#You wander a little out of your bubble and you start seeing shit that makes you want to talk to a flat earther
caterpillarinacave · 3 months
you’ll really see some of the most insane, alarming, out of this world thing on tumblr and your just supposed like. move on with life.
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fikefries · 4 months
wheels of fate (m.s) part one
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part one: shadows in the dark
warnings: implied almost assault, swearing, mentions of alcohol
summary: when you find yourself in the face of danger, an unexpected character comes to your rescue.
1.1k words
you sit on your dorm bed, staring blankly at the incomplete essay on the laptop in front of you. today was not your day. partying the day before your thesis was due was not the best idea. the words blur together as your mind wanders, boredom gnawing at you, and an immense craving for salt-and-vinegar chips bubbling in your stomach. you look across your room to your tiny electric clock sitting on your desk, its blue hue slightly lighting up the darkness of your dorm.
1:37 AM,
you sigh, shutting your laptop with a small thud, rubbing your tired eyes, and pull yourself out of bed. you left out a soft groan at the state of your room, mini skirts, tube tops, and empty bottles of tequila sprawled out on the floor. the room feels stifling, and your hunger is rising. you need to get out, even if just for a little while.
grabbing your phone and hoodie, you decide to make a quick trip to the 24/7 convenience store down the street. it isn’t far, and the walk will do you good. you slip out of your dorm quietly, tip-toeing down the hall—not wanting to wake your roommates.
the cool night air is a nice change as you walk through the campus gates and onto the empty night streets. the city has a different feel at night—quieter and more solemn. you stuff your hands into your jacket pockets, trying to shake off the unease that creeps up your spine. you know that walking down a dark street in the middle of the night isn’t the safest thing to do for a girl like you—but hey, what are the odds something happens the one night you decide to go out?
as you reach the convenience store, you notice a small group of tall men huddled around the energy drink section. they are dressed in black t-shirts, black jackets, and have on fingerless gloves. you realise that most of them are holding motorcycle helmets, automatically assuming they are night bikers. the area you live in is notoriously famous for its biking culture—one that results in many police chases and gunshots. knowing this, you keep a safe distance away from the group of men, but one seems to catch your attention. a boy who looks around your age is holding a motorcycle helmet and has multiple piercings adorning his ear. you can’t help but stare at his sharp features and siren eyes, the way he looks with his jaw clenched, a toothpick resting in his mouth as he stands patiently, waiting for the rest of the guys to sort out their choice of drink. you don’t even realize you are staring so intensely until he starts looking around the small store, before his eyes catch yours.
you quickly avert your gaze and pretend to inspect the different flavors of chips. your embarrassment doesn’t falter, as you feel his sharp gaze burning into the back of your head. you turn to quickly grab a few snacks and head to the counter.
"just these, please," you say, trying to act normal and confident, not wanting to garner more attention from the possibly dangerous bikers.
the cashier barely glances at you, engrossed in his phone.
“have a good night,” he mumbles as you pay and leave the store.
you begin your walk back to your dorm, nervously munching on a bag of chips you bought. you decide to take a different route, hoping to enjoy the quiet streets a bit longer, distracting yourself from the awkward encounter you just had. your thoughts wander, and you find yourself lost in your own world, not noticing the ominous figure that has started following you.
“hey you,” a gruff voice breaks through your thoughts, making you jump in fear. you turn to see an old, ragged man approaching you, his eyes gleaming with something sinister, a creepy smile etched onto his face, revealing his crooked teeth. “what’s a pretty thing like you doing out here alone, hm?”
your heart races, and you quicken your pace, turning around occasionally to see if you lost him, but the man keeps following you, his grunts growing louder as he catches up to you. you begin randomly taking different paths and alleyways in hope of losing the man. you've heard stories of what has happened to other girls on campus before and you know how dangerous the situation you are in is.
god, i should've just stayed home.
you glance around at your surroundings, slowing down your pace, realizing you have run into a more isolated and unknown part of town, and are now at a dead end, with nowhere to run to as the creepy man catches up and starts walking towards you.
“leave me alone,” you manage to shout, your voice trembling in utter fear and desperation.
“come on, don’t be like that,” the man sneers with a wicked smile, closing the distance between you.
before he is able to touch you, the sudden loud roar of a motorcycle engine echoes down the street, zooming towards your direction. the old man halts his actions, his expression shifting from predatory to wary and he slightly backs away from you. a sleek black bike skids to a halt in front of you, and the rider jumps off with an air of cold confidence.
the rider removes his helmet, revealing the boy from the convenience store with sharp features and piercing eyes that seem to see right through you, his hair messy from being underneath the helmet.
how is he here? did he follow me? did he hear me screaming?
he barely glances at you before fixing his gaze on the old man.
“get lost,” he says flatly, his voice devoid of emotion, his blue eyes glaring coldly at the man.
the old man hesitates, clearly intimidated by the biker’s presence. “hey, boy, i don’t want any trouble,” he mutters, fully backing away from you, as you let out a sigh of relief.
“you already found it. leave before you actually fucking piss me off,” the biker replies, his tone cold and unwavering.
the old, creepy man shoots one last menacing glare at you before turning and disappearing into the night, knowing not to mess with a night biker—especially in this part of town. the biker turns to you, his expression unreadable.
“you okay?” he asks, his voice and eyes still stoic and devoid of warmth.
you nod, swallowing hard. “yeah, thanks. i—”
“be careful” he interrupts, already turning back to his bike.
“wait” you nervously call out, hesitantly taking a step forward. “what’s your name—i mean thanks for saving me, i don’t—” you stutter.
he pauses, glancing at you over his shoulder. “matt,” he says simply, putting his helmet back on and revving the engine of his bike before heading off into the night.
tags: @isasturns @sofieeeeex @scqrletsmadness
a/n: im thinking this will be a 10 or more part series! let me know if you have any ideas!
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writingforstraykids · 4 months
Always back to you - Chp.4
Pairing: Minho x m!Reader (mention of 3racha)
Word Count: 7000
Summary: Minho gets a call from his ex-wife, asking to meet Minjun. Hesitating, he agrees to the meeting but not without you by his side. You both find your way around each other as the boundaries between friendship and love dissolve more and more...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, single dad!min, angst, domestic shit, emotional hurt!comfort, panic attack,
A/N: Thank you for all the love for the story and little Minjun so far. I hope you enjoy this chapter, some of you have been waiting for what happens here hehe🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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The steady rhythmic sound of a knife chopping vegetables abruptly halts as the sharp, insistent ring of Minho’s phone pierces through the quiet kitchen atmosphere. Minho's hand stills, a sense of dread creeping up his spine as he stares at the caller ID. What? 
Minho glances out of the window quickly, seeing you and Minjun still playing peacefully outside. His eyes wander back to his phone and it takes everything in him to take it into his hand, his thumb hovering over the screen. He takes a deep breath before picking up the phone. "Hello?"
"Minho, it's Yejun," comes the voice on the other end, unmistakable and unexpectedly calm. The sound of his ex-wife's voice, not heard in conversations for years, is enough to make his heart skip a beat.
"Hi, Yejun...What's up?" Minho manages to keep his voice steady, though his grip on the phone tightens.
"I’ve been thinking. It’s been a long time, and I want to meet Minjun. I want to see our son," she says.
Minho feels as if the floor dropped from beneath him. The request comes as a shock, reopening a chapter of his life he thought had been firmly closed. He leans heavily against the kitchen counter, trying to gather his thoughts. "I...that’s quite sudden. I’m not sure that’s a good idea," he replies, the discomfort clear in his voice.
"I know it’s sudden, Minho. I just want to be a part of his life," she says.
“Mhm,” he hums sourly, feeling nothing but defensiveness bubbling up in him.
“What’s that supposed to mean, huh?” she asks sharply and Minho closes his eyes, swallowing down the memories that flood his brain at that tone.
“Means I wonder what makes you think you can leave and then come back once he’s old enough to do a lot on his own,” he says, chewing on his lower lip.
“It’s my right to see him, Min,” she says.
“Don’t,” Minho says firmly. “Don’t even start claiming it’s your right to meet him. You left him once he was old enough to drink from the bottle. You have absolutely no right to demand anything.”
“Gosh, Min, still so emotional, hm?” she groans and Minho puts his phone on speaker, slamming it down on the table and mocking her quietly. Her laugh rings in his ears as she starts talking again. “I want to meet him. If he doesn’t like me, I’ll go.”
“Gosh, Yejun, still taking the easy way out, hm?” he gives back dryly, bracing himself at the table. “Why now?”
“As you said, he’s easy to handle now. I’m curious,” she says.
“Curious…If you meet him, I’m there every damn second, you hear me?” he asks, and she agrees reluctantly. “If you hurt my son in any way, I’m taking him home, and that’s the last you saw of him.”
“Relax,” she snorts. “I’ll be in Seoul next week from Monday until Friday. Let’s meet up then.”
Minho agrees hesitantly, ending the call with a heavy sigh. As soon as he puts the phone down, a wave of nausea sweeps over him, his hand flying to his stomach as if to quell the rising sickness. Pacing the kitchen, he feels his mind race with worries about the past getting back at him, about the potential destruction of Minjun’s more or less stable but happy life.
You get back inside to refill Minjun’s water bottle as he quickly uses the bathroom in the meantime. You find Minho in the kitchen, his face pale, bracing himself on the table. "Minho? What’s wrong? You look sick," you ask worriedly. “You’re feeling dizzy again?”
Hearing your voice seems to ground him momentarily. He looks up at you with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. "That was Yejun," he manages to say, his voice a whisper of distress. "She wants to meet Minjun. She says she wants to be part of his life."
Your expression shifts from concern to shock. You’ve heard of her, of course, the woman who had left Minho to raise Minjun alone and caused much of his earlier heartache when you met him. "Oh, Minho," you murmur, stepping next to him. “What are you going to do?"
"I don’t know," Minho admits, his voice shaky. "Part of me thinks maybe it’s good if Minjun knows his mother. But another part...I can’t bear the thought. What if she leaves again? What if she hurts him? I can’t let Minjun go through that."
You nod, understanding his inner conflict. "This is tough, but whatever decision you make, I’m here. You’re not alone in this, Minho."
Minho looks into your eyes, finding peace in your unwavering support. Taking a deep breath, he tries to calm his racing heart. "Can you... Can you just hold me for a minute?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly asking for that, but somehow, it feels right.
Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around him, pulling him close. Minho buries his face in your shoulder, allowing himself to feel vulnerable, to accept the comfort being offered. As they stand there, Minho feels a tiny fragment of his anxiety ebb away, the warmth and steadiness of your embrace lending him strength.
After a long moment, Minho steps back slightly. "Thank you, Y/nnie. For being here," he says, his voice thick with gratitude.
"Always," you reply, squeezing his hand.
Minho feels a little steadier, bolstered by your support. "Would you...come with me to meet her? I think I might need someone there, just in case. I uh…I don’t know how it’ll be seeing her again and everything."
"Of course, Minho. I'll be there," you reply gently.
The day of the meeting arrives with a tense air. Minho is quiet as you both drive to the cafe where the meeting with Yejun is scheduled. Every now and then, he glances at Minjun in the rearview mirror, who is blissfully unaware of the gravity of the situation, chatting excitedly about the new game you had taught him. He seemed excited to meet his mother, which was the only reason Minho decided to let them.
As you arrive and find Yejun already there, a chill runs down Minho’s spine. She looks different, yet somehow the same, and his stomach tightens as he watches her wave them over with a bright, practiced smile. Minjun gently tugs at his jeans, as always when meeting new people. He’s glad to have something to hold onto as he picks him up and soothingly pats his back. 
You stay close to them, looking at Yejun curiously. You had never felt the need to look up old pictures of Minho and her, so you had no idea what she looked like…and looking at her makes you realize she’s stunningly beautiful. Her dark, long curls frame her perfect face, skin smooth and accentuating her bright eyes. A red dress hugs her body in all the right places, and she looks delicate but elegant. God, no wonder Minho had a hard time getting over that. Getting closer, you realize Minjun must’ve inherited the freckles covering her nose, as well as the curly texture of his hair. 
"Minho, it's been too long," Yejun greets, standing to embrace him swiftly. She presses a short kiss onto his cheek that has Minho tensing up, eyes widening. Ah, lovely.
"Yejun," he nods, taking a few steps back, then turns to you. "This is Y/nnie."
"Nice to meet you," you say, offering a polite smile, though you feel the undercurrents of tension.
“And that’s..?” she asks, glancing at Minjun.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Minho mutters quietly making Minjun giggle and cover his mouth with his little hand. 
“Bad word, Daddy!” he protests, making you smirk.
“That’s some kid I stole on the way here,” Minho rolls his eyes at her. “That’s Minjun…obviously.”
“Oh…you’ve gotten big,” she nods, looking at Minjun curiously. 
“Well he was six months old when you left, go figure,” Minho says patiently, with a fake calm smile on his face. “Minjunnie, say hi to your mother.”
Minjun frowns at her softly before looking up at Minho. “Daddy? Mum who ran away?” he asks and you have trouble biting back a laugh at her perplexed face.
“Mhm, that one,” Minho nods, pulling himself out a chair. “She wants to talk to you, so be nice, buddy.”
“Okay,” he nods, getting comfortable in his own chair, blinking at her curiously. 
The conversation starts with trivialities, Yejun asking about Minjun's interests. But soon, she shifts the topic to her life in the US, describing her home, the parks, and the schools that she says would be wonderful for Minjun once he’s old enough.
Minjun listens, wide-eyed, clearly taken with the idea of such places. "Can I see them, Daddy? Can I visit her in America?" he asks, looking excitedly between Minho and Yejun.
Minho feels a pang in his heart at the words, his fear creeping back as he watches his son’s enthusiasm. He tries to keep his voice even. "We'll see, buddy. We're just talking right now."
Yejun leans forward, her tone persuasive. "I have a great life there, Minjun. You could have your own room, a big yard to play in... I'd love to show you around."
Minho feels sick watching the scene unfold, his hands clenched under the table. You notice his discomfort and place a reassuring hand on his knee. As the meeting draws to an end, Minho is quiet, lost in thought as Yejun makes plans to visit Minjun again. "Let’s take it slow, one step at a time," Minho finally says, not committing to anything more.
On the drive back, Minjun chats happily about the things his mother had told him, while Minho remains silent, his expression drawn.
Once home, Minho retreats to the kitchen, his movements sluggish, each step seeming to weigh heavily on him. You watch as he leans against the counter, his face pale and his eyes distant. Concerned, you approach him, your hand gently touching his arm. "Minho?" you call softly, trying to get his attention.
He looks up, his eyes meeting yours, and there's an unspoken plea for comfort. The day had drained him, dredging up past pains and uncertainties about the future. "I just... I don't know if I did the right thing today," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "What if she convinces him? What if he wants to go with her?"
You understand the turmoil he's in. The possibility of Minjun wanting to leave with Yejun is his worst nightmare coming true. Stepping closer, you wrap your arms around him, offering him a silent reassurance. "Minho, you're an incredible father. Minjun knows that. Whatever Yejun says or does, it won't change the bond you two have."
Minho rests his forehead against your shoulder, his breath shaky. "I hope you're right," he murmurs. "It's just hard not to feel threatened, to feel like everything we have could be disrupted by her return."
"It's understandable to feel that way," you reply, holding him tighter. "But remember, Minjun loves you. He's grown up with you. That connection, those memories, they're not easily broken or forgotten. You're his dad, the one who's been there for him every single day."
As you speak, Minho's tension begins to ease. He pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes, searching for the certainty he so desperately needs. Seeing the sincerity in your gaze, a small smile begins to form on his lips. "Thank you, Y/nnie," he says. "For being here, for supporting me through this."
"Always," you reply, smiling back.
The kitchen is quiet for a moment, the only sound being the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. Minho seems to ponder your words, letting them sink in. Gradually, the anxious lines on his face smooth out, replaced by a more resolute expression. "I won't let her take him away," he states, more to himself than to you. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep Minjun with me."
"And I'll help you," you assure him. 
As the evening sets in, you and Minho prepare dinner together, the earlier tension melting away into a comfortable routine. Minjun joins you, chatting excitedly about his day, blissfully unaware of the complex emotions his father has been grappling with. Watching Minho laugh and interact with his son, you feel a profound sense of admiration and love for him. 
Later, as you sit down to eat, the atmosphere is light, filled with Minjun’s laughter and stories. Minho looks over at you, a silent gratitude in his gaze. Despite the challenges, he knows he isn't alone. With you by his side, he feels ready to handle whatever may come.
That night, after Minjun has gone to bed, you and Minho find yourselves on the couch, a comfortable silence enveloping you. Minho leans his head on your shoulder, his earlier fears now calmed by your presence and the peaceful end to the day.
"Today was hard," he admits quietly.
"It was," you agree. "But you got through it. And you’ll get through whatever else comes your way."
Minho stands silently in the middle of the living room, the soft hum of the evening settling around him. The faint laughter and shouts of children playing outside drifts through the open window, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside him. His hands tremble slightly as he turns over a small toy that Minjun had left on the couch—a constant reminder of his responsibilities, his fears, and his deep-seated insecurities about being a father. Minjun is staying with Felix and Chan for a few hours and you'll visit to work through a few important aspects of his schedule. 
The weight of his thoughts and the relentless pressure he placed on himself were reaching a boiling point. The room feels smaller, the walls closing in as each of Minjun’s innocent questions from earlier that day echoed in his head, “Are you happy, Daddy? Does Yejun like me? Can I go to America?” The questions are simple, filled with the childlike curiosity of his young son, yet to Minho, they are a reflection of his deepest fears—is he truly enough?
The anxiety that had been simmering throughout the day suddenly surges, a tidal wave crashing over him with suffocating force. His breathing becomes shallow, each inhale sharp and unsatisfying. His heart races uncontrollably, pounding against his ribs as if trying to escape. The room spins, and a nauseous feeling tightens in his gut. He's having a panic attack, the intense fear of failing his son overwhelming him completely.
Just then, you walk in. You stop in track at the sight of Minho, his face pale, his body tense and trembling. Dropping your bag, you rush over. “Minho! What’s happening?” Your voice is laced with concern as you reach out to steady him, your hands gripping his arms.
“I...I can’t breathe properly,” Minho gasps out, his voice shaky. “I feel like I’m not enough for him...like I’m going to fail him.”
You quickly lead him to the sofa, helping him to sit down. “Look at me, Minho. Follow my breathing, okay? In and out, slowly,” you instruct him gently, demonstrating deep, steady breaths.
Minho tries to mimic your breathing, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest. Gradually, his own breaths begin to deepen, the tight grip of fear around his chest loosening slightly with each exhale. You don't let go, your presence a calming force in the storm of his panic.
After a few minutes, as the initial wave of panic begins to subside, Minho feels exhaustion seep into his bones, replacing the adrenaline that had surged through him just moments before. He leans back against the sofa, his eyes closing briefly in fatigue.
“You’re doing great, Minho. Just keep breathing like that,” you murmur, your voice a soothing balm. “You are enough for Minjun, more than enough. You’re an incredible father.”
Tears prick at Minho’s eyes as he listens to your affirmations. “I’m scared,” he admits, his voice a broken whisper. “What if it’s not true? What if I’m not what he needs?”
You shift closer, your side pressing against his, a silent offer of solidarity. “Minho, look at everything you’ve done for him. He adores you. Your fear doesn’t define your reality. You are exactly what Minjun needs because you love him, and you show up every day for him, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.”
The sincerity in your words, the warmth of your body next to his, it all pierces through the fog of Minho’s anxiety, reaching a part of him that he kept walled off from everyone else. He turns to look at you, really look, seeing not just a friend but someone who has come to mean so much more to him.
Without thinking, driven by the emotions swirling within him and the need to be closer to the one person who seemed to understand him completely, Minho leans in. You hesitate, leaning in a little before you both stop for me a moment. Then you meet halfway, your lips touching in a kiss that is soft and hesitant at first but quickly deepened with shared urgency and emotion. But as seconds pass, the kiss deepens, driven by a mixture of long-suppressed desires and the comforting familiarity that has grown between you over countless shared moments.
All that matters is the here and now—the warmth of your lips against his, the gentle exploration that grows bolder with each passing moment. Your hands move to cup Minho’s face, your touch tender yet assured, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss until it is all-consuming.
Minho’s hands find their way around you, pulling you in, his heart pounding against his chest. The kiss grows more desperate, a silent confession of the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long. Your breaths mingle, quick and shaky, as the kiss ignites a fire within you both, a blaze that seems to fill the voids you had both carried inside.
But as the intensity of your embrace grows, so does a creeping fear in the back of Minho’s mind. His heart, scarred from past hurts and losses, begins to recoil at the vulnerability he is exposing himself to. The memory of his past, of being left alone when he had dared to love openly, surges forward, casting a shadow over the warmth he feels.
Your hands trace the line of Minho's jaw, gentle yet insistent, pulling him closer. Minho responds in kind, his hands finding the small of your back, pressing you together. The kiss grows more fervent, more desperate, as if you're trying to communicate every unspoken word, every suppressed emotion through this single act. 
As your breath quickens, Minho’s emotions swirl chaotically—a blend of exhilaration and deep-seated fear. The intensity of your connection right here is something he hasn't allowed himself to fully experience for a long time, not since his heart had been guarded against such vulnerabilities.
Suddenly, the weight of his past, the memories of abandonment, and the fear of experiencing such profound loss again surge to the forefront of his mind. It is overwhelming the way these fears claw their way up, threatening to overshadow the warmth and safety he had just been reveling in.
With a sudden intake of breath, Minho’s hands still, and he pulls back slightly, breaking the kiss. His heart is racing, not just with the passion of the moment but also with a creeping dread that he might be setting himself up for another heartbreak. His chest heaves as he tries to steady his breathing, his eyes wide and vulnerable as he meets your concerned gaze.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his voice choked with a mixture of fear and regret. “I... I need a moment.”
Your face is a mixture of worry and understanding. You reach out, brushing a trembling hand against Minho’s cheek. “It’s okay, Minho. We don’t have to rush anything. I’m here, okay?”
Minho nods, feeling a lump form in his throat. He is terrified, not of the kiss or the connection but of what it signifies. To let someone in so completely was to risk being torn apart again. And yet, as he looks into your eyes, he sees a reflection of something pure and steady—a commitment not just to the joy of their relationship but to the struggles, too.
Minho takes a deep breath, each inhale laced with the scent of your skin, a reminder of the now. “I just... I’m scared of losing myself, of losing Minjun, of being left alone again if this... if we don’t work out,” he confesses, his voice barely a whisper amidst the quiet of the room.
Your expression softens, your eyes filling with empathy. “Minho, love doesn’t come with guarantees, but not giving ourselves the chance to experience it fully is a guarantee of regret. I don’t know what the future holds, but I promise to be by your side through the highs and the lows. You’re not alone anymore, and you won’t be.”
These words, gentle and reassuring, seem to stitch up the raw edges of Minho’s fears slowly. He allows himself to lean into you, feeling the solidity of your presence. “Thank you,” he murmurs, allowing himself to feel the full extent of his vulnerability.
“Thank you for not running,” you say, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. The tension begins to dissipate, replaced by a cautious hope.
“Thank you for staying,” Minho shakes his head gently. 
You smile, your hand squeezing Minho’s. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” you assure him. You lean forward, pressing a soft kiss to Minho’s forehead, a simple gesture that holds a depth of meaning.
Minho allows himself to be held, his head resting against your shoulder, feeling the steady beat of your heart against his cheek. It is comforting, grounding. Slowly, his breathing evens out, the immediate panic subsiding under the gentle rhythm of your assurances.
“You mean a lot to me, Y/nnie,” Minho confesses, pulling back slightly to look at you. “I don’t want to lose you, not because of my fears.”
You smile, your hands sliding down to grasp his. “And you won’t lose me. I care about you, Minho. We’ll face this together, okay? Step by step.”
“Okay,” Minho agrees, squeezing your hands. “Step by step.”
The moment is tender, a delicate truce between Minho’s fears and the possibilities that lie ahead. You stay like that for a while, simply holding each other, finding comfort in the presence of one another.
When it is time for you to leave, Minho finds himself not wanting to let go. The goodbye is lingering, filled with the promise of soon and more. You leave him with a smile, and Minho watches from the doorway, feeling a mixture of contentment and longing.
That night, as Minho lies in bed, Minjun peacefully asleep next to him, he thinks about the kiss - the way it had made him feel alive, the way it had scared him. He touches his lips, still feeling the ghost of your touch. The fear is still there, a quiet whisper in the back of his mind, but it is slowly being overshadowed by a stronger, more insistent feeling: hope.
He knows the road ahead will be fraught with challenges, but for the first time in a long while, Minho feels ready to face them. With you by his side, he isn't just facing the future; he is stepping into it, one kiss, one conversation, one promise at a time.
Minho nervously ties Minjun’s shoelaces, hoping his attentive little boy can’t see the anxiety written all over his face. He gently takes Minjun’s small hands into his and searches his eyes. “Minjunnie?” he asks softly.
“What, Daddy?” his son asks curiously.
“Daddy loves you a lot, okay?” he asks, and Minjun nods contently. “I’m sorry I can’t always be there, I’ll try to get better.”
“It’s okay,” he says, gently patting his father’s head.
Minho giggles at him and pulls him into his lap. “I will always love you, okay? No matter what happens.”
“Always?” he asks softly, and Minho nods firmly. “Always come back?”
Minho cups his face, smiling at him encouragingly. “I’ll always come back to you, buddy.”
“Good,” he smiles brightly. “Yejun now?” he asks, and Minho nods.
“Yeah,” he says, almost feeling a little ashamed for being so relieved about Minjun not calling her his mother.
You open the door, glancing inside. “You two are ready to go?” you ask. “I’ll drop you off at the café, make sure everything’s in place at the location for the shoot, and then come back. I won’t be gone longer than ten minutes, it’s on the other side of the road.”
“Sounds good,” Minho nods, subconsciously chewing on his lower lip. He pushes himself back up and meeting your eyes, you can tell he needs a hug. 
“Come here,” you say gently, opening your arms for him. Minho laughs weakly and hugs you tightly, fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt. “It’ll be okay,” you tell him, earning a timid hum in return. 
“Daddy?” Minjun frowns up at you two worriedly. 
Minho leaves your warm embrace, picking him up. “I’m okay,” he assures him, his one hand finding yours. Your fingers intertwine almost naturally, and you can feel his hand tremble in yours a little. 
“Liar,” Minjun says softly, not even sounding like he’s judging him for it.
Minho chuckles weakly and searches your eyes. “Minjunnie? You really like Y/nnie, right?” he asks, watching you with a gentle smile.
“No,” he shakes his head, making your heart sink for a moment. “I love Y/nnie, Daddy.”
You both laugh softly, and you gently poke his cheek. “I love you too, Minjunnie…and I care a lot about your Daddy too.”
“I…I love Y/nnie too,” Minho says quietly, and your world stops turning for a few seconds. 
“What?” you ask just as quietly, swallowing hard as tears brim Minho’s soft chocolate eyes. 
“I love you, Y/nnie,” he tells you again, a little less shaky this time. “I do,” he says as if he has to reassure you both he put it into words.
“I love you too, Minho,” you whisper happily, your heart warming. Minho squeezes your hand, searching your eyes timidly. You don’t think much, closing the distance between you two and kissing him softly. Minho sighs quietly, feeling at ease here in the moment of kissing you.
Minjun squeals making you break apart again. “Eww, but yay,” he says with wide eyes, making you giggle.
“Okay, let's go,” you laugh and gently shove Minho out of the room. 
You drive them to the café and Minho shares another quick kiss with you before getting out. You quickly cross the street to check the set, hoping it won't take long. 
The tension in the air is thick as Yejun sits across from Minho at a small, brightly lit café in the heart of Seoul. The noise of the bustling city outside does little to fill the silence that hangs between them. Minho watches her observantly as she tries to talk to Minjun, who’s busy coloring in the book she gifted him earlier.
"Minjun, you would love it in America," Yejun begins, her voice infused with excitement. "We have huge parks, and there are so many fun things you can do. There's Disneyland, with all the rides and characters you love."
Minjun's eyes light up at the mention of Disneyland, but his smile falters as he glances sideways at Minho, who sits silently, his expression unreadable. "Can Daddy come with us?" Minjun asks innocently, his voice tinged with hope.
Yejun’s smile tightens slightly. "No, it would just be you and me. But think of all the adventures we’ll have!"
Minjun’s face falls. "But I want Daddy...and Y/nnie," he ads, his small voice growing firmer. "I want them."
Yejun’s patience began to crumble. "Minjun, I’m your mother. I have a wonderful life set up for us in America. You need to think about what I’m offering you."
