#Yong ENT
dangermousie · 12 days
I swear I wasn't gonna wade into this but...you all know the saying about hell and good intentions.
I didn't even like Queen Woo (enjoy? sure. It was the definition of trashy fun especially with all the massive ff I was doing. But a good drama it was not) but the puritan hand wringing about the sex stuff (people on MDL, never a font of sanity, are discussing that only porn addicts could like this or that this is all a part of evil westerners to pervert pure Korean culture - no really!) has gotten to me.
First of all, I will never understand why all the complaints are about tits and sex scenes and not ALL THE SERIOUS CARNAGE. Like, surely murder and torture are a worse sin than fornication seeing that the former kills people. (We are not even getting into the fact that this is all fictional so like - no real people were harmed or fucked during any of the filmed scenes.)
Second - the concept of don't like don't watch seems to have gotten lost utterly. NOT EVERYTHING IS MADE TO CATER TO YOU AND THAT'S OK. No maker, let alone an entire entertainment industry owes you to make what hits the spot for you. I don't like (most) romcoms and I don't like those 8 ep shows netflix/disney tend to put out, so I don't watch. I don't sit around feeling entitled about being catered to (there is a difference between being wistful a particular drama or a genre doesn't cater to you and entitlement of "how dare they!")
Third - the argument that all the T&A is new in k-ent seems bizarre. In dramas, sure (because before streaming which is a relatively new phenomenon, it was all on TV only and if you go back far enough, there wasn't even cable and they have regs about what they can and can't show. Still, Yaksha was made in 2010 and had plenty T&A because it was on cable.) But have all those people complaining about all that new perversion never watched movies? I remember watching Untold Scandal, made all the way back in 2003 and starring the then delight of Japanese ladies' hearts Bae Yong Joon and the amount of naked sex scenes!!! Or think of A Frozen Flower from 2008 - it has het sex scenes so explicit it makes Queen Woo look like a church picnic and a gay couple making out on screen (another thing I see MDL peeps complain about - I will never be over some genius saying that the gay king in Goryeo Khitan War was evil addition of evil Western values and having to be told the king was actually historically gay.)
None of that is new. The only difference is that now some dramas have that too not just movies because they are on streaming only platforms and thus having the same lack of restrictions movies have done for a long time.
And finally - there are plenty of legitimate criticisms to be leveled at Queen Woo (or pretty much any other show.) Sex is evil is a bad hill to die on. None of the posters would be around to complain if someone somewhere didn't have sex at least once.
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sparticlem · 1 month
Dr Jenica Yong - Living with Allergic Rhinitis in Singapore: Tips for Managing Symptoms and Reducing Allergen Exposure
Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, is a prevalent condition affecting many individuals in Singapore. It has symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and itching of the eyes, nose, and throat. 
Expect that there is an allergic reaction to certain substances, known as allergens, which are found in the environment. While there is no cure for allergic rhinitis, there are several strategies you can adopt to manage your symptoms and reduce exposure to allergens, allowing you to lead a more comfortable life in the vibrant city of Singapore.
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One of the first steps in managing allergic rhinitis is to identify and avoid the allergens that trigger your symptoms. Common allergens in Singapore include pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mould spores. 
Monitor the daily pollen count, especially during high seasons, and try to stay indoors when the count is high. Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to remove allergens from the air in your home, and regularly clean your living space to reduce dust mites and mould growth.
Singapore's tropical climate means that open windows can easily let allergens into your home. Keep your windows closed, especially during pollen season, and use air conditioning to keep the air inside your home clean and cool. Regularly clean and maintain your air conditioning units to prevent the buildup of allergens and ensure optimal performance.
Nasal irrigation, also known as nasal rinsing or saline irrigation, can help alleviate nasal congestion and reduce the frequency of symptoms. Use a saline solution or a nasal spray to flush out allergens and irritants from your nasal passages. This simple and natural method can provide relief and improve your overall nasal health.
Maintaining good personal hygiene can also play a significant role in managing allergic rhinitis. Wash your hands regularly, especially after coming into contact with potential allergens, such as pets or outdoor surfaces. Shower before sleeping to remove any allergens that may have accumulated on your skin and hair throughout the day.
Stress has been known to exacerbate allergic rhinitis symptoms. Engage in stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or regular exercise to help keep your symptoms under control. Additionally, getting enough sleep and maintaining a balanced diet can contribute to overall well-being and improve your body's ability to cope with allergies.
