#threads | elizabeth
4fter-hours · 3 months
━━ ✦ @clubsmarties said :
❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style ( walabizzie;))
As much as she hated to admit it, she had fun. When Wally first asked her to accompany him to one of these functions she expected it to a joke. After he convinced her it wasn't a joke, she expected it to be boring. Expecting to just be his plus one and maybe leave a little early when no one noticed, not like anyone would have noticed. Oh, how wrong she'd been. Attending things like this in the past it had always been under the pretense of someone else, a goal in mind. The confidence she usually had in those situations was nowhere to be found as she tried to figure out who she was here.
Slipping away from her friends' side as he chatted with someone, she had intentions of slipping out and sending a message later about how she suddenly felt ill or something. That was the plan before someone struck up a conversation with her. Being polite, she suddenly found herself in a whirlwind of conversations, new acquaintances, and even some dancing. It was all something she hadn't planned on when getting ready.
It had been a while since she had worn heels and she'd be able to tolerate it for a while but now as the two walked to his car to find something to eat, she couldn't stand them. ❝ I don't know why I chose heels, ❞ Muttering she began to bounce from one foot to the other removing them so she was walking barefoot instead. They were close to his car anyway. She was about to ask about someone cute who had invited her to their bar but suddenly she was off the ground, a yelp escaped her as she was about to drive her elbow into whoever it was that was holding her when she realized it was Wally. ❝ Fuck, ❞ she said and instead wrapped her arms around his neck to keep from falling. Part of her wanted to be mad that he had done this, but her feet complained otherwise. With a small laugh, she added. ❝ Warn me next time, I almost broke your nose. ❞
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esotericswiftie · 2 years
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1. illicit affairs, taylor swift / 2. [you fit into me], margaret atwood / 3. alone together (2012), maria kreyn / 4. bag of bones, mitski / 5. love poems, anne sexton / 6, 11. my dark vanessa, kate elizabeth russell / 7. save me, aimee mann / 8. @mountainqoats (going to scotland, the mountain goats + two girls (lovers) (1911), egon schiele) / 9. when the party’s over, billie eilish / 10. cardigan, taylor swift / 12. your love is killing me, sharon van etten / 13. romeo and juliet (1968), dir. franco zeffirelli / 14. letters to milena, franz kafka / 15. the unabridged journals of sylvia plath, sylvia plath
imagine this: love as self-destruction.
is emotional self-harm a thing? because sometimes that’s what i think i was doing when it all went down.
at the time, i was so depressed, so full of self-loathing. i didn’t want to die, not quite, but i wanted to self-destruct.
i knew doing that shit with him was gonna traumatize me, but i didn’t care. i not only didn’t care, i actively craved it. i WANTED it to hurt me. i WANTED to be ruined.
i knew exactly how much it was gonna leave me bleeding, tear me apart, turn the knife inside me, etc…i knew and yet i did it anyways.
the truth is, i wasn’t stupid. i wasn’t even naïve. i just hated myself.
sometimes i really do wonder if that’s any better. i don’t think it is.
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Lizzy, my beloved. 🌺🌸🧁🦄💌
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aquamanandfriends · 11 months
Family Support [Resnick Family]
@thestoriesincoffeestains continued from [x]
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"I'm good," Elizabeth nodded to Azula. She knew her parents would freak if they knew how intense most capture the flag games got. "You didn't need to... thanks mom," she sighed and moved into the living room to sit down but noticed Natalie was already cleaning things up.
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"Shoes off please," Natalie called out as she moved to grab the vacuum. "Your aunt and uncle will be here in an hour, can we try and be little presentable?"
E froze where she stood and pulled her own shoes off with a small frown. "Sorry." Aaron quickly pulled his shoes off and moved to put them away, knowing better than to get in the way of his mom on a cleaning spree.
"I'm going to go shower," Aaron state before heading to his room to drop his bag off and grab clean clothes. Elizabeth was about to say she'd go next when her phone buzzed and it took all of her attention. She looked down at the screen and smirked a little before typing a text back.
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purpledogcreations · 1 year
Elizabeth got a hold of my scrapbook...
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Top left commissioned from @scarabeesoleil on Instagram Top right commissioned from @byrd-bb Bottom commissioned from @yelloartt (Edited: whoops I don't know my left from my right ack)
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So, episode one is still on the way don't worry, but the delay ended up being like- a blessing in disguise. We've got other cool stuff to post before we get it out anyways. So stay tuned for that. In the meantime enjoy this amazing art. - Dog
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
Elizabeth Gaskell has the kind of brilliance that makes you forget how brilliant she is until you come back to her work after reading inferior authors. Her type of talent is understated skill that does everything so well that it looks easy.
