#You just know they had at least one other undying at all times in 10 km radius
moonilit · 1 year
the undying sending 20 yo Joshua on his big adventure: be careful and you are in charge
Joshua: no problem!
The undying whispering to Jote: you are actually in charge
Jote: of course.
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Here's the thing. "Renheng but Blade is immortal and nothing goes wrong" goes totally against the themes set up in HSR. But it's so fucking funny.
So, Dan Feng loves Yingxing whatever. They decide to make Yingxing immortal together and then BAM no one finds out (so no big crime to be arrested for) but there's two ways to play it. Either they have to slowly gaslight everyone into believing YX was a long life species this whole time, or they have to somehow pretend this is not YX, this is some other 100% naturally immortal dude and Dan Feng just has the Most specific type ever, to the point that he basically got his exes twin but immortal with a cooler haircut.
And with the gaslighting idea - I think it could work. No one's gonna notice that YX isn't aging for at least a few years, probably more since everyone they know is long-life and they likely have a warped perception of how regular aging works. So DF & YX just gotta wait like 5-10 years, slowly dropping hints that "oh yeah can't wait till our 150th anniversary!!" And Jing Yuan is like "... Hmm is that normal? That's probably normal?".
Cos also. Who's gonna mention it? Like it's gonna take so long for anyone to notice, is Jingliu gonna eventually sit them down like "you did a big sin didn't you" and then YX and DF just play dumb: "what??? Jingliu what are you on about? Is Mara eating all your memories of YX definitely being immortal this whole time?" So that's not good for Jingliu's mental health but whatever.
Anyway so Dan Feng and Yingxing have successfully scammed everyone but DF is still definitely the High Elder and absolutely no one wants him to be dating this guy. Also the dragon heart is missing cos it's in YX's chest and surely the Preceptors would check up on that? Like a renewal service? Some sort of 200-year check-up? Does DF have to take his bf with him so the aura is nearby? It's just a game of "how dumb are these guys?" Until all those preceptors reincarnate into ones who DF can convince "oh no the High Elder is supposed to give the dragon heart to their beloved. Yeah it's a ritual. Oh the immortality uh no Yingxing had that forever obviously".
Eventually YX is gonna get stabbed and he's definitely more immortal than everyone else. More gaslighting ensues probably, cos otherwise it's like?? He's just an abundance monstrosity (Jingliu is seeing red rn) and Jing Yuan has sussed it out at this point but yknow he likes YX; he prefers him being alive than dead. Jingliu is gonna stab YX for being an undying monstrosity and JY steps in - "nooo don't you know I mean ig your parents never told you but if uhhhh you suck enough dragon dick this is totally normal -" and anyway Sanctus Medicus get a lil fetishy sex crazed from that conspiracy theory.
Then later DF has to be reborn which is sad, but I like to think YX just takes like. A gap year from their relationship. He's a divorced old man he deserves a mid life crisis while DH gets the "plss don't fall in love this idiot guy again" speech from the other Vidyadhara but it's working like reverse psychology, DH is all "pshh I'm way too put-together for that!!" And anyway YX is still a hot piece of ass so DH fails immediately.
One day DH gets a dream memory about the whole sinning part of their relationship and has to come to terms with That™ meanwhile YX is sipping a mimosa while he's having a moral dilemma. "No babe it's fine it's like. Yeah it is a hellish sin but it's cute that you're so worried about it. No they can't try us for crimes we did so long ago don't worry" meanwhile JY is still dealing with the paperwork nightmare from YX's birth certificate definitely not being that of a long-life person's but ehh.
Basically fluffy unproblematic renheng where no one gets amnesiaed or tortured is great and good even if it laughs in the face of canon.
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henry7931 · 1 month
Freaky Friday Block Part 2 Max & The Thomas Family
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I’m sitting here trying to do some kind of research on this situation and I don’t even know what to freaking google. I mean I could just type in, “help, I woke in my friend’s dad’s body. Oh and by the way said friend is now his little brother.”
I don’t know, I’ve been listening to Jacob and Conner go back and forth for hours now. And Mr. Thomas is much help either.
I’m just glad my family was out of town so they didn’t have to deal with this whole body swap thing.
The craziest part is that we learned quickly that ‘we’ aren’t the only ones. I think half of the block is going crazy right now from waking up as someone else.
Hell, I saw that college guys a couple houses down walking one of their roommates. He literally swapped bodies with a dog! Nuts right?
I guess I can’t be too mad with Mr. Thomas’s body. Hell, I’m hoping once some of the chaos settles down I can actually enjoy all of this.
Wait a minute, where is Mr. Thomas? He left over an hour ago and said he’s just going to change and come back….
Mr. Thomas
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Fuck I’ve been stroking this thing for hours now! I can’t stop!!
I know it’s awful of me especially this being the body of one of my son’s friends… but you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a whole house to myself? Hell, I haven’t been on a date in 10 years.
Ever since my kid’s mother left me after I came out to her I’ve had a hard time finding anyone to date.
But sitting here in this young handsome body… playing with this cock. Oh my god…
I keep trying to head back to my house but I’ve truly lost track of time. I’m just too horny right now.
I wonder… oh here it is! I knew Max was gay, he had Grindr already downloaded.
I take him off of discreet and update his bio: looking, ready to host.
Shit, his parents don’t come back for another week. I can at least enjoy myself at night.
Back at the Thomas’ Home:
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This is so freaking cool!! Not only did I wake up this morning inside my big brother’s body but now I have his room too!!!
I told him this morning since I have his body, that I get his room. He was so flipping mad about it but I can’t fit in my old bed anymore.
We screamed at each other for a long time. But I ended up picking him up and carrying him in my much smaller body back to my room.
He waited outside the door throwing a tantrum for a bit before giving up. So looks like I won!
Now I have an entire bathroom to myself and I even have my own cellphone (which I’m surprised he didn’t try to get from me.)
Now I think I’m going to take a shower because my new body is stinky!!!
I take off Jacob’s sweat pants he slept in and stopped at his undies.
I wonder what this looks like…
I yank them off and Jacob’s weiner comes floppin out. He has a big bush of hair right above it and weiner is way bigger than mine.
I start playing with it for a few until it gets hard.
I walk into the shower and start rubbing some all over my new muscles down to Jacob’s stinky feet.
Jacob’s feet are always stinky especially after practice. Sometimes they will stink up our entire house.
I weirdly like the smell…
I wash in between his toes and work back up his hairy legs.
I wrap his strong hand around his weiner and started tugging at it.
It felt so good that I couldn’t stop!
I tugged and tugged faster and faster…
I started to get really warm inside…
That’s when I started squirting all over the shower uncontrollably.
I was so out of breath that I laid on the shower floor for a few.
As soon as I could stand back up, I turned off the water and dried off.
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I walked over to the mirror and stared at my big brother’s face that I now controlled.
I hope I keep his body forever!
*knock knock*
“Conner it’s me, you have my phone and I want it back,” I hear coming from the door.
I walk over to the door and open it up.
“I don’t think you’re getting this phone. Actually, it’s my phone now. I have this body which was your body. But now it’s mine. So my phone, my room, and now my body. Also, I think it’s best if you call me Jacob for now. Understood little bro?”
Jacob was so angry. He tried to yank the phone out of my hand but I just dangled it over him.
“So close on getting it!”
I jumps for it again and laugh at him.
“Well this has been fun but I’m going to lock my door now.”
I closed the door in his face and went back to his bed.
I pulled my towel off and grabbed one of his dirty socks off of the floor. I laid back on his bed or I should say my bed now— sniffing his dirty sock and gently playing with my new hairy balls.
So no one else seems to care right now about trying to figure out why we are all in each other’s bodies. So I decided to stop caring as well and just enjoy my new hot daddy body.
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Starting with these sexy ass feet! God, I’m already getting hard!
My initial plan was to take a shower and I got as far as stripping down and grabbing a towel.
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Unfortunately, I’m so distracted by these feet and Mr. Thomas’s big hairy ballsack.
I eventually get to the shower, still have not jerked off yet.
It’s fun seeing Mr. Thomas hard throbbing cock leaking so bad…
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I’ll fondle it for a few and stare down at his feet again.
God I love them!! If we ever switch back I wish there was a way I could take his feet with me. Or at least get some visitation of his lower half.
Hell, this maybe my forever body. I may be Daniel Thomas forever.
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I dry off and sit in the steamy bathroom… talking dirty to myself.
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I work my way back to his bed jumping on it. I hold his feet up the air again.
I pull the towel off completely and rub his hands all over his hairy butt cheeks down to his hole.
I finally start jerking his dick that’s now throbbing so bad it immediately leaks.
“Mr. Thomas, you’re such a beautiful man. I love the way your cock feels, I love your hairy ass, your big feet, ohhhh… your dick is about to burst!”
“Oh god!!! This feels so goooooddd!!!”
I pull at his hair and start moaning incredibly loud.
Cum sprays all over me and I’m covered in his cum. I take bit off of his chest and taste it.
I lay back in his bed naked and grinning knowing that in a few hours I’m going to do it all over again.
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fyotherat · 1 year
May i request headcanons of Ranpo, Dazai, Lucy and jouno with a s/o who hates being alone?
Like always afraid of being alone with their thoughts and uses other people to distract themselves from them and is afraid of them leaving and abandoning them? Could be angst or fluff or both i dont really mind!
Abandonment Issues
Characters: Ranpo, Dazai and Jouno
Warnings: None I assume?
Note: Thank you for requesting! I wrote for Lucy but I'll share it together with Yosano and Higuchi on a second part!
It wasn't usual for you to be separated in the first place, you two were always clinging to each other like koalas.
Because of that, it took a while for him to catch a glimpse of how you felt and behaved when left alone.
He couldn't deny that he felt the same in some situations, you are what feels like home to him, and he never enjoyed leaving your side.
As much of a direct person he is, he wouldn't directly confront you about it, he knew you couldn't help it.. so he decided to do his part to make you feel as safe as possible even without him by your side.
Long cuddle sessions are a must before any mission, or any outing for that matter! He will subtly do his best to let you know he isn't going anywhere.
If he has to be gone for a while, he would make sure to leave some of your favorite candies around the house for you to find, I can even imagine him leaving sticky notes with random compliments and cute faces drawn on them!
"Da-daan! y/n found the hidden candy! 10 points from the world's greatest detective!(・v<)☆"
And if you need a distraction? He would be glad to leave some of Poe's newest mystery novels for you to solve, they're too easy for him anyway!
He is similar, even if he doesn't show it to you, he always has that lingering anxiety about you leaving him behind.
He knew it was unlikely but.. what if you somehow learned about his past? Learned about the horrendous things he did without a second thought..? Or maybe you would just find someone better than him..
With those thoughts always in the back of his mind, he didn't have a problem catching onto yours either, he was sharp after all.
It would take a while for him to find a solution or something to distract you from those thoughts.. he didn't have the best ways of distraction, as his first resolute was turning to the bottle, and the fact that he sometimes disappeared for days didn't really help your case.
But he had to find a way to ease your mind and distract you from those thoughts and fears.
He started with small gestures, maybe draping his coat over your shoulders before leaving to visit a crime site would suggest to you that he will be back?
He already declares his undying love to you a hundred times a day, but that was just a part of his personality, playful and teasing.. so he decides to do something a bit more proper, at least before long missions.
Taking your hands in his, he would lean in with a promise, a promise he swore he'll never break.
"No matter what, I'll come back home to you."
The hardest case is by far Jouno... He knows how attached you are to him, and something about it brings joy to this sadistic man. Saying words like this.. with that damned smile..
"My my, can't live without me y/n? Too bad I have to leave for work now."
His words of teasing weren't helping you at all, even a small joke about him 'maybe not coming back' from a mission made your stomach curl.
One day, after a long mission that took him away from you, he returned home just to pause at the doorstep, with his sharpened senses he could hear your silent tears.
