#Yoonbum x seungbae
eydi-andrius · 11 months
Fever Dream Masterlist (Yoon Bum x Reader)
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Summary: You were used to having vivid dreams, whether they were good dreams or nightmares. Despite them being too real at times, you know they were just dreams. You can even easily command your brain to wake up in the middle of it if you want to.
But for days, something seems to be amiss. You never experienced this before, however, you keep on seeing the same person. His black hair, doe eyes and scrawny body, injured and moaning in pain. He was chained to a poll, hidden under the house, on the dark and moist basement.
You shouldn't have done it, you know better. The nagging voice within your brain was loud, telling you not to interfere nor interact. However, you cannot just let go without checking on him. So as quietly as you can, you moved towards him, crouching down to inspect what happened to his legs, when suddenly.........he grabbed your arm.
🆙 Warnings: This is a DARK STORY that will follow the same story line of Killing Stalking, although, it may change some or remove some parts to fit on the story, you understand that by reading this you will be exposed to the same warnings the original story have.
↪️ Incredibly Explicit, Sexual, Represents lots of Emotional, Mental, and Physical Abuse, Manipulation, Graphic Scenes of Torture, Asphyxiation, Non-con/Dub-con, Self-harm, Implied BPD and more!!!
(Please do the needful and check the original material first)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
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coffyao · 5 months
if brown leaves could be saved part 2.
It was yet another monotonous day, and it was the time that Yoonbum usually dreaded the most, lunch.
He disliked it because he never had an appetite, nor did he have anyone he could share his thoughts with, perhaps over a bowl of kimchi jjigae, or even a side dish of nori seaweed.
Everyone avoided him and his teachers merely tolerated him.
But someone talked to him yesterday.
And it wasn’t forced because they had to take part in a group project.
And their words weren’t unbearably doused in honey because they wanted a favour from him.
They treated him like an everyday nobody.
 But maybe special.
And that was…
“…s-seungbae, was it?”
And because of him, he was in the mood to eat, despite being in an obnoxiously loud environment, where certain types of gossip were spewed, and the tables being so close together even while being isolated at the end of the lunch hall, made him uncomfortable.
Seungbae sat down opposite him and opened a rectangular lunchbox, containing steamed white rice, with an egg on top and sticky tteokbokki next to it. It was simplistic yet very filling.
He liked analysing people by looking at the type of food they ate because he believed it revealed a lot about them.
“…um, who made your food for you?”
Seungbae took a piece of tteokbokki in thought, and said, “I made it myself.”
Not unexpected. He seems independent.
“I see.”
Yoonbum continued picking at his food. Now that he was here, having a conversation with someone, he didn’t know what he wanted to try eating first.
So, he decided to ask more probing questions.
“…but don’t your parents make it for you?”
“Uh, well,” as Seungbae used his fork to entangle it with soya-covered noodles.
“...don’t worry about that,” Seungbae finally said and slurped them awkwardly.
I pried too much.
Yoonbum knew he was socially awkward, but he tended to overstep boundaries when he became overly curious, maybe a little too excited. But when he wanted to know someone, the normalcy of those feelings would transition into something beyond abnormal, uncontrollable even.
And when they stepped away; he stepped forward, despite how painful it was.
And this situation wasn’t an exception to that rule.
“…s-so, is it something you don’t want to talk about then?”
“…no, not particularly.”
But I want to know.
However, yoonbum didn’t want to possibly ruin the early start of a friendship and…
“…h-have you not made any friends here yet?”
Usually, when there is a new student in class, an inquisitive air starts to surround the room, as the robotic school routine temporarily becomes forgotten and newfound excitement starts to boil over this new person, and no matter what they looked like, there was always, always potential.
And whether that was being the class jester, the next target for bullying, or a nicely slotted coin to fit in with the rest, was callously decided within the next few minutes of superficial conversation.
But Yoonbum didn’t have the chance to witness much of it, as his never-ending insomnia caught up to him, and he could barely keep his eyes open for most of the day.
He had to find out why he even had company in the first place.
“… I wouldn’t say it's that, everyone seems nice enough here so far.”
Then Seungbae took a spoonful of rice and egg, putting it into his mouth.
“But you seemed the nicest, so I wanted to have my lunch with you.”
Upon many others' first impressions of him, he was often described as ‘nice’, but that word had many connotations, and it almost always implicitly included pushover, doormat, or at worst, a snack delivery boy.
“Your so nice.”
Usually led to,
“Can you bring me…”
“You said you would do x and x.”
But when Seungbae said it, he didn’t hate it.
At least…not for now.
“I see,” yoonbum said, and he finally picked something from his tray of food.
It tastes cold.
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Looking for some Seungbae x Yoonbum content
(Drawing for attention)
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Sorry I haven’t been active for like 85 years.
I made a thing. Hope you guys like it.
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gravitren · 4 years
I return to tumblr for a second to post the prologue of my fic. Feedback appreciated! It’ll be up on AO3 when it’s complete.
Bum stood outside of the door, head hung in embarrassment and shame, the shirt Seungbae had lent him to sleep covered in wet patches where Bum’s fresh tears had fallen. He clung to the edge of the worn white shirt, wringing it nervously between his slender fingers as he shifted his weight uneasily back and forth on the balls of his feet, causing the floorboards beneath him to let out an old and tired creak. Painstakingly, Bum raised one of his hands, internally debating whether or not he should knock on the door, worrying his bottom lip anxiously as he stalled, tears continuing to fall as he sniffed quietly in the darkness of the hallway.
