactly what she meant by that too. "I know it doesn't seem like it, but that'll change too. Eventually he'll get tired of you and your mom fighting back and he'll leave. That's what my dad did anyway."
"The thing is," she paused, licking her lips, "I'm not sure my mom wants to fight back. It's like she wants to deal with Neil's bullshit. I mean, she divorced my dad over not making enough money and then she married Neil, who is still scraping at the bottom of the barrel to keep the lights on every month. Not to mention, she dated like ten guys in between and broke up with them for way less, but she'll always find a way to justify his actions."
You shrugged your shoulders. "My mom put up with it for seventeen years before she started to truly fight back." A small wave of silence came over the room before you continued, "I'm sorry I don't have much advice. I guess my situation was just a little different than most survivors'. One thing I can tell you though is that I'm proud of you for making the best decision for yourself. I know it's hard to put yourself first sometimes."
Max gave you a crooked smile, finally looking up at you again. "As much as it sucks that we've both been through a bad thing, I'm glad I have you to talk to about it."
"Of course, love. You're like a little sister to me."
Cutting your conversation short, the phone began to ring, the sound grating on your nerves. You loved your job, but it was Christmas Eve, damn it. In all honesty, you really just wanted to be at home, drinking hot chocolate with your girl in your lap and a movie playing on television.
Still, you picked up the phone, answering with the signature, "Happy holidays from Brew and Me. What can we do for you?"
"Can you tell me your seasonal specials?" said a familiar voice, his smirk audible in his tone.
"Steve! You're supposed to be on vacation," you scolded, though internally you were extremely happy to hear his voice. What is wrong with me? you pondered silently.
"I am, but I couldn't resist calling and ordering something."
Your brows furrowed at his statement. "How does that work?"
"Order anything you'd like and I'll pay you back when I get back to town. Think of it as a Christmas present, or whatever you celebrate."
"That feels like cheating, Harrington." Your eyes narrowed, despite his inability to see it.
"You don't have to tell me what it is, just how much I'll owe you," he replied. You could hear a fireplace crackling quietly in the background, and you could easily imagine him curled up in front of it, his skin covered with a thick Christmas sweater, glasses perched on his nose as he read a novel. "Same for Max or whoever else is working. Treat yourselves, courtesy of me."
"Well, thank you, Steve. We appreciate it," your lips curved upward into a smile as you spoke. "I hope you're enjoying your time off."
"I am. I'm sorry you have to work on Christmas Eve." You could almost hear the frown on his lips as he sympathized with you.
"It's not all bad. After all, I'm getting to hear from you."
"Careful, Byers, or I'll start to think you like me back," he smirked. Butterflies went off in your belly, your cheeks warm and surely rosy.
You were sure full sentences had escaped you, considering Steve had the ability to take your breath away and make you blush like no one else could. So, you stuck with what you knew you could say without stumbling over your words. "Happy holidays, Doc."
"It's a very happy holiday when I get to talk to you, Y/N."
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So tumblr hates me...
I went over 24 hours thinking this chapter posted, only to find out tumblr ate it somewhere between my drafts, my queue, and my posts 🤦🏻‍♀️ this app loves to embarrass me
Anyway, I hope this was worth the extra long wait. It sucks that I'm posting it after the initial Christmas magic is over but I hope you guys liked it regardless! I will see you back here on Sunday for chapter six, which will be posted on time, fingers crossed!
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @liberhoe @princesseddie @corrodedseraphine @manuosorioh @esoltis280 @hazydespair @frostandflamesfanfic
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Room For One More
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Summary: Is there room for one more in the Barber Family household? Someone is convinced there is... Andy Barber x Black!Reader
Warnings: Discussions of Pregnancy, Attentive Andy, Frustrated Andy, Frustrated Reader, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt courtesy of an anonymous reader. Part of my Growing Pains Series. Please let me know what you think. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own.
Andrew bounces on his heels in the drug store aisle as he scans the items on the shelves. For the life of him, he couldn’t remember which ones his wife had brought home last time.
Shit! Why were there so many options? Accura Health, First Response, Clear Blue Digital…Jesus!
“Eh, fuck it.” He grumbles as he tosses three different brands into his shopping basket. His wife was pregnant with their fifth child – he was almost sure of it. But just to be certain, he was taking the liberty of picking up a few tests.
All the signs had been there – the nausea, the moodswings. Not to mention the fact that she’d completely missed her cycle last month. And the cravings! Just the other day he’d found her dunking cold cucumbers in microwaved zesty italian dressing, like she had with Katrina. 
But what had really solidified it was when he’d walked into the den after putting the kids down to see her enjoying toast slathered in butter, topped with nutella, marshmallow fluff, and sliced bananas. Her favorite food while she was carrying the twins. And no, his sweet girl had not been willing to share. Not that he’d wanted a bite anyway.
Feeling excited, Andy makes his way to the self-checkout lane. He was a little late for dinner, but since he had a box of desserts safely tucked away in the backseat of his Lexus, he wasn’t too concerned.
Twenty minutes later…
Leaving the back of pregnancy tests in the car, Andy quickly grabs the cookies and jogs into the house. He missed his wife and kids. His little family had turned him all kinds of soft, and he did not give a shit.
“Hello Barber family!” He calls out as he waltzes through the door. “Daddy’s home and he’s brought treats!” Andy doesn’t even bother fighting the grin that spreads over his features when he hears his children’s excited squeals coming from down the hall. 
“Ah, ah! Finish your dinner, please. RoRo, sit down, honey. Daddy will be in here in a moment. KitCat, are you done eating? No? Then please plant your tushy back in that chair.Thank you.”
Box of desserts in hand, Andy pauses at the kitchen entryway. He watches his lovely wife as she flits around the table cutting up meat and encouraging Junior to try whatever vegetable she cooked that night. His children, ever a lively bunch, are busy talking and making eachother laugh in between bites of food. And then his eyes stray to an empty seat. 
Yes, God willing, there was room for one more. 
“You planning on joining us, Big Man? Or are you just gonna stand there?” You ask when you spy your husband’s lurking form. Happy to see him, you wander over to brush a soft kiss against his lips. “You handsome ass creeper.” 
You smile and snag the box from him, anxious to see what he’s brought home for you and your little monsters. 
Ooh, cookies!
“Alright my beautiful Barber babies, how about you tell Daddy all about your day while I make him something to eat, hm?” You watch as Andy takes a seat at the table, only to stifle a giggle when all four of your kiddos launch into an animated conversation all at once.
“Woah. Woah! One at a time, guys and gals. Let’s start with A.J., then Rory, then KitCat, and then we’ll finish up with BiBi. Take it away, Junior.”
Turning back to the task at hand, you go about fixing something for the both of you. Knowing that he would want everything, you load the plates with pan fried turkey chops smothered in sauteed onions and mushrooms along with a homemade gravy. Then you add a helping of buttered noodles and garlic butter asparagus tips. 
While you’re busy, you hear your husband moving around behind you, setting empty dishes in the sink and rummaging around the cupboards for paper plates so that he can begin serving dessert.
“Let’s see what Daddy’s got for everyone, shall we?” He says as he begins handing out treats. “I’ve got a sea salt chocolate chip for Baroness Bianca Bibbity, a sugar cookie with rainbow sprinkles for Lady Katrina, an iced lemon butter for Princess RoRo, and finally…a red velvet for Sir A.J. Plus two triple chocolate fudge delights for Mama and me.” Your man tosses a sweet wink your way. 
A chorus of “thank yous” fills the room as the kids begin devouring their respective sweets. 
“Andy Bear, you wanna eat now or…?”
“Depends, sweet girl. Will I be dining alone or can I expect some company if I wait?”
“Hmm…I suppose I could make myself available after we get these snickerdoodles into bed.” You tell him as you go to wrap your arms around his trim waist, taking a moment to inhale his cologne, mixed with the scent of his aftershave. 
“Well then, let’s get this show on the road. Now, who needs more milk?”