But the question was.. why were you crying..? It couldn't be because you felt alone.. right..?
With a sigh, he opened the door, closing and locking it behind him.
That night, he finally caved in to listen to your growing fears and your displeasure about his teasing.
How could he keep hurting you for his own amusement when you clung onto him so tightly and sobbed silently in his arms..?
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jpitha · 2 years
Humans make friends with anything.
It's some strange power they have. I just don't understand it. When we first met Humanity, we were wary. Here was another race, alone for millennia off in their own corner of the galaxy, far from everyone. When we showed up they sounded relieved. There was no threats, no antagonistic actions, they immediately asked to set up embassies on our worlds and invited us to theirs.
Humans in droves volunteered to go to our starbases and colonies, to learn about us, to share with us their technology, and they offered everyone they met a chance to go live on a human station or colony. They really just seemed happy to have someone new to talk to.
That's not to say they were unarmed. We also (much later) learned that with no enemies around they had a tendency to turn on themselves. They showed us videos. We shuddered and looked at them with fearful wide eyes. "You did that, to yourselves?" we whispered.
Without anger, but with some sadness they replied. "Yes. We did that. We thought we had to at the time, and we're not proud of it now, and it took a long time for us to get here, but -sigh- yeah."
Note for others reading this: After much prodding they admitted they did not destroy or dispose of their weapons. Be wary of antagonizing them.
Anyway, we met them and learned about them and they us. We learned that they've been in space a long time. Long enough to assume they were alone in the galaxy at least. They colonized other worlds at regular relativistic speeds! Their planets were decades of flight time apart. Eventually they figured out how to generate wormholes and even though there were some wild side-effects - it turns out 1 in 10 sapients who go through a wormhole die and then...undie when they ship leaves the wormhole. I don't know why and to be honest, I don't think they do either - they used it enthusiastically and shrank their worlds. Not only was going to another world not a one way trip anymore, but you could go take a vacation on another world and come home!
And their ships! Their ships and starbases are beautiful. Each one different, and each one a riot of color and texture. No two were the same and they all were pleasing to look at. When asked why they simply replied "We like it."
Because they thought they were alone, they decided to build friends. Their AIs are unparalleled. They are fully sapient beings with rights and privileges in human space. They can (and do) change bodies at a whim and while most ships have an AI aboard, not all do and not all AIs are ships. There is friction occasionally but mostly, the AIs are friendly with their creators and their creators love their creation.
When we met the humans, they worked hard to show us that they were worthy of being our friend. We work harder than we'll ever admit to them that we work just as hard to be worthy of their friendship.
It's helpful though, that humans make friends with anything.
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knight-princess · 5 months
Appreciation post for:
• Wererats. Fucked up little beasties. Do they turn into people on the full moon or did they used to be people, I can’t remember and Boorman certainly never explained. Look like roadkill and sincerely want to fuck you up. Two heads for some reason. Only appear once and are dope and real animatronics and everything I’m pretty sure
• “Chloe Allagash’s brave little man”, otherwise known just as Allagash. Insults extraordinaire. Spent like. ten years in a box pretending to be his best mate and was so committed to that bit he tried to sell it to his best mate’s other best mate and daughter. Gave up his life to fight trolls and save the gang. Hates olives. Iconic
• Madmartigan, who I spent far too long convinced was actually called Martigan and nicknamed “Mad” Martigan by all his mates. Also in a box when we meet him. Tries to feed roots to a newborn. Slays in pink. Souped up on the love potion, gains himself an enemies to lovers arc with the hot badass warrior queen
• Sorsha Tanthalos, said hot badass warrior, redemption arc speedrun, kiss in the middle of battle pro, stop listening to your evil mom and make your own choices queen. Pissed off that the dorky hot rogue confessed his undying love to her and it was just love potion. “‘I dwell in darkness without you’ and it went away???” Go off queen. You can fix that never fear. Dopest sword ever but also that would be so so sucky to get stabbed with because fuck that is a lot of serrations. Is it all that functional? Don’t know but it looks awesome. 10/10. Goes straight from being henchman to her evil mom to trying to run a whole kingdom, raise three kids and keep one of them from dying to fulfil the prophesy. Makes some dodgy decisions. Complains about it all to her (literal) captive audience. Saves her daughters life. Complicated queen
• Sorsha x Madmartigan. Enemies to lovers classic with all the fun twists. “Love her?!? I don’t love her! She kicked me in the face!” Oh you just wait buddy. Couple affirming kiss mid battle??? Oh fuck yeah, sign me the fuck up. “I dwell in darkness without you.” Wait. Was that foreshadowing
• Jade and Elora being besties. Unexpected and delightful. Elora calling her “J” nearly made me hit the cieling. You’re telling me they’ve got nicknames already??? Sign me the fuck up. I love it. Need more of it pls and thank you
• Lili of Cashmere. On the wyrms milk. Dresses like a Greek goddess. Known by the alias “the Crone” which she hates even tho she really is secretly a skeleton held together with goo and a love of drama (I’m reusing that description ok I enjoyed it too much the first time). Evil makeover specialist. A+ Lili I love you
• And last but not least, smart and sassy trolls. @lowkeyed1 is a lifesaver and provided me with the transcript for the episode bc I remembered they had some truly iconic lines but couldn’t for the life of me remember what they were. So we’ve got: “He’s not appealing, but he speaks his mind, and I suppose that’s something” of Sarris’s own brother. Of the Crone: “Is she the eldritch nightmare people make her out to be? Yes. But she has her positive qualities too.” Lol fair. The forever iconic “I deplore those who rouse rabble” and my personal favourite “yeah, cos when I said ‘I do’, what I really meant was ‘explain it to me like I’m an imbecile’.”
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
HOLD ON umm not to come in unannounced but do you have any boba fic recommendations asking for a friend 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙏🙏
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NEVER apologize for coming in my inbox asking for Boba content because I always vibrating with need to talk about the daddy in chief!!!
Under the cut are some off the top of my head (you can check out my #fanfic tag too) and I will reblog with additional recs if I think of them.
All are 18+ and Boba x F!Reader unless noted, and in no particular order.
Homecoming by @thefact0rygirl
I would pay real money for the chance to read all of Vee's fics for the first time again. Her masterlist is my go to when I crave that good Boba 🌶️.
Afflictions by @rexxdjarin
This Empire-era fic lives rent free in my head. Julie gives me my regular Boba fix with her trove of thots and drabbles in her masterlist.
Verman'alor by @galacticgraffiti
Deliciously spicy read with lots of cool Mando'a used. Gala has some other great Boba pieces listed in their masterlist as well.
Hurts So Good by @saradika
Honestly I can't pick my favorite of her Boba fics, this is just the first one I had saved. The Little Mess duo is also amazing fucking hot.
The Duality of Us by @acatalystrising
You can really tell how much Eliza loves Boba in her writing! She's got a few other series and oneshots in her masterlist.
Tea Shop series by @pickleprickle
You want the sweetest Boba fluff you can imagine? Look no further than this series!! Brings a smile to my face every time I see a new part. Check out Lee's masterlist too.
A Simple Thing by iridan [Boba Fett x Din Djarin]
This fic... whew. I binged it in two weeks and I still have yet to fully recover. Excellent world building and FEELINGS. i am also into bobadin now
A Pillar of Salt by acomplicatedprofession
One of the most achingly beautiful things I've ever read. 10/10 in the feelings department.
I Know What You Like by millennialfalcon
Let's just say I found out that I'm definitely into that.
Rescue of the Wretched by @mando-cyare
One of the earliest Boba fics I read when I rediscovered my undying love for obsession with Boba when the Mandalorian came out, and this is still one of my all-time favs.
Bred by the King by Much_Ado_Abt_Novels
Another early fic. Guess I'm into that now too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And last but not least I want to give a shout out to all the creators out their sharing their content with us!! Thank you for giving me the serotonin I need to survive 💖
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onndough · 6 months
Sanji x reader (gn)
Note: I wrote this a super long time ago so there might be some inconsistency. Besides all of that enjoy :)
Sanji x reader (gender neutral)
Another mundane week had passed, you wake up everyday preparing yourself for work, paying bills, and serving your civil duties. When all of that wasn’t on the plate, then living out the rest of your time doing whatever could keep your mind occupied from the undying boredom and dread that came with such a stagnant lifestyle was something to think about; the repetitive routine started draining your motivation and it brought sadness, as well as something new that you hadn’t felt,
Time skip a couple of weeks 
The evening had just come so that meant you were finally off the clock from your shitty job; certifying docuements wasn’t even as terrible as you made it out to be but the people take 10 years off your life yet you can’t leave or demand better because this routine and lifestyle has become too comfortable for anything to change, nothing could possibly interfere and turn your world around, then again would you even want change? 
The loud music across the street had been bashing against your ears whilst you strolled along the stone roads, the scene was something you lived through everyday but tonight was particularly tiring as you had to read reports on a bunch of criminals going into islands nearby and causing chaos whenever they went, some of the locals have been spreading rumors that the criminals are pirates who steal from stores and kill government officials… whatever any of that meant. 
As you passed the stores that lined the main square you decided to distress a bit in one of the cafes you frequented, you just got paid 2 days ago so might as well drown your sunken soul in some sugar. 
Entering the store felt like visiting someone as you were hit with the familiar scent of coffee beans and cleaning supplies, it’s just like your office except it’s slightly better since you get to spend money here, well maybe it’s the same. Ordering the usual made it feel like you were complying with your routine so being a bit adventurous with a drink is something you could change, you ordered a rainbow swirl sugar cookie drink that looked like it came out of a unicorns ass. As you pulled your wallet out to pay the stranger next to you made a sly comment: 
“Thats an interesting choice for a man like you to order, although, a certain reindeer I know would enjoy that drink so maybe it’s good.” 
A reindeer? This guy is friends with animals? Than again you have a cat who you speak to like your best friend so whatever. You decide in your lonely state to strike up a conversation: 
“Oh you have a pet as well? I’ve never heard of someone with a reindeer but it sounds like your friend is a lot of fun” 
The stranger grins at you and starts laughing, you may be dull when it comes to your habits but maybe you still know how to make someone laugh, at least that’s whatthis stranger made you think. While he was laughing himself to death over the pet comment you take the time to look at his features; he had an attractive face with nice eyebrows, his hair covered one of his eyes but that didn’t cover how beautiful his other eye was when he laughed, his stature was relaxed and he dressed fairly well although it seemed like he got roughed up a bit, perhaps he’s a troublemaker or he has some enemies who knows. 
You start to drift off and dream about what this man did in his free time, who was he to the people around him, is he sweet? Good at anything? Does he have anybody that’s waiting for him? What if he’s one of those criminals that’s going around stealing and killing people and now hes at this shop ready to kill everyone before running away with all their mo- well he is kind of attractive so maybe that’s oka– wait no what. 
It takes a few moments for you to compose yourself from your thoughts about this random man, you realise that everything you’ve conjured up in your mind is probably not true, you just met him and you don’t even know his name; although you didn’t know anything about him you still couldn’t shake the feeling of attraction away, deep in thought about a random shop goer was something so typical of you, maybe you were lonelier than you thought… 
“Hey so what would you recommend here? I’m new around here and I figured you were a local so anything good you like?”
You snapped out of it and whipped your head towards the man, he was looking at the menu but also looking at you, wow he is so hot. Giving him a short “let me think about it” you wanted to impress him so it took some time looking at him and over analysing to consider your options, he seemed like someone who would have an overcomplicated order but would enjoy something as simple as mineral water… maybe something fruity:
“Maybe the blueberry lemonade, it’s pretty warm outside so that might help with the heat, it’s also pretty good but what do you think?” 
The man gave you a soft smile and seemed to like your suggestion. He ordered it and even offered to pay for your drink which made your heart do a little jump but you refused, you glanced over at your usual spot and asked if he wanted to join you which he agreed to. You both sat down before the man started asking a few questions about you and began introductions. 