If your symptoms persist or significantly impact your quality of life, consult an allergist or ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. They can conduct specific allergy tests to identify triggers and provide appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs. Numerous healthcare professionals specialise in sinusitis treatment and allergic rhinitis management in Singapore.
Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a long-term treatment option for allergic rhinitis. It involves regular injections of small allergens to desensitise your immune system. This treatment can help reduce the severity of your symptoms over time and is especially beneficial if you cannot avoid your allergens.
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Living with allergic rhinitis in Singapore can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, you can effectively manage your symptoms and enjoy life to the fullest. By identifying your triggers, avoiding allergens, practising good hygiene, and seeking professional help when needed, you can significantly reduce the impact of allergic rhinitis on your daily life. Take control of your allergies today and take steps towards a healthier, symptom-free future.
Remember that if your symptoms persist or worsen, consult Dr Jenica Yong. They are a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment options. 
Read More: https://valbonneyoga.com/living-with-allergic-rhinitis-in-singapore-tips-for-managing-symptoms-and-reducing-allergen-exposure/
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carlimuja · 4 months
5 Things Not To Do If You Have Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis in Singapore, also known as hay fever, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander, leading to symptoms such as a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. While there are several ways to manage allergic rhinitis, there are also several things that you should avoid doing to prevent symptoms from worsening.
Are you experiencing a runny nose and sneezing without knowing what is happening to you? You might be experiencing hay fever. Many people have it, and you cannot be the only one. But even if many experience this health problem, you should know what to do to see the steps you need to take. To help you, here are things to do if you have allergic rhinitis:
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The most important thing to do if you have allergic rhinitis is to avoid allergens that trigger your symptoms. For instance, if you are allergic to pollen, try to avoid going outside on days when pollen counts are high. If you are allergic to dust mites, wash your bedding in hot water and vacuum your carpets regularly. If you have a pet allergy, keep your pet out of your bedroom and wash your hands after petting them. By avoiding allergens, you can reduce the severity and frequency of your symptoms.
Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke can irritate the nasal passages and worsen allergic rhinitis symptoms. If you smoke, consider quitting to improve your overall health and reduce the risk of worsening your symptoms. If you get exposed to secondhand smoke, such as in the workplace, consider talking to your employer about creating a smoke-free environment. If you are around friends or family members who smoke, avoid being in the same room or ask them to smoke outside. You must remember this if you will undergo sinusitis treatment in Singapore.
Itchy eyes are a common symptom of allergic rhinitis, but rubbing them can worsen the irritation and lead to more severe symptoms. Rubbing your eyes can also introduce bacteria and other irritants, leading to infections or other complications. Use a cool compress or over-the-counter eye drops to soothe the irritation if your eyes are itchy. If the symptoms persist, talk to your doctor about prescription eye drops or other treatments.
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Nasal sprays can provide relief from allergic rhinitis symptoms, but overusing them can worsen your symptoms over time. Using nasal sprays for more than a few days can lead to rebound congestion, which occurs when the nasal passages become more congested than before using the spray. If you need a nasal spray, follow the instructions carefully and only use it as directed. If you have concerns about using nasal sprays, talk to your ENT specialist in Singapore about other treatment options.
Allergic rhinitis can affect your overall health and well-being, but neglecting your health can worsen the symptoms. Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to support your immune system and reduce stress. Stress can worsen allergic rhinitis symptoms, so consider practising relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. Also, stay hydrated and avoid alcohol, which can dehydrate the body and worsen nasal congestion.
Allergic rhinitis can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition, but there are several things you can do to manage your symptoms. By following these tips, you can reduce the severity and frequency of your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life. If you have concerns about your signs or need help managing your allergic rhinitis, talk to your ENT doctor in Singapore or visit the website of Dr Jenica Yong for personalised advice and treatment options.
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fujunfuren · 4 years
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kpoptimeout · 6 years
[BREAKING & CONFIRMED] Bang Yong Guk terminates contract with TS Entertainment
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Bad news for BABYs.
TS Entertainment has just released a statement that leader, main rapper, and producer of B.A.P Bang Yong Guk has terminated his contract with TS.
You can read the full statement below:
B.A.P’s Bang Yong Guk, who has been with TS Entertainment since August 12, 2011, recently saw his exclusive contract with us come to an end on August 19, 2018.
