#You don’t know how happy I am since I’ve always loved MH but never got to buy them as a kid
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I’ve been thinking about replying to this all week, @bringthekaos! I can’t believe I made your whole year! You made me really happy by writing MH Viktor, so it’s wonderful to know I was able to return the favor :)
Your research into League lore clearly paid off! Though I imagine it was also a bit of a nightmare to make sense of, especially Viktor’s, since Riot’s never been very consistent in their portrayals of him (I’m not salty about it, I swear. I’m a perfectly sane adult that’s never been tilted by League before, promise! …cough). Anyway! “Bitter divorced dad energy” killed me XD. League Jayce can be boiled down to Steampunk Tony Stark. Except Riot forgot to give him Tony’s heart of gold or capacity for introspection, so he’s just an ass most of the time. (Ironically, the comic that botched Viktor more than anything else Riot’s done happens to perfectly capture Jayce - you can read his bit here). But yeah, good call to lean into Talis over Gio. Talis has a lot more depth and character development, and a much better basis for a relationship with Viktor; Gio is more of a meme than a person lol. Still, it was neat to see how you incorporated some very Gio moments into your Divorce Era fics, so thank you for that! (I started replying to the part about how you wish they’d kept the Machine Herald and you’re salty, because damn do I have a lot to say about that subject! Gestures to mountain of salt behind them. But that got out of control SO fast and probably deserves its own post lol)... Especially since they teased it so well in the first half of S1 of Arcane! And they even snuck in some League easter eggs in the Hexclaw scene! (The claw having a mind of its own! Lasering poros!) And! And! --unintelligible angry cave man noises …ahem. Yuss, this is the way! One of the things I love about fandoms is there’s always room for more. Just because Riot decided to replace our dear metal man with… something that doesn’t really match Arcane Viktor tbh, doesn’t mean he can’t live on! (Thanks again for helping to make sure he does). And I am not a writer, so take this with a grain of salt, but is it important to have the sequel match the same format as the original? Could it not be a collection of short stories or scenes, and then if you feel like it later, you could write more to stitch them all together? I’m glad you liked writing Renata! Always fun to have a good bad guy. Tbh I ended up reading her lore for the first time after finishing Pulse, and I think you wrote her well too! (She came out a few years after I stopped playing League and therefore caring about new champ releases). Though idk who Ama is? I’m bad with names, and there’s a lot I don’t remember about League lore (tbf to me, there’s a lot of crazy in there). But I love this idea (the Stitch reference is also perfect)! Metal weirdo science man rumored to experiment on people, outwardly projects intimidating mechanical-Vulcan vibes, does the violent bidding of a real scary lady? Friend-shaped. Innately understood to be soft and squishy on the inside - in that way that children see through bullshit - and must now fend off attempts at friendship? Amazing. Beautiful. Chef kiss. Can’t wait!
Hey! Just wanted to say that I'm loving your Divorce Era fics! Finished Pulse of the Machine a bit ago and I'm working my way through the rest. You do such a great job of blending all versions of Viktor's lore - OG, 2016, Arcane - into something that feels natural, exciting, and so very Viktor! And you even managed to incorporate some of the more controversial aspects of his 2016 lore while still maintaining his characterization! (something Riot chose to sacrifice for the sake of establishing the general feel of League's factions). As someone who played League for years and loved OG Viktor, it's so nice to see his pre-Arcane elements being included in the Jayvik community. Your work has been so fun to read, and just- Aaaaaaaah!! Words are failing me! Thank you for sharing your work with all of us! P.S. I hope you do decide to make a sequel to Pulse, since you've set it up so nicely for one! (How do they free Viktor from his condition? What is Renata going to do with that Hexcore-harvested plant venom? What shenanigans do Cait and Vi get up to on their Council-ordered leave? (Love how you write those two together too!))
So sorry this took me so long to answer, but I was literally speechless. Just… thank you so much!!! This means so much to me! I’ve still never played League, I only got into all of this in ‘21 when season 1 came out, but I really did fall in love with Viktor’s (and Jayce’s!) game lore, and did my best to learn all about it! There are elements of both that I love (for instance I adore Talis and lean a little more heavily toward Talis than Gio, but I do still love Gio and his bitter divorced dad energy). And I kinda just melded the two together in a way that I hoped was smooth and genuine, and to know that I succeeded? From someone who has been following the lore long before I ever got here?? It makes me wanna break down and cry with gratitude. I really do wish they had kept the Machine Herald, and I’m still salty about it. And for a while, I was super depressed thinking I could never again write MH because he doesn’t exist anymore.
But then I decided that he’s mine now, haha. I will keep him alive by continuing to write him. Which leads me to the second portion of your ask! I still would love to write a sequel to Pulse, I did have some plot bunnies marinating in my head for it, but I never really solidified it. It was more just a collection of scenes than a fully fleshed out plot. But hopefully one day!! I loved writing Renata, and I would actually also love to work in Naph and Ama, if possible. I’m obsessed with the idea that both those kids took one look at this fucked up, emotionally repressed and lonely asshole and basically did this…
Fucking priceless.
Anyhoo, thank you again for such kind words, you made my whole year already and it’s only February! 💖
#arcane#jayvik#jayce talis#arcane viktor#league of legends#machine herald viktor#pulse of the machine#arcane fanfiction#dear god i'm actually replying to a post#i was made to lurk not socialize#how do people do this#what has this place done to me#confused incoherent screeching
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I’ve been inactive for a week ‘cause I’ve been feeling bad but y’all I bought my first ever Monster High doll and I’m SO happy about it holy shit 😭
#꒰ v’s rambling ꒱#G3 Abbey Bominable you have my whole heart#I love her so much I swear#Thank you to my grandma since she’s technically the one who paid for it#You don’t know how happy I am since I’ve always loved MH but never got to buy them as a kid#They were just so expensive and well… I don’t think they were all that common in the toy stores I frequented as a baby#I’m definitely gonna buy more MH dolls when I can but for now I’m gonna chill with the spending 💀
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Too old for her?
For the charming @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
Hope you will enjoy! 🎁🌹📖
"Can you believe the age difference between them? I wonder how (Y/N) can be in a relationship with Hart!"
"I agree: they have nothing in common. Hart is too old for her anyway."
Harry Hart usually didn't give a damn about the gossip of the Kingsman staff. But that day, the conversation he had overheard had made him uncomfortable because it touched on a sensitive subject for Agent Galahad: his relationship with (Y/N) (L/N).
Since their first meeting, Harry had fallen in love with the one who was Merlin's assistant. She had it all: in addition to being beautiful, she was intelligent, friendly, humorous and fascinating.
The only problem was the age gap: the lady was 15 years younger than him. At first, this was not a problem, but the secret agent gradually found out that not everyone was happy about it.
He knew that some of the agents were in love with (Y/N) and were jealous that she was dating him. But now, he felt that almost the whole agency disapproved of his relationship.
As Harry entered his office, he tried to put the gossip out of his mind and concentrated on his files.
But even so, he couldn't help but think back to his comments about his relationship with his girlfriend. Sure, he was older than (Y/N), but things were going very well between them. It wasn't a few more years that would ruin everything, was it?
Annoyed by these untimely thoughts, the British agent got up from his seat and went to the bathroom to wash his face with water.
When Harry saw his face in the mirror that he understood the point of view of his colleagues. Indeed, the British spy could not miss the wrinkles that appeared near his eyes or on his forehead or the white strands that appeared in his brown hair.
Seeing this crumbling image of his youth, Harry began to worry: how long did he have before he became a useless elder and the Kingsman Agency retired him? But more importantly, how long did he have before (Y/N) left him?
Agent Galahad knew he could never stand it: the young woman was the best thing that had ever happened to him in life.
But he had to face the fact that his girlfriend would sooner or later find happiness in the arms of a younger man, even if it broke his heart.
In Merlin's lab.
"I love this umbrella rifle! Can I have it?" asked Eggsy, his eyes twinkling.
"Sorry to disappoint you, Eggsy, but this weapon is not for you! It is for Agent Galahad!" the engineer replied, taking the rifle umbrella from him.
"Oh, come on! Why does Harry always have the coolest stuff?" grumbled the young spy.
"Don't worry, I made one just for you," reassured him (Y/N) with a wink.
"Thanks, (Y/N). You're the best!"
"I beg you, (Y/N): don't encourage him in his foolishness!" sighed Merlin as he readjusted his glasses.
"I admit that without Eggsy's spiritedness, my missions would be very boring," smiled Roxanne.
"Don't get into it, Agent Lancelot!"
(Y/N) chuckled as the two young secret agents teased the engineer. Deep down, she knew it was just teenage banter and that Roxanne and Eggsy respected and appreciated Merlin very much. She had a friendly relationship with the latter, who was both her boss and her friend.
But the one who mattered most was Harry Hart, the man in her life. (Y/N) smiled as she thought how lucky she was to have a true gentleman as a boyfriend. Sure, he was fifteen years older than her, but so what? She preferred to be in a relationship with a more mature and wiser man than a young and fiery one.
Besides, Harry had everything to please: he was elegant, cultured, gallant, sincere, loyal and had a sense of humour. And as a boyfriend, he was perfect: funny, caring, loving and loyal.
The only downside was the few remarks his colleagues made about Harry. They kept telling her that she should dump him and find a boyfriend closer to her age. This kind of comment made the young woman extremely angry. Who did these people think they were, criticising her relationship? As if they could know what made her happy.
At least she could count on the support of Merlin, Roxy and Eggsy, who had been the first to know about their story.
(Y/N) consulted her watch: a few more hours and she would be able to enjoy her evening with her lover. She was looking forward to it.
A few hours later, in a London house.
Sitting in his living room, Harry was waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. However, instead of feeling that tender impatience, he was nervous.
All day long, he had been thinking about all those remarks about his age and his relationship with (Y/N). After all, they weren't wrong: what was a bright young woman like her doing with an elder like him?
The only way to find out for sure was to ask his girlfriend. But the British agent dreaded her answer: what if she told him she didn't love him anymore? That she wanted to leave him?
Stressed by this prospect, he did not hear the front door open until (Y/N) told him:
"Good evening, darling."
Startled, Agent Galahad turned around and saw his girlfriend standing behind him with a smile on her face. Returning the smile, Harry stood up and took the one he loved into his arms.
"Good evening, my queen of hearts. Sorry, I just get lost in my thoughts."
"That's okay."
As he hugged (Y/N), Harry inhaled the scent of her hair. He wanted this moment to stick in his mind, in case the story ended badly.
Intrigued by her lover's behaviour, the young woman asked:
"Harry, what are you doing?"
"Nothing, I just missed you, that's all."
The young engineer laughed.
"You know we didn't just run into each other for a few hours?"
"That's way too long," the secret agent replied with a mischievous smile.
Then the two lovers headed for the kitchen where (Y/N) discovered to her amazement that he set the table and a delicious smell wafted through the air.
"It's beautiful. What's the occasion?"
"Pleasing you, that's all."
Harry helped (Y/N) to sit down before taking a seat next to her. Then they began to eat dinner.
During the meal, the assistant engineer noticed that her boyfriend seemed sad and absent.
"Harry? Is everything all right?"
Raising his head, the British agent met his girlfriend's worried gaze. He tried to be reassuring:
"Yes, I'm fine. I must still have my head in the work..."
The young woman shook her head.
"Harry, I've known you for five years, and I know when something is wrong. So please tell me what's going on."
Capitulating, the British agent sighed and asked:
"Tell me, (Y/N), do you regret being with me?"
At these words, his girlfriend exclaimed:
"Huh? But not at all! Why would you think such a thing?"
"Because, at the risk of sounding ridiculous, I wonder if you don't get tired of being in a relationship with a man older than you."
The young woman raised an eyebrow.
"Don't tell me you've been paying attention to the gossip of the other agents!"
Her partner's shrug confirmed what she was thinking.
(Y/N) took her companion's hand and said:
"Harry, I want you to listen to me and keep this in mind. The day I met you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I have no problem with the fact that we are fifteen years apart, on the contrary. I prefer to have a mature, reasonable and pragmatic partner. And you are that man, Harry Hart. Never doubt it."
The British agent felt the worry leave his mind as quickly as it had come. Relieved, he murmured:
"What I never doubted was how lucky I am to have you in my life, (Y/N) (L/N)."
The young woman smiled, flattered by the compliment. Then she leaned in close to his ear and whispered in a sensual tone:
"Between us, you're not too old to make me scream with pleasure."
Harry blushed violently at these provocative words. He turned to his girlfriend and saw that she had a lustful gleam in her eye.
Amused, he asked:
"Do you have any plans for tonight, my dear?"
"Mh, probably. If you're interested, of course."
Letting his hand caress (Y/N's) arm, the British agent murmured:
"My dear, you should know that a Kingsman does not shy away from any challenge. Least of all, the challenge of a beautiful lady!"
Without warning, he lifted her off the ground and carried her in his arms into the bedroom.
"What are you going to do?" the young woman asked with a laugh.
"Enjoy my second youth."
And as they made love, Harry Hart was now convinced that he was not too old for her. Their age gap was just a matter of numbers: as long as they were happy together, Harry was delighted.
Thanks for reading the story!
I hope you enjoyed it!
My requests are still open: don’t hesitate!
Take care: I love you all! 😘🥰😍💝
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Am I the only one who doesn’t get why some (tw) are shitting on Haru and Rin separately just for the fact that they reciprocate each others feelings? Because it’s not the feelings they wanted them to reciprocate? Just curious because I'm new and recently entered the fandom. And since when miscommunication in between means that they don't deserve to be happy at the end? Because you're an idiot when it comes to love, doesn't mean you're a bad person. I came from chinese bl and it's weird to me.
Hehe welcome to the madness, perfect time to join! Yeah, tbh that's the thing in the fandom that always bugged me the most. The fact that some act like if you don't reciprocate someone's feelings, it makes you a bad person. I always found it incredibly cringy when ppl in real life for example make ppl feel guilty for not feeling the same way and make you feel like shit bc of it. I don't get why you have to apologize for that or feel bad, if you never ever gave him any hope or anything in the first place.
Nowdays it's thankfully a rare sight already in this fandom, bc most already grown and see perfectly what's truly healthy and unhealthy, it's just tbh only the same 3 accounts ppl keep sending me that are still on that, who also think that Haru is literally possessed in the last movie so I don't see the point of like arguing with ppl like this. It's just they're always getting extremely angry when Haru wants Rin as if it's his fault that he feels this way and always go about it like he is inconsiderate of Makoto's feelings. Implying that they're mad that he doesn't feel that way about Makoto, while Makoto does. I'm same as @tododeku-or-bust for example said here (idk what fandom brought this on, but just in general) also do not get what's appealing about this kind of relationships in the first place.
If they shipped it in terms of like it's mutual I'd get it, but they go on about how Rin or Haru are bad friends bc they're not in love with their best friends... like ?????? I didn't know you owe it to your friends to have romantic feelings for them.
In real life if you found out that your bestie feels that way for you while you don't reciprocate, it's a burden, that'll make you feel uncomfortable and at times guilty when you shouldn't technically feel that way. So putting on someone a burden of "I was pining for you all along", when you know they don't feel the same is giving me this feeling of cringe. So I personally do not get what's enjoyable at seeing it like that in Free. But to each their own kink lmao.
It's like... is Haru at fault for the fact that he was Ikuya's first love too? I do not get it really. Like he doesn't have to take responsibility for everyone who falls for him and he doesn't owe anyone to reciprocate their feelings. Even to Rin. Like if he didn't feel the same way for Rin, it wouldn't be his fault either. But since he does feel the same way for him, it's like... good, great, happy for them.
Like once again if someone believes that Makoto and Sousuke are unrequitedly in love with Rin and Haru, that's not rinharu fault. Haru literally never ever lead Makoto on EVER. He never ever did anything that would make Makoto believe that they're more than friends. He was always honest about everything. Like when Makoto thought that he went out to see him, but Haru just wanted to see the sunrise, he told him just that. He never encoraged anything, he refused to live with him and never wanted. I do not get why it's supposed to be his fault that he doesn't like his friend in that way. If Makoto has some unrequited feelings for him and decided to hang up on this, it's his own life choice in my opinion.
It's like saying that Onodera and Takano for example don't deserve to be together just because they unintentionally hurt each other and got separated for 10 years bc of misunderstanding. This argument is like typical Yokozawa life position aka "but I was there when he left you heartbroken for several years, that means you MUST pick me". As I've said before, that's just not how it fucking works. And just bc they couldn't explain things to each other normally, doesn't mean that they don't deserve be happy now. Being idiots is not a crime.
Or if you came from chinese bl, lets go "Guardian" for example. Zhu Hong also was on about how "why you love Shen Wei, not me, I always did everything for you and I was always there, I even wore heels bc you once said you liked those etc". Like he never asked her to do this, he never gave her any hope, he was beyond rude and open about the fact that he's not interested, he never did anything to make her think she had a chance since the beginning. Just bc she decided to dedicate her life to false hope that maybe one day something might change is not his fault. It was her choice. Why Yunlan should feel like shit bc of that I do not get personally.
I'm just buffled bc like Haru for example is the most caring about other ppl's pain person, but they call him selfish and rude bc of the way he is with Makoto at times, not even realising that it IS in fact what means being kind sometimes.. to not give someone a chance when you know you don't feel it. I was always saying this like since forever, being kind doesn't mean for example giving everyone second chances, loving everyone, wanting to be friends with anyone etc. In some situations it's not being kind, it's being stupid or even not being a good person. Once again... offering someone friendship after he openly dissed your friend and you see that he's not in any position to talk back is not kind. Or if someone cheats on you constantly, but you always forgive them it's also not you being kind. It's you being stupid. Sometimes you have to be harsh. It's for the greater good.
And like I saw several times stuff like someone under scenes where Rin has his eyes for Haru only, commenting like "oh great, look at Rin being inconsiderate of Sousuke's feelings again. Can't believe you guys find this romantic." I mean, if in their opinion Sousuke is in pain from being Rin's friend, he can end it, it's his choice. It's not Rin's fault that he thinks of him as just his friend. So thinking that Rin is an asshole bc each time he simply hangs out with Sousuke he's a selfish bitch is fucking insane. I'd feel extremely bad if my best friend was seeing it this way for example. It's like hella ugly.
This annoys me also bc of the fact that Rin, the person who at the age of 12 single-handedly saved his family from falling apart after his father's death, who's an amazing friend to Sousuke and did everything to make his happy after he found out about his trauma and always checks on him first and cries about his shoulder, who in the late evenings taught Rei to swim, when everyone else gave up already xD, who was looking after Nitori during his training, who pretends to walk the same road, just because he's scared to let Gou return alone in the evenings, the most amazing son and brother, is suddenly an asshole just because Haru is in love with him, but not with Makoto. I mean, thats just... huh? Like I dont mind you ship what you want to ship, it's like to each their own crayons for real. But like dissing them and call them selfish just bc they only see their friends as friends and don't want anything more is weird to me.
As for the fact that bc of the misunderstanding they don't deserve to be happy, that's just idiotic. I mean, lets punish Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan too just bc Lan Zhan couldn't voice his real feelings back then and bc WWX misunderstood him. Lets ship WWX with Wen Ning instead. Nezumi is cancelled, he doesn't deserve to be with Shion. He left him. Takano should stay with Yokozawa, Onodera is trash. Wu Xie is trash for wanting to be with Zhang Qiling too. It doesn't matter why he leaves, it only matters that he always does. I can't believe he doesn't see that Pangzi is there with him all along xD. What an ungrateful trash of a human being I can't even.
And anyways btw both Rin and Haru are not ideal human beings in any way (otherwise I wouldn't love them this much tbh xD). But their flaws are definitely not what for example mh shippers usually blame them for. You can argue about their other imperfections easily. Like being stupidly stubborn for example. I won't point fingers here, Haru lolz. Or literally anything else.
My point is you can find what to trash them for logically, if you wanna. Do it smartly tho. Otherwise you make your ship look bad.
And I once again say what wise person said about his relationships and about the fact that not being able with someone he loves hurt him and 'why is he doing this to himself' he answered: "it's not on him. my happiness and my pain is for me to handle". Everyone decides for themselves. This is why for example Haru was so broken about voicing this to Rin and didn't have any intentions to tell him that in the first place. Bc it's not right, if you're not sure that it's requited. Technically he has no right to blame Rin for making him fall in love with him and then leaving in the first place. It's not Rin's fault really, that he made him feel what he feels for him, it's ultimately Haru's problem. That's why he feels has no right to blame him in the first place. I mean, he doesn't know that Rin feels the same, that means saying to him "you break my heart each time you leave" and making him feel bad about it is technically wrong. That's why Haru to himself said "no, please, don't say such things to him". Everyone for himself decides who deserves your 5, 7, 800 or 10000 years of your pain. It's your decision. It's your life. If Haru feels like Rin is worth it, then you have no say in that matter really. The only reason we call Rin an idiot or Haru an idiot is because we know they feel the same, so we can. But blame someone else for not feeling what you're feeling is not right.