“By the way my name is Sanji, I realised I never told you that but I figured you seemed pretty nice” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Sanji, I’m _____. So are you visiting this island for anything in particular or just vacationing?” 
“Nothing much, just traveling with a few friends… or you could say crew mates” 
Crew mates..? What is he some traveling merchant? Or maybe a pirate.. There have been some rumors that pirates were spotted around the area. He looks too civil to be a pirate but you can never trust a book by its cover. 
“Well Sanji welcome to the island, I’m sure your friends are having a nice time, this place is kind of known for its vacationing spots. Have you gone—” 
Before you could finish your question you heard a loud BOOM outside
Both you and Sanji look out one of the windows near your seat and find a crowd had gathered near the entrance of the main square, it looked like they were surrouonding someone/a group of people; they seemed to be yelling at them. 
Sanji looks over at you and smiles before saying
“I guess thats my que to start leaving, my crewmates seem to be causing some problems” 
He places some money on the table and gives you a wink before swiftly exiting the building, but not before blowing you a kiss while pushing past the door. 
You felt your heart beat faster as you look down at your drink than over at his finished one, it was definitely an unforgettable experience but you didn’t know how to react. As you start to calm down a little you look at the money he left and realised there was a little note tucked between the bills, it read:
“If we ever meet again you should tell me more about what drinks you like, maybe I could make one for you,
Until next time- Sanji <3” 
You suddenly felt your heart jump out of your chest and you swore it flew to another island. 
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boysplanetrecaps · 9 months
Produce 48 Recaps: Auditions Begin (episode 1)
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When we left off in my probably-unnecessary-but-still-necessary Rewatch Recap of Produce 48, the 96 girls had made their entrance into the huge studio, and the judges were just about to reveal themselves. Let's get to it!
The judges come out!
First, it’s Lee Hong Ki, a powerful vocalist, here to teach them to sing. He’s from FT Island, and amazingly, was in the *second* K-drama I ever watched, You’re Beautiful, which was fun at the time, but which I cannot actually recommend. I will say that Hong-ki is the best part of it despite his, let’s say, broad acting choices. 
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The character he played on You’re Beautiful was named Jeremy, and I can’t help but think of him as Jeremy. So just understand that I will be calling him Jeremy for the duration of these recaps. Thank you. 
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Here he is as Jeremy. He’s ACTING! 
Next, it’s Soyou, from Sistar. She was overshadowed by Hyolyn but is an excellent vocalist in her own right. She’s here to be the other vocal trainer. 
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It wouldn’t be an MNET show without this asshole:
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I don’t want to learn his name but he’s that choreographer/dance teacher/ sociopath who always makes sure that all of the trainees’ mental health is hanging on by the merest of threads. I’m going to call him Psychopath. Seriously, fuck this guy. I’ll note that he comes across as sweet and loveable in this episode but I can’t forgive him for the shit he pulled during Boys Planet. Nope. Never. He has earned my undying hatred. To be clear, I do not support sending him hate messages or harming him in any way. I will just quietly, and personally, hate him on my Tumblr which gets maybe 5 or 10 readers. 
And then there’s her:
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Bae Yoon Jung! She’s also pretty intense, and I know she’s mean to them on the first day, but she has the capacity for normal human empathy, as I recall. I’m going to call her Dance Bae. That doesn’t mean that I co-sign on her casual cruelty. It’s just that it’s literally her name and it’s easy to remember.
I don’t remember this lady:
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Her name is May J Lee and she’s also a dance trainer. She’s cute. Here’s to hoping she understands that the trainees are human beings!
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It’s Cheetah, here to be the rap trainer! God, I love her song Villain so damn much. The video is great, too, but trigger warning for violence. “I could fix you, but I won’t.” HECK yeah. 
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And special one-day trainer, Kahi, who was the dance trainer for PD101 Season 2.
Kahi was in After School, then “graduated” in June 2012, right around the same time that Gaeun joined. They undoubtedly have spent time together, so it’ll be interesting to see if they interact much in this episode. (Maybe Gaeun being on the show this season meant that Kahi couldn’t really be the judge for the whole time?) 
The judges glare holes into the trainees while explaining that they’ll be sorting them into groups -- A, B, C, D, and F -- based on skill level, with the ultimate goal of bringing them all up to A-grade. And now it’s time for these would-be performers to perform, and of course, they don’t want to actually perform. 
41:50 The Auditions Begin
The girls are nervous. Yoon Hae Sol (윤해솔), 20, former member of Aqua, lets out a gusty breath. And this girl is nervous too, whoever the heck she is. 
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Kim Chaewon, it says on her nametag. Well, she’s cute. Meanwhile I’m fascinated by the shoe behind her. WHOSE SHOE IS THAT? WHAT IS THIS SHOE? 
The AKB-48 girls are even more nervous. Oda Erina, 21, in a stylish bob and a blue, yellow and white jacket is intimidated by the Korean girls. Mogi Shinobu, also 21, a living meme with blue furry sleeves, is so nervous she looks like she might cry. We love you, Shinobu.
Time for the first audition! Or at least, the audition that the editors have moved to the beginning of the episode, even though it was probably not the first one to happen in real time! Because they wanted to front-load excellent Korean auditions to emphasize the skill gap between the Korean and Japanese contestants! 
Audition 1: Yuehua
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Kim Si Hyeon (김시현), age 18, in the long sleeved shirt, now a member of Everglow. 
Choi Ye Na (최예나), age 18, with her hair in a ponytail.
Wang Yi Ren (���이런), age 17, pink shirt with black edges. She’s Chinese and is now a member of Everglow. 
We see a clip of the Yuehua girls back stage, where Choi Yena accidentally draws on the camera with red marker and then apologizes profusely. AND SHE NEVER WORKED IN KPOP AGAIN!!
Then we get a flashback of Gross Guy personally watching the auditions of all 96 girls prior to the filming of the first episode. He’s so gross. Ugh. He makes JYP seem like a sweet, safe guy. Anyway we find out that after Choi Yena performed her song, she asked to do an extra performance. She begins speaking in what sounds like decent Japanese and does a little miming routine with sound effects. She’s pretty charming, actually. 
Cut back to audition day. The Woolim girls are backstage waiting for their turn when they recognize Sihyeon from her time on PD101, Season 1. Sihyeon interviews that she’s embarrassed when she looks back at herself on PD101 and that she’s gotten a lot better since then. In fact, as we find out later, she got an F in that season. 
Link to full audition on Youtube
Song: Move by Little Mix 
My Thoughts: They do great, in my opinion. Siyheon has a great clear, strong voice and her English pronunciation is mostly pretty good. Yena and Yiren don’t sing as clearly, but their dancing is great and they have a lot of presence. God, Yiren sparkles so much! I feel like she’s getting bad advice from whoever is around her now, because in more recent Everglow performances she always seems so muted. Seeing this, I can see she’s capable of great stage presence -- I hope she finds her way back to this. I dig Everglow and just want them to keep living up to their potential. I would have given Siyheon an A and the other two Bs, I think, though it’s hard without seeing the other trainees to compare. 
The MNET Edit: The editing emphasizes Yiren and Yena more, but overall the editing is kind to all three. We see some of the Japanese girls saying “why is everyone so good”, almost as if this ISN’T the first team to go up. (Also, we see that other girls are already wearing their grade name tag, though they’re blurred out.) The judges give Yena an A and the other two get Bs, which I guess reminds us that as long as you *kind* of sing while you also dance a lot and are very charming, then…. you get an A. Anyway, A and B are fine.
The editors really want us to know that the Japanese girls are very worried about their auditions. It is true that they generally don’t have the training the Korean girls have -- I’m not commenting on their inherent worthiness, just their preparation. But the show really, really focuses on that. I’m sure at least some of the Korean girls were nervous too, but we don’t seem to be seeing clips of that on the show.
Auditions 2 and 3: Woolim and WM Entertainment
Next, the MNET editors decided to further confuse anyone who has previously confused WM Entertainment with Woolim Entertainment by overlapping these two agency’s auditions, same as they did when the girls entered the auditorium. Thanks, MNET editors! Thmeditors. We learn that Woolim manages Lovelyz, while WM manages Oh My Girl (their rivals), though now in 2023 I think we all know that Oh My Girl kind of won that particular fight. Apparently the girls view each other as rivals? ...? But do they, though?
Woolim is up first. They take a moment finding their places, and we learn that Eunbi is their leader/mom who brought them medicine and Japanese phrase books. What a good unnie! 
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Left to right: Suyun, Eunbi, Sohee, Chaewon
Kim Chae Won (김채원), age 17   now: Le Sserafim   wearing a short sleeved white top, tie Kim So Hee (김소희), age 14  now: Rocket Punch  wearing pigtails Kim Su Yun (김수윤), age 17  now: Rocket Punch   wearing short sleeved black top Kwon Eun Bi (권은비), age 22   now: soloist wearing a tie, cardigan
Link to full audition on Youtube
Song: Ah-Choo by Lovelyz / Bad by Infinite
My thoughts: It’s always awkward when you have one member who’s 14 (and looks 12) and one who is 22 (and looks 25) -- they’re always going to sort of make one another look bad. But overall, this is actually a really good audition.  I watched it multiple times and didn’t pick up on any mistakes or bad moments. All four of them had kpop acceptable vocals that didn’t stand out as fantastic or terrible. Chaewon’s a tiny bit shaky on the high notes, but they are really high notes. Little Sohee’s dancing was less powerful than the others’, even during Ah-Choo, but that’s fine considering she’s so much younger. I did think they looked a tiny bit silly doing that super powerful choreography to Bad while still dressed to perform Ah-Choo, but the goal was to display different skills and they did that. Knowing how deep the hole can go, I think I would have given all these girls As or Bs, maybe a C for little Sohee. It’s hard to know for sure since it’s not always clear what is live singing and what’s the backup track. 
The MNET Edit is fair. The rest of the trainees appreciate their performance. 
Backstage, Lee Chaeyeon says Eun Bi caught her eye the most. I actually noticed Suyun a lot too, but her time will come later. 
The judges compliment their synchronization and ask to see them perform something else. They launch into a second performance, which seems equally well rehearsed. I don’t recognize the song off hand (if any of you do, feel free to let me know!) but they do a great job with it. Dance Bae says, in an almost irritated way, “why haven’t you debuted yet? You seem ready to me.” I think she’s speaking mainly to Eunbi, who smiles wide at the compliment. We won’t hear their grades until later, but I’ll tell you their grades now, because I just love subverting the MNET editing monkeys. Kwon Eun Bi gets an A, ChaeWon gets a B, and the other two get Cs. Maybe I’m just biased toward Suyun from knowing her now? It’s hard to say. But I still think a B would have been fairer for her. 
Next, WM Entertainment. The girls come out on stage and the judges immediately tell Chaeyeon she looks familiar. She acknowledges having been on Sixteen with Somi (2015) and on Kpop Star 3 (2013). She says that this time she really wants to show us what she’s got. The other girls are excited to see her dance.
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Lee Seung Hyeon (이승현), 17 now known as Riina in H1-Key, in the black shirt Lee Chae Yeon (이채연), 18, currently a soloist, in the pink shirt  Cho Yeong In (조영인), 16, in the white Link to full audition on Youtube
Song: Shower, originally by Becky G
My thoughts: All three of them do well dancing wise. It’s not surprise that Chaeyeon would dance well, and she certainly outshines the other two, but Seunghyeon holds her own and Yeongin doesn’t look bad. I think vocally, Seunghyeon does the best job, but Chae’s belted note sounded good. Yeongin’s vocals were noticeably shaky compared to the other two’s. I think I would have given Yeongin a B or C, Chae would get an A, and Seunghyeon an A or a B depending on what the dance teachers said. Overall though it was a good audition. 