It had been only three months since Bum had been released from the hospital. With no family, friends, or penny to his name, he’d have to fend for himself and crawl his way back to ground zero, before Seungbae had seemingly nervously interrupted, offering Bum a place to stay while he managed to bring some sense of normalcy and routine into his life. The thought was simply too much to bear, and Bum could feel his dry eyes filling with hot tears that threatened to spill over at the sudden act of kindness, accepting the offer and promising to make the most of the opportunity. If Seungbae was to be asked why he’d extended such an invitation, he wasn’t completely sure. The ride home was quiet and awkward, and Bum had asked that exact question nervously. He recalls Seungbae murmuring something about Yoon reminding him of himself, to which Bum never pried but continually questioned internally. 
Seungbae had been beyond generous already, graciously opening his small apartment and his already chaotic and busy life to Bum by letting him occupy the space there without so much as asking for anything in without good reason in return. He’d only asked that Bum continue on with his rigorous therapy and stay consistent with his slew of heavy medication, to which Bum enthusiastically nodded and promised with his whole heart, the determination to heal clear as day in his eyes. At least in that one moment. The detective had been so patient and kind, much more so than Bum thought he’d ever deserved and in fact, felt a pang of guilt and confusion towards. Unfamiliar was one way to describe it, but unwelcome it was not. And so here he was, given a new chance at life without so much of a second thought. Though he wasn’t quite sure what the future held for someone like him and his laundry list of records and mishaps, he was quietly determined to not waste what he’d been given and make the most of it, taking each day minute by minute, second by second, until the hours, days, months, and years built up behind him and led him to a different place. 
Yang Seungbae was handsome, successful, suffered through his own difficulties and came out victorious, such a stark and sudden comparison to Bum, who didn’t have anything to show for his miserable life and instead felt more of a leech in Seungbae’s home the majority of the time. Bum had tried his best to stay out of the way, keeping to the room he’d be offered, only to leave when it was time for his appointments (that Seungbae often offered to drive him to), to cook, or to spend time with Seungbae when he’d insisted (though always gave him the option to say no to). 
He wasn’t sure how he could ever manage to pay Seungbae back besides cooking each night before Seungbae returned, exhausted and worn but letting his frown subside when he’d seen what Bum had clearly spent time working to prepare for the two of them. Bum had only wanted to be useful, to give back in some small way for the new opportunity at life he’d been granted in one of the only ways he knew how. Seungbae had seemed almost shy and seemingly embarrassed when he’d admitted his cooking skills were not up to par, though Bum couldn’t imagine why he’d have to worry about something so trivial such as cooking when the man was clearly not a complete disaster such as himself. Regardless, seeing Seungbae’s shoulders drop and a smile creep onto his face at the end of a long day somehow made it all worth it to Bum. 
Despite the initial and understandable awkwardness between them, Seungbae had seemingly enjoyed his time with Bum, though Bum couldn’t imagine what he had to offer that the detective saw in him. He’d continually felt awkward, out of place, and troublesome, along with a whole list of unsavory descriptors. Though Seungbae had managed to hush quite a few of them with his stern but kind encouragement. 
With an awkward smile and nervous adjustment of his glasses, Seungbae would invite Bum out with him and often encouraged him to grab groceries or spend time watching television with him after they’d washed up after dinner. It was starkly different than his life had ever been, and Bum felt himself feeling more at ease, awkward conversations and silent moments between them be damned. On top of their living situation, Seungbae had been adamant that Bum not feel ashamed or nervous to ask for anything. Though Bum was slowly getting better at speaking up when he was hungry or needed something from the store, some things were much more difficult to voice. If he had to describe it, it was strangely domestic. Something he’d never experienced but was glad to have found the word for. 
As if to clear his head of the swirling torrent of thoughts, Bum shook his head and lowered his hand back down to his side, bringing himself back to the present moment. He’d mustered up all the courage he could manage to stumble, disoriented and shaken, out of his room and stood himself directly outside of Seungbae’s closed bedroom door. He stood there, warm tears cooling on his pale cheeks while visions of his night terror still clung to his subconscious and causing the taste of bile to rise up in his throat, leaving a metallic, burning sensation in its wake. He’d swayed on his unsteady feet, back and forth nervously, hanging his head in shame as he’d wiped his face with the back of his hand. 
Rather than wake Seungbae and further inconvenience his sleep and put another dent in the remainder of his pride, Bum stumbled back to his room in the darkness, sliding underneath the cool sheets before bringing the shirt up to his face to wipe any remaining tears from his cheeks. He sighed shakily, slender chest rattling with the effort, breathing in the smell that was unmistakably Seungbae that surrounded him. He’d manage this night as he had so many others, quietly crying into his pillow as he’d eventually pass out due to exhaustion. 
Outside his closed door, Seungbae stood, shoulders and head dropped in defeat, his own hand unable to move from it’s position, hovering over the door in a knock that would never come.
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gotta-spike-it · 7 years
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Yoonbum reminding us it's Killing STALKING
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shereheith · 7 years
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im gonna stop making memes right now is2g
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chawka · 7 years
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straw-b3rry-c0w · 2 years
Should I..?
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Listen, I’m currently hyper fixated on killing stalking and I feel that there’s a lack of Killing stalking x reader stuff (for good reason ik). 
If anyone wants I’m up for writing some stuff! 
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
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Eunuch! Bum x Queen! Reader + King! Sangwoo
word count: 4.1k
tw: sangwoo, noncon, abuse of power, misogyny, murder, cheating, degradation, choking,
Ongoing… 𐐪𐑂 °
° 𐐪𐑂 Part I 𐐪𐑂 °
Upon sliding the doors open, you were welcomed to blood spraying on your face. Droplets kissed your cheeks and if it was a calmer atmosphere, it would give the illusion of a blush. Reality, however, was much horrifying. Shocked by this, you stopped to assess the scene. Everyone was afraid to move a muscle as the king swung his sword, killing the chief state councilor with a stroke. As his body fell, more blood puddled at your feet, staining your slippers. Once the initial horror faded, you sprang forward, hugging Sangwoo’s midriff. “Your Majesty! Please stop this!” It was a brave or perhaps foolish action, interfering with your ruler. Words falling on deaf ears, he pushed you from him. The closest guard caught your form. Despite his absolute authority, killing nobles without reason, especially high ranking officers, was frowned on.