So like even if you feel like Makoto and Sousuke have feelings for their friends, blaming Haru and Rin for having feelings for each other and not for them is beyond weird. And there's nothing wrong with putting someone you love first, every bro/sis gets it. You can say bros before hoes all you want, but like Lan Zhan might just drop his bro for his hoe, if he was given a choice. Would it make him a bad person? The fact that Wu Xie chose to save Xiaoge before Pangzi makes his a bad person? My point is it's not all that easy.
I just feel like many ppl in this fandom are very weird about many things. Either because they do not get what it's like to go through some things or maybe they just do not get that no matter how cheesy this sounds love is not that simple. I mean, for example not all selfish is bad, sometimes like in Haru's case for example not being selfish is also bad. Bc if he finally asks for what he wants, he will make both himself AND Rin happy.
To be angry at Rin bc of the aftermath of his father's death and s1 I never had it in me, after knowing everything and how adults handled it. If some of Sousuke's fans bc of Yakusoku and the fact that Rin found his salvation in Haru bc he helped him to move forward after getting his family out of this hell alone and that Haru was the safe haven that made him happy in this moment of his life, want to trash Rin for the fact that he "neglected" Sousuke, its like your opinion. I personally do not get it. Rin doesn't owe Sousuke anything. It's not his fault again that Haru's existence helped him to feel better.
Just like not everyone will get why Haru in 1x12 was so happy about the fact that he could help Rin. To be that special somebody for someone who can "save" you in moments of your life like this, especially if you love them is an incredible feeling. And no, your bestie isn't always the person for this job, no. I don't see why people do not get that I guess, that's all. But we all have our own opinion on everything, so...
We same as you do not get it since forever, but its like it is what it is in this fandom. I personally just have another life position on stuff, so I'm very far from that point of view they have.
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Hey so I'm just gonna cry about dolls for a minute if that's cool.

Every month or so, I reorganize my shelf to fit a different theme or rotate the collection. I have a lot of dolls that I love for different reasons, and they all deserve some time to shine. This month is my birthday month (29th is my day), so I decided, the heck with it, let's put as many of our current favorites as possible on there! So a lot of dolls I wouldn't normally display together are present. It's so colorful and cheerful, every time I look at it I smile. You'll notice a lot of them are incomplete or missing pieces. Since I get most of my dolls secondhand, they don't always have them, and that's okay. I don't need my dolls to be complete to love them. I'm just gonna ramble about some of what makes them special under the cut.
For all unaware, I didn't start collecting dolls like this until close to the end of college in 2018. My first two are Meeshell Mermaid from EAH and Peri & Pearl from MH. I'm dazzled by mermaids, and these three hold a special place in my heart as my first.
Finnegan Wake in the wheelchair there also fits with the merfolk fantasy theme, though I also have him there as a supportive doll with Jacy Masters. I'm on spectrum and a plus sized gal, and these two are a reminder that I'm still awesome, even with those things going on. Finn's character is all about living life to the fullest and using all of himself to have a good time, and Jacy is daring and fabulous all day everyday. They help me feel better about overcoming my obstacles and just being myself.
Gooliope and Freak Du Chic Frankie are here because I love Freak Du Chic (circus aesthetic for the WIN), and I pair them with Luna Mothews because they all fall into the performance category. Having been a theater kid (though always on crew, never on stage) and a voice actor, I love performing and storytelling, and the story these dolls tell in their respective medias is so fun. LOVE Luna's arc in Boo York. Way Too Wonderland Lizzie is similar, love her story, and frankly the outlandish look of that line makes it one of my favorites.
Zombie Shake Rochelle and Venus are a very odd pick, but hear me out. I am endlessly amused by dolls that are made based on a short or silly webisode (hence my love for the Sugarcoated EAH dolls), but these take the cake. Zombie Shake is such a bizarre thing to make dolls for. Four of them exist, they were all characters that had no reason to have new looks, barely showed up, but honestly, that's why I like them. They're FUN and indulgent! I remember when I got them in the most fun lot story I've ever gotten to tell, January of 2020, I don't often talk about how I couldn't identify Rochelle at first. It took my former roommate telling me which one she was for me to know this like existed. I thought her cracks were super interesting, and it's why I've kept her as-is.
Rainbow High has a lot of pretty dolls, and Stella Monroe might be up there if she had neck articulation. But for now, we have my current loves, Daphne and Daria of series 3, and Winter Break Violet, who is so my aesthetic, but oof am I not happy with the marks on her face. You can't see them in this lighting, but there's this residue in squiggly lines, almost like her hair gel stained her face, and soap and water hasn't taken it off. I may have to give her a face-up. The number of defects my RH girls have had is kind of frustrating, I refuse to buy them unless it's clearance currently, which still isn't totally reasonable price-wise, but hey, whatcha gonna do? Hoping to do a custom at some point, if I can work up the bravery to tackle them.
And lastly, my customs. Belphene is here because I haven't given her quite enough love (she's steadily been getting posted to my Instagram). Amaryllis is still very near and dear to my heart, love my dona de fuera very much. She's one of my few dolls with a sad face, and I really need to try another. Gail and Delilah have been inseparable since I made Gail, I'm beginning to think they may have a thing for each other. Maiden of Spring falling in love with the sweetheart fairy? Oh that could be cute, but that means some playing around later with Valentina, who was intended to be with Delilah, hmm. I really need to make another fairy, I wanna do better with those wings! And of course Sammy is there, you really think I can put down my love of BATIM? Haha, nope! The searcher Funko pop is also here because Jack. I don't know if I can make a Jack doll, so we're sticking with him for the time being!
I’ve been a little burnt out on doll making for a while here, so since finishing my last two in January, I’ve been on a break. Dunno when I’ll get off of it, still kind of stuck, but hey, it’s okay. I do still have dolls to show (hopefully tomorrow since it’s a certain boy’s anniversary~), but for now, I’m just really glad to have my display up. I know it’s a silly small thing, but my dolls make me very happy, and it’s so colorful and cheerful that I smile every time I look at them. <3
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Prove Me Wrong
Summary: She can trust you, even if she doesn’t know it yet.
Warning: 18+ Mental Health, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, Smut
Chapter 5
The presence of the weekend always raises the question of “what to do.”
You specifically don’t make appointments on the weekend or on Monday’s. The team deserves a break just like everybody else and nobody wants to do anything on Monday’s and you didn’t want to deal with the team while both you and them are grumpy.
So here you are, on a Saturday with nothing to do.
You’d already been to the gym, you really just used the treadmill, despite all the state of the art equipment in there. Admittedly you aren’t the athletic type but you do enjoy the occasional cardio workout.
Then you showered and made breakfast for the team which they have already demolished.
Just as you’re choosing between going for a walk and watching the next show on your Netflix list, there’s a knock at your door.
“Hey Y/N.”
You look up and immediately smile when you see Bucky leaning into your room.
“Hey Bucky, what’s up?”
“Well Steve got tickets to a baseball game and I remembered the talks we had about the game and figured maybe you’d be interested in coming with us. If not that’s fine just, there’s three tickets and-”
“I’d love to go.” You cut him off before he can start to nervously ramble.
He nods and tells you that you’re leaving in a hour before disappearing.
Already having showered, you pull on an an outfit you deem suitable for the event, and leave out, stopping at your office for something and then going down to the common room.
Steve and Bucky are already waiting in the common room when you get there and you figure they gave you the hour just as a curtesy.
As the three of you head over to the garage and climb into the black SUV, you mentally admit to yourself that you’re nervous to be hanging out with them.
Despite living with them, you haven’t hung out with anyone from the team. Which is equally you’re fault and theirs. You aren’t the most outgoing person and the team is pretty intimidating. Also none of them have really reached out in that way.
You figure you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to them.
Before you know it Bucky is pulling into a parking spot in the structure across from the stadium.
You all climb out and walk over to the venue.
“Not gonna lie, I’ve never been to a baseball game before.”
Both men freeze in their steps, looking over at you as if you said you just committed murder.
“You’re lying.” Steve says, eyes still wide.
You shake your head.
The man turns to look at his friend. You hear Bucky mumble ‘I don’t know what we’re gonna do’ and you’re tempted to laugh. But you know they’re serious about this.
Quietly you watch them, waiting for them to say something else.
Except they don’t.
You quickly learn that the two are ‘Show Not Tell’ kind of guys.
They drag you into the stadium and deck you out in Yankees merch: a shirt, a hat, a foam finger, and a cup that they promise to keep filled during the game, then buy you “classic” game day snacks.
By the time you find your seats your arms are full.
“Guys, was this really necessary?”
“Yes.” Bucky says instantly.“ It’s all apart of the experience.”
“He’s right.” Steve nods.
Chuckling, you ease into your seat and start situating your snacks and drink in your lap.
Just before the game starts you thank them both and they smile at you and say ‘you’re welcome’.
Watching the game here in the stadium, the guys all excited beside you along with the crowd, and the surprisingly good concession snacks, makes this so much fun.
As you’re finishing the last of your popcorn you remember what you grabbed before you all left. Digging down into your bag, you pull the four boxes out. Pulling them apart in pairs, you nudge Steve and shake them.
“Buck.” Steve taps his best friends arm excitedly, grabbing his attention from the game.
For the first time since you’ve met him, a bright smile takes over the man’s face. You can’t lie and say it’s not adorable.
He looks up at you with a question in his eyes and you immediately nod.
Both he and Steve grab the snack from you and you have the privilege of watching them open it with childlike excitement.
It seems as though that makes the entire thing better for them. Not once do they stop smiling and laughing.
The highlight of the whole thing comes when the Yankees hit a home run in your direction and Bucky jumps up and snatches the ball out of the air. Before offering it to you with a grin on his face.
By the time you all get back to the compound the air that surrounds you makes you feel as though you’d known them for years. The hat they bought you sits crookedly on Bucky’s head and Steve is waving the foam finger around as you toss the homerun ball in the air repeatedly.
It’s obviously unexpected since when you all step into the common room, everyone raises their eyebrows at you. Sam is sporting a very amused grin, Vision and Wanda smiling just cause you all are, and Natasha is watching you all with narrowed eyes.
“What’s got you three smiling all hard?” Sam asks.
Steve is the first to answer,“ me and Buck just took Y/N to her first baseball game.”
“It was so much fun! Like way better than watching it on tv.” You tell them.
They chuckle, amused by your excitement.
“Who won?” Sam asks.
Steve starts walking over to talk about the game and you turn to head to your room.
Bucky frowns at that,“ you’re not stickin around?” He asks.
“I am, I’m just going to put all this away.” You smile softly in reassurance.
He nods, taking the cap off his head and playfully slapping it on to yours.
Laughing, you turn and leave. You put your souvenirs on your desk, happy to have reminders of today.
With the way Steve and Bucky kept to themselves, even more so than anyone else on the team, you hadn’t expected them to be the first people you connected with. Today had proven you wrong.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t love getting to know them outside of your office. It wasn’t about all the traumas they had experienced and were dealing with. It was about their friendship, all the fun they had, and how much fun they were having with you.
And it was about you too. The men were eager to ask you questions about yourself and your preferences. You didn’t know it for sure, but the men found themselves enjoying your company more than they had anyone else in years.
When you get back to the common room you’re expecting the conversation to still be about the game, instead you find everyone’s focus on a new presence.
The blonde woman stands in front of the group in a blue and red, possibly leather, suit. Her hands move as she speaks and her short hair sits disheveled on her head.
You’re drawn closer when a bright smile lights up her face and her voice gets louder in excitement.
Her brown eyes land on you as you come to stand behind the couch and her words falter on her lips, effectively causing everyone, who didn’t already know you were in there, to turn to look at you.
Her smile reappears,“ hi, I’m Carol.” She waves.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you Carol.” You reply with a friendly smile in return.
It goes quiet for a moment, everyone looking between the two of you.
Sam is the one who breaks the silence,“ Danvers was just telling us about her mission. You know, if you want to finish that.” He started talking to you but turned back to the blonde.
It’s almost as if she waits to see if you want to hear it to continue, only doing son after you give a small nod. She gives you a quick review of what she’d already said.
You find yourself completely immersed in her story. The woman travels the universe for crying out loud.
The most you’ve ever seen is y/ht and New York, if that. So when she finishes and everyone breaks off to a different topic you excitedly ask the woman more about her space travel.
All the while as she smiles charmingly and talks to you, who wears an amused smile, Natasha watches.
She can’t dismiss how out of character it is for you to just approach someone that you’d just met. She remembers noticing how you didn’t make any efforts to engage the team until days after you’d arrived.
In fact she knows, apart from today with Steve and Bucky which she’s still trying to understand, that you have yet to actively build a relationship with anyone.
Natasha would never say that you were rude to anyone because you aren’t and haven’t been. You simply keep to yourself and it just so happens that you are surrounded by people who tended to do the same.
Apart from Tony, who you had a previous relationship with, and Sam and Peter, who are as genuinely outgoing as a person could get.
That being said, she wonders why you’d chosen Carol to suddenly be invested in.
Was it the woman’s knowledge of space?
Her inviting smile?
The confidence that seems to pour off her broad shoulders?
Or maybe her charm? No one, Natasha included, could deny that the woman was charming.
And then Natasha stops herself. She shouldn’t care. Why does she care that you and Carol are talking more now than you and she had in the months you’ve been here? Why does she care that you seem to be laughing so freely at whatever the woman is saying?
With a frown pulling her brows together Natasha tells herself that she doesn’t care. And then she’s up and out of the room before anyone can even acknowledge that she didn’t want to be there anymore.
taglist: @username23345 @muffliat-o @aaron-despair @natasha-danvers @nat-km-mh
#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader#black widow#black widow x reader#marvel#marvel x reader#mcu#mcu x reader#prove me wrong#reader insert
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Not my fave song but a song that I’ve always thot is great for romance Under control by Parachute for geraskier ofc
I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve just had terrible writer’s block lately, which is why this one is a bit rushed and doesn’t flow well. Hopefully I’ll come back to it at some point. To make it up to you, I included a drawing of one of the random scenes from this! I hope you like it! (Also, by drawing, I mean incredibly quick sketch that I will likely never finish of Jaskier gazing at Geralt longingly just before the kiss)
~1,300 words
Warnings- Uhh… Geralt yells at Jaskier, they kiss in front of a bunch of people, mutual pining, Slightly Horny, but really just barely, happy ending
Geralt could feel eyes on him. Never a good sign. Usually it means a fight, or at the very least a one-sided screaming match where Geralt will just have to sit there and accept the verbal abuse. This had been happening since Jaskier started playing for the night, but no matter how many times Geralt checked his surroundings, he couldn’t figure out who was staring at him.
An hour passed, and then ten minutes, before he finally turned around fully to see if they were stupid enough to be boring holes in him from directly behind him and-… and… it was Jaskier. Had been Jaskier the whole time. He looked alive, prancing about on stage like that- eyes ablaze with energy, joy, hopefulness. All things Geralt hardly ever saw- especially not with eyes turned upon his figure. When Geralt met Jaskier’s eyes, the gaze quickly shifted, and Geralt couldn’t help but feel like Jaskier thought he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t be. Geralt knew the way Jaskier loved- quickly and fiercely, with his whole being- and Geralt also knew that such affections could never turn his way- be directed at him- even when Jaskier did things like this. Even when the ridiculous bard pulled shit like this- looking as though he longed for something and then decided he couldn’t have it. Fortunately, Geralt was a smart enough man to know that his thoughts were misplaced- that everything he thought he saw as romance was nothing more than his own longing, and his mind playing tricks to ease the pain of loving someone like Jaskier.
Another hour passed by before Jaskier’s show ended, and the whole time Geralt had been thinking of nothing but the expressions that had danced across the bard’s face. Jaskier approached Geralt’s table and sat across from him as he dabbed at the sweat on his brow. Geralt couldn’t help the feeling that stirred in his stomach- the feeling that he always got after Jaskier finished a performance- which was immediately followed by countless unsavory thoughts.
“… Geralt? You’re staring through me again.” He chuckled softly. “Are you alright?”
“Mh- oh, yes.”
“Good. Did you enjoy the performance?” Jaskier leaned lazily against the table as an ale was brought to the table- complementary, due to the performance.
“… It was less annoying that usual.” Geralt grunted. He refused to admit he liked Jaskier’s performances. It would give him away completely. Jaskier huffed and rolled his eyes before picking up the mug of ale and drinking deeply. He wiped the remaining foam from his lip with the back of his hand.
“Bollocks. You like my music. Don’t lie.” Geralt let out a soft chuckle in place of a response, which Jaskier chose to scoff at before returning to his drink. Geralt stared at him for a moment- wondering how to talk to Jaskier about what had happened during Jaskier’s show.
“Anyway, I think it’s about time for us to reti-“
“You were staring at me.” Geralt grumbled before Jaskier could finish his sentence, causing the poor bard to choke on air.
“I-I beg your pardon?”
“… I noticed you staring at me for most of your performance… You stopped when I looked at you.” Geralt was confused about Jaskier’s sudden (yet dulled) nervousness. The poet was suddenly looking anywhere but at him, and Geralt couldn’t help but feel like he may have done something wrong.
“Well, I had planned to do this later, but…” Jaskier leaned closer to Geralt, which let the witcher catch a better whiff of the bard without his scent being drowned out by all of the others the bar had to offer.
“… You’re already drunk.” Geralt stated with slight surprise. He began to wonder if Jaskier would be more nervous right now if he weren’t intoxicated. Jaskier snorted.
“I was drinking before the performance, remember?” He chuckled as he leaned closer. “C’mere. Closer.” He slurred. Seems the adrenaline high of his performance was leaving now. Jaskier was far less focused on annunciating properly.
“… I’d rather not. Your breath is terrible.” That wasn’t exactly a lie, but there was also the fact that their faces were already so close that if Geralt leaned in any more, their lips would-… well… yeah. Jaskier giggled and moved closer, and Geralt leaned back to leave the bard more space. Jaskier huffed and rolled his eyes for the second time that night.
“You utter cock. Gotta do everything myself.”
“What the hell do you-“ He didn’t have time to finish speaking before Jaskier had launched himself around Geralt and wrapped his arms around his neck and… and kissed him! Geralt was too started to move, and he could feel dozens of eyes on them. Jaskier finally pulled back after what felt like centuries with a dazed and loving look in his eyes.
“Mhh… ‘ve wanted to do that for years.” He laughed softly. If witchers could blush, Geralt’s face would have been bright red as he grabbed his bard and carried him up to the room they had rented. Geralt just wanted to get away from the crowd as quickly as possible so he could sort through his thoughts and talk with Jaskier in private. He tossed Jaskier on the bed, and the bard clearly had a different idea of what that meant from the look he gave Geralt.
“Well, glad to see you’re just as eager as I am-“
“What the hell was that, Jask!?” Geralt shouted. He likely sounded far angrier than he actually was, but he honestly wasn’t sure what he was feeling at all. He had never experienced this much emotion at once, so it all just sort of came out as anger, since that was the emotion he was most comfortable with. Jaskier sat up straighter after Geralt yelled at him, and seemed to be more alert (or at least less lusty).
“Oh… oh, fuck, you didn’t- shit, I thought if I- fuck, I’m so stupid!” Jaskier groaned and put his head in his hands. Geralt looked over, about to agree and tear Jaskier a new one for whatever the hell sort of stunt he was trying to pull, but… well, when he turned to fully face Jaskier he realised the poor man was crying. Geralt stared for a moment- completely perplexed by this new development. Cautiously, he stepped closer, until he was sitting by the bard’s side on the bed.
“Jask, I… I’m not… I’m not mad, I just… what the hell got into you? You made a whole scene, and-“
“I know,” Jaskier interrupted, his voice shaking, “I know, I just… I-I just… I’ve… I love you. I have for so long, and… and I wanted… I wanted to tell you, b-but I knew I wouldnt’ be able to do it unless I was-“ Suddenly, all of the pieces clicked together in Geralt’s mind, revealing the full picture of his bard’s emotions.
“Drunk… you… you got drunk… so you could confess to me…” He stated somewhat dumbly. Jaskier simply nodded.
“I-I guess… I misjudged my ability to keep myself together… I had meant to just tell you, but… gods, did I actually kiss you in front of-“
“Yeah… you did… it was, um… well, it was certainly something.” Geralt coughed. In hindsight, it was rather attractive. Jaskier seemed to be picking up on Geralt’s thoughts, which gave him the courage to ask Geralt an important question.
“… Well… now you know that I love you… do… how would… I-I just mean, is there any way you would-“ Jaskier’s ramblings came to a haunt as soft, unsure lips gently brushed his own. Geralt was about to pull back- not wanting to linger, just in case Jaskier changed his mind, but Jaskier wasn’t having it. He wrapped his arms around Geralt’s neck and pulled the witcher down on top of him- capturing him in a hungry, desperate kiss- like that kiss was the only thing he had ever truly wanted in life. It may very well have been. When they pulled away, both breathless and in need of air, Jaskier spoke again.
“So… does this mean you love me?” He asked somewhat sheepishly. Geralt let out a gentle chuckle and, fuck, if Jaskier couldn’t listen to that laugh forever.
“Yes, Jaskier. I love you.”