Forty-five minutes later…
With all four tiny heads in bed, you and Andy traipse back down to the kitchen to finally enjoy your own dinner. As you begin heating everything up, you notice that he heads back out to the garage, only to reemerge a few moments later holding a bag from the local drugstore. 
“Whatcha got in there?” You ask as he goes to sit it on the counter before joining you at the table.
“How about we talk about it while we eat, hm?”
“Oookay.” Is all you say as you set down both plates, along with two glasses of raspberry flavored sparkling water. 
“Holy shit.” He mumbles once he finally gets a good look at his meal. “This looks incredible, baby girl…” Andy moans softly as he bites into a tender piece of turkey. 
“Glad you like it. You wanna take leftovers for lunch?”
Your husband’s eyes go big. “There’s extra?” 
“Yep.” Your eyes dart over to the pan resting on the stove. “I only want one, so I’ll pack up the other two for you.” You let out a small shriek when he proceeds to grab the back of your chair and drag it closer to his own. 
“I fucking love you, Y/N. And speaking of love…” Andy gets up to retrieve the mystery bag from its place on the counter. You watch as he pulls out three different boxes of…
Pregnancy tests?
“Um, honey?”
“Sorry, but I couldn’t remember which brand you preferred so…” He shrugs.
Setting down your knife and fork, you pick up a box and turn it over in your hands. “I’m afraid you’ve lost me, Andy Bear.”
“I think you ought to take a couple of those tonight.”
You stare at the man as if he’s lost his marbles. “Andy, baby, I’m not pregnant.” 
“But I think you might be, Y/N.” He sits down next to you and opens a different box, pulling out a test. “I’ve been paying attention. You skipped your period last month, and then there’s the mood swings –”
“What mood swings? When?” You turn to glare at him. You didn’t have mood swings, damn it. People just liked to test your patience these days – the PTA, soccer moms, long lines at the grocery store, etc. “I don’t have mood swings, Andrew.” You finish with a growl.
“Uh huh. And what about the cucumbers with warm Italian dressing, or the toast with the nutella and marshmallow fluff?”
Jesus, your husband really had been paying attention to you!
“Dunno. They just sounded good at the time.” And they very had been. Shaking your head, you go back to enjoying your meal . “Plus, I’m on the pill. And my cycle has always been a little wonky on account of my PCOS. Sweetie, you know this.”
You hated to bust his bubble like this, you really did.
Undeterred, Andy continues to make his case. “You were on the pill with Bianca.”
“True, but I was also taking a series of antibiotics around that same time too. It most likely cancelled out the birth control.” You pop a couple more bites of food into your mouth before moving your hand to rest atop his larger one.
“And with Katrina?”
“I didn’t always take it consistently back then. And before you bring up the twins, I’d like to point out that we were actively trying for one baby and ended up walking out of the hospital with two.”
Andy rolls his eyes. “Okay, I get it. But how ‘bout you just do me a kindness and take a couple anyway, huh? I’ll wait outside the door.”
Exasperated, your fingers go to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Andrew, for the last time, I don’t need to take a test because I’m not pregnant. Now can we please just move on already?” 
Good God, sometimes this man could be so frustrating!
He rakes a hand through his hair. “For fucks sake, Y/N…baby…can you just go try for me? Please?”
“I don’t have to pee right now.” You mutter, picking up your glass and plate which you then place in the sink.
“Then chug a glass of water and wait ten minutes!” Andy snaps before he can catch himself.
“Would you like me to wrap up your dinner or do you want to heat it up again?” Let it go, Andrew.
“Why are you being so stubborn about this?” He growls.
“I could ask you the same damned thing.” You snipe back under your breath. “Okay, look. If I take a test - just one - will you leave it alone?”
Andy opens another box before handing over two different tests. “Take both of these and I’ll shut up.” He tells you as he wraps one solid arm around your small waist so that he can lead you to the bathroom down the hall. 
Once you reach your destination, you don’t even bother trying to shut the door. After almost fifteen years together your man had seen it all, and so had you. Plus, Andrew Barber also liked to throw tantrums whenever he encountered you and locked doors. 
“Do you have to look right at me, you annoying ass ogre?” You grumble as you go to pee on the first stick before placing it on a folded piece of tissue. 
“Y/N, can you honestly tell me that you don’t want one more? I mean, you can’t deny the fact that we make some beautiful babies.”
Instead of responding, you deposit a second test next to the first and then conclude your business. You then pull up your pants and wash your hands. 
“Our babies are the most gorgeous little creatures to have ever walked the earth. But…”
“But what?”
You simply shake your head and then grab his wrist to check his watch for the time. 
“But what, Y/N?” A mildly frustrated Andy asks again. “Finish what you were going to say.”
“Time’s up.” You announce, both of you leaning forward to look at the results…
One line. You weren’t pregnant.
“Oh, thank God.” You murmur as you breathe out a sigh of relief. 
“Seriously?” Your unhappy husband grunts. He picks up one of the sticks to examine it more closely. “I was so sure. Maybe we should try one from the other box.”
Okay, it was time to put your Big Man out of his well-meaning misery. 
“Andy Bear.” You reach up to grab his face. “Let me say that I appreciate just how attentive you are with me and the kids, like, all of the time. You’re amazing, honey. But I’m not pregnant. And I’m okay with that.”
“But we can keep trying and –”
“I’m not necessarily closing the door on the idea of having another, but I also kind of think that my body is done.” You allow your thumbs to gently massage the bearded apples of his cheeks. “It feels to me like our little family is complete.” Your arms move to wrap themselves around his neck. “Doesn’t your heart feel full, my love? I mean, our four Barber babies pack quite the punch.”
Andy lets out a resigned sigh, feeling defeated. “So baby number five is out, huh?” The look on his face is enough to break your heart. 
“How about we bookmark this chapter and agree to revisit it later. If it happens, it happens. But keep in mind that I’m also pushing thirty-eight. And right now, I think it might be best if we focus on the munchkins that we have.” 
A glimmer of hope sparks behind your husband’s eyes. 
“So there’s still a chance…?”
“There’s always a chance. And please believe me when I say that I am always down for practicing. Wouldn’t want your moves getting rusty, Mr. Barber. You might pull something.” You throw a saucy wink his way.
“Watch it, you little brat.” Andy growls playfully. “I’m this close to dragging you into my study and knocking you up right now.” His lips leave a trail of kisses along the column of your throat. 
“I love you, Andy.” You whisper as his mouth takes in a searing kiss. “Always and forever.”
“I love you too, baby girl. Forever and always.”
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kingwiltcher · 5 months
The Smiling Critters Take Real Life!
Episode 2: Crash Course
As the reality of what they now have begins to set in, Angel continues to learn more about their new companions and ponders how exactly to take care of all of them...
(Story below! Or click the AO3 Link above. It has better tags)
Angel sat dumbfounded on their couch, watching the 8 small beings (Well, seven. Catnap was asleep on Angel’s lap) prance about their living room with giddy excitement…In Angel’s desire to buy plushies, they’d accidentally bought 8 whole children(?), and now was quite possibly stuck being their caretaker…after all, how the Hell would Angel explain this to anybody? How would Angel be able to take these guys anywhere, how could Angel leave them on their own in the house?
While Angel was pondering their newfound predicament, Dogday began to try and once again jump up onto the couch. He was very bad at it, and could barely get even his upper chest up there at first, but soon he managed to get a running start and get his entire upper body onto the couch. From there he dragged himself onto it fully. Angel gave him a golf clap in applause.
Dogday chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, then started talking. “So…nice to meet you, mister. I don’t think we got your name actually.”
“Oh, uh, my name’s Angel!” Angel said.
“Oh that’s a really cool name! I’ll be sure to tell everyone!” Dogday chirped.
“Oh, and uh, for future reference, I use they/them pronouns and all that.” Angel added.
“O-Oh! Ok cool! Sorry for uh…us misgendering you earlier-“ Dogday said embarrassedly.