This is madness.
Your king was beauteous and cruel. A month into his ascension to the throne and he was already crumbling the ideals in which this nation was founded. Stray hairs hung around his chiseled face, tiny beads of sweat mixed with blood giving him a sadistic gleam as he grinned. Looking your way for a moment, he lazily waved at guards, “Take the Queen to her room.” Without a choice, the two of them gently nudged you from the scene. “Your Highness, please follow us.” Though their faces remained unmoving, their tone revealed their true feelings on the matter. Palm pressed against your mouth, you threw one last glance at the massacre before you. Blinking any lingering emotions, you walked away.
° 𐐪𐑂 Part II 𐐪𐑂 °
Pants filled the room as Sangwoo thrusted into you relentlessly. He was angry; even though he’d appointed new council members, he wasn’t sure he could trust them. In his mind, everyone was after his crown. You were angry as well, but for an entirely different reason.
You laid bare before your king, the fine robes that adorned your body pushed aside revealed your soft breasts; legs spread showed the path to your royal cunt. It disgusted you, thinking how many women had been in this bed, in your same position. Though the silk sheets were pristine, it could never truly wash away the sin. He grunted, “Stop overthinking. Just focus on—” he was close “—taking my seed, it’s all that matters.” Uncaring about your pleasure, Sangwoo bent you into an uncomfortable position, one that allowed his member to penetrate your walls at a deeper angle.
You allowed it.
The two of you, mostly you, were under incredible pressure to conceive. Not just a child, but a male heir. The fact that you hadn’t produced a son for the king was worrying to your mother. She wrote, often. It’s all she could talk about in her letters nowadays; there was fear in her that you would suffer as she did. Four miscarriages, three stillbirths, and then you. Highly superstitious, your mother believed that her misfortune was the price for the murder of the heirs by concubines in a fit of jealousy.
“Put a baby in me Sangwoo.”
You nearly begged, if only to end this. Making love wasn’t an option, nor your life a fairytale. No. King Sangwoo only fucked, and in the most inconvenient places too. You’ll never forget the embarrassment endured when you had tea with several noblewomen; your gracious king thought it would be appropriate to do it in a room adjacent to theirs. He bent you over a desk, throwing everything else off it, before sheathing himself inside of you. Emerging twenty minutes later, you couldn’t even look the ladies in the eyes. No one said anything, lest they lose their heads, but they knew.
Spurred by your words, Sangwoo thrusted faster and harder. “Fuuuck.” He stayed attached to you, like a dog, making sure your womb swallowed every last bit of his essence before pulling out. “Get pregnant.” Is all he said to you as he dressed again and exited the chambers. Out of breath and without a care, you laid there on the bed.
° 𐐪𐑂 Part III 𐐪𐑂 °
A life of servitude awaited YoonBum the second he was born. His poverty stricken parents sold him to be a household slave. Doomed to this fate, Bum tried his best to follow through and avoid punishments. Unfortunately, his master was a sadist and everyday, he received a beating.
After running errands, Bum stood in line to receive the bags of rice his master had ordered. It was the last thing on his list before readying to go home and continue working. Being close by, he couldn’t help but overhear several gentlemen talking, “Where is that damned village?!”
The village in question, it seems, was Bum’s hometown. Because it was a tiny place full of peasants and criminals, cartographers didn’t bother putting it on a map. Only those that came from there knew the area. Sangwoo caught him staring. Quickly glancing away, Bum only saw the man motioning to his companions from the corner of his eye. In a matter of seconds, he was facing the man. He was dressed in purple robes and a gat, symbolizing his status. “Do you know where this village is?”
Daring not to look him in the eye, Bum was slow to nod. He’d been out long enough; his master was probably marching towards the market to drag him home. “Show me.” As guessed, a heavy man came barreling in their direction. He was red in the face. “Bum!” Master Yoon screamed obscenities. Coming to a stop, he sneered at the men.
“We need your servant.”
Though the statement seemed like a request, Sangwoo’s tone made it clear that it was an order. The balding man huffed, ready to curse him out and refuse when Sangwoo showed his name tag. It was made of a cool stone, Oh Sangwoo engraved with the royal crest. The fact that was once red turned pale in realization. Meek before his ruler, Mister Yoon had no choice but to relent. “We’ll be taking him then.”
Bum felt his humanity slip away as he was given to another man so easily. With his head bowed down, he followed this strange new path forged by the man in purple robes.
° 𐐪𐑂 Part IV 𐐪𐑂 °
The Heavens decided to smile on YoonBum when he saved the king’s life.
It was an accident, really. The guards felt no threat to the approaching figure in the form of a frail, old lady who was an assassin in disguise. YoonBum saw the knife before they did, jumping in front of Sangwoo.
Adrenaline in his system, Bum didn’t realize he was stabbed till he felt warmth seeping through his rags. Looking down, red spread around the area. It hurt. Badly. Bum’s legs felt like noodles; the little energy he had left his body as he collapsed onto the dirt. Even breathing was painful. His intervention set things in motion. One of the bodyguards chased down the assassin, two stood by Sangwoo and another leant down to help him. He must’ve asked something important but Bum couldn’t hear him clearly. It’s like he was submerged underwater. The last thing he saw before his vision turned black, was Sangwoo staring at him with interest.
He woke up in the nicest room he’s ever been.
The king didn’t visit him personally but he was sent a letter. Red overtook his face as he was forced to admit he didn’t know how to read. The servant relayed the contents, stating that when he was recovered, he would serve the king closely. From someone of his birth, it was the best he could get. YoonBum suddenly felt immensely grateful; he would no longer sleep in a shed with the pigs but a real mat! The pain on his side reminded him of the price he’d paid for this position, but he was used to being hurt. At least now it served to help him.