Aaaand, now the sketch I promised>>>>
#jaskier#julian alfred pankratz#the witcher#geralt#geralt of rivia#geralt x jaskier#geralt/jaskier#geraskier+headcanon#gerlion#art#fan fiction
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‧₊˚✧ ཻུ۪۪ ᵕ̈ happier
sakusa kiyoomi x asexual f!reader | hqwn monthly prompt!
prompt 4: write about LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Are your characters attending the parades? Are they a public speaker for a pride event? Is there a confession between two of your characters?
wc: 1,5k | genre: fluff, slight angst | tw: minor mentions of sex [nothing explicit]
this is dedicated to my best friend Gio and all my asexual mates. also if you’re not asexual, but your sexuality is linked to the ace spectrum!
Sakusa knew he wasn’t a guy who was constantly thinking about sex, also, he thought he wasn’t even comfortable with romantic relationships. But when he met her, ________, his ideas got totally ruined, and not in a bad way.
She was gentle, kind, respectful, lovely and beautiful. He noticed her back in highschool, when he was recognised as one of the top three aces in the country between the fifteen and eighteen years old category.
His cousin, Komori, was in the same school and same team, and that’s thanks to him that ___ came into his life.
At first, she introduced herself as his cousin’s best friend, also if Sakusa had never seen Komori with her. Anyway, he didn’t want to seem a stalker or something.
She looked almost perfect in every situation. At school, she was always wearing a clean uniform, her hair was nevery messy, her makeup was neutral, not too much and not too many vibrant colours. Thanks to these details, Sakusa didn’t mind her presence, also if with her he acted the same ways as usual.
They got close, to the point Kiyoomi defined her one of his “friends”. When he told it to Komori, his cousin couldn’t believe him. A friend? A person like him, who has always preferred to be alone, defined someone his friend? Magic.
He didn’t want to admit it, but he enjoyed her company, to the point he was even able to open up more, and not exchange just two words and then staying in silence. But when, a month later, she went near him and Komori and told them she was dating with a boy from the third year, he was speechless.
If he only wasn’t one of the “bad boys” of the school, he would be happy for his friend. He spent days thinking about her and her new relationship. Trying to forget her, he ended up feeling worse. Why was he thinking about her like that? She was just a friend.
When he spot her walking through the hallway holding hands with her boyfriend, Sakusa just looked at her smiling. He hoped ___ would smile at him in that way, but she looked happier with someone else.
He didn’t want to admit he developed something for her, it was wrong. It could ruin her relationship with him and her actual boyfriend, so he just watched her having fun from afar.
“Are you okay?” his cousin asked, noticing that he was often looking for his friend, that now was so distant. “Don’t tell me that you’re jealous of ___” “No” he was denying the obvious. He was jealous. Someone stole his first friend that easily, and he couldn’t do anything.
Some months have passed since ___ has started dating, and Sakusa, in a way or in another, suffocated his feelings for her.
His friend was aware that she hadn’t spent too much time with her friends, because she was always with her boyfriend. But, when she tried to talk to Kiyoomi, he sounded cold and distant, somehow he was trying to avoid to have a conversation with her.
“Komori, did anything happened to Sakusa? I have the feeling he’s trying to avoid me...” she asked, with a sad expression. “I don’t know... he’s a complicated person, he has always been alone.” “What?” “Since we were little, I brought him to some volleyball practices, because his parents were often too busy, and also his older sister was...”
“I guess I’ve been a terrible friend, then” ___ got up “Do you know where he is?” asked. “We’ll have practice in like twenty minutes, I think he should be here soon” said Komori, looking around.
“Who were you looking for?” Sakusa’s voice appeared behind them. “Oh! Hi!” his cousin jumped, he got scared. “Hi, Sakusa” ___ greeted him with a plain voice “Do you have five minutes? I’d like to talk to you in private” she asked, while Komori headed to the gym.
“What happened?” “I just want to know if you think I am a bad friend. You’ve been avoiding me for some time, Komori told me that you have never had too many friends, and the fact that I spent all of my free time with my boyfriend...” the girl was about to tear up, she felt very guilty for leaving his friend alone. “Oh... Don’t worry. Sorry, I was just overthinking these days” he answered, without looking in her eyes.
“Oh, okay then, have a good practice” she felt relieved, showing one of her smiles to her friend. On the other hand Sakusa wasn’t that relieved, he wanted to tell her that the boy who was dating was recognised as someone who only thought about sex and intimate things. Not that it was wrong, but, there’s a limit for everything,
The next week something strange happened. ___ and her boyfriend broke up. When he heard the news, he was about to choke on his water. After school, while he was crossing the street, he heard some voices. “Are you serious, why?” someone was talking, he stopped nearby, careful to not be seen. “I just offered her to have a magic night with me, after three months of dating and a lot of touching, and that bitch refused. I don’t know why, those little second years who wear pink bows are the hungriest—”
Enough. As soon as he left, his phone rang. It was Komori. “Hi Sakusa, can you come to my house for a second? I think you left there some papers yesterday” “Mh, okay, I’m on my way”
During his walk, he thought again how nasty can boys like that subject could be. He didn’t like being touched too much, but leaning his hands on a pure and fragile body like ___’s, and without consent. Disgusting. If he only could have the chance to tell ___ that he would never have the courage to do that nasty things to her.
When he knocked the door of his cousin’s home, he heard a feminine voice crying from the inside. Komori opened the door “___ is inside, she’s on the couch. She told me to call you” that short phrase was enough to connect the dots.
“Is it about your ex boyfriend, right?” he asked, without hesitation. ___ raised her head, looking at him with puffy eyes and nodding. He sat down on the couch near her. “Tell me what happened. I heard him talking shit about you after school” hearing those sentence, his friend started crying again. “No, wait– you don’t have to if you don’t feel like it, sorry... I didn’t meant to make you cry again” he said, panicking.
After a couple of minutes, the girl stopped sobbing and shivering. Komori got up and went to the kitchen to make some tea. “H-he b-broke up with me... because I-I don’t want t-to make a-anything w-with him” “I tried to tell you that he was a terrible kind of guy, but seeing you that happy with him... I couldn’t do it” ___ looked at him. “H-he was f-forcing me to do something I-I didn’t, also if I said to him that I am asexual”
“What” he totally didn’t expect that. “Please don’t judge me” she sobbed. “It’s fine, you don’t have to explain, I get your point” he said. “He told me how can I be asexual if I had kissed him before, and it was just an excuse because I didn’t like something of my body... I am totally fine with hugs, kisses and similars, but I don’t want to have any more heated... you know” ___ got near him, and then hugged her legs to her chest.
“If he really loved you, he wouldn’t have ever tried to push you over you limits” he said, looking at his friend. “If you were with me from the beginning, I would never have touched you without consent” he mumbled, thinking ___ hasn’t heard him. “I’m not that kind of guy that see the feminine body and thinks about it as a toy or other stuff, gross”
“You really think that?” ___ asked, looking at him. “Did I said it too loud?” “Maybe now it’s too soon because I’ve just broken up, but... in the future... do you want to keep in contact with me?” asked again, hoping for a positive answer.
“Sure, I’d like to” he said, looking in the other direction because a little blush covered his cheeks. “I am happy that I have someone like you who understands my situation... I feel better now” she smiled, one of those heart melting ones. He, in response, moved his arm around her small figure, bringing her closer.
“I am sure that with you I’ll be a thousand times happier than before”
#haikyuuwriters 0620#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu x reader#hq imagines#hq x reader#sakusa kiyoomi#hq sakusa#kiyoomi sakusa#haikyuu sakusa#haikyuu!!#kiyoomi sakusa x reader#haikyuuwritersnet#hq scenarios#haikyuu scenarios#hq
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HeliosR - Dino Albani Card story ‘‘Mail Order Freak‘‘
Translation of Dino Albani’s 3* “Mail Order Freak” from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Dino: Ooo…
Dino: Ooooo….?
Dino: oooOOOO….!?
Keith: Oi, Dino
Dino: !!!???
Keith: TV shopping again huh….
Dino: Ah, haha… I’m just watching okay? I haven’t ordered anything yet!?
Keith: Yet?
Dino: !! No no that’s not it, pay no mind to that just now!
Dino: The other day I did as you told me to and am dedicating myself to simple living. My minds all clear now, there’s no way I’m going to clutter up again?
Keith: Hooo~?
Dino: Ahaha, haha… Was convinced you were sleeping soundly though, what’s up?
Keith: Aah. I just strangely woke up out of nowhere, thought to come get some water
Keith: Where’s a glass, glass~....
Dino: Uwah… what’s with this hanger rack… Amazing, it’s way too overpowered….
Dino: Eh!? It’s that cheap if you buy three of these together!? Woah…. what a crazy deal….
Keith: Hold on, what’cha going to do if you buy that? Like three of these even, do you have that many clothes!?
Dino: ….I don’t.
Keith: Geez… ya really love it don’tcha. It’s always been like that, but is it so interesting to the point of waking up in the middle of the night to watch?
Dino: It’s interesting!
Keith: How?
Dino: Right now it’s about a hanger rack but, if you buy in bulk it’ll become an insane bargain, or the fact that you can easily order it via the phone or internet...
Dino: And, you’ll discover so many useful goods that’ve you’ve never heard of before because of the passive way they’re presenting the articles!
Keith: Ooh… Thanks for the impassioned speech. Looking at you rattle off is making me believe that you’re presenting it yourself.
Dino: Ahahah. Grandpa and grandma often told me that too
Keith: Aah, grandpa and grandma back at home huh
Dino: Yep yep. I’ve been a slave to TV shopping ever since the time I lived with them
Dino: Whenever I found an article that’d make me go all ‘That’s amazing!’, I’d be presenting it in front of them. Ahaha, how nostalgic♪
Keith: Somehow, feels like I heard ‘bout it before but also not...
Dino: Think you probably did hear it before. When we, together with Brad, went to ‘Future Land’ and stayed over at my house
Keith: Aah… I remember hearing about all kinds of things from both of ‘em. Can’t recall the contents of it though….
Dino: I’m sure that both grandpa and grandma were super happy to meet you two
Dino: I would always be talking about you two. Also, since they’re living considerably deep in the mountains, having guests come over was rare on it’s own.
Dino: Right… That’s why I’d be TV shopping
Dino: Living in such a remote place made going shopping no easy feat. When thinking if there wasn’t a better method, I saw it on TV by chance
Dino: I was amazed how there’s such a way of shopping, from there I slipped and got trapped into it….
Keith: Hmm? The way ya look at things changes depending on where you live huh
Dino: Grandpa and grandma were pleased with how convenient it was. I remember also getting happy when seeing them get what they wanted♪
Keith: …….Speaking of it, did you get in contact since coming back here? With your grandpa and grandma I mean
Dino: Aah yeah, I did. But it turned out that Helios went to contact them before I was able to
Dino: I haven’t seen their faces in person yet, so once things settle down I wanna go visit them~ is what I’m thinking to do though
Dino: Ah, I’ll bring something that’ll make them happy again too. Hehe, I’m looking forward to it♪
Keith: If that’s your reason, it’s alright to continue using mail order. But without resulting in buying anything useless...
Dino: !! That’s right…. that’s a great idea….
Keith: ….Huh?
Dino: Say, Keith. Isn’t there anything that you want?
Dino: Alcohol or daily necessities, something that you just thought of buying, anything like that?
Keith: You… Don’t tell me you’re seriously planning to get what I want via mail order...
Dino: Exactly♪ Like that, my room won’t be full of things, and I won’t be buying anything useless right?
Keith: No, telling me that and looking as if you just came up with a brilliant idea….
Dino: Isn’t it a brilliant idea? My insatiable craving for wanting to mail order will be satisfied and you’ll get what you want
Dino: Fufu. I’m expecting to see your face light up, just like grandpa and grandma’s♪
Keith: Ya think I’ll be all happy? That’s...
Dino: We don’t know so, let’s give it a shot!
Dino: Anything that you think you really need is fine~! Please, Keith~~!
Keith: ……...
Keith: ….I’ll give in. It’ll be troublesome if I get a taste for it, so only this time
Dino: Yippee-! Thanks, Keith♪
---Few days later.
Keith: (Aaaah, finally released f rom that pain in the ass meeting….)
Keith: (Was said that each teams Major Hero has to attend but… can’t Dino join for that too?)
Keith: (Without a doubt, he’s more qualified-)
???: ♪~
Keith: (....Mh? Humming?)
Keith: (I’m hearing it come from my room, gotta be Dino right? What’s up with him… he sounds extremely cheery)
Keith: Oi, Dino. What’cha-
Keith: Ugeh!?
Dino: Ah, welcome back Keith♪
Dino: The goods I ordered the other day arrived! Look, here’s the earplug and eyemask easy sleeping set!
Dino: With this you can sleep soundly….♪
Keith: Just, hold on…. What is the meaning of this?
Keith: All I asked for was the easy sleeping set…. So why the hell are there so many boxes scattered everywhere again!?
Dino: Aah, these? I thought of something good after all, so besides you I went around to ask everyone thoroughly if there wasn’t anything that they wanted to buy
Dino: I’m going to go deliver these now, hope it’ll make everyone happy♪
Keith: You….your craving for mail ordering, just how deep does it go…...
Keith: Can’t understand it…. I can’t understand it at all…..!
This is from Chapter 5 of the main story, but during the academy days Dino heard about a rumor regarding Lost Garden in an attraction park called ‘Future Land’ and wanted to go investigate it for fun. So he suggested it to Brad and Keith, and they all went together on a trip and stayed overnight at Dino’s grandparents house.
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Love and Cat Pee - Leonard McCoy x Reader
Words: 1952 Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Reader Warnings: None, just a lot of fluff.
A/N: My Tag list is old. Please tell me, if you want to be removed! Some of you seem to have changed their usernames so I’m sorry if I didn’t tag you in this story. Tell me if you want to be added <3
Some days, being able to work on the Enterprise was the best thing that ever happened to you. You got to travel, see new planets, and meet people from all over the universe.
On other days, being able to work on the Enterprise made you wish you had stayed back on Earth in your hometown, working in your family’s little shop, instead of almost dying 200 light years away because you accidentally drank from a wrong glass.
Today was one of those days.
“Sit her down over there,” Captain Kirk ordered and two Security officers grabbed you under your arms, helping you sit down on a bench. “Kirk to Enterprise. Enterprise, please come in.”
“Enterprise. Scott here.” You heard a faint voice coming from Kirk’s communicator.
“Scotty, be prepared to beam Lieutenant Y/L/N up. And tell Doctor McCoy to get ready to treat a patient with Ladocsris poisoning.” After Mr. Scott acknowledged, he closed the communicator and looked down at you, frowning. “How are you feeling, Lieutenant?”
“Horrible, Captain” you managed to get out. You writhed in pain, arms tightly clutching to your side. It felt like someone had stabbed you with a burning hot knife right in your stomach and now continued to twist it around. “Am I dying?” you asked with gritted teeth.
Kirk shook his head. “You’re not going to die from this.” He suppressed a chuckle and shook his head. “Why the hell would you drink that, Lieutenant?”
“Certainly not because I wanted to spend my day in sickbay!” You wiped away sweat that had formed on your forehead. “Excuse me, Captain, but – fuck!” Another wave of pain washed over you.
The Enterprise had delivered some medical supplies to this planet and as a thank you, the crew was invited to join their Spring Festival. Because the ship was on a tight schedule, a landing party consisting of only six people beamed down to avoid coming across as disrespectful. At one point, you were all offered drinks. There were two different glasses on the table. You didn’t correctly understand which one you should take and since everyone was involved in conversations, you didn’t want to interrupt and ask. So you just took one.
Kirk looked at you sympathetically when you closed your eyes in pain. “Do you know what it was?”
“The drink.”
“No, why?” You opened your eyes in suspicion.
“Well,” he looked down to hide the obvious amusement in his eyes. “They have this giant cat-like animal on the planet. It’s a sign of fertility because …. because its urine is basically the best fertilizer you can get.”
You stared at him, words slowly starting to make sense in your head.
After a few seconds, he continued. “Even though it’s not meant for drinking, they still collect it for their Spring Festival. It’s like a … religious thing.”
“You mean … You mean, I just drank …”
Kirk nodded.
What happened next was probably the worst thing you had experienced since the day you started working for Starfleet. You felt it coming up in your throat but it was too late - with a groan you leaned forward and vomited. All over your Captain.
When you woke up again, the pain was gone. It was replaced with a slight dizziness and a faint headache.
You tried to sit up, realizing you were in sickbay. Oh, you hated it here. That’s why you had become an expert of skipping annual exams and basically coming here at all. Not because you were afraid of them, no, that wasn’t it. Simply, because since day one you had the biggest crush possible on one particular Doctor – and you didn’t know how to deal with it. At all.
“Don’t get up just yet.”
Speaking of the devil.
Doctor McCoy appeared from behind a curtain. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you mumbled, avoiding eye contact. Of all the professionals working here, he had to treat you? “Just a headache.”
He nodded. “That’s normal. The heada-“
“Oh, she’s awake!” Christine Chapel interrupted. Apparently she was on the way somewhere, carrying various blood samples in her hands, on her face a big grin. “You’re feeling better?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, slightly confused.
“That’s good to hear!” The grin didn’t fade when she walked away.
Furrowing your eyebrow, you looked over to McCoy. He kept his eyes locked on a hypo in his hands but you didn’t miss the amused sparkle in his eyes.
“What is it?”
“Mh?” The doctor cleared his throat, injecting you with the hypo. “The headache should disappear within a few hours. I will keep you here for a bit longer and run another test but I believe you should be fine.”
Another nurse kept passing by, nodding at you with a big wide smile. Ignoring what McCoy had just said, you answered: “I’d like to think everyone is just really happy to see me here but I’m sensing it’s something different.”
“I don’t know, maybe it has to do with you vomiting all over our Captain,” McCoy said casually and shrugged. “Just an idea.”
Oh fuck, was the only thought running through your mind when you suddenly remembered.
“Ugh,” you let out a loud groan and dramatically placed your hand over your eyes. Why did those things always happen to you?
On the last mission, you had accidentally pushed Chekov into a lake with a reddish color which resulted in him having a weird rash all over his body for two weeks and red hair. Now you not only drank something you wasn’t supposed to and probably sabotaged the whole shore leave, you decided to throw up on Kirk afterwards.
“I sabotaged the whole mission,” you scolded. “Fuck!”
“Watch your language in my sickbay. I’m the only one allowed to curse here.” The doctor was still standing in front of you when you removed your hand from your eyes. “Now stop being so dramatic, that corn-fed goblin –“
“Corn-fed goblin?” You interrupted.
“I thought it was green-blooded goblin and corn-fed idiot.”
“Sometimes I like to vary a little with my insults.” He gave you a half smile before continuing. “The Captain will be fine. Jim had worse things on his body than vomit. Believe me.”
You frowned. “Do I wanna know?”
A sigh escaped your lips. “I still have to apologize though.”
“Probably.” He turned to his instruments, shuffling things a little while you stared at the ceiling. “The crew won’t let you live that down, be prepared for that.”
You made an indefinable sound.
“I won’t either.”
Great. As if the embarrassment hadn’t already reached its highest point for this month.
“One of the security guards has also the opinion that you could’ve turned away if you wanted to. Now people are wondering why you didn’t do it.”
“How do you even know so much gossip?”
He shrugged. “My nurses talk a lot.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “Why I did it?” You scoffed. “Oh I don’t fucking know – excuse my language – maybe because I felt like it. Or maybe it was just me trying to get here so I can confess my love to you!”
Doctor McCoy put down the instruments and turned around again. “Well, was it?”
Realizing what you had just said, you kept your eyes locked on the ceiling. “No!” You denied, with probably a bit too much force in your voice. “Of course not. I mean. No.” You felt heat rising to your cheeks.
“Right,” the man replied. You didn’t see the smile on his lips. “Maybe I’ll just let you rest for a while, alright?”
“Maybe my headache will actually disappear then, Doctor.”
He left with a chuckle.
You weren’t able to sleep after he had left, so for another hour you were just staring at the wall, listening to regular beeping noise coming from the instruments.
You weren’t sure which event of the day was the worst but the more time you were thinking about it, probably the latter. He knew. He wasn’t supposed to know but now he did and you a part of you was – aside from being embarrassed – terrified. Yes, you had a crush on him but it was the kind of crush where you just admired him from afar. Nothing would happen between the two of you. But now that it had slipped from your mouth, it was real.
“I brought you something.” The curtain got pulled away and McCoy came in.
Oh no.
You lifted your head from the pillow. He was holding a small cup, which he placed on the small table next to the bed. A delicious smell ascended from it.
“My favorite tea?” You asked him a bit puzzled.
“Yes,” he smiled at you.
“How do you know?”
“You always drink it.” He simply said.
“You noticed?” A warm feeling began to spread in your stomach.
The doctor nodded.
“Well, thank you.” You took a sip of the tea. It was still hot, but not hot enough to burn your tongue. Just perfect.
“So about earlier –“
You almost choked on the liquid. “Please, don’t. I’ve been humiliated enough for one day.”
“I know,” McCoy chuckled. “That’s why I wanted to ask –“
“Damn, you really need to stop interrupting people.” He shook his head.