The MNET edit is again pretty kind. Everyone focuses on Chaeyeon, of course. When they’re done, the judges ask her to freestyle to Instruction by Jax Jones featuring Demi Lovato, and she dances in a style that’s really appropriate to the song. Everyone’s impressed. The judges announces the grades. Chaeyeon gets an A, which seems completely correct. The other two get Bs, which is ok. 
The editing is setting Kwon Eun Bi and Lee Chaeyeon up to be rivals. Surely, they must hate each other, if they’re both good dancers and their agencies are on the same street in Seoul! 
In the audience, Kojima Mako says to her friend, “It’s so amazing that I’m not even nervous anymore. Our friend Juri says to Shinozaki Ayana,  “I feel like I’m just watching a TV show.” Me too, Juri! We stan a relatable queen. But yeah, it’s more of the whole “the terrible, silly, weak Japanese girls are in awe of the mighty, powerful Korean girls” narrative that MNET’s editing monkeys keep pushing. 
Auditions 4 and 5: The Very Pretty Girls
Next, we have the introduction of two Very Pretty Girls:  Kim Min Ju (김민주), age 17 from Urban Works, in her colorful striped shirt, and Kang Hye Won (강혜원), age 18,  from 8D Creative in a blue mini dress with a big pink and white collar. The other trainees think that these two girls look like actresses, so maybe it’s no surprise that now (2023), they are in fact both actresses. I renew my complaint from earlier that I don’t understand why certain girls are considered prettier than the others, and remind you that this isn’t an insult to them, as they are certainly very pretty, but more of a compliment to the others, who I view as equally pretty. Isn’t Kwon Eun Bi just as pretty? Is she not? I don’t understand. I will be saying that a lot in these recaps so I guess I’ll just call it my Particularly Pretty Problem (PPP) and leave it at that. 
Agency:  8D Creative
Trainee: Kang Hye Won
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In a pre-show interview, they ask her such questions as “were you always pretty?” and she says that yes, she is. This is the part of kpop I like least. She says that the position she wants is 청정 or purity. I guess I understand that -- there is usually a sexy member of a given group (see: Kai in Exo, Hyunjin in SKZ, Joy in Red Velvet, Soojin in G-Idle) and there’s usually a funny or approachable one (see: Chanyeol, Changbin, Wendy, Yuqi), so I could see there being a sort of pure or extra cute one. It’s not as crazy as it might sound.
Link to full audition on Youtube
Song: You and I by IU (2011)
My Thoughts: Well, that was pretty terrible. There’s room at the bottom, but she barely dances and she only kind of sings. The singing is breathy, faint, and pitchy. The dancing is half hearted and my grandma could have done this choreo even after her stroke. She has negative stage presence. Also, to me, she always looks confused. There’s something about either her facial features or her expression that make her look bewildered. I’m sorry if she’s your favorite. She may have charming personality traits that I don’t know about yet. She’s just not particularly skilled in either singing or dancing. She should get an F. 
If you can’t handle me saying that about this audition, then I really suggest that you just not read any more of my recaps because I’m going to say stuff like this about bad auditions. I don’t care if she’s “pretty”. I don’t care if she has gone on to be successful. Other people -- Eun Bi, for example -- are pretty and they can also sing and dance. I believe that if you make your living as a singer and/or dancer, you should be able to sing and/or dance. 
The MNET edit:They don’t do her any favors, zooming in on her non-dancing and focusing on the judges’ reactions to her shaky high notes and nearly stationary body. When she’s done, she stands there with this look on her face, which is the way I always remember this girl looking and how I recognize her in her more recent endeavors. 
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Dance Bae says, “Purity is all you have. F.”  Done and done. 
Agency:  Urban Works
Trainee:  Kim Min Ju 
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Link to full audition on Youtube
Song:  No Matter What by BoA
My Thoughts: This was so much better than Hyewon’s audition. For one thing, she actually danced. She showed a variety of different actual dance steps, including legs, body, arms, head, face. She danced! The singing was extremely faint and I think a lot of it was the backing track, but this was leagues ahead. Without being able to clearly discern her singing, it’s so hard to tell, but I think I’d put her in C territory. 
The MNET edit:They show the judges adjusting their ear buds and looking bored or put off, and focused on a part where she dropped into a squat and looked a little awkward. But that was just the dance move! This was originally done as a partner dance and it was adapted for a single person (I think? Unless it was just made new, whole cloth?), so maybe they should have just cut that squatting part out -- it’s not her fault. They also show a girl in the audience looking bored (maybe cut in from a totally different performance). It’s not kind. Minju, you deserved better. 
They give her a D. I don’t know. Seems like they’re punishing her for being pretty. But maybe the singing was worse than I thought. 
I’m not going to comment on it every single time it happens, but just assume that after every performance there will be a reaction/voice over from a Japanese girl saying, “If that didn’t get an A, I’m going to get an F for sure” or “the Korean girls are so much better than me” or something like that. It’s constant. 
Auditions 6 and 7: The Punching Bags
These next two auditions are shown mainly to mock these trainees. Neither of them do a stellar job, but both deserved a little better than what they got.
We see a scrap of  the audition from Shin Su Hyun (신수현), a 22 year old represented by FAVE Entertainment. 
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She’s performing Playing with Fire by Blackpink. I watched her full audition, but we only see a little bit of it in the actual show. She started off with rapping, which the edit doesn’t show; I think she’s going for a rap position, not a singing one, which helps excuse why her singing was weak. The dancing wasn’t great -- she was a beat or two ahead of the choreography (something I only noticed because I know the song so well). But I thought she at least had charisma. I think a C wouldn’t have been out of line, but I don’t know the rubric. The edit replays a part where she sort of does a chicken-dance wiggle during the chorus when that’s not quite what the choreo is like, but I had to go back and rewatch the original to see that the original choreo is different. The PWF choreography is kind of weird -- I’ve always thought so. What’s with the dogpaddling in the chorus, or that weird “drawing a line with your finger” at the end? Anyway, my point is that the edit makes her look even worse than she actually did. 
They intersperse her audition with the audition of Cube’s Han Cho Won -- she’s only 15 here, but you may now know her as one of the most popular members of Cube’s youngest girl group,  Lightsum. The edit here make her look like a complete idiot. If you watch her full audition, you’ll see that, yeah, it’s not great, but there are some extenuating circumstances.
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The biggest problem is that the song was a poor choice. Red by Hyuna is a HYUNA song. Like a third of the lyrics are “red is Hyuna”, and there’s a whole 10 second segment where Hyuna just sits on the ground and flirts with the camera. It’s all about being sexy and having a nice body, specifically a nice butt, and the choreography is very core/waist/butt centered. It seems that Chowon just can’t quite move her body that way, and at 15, maybe just isn’t up the task of embodying the universal sex symbol that is a full-grown Hyuna. I don’t know who is! 
Anyway, I think Chowon should have done Pepe by CLC, assuming she was going to stick to a song by a Cube artist. The song has a fun retro feel and it would have been more appropriate for a 15 year old who doesn’t know how to twerk yet. Or maybe Pretty Pretty by Pentagon -- I bet Hui would have helped her remix something for the show if the agency had asked him to -- he's a good sunbae -- and the song has quirky, funny choreography that might have made the judges smile. Sigh. 
Poor Chowon -- it wasn’t a great audition, but I blame whoever either told her to do this song, or allowed her to do it if it was her choice. The whole point of having management is to get smart people to help you make decisions like this, especially when you’re fifteen. But that’s asking too much from Cube, I guess. Kahi even says that she had been at Cube briefly and that they don’t teach you anything, which checks out. Cube is just the WORST. 
Both Chowon and Suhyun get a lecture on needing to learn (or review) the basics and both get a D. It’s not totally unfair -- it’s just that I know that there is so much worse to come. 
More discussion about how the Japanese girls aren’t really given any training and just learn to perform by watching their sempai/sunbae/seniors. Dance Bae says it’ll be fun to watch them grow. 
And now it’s time to see the AKB48 girls perform. We see that they’ve changed out of their entrance outfits -- those plaid monstrosities -- into different outfits, most of which are also monstrosities. 
Audition 8: Get You!
See, it's a play on words because the song is called Get You and also MNET wants to get them
Agency:  AKB48
Trainees: Oda Erina 21, and Nakano Ikumi 17
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Erina, left, with the shorter hair and Ikumi, right, in the blue shorts.
The judges comment that Erina is known for her singing and Ikumi for her dancing. 
Link to full audition on Youtube
Song: Get You! by Morning Musume (a different J-pop idol group)
My Thoughts: Well, this wasn’t terrible. They do sort of take turns either singing or dancing, and rarely do both at the same time. The choreography they do is mostly extremely simple and not super well synced, but they do throw themselves into it. They have a lot of energy, which I know is important in J-pop. If you asked me, “which of these is the singer and which of these is the dancer?” I wouldn’t be able to tell you. But neither of them assaulted my ears. Judged by J-pop standards, this was great. By K-pop standards, not great. I’d give them a C and see how they do learning the choreography for the signal song.
The MNET edit: The edit makes it seem much worse than it really was. Honestly, it wasn’t that horrific. They were more fun to watch than Kang Hye Won for sure. 
The judges ask Ikumi to freestyle dance, which she agrees to with an English “Yes!” They play “Look What You Made Me Do” by Taylor Swift. She tries to do a sort of interpretive dance thing, and I appreciate that she at least tried. She has lovely body lines and seems to understand rhythm and tone, anyway. They keep showing her trip a little on her platform sneakers. God, those things look hard to dance in. After a bit she seems to give up, pulling her hair over her face, and the judges call it. Her AKB-mates are impressed, but the judges aren’t. 
Dance Bae compliments her on her energy, but says she seems to not know what to do with it. “I’m not sure that the fact that you danced to the beat warrants you having won first place in a large competition,” Dance Bae scolds. “If you keep continuing like this, you won’t ever be able to perform on stage.” 
Ikumi gets a D, and Erina gets a C. We don’t actually see that, though -- I had to look it up. It’s not part of the narrative to see that neither of them got an F, I guess.
Next, we have a mini montage of various girls, especially Japanese girls, saying that Dance Bae is the scariest judge, known for her terrifying line: “You really want to be a singer?!?” Which I think is a fair question! So many people get into the Idol Biz because they want to be actors or tv hosts -- I wish there was a pipeline to celebrity for people like that that didn’t involve them humiliating themselves on a show like this. 
Auditions 9 and 10: What’s Your Name and Knock Knock
We cut to another audition, in progress, with a caption that seems to imply that this is just a preview (“Coming up…”) but no, this is the actual audition, as much of it as we’re going to see.
AKB: What’s Your Name?
Here’s the original song being performed by 4Minute. Things were different in 2013 -- this was before Catch Me If You Can by SNSD came out so nobody yet knew that women were actually able to do intense choreo, I guess. But even for 2013 standards, What’s Your Name has easy choreo. I mean, it barely has choreo aside from just sort of bending over and displaying your butt. Also, the lyrics are three quarters “what’s your name/ ireumi mwoyeyo?” So it’s a really good choice for a rookie group!
Here’s their audition.
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Left to right: Manami, Ayana, Chiyori, Miho, Shinobu
Ichikawa Manami, 18, in the blue top, red skirt Shinozaki Ayana, 22, in the light blue skirt Nakanishi Chiyori, 23, in the pink fluffy skirt Miyazaki Miho, 24, in the sparkly top, navy skirt Mogi Shinobu, 21, in the turquoise skirt, fluffy blue sleeves
We just met Shinobu earlier, when she was talking about how scary Dance Bae is, got her name wrong, an apologized profusely. She's our living meme and we love her. We also almost met Miho; she was the one who knows how to write in Korean.
My thoughts: Oh no. There’s something so incongruous about someone in a sparkly cupcake skirt and Mary Jane shoes doing a pelvic thrust. These outfits look like… Ok maybe this is a deep cut but do you know those fashion plate toys? I had my cousin’s old one and I was obsessed. It was like stencils, but you had a head and a top part and a bottom part, and you’d choose one of each and then stencil over it to make a picture you could color.