As the moment of glee passed, Bum realized he didn’t quite know the etiquette of serving the king. Joy left his body as he wondered how he would figure it out.
Like him, Sangwoo was plagued by this constant state of unhappiness. After the attempt on his life, he would think his subjects would be glad to see him breathing but instead he got murmurs of concern. What if he’d died? Who would’ve taken the throne since there was no heir? It would’ve thrown the palace into chaos.
Their silent pleas did not go unheard. “Maybe I should have them killed. Them and their entire families—” he paused when he saw you in the gardens, smiling at one of your ladies. His heart twisted. Sangwoo couldn’t explain it, but he always got the urge to inflict pain on you. He could say it stemmed from a place of resentment. How hard was it to get pregnant? If you gave him a son, he wouldn’t be pestered by these old fucks. Not to mention, your face contorting in distress was intoxicating—not even the concubines could compete with that.
Beneath his robes, his cock twitched with excitement. Oh, how he was going to enjoy this. Approaching your unsuspecting figure, he threw a dazzling smile to your courtesans. Sangwoo knew how to use his assets advantageously. Despite the suffering he caused, people were rendered speechless by his charm and good-looks.
He was like a snake, slithering towards his prey, waiting to attack. You did not hear him coming till you saw your ladies-in-waiting bowing. Greeting him appropriately, you expressed your relief. “Your Highness, I am glad to see you unharmed.”
It’d been a while since you last saw him; when he arrived, the rumour about the assassin spread like wildfire. “My Queen, you are truly a vision. These flowers have nothing on your beauty. You are proof that absence makes the heart grow fonder.” His honeyed words felt like prodding the bees’ nest. If you weren’t careful, you would be stung.
The only times he was this affectionate was when he wanted something. He played the same lovestruck role with your father to convince him of marrying you. Sending your ladies off, Sangwoo dropped his smile. His expression was replaced with desperation. Pulling on your wrist, the two of you traversed to your quarters since they were closer. “Ah!” Thrown harshly onto the bed, you hardly had time to compose yourself before he was mounting you. “Let’s put your cursed womb to good use.” A gasp escaped your lips as he entered you without warning. Your hands formed to fists, grabbing onto the sheets for dear life. It hurts, it hurts!
“Your Majesty! Please— aaah! Be more gentle..!”
Without seeing his face, you could already picture his cruel smirk. “You were born a disappointment. The least you could do is serve your purpose as my wife and bear me an heir.” His words angered you. Managing to twist away, you tried to escape his iron grip. This only resulted in you being pushed onto your back. Sangwoo pried your legs open and realigned himself.
Sangwoo’s eyes widened with disbelief. The stinging in his cheek somehow made his pulse beat faster. Hands wrapping around your throat, he squeezed. “You should treat your king with more reverence. It would be a shame if the nation lost its queen. Especially one who can be easily replaced.” Having been the youngest war general, Sangwoo had strength to spare. Your hands seemed small as they banged on his form, silently begging to release you.
Having your life in his hands gave him the edge he needed to cum. With a low moan, Sangwoo emptied himself inside you. In turn, you couldn’t even focus on anything else other than breathing, choking as you gasped for air that you’d previously been deprived of. Knowing that he was capable of committing the worst, death seemed better than staying by his side.
“Perhaps I am not the problem, Your Majesty.”
Your voice was raspy but it rang clear across his majesty’s mind. Your words struck deep, like a knife embedded in his brain. It created a wound that would eventually fester. “Shut up.”
As if to disprove your point, he visited every concubine, not leaving until none of them were left untouched. He needed a son, one way or another, and if you wouldn’t give it to him, he would seek it elsewhere.
° 𐐪𐑂 Part V 𐐪𐑂 °
YoonBum was mostly healed; if anything, it appeared he’d been forgotten after a week of rest. The medic was currently tending to his wound, “It's healing nicely. A few more days and you should be out of here.”
The two of them turned at the sound of the door sliding open, immediately bowing at Her Highness’ entrance.
“Your Majesty, how can I be of use?” It was a bit surprising to see you there; your medical checkup wasn’t till another month. He wondered if you were feeling ill. Fabric wrapped around your neck; the weather was tepid, even inside the palace. That’s when he noticed the purple marks that peeked from under the material. Aware of his pointed stare, you moved the scarf upwards to conceal it. “I need you to acquire these medicinal herbs for me.” Taking the list, he read it carefully. How odd. Before he could ask what they were for, you added, “Your discretion would be appreciated.”
“Of course.”
Bum sat there silently, head facing the floor when you acknowledged him. “Are you the man that saved my husband?” Snapping upwards, he sputtered before letting out a quick “Yes!” Finally having a chance to gaze at your face, Bum felt himself turning red. Dressed in the finest silks from head to toe, standing with an air of regalness, was you. Unlike the king, there was warmth in you. Being in the presence of such a being felt unreal.
At first glance, the young man seemed no different than the other servants. However, his pink cheeks reminded you of innocence that one so rarely saw in the palace, which was filled with betrayal and resentment. His disposition was kind of endearing. You hoped he would remain like this, untainted by the world. “Then I must thank you.”
At your words, Bum’s figure lowered, forehead touching the wood. “Y-your Highness is too kind!” This position caused him a stab of discomfort, applying pressure to his wound yet he refused to straighten up. Noticing, you motioned at him, “Don’t force yourself.”
With that brief interaction, you were gone.
Entering your chambers, you signaled for the maid. Unwrapping the silk bandages, you stared at the mirror. Your husband’s marks served as a reminder of who held the power in this union. The young woman kneeled before you, taking a round brush and rolling it in powder. Although her ministrations were gentle, you couldn’t help but hiss when it applied pressure to your tender skin. “Forgive this servant, Your Majesty!”