Minho, who has been quietly observing the exchange, sees the confusion and distress growing on Minjun’s face. "Yejun, that's enough," he interjects calmly. "You’re overwhelming him. He’s only a child."
Yejun turns her gaze to Minho, her eyes flashing with irritation. "You have no right to keep him from me, Minho! You’ve turned him against me, huh? You stole my son!"
The accusation stings, and Minho’s voice grows stern. "Yejun, I haven’t stolen anyone. I’ve been here for Minjun every single day since he was born. He’s my son too, and I have been his only parent for years."
“Well, I’m his mother and-”
Tears well up in Minjun's eyes as the tension rises. He can tell his father is upset and trying not to show it, he may be young but he knows him well. The woman opposite him glares at him and he doesn’t like that at all. "You're not my mum, Y/nnie is!" he cries out, the emotional toll of the conversation beginning to show. "Y/nnie plays with me. Y/nnie makes me food. Y/nnie cuddles me!"
Yejun blinks, her face contorted with a mix of shock and disgust. "Y/nnie? That babysitter? You think he's a better mother than me?”
“Yes,” he says stubbornly, staring down at his coloring book again.
“Minho, what the fuck have you done with this child?” she asks frustratedly.
Minho reaches out, taking Minjun’s hand in his, providing a comforting touch. "Y/nnie has been here for him. What Minjun is trying to say is that family isn’t just about blood; it’s about who cares for you, who’s there for you."
Yejun’s anger flares, and she stands abruptly, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. "He is my son, and you’ve turned him into this...this weak, dependent child clinging to a man who has no business raising him!"
Minjun’s tears spill over, and he buries his face in Minho’s side, sobbing. Minho wraps his arms around his son protectively. "He is not weak. He’s a child, Yejun. And you’re upsetting him."
“I can’t believe you’re letting his babysitter take my role!” she protests loudly.
“That babysitter is my boyfriend,” Minho says firmly. Technically, the two of you aren't there yet but he couldn't care less right now. “So you better watch your mouth now.”
“Really? Dating a man?” she scoffs. “Did I break your heart so much you’re too scared to face another woman?” she spits out.
“What?” Minho almost chokes on his breath.
“You’re stupid,” Minjun states, pouting at her through tears. He doesn’t like how she’s talking about the two most important people in his life. “Daddy loves Y/nnie. Not you.”
“You’re coming with me now, if you like it or not!” she says firmly, reaching out for him.
"Don’t touch him," you snap, your voice icy as you move to block her path. "You need to leave, Yejun. You’re only causing him distress." You can’t believe what you got back to here.
Yejun stares at you, her anger boiling over. "He’s my son, not yours! You have no right—"
"He's not your son!" Minho interrupts firmly, standing up to face her, his voice echoing in the small space. "Not if you can’t see the damage you’re doing right now. Minjun has made his choice!"
“Not my mummy,” Minjun agrees. Still clinging to Minho, he peeks out and yells in his small, fierce voice, "Go away! I don’t want you! I want Daddy and Y/nnie!"
The raw honesty in Minjun’s voice seems to hit Yejun hard. For a moment, her resolve wavers, her features softening as she looks at her son. But the bitterness and resentment are too deep, her expression hardening once again.
“You’re disgusting,” she says toward Minho who stares at her quietly. “One day, he’ll leave you just like he left me,” she tells Minjun, who whimpers, clinging to him. 
“You’re such a bitch,” you tell her and stare her down until she storms off. “You forgot your stuff!” you call out for her and she spins around, stomping back to get it. 
“Fuck you.” With that, she turns sharply and storms out of the café, leaving behind a heavy silence. 
Minho kneels down, wiping the tears from Minjun’s cheeks. "It’s okay, buddy. She’s gone now. You’re safe," he murmurs, his voice soothing.
Minjun sniffles, nodding as he leans into Minho’s embrace. "Stay with me, Daddy. Stay with Y/nnie."
"We will, Minjun. We’re not going anywhere," Minho reassures him. “Always back to you, remember my sweet boy?”
“Yes, Daddy,” he nods bravely.
Back at the company Minho walks straight to Chan's studio, telling you to go and get some snacks with Minjun first. He closes the door behind himself and starts cursing as soon as it clicks shut. “I swear that woman is insane! I don't know what the fuck I saw in her but it's gone!”
Chan slowly pulls off his headphones and Jisung clicks his pen, blinking at Minho worriedly. “Mate, what happened?” Chan asks gently. 
“Yejun happened!” Minho snaps. “She just tried to pull Minjun away from me so he'd go with her! She called him a weak, clingy child for wanting to stay with me!” 
“Okay, take a deep breath,” Chan says soothingly. 
“I don't feel like taking a deep breath right now,” he says fuming with anger. 
Changbin picks up a pillow and throws it at him. “Scream into that for a moment. Let it all out. You haven't told us much but I suspect Minjun needs his father to be calm now.” Minho blinks at them stunned before doing as they say, his scream getting muffled by the pillow. “Better?”
“A little,” he nods, making them all laugh. Minho flops down onto the sofa between Changbin and Jisung, huffing softly. Then he tells them about everything that happened, all of them growing quiet, exchanging shocked glances. 
“Not to be that type of person but..I never liked her,” Jisung snorts and Minho hums agreeingly. 
“I know…but I wouldn't want to miss the time I had with her. I'd miss my little boy,” he sighs and rubs his face. 
“If she starts causing trouble you let me know, alright?” Chan asks. “Everyone of us can tell whoever needs to know that you've always been there for him and raised him well so far.”
“Thanks, hyung,” he smiles gently, looking up as the door opens and you and Minjun enter the room. Minjun runs up to everyone handing them their favorite snack and smiles proudly at the many encouragement he gets. Minho scoots over and pats the space next to himself, gently tapping your hand to make you sit. 
“Can I talk to you for a second?” you ask and Minho nods, getting up quickly. 
As soon as you leave the room Minjun climbs into Chan's lap and nibbles on his chocolate. “Exciting day?” Chan asks gently. 
“No. Yejun’s a bitch,” he announces dryly. Chan bites back a laugh and Jisung nods proudly. 
“Woah, that's a strong word,” Changbin laughs. “Did your daddy teach you that?”
“No, Y/nnie,” he tells them. 
“You like staying with your daddy more, right?” Chan asks amused. 
“And Y/nnie,” he nods happily. “Y/nnie and Daddy.”
“Yeah? Y/nnie stays with you a lot,” Jisung agrees. 
“Daddy loves Y/nnie.”
“Loves?” he asks curiously. 
Minjun nods and leans up to Chan, kissing his cheek. “They did that.”
Chan giggles, exchanging a glance with his friends. “They kissed?” he asks curiously. 
“Mhm,” he nods and continues munching his chocolate. “But not there,” he says, pointing at Chan's cheek. 
“No?” Chan asks stunned. 
“No. Like uncle Lix and you,” he announces making the whole room go silent. 
“You mean here?” Chan asks, pointing at his lips. 
“Yes,” Minjun nods. “Y/nnie is my new mum.”
“That's so cute,” Jisung whispers, smiling at him adoringly. 
The door opens and you two are back from your short talk about everything that happened. You sense something's off, judging by the way the three are glancing from Minho to you and back again. “Minjunnie, are you ready to go home?” you ask him. “Daddy has to work but he'll come later.”
“Work?” Minjun asks heartbreakingly timid. 
“I'm sorry, baby,” Minho tries, swallowing hard as Minjun climbs off Chan's lap and walks over to him, his small face scrunching up. Minho scoops him up, hugging him tightly. "I'll be back before you know it, okay? And Y/nnie will be with you," he reassures, glancing over at you with a grateful smile.
Minjun seems somewhat calmed by this, nestling his head against Minho's shoulder. "Promise?" he mumbles, his voice muffled.
"I promise, buddy," Minho affirms, pressing a kiss to his son's hair.
You can't help but feel a pang of warmth at the scene, your heart swelling at the depth of their bond. As you prepare to leave with Minjun, Minho sets him down, adjusting his little backpack and smoothing down his hair.
"Be good for Y/nnie, okay?" Minho instructs, kneeling to be eye level with Minjun.
"I will," Minjun nods solemnly, then looks up at you with those big, trusting eyes. "Let's go, Y/nnie."
As you lead Minjun out of the studio, his hand in yours, you glance back to see Minho watching you both, a mix of love and a tinge of sorrow in his eyes. It's clear how torn he feels, the duties of his work pulling him away from moments he cherishes with his son.
Back at Minho’s house, the evening unfolds with a quiet kind of normalcy. Minjun plays with his toys in the living room, occasionally chatting about things he remembers from the day or asking questions about what tomorrow might bring. You keep your answers light and reassuring, mindful of the emotional turmoil he’s endured.
Later, while Minjun is absorbed in a cartoon, you step into the kitchen to prepare a simple dinner, your thoughts wandering back to Minho. The way he had leaned into your kiss, the vulnerability he showed—it all painted a picture of a man deeply in love but equally scared of the implications. Your heart aches for him, wishing there was more you could do to ease his fears.
As you set the table, Minjun comes running into the kitchen, his earlier worries seemingly forgotten in the wake of his current excitement about the cartoon.
"Y/nnie, did you see? The superhero saved everyone!" he exclaims, his eyes sparkling.
"I saw that, buddy. It was pretty cool, wasn’t it?" you smile, lifting him onto a chair.
"Yeah! I wanna be like that," Minjun declares, his chest puffing out proudly.
"I think you're already a hero, Minjun. You know that?" you say, ruffling his hair.
He giggles, beaming up at you. "Really?"
"Really," you affirm, serving him his dinner.
Dinner passes with playful chatter, and soon it's time for Minjun's bedtime. As you tuck him into bed, he hugs his beloved bunny. 
"Daddy comes home soon?" Minjun’s voice is small, tinged with the weight of his earlier tears.
"He promised, didn’t he? And your daddy always keeps his promises," you reassure him, smoothing down the blanket. “Did you know your daddy's animal of the group is a bunny?”
Minjun nods proudly. “Yes.”
“There are plushies of his bunny, just like yours here. Would you like one?” you ask gently and Minjun nods with wide eyes. “Then you can cuddle it if he's not here.”
Minjun nods contently, curling up with the plushie. "Night, Y/nnie."
"Goodnight, Minjun. Sweet dreams," you whisper, turning off the light and leaving the door slightly ajar.
Once Minjun is asleep, you sink onto the couch, the quiet of the house settling around you. You're startled by the sound of the front door opening—Minho is home.
He looks exhausted, the lines of his face deeper, his eyes shadowed. But when he sees you, a smile, tired yet genuine, crosses his lips.
"Hey," he greets softly, dropping his keys into the bowl by the door.
"Hey," you reply, standing to meet him. "Rough day?"
"You could say that," Minho sighs, pulling you into a hug. It's a long, tight embrace, one that speaks volumes.
As you pull back, you hold his gaze. "Talk to me," you encourage.3
Minho shakes his head slightly, a weary chuckle escaping him. "Just the usual chaos. But coming back to this—coming back to you—it helps more than you might think."
Your heart skips a beat at his words, the simplicity of his statement underscoring the depth of your growing bond. "I'm glad," you murmur, your hands resting on his arms.
"We didn't get much time earlier... to talk about... us," Minho hesitates, searching your face for signs of what you might be feeling.
"No, we didn’t," you agree, feeling the momentous weight of the conversation that looms between you. "But we’re here now. We can talk."
Minho nods, taking a deep breath. "I meant what I said earlier, before everything with Yejun. I love you, Y/nnie. I know it’s complicated, and I know my life is... a lot. But I want you in it, in every way."
The earnestness in his voice, the open vulnerability—he’s offering you his heart, and it’s yours to take. You smile, your decision clear. "I love you too, Minho. And I’m in this. All of it, with you," you say.
The relief that washes over Minho's face is evident. He pulls you close again, his lips finding yours in a kiss that seals the promise of a future together, come what may. In that moment, wrapped up in each other, the challenges that lie ahead seem manageable. With love as your anchor, you both feel ready to face whatever comes next, together.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: Nonsense*
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Summary: A coupon book you give Joe for Christmas as a joke turns into you doing something completely out of your comfort zone.
Warnings: Smut
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Everlasting Love
December 29, 2023
(y/n’s pov)
Sitting in bed, bored.
Seems like all I've been doing since I got back to Athens.
I missed Joe with every fiber of my being. I would give so much just to be able to reach out and touch his soft skin, his blonde locks, and feel the warmth his body emitted.
It was later in the night, ten o'clock.
Joe was probably asleep already, but he hadn't texted me yet saying goodnight.
Maybe he just got busy, I thought.
My thoughts started wandering. I was getting nervous about why Joe hadn't texted me all evening.
Almost as if he could read my mind before I got too worried, Joe texted me.
Hey, baby. You're prob asleep but I'm sorry I'm just getting to you now. I was over at Sam’s and my phone died. He was being a dick and wouldn't let me use his charger for some reason.
Anyways, goodnight, I love you.
I laughed slightly at his text, able to picture Sam arguing with Joe because he didn't want him using his charger.
I'm awake actually. Sam’s stupid btw, and I love you too.
Watching the bubbles pop up quickly, it was just a few seconds later when Joe texted back.
Since you're awake, wanna ft?
Seconds later Joe’s name showed up on my screen and I immediately accepted the call.
I was met with Joe’s smiling face when the call connected. He was lying in bed shirtless, curls slightly wet while leaning against the headboard.
“Hi, baby.” - Joe grinned
Immediately, I recognized how deep his voice was. His voice generally dropped an octave when he was tired or aroused, and right now, I had a feeling it could be both.
“Hi, Joey. What are you up to?” - you
“Lying here in bed, thinking about you and how much I want you in this bed.” - Joe
After giggling at his admission, Joe continued.
“I was just thinking about your week here, and then I started thinking about sex… and that coupon book you gave me.” - Joe groaned
“You are insatiable, Joe.” - you giggled
“Fuck… I want you so bad right now.” - Joe
“Well, you're two hours away.” - you
“I swear, I'm always the horniest when you're away. It's like my dick’s betraying me.” - Joe
I absolutely snorted, laughing at his confession.
“I’m sorry it's like that and that I can't do anything to help you, baby.” - you
“Not your fault. I just can't stop thinking about you… and being inside of you.” - Joe
“If it makes you feel any better… I think about you all the time. Wish I could suck you off through Facetime.” - you giggled
“Shit, don't say that.” - Joe
“Why not?” - you grinned
“I’m getting super fucking hard right now. I'm just trynna wait for my hard-on to go away, but that's not possible if you keep saying things that make my dick twitch.” - Joe
“Boy, you're feeling very blunt tonight.” - you laughed
“Sorry… I know I get whiney when I'm horny. If I get too annoying just hang up.” - Joe
“You’re not being annoying. Not wrong about the whiney part, though. Like I said, if I could help you I would.” - you
Joe sat for a second, looking like he was deep in thought.
Out of nowhere, he got that ‘lightbulb!’ Look on his face and sat up on the bed with a grin.
“What if there was a way you could?” - Joe
“What are you saying?” - you
“Can I cash in a coupon virtually?” - Joe
I thought for a second. I mean, I didn't want to make him wait to use them just when I was in Cincinnati.
“Yeah, I guess.” - you
“Fuck yeah!” - Joe
Giggling at Joe as he fist-punched the air and did a little dance, I waited to see which one he wanted to use.
“Remember you can only use one a day.” - you
“Oh, I know. I only need one.” - Joe
“Which one do you want to cash in, baby?” - you
Joe flicked through the little booklet, trying to find the one he wanted.
“Ooo! I quote… extra sexy lap dance.” - Joe
I gave him a “what?” look but he only grinned devilishly. His tongue poked out as he bit down on it.
“Joe, how am I gonna give you a lap dance when you're two hours away?” - you laughed
“Just do it right here, on call.” - Joe
A few seconds of silence passed, his cheeky smile oddly convincing.
“Okay.” - you
“Yes!” - Joe yelled
“I’ll be right back, I have to change and grab my speaker.” - you
I turned my camera back on once everything was set up. I already had a routine planned for a song and everything, but doing this over the phone would be so different.
Having to essentially dance and grind on my bed, pretending it was Joe.
“You ready?” - you
“So fucking ready.” - Joe
Pressing play on Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter, I immediately started moving my hips in the most sensual way possible.
Just pretend you're in a club, performing for Joe.
Hearing Joe make a strangled noise gave me more confidence, he's enjoying this.
A few seconds later, I straddled the bed and started paying attention to the phone.
“Can I touch myself? Please?” - Joe
“Go ahead.” - you purred
Joe slid his hand down his pants and immediately wrapped it around his hard length.
“Fuck.” - Joe grunted
He was trying to match the movement of my hips with the slow pumps of his hand.
I could tell he was conflicted between closing his eyes or not. With his eyes closed, he could easily pretend it was my hand jerking him off, but he wanted to watch me.
A minute in, a third of the way through the song, Joe was moaning loudly.
“You… are so… goddam pretty.” - Joe groaned
Just a few seconds later, Joe abruptly pulled his hand out of his pants, and I heard the waistband snap against his stomach.
“I have to stop, I can’t cum yet…” - Joe breathed heavily
I stopped moving around, but Joe didn't like that one bit.
“Not you! Keep going, baby!” - Joe
Moments passed as I watched Joe bite on his lower lip, slowly rubbing over his bulge with his palm.
“Joe, there's a minute left of the song. You might wanna start back up.” - you
So he did. Joe immediately moved his hand back down his pants and pumped his cock faster than before.
“Good Girl, baby.” - Joe moaned
Joe’s head fell back as his chest started heaving, sweat dancing over his bare torso.
“Fuck! I'm gonna cum!” - Joe
“Joe, please take your shorts off. I wanna watch you.” - you
He immediately did my bidding.
I watched Joe lift his hips and pull his shorts down with one hand, never once letting go of his erection.
Joe grabbed his phone and brought it closer to his cock to give me a better view of one of my favorite parts of him.
“See what… you fucking- do to me?” - Joe
He was right. The entire shaft was beet red as his tip was wet from the precum constantly leaking out.
I watched his cock throb one last time before a loud moan left Joe’s lips, and he shot his load onto his hand and stomach.
“Shit…” - Joe hissed
Joe dropped his phone face down onto the bed, his screen was pitch black but I could still hear soft whimpers in his breath.
Pausing my music and getting under the covers of my bed, I got comfortable before checking on Joe.
“You okay, Joey?” - you
“Mhm. I'm just cleanin’ up.” - Joe
“Okay.” - you hummed
A minute later, Joe crawled into bed and picked up his phone.
One thing I loved about Joe was his post-orgasm expression. He always had this delirious smile with tired, hooded eyes.
“You want me to dance while you get off?” - Joe
“Babe, I love you, but I don't think head bobbing and the airplane is gonna help me out much in that department.” - you laughed
“What about my get the gat dance?” - Joe
I snorted when Joe formed a gun with his hand and did a little move with it.
“If you have the cigar, then yes.” - you giggled
Joe went to say something but when he opened his mouth the only thing that came out was a yawn.
“Noted.” - Joe finally said when his yawn was over
We just sat there for a moment, staring at each other with smiles on our faces.
“You seem pretty tired, baby.” - you
“After that orgasm? Yes. I don't think I've ever come that hard from jerking off.” - Joe
“It’s my effect on you, huh?” - you joked
“For real.” - Joe yawned again
“Goodnig-” - you
“Wait… can we just stay on FaceTime? I wanna fall asleep with you.” - Joe
“Of course.” - you
Butterflies erupted in my stomach as Joe placed his phone on the pillow next to his, the one I was sleeping on last week.
“Goodnight, y/n. I love you.” - Joe
“Goodnight, Joe. I love you too.” - you
A few minutes passed by and I heard his light snores through my phone speaker, causing me to smile.
I thought about hanging up, but instead plugged my phone in on my nightstand.
Though I wouldn't physically be falling asleep next to Joe, I knew he was with me.
And with him is where I wanted to always be.
Authors note: I was super hyped to write this idk why 💀
Request for this fic; I kinda tweaked it but it's still generally the same idea!
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
Hi! Can you write butch sevika w a sensitive butch reader like reader is real muscular n shit n jus super intimidating but cries when they see a stray kitten or something thank you! Have a great day 😊
omg 😭 this is adorable
men and minors dni
you and sevika are similar in a lot of ways.
sevika loves your similarities.
she loves that you guys can go to the gym together, can work out next to one another, spot each other when you're lifting, ogle one another as you do your reps.
she loves that your separate wardrobes have slowly melded into one big closet, that a majority of the time she can't remember who's shirt was who's when she's folding laundry, the rush she gets each time you wander out of the closet wearing her shirts.
she loves that you're both quiet in public, preferring to keep your circles small and your faces scowled when you're forced to leave the house.
sevika loves how similar you guys are.
but she also loves your differences.
the biggest of which is how you both deal with your emotions.
sevika's knee-jerk reaction to strong emotions is always anger. she doesn't always act on it, and she's mature enough to know when she needs to breathe through it and figure out what's really bothering her once her head's clear.
but you tend to react a little differently to sudden waves of unexpected emotions.
like, for example, one night as the two of you are walking home, passing a cigarette back and forth and laughing at silco's awkward attempts to flirt with a client that day: you both stumble upon a stray kitten.
sevika frowns, wondering who would leave a kitten to fend for itself in the cold, harsh streets of the undercity. she huffs, gently nudging the thing with its boot to see if it's even breathing. when it shivers in fear and lets out a pathetic mewl, sevika's heart breaks, and a bit of anger starts to bubble up at the pathetic sight of the kitten. don't people know the importance of spaying and neutering strays? she can't get herself too worked up though, because beside her, you burst into tears.
sevika's shocked for a second, gawking at you as you sob.
then, she bursts into laughter.
"stop!" you whine, trying desperately to wipe your tears away. they just keep coming. sevika's cackling.
"wh-- why are you crying?!" she laughs.
"it's so cute!" you cry, scooping the kitten into your arms and scratching under it's chin. sevika cringes, thinking of fleas and lice and rabies-- but she bites her tongue. she's never seen you look so sweet before.
and you do look sweet, cooing and crying down at the kitten in your arms. sevika's thought you're a lot of things: beautiful, handsome, sexy, strong-- but she never thought she'd call you sweet.
but there you are, her big bad butch girlfriend, kissing a stray kitten on the head as you cry into its fur.
(obviously, sevika begrudgingly lets you take the kitty home.)
sevika adores when you get weepy. she loves that she's the only one you let yourself get like this in front of. she loves that she gets to wipe your tears up-- and that she gets to laugh with you about how ridiculous some of the things you cry about are.
like, at the park when you and sevika watch two swans swim in the pond.
sevika turns to you to make a dumb joke ('you think those birds are about to fuck in front of us?') but she doesn't get the chance: you're already crying. "babe!" she gasps. "what's wrong?!"
"th-they're so in love." you cry, burying your face against sevika's chest. "they mate for life, sev, fuck." you cry.
sevika cackles before wrapping her arm around your shoulders and kissing your head.
or, in the grocery store, when the two of you watch a six year old push her baby sister's stroller around. sevika's cringing: already anticipating the kid driving the stroller into a display of fruit or something; but her worries evaporate when she hears your sniffles.
"babe, you cannot be crying right now." sevika laughs, scooping you into her arms. you huff.
"it's not like i want to! it's just so fucking sweet, sev!"
or, on your anniversary, when sevika surprises you with flowers.
she anticipates the tears this time, and just three seconds after thrusting the bouquet of all your favorite flowers in your and sevika's favorite colors in your chest-- she thrusts a tissue box into your hands.
you know sevika loves you because when you start ugly-laugh-crying at the sight of the tissue box, she just giggles, kisses your slobbery, crying lips, and hugs you until you get your breathing under control.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob
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blitzor0de0 · 6 months
That Saint Peter fic was so cute! Like really, REALLY cute! Maybe you should consider continuing it? With Reader being redeemed and going to heaven? Maybe they die like Sir Pentious when fighting against Adam and spawn in heaven?
this one kinda flopped in my mind, but I hope it's bearable to read !! enjoy!
cw: gn reader, spoilers of episode 8, a little gore to the reader (reader death),,, uhhh lmk if there's something I missed, not proof-read at ALLL!!
word count: 1.8k
part 1 part 3 part 4
Daylight (Saint Peter x Redeemed!Reader)
The final battle was upon you, flurries of executioners surrounded the hotel. But thankfully due to Alastor’s shield, you alongside your fellow residents were able to kill them, one after one after one.
Your heart was racing, adrenaline pumping through your veins, the stench of the angel’s golden ichor singed your nostrils.
But before you knew it, Sir Pentious had sacrificed himself, immediately being blown to smithereens by Adam’s power. You couldn't stand to watch it, your weaknesses bubbling up as you choked back a sob.. The remaining Egg Boiz, would they be okay? Were they okay? You snuck off to see if any reminder of Sir Pentious was still around, allowing a few stray tears to fall.
Unbeknownst to you, alongside everyone else at the battle site, there was one stray angel, grasping onto their last moments of life, as you called out for the Egg Boiz, you found none of them, cracked eggshells seemed to be everywhere you looked. It grew harder to swallow, there had to be at least one..Right?
Dashing through some rubble your search was about to continue but you felt a sharp pain. You froze in place, looking down, breathing stuttering. Piercing your chest was one of the angel's tridents…Straight through the heart.
“What…?” You weakly spoke, turning with whatever energy you had left to face the angel, a dark smile on their face before they succumbed to their injuries.
It didn't take long for you to fall to your knees, gasping for whatever breath you could find. Your mind was in a panic. This couldn't be it. You can't die alone, you never even got to tell Charlie or the others goodbye.
Silent tears streamed down your cheeks. At least you tried your best. Right?
People in life always lied when they said death was painless, your first one sure as Hell wasn't, and neither was this one. You guess it's just their way of dwelling the fear of inevitable death, if only they knew.
A warm heat overtook your senses as brightness enveloped your vision.
Looking around you saw the two Serafim you met a few months back and…Sir Pentious?
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit it worked!
Redemption worked! Charlie's a fucking genius.
Sir Pentious called your name in surprise, “You're here too? Oh no, that must mean.. Did Adam get you too?”
“I.. Pentious..” You were utterly speechless, but so were Sera and Emily. Not one but two sinners redeemed in such a small period of time. Perhaps they really did underestimate Charlie’s ability to fulfil her dream.
After relaying what happened to you after Pentious died, the Serafim discussed how to assimilate to your new lives, Emily in particular helped the two of you get situated.
And within enough time, you were ready to start your second afterlife.
It took you a few days to get yourself situated, too busy dwelling and moping about, lost in thought about your old life. You wondered how long it took everyone down in Hell to notice you had died, if they even felt sad, or even remorse. But you couldn't live in this rut for the rest of your afterlife, you were in Heaven now, everything screamed optimism and positivity. You had to get out there and mingle, make new friends. With a huff, you made yourself presentable before leaving your new home.
Wandering the streets, you heard whispers,
“Has anyone seen Adam recently?”
“No seriously, it's been a little too quiet around here.”
“Forget him, did you see how battered up Lute was? Missing an arm and everything!”
Well that was certainly interesting information, it filled you with a sense of pride. Charlie must've won! Adam had to be dead, but Lute survived? Probably at the hands of Vaggie, you thought.
Before you knew it, you were somewhere familiar, the plaza. Not only that, the ice cream parlour you went to with Saint Peter was just across the street.
Your eyes widened. Wait.. Saint Peter! You hadn't seen him yet since your arrival, a fault on your behalf but still, you had to find him. Would he be pissed that you were here, or happy?
Approaching some friendly looking angels you asked, “Excuse me! Have you seen Saint Peter around?” Voice wavering in anxiousness.
“Hmm? Oh Peter? Oh about this time he should still be at his post but should be taking a break in liiiike five mins or something so if you wanna wait for him by the gates, go ahead!” One angel replied, grinning.
“Thank you so much!” You quickly turned on your heel, heading in the direction of the gates, hearing a small comment from the other angel,
“I woulda thought they would've been looking for a loved one, not Peter of all people. Weird. OW! Hey, I'm just saying!!”
That angel was correct, by the time you made it to the gates -a little out of breath from the speed you were walking- Peter was heading inside for his break.
He was humming to himself but halted as he set eyes upon your new form.
He called out your name, “What.. What are you doing here? If you were visiting you should've come through the gates like you did last time. Besides what's with this new outfit? Looks gorgeous on you, but it looks as though you're cosplaying an angel!....Ooohhh” The realisation of the situation just slapped him in the face. Hard.
Approaching you and holding your face in his hands, he took a real good look at you, causing a blush to spread across your cheeks from the sudden contact.
“Haha.. Hi Peter. Um, guess it happened I got redeemed..? All it took was me dying..again.”