“Sorry, please finish,” you mumbled and lifted the cup to your lips again.
“I wanted to ask if you’d like to have dinner with me tomorrow. Dinner as in … a date.”
This time you choked for real. You started coughing and Leonard was luckily fast enough to get the cup from your hands before you spilled hot tea all over yourself.
“So is that a yes?” He asked when you calmed down and were able to breath normally again.
You stared at him with mixed emotions, not quite believing that Leonard McCoy actually asked you out. Goddamnit, you were acting like a lovestruck teenage girl not like a full grown human and Starfleet member. “Yes.”
“Fantastic!” There it was again – the smile that Leonard McCoy almost never showed. It lit up the whole room, you thought. “Normally I’d take it slow and wait for a few more days before doing what I’m about to do next but you have already confessed your love for me so –“
“Oh, please stop it!”
“– so there’s no real reason to wait,” he finished his sentence with a smile. McCoy took a step forward so that he was now standing directly next to your sickbed.
“Wait for what?” You asked furrowing your brows. He already asked you out on a date. There was really nothing more he could do to make this day any better.
Slowly Leonard leaned down towards you and before you realized what was happening, you felt his lips on yours. The kiss was slow and tender and made you feel dizzy. His lips were soft, much softer than expected, and you wanted to melt when you felt his hand cupping your cheek. Apparently there was something he could to make this day any better. Two seconds later, the kiss was over. Leonard pulled away and looked at you lovingly. You were out of breath.
Suddenly his smile vanished and he grimaced.
You felt your stomach plummet. What happened? Were you that bad? Did he already regret asking you out and kissing you? “Did I do something wrong?” You asked, your voice barely audible.
“No, no, darlin’,” he reassured her quickly and lifted his hand to his mouth. “The kiss was … something else.”
“But I think I can still taste a hint of that cat pee drink on your lips.”
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Dream Chasers.
Mark Harris and Alicia Malone—two of the hosts of this month’s TCM Film Festival—tell Jack Moulton about Nichols and May, West Side Story, classic lockdown discoveries, and the films that make you feel like everything has changed when you walk out of that cinema.
For a second year in a row due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the TCM Classic Film Festival is being hosted virtually. Its program screens across TCM and HBO Max from May 6 to May 9. The festival, which began in 2010, was held at Grauman’s Chinese Theater and the nearby Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, a move designed to allow classic movie fans to retread the footsteps of glitzy premieres from the glamorous past.
Ahead of Steven Spielberg’s upcoming remake, the festival opens with West Side Story’s 60th anniversary screening, featuring new and exclusive interviews by living legends Rita Moreno, George Chakiris and Russ Tamblyn. The complete festival lineup includes classic programming and talent highlights, from Michael Douglas introducing his Best Picture-winning One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest to Scorsese on Goodfellas, to a comedian-heavy table read of Edward D. Wood Jr.’s infamously bad Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Journalist and author Mark Harris, who published the biography Mike Nichols: A Life earlier this year, is presenting the 1996 American Masters documentary Nichols and May: Take Two, covering the Oscar-winning director’s legendary comic partnership with Elaine May. It features iconic sketches that will recontextualize the way you think about Nichols if you thought his career started with Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and The Graduate.
TCM host, feminist cinema expert, Australian expat and Letterboxd member Alicia Malone is also a presenter at this year’s festival. (She admits she’s slacking on her Letterboxd logging this year, but used it to track her viewings over lockdown, topping over 500 films.) Neither Harris nor Malone have been able to go to the cinema since they closed over a year ago, but both are eager to return to their local arthouses in Maine and the Upper West Side of Manhattan as soon as they’re ready.
We caught up with Harris and Malone shortly before the festival commenced for a classic edition of the Letterboxd Life in Film.

‘The Poseidon Adventure’ (1972).
What’s your fondest memory of seeing a film in the cinema? Mark Harris: This is embarrassing, but for me it’s The Poseidon Adventure. At the time, my parents were a bit stricter than other parents so the other kids were already getting to see so-called ‘adult’ movies. The Poseidon Adventure was the first ‘not-kids’ movie that I ever got to see in a theater and at the age of eight, I immediately thought ‘well, clearly this is the best movie of all-time’. Everything in it was new information to me, such as how adults talked to each other and Stella Stevens playing a prostitute—I had no idea what that was. I found it so scary, I believed everything I saw on the screen. The joy of taking in something I hadn’t seen before has never left me.
Alicia Malone: It would probably be seeing Amélie. I was living in Canberra but my older sister had moved to Sydney, which to me was the big smoke, I really wanted to live there when I grew up. I got to visit her by myself and stay in her flat which she was renting by herself and it seemed so cool. She took me to the local arthouse cinema where Amélie was playing and I was so swept away. I know that film gets a bad rap now for being overly sentimental and quirky, but I just felt like I was being seen. I had such a kinship with the character of Amélie because she’s a dreamer, always in her own head and that’s how I was. I was always comparing my life to movies and playing movie scenes in my head. I remember walking out of that cinema and it felt like everything had changed—the color was brighter, it was special.
MH: We have to talk Turner into an Amélie-Poseidon Adventure double-feature!
AM: What a double! That would be amazing.

John Garfield and Ida Lupino in ‘The Sea Wolf’ (1941).
Which classic films that you discovered during lockdown had a major impact on you? MH: I wanted to dive into some directors that I really didn’t know well so I started watching all the Luchino Visconti movies, because Italian cinema is not my strongest area. That was an incredibly rewarding experience. I also saw the big seven-hour Russian War and Peace, which completely blew my mind. Those were probably my big pandemic discoveries.
AM: Something I really loved was getting to do the TCM Star of the Month for John Garfield because he’s such an interesting character and was a pre-cursor to Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro and those types of method actors. I’d seen him in various films—such as The Postman Always Rings Twice—but I’d never sat down to watch a lot of his filmography and learn more about his personal story. To see films like The Sea Wolf and Body and Soul, I really gained a newfound respect for him as an actor. You can see some of the beginnings of that kind of tough-guy, everyday-man archetype with a brilliant actor putting his emotions right there on his sleeve.
MH: I should also say that the Women Make Movies Festival was huge for me. All those movies are on my DVR and I’m still going through them and discovering them. I recorded everything and that was and continues to be a gigantic education for me.
AM: Yes! Thanks for that reminder. That was such a fulfilling experience to get to be one of the hosts on that with Jacqueline Stewart. What was so brilliant about Mark Cousins’ documentary is that there are so many clips of films that you think how have we not seen this? How are we not studying this film? How do we not know about this particular filmmaker?

Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson in ‘Heartburn’ (1986).
If you could only pick one, which is the most overlooked film by Mike Nichols? MH: The most under-appreciated film to me is Heartburn. That was a real rediscovery when I was working on the book. I remember liking it, but I didn’t remember how sharp the performances were, how funny the comedy was, and the really acute social observations. I was so surprised when I was coming across the reviews—almost all of which were by men—and all of them said some version of “Why is he wasting his time with this? Why would he tell this woman’s story? Why doesn’t he tell the other half of the story?” Surely no-one would leave this character unless she gave him a good reason to leave! It was really shocking to me how dismissive and contemptuous a lot of the critical reaction was. I’m so happy that I’ve gotten to stick Heartburn under a lot of people’s noses because it’s a movie they seem to be really liking once they find it.
AM: I’m obviously not as deep into his filmography as Mark is, but I have to agree that Heartburn is a film that I can’t believe has been so overlooked. I came to that movie through Nora Ephron, who I just adore. [Heartburn is adapted from a semi-autobiographical novel by Ephron.] I rewatched it recently and I was blown away by it. Of course, Meryl Streep is amazing, but just getting to be in those characters’ worlds again and watching it after I had listened to the audiobook—which features the voice of Meryl Streep—about a year ago added a whole new experience. I loved how in her book how she has all these recipes dotted through it that you see in the movie as well.
MH: That’s one of the great audiobook readings of all time. It’s great to listen to [Streep] do that.

John Cassavetes and Peter Falk in ‘Mikey and Nicky’ (1976).
Where do you recommend film lovers start with Elaine May? MH: It’s only a four-movie body of work as a director so I think it’s perfectly fine to go in chronological order. A New Leaf is fantastic and feels 100 percent her. You really get a great deal of her sensibility in that movie. I would just start there and go to The Heartbreak Kid and then to Mikey and Nicky, which is not the place to start but is a fascinating movie, and then you’ll be ready for Ishtar.
AM: See, I would say Mikey and Nicky straight out of the gate.
MH: Really?
AM: I love subverting expectations of what a female director can do and that is such a masculine movie. It’s a film that you wouldn’t expect for a female director to make. I love the back and forth, the rapport between [Cassavetes and Falk]. I find it really compelling and exciting every time I see it. So I say, go hard, go in with Mikey and Nicky then, yeah, A New Leaf and The Heartbreak Kid, but maybe skip Ishtar.

Iconic comedy duo Elaine May and Mike Nichols.
Thinking of Nichols fleeing to New York City from Germany, and Alicia moving to Hollywood from Australia, which ‘American Dream’ film resonates with you the most? AM: This answer is going to sound quite cheesy since it was a recent film: La La Land. I understand all the criticism about it, I agree with it, but I don’t care. I feel like it was made for me as a redhead in Hollywood, chasing her dream, and coming up against all the obstacles. I also love Singin’ in the Rain, which I know is not necessarily strictly about the American Dream but is about Hollywood in general. That is a film that really started the idea of moving to Hollywood as a young kid. It’s the idea of a magical place where you could do anything and make your dreams come true and have dignity—always dignity.
MH: This time I’m going to go hard and dark and say the first title that occurred to me, which is The Godfather: Part II. It’s a great immigrant story, though it’s a strange version of the American Dream. The whole saga is about coming to America, becoming an American, and deciding what American values are.
AM: I should say that during our TCM Film Festival on HBO Max, we have a section on immigrant stories. We have America, America, which is a great one by Elia Kazan, and Stranger Than Paradise, which I would recommend as well. It’s a warped view of the American Dream but I love the way they think they get rich and all their dreams can come true. Also Black Legion, which is a darker version of the immigrant story with Humphrey Bogart going to the darker side of ‘foreigners should not take American jobs’.
MH: I’ll just throw in a plug for another Mike Nichols movie, Working Girl. He really saw that as an immigrant story—the first shot is of the Statue of Liberty, even though they’re [emigrating] from Staten Island! I think Mike thought it was as distant of a land as the old country, I’m not sure he spent a lot of time on Staten Island.

Katharine Hepburn in ‘Woman of the Year’ (1942).
What are some of your other problematic faves? The classics we acknowledge have not aged well, but you love anyway. AM: I think My Fair Lady is one of those. I’m a sucker for make-over movies despite all of their problematic ways of showing how women need to change if you don’t fit into the mold and you should sand down all your edges. But I get worked up in the whole transformation myth and making your life better. Even though it’s got Audrey Hepburn and you want to see Julie Andrews in that role, My Fair Lady is still one that I enjoy and I can see all of the problems with it.
Another one, that we featured during our Reframed series on TCM, was Woman of the Year, which is a great example of one of those women’s pictures that, as Professor Jeanine Basinger has pointed out, is so empowering for most of the movie and then in the last five minutes it undoes everything. It’s still a great film to watch when you want to get ahead of feminism and see Katharine Hepburn in a wonderful role, but you just have to ignore the breakfast scene at the end.
MH: I was just talking the other day to some people about the movie Network, which is one of my all-time favorite movies, but if you look hard at Network, it’s very possible to read that as a story about a woman who can’t be a professional in a workplace without hollowing herself out and becoming sort of less-than-human. [Diana Christensen] is talked about terribly by the other characters and you’re supposed to learn a hard lesson about what a monster an ambitious woman can become and that does not hold up well. It’s also a movie that features some of the wittiest dialogue and some of the greatest performances of any movie of the 1970s and I’m always going to love it for that.
AM: That’s such a trope, isn’t it? The ice-cold career woman.
MH: Right, and whoever did it better than…
AM, MH: Faye Dunaway!


Alicia Malone, Mark Harris.
Which coming-of-age movie character did you find the most relatable? AM: For me, it’s Velvet Brown played by Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet. I watched that over and over as a child when I was obsessed with horses. It was so inspiring as a young girl to see another young girl chasing her dreams—pretending she’s a boy that doesn’t speak English to win the Grand National—particularly at the time when I grew up in the 1980s, when so many of those films for kids were about young boys achieving their dreams.
MH: Haven’t seen it in a long time, but the Peter Yates movie Breaking Away meant a lot to me when I was a kid. The idea of chasing something that means something to you but trying to reconcile what your parents thought about it, and how to balance your own dreams with the expectations other people had for you. I think that’s a really lovely movie.
I still think about those performances by Dennis Christopher, Dennis Quaid, Daniel Stern and Jackie Earl Haley, and of course Barbara Barrie and Paul Dooley as the parents. That movie landed right in my heart the first time I saw it. I’m almost afraid to go back now, I don’t want it to have turned into one of my problematic faves! I want it to be one of my faves.
If we could gift every Letterboxd member two hours of HBO Max to discover one film from this year’s TCM Classic Film Festival lineup, which film would you want it to be? (My pick is Bless Their Little Hearts.) AM: A film that I just adore is Cléo From 5 to 7 by Agnès Varda. She was working in the French New Wave and arguably made the first movie ever in the French New Wave. It’s one of those great movies that is close to real time as possible—it should be Cléo From 5 to 6:30 really, because it’s an hour and a half. It’s so inventively shot and edited. I’ve done the walk that she did in Paris, I’ve tried to map that out and copy Cléo. I want more people to see it and discover it.
MH: My husband [playwright and screenwriter Tony Kushner] recently finished writing a new version of West Side Story for Steven Spielberg that’s going to come out at the end of the year. I think I would like to gift everybody the first version of West Side Story, which opens the festival, because you have to start there. It’s a beautiful movie and I think it’s a really instructive thing to see how this story was told in 1961 versus how it’s going to be told in 2021. Also, it’s two-and-a-half hours so if we’re only gifting people two hours… they’re not going to see the ending and they’re going to have to go to the new one to find out what happens!
Related content
Follow Mark Harris, Alicia Malone and TCM on Twitter for updates on TCM Classic Film Festival 2021
Watch the TCMFF West Side Story cast reunion, May 6 at 6pm ET
A Letterboxd list of all the films mentioned in this interview
Follow Festiville for all Letterboxd festival coverage
Follow Jack on Letterboxd
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Good Intentions
Hey dudes, so my MH has been awful lately and I’ve been struggling with alot. @cagestark was there for me these past few days and helped me feel so so much better.
I cannot thank you enough for letting me rant and not making feel dumb so as a thanks my brain created this.
WIS work in progress
"Anthony Edward Stark!" Pepper growls as she walks into his lab.
Tony ignores her and keeps soldering the circuit board
"Don't ignore me! I've had just enough of you." Pepper stops in front of him, tapping her foot in irritation on the tile floor.
"Whatever it is, I didn't do it. "
"Okay if I did to it, it wasn't my fault. It was Rhodey's idea!"
"Don't bring my fiance into this. This is all your fault and your going to be fixing it. I was hoping without my help but at this rate your going to need me and Natalie and maybe even Bruce."
That made his eyebrows raise in curiosity " You and them? What the hell did I do?"
"This is what you did." Pepper tossed a StarkPad across the countertop.
Tony lifted his head and put down his tools as he pressed play on the video on screen.
"Brucie man I don’t know what to tell you. I’m a lone wolf and no cute, sweet omega will change that!" Tony took a drink of his scotch.
Bruce eyed him curiously for a moment "Not even your sweet, cute intern?"
Tony gave him a pointed look "I don't what it is about me and Peter but drop it. He's a kid. I’m supposed to be his mentor."
"Supposed to? So that means you DO have feelings for him. Nat owes me 20 bucks."
"You betted on this?"
"Not the point. So, you do have feelings for him?"
" That isn’t the point. Regardless of how I feel, even if I didn’t mentor him since he was 14, Peter does not need an old wore out superhero for a boyfriend."
"And now I owe Bucky 20. Tony, don't you think you should let Peter make his own mind up? He's not 14 anymore."
"No, you’re right. He isn't 14. He's 19. A college student. I only just convinced him to take his second year at MIT. If I say anything he's going to try and get back in NYU to be closer and the universe has done enough to stall and fuck with his future. Peter deserves the best and I sure as shit aint it." without another word, Tony downed what was left of his scotch and headed for the door.
"Tony you don't have to bolt out of the room."
"I do if you’re going to keep bringing up Peter because I'll be blue in the face until you get the fact it will never ever happen between us."
"I won’t say another word, just sit down."
Tony eyed him suspiciously
"What? Okay on one condition. You grab me a beer."
Tony rolled his eyes but walked over to the bar, pouring himself another then grabbing Bruce his beer. Just as he tossed it to the other man Natalie came storming into the living room.
"What the fuck Stark?!"
Pepper paused the video. "Get it now?"
Tony sighed "I don't know what you want from me Pep. You know as well as I do, I'm better off by myself."
"No. You’re afraid. Just like you were afraid of being happy with me. Then when you were afraid of being a father. Who helped you through that Tony?"
"Who was it Tony? Tell me."
"Peter okay!" Tony stormed off
"Don't you dare walk away from me!" Pepper followed him "When are you going to wake up Tony? You've changed and become more of the decent man I knew you could be and as much as I am loathe to admit it, that is because of Peter. You have a chance here, to finally be with someone that is your equal and you’re going to ruin it if you don't get your head out of your damn asshole!"
Tony swallowed. "I fucking know okay? but just because Peter is great for me doesn't mean I'm great for him."
Pepper sighed "If you didn't make him happy, he wouldn't have been crying on Bucky's shoulder for the past week. If you don't do something soon, he may just sweep Peter up himself."
At that Tony's head whips around and gave Pepper a pointed look. "Your bluffing."
Pepper rolled her eyes. "Why would I bluff about that? Friday? Can you project the living room feed from last Tuesday, around early evening?"
"Of course."
A projection appears on the left wall facing Tony of the living room of the Avengers wings.
"Good god Bucky. I was so fucking dumb."
"Peter no, not even close." Bucky walks over to the window where the younger man was standing. "Stark will always be Stark and if he isn’t ready for commitment that has nothing to do with you."
"But you weren't there. You didn’t hear him. How casual he sounded."
"Not that I'm defending him, but he didn't know you were there, maybe just maybe he was putting up a front to Banner?"
Peter sniffed. "I don't think so, Bruce isn't like that. He was annoyed that he was being pestered about us and made it noticeably clear it would never happen. So instead of being a stupid lovesick teenager, I'm a stupid lovesick adult."
Bucky squeezed Peter's shoulder. "Don't talk like that. You're not stupid. He is. You’re a catch Peter and if he can't see that well that's his loss."
“I don’t see how any of this-“
"Show us 4 days ago same room, same time." Pepper cut him off.
"God now he's ignoring me Bucky!" Peter paced back and forth across the room
"Will you please sit down? your making me nauseous." Bucky gestured to the couch across from the chair he was currently in.
Peter sighed as he practically threw himself down on the couch. "Ignoring me. Bucky he never ever does that. "
"Tony ignores everybody at least once a week."
"But not me." Peter pointed out. "He found out I heard him. he must have." Peter's voice started to break the end.
"Pete c'mon that's probably a coincidence."
Peter glared at the super solider "Yeah because Tony would randomly ignore me for the first time in 4ish years days after I heard him say he would never ever be with me no matter what."
"Now your exaggerating. Peter you guys were literally snuggling last week during movie night. He wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t interested."
"Well clearly not interested enough."
"Okay. Ready for the next one?"She asked as the clip ended.
Tony rolled his eyes "Haven't you shown me enough? I get it. Peter is hurting but that doesn’t change a thing."
"Exactly my point, this last one though, with any luck will pull your head out of your ass. Ready?"
Tony looked at her in confusion. "Fine."
"Okay Friday, show us Movie Night, 7pm."
"Okay guys ready?" Steve asked, standing in front of the room scanning to make sure everyone was here.
"No, Peter and Tony aren’t here yet."
"Yeah well it was about time that Tony would start ditching again." Clint said as he grabbed some of Nat’s popcorn.
"I'll go find Peter, one sec." Nat handed Clint the bowl and headed down the hall. Returning a few minutes later with Peter trailing behind her, looking for a seat.
"Don’t even think about it Peter." Clint grinned, stretching out like a cat on the sofa which made Nat roll her eyes.
"I can move him if you want Peter." Nat said, leaning towards his legs.
Before Peter could respond, Bucky padded the cushion next to him on the loveseat "C'mon over Pete."
Peter smiled and nodded, "Thanks but I’ll just sit by Buck." Nat raised her eyebrow but said nothing.
"Okay we good? Can we start?" Steve asked, started the movie and quickly sitting down when no one objected.
Bucky laid his arm down on the back of the coach, whispering something in Peter's ear which made him giggle. Peter looked to the door for a few minutes before his shoulders sagged and he leaned into the other man as he got comfortable. Smacking his flesh arm and gave him a look at whatever Bucky had said, his voice lower than the movie.