“Don’t mind it. Continue.”
° 𐐪𐑂 Part VI 𐐪𐑂 °
The king was anxious.
It was one thing for you to not get pregnant, but he’d been keeping busy and there was still no news of concubines with child. Reminded and bothered by your words, he summoned the royal physician. Sangwoo believed he wasn’t the problem, he just needed confirmation. What did you know? He wanted an expert to say that he was fulfilling his duties as king and it was everybody else that lacked.
“I’m sorry to say this, Your Highness.. but you’re infertile.”
With great effort, Sangwoo stopped himself from strangulating the doctor. It was impossible. A frown etched itself in Sangwoo’s face, his handsome features twisting into something scary. “You’re wrong.” It didn’t make sense; as a healthy male in his prime, Sangwoo shouldn’t have a problem fathering as many children as he could. There were several causes that may have caused his infertility, especially since he was a war general but the fact remained that he could not produce children.
Only an heir of royal blood could be king.
He forced the poor man to do every test available to ensure this. The result was the same. Again. And again. “You must not be doing your job right.” As the guards dragged the pleading man, a piece of paper fell from the medics’ robes during the struggle. Picking it up, Sangwoo recognized your handwriting.
“What’s this?”
There was temporary relief in the man’s face as Sangwoo stopped in front of him. “That.. the Queen requested a few me-medicinal herbs.” It didn’t sit right with Sangwoo. Why on earth would you need this shit? The physician seemed hesitant to answer his question. A rough push finally ushered him to say, “Alone these herbs are fine, but mixed..”
As requested, the herbs were delivered to you by the doctor’s assistant. The timing was perfect too. “Why didn’t your master deliver these himself?” Nervous, the boy stuttered a few excuses before asking for permission to leave. That should’ve raised flags in your head but you wanted the plan to work. You needed it to work.
The king had finally taken time out of his busy schedule to visit you, and not just to copulate. He was kind enough to accept your invitation to have a picnic at the pavilion. It was surrounded by a grand lake and vividly green trees; a true landscape.
Sangwoo arrived with a familiar man at his side. You realized you never asked for his name, though that was easily fixed when Sangwoo made a vague motion towards him. “That’s Bum.” He was dressed in green and Sangwoo in red. In comparison to their bright colors, you wore a soft pastel pink, denoting your sophisticated features.
Sitting down, you signaled the servant to begin pouring the soup. Sangwoo raised a brow, curious, “You’re not going to eat?” Listening to your response, a smile appeared on his face. “I wanted to make a special meal for Your Highness, from the bottom of my heart.” It was unnerving, the way he looked at you. Still, you never lost composure, waiting patiently for him. That is, until he asked Bum to lean down and try it. Obedient, the male did so without question. Eyes widening, you managed to stop Bum from tasting. Your hand held onto his wrist tightly—the spoon hovering centimeters from his lips. A few droplets spilled onto the wooden table. Sangwoo tilted his head to the side, innocent expression in tow. “Something wrong?”
Everything is wrong!
Sangwoo knew. You didn’t know how, but of this, you were sure. Fear is what he wanted and you weren’t going to give it to him. “This meat in this broth was especially prepared for His Royal Highness. It shouldn’t go to waste on someone else.” The tip of Bum’s ears burned from embarrassment. He was under the impression you were a benevolent queen; instead, he was reminded of his lowly status. Of course he couldn’t eat the expensive meat, a peasant like him wouldn’t know how to appreciate the flavor. The hurt on his face was evident but he turned to the king, awaiting further instructions. Sangwoo wasn’t fazed, “Don’t be silly.”
Taking the spoon, Sangwoo offered it to you.
You stared at it, unmoving. Sangwoo poked your lips, “Who else but the Queen would be worthy to try such delicacy?” He was baiting you, daring you to deny or confess. Neither was an option. Grabbing the spoon from him, you slowly opened your mouth and dropped the contents inside. Sangwoo’s eyes narrowed slightly but he said nothing. “Swallow.” Damn him to hell. Before you could do such a thing, a guard interrupted. Apparently there were news concerning Yang Seungbae, a traitor to the crown; he was spotted near a town on the outskirts of the forest.
Sangwoo hated him. More than anyone. That bastard was working hard to rally forces that would conspire against him. While things were peaceful at court, Sangwoo had felt a shift ever since the assassination attempt. His eye twitched in annoyance, though you weren’t entirely positive if it was because of Seungbae or the fact that he’d been interrupted. Sitting completely still, you watched as Sangwoo whispered to Bum before leaving. As soon as he was gone, you grabbed a handkerchief and spit out the soup. This action worries a few servants but you waved them off. “It’s cold.” They couldn’t understand as you ordered them to throw it, seeing as it was perfectly edible. Such a waste, disposing of such good meat.
Bum followed you like a lost puppy. The first night Sangwoo bedded him, YoonBum experienced true love. It wasn’t gentle; the king’s touch harbored no hatred but passion. Bum had never felt like that. It made him feel special; the ruler of the country placed his lips and strong hands on his skinny body. He had a queen, concubines, and still, he went to him. Elated couldn’t begin to describe how Bum felt. His feelings for his king were all-consuming. Since then, he’d made a promise to follow every order Sangwoo asked of him. Bum didn’t have anything against you, truly, but his loyalty laid with his king.
On their way back, they encountered Imperial Concubine Min Jieun. The crowd following her greeted you respectfully, and while she did so too, there was a triumphant smirk on her face. Nodding in acknowledgment, you continued walking, enjoying nature. The sun warmed your skin, making you forget about any worries, if only for a moment. Once the group was out of earshot, you glanced at your companion. “What was that about?” It was no secret how spoiled Min Jieun was; she was a woman of noble birth, groomed to perfection. That’s the facade she chose to wear instead of the power hungry bitch she was. Envy burned in every particle of her body. She wanted you out of the picture—she wanted to be queen and mother of Sangwoo’s children. Still, your position commanded respect. Your lady leaned in, whispering, “There’s rumors that she’s with child.”