He releases his grasp on your face, eyebrow quirked. You pouted from the loss of contact before meeting his concerned gaze. “But!! It's nothing to worry about! Haha.. Just.. A surprise attack from an exterminator. I guess all that hard work in the hotel came in handy, huh?”
Peter's look of concern refused to falter throughout your explanation, his eyebrows furrowed, almost as if he was lost in thought.
“Y’know, once you left last time there were all sorts of rumours about exterminations and Adam being heavily involved. I refused to believe they were true, why would my fellow angels do such a thing but… I suppose it was true all along. Oh, dear I'm so sorry..” His peppy attitude seemed to completely fade as he spoke, you felt guilty for even unloading it at him, seeing the angel upset made your heart pang.
“But,” He continued, a hand coming up to caress your cheek, “at least that redemption worked, I knew I could believe in you. I'm so proud!” You leaned into his touch, who knows how long it had been since you were treated as if you were a porcelain doll, so fragile, so tender.
“Thank you.. Really. I think your belief in me when we first met really helped.. In fact, the thought of you brought me great guidance in rough times, but that's embarrassing to admit..” You nervously laughed. The stars in Peter's eyes as you spoke didn't go unnoticed.
You had gathered from your initial meeting that Peter wasn't typically the one to be on the receiving end of attention, let alone compliments. After all, you were the first being to have asked his name at the gates.
“Also,” You continued, “It probably looks pretty strange to others just seeing us chat just outside your post, c’mon, let's go get some ice cream like last time, my treat this time okay?” With that you took his hand and started heading back towards the plaza.
Peter stared at where your hands connected, uncharacteristically quiet.
Truth was, ever since your meeting, he had hoped and wished for you to show up at the gate again, for another meeting, being redeemed or even just to see him. Logistically, he knew it was impossible for that last option, you didn't have the ability to open the portals between the two worlds, but a part of him hoped that you would just appear before him one day.
And you finally did, despite his earlier ramblings, Peter felt almost shell shocked, he dreamt of the two of you meeting again, but now it was finally happening, all rational thinking had left his mind.
After you had left the ice cream parlour to go to the Serafim meeting, some angels approached Peter with demeaning questions.
'Why were you being so friendly to a sinner? You know they're down in Hell for a reason.'
'They were probably feeding you lies and sob stories weren't they?'
'Don't let them get to you, Saint Peter, we can't have you falling.'
But falling he did, not in the sense of turning to a life of sin, how could he ever? Without your knowledge, you had the Keeper of the Key wrapped around your finger.
Before he even realised, the two of you had made it to the parlour, feeling a small sense of déjà vu.
The two of you ordered and took your seats, everything seemed to be identical to your first meeting, and your conversations were as fluid as thought, almost as if the two had known one another for your entire existence(s).
What you found was that Saint Peter’s life seemed rather monotonous, yet he still managed to keep such a peppy attitude, guess that's how he became an angel in the first place, a lust for life.
Saint Peter’s break came and went in the blink of an eye. It almost disappointed you when he spoke about heading back to work. Did this moment ever have to end? You wondered to yourself.
Being the kindred spirit you were, you walked him back to the gates, fingertips occasionally brushing one another, but it didn't feel awkward. No, in fact it felt natural, as if there was some sort of invisible string pulling the two of you together.
“Do you have to go?” You spoke softly once the two of you reached the gates.
“You know I have to, besides, it's not like it's our presumed last meeting like last time, right?” He chuckled.
“Yeah.. I suppose so, we could see each other every day if we so wanted.” You smiled, not noticing the gap between the two of you closing.
Tentatively, he pressed his lips to yours. You could feel your heart flutter, it felt like one of those romantic kisses in a fairytale despite only lasting a few seconds. The kiss was filled with the warmth of a thousand suns embracing you in a tender hug.
"Peter.." You gasped out, face growing red as he pulled away.
"That wasn't too much was it? Ahhh sorry!" He panicked, but before he could sputter any more apologies, you pressed your lips to his, a chaste one, just to quiet him down.
“I'll see you once your shift is finished, okay?”
Peter’s mind was spinning, he could only nod pathetically, causing you to giggle. If his pupils could turn to hearts they would.
You turned on your heel, waving a little goodbye to him. “See you soon, Peter!”
“See you…”
Needless to say, Saint Peter’s mind was quite occupied for the rest of the day, causing many frustrations amongst the newcomers.
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 9 months
can i just say that i am OBSESSED with your Alfie series. literally cannot get enough of it. Also!! Was wondering if you could write a fluff piece were reader gets injured and alfie comes to her rescuee? Your writing is so good <3
Hi my love! This ask was so so sweet! I am so glad you like the series, it was so much fun to share it with you guys, I know I tell y'all all the time but it's true! My heart is just so full I can't help it! And of course I can write some fluff! You know I love it hehe. I'm sorry this took a while but I hope you like it! This was actually inspired by my Thanksgiving fiasco this past year lmao. I was in charge of the turkey, mac and cheese, dessert, and potatoes. My little brother was my sous chef and I completely cut my thumb open and my brother almost passed out lmao. Anyway, sending all my love to you! - Mo
Alfie Solomons x F!Reader, fluff, Warnings: injury, mentions of blood
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There is something so soothing about the kitchen. When the world is so chaotic and cold and uncertain, the kitchen is a haven. Here it’s safe and warm and systematic. The chops and bubbling of the stove are so rhythmic, any harshness of the day just falling off your shoulders in waves. Because here you could understand and set the temperature. Here you could control the outcome and be free. Even if you were trying something new, you could be confident in the knowledge that it would always have a good outcome. It was your favorite part of the day, just cooking with Alfie. You on one side with Alfie on the opposite, working separately to jointly create beautiful.
The only problem that came with cooking, was that it was a little too peaceful. You became too relaxed. And as Alfie was apt to remind you, it wasn’t good to be too relaxed around knives and hot stoves. But it was too easy. The steady hum of the fire and boiling. The pattern you’ve gone through many a time. Your body would take over like a dance from your childhood. Your hands knew what they were doing. Your mind could take a break. And she would wander. Things to be completed in the office tomorrow. That new quilt you were making for your mother. Alfie needing a haircut.
I need to make time for that book this weekend
Alfie looked so handsome today if it weren’t for that awful stain on his shirt
Mama and Papa asked us to come for Shabbat this week. I need to tell Alfie.
We should go to the park this week
I wonder if we can visit Rabbi Reuben as well
Alfie’s birthday is also coming up
I’m so excited for his birthday surprise
“AH!!! Oh God ah!!”
A long and deep line blossoms on your palm. Far too entrenched in your mind, you were completely missing how the knife was getting closer and closer to your hand. You quickly grab a nearby dish towel, tightly wrapping your hand to catch the trickle dripping to the wood on the floor. Alfie is quick to you though, loudly dropping the cutlery and bowl he was holding. "Shit! Sweet heart you alright? What d'ya do to yourself?"
"Nothing nothing Alfie darling! Just a little scrape I'm sorry!"
Alfie peered at the slowly soaking dishtowel and raised his thick blonde brows at you. Mustache quirking, indicating that once again, you are a terrible liar. Gently but without holding room for argument he unraveled your makeshift bandage as you winced. His mouth furrowed and grumbled, "Ah shit treacle. This is why I always tell you right? You can't be all day dreaming when you're working in here! You insist on not letting me help ya, and then there you go fucking filleting yourself!"
Cool tears start trickling down. It burned with the introduction of the air and the embarrasment of getting a nasty cut. Alfie sighed, wiping your tears with one hand has he cradled your injury in the other. If there was one thing he hated most in the world, it was seeing you cry. "Aw my dove, no tears yeah? Not too bad ain't it? Why I don't even think it'll need a stitch I wager. Just a little alcohol on it and a bandage and you'll be right as rain. C'mon my angel, let's get you better aye? Dinner can wait a few minutes."
Despite having a terrible temper and being completely and utterly impatient... Alfie Solomons was an incredibly gentle and tender nurse. Stern. Always stern. And teasing. And scolding. But gentle above all else. You winced and shed a small tear when Alfie poured the clear and horrendous smelling alcohol on your wound. He tutted and kissed your temple all the while telling you, "Maybe this'll teach you eh? Nothing like a war would to make you more smart about your surroundings."
You thanked your lucky stars you didn't need a stitch at all. Despite the blood it was really a shallow cut. Alfie wrapped your hand skillfully. Pressing a kiss right over the bandage as the final salve. As you whispered a chaste thank you, Alfie pulled you into his chest saying, "Now listen my dove. I don't like to baby you. You are a grown woman and I'm not one to tell woman how to conduct herself or her affairs. But I get worried about you. Always drifting off somewhere in that pretty head. Not watching yourself. Not wanting help. You have got to let me help you my darling. Yeah?"
You nod, kissing him to assure him that you are ok. He chuckles kissing you back. Pushing you to the dining room chair he teases you further, "Now my dear patient, it is imperative that you sit there and keep that hand elevated. Lots of rest of relaxation yeah?"
"Alfie! I have to finish dinner!"
"No I'm sorry treacle but it is the doctor's orders! Can't have you losing a finger next can we?"
You laugh and argue with him, eventually get him to compromise to allowing you to fill a pitcher with water and set the kettle on. No matter what the others of Camden said, they could never say that he wasn't a good man.
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blooming-violets · 5 months
Nicest Thing Peter x Reader for 11. In joy? I really like that fic. I reblogged it on my old account. I feel like thats an underrated fic of yours (maybe bc it came out in 2022? Idk). Would love to see what happened to them!
It's still one my favs because it is just so...me?? Like if I had to chose anything that represented my personality perfectly, it would be Nicest Thing. Just a depressed, sad bitch who loves angst and Peter Parker and enjoys Kate Nash. I feel like I need another Kate Nash song for this "sequel" fic. I'll base it off her song Trash because these two are trash for each other.
You can read this as a separate, on its own Peter x Reader thing if you'd like or you can read it as a future piece to Nicest Thing.
Warnings: Smoking a joint and getting stoned
If porn bots can over take all the tags then I better not get flagged for these gifs.
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Peter looked at her through blazed out, squinting eyes. A haze of smoke filled their bathroom as they passed the joint back and forth between them. They were seated in the unfilled tub, fully clothed, and facing each other. She had made him take the spot next to the faucet under the claims that sitting over the drain made her feel “icky” like she might get sucked in. He didn’t mind. Even if their leaky faucet kept dripping cold water over his shoulder. 
“Do you remember the Rugrats episode when Tommy and Chuckie are afraid of getting sucked down the bathtub drain because Angelica tells them a story of some other baby who died that way?” He asked, handing her off the joint. 
She placed it between her lips and he watched with a slow blinking, admiration for her. He loved her. She had been with him through everything. He owed his entire life to her. Without her in his life, he would no longer be here. She was everything important in the world. 
She smiled, remembering, and let out the most beautiful laugh. She always got extra giggly when they smoked. It was one of his favorite sounds. 
“Don’t they fill the drain with play-doh and shit? It’s a weird reddish, pink color. Why do I remember that specific color so much?” She replied, mystified. 
Peter chuckled, “Because old school Rugrats was filled with some crazy ass imagery. It sticks in your mind.” 
“Yeah but I remember thinking that I specifically wanted to eat that color...like maybe it would taste nice…like the imaginary food from Hook.” She passed it back to him, letting the smoke exhale in a little, circular puffs from between her lips. 
“Do you want to get into a pretend food fight with me and see if anything appears?” He grinned. 
Her red rimmed eyes squinted back at him as she laughed, “With the way these munchies have been hitting me the past few minutes, I think it might actually happen. I could imagine food hard enough to make it show up.” 
His mind started to wander as a hungry smile spread across his face, imagining all the food he could eat, and he spoke with a dreamy whisper, “Pizza bagels.”
“Let’s make pizza bagels. ‘M hungry. Starvin’. Gonna die if I don’t get some food in me.” 
Her eyes glowed with excitement at the idea, “Pizza bagels. Yes, you’re a genius!” 
“I know,” he giggled, it bubbled out of him without any self control. It wasn’t the weed that did it. It was her. He felt free when he was with her. He flicked out the joint against the ashtray balancing on the edge of the tub. “I really am. Smartest man alive, probably.” 
She snorted, “Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. Get your ego in check, Parker, before I have to slap some sense back into you.” 
He beamed at her, his love consumed him, feeling it outshine every other emotion rattling around inside of him. She was beautiful. Stunning. Picture perfect. He wanted to hang her up on his wall like an expensive piece of art so he could admire every day of his life. 
Her shoulders shrunk up to her ears under the intensity of his gaze.
“Stop that,” she whispered. “Don’t look at me with those eyes or I’ll kick you. I’ve got a perfect aim for your crotch in this position.”
Peter shook his head, “Nope, sorry, I refuse. I can’t help it. You look…perfect. The nicest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“You’re stoned.” 
“Yes. Doesn’t change the fact that your lips look very enticing.” He winked at her and tried to scoot forward to get a taste. 
Her socked foot landed against his chest, pushing him back in place, “I thought we were making pizza bagels, not kissing. Weren’t you just starving a minute ago?” 
“Starving for you, maybe.” 
“Peter!” She let out a loud laugh, keeping him at bay with her outstretched leg. 
He was so in love. Completely enamored. Whipped. Head over heels. Trash for her. Whatever he wanted to call it. He belonged to her so wholly. His bleeding heart was in her hand for the rest of his life. He would follow her to the ends of the earth and back again. 
“If you don’t let me kiss you right this very second, I am going to turn this shower on.” His hand reached over his shoulder to grip onto the shower knob with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
She gave a sharp inhale, “You wouldn’t dare.” 
His eyebrows raised, taking on that challenge, “Oh really?”
She knew she fucked up the second before the shower burst to life. From his position in the tub, it shot over his head to spray directly into her face. She shrieked and fell back, sliding down the sloped edge of the tub until she was nearly on her back.
It was all the opportunity he needed to pounce. He leapt on top of her to the sound of her laughter and blocked the shower stream from her face with his back. His arms wrapped protectively around her head as he laid over her. Water pooled around them, warming their bodies, and soaking through their clothes. 
They didn’t feel it. 
All he could feel was the devoted love burning a hole in his chest where his heart used to be. 
She giggled up at him, blinking water droplets from her eyes, and whispered, “You’re an ass.”
He laughed in response and crashed his lips over hers, mumbling against them, “You love me.” 
She sighed in content. Her arms snaked around his neck to draw him closer, melting happily into his kiss. 
“I do.”
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lewkwoodnco · 5 months
but daddy, I love him! - lockwood x reader
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George tipped Lockwood out of his chair with surprising ease while Lucy started yelling at him. The two boys twisted around in their scuffle until George finally pinned Lockwood down and raised a fist above his head.
"Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't punch your pretty face right now."
Lockwood's scratched and mildly bruised face split into one of his winning smiles, his whimpering temporarily ceased.
"You think my face is pretty?"
George reared back for the punch and Lockwood started shrieking incomprehensibly while Lucy started telling them both off.
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a/n - vfvhkefrhu woooo this took a little more time than I anticipated heheh but here it is! <3
warnings/tropes - lockwood x socialite!reader, lil bit of angst, mostly fluff/humour!
word count - 3.8k!
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Right here, on this plush velvet couch, was where they were going to find her body. They were going to have to scrape her off bit by bit.
It was a dim Saturday morning, and Y/N was rotting in her courtyard living room with two of her friends. Sarah was preening in the full-length mirror, trying to decide if her nose was too small. Hannah was sipping a mimosa on the sofa opposite her, going on about this boy from two towns over who took her to the movies - not that she would ever be seeing him again, given that he was below her station. Y/N thought it was a shame; she couldn't remember Hannah ever showing this much of an interest in someone other than herself.
So there she sat, some unknown frustration distantly bubbling away as she was bored out of her skull. Maybe it was an ungrateful thing to say, but her fashionable lifestyle could feel glamorous for only so long. It was starting to grow stale - as stale as Sarah's obsession with her nose. She stifled a yawn, her eyes wandering to the higher floors, when something made her sit up. There it was again, a little flicker of light reflecting off of something. She mumbled something about a powder room and clumsily got to her feet, excusing herself from her inattentive guests.
It took her a while to figure out exactly where the flash was coming from, but she eventually located the corridor down where she could hear some noises. She heard a set of footsteps approaching her and turned, nearly running straight into a lanky clothes-hanger of a boy laden with all sorts of gizmos, wearing the most horribly ridiculous pair of goggles she had ever seen.
He let out a short scream and clung onto his goggles, and she reflexively caught the supplies that slipped from his arms.
"Who the hell are you?"
He owlishly blinked through his shiny, reflective goggles a few times, before reluctantly slipping them off. All thoughts about his strange attire flew from her head, replaced by one annoyingly nagging thought - he had kind eyes. Soft, trusting, kind eyes, the kind that momentarily knocked the breath out of you.
"I am so sorry..."
Don't be, she wanted to breathe out, transfixed on his eyes. He paused a little and awkwardly gestured to her arms. She glanced down and remembered where she was, hurriedly returning his supplies.
"That's some, um, interesting equipment you have."
He gave a brief smile. "Thank you. Anthony Lockwood, Lockwood & Co."
She frowned. "Lock-wood & Co. That sounds familiar."
"Well, we are a very up-and-coming psychical inv-"
"Oh! The agency that burned down Sheen Road!"
The boy's face took a faint tinge of red, and she immediately regretted putting her foot in her mouth.
"I mean - uh - you have some very interesting equipment."
He opened his mouth to respond when two more figures emerged from the shadows behind them, a girl guiding another flailing and mildly bruised boy, both of whom had donned matching goggles.
"Lockwood, I can't see shit without my glasses. How much longer do I have to make an arse out of myself? 
The girl looked at Lockwood with an injured expression. "And you said these came free from Satchell's."
Lockwood huffed irritatedly at the other boy. "Snitch."
"Boo-fucking-hoo. I told you these wouldn't work." He sucked in a breath to continue but stopped short as he finally registered Y/N. "Hang on-"
"She's alive."
Lockwood gestured carelessly towards the other two. "My associates, Lucy Carlyle and George Karim."
"So you're here about the third-floor Visitor?"
"Yes. We received a report about some footprints..?"
"Oh, right. Those are just below my room. Here." She led the trio to the landing at the foot of the flight of stairs leading up to her room, which was stained with a quickly disappearing smattering of bloody footprints. The other boy knelt and considered the substance.
Lockwood turned back to her. "How often does the Visitor make an appearance?"
"No clue; I'm blind as a bat to anything supernatural. But the footprints only show up every couple of days, so it might be a while before they show up again."
His associates started examining the scene, and he bid her farewell with a grateful smile. By the time she had returned to the courtyard, she had been gone a bit too long to have her absence go unnoticed by her friends.
"And where did you run off to?"
"Told you, the powder room." She picked up a stray magazine, keeping her tone light. "I ran into some agents on the way back."
"Ooh. From Rotwell's?"
"Lockwood & Co."
Sarah peeled herself away from the mirror, mystified. "Who?"
Her giddy glow faltered. "An agency. Mr. Lockwood was there too. I was just...having a small chat with them."
"What for? They're working class."
"Don't be rude, Sarah." Hannah turned back to Y/N, a pinched expression still lingering on her face. "But...she's not wrong."
Y/N bristled defensively. "I'll have you know they're perfectly respectable company." Better than you lot, she wanted to add.
"Why? They're...poor."
"Y/N, we only want what's best for you," Hannah added in a nauseatingly simpering voice. "And that's...not...with people like them."
She tossed her magazine aside flippantly.
"You know, I wonder how the two of you bear it."
"Bear what?"
"Walking around with your noses stuck in the air all the time."
With that, she exited the living room, fuming. Yes, she was being childish, and yes, it wasn't news that her friends were prone to arrogance, but for some reason, their attitudes were particularly grating today. They hadn't met Lockwood like she had, of course they wouldn't understand. She replayed the feeling of watching him remove his goggles for the first time - unexpectedly climactic, and somehow...familiar.
She was sure of it. They would never understand.
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For the next few nights, there would be a Lockwood & Co. employee stationed at the landing, complete with iron chains, flares, and salt. They'd bring along something to occupy themselves, like a book or a 3D puzzle, but it still felt nice to have a short chat with them before she went up to her room. 
With Lockwood, the chats always lasted a little longer, and maybe she stayed up a little later than she ought to on those nights, but really, it wasn't anything special. Little by little, they pieced each other together. She's restoring her father's old radio. He likes his orange juice with pulp. She has an older brother she hasn't talked to in months. He visits his family's graves on the first Tuesday of every month.
The more time she spent with Lockwood, the more she realised how uninteresting she found everyone else. Somewhere between their stilted whispers and muffled laughter, she started to desire something...more. 
Lockwood looked up from his magazine from where he was sitting cross-legged, encircled by his iron chains. He glanced at his watch, startled.
"You're back early."
She wrinkled her nose. "Wasn't enjoying the fundraiser."
"What about your friends?"
"They wanted to stay."
"So they let you leave? All by yourself?"
She bit her tongue. "Nothing wrong in that."
"No, of course not." As he was on the first day they met, Lockwood was quick to be an agreeable companion. But this trait added weight to the few times he chose to disagree. "But...nothing right either."
"It's alright. I'd hate to spoil their night." She sank onto the carpeted steps. "How's the investigation going?"
Lockwood glanced at the temperature sensor placed slightly outside the iron circle. "Temperature's dropping more than usual. Could just be because it's chillier today, but you never know." He looked up, and the moonlight illuminated his starkly pale face. "Do you not have any Talent?"
She hesitated. "A little. Not much, mind, certainly not enough to be an agent. But it was never something I needed to consider. I know people have it bad out there, but I'm just..."
"...too rich."
She gave a wry smile. "What gave it away? Besides the skyscraper ceilings, of course." They laughed briefly, before quickly sinking into a jagged silence.
"What's your home like?"
"It's...it's hard to describe. I don't think I could do it justice. You should come see Portland Row sometime. Have dinner with m-us. Us. Once we're done with the job. If you'd like."
"You should come see Portland Row sometime. Have dinner with m-us. Us. Once we're done with the job. If you'd like."
Lockwood was staring very hard at his sneakers. She found the whole thing highly amusing.
"Lockwood, I'd leave with you right now if I could. Really. It's just...my father..."
Her father would sooner have an aneurysm than let her 'play hooky,' as he would put it, especially with this less-than-glamorous ragtag team of misfits. While it had occasionally been a source of mild annoyance before, she never resented him as much as she did right then. And all that was without considering all the eyebrows that a guy like Lockwood would raise.
The faint moonlight was enough to make out the glimmer of his teeth, the curve of his face, the shadows settling around his deep-set eyes. She ached to know the look on his face, to know how he was feeling. The sprigs of lavender she had weaved into the hem of her dress were heavily perfuming the air, heady enough to make the evocative pull of his gaze strangely irresistible.
She peered at him through the railings, whose shadows marred his face, painfully reminiscent of a prison cell. She slid her hand along the bannister, gripping it firmly. It was moments like these when the rest of the house was quiet, too quiet, that she felt something flutter in her chest. Some compulsion flickering through her tendons to reach out through the railings, brush her fingers across his cheekbone, to have and to hold-
"It's getting late." Lockwood put his coat back on and started gathering some of his equipment. "I think I'll call it a night."
She hurriedly got to her feet too, suddenly embarrassed for some reason. "Yeah. No, me too. I should...I should get some rest."
Still, she lingered at the foot of the stairs long enough for Lockwood to pack away the chains. As he straightened, he turned to her as if he could feel that she was brimming with...something. She wanted to tell him how much she had enjoyed this night, and every night before. She wanted to tell him how happy he made her.
But she couldn't find the words.
"Good night," she said softly.
That was the last of their secret late-night rendezvous, as the Shade finally reappeared the following night and was safely put to rest by Lucy, along with any hopes of a budding romance. 
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Five days after what Y/N had thought was the last time she'd lay eyes on Anthony Lockwood (not that she was keeping count), she was quite happily proven wrong. Lockwood and George had paid a visit to collect their payment from her father. 
She was not-so-casually lounging at the opposite end of the living room with her friends. The magazine she was holding upside down wouldn't have fooled anyone if they were paying attention, especially coupled with her relentlessly staring at Lockwood. She had been a little on edge when he had first walked in, hating how their last conversation had ended. But all it took was one of his easy, soothing smiles as he discreetly glanced at her to calm her down. She buried her nose deeper into the magazine as if she hadn't seen it, failing to hold her smile back.
When she had sufficiently composed herself, she peeked over the edge of the magazine to see the boys having some sort of disagreement as her father was writing out a cheque. Lockwood seemed to want to do something and George seemed to be holding him back until the cheque had been written.
As soon as her father had handed the cheque to them, George accepted it with a hurried thanks and a funny bow before practically running out. Lockwood took a deep breath before launching into some kind of monologue while occasionally glancing at her. Openly. Her father's face remained impassive. 
She put away her magazine, mystified as she tried to make out what he was saying, trying to keep the dread creeping into her at bay. Even her friends had picked up on something being amiss as they followed her line of sight.
Her stomach sank as she caught a glimpse of the hard look on her father's face. By now, it couldn't have been more obvious that Lockwood was asking him...about her. She wanted to shake him, yell at him to run away, but some kind of morbid fascination, or perhaps a deep-seated fear, had locked her limbs, forcing her to helplessly watch as the events cruelly unfolded. She knew her father, and she knew Lockwood would never be able to change his mind. At least, she was quite certain.
She snapped out of her haze and leapt to her feet, but it was too late. By the time she had reached the pair, her father was already bidding him a stern farewell.
"...and if you ever talk to my daughter again, I will personally make sure that you never find work another day in London."
Lockwood turned sharply and briskly walked out, his facial features carefully schooled, seemingly oblivious to her hurrying over, or her gasp of despair. He took long strides that made it difficult for her to keep up with him, and he didn't stop until he joined George outside, closing the wrought iron gate between her and him. She clutched one of the bars and he almost immediately wrapped his hand around her.
"Lockwood - "
"You should go back inside before your father sees us."
"Please, listen - I'm really sorry."
"It's alright. I understand."
"My father's never been the understanding type, far from it - "
"I know - I knew that."
"This is all my fault. I should have warned you."
"No, don't...you didn't know I was going to do this."
"We could have kept it a secret."
"And have you sneak around? Lie to your father? Y/N, I'm not above taking the easy route when the situation calls for it, but not in this case. I wanted to do right by you."
Her chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath. Lockwood looked as outwardly poised and calm as ever, but with the two of them this close, she could see the frustration simmering in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry - so mad - that he threatened you like that."
"To hell with my agency." He sighed and pressed his forehead against the gate, lowering his eyes to where their hands were clasped together in some pathetic pseudo-embrace. "I know how much his approval means to you. I just wish I could have gotten that."
They were silent for a moment. There was only a gentle breeze but no rustling leaves, and even George seemed sorry for his best friend. It was quiet enough to feel like they could hear each other's heartbeat but from opposite sides of the gate. 
"I'm still sorry."
Lockwood bowed his head. "So am I."
He brushed his lips against her knuckles before pulling his fingers out of her palm and walking out of her life. She watched the two of them walk away, unable to leave the gate and come to terms with what had happened. For a moment there, before her father's expression had shifted, she had felt a glimmer of hope for her happy ending.
But reality had struck, and now all she could do was go up to her room, walk through the empty landing, and sob into her pillow as her heart screamed for the life she ached for so desperately.
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She allowed herself the day to grieve, but by nightfall, she had already started plotting her next steps. The next day, she decided to broach the topic at the breakfast table, where her friends were already seated, whispering furiously until she walked in. She sat opposite her father as usual, who was reading the day's newspaper.
"Dad. I want to talk about yesterday. With - with Lockwood."
He gave no indication of having heard her. She could feel her friends' hawk-eye stares boring into her skin. Against her better judgment, she pressed on.
"I think...you should give him a second chance."
She could practically hear her friends salivating in excitement, flinching as her father set the paper down. He had a bit of a temper, no more than her, but it was never unwarranted.
"And why is that?"
"He may not have much, but he's capable, hard-working, resilient-"
"I know exactly the type of person he is, and before yesterday I thought you did too. Or have you forgotten Sheen Road?"
She nervously fidgeted with the buttons on her dress, suddenly feeling trapped and suffocated. This was going to be an uphill battle, she could see that, now that her blaze of self-righteousness was beginning to fade. "That was a one-off," she mumbled.
"Not quite. I rang up DEPRAC afterwards, and they said in no uncertain terms that his agency was one good accident away from being shut down. He's known to behave recklessly and rarely per the law - "
"Have you stopped to think why he might act this way? You've spoken to him yourself - doesn't seem the irrational type, does he?"