She has prose that's descriptive without being flowery. Plots that take their time but also keep pulling you along. She writes about everyday life in a way that makes it enthralling without over-romanticizing it. She can take what would be stock characters in the hands of other writers and explore their upbringing and history so thoroughly that they become real, nuanced individuals. And she does it all so simply that you barely even notice how much talent it takes to write like that.
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perioddramapolls · 4 months
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Period dramas dresses tournament: Pink dresses Round 1- Group A: Princess Elizabeth, A royal night out (gifset) vs Alma Elson, Phantom thread (gifset)
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mimikyu-oli · 4 months
William and Michael are STARING at each other.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth spies on them with a scrutinizing gaze.
And while this is all happening, Mitchel walks into the room, grabs a bowl, a spoon, a box of cereal and some milk, makes himself some breakfast and goes to sit in his usual spot and watches the show in front of him. And all this in the most banal way possible.
They all notice him ONLY when he chews his first bite.
Mitchel: Oh! Don't mind me.
Continue what you were doing.
Them: {WHO the HELL is This GUY!!!????}
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brkwingss · 3 months
location: block party, by the face paint for: elizabeth @elizabeaufort
Ricardo was walking around just looking at all the activities and displays set up around the block. He was getting a bit hungry, so he decided he was going to make his way towards some food trucks, maybe get a snack. Although he comes to a pause in front of the face painting stand, looking at the different examples they had displayed on a white board, debating on whether or not he wanted to get someone done. Suddenly he hears a little shriek, and his legs seems to be embraced in a tiny hug. Confused, Ricardo looks down to see one of the twins hugging him. "Oh my god." His heart swells at the sight, then he looks over to see Elizabeth with the other twin. "My little family," he comments, smiling warmly, kneeling down so that he can open both arms and embrace both the twins in a big hug. He had missed them, so very much. And he can't help how he peppers little loving kisses on both their faces, happily smiling. "I didn't know you were coming, love. It's nice to see you all." He gets up now to give Elizabeth a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Are you guys getting face painting done?"
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4fter-hours-archive · 4 months
━━ ✦  ( @inhumanhacker ) cont from here
Rafe was everything she hated growing up. A rich asshole who was used to having everything handed to them. They always thought they were better than everyone else because they had wealth and didn't care who they stepped on along the way to do so. Using any opportunity they could, like he was doing right now talking about how he paid for Ashley, how the jet was his. She had to earn everything the hard way, and so did Charlie making their name in this underground world through blood sweat and teras, proving their worth. So the fact that Charlie continued to do business with his team irked her to no end. That annoyance though, was nothing compared to how annoyed she was that Rafe was good at what he did.
After their teams last joint venture to find Scion from Qualopec tomb in Peru, she couldn't deny that having Rafe to help her was actually a good thing. It was a fact that she would keep to herself because she knew it would only stroke the flames of his ego, which she would never be caught dead doing.
❝ Got everything I need here. ❞ She called over her shoulder holding up her bag. ❝ I'll wait for you guys on the jet. ❞ Making herself comfortable, she placed her bag next to her, grabbed her book and sat there to continue reading the paperback she had brought with her.
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vtuberconfessions · 3 months
Looked at Rose's thread on /vt/ out of morbid curiosity. Worst mistake of my life
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4fter-hours · 2 months
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“It’s obviously not my back you should be watching here. But by all means." The pinky promise made her chuckle. It didn't mean much to her but the action of it was funny. Seeing as he seemed more comfortable she shifted a bit closer making sure that he didn't hurt himself any further, helping prop him up in support as he talked. Taking in all the information her head began to swirl with so many options, so many ways this all could go wrong and prioritizing things in her own way. She wouldn't bother with rummaging through the computer, she trusted he gave her all the information he had available. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not like I'm your partner or anything." She sighed. "You asked me to go for a ride along, here I am. Why are you doing this solo? Where's your partner? Don't you boys usually come in with one, no and ifs or buts ?" There was an anger that rose in her involuntarily, know realizing why he had always come around injured. Did he really not have anyone watching his back out here? Why did she care so much?
"Ugg, an agent with a conscious, why couldn't you have been a double agent. That would've been fun." It was a jest, trying to bring some sort of levity to the heaviness that enveloped this moment, a callback to a better time. "I get it, I really do. You're trying to do good, but know that I am a lot more capable that it seems. Just tell me what is needed and I will do it. Had I known what was on the line, I would have been doing more than lounging around with the wives." There was a part of her that wanted to tell him why she would be better use to him if he just told her what to do. But there were truths she needed to keep heavily at the front of her mind, he was still an agent and there were still rewards out there offered for her head by both sides. The one thing she was thankful to Jennifer for, was that whenever she had booked her jobs, she always referred to her moniker as a him. "If it makes you uncomfortable to share the load, then just let me know what it is so I can help however I can. I need you to talk to me. Tell me things, not you running head first into danger taking it on yourself." She knew her words were just the pot calling the kettle black, but she didn't care. " I'd rather not have a repeat of tonight. We need to be on the same page for this to work." For both of them to survive and for her to deliver him home to his family.