Bum watched your composed reaction with intrigue. He could understand if you held a grudge towards her. He did. You would always be first to the king, so he had to accept that. Bum knew it was the way things ran. However, he couldn’t say the same for the other concubines. They had the chance to bear Sangwoo’s child. Bum only wished he could do so too. Alas, this resentment made him feel guilty because the concubines were amicable women—well, except Min Jieun. He didn’t realize that they were shackled to this restrictive lifestyle; that they had no choice but to make the best of the situation.
“Is there something you want to say?”
Almost jumping at the sudden sound of your voice, Bum gazed around to see who you were talking to. Finding your clear eyes on him, he realized you’d seen through him. “Uh.. n-no, Your Majesty..”
“Say it.”
“How.. how does Your Majesty handle it?”
Though the question itself was vague, you got the gist. “Queens are expected to rise above such earthly emotions.” You had a solemn expression and the grip around your fan tightened, “Jealousy is futile.”
Nodding, Bum felt like he’d swallowed vinegar. This revelation left him in deep thought. Perhaps that was the difference between royals and peasants; possessiveness was quick to overtake him while you had to live with the knowledge that your husband would seek the company of others.
Hm, maybe he was right not to envy you.
° 𐐪𐑂 Part VII 𐐪𐑂 °
“The Queen has fallen ill.”
It was so sudden; you were so healthy one day and the next, chills racked your body, fever uncontrollable. The court tried to be positive on the matter but it wasn’t looking good. Sangwoo was advised to refrain from visiting you—if he got sick too, it would affect the entire nation. “I will see my wife as I see fit.”
“Open the door and step aside.”
He was like an angel of death, entering with eerie calmness. Even through the soft curtains he could see your weakened form. You looked thinner, unable to eat. The physicians tried to get you to consume anything but it was just regurgitated in minutes.
The bed dipped under his weight as he sat next to you.
“Did you eat something bad?” He caressed your face, pushing hairs away that stuck due to the sweat. Fingers tightening on the blankets, you managed to open your mouth. “Congratulations.” Lips pale and cracked, you smiled sardonically. Sangwoo wasn’t expecting that reaction. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ve heard news that Concubine Jieun is pregnant.”
A dark look crossed his face. “Is that so?” He stood, “Perhaps I should pay her a visit.” Though his tone was mocking, there was something bothering Sangwoo. Fortunately for the king, you were too woozy to think straight. Leaning down, Sangwoo placed a hand behind your neck, lifting you just a bit, enough to kiss your lips.
“Don’t die.”
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visnievsky · 7 years
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asadisticj · 4 years
Therapy time (part 4 of write me back)
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Part 3
Sangwoo's 3rd pov
It's been 2 weeks since sangwoo saw y/n. He's been worried ever since. He sent out letter last time but he never got a response.
He had a week until he got out of prison. Sangwoo was assigned a therapist a day ago. He was going to see him again today.
"Now, tell me about this girl that you been sending letters to" dr.chan said to the dark haired guy who was layed down on the couch, cuffed.
"Her name is y/n l/n. She's the girl that I'm in love with. And the girl who suffered a lot because of me." Sangwoo said the last sentence quietly
"Oh really? How so?" Dr Chan wrote on his notepad.
"I always abused her a lot for not obeying me. She was always chained to a pole inside my basement. I almost thought she was trying to kill me" he spoke quietly.
"And how did that happen?"
Sangwoo had been noticing y/n at the laundry room a few times. He kept count of the pills inside the poison. He had many suspicions that he ignored until now.
While y/n went to take a shower, sangwoo went inside the laundry room and grabbed the small container. He opened it and took all the pills out. Sangwoo then began to count them.
"25....26" he froze. There were 28 pills before. He covered his mouth, startled. "She....y/n is trying to kill me..." He spoke. He fell to his knees and teared up silently.
Seconds later he went to the shared room and saw y/n sleeping. He walked out and went to the basement quickly. Once he went inside, he let out a yell of anger and sadness.
"How could she do this to me!" He yelled as he gripped his hair harshly. He then began to have memories of his mother. From raping him to him killing her.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled. He then heard footsteps from the stairs that led to the basement.
"Sangwoo?.." a soft voice was heard behind him. He turned to y/n with an angered and teary face. Y/n was confused at what was going on "What's wrong-"
Sangwoo slapped her and tackled her to the floor before wrapping his hands around her neck tightly. She let out a gasp, begging for air.
"You're trying to kill me! You bitch! Since when?!" Sangwoo yelled as he chocked the startled girl who was now beginning to cry.
"W-what are you talking about?!" She tried to yell out. "I almost died that day by my mother! I won't let you kill me! " He cried out.
Y/n tried to push him off but he was too strong. She kept crying and begging for air.
"I hope you die in the most painful death"
Seconds later, he gasped before he looked down at y/n who was beginning to turn paler. Sangwoo pushed himself off her quickly.
"It's all my fault...." He spoke quietly. "Everything that happened to me was my fault..." He covered his mouth.
Y/n crawled to him "I-i never tried to kill you...i-i l-loved you" she stuttered before she blacked out.
Loved you ....
End of flashback
"Sometimes I think to myself...'if I had known how much she would suffer because of me..then I would've just left her alone...." He sighed without noticing that he had a tear rolling down his cheek.
Dr Chan nodded as he wrote on his notebook. "Do you regret everything that you did to her?" He asked
Sangwoo nodded slowly "I really do...i understand why she hates me now... She suffered a lot because of her parents...but mostly because of me...."
"I don't forgive myself for what I did to her..." He closed his eyes for a bit.