He sighed irritatedly.
"Is this really the type of person you want to throw your whole life away for? To tarnish your reputation?"
"It's my life and it's my name. If I wish to burn my life to the ground or throw my name in the mud, that's my choice. You don't get a say in that."
"To do all this over a washed-up, good-for-nothing-"
"But Daddy, I love him!"
"I don't - "
"And I'm having his child."
Sarah shrieked and dropped her compact. Even Hannah was rendered speechless, nervously pulling at her braid. Her father's eyes looked as though they were about to fall out of his head. An uncomfortable, prickling silence followed.
"Okay, I'm not, but you should see your faces."
Sarah gave a dramatic sigh of relief as Hannah released her braid. "Oh my, what a mess-"
"Don't you start." She turned back to her father, fresh out of all the hope and ammunition she had walked into the room with. "Please, Daddy. Never...never once have I complained about any of your rules. Can't I-" her voice broke off as she struggled to hold back a sob. "Can't I please just have this one thing?"
Her father looked unmoved.
"You listen to me, Y/N - stay away from him."
She glanced around the room desperately, trying to figure one last way out. One last way out. That was all she needed.
She found it.
"Fine. Maybe you're right. Maybe he is crazy. Maybe...maybe he is bad news."
She stood up, wrenching her anxious fingers away from her buttons, poised to run out of the room.
"But I love him anyway."
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Lucy and Lockwood were at Portland Row going over the floor plans of the house of their next case. Lucy was trying her best to keep Lockwood on task, but she had never seen him this disinterested in their work. 
She was struggling to hold his attention while he was fidgeting with a pen not very skillfully when they heard an insistent tapping on their kitchen window. They looked up to see Y/N waving at them frantically, gesturing towards the front door. Lockwood leapt up from their kitchen table, nearly stabbing himself with the pen, and joined her outside. There was something very nervous about Y/N's body language, especially since she started talking a mile a minute as soon as Lockwood stepped out.
"God, your eyebags look horrendous in the light. Do you ever-?"
The door shut behind the two of them. Lucy waited at the table for a minute or so, but once it became apparent they weren't about to finish anytime soon, she fetched a book and started to read. About ten minutes later, the front door opened again, but this time it was George returning from the Archives.
"Oh, George, can you tell Lockwood to come back inside?"
"...outside where?"
"Outside, George. Don't be daft."
George stared at her cluelessly.
"He is still outside...?"
The realisation hit them both at once as they tripped over each other on their way to the front door. They looked out into the half-empty street, and the empty parking space in front of their house.
"George," Lucy asked, feeling majorly peeved by now. "Where is the car we rented for the weekend?"
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Over the next month, neither Lucy nor George heard a word from Lockwood. After a particularly intense discussion that day, they decided not to alarm anyone by filing a missing person's report. But he had been absent from public view for a suspiciously long time, and Barnes was starting to find the story they concocted about Lockwood's debilitating illness less and less convincing.
Lucy and George had just arrived home after their latest case, which they were lucky enough to finish early. Lucy flicked on the kitchen light and there, sitting at the kitchen table, as he was nearly a month back, was Lockwood. He looked a little taller and a little less gaunt than they remembered. The three of them stared at each other for a moment, speechless, until the two of them launched themselves at him.
George tipped Lockwood out of his chair with surprising ease while Lucy started yelling at him. The two boys twisted around in their scuffle until George finally pinned Lockwood down and raised a fist above his head.
"Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't punch your pretty face right now."
Lockwood's scratched and mildly bruised face split into one of his winning smiles, his whimpering temporarily ceased.
"You think my face is pretty?"
George reared back for the punch and Lockwood started shrieking incomprehensibly while Lucy started telling them both off.
"Wait - WAIT - you'll crumple the invites!"
"What invites?"
"To a - uh - how do I put this..."
"Spit it OUT - "
Lockwood brought his arms down from where he was shielding his face, smiling bashfully. The three of them exchanged looks ranging from congratulatory to homicidal.
"What about -"
"He came around. We had lunch with him earlier."
"Wow. That's...congratulations. I just can't believe..."
"I know, we can't either."
"...that you didn't come straight home?"
"Geo- look, George, I wanted to, believe me, I - not the face, NOT THE -"
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TAGLIST: @neewtmas @ahead-fullofdreams @mitskiswift99 @ell0ra-br3kk3r @elenianag080 @mohinithoughts @avdiobliss @snoopyluver20 @mischivana @dangelnleif
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youreirrelevant · 1 year
pairing: kendall roy/reader
summary: “I want you to take care of me.” That makes him ache. Fills him with that heavy, hot feeling- the one you get when something’s a little wrong.
words: 1787
tags: explicit, sickfic, daddy kink, praise kink, but also a little degradation kink, pwp, established relationship, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, playful sex, like the tiniest bit of fluff, implied age gap, there's really nothing that establishes when this is so
a/n: I started writing this when I was sick a few weeks ago and I thought I'd finish it. It's just for fun. It's a little silly. It doesn't all have to be serious or good.
It always felt like a waste, to stay in bed all day. Somehow scrolling through your phone in the living room seemed more productive than if you did it in bed. You barely even had the energy to do that. Left thinking. Wanting. Always find your mind wandering to him and what he can do for you. A warm, soft place to rest your hands. Press your lips against.
A deep voice to coax you through what his cock brings out of you— 
But the exhaustion was bone-deep. Bending a finger, lifting an eyelid- both felt nearly impossible. Even while lying down you felt weak, like you couldn’t get deep enough into the pillow, into the mattress. You needed to pool and bubble out; water spilled on the counter. 
The door opening wakes you from what must’ve been the fifth nap of the day. You were in a guest room- you didn’t want to get Kendall sick. He had shit to do, things that were “unmissable.” 
It’s dark. You can see out of the window from the bed; the sky is blue-black, a yellow edge on the horizon that fades up into it. Planes blink red and white across it. Only some of the windows in the other buildings are lit, and you wonder how late it really is. It's quiet; you can hear the AC running. The apartment is thrumming with a sleepy energy, like the way voices sound when you’re dozing off- blurred and smoothed at the edges.
“Can I, uh, can I sleep with you?”
You mumble that he can, voice croaky and gone. Scooting further in on the bed to make room for him- every joint aching so badly you almost whimper. He wraps his arm around you, kisses the back of your neck, and breathes. The heat on your skin makes you melt. 
“I couldn’t sleep without you in there with me.”
He brings you a little closer, for emphasis.
“I’d like to say the same, but I’m exhausted.”
A little huff of air from him, an affectionate smile you can’t see. Another kiss, right along your hairline. 
You both lay there for a while, but you don’t fall back asleep. The thoughts are much worse when he’s flush against you, firm thighs and a softer chest. His arms around you- you want him to use them to pull you down over him. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping? You said you’re tired.” He sounds groggy, as if maybe he’d fallen asleep, for just a second. 
“I know I was just- I was thinking of this,” you giggle a little, “of this tweet. Where this guy said that pussy, when someone has a fever, is crazy because it’s so hot.”
He grins so wide it hurts his face.
“Is this your way of, uh, telling me you want me to fuck you?”
“I mean- we gotta at least find out for ourselves.”
Kendall slips his hand beneath the waistband of your pajamas, uses the pads of his fingers to guide your leg up, to drape over his leg. He’s surprised to find you so wet, skin scorching against his. Wonders how long you were thinking about it. Rubs your clit slowly, and you’re practically boneless already. But then fingertips work down, towards your cunt, and you tense in anticipation. He knows you’re sick; he should be nice. But he can’t help but tease, doing it a few times until you whine his name. 
“You need it that bad?”
“Please- ” you sound kind of annoyed, as if his denial doesn’t warm you.
His clothes are moved just enough, but he grips the waistband of your pants to yank them down as far as he can from his position- he wants to get at you fully. They get stuck above your knees, and you huff and whine as you kick them free clumsily. Kendall’s undeterred, puts you back where you were. Presses in easily, and maybe they were right. Your groan is distant in his ears. When he’s seated fully, he rests his forehead against your shoulder.
“It- it is hotter. It could be, uh-,” he makes a muffled sound, like he’s steadying himself, “be in my head, though. Placebo effect, or something.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, the noise scraping out of you so badly he almost couldn’t tell what it was.
“You’re ridiculous. You’ve been asleep all day, I come in to sleep with you and you want me to fuck you.”
“I want you to take care of me.”
That makes him fucking ache. Fills him with that heavy, hot feeling- the one you get when something’s a little wrong. He places a big hand on the back of your thigh, slides it up to lift your ass cheek, spread you open. 
“Like, a daddy thing, or-?”
Oh… man.
“I don’t know if we- if we have to be so- if we need to go quite that far.”
As soon as you say it you’re prepared to recant. It makes your stomach fill with butterflies and warmth but it seems so much more taboo than other things that people would actually consider worse. So heavily stigmatized, something everyone knew about and mocked. His teeth press into your shoulder, like he’s squeezing it out of you. 
“Well- it does sound… kind of hot. Maybe we ease into it? Maybe ‘daddy’ doesn’t have to be said, but implied?”
His hand slips over your hip to rest on your lower stomach, a slow pull and push of his hips as his fingers find your clit again. Not wasting any time.
“You want me to ‘take care’ of you?”
Plush lips slide beneath your ear as he speaks, and every inflection and hard consonant fills you with heat. It’s your words, but from his mouth, it sounds good and perfect and right. His voice is soothing in this condescending way and it makes your lashes flutter.
“Yes, Kendall.”
He uses his palm against your pubic bone to pull you close, allow him to get deeper, fuck a little rougher. Insistent. You reach behind you to grab at his waist, fingers fisting in the soft fabric of his t-shirt. Your voice is fucked- every moan and whimper is broken and raspy and quiet. He kind of likes it, drags his lips over your neck, laughing affectionately when his finger presses harder, rubs at just the right angle, against just the right side and you cry out hoarsely. Barely able to keep your eyes open before but you want him so fucking bad. 
It’s like you’re next to a fire; you can practically see a red glow coming from your skin, penetrating your closed eyelids. You’re limp, melted into the smooth sheets, rolling weakly against him when you really need it. His brows pinch and his jaw falls open with a desperate noise before his lip is tucked beneath his teeth. Kendall props himself up on his elbow, fingers slipping into your hair, damp from sweat, turns your head enough to kiss you. So slack and pliant. You don't even think to stop him. 
“Does that feel better? Is this what you needed?” 
Jesus. It’s as if your brain is already fried- you’re already gone. Making some noise that’s probably the saddest attempt at an ‘mhmm,’ ever been done. Trembling, pulled tighter, breathing ragged and uneven and burning in your chest and throat. He brushes the tip of his nose over your temple- his own breath puffs rapid and hot against you.  Grunting when you grip even tighter. 
When you cum, it's so good it hurts. Like massaging a sore muscle, or fingers into your cheeks when your sinuses ache. It seeps into your hips and belly and back and you lean into it, into him. He shushes you and you can’t help but let out this startled ‘ god .’ You want to tell him he feels perfect, fucking perfect, but the words don’t come out. His pace doesn’t falter -no matter how snug and plush and slick you are around him- and it makes it seem like it’s lasting forever. 
Kendall thinks it’s lasting forever; you’re over a cliffside, on the other end of a rope, trying to pull him down when he has to keep you up. He makes sounds like he’s struggling; when you finally relax, he sounds relieved. 
Part of him wants to keep it up, and he can’t help, for a second, seeing the new ease with which his fingers slip over you, pressing three flat against your labia to make you squirm from the sensitivity. But that doesn’t last long, arm moving to wrap around your waist to hold you in place. Insistent. 
You’re awash with fatigue, fingers curling around the edge of your pillow, lids low over your eyes. Each time his hips meet your ass you make these pathetic little noises from the impact, sometimes barely even audible. He grabs your face again to turn you toward him- you feel hot, cheeks flushed to show it. Skin around your eyes, shiny, blueish, almost cartoonish. But you look up at him dutifully.
“You’re so pretty when you take it for me.”
That reignites something in you, makes you moan and grab at him.
“Such a pretty, perfect little girl deserves to feel good. Always desperate to cum on my cock- thinking about it when you can barely fucking think.”
You let out something between a gasp and a laugh, stunned. Thrown against the ledge but you can’t go over until you get that little bit more. 
“I- Ken, can you- would you-?”
This is how it always goes- just one more. Kendall gives it to you and goes to get his, but it always puts you right there, and he can’t help but oblige. He wants to tell you to do it yourself, because you’re tired, and maybe you won’t get off and you’ll get frustrated and whine. That makes him feel orange-hot and tingly, makes his hips stutter at the thought. But that’s not what this was tonight. The wide pad of his middle finger is tight against you -swollen, slick- and even with how fast you cum, he cums faster, hips so rough against yours that you whimper and wince.
He’s almost as light-headed as you are, almost as lax, weak. Every inch of you is unbearably heavy; it's like your skin could slough off your face. It’s so good.
“I might bring a whole new, literal level to sleeping like the dead.”
Your voice cracks and you slump forward onto your stomach, keeping your face turned from him.
“At least you’ll feel better.” Smiling softly, rubbing your back.
“You’ll join me shortly, since you fucking kissed me.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
i think it would be so cute if you wrote headcannons abt silly little things johnathan ohnn would do around alchemax when him and reader are coworkers. imagine their desks next to each other 🥲
Random hcs for Jonathan Ohnn and his coworker!
Didnt know if you wanted this romantic or platonic so I'm writing this as
Both?? If that makes sense?? Like majority is neutral with a more romantic segment at the end?? Help
Side note I love this gif
Anyways not proof read we die like uncle Aaron
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Obligatory you guys leave things on each others desks; notes, snacks, a drink, ect ect ect
You both also have your own set of inside jokes, and probably gossip about y'alls other coworkers
Probably just a me thing because I love dynamics like this but yall are just. Constantly bubbly around each other, like
Yall can glance at each other and make a slightly goofy expression and the other is trying to hold it together
I just wanna see Jonathan happy, man :( his whole Jonathan to spot transition kinda actually makes me sad like bro was just doing his job
I feel like Jonathan can get fairly wrapped up in his work; forgets to take breaks.. he really appreciates when you come over and leave a bottle of water on the edge of his desk, makes him feel cared for
Side tangent but I personally hc that even before becoming Spot he never really had many friends, much less ones that look out for his wellbeing like that. Doesn't help that he's kinda
Awkward and closed off but hes not
Evil or mean spirited (yet/hj)
"Jon you gotta start standing up straight" "UHHHGGHH *fine* dad/mom!!🙄/j" and similar interactions
Whenever you two are assigned hands on work/experiment shit yall are both just. Bouncing off each other the entire time if that makes sense
Like yall are a power duo; you guys get the work done in no time and actually?? Have fun?? Work goes by fast when you're doing it with someone you enjoy being around
Hopping back in the silly stuff he would NOT stand up for himself if someone was taking his lunch; and if he does he makes like. A piss poor attempt at standing up for himself sooo if you're on the fierce side (or just have a backbone) he would really appreciate it
"Excuse me he asked for NO pickles!"/j
Now onto the romance yahoo
Tbh I dont know if alchemax would be the type of company to outright ban coworkers from having relationships with one another, I can kinda see it swinging either way
But I've never been good at writing hcs for characters needing to slink around so let's say it allows that stuff
Jonathan is an awkward sap, like
Imagine glancing over at his computer and seeing him looking up pickup lines (bad corny ones)
He uses them 5 minutes later on you
Stuff like that
Also while I dont normally like characters that dip into the clingy/jealous category Jonathan/spot is an exception simply because I legitimately cant see him not being at least a little insecure
But the good news about being a scientist is that hes good at problem solving; he communicates!!
You guys are both so
At least he is; one good compliment and hes red in the face
Outright flirt with him and hes basically glowing red
Back to the bad pick up lines he will be over the moon if you say one back
Building off the "you guys leave things on each others desks" thing he leaves like. Flowers and candies he knows you like on the desk
A moment of silence for your desk when your birthday or valentines day happens 😔
Imagine someone hits on you and he just
Wanders over, puts a hand on your shoulder and just
"Theyre taken"
But like, in a cringey ☝️🤓 way
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wanderingxiao · 1 year
Thirst post~ What If you’re in class with Wanderer and he gets super needy? Mmm~ yes baby! Wanderer is addressed as “Scara” ;)
Suggestive Themes, 18+ only plz~ 💜
✨Wanderer’s Teasing Touches✨
“I swear if you get any closer, Scara. I’m really going to punch you.”
“Heh, you don’t have the courage to do such a thing in class. It’s rather pathetic seeing you so worked up over a few innocent touches. You’re just that needy for me aren’t you?”
God sometimes you really hated this prick. The shit-eating grin on his face was enough to make your blood boil and your fists shake with anger. How did you even begin dating the Wanderer in the first place? It was probably his undeniable attractive features. He was Ill-mannered the first day you met him and he still was, how did you find his personality bearable enough to continue seeing him? You knew that answer. You loved him. Even his stupid condescending words, annoyed and often times judgmental looks, all of it you had grown to love. That doesn’t mean he still didn’t annoy the hell out of you. Just like he is now. His cold hand is rested on your thigh, rubbing light circles. Seems romantic right? Wrong. Not when you’re in class at the Akademiya trying to focus on class when his hand keeps inching closer and closer to your heat.
“Let’s undo these, they’re in my way.” His slender fingers began to stealthily work your pants undone, pushing the silver button through the sewed hole and grasping the golden zipper. Your hand reaches under the table, swatting his hand away as best you can in order to be discreet, but his stealthy fingers get your pants unzipped and down before you can stop him. “Ah, ah, focus on the lecture. Or else you’ll make a failing grade on this next exam. Wouldn’t that be a shame for the straight A goody too shoes to get a bad grade?” His condescending words did nothing to sway your focus on the professor and the exam material. He was really testing the restraint you had not to strangle him at that moment. “I promise we can do it later, just please not here.”
“Tsk, but I want you now. And I take what I want, when I want it. Especially things that are mine.” His slender fingers padded a damp area building in your panties, rubbing slow and antagonizing circles against your core. His touch was cool yet burning all in the same instance. Your body stiffened, legs trying to close on his hand to stop his movements, but you should’ve known that wasn’t going to work. He was unrelenting. “Would you look at that? Already so wet from some simple touches. You might hold yourself on a pedal stool, but face it. We both know you’re just a dirty, perverted, slut.” God you loved it when he called you such degrading and dirty things. You knew he didn’t actual mean his words In the full context, but the fact was that you were a slut for him and him alone. “Your body is more honest than you are. It’s pathetic how weak you are to a man’s touch… you let other men touch you like this?”
“N-No… only you-“ a hand went to your mouth quickly, trying to stifle your own shuddering moan when he started to press harder against your core, moving tantalizingly slow towards a puffy bundle of nerves that rocked your world. A low and teasing chuckle bubbles from his chest, low enough not to draw attention to you both. Your eyes honed in on the professor, shaky to continue focusing on the lecture. “That’s right. You only submit to me like this. You submit only to me, your world, your god.” Your body betrayed you, slowly bucking your hips into his hand, desperate for more of his sensationally electric touch. His voice dropped with sedative seduction, pushing you closer and closer to succumbing to his demands for your body. “Scara… please…”
“You’re getting weak on me now? Before you wanted me not to touch you at all and now you’re sitting here, hot and flustered from this? I should punish you for being such a fucking whore.” His tongue was deathly sharp, pointed edges sticking to every little syllable that fell from his oh so soft lips. You could feel your legs shaking, utterly humiliated by how his lewd and degrading words turned you on. Your hand rested on his thigh under the table, making him stop his movements and come closer to your ear. His large hat covered your head, slightly covering your flushed face. “When did I give you permission to touch me with your filthy dirty hands?” His voice was dark yet so sexy. Suddenly, he plunged two finger deep inside you, letting out a husky and blissful breath against your ear. You quickly closed your mouth and clenched your jaw tightly not to make a sound, your hands leaving him to clench his wrists shakily as a means of support for yourself. “Don’t fucking touch me without my permission first. Is that understood?”
You couldn’t respond, your mouth pretty much sewn shut in order not to let out a loud moan in front of the entire class. His fingertips wiggled slightly before pulling out slightly to ram his fingers back inside, making a small lewdly wet sound. “I said… is that understood?” You nodded your head quickly, removing your death grip on him slowly, letting him have his way with you. He chuckled and gave a small hum into your ear, his tongue coming out to lick the shell of your ear, his large hat covering the sexual scenes from anyone that dared to look. “Good girl. Now spread your legs more for me.” You did as he said, now completely abandoned your earlier protests. He was just too good, it’s impossible to deny him anymore. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted to hug him, touch him, you wanted him to be inside of you. Your eyelashes fluttered as your kids covered your needy eyes, finally nearing your limit. “Scara-“
“I’ll stop there today, see you next class.” Your eyes opened quickly. Everyone was getting up and packing their things to leave the classroom. “Awe, too bad for you.” Wanderer pulled his fingers out and wiped them rudely on your clothes before he gathered his own things and stood. Your hands fumbled with the zipper and button of your pants before you stood with him, eyes narrowing with disappointment. “You better finish what you started… asshole.” A chuckle sounded from the indigo haired man, his dark lavender eyes turning back to stare at you with amusement. “Hah? Since when are you the one to order me around?” You pouted and grabbed your books, holding them tightly against your chest trying to rid yourself of the feeling of your ruined orgasm. He rolled his eyes at your pouting face before breathing out a sexy laugh. “Awe, don’t worry your pretty little head. Just wait till we get home…”
“…I’ll ravage you until you break.”
Got a thirst? Lemme know! I love imagining Scara/Wanderer in sexy situations~ hehe, fluff is always welcome too. Dis man is gonna be the death of me one day I swear 😍💜
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Marvolo and MC AU
Being at school together part4,
Other parts are linked in pinned post under the Marvolo series.
Marvolo had no idea why he was doing this. Why was he waiting for her? Why didn't he just walk off to get his own potion ingredients? The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he was getting with himself, she intrigued him, and he hated that..
MC merrily made her way over to him, a sweet smile on her face as he leaned against the wall near the gate in his own world.
MC: You're here!
Marvolo: *Taken back by her bubbly greeting* Yes..You said you wanted to meet here..So here I am.
MC: I didn't think you actually would.
Marvolo: *small smirk* And whys that?
MC: Well..Heh, let's see, you called me a stalker.. You don't like me much..You-
Marvolo: Wait..When did I say I didnt like you?
MC couldn't help a blush from crossing hed cheeks hearing him say that. Marvolo saw it and narrowed his eye's, a playful little smile on his face.
Marvolo: First of all, you DID kinda follow me that night..Second of all, I find you odd..That doesn't mean I hate you or anything...And yet, considering I've been, well, myself, towards you, you still had the strange confidence to ask me to go ingredient picking with you..I found that, intriguing.
MC: *smiles at his words*  Well, I'm glad you don't hate me..And yes *proud silly smile* I AM odd..Thank you.
Marvolo: *confused* That wasn't a compli- *sigh* never mind..Come on then..
He began to wander off, hands in pockets as always, MC watched him for a moment, before he turned back to look at her.
Marvolo: Come on? You little weirdo *chuckles*
MC giggled and caught up beside him, as they walked together she couldn't help but keep taking glances at him, her blush still obvious on her face, she really liked him, and even she didn't really know why. She was just drawn to him. There was something about him she wanted. They reached the entrance to the forest and went inside, finding an area where most of what they needed would be around. Marvolo knelt down next to a patch of Horklumps and began examining and picking them, MC knelt down next to him and went to grab some, when Marvolos hand reached out, grabbing hers to stop her.
Marvolo: Leave those ones. They're getting old.
MC: *looks at him* How do you know? They look fine to me.
Marvolo leaned in right next to her, their faces nearly touching as both of them looked closely at the Horklumps
Marvolo: You see that grey tinge, on the edge of the cap?
MC: Oh! Yes, it's very subtle.
Marvolo: Subtle as it may be, it makes a HUGE difference in your brew when they're old. And not a good one. So leave those. There's more around, go check them out.
Marvolo turned his head to look at MC, she looked back, he was so close to her, she looked into his eyes, and started crushing on him even harder, he narrowed his eye's, MC closed her own, and leaned towards him, like she was leaning in for a kiss, Marvolo smirked, leaning in himself, when they suddenly heard a couple of guys out of nowhere, Marvolo instinctively panicked, and before his lips could plant on hers, he pushed her back into a Bush, making her yelp in confused shock.
Marvolo: Shh. Stay hidden.
He stood, looking for the voices, when two thuggy looking blokes wandered past.
Bloke1: Well well, what we got 'ere? Heh...*whips out his wand*
Marvolo: *frowns and whips out his*
Bloke2: Wait..Thats Gaunts lad...
Bloke1: *squints* Oh shit..You're right.
Marvolo: *heavier frown*
Bloke2: Sorry lad..Go about ya business.
Marvolo: And YOU, go about yours..
Marvolo watched them as they walked away, before he turned towards the bush, seeing MCs face looking up at him, he couldn't help but chuckle.
Marvolo: You can get out of there now..
MC held out her hand for help, Marvolo took a moment to realise what she wanted, he took hold of it in his, and pulled her out, she giggled as she brushed herself off.
MC: Thank you, Marvolo. *sweet smile*
Marvolo: *small curious grin as he plucks a leaf out of her hair* Dont mention it..
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gretavangroupie · 2 years
Burn (Chapter 2)
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Word count: 7.5k+
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ as always, language, drinking, smut, fluff.
Burn Playlist
I’m gonna do it.
You’re unsure how you’ve even made it this long. Monday and Tuesday you convinced yourself it was too soon. Wednesday you were so wiped from work that you missed your window of opportunity, silently kicking yourself. But now, Thursday has come along and you’re all out of excuses. 
You have pulled that little business card from your wallet more times than you care to admit, just running your fingers over the shiny embossed letters of her name. The corners of the card rolled and tattered as if it’s been there for months. Each time quickly shoving it back into the tiny leather slot after you’d talked yourself out of it. But this time you don’t. This time you type the ten numbers into the text box and watch it turn blue. 
You: Drinks tomorrow?
You hit send and feel your heart start to race. 
It’s casual. No feelings. You’re not doing anything wrong.
When you see the banner flash across the top of the screen a few minutes later, you click on it, and swallow nervously at the reply.
Her: Sam, it’s Thursday night. What if I already have plans?
You: You cancel them.
Her: I said I could be convinced, not that I was. 
You: We both know that you want to.
Her: And Morgan….
You: Not a concern.
Her: I don’t know Sam…
You: It’s just drinks. One drink.
You see the text bubble pop up as she types her response, but then it disappears. After a few minutes with no reply, you take that as your answer.
Sliding your phone into the front pocket of your shirt you slide the rolling chair away from the mixing board and stretch your arms over your head before standing up. You run your hands through your hair, pushing it away from your face as you make eye contact with Josh through the window. You give him the hand signal that you’re heading out with a thumb over the shoulder. He lifts his hand at you as a goodbye and you grab your keys and dip out of the side door of the studio. 
Your phone rings through the bluetooth of the car and you can’t help but let your mind jump to the idea that it could be her. Your eyes flick to the display and you see a name, but it’s not hers.
“Hello?” you answer.
“Hi babe! How was it today?” she asks.
You sigh, “It was fine, just a little fine tuning. What are you up to?” you ask.
“Oh nothing, just calling to see if you want me to come over tonight. Or we can do tomorrow?” she asks.
“No, not tomorrow, I have a work thing tomorrow.” you lie.
Strike one.
“Okay, so tonight?” she asks.
“Uh, yeah if you want to you can.” you reply.
“What’s wrong? You sound off?” she says.
“Nothing. Nothing, I am fine, was just a long day. You can come over, sorry I am being short with you.” you say. 
“Okay, well I will be there in a bit. See you soon.” she says.
“Ok lovely.” you say hanging up the call. You pull your phone from your pocket clicking on your texts. 
Still nothing.
Frustrated, you speed the rest of the way home, just needing a few minutes of peace before the rest of the night begins. 
When Morgan arrives an hour later you seem to forget about not getting a reply. Afterall, Morgan is your girlfriend. Not her. You eat dinner together and spend the evening watching a movie before you feel her hands wandering closer to your bare stomach under the blankets.
Your cock twitches as her fingers slide down your stomach meeting the button of your pants.  You can't help but let your mind wander back just a few nights ago when a new, but familiar touch grazed the same area of your exposed midsection, igniting a feeling much different. 
A feeling you’ve never quite gotten to with Morgan. A feeling years in the making, stifled down by your own stupidity.
Snapping you back to reality, your phone buzzes in your pocket and your stomach drops.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” you say, standing up, making your way to the hall bathroom. The click clack of Rosie’s nails on the hardwood floor following behind you.