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That’s what these outfits look like. Like someone went nuts with a fashion plate and glitter glue and then just brought it to life.
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Left to right: Shinobu, Chiyori, Ayana, Manami, Miho
It’s so hard to pay attention to their performance in those outfits. And the shoes! Those shoes I noticed behind Chaewon earlier are Shonbu's! And I’m obsessed with Ayana’s red-shoe-and-patterned-socks combo.
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Also Miho’s and Shinobu’s… furry… peplums? And the quilted skirts? And how none of the tops seem to go with any of the bottoms, even though they appear to be dresses? Question Mark? It’s so bizarre to me. What. Is. Happening. Each dress is awful alone, they’re worse together, they're even worse with the shoes, and they’re the worst in the context of this particular song, which is meant to be sort of swaggy hiphop. 
When I try to focus on the actual singing and dancing, there isn’t much there to judge. The song itself is kind of a nothing-burger tune wise and there’s hardly any choreo to speak of. They have energy, I’ll give them that. No one strikes an obviously horrendously bad note or falls over. They manage to do what they’re doing in some reasonably high heeled shoes, and they’re singing a song that is at least mostly in Korean. It’s clearly not up to the standard expected from debuted Kpop artists. I feel like I’d have to see them in normal clothes to be able to really judge. None of them stands out as better or worse than the rest. I give them an E for effort and I’d probably give them all Ds. They were still better than Hyewon. 
Dance Bae gives Chiyori and Miho both Ds, and the rest get Fs. (We hear Dance Bae saying that they all get Ds, but the on screen caption says otherwise, and my internet sleuthing agrees with the on screen caption.) I think, watching it back, that Chiyori and Miho got Ds for just taking on a big role in the performance and trying that little bit harder. Miho seemed to be the main vocal, sort of, and Chiyori was the center. 
Ok, let’s take a peek at some of the youngest -48 girls, singing the Japanese version of Knock Knock by Twice.
Asai Yuka is 14 and from SKE48.  We met her earlier when she walked in with Jurina. Umeyama Cocona is also 14 and is from NMB48. 
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Left to right: Cocona with the big bow, Yuka with the blue ribbon
My thoughts: Aww, they just little babies! They probably practiced by themselves in a hallway or something for a few hours with no help. There’s not much to judge here. They’re obviously underskilled for this show and would have to be given Fs but it’s not their fault. I’m not going to make fun of a couple of 14 year olds who signed up for an adventure, not knowing how hard it would be. I sense tears in the future. 
I wrote that, and then watched Dance Bae give them both Fs and say, at a pre-show meeting, “I think these girls will cry a lot while they’re here.” Perhaps she’d be pleased to know that poor Cocona withdrew from the show before the second evaluation even took place! There's also some potential back story here. Per reddit:
From what I’ve heard (and I’m not sure how credible it is), Jurina and Yuuka planned to perform together for the first evaluation, but the producers wanted Jurina to do a solo, so Cocona got pulled from the NMB group [that performs Funny People] and her and Yuuka did this. That may explain why they did…particularly bad, to the point where it looks like they don’t even know the song.
That does sound like something MNET would do, and it also would explain how these two girls ended up in a performance together despite being in different groups (SKE48 and NMB48), giving it the ring of truth. So I'm going to be even more sparing of my criticism of the girls. They do come across as unprepared, but I think that's just because.... well, they were, through no fault of their own.
In any case, Cocona is one of the Japanese trainees who withdraws early in the process. It's probably for the reasons we'd imagine -- flying back and forth from Japan is taxing, and she's young enough to need to go to school still. She probably just wanted to go through so much stress just to get insulted and yelled at. Can't blame her!
Since we’re not going to see much of Cocona again, let’s find out what happened to her after she withdrew from the show. She went back to NMB48 and continued performing with them for a few more years, graduating at a special concert on March 26, 2022. She did some modeling for magazines in 2020, so she might still be pursuing that. Here’s her instagram -- she has 95,000 followers and seems to post influencer-esque content with lots of hashtags.
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 Ganbatte, Cocona! Happy trails and much success to you!
10 auditions down, about 30 to go! Thanks for reading so far -- feel free to do all the things: like, reblog, comment, share, blah blah blah. Tune in next time when we continue the auditions, and stay warm, my friends!
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
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Four Dresses
a JAKE x MC one shot that picks up sometime after episode 10 and the end of the game.
18+Warnings: slight sexual innuendo and a discussion of grief and its processes.
A woman needs a minimum of four good dresses in her closet: one for a funeral, one for a wedding, one for church, and one for a date. Well, at least that is what my mom always said.
I didn't always listen to my mom's advice. Today, I am glad I did. Since I met my friends from Duskwood, I have needed all four in quite a short period of time.
The first dress was black. A long somber a-line devoid of sleeves and much personality. Whether Richie deserved to be honored or not, which is something that my soul hasn't settled on yet, he was a person that I loved. His funeral was quiet. Family and friends gathered to say goodbye. Jessy couldn't face it and Dan refused to come, staying by her side. Jake was still in hiding, but in my heart, I knew that he was safe. I would wait for him because really, there would never be another to speak to the corners of my soul. Tears were shed for the person that Richie had been, one that I had only seen glimpses of. Hannah was inconsolable, though Thomas was doing his best to cheer her. She carried a large amount of unnecessary guilt for what had happened both with Richie and before all of that. Lily and Cleo were quiet hostesses and made sure everyone's sorrow was diffused by full bellies. It was a hard day, but it allowed us to begin the process of moving on, and it allowed me to heal a little.
I brought Jessy and Dan back food and we talked and ate. Dan and I drank a little as was our custom. Jessy finally cried. It was the cry of longing and regret, one of missing the things that will never be. She remembered him in her own way. Hers were happy thoughts that were destroyed by deception, a conundrum that she couldn't make sense of. Dan, ever faithful, held her hand and listened to her speak of her love for Richie while his heart was breaking for both her and himself.
Somewhere in the early morning, my phone buzzed. It was a simple message from an unknown number.
I know today was hard. They are the luckiest of all to have you in their life. I am equally as fortunate. I will find my way to you. Soon, but not soon enough. I love you, MC.
The second dress was peach-colored silk, the dressmaker called it sunset blush. My hair was up in a loose bun and adorned with eucalyptus leaves and peach-colored ranunculus. Lily and I stood under the canopy watching as Thomas and Hannah professed their undying love to each other. The setting was beautiful with an ivy-covered brick wall set as their backdrop. The wedding was outside, under the stars with Edison lights strung about. There was something simple and pure about the way that both the decoration and the ceremony displayed the elegance of Hannah. I looked around at people who know the couple watching faces of mixed emotion. Some were truly happy for them, others concerned this was a decision made too soon. Still, others hoped this wasn't just a bandage attempting to heal Hannah's pain. I saw a figure in the back, hiding almost entirely in the shadows. It must be him. A smile crossed my face and I tried not to detract from the vows. This was not my moment, I reminded myself. But it was, in a way, because as I stood there, he ever so slowly stepped into the light and showed me his handsome face. The world around me faded away at that moment. It took all that I had in me to not run to him. He smiled and my heart melted. Then he held up his finger to his lips and stepped back out of the light. I could still feel him there as he watched his sister as she exchanged her vows, I could still feel his eyes on me. My mind drifted to the day when he could have his arms around me. The ceremony ended and he was gone. I looked for him and found nothing. My phone alerted me of a message from Jake.
My love, that is what you are, the one that holds my broken heart. I know I said I will find a way for us to meet and I will. It is not safe yet, for you or for me. It took all of my willpower to keep my feet from running to you and taking you into my arms. I can't wait for the day when we can be unencumbered and can freely express our love for one another. Soon, it has to be soon. You were a vision today. More beautiful than I could imagine in my wildest dreams. I could not take my eyes off of you. The look on your face when you saw me filled me with pride and gladness. I will find a way for us. I simply can not be without you. Don't worry about my safety. I won't let anything happen to me that will cause our eternal separation. Dance and have fun. Soon, you will be in my arms. You already dwell in my heart.
A tear fell as I read the message, but I wiped it away. His wishes were mine as well. We would be together soon. He promised. I had some dancing to do and this dress was perfect for that. I approached my friends. Jessy was still recovering from the ordeal, but tears came less and less. I slipped off my heels and dragged her to the dance floor where the group of us flung our arms and stepped on each other's toes until the early morning. Finally, we sent Thomas and Hannah off to their new lives amidst confetti and cheers. Hannah was happier than I had seen her. Thomas was beaming with pride. Their love was unhindered and innocent, despite the turn the last year of their life had taken. When we were done cleaning up, Cleo brought us a cake with tears in her eyes. I knew she missed her best friend. Weddings are always bittersweet, goodbyes mixed with the joys of new beginnings. I wrapped my arm around her and we sat and waited for the sadness to subside. Each of us carried our own sorrows, but the peace of being with people who cared for us made the pain bearable. We stayed that way as the sun came up, not talking just being.
As I climbed into bed that night, visions of Jake danced in my head. I reread the text about a million times, like a schoolgirl reading her first love letter. I couldn't help it. Jake was my match in every way and he was finding his way to me.
The third dress was a maybe too low-cut emerald beauty that hung close to my skin. Its long, tight sleeves showed off the hours I spent at the gym impatiently waiting for Jake to find and keep me. My black stilettos showed the hours I had invested in running as a way to get rid of the nervous energy I felt while waiting for him to return to me.
It felt naughty to wear such a dress to church on Christmas morning, but I liked to mix the naughty with the nice. I loathe being a stereotype. I'm not much of a church girl, but it is Christmas and I should pay my respects to the Creator. When Cleo asked me to come, I couldn't refuse, but the cheeky me had to make sure my attendance was noticed. I drove to church and greeted the gang. Everyone had shown up knowing that we would go to my place afterward and exchange gifts and share the day. I guess we all felt like we owed it to someone. Dan was in a tie, which didn't even happen at the wedding, his hand on Jessy's back, pushing her toward the door. She saw me and we exchanged hugs. Dan and I did the same. He had been a true friend through all of this, standing unfailingly by Jessy's side and by mine.
I have this habit of always leaving the seat beside me empty just in case he can sneak in next to me. I have done it since the day at the mine and my friends know it is my way. Even if it was all that we have, a few stolen moments of hand-holding and feeling the warmth of each other, it would be enough to sustain me until the next stolen moment or until he is free. The choir began to sing and I could feel a body slide in next to mine. I was about to tell him that the seat was saved when I felt a hand grab mine and intertwine our fingers. I looked over and saw that it was my Jake. No one else noticed as the warmth rose from my hand through my body, into my soul. I was afraid to move. Afraid that he would leave.
He leaned over and whispered in my ear which caused me to shiver. "MC, my love, that dress is incredible. You are incredible. I love you. Merry Christmas." He placed a quick kiss on my cheek and squeezed my hand. I looked into his ocean eyes as he released my hand and disappeared. Before the choir finished singing, I lost my heart. I didn't know how I could continue this. I was about to give in to the sadness, and I probably would have had I not gotten distracted as the pastor began to speak of love that came in the form of a baby.
Everyone filters into my house slowly. Some had gone home to change. Some had come directly, bringing food and snacks with them. The dress code was pajamas. I bought us all matching ones to wear. They were hideous, with snowflakes and reindeer, but the rule for the day is that each one of us brought a family tradition that we all had to participate in. My tradition was these pajamas. I bought a pair for Jake, hoping that he would show up. I never forgot to be prepared for his return to me. Dan looked the most uncomfortable, It made me chuckle. I needed that today. Cleo's tradition was a yule log, which we all ate greedily, Dan's was switching from whisky to peppermint schnapps for the day, and so on. We all participated in these activities and opened presents. It felt like a family. It was wonderful, but my mind kept wandering to the fact that Jake wasn't here. I had all of the hope in the world for our eventual union, but I missed him. I missed the feeling of his hand in mine, of his breath on my ear.