"Okay now tell me about...yoonbum" Dr Chan said.
Sangwoo didn't say anything for a few seconds. He laughed and glanced at him. "What can I say about him, he was my stalker, I tortured him, he hated y/n a lot. Bum even tried killing her once. But then I killed him" he smirked.
Dr Chan let out a small "oh" and kept his eyes on his notepad. "That's all for today." He called out for guards to uncuff sangwoo and take him to his cell.
He looked at his note pad before writing something else on it.
'He's beginning to change'
Tags: @lalenamaximus
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eydi-andrius · 4 years
The Beginning after the Finale
Pairing: Yoonbum x Foreigner Detective Female Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: Idk I used my notes for this. :/
Warnings: May or may not continue this one.
- Also, this is my first published fic cuz' I'm a coward so there will be many grammatical errors but I did try to proofread it. I SWEAR!
- Lastly, I'm a new user of tumblr.
- Oh yeah! ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT and I did wrote some curse words...
Summary: A childhood acquaintance of Yoonbum came back to find out that her first case in South Korea will include Yoonbum as a victim.
(I'm always looking for fics about after KS but found a little so I created one for myself.)
The story starts after the chapter ending of Killing Stalking.
You just came back to your hometown after studying and working a bit in US. You never really want to stay there in the first place but your parents doesn't like you staying alone in South Korea. You can't really argue with that. A 16 year old highschool student alone and living on a "not so safe neighborhood where a renter uncle beat the shit out of his nephew while his grandmother watch the whole ordeal afraid of his son putting his anger on her."
You can't help but sigh after remembering what happened to your childhood friend whose name you can't remember.
Him, his uncle and grandmother rents a house your parents owned. The rent was cheap because your parents doesn't really care about the money. At that time they just want a good neighbor to live next to the house where their daughter lived alone.
The uncle appeared to be friendly, caring and kind when he applied for the house. Having his mother lived with him was a plus to your parents because at least someone old will took care of you for sure. However, after his nephew's parents died on a tragic accident, the uncle became aggressive and unreasonably hit his nephew and blame him for what happened.
Of course when your parent's found out your mother's hystericlly ordered you to go lived with them abroad. At that time, you flat out refused them but after hearing their second angry suggestion of kicking out the renter, you just decided to go and obey them afraid of making it worse for the nephew.
"The nephew hmnnm..." you murmur as you try to recall that nephew's name and face. It's been too long and you only remember bits of information about him. Like how feminine his stature was. The way he look shyly when you greeted and passed by him on the streets while walking to school. How his face powdered with red whenever you saw him and smiled widely at him. However despite all those memories, his face and identity remained a mystery. His face was blurry, same with his name.
You huffed angrily as you drum your fingers on the steering wheel. You're annoyed to yourself for forgetting the most important information. Nostalgia seeped through you whenever you think about him. Maybe because you thought he was unique and had an honest air around him. You liked that and you'd like to see him again. And deeply you hoped that he was doing fine.
"DEATH PENALTY FOR THAT BASTARD PSYCHOPATH!" You got spooked after hearing a loud booming voice from a megaphone. It was a quiet day and a shout like that can be heard throughout this town. Luckily the traffic light blared red and so you've got a chance to observe what is happening outside.
Lots of people are yelling with placards on hand in front of Jonggan Hospital. Young and old were gathered outside. Looking and shouting angrily to put a certain someone named "Sangwoo" to jail until he die or punished him with death penalty. You frowned. Death penalty isn't a thing in South Korea anymore right? This person probably did something horrendous to get a suggestion like that from old and young folks.
"Good heavens! What happened to this small town?" You questioned as you shake your head then look at the countdown for a greenlight ready to go forward. Two seconds more. You said on your head.
One last look on the crowd and you decided to drove off when a scrawny boy decided to run when the greenlight was on. You stopped before you run over him but your car still bumped his body. Making him fall over the pedestrian lane.
"Fuck!" You yelled shocked and angrily from the unexpected accident. Hurriedly, you got out your car to see if the man was okay.
You heard the loud beeping noise of horns behind your car when you got out furious at you for stopping so suddenly. However, you are more concerned to the man you almost run over with your car.
"Are you okay!? Do you know how dangerous running on a pedestrian lane with greenlight on!?" You yelled worriedly as you crouched down to check if he was okay.
The guys seemed shocked about what happened and continued to look down on the cement. And so you decided to touch both of his cheeks with your hands and forced his face to look at you. Your eyes went wide as you recognize the face infront of you.
"I'm sorr-"
"Yoonbum!" You interrupted the guy's apology as he spoke when you recognized that small and scrawny face of your childhood neighbor. The nephew you're thinking about just earlier.
Yoonbum blinked when you yelled out his name in surprise.
"Do I k-know you?" Yoonbum stuttered as he frowned questioningly at you.
"Oh my gosh! It's really you! This is me, [Y/N]. You look thinner than you do when we were younger." You beamed as slowly all of your memories of him came flooding back. That scrawny, shy and honest boy you knew is right in front of you.
"[Y/N]? I-" The angry noises of car horns stopped Yoonbum from talking and you realized where the two of you at the moment.
"I'm glad that I got to see you again but the road is not a place for our little reunion. C'mon!" You smiled as you offer your hand and help him to get into your car.
You repeatedly look at the rearview mirror to confirm if the guy you just saw and almost run over was really Yoonbum. Feeling your eyes at him, he looked at the rearview mirror too and your eyes meet. He immediately look away while an obvious blush painted his cheeks.
"I really can't believe this. I was just thinking about you earlier you know. And pondering over what's your name and how do you look but then I run over you. I mean, almost." You chuckled as you slightly looked at him while driving.
You wet your lips and continue talking. "I'm so happy to finally meet you again, Yoonbum." Smiling slightly while looking at the rearview mirror. This time, your eyes meet again but he didn't look away.