We have spoken extensively with both Bang Yong Guk and the other members of B.A.P, and we will be respecting his decision to not renew his contract with us. We want to express our gratitude to Bang Yong Guk for being with us till now, and we wish him the best of luck on his future endeavors.
Bang Yong Guk has departed from B.A.P as his contract has ended, and B.A.P will continue on with five members (Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo). Their scheduled activities will continue as planned and we will continue to give B.A.P’s activities our support.
Please continue to give B.A.P your love and interest in the future. Thank you.
We wish Bang Yong Guk success in all his future endeavors!
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jjongsaquamoon · 6 years
THIS IS GD. I lost it.
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Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.
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blndhyo · 7 years
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Girls' Generation 소녀시대 'Catch Me If You Can' MV (Korean Ver.) 
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amethystteacup · 6 years
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He was listening to the guide versions to several of his songs aka him singing the entire song so that you get an idea for how it will sound for when artists are going to record it! He was listening so carefully and I just got the feeling that he is really proud of his own creations! He really should be!!! Everything he creates are pure gold! ‘What you Like’ sounded amazing with his voice too fyi! He said one time that he listens to his own songs the most in his free time so I am sure he’s proud! I am very proud of you at least!! 💕💕💕 
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kpopreleases · 7 years
Artist: Bang Yongguk (of B.A.P)
Release date: 170705
Record label: TS Entertainment
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gretathunberg · 2 years
Nelle società post industriali, e post globali. Le leggi non esistono, se non in rari contesti, per proteggere l’individuo dai soprusi, dalle ingerenze, dal linciaggio della fortuna avversa, nè tanto meno per rinforzare e aiutare a realizzare i suoi diritti -  tavolta nel novero di quell inalienabili
Le leggi esistono per direzionare le masse Le masse in un mondo a comunicazione totale e ognidirezionale,  sono incontrollabili. Le masse in un mondo dove gli individui coltivano il sè, la propriocezione dell’universo, il totale diritto a tutto, sono incontrollabili. Nessuno fa se non nella direzione del sè.
Le leggi nel mondo post moderno e post globale, esistono per direzionare le masse per spingerle a muoversi in modo coerente verso fini e risultati che siano utili al sistema in sè. O il sistema imploderebbe, collasserbbe sulle pressioni delle altre economie, delle altre nazioni, delle pressioni internazionali.
A volte o forse più spesso sembrano esistere per direzionale le masse verso fini utili al potere fine a se stesso, o utili alla ristretta elite che dal potere trova giovamento a discapito del contratto sociale, e del supporto  filantropico e gratutio all’altro. Insomma le leggi sembrano solo consustanziali a un potere che adora solo se stesso, e fa di se stesso il proprio unico fine. La comunicazione in mano al potere post globale, alle autatchie ma anche a molte repubbliche insospettabilmente democratiche, sembra andare nella stessa direzione. La comunicazione non avend a dsposizione  lo strumento  della multa, della minaccia del carcrere, del gladio come invece le leggi di stato spesso hanno, la comunicazione deve sedurre, anzi convincere, dissuadre, o destituire di fondamento le tesi opposte: sedurre, coinvicere, dissuader o destituire, richiede un terreno comune, un minimo comun denominatore di valori su cui basare le proprie teorie. Il globalismo  ha creato questo terreno comune. In particolare sfruttando non il meccanismo del convicimento, che richiede fatica intellettuale da parte di chi ascolta, ma quello della dissuasione secondo cui meglio non fare questa o quella cosa, perchè lederebbe i nostri piccoli perversi e lucidi interessi di bottega; o quello ancora più facile della destituzione di valore, perchè infamare diffamare, inventare narrative destituenti, è facile e non richiede il costo della coerenza. Insomma le persone capiscono quel che si vuole dare a intendere, se detto con convinzione, e se titilla i pilastri fondant del loro ego. Un ego spesso frustrato, spaventato, solo e spaurito dalle soverchianti forze della società.