Tony squinted at the feed even after it stopped. After 5 minutes of him being silent Pepper spoke up.
"Tony!!" Pepper practically shouted
He shook his head and turned to her. "Uh sorry what?"
"Did that perhaps hit a nerve?"
"Nerve? No. "
Pepper just looked at him for a few minutes, it was clear he needed a few moments to process what he just saw.
"They use nicknames now?"
Pepper rolled her eyes "That's what your taking out of this?"
"Bucky never called Peter by anything other than Little Spider or Parker... And what’s with Peter calling him Buck?"
"Well I think its best I just leave you to brainstorm why your love interest is calling Captain Americas ex-boyfriend nicknames." Her heels clicking as she crossed the room heading for the elevator.
"Wait Pepper. What was the point? how is this anything to do with me?"
Pepper turned from her spot in the doorway “Well if you didn't hide out in here and yes that’s exactly what you were doing. Peter would have been snuggled up to you instead of the super solider."
"That’s what he was looking at, he was disappointed I wasn’t there!" By the time Tony spoke again Pepper was long gone and he was left to his own devices.
"Yes Boss?"
"Lock down the lab, we need to work that last video and amplify the sounds while lowering the volume of the surround sound. "
"Activating Do not Disturb protocol, Keep current exception list of Ms. Potts. Rhodey, Mr. Banner and Peter?"
Tony sighed. "Since when have you referred to him as Peter? Who added him to the exception list without my permission?"
"Would you rather i refer to him as Petey? Petey Pie or perhaps Spiderling?"
Tony chuckled. "Peter is fine. How did he end up on the exception list?"
"As per my programming sir. The algorithms showed you and Peter have an active role in each other’s lives, physically and online. It was only fitting to add him to the list. Should I remove him now that its changed?"
"Changed? " Tony questioned his AI
"Peter has not been in the lab or Avenger corridors at the same time as you in the last week, you haven't contacted each other online either. There seems to be lack of interacting in the last week. "
"Who is on Peter's exception list?"
" Ms. Widow, Ned Leeds, Bucky Barnes and yourself Sir."
"Ms. Widow?"
"As per Peter's instructions I was to refer to his contacts as Ms. Widow, Ned Leeds, Bucky Barnes and Tones."
Tony felt a smile creep up on his face at Peters chosen nickname. "No nickname for the super soldier?"
"Negative Boss. Shall Peter stay on your protocol?"
"Yeah but change Rhodey to Platypus and Peter to Petey Pie. It has a ring to it doesn't it?"
"It does sir, very fitting for him. Shall I alert to Ms. Potts You’ve made progress?"
"Don’t you dare. Now back to amplifying the sounds excluding the movie please?"
"Yes sir."
#winterstarker#wis in progress#wis#pre wis#pre starker#tony is an ass#peter is sad#bucky gives good hugs#good intentions#fic for cage#cage is queen#fucking love her#fanfic#wip#wis wip#my fanfic#ironspiidey writes
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Speaking her language
For the charming @empress-writes 💙💛🧡💖
Hope you’ll like the story!
The South of France is a safer place for the Basterds, as they took a break after their last mission.
They were currently hidden in a remote cottage near the small village of Gassin. Its inhabitants were kind and helpful, which was a blessing for Aldo Raine and his men.
"No news from the superiors, Lieutenant?"
"Na yet, Donny. But ya can be sure that we're gonna heard about them, one way or another!"
"So, let's enjoy our free time!" happily exclaimed Hirschberg as he ate a piece of cake.
"Can you sometimes stop eating, you glutton?" admonished Andy.
"But Mrs. Dupin's pies are so delicious!"
As the others were gently chatting, Wicki was gazing at (Y/N) (L/N), the only woman in the group. He could not help but smile while looking at her as she read a book.
If you ask him, he would probably answer that everything she did was perfection. To sum up, he fell heels over head in love with the woman.
Of course, the other Basterds were aware of it and never missed an opportunity to tease him about his crush. Even Hugo loved taunting him!
Wilhelm's daydreaming was interrupted by Utivitch, who shyly asked:
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Yes, Smithson?" answered the woman with a gentle smile.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh, I was reading Les lettres de mon moulin by Alphonse Daudet. It is a French collection of short stories about Provence!"
"Okay... Wait, you understand French?"
She laughed.
"Uti, can you remind us what is my job here?"
"She is the translator, you dummy!" growled Hugo.
"Don't be so harsh, Stiglitz!" scolded Hicox.
"Indeed, I am the translator of the group."
"Of course!"
"By the way, how many languages do you speak?" inquired Omar.
A sly grin appeared on her face.
"What if we played a little game?"
"YES! A GAME!" happily screamed Andy, Michael, and Simon.
"Ouch! My ears!" grumbled Wicki.
"Okay, let's play! What are the rules, doll?" asked Donny.
"It's simple: I'll talk in a language to each of you in turn, and you have to guess how many languages I can speak!"
"Sounds good to me! Start whenever ya want, pretty!"
Suddenly, all the Basterds were quiet and waited for (Y/N).
While she was mentally choosing the first player, the other Basterds noticed the enamored gaze of Wicki towards the blonde woman. Time to play some trick on the suitor...
"I'm going to start with... Mr. Hicox!"
"I'm always ready, my dear!"
"Eres muy guapo. ¡Un verdadero caballero!" (You're very handsome. A real gentleman!)"
"Mmmmh... I would say that you speak Spanish!"
"And what did you say?"
"I told you that you were handsome, and you look like a real gentleman!"
The Basterds laughed and whistled.
"Well, milady, you're absolutely astonishing! Hearing you speaking Spanish is like listening to a nightingale!" answered the British spy with a seductive wink.
The young woman chuckled before asking:
"You sweet-talker! Alright! Who's next?"
"Why won't you ask Omar?" snickered Michael.
"Go to hell!" grunted the latter.
"Don't worry, Omar: it's only for fun. Are you ready?"
A charming smile came across Omar's face:
"Please, go ahead!"
"Okay... Nǐ hěn yǒnggǎn, wǒ hěn gāoxìng chéngwéi nǐ de péngyǒu!" (You're brave, and I'm happy to be your friend!)
Omar was puzzled.
"It does not sound like a European language..."
"You're right, it's not from Europe..."
"Mh, that's tricky... I don't know!"
"Give it a try!" she gently encouraged him.
The soldier scratched the back of his head:
"Er... Is it Japanese?"
"Sorry, but no. It was Chinese!"
"CHINESE? REALLY?" yelled Omar under the laughs of his comrades.
"Yes, indeed. I learned it when I was younger, thanks to my nanny who came from Shangai! And if you want a translation, it means that you're brave and I am happy to be your friend!"
"Alright... Well, thank you! It was beautiful! Especially when it comes from you!"
"You charmer!"
Wicki raised an eyebrow: he started to guess what his friends were doing, and he was not pleased...
"Fine, let's go back to the game, would you? The next one will be... Donny!"
"At your orders, baby doll!"
"Then, I start... Sei forte e affascinante! E amo il tuo sorriso!" (You're strong and charming! And I love your smile!)
"Ah, so easy! Italian!"
"Bravo! You're right!"
"And what did you mean?"
"I said Donny is strong and charming... and I love his smile!"
Donny put his large hands on his chest, faking to be enthralled.
"And she speaks Italian! Gosh, this woman is perfect!"
He blew her a kiss.
"Please, receive this proof of love from a Bostonian guy!"
Laughing at his antics, (Y/N) mimicked catching the kiss and holding it against her heart.
"Thank you, Donny!"
As for Wilhelm, he gets annoyed. He did not know if they were trying to woo her for real or if they were just pissing him off. In both cases, he hated them at the moment.
"Okay. For the next turn, I'll ask for... Lieutenant Raine!"
"Here I am, pretty woman!"
"Fine, let's go... 'ant qayid rayie qawiun washajae wajadhab jadana!" (You are an astounding leader. Sturdy, brave, and so attractive!)
"Uh, that's a tricky one! Sounds like the Cree language..."
"Unfortunately, Lieutenant, I don't speak Native American languages."
"Okay... So, is it Danish?"
"Hm... Perhaps Portuguese?"
"Wrong answer. It was Arabic!"
"WOAH!" exclaimed all the Basterds, impressed.
"God, you awe me! And what did you mean?"
"I was saying that you are an astounding leader and that you are sturdy, brave, and attractive!"
Aldo smirked and gave her his best seductive face.
"Girl, give me back my heart, would ya? You stole it since the first day!"
(Y/N) heartily laughed.
"Please, Lieutenant: you're a charmer!"
"Only for you, sweetheart!"
"Verräter!" (Betrayer!) gritted Wicki.
"Fine, let's go! I choose... Andy!"
"At your service, milady!"
"Okay, I start... Du är söt när du ler." (You're cute when you smile)
"Uh... Does this language exist?"
"Of course!"
"Okay, Kagan: use your brains... Ah, I know: Danish!"
"Good answer!"
"Well done, Kagan!" laughed Archie.
"Thanks, sir... But I'm sure that if (Y/N) goes to Sweden, they would hate her!"
"Look at her smile: it's like the sun, the snow would melt in a blink!"
"Oh My God, Kagan! That was the corniest thing I've ever heard!" roared Michael as he clutched his sides.
"Well, I find it cute. Thank you, Andy!"
"You're welcome... By the way, what did you mean?"
"Oh, I said that you're cute when you smile!"
Kagan fiercely blushed.
"Thank you, Miss..."
"Pleasure is mine... Hey, Michael, do you want to try?"
"I never say no to a challenge, especially from a beautiful lady!"
"Let's see... Vy geniy i prekrasnyy chelovek." (You are a genius and a lovely man).
"Woah, Woah, Woah! What the hell is that language?"
"I assure you, this is a real language!"
"Uh... German?"
"NO!" answered Wicki and Stiglitz, offended.
"Calm down, guys! Okay, so if it's not German... It's Russian!"
"Bravo!" (Y/N) clapped happily.
"Wait a minute... If I did not miss the track, we know that you speak 6 languages! And I don't know why, but I think you know more!" said Utivitch.
"That's right! Okay, now, who wants to try?"
"I volunteer!" exclaimed Smithson.
"With pleasure! Let's see which language I use with you..." she wondered.
She got an idea and started to speak in a foreign language:
"Anata wa watashi ga imamade deatta naka de mottomo omoshirokute shinsetsuna hitodesu!" (You're the funniest and kindest man I ever met!)
"Ah, I got it! If it's not Chinese... It's Japanese!"
"Well done, chap!" laughed Simon as he applauded.
"Thanks, pal. And may I know the meaning of your sentence?"
"Of course! I said that you are the funniest and kindest man I ever met!"
"And they dare to say perfection does not exist! Obviously, they did not meet our lovely (Y/N)!" shouted Utivitch.
"Please, don't exaggerate!" blushed the young woman.
Wicki clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles went white. He swore to God that they would pay for their antics.
"Okay, the next player would be... Simon!"
"Yes, ma'am! Always yours!"
"You trickster! Fine, try to guess this one... אני מאוד מעריך את החברה שלך." (I really appreciate your company)
"No... You speak Hebrew? The language of our people?"
"But it sounds beautiful when it comes from you! Okay, you know what? After the war, I'll marry you!"
"Oh, Simon! Don't be so crazy!" she laughed.
"I'm already crazy in love with you!"
"And you say I am corny, Michael..." sneered Andy.
"Forget what I said!"
After she stopped laughing, (Y/N) declared:
"So, I think we had three players last. Well, let's the game begin with Hirschberg."
"Hooray! Here I am!"
"Alright! So, try to find this one... Jesteś uroczym żarłokiem." (You're an adorable glutton)
"Well, that's unusual! Er... I don't remember hearing this language before!"
"Give me suggestions!"
"It is a Slavic language?"
"Not at all."
Gerold sighed.
"Damn it, girl! It's a freakin' riddle!"
"Watch your language in front of a lady!" scolded Hicox.
"Don't worry, Archie: I've heard worse before!" said (Y/N) with a smug grin.
"Mh, I don't know... Is it Turkish?"
"Not at all, but I am currently studying this language!"
"Er... Nope, I don't know!"
"It's Polish!"
"My my, she is impressive!" chuckled Aldo as he took a bite of his bread.
"And what did you say?"
"I said that you are an adorable glutton!"
Hearing that, the other Basterds roared with laughter.
"AH AH AH AH! Well done, (Y/N)!" shrieked Utivitch.
"Hey, that's not fair!" yelped Hirschberg.
Upset that she would offend her friend, the woman apologized.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Gerold. I did not mean to..."
"It's alright, (Y/N). Likewise, I'll always forgive you!"
"Oh, why?"
"Because you are beautiful!" answered the soldier with a huge smile.
Relieved, she happily laughed while Wicki contained himself to punch someone's face.
"Okay, now, let's go on with Hugo!"
"I'm listening..."
"I'm sure you'll recognize this language... Du erinnerst mich an einen Wolf: einsam, mysteriös und faszinierend." (You remind me of a wolf: solitary, mysterious, and fascinating.)
"German, without hesitation!" smirked Stiglitz.
"And what did she say?" asked Donny.
Hugo stood up and walked towards her.
"She compared me to wolf. She said that I am solitary, mysterious, and fascinating..."
"(Y/N) got the point!" smiled Michael.
Stiglitz arrived near the woman and kneeled with deference.
"You won... I surrender to your beautiful voice! I could not resist you speaking my mother tongue with such delicacy!"
"Nice touch, Stiglitz!" exclaimed Archie.
"Oh, Hugo! You must be exaggerating: I'm pretty sure my accent was a disaster!"
"The only thing pretty is you, (Y/N)" grinned Hugo as he gently kissed the woman's hand... while he looked out of the corner of his eyes at Wilhelm with a roguish glance.
"Trottel!" (You jerk)!" gritted the latter through his teeth.
At the same moment, (Y/N) was amused by her friends' antics: they always treated her like a queen and were very respectful towards her. But this time, she felt that there was something else, like if they were playing a prank on someone...
"You guys are all amazing! But let's finish this game with the last player: Wilhelm!"
Hearing his name, Wicki snapped out of his anger and said:
"Yes, I'm ready!"
"Okay so, let's see if you will be able to find this one... Mon cher Wilhelm, tu es un homme courageux, loyal, et séduisant." (My dear Wilhelm, you are a courageous, loyal, and attractive man.)
The Austrian Jewish man smirked:
"Without any doubt, I would say... French!"
"Precisely! You had a good ear!"
"And what did you say to Wilhelm? I'm curious..." asked Hirschberg with a playful tone.
(Y/N) slightly flushed before answering:
"I told him that he was a brave, loyal, and attractive man!"
"How cute!" laughed Aldo.
As for Wilhelm, he was struck: definitely, he was in love! With a smug smile, he said:
"Merci beaucoup pour le compliment, jolie mademoiselle!" (Thank you very much for the compliment, lovely miss!)
(Y/N) was impressed by his hidden talent.
"Oh, what a surprise! I did not know you speak French!"
"I know a few... but I'm sure I would not reach your level!"
"Don't underestimate yourself!"
"Heck, she could give some “private” lessons, if you want!" smirked Andy while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Keep your dirty thoughts for you!" snarled Wicki.
"Okay guys, calm down! Now that everyone answered (Y/N), did anyone count how many languages she can speak?" asked Archie.
"I did sir! And she speaks in 11 languages!" replied Utivitch.
"11 LANGUAGES?" shouted the others.
"Indeed, you counted well, Smithson. But I also speak Portuguese, Dutch, and Slavic languages. And I'm currently learning Turkish, Hindi, Danish, Korean, and Finnish!"
"Girl, are ya planning to learn all the goddamn languages around the world?" asked Aldo, flabbergasted.
"Maybe... Seriously, I've always been interested in languages since I was a little girl and I never stopped my passion! Luckily for me, I was gifted with a good memory..."
"We noticed it." shrugged Hugo.
"Man, we're lucky to have her with us!" stated Hirschberg.
"Well spotted, private!"
They enjoyed the afternoon, when (Y/N) had to go to the village for some groceries.
Once she left, Wicki turned his angered glare towards his comrades.
"May I know WHAT THE FUCK were you all doing earlier? Wooing her as if you did not know what I felt?"
"Don't be mad, Wicki: we just wanted to make a joke!" said Utivitch who tried to calm his friend.
"I did not find it very funny!" growled the Austrian.
"Don't be so ill-humored! We'll never steal her from you. Of course, we all love her, but she is like a sister or a best friend to many of us!" retorted Kagan.
"Damn right, Kagan. But Wil, ya better tell (Y/N) what ya feel for her! Stop tripping and man up!" ordered Aldo.
"And how I'm supposed to do that?"
"Use your brains, Wicki, and take a guess: why don't you use something she likes to declare your love?" muttered Hugo as he smoked his cigarette.
"Something she likes..." mumbled Wilhelm as he lost himself in his thoughts.
Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, and he slightly grinned: maybe he can try something interesting.
He got up and searched in his bag a book his mother gave him before his departure. Wilhelm felt that the answer to his issue was between the pages of this poetry collection...
Later in the evening...
The cool summer night was calm and appeasing for the Basterds as they were finishing the meals brought by their French accomplices.
At the same time, (Y/N) went for a small walk through the forest. She enjoyed the peaceful surrounding of the woods and sat on a tree stump to gaze at the shining stars who enlightened the dark blue sky.
The young woman slightly shivered as she felt the gentle breeze caress her bare arms.
"Can I join you?" asked a familiar masculine voice.
Startled, she turned and was relieved to see Wilhelm.
"Oh, it's you! You scare me!"
"I'm sorry!"
"It's fine... You can sit with me!"
Thanking her, the soldier sat close to the young woman.
He felt a knot in his stomach as he was nervous: God, this girl would be the death of him!
He straightened up himself and declared:
"It's a nice night!"
"Indeed: I've always appreciated summer nights. I don't why, but it always soothes me... And it reminds me of this beautiful painting entitled Starry Night."
"Made by Van Gogh in 1888, if I'm right?"
"Exactly. It was a representation of a starry sky in Provence... where we are!"
"Interesting, I did not know this part of the story..." smiled Wicki.
He leaned closer and said:
"You know, this landscape reminds me of a poem..."
"Would you like to listen?"
"I would enjoy it!" (Y/N) smiled.
Wilhelm cleared his throat and declaimed:
Es liegt der heiße Sommer (There lies the heat of summer)
Auf deinen Wängelein; (On your cheek’s lovely art:)
Es liegt der Winter, der kalte, (There lies the cold of winter)
In deinem Herzchen klein. (Within your little heart.)
Das wird sich bei dir ändern, (That will change, beloved,)
Du Vielgeliebte mein! (The end not as the start!)
Der Winter wird auf den Wangen, (Winter on your cheek then,)
Der Sommer im Herzen sein. (Summer in your heart.)
When he finished reciting the poem, he saw a beautiful smile across (Y/N)'s face.
"Wilhelm, it was amazing!"
"Danke. Maybe you know the author..."
"I think it's Heinrich Heine!"
"Exactly! It’s the poem titled There lies the heat of summer."
"He wrote such beautiful masterpieces about love."
She shrugged with a sly smile.
"I'm a helpless romantic!"
"Don't apologize: it's one of your qualities!"
He added with a slight blush on his face.
"Besides, this poem has a special meaning for me..."
"Honestly? Why?"
"Yes. Well, when I was younger, I told my mother that I would say this poem to the girl I want to spend my life with..."
"Oh, that's so charming..."
(Y/N) interrupted herself when she realized what happened.
"Wait a minute... Did you mean that..."
Wicki nodded.
"You've guessed right: I love you, (Y/N). Since the first day in our team, I knew you were meant to me. But I was a coward for a long time and I did not know how to tell you the truth... until tonight!"
There was a silence until the young woman let out a relieved sigh:
"Thank God, what a relief!"
"What do you mean?"
She fidgeted with her fingers, slightly embarrassed.
"You know, Wilhelm... You were not the only one who was shy about their feelings!"
"You mean... that it's reciprocated?"
She agreed with a slight nod and a timid smile.
Assuaged by this revelation, Wicki leaned closer to her face, letting a few inches between their lips.
"Ich liebe dich, (Y/N)..."
"I love you too, Wilhelm..."
And they gently kissed, their lips sealed in a tender moment...
Meantime, the other Basterds were spying on them, delighted smiles on their faces.
"Finally! He said it!" smirked Aldo.
"Look how cute they are!" grinned Utivitch.
"Indeed, they are. But remember guys: if you want to stay alive, don't cha flirt with her!" stated Donny.
"We took note, Don'. Should we celebrate this new couple?" asked Hirschberg.
"We'll do it when they'll come back to the camp. For now, let's them enjoy this moment alone!" tenderly smiled Andy.
"Gentlemen, we shall come back before they notice our presence. Moreover, we have a celebration to prepare!" simpered Hicox.
"The British's damn right! Let's go, boys!" discreetly cheered Michael.
"I'm so excited! It's like another Valentine's Day!" laughed Simon.
As they went back, Hugo looked back at the lovers with a small grin on his face.
"Well played, Wicki. You managed to speak her language, after all..."
Well, he was right: Wilhelm and (Y/N) found the perfect language between each other: the language of love...