There. She had said what she needed to and felt better about moving forward with this. She just hoped that he had listened and not just heard what she said.
With that, she realized she was still in the dress she had initially picked out for the club and wanted out of it immediately. "I should go change." With a sigh, she looked at him feeling a lot better now over this. " I'll go bring up something to eat. You need to eat." Then there was the smell, feeling guilty, she offered. " Sorry, again about spilling all of that on you, you smell like a bar dishrag now. Need me to put you in the bath again or do you want me to just change your clothes? "
━━ ✦ @clubsmarties cont from here
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esotericswiftie · 10 months
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1. all too well, taylor swift / 2, 4. my dark vanessa, kate elizabeth russell / 3. would’ve, could’ve, should’ve, taylor swift / 5. hurt, johnny cash / 6, 11. right where you left me, taylor swift / 7. automat (1927), edward hopper / 8. nightingale: a gloss, paisley rekdal / 9. landscape, louise glück / 10. not forever, lena zagidullina / 12. @not2menotifitsyou / 13. @heavensghost / 14. hard times, ethel cain
“you left me no choice but to stay here forever.”
there are two possibilities when you find yourself unmoving in the wake of catastrophe: either time has stopped, or you are stuck within it. most likely, it’s both.
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mournfulminds · 8 months
𝐖𝐇𝐎: Elizabeth / 「 @cigvrettedvet 」
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: Winter / 1891
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: Metropolitan Museum of Art
A watery streak of sun poured down from the clouds that gathered in an array of blues as Sherine slid past a crowd of (presumably) out-of-towners ─ the worst lot that seemed to move at a glacier pace with their noses to the sky, in awe of all the architecture the city had to offer. A part of the woman could not rebuke them for she too had once shared their avidity for the esteem buildings that were erected all over town. Like the one she had come to a halt in front of, the red brick of the Fifth Avenue facade burnished in a vague state, and the entrance staircase reminding her of a Parisian opera house she once saw in her youthful years. The Gothic-Revival style was an imperious variation to the farmer's market that was spread across it, with local vendors selling season winter fruits, spiced nuts, and baked goods. A row of carnations in a sundry of stains, the pale pink of petals forced her mind to the shade of Elizabeth's blush, an ardent figure indeed as she made to purchase one, minding over the bouquet before finding one with few imperfections.
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Flurries that painted the ground with a light sheet of snow were an elegant picture as she watched the lamplighter start to burn the oils in preparation for the early night. It was then that she saw her companion emerge from her own locale, first a shadow flitted before her own eye, before cementing into a more tangible identity. "Miss Parker," Sherine greeted, "thank you for agreeing to meet me here; does art interest you very much? I hope it animates you some and this visit is not needless." Still grasping the single flower between her gloved fingers and her handbag, the look she was met with in Elizabeth's doe-eyed gaze made her reach out with the gift, "For you. A suitor should always bring something to the table you see, even if it is small, it's the gesture, words, anyone can say words, but accept nothing less, darling," the last word was cloying as she offered an ensuing arm as they started towards the door. "Shall we go in? I heard they have an excellent snowglobe exhibit."
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Unfortunately, I did not have time to watch the first episode of Chapter 2 of Candela Obscura (because of me being on vacation !), but maybe tomorrow or on Sunday...
Rest assured that I am already OBSESSED by the general vibe of this Chapter 2, and I already know who is going to be my favorite player, based on the small Q&As Critical Role put on their website. It's going to be Zehra Fazal :
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l-ravensflies · 1 month
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Elizabeth wouldn’t say she was wandering – exactly. She did have a point for walking around town. There were people she needed to check on and find after the insanity of the festival. Noah topped the list, but she also wanted to find Addie, Chuck, and the young one . . . Briar? Yes, she rather thought that was her name. That one would need some nurturing, too lost in her newborn state still. Goodness only knew, she needed to learn how to feed properly. And still, she found herself being distracted by the sights and sounds of the town as it worked to come back from all the damage. People could be so very resilient in their own way.
Then, she heard a voice she hadn’t expected . . . but one she would never have mistaken. Spinning around, she locked her gaze on a familiar, and long-missed figure. “Ronan!”
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Of course.
Why would the higher beings make things easier for him?
He only needed a bit more time. Maybe another day. Or a week. A month perhaps? Sure, he might be lying to himself, but really, hadn't he been doing that for the last however long his life had been?
He knew he was a horrible brother. But what scared him the most was that he might no longer be even seen as a brother and that? That's what's going to kill him. Just like that, the thought of wanting to run away was back, and along with the fear, the temptation was increasing.
Yet all it really took was one look at the familiar face for all of that to diminish. "...Liz."
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