Qualsiasi teoria può essere blandita se si tratta di parlare male del “nemico”, basta la accortezza della verosimiglianza. A volte è sufficiente anche solo che sia detto da una fonte autorevole, forte, patriarcale o patriarcalizzante, il capo di stato, la polizia, la radio o la TV, un ente che nessuno può controvertire perchè investito di quel ruolo da leggi o principi pubblici. Basta per destituire il nemico e le sue teorie di ogni valore. Per cui, esemplarmente, la Polonia di Hitler era tedesca, il mare mediterraneo di Mussolini era “nostrum”, l’Ukraina di Putin è russa (siamo noi “occidentali” - brutti e cattivi - che non riconosciamo questa evidenza etnica patente e ovvia), l’america di Trump è in mano agli stranieri e messicani (e quindi il congresso - il parlamento americano - va aggredito, sottomesso e “destituito” e le elezioni e i ballottaggi, sono chiaramente “sotto il controllo del nemico” , se non danno la presidenza a Trump. La società postglobale che non crede in niente, se non ai contratti sociali, crede a volte ai capi? Alle autorità non perchè autorevoli ma perchè autoritarie? La gente crede alla forza? O semplicemente disperata, in cerca di una qualsiasi bussola mentale e morale, e anche una distorta e perversa quindi va bene? La politica internazionale sembra piena di questi esempi. Perchè nessuno in Corea smentisce Kim  Yong Perchè nessuno in Russia osa pronunciare la parola guerra contro l’Ukraina, ma si adegua a dire “operazione militare”? Solo per paura delle ripercussioni penali? Al momento nessuno sembra essere stato mai condannato, anche chi tra i russi  sui social usa la parola guerra all’Ucraina, con disnvoltura democratica.
Perchè nessuno si ribella ai Talebani che impongono il burka e proibiscono alle donne persino di guidare un auto, d di frequentare una scuola? L’uomo moderno sembra credere o che la menzogna, se detta da una autorità è in fondo un mezza verità o che non può essere totalmente ignorata. O forse l’uomo moderno è così spaesato di fronte a un mondo che promette ogni libertà e non ne mantiene nessuna, che parla di libertà, ma non difende i principi che quella libertà informano come ad es la cultura, la coscienza, la legalità, il rispetto dell’altro; un mondo che dice che tutto è possibile, ma niente è vero: Dio non è vero, ma anche il comunismo è una favola, l’islam una barbarie, il cattolicesimo è un insieme di credenze autoritarie reazionare o banali e sempliciotte, il buddismo una bella tecnica di meditazione per l’ansia, una pratica quasi da palestra,   che quindi sono superate nel dinamico e razionale e materiale mondo posto moderno.
L’importante è, pare, essere dinamici, e giovani, bere tanta acqua e fare esercizio, magari pilates o meditazione e amare le piante e gi animali. Tutto il resto è reazione e passato.
Ma questi principi da “rivista da sala d’attesa, o da rivista da parucchiere” questi principi universali, perchè non dicono nulla e non infastidiscono nessuno, possono essere il m.c.denomiantore di uan società complessa, globale, ricca e povera, sull’orlo di una crisi climatica e forse di una crisi di coscienza storica e individuale, come la nostra? E’ davvero tutto qui, oppure proprio questo vuoto, è ciò che consente il reale controllo del pensiero, il lavaggio del cervello, fatto di azioni guerruglia, di comunicazioni frammentate ma mirare sempre allo stesso scopo. Compra e non pensare, compra e non criticare. Lavora compra e si liberal e sarai felice. Compra ma non criticare, e soprattutto non cambiare un etto di quanto ti viene dato. I 3 miliardi di poveri non ci sono, e il riscladamento globale è una invenzione di qualche svaporato, nevrotico, e infelice che non ci vuole felici, col sorriso durbans, traspirati, profumati e con una bella auto. E ben idratati, dimenticavo
E’ il globalismo un’ etica o un pensiero? O è uno spazio di manovra Manovra per chi? A chi giova.
Per il potere inteso non nel senso classico o complottista, ma nel senso elitario. Ogni organizzazione sociale genera una classe dominante, perxchè ogni organizzazione è squilibrata, e tende al verticismo figlio dell’egoismo.
Le classi dominanti, che non sempre sono quelle che le leggi dello Stato definiscono, e le costituzioni vorrebbero o prevederebbero, agiscono. Nel proprio interesse. Che certamente non è quello di diminuire i propri privilegi, al limite monotonicamente di mantenerli o accrescerli. Questo spazio di libertà totale che è la comunicazione globale, è stata voluta dalle classi dominanti o no? Forse no. Ma certamente giova qualcuno più di altri.
E certamente quando la comunicazione è sottocontrollo privato, come capita nei social, giova il capitale e le entrate econoiche di chi proprietario dei mezzi di comunicazione.