Angel patted Dogday’s head. “It’s alright, don’t worry, you didn’t know.”
Dogday said something else, but Angel didn’t quite catch it, as their attention had been drawn towards the other side of the room, where Hoppy and Kickin were climbing up a dresser. Said dresser had the urn containing Angel’s Grandmother’s ashes, and in the two plushies’ climbing, the urn was being shaken around precariously…
Angel thought fast, and blurted out: “OKAY GUYS, TIME FOR LUNCH!”
At that moment, all the critters turned towards Angel excitedly. Hoppy and Kickin ended up falling off the dresser and plopping to the floor. They didn’t make any squeaky toy noises as they hit the ground, but Angel still mentally heard them anyway.
“Oh wow! I uh, I am pretty hungry, and I think everyone else is too! I’ll go find Catnap!” Dogday said, causing confusion in Angel.
“Wait what? But Catnap’s right-“ Angel looked down at their lap where Catnap USED to be. Somehow he’d managed to sneak off without anyone noticing again. Angel made a noise of exasperation before getting up. “Alright guys, I’m gonna go in the kitchen, uh, don’t break anything!” Angel announced. All the critters shared various sentiments of acknowledgement, except for Picky Piggy, who was excitedly speculating on what could be for Lunch.
Angel slowly made their way into the kitchen where they proceeded to lean over the sink and stare down the drain. What the hell did two-and-a-half feet tall plushie animals eat? Did they even eat to begin with?
…Oh well…they’d inadvertently promised something to eat, Angel knew they had to deliver.
They opened their freezer and began to rifle through it…maybe some microwave burritos? No…there wouldn’t be any way for all of them to snag a piece. Chicken nuggets perhaps? …Wait no, they have a chicken for a friend-
Eventually, Angel settled on a microwave Pepperoni Pizza. Angel just hoped Picky wouldn’t know where exactly pepperoni came from.
Angel slapped it in the microwave and heated it up, then began to cut it with a steak knife, as they didn’t actually have a pizza cutter. They cut it into 16 pieces so each critter could have 2 slices, and then delivered it to the hungry critters, who all cheered in excitement upon the sight. Picky especially, who eagerly, loudly declared her love for pizza, nearly drowning out everyone else in the process.
Bubba covered his ears in pain afterwards. “H-Hey Picky, could you not do that please? That hurt my ears…” He whimpered.
“OOPS, SORRY B- I-I mean oops, sorry Bubba!” Picky said.
Bubba smiled and nodded.
“Uhhh, alright guys, enjoy!” Angel said, and the critters began to tuck into the pizza. Angel eagerly watched them eat to see how exactly it worked. The critters seemed to eat almost exactly like normal people, even sprouting plastic teeth to bite and chew, which was honestly quite disturbing. After that, the food would seemingly just disappear from their mouths, apparently having been consumed.
Angel would’ve gone to make something for themselves at this point, but now they’d lost their appetite.
Angel sat back down on the couch and then laid down, proceeding to drag a blanket over themselves and watch random YouTube videos while their new gaggle of adopted plush creatures chowed down on some Kroger frozen pizza.
As they absentmindedly watched some Minecraft lets play highlights, Angel began to ponder once again how they were going to manage all of this…wondering how exactly they were going to provide for this odd little family they now had…
It didn’t take long for the Smiling Critters to finish off the pizza, and they all leaned back in satisfaction. It didn’t seem like much food at all, but Angel supposed to creatures this small, it was like a full-course meal. Angel made note of this, keeping in mind to make smaller meals for all of them in the future.
“Maa-haa-haan, I am stuffed.” Said Hoppy. “I feel like I could just pull a Catnap and fall asleep right here.”
Catnap rolled his eyes and then flung a stray cube of pepperoni at Hoppy.
“Pfft- well, ‘Nap, you DO fall asleep a lot, even during the day.” Hoppy snickered.
“Think you guys need a nap?” Angel asked, sitting back up. Angel definitely knew they themselves needed a nap, so they were hoping the Critters wanted to take one as well.
Catnap nodded excitedly, to which all of the other critters chuckled. Catnap proceeded to slap one hand on his opposite bicep, then curl that arm into a fist.
Dogday yawned after that. “Honestly, I could use a nap, what about you guys?” The dog said, looking over to his friends.
“Yeah, that pizza just about knocked me out.” Said Kickin.
“Same.” Added Hoppy.
“Food CAN make you sleepy if it has certain chemicals in it.” Bubba chimed in.
“um…sure…” Crafty murmured.
Bobby didn’t say anything, but she did yawn really largely.
“I could go for one more! But uh, yep. I think I’m pretty sleepy too.” Said Picky.
Angel nodded and then got up, going back to their bedroom and fetching the large comforter off the bed. Angel then brought it back to the living room and spread it all out on the floor so the critters would have a comfy place to sleep.
Crafty’s eyes widened. “W-wow! This looks so great!” She then flopped onto the blanket. All of the other critters followed soon after. Angel chuckled at them all, finding the scene adorable. Angel almost went to get another blanket for them, but they figured the critters wouldn’t need it, considering they were covered in fur.
…Then Angel figured they might like one anyway, and grabbed one and draped it over all 8 of them.
“Thanks Angel!” Everyone cheered in unison before snuggling in and slowly falling asleep.
(“Maybe this won’t be so bad…”) Angel thought as they sat back down, looking upon the sleeping critters.
Angel smiled and laid back down, slowly beginning to fall asleep themselves. They had no idea where all of this would be going in the next few days, but wherever it would be going, Angel was looking forward to it…
After what barely felt like any time, Catnap shot awake with a gasp. Shaking, he looked over at all of his sleeping friends, wishing he could sleep as soundly as them all the time…and not be woken up by these damn nightmares…Catnap couldn’t even look at any of them after what had happened in this last nightmare…it hurt too much.
The lavender cat threw the section of the blanket off of himself and leaned up against the leg of the coffee table in a fetal position…
How long could he keep all this to himself…? How long would he just try to avoid thinking about it…?
…How long until…it all came true?
…Would it?
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deathxwalkerxx · 2 years
I’ll See You Again
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, sickness, murder.
Summary: You were in love once, then the love of your life disappears. Will you see her again, or is it too late? 
part 1
A/N: I hope you’re all enjoying this story as much as I am!! Thank you all for reading it!!
It’s been months and still no word from your redhead. You didn’t know why you were expecting her to turn up, what did you expect she was doing with her life? You weren’t sure. So many thoughts were running through your mind, just like every other night. You couldn’t even remember when this whole thing started, this mess that you’ve gotten yourself into. You didn’t let anyone know what you got up to when you finished work, though you didn’t kill anyone, well maybe one person but that asshole deserved it, just like all the other assholes that you’ve come across, they deserved the pain that they were going to put on their victims. Maybe you thought she’d hear about it, and come to check to make sure you were okay. She always wanted to take care of you, that was what she told you, and so when you needed her the most, she wasn’t here at all. 
Once again, while you were heading home, you heard screams in an alleyway, and once again you took off running, not wanting to give the person who was hurting the woman too much time to do any damage. Perhaps it was what you were going through, or what you’ve been through that had you shooting this guy down, and saving the woman who was then running off. You cleaned up after yourself, not wanting anyone to link this back to you. How you became good at this, you didn’t know. Not that you enjoyed killing people but maybe you could at least save people before your life ended so shortly. You got home, and hid the glock away then went and had a shower, while you were letting your meal heat up. 
You didn’t think about what you did that night, just like every other night, you didn’t think about it. Your mind just went to her. Wondering what she was doing at this very moment, if she was settling down to eat herself. You wondered what type of food she would be eating, and if she would be enjoying it. Wondering if she was sitting down watching tv while she ate, if she had people with her, to enjoy some company with. You didn’t blame her for any of this. You could try to reach out to her, just ask around. Someone has to know her, right? Though you didn’t even know if she was even in the city, finding her would be a little more difficult than you thought. With a deep sigh, you listened to the microwave still cooking your food and went out onto your balcony to breathe in the night air. It always calmed you, the night skies. It was better than the day.