Thank you for the reading!
I hope you’ll like it and I’m looking for your requests!
Take care and see you soon! 😘🥰😍🤩😷
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Actually for me it's pretty weird that the most popular ship in Free! is Makoharu. I mean, they give me like zero romantic vibes, if not Rinharu I would've definitely shipped Sourin. It's the main reason I hated Sousuke when I watched 2nd season for the first time - I saw him as a threat for Rinharu (now I just don't like him that much, but I decided to let Rin has his best friend, lol). Maybe it's just me loving rivals to lovers :)
Well.. for me Free! was never that kind of anime where there are other ships, but honestly after several years of watching anime and lately discovering that people ship Wei Wuxian with Jiang Cheng I kinda lost my faith in people lol And yes, I also truly don’t get those ships, where there are zero romantic vibes, but I got used to seeing this already.
I think I’ve talked about Makoharu only once, I usually don’t do it cause as a ship it’s so illogical to me that I just don’t see the point of wasting time on this lol I feel like it’s gonna be long answer so I’ll split it and after “***” I’ll talk about my bro-rinharu-shipper Sousuke.
I’m not gonna throw a debate if it’s the most popular ship or not, but I just want to say that I don’t think that it's really called shipping Makoto and Haru, since firstly, let’s talk about Makoto as a character (which is the main problem in this whole thing tbh) cause from what I saw the Makoto the MH fandom created has nothing to do with the real Makoto. Like the dude is scared of dogs, ghosts, bees, water and I forgot what else; covers his eyes when he sees anyone even in swim trunks and gets embarrassed easier than a nun (apparently you can’t even unbutton the collar of your freaking jacket!!!!!!!!!!! oh lord!!!!!!); crumbles under everyone in this anime including Hiyori and can’t even talk back.
And suddenly like half of this fandom thinks that Makoto is a dominant top apparently. We seriously laughed our asses off seeing that, I mean even my mom (who’s a teacher btw). I’m like... I have a sister who’s majored in psychology and I myself in literature (like I seriously promise we ain’t stupid) and we just seriously don’t understand.. In what Tarzan’s ass does he suit this description? Dude can’t even answer properly while being offended. Like maybe they like Makoto’s twin brother? Because real Makoto does not have any dangerous dark side, seriously, this ain’t “8 dogs of the east” lmao.
I appreciate their friendship at times, but I never was a fan of him, because I don’t really like people who treat everyone equally (friends and strangers) and think that some asshole deserves as much love as the closest friend. I just don’t understand this life position and don’t like those “world peace” guys anyway. I mean, that fish died moment in the books was when my brain died honestly. Like I get it, dude is sensitive, but... seriously?
And for me being kind is not really a personality. I mean, hell, sometimes it’s no good to be kind. There is a fine line between being kind and being a mop you know.
And sometimes his behavior is really cringy to me. Like during the funeral and during Haru passing out in the book and during many things that are very serious. I just don’t think he’s the person you can rely on at times. I mean at first I thought he’s a steady shoulder, but somehow in all serious situations he doesn’t do anything useful.
Like I might be in the minority here, but to me when you know very well that you panic in the ocean you don’t go there trying to save somebody, it’s not brave, it’s just plain stupid (like it’s not like the tent was far, it was fucking next to him, all he had to do is wake up a pro) so by the end we had to rescue two instead of one, just because he’s dumb af.
He also panics a lot which I really hate on people. I’m sorry but like panicking ppl are the only worst. It reminds me of one of my life situation when my sister was badly hurt and we needed to keep our heads cool to act quickly and do what was necessary asap. And I’ve seen ppl behave like Makoto in situations like this and man it’s seriously no fun, it’s annoying. Like when you need to help somebody and someone panics beside you it pisses you off. And he does it even in little things like when he yelled Haru in the ear while driving JUST BECAUSE A CAR IN FRONT OF THEM BRAKED I mean omfg I would seriously yell “shut the fuck up, you pussy!”
And it all honestly keeps getting worse and worse like the way he’s written, his behavior just buffles me so much. Makoto in s3 just murdered me tbh. Like he didn’t help with anything, he didn’t bring anything to the plot, you can just erase him, he only sat there anyways. And the way they pulled his “dream” out of his ass was just a second-hand embarrassment tbh. And he’s not even Haru’s emotional support anymore. He’s just... I don’t get it. There were literally scenes where he was third-wheeling or just forced into that looked laughable.
Which brings me to the second point. From what I saw many of Makoharu fans are mostly Makoto fans, so they just want what’s good for him, and since he has no life goals whatsoever (like after he dropped his “I dream of making children like swimming” thingy like a hot potato and was like “training children.. but look at Rin and Haru” I really lost my last marbles watching him) they apparently don’t care for what Haru’s dream is and that he said openly that he wants a future with Rin.
Like I get that everyone has their tastes, but like what.. two people who are crazy about each other since twelve and blossomed a dream of having a future together and the thought of being with each other got them through and they finally have what they wanted.. this is not a trend anymore? Mutual romantic love is not a trend anymore? Like I even without novelization can see that (and I quote Rin word for word here) that “every time he sees Haru his heart beats so fast he can’t calm down” and quote “Haru sees Rin and he’s shaking, he closes his eyes desperately trying get rid of the image, but the pain in his chest doesn’t go away”.
I am personally very happy that Rinharu are finally together and will be doing what they wanted in their life by each other’s side, cause they’ve been dreaming about it for too long, they’ve been thinking about it for years. So not wanting them to have that is very weird for me. And the argument that Makoto somehow better than Rin for Haru is so invalid, I always laugh. I guess it depends on what you want for yourself. But honestly like you guys better find someone who make you want to reach for the stars and make you heart skip a bit everytime you see him.
So I as a huge fan of Haru want my boy to fly and now I have all the canon proof for those who were blind that Rin is the only one (been said) who makes him feel that way. So all those anons who kept writing to me how relay with Sosuke, with Rei and what baffled me the most swimming with Ikuya was just as emotional for them can finally shut it (lmao I’m sorry).
Now... Sousuke, my bro, the first Rinharu shipper on the village who helped them to get together is a threat? Okay. Well, I actually like s2, there are some dumb episodes but s2 actually to me showed how rinharu relationships are different from anyone else. There are literally two whole episodes and several scenes of how the bROMANCE prevails over BROmance.
Sousuke and Rin have typical brothers relationship. From their secret handshakes “parent trap” style to the fact that they draw them exactly the same with his real brother. I mean I don’t know if anyone noticed, but in 3x11 they drew Sousuke doing the exact same teasing move with Rin, that his older brother did to him in 3x01, and it’s definitely not a coincidence. Which means he treats him like his little bro, and not just that. I have lots of proof.
You know, I had a friend back at university who had an older brother who she was very close with and she kept telling me about how he kept testing her boyfriends if they’re good enough... I mean Sousuke was doing it with Haru since Rin has told him that he has found his one and only. And it never ever looked like he was possessive of Rin and was like “he’s mine”, it was always like “he’s yours so make sure you make him happy you loser”, he even stalked Haru to see if he still swims alright which is really funny (like okay dad), so by the end of the season when Rin lovingly looks at Haru and says it was all worth it, Sousuke looks very content like he was sure that they’re all good now.
And that moment like in Yakusoku where Rin dropped Sousuke as soon as he saw Haru, I honestly don’t think it’s the kind of jealousy people think it is. It’s like if I asked my sister “do u want to see the new avengers movie” and she’d answer “sorry, I already promised to go with my boyfriend” (not that this would ever happen, but let’s imagine that she found herself her nanase) I would be fucking upset too, but I would kinda get it (if it’s a love of her life I mean). Or like literally imagine you lived with your best friend for years and suddenly she wants to move in with he boo. I mean it happens sometimes. But it’s not the jealousy really, he’s just sad because he knows that he needs to let Rin go and he won’t spend as much time with him as he did before. Sousuke knows how much Rin loves Haru, plus after he saw that Haru is as good as Rin told him, he started to like him himself so he was worried about both of them.
And I love Sousuke, he’s our godmother. I’d rather have him on the international team than Ikuya but he sadly he doesn’t swim breaststroke or back and we only have one butterfly and one freestyle spot xD
I’m sincerely saying as a person with two siblings that I really don’t see it. It’s just there’s a huge difference between brothers and lovers. And you can’t call Harurin bros. It’s just laughable. Even if you haven’t read anything and just watched the anime.
I mean I think it’s easier to see if you try to imagine Haru in Sousuke’s place in any Sourin scene and see how it would’ve went then. Like do you remember when Sousuke asked for cola and Rin went to get one and there was only one can left so they rock-paper-scissored it and Rin won and drank it?
Now imagine if Haru was there in Sousuke’s place. I can tell you 100% that Rin would’ve just given him the can. And then he would’ve looked at him with that face he makes when he’s content just by watching Haru eat, you know.
I mean it just how I see it. And there are a lot of comparable scenes in s2 that bring me lots of evil joy, but I won’t tell lmao.
But as I said before to me there’s a huge difference between bromances and bromances. So I mostly don’t get most of these ships. I don’t understand anything in this world apparently lol but I only see Rinharu since the first time I’ve watched it, and then I’ve read everything and realized that I’m right, so I’m ok with all this xD
#answered#lissara22#rinharu#Free!#free! road to the world#harurin#I know it looks like i hate makoto but i don't i just don't understand what to like there tbh lol#sorry not sorry#thanks for the english btw love#rin matsuoka#nanase haruka#yamazaki sousuke
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I never wear high heels

Dean x reader OneShot
Summary : Sam and Y/n get to see their dream come true for a while because they have to be happy. Dean is Y/n’s dream, he’s her happiness. Sam just wants Y/n to be happy, at what cost ?
Warnings : Swearing. Smut. Fluff. ANGST.
Words : 5273
Note : I’m working on Captive Chapter 6 but I had to publish it while I had it in mind.
Thank you to @holylulusworld for having broken my heart enough to write this
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
I wake up next to Sam, my vision still a bit blurry, my head aching.
"Sammy, you okay ?" I ask touching his head.
He grunts, opening his eyes with a frown.
"The bitch got us" I groan. "Shit, my head hurts."
"Mine too" he sighs.
I look around, the warehouse is dark, no sign of the monster we were hunting down.
"Dean ?" I call, that well-known consuming fear in my stomach.
"He's not here" Sam sighs. "When we discovered it was the Goddess of Dreams, he went back to the bunker to look for the weapon we need. I was going to tell you that when the bitch surprised us..."
"Oh, so he's safe..." I whisper.
"Well, we're not..."
He tugs on the chains, nothing happens.
"Don't hurt yourself" says a weird, beautiful woman, entering the room. "Those are made of iron, even a powerful man like you can nothing against them."
Sam looks at her with a dark look and I'm just happy that Dean is not here...
She bends and lifts her golden tattooed arm above us.
"Oh interesting ! It's really rare..." she thinks out loud. "It usually only happens with soul mates, you see... The things that would make you happy are compatible. That's so cute !"
"What does that even mean ? Why would you want us happy ?" Sam grunts.
"Didn't you do your homework hunter ? I feed on happiness ! Not that bad, huh ?" she says with an odd smile. "I give you your heaven and you give me life, it's a good deal."
"Yeah, but we die..." I groan.
"No, of course not, honey... see."
She turns the light on and our eyes widen.
All around us, pretty beds with peaceful sleepers in them. It's like a creepy version of the sleeping beauty.
"They all are perfectly happy, you will be soon... And like soul mates, you are not going alone, you are sharing your dream. Sleep tight !"
She touches our heads.
I frown and hear Sam breathe heavily.
"Sammy ? You're okay ?"
"Yep" he says getting up.
The warehouse is empty.
I start to get up but feel something odd about my own body. I look down and my breath get stuck in my throat. My large jeans, oversized hoodie and old booties are missing, replaced by what I dreamed I could wear all my teenage years.
Black high-heels and skinny jeans showing my curves, a sexy top and a leather jacket. I'm simply dressed like I would if I was confident I loved my body... I never wear high heels.
"Your biggest dream is to be sexier ?" Sam scoffs staring at me.
"What ? No !"
To be honest, I really hope the Goddess is wrong about my biggest dream, because this is going to become awkward...
We get out and see Baby parked in front of the building.
"You said Dean wasn't there" I frown.
"He was not... But who knows what else than your outfit changed !"
Sam takes his phone, and I have the idea to look for mine. As I search my tight front pockets, I find Dean's keys.
"Yeah, Dean ?" Sam says on the phone. "Where are you ? ... But the Impala's here... What do you mean Y/n has the keys..."
I show him that I found them.
"Okay..." he says frowning. "And the Goddess of Dreams?... No Dean, you didn't killed it, we are... Okay. Yeah she's with me... Yeah, we're coming home. "
I sit at the driver's place and rise my eyebrows. I never, in seven years, drove the Impala.
"Sam I... I think I'm wearing a... garter belt" I stammer, wiggling.
"What the... ! Y/n why are you..."
I could swear he flushes. I never saw Sam flush, I never made a guy flush...
During the drive, my best friend keeps his eyes on me and I feel awkward.
"Why would you be so sexy..." he thinks out loud.
"Maybe it is your dream" I joke, but sadness passes on his face.
"The only thing that would make me truly happy is for you and Dean to be."
I look back at the road.
Sam is so selfless, no wonder he can share even his dreams.
I park in the garage and take a deep breath. I don't want to see Dean... If we are in my heaven, it means Dean... I...
"Hurry" Sammy says taking me by the arm. "We have to figure out how to wake up."
When I enter the library, my heart is racing and my stomach is aching. The sound of my heels echoes in the room.
"Hey !" Dean voice resonates ahead of himself.
When he enters the room, my heart falls on my belly. He's even more handsome than he always have been, if this is even possible... His eyes are lighter, like he wasn't so worried, his smile radiates like the sun.
"Wow Sammy you look tired man ! Y/n what did you do to my brother ?" he says coming near.
When he reaches me, he puts a hand on my lower back and I shiver. He puts a light kiss on my temple.
"Is Baby okay ?"
I nod and give him the key.
"A beer ?" he asks going toward the kitchen.
I look at my outfit again and think hard.
"Was your biggest dream to drive my brother's car ?" Sam asks in disbelief.
"No..." I shrug.
Dean comes back and puts a bottle on the table next to me.
"Here baby" he says.
While Sam looks at me strangely, his brother gives him a drink too. Then he comes toward me and takes my jacket off in a soft motion, like it was a habit to undress me. I start to tremble.
"Is everything okay Love ?" he asks me.
"Y-yeah..." I state, trying to hide the panic in my voice.
Then the man I always loved bends and kisses my lips. I close my eyes and my heart skips a beat. I spent seven years trying to imagine the feeling of those plumb lips on mine... One of his hand comes up to push my hair out of my face. And he deepens the kiss. Dean Winchester's tongue is touching mine.
When he breaks the kiss I'm a shaking mess.
"You're so cute" he says before leaving the room once again.
I touch my lips staring through the floor.
"So, your biggest dream is my brother..." Sam sighs.
"I... Shit Sam" I would love to deny, but let's be honest, I can't. "This was a secret. Please pleeeeease never tell him..." I beg in panic, joining my hand like during a prayer before him.
But he avoids looking in my eyes.
"We'll never see him again if we don't figure out a way to wake up" he says. "Since when are you in love with my brother ?"
"I... Huh..."
"Since the day we met" Dean says entering the room with snacks. "Can you believe it Sam ? She fell in love with an unconscious and hurt me, when she saved us from that monster in Texas seven years ago..."
He grins and I feel his hand grab my ass discreetly, I choke but when he puts the plate on the table to check on me, my eyes widen and I definitely can't breathe anymore. He has a golden ring on his finger.
I look at my hand and squeal.
"Wait. Are you two married ?" asks Sam with an unreadable, almost furious, expression on his usually kind face.
"Sammy what is your problem tonight ?" Dean asks, putting a loving arm around my waist.
I don't know what is happening, but I know this will never happen in my life. I've done dreams like this a thousand times but they never were so real. This is wrong but I just don't want to wake up just now.
"Like you said, Dean. He is tired" I say.
Sam shoots me with a black look.
"Dean... Baby ?" I dare and he smiles at me. "Can I talk to your brother for a second ?"
"Yeah, I guess" he states a little worried. "Is everything okay between you two ?"
"Of course..."
"I'm in the bedroom, baby, hurry up. I missed you..." he says making me internally freak out.
"Y/n, this is bad..." Sam grunts the minute Dean is away.
"I know... I know Sammy. I'm... I'm so sorry. I can't... Listen, maybe we can find a way tomorrow..."
He passes his hands through his hair like he was even more panicked than me.
"This is sick. You know this isn't real right ?"
"Yeah but Dean is the same, his smell, his..." I start in an unintentional sigh.
"So what, you're just going to take advantage of the situation ? It's almost as if you were abusing..."
"Stop !" I order raising a hand. "I'm not the monster here... Listen. It's just a dream Sammy... You know now, the secret's out. I've been in love with Dean for seven years. Seven years of constant heartbreak... And it's just the beginning..."
"Y/n..." he mutters.
"Let me have tonight. Let me just kiss him once more, lay in his arms and I will go back to crying myself to sleep every times he goes out."
I open the door to my room but there is nothing inside. A impersonal bed, none of my stuffs. So I go to Dean's room and knock on the door.
"Yeah ?" he answers.
I shyly push the door open and take a step in.
"Why do you knock ?" he asks in a frown.
"I don't know" I shrug.
The room is a perfect mix between Dean and me. His guns and knife, that cute picture of Mary and him on the nightstand, the order he likes mixed with my jumble, my books and coffee cups everywhere, even the hair dryer is here.
"I'm sorry for the mess" I whisper.
"I'm used to it" he shrugs. "Is everything okay with Sam ?"
"Yes, he..." but I can't keep talking as Dean takes his shirt off. "Wow..."
"What ?" he turns worried.
"You are so beautiful" I know I sound like a teenager.
"Am I, baby ?" he grins.
I nod and swallow hard when he comes near in just his jeans. Am I really allowed to touch him ? I lift a hand and flatten it on his chest.
"You're not that bad yourself..." he bends and I feel his tongue obscenely suck on my pulse point. "You know I don't like those jeans..." his hands open the button of the belt. "Too hard to take off... Are you wearing panties baby girl ?"
"I... Oh God..."
"Is it possible that you are even more responsive than you usually are ? Did you touch yourself ?"
I shake my head and feel wetness soak my pussy. Shit, this dream might actually kill me. I'm not a virgin but I really feel like I was right now. This is something else.
"Mh..." Dean moans in my ear when he pushes my jeans down. "My favorite..." he purrs touching the lace of the lingerie I'm wearing. "You're so perfect baby..."
He takes my top off and I wrap my arms around myself, ashamed of what I have to give him.
"What are you doing ?" he frowns. "Hands above your head baby girl."
"But..." I try but he makes his tongue flap and grunts.
"We are way pass those bullshits of you hiding Y/n... Did anyone make you feel like you are not perfect today ?" he says with a very serious, dominant look.
"N-no..." I stammer.
"So, hands above your head baby..."
I lift my hands, crossing my wrists and feel my head spin. Dean wraps his arms around me and takes my ass in his big strong hands, squeezing it like he could bite with his fingers. He takes a step closer and I can feel his arousal against me now, I try to focus on his eyes to ease the million overwhelming feeling invading me.
"Shit I missed you baby girl... Had to watch our video three times in two days" he grunts in my ear, making me widen my eyes.
He sounds desperate and pants against my neck while his hands rub me roughly against his crotch.
"I touched myself three fucking times in two days because of you" he bites my throat hard and I whine. "Teasing me like that... Next time Sammy wants to hunt with you, I punch him."
I can't help but let my arms fall on his shoulders to touch him. And when he squeezes my ass harder to rub my pussy on him, the friction reaching my clit, I dig my fingers on his skin.
His hand falls on the front of my panties and he let his fingers slip on it, making me moans and shake.
"Oh God" I repeat, making him smile dangerously.
"Yeah ? Baby ? You like that ?"
I nod and put my head on his shoulder. I try to spread my legs more but my pants is keeping my knees together.
"I told you that jeans were not a good choice..." he bites my neck and finds my clit, teasing it through the fabric.
I keep him close, my face hidden in his neck, smelling him.
"Dean..." I finally manage to beg and hearing his name like that arouse me even more.
"Shit. You're already close. Did I miss you that much ?" he groans.
"I miss... oh... I miss you all the time... God please..."
"Starting to beg already, I barely touched you."
With that he takes his hand away.
"No..." I whine.
"Yes" he states. "Take off your clothes. Except those."
I'm shaking from being so close to an orgasm and from the intimacy with Dean.
I manage to take off my jeans but my shoes fall from the tightness of the pants.
"No, no. Put those back" he orders and that's when I look up at him. He's naked. Dean, my Dean, secret-love friend, legendary hunter, inaccessible perfect man is standing naked before me. And he's so hard.
"Am... Am I doing this to y-you ?" I stammer, pointing at his crotch.
"Who else ?" he says almost sternly.