My phone rang, I answered immediately.
"MC, Baby, how is your Christmas?"
"Good, I am here with all of the people I love except you. I miss you, Jake. I can't wait until Christmases and all of the other days are spent together. What about your Christmas? What did you do today?"
"Well, I saw you, that was the best part of the day, then I grabbed some Chinese food which made me miss you more," he paused, "We won't have to wait much longer, that is a promise. I love you, MC and I really need to be with you."
"That will be the best Christmas present I could ask for. I do have a gift for you."
"I just need you in my arms," Jake says longingly. "That will be the best present I could ask for."
"I understand you completely. I have to go watch "Home Alone" with the gang. It is Jessy's tradition. I can bring you on the phone with me? That would be fun."
"I would, but I can't right now. I will talk to you soon. Have fun with your friends. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that I am counting the minutes until we can share everything together."
"Merry Christmas, Jake."
"Take care of yourself, Love. I will be dreaming of you tonight and that green dress. We will talk soon."
We watched the movie and laughed and sang. We did all of the things friends do on Christmas. I watched them sleeping on my floor, some in sleeping bags, some not. Jessy's head was on Dan's chest, his arm holding her close. He had a smile on his face while he slept. I was so thankful for my friends that had become family.
The fourth dress is my favorite dress. It is blue, the color of his eyes, It is a form-fitting dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. I am wearing the same shoes from Christmas. They make me five inches taller than my normal height. I leave my hair loose, flowing down my back.
He had texted earlier today. It was a short text.
I am taking you on a date. Finally. 4:30. Be ready. I love you.
The clock says I have five minutes when I hear the doorbell ring.
I open the door and see him standing there. He is wearing a green shirt and some black pants but that is about all that I see before he ushers himself inside the apartment, dropping his bag on the floor. As he walks toward me, he shuts and locks the door. I am worried. Is he running from someone?
"I am sorry that I slammed the door. I just wanted to be able to do this properly." He says as he locks his lips on mine. I thought it was incredible to hold his hand, but this was life-altering. My knees go weak as he pulls me closer, refusing to leave the kiss. One of his hands holds my neck, allowing him to support my head while the kisses grow deeper and deeper. His other hand rests on my back, he slowly lowers it down and it settles just below my waist. I am caught up in the moment enjoying the feeling of his arms around me, of his lips on mine.
His lips move from my mouth to my cheek. I miss the contact, but am grateful for a chance to catch my breath. I don't know how to do it while I am still in his arms. I can feel every part of his hand that touches mine. I can not escape the feeling of him on me.
"I have been waiting to kiss you properly for too long. I couldn't wait to... I messed up your makeup." He brushes a strand of hair off of my face and then traces my face with his finger. "My, you are gorgeous, it should be illegal to own a dress like this." His hand slides down to my hip slowly. His eyes move over my body in a way that gives me chills. His hand stays there, on my hip, dangerously close to my ass. I refuse to move farther from him.
We stay still for a long time just watching and sharing all of our love as we stare in each other's eyes.
"You are here? Is it safe?" I ask, breaking the silence. I suddenly realize that I have no idea how he is able to be here.
"Love, I am safe for good and so are you. I would never have come here if it brought any danger your way."
"So, you..."
"I told you that I would find a way for us to be together, Do you still want to be with me?'
"Absolutely," I say as I throw my arms around his neck. I lean back and kiss his face repeatedly. They are sloppy kisses, but I don't care. This is the happiest moment I can remember.
He laughs and smiles. "Are you always this enthusiastic.?"
"No, but I really really want to be together... with you."
He grabs my face with both of his large hands and pulls me in for another kiss. This one is lighthearted, almost playful.
"So, do you need to fix your makeup so we can go out?" His feet still haven't moved from their place.
"I have a better idea."
"Oh yeah?' He says raising one eyebrow.
"Let's stay home and call in for food. We can watch a movie, or whatever." I wink.
"Well, I did want to take you out, show you off, and enter the world without being afraid of getting caught, but there should be plenty of time for that. Are you sure that you don't mind staying in?"
"I don't mind, in fact, these shoes are killing me. I wore them for the wow factor."
"They are certainly wow." He checks out my legs approvingly.
I slide off the shoes and head to the bedroom. "I just need to get out of this dress."
"I could help you with that?" He say slyly.
"Yeah, if you can catch me." I tease over my shoulder. He runs and quickly scoops me up in his arms, carrying me to the bedroom where we proceed to liberate ourselves from our clothing and test out the firmness of the mattress.
We lay on the bed in the afterglow, clothes scattered about, sheets tangled, and our skin glistening, he looks at me.
"I was going to take it slow with you, you know." He says in earnest, rubbing his hands through his hair, "I was going to come here and take you dinner, wine and dine you, drop you off and give you a nice kiss goodnight. Maybe bring you coffee in the morning to ask you for a second date, and a third. But in that damn dress, I couldn't resist your charm." He looks at me softly, then his eyes turn dark, "...and your ass, how do you have an ass that perfect?" He rolls me over to admire it.
"Well, I had a lot of extra energy waiting for you all of these months so I joined the gym. I was there a lot. And for the dress, you can thank my mom. She always made sure that I had a date dress in my closet."
"I will have to remember to thank her when we meet." He rolls us over so that he is on top of me and meets my eyes. His hand goes to my waist and he leans in to kiss me.
Before my brain leaves me to mind-numbing bliss, I think about this man and how much I can feel his love. I think about my mom and this blue dress that lay on the floor. I think about the year that I have had. One that has changed me in ways too numerous to count.
I lean in and kiss him back. The future looks bright and hopeful and full of joy. I wonder if I need a dress for that? I should call my mom.
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purplecrkl · 6 months
(Wrote this two years ago and never posted it. Now that I have free time, I want to practice writing again!! I have no idea where this was going, but it’s my first time writing something, so hopefully it makes some sense 💀)
Also I pictured Daniel as Aaron Taylor Johnson from that one BLACK AND WHITE AD URGH 😩 #freeATJ 😔✊🏼
(10 years earlier)
“Tell me to stay. Tell me, if I choose to walk away, you will never speak to me again. Tell me I’m making the biggest mistake of my life. Tell me-“
“Tell me you know how to start a sentence without using ‘tell me’, right?”
“Tell me you’re an asshole without *telling* me you’re an asshole. How’s that?” I say back. Daniel, unfazed by remark, reaches for a pillow on my bed, hurling it at the side of my head. Carefully dodging the laptop showing the unfinished script of my latest story.
“I’m just saying, you’re reaching. I mean come on, no one actually says this stuff. Let alone out loud in an airport. Imagine the looks you’d get if we held up the line like that at Heathrow. I’d barely have time to spit the second line out before security kicked us out. Not to mention the ‘No Fly List’ we’d be put on, and rightfully so.”
This has been our routine since we met in 8th grade. Now, both in college, Daniel remains the only person I share my stories with. The path to becoming a screenwriter is long and treacherous but Daniel had always been supportive of my dreams. If there was anything I could count on him for, it was his brutal honesty. He would never tell me what I wanted to hear, and was always careful to reel me in whenever I was too harsh on myself.
While I wrote, Daniel would sketch quietly on my bed. He had dreams of becoming an architect and could talk my ear off about the ingenuity of various finite materials, how brutalist architecture is his least favourite style and why he’d move to Japan in a heartbeat because timber burnt houses had proven to increase the lifespan of its tenants.
Truthfully I think his desire to create a home that stood the test of time had to do with the fact he hadn’t experienced one himself. Mr and Mrs Keating weren’t bad people per se, they were just bad parents. Daniel didn’t remember much about his childhood. Bringing up the past never bode well for him. A feat Daniel was cruelly reminded of when he was asked to recall his favourite part about his seventh birthday at school the next day.
“My Lego bike”, he said proudly.
“And when I saw daddy kissing mummy in the library.”
The kids in his class let out a chorus of ‘ews’, whilst sneaking glances at who they’d declare their love for in the playground later that day.
Mrs Keating apparently cherished that moment too, going as far as giving it its own highlighted section in the divorce papers she served Mr Keating with the following weekend. A memory she would have no recollection of, if it weren’t for Daniel’s reminder. And after both parties agreed to sell the house, cashing in a hefty cheque large enough to erase 7 years of marriage, Daniel had barely managed to pack his favourite toys before he was waving goodbye to the house he grew up in. To hell with that library, he thought.
Though I didn’t know him back then, anyone could have guessed using your child to communicate the failings of the other parent; then shipping him off to boarding school when he refused to choose a side would end in serious emotional unrest in said kid. To this day, Daniel refuses to subject himself to any notion of love in fear of repeating his parents mistakes.
“God, I cannot wait for the day Daniel Keating confesses his undying love in the middle of an airport” I say, while crawling my way into the space beside him. A loud scoff erupts from his chest and it’s my favourite sound I’ve heard all day. But then it’s silent for a beat too long and I’m afraid I’ve offended him with such a preposterous idea. Daniel, capable of love? Ha.
In a second he’s up on his feet, pacing the room with my laptop in hand. He studies my script for a few seconds and it takes all I have to not stare at him too long. But it’s Daniel Keating. And in the last six years I’ve known him, I’ve stolen enough glances to confidently recite every part of him in my sleep.
Almost, every part.
A quiet chuckle brings me back and I’m scared he’s finally caught me staring this time. He hasn’t. And although it’s impossible to see anything beyond the dark cesspool of cocoa in his eyes, I still catch that devilish glint when he stalks towards me.
“Tell me to stay Lex,” he says.
If his head full of curls weren’t brushing against his ears, I’m sure he would’ve heard my heart stop.
“Tell me you’ll never speak to me again, if I choose to walk away.”
That’s impossible, I want to say. You could walk away a million times and I’d welcome you back a million and one.
Daniel reaches me on the bed and I’m certain if I don’t take a breath in the next second my respiratory system will take ‘you’ll never speak to me again’ quite literally. Does Heaven give out ‘do-overs’ for misunderstandings like this? It’s not like I meant to stop breathing. Blame the boy currently intertwining my hand with his.
“Tell me, I’m making the biggest mistake of my life Lex.”
He cups my cheek, and I wonder if he’s noticed I’ve come undone in the palm of his hand. I wonder if he knows everything I’ve written up to this point has been about him.
About us.
I’m certain I’ve stopped breathing. But I’m not worried. There are worse ways to go out, than having Daniel Keating here with me, like this. So with my hand in his right, and my heart in his other, I make a vow right then and there. To love him with everything I have.
I will love you when you stay.
I will love you if you choose to walk away.
But most importantly, I will continue to love you even if it turns out to be the biggest mistake of my life.
And it is.
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bruised-violettes · 1 year
The Godfather (‘review’/notes)
"Family Values"
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Screenplay: FFC, Mario Puzo
Based on a book of the same name (also written by Puzo), apparently, The Godfather's legacy is practically undying. While watching, I kept in mind the quote, "It insists upon itself" a la, Peter Griffin, but the only insisting I found was that of other people upon it, rather than The Godfather upon itself. In sane person speech, I mean that the culture surrounding The Godfather is much more masturbatory than the actual contents of the movie.
I find this to be the case with many iconic 'films for the ages'. For example, The 400 Blows. I think it's generally considered one of the greatest (or I suppose at least most influential) films of all time, but personally, I wasn't so moved by it, even though I consider it to be great. Of course it was the 60s and yada yada it'll feel unoriginal because I've already seen everything derived from it, Citizen Kane style idk, but anyways, my diagnosis is that The Godfather is quite good.