The day was loud and full of noise, but the night was full of peace and quiet, and someone was in your house, you could feel it. The glock was hidden, so you didn’t have a gun to fend yourself with, not to mention you never took defense classes, because you didn’t want people to see how bad you were at fighting. Yes, you were an idiot, but also. Things just took a turn and you couldn’t be bothered using your energy on protecting yourself. Not when you knew that your life was going to be moving on. Still, there was someone in your house, so what were you going to do? Maybe you could throw yourself off the balcony, and save the person in your home the struggle of killing you.
Or you could tell them they’re wasting their time, because you were sick, and life was making a joke out of you anyway. Still you wondered if they had noticed you yet, you heard the microwave beeping letting you know that your food was done. Another sigh was leaving your mouth, before you turned to head back inside. You paused in the dining room when you spotted that red hair in front of your microwave, watching her taking your food out and placing it on the counter, and that was when her eyes caught your own. “Wanda.” You breathe out to her now, as you get closer to the counter, to take a seat so you could eat your food. “Hey, you.” She whispers to you now, taking out two forks, she was leaning over the counter placing her fork into your food.
“What brings you to my little rundown place?” You ask, as your own fork was just playing with the food. Your appetite was leaving you, though you still did your best to eat, knowing you needed it if you wanted to keep the place that you were living in right now. “When I finally found you I had to come and see how you were doing.” Wanda asks, and you were nodding your head at her words, before moving to grab yourself a glass of water. “Well I’m living my best life.” You say to her and you could hear the deep sigh that Wanda was giving to you now, and you turned to look at her. “Why did you come here, Y/N?” She asks you now and you shrug your shoulders as you take a sip. “Wanted to get as far away from where I came from.” You admit to her, before you sat back down, watching Wanda eating the meal you hadn’t touched yet.
“I asked you to keep in contact with me.” She says and you were shaking your head at her now, taking a small bite out of the food. “I told you, you don’t have to keep looking after me, you’re not my mother.” You say to her, before you were dropping your fork, your stomach not wanting the food that you’d cooked. “You’re not hungry?” She asked you and you were shaking your head, pushing the meal toward Wanda now. “You have it. I’m going to bed.” You say as you move off your seat only for Wanda to grab you by the elbow. “She’s been asking about you.” Wanda says which has you whipping your head around to look at her. “You found her?” You ask and you watch as the woman nods her head.
“Well, she found me but that’s besides the point. I can hear her talking to herself at night. I can take you to her.” Wanda says and you just stood there staring at Wanda right now, really taking her in. Wanda didn’t attend the same school as you did. In fact she wasn’t even in the same country, it was only recently that you had found her company and yes you enjoyed it, but the way that she wanted to take care of you just made you want to distance yourself. It wasn’t anything personal against Wanda, it was just better for her. “No.” You found yourself saying, despite the fact that you really wanted to see her. “No?” Wanda asks, and you felt like with that one word that she knew more about things that she was letting on. “I don’t want her seeing me like this. Maybe when I have a bit more strength.” You mutter, as your hand was patting Wanda’s now, asking her to release you. “She’s going to find you, she’s good at what she does.” 
Wanda says to you now, and you were sighing softly deciding Wanda wasn’t going to let you sleep any time soon, you moved into the living room sitting down on the couch as Wanda joined you. “You’ve got to stop what you’re doing.” Wanda says and it had you frowning at her while you tried to process her words. “What are you talking about?” You ask her, and you watch as she turns toward you now, her hands finding yours. “You know what I’m talking about, Y/N. You’re going to get yourself caught. Why are you doing it?” Wanda asks you, making you sigh. You were too tired to tell her to back off, too tired to argue with her, to tell her to mind her own business. “Because those jerks don’t deserve to live. Their victims don’t deserve to go through what they would put them through.” You tell her now, watching as she moved to grab your meds, and place them in front of you.
“You need to stop, and start to take care of yourself.” She says as she pushes the food closer to you. “They’re not going to find the bodies, Y/N. Because they’re not where you left them, and I’m not going to clean up your messes anymore, but I will be here to help you.” She says to you as you took a few bites out of the food that was now getting cold. “I didn’t ask you to clean up after me.” You admit to her now, as you look at her, slowly chewing on your food. “I know you didn’t, but I can’t have you being locked away. I can’t see you doing this to yourself, to those people.” She says to you, her hand gently covering yours. “Please. Don’t give up. You still have so many more years, sweetie.” God, she really did have a way with words, and you couldn’t help but sigh softly while listening to them, feeling your eyes burning while you thought over what she said.
“Okay. I’m sorry, I’ll take better care of myself.” You say to her, and you smile when you see that she is smiling also, seeing the way that those words made her feel better. “Good. Then you’re moving in with me.” She says which has your smile disappearing from your face, as you watched her move toward your bedroom, and it had you following her. “What? No. No, Wanda. I can’t. You live in the compound of those heroes, and I can’t.” You say as you watch her continuing to pack a bag for you. “No arguing, I need to be close to you, to make sure that you are taking care of yourself, and this is the only way of doing that. I can’t be here all the time, and the longer you’re by yourself the more you’re not looking after yourself.” Wanda says as she moves toward the bathroom. 
All of this just had your head spinning and you found yourself wobbly on your legs. You took a seat on the edge of the bed. This couldn’t be happening, most of your life you had been living here, doing your own thing, and sure it might not seem like you enjoy it, but you did. It was routine for you. Something for you to hold onto during all of this. “Are you going to tell me that I have to stop working also?” You ask as Wanda comes back into the room, and you watch as she nods her head, taking a seat beside you. “You need all the energy to fight this, Y/N/N. Working, and hurting those that deserve it, isn’t going to help you fight this. Being with me, I know I can help you with that. And the others that are living with me also. They’ll help. So let us help, let someone help you.” Wanda says, as she takes your hands in her own, giving them a squeeze, begging you to just let her help.
She didn’t like seeing you like this, when she first saw you, when she first noticed that you were sick, all Wanda wanted to do was help you. So that's what she was going to do right now, she was going to help you. She didn’t like seeing you like this, your place was always so dark, you never had any lights on in the place, it was like you were just hiding from everything and everyone. Like you were hiding from yourself. She watched as you moved off the bed, watching how slowly you moved toward your wardrobe, and brought out a box and placed it on the bed, watching you place that box in the bag. She wanted to ask you about it, but she didn’t want to push you. She wanted you to trust her, to open up on your own. “That’s all I need.” You say to her now, and she nodded her head, looking at your outfit you had on now. “Is that all the clothes you’re taking? Sweetie, I’m sure you have more clothes, right?” She asks you, which has you biting at your bottom lip.
“Talk to me, sweetie.” Wanda says as she drives through the rain now, her eyes staying on the road, but every now and again she would look to you. “Talk to you about what? I thought we discussed everything?” You ask her, your head still on the window, your eyes just watching the buildings passing by. “We have, but I’m not used to this type of quiet.” Wanda admits, giving out a weak chuckle to try and relieve the worry that she was feeling. “Sorry. I’m just not used to us spending all this time with you. Usually you come, watch me eat, watch me take my meds, and then you’d watch me go to bed.” You admit, with a weak shrug, your head rolling to the side so you could look at Wanda. “I’m just tired, you don’t need to worry about it.” You admit to her now, and it was the truth, you would be in bed right now, to wake up and do it all again tomorrow, but Wanda changed that plan. You did close your eyes now, and you were letting the ride put you to sleep.
You moved toward your dresser, bringing out two pairs of pants, and a few singlets, placing them in the bag. “That’s all.” You say, and Wanda nodded her head, before zipping up the bag, and moving out to the kitchen, to grab the medication that she had placed on the counter. You moved, toward one of the cabinets, so you could get the rest of the medication and you placed them in the bag also. “Um. No one is going to see me, right?” You ask her now, worried that they’d look at you weirdly, or not want you there at all.