Mai come oggi è stato vero il principio che “il media *è* il messaggio” (Mc Luhan), che non conta il contenuto, ma la sopravvienza del mezzo di trasmissione: questa finta libertà di opinione di espressione e di pensiero, la libertù di mostrare i propri calzini bucati a tutti, perchè qualsiasi messaggio deve essere banale o non si propaga, in quanto propagato dagli individui tramite citazioni e reblog, e non centralmente da un emettitore come capita per radio e TV, questa liberta  è semplicemente la possibilità dei proprietari di media di accrescere la potenza economica del media stess (i social di proprietà) e la propria. Ogni calzino bucato, ogni foto di gambe sdraiate al mare, ogni selfie è l’impulso che strascina sempre più in alto un potere mediatico confuso e cieco , nei fini valoriali e ideologici, ma chiaro e nitido negli scopi proprieconomici: fare soldi soldi e sempre più soldi. Vale davvero la pensa possedere questi social e usarli se non portano a nessun vero risultato se non perpetrare lo status quo? Un status di banalità condivise.
Perchè nessuno rifiuta di esistere sui social, o meglio su certi social? Perchè i social perpetuano la società globale, che è una società fatta di vuoti, di assenze, di non risposte, o risposte  banali e sempliciotte che rinforzano il superficiale. I social riflettono, conducono questi valori minimali e ristretti, o generano questi valori? Io credo che la sensazione di libertà , l’idea di liberà posgobale, quella di essere vuoti e soli, generino social senza obiettivi che hanno lo scopo di dare valori condivisi da tutti, e quindi valori minimalisti, materialisti e privi di un substrato concettuale, con impatti limitati al poco o al nulla. Al rimanere ben idratati, che pare il problema numero uno della società under 21 sui social. E questo spazio dove può sussistere solo il minimo comun denominatore, fatto di poco e nulla, genera menti prive di senso critico, o pronte  a criticare quanto sia fondato su un pensiero strutturato, perchè ogni pensiero strutturato genera opinioni contrastanti, sovente. La neutralità - un po’ ipocrita - dgli spazi globali, e post globali, la apparente neutalità dei social genera persone prive di pensiero, che hanno pensieri privi di qualsiasi spinta reale, che non modificano la realtà personale e sociale e che rinforzano la struttura neutra e la propagazione di pensieri privi di contenuto. Ogni insieme di assiomi genera i propri teoremi, i propri mondi euclidei o non euclidei. L’assenza di qualsiasi assioma, genera il vuoto delle menti e dello spirito.  
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hyukja3bbie · 4 years
Super Junior 14th member
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Name: Park Chae-Won (박채원)
Stage name: Chae
Birthday: December 31, 1986
Birthplace: Jeollanam, Mokpo
Nationality: Korean
Height: 165 cm / 5'5
Weight: 49 kg / 108 lbs
Blood type: AB-
Position: Main dancer, lead rapper, vocalist, main chaosmaker and moodmaker
Sub-units: Super Junior-T, Super Junior-C. H. L (Leeteuk, Chae and Heechul) (stands for Di-Verse)
faceclaim: Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Nana and random ulzzangs
voiceclaim (singing voice): Ailee, Taeyeon
voiceclaim (speaking voice): Choi Sooyoung
She was born just a second away from january 1, 1987. There were a number of confusions during her trainee days because she was registered in 1989. 
Her biological parents are Min Sun-ah and Park Seong-hun. Her mother is a neurosurgeon while Her father was a choreographer and stage director. Both of them were skilled and known dancers in Korea.
When she turned 2, her parents divorced each other because her father cheated on her mother.
Chae fell in love with dancing and skateboarding ever since she was 2 years old.
Her mother, Sun-ah, had gotten a new boyfriend namely Boo Yong-su who was also a dancer and choreographer.
Chae’s had a talkbalk and rebellious attitude even when she was young.
Chae went to the same school as her bandmate Donghae. She’s also very close to his family. She would’ve had been in 13 fights if it weren’t for Donghae. She only got into 9 fights.
None were caused by her, it was because of bullies.
While working, she was scouted 4 times, 1 by YG Ent. then 3 times by two scouting agents from SM Ent. and finally Lee Soo Man (LSM) himself came to scout her. She finally accepted Lee Soo Man’s offer.
Chae eventually had to leave school in 2000 and had to continue her school in 2004
Her life as a trainee, she was given a tougher and longer training compared to others because LSM wanted her to be the best and because she had a lot better foundation in dancing and rapping as well as singing.