Once inside you pull your phone from your pocket and sure enough, those ten numbers light up the screen.
Her: Time and place?
Fuck yes.
You: Blue Door, 8:00?
Her: I’ll see you there.
Smiling to yourself you shove the phone back into your pocket, and return back to the living room.
“Hey, babe. I think I am ready to go to bed. I had a long day.” you say, hoping she won't put up a fight tonight. 
“Okay….” she replies, obviously annoyed.
Things with Morgan have been rocky but constant. In the beginning it was fiery and passionate and everything you’d want in a relationship. You had just moved to Nashville and met her out one night, and things really went from there.  But, as time has progressed, things have become more loose and tense, not exactly in the good way. You are gone a lot, traveling and she sometimes has a problem with that. She has needs that you are physically unable to satisfy sometimes, and her for you when you are gone for months at a time. When you both agreed to an open relationship it didn’t come without its rules. So far neither of you had broken them, but that was before. Before LA, before the plane, before the bar, before your thoughts had been consumed by a girl you knew so long ago. Now you aren't so sure that these rules will be as easy to follow. And mostly you’re not sure if you want to follow them.
Crawling into bed, you cuddle up behind Morgan, closing your eyes and anxiously thinking about the possibility of what tomorrow may hold, all while holding someone else.
It’s truly been one of the longest Fridays of your life. It seemed like nothing was going right at the studio, everything had to be redone multiple times, everyone was in a pissy mood, and somehow it was only 3pm. You wonder if it's partly due to the fact that you have been mentally absent all day, daydreaming about your evening plans. Trying to shake her from your head you refocus and get through the rest of the session. 
Come 7:00 you are getting into the shower and thinking about what you are going to wear. You’ve never been someone who cares what a woman thinks of your outfit, but for some reason, tonight, you do. You run your comb through your hair, letting it dry in waves around your face. You opt for black jeans, and a floral button down, that has recently been your favorite. A quick spray of cologne and you are ready to go.
“Bye Rosie, I will be back soon, okay?” you say, patting the top of her head, lounging on the edge of the couch. You grab your keys from the hook and you’re out the door.
You are set to arrive exactly at 8:00. You hate to be late, but what is the use in being early either? As you pull into the parking lot you slide your phone from your pocket, swiping up and placing it on do not disturb. You place it back in your pocket and you take a deep breath as you turn off the car and walk inside. 
Why am I so nervous?
Go, go, go, go…
Of course you get off work late today, of all the Fridays you get off at 3, today is the one you get off at 5. After spending well over an hour debating an outfit you finally decided. You're not even sure why you care, he is just a friend. A really really good looking friend, but a friend nonetheless. Plus he has a girlfriend, or something like that….maybe you’ll get to the bottom of that tonight. 
Your tires are basically screeching into the parking lot as your eyes flick to the clock. 
8:10. Shit. Whatever. It’s just drinks… you’re… fashionably late…
Stepping out of your car, your boots crunch against the gravel parking lot of Blue Door. This little bar is one of the east side's best kept secrets. You’re actually shocked you’ve never seen any of the guys here before. 
You pull the door open, and it's busy, but not crowded. Music is playing loudly through the small bar, and you scan the room, looking for Sam. You walk a little further inside, looking around but still nothing. 
Maybe he’s not here yet.
You step up to the bar and order a vodka soda, feeling slightly nervous about how the night will playout. You promised yourself, one drink.
The bartender passes you your drink and you squeeze the lime into it, stirring it around with the straw. You step away from the bar and walk to the back of the bar to see if maybe he is back there somewhere, and much to your surprise you spot him at a small table in the corner.
He is sitting casually with his legs crossed, sipping his drink. His eyes flick up and catch yours, a soft smirk crossing his lips.
As you approach him, he pushes the chair across from him, out with his foot. 
“Well, look who decided to show up…” he says smugly.
“Oh please I am ten minutes late…Today of all days I didn't get off at 3. Then you know, Nashville traffic is a bitch….anyways, I finally made it…” you reply, sipping your drink nervously.
“No problem, did you have fun with Lauren in town last week?” he asks.
“Yeah I did, it was really nice to see her. Its been a while. It seems her and Daniel made up after all these years.” you laugh.
“Oh yeah, he hasn't shut up all week.” he laughs.
Warmth creeps through your chest hearing his laugh. It’s been years since you heard that laugh that is unmistakably his. 
You think back to highschool, right before prom all of you were in the car together. Sam and Danny were in the front, you and Lauren were in the back. Belting out every word to TikTok by Ke$ha. You were all laughing and you think that might be the first time you really felt like you had feelings for him. That was of course before he left you at the Prom and stomped on your heart. You know Sam would never admit to knowing the words to that song now. He is much to cool for that. You wonder if he still knows them.
You are snapped back to the present, when you hear him repeating your name.
“Hello… are you still there?” he says, snapping his fingers around your face.
“Oh yeah, sorry…” you say laughing.
“Jeeze, one drink and you’re already getting spacy on me…” he jokes.
“Just lost in thought for a second, it was a long day.” you reply.
“What were you thinking about?” he asks.
Hmmm. Do you lie or tell the truth and risk embarrassing yourself….
You take the last gulp of your drink, and smirk down at him.
“Do you remember when we all sang that Ke$ha song in the car? I think you sang it the loudest….” you say.
You see his eyes light up a little, “Off the record… yeah I remember. Daniel knows that we never speak of that moment.” he laughs. “Is that what you were thinking about?”
“Yeah, I don't know why, your laugh just reminded me of it for some reason.” you say sheepishly.
He sips the last of his drink, “Mhmm back when you had a crush on me…” he says smirking smugly.
“Mhmm back when you had a crush on me, back…” you quip. “Are we getting another drink or not?” 
“I only bartered for one, but if you are feeling two, who am I to object?” he says standing up.
You shake your head and stand, walking back to the front bar, with him following behind you.
Suddenly he is walking next to you, his hand placed on the small of your back. A place he seems to have a certain affinity for, so you let him.
As you step up to the bar to order, he turns to you, “want to do a shot?” he asks.
“What kind?” you reply, knowing it won't make a difference. His big brown eyes and honey laced voice could say poison and you’d do it anyway. He has always had that effect on you. Even after all these years, but you couldn't let him know that.
“Tequila or Whiskey, your choice.” he smiles.
“Tequila.” you answer.
“My kinda girl…”  he says.
“You wish…” you reply.
“Sometimes.” he says, handing you the tiny plastic cup.
You grab your other drink and your shot, and make your way back to the table in the back.
As you both sit, he nods his head silently asking if you’re ready and you nod. You both throw them back and you see his face wince, which is kind of endearing.
“You know Sam, for someone who loves to have their photo taken on stage with your pretty little drinks, you should at least be able to handle a shot of tequila…” you say.
“And just how would you know that? Do you keep tabs on me?” he asks, smugly.
“I searched your little band up once…” you say snarkily, knowing that the ‘little band’ comment will get under his skin and you are right.
“Little band? If your research proved successful you would know we are not just a little band anymore….” he says, almost arrogantly.
“Oh Sam, I’m just fucking with you…” you say patting the top of his hand.
“Not yet you’re not…maybe later…” he says sipping his drink with a sly grin.
“Samuel!” you scoff.
“What?” he asks coyly, taking a gulp of his drink. 
You can tell the shot is starting to set in for the both of you, his eyes have grown darker and more hooded, his skin a little flushed. You are feeling it too, but the feeling you’re feeling is desire and it's greatest between your legs. 
This new more mysterious version of Sam is hot and you are dying to know more.
“So tell me about Jimmy.” he asks, leaning forward on the table.
“Oh, getting right to it, ok. How about you tell me about Morgan first.” you quip back.
“What’s there to tell, I think you know pretty well what there is to know.” he replies.
“Then I could say the same about Jimmy.” you snap back, cutting your eyes at him.
“Ok, fine. Morgan and I have been together off and on for a few years.” he says.
“Uh huh, and where does she think you are at… 9pm on a Friday night?” you ask suspiciously.
“She knows I am busy,” he replies.
“Why did you want to get drinks Sam?” you ask.
The vodka and shot has definitely entered your bloodstream.
He smirks at you, “You know, to catch up with an old friend…”
“Is that not what we did last weekend?” you ask.
“Not quite, I…couldn’t exactly catch up how I wanted to…” he replies.
“And how do you want to catch up….” you ask.
“Like this… just us… no…interruptions.” he says, running his long, calloused index finger down the side of your hand.
You swallow harshly at the electricity of his touch, as his eyes flick to yours, somehow even darker than a few minutes ago.
“Do you feel that too?” he asks.
“Feel what?” you reply.
“Don’t play dumb with me, we both know you are an intelligent woman.” he replies sternly.
Don’t do it. Do not answer him. Change the subject. You won’t be the other woman.
“Fine.” you reply.
Stupid tequila shot.
“Fine what?” he asks, tracing the outline of your hand on the table.
“Fine, you can buy me one more drink, and then I am going home.” you reply, snatching your hand away from the table. 
“We’ll see.” He says, standing up and sauntering off to the bar.
You pull out your phone, and scroll through your texts. Lauren of course is chomping at the bit to know what is happening, so you quickly shoot her a text letting her know you were just catching up, and nothing is happening.
Then you move on and see a text from Jimmy. You roll your eyes…
This man is annoyingly persistent.
Jimmy: You out tonight?
Sam comes walking up behind you and around the table setting your drink down on the little black napkin.
“So, are you fucking him?” he asks.
Taken aback by the question you shift in your seat. 
“Well come right out with it…No.” you reply truthfully.
“Do you want to fuck him?” he asks.
“No.” you answer.
“Why?” he asks.
“I already did. He was a lousy lay and he obviously doesn't feel the same, and I can't say I blame him. What is with the twenty questions Sam?” you ask.
“Why do you keep calling me Sam? Why don't you call me Sammy?” he asks intensely.
“Sam is your name isn’t it?” you ask, sipping your drink.
“You never called me Sam. You always called me Sammy.” he barks back.
“Things change Sam.” you reply.
“Not that.” he says.
You shrug your shoulders, and the warmth of the alcohol has finally enveloped you completely. 
“You always get your way…don’t you?” you say, your words slurring together.
Any filter you had left has clearly gone out the window.
“Only with things I really want.” he says, running his tongue over his bottom lip.
“And what do you really want, Sam?” you ask.
“You know exactly what I want, and you want it too.” he says, his knee rubbing against yours under the small table.
“Oh yeah? You want another drink?” you ask playfully.
“I thought you said you were leaving after that one?” he asks smugly.
“Maybe soon…” you reply, tossing back the rest of your drink, setting the empty cup on the table, and staring directly into his eyes.
“You can’t drive…” he states.
“I’m not planning on it.” you reply, tilting your head to the side.
“Come with me.” he says, standing up, pulling your arm up with him, before sliding his hand down to yours.
You follow behind him to the hallway near the bathrooms and he stops you, spinning you to press you against the brick wall. 
“Tell me. Tell me right now, that you don’t feel it and I will walk out of here and we never have to speak again.” he says, his hands boxing you in, his face inches from yours. “Or, tell me you do, and we can leave right now and finish what we started years ago.”
“We can’t Sam, what about Morgan…” you reply.
“Stop worrying about her. It’s a non issue. Yes or no.” he says.
Do the right thing. Do the right thing…
“It will be our secret?” you ask, almost whispering against his lips.
“If that’s what you want.” he answers.
“Okay. Yes.” you say.
He closes the gap between you crushing his lips to yours, moving his hands to your face, cold from resting on the brick wall. The coldness offering relief to your alcohol warmed skin. 
His lips move against yours soft and plush. He tastes like tequila and lime and everything you imagined he would since you were 17 years old in the back of his parents Grand Cherokee. You melt into him so effortlessly, your will to fight the feelings you’ve been pretending aren’t there,  completely slipping away as the kiss intensifies.
He pulls away, “Let’s go.” he says, sliding his hand around your waist and ushering you out the front door.
“Don't you need to close out?” you ask.
“I closed out with the last round. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you much longer.” he says, opening his car door and letting you slide in. 
He slips around the back and opens the driver side door, climbing in, and throwing the car into reverse pulling out of the parking lot.
His hand sneaks across the arm rest and rests on the top of your thigh, the heat from his hand warm on your skin. 
You look over to him, his long hair in perfect waves down his back, his shirt unbuttoned slightly more than it should be, giving you a glimpse as to what's underneath.
You feel your arousal pooling between your legs as his hand slowly travels up higher on your thigh, inch by inch. 
It’s a short drive from the bar to his house. As you pull into the driveway, you are met with a white brick house, with beautiful uplighting and a well manicured yard. The lights are on inside the house, the windows glowing yellow from where you sit. 
Sam gets out, and comes around to open the door for you, taking your hand in his. He leads you to a side door that looks like it opens into his kitchen. His house is beautiful. Its an older home that has been renovated to a very modern and eclectic style. Somehow it’s just… effortlessly Sam. As you step inside the door you hear a dog start to bark. 
Oh gosh, you forgot about his dog!
Seconds later, Rosie comes bounding to the door, all wiggles and tail wags.
“Hi baby, hi, yeah I missed you too, yeah we have a visitor! You remember her?” he says in a playful baby voice while patting and rubbing her head and ears.
You squat down to say hello and are instantly attacked with wet licks and nose prints on your face. Your laughing only seems to spur her on more. 
“I think it’s safe to say she remembers.” he says, grabbing your hand and pulling you to stand up. He backs you up against his kitchen island by your hips and slides his hands up your body until they are resting on your neck. 
“I would be lying if I said I haven’t thought about this exact moment far more often than I should have for the past two weeks.” he says pressing his lips to yours softly, and almost too passionately for the short amount of time that has passed since your kiss in the bar only thirty minutes ago.The searing shock of electricity passed through every nerve in your body at the connection of his lips to yours. 
You pull your lips away from him, “Then quit talking, and kiss me.” you say before sliding your hands into his long thick hair, pressing your lips back to his. A groan leaves his mouth as you scratch your fingernails lightly against his scalp.
You can feel his hardened length pressing into your stomach as he continues to kiss you. 
And you press yourself into it, eliciting a hiss from his mouth. 
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you away from the counter, walking you backwards through the kitchen, before pulling his lips from yours, spinning your body in his hands and pushing you down the hallway to his bedroom. 
His bedroom is exactly how you expected it to be, it's warmly lit with fluffy linens on the bed in neutral colors and plants lining the window sill. A plush oriental rug sits underneath the edge of the bed, and a vintage mid century modern bedroom set fills the space.
As you step deeper into the room, you turn to sit on the edge of the bed. Sam shuts the door behind him, before sliding his shirt over his head revealing the rest of his torso. He kicks his shoes off and you do the same. 
He walks over to you and crawls over top of you, forcing you down onto the bed. He hovers over you staring at you, before his hand sweeps the hair away from your neck. Leaning down he places a soft open mouthed kiss right over the pulse in your neck. 
“Your heart is beating fast.” he  whispers against your skin, running the tip of his nose across your jaw line. 
You wrap your hand around his wrist and feel his own pulse raging against your fingers.
“So is yours…” you reply.
He trails kisses down your neck, his tongue darting out over your clavicle and you squirm beneath him at the sensation. He comes up to his knees and his hands find the buttons on the front of your blouse. He painstakingly slowly unbuttons each button making sure to take his time, teasing you. 
“Hurry up, Sam.” you beg.
“Oh no, I am going to take my time. Savor every second of this…” he replies.
When he finally reaches the last button, he opens the fabric revealing your plum colored lace bra that barely hides your nipples. A groan leaves his mouth as his fingers slide down the straps on each side, hooking his fingers into them and pulling them down your shoulders. 
He runs his index finger straight down from your throat, crossing your sternum before descending to your stomach passing over your belly button and stopping when he reaches the top of your skirt. A shudder runs through your body as it tells you it needs more.
“Impatient?” he asks.
“Take it off Sam.” you instruct.
“I will, I’m just enjoying watching you underneath me.” he says, leaning over, placing a wet kiss on the swell of your breast.
Your back arches into his mouth as his left hand slides under the fabric of your skirt, his fingers skimming the hem of your panties. His fingers slide under the band of silky fabric and pull downward, and his right hand scoops your tit from the cup of the bra, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
You throw your head back at the feeling and a small whimper leaves your throat. 
“That feel good, baby? Want me to keep going? I haven’t even touched you yet and you are so close to falling apart. We haven’t even gotten to the good part.” he says, licking a warm stripe up your stomach.
“Yes, please, I need more.” you respond.
“I know, I’m gonna give you more. Gonna give you anything you want, just have to be a good girl for me? Can you do that?” he asks. 
Another rush of warmth takes over your center. You know you would do anything this man asked you to and you nod your head yes.
He slides your panties the rest of the way off your legs, before both hands are pulling your skirt down to meet your thong on the rug. You quickly lean up taking your shirt off the rest of the way and unclasping your bra to throw it on the floor. 
His eyes flick to your chest and up to your eyes before they slowly travel down the rest of your body taking in your completely naked form.
“You are fuckin gorgeous.” he says running his hands down your thighs.
He slips himself off the bed and goes to unbuckle his belt. You shoot up, and grab his belt buckle pulling his pelvis closer to you. You stare up at him and begin to undo the belt yourself, never breaking eye contact. You unbutton the button and slide the zipper down on his jeans, placing your hand over his growing bulge before tracing lines up and down with your finger over his length. 
His dick twitches beneath your fingers and you flick your eyes down before pulling at the top of his jeans, dragging his boxers down his legs. He kicks them off to the corner and runs his hand through your hair. 
You wrap your hand around his well endowed length and look back up at him, hearing a small hiss from his mouth as you tighten your grip. You pull him closer to your mouth, parting your lips and letting his dick slide over your flattened tongue, guiding him to the back of your mouth. You wrap your lips around him and the groan that leaves his chest echoes through the room. 
“Oh fuck….your mouth…” he says groaning, trying not to buck his hips into you.
You slide back and forth, working his base with your hand, letting your tongue swirl against his tip. He moans again, as his tip grazes the back of your throat. 
He is obviously very vocal and his audible display of pleasure is lighting you on fire.
He pulls you off of him, and stands you up, grabbing your face and crashing his lips to yours. His tongue finds yours and you both struggle for power over the other. He pushes you back down to the bed, and drags your body up further, slotting his knee between your legs. He bends down and presses a wet kiss to your stomach before returning his mouth to yours. 
“Sam, please…” you beg.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” he says into your mouth.
“Fuck me, Sam…” you breathe.
He aligns himself with your opening and presses into you, groaning as he reaches the hilt.
“Holy fuck, you’re so tight. Oh my god.” he pants, his hair hanging in your face.
“God you’re so hot…” you whine.
He pulls out slightly before pounding back into you, groaning with each thrust. 
“Shit, you’re fuckin wet… feel so good…” he says pushing your knee up to your chest, changing the angle and pressing into you deeper.
“You’re so good, such a pretty boy…always have been… so pretty Sam…” you whine.
“Call me Sammy…” he begs.
“No” you pant.
He begins to roll his hips into you, hitting your g spot deliciously, eliciting a scream from your lips.
“Call me Sammy… please… it’s all I want, want to hear you call me Sammy again please baby…” he says, hitting that spot again with another moan of pleasure escaping you. 
“God you’re so fucking beautiful, please baby I am begging.” he says continuing his assault on your g spot. His hair swinging in waves around his face, sweat beading at his temples.
“No, just be a good boy and make me cum Sam…” you cry out.
His eyes grow dark and he stops his movement all together. He aggressively gathers his hair into a bun at the back of his neck, a few strands hanging free around his face.
“Fine, if you want to play that way, I will make you say it.” He says, the tinge of dominance in his voice has you desperately pulling his mouth back to yours, but he stops you. 
He pulls out of you and you groan at the loss. He grabs your hips and flips you over to your front, before scooping you up to rest on your hands and knees, giving your ass a swift slap. The sting, making you groan with anticipation.
He grabs the hair at the back of your head and collects it into a ponytail around his fist, twisting your head to the side.
“I was more than willing to play nice and give you what you wanted. You told me you would be a good girl. Good girls get what they want. But bad girls….bad girls get what I give them.” he says, and with that he is thrusting back into you from behind, maxing out the boundaries within you immediately, causing a groan to leave his chest. 
“Fuck, Sam!” you scream.
He pounds into you from behind, his skin slapping loudly against yours as you near your orgasm. Each thrust pulling a groan of exertion from his chest. His hands grip into your hips viciously pulling you back to meet him.
“Sam, please…I’m so close.” You beg.
“Say it. Say it doll and you can cum.” He manages through panting breaths.
He pounds into that sensitive spot over and over, and you feel yourself fighting for your release. His hand reaches around you, two fingers swirling over your clit, causing you to arch your back into him. 
“Fuck, I’m close. Say it baby. Say it and cum with me. Say it right now.” He demands.
Unable to fight it off any longer, your body lets go and gives in to his demand.
“Sammy…Sammy, fuck….” You cry out, feeling the most intense orgasm you’ve had in years run its course through your body, rendering you practically speechless.
“Finally….” He grunts, as you feel his release pour into you with the jagged thrust of his hips. The warm release painting your insides.
“That’s all I wanted, baby. That’s all…” He says, panting into your back. His hand smoothes down your hair and runs down the length of your body as he pulls out of you and walks to the bathroom.
You roll over onto your side, and face him as he stands at his sink. “Why?” You ask, voice still shaky.
“Why, what?” He asks, stepping out of the bathroom, with a towel for you.
“Why do you want me to call you Sammy so badly?” You ask.
“Why do you not want to call me Sammy?” He quips back.
“You first.” You reply.
His demeanor softens, and he gently wipes the insides of your legs with the warm towel as he answers.
“Because… It reminds me of when you liked me when I was… nothing. When we were two kids, just… hanging in my parents garage having fun together. When none of this…” he says motioning around the room “…existed… and you only saw me for who I was, not what I would be, or what I would do. It’s grounding….and it is more meaningful coming from you…more than anyone else. Especially like this. I was so stupid back then… ” He says, shyly, running the wet towel gently over your center. His eyes nervously look up to you, almost scared that maybe he revealed too much of himself.
You slide your hand over his arm lacing your fingers with his. 
“I didn’t want to call you Sammy because... I was afraid that all the feelings that I had for you then would come rushing back. I called you Sammy then. You were always Sammy, never Sam. You never let anyone call you Sammy, just me. You were my Sammy. I felt like maybe it meant that you liked me too… but then… well, anyways.... I just feel like calling you Sammy now is…it means too much to me.” you stammer.
His hand grips yours tighter. “I still don’t let anyone call me Sammy. Only the guys, and they know I hate it, they know it reminds me of you. You’re the only one.” He says, his eyes searching yours. 
You lean over, closing the gap between the two of you, his hands reaching up to cup your chin as you place a delicate kiss on his swollen pink lips. He kisses you back groaning softly into your mouth.
Every single feeling you ever had for him, then and now have come speeding at you like a bullet train, crashing directly into your chest. You pull away from him and stand, making your way to the bathroom.
Watching her walk into your bathroom, you collapse into your bed. Your head reeling from the events of the evening. You stand up and pull your boxers on, opening the bedroom door and walking down the hallway. Rose is waiting by the side door, so you open it to let her out.   
You grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it with water, as your mind wanders. 
Fuck. She is so gorgeous. I can’t believe she still wants me.
You told yourself you weren’t going to let this happen. You told yourself you could do this. No feelings involved… please. You feel more for her now than you ever have. 
Fuck was I wrong.
Rose barks at the door, so you let her in and lock the door before turning off the lights and heading back to the bedroom. You let Rose walk in first telling her to get in her bed, and you set the glass on the nightstand. You grab a shirt for her, placing it on the dresser, it's one of your favorites and you can't wait to see her in it. You shake out the sheets, and crawl underneath them, waiting impatiently for her to cuddle up next to you, so you can wrap your arms around her. 
The bathroom door opens and her skin is still flushed pink. She looks for her underwear on the floor, sliding them back on.
“I put a shirt on the dresser for you if you want it.” You say gesturing to it.
“Did you pick this one out specifically?” She asks, sliding it over her head with a smirk.
“Might have.” You reply smugly.
“How old is this thing?” She laughs.
“Probably like… ten years old?” You guess. 
“I remember the day you guys drew up this logo in Daniel’s parents basement.” She says.
She remembers…
“Can't believe you still have this…” she says, turning back the blankets and sliding into the bed. She turns off the lamp and fluffs up the pillow behind her. 
“That is priceless memorabilia!” You joke, opening your arms to her. 
She slides over towards you, resting her head on your shoulder throwing her leg over yours and you are positive she can hear how hard your heart is beating for her. You just hope she can’t also hear your thoughts or she would surely know the extent of your feelings.
Suddenly, nothing in this world could hold a candle to how you feel about the girl in your arms. 
“I know, I know, big famous rock stars and all of that…but not to me…” she murmurs into your chest.
“Oh, no?” You ask, curiously.
You wrap your arm around her, turning in to face her, pulling her in closer to your chest exhaling against her head, rubbing circles into her back. 
“No. Just my Sammy.” She replies, leaning into the sleep threatening to take her. 
Her Sammy… and you know that you always have been.
You could listen to her call you that every day for forever. You kiss her head and find yourself drifting off to sleep imagining just that. 
“Babyyy!!!!” the loud shrill voice echoes through the house.
Rose barks loudly at the voice, waking you up fully from your sleep.
“Rose!” You hear Sam scold her.
“Sammmmmm! Are you up?!” The voice calls, from down the hallway.
You force your eyes open, the headache making its presence known in your skull.
“What’s going on?” you ask Sam, who is now sitting up next to you looking confused. 
Shit… It’s Morgan.
Before you can even get out of the bed, the bedroom door is opening and Morgan is stepping in.
“Hey baby I brou—” she stops, staring at you, then flicking her eyes to Sam.
“Really, Sam?” She asks, stepping further into the room.
You are so taken aback you aren’t even sure what to do or say first. 
I guess I did know this could be a possibility after all..
You all stare at each other for a minute before she sets the coffee on the dresser, “Are you going to tell her or am I?” She asks.
Tell me what? Why isn’t she furious?
You look over to Sam, who is sighing heavily as he stands up, pushing past her, into the bathroom.
“You should probably get dressed and call an Uber.” She says with a snide attitude before turning back down the hallway.
What in the fuck is going on?
When the door shuts, Sam emerges from the bathroom, quickly rifling through his closet looking for something before ripping it off the hanger and tossing it to you, along with a pair of sweatpants. 
“Here, put this on. You’ll probably have to roll the pants a few times.” He says, pulling a t-shirt over his own head and tossing you a sheepish look. 
You look down at the clothing he has given you and you smirk to yourself and shake your head. 
The pink sweater…really Sammy…
You give him a look that he knows all too well, before he slips out the bedroom door. 
Of all the things he could have chosen, it had to be this… he doesn’t even realize, does he?
You stand, pulling on the sweater and the sweat pants, hyping yourself up to do the walk of shame right in front of his girlfriend.
What have you done?
You gather your clothes and head out of the room, taking one last look remembering the confessions of the night. 
"I still don’t let anyone call me Sammy…”
“You’re the only one…”
You shake the thoughts from your head and make your way into the living room, now brightly lit by the morning sun. You can see more of Sam’s style here. The room is scattered with various plants, the centerpiece of the room being his white upright piano. 
I wonder if he still remembers the song he played for me all those years ago when he was just learning…
No. Focus. Why is she not yelling and screaming? She’s just sitting in the kitchen staring.
You see them standing in the kitchen, and approach them nervously.
“Tell her Sam…” She says, in a bratty tone, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Morgan, stop.” He says, clearly annoyed, shaking his head.
“Well, since he clearly isn’t going to —” she starts before he stops her.
“Can you just stop, my god!  Let me talk to her alone for five minutes. Okay?” He asks, as she storms off into his bedroom.
“Come sit with me for a minute.” He says, pulling out a bar stool.
“What is going on Sam?” You say, horribly confused. “Tell me what?”
He runs his hands through his hair and sighs. The look on his face tells you that he doesn’t want to tell you whatever it is. He grabs your hands, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. He is nervous. 
“Morgan and I… we are in an open relationship. That is why I kept telling you not to worry about her. We have one rule that we both agreed on when we decided this. We can sleep with other people, but it can only be a one night stand. There can’t be any feelings involved. It can't happen ever again after that night. We can't speak to the person again. But I don’t—”
You snatch your hands from his cutting off his sentence. “I see. So you knew the whole time that this was only going to be a one time thing. So, all of that…” you say pointing to his bedroom, “… all the things you told me last night… you’re saying there were no feelings involved in that, right? You did all of that, and said all of those things, just to fuck me?” You say with a shaky voice, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Begging me to call you Sammy again… was that just to fulfill some sick little fantasy after all these years? That meant something to me Sam, all of it did! You let me tell you all of those things, knowing all along that you were planning to never speak to me again?” You stand scraping the stool across the floor, looking at him, clearly hurt.