“Probably, but it’s fine. I’ve talked to them about bringing you, and they’re fine, okay? They’re going to give you space.” She assures you and you move with her, toward the door that would take you both down to Wanda’s car. She places your bag in the back seat, and helps you get into the passenger side, before moving to the driver side. You weren’t up for talking, you barely talked anyway, so this wasn’t different for you. Wanda, on the other hand, was quite surprised at how quiet it was. Not because you weren’t talking, but you weren’t even thinking about anything either. It was like you completely shut down. Perhaps you were exhausted and that was why you were just completely shut down.
Wanda didn’t want to disturb you, but she smiled, as your dreams started to go through your mind, though that smile left when she realized who you were dreaming about. Natasha always plagued your mind, and Wanda wanted so badly to tell Natasha where you were, but you didn’t want that. Despite how much Wanda knew you wanted to talk to her again, she also knew that you would hope that Natasha was looking for you also. Wanda knew that Natasha was doing everything she could to find you, using all her resources. You just made it difficult for her to find you. 
She pulled into the underground parking area, and turned off the car, she then gently woke you up, and helped you out of the car. You were pale and she knew that your pills were kicking in and that you needed to sleep. She wasted no time to get you upstairs, and into her room. She will figure out your room tomorrow on her floor, for now. She left your bag in the car, and once she knew you were sound asleep, she left to go down to the car to get it, only to be stopped by Natasha. “You knew where she was this whole time and you didn’t tell me?” Natasha asks Wanda, who looked back at her door and then back to the intimidating woman. “She didn’t want me to tell you. I asked her every time that I saw her, and she still didn’t want me to tell you.” Wanda says, before she was moving into the elevator with Natasha with her. “Do you know why?” Natasha asks, watching the way Wanda was shaking her head. “No. And maybe tomorrow you can ask her. For now, just let her sleep, Nat. She’s had a rough night.” And with that, Wanda left Natasha to get your bag.
She came back to her room, and she could feel the longing as you slept. Without thinking she stripped herself down and put herself in her own night clothes, crawled into bed, and held you close. She might not be the redhead that you wanted, but she was the redhead that you needed right now.
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ghostussy · 2 years
Times You Fell Asleep in the Ministry
Pt. 3.5
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sorry for another short part! I wanted to keep this even so that next time I could put two together again :)
Also, this will use some prompts from the writing prompt list (37 and 39)! If there are any specific ones you would like to see, feel free to drop an ask in my inbox! 
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. . .
6. At the kitchen table 
     It was the early hours of the morning when you finally pulled your car into the parking lot of the Ministry. The sun wouldn’t rise for a few more hours, and it was cold outside. You shut the car off and walked to the front gate, opening it and walking through to the front door. Knowing that it would be locked, you pulled out your key and let yourself in as quietly as possible. After all, you knew there would be Hell to pay if you happened to wake Nihil up this early in the morning.
     As soon as you stepped through the front door, it felt as though all the exhaustion you managed to avoid throughout the day caught up with you. Barely able to focus, you removed your shoes and crept through the halls as quietly as you could manage. You were the only one at the ministry with a job outside, working full time to earn money to pay for your college courses. Sister Imperator allows you to do so, to both work outside the Ministry and take college courses as well as complete your duties to the Clergy. It was difficult sometimes, having spent much of your energy towards work and what little was left went towards homework. It didn’t help that today’s eight hour shift somehow turned into twelve, then sixteen. You weren’t even sure if that was legal; it didn’t matter anyway, you would have been required by your boss to do it anyhow. 
     Now that you were home, you realized how hungry you were. You had last eaten around eight hours ago, when you were supposed to be leaving work. You made your way to the kitchen, quietly still, though your movements were clumsy with exhaustion. As you walked through the wide doorway, you caught a glimpse of the digital clock on the stove, which read 5:43 a.m. Then you dug through the refrigerator until you found some leftover soup. Not the best dinner in the world, but hey, food is food at the end of the day. You just wanted to eat and go to bed. After all, you had to wake up in a few hours to work in the Ministry.  You dumped the soup into a mug and set it in the microwave, setting it for a couple of minutes. 
     While you waited, you sat at the kitchen table and took a deep breath, resulting in an involuntary yawn. Having been on your feet for several hours, you could now feel the pain radiating through your legs, your joints the worst of all. With a sigh, you lay your arms down on the table, folded, and rested your head on top. You closed your eyelids, feeling the familiar burn of exhaustion burning behind them. 
. . .
     “Y/n? Is this where you slept all night?” 
     You lifted your head quickly. “Hm? Oh, shit.” 
     Sister imperator stood over you, looking worried. “I must admit you gave me quite the scare. May I ask why you were asleep at my table?” 
     You lifted your head and buried your face in your hands, trying to think clearly enough to respond. She took notice of this and placed a hand on your back. “Child, I think that you should get to bed.” 
     “Ngh,” you were finally beginning to piece a thought together. “What time is it?” 
     “7:00 a.m., y/n.” 
     “Oh. Sister, I am so sorry. I arrived home from work around an hour ago.” 
     “Oh, child,” she looked even more worried now, “have you eaten yet? I noticed that there was a mug of soup in the microwave.”
     You removed your hands from your face and looked up at her. “yes, ma’am. That’s mine, I’m sorry.” 
     “Oh dear, it’s quite alright. I did toss it, but I can make you something to eat. Give me just a moment.” She walked over to the stove, which you noticed now had a pan that appeared to have something cooking in it. You weren’t sure what she was making, and you didn’t care. You just needed something to eat so you could sleep. 
     You lay your head on the table again, and didn’t look up until she placed a plate in front of you. 
     “Please, try to eat something. Then off to bed with you.” 
     “Thank you very much, Sister.” 
      “Of course.” She walked over to the doorway, watching you carefully as you took the first few bites. Though they were slow, it was enough to convince her that you could be left alone for a moment, and she walked out of the kitchen. You continued eating. 
     You had just finished eating and placed your plate in the sink when Sister returned with Swiss, who was still dressed in his night wear. “Good morning, Swiss.” 
     “Good morning.” 
     Sister walked over to you and placed her hand on your shoulder. “”Y/n, I have relieved you of your duties for the day. You may treat today as a rest day.” 
     “Oh, thank you Sister, truly. Thank you.” You could feel the exhaustion return once again, and you nearly buckled. “I will take you up on that offer.”
     “Good. Now, off to bed with you, child.”
     “Yes, sister.” You began to make your way to the doorway. Swiss stopped you. 
     “Here, let me carry you.” 
     You chuckled. “That’s very kind of you, but I will be alright. Thank you, though.” You tried to make you way past him, but barely made to the door frame before your knees buckled again, and you stumbled. 
     “I wasn’t asking.” He walked over to you and swept you off of your feet, somewhat effortlessly. Sister walked up behind you two. 
     “Thank you, Swiss. Sleep well, child.” He responded with a nod. 
     “Ngh,” you laid your head on his chest, and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Sorry.” 
     “Don’t be. Come on, let’s get you to bed. Mine is closer, if you’d like to share.” 
     He hummed in your ear as you made your way through the halls, sending chills down your spine. You were already beginning to drift off in his arms; by the time he made it to the ghouls’ wing, your eyes were barely open. He pushed his bedroom door open, and gently laid you down on the bed. The covers were unmade, and warm, indicating that Sister had woken him up to carry you to bed. 
     He walked around to the other side of the bed and laid down next to you, pulling the covers up over the two of you. You scooted closer to him, trying to absorb more of his warmth. Sleepily, you wrapped your arms around him, prompting a chuckle from him. “You know, if I had known you were going to be like this, I would have come to get you much more quickly.” 
     “Hgh. Maybe this should become a permanent arrangement.” You mumbled into his chest, unaware of the words coming from your mouth. 
     He smiled. “Maybe so.” He reached up and turned out his bedside lamp. “Alright, enough talking. Go to sleep.”
    When he looked down at your face, he realized you were way ahead of him. 