Once I manage get out of my clothes, he gives me his hand to lead me on the bed. I fall on it and try not to think about what I am wearing. Dean kneels on the mattress above me and bends to catch my lips with passion.
"I love you" he says between burning kisses. "And look at you..."
"I love you too Dean. Always have" I sigh, both relieved and terrified to admit it out loud, and with him watching me.
There is something in his green eyes I thought I'll never see, like I was the only thing that matters in this world. Desire, love, adoration even.
"This time I'm the one making you beg baby" he sighs starting to rub himself lightly on my thigh. "You're gonna beg a little more, aren't you ?"
His hand slips inside my panties and with the other, he spreads my legs wider. When I feel his fingers enter me, I hold back a scream by taking his mouth with mine.
He's an expert. Is an expert on my body. Every time I feel that tsunami-like orgasm build again, he slows or changes angles, keeping the intense pleasure but not allowing me the relief I need so bad.
"Please, Dean..."
He smiles, showing me his perfect teeth, sweat on his handsome face.
"Here... See, I'm not the only one begging you Y/n."
My brains allows me to think about the idea of him pleading for more, but his thumb find my clit and every coherent thought vanish once again.
"Please, Dean. I love you... Shit I love you so much ! Dean please, please I need..." I whine shaken by the now sharp thrusts of his strong hand.
"You know how it works baby girl" he says kissing me eagerly.
I wish I knew but I don't. I wish I had had this perfect relationship with him, I wish I had learned to know his body and his desires so good, I wish that past I missed had me become as confident as his wife seems to be. But I'm just me, the shy, hung up, insecure me. And this is way more than I could ever dream.
"H-how does it work ?" I dare, high on him in every ways.
"Come on" he kisses me again and fasten the thrusts of his finger, making me gasp. "You really love to hear me say that don't you ?" his fingers still. "I love you Y/n, you are everything to me and I would give you anything. Just ask me baby. I'm yours."
I swallow hard to prevent tears from escaping my eyes and put a loving kiss on his plumb lips. His fingers bends inside me to reach that sweet spot no man I've been with found.
"I want you !" I cry out trying to roll my hips to take him deeper.
"You want me ? Where ? How ?" he groans and takes his fingers out of me very slowly.
"Take me" I moan low. "Take me like you need to, after I teased you for two days."
I let my hands roam his back and his ass, trying to take him closer.
"On your knees" he orders. "Shit, baby, turn around."
As I turn and lift my ass, I feel his lips graze my ankles. He kisses my calves here and there and comes up, slightly biting the inside of my thighs. His teeth play with the lace a few seconds.
"Mh... I'm so fucking lucky..." he moans.
Then I feel him pull at my panties, making the fabric press against my clit.
"Oh... Dean..."
Before I have the time to take that new jolt of pleasure, I feel a wide stretch as he enters me in one sharp thrust. I fall on my elbows and arch my back. Dean's big hands take my waist and he withdraws almost completely before slamming inside me again, my body welcoming him with how wet I am.
I cry out, biting the pillow. I never had anyone so deep or so rough and I never had anyone I loved.
That's when I hear it : the sound that shattered my heart a hundred times. The sound of Dean's loud moan, that specific almost roar he makes when sex is awesome. That sound I heard several times in the room next door.
My pussy clenches around him, like it was afraid he could disappear, like I could wake up to hearing him from across the wall. But he is here, buried so deep inside me I feel like I'm discovering my own body, one of his hand flat on my back, the other guiding me to join him in his thrusts.
"Come here" he pants tugging at my shoulder.
I straighten up the best I can and he sucks a hickey on my neck. His hand wraps around my throat to keep me up but he doesn't squeeze, he just hold me and kisses me. I spread my legs wider and his other hands comes front to join his cock, like he just wanted to feel it go in and out of me. He finally lets go of me and I fall back on my elbows with a desperate moan.
His palms start wondering on my ass.
"You want more baby ?" he asks panting.
I have no idea what he means but I guess I can't have enough of Dean so I nod biting my lips. Then I feel something I never felt. Something wet falls between my ass cheeks and I understand it's Dean's hot saliva. My eyes widen. His thumb wets on it and pushes against my asshole. I gasp.
This is new... this feels great, but... His finger slowly but completely enters me making me close my eyes and scream in the pillow. This is a kind of pleasure I never knew. He pushes deep and, being completely innocent on that part, his large finger is enough to stretch me to the point of an ambivalent pain.
Who knows how confident we are with each other ? Who knows what we tried together ? ...
I don't recognize the sounds coming out of my mouth, it's like I was crying or in great pain. The truth is I don't really care what I sound or look anymore.
"Oh fuck" he cries out and I realize that I'm squeezing him like crazy.
That coil inside my core just breaks and I almost faint when the most powerful orgasm in my life shaken me.
"Oh God baby !" Dean screams, taking the garter belt with both hand to pull on me hard while he spills the deepest possible inside me.
Laying on his chest I stroke his skin. I can't believe I am where I am, I can't believe the heartbeat singing in my ear is Dean's.
"Wow, if you want a round two, you'll have to let me rest a few minutes. That one almost killed me..." he chuckles.
"Nah, you're tough, you'll live" I joke realizing how natural being with him is.
He gets up and I frown, but I don't really dare asking questions. He leaves the room but come back an instant after, smelling like soap and carrying a towel.
"Here, let me. I don't want to fall asleep right away and wake up in sticky sheets like the other day" he winks at me and wipes our mess. "There baby. You'll be more comfortable."
He takes the lingerie off and puts it on the nightstand. Then he takes me in his arms and nuzzles against my skin.
When I wake up, a suffocating fear makes my heart race. I forgot I was in a dream for so long. I could have just drift away without even realizing it. Damn.
I get up and leave the room without looking back, because I know that seeing my husband... seeing Dean, would make me forget again.
Sam is in the kitchen he looks so mournful, that worries me.
"Hey Sammy are you okay ?" I catch his chin between my fingers to make him look at me.
It's like he'd been crying...
"Yeah. I'm just exhausted. I spent the night thinking of a way to wake up... Let's say we weren't having the same preoccupation..."
"I..." I don't know what to say, I'm so afraid he's judging me. But he has to understand how heartbreaking my love for Dean is. "Did you..."
"Now that you had your fun, Y/n, I figured out how to cut that bitch off completely" he says putting his hands in his pockets. "The Goddess feeds on happiness, am I right?"
I nod swallowing hard. I know where Sam is going with that... and I hear my own voice begging to run away from him in my head.
"If we're miserable... maybe we'll wake up" he rubs his neck.
"Shit" I wince as my heart cracks open. "Don't make me do that Sammy..."
He frowns when my voice breaks like it never did. I bite my cheeks to distract myself from the sharp pain in my chest.
"He actually loves me..." I whine in a desperate pleading tone. "I can't... I can't hurt him. I can't give up on him."
"I'm sorry Y/n" Sam says reaching for my arm.
I start crying like a lost children and tears fill his kind hazel eyes.
"I can't Sammy ! I'm not strong enough !" I sob, falling between his opened arms. "Please... please. I can't ! I love him too much !"
"Think about him then" Sam states with a broken voice. "The real Dean. The one worrying, looking for us. Will you let him down ?"
"This is so unfair... He doesn't love me... It hurts Sammy. God it hurts so much" I sob in my best friend's arms.
I enter the war room. Dean is here, he just came back from buying food, like he told me he will ; he offers me a warm smile to welcome me.
"Hi baby"
"Dean... We need to talk" if I don't do it quickly, I know I'm going to fail. "This is important."
His face changes, the sorrow on my face is making him panic and I already can see the pain I'm about to cause.
"Okay..." he states coming closer.
I feel a tear tickle my chin and Dean's green eyes are searching my face in fear.
"I... I don't love you anymore" I say.
His eyes widen.
"What ? Baby, that joke's not fun, you know..."
"This is not a joke. I don't want to be with you anymore" I say a little too fast.
"You're lying" he says taking a step back with terror everywhere on his face. I have to look away. "No, Y/n, look at me and tell me why you're saying that."
"Because I don't..."
"Don't say you don't love me" he cuts me coldly. "You loved me last night. You said it. I felt it."
"I was lying then" I sob despite all my effort to keep calm.
"You weren't."
"Dean ! Stop doing this ! I want to break up, you..."
"No" Dean says, authoritarian. "You married me last year, remember ? You said forever... That means you can't end this."
His face is so stern he frightens me.
"I'm leaving you..." I sighs.
"Yes Dean ! I'm leaving you !"
"You can't. You love me. I'm the only one you feel safe with. I'm your hopes and dreams, remember ?"
His eyes are wet now but he doesn't cry. As I turn to leave, he grabs my arm to make me look at him.
"What is it ?" he asks taking my face in his hands. "You can tell me. Is this a spell ? Did someone threatened you ? Tell me."
"I just don't love you" I try.
"I don't believe you."
"I love someone else" I improvise.
"Who ?"
"Bullshit" he says letting go of my face to hold his own in both hands. "The man you choose for your lie is not even credible. You don't love Sammy, you never will. The guy is like a cute little brother to you... Stop torturing me ! The truth ! NOW !"
"Tell him" Sam says entering the room with darken eyes.
Dean turns and looks between his brother and me. As I stay silent, Sam takes a step closer and starts to explain the whole truth to Dean.
Goddess, dreams, other Dean...
"No..." Deans finally says turning to me. "Please, tell me he's lying."
"He's not."
"Baby tell me this is not true !" he half screams, half begs, big tears rolling on his cheeks.
"This is not even real" I think out loud.
"THIS IS REAL TO ME !" Dean yells, strangled by pain.
"You don't love me for real" I cry.
"But I do !" he pleads. "I love you... I was so miserable before I knew you. I spent the last seven years loving you baby... So..." his voice breaks and my heart shatters. "So all my memories are fake, all our secrets ? Is it true you want a little girl named Charlie ? Did you forget our first date at a haunted restaurant because we wanted to work the case..."
I feel my blood run cold, everything is crashing down. Even breathing is painful.
"I'm sorry Dean... This is my fault" I sob like a kid.
"I love you..." he keeps crying. "I don't want everything to vanish..."
"Me neither..."
"I don't want you to just dream of me ! You deserve better" he leans on the table, out of strength.
That's when I notice the ceiling is slowly disappearing. I start to panic. No ! This is too soon ! I take him in my arms and put a protective hand on his head. Sam disappears suddenly.
"It's okay baby" I sob. "I love you."
"I love you too" he cries squeezing me. "Don't leave me..."
As I don't answer, he squeezes even more.
"It's happening, isn't it ?" he sighs in my neck, wetting it with burning tears.
"Yeah Dean..." I weep.
"You were so cute in that simple black wedding dress, baby" he whispers. "I was not mad at you for dressing in black, you know, I was just so fucking nervous..." He swallows loudly and nuzzles in my neck. "I... I hope you have your Charlie one day..."
Each one of his words is killing me, but I can't tell him to stop... He's about to become silent forever...
"I love you..." repeats when the warehouse sounds come to my ears.
"Y/n !" Sam yells, shaking me.
I open my eyes and burst in tears right away, while Sam helps me get on my feet. No high heels and confidence anymore, it's almost odd being dressed like an insecure teenager after all of that.
"We need to leave" he says. "Dean is after the Goddess and he called 911 for the victims to be taken care of if they wake up. We need to be gone when they arrive."
He tries to make me run but my feet don't work anymore so he carries me. I cling to him while he goes out and barely let go when he sits me on the backseat of the Impala.
"Y/n, it was a dream..." he tries when I keep sobbing while he drives.
"No... It was all true" I whine. "Everything he said. I... I feel like he just died, Sammy. I feel like Dean and my husband died in the same time. No, worse than that... I..."
"I know..." Sam sighs. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault, just... don't tell him" I ask.
As I lift my eyes I see myself in the rear-view mirror. I look so broken and... Shit ! I burst in tears even more, why life has to be so cruel it left the hickeys my Dean did on my neck... I rub my finger on it and try to avoid Sam's worried look.
Then I see him on the side of the road, walking with a strange knife on his hand. He is the one I love and the one I lost. Yet he's not my husband. He will never be mine.
Blood is covering his arms but it's not his. He smiles when he hears the engine of his beloved car, and I realize that even a genuine smile hurts my now forever shattered heart, everything about him will always keep me from healing...
So I hold on to Sam's kind gaze, to his comforting face. Because Sammy is so strong, so selfless. Sammy is the one who's dream was for me to be happy. He's my best friend, a cute little brother, like Dean said. The constant of my life. Sam always gives me strength...
... But I will never truly know how strong he actually is. Because he hides it so well... that he's as brokenhearted as me. And he will keep giving me pieces of his shattered heart to try to heal mine, forever. Because all he wants is for me to be happy, right ?
Feedback is gold <3
Tags : @vicariouslythruspn @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @thefaithfulwriter @parinarain @animegirlgeeky
#supernatural#dean winchester#sam winchester#dean x reader#dean x y/n#smut#fluff#angst#spn#fanfiction#supernatural fic
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Hot as Hell and No A/C, Chapter 8 (Branjie) - Blackhighheels
Jose is completely lost in the beat of the music and his own movements, when suddenly the beat stops and the music is turned off.
”Vanj’ it’s one am, I’d like to sleep for a bit, but my bedroom is right above the studio,” Jason points out and Jose is shocked when he hears what time it is.
”Sorry, mami, didn’t realise how late it is.”
”It’s ok. But why are you still here?”
”I don’t know. Can’t sleep, I guess.” Jose knows exactly why he can’t sleep, but he doesn’t really want to talk about it.
”How’s it going with Brock?” Jason addresses the elephant in the room anyway and sits down crosslegged on the floor.
”Child… nothing’s going. I think I should have stayed my ass home in L.A.” Jose sits down beside his friend.
”So you’re not back together?”
”The asshole’s not even really talking to me and when he does, he’s yelling, telling me to go the fuck home and leave him alone.” Jose mumbles, because the words are hard to get over the lips. He doesn’t want to say them. ”And we was never together.”
”But you want to be.”
”I don’t know,” Jose shrugs helplessly. ”I still can’t see how’d work.”
”Isn’t that why you here though? To get him back, or like, get ya man?”
”Nah, mami, that’s not why I’m here. I’m here ‘cause Miss Ada scared the shit out of me when she told me how bad things had got. I tried posting shit online, knowing he’d see it. I tried calling again, I texted… but the motherfucker never reacted. I was worried he’d hurt himself and jumped into the car, texted Ada I was on my way and came here. Just to be told to fucking leave him alone.” It’s good to get it off his chest, when he’s been keeping it all inside for the last five days.
”He still didn’t talk when you went to Dallas together?”
”Not a single word.” Jose shakes his head. ”He slept though.” He adds, but Jason just nods and shrugs a little, because he doesn’t understand the importance of that little detail.
Brock had fallen asleep in his car, his head turned in his direction, his fingers laced with Jose’s on the middle console. They had only been twenty minutes from home when Brock fell asleep and Jose kept driving. He drove around in the dark, not really knowing where he was going. At some point, when Brock slouched more and more in the seat, Jose turned off the road and into a field somewhere along the road. He parked on the gravel road, unbuckled his seatbelt and Brock’s and pulled him against him, when he basically fell into him. Brock didn’t even budge, he was so fast asleep. Jose thought long and hard as he held Brock in the car, the situation not too different from the last time Brock had slept in his arms on the couch in Jason’s guest apartment. But Brock felt different. Thinner, more tense, less tall in a way. Jose leaned his cheek against Brock’s head and felt needed. Brock’s a stubborn motherfucker, who refuses help, but he needs him, wether he wants to admit it or not.
Jose is still convinced of that two days later, but Brock’s behaviour is starting to wear him down. The hostility hurts like a bitch and every time Brock remains silent, ignores him or tells him to leave, Jose loses hope a little bit more. It’s not even about a love story anymore; it’s about a friendship, a gay man in need or just a person who needs help, plain and simple. If Jose didn’t love him as much, it wouldn’t hurt as badly.
”Well, you’re here now and I don’t think you drove all the way just to give up like this.” Jason gives him an encouraging smile.
”I don’t even know if it’s worth to keep fighting. I don’t even know for what? That he talks to me or gets fucking forced into some kind of weird ass friendship with me? If he don’t want me here, maybe I should just leave.”
”Jo, I’ve know him all my life and he’s never been anything but polite to everyone. Even if he hated someone’s guts, he was at least cordial and aloof. Now, if he’s like that upset you’re here and pushes you away that hard, that means something.” Jason wraps one arm around his shoulders and gives him a hug. ”I think you should stay here and wait until he can’t resist no more. I didn’t tell ya, because we kind of avoided the subject, but when you left, he was sobbing right outside that door and I had to bring him inside so people wouldn’t see him losing it. That’s not something a guy does who doesn’t feel anything for you.”
”Then he’s an even bigger dumb-ass than I thunk.” Jose sighs and places his head on Jason’s shoulder.
”That he is. But you wouldn’t be in love with him if he wasn’t.” Jose playfully punches Jason’s thigh and they both grin.
Brock is incredibly wary when he gets called to Jason’s dance studio to once more fix the faulty air-conditioning. He wishes Jason would just throw the damn thing out and get a new one, so he wouldn’t have to fix it very couple of weeks, especially now that Jose is back. Since Ada tricked him into driving to Dallas with Jose, he always suspects the Puerto-Rican to pop up somewhere and the two of them be pushed together again. It’s only been a couple of days since the trip, but he still hasn’t really recovered from it and keeps looking over his shoulder, metaphorically speaking.
When he’d woken up in the car hours after they were supposed to be home, he had awkwardly untangled from Jose and had asked him what they were doing parked in the open field. Jose told him that he didn’t want to wake him and then drove him home without so much as another word. He hadn’t got out of the car as Brock took out the bags and Jose was gone as soon as Brock closed the trunk. Since then he hasn’t seen him, which makes him feel even worse. He fears that Jose is gone, as much as he fears that he is still around.
Brock thinks that if he sees Jose again, he should maybe just explain himself. Jose hadn’t been as hostile when he got here at first. It was him, completely overwhelmed and always angry, who had been rude right from the start, without any reason. It was highly unfair, Brock knows that, but he’s not sure what the best plan of action is. He doesn’t know Jose well enough to figure out which way will be better: Talking to him and letting him know they should both go their separate ways, because it’s better for Jose in the long run, or just shutting him out and not discussing the issue with him. It’s made harder by the fact that Brock longs to talk to him, just to tell him about his days, what he’s done, what he’s seen, the fights he’s had with his father and the way the kitten he named Henry, is still following him around and is waiting for him every day when he gets home.
To his biggest surprise, it’s Jason who is waiting for him, while he can hear the blaring music from the dance studio.
”Don’t worry, it’s just Vanjie who is working on new choreo. He’ll be in there until the middle of the night and won’t bother you,” Jason tells him when he glances at the door of the room.
”He doesn’t bother me,” Brock shrugs and sets up the ladder he needs to climb up to the air conditioning device. He will take it down today, disassemble it completely and only put it back together when he knows exactly what is wrong, once and for all.
”Alright then, just close the door behind you when you leave, Jose will lock it once he’s done. Good night.” And with that Jason is gone.
It’s hard to concentrate when you know that the man you both love and fear is just behind the door, but somehow Brock manages to keep his mind on the job at hand.
”Oh, I didn’t think you’re still here. The banging stopped a while ago,” Jose’s voice makes him look up a long while later, when he’s just trying to rewire the whole unit. He sounds surprised, wary and already harsh.
”Fixing the electric doesn’t include banging,” Brock shrugs. Jose just nods and turns to leave. ”Hey, uhm, Jose?” Brock adds quickly, because he can’t bear to watch him walk away from him again.
”I just… like…” Seeing the unnerved look on Jose’s face, Brock loses his courage. ”Forget it.”
”No, spit it out,” Jose comes back, arms crossed in front of his chest, chin raised.
”It’s… it’s not important.”
Jose huffs. ”Not important, huh? You’re such a fucking asshole. Just stop talking to me then.”
”Why are you being like this?” Brock asks, puts down the tools and stands up. He knows he has messed up, but Jose has never been plain out hostile before.
”Why am I… Bitch!” Jose turns red in the face, his arms uncross and his fists clench. ”You’re the most unfeeling and cruelest motherfucker I’ve ever come across! But I guess that’s how your fucked up family treats people and you no exception! What’s next? You gonna beat me up? Spit at me? You’ve fucking hurt me enough!” Jose is yelling now.
”I’ve never hurt you!” Brock yells back, because he is absolutely sure he’s never laid hands on Jose, hit him or harmed him otherwise.
”You’re fucking hurting me right now! Right here!” Suddenly there are tears in Jose’s eyes and that’s even worse than Jose’s anger. ”This shit right here, hurts so bad. You hot and cold, push me away just to start talking to me again. You say you my friend, then beg me to make love with you, just to ghost me. You’re so fucked up you don’t care about nothing but your own feelings and your own misery and your own fucked up life. You haven’t ask me once how I am. Not months ago, not now. Like the absolute idiot that I am, I come back here to help you and what do I get? Nothing but rudeness and silence.”