I put off watching it for a while actually. Because it's three hours long, and I rarely have the attention span for movies that long lol. But in all seriousness, in one of my first attempts to watch it, I ended up falling asleep, so I only got tiny little vignettes, and I had no clue what was happening. In all of my attempts following that (up until now), I tried to watch it on the same pirate streaming sites, and I just couldn't get into it because of the unfavorable quality. But this time! I torrented it. Because it's on paramount plus and it's one of the only streaming services we don't have, and I'm not going to bother getting a free trial because fuck that, anyways. This time I was watching a version that didn't sound like it was recorded on a toaster, and I was fully ready to stay invested for the full three hours. And I did! It was very compelling to say the least. Very suspenseful, and after an hour and a half I started sweating whenever someone got into a car.
I do have to say though, that it's not my kind of movie. As in I watch it and I don't feel the desire to imitate its artistry, only its prestige. As in I want to make someone people like as much as The Godfather because other people like it a lot, not because I like it lot. Anyways, I digress, plus I doubt you get what I'm talking about. X_X.
Anyways, it kind of made me feel like I want to have a big loving family of my own, but without the mafia parts of course. Spoilers for a movie that came out 50 years ago; I thought it was stupid how Michael married that one Sicilian girl, and then just went right back to Kay after she died. This seems like a weird thing to focus on, I know, but it kind of ruined their relationship for me. Why did he go back to Kay when he had no intention of ever seeing her again until Wife-1 died? It didn't seem like he actually wanted Kay, but like he was just like "fuck it, whatever", which isn't fair to Kay, you know?
Well, those are my thoughts on The Godfather. 9/10
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Also I feel like if you put Sylvester Salone, Al Pacino, and Robert Deniro in a line up, I wouldn’t be able to guess who was who x_x
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plaindangan · 1 year
Saihara shuichi stumbles upon a ... weird situation to say the least, kaede, miu, tsumugi, and kirumi, all in lingerie that exposes WAY too much of each of their unique yet all SSS+ tier curves and body (and its not a usual sight) turns out the girls somehow got heated up with anger lust and pride, and wanna know a simple question! who's the sexiest! and who could make a cute emo boy spurts massive amounts the fastest and most!
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
Well...this wasn't how Shuichi expected his morning would go. Sitting on his bed, having slept in on one of his rare day off's, he had awoken to see four of his girl friends. Kirumi, Tsumugi, Kaede and Miu. All encircling his bed. All glaring at both him and each other with looks of frustrated lust. All in pretty much the sexiest lingerie one could imagine.
"Good Morning, Shuichi. We're sorry to have to disturb you from your slumber like this, bu-!" Kirumi started, but she was immediately cut off by Miu. The maid herself was wearing a dark green lacy bra and panties, with match gloves to give off her usual refined style. Well ,as refined as one could be with how much focus they gave towards her own sizable chest and ridiculous jiggly bottom.
"Listen Poo-ichi!! You're gonna say which of us is the sexiest and it had better be me than these stupid bitches!!" she said only for Kaede to knock her back one of her delightfully curvy thighs. To contrast Kirumi, Miu was wearing an ill-fitting pink see through bra and thong. The bare minimum of what be called even underwear. After all, why both trying to hide the goods they wanted to show off for their 'man of the hour'?
"Hey!! This is going to be a fair one! Besides, he needs to agree first! You'll help us out, right, Sweetheart?~" Kaede softly asked, her hand gently gliding over Shuichi's thigh. Much to Tsumugi's ire. Kaede herself was wearing a violet nightgown that showed off as much of her plump thighs as possible. A part of her she knew just drove the emo boy crazy!~
"Hey!! It's plain to see that you're trying to skew the process!!" she accused, causing the pianist to sigh and back off. In Tsumugi's case, she had opted for a plain-white bra and panties set, but given the mature aura she gave off, she really get away with it. Kirumi shook her head and looked down at Shuichi.
"Again, I must apologize. Still, this is a matter we would like solve at the earliest convenience."
Shuichi, blushing at the sight of these gorgeous ladies, contemplated such a decision before deciding it's best to go along with things. "Well...okay! How am I supposed to judge?"
As he saw all four's lips turn into devious smirks, it quickly clicked to him and he felt a stirring in his crotch as they approached closer.
Miu was first or, rather, she made herself first as she pounced on Shuichi, pulling down both his pants and undies in one move.
"Don't even bother sluts!~ I'll milk him dry to the point you can't even get a drop out!!~" she boasted, immediately moving to stick his swollen member between her eager D-cups!~ Stroking his sensitive member in-between such pillows.
"Aaaaaaaah!!" Being in between these lush, soft, marshmallows were quickly getting to him as she went faster in her pursuits.
"Don't bother resisting, Slutchi!~ These babies are made to get that batter from you!! See how nice and slick you're making them already? Just thrust and gimme a huge load you got pent up in there!!" Miu ordered with an almost crazed look on her face. Unable to truly hold out, Shuichi had to oblige and thrusted as fast as she wanted.
If her boobs weren't covered in cum by the first half of their little arrangements, then by the end of it and Shuichi was spurting loads of his seed in both her face and covering the rest in his ludicrously huge loads.
Panting, Miu showed off to the others with a look of pride. "S-see!? Beat that, bitches!!"
Time - 10:45
"Hopefully, this isn't too 'plain' for you..."
At the throbbing dick in front of her, Tsumugi began to grasp it firmly, stroking it up and down in a steady rhythm. However, to add to that experience, Tsumugi had her other free hand to massage his rather plump balls. Balls that she would keep in mind as time passed.
To Shuichi, compared to Miu's fierce titjob, this seemed much easier to keep composure at first. Maybe he can last for a little longer? Well, at least that was the hope. But Tsumugi was a woman was a wilier woman than what he demeanor suggested.
"I think I got it nice and slick now...." Tsumugi said, looking hungrily at the pre-cum that had glistened Shuichi's cock by then. Then without warning, she began to smooch his fat cock. His long pulsating shaft, to his balls which were still filled with the seed she wanted. But the long smooch was right on the tip. Something that transitioned into full inserting into her mouth, licking it with her tongue. Again and again...until the detective (having grown crazy grom the kisses) couldn't take it anymore~
She had just about stopped and moved away when he finally burst. Similar to Miu, her face was coated in the white spunk, but she didn't mind (okay cleaning her glasses might be a challenge, but its a price worth to pay).
"I take it this wasn't a plain experience to get?~"
Time - 9:39
Kirumi was next up, giving a warm smile as she approached Shuichi who watched as she stopped right in front of him.
"I hope you're ready for round three?~" she said and, with a shake of her hips, turned around to present her claim to Shuichi. Namely her pale, juicy, bubble butt that dwarfed even the likes of any woman here.
Squatting to her knees, she began to shake her meaty cheeks in front Shuichi, effectively preventing his gaze from going anywhere else as he was essentially hypnotized by their movements. Sounds of intense clapping filled the room, music that Shuichi would beg to hear even after she stopped. Hey, if this was a competition to get him to orgasm first then there's no shame in putting in work with the ass that can dominate even the likes of that crass inventor.!~
"I know how much people love to stare at my ..." Loathe as she was to say this. "Cake? I believe that's word Miu uses. In any case, you will be the lucky one to experience this - physically!~"
Switching strategies, Kirumi plopped down on the detective boy's crotch, her soft, doughy, bottom rubbing against the member as much as she could. Shuichi was already aroused heavily by her little twerking session a while ago. So one can imagine that when it came to feeling the giant thing against his aroused area, he couldn't witstand it much at all. Grabbing Kirumi's squishy hips, he couldn't hold himself from unleashing quite the shot all over her panties. Soaking it thoroughly, but the maid didn't seem to mind. She even patted his head.
"Thank you so much, 'Master'!~"
Time - 7: 20
Final round.
Kaede knew for a fact she didn't have time to lose. If she wanted to win, she needed to beat Kirumi's time, she needed to go full throttle from the get go! With a seductive sway, she marched over to Shuichi's cock and got onto his lap, wrapping her soft thighs around this thick member.
But that wasn't all!~ Wrapping her arms around Shuchi, she leaned him into her large, soft, breast. In addition, she even moved his freest hand onto her other breast to grope.
"You must be exhausted from dealing with those girls all day...why not rest a bit and unwind more on me?~" she said lustfully, skillfully moving her thighs to bring waves upon waves of pleasure to the detective!~
"K....Kaedeeee...." he moaned out, much to the pianist's delight and even pleasure as his hand squeezed her boob.
"I know what you want! What you truly want!~ So just focus on this moment and on giving me a good load, okay? A nice, big, gooey load! More than what you gave before with the others! I'm talking every last bit of spunk you got in those balls of yours!! You can do that, right!?" she coaxed, her request becoming ragged and even crazed as rubbed and worked Shuchi's throbbing dick with gusto. Fully lost in his own lust, Shuichi began thrusting as best as he could in the pillows that were Kaede's thighs, which have become sleek because of his own juices!~
"Come on...give it all to me!~"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" an orgasmic yell ran into the ears of all participants and Shuichi's busted, leaking practically everything he had left. Coating Kaede's fatty thighs with his essence.
"Thank you, my Sweetheart!~"
Time: 7:19!
"Soooo, since I got the fastest time and, I mean, just look at my thighs! He clearly put out his largest on me!" Kaede said, though Kirumi was quick to disagree.
"That one second difference was clearly due to human error. Besides, I believe he poured my out with me by far." Not to be outdone, Miu stamped her foot and got up to both of them.
"Please!! You skanks only got as far as you did because I warmed him up! If anyone deserves win its fucking me!! Plus, have you seen the jizz he splattered on me!?" Finally, it was Tsumugi's turn to raise a protest.
"It's plain to see that we need another match!! Though I'm pretty sure if we were to do go again, and under fairer conditions, I would win, pretty easily. B-besides, he clearly shot his best at me!"
"Tsumugi clean your glasses we're over here..."
As the four descended into another argument between themselves, Shuichi sighed and sank his head back into his pillow. Yeah, he can forget any other stuff he wanted to do for this day. He's gonna be stuck here for a long while.
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elsiebrayisgay · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @purlturtle for the tag; i'm honored to be thought of! The questions!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
just one right now but i think it's extremely good! i worked very hard for a long time on it. more of these queer feelings (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43759465/chapters/110039971) is a college AU of phyrexian praetors sheoldred and elesh norn! i also have a second that is very soon to be posted once beta is finished!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
currently 25,912 and yes i do know off the top of my head :3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i don't know if i'll write more magic: the gathering but i would like to; beyond that baldur's gate 3 has had a huge impact on me in basically every creative work i do and i keep going back to it!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
there is only just the one i've posted but i will take the opportunity to talk more about more of these queer feelings! it spawned from my girlfriend and i talking about phyrexian high school/college AUs and the fact that magic doesn't have a lot of canon disabled characters; i thought (in my opinion) sheoldred would not be able-bodied in a human au and it is essentially an exploration of two characters who are brutal and terrifying but who get to learn vulnerability if they are just normal humans on earth.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to let my girlfriend and co-writer do all of this to remain aloof and cool but i've decided that everyone is cringe in the end and so every commenter will receive all my undying gratitude (as long as it keeps being a reasonable number.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think my current WIP, which is shadowzel ballet academy AU has a lot more potential for an angsty ending; shadowheart is pretty set from the start to be on a very limited clock to keep being able to dance and probably will not have any prospects to by the time it ends but i think negotiating the gap between expectations for the future and what reality brings you still has a lot of potential for growth and learning and self-acceptance so it's probably not going to be super brutal if i'm being honest. i like to give queer girls at least happy-ish endings if i can.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
in the middle of writing more of these queer feelings i decided i wanted the very end to be sheoldred and elesh norn, now happily girlfriends, saying they love each other but specifically because i want anyone who feels they relate to either character to know that they are loved and cherished if not immediately then at least through me, through the act of love of sharing parts of myself through my writing. the ending of that fic is about solidarity and love for queer women and disabled women and ND & mentally ill women. absolutely the most earnest happy ending i've ever written.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
i never have and hopefully never will but know this: if being a shadowzel blog means i am a karheart anti, i will take up arms in defense of what i believe is good and right.