. . . 
Prompts used:
37: “Try to eat something.” 
39: "Here, let me carry you.”
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yourthoughtsjim · 2 years
Find Her
Mack x reader
Warnings: angst, knife, stabbing, kidnapping, blood, guns, use of "bitch" on reader
This isn’t how it was supposed to go. The colonization was supposed to go smoothly. No wormholes. No drama. Just happy times.
You were at home, relaxing after a long week of meetings after meetings. Getting up from the couch you had been sat on for the past however many hours, you walked to the kitchen. Putting some leftovers in the microwave, you stood there and stared at the plate spin. Shortly, the timer went off and you grabbed the food. Sitting back down on the couch, you blew on your first bite.
You were starting to miss your better half. He was gone for a few days helping his siblings work on a building. Every so often you’d text him to ask how everything was going. He’d mostly reply with a “going good” or a long ass paragraph of how it was going to look when they finished. Your face would light up at every word he sent.
Being alone was a bittersweet feeling. You two had spent almost every minute together since you’d landed. Sometimes he would follow you to meetings, other times you’d follow him to build sites. It was weird sitting by yourself. Your hand ran over the spot on the couch where he’d normally be sitting. A small smile fell on your face.
After taking care of your mess, you’d gone upstairs. You took a quick shower before getting into bed. Shortly after you heard a noise outside. You think it’s just a tree blowing in the wind but the next thing you hear is the sound of breaking glass. You look over and see some figures standing there. “Who are you?” You call out to the darkness. Suddenly, the room started filling with a gas. You struggle out to grab your phone but failed before you lost consciousness.
You awake to a bright light shining in your eyes. “Wh-Where am I?” You groggily ask. “Well, look who’s awake.” A voice says. Another one states “Doesn’t matter. You have something we want. Something that is the most valuable thing there is.” You look at the two men in front of you in confusion. “Let me put it into simple terms for you. Your power and influence, we want it.” The one said. “Yeah, as if that’s going to happen. I ain’t giving you shit.” You state in a firm tone. One of the guys got a smirk on his face as he draws a knife from his pocket. He put it against your throat before stabbing it in your leg. You scream out in anguish.
You look down at the object now stuck in your leg. Searing pain rippled through your body. “All you have to do is agree to our terms and maybe we’ll consider letting you go.” The first voice states. “I-I told you. You ain’t getting shit from me.” You spit out. “We’ll see about that.” He says, twisting the knife, making you scream out once again.
Mack had returned home a couple of days later, expecting to be greeted with you, but you didn’t. “Kitten, I’m home!” He exclaims. Still nothing. He assumed that maybe you were in your office, so he checked there. Not a single trace of you was there. “Kitten?” He yells out. Panic starts to settled in his being. “Y/N!!” This time he screams as he searches the rest of the house.
He pulls his phone out and with shaky hands he speed-dials you. Hearing your phone ringing, some calm fell around him all too early. He thought you’d just been messing with him. Gaining a small smile, he runs to the bedroom where you were taken from. “I knew you were just-“ He’s cutoff by your absence. The smile now completely replaced by sorrow as he breaks down in sobs.
His sobbing calmed down just enough to call Celci. “C-Celci. Has y/n contacted you at all in the past few days?” He asks as he stands there, trembling. “No, I haven’t. That’s weird. Maybe she decided to take some time off? Clear her head?” She responds. “She doesn’t go anywhere without informing someone, you know this.” He states. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll call Mark and we’ll be over shortly.” She says before hanging up. Mack now had anger placed next to his panic. He didn’t know where you were, all he knew was he had to find you.
You sat on the cold floor, covered in dirt, grime and your own dried blood. At this point you hadn’t known how long you had been taken captive. All you could think about is the pain you were in. You barely ate, barely slept. One of the guards came around “Ready to give up yet?” They taunt. “Fuck you.” You retort. They take the baton out and gave you a shock. A scream was ripped from your throat and the guard stands there and smiles.
Your mind was running circles around itself. All the training you’d previously had for getting out of situations like this seemed to be caught in a net within your subconscious. For what seemed like the hundredth time, you start to cry. Thinking of everyone… Mark, Celci, Burt, and especially Mack.
You then began to think of all the fun memories you had as a group. Going to the café a la Friends style. Going to the fair grounds and without fail stopping to see Rosanna at her diner. The memories were flooding you. If you were going to die, you wanted to die remembering those you loved with your whole soul.
Celci and Mark had arrived at the house you and Mack lived. They were greeted with Mack pacing back and forth in the living room. “Thank god you’re here. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out where y/n could be. I’ve called around to everyone I could think of. Not a single person said they’ve heard from her.” He states. Celci went up and gave him a hug as she says, “It’s okay, we’ll get her back.” calmly. Mark immediately set up shop in your office. Going through the security footage from outside.
“It seems she was taken at around 2:43 AM. The kidnappers were smart, they covered their faces, but they appear to be of a rather large build.” Mark comments. He takes a closer look at the video. “But not smart enough, this guy’s sleeve raised up ever so slightly. He has a tattoo. I’ll send it over to Gunther and see if he’s seen this kind of tattoo before.” He states.
Mack was in absolute despair. Celci took notice of her brother that was now on the floor, head in hands. “Hey, it’ll be okay. If there’s anything I know about her, she’s tough.” Celci consoled him. “I know she is but I just. I don’t know. She means the world to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. Goddamn it, Celci. We need to find her.” He speaks with a shaky voice. “We will. Soon, you’ll be making your famous pancakes for her again.” She responds, trying to get a laugh out of him, which she was successful at.
Mark almost spit out his drink at the message Gunther sent back. “He found something!” Mark exclaims. Getting up Mack and Celci make their way back to the computer. “He says he had a group of men come in a few months ago and get the same tattoo.” Mark states. “How many?” Celci inquires. Looking up at her, he responds “About fifteen…” as he trails off. The three of them looked back and forth at each other before turning their attention back to the computer.
That’s when Celci remembered something. Raising her palm to her forehead she states “Her tracking chip. Remember? All four of us had them implanted when we arrived so we wouldn’t lose each other.” Both Mack and Mark’s jaws dropped “You’re right! I can’t believe that’s not the first thing I did when I realized she wasn’t here.” Mack states. “It’s okay. You weren’t thinking right, it’s understandable.” Mark comments.
You hear a low hum coming from your shoulder. You look at the guards with a smirk. “Why are you smiling?” The one questions. “Oh, nothing. Just know you’re fucked.” You respond. They look at each other and back to you “Whatever you say. You’re not getting out. Ever.” The other one comments before you get shocked once again. ‘Come on, guys. Hurry.’ You think to yourself.
“Alright, we found where the Captain’s being held. Gunther, you know what to do. Celci, Mark, you follow me inside. Burt, you take out the security cams. Everyone clear?” Mack states. As Mack goes to prepare, Mark, Celci, Burt, and Gunther have a talk “Are we sure it’s a good idea for Mack to be going? With his state and everything? This is his person after all.” Gunther questions. “Are you going to be the one to tell him ‘no’? Have you seen him? He’s fuck off tall and built like a shit brick house.” Mark replies. “You know what, you’re right.” Gunther himself responds. “Alright, everyone ready? Let’s go get the Captain back.” Mack comments while cocking the gun in his hand.
They had made it to the abandoned warehouse you had been held hostage for the past however many days. They snuck around to the back of the building, entering through the unguarded door. Burt had stayed back in Mack’s truck in order to disable the security cams. This had alerted the lackeys watching the signals that something was off. Getting up, they round the corner of the room they were in to be met with Mark and Gunther’s arms around their necks.
Celci and Mack had moved forward as Mark and Gunther finished knocking the lackeys out. All of them saw shadows appear in the large room they were about to enter. “Here we go!” Gunther shouts. Mack flanked left while Mark took right. Celci took the middle as Gunther made his way upstairs. Gunshots were being rained left and right. The propulsor of Celci’s cold gun could be heard echoing through the halls.