"Uhmmm.." You heard Yoonbum uttered softly so you glance his way. You saw him twiddling his thumbs.
"Go on." You nod while looking at the road to encourage him to say whatever he had in mind.
"Do I know you?" Surprised, you stopped and your car screeched loudly. You heard a loud thud beside you.
You gasped in horror when you saw Yoonbum's bloody forehead. You immediately grab some tissues on the back sit and dabbed softly on his open wound. That's when you realized that all this time he was not wearing his seatbelt. You cursed under your breathe and muttered a silent sorry to Yoonbum for driving carelessly. You just didn't expect him not to know you when he voluntarily rode your car and listen to your ramblings about him.
Luckily you're on your way to the hospital parking lot. You were really worried about Yoonbum earlier that you decided to bring him to the hospital to be checked by the doctors if he had any injuries from the almost accident.
You got out of the car immediately and guide him to the emergency entrance. On your way there, you saw a police in uniform narrowed his eyes on your direction and jogged angrily where the two of you are. You felt Yoonbum's grip tighten on your hand.
When the police was just two steps away from you and Yoonbum. You hid him fast and pushed the officer away.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! What do you think you are doing? You are scaring my friend, officer." You said sarcastically as you shoved the glaring guy in front of you.
The police officer eyebrows knitted into one. "Ma'am, I mean no harm to you and your friend. But I need to talk to him." He emphasized the word friend as he tried to look behind you. You felt Yoonbum cowers in fear. You hold tightens on his hands. Clearly, there was really something wrong here. However, even though you want to fight the man in uniform, Yoonbum needs his wound treated.
"I'd like to let you, good sir but my friend's head is bleeding and he needs immediate care."
You didn't wait for his reply and you brought Yoonbum to the nearest nurse to help him with his wound.
From your peripheral vision, you saw the officer followed the two of you. When the nurse finally assisted your friend, you immediately stop the officer from interrogating Yoonbum further.
"You know, I don't have any clue about what you need from Yoonbum but can you stop? He almost got into an accident today and by the way his body responds to you, you were making things harder for him. So can you please stop." You glared daggers at the officer who just replied on your statement with a frown.
"[L/N], [Y/N] [L/N]" You interrupted him which made his frown into a scowl.
"Okay, Ms. [L/N]. By the way you look, you're probably just got here and don't know what happened. Your friend there, Mr. Yoon was a victim of a serial killer. Him being out is not good for he was still suspected to be an accomplice even though the court already ordered his innocence." He nonchantly explained as he pointed his hand to Yoonbum who's being tended by a nurse.
He left your mouth agape with his revelation and walked pass you to sit beside the now patched Yoonbum. You followed and immediately hugged Yoonbum protectively from the officer who didn't even tell his name yet.
Then you remembered that Yoonbum doesn't remember you still and so you dropped your arms and just crouched in front of him to look into his eyes. You hold his hands and help him remember you.
"Yoonbum. This is me [Y/N]. The ow-"
"Owner of the house my uncle rented for us." You smiled when Yoonbum continued your sentence. He smiled back with that boyish innocent smile you remembered before but with eyes full with uncertainty and sadness.
"Sorry for interrupting your little reunion but didn't I told you Mr. Yoon to not go out alone to Jonngang Hospital?" The officer glared at Yoonbum who was trying to look and move away.
You bit your lips and stand up to fight the officer for being rude to the obvious scared Yoonbum.
"You nasty off-"
"Seungbae. Officer Seungbae for you Ms. [Y/N]" He interrupted looking at you. As if telling you to fight him.
"Okay, Officer Seungbae. I do understand that you're just trying to protect Yoonbum but can you please stop being nasty and rude to him. He was obviously shooked from what happened to him earlier-"
"And if you don't know Ms. [Y/N], the foreigner. In Jonggang Hospital lies the culprit who broke your friend's legs and forced him to do nasty things for months. And if the people caught him there, the people might become more hostile and believed further that he was an accomplice. Just letting you know in case you don't know" Your jaw clenched at the sneering statement of the officer. You're not annoyed by the fact that you know nothing on Yoonbum's case but the fact that this officer was basically putting all of his anger at you and making you look like a fool.
Instead of continuing the banter with him, you looked at Yoonbum's eyes again who continued to look away.
You have these cases in the US when you're still working there as a detective. Some serial killer let a victim alive to break them and make them believe that they were just like them. Cases abroad are nastier than in here but after hearing that your friend had suffered directly from a psycopath made your heart wrenched in sadness for him. It will take some time to heal them but knowing the person who suffered made you want to help them more wholeheartedly.
"Yoonbum please look at me" You placed both of your hands upon his cheek guiding his face to look at you.
"I don't know what happened and do not know the real reason why you still want to see him despite what he did to you. Maybe to see him suffer or whatever but I believe that you're innocent. Maybe he ordered you to do nasty things to make you crazy or make you believe that you're just like him but I still do believe in your innocence because you are a victim of him too. Whatever you have in mind, I'll listen to you and guide you through the process. Trust me." You looked at him with your heart out to let him know your sincerity to help him despite the years you hadn't been with him.
Yoonbum looked at you for sometime and then nod squeezing your wrists near his cheeks.
You smiled at him.
You admire how strong he was despite all the struggles he suffered through his lifetime. You promised to yourself that you will help him this time and will not runaway because its dangerous or whatsoever.
You squeezed his hands tight and nod at him happily.
P.S. Notes are highly appreciated. Thank you so much!
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hamarith-blog · 7 years
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Pobre astucia :( asta kogi-sensei se burla de él ajaajajajjajajaaj :’(
*w* ahora iré a prepararme un café con galletas <3
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sangbumisdisgusting · 7 years
the day i can rest easy is the day woodys roundup takes a popular ks-er's blog
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shereheith · 7 years
waiting for season 2 final chapter like
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