9. Do you write smut?
haven't yet, probably won't, nothing against it, just isn't for me i don't think, for a number of reasons.
10. Do you write crossovers?
i find that a lot of my inspiration to write fic is in the intersection of a piece of media and the au i want to write. i don't know if college aus count as crossovers but while i haven't written anything including many media franchises, i think there is a transformation and a fitting-together of pieces that feels very similar in my great enthusiasm for a modern/period earth AU, which has been a lot of what i've written.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but i would be kind of honored, honestly. if what i've written is so good that someone else tries to put their name on it, i'm flattered! (uh but please don't though it's still probably bad ;-; my girlfriend said she would beat you up if you stole my writing.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
oh lord no, but the above answer times a thousand. if someone was to go to that effort i feel like i'd need to send them a special gift basket with seasonal fruits and everything.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! more of these queer feelings was co-written from the very beginning with my now-girlfriend, and though i think we probably would have ended up together anyway by knowing each other, i don't think the writing process did anything at all to dissuade us from our mutual romantic interest.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
before bg3 i don't know if i would have had an answer, maybe like mailee or katara/yue or something but i didn't have particular ships i was super into. that being said, shadowzel has hit me full force and even when it isn't being nominated for goty those ladies are still going to be living rent-free in my head.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
i've been messing around with some wolfic (FFXIV player character, for those unaware) that is probably either just for me or only to inform my roleplay in that game; i have a document but it's probably never getting posted anywhere. still, i think about it and add things sometimes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think images and ideas or concepts are my strong suit. i'll have ideas for characters or a scene or a description of something, and try to develop my writing around what i feel is a strong central idea.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
actual narrative structure and more traditional prose fiction skills are not where i developed my writing skills. my english literature education focused largely on poetry, and my extracurricular writing was almost all text-RP so there's a lot of stuff i haven't practiced.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i am a mostly monolingual american and while i have retained some french from speaking it at home with family and from school, it's conversational and jokes at best. that being said if i can get a « qui me frappe avec ce poisson ? » in anywhere i will absolutely try.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i don't want to talk about the atla OCs RP beyond "those happened, and for a lot of other fandoms as well" but more of these queer feelings was the first time i gave anything a serious go with the intention to produce something good enough i'd be proud to post it.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i'm going to copy john darnielle and say of course i'm always the most invested in the new thing when i have something new i'm working on, so most of the thoughts i'm having are about hoping other people like shadowzel ballet AU because i'm proud of it, but queer feelings will always have a place in my heart. maybe it's trite but i think i've done a good job with the writing i've put serious effort into; i hope any readers think the same.
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harukirai · 1 year
I love the game, i really do, but for me its around 8-9/10.
Warning- This is full of spoilers for FF16! So beware
Im gonna asterisk all my points cause i want it to be more organized. This is things i wish square would patch into the game, (15's way)
*first thing first, my roomate had a pretty solid point about the terrence dion goodbye scene. We care for dion, they showed us plenty of him, but terrence, not so much. (or their relationship beside that one kiss scene), but not about their pure bond- which i agree, for dion involvment in the ending, he should have more screentime, also with the involvement of the empire in the plot- it shouldve got the witcher 3 approach with the siri segments, show don't tell- i think there should have been a playable section in the bahamut vs odin, to get to know dion and his dynamics better. - that scene wouldve hit so much harder.and like my kiss argument my straight roomate agreed, that if terrence at least went back for a last kiss teary that'll pull the tear gear.
*joshua-oh god they let us play as him when he was a baby, why not just letting us playing as him when the player discover that he is alive, with jote and the undying, even for small section not wanting to reveal the cards too early. I think that should be a part of the game, the base game.
*jill- if it must be a dlc so be it, but at least add some cutscenes to when she talks about the iron kingdom, we as players would be so much more hyped to join her vengeance quest, she have the potential, you showed us the horrors bennedikta went throgh which is why at least i became to love her in the end, why not a main character like Jill, she have so much potential, if not making a palyable iron kingdom section (like before she reunited with clive maybe when she grew a bit)at least add the cutscenes square.
*for god sake make it possible to switch party members like you did in 15, L1+L2 is no combo anyway so patch that thing, it'll be so much more refreshing especially in the first half of the game when the quests are dry and the gameplay loop is repetitive.
*make the ambrosia quest mandatory, so many pple dont even know they can unlock the chocobo, or at least let the player know that the + green quest are important if they want to upgrade their gameplay. This isn't an mmo most single player players will look at that and thing that the + is an extra non important (had an irl talk with a friend who thought that)
*dlc- make it season pass only,one time pay and thats it. the game is 69.99 it shouldn't even need a dlc, but at least do a full on season pass in like 19.99 with like at least a cid dlc(dont yall wanna see his time with the empire, taking small mid otto gav and making the hideaway happen, also, i wanna know who from the boys have a spicy history with cid cause quinten suggested it and some other npcs as well), dion dlc(not only to get a look at the first official not hinted gay character's love life, no not for that-but i think we need a real look into the empire pre and post Annable. what we saw of his dad was tereible, i wanna know why dion is so atrached and looking highly of him, also like ive said in previous post i have to know dion pov on branded), jill dlc(cause bae need a redemption i fucking hate how square treat a strong female character once she's a love interest of the protag)
And a gav dlc, like something happens in the end that if you dont choose gav in the quest you wont know, but gav tells a bit about his past and i think especially since he is our main scout, dlc of him and byron maybe could be cool, after the kanvar event.
*enemies variety- im pissed theres no Cactaur hunt or tonberry. Like really really pissed. You kept the freaking flann but not the cactaur?!please for the love of fucking god patch them as a hunt or something.
*animation fixes- so many quests that had a higebuildup ended looking cheap. Fix that-asap, especially the quinten quest, it could have hit so much harder if the lipsync wasn't so cursed looking while the model was kinda static they had quest with proper cutscense like theo's, why not Quinten since its a freaking end of a huge chain quest. Also, in general fix the freaking lipsync that shit is cursed af.
In conclusion i know pple like shitting on 15 but i thino 16 will only bemefit from the 15 treatment, especially for the proce we as consumers payed.
This game doesnt feel finished, it feels rushed, i think 2 more years in the baking wouldve benefit it, but well its out, so why not patching it. I think it'll boost the sales cause now the game feel bare, and many things feel like placeholders. So i hope the team didnt pop the champagne yet.
I dont blame Yoshi p or the team, i think they did an amazing job, but i do blame square's higher ups tendency to announce and release a teiple A game too early, they need to understand that atech advances, it need and will take more time to develope a game. And if you want to take the money that you are asking for at least make sure that the dough isn't raw.
That's it Haruki's out.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
Tahel Surana, all multiples of five?
Ooh, a big one. From this ask game, feel free to send more!
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character's pockets? Not a huge amount, actually. Some cash. A couple potions if the pockets of whatever he's wearing are big enough. He's not one for carrying a bunch of stuff, so he sticks to things that are useful in an emergency.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? More, definitely more. Tahel spent most of his formative years in mage robes, which are... pretty concealing. After that he feels kind of naked without his whole body covered up, and between that and the fun little thing about the Templars watching the apprentices bathe that we hear about in the mage origin he really doesn't like feeling observed when he's less than completely covered. His outfits feature a lot of long sleeves, high collars and tall boots. If he willingly lets someone see more of his body than his head and hands he's showing a huge amount of trust. Unfortunately since most of them don't have Circle-related hangups most of his friends don't realize just how much trust he's putting in them... Also because of all the ice magic he can wear a lot of layers without overheating! He could go out into the Western Approach at high noon wearing clothes suited for Ferelden winters and not overheat at all. So he faces no downsides from his insistence on completely covering himself up, which is convenient.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? Not really? They've never really been a thing for him. He went from the Circle (no possessions allowed) to being on the run (can only have what he can carry) to being the Warden-Commander and Arl of Amaranthine (stinking rich). He does have a thing about books, though. The Vigil's library is massive just because of him and will likely go down in history as one of the finest book collections in Thedas. He started with fiction (which I feel like Circle mages probably weren't allowed) out of spite, but when the spite ran out he also started collecting a bunch of history books, magical theory stuff, economics, engineering... Tahel's a bit of a nerd! He likes reading books! And now he's allowed to have books! So he's gonna have all the books! Plus he now has... so many responsibilities involving things he's never had to do before and he's gotta learn about those. The fact that the Warden canonically becomes a scholar of the Blight is so pleasing to me, you have no idea.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? Tahel mostly compares himself to others in terms of social skills. He feels no need to compare himself to others in terms of combat or magic skills, he knows he's one of the best in terms of sheer innate talent and is only going up from there and any sort of comparison in those fields would just lead to arrogance (which is a Bad Emotion and so much be ruthlessly suppressed), but... let's just say there's a reason his only friend was Jowan growing up. He's good at lying to people and winning them over in the short term, but in terms of long-term relationships he's a mess. Which is... very bad when you spend all your time around the same people. He managed in the Circle because he knew all his fellow apprentices well enough to have a pretty good idea of how to manage them, not because he has any people skills. He's well aware that a lot of the people he knows are a lot more experienced with people than he is and are a lot better at getting people to like them than he is and he's determined to learn from them. The undying love and devotion he wins from his companions in both DAO and Awakening comes from a combination of his companions having to learn to read him due to the forced proximity and need to get along well enough to fight together (meaning they know him well enough to at least mostly understand what he means when he fails at People) and his companions also being really fucking weird.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? Tahel doesn't trust people at all. His default state is distrust and suspicion, because in the Circle you cannot trust anyone. The Templars obviously can't be trusted, but even the other mages could very easily throw you under the bus if it becomes necessary. Tahel would never begrudge his fellow mages doing whatever was necessary to survive (hell, he'd do the same to them if he had to), but trust wouldn't be wise. The only people he trusted were Jowan and Irving, and... neither of those exactly ended well for him. Meanwhile one of his major flaws is that if he likes someone he is... infinitely too trusting (for example he actually believed Jowan when he insisted he wasn't a blood mage). Everyone he trusted in the Circle failing to live up to that trust wasn't enough to break him of that flaw, and it is not helped by even the most apparently untrustworthy of his companions ultimately proving worthy of his faith in them. People are always shocked to learn that the ice cold Hero of Ferelden is so naive about people he likes (although it does help that he's so slow to actually like people).
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Templars. More generally, people who abuse their authority. Also spiders! Tahel is genuinely really, really freaked out by spiders and is a little bit insecure about that.
35. How does your character behave around people they like? Tahel is a bit like a cat, in that if he is willingly spending time in the same area as you that means he likes you. Also he'll never outright ask anyone for physical affection, but he will hang out very close to people without quite touching them and be Very Pleased if they initiate contact. But mostly it's just... if he's willingly spending time around you, he likes you.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs? Politely, but distantly. He's never unkind and only impatient when the situation is serious enough to warrant it, but he's a bit weirdly intense basically always so some people would get a weird vibe off him.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? ...Hm. That's a tricky one. I think Tahel starts out vaguely Andrastian, but a little disgusted at himself for it? He's Andrastian in the way someone raised in a religion and never allowed to see anything outside of that religion is religious. And it makes him miserable, what with the whole "Magic is a sin" thing. No going to the Maker's side for him! But I think he eventually settles on the belief that the Maker (if he exists, which Tahel's very much questioning by the end of DAO and never really settles on an answer for) won't care about his magic and will judge him entirely on his actions and intentions, and frankly if he doesn't Tahel doesn't want to be at his side anyway. And there's also an element of him thinking that he's likely to end up in the Fade in some way, and he's okay with wandering the Fade for eternity and seeing and learning things about both worlds forever, seeing as as previously established he is a scholar and a bit of a nerd. To put it another way he's not really scared of the concept of his own death and what comes next, but it's more of a "To die would be an awfully big adventure" thing than any sort of certainty.
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