You hear the ruckus happening and you look at the main guy who had taken you. “I told your little friends you were fucked.” You retort. “Shut up bitch, I’ll handle whoever it is.” He snarls. You snort “Good luck with that.” He struck your face “I said shut the fuck up.” He states as he makes his way to the main room. Mack took notice of what he could only assume is the leader and starts to go for him. Mark standing next to him stops him and says, “I got him, go get your girl back.”
Mark started some hand-to-hand combat with the leader of the kidnappers as Mack made his way to where you were at. His demeaner changed from one of anger to one of relief as he saw you. “Oh, thank god!” He exclaims as he kneels down to you. Cutting you out of your restraints, he questions “Are you okay? You look pretty beat up.” Letting out a small laugh you reply, “I’ve been through worse.”
He threw one of your arms over his shoulder and started making his way out of the building. Almost all the men who were previously in the room had be subdued. Except one, the main guy. You and Mack take notice of Mark on the ground clutching his side. He’d been sliced, blood pooling at his side slowly. The leader then turns his attention to you and Mack. He points a gun in your direction. Mack’s mind went to one thing and that was to protect you.
He slides in front of you as you hear a gunshot. You cover your face. Slowly uncovering, you notice he’d been shot in the side. You then see Mack thud to the ground. You letting out a blood curdling shriek alerted Mark to who exactly had gotten shot. Adrenaline shot through Mark as he got up and ran to Mack “No, no, no!” He exclaims holding his baby brother’s body in his arms. He could feel Mack’s blood seeping through the sleeves of his shirt.
With a shaky hand, Mack took out his own gun and shot in the direction of the leader. Hitting him straight in the heart. Celci and Gunther ran to your side. Celci embraced you as you let out loud sobs. Luckily Burt had already called a few ambulances.
You and Mack were rushed into the ER, being patched up. Bags of fluids had been attached to the both of you. Mack had long passed out from the blood lose but you were still awake. At first, they told you two were going to be separated “No! I want to be next to him.” You state with a hoarse voice. “But Captain…” You cut them off. “I don’t fucking care. Put me next to him. Captain’s orders!” You speak in a rough and firm voice.
Hours had gone by, and Mack finally opened his eyes. Celci was in the room, sleeping, as Mark had been taken to a separate room. Mack takes a look around the room and notices a warm feeling in his hand. He looks down and notices your hand was placed in his. A single tear fell from his eye as he hoarsely questions “Kitten? Is that you?” It was hard for him to tell through his blurred vision. “Yeah. Don’t move too much. You were shot.” You state. “I was?” He asks as he looks down. A groan fell from his mouth as he feels a sting of pain.
The doctor’s gave him some pain medication, but it could only help so much. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” You state. “I’m just glad you’re safe. I was a wreck. I didn’t know what I was going to do if…” he trails off. “If what?” You questioned. He takes a pause before finishing “If you had been killed.” You rub your thumb over his hand. “Well, I’m fine. I’m right here.” You comment. Nodding his head, he takes another look around the room “Where’s Mark?” he asks “He was taken to another room, he was pretty sliced up. He was actually the one to carry you out.” You say. Letting a small laugh out he responds “Of course, he was.” Before groaning from the pain. You two talked for a while before the doctor came back in “We looked over everything and it seems like you two are going to be just fine with enough rest and recovery.” He states. “Thank you doctor.” You say. He takes a once over of the both of you before leaving. Looking at each other you two smile. “We should probably get some more rest.” You state. “Yeah, that would be a good idea.” Mack responds. You two then fall asleep, hand in hand.
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yardsards · 2 years
i think i talked about it before but it's fucking me up again so
in high school my migraine problem was way worse than it is now. i got one almost every week. and sometimes they'd be bad brainstem migraines that fucked up my mental capacity and motor control so badly i couldn't function and/or would be so painful i couldn't stop myself from audibly whimpering in pain (which. the noise of that was not good for the auditory hypersensitivity). and even the ones that weren't like that still basically drained me and put me in too much pain to function
(and of course the doctor didn't do jackshit for me)
and it was apparently very noticeable to outsiders. i remember overhearing the school nurse talking concernedly because i looked halfway lifeless every time i came to her with a migraine. and those who knew me well could sometimes even tell Something Was Up in just the prodrome phase of the brainstem migraines because i would just seem Off somehow (tho they didn't know enough to identify it as a migraine).
even my ever-unobservant parents could tell how bad my migraines were, remarking how i seemed completely drained when they had to take me home from school. they even said it was worrying
but. neither of them did ANYTHING to take care of me when i was having a migraine.
i couldn't do much to take care of myself. the pain was too much to function. standing always made the pain worse, and so did leaving my dark, quiet room. my brain was halfway out of commission, whether from the pain being too distracting or from the brain fog. when it was a brainstem migraine, my motor function would get so bad that walking would get difficult- i've definitely had to *crawl* to the bathroom before.
i could barely walk downstairs to the kitchen, let alone prepare food for myself. even something as simple as microwaving a bowl of soup was far too much for me.
neither of my parents thought to regularly check in on their visibly very ill and suffering child. both of them either didn't notice or didn't care that i hadn't eaten. neither of them ever offered to bring me food or anything
i kept a stash of nonperishable snacks in my nightstand at all times because being hungry but bed-bound with no one around to help was such a regular occurrence
it was fucking scary sometimes, being so helpless AND knowing no one was going to take care of you while you were unable to take care of yourself
i wanted -and needed- real parents to be there for me. ones that would periodically pause what they were doing to check on me when they knew i was unwell. ones that would make sure i was eating and drinking enough and would bring me the things i needed.
ones that would massage my neck or run their fingers through my hair because touch was the only sense that didn't hurt upon receiving stimuli, and i always needed some sort of distraction to keep my mind off of the pain (normally i just settled for scrolling through my phone with an intense dimmer and red filter or listening to very quiet music; the small pains those caused me were worth the value of a distraction). and because i was young and in pain and scared and i just needed *comfort*
(of course, the above paragraph could only really happen if they were good enough parents that i could trust and love them enough to enjoy their touch. as it stood, their touch had made my skin crawl since middle school and had stopped feeling at all comforting before that)
the closest i ever got to that was a friend in high school -one i wasn't even that close to- offered to massage my shoulders and neck and upper back because that had helped one of her boyfriends when he got migraines. it didn't make the pain go away, but it distracted from it, and i felt warm inside and cared for from it the rest of the day, even after i got to leave school (early) and go home
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percontaion-points · 2 months
Jocelyn's Choice chapter 5
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Chapter 5
"In any case, my parents would be happy to fund your education."
 "What? No, I could never accept that," I said. "It's very nice of you to offer, but please don't ask them to do that."
 "They already offered."
 "Why would they do that?" 
"Because they can. Jocelyn, we have so much, and my parents like to give back." 
"I'm not a charity case," I said, annoyed.
Holy fucking shit. Do you know how many doors going to a good university can open for you? 
Bitch, it’s not even about the college itself, but the NETWORKING. JFC she is STUPID. 
/I say this like she isn’t going to end up pregnant in a few months and probably end up not even going to college, full stop. 
"It's just that, I'm fine with my decision to stay here. Max needs me, and I'm not ready to leave."
Max is a goddamned grown-ass man. He can fucking put his own frozen dinners into the microwave! He doesn’t need his child to be his mummy. 
*Excuse me… His daughter. Because let’s be honest here: if it was his son, his son wouldn’t be fucking taking care of him. 
"First, she was hanging around here chasing after Evan, and then you come home and now it's all you. She doesn't belong in our world. She sees an opportunity to get a better life, and she doesn't care which one of you gives it to her. Have you seen where she lives? What kind of life she comes from? Her mother didn't even stick around."
Seriously bitch? Attacking somebody for being abandoned when they were a baby? That’s tacky and low.
"When I was two and Brenna was six months old . . . ." He hesitated, and he looked pained, so I took his hand. "She was killed in a car accident."