“No, please… please, let me explain…I….” he says reaching for your arm. His eyes pleading with you to let him explain, but you can't. You know how this ends. The girl in the bedroom knows too. 
This meant nothing to him.
“No, anything you need to say should have been said last night. Before you brought me here. I will make sure you get these clothes back. I have to go, my Uber is here.” You say, walking through the side door and out into the harsh, judgmental sun light. Your heart is constricting in your chest over that fact that yet again, Sam has picked someone else over you.
tiny tiny taglist: @gretavansara @jordierama
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bitwynn · 2 years
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A SAGAU Impostor AU Songfic
Song used: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
...so I caved. Yep. Starting a new series even though i already have one. To be fair, i felt like i needed a break from that series since that beast needs a whole lotta world building and im planning for it to get into some heavy fucken subjects. This one tho is more chill and light-hearted, since theyre all just a bunch of kind of disconnected one shots that are all kind of connected. So like-- when this series gets a lil longer, you can literally start from any fic since its all connectedly disconnected. A better example was my original idea of me just writing the end goal where they finally defeat the impostor like-- directly after the Castaway fic to rlly show how connectedly disconnected it is but i refrained myself since i wanted to write more wanderer. Been playing as him a lot but i havent rlly done the archon quest yet lol but hes just a blast. Hes an annoying lil shit (affectionate)
Blue for Barbara, Yellow/Gold for Zhongli, Green for Wanderer, red for Diluc, Italics is Reader/General, Combined is Everyone. Colors only used for singing parts.
Is this the real life?
You were running again, the spears and arrows of the Millelith chasing you all across Liyue.
Is this just fantasy?
Zhongli was by your side, steadfast as a rock as he shielded you from their weapons-- both with his Jade Shields and his body.
Caught in a landslide,
A loose rock almost sent you tumbling down into the depths of the Chasm, Barbara grabbing you just in time.
No escape from reality.
Diluc recognizes the path you were taking towards Tiangong Gorge, immediately rushing off to the Chasm's Maw and letting loose Dawn-- his phoenix rising up into the sky like a blazing beacon, just buy the rest of you more time. He'll rejoin you once again, he knows the path you'd take. He's your main afterall.
Open your eyes,
The three of you make it, the relief from seeing the glow of the blue Waypoint almost bringing you to your knees.
Look up to the skies and see,
You stumble in, Barbara hauling your arm over her shoulder as Zhongli collapses the tunnel behind you. You may be Overseer of Teyvat but he is the Overseer of Liyue, and its stones still answers to his call. There is nothing left but the browns and greens that creep towards the borders of Liyue.
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Your little group exit the cavern, the fresh air of the rainforest cooling the sweat on your backs and you see Haypasia's "little neighbor" peeking up from behind a leaf.
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
The tiny Aranara, though a little hesitant that more people could see him now, takes your hand and guides you through Avidya Forest. Thank goodness you had caved from your siblings nagging and finally done at least a part of the Sumeru quest.
Little high, little low,
You were still unfamiliar with the lands of Sumeru, trusting your little lettuce friend to lead you to a place of safety, of rest.
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me,
Lettuce, as you had affectionately named him, lead you all deep into the rainforests of Sumeru all while deftly avoiding the little village of forest rangers and the rangers themselves. You hadn't said a word to him but you knew, deep in somewhere, that he would be leading you somewhere safe. Somewhere protected.
Though this... wasn't what you expected.
To me.
He turns to your group, the smell of tea faintly wafting from the pot he was tending. "I don't think I need to introduce myself, do I?"
After the short but silent panic that washed over the three of you (it took the you and Barbara 5 minutes to even get a centimeter pulling Vortex Vanquisher out the cave wall while Zhongli aggressively apologized to him), the four of you were sat on the floor watching the Wanderer tend to the bubbling pots of food he was making.
There was a strange... very not tense(?), and very awkward energy in the air as he set aside cups and bowls for all of you, his own cup still full with steaming almost black water. Zhongli was very noticeably trying not to stare at his oversteeped tea.
Little Lettuce had already left, presumably to keep an eye on the area or watch out for Diluc. You didn't want to use him as a shield or a way to break the ice or something but god-- the energy in the air was just so uncomfortable.
You all watched Wanderer in this terse silence prepare your food, his soft chopping of the grilled unagi sounding like death knells in your cave. He took each of the bowls he set out, placing a considerable amount of rice in each and a small handful of dried seaweed and sesame seeds. Bringing out a jar of umeboshi from his inventory, he placed each slab of unagi with a single umeboshi atop the bed of rice and seaweed.
He pours out the tea onto the rice, 1, 2, 3... and stops. He cocks his head. Frowns.
"Wasn't there supposed to be four of you?"
And the silence was broken.
"W-well, little lettuce already left--"
"Not the aranara-- wait, you named him lettuce? Tsk, whatever. Where's the other one? The red one?"
"Oh, uhm, Diluc?"
He nods, the small scowl on his face almost carved into him. You feel your face heat as you turn your face away from him.
"He ran off. To the Maw. Let out his burst as a diversion to buy us time --but he'll find us. He'll come back. He knows the way, he knows how I think, he knows what I'll do. He'll come back."
Wanderer sighs, disappearing the extra bowl. You're not sure whether you said all that to stop his retort or to diminish your own worry.
You're shaken from your thoughts by Barbara holding your hand. She gives it a squeeze, and you squeeze back, thankful for the comfort.
"Are you just gonna keep staring at your food or do you want to die of both exhaustion and starvation?"
"Okay, eating now!"
You're handed a warm bowl of Shimi Chazuke, Wanderer's specialty. It didn't look like its in game icon, only having the plump umeboshi on top of a bed of rice and seaweed with the pale tea glistening in the light. But you had come to learn that many things in game didn't translate directly, there sure as hell no quest or mention of a "Divine Overseer, and yet-- and yet.
You bring the bowl up to your face, the warmth soaking into your aching, tired hands and its steam gently caressing your face. You mix a portion of the rice together with the tea, scoop it up, and put it into your mouth.
And practically turn into jelly at the taste.
"Umai...!" you moan, savoring the taste of it all.
The fresh rice soaked in the bitter tea tasted amazing, each bite slowly turning into a different flavor as the oils and sauce from the grilled unagi gradually mixed in with the rice. Cutting up a bit of the eel with your spoon, you mix it with the rice and your mouth burst with deliciousness.
The eel was grilled to perfection, plump and juicy and flaky. And with the addition of the tea, it introduced flavors you hadn't even imagined from a simple grilled fish.
As you were about to burst that plump little plum, the Wanderer stopped you, a strange look on his face. He handed you a handkerchief.
"Wipe your face, the flavor's gonna be off if you mix it with your tears."
Stunned, you took the handkerchief. "Oh."
It... had been a long time since you've eaten good food and found a place to rest. Too long.
You hold it close to your chest, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to calm down. After a moment, you wipe away the sweat, and tears, and snot, and grime that had accumulated on your journey. It had been such a long time since you first found kindness in this world, even if that kindness came from an emotionally stunned automaton designed to be a god.
You chuckled to yourself, a wet little thing, as you realize that you kept weeping harder and harder with each swipe of the cloth. You bury your face in it, the handkerchief practically soaked with your tears as you take a few calming breaths to finally stop your tears.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I-- its been a while since I've... yeah. Uhm..."
You take a breath, still wet with your snot. "I, uh... I'm gonna keep this, I uh-- ruined it. I'll, I'll clean it though! If you want it back."
Wanderer, handily ignoring your breakdown just earlier, cringes in disgust. "No thanks. Keep it, you need it more than me if you decide to bawl your eyes out again."
Despite the harshness of it, you soften, tucking the offending handkerchief away. "Thanks." "Don't ever mention it."
He reclines back into his little designated space in your cave, and hesitantly stokes the fire with his anemo vision. You pick your unfinished bowl of chazuke, umeboshi still waiting to be eaten. It was good to know that at least there was a few things that didn't change now that you're here.
"Are you finished yet? Stop gawking at your food and finish it so I can do the dishes."
Yep, some things just never change.
You finally finish your meal with the silence in the cave now something much more comfortable, the crackling of the fire and the quiet rushing and clanking of dishes almost lulling you into a sense of "you don't have a bounty placed on your head and are definitely not running from anyone and everyone for fear of them betraying you and handing you over to your megalomaniacal doppelganger".
Wanderer, having lost the argument of who does the dishes against Barbara, was definitely not sulking in his little corner and absolutely not fiddling with his new(?) anemo vision. "So, why'd you come here to Sumeru anyways? I know you definitely were not looking for me, considering the fact you tried to impale my head on sight. Which to be fair," he chuckles at Zhongli's sheepish face, stood near the cavern entrance. "I would do the same."
You absentmindedly plucked the strings of your Windblume Lyre, the instrument becoming a sort of stimming/coping device, helping you deal with everything that had happened to you. He hummed to himself, the cogs turning in his head. "I can't think of any other reason why you'd come here-- finding and trusting in me is a huge gamble that you won," he clarified, turning away from Barbara's blank stare. "the ancient Khaenri'ahn technology scattered around Sumeru won't be of any use if you were considering taking the fight to your impostor, the Irminsul Tree could be a good reason but I can't see any way you'd use it to help you, though knowledge is always good to have anyways."
He scoffed, reclining into the dirt of your cave. "Archons, imagine how ridiculous it would be if you just ran here because you had no choice but to! Like a bunch of scared animals, ahaha!"
You slowly sink behind your lyre as he continues.
"In my time here, you're infamous for always evading their grasp-- heck, there's even an entire division of scholars here dedicated to just trying to figure out how in the world you do it. Some say you're a master at faking trails, some say you have some sort of... psychic power that lets you read the mind of your enemies so you can anticipate their moves."
He shrugs.
"Honestly, I'm more inclined to believe that last one-- in my brief time as your Vessel before your descent, you somehow managed to find information about me, despite my entire existence being wiped from the Irminsul Tree. Add to that the experiences that your other Vessels had, and it's a pretty compelling case." A sigh. "Shame that probing is one-sided though, a peek into the mind of the 'Divine Deceiver' or 'Overseer' or whatever fancy title you call yourself would be quite intriguing. Who knows what schemes are you cooking up in there. Now tell me,"
He straightens, eyes boring into yours from where you were, at this point, hiding in shame behind your lyre. "why are you here in Sumeru?"
"Aha... ha... haaa..." If you had a pyro vision, your face would be on fire by now. You had to turn away, the warmth of embarrassment creeping down your neck. "Well, uhm..." You clear your throat, gulping as you try to even find the words to explain how much of a legitimately normal person you are, who was practically forced to grow brain cells specifically for scheming because if you didn't you would die.
"So, uh...ah he he he... heh..." you take a breath, a shaky grin on your lips. "So, you know how reality is sometimes stranger than fiction?"
He raises an eyebrow.
You vaguely gesture, hoping that your flailing would get your message across.
He stares at you. He stares some more. He blinks.
His mouth drops in shock as he tries to process what you're implying. The rumors painted a... much prettier and mightier picture of you than the both of you thought.
"I-- you-- wha-- how-- what?!"
He takes a breath, chest rising despite his lack of a need for air. He pinches the bridge of his nose, and you get the feeling that he's restraining himself from grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you stupid.
"So, you're telling me. That the 'Divine Deceiver' and their little posse made of a literal god, the once-captain of Mondstat's Knights of Favonius, and Mondstat's most renowned healer idol, have, quite literally, been running around like rats all over Teyvat and somehow, somehow staying alive by a thread?!"
"Oh my--"
He begins to growl, a black orb of anemo energy collecting in his palm. You squeak as you try to scramble to your feet, his face full of rage.
And the whirling winds in your cavern suddenly stops, Wanderer dismissing the dark energy in his hand. "Oh, relax."
He blows a raspberry at you, as you groan and sit back down. You bring your lyre back out from where you unconsciously disappeared it and clutch it like a lifeline.
"God, I never knew your idle could be that scary."
Barbara waves off his question, a sheepish expression on her face as she fixes her curls back into place. "Its... complicated. You'll learn more about it as you travel with us." She hands him the used and cleaned bowls and utensils. "You... will travel with us, right?"
He scoffs, taking the bowls and disappearing them with a flash of light. "Of course I will. Its literally in my name. Besides, I have nothing that ties me down anymore so I might as well wander with you guys."
She smiles at him, ever sweet and ever kind. She settles back down near the fire, drying her soaking hands. Though Zhongli is still taking watch by the cavern entrance, you could see the slightest look of pleased approval in his face. "Though if you are going to be travelling and running from the law with me, we need to make a plan instead of scurrying around like rats."
And at that, the entire cavern groans in exhaustion. "Not now, please." "We'd like to have some rest first, Wanderer!" "Please, fuck, no-- I've had enough scheming for 3 thousand years--"
"Wait, so you did have a plan going into Sumeru?!"
You wave him off, hands going to rest back upon the strings of your trusty lyre. "Well, it was more of like... a guideline? A safety net? We had a couple ideas on what to do if we ever ended up in Sumeru and we, yknow, ended up in Sumeru so we'll probably do that."
You pluck a couple strings as you remember what you "planned". "I hadn't finished the Sumeru main quest yet and I hadn't unlocked all of the Statues of the Seven yet either. We were thinking of unlocking all the Statues first since, without them, my 'all-encompassing' game map is jack shit here in Sumeru, and then we were thinking of finishing the main quest to both progress the story and better the... political? climate here along with a few other benefits. After that..."
You make a face, much more aggressively playing at your lyre. "We really didn't want to split up the party but, I kinda wanna finish the main story quest in the Chasm but also we need to collect all the Dendroculous and Electroculous for more stamina and stuff. But also, I kinda wanna visit Dragonspine since..." You let yourself trail off, the makings and ideas of plans evident in your voice.
Wanderer merely stares at you for a moment, the game terms flying over his head as Barbara mouths at him, "I'll tell you about it later". You sigh, dreading the planning of tomorrow as your fingers calm on the strings. "But, we can plan tomorrow. Please. We almost died multiple times again." He sighs, relenting. "At least you have the skeleton of a plan."
Humming, you sink into the soft ground, thanking the soils of Teyvat for giving you some comforts in this trying time. What little grass in the cave caresses you in gratitude, as you pluck at your instrument.
The Wanderer sighs, as he prepares a small pot of tea. "You've been messing with that thing all night and its about to grate at my ears. Do you even know how to play?"
You chuckle a bit, sheepish as you hand the lyre over to Barbara who plays a quick, jaunty tune with a flourish. "Well, I can sing...?"
He sighs again, bowing his head and resigned to the confirmation that you were much more... ridiculous than the gossip and rumors painted you as. "Then why are you the one with the lyre?"
You shrug as Barbara starts up another little song. "Gives me something to do with my hands. Helps me calm down. Diluc and Barbara have been teaching me though when we have the time."
Your soft smile at Barbara's song turns cheeky as you turn to him. "Wanna hear what they've taught me?"
"Sure, better than forcing this inane conversation."
You giggle maniacally as you smile at Barbara, the singer immediately catching your drift. "Follow me?" "To the ends of the earth."
You laugh, as she tunes the instrument to the right notes. "Not like that you sap!" "I know, I know! But yes, of course. His song right?"
You nod. "Yep."
"'My' song...?" Wanderer tilts his head in confusion, before realization dawns on his face.
"Hey, just because it has my-- ...that name, does not immediately mean its 'my song'."
The two of you handily ignore his slip up, you drinking some water in preparation for singing and Barbara testing the lyre if its in tune. "Oh, please," you say, sitting up. "you haven't even heard the full thing yet! It's definitely your song."
He sighs, leaning back against the cavern wall. "Very well then. Indulge me."
You start, reciting the beginning "poem" from memory. Barbara watches and waits, fingers hovering above the strings. Wanderer cocks his head, clearly interested. She begins playing as you get halfway, the lyre an excellent substitute for the piano. You continue, the Wanderer scoffing a little at the poem's mention of a poor boy needing no sympathy, but you pay it no mind. He hasn't heard the rest of the song yet.
Barbara picks up on her playing, wringing the lyre out for all its worth for those deep chords and piano-like sounds.
"Just killed a man,"
You summoned the small drum you bought from a merchant in Inazuma in preparation.
"Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead,"
You close your eyes, swaying to the tune of the song.
"Mama, life had just begun,"
You didn't need to open your eyes to know that he's really listening now.
"But now I've gone and thrown it all away!"
You quickly tap on the drum, trying in vain to mimic the band's performance.
"Mama!, oooh,"
Zhongli was sat at the entrance with his legs crossed and humming along.
"Didn't mean to make you cry,"
Wanderer was still. You could almost hear the turning of the cogs in his mind.
"If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,"
The steady beat of the drum was a stark contrast to the deep, heavy feeling inside his chest.
"Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters."
His Vision pulsed, as his hand unconsciously came to caress it. Was this what it was like to have a heart?
Barbara's fingers were gentle on the strings as a set of footsteps approached the entrance of the cave. You could hear Little Lettuce's pitter-pattering and the dulcet tones of Zhongli and Diluc's voices as they catch up in the short time they've been separated.
"Too late, my time has come,"
He had closed his eyes, listening intently to the music as the waves of sound rocked him gently and deeply into his sea of memories.
"Sends shivers down my spine,"
He can see it now, those old fleeting moments of happiness before they were all ultimately destroyed.
"Body's aching all the time."
He could feel it, suddenly hyper aware of his joints and limbs. The feeling of phantom strings and hands pulling and pushing him like he was some puppet. (But it wasn't like he was ever anything else.)
"Goodbye, everybody. I've got to go,"
He could hear it, everyone's cries and wails of despair filling his ears as he sailed towards Inazuma City to beg the Shogunate (his mother) for mercy that they would not grant.
"Gotta leave you all behind to face the truth."
He could also hear the Doctor's cackling laughter as he began to weave his web of lies, webs that would replace the strings that she had put on him. That he had cut away.
"Mama!, oooh,"
He could see it, the light shining through the patches in the walls and the roof of that old hut. The kind and innocent smile on that sickly, young face.
"I don't wanna die,"
He could see it, red, red, red lapping up and eating away at the walls and roof of the house. Red, red, red all around them. As if he was asleep in a meadow of flowers. (or sinking into a pool of blood)
"I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.!"
You all gave him his moment, deep in his sea of memories. Diluc was wordlessly playing the zither, an imperfect substitute for an electric guitar. He'd noiselessly joined into your impromptu concert after he was caught up on the situation by Zhongli who had promptly disguised the mouth of the cavern as some kind of rock formation.
As he played, you thought back to the Wanderer's words. To the moment you first heard him say that-- his character teaser. Your heart had clenched back then, tears pricking the corners of your eyes but you couldn't help chuckling at his words-- that ever iconic song playing in your head. But you know that there was nothing to chuckle about here, Wanderer holding the brim of his hat in an almost vice-like grip. His jaw is clenched.
You all silently agreed to let the solo drag on at least a little bit longer. He takes a sharp breath. (You all know its his way of saying his thanks.)
Barbara begins plucking the lyre in a jaunty little tune, and you couldn't help but crack a grin. The atmosphere's heavy, but it's beginning to lift anyway.
"I see a little silhouetto of a man,"
The Wanderer scoffs, already knowing the next few lines by heart thanks to you. You all readily ignore the wetness in his sound.
"Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango?!"
You were surprised at everyone joining in. Wanderer especially, being caught so off-guard that he jumped in his seat. "For the nth time, no I won't!" Barbara giggles as you push onwards, a manic grin on your face.
"Thunderbolt and lightning!"
Diluc only smiles at the mildly disgruntled Wanderer, his Divine Overseer and Mondstadt's Deaconess having stood up to sing their hearts out. "I'm pretty sure that's not gonna be the last time you say that to them."
"Very, very frightening, me!"
The singing duo once again became lost in the music of the song, belting their hearts and lungs out for their one audience member. Said audience member could only crack a smile and reply, "I had a feeling."
"Galileo, Galileo,"
You had all but screeched out said scientist's name as you pointed to Zhongli. When faced with the Wanderer's incredulous look, he could only gain a fond look in his eyes, shrug and say, "You get used to it over time."
"Galileo, Galileo,"
"Wait, you're all used to this?!" Barbara's sheepish as she answers. "They sing as a coping mechanism. We kind of picked it up over time as well." Diluc shrugs again. "It's better than alcoholism."
"Galileo, Figaro! - Magnifico, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"
Wanderer cringes-- despite this, a smile is growing on his face. "You don't have to vocalize the echoes, you imbecile!" You merely put a hand to your forehead, aiming to up the drama with your next lyrics.
"I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me,"
He feels the tug of old memories, of old traumas still clinging to his skin. But he pays them no mind, knowing he must march onwards to the future. A future paved by a ragtag group of wanted divine beings and important people that are beginning to worm his way into his chest.
"He's just a poor boy from a poor family,"
Oh no. He's feeling it again.
"Spare him his life from this monstrosity!"
He cannot help but watch you all sing.
Barbara's fingers fly on the strings.
"Easy come,"
He felt what he felt back then, before she had forsaken him.
"Easy go,"
He felt what he felt back then, before he was fooled into thinking he had left him-- left them.
"Will you let me go?"
He felt what he felt back then, before he was torn away from him with no bigger enemy to blame but his own mortality.
"Bismillah! No!"
It was affection. It was care.
"We will not let you go!
(Let him go!)"
Oh archons, he's starting to care.
"Bismillah! We will not let you go!
(Let him go!)"
For hundreds of years, he's hardened his heart and closed himself off from everyone and everything. Sworn to scrub himself clean of human emotions.
"Bismillah! We will not let you go!
(Let me go!)"
And yet, for those same hundreds of years, he had never fully closed himself off-- never fully scrubbed away the feeling of... feeling.
"Will not let you go! (Let me go!)"
He couldn't help but glance at those two, fingers flying across the strings of their instruments. Humans, can they really be trusted?
"Will not let you go! (Let me go!)
His eyes slowly drifted to the other two, one ancient and the other practically a newborn. Can the gods really make him feel anything other than loathing?
"Never let you go!
(Never, never, never let me go!)"
He takes in their entire performance, all of them being their pure, complete, and unadulterated selves. With no masks to keep on, or roles to maintain. Merely singing, and dancing, and playing these instruments just for the heck of it.
"Oh, oh, oh!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
For centuries, he has roamed this world-- seeing and meeting many new people, and yet never regarding any of them as his companions.
"Oh, mama mia, mama mia!"
Would he be able to regard these people as such?
"Mama mia, let me go!"
Would he be able to trust them, like the did with the others? To stay and not break their promises with him?
"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,"
Would he be able to hold on to them, and they not let go as they had been claiming over and over?
"For me!"
Well, he has no choice in the matter. He's stuck with them now, as wanted fugitives.
"For me!"
Only time will tell if they forsake him like those before him. At least he's safe in the comfort that the world had forsaken them as well. Just like him. He hopes that strange sort of kinship makes you understand. He hopes it makes you stay.
You whooped with joy as Barbara absolutely nailed that note, Diluc quickly shredding on the zither afterwards. You would've given it to Zhongli but-- the man hasn't played a guitar before. And you need a certain "je ne sais quoi" to really pull off what Queen was doing. ...Also, you needed the sound of a guitar for the song.
You glance back to the Wanderer, mostly silently listening this whole time. He was lightly bopping his hand to the beat. You smile, taking whatever victories you can get. "Beelzebub? Really?" You blow a raspberry at him, preparing for the next part of the song. "I'll tell you about it later!" You clear your throat.
"So, you think you can stone me and spit in my eye!"
Diluc hits that sick riff.
"So, you think you can love me and leave me to die?!"
Barbara, even if she's practically undetectable underneath Diluc's strumming and your-- excuse me, Zhongli's drum beating, is still managing to bring up and compliment every single one of you performing.
"Oh, baby!"
You swear, if you all weren't wanted fugitives forced to live on the LAM because of a crime you didn't commit, you'd be a killer band.
"Can't do this to me baby!"
You do gotta thank Zhongli for subtly swiping away the drums from you-- you frankly weren't quite sure how you'd be able to focus on giving this song the power ballad it deservers while also playing an instrument.
"Just gotta get out,"
Despite all your peeking on Wanderer for his opinions on the song and to check on his emotional state, you weren't exactly omniscient. You were, afterall, still performing and still getting lost in the music.
"Just gotta get right outta here!"
So you didn't notice the twinge of an... almost fond emotion lacing his face as he watches you rock out to this classic. What can you say, Diluc kills it on the zither.
The sound builds and builds, Barbara layering on top of it and you not being able to resist the urge to air guitar to it as it slowly reaches its crescendo... And crashes back down, Zhongli and Diluc humming along to the sound.
"Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah,"
You gasp for breath, the end of the song finally coming up. Diluc's energetic playing slows down, signaling the finale.
"Nothing really matters,"
You feel sweat dripping down your skin, having danced and moved around-- possessed by the power of the song.
"Anyone can see,"
You lean your back against the cave wall, relishing in its coolness as you bring the song to a close.
"Nothing really matters... Nothing really matters, to me..."
You sigh as you sink, pleased and satisfied at everyone's performance.
"Any way the wind blows..."
Zhongli finishes it off with the rapping of the drum, mimicking a cymbal crash to his best ability. Barbara beams at the Wanderer, who looks like he's regretting singing along to that last part.
"So," you ask, out of breath. "what'cha think about the song?"
Wanderer waves off Barbara's tired but happy smile, poofing the fourth bowl back into existence and busying his hands. He prepares Diluc's Shimi Chazuke as he hums.
"Well, despite it being a complete emotional roller coaster and the utter gibberish that it contains, I suppose that its worthy being called 'my song', as you will."
"I'll fucking take it! Fives all around guys, good job!" You quickly double high five everyone in the group-- Zhongli letting you slam your hands down on his, Barbara being a quick pair of one-two taps, and Diluc just lightly bumping his full hands into yours. You turn to Wanderer, waiting for him to high five you. "You too, hat boy-- you joined in the song, you get some fives."
At least Diluc had the decency to look away when he huffed in amusement. "Hat boy?! Let me tell you, I've gone through many names and titles during my journey. And each one is more eminent than any ordinary mortal could ever imagine!"
As he said these words, his heart slowly sank to his feet as he saw the stupid, cheeky smile growing on your face. "Yes, yes... But! and I quote, 'they're all just water under the bridge to me now.
Call me whatever you like. Go ahead, let me see what you can come up with.'" The Wanderer's eye twitched.
"And that's the best you can come up with?! If you know me so well, oh, great Overseer, then you would very much know that I'm also telling you to not disappoint me! Tell me, All-Knowing Guide, am I not disappointed?!" You snorted, too tired from the day's events to feel any sort of proper fear and trepidation at this situation. "Then, I'll just keep thinking of names until something sticks, mushroom head." You pat his head. "Now, how in the world did you even get here Lulu?"
He sips from his bowl full of rice and tea. "Doro44 Sumeru Chasm sneakpeek. Would've gotten here faster if the place wasn't absolutely surrounded by treasure hoarders and Fatui. Had a bit of trouble finding it as well, since it was behind some rock walls." He grabs a small twig from the ground and starts drawing. "Its a sort of cave that's absolutely overgrown by giant roots." "You dare to ignore me?!"
You flash that same cheeky grin at him again. "We didn't ignore you, we just changed the subject!"
Nope, he takes it all back. He hates all of you.
AND THATS A FUCKING WRAP AUGHHHHHHHHH-- broooooo, you would not BELIEVE how hard this was to write. both because Bohemian Rhapsody is SUCH a long song but also because of SOOOO many outside circumstances. like BRUH i was supposed to release this like a day after my castaways fic but NOOOOOOOO-- life got so in the way man. my parents started breathing down my neck for chores, we had to visit my relatives in the province (still in the province btw lol), i got FUCKING SICK BECAUSE OF STRESS AND DUST ALLERGIES and i literally spent like-- my first few days sick making my sickness FUCKING WORSE since our house was literally covered in dust and i was the only one who could clean it fucking apparently. bro, i even spent this goddamn christmas fucking sick. ugh this has been such a hell week. literally the only comfort i found this week was all genshin related AHAHA-- i was playing genshin, visiting the SAGAU tag a lot, waiting for fanfics to update, just generally genshin brainrotting.
ugh thank god i finally released this one. i do have a lot of ideas for this down the road and hell dawg! i even got a request! thats the one thatll be coming up next. i wrote like-- a massive part of this sick and it got sOOOOO out of hand ever since i didnt get to finish it that day so i hope it sticks together well and is mostly coherent. enjoy!! :))
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farfromharry · 2 years
I put a spell on you | Eddie Munson fic
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Eddie Munson x Witch!Reader
Summary: Eddie stumbles upon a house in the middle of the woods that contains something he never expected. What happens next is a lot of crazy shit, that takes him on a rollercoaster of emotions. But what he got out of it was a pretty great girlfriend and confirmation that magic was real, and badass.