”I never asked you to come back! I wanted you to stay away from me, from this town, so you would be happy and won’t get hurt. I know I’m fucked up, that’s why I didn’t want to ruin your perfect life, in the perfect town far away from here.”
”What do you know about my life? Nothing, that’s what! If you’d asked even once, you’d know about my own fucked up family, the racism in the industry, the threats I get online ‘cause I’m gay. Your hillbilly ass don’t know nothing about how my ex cheated on me and then abused me, ‘cause you never fucking asked! Took me two long years to kick his ass out and now, just my fucking luck, when I finally made it through it all, I fall in love with a guy who doesn’t fucking want me and wastes away right in front of my eyes, because he’d rather be fucking unhappy than be himself. You used me for one night only and now you don’t give a shit about me or you wouldn’t hurt me like that.” Jose is yelling again. But he’s also crying, tears dripping off his nose, though he tries to stop them by wiping at his eyes every couple of seconds.
If Brock thought he felt horrible before, he’s learning now that nothing compares to watching the man you love break down in front of your eyes. He feels helpless, he feels sad, he feels Jose’s pain and he knows it’s all his fault. No one is allowed to hurt Jose, not even himself. He can’t stand seeing Jose cry.
Jose is sweaty from the training, but his skin is cool when Brock pulls him against him and holds him tightly. He feels Jose’s sobs against his chest and doesn’t really know what to do, other than hold him.
”I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Brock keeps repeating as he presses kiss after kiss to Jose’s damp forehead. ”Of course I care about you. I love you, too. And I’m so so sorry.” If Brock could take his pain, he’d do it gladly, even if he’d feel even worse.
”You better be,” Jose sniffs once he has calmed down a bit. ”Fuck, I missed you,” he says and adjusts his hold on Brock, wraps his arms around his waist and buries his face in Brock’s shoulder.
”I really am sorry, papi.”
When Jose looks up, their eyes meet and they both lean in simultaneously. Finally, after all these months, Brock feels Jose’s lips back on his. This kiss is sweeter than all those before. Brock knows what he feels for Jose is real and it’s not going away and this kiss isn’t just to say goodbye. With a heavy heart he stops, before the kiss can escalate even further, but keeps Jose close. ”Can we talk?”
”We better, before we continue this and things will get even more fucked up.” Jose agrees but doesn’t let go of him either. Instead he leans his forehead against Brock’s chest, seeking more physical contact.
”I just have to finish here first.” Brock wrinkles his forehead as he looks at the chaos of the still disassembled AC and runs his fingers through Jose’s sweaty hair.
”Leave it. We talk and Imma help you later, k?” He places a kiss to the middle of Brock’s chest before he stands back up straight.
With that Jose takes his hands and leads him upstairs to his apartment.
”Did you bring Thackery again?” Brock asks as he gets dragged into the apartment.
”Yeah, bet the lazy fucker’s sleeping somewhere,” Jose nods, leans against the closed door and pulls Brock’s head down to kiss him again. It’s a lot more heated than any of their previous kisses. Brock is easily lured into the kiss and pushes Jose against the door. He holds him up, Jose’s legs slung around his waist as they kiss each other senseless, noses bumping, tongues battling and the occasional bite in between. After a while, Jose finds his common sense again and breaks the kiss, much to Brock’s disappointment. He doesn’t want to stop because this is the first time in months he doesn’t feel like shit.
”Fuuuuck, we was supposed to talk not make out,” Jose groans as the back of his head hits the door. There’s a small smile on his kiss-swollen lips.
”Then let’s do that.” Gently Brock lets him down and they sit down on the sofa.
”You wanna drink something?”
”No, not really. I’m too nervous.” There’s a sense of doom still hanging over his head. Jose’s acceptance of his apology and his enthusiastic kiss should give him hope that they will somehow find some common ground, but he doesn’t trust it. He never trusts anything good that happens to him, because it never lasts. Why would this thing with Jose be any different, when he can see absolutely no reason why he would want to be with him for longer than one night. He might think he loves him, but what about when his parents find out? What when he has no more place to live, no job, no car, no nothing. What will Jose think then, when at the same time he has his life sorted out in L.A. He doesn’t need his problems and Brock can’t understands why he has come back to dive head first back into them.
”Nervous? You didn’t get nervous when you ravished me against that door,” Jose points out.
”I didn’t….” The shit eating smirk on Jose’s face stops Brock’s protest. ”Idiot.” They smile at each other and it lightens the mood a bit.
Brock doesn’t really know where to start or how to explain himself. He wants Jose to be happy, but he’s not sure how to achieve it: By staying away or by being with him.
”What do ya want, Brock? What do you want from me?” Jose finally asks, his voice soft and quiet, maybe a little scared, but he keeps up the eye contact, which is unnerving.
”I… I know that you’re better off without me in the long run. None of what’s here in this town and with me is anything that will make you happy. I have nothing to offer you and I don’t know why you came back. That’s why I should push you away again, make you go back to L.A..”
”I didn’t ask what you think you should do, I asked what you want. You know, that’s different.”
Brock doesn’t have to think about it, he knows what he wants, even if he can’t have it. ”I want to be with you.” Jose smiles. ”But I shouldn’t because…” He is silenced with a kiss.
”I wanna be with you, too.” Now Brock is smiling, can’t help it when Jose looks at him like this, all cute and with all the love shining in his eyes. ”Now we just gotta figure out how we do that.”
”Do you really think we could make it work? Why do you want… me?” Brock is still doubtful. He’s never even allowed himself to hope that this could come true.
”It’ll work if we wanna make it work. We just gotta put the work in.” Jose is so sure about it, that his optimism is contagious. ”And I want you, ‘cause I don’t choose who I fall in love with, it just happens. And you’re funny and sweet and you don’t do me dirty, you have a good heart and love your family. You’re not a player nd you don’t give a shit about my fame. You don’t even really know anything about the people I work with. You no fame chaser and you care about me, Jose, not Vanjie. And it’s not a bad thing either that you hot as fuck.” Brock’s smile gets wider and he has to kiss him again. As they make out once more, Brock ends up lying on top of Jose, their legs tangled on the couch as they kiss and can’t stop. It’s a weird thing, considering that Brock went his whole adult life without being as helplessly subjected to his own primal urges; but around Jose he can’t help himself. For four long months he’s missed him and he’s denied himself even the hope of ever being with him again. And yet, here they are, helplessly and stupidly in love with one another.
”Before we gonna get down and real dirty, I have to take a shower. I’m all disgusting,” Jose mumbles in between kisses.
”You’re not disgusting.” To demonstrate it, he sucks and licks the skin beneath Jose’s ear, tasting the salty sweat.
”You can always join me in the shower, if ya know what I’m saying,” he grins up at him. When the words register with Brock, he basically jumps up and makes Jose laugh out loud. ”You such a dork.”
”Oh shut up and lead the way!” Brock laughs with him, his head already full of fantasies about Jose in the shower, his skin wet and the room full of steam as their bodies glide against each other.
It’s a bit awkward to get undressed in front of each other, while not undressing each other, Brock thinks. He’s never been one to play any kind of sports that needed locker rooms and community showers. He steals glances at Jose, who throws his sweaty clothes into the hamper, while Brock folds his carefully. He’ll need them later.
They climb into the tub and start kissing again as soon as Jose has turned on the water. It’s more fun than sexy, Brock finds, as he washes Jose’s hair and steals kisses while Jose keeps complaining about the suds running in his eyes. Brock styles his hair, so it’s sticking up, held up by the foam.
”What are you doing?” Jose asks him, still wiping at his eyes.
”Nothing,” Brock giggles and wipes Jose’s eyes with a towel. ”You look like a porcupine,” he finally points out.
Jose shakes his head. ”I should kick your bitch ass for all the shit you put me through. This,” he points to his hair, ”is just the top of the iceberg.”
”Tip of the iceberg, babe.” Jose gives him a death stare, which makes Brock laugh. ”I’m sorry.”
”It’s ok. You can make it up to me.”
Brock wraps his arms around Jose’s waist as he tips his head back and rinses out the shampoo. ”How?”
”Like this.” Jose pushes at his shoulders, so he goes down on his knees. If this is the penance Brock has to do, he does so gladly, Brock thinks, as he takes Jose’s half hard cock in his mouth.
He takes his time licking and blowing him. He moves his mouth down, sucks his balls and finally turns him around and does something he’s never had the urge to do before, and rims him. The sounds Jose makes above him are delicious and by the time he turns off the now cold water, they’re both fully hard.
Thackery is spread out across the bed when they make it into the bedroom, both still more wet than towelled dry. Jose picks the cat up, puts him in the hallway and closes the door.
”He’s a voyeur?” Brock smiles and sits down on the bed.
”No idea, but I’m not fucking with my cat in the room. That’s just sick. I’d feel like a perv,” Jose scrunches up his face in the cutest way and straddles Brock’s lap. ”Here we are again.”
”Mmh. Only you won’t leave tomorrow.” As soon as he’s spoken the words, it registers with him that he never actually asked. ”You won’t, right?”
”No, I won’t. Can’t leave you idiot alone for too long or you go nuts.” Jose looks at him with such tenderness that Brock lowers his eyes so he won’t start crying. ”We gonna make this work, I promise. Tomorrow we’ll come up with a plan. I like you too much to be ignored by you again. And by the weight you’ve lost, I’d say you weren’t doing too great either.”
”I missed you so much.” Brock admits and looks at him again. ”I love you.”
They let their bodies talk afterwards and neither lasts too long. They’ve been apart for too long and they are both exhausted. Jose gets up once more to let Thackery back into the room and then they fall asleep, naked and holding each other close.
Brock watches Jose as he wakes up. He’s barely opened his eyes when he’s already smiling sleepily because he sees him.
”Good morning,” Brock replies and gives him a kiss.
”What time is it?” Jose rolls towards him and places his head on Brock’s chest.
”Shortly after six,” he replies after checking.
”Why you watching me awake so fucking early?” Jose’s eyes close again as he snuggles even closer, one leg now thrown across Brock’s. It’s true, he has been watching him for a while. It still feels like a dream to be here with Jose. Now that he has this again, the closeness and the feeling of being loved, he doesn’t really understand why he pushed Jose away in the first place. He’s changed since Jose’s first visit; a lot actually. He’s cried, he has talked about his feelings and his dreams. It seemed like talking about it provoked a change in how he lived and carried himself. He’s out to Ada and he’s ok with being gay. He doesn’t fear going to hell most days anymore, his sister made sure of it. For the first time ever he stood up to his parents, he set boundaries for his father and he started talking honestly with his mother. It all helped him feeling a bit less trapped and unhappy, but nothing compares to just being with Jose. He can’t lose him again and he knows there is one more step he has to take in order to achieve it. Thinking about it makes him nervous, but knowing that no matter the outcome, Ada and Jose will still be there afterwards, makes it a lot less scary.
Brock chuckles. ”Early? I usually get up at half past four. I should have been at work over an hour ago.”
”That’s sick. Torture. Abuse. Cruelty.” Brock knows he’ll go on and on, so he silences him with another kiss. ”You really here?” Jose opens his eyes and blinks at him.
”I should ask you that. I still can’t believe you came back,” Brock wraps both arms around him. ”Why did you come back?”
”Promise, you won’t get angry?”
”I can’t until I hear what you have to say.”
”No, you gotta promise first,” Jose stubbornly insists.
”Fine, I won’t get angry.” Brock agrees, but still rolls his eyes.
”Ada called me and told me you weren’t doing good. She asked me to talk to you, but, ya know, you wouldn’t pick up your phone. She also told me you stalking me on insta, and I tried to get a reaction from you with the last couple of posts, but you cold-hearted bitch didn’t give me one. So what’s a guy gotta do? I grabbed Thacks and drove my gay ass here, cause I didn’t want to have your sister call me again and beg me to do this and that.” Jose places a kiss in the middle of Brock’s chest. ”And I missed ya.”
”You know, no matter what we come up with about how to make this work, I think I really need some professional help at some point. I don’t know where or who or how to pay for it, but I can’t go on like this. It hurts Ada and it made me nearly lose you…I don’t wanna feel like crap anymore all the time.”
”I think that’s a good idea. There are some dope ass therapists in L.A., ya know?” Their eyes meet and Jose’s brown orbs say it all.
Still, Brock has to ask because he needs to hear him say it out loud. ”You really want me to come to L.A. with you?”
”Yes.” There’s no hesitation, not for a second. ”I love you, of course I want you with me.” Brock kisses him for the answer that makes his heart warm.
”What would I do there?”
”Therapy,” Jose smirks but then becomes serious again. ”And I dunno, whatever you wanna do. You could find a job as a handy man or work in retail, as a waiter… Whatever, I don’t care. You could also become my sex slave and just wait on me when I get home… naked. Or you could go back to school, get a degree. You wanna study photography, right? You could do that. You’re smart, you’ll figure it out.” Suddenly the possibilities seem endless, when just yesterday there were none.
”I wouldn’t want to be a burden and live off your money.”
”You’re not a burden, you my boyfriend.” The last part sounds more like a question than a statement and Brock knows he has to say something.
”I am.” He confirms and they both smile.
”And I know you not the type of guy who’d just bum around and let me pay the bills. I don’t mind paying for stuff until you’ve got it figured out. If, ya know, that’s what you want… coming to L.A. with me and all.” Brock thinks about it while he places random kisses on Jose’s skin, wherever he can reach.
”I think first I need to come out to my parents and see how that goes. If they accept me, us, then I’ll stay and run the farm. But if they’re not… I might have to take you up on the offer, because unless I’d like to share a room with Rachel, Jonathan and Ruthie, I won’t have anywhere to go.”
”If ya really wanna stay in town, I could talk to Jason. I bet he’d let you live here.”
”How would I pay for it? Without the work on the farm I have no income. Neither Dan nor Ada can pay me.”
”You sure about telling your parents? I don’t wanna force you into doing something you’ll regret. Once it’s out it’s out and I’d hate it if you only come to L.A. with me ‘cause you got no other choice.”
Brock slowly sits up and keeps Jose close until he’s fully upright. Then he pulls back, so he can look at him better. ”Coming with you sounds too good to be true and I’d never see it as my last resort. It’s a dream. In fact, I’d say let’s go right now, if things were different. But my parents are gonna lose the farm if I leave. They can’t do it on their own and the extension of the stable has caused them to be in significant debt. We’re only hanging on by a thread. As soon as I’m gone the bank will come in and foreclose it. But the land has been in my mother’s family for generations and I don’t wanna be the reason why it’s gone, you now? And then there are Dan’s medical bills… it’s a lot.” Jose nods and takes Brock’s hands. ”But after yesterday, last night, this morning…. I’ve been thinking and I can’t remember the last time I slept as well as I did last night and I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy as when I woke up this morning and you were there. I haven’t been happy in a long, long time. I can’t go back to how I was feeling just yesterday. It’s been hell and I know Ada is right and I need professional help, but like… you make it better. Being able to be myself makes it better. Even if you’re willing to hide around here and let me stay in the closet, I can’t do it. I’m done with it, Jose. I just… I can’t live a lie no more.”
”Then you shouldn’t.” Jose encourages him and kisses both of his hands, before he pulls and makes Brock fall on top of him, as he laughs.
”I have to get up and fix the AC.” Brock’s aware that the device is still lying on the grounds in parts.
”Forget about the fucking AC and fuck me instead,” Jose huffs as his hand wraps around Brock’s dick. Who is he to argue with his boyfriend’s wishes?
Afterwards Brock takes a quick shower while Jose makes coffee and feeds Thackery. They meet again in the kitchen, Jose only in sweatpants and Brock fully dressed, but it already feels like they’ve been apart for too long.
Brock has to touch him again and runs his hands over his chest as soon as he’s close enough. Jose lets him explore his upper body by touch and memorise him with his rough fingertips, he only bites his lower lip, his teeth digging into it.
Brock steps even closer, and watches Jose’s eyes fall shut and his breath hitch when he runs his fingers up Jose’s sides gently, stroke over his shoulders and make it to his chest. He places his hands there and feels Jose’s heart thumping away against his palms.
”You’re so gorgeous. Inside and out.” Jose opens his eyes again and looks straight into his.
Jose smiles, steals a kiss and cups his face with his hands. ”Right back at ya, babe.” Then he leans in again.
Their coffee is cold when they come up for air and Jose slides off the counter, a mischievous smile on his face. Brock wonders how long they will be like this and won’t able to keep their hands off each other.
”You gonna go down like this?” he asks Jose as they decide to go downstairs so he can finish his work while his boyfriend will keep him company.
”Why you got a problem? Don’t like the view?” Jose is such a fucking tease.
”I love the view a bit too much. You’ll just distract me and I’ll never fix that damn thing.”
”Fine,” he sighs dramatically and quickly grabs a shirt from the bedroom. ”Might be better to cover the hickey you left on me, fucking vampire.”
”You also got on here,” Brock places a kiss on Jose’s clavicle. ”And here,” another kiss on his neck follows, because it’s not like the loose shirt actually covers up anything.
”Stop, idiot or we going back to bed,” Jose giggles and they finally leave the apartment.
Jose is completely useless when it comes to tools or fixing things, Brock finds out, but it’s still more fun to work when he keeps babbling about whatever and Brock can steal a kiss every few minutes.
”You still not done?” Jason comes around the corned when Brock has just reassembled the AC again. ”Don’t tell me you’ve been here all night.” He looks truly shocked.
”I’ve been here all night,” Brock confirms, because it’s the truth after all.
”And what are you already doing up? You better haven’t touched anything! You can’t be trusted with tools.”
”I sure did touch some things… Wouldn’t call them tools,” Jose says with a shit-eating grin and Brock rolls his eyes before they both start laughing.
”No fucking way!” Jason exclaims, his mouth hanging open as he watches them. ”You bitches spent the night together again? There better not be the same drama as last time. No crying!” he points at Brock.
”There won’t be no tears. Imma make sure my boo’s happy,” Jose vows and leans in for another kiss, that Brock gladly gives him.
”You’re really doing this?” Jason sits down besides Jose, absolute disbelieve showing on his face.
”We are. I’m gonna come out to my parents later when I’m done here.”
”Oh… make sure first your dad’s not armed.” Jason isn’t really joking.
”He won’t hurt me. At least not physically.”
”You’re sure about that and you’re ready? I don’t know your family too well, but judging by the way they treat me, you better brace yourself.”
”I know,” Brock sits down on the other side of Jose and places his hand on his thigh. ”Ada already knows and she’s fine with it. Dan and Lily will probably hate me and my father hates me anyway, so not much will change. I just don’t know how my mother will react.”
”What are you gonna do afterwards?”
”If they throw me out I’ll go to L.A. with Jose. If they want me to stay, I’ll stay.”
”If he stays, ya better keep this apartment ready for me, cause I’m gonna spend a lot of time here,” Jose lets Jason know.
”Wow…. I didn’t see this coming. I mean, I never thought you’d come out to your family.”
”With Ada already knowing and now with Jose… I have to. I’m sick and tired of pretending.” Jose gives his hand a squeeze and their eyes meet for a second.
”Seeing you together now it’s not like you got a choice. One look at your dopey smiles and ‘love’ written all over your faces and everybody knows what’s going on. I’m just waiting for the violins to start in the background.”
”Can ya blame me? Look at him!” Jose screeches and makes them all laugh, as Brock pulls him in a playful sideways hold. ”Don’t kill me, babe, kiss me!” he puckers his lips and of course Brock gives in.
”I’m gonna get some coffee myself and then I wanna know how this happened.”
”You not getting them dirty details!”
”I don’t want’em!” Jason laughs as he walks away.
”I’m scared, now that Jason talked about your dad with guns and shit.” Jose becomes serious as soon as they are alone again. Just because he can, Brock pulls him in his lap.
”My dad is always talking about his guns and how he’ll shoot people and what a tough guy he is, but he’s always been an awful shot and since his heart attack he’s had trouble with his eyesight as well. Also, he’s drunk most of the time these days, so he’s aggressive, but hardly able to carry a gun, much less shoot with it. And he doesn’t do well with people that are stronger than him. Beating up his wife and kids is one thing, but he’d never even confront Jason or you, because he’s a fucking coward, gun or no gun.”
”Please, be careful anyway.”
”I will.” He gets a kiss for his answer.
”Imma be your get away driver, if needed.”
”With screeching tires and all?” Brock jokes to lighten the mood.
”Of course. Real gangsta style.” Jose nods his head up and down. This time it’s Brock who initiates the kiss. It’s like he’s suddenly addicted and can’t go without touching or kissing Jose for longer than a minute or two.
”Hey you two, knock it off! I’m paying ya to fix my AC not to give me a live sex show in the middle of my dance studio.” Jason is back with his coffee and busts them.
”We not doing anything!”
”Jo, that would be more believable if you didn’t still have ya hands under his shirt and down the back of his pants.”
Jose pouts as he’ still sitting in his lap, Brock and Jason are laughing, and for the moment everything is right in Brock’s world and he can forget for a second what he has to do later today.
#rpdr fanfiction#brooke lynn hytes#vanessa vanjie mateo#branjie#m/m au#slow burn#romance#smut#angst#hot as hell and no ac#blackhighheels#tw religion#tw internalized homophobia
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