"When she was killed"—he looked at the photograph—"my dad hired Sarah as our nanny. She came to us at a very crucial time. Brenna and I were babies, and he had just been promoted to head surgeon, one of the youngest in the hospital's history, so there he was, left with two babies and a very demanding job. My mother's family was from Texas, and she was an only child, and her parents couldn't come here and help. Sarah was a godsend, for all of us."
Obviously, I don’t know what was going on in the lives of his bio-mum’s parents. But holy fucking shit. I would drop fucking EVERYTHING to be there for my grandkids if my only child had recently died.
"From what I've seen when we're in public, most of those girls were happy to let you take advantage of them."
 "True." He sighed. "I never took what wasn't offered, and most of the time, I let them know that it would never go further than one or two nights, but still, I hurt a lot of girls, Julia being one of them."
Having read way too many “romances” along the lines of 50 Shades and even Beautiful Disaster (even though I’m only a few chapters in), I can assure you that the bar is on the ground with this one. 
“At least he’s not assaulting them.” Why is the bar set there? It fucking shouldn’t be. 
"I'll keep that in mind." He took my hand and pulled me down the stairs and into the garage. This is going to be such a cool afternoon!
Chapter 5 summary: Jocelyn is applying for community college when Alex pointedly tells her that there are other schools she could attend closer to Yale. However, being the only child of an overgrown manbaby who can’t even heat up his own leftovers, Jocelyn is of the opinion that she needs to take care of her father. 
Alex is trying to convince her that she really doesn’t, that his family has offered to pay for her to attend a good school… When Brenna comes in. She says all of this stuff about how Jocelyn is nothing more than a gold digging whore who’s making her way through the Jordan family. Obviously, this is deeply upsetting and Jocelyn storms out, but Alex chases after her. He tells her that his sister was out of line, and that he’s going to tell his parents about this. Jocelyn knows that he doesn’t think of her like that, but that doesn’t stop it from hurting. 
They then randomly start talking about Sarah, whom Alex says is actually his step-mum. He says that his and Brenna’s bio-mum was killed in a car accident when he was 2 and Brenna was 6 months. His father had recently been promoted at the hospital, so he hired Sarah as the live-in nanny. One thing led to another, and now they’re married. She’s obviously Evan’s mother. 
They go back to talking about what Brenna said. Alex says that he knows that he’s a bit of a player, but he hasn’t been that serious about any girl. Full stop. He then tries to distract her by taking her out on his motorbike. 
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briamichellewrites · 5 months
The longer Bria was in a coma, the less likely she would recover. Her body would eventually go into a vegetative state or even brain death. If she did wake up, she would have lifelong brain damage. They were all preparing themselves for that. They had to. It was like mourning her death while she was still alive. They all broke down crying while at home because they were so scared. They were also angry at her body for doing this to her.
It wasn’t fair. Bradford was doing everything he could to keep Céline and Renè; Jon and Dorothea; and Matt, Brad, and Adrien updated. Phoenix asked him if he needed help. Yes, thank you. Together, they went through who they would need to text and what they would tell them. After taking in her animals, he and Linsey were able to laugh again. Anya was such a character.
She was so curious, she sometimes got herself into trouble. But she was so cute. They kitten-proofed their home after reading online how to do it. She loved climbing, putting things into her mouth, swatting at things, and pouncing. Meow. Woody grabbed her by the neck and brought her back to her toys before she hurt herself. Linsey asked him if he was making sure his sister was staying safe. Meow. Yes, I am. It was a tough job but someone had to do it.
Phoenix found that she was attracted to the smell of food. He always looked around before he picked up anything hot from the stove or microwave. Just so he didn’t accidentally trip and spill anything on her. The best times were when they were in the living room with the animals. They all wanted their attention. Meow. Bark.
It was noisy and sometimes chaotic but it was also peaceful. Taking care of them gave him a sense of purpose. He focused his attention and energy on them, instead of his stress. Their goofy behavior also made him laugh. They took the dogs outside for exercise and to use the bathroom in their backyard. Missy and Buddy had fun chasing each other around. Buddy ran off before turning around to see if his sister was behind him. She was, so he ran away before she could catch up to him.
Bark. Bark. They had big smiles on their faces. Phoenix crouched down to their level. They both came over to him. Hi, human! Their tails wagged around happily.
Jon visited the hospital after work. He sat with Bria to give whoever was there a chance to get something to eat from the cafeteria. During that time, he talked to her about whatever he could think of. He talked about his children, his marriage, and the band. Richie was being a pain in the ass but that was nothing new. I’m scared, baby. He was scared about getting older.
He was forty years old and the father of four. It was getting harder to be away from his family. Dorothea wanted him to talk to a professional. Maybe he should do that. He waited for her response. All he heard was beep… beep… beep of the heart machine. Yeah, he would tell Dorothea about what he was going through. She needed to know. Thanks, baby for listening to me. He took her hand into his and held it. Her heart was still beating. He took comfort in that.
He also took comfort in knowing she was still breathing, even though she was on a ventilator. The door opened, so he looked behind him. It was Phoenix and Linsey. He got up and exchanged hellos with him. Let’s go outside and talk. They found a private place in the waiting room and sat down.
“I had to see her”, Jon said.
“Of course. How are you doing”, she asked.
“It’s difficult. I hate complaining but it’s stressful. I see how it affects me. It affects how I work and how I think. Every thought is if she’s okay.”
“You’re distracted.”
“Yeah, I am. I’m also more easily frustrated by little things.”
That was part of the stress. The more they listened, the more he opened up. They heard what he was saying and they talked with him. He wasn’t being pushed off to the side. They actually cared about what he had to say. They all had different relationships with Bria. Linsey considered her a friend, even though she was closer to Phoenix. She had no problem with that relationship.
He thanked them for being there and listening. Of course. Could they do anything for him? The only thing he asked for was a cup of coffee. Linsey got up to get that for him. Thank you. Phoenix invited him to spend the night at their house. They had a spare guest room. Plus, two cats and two dogs.
“Did you take Bria’s animals?”
“We did. That kitten is so adorable and entertaining. The dogs are also energetic.”
“What about the cat?”
“He makes sure the kitten doesn’t hurt herself. He’s a jerk when he wants to be.”
He laughed. When he got his cup of coffee, he took a sip. Thank you! Phoenix told his wife that he invited him to spend the night. Oh, yeah. If he didn’t mind the animals. No, he answered he didn’t mind. He was more of a dog guy but he could put up with cats. Maybe Anya would change his mind. He would try to keep an open mind. While they continued talking, they took turns visiting Bria. They wanted her to know they were there for her.
Even if she couldn’t hear them. They also wanted to spend as much time with her as possible in case the worst happened. Bradford and Chester would be coming in the morning to spend time with her. Chester was anxious, so Mike spent time with him. Seeing her was not going to be easy, but he would beat himself up if he didn’t. He couldn’t spend the rest of his life feeling guilty.
They were trying to get Rob to visit. He was as scared as Chester, so Bradford was talking to him. Out of the five other guys, he would listen to him the most. They negotiated with each other until they came up with an agreement. Thank you.
Bark! Bark! Missy and Buddy were at the door to greet the humans. Hi, humans! They sniffed Jon’s legs before recognizing his scent. I know you! They followed them to the living room, where Anya was fighting with Woody’s tail. He was tolerating it for the moment. She stopped when they saw the humans had arrived home. Phoenix bent over and picked her up.
“I don’t know if you have met her yet, but this is Anya.”
“She is adorable”, Jon said in shock.
“She is so adorable. Do you want to hold her?”
Sure. He took the kitten from his hands and set her on his lap. She sniffed his hand before rubbing her head against it. Linsey joked about her converting him into a cat person. He laughed. Bria would love that! They laughed. Meow. Meow. Woody came rushing over. He jumped up on the couch next to Jon. Phoenix told him he wasn’t hurting her while petting him. After assessing the situation, he felt comfortable with the human having the kitten. He jumped back down to the floor.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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