Word count - 13,632
Warnings - language maybe, slight angst
a/n this isnt my favourite cause i feel like its rushed in some places, but oh well
Eddie Munson was a complete idiot. Only he could head to a spot he had been a thousand times– granted it was within a shit ton of trees that all looked familiar– and still get lost. He was supposed to only be an hour, that’s what he’d told his uncle. But now, according to the watch on his wrist, it had been upwards of three considering all his wandering in circles. Or maybe it wasn’t circles as he eventually stumbled on a home built deep inside a cluster of trees, which hadn’t been there before.
It was all by itself, which should have been both awesome and slightly terrifying. If horror movies had taught him anything, it was that he shouldn’t trust a house isolated in the middle of nowhere. But unless he wanted to freeze out here tonight, he didn’t have many options.
A knock on your door was enough to make you freeze. You didn’t get visitors, ever, and you hadn’t planned on starting now. The whole point of your home being out in the middle of nowhere was so that none of those wretched people from town bothered you. It wasn’t like they had ever treated you or your kind with any sense of kindness. It was safe to say you were a little timid to open the door and find out who was on the other side.
“Who’s there?” you called. You didn’t know if telling them you were inside was the wrong move. That didn’t occur to you until after you had already spoken. But that was a consequence you’d deal with if whoever was on the other side of that door was dangerous.
There was a beat of silence, then a creak that came from the old boards that made up the stairs to your home. It was telling you whoever there was shifting their weight from foot to foot. “Uh, hi, I-I’m Eddie,” he started. He already had underlying nerves from being in the creepy woods of Hawkins in the middle of the night, but talking to a stranger he couldn’t see wasn’t helping his fears. “I was out, working–” he cringed, he was such an idiot. He didn’t really know how much drug dealing was classified as a job, nor did it classify lying to a stranger about it. “And I sort of got lost. I didn’t mean to find this place, but I have no idea how to get home from here. Do you think you could help me?”
He sounded harmless, though you didn’t know if it was too early to make that observation. It could all be a big facade. There was also always the possibility that you were overthinking it, he could be telling the whole truth.
“I’m a stranger. You’re not worried I’m going to murder you or something?”
“People actually thought I was a murderer last year,” he said. It hit him only after he said it that he absolutely should not be telling you that. “Oh, my god. I’m not a murderer, I swear. I shouldn’t have said that, that makes me sound really bad. I’m sorry.”
You cracked open the door, only slightly, to catch sight of him. Through the small gap you were able to see him where he stood. His hair was long, clothes dark, chains hanging from his jeans and around his neck, as well as chunky rings lining his fingers. To anyone else, he might look scary, but somehow seeing him in front of you, rather than just his voice, made him less intimidating.
“Hi,” he said. The small smile that creeped onto his face made you want to smile. There was something about the look of pure innocence on his face that made excitement bubble in your chest. It was that look that made you pull the door open further.
Just as you’d been surprised to see what Eddie looked like, he too was surprised to see you. You were far from what he pictured some rando who lived in the middle of the woods would look like. A hell of a lot prettier than he’d been imagining. He couldn’t help but admire you while he stood there, the gray flowy dress you were wearing, tied in with a corset type thing around your waist, a cardigan thrown over your top half to keep you shielded from the cold. You were pretty, so pretty that it almost made Eddie nervous– so nervous he wouldn’t be able to speak to you.
“I have a map inside somewhere. Come in, I’ll show you how to get out of here.”
The sound of your voice snapped him out of his daze, his head nodding instantly. “Okay, thank you. That’s great. Amazing.” He willed himself to shut up when you looked at him oddly, stepping outside to let him into your home.
He took a seat on one of the brightly coloured chairs that sat in the middle of the room, after you gave him the okay of course. The place was strangely decorated, but he loved it, it was cozy. It wasn’t like his home or any of his friend’s homes, but maybe that was what made it so enchanting. You left him there, only a few feet away while you rummaged through drawers in your living room. You knew the map had to be in one of them somewhere.
“What’s your name?”
You hadn’t been expecting him to speak, so he had caught you off guard a little bit. “Huh?” you questioned, head briefly turning in his direction.
If he was bothered by the fact you didn’t answer right away, he didn’t show it. He flashed you a comforting smile, repeating himself. “I told you my name. What’s yours?” He was genuinely curious to know, and you had never had an individual show such interest in wanting to get to know you– not that you could really claim he was getting to know you, asking your name wasn’t much. At this point in your life, you guessed you just wanted a friend. Maybe Eddie would be your best shot.
“Oh. Y/N.” You smiled at him as warmly as you could. For a few moments you paused in your searching, giving him your complete attention. You didn’t know much about making friends, but surely in order to make them they would probably want your undivided attention when they were speaking.
You regretted it instantly though, when you noticed the flash of something across his face. You couldn’t tell if it was recognition or confusion.
“Y/L/N?” he questioned.
You swore your heart stopped beating. It was never a good sign when someone could guess who you were, usually that meant they’d heard of you, and you didn’t like not knowing what he’d heard about you. “Yeah. How’d you know?” He could probably hear the fearful waver in your voice.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N?” he almost yelled. When you shrunk in on yourself, he realized that was probably the wrong thing to say. It had been a mix of shock and complete disbelief that he was in the presence of something who was nothing but a legend to the kids of Hawkins high. It was wrong, especially if you were such a sweetheart like you were proving to be, but you were like a ghost story in that school. He’d heard so many rumors about you and the awful things you’d done. But now that he was standing here, you must have been around the same age, you couldn’t have done all these horrible things people claimed you had.
After his small outburst, he apologized quietly, wanting to try and make the mood a little lighter. He wasn’t always great at finding the best stuff to say in these situations though. “Y’know everyone in town thinks you’re a witch, right?”
You let out a breath, refusing to meet his eyes, turning back around to the set of drawers around you. “Yeah,” you confirmed. You knew what people said, they’d claimed these things about your family for years, it wasn’t anything new now.
He didn’t know why you were so unbothered with the news. “Like everyone.” He thought emphasizing might get a better reaction out of you.
Still no reaction like he thought he would get though. Instead you said something that flipped his whole world on its head, completely. “Well they’d be right,” you told him. The information was stated like it was a simple fun fact or something, not a piece of information that confirmed to Eddie there were even more supernatural beings in Hawkins– outside of the upside down– than he originally believed. This town just got weirder and weirder by the day.
He laughed, like a complete maniac, then came to a halt when he realized you were deadly serious. It was slightly amusing to you to hear his laughter trail off like that, but you had just found the map of the forest you were looking for, so your attention was elsewhere. “Wait, actually?”
“Unfortunately. But that’s not important right now, I have the map.” You stalked over to him, dodging all the plant pots you had scattered around the floor. You rolled out the paper on the table beside where he was sitting, beginning to point out where you were right now. You were planning to point out a perfectly clear path he could take that would lead him somewhere near the old, abandoned burger place on the edge of town. From there you assumed he knew his way home.
You heard him scoff. “What do you mean that’s not important? Do you know how cool it is to meet a witch?” He sounded genuinely excited, and it made your chest feel all fuzzy.
You sighed. “I just want to help you get home.”
It seemed he had lost all interest in ever getting back there. Even as you had the map laid out, finger on your location planning to show him the way he needed when he knocked at your door, he showed no care. He was more bothered about seeing you perform a spell or something. Sure a lot of supernatural things had happened to him in the past year, all bad, but this could be the first good one he got to experience. It could permanently alter his mindset on the supernatural— back to the way he used to perceive them as in his fantasy books and games— and you would be to thank. “Can you show me? Like, I don’t know, wave your magic wand or something.”
“I don’t have a magic wand.”
“Well that’s lame. What do you have?”
Your eyes scanned the room, eyes squinted in thought of what you could possibly do to prove to this man that you were what you claimed to be. In hindsight, you could cast a spell, you just didn’t think there were any basic enough to keep his attention, but not freak him out. The only other thing you could think to do, was throw some ingredients together, and make him something he could drink. “I can make you a potion.”
He didn’t know why you were so apprehensive, that sounded so cool in his mind. “Hell yeah. Let’s do it.”
You beamed, collecting the stuff you needed for a simple potion. The map and the idea of getting Eddie home was abandoned for the sake of this new task. Ingredients were grabbed, from the top of your head, and tossed into a small black tub that Eddie would insist was a cauldron. It didn’t matter how many times you told him it wasn’t, he didn’t care. He believed what he wanted to believe. When mixing you were a little concerned that the color was off. It was slightly more pink than it usually was, but you didn’t pay it any mind, it didn’t feel like a big deal. Before you could think too much of it, he spoke up and caught your attention.
“You know, you aren’t what I thought you’d be,” he concluded, sounding as though he was deep in thought. If he had said that twenty minutes ago, you might have felt like crawling into a hole and never leaving again. But you had come to see he was harmless. He tended to just think out loud, and as dangerous as that could be some times, it was endearing when he did it.
Your brows raised, head cocking to the side out of curiosity. “Oh yeah? What did you think I’d be like?”
He was quiet, like he was really taking the time to think it over. “Like one of those witches from a movie, I guess. Maybe green with a cackle, and some sort of evil vendetta against a girl from Kansas. Have you seen the wizard of Oz?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at his weird comparison. You’d thought he was getting a little too specific at some point, but it quickly made sense afterward. It didn’t surprise you that his only perception of witches he had was from some old movie.
“I have. Can’t say I’m like the wicked witch of the west though, Eddie.” He narrowed his eyes, squinting at you like if he looked hard enough he would maybe see some sort of comparison. You huffed, rolling your eyes. “I’m not a witch from a movie!”
He still wasn’t entirely convinced. After all the media he’d consumed about witches, telling him they were all similar and fitting into a stereotype, he refused to believe you didn’t fit at least one aspect. “So, you really don’t have a magic wand? Or a pointy hat? Even a broom?” There were probably more things he could list of if he thought about them, but he was just throwing out things from the top of his head right now.
“No,” you deadpanned.
Apparently he still wasn’t done. One look around your home told him there was a single question that he knew would get you. “Do you have a black cat?” There were small clues that told him there was a cat of some kind at the very minimum that frequented here— like the food bowl and the few loose toys dotted around the place. He was just praying to any God that would listen that it happened to be a black one.
“I–“ You paused in your denial very quickly, eyes turning to slits so you could glare at him. You didn’t like being caught out. “There’s a stray that comes by sometimes. I feed him, but that’s it.”
He cheered loudly. “I knew it!”
You didn’t want to let him relish in the teeny tiny victory you’d accidentally granted him for too long. You quickly tried to change the subject to other topics. “Just take this.” You stretched your arm out to him, leaving the potion only inches away from his face.
“What is it?” Eddie Munson wasn’t the kind of guy that questioned things usually. If this was any of his other friends offering him a drink like this, he probably would have taken it without a second thought. But he considered the fact this was only your first meeting and he barely knew you, and thought maybe it’d be safer to ask this once. Plus, it would show Wayne that he’d taught him a little bit of something in terms of stranger danger. That would make the older Munson feel slightly accomplished.
With a sigh, you nudged it in his direction again, hoping he would take the slightly weighted glass from you. “A love potion.” It was simple, but it made his eyes widen slightly. He didn’t recover for a few seconds, looking between the pink tinted liquid and your face. But then he realized you were waiting on him to say something, or make a move, and a smirk curled at the corner of his mouth.
“You want me to fall in love with you?” he inquired, dramatically wiggling his eyebrows. Your cheeks heated up, jaw gaping slightly. A beat passed before you regained yourself enough to know what to say. He startled you as much as you did him.
“Well, you’ll fall in love with the first person you see. You could look in a mirror I suppose,” you suggested. “I might be a recluse but I’ve heard self love is important these days,” you teased.
He laughed, the sound like music to your ears. “What if I want to fall in love with the pretty witch?” You didn’t know if this was still teasing or if he was being genuine now. You weren’t really a good indicator at telling the difference between the two emotions. You opted to believe he was still going down the route of jokes the two of you were cracking.
“Then drink it and you’ll be head over heels for me in seconds.” You were only teasing, the one you had actually given him was just supposed to make him start with hysterical laughter– completely harmless. Or so you thought. He didn’t wait a second before drinking it, which was concerning in more than one way. Not only had he taken a strange drink from a random person he’s never met before, but it was one that was supposed to make him fall in love with said random person. “You really shouldn’t take stuff from strangers, you know.”
He shrugged, setting the glass down now that the liquid was all gone. “Even if they’re really pretty?” he countered.
“What?” you asked, freezing in place.
“You’re really pretty. Like, really pretty. Shame you live out in the woods all by yourself, you’d break hearts left and right downtown.”
The sudden burst of flirtation, and the way his pupils were practically heart shaped as he stared at you, meant only one thing. You’d messed up with the potions. The ingredients were so similar that it must have been a slight of hand or something, you must have gotten distracted while he was talking to you. This was bad. The one possible shot at friendship you’d had in twenty-one years might have just been ruined. “Oh, no,” you muttered. “Oh, no. That was not meant to happen.”
Even an hour later you were still in a state of panic over Eddie. You were pacing, had been for a while, trying to come up with a solution while simultaneously ignoring the man’s attempts at confessing his love for you. You weren’t just embarrassed, you were completely mortified, and you felt terrible for putting him through this. There really went your chance at making a friend today.
You pulled your spell book from off the shelf, hoping Eddie wouldn’t see it and make some comment about how much of one of those film witches you looked like right now. You flicked through desperately, trying to find if there was a counter potion or spell or anything that could be used to snap him out of this. But two whole read throughs of the book and you still came up empty. It left you to feel useless and so apologetic to the poor man who just wanted directions. The worst part was, you didn’t know him well enough to find someone who could help.
“Eddie, is there someone I can call for you, at home, to let them know you’re staying with someone tonight?” You didn’t want his loved ones to worry that he’d gone missing or something along those lines. A part of you was worried that he wouldn’t be able to get you a straight answer, but you didn’t really know how much a love potion messed with someone’s rational thinking.
He was quiet, so you didn’t think he’d heard you or understood what you were asking. You sighed, slouching in the seat you were in. You felt so useless. “There’s Wayne,” he muttered, still staring at you dreamily.
“Wayne? Okay. Can you give him a call for me?”
Every move he made was slow and thought out, but his eyes never once left your figure. When he was on the phone to whoever Wayne was, he sounded so airy and distant, you would be surprised if the man on the other end of the line didn’t notice something was up with him. But the call ended and it seemed no questions were raised, so you let it go. “What do we do now?” he asked, a silly grin on his face when you came into his vision again after setting the phone down.
Not once did you think your night would be ending with a random, potion drunk, man sleeping on your couch, but here you were. “Just get some sleep. We’ll figure this out tomorrow.”
The next morning, you stuck to your promise. You had almost forgotten Eddie was even at your place, but then you turned over in your bed and found him sitting nearby, staring right at you, and you were officially creeped out. It startled you a little bit, but it was your fault so you let it slide. “Um, I’m gonna find a solution for this today,” you told him. It wasn’t a promise as such that you’d be successful, but you were going to do everything you possibly could to help him. 
You got ready as well as you could with a lovesick puppy by your side, occasionally having to pause for deep breaths when you ended up on the verge of snapping at him. Then it was back to work, book after book rummaged through for anything that could help. While he distracted himself rummaging through your stuff, you were deeply focused.
You felt as though you could have pulled your hair out with how difficult it was. “This isn’t working!” you huffed. The volume of your tone captured Eddie’s attention, the man turning to you with a frown. It looked like at that moment he would go to the ends of the earth to figure out a solution for you. In fact, that was what he was going to try and do. A sight that was enough to force out at least some of the tension from your body. 
He was on his knees in front of you, your hand clasped tightly in his two. “What can I do? How can I help?” he asked. He almost choked on his words from trying to get them out too quickly. 
If it wasn’t so endearing you might have laughed. “Do you know anyone that could figure this out? Even just a nerd who’s really into magic or something?” You weren’t very hopeful, he seemed a little bit like a loner. There was a tiny chance he would know the perfect guy, but his silence wasn’t promising. 
“Henderson,” he muttered. It was so quiet that you couldn’t hear him. It just sounded like a strange murmur to you. 
“Dustin Henderson. A nerd who’s really into magic.” He looked proud of himself. His one goal had been to impress you, and by the look on your face, that was exactly what he had done. The smile that creeped onto your face made his heart flutter, and he wasn’t sure if it was a genuine reaction or one fabricated by the potion. 
If you hadn’t been so scared of the domino effect it would cause, you might have even graved Eddie with a kiss on the cheek. “You’re a genius!” You jumped up from your seat, nothing but pure joy written on your face. You actually might be able to help him today. He just sat there and watched as you slipped on your shoes, grabbing a jacket by the door. You hadn’t expected for him to still be sitting there blankly when you turned back around. “What are you waiting for, dummy? Let’s go.”
It wasn’t a long walk from your home to basic civilization, but you had no idea how far you had to go after that. And leading a big man baby alongside you didn’t make the journey exactly fun. 
“Eddie, I really need you to tell me where I’m going,” you said, standing on the edge of the forest, watching cars pass by on the roads. If he wasn’t going to be any more use by the end of the day, the least he could was give you directions. You were pleading with him at this point, eyes as soft as you could make them in the hopes of swading him. 
“Can I hold your hand?” Your brow furrowed. You were worried he hadn’t heard you, but there was no reason why he shouldn’t have. Part of you thought maybe he was just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.
He didn’t let you protest. As you opened your mouth to clearly reject him, he held out his open palm, pouting at you in the hopes it would make you feel sympathetic, and therefore give in to his wants. You hated that he had already got you so figured out, because it worked so fast. He managed to tug at your heart strings with those big brown eyes in ways you couldn’t begin to explain. “If I say yes, will you show me the way to Dustin’s house?” you asked. His pout became a smile rapidly, head nodding wildly. You let out a sigh, slipping your hand into his extended one. “Then, okay.”
And he kept to his word. 
Turns out, the way to Dustin’s house was long. It took literally forever. Maybe if Eddie was in a better state of mind he could have suggested driving– although he didn’t have his van– it would have just been a quicker solution had he been able to do it. But the walk, with the company you had, and the pleasant enough weather, was actually kinda nice. That was what made the journey feel shorter than it was.
“This is his house?” you checked, stopping at the end of the driveway of a small, one floored home. You didn’t like being so out in the open, where so many people lived. It had been years since you had ever seen a home like this, and you couldn’t say it was missed. He nodded, confirming for you. With that confirmation, you felt like you had been given the confidence to go and knock. “Let’s go get you fixed.”
Eddie conveniently left out the fact that this ‘Dustin’ was a child. 
When the front door opened, you found your eyes trailing down to find the individual who answered. He was shorter than you were, looked a lot younger too, and it had you shooting Eddie a weird look. Why was he friends with a preteen? You thought he was your age. “Are you Dustin?” you questioned. 
The curly-haired kid sent a similar look to the one you did, between you and Eddie. “Yeah… What’s going on?”
You exhaled a shaky breath. This whole thing would be so much easier if your new friend would take the lead and explain everything. You didn’t want this kid to think you were some psycho who kidnapped his friend or something. “Do you think we could come inside to explain?”
For a second he was hesitant, but then like Eddie upon your first meeting, he ignored all possible signs of stranger danger and welcomed you both in. You supposed it helped his case that you were with someone he knew (holding hands also), the same couldn’t be said for Munson. You thanked the boy with a warm smile, ignoring the look he gave you when he took in your outfit as you passed. You didn’t look like any other girl he saw around Hawkins, yet in a weird way, it was exactly what he expected Eddie’s taste in women to be like. The dark clothes, flashy jewelry and overall flamboyance of your style. 
The three of you sat down in Dustin’s living room. You and Eddie sat side by side, your hand still firmly gripped in his, only it now settled in his lap. It was practically in a death grip that he didn’t seem to be thinking of letting go of. The kid sat on the armchair turned towards the two of you, his lips pursed tightly together as he waited for someone to speak up. It became evident soon after that he was going to have to break the silence though.
“Eddie, what’s going on?” 
If his plan for this entire talk was to direct his questions to his friend, none of you would get anywhere with it. “I think it’s better I explain this actually,” you laughed, nervously. Your laugh made Eddie laugh, which only furthered how disturbed the poor child was. “Long story short, I’m a witch, I accidentally gave Eddie a love potion, and I can’t find a reversal. He said you might be able to help.” 
His jaw slacked, eyes widening as he stared at you. It was like he was trying to peer into your soul, like he’d be able to tell if you were actually telling him the truth that way— like he’d be able to see the magic inside you. “You’re a witch?” 
His amazement was clear. “Let me guess, you want me to do a spell?” He didn’t even need to say it. If Eddie, a man that seemed like a nerd, needed to see you physically prove your ability, then this kid who was definitely a nerd, would absolutely die to see it. It was getting old fast. You didn’t like feeling like some sort of circus attraction. You were just hoping they had no other friends that would make you do this. Or if they did, ones who would accept ‘no’ as a perfectly fine answer. 
Not much persuading was needed for you to agree. As you began to mutter under your breath, you could see him clearly bouncing his leg with excitement. You guessed it was nice to be able to create such joy in a person. Despite your previous annoyance, you chuckled to yourself as his nose turned into that of a pig. It wasn’t a spell you got to do often, what with a lack of interaction with others, but each time you had done it, you cherished the joy you got from it. 
At first he was unaware of what was different. It wasn’t until Eddie pointed it out that he realized. “Dude, your nose!” 
He thought this was the moment when he would regret allowing some strange person in his home. The older boy’s tone didn’t fill him with much confidence that this would be good. He frantically searched for a mirror, finding one inside his mother’s purse that hung by the front door. Upon seeing that his own nose had been replaced by another, he let out a loud laugh— mainly of amusement. It was hard to tell whether that was good or bad, and you worried you might get in trouble. But he quickly repressed your worries a moment later. “This is so awesome!” he cheered, having Eddie join in with the excitement. “I have to call Steve”.
You were so distracted with them that you almost let that slip by you. It wasn’t until alarm bells started going off in your head that you realized what had been uttered. “No, no! Don’t call Steve.” The more people who knew you weren’t just some myths Hawkins high students made up, the more danger you were forced into. You didn’t even want to be this far away from your home right now, but you had no choice. If you had it your way you would have never even met Eddie.
The blue eyed could see the horror written across your face, and he took his energy down a notch. “Oh, uh, he’s harmless. He wouldn’t tell anyone. I promise.” It took longer for you to give in to him this time, specifically because it was your safety and privacy at risk. He could see you were hesitant, so he kicked at Eddie’s foot, hoping he would pitch in and vouch for Steve, considering he was the only other person here that knew what he was like. 
“He’s a little douchey, but he can keep secrets, sweetheart.”
The pet name took you a little off guard, but you let it slide. You sighed, giving up. “Okay. If you think he can help, call him.”
And though he did end up being harmless— a little ditzy if anything— he did tell people. Two people to be exact. Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley. They were polite, more so than Dustin and Eddie. If they were dying to see you perform some sort of witchy act, they didn’t let it be known, they at least kept that to themselves. The other boy on the other hand, not so much. He was pacing, while you explained what happened, shooting you odd looks every now and then. You could tell he was desperate to ask. 
You tried to ignore the curious gazes, but then you decided enough was enough. “Fine. I’ll do one spell and that’s it.” So you did, a quick little thing, showcasing some sparkles from your hands that left them all stunned, and then you were quickly moving on. “Well, now that’s all out of the way, let’s get to work,” you announced. 
Dustin and Steve took to the kids computer, hoping they could find something on the internet. The odds were minimal, but it was worth the shot. One of the two girls suggested they head to the local library. If anywhere was going to have information on potions, it would be the ancient library in the middle of downtown Hawkins. If so many supernatural things had happened in Hawkins for so many years, then surely there had to be something on witches, even if it just told of a book that might have the answers for you. 
You just needed to rack your brain pretty much, and keep an eye on Eddie to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. Occasionally you would shoot down a suggestion when you knew it wouldn’t work, but aside from that you didn’t give much input. 
By the end of the night, well into the early hours of the morning by now, there were only two of you left awake. The two girls had passed out first, their eyes tired from all the reading they had been doing over the course of the day. Then the kid was next, nodding off at the computer until you insisted it was okay for him to head to sleep. Shockingly, Eddie was next, though it was no surprise that he fell asleep beside you on the couch. His head was practically in your lap, and you couldn’t seem to suppress the urge you had to stroke his hair. To say he was the one under the control of the love potion, you were certainly feeling a certain way towards him right now. You couldn’t quite put your finger on what that feeling explicitly was either. 
That left just you and Steve, an awkward silence settling over the two of you as you both stuck into your own research. Though it appeared he wanted to say something, what with the way he kept heavily sighing every few minutes. “What’s up?” you asked, getting tired of the constant interruption to your thoughts. 
“Does it not just wear off eventually?” Steve asked. 
You sighed, shaking your head. Only spells worked that way unfortunately, or things would have been a hell of a lot easier. “I wish. If I can’t find a way to reverse it, he could be stuck like this for who knows how long.” The way you looked at him could almost be labeled as longingly. You wouldn’t be too happy if that was pointed out to you though. His friends must have hated you for this. You knew you wouldn’t have taken too kindly to something if someone had essentially cursed your friend. 
“I really didn’t mean to. I need you to know that.”
The brunette frowned, eyes leaving the computer to look at you instead. He noted how apologetic you looked, the guilt that festered in your eyes. He didn’t mean to make you feel bad, not a single person in this room did. “We know,” he promised. “Eddie, he uh, he gets himself into trouble all the time, it’s shocking that this hasn’t happened before.” You chuckled, some of that tension leaving your body that you knew you weren’t being blamed. “If we had to take a vote, we’d all agree he would be the one to stumble across a witch first, too.” 
“Should’ve bet money on it while you could,” you joked.
You could physically feel the light-hearted energy leave the room again only seconds later. Gone were the jokes and the teasing, Steve was back to being serious. “We’ll figure this out,” he told you, his gaze on you never wavering. He meant it, and you could tell.
“I know we will. Thank you, Steve.” 
For the last two days, you had been as patient as physically possible with Eddie. It was your fault he was in this lovesick state anyway, you couldn’t blame him for the repercussions of your actions. So you’d been sucking it up so as to not yell at him. But that could only go so far. Eventually, you would just have to step away before you literally exploded. So you did. After twenty-four straight hours of being awake to find a solution, you had to go home just to get a break from his incessant bugging.
You thought you’d been sneaky about it, packing up any of the information you thought might have been able to help you, but it turns out Dustin had seen you. He was confused as to what you were doing. For a second he was also worried that you might just be leaving, to be dumping Eddie on them without ever finding a solution for him. “Where are you going?” he asked. 
“I’m, uh, gonna head home,” you announced, catching the attention of the rest of the small group. You didn’t realize how shy it would make you to have that many eyes on you at once. “Just to see if I have any other books with anything in. I’ll come back,” you assured.
There was a chorus of understanding, though Eddie didn’t join in on that. He didn’t like the thought of you leaving him. He didn’t really get a say in it though. Instead, he had no choice but to watch as you headed out Dustin’s front door, offering them all a swift goodbye for who knows how long. Now that you were out of his sight, as cliché as it sounded, he felt sort of empty. 
Back in the peace and quiet of your own home, you could think better. However, just because you could think more, didn’t mean any more progress was being made with your research. Your spell book was pulled back off of the shelf, letting you read and re-read the page that contained the ingredients for the love potion. All you came across was a simple statement towards the bottom of the page, not really a practical method of reversal, it was actually rather useless. The only way to undo the effects of the potion, were for the individual to either die or actually fall in love with the first person they saw after drinking the potion.
Unfortunately, you didn’t get to be alone for long. A simple knock at your door almost pulled a loud groan from you. Not only were you tired, barely staying awake long enough to finish the page of the old book you were reading, but you really didn’t feel like having a conversation with anyone right now. It didn’t matter who it was, you didn’t know if you could stand seeing anyone right now.
You hoped if you stayed silent, they might just go away. That was what you would do if no one answered the door after you knocked.
This individual didn’t seem like the type of person who was going to take that as an answer. Their knuckles rapped against the door again, and again, and again until you got up to pull it open. It wasn’t that much of a shock to you that the man standing on your doorstep was the curly-haired ‘maniac’ you had been trying to purposely avoid.
“Eddie. Hi, what’s up?” You put on your nicest voice, hoping to not let it shine through how exhausted you were about everything. You felt for him, you did, you knew he couldn’t help the magnetism he felt towards you, but that didn’t make it any less annoying. “Did you guys find anything?”
He shook his head. You physically deflated. 
“So, why are you here?” You thought that alone might have sounded a little harsh and that hadn’t been your intention. Quickly, you tried to make it better. “What do you need?”
He briefly looked panicked, but then his face visibly relaxed. “I fell. Hurt myself. Think I got a bloody knee and some scrapes on my palms.” He motioned downward momentarily, but not long enough to allow you to take a thorough look. “Was hoping you might be able to patch me up, kiss it better. Please.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, letting them trail over his figure once again, before you came to your final conclusion. “I don’t see any blood,” you pointed out. 
There was that fear again. “I got lost.” His change of story made you chuckle. You wanted him to just come out and say it, tell you why he was really here, you didn’t need the whole beating around the bush thing he was doing. Things would be so much simpler, so much less frustrating if he was honest with you. 
“You got lost the exact route way as you did yesterday?” you asked, entertaining this rouse he was keeping up.
It wouldn’t have taken a genius to recognise that you weren’t believing a word that was coming out of his mouth. He sighed, dropping his act. “Okay, fine,” he huffed. “I- Honestly, I just missed you.” His confession sounded heartfelt, and you hated that it tugged at your heartstrings a little bit. If you were previously going to deny him entrance to your home, after hearing those words, you were no longer doing that.
You huffed. “Come in,” you instructed. 
The smile on his face was so wide that you were genuinely unsure how he hadn’t hurt his face. It was blinding. He was practically skipping up the steps of your home after getting the okay. You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t lie to anyone and say you weren’t slightly joyous about spending time with him. 
You had barely closed the door before he was getting himself comfortable. It was the same chair he had found himself in for hours the other day. A blanket was tugged over his lap, and he shuffled into the chair until he was all cozy and content. He looked impossibly warm, and if you were a weaker person you might have joined him. He for sure would have let you. But instead, you took to teasing, finding it rather sweet how his cheeks would tint pink when you said just the right thing.
“Making yourself comfortable, huh?” you tormented, wiggling your eyebrows curiously. 
You felt your heart soar when his face did exactly what you had expected, glowing a bright shade of pink, bordering on red. He shrunk further in his seat, more than you thought was possible. If he buried himself any further, you were sure the floor would swallow him whole.
“I just thought–”
“Don’t worry about it, Eddie. I was kidding.” When he got a good look at the expression on your face, he visibly relaxed, able to see you really were playing around with him. The more the two of you stared back at each other, the more something flickered inside you. It scared you a little, it wasn’t something you were supposed to feel, so you tried to push it to the back of your mind. “Uh, so, I could actually use your help. I think.”
“Oh yeah?” He perked up at the idea of you needing something from him. 
“Dustin told me about the game you like–”
“Dungeons and dragons,” he corrected. It was essentially useless for him to throw that in there, but he felt like he needed to do it anyway. It was more than just a game to him. 
“Yes, that. He, uh, he said it has a lot of magic and stuff in it, I guess I was wondering if you had any input on what we should do?” It was probably a long shot. How would some made up fantasy game for kids be able to solve your very real problem? 
You hadn’t realized that question would open up an endless discussion on Eddie’s part about every nook and cranny of this game. It didn’t matter that you didn’t understand a word of what he was saying, the way he talked about it with such passion was so endearing. You found that you couldn’t take your eyes off him, he was so animated that you could tell this was one of his biggest interests. You had yet to see him act this way about anything else– well, other than you, but that was your fault. 
The rest of the night was spent stuck in that conversation. If it was anyone else you would have made an excuse to get out of it hours ago, but you were actually asking questions and throwing in your two-cents for him every now and then. And somehow, possibly the worst part of it all, you even agreed to let him teach you to play sometime. 
It was that that made you realize there was something stirring inside of you when you thought about him, or saw him, or talked to him. This stupid potion had done something you really hadn’t expected, it had sparked feelings in not only him, but you too. 
You were getting feelings for Eddie Munson. 
Days passed by with yet no more progress on a solution. The only thing that had actually made any progress at all, were your feelings toward Eddie. Before, you wouldn’t normally have glanced his way, but now you found every small act he did to be charming and you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He had been spending a lot more time with you, and much to your original dismay, you had begun to not hate it as much as you did in the first instance. 
He was a lot easier to talk to than you had originally expected. Aside from the random compliments and the insistence to do sweet gestures for you, he was actually pretty cool. You were happy that he would be the first ever friend that you made. You couldn’t have thought of anyone better to do that job. But he didn’t want to be just friends, courtesy of the accidental love potion of course. 
For the last couple hours, he had been non-stop pestering you. You were trying to ignore him, but the longer he kept going, the more your patience wore thin. By the time the clock hit six-thirty, signaling the three hour mark of this badgering, you had enough. “What do you want?” you groaned, abandoning your research in exchange for looking at him. It wasn’t like you’d actually been that involved in your reading anyway, you were becoming less and less encouraged the longer you came up empty. 
“Go on a date with me,” he said. It was so blunt that it surprised you. 
You laughed. “What?” Of all the things he had asked you or done under the control of this potion, he had yet to do something like this. 
“One date,” he begged, hands clasped together as his eyes pleaded with you. He was on his knees now, looking up at you with those cartoon-esque eyes that you had no idea how anyone said no to. You were not about to be the first one to tell him no, not when he was looking at you like that. “Please, Y/N.”
You wanted to deny him, to shake your head, brush him off and tell him he was being silly, but a part of you didn’t want that. Instead, a part of you wanted to see what a date with Eddie Munson consisted of. “Fine. Tomorrow night.”
He cheered, practically fist bumping the air. You winced, shaking your head as you ushered him out of your home, telling him to spend the night back at his home for a change. The man you had learned to be his uncle was surely worried about him by now. He had barely been home all week. “But for now, I want you to go home,” you told him, with the most serious expression you could muster. It would have been much easier if he stopped looking at you with those big puppy eyes. 
“See you tomorrow, beautiful.”
By the time tomorrow night rolled around, you hated to say that you were a little excited to see him. You had gotten all dolled up, hoping– praying– he would notice. You hated that you were relying on the opinion of someone you barely knew, but you had quickly grown to enjoy hearing his compliments. 
You were ready much too early, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, just sitting there in silence as you waited for the knock on your door. There were nerves swirling around in your stomach. This was supposed to just be something that would quell Eddie’s bugging, relaxing him enough that he laid off to let you work for a while. But now, it felt more real. It didn’t feel like a chore, it felt like something you wanted to enjoy. You didn’t know what that meant. 
You didn’t get the chance to question what it meant though before a knock sounded on your door.
“Just, be normal,” you muttered to yourself, letting out a breath as you headed for the door. You reminded yourself that standing on the other side of the wood, it was just Eddie, the same one you had been getting to know over the past few days. He wasn’t scary or mean or anything, he was just sweet Eddie. 
With that in mind, you pulled open the door, smiling at him warmly. He looked cute, more put together than he usually did, you could’ve sworn he’d even tried to do his hair. It looked more tame than it usually did, and it made your heart grow at the idea of him putting that much effort in for you. “Hey, you look… gorgeous,” he said, an airy edge to his voice. 
“Thank you. Seems you clean up nice too.”
His cheeks flushed a little at your words. You hadn’t given him a compliment before. It was sort of a nice change of tune for the two of you. As much as he would have loved to relish in it for the next two whole days, there was only a certain amount of hours left before Eddie’s plans all went to shit. 
“Are you ready to go?” he asked. Even if it did mess up his plans, he would wait for hours for you if you needed him to. 
“Yeah. All good, let’s go.” Despite the enthusiasm you showed, you were freaking out about the location you were going to end up in. Depending on how far away it was, you didn’t know that you could take the anticipation. “Where are we going?” you asked. You were a little nervous that he would take you somewhere open and public. You weren’t the most liked individual amongst the town of Hawkins, and you didn’t feel like spending your evening being mocked or taunted by strangers. If he had planned something as such, you would feel bad, knowing he was obviously excited for it. But, you’d have to say no. 
He took his eyes off of the floor to flash you a sweet smile. “You’ll see,” he said. Though he quickly regretted looking your way when he tripped over a fallen log in his path. He heard you attempt to hold back a laugh, but considerably failed when you began to giggle. “Hey. Not funny.”
“It was a little bit funny,” you said. The joy on your face made it much too hard for him to argue against you. 
“Okay fine, a little funny. But, if you trip at any point, just know I’m not helping you,” he warned. You rolled your eyes at the pretend irritation on his face, nudging him with your shoulder. 
He broke out into a much happier expression after that, and just like the other day, shyly asked if he could take your hand again. You had no issue in doing so. Actually you found it rather comforting. 
For the rest of the journey to wherever it was you were going, your hands stayed intertwined with one another's. The warmth from his hand was comforting, as was the secure touch. Living alone in the middle of the woods, you didn’t get much human contact of any kind. 
“Okay, we’re almost there,” he told you. He’d forced the both of you to a stop, blocking your view beyond the trees so you couldn’t make any guesses of where you were. He wanted it to be a complete surprise, and he was even going to take a step further to really make sure. “Close your eyes,” he instructed.  
“Close my eyes? Eddie–” you began to protest. He didn’t want to hear it though. 
“Just do it.”
You sighed, dramatically, just to let him know that you really didn’t want to do this. But you did it anyway, because he asked you to. That was all the prompting you needed. You let your eyes close under the belief that he wouldn’t let you fall or bump into anything. He reached for your other hand, just so he had a sort of better grip on you. “This better not be your way of getting payback for me laughing at you earlier. If I trip, I swear to god, Munson.”
“I won’t let that happen,” he promised. And you trusted him. 
Your eyes were only closed for a few minutes, maybe two at tops while he led you through the shallow gathering of trees until there was a clearing. “Okay,” he positioned you in front of him so you could see when you opened your eyes. “Open.”
Lover’s lake was a place you rarely ever visited. You’d been there maybe once or twice, and knew of the rumors about it from around town, but you couldn’t say you ever found much of a reason to be there. “Is this what I think it is, Munson?” you asked. Half of your question was teasing, the other half genuinely wondering if he’d brought you to a makeout spot for the same reason everyone else came to this place. 
He seemed horrified that you might have thought that was what he was implying. “No, oh god, no– I didn’t mean–” Your laughter put a cap on his worrying, the man realizing you weren’t actually mad at him or anything. “Right. You were kidding. Uh, I brought you here to star-gaze, actually.”
“Star gazing?” you asked, eyes sparkling as you looked at him. 
His eyes flickered over to you shyly, unsure whether that was a good or bad reaction from your tone of voice. “I thought we could lay by the edge of the lake, watch the stars for a little while. Witches like stuff like that, right?”
“Right,” you confirmed. You were very much still looking at him like he wasn’t actually real. He certainly didn’t feel real now that he was here and acting like some classic romance movie love interest. 
He didn’t say anything else, instead just tugged you in the direction of the edge of the lake. He laid down first, a little uncomfortable on the grass, but he didn’t overly mind. You took a second to join him, but when you did you were startled by the view of the sky you got through the tops of the trees.
It was clear from the get go that he had no idea what he was talking about. He was attempting to point out the constellations, but he wasn’t even getting the names right, let alone the positions the stars were supposed to be in. You listened though, didn’t correct him either. It seemed like he liked informing you about these things, just to see the way you hummed with interest, or egged him to continue talking.
He would have gone for hours, until the sun came up fabricating all these lies about the arrangements of the stars and their meanings, if the sky hadn’t clouded over, effectively blocking your sights of all of it.
“Well, what do we do now?” he complained. He hadn’t intended for this to happen, but he couldn’t really control the clouds in the sky, (unfortunately). He didn’t have much of a choice but to deal with it.
The pout on his face was rather cute, you thought. Luckily for him, you were more than capable of whipping something up to keep you both entertained. If he wanted to stargaze, you would make sure that he could. And the gasp that left his mouth when he first saw the stars appearing right above his head was definitely worth it. He hadn’t realized you had such an ability, but now he was inching towards disbelief that he had planned the date, yet you were the one saving his ass.
The twinkling stars above his head made him laugh, one that was laced with disbelief. If he had known you had the ability to create such beautiful, out of this world projections like this, he would have asked you about it a hell of a lot sooner. “I thought you said you didn’t have a magic wand to cast spells like this?” he asked. He’d been under the impression that you couldn’t do fun little spells, that the only ones you were able to do were the ancient ones scribbled down in that spellbook of yours– all of which sounded pretty intimidating. 
“I don’t. But that doesn’t mean I can’t do fun spells when I want to. I like keeping these ones to myself.” The smile on your face looked genuine, and Eddie couldn’t help but feel a certain way because of it. Though he should have been looking at the effort you were putting into the projection, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He knew this was different, different to the first time he’d looked at you under that spell and felt a whole rush of emotions. Those emotions had been spurred on by the potion, but these ones, these ones were real. He wasn’t sure how much more of that thing was in his system anymore. 
You could feel his stare burning into the side of your face, and as much as you tried to ignore it, it didn’t work very well. The projections all of a sudden halted above Eddie’s head, and he knew why the second your eyes locked. Your faces were close, closer than you had expected them to be when you’d turned your head. Your noses were almost touching. 
“Eddie,” you whispered. You didn’t want to do anything rash if this wasn’t really his feelings talking. But he just shook his head, refusing to let you speak. He didn’t say anything either, instead he just closed that final piece of distance. You hadn’t thought you would have ended your night with kissing Eddie, and you didn’t think this was how kissing him would feel either. But it was like a dream. You had always dreamed of experiencing one of those kisses you saw in the movies or read about in those books you liked so much. It truly was the out of this world experience they all described it to be, but due to your circumstances, there were underlying issues that you were trying to ignore.
The night ended shortly after the first kiss, with him acting extra gentlemanly and walking you home, and although it could have been just as sweet and blissful as the way there, but you were much too caught up in your own head. 
You felt terrible. Guilt was building in your stomach by the moment as he walked you back to your home. He was chatting away, rambling on about who knows what. You couldn’t bear to listen, you were too caught up in your own head– your own negative thoughts– to even think about the words leaving his mouth. Was this considered taking advantage of the poor guy? Did he really want to kiss you? The more you considered it, the more you wished you hadn’t done it. 
After your date, you tried to avoid Eddie. It was the guilt more than anything, plus a slight fear that if— not when considering you were still at a loss— you got this potion to wear off, he was going to hate you.
He didn’t seem to want to leave you alone though. It was still a daily thing that he showed up at your house, and it was very rare that you let him in. Most of the time you just pretended no one was home. After a while he caught on, it wasn’t like you would go anywhere out in Hawkins anyway, and there weren’t that many places that nobody frequented. If your fear was seeing other people, that didn’t leave you with many options.
“Y/N, come on. I know you’re in there,” he whined, rapping his knuckles on the door repeatedly. “Just tell me if I did something, please.” You didn’t know if it was his words that made you open the door, or the incessant, annoying, sound of his knocking.
With a deep sigh, you realized you couldn’t hide from him forever. 
You built up your courage, telling yourself that if he was angry with you, all you needed to do was apologize, then hopefully you could go back to the blissful affections you had for one another. Despite the nerves swirling in your stomach at the idea of seeing him again, you still pushed yourself to your feet, closing the gap between you and the door. You muttered a few words of encouragement under your breath, then tugged it open. Coming face to face with him this time, was the same as every other time. You got the same flutters in your chest seeing his smiling face.
You felt bad that you couldn’t show him more excitement through your expression. “Hey. What’s up?” you greeted, simply. 
He laughed, head cocking to the side slightly. “What’s up? Where have you been for the last few days?” His mood seemed to be light and airy, how he’d been around you for a while now. 
A smile was forced onto your face, one that you hoped was convincing enough not to hurt his feelings. “I, uh, I’ve been trying to find a solution. I’m still coming up empty, pretty much.” If anything, it made you feel even more guilty to admit. In reality you had been daydreaming about the kiss you’d shared for much too long, you’d had barely any time to work on what you promised you would. It basically looked like you weren’t even trying. If you had really been dedicating all this so-called time to this task, surely you should’ve figured it out by now. 
“Oh, that. Yeah, don’t worry about it.”
Your brow furrowed, eyes squinting at him. How could he just brush it off like it didn’t even matter? Did he suddenly, somehow not care that he was in this position? You laughed, shaking your head in confusion. “Don’t worry about it? Eddie, how could I not, you- the only reason you’re here right now is because of me.”
He couldn’t lie to you any longer, not that he was lying exactly, he just wasn’t giving you the full story. “About that, uh, it actually wore off, a couple days ago.”
The words made it feel like your entire reality was crashing down. You weren’t sure what to think about it. “What?” you questioned, unsure if you’d heard him right. 
He had the biggest grin on his face. You didn’t think he’d ever looked more innocent and cheery than he did right now. “The potion. It wore off a couple days ago. I think I could have actually fallen in love.” Now that he’d repeated his previous statement, and given you a brief explanation (though one you didn’t ask for), you were aware that you had heard him correctly, and it managed to make your blood boil as much as it did the first time around.
You didn’t even know where to start with your yelling. “You lied to me,” you said. It was more like a realization to yourself than a dig at him. At least the first time you said it. “The second time came with a rough hit to his chest. You lied to me!” 
He took a step back, eyes widening at how loud and angry your voice had suddenly gotten. He’d been expecting you to react positively to that, not like this. All you had been wanting since you met him was for this to wear off, and now that it finally had, you were upset with him? He didn’t understand where he’d gone wrong. “Y/N, I—“ 
You shook your head, eyes squinted at him angrily. “You don’t get to try and explain yourself. Do you know how guilty I felt, Eddie?” It was rhetorical, but you had opened his eyes to a whole new wave of understanding. He hadn’t thought of it that way. It made a hell of a lot more sense as to why you were so shocked he’d waited days to tell you. “I can’t believe you would lie to me about this.”
There was a painful attempt to backtrack on his part. “No, no, I–” But you weren’t willing to listen to it for a second. 
You scoffed. “Was any of it true? Were you ever really feeling any effects or did you just want to be another one of those people in this town who makes fun of me!” Of all the people you thought would do this to you, Eddie wasn’t one of them. You’d trusted him when you apparently shouldn’t have, it felt like a betrayal. 
“No. You don’t get to stand there and lie, or give me some shitty excuse.” Even if you could have heard him out and found out a lot more about the situation, you didn’t want to. You were done with listening. Your own anger was clouding your ability to think smartly. Not that he deserved you acting like the bigger person right about now. “Just, get out of here, Munson.”
The way you spat his last name made his chest burn, able to sense the hatred and the anger coming off of your body in waves. You didn’t waste any more time before slamming your door in his face, letting your emotions shine through once you could no longer see him. He could probably hear the sound of your upset and frustration through the door, but you didn’t bother yourself thinking of how he felt right about now. 
As for Eddie, he was still in a slight bit of shock. Everything in the last few minutes had just happened so quickly, that he struggled to process how he could have fucked off so badly, so fast. “Shit,” he cursed. And he definitely had no idea that would be the last time he saw you for a while. But every single person would hear about it in his life until he came up with a solution on how to make things better.
For the last few weeks, Eddie had been trying to catch you to apologize. The first few days, he was advised by his friends to let you have some space. But after that he couldn’t help himself. He knew where you lived, and you didn’t exactly go out much, so he thought it would be simple, but either you were staying elsewhere, or just refusing to open the door. It hurt him to think you were doing one of those things, especially if the purpose was to avoid him. He should have just been honest with you, not drag it out like he did. It was all his own fault. All his friends agreed on that one piece of information. 
Through all types of weather over the next month, rain, heavy wind, sunshine, he sat outside of your home, hoping you would let him in to talk at some point. But you didn’t, you just listened, unbeknownst to him. For all he knew he was talking to an empty home.
“I meant what I said, about actually falling in love with you,” he admitted. “I don’t know how, or when, it happened. But it did. And I really want to apologize for not telling you sooner.” His tone sounded so genuine. The words felt like a stab to the chest, a frown curling on your lips at the idea of shutting him out after that admission.
He was starting to get through to you and you hated it. There was a brief moment where you considered opening the door to face him, but you decided that was a lapse in judgment. Last minute you decided against it. “I’m just gonna leave this here. It’s a letter, and I really hope you decide to read it.”
You waited until you didn’t hear the crunching of twigs or leaves any longer, telling you that he’d officially left. Knowing he’d finally figured his way from your home back out of the woods, actually made you smile a little bit. It reminded you how much progress he had made over the last couple weeks, since you first met. After he was gone, you let your curiosity get the better of you, opening the door to see the exact letter he was talking about sitting on your doorstep. Your name was scribbled in terrible handwriting, but that just confirmed to you it was actually written by Eddie.
You broke the seal of the envelope it was in, pulling out the piece of folded paper that he had used to write his feelings. 
When you looked down at it, there wasn’t much on the paper, but it was heartfelt to say the least. He spoke about how that first time he saw you, there was a spark of something in his chest, whether it was because you were a pretty girl his age or not. He promised you that he wasn’t pretending at first, the effects of the potion had very much started as real, but over the week that followed, they had slowly begun to fade away. It was just like you had shown him in that book of yours, the potion wore off when the individual really fell in love with the first person they saw.
You knew it was down to you that he’d had to apologize this way. If you’d opened the door for him at any point then he might have said these things to your face. But you promised yourself, the next time he came knocking, even if you didn’t forgive him right away, you would at least hear what he had to say. You hated that you wanted to forgive him.
That time came the following day, when you were letting the stray cat, who’d you given the name Norman, back outside after you fed the poor thing. That was when you saw Eddie. He was sitting up against a tree nearby, looking visibly distraught. You had no idea how long he’d been there, but you could tell he was shivering, so it might have been a while.
When he heard the door open his eyes shot in your direction, wide and hopeful. He was on his feet in seconds, watching as the cat ran off in the opposite direction. He smiled a little at the fact that was the thing he’d been right about when you first met.
“What are you doing here?” he heard you call. He couldn’t figure out if you were annoyed that he’d shown up again, or actually happy that he was here. He didn’t think it would be the second option, even as much as he wished that it was.
“Look, I, I don’t know if you read my letter, but—“ 
“Eddie,” you cut him off. You didn’t need to hear him delve into a long apology again. His eyes flickered to yours, looking soft and borderline tearful when they locked. It was those same sweet eyes again that made your knees feel weak and unstable. You dislike the effect he was having on you when you were supposed to be irritated with him. It made it more than impossible to stay mad. “I read it. Thank you for the apology.” 
He flashed you a tight lipped smile, unsure of what he was supposed to say from there. He wasn’t the best when it came to these types of situations. He had never really had enough friends to piss off the way he did to you, so he hadn’t yet mastered how to apologize to someone he really cared about. After this though, he would for sure learn. He thought the best way of going about his next move, would be to move on. 
“I actually found something I was going to show you that day,” he told you, pulling a shred of paper from his pocket. He spoke while beginning to unfold it. “When you mentioned D&D, I thought it couldn’t hurt to see if there was anything there that might help,” he explained. His face lit up a little bit. “I remembered playing with some friends a while back, and I read this thing, somewhere, so I threw in this really cheesy moment where a love potion only wore off… if both people fell in love.” 
He handed you the paper now that it was unfolded, the exact page of the book from the library (which he shouldn’t have taken) where those words were splayed out across the page. It was only moments later when you realized what he was implying. Not only had Eddie fallen in love during that week, but you had too, and you knew it. You were part of the reason the potion wore off, without even noticing it.
The joy that was once on his face left immediately. “Is that a good oh, or a bad oh?” His hands trembled a little bit as he waited for you to answer that question. He was praying for the former, because he thought hearing the latter come from your mouth might actually crush him.
“All that time we spent searching.” You huffed a laugh. “But, it’s a good ‘oh’, I think.” 
Getting that confirmation meant he didn’t waste any time, setting his hands on your cheeks and pulling you into the first kiss the two of you had shared in weeks. Just as good as the first time you noted. “Does this mean you forgive me?” he mumbled, pulling away only for a brief second to breathe.
“You’re forgiven. Sort of.”
He didn’t exactly know what that meant, but he was willing to take it anyway. It was better than a straight up no. “I can live with that,” he rejoiced.
It was Eddie who decided you needed a proper first date, one where both parties were fully aware of what they were getting into and their real feelings. Now that there was nothing clouding his head, and there was no guilt needed on your behalf, you thought it would be the perfect time to go ahead with it.
You were heading over to his home first, getting to see the place he lived for the first time, then from there he was taking you somewhere. This time around, in preparation, you had warned him about your fears of heading out into public, so thankfully he had taken that into account. The only person you would have to see tonight, besides Eddie of course, was his uncle. Who seemed like an absolute sweetheart right from when he opened the door.
“So, you’re the friend,” he observed, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he looked at you. You were exactly what he expected you to be. His nephew loved making friends that had his shared interests or ‘style’ he supposed. It was just nice for Wayne to see a girl his age for once– possibly a girlfriend, he didn’t know, Eddie hadn’t told him much– rather than a bunch of nerdy kids. 
“That I am,” you confirmed. 
He nodded, offering you a kind smile. “Kids taking his time doing his hair, he’ll be out soon,” he let you know. “Come on in, you can wait on the couch.”
You chuckled. The idea of Eddie standing in front of the mirror, fixing his hair over and over in the hopes he would look perfect for you and your date. You were confident he had taken more time getting ready today than you had. The thought was entertaining. “Thank you.”
You and Wayne made brief conversation, exchanging basic information and making friendly small talk. From that it was a miracle that you ended up side by side on the couch, an old photo album opened across both of your laps, showcasing pictures of Eddie throughout the years. Every now and then there would be one that you knew he’d hate, one so embarrassing he could kill his uncle for even showing it to you. 
That was how he found you both.
When he exited his room, grin on his face at the thought of seeing you, hair styled perfectly, he hadn’t expected to see you and Wayne laughing loudly, especially not over pictures of him.
“What are you doing?” he froze, blood running cold at the sight in front of him.
His uncle beamed, evilly he might add. “We’re looking at you as a baby, kid.” It was obvious, Eddie already knew what you guys were doing, but the older man took a lot of joy in seeing his nephew flush like a nervous child. 
“You were so cute,” you gushed. He huffed, suddenly getting the feeling back in his body, which allowed him to storm over that and tear the photo album away from his uncle’s grasp. Wayne laughed at his dramatics, watching the boy put the book back on the shelf, high on the shelf where he thought no one else would be able to easily get it. You knew what his uncle meant now when he told you the kid had always been a drama queen, right from day one. 
“We’re leaving,” he announced, taking your hand and shooting the older Munson another glare before the two of you exited the trailer. He didn’t say anything as he led you to his van, or when he opened the door for you, or when he climbed in the driver’s side himself. Only when he had settled, seat belt on and a deep breath exhaled, did he begin to speak. He seemed to be in a much better mood this time around. 
“Now that it’s just us,” he began, leaning forward to peck your lips quickly. You smiled, stealing another after deciding the one he gave you was much too quick. “Hi,” he whispered.
“Hi, Eddie.” 
There was another beat of silence that surrounded you both before he looked away. He’d just wanted to take another second to admire you before he had to begin driving. And it had been worth it in his opinion.
“You know, I’m never leaving you two alone again,” he said. You knew who he was referring to, and the idea of him actually putting that into place was rather upsetting. You hadn’t known Wayne long at all, but you could already see yourself spending much time with your boyfriend’s uncle. He seemed easy to get along with— especially when he was telling you embarrassing stories about Eddie, (which is the exact reason he didn’t want you near him in the first place). “I’ll make sure of it.”
“And how do you plan on doing that? You know I’m a witch, right? I’ll find a way.”
He rolled his eyes, taking his eyes off the road for a couple seconds to glance your way. You were grinning at him, the smile that always made his heart flutter with pure joy. “I’ll do everything in my power to–” He was confused when he was suddenly cut off. Though it wasn’t in an interruption kind of way, it was more of a ‘my girlfriend just cast a spell and now I can’t speak’ way. He was less than impressed. 
You however, were very proud of yourself. That was a spell you never thought you would have gotten to use when you learned it all those years ago. “Much better.” So, no matter how irritating Eddie Munson could be, you were pretty sure that faulty love potion was the best thing that could have ever happened to you.
eddie munson taglist - @pastel-abyss-x @lilylilyyyyyy @spideysbae @lexi-2004​ @escape-in-time-x @liltimmyst @fandomxo00 @youcantseem3 @sharnnnnnn @dreashappyworld @audhd-dragonaut @liltimmyst​ @ruinedbythehobbit​ @eddiemsbandana​
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