Chae got into SM Ent. in May 1998. Her first stats when she got in was dancing - 6, singing - 5, rapping - 6, acting - 2 (1= lowest, 6= expert) making her the only sm trainee ever to get these stats.
Chae has 1 younger brother, Park Changmin.
She took care of them as much as she could as her father died of cancer in 2000.
Enough about her childhood, its time for random facts
Chae is considered as the BEST dancer in the Korean Industry and is known worldwide as a world-class dancer. She is able to cater to majority of the dance styles and genres with ease.
She also has major skills in freestyling, choreographing and battle dancing
She has helped written and produce majority — if not all of super junior’s songs, even sub-unit songs and songs for other groups. She writes and produces all of her songs in her solo albums and produces / writes songs for other groups
Chae is the korean artist with the most written or produced songs with 278 songs
She had debuted in 2000 in a hiphop group Honey Family with Miryo of BEG when she was recruited underground with the stage name TROUBLE.
TROUBLE also is the name she uses in producing and underground thing.
She also debuted with Heechul and Leeteuk in a group called DI-VERSE that surprisingly went well in 2003.
Chae is very very blunt and straightforward. She is a diva. She’s sarcastic and fearless — really. She’s not scared of anything or anyone.
Chae is a dork. And an incredibly funny dork. She is known for her extreme adlibs in songs and in variety shows.
Is known as the most rebellious and troublemaker artist in Korea.
Though not a bad thing, she has never smoked, been in a scandal or have been caught with a problematic behavior from the start of her career till now.
When she was a trainee, a trainer told her to keep her long hair and to keep it black but she cut it short the next day and dyed it blonde. She got yelled to lose more weight. the next time they met, she gained 5 kg and got yelled at by them. SM told her to give write an apology but instead she laughed and wrote a song on the paper instead.
She doesn’t wear make up most of the time and if not needed. Her bare face is also praised all the time because of how perfect her skin is.
Can play 6 instruments. Drums and Guitar as her favorite.
Chae is a boss in drinking, she never gets drunk and can drink for two days straight.
She has an extreme allergy to nuts and cucumber. Even if she eats just a small bit of it, her throat swells up snd she gets difficulty in breathing.
Chae is an advocate and an ambassador for anti-bullying, equality and animal and child welfare.
She is one of the richest musicians in the world and is the richest in Korea with a net worth of $350 million.
Is called “sleep switch” because of how fast she can fall asleep whenever and wherever. But she is hard to wake up in the morning.
She hates aegyo.
Chae can NOT cook. Please don’t let her cook.
She is voted as the scariest member but also the member with the most patience.
On May of 2011 she was appointed as the creative director of sm, as she is one of the stockholders, giving her the task to be the one to console artists about their problems.
She has a lot of friends in boygroups and girlgroups.
Chae is the only member even pre-debut to bug Heechul and Leeteuk even if they’re in a bad mood
Chae used to live in the 12th floor with Heechul, Hangeng, Kangin, Leeteuk and was Heechul’s roommate. They did sleep on one bed.
Heechul and Leeteuk stated that they will both protect Chae with their entire life and that she’s the most important person in their life.
Chae is the CEO of Label SJ but she only gets creative power. 
Is the best at business, contracts, laws and negotiating. Chae negotiated with SM Entertainment in 2010 to change their contract about the profit distributions, issues about the group and more freedom in music. after a few battles, SM Entertainment agreed and their profit distributions became a lot bigger than before.
She has an IQ of 169 and is fluent in 5 languages, korean, english, japanese, chinese and mandarin
She is extremely bad at math and studying
Chae once got into a rumor of her being bi / lesbian in 2008 with numerous female idols.
she was involved in a fatal car crash along with kyuhyun, leeteuk, shindong, eunhyuk and their managers. she suffered critical blood loss and several broken ribs and other serious injuries.
Chae curses the most.
She is the God of flirting. She flirts with anyone.
She is also nicknamed “stone” because of how hard she is to fluster especially during shows and also just because of her stone bitch face that she shows during boring times.
Chae is very picky with men when it comes to age, she doesn’t like —slash does NOT date younger men except for lee seunggi and another guy.
Is well-known for being friends with a lot of people or literally anyone. She is the absolute person you don’t want to mess with because she knows everybody’s secret.
She knows all of the suju members’ secrets.
Despite knowing all of her members’ secrets, she had a hard time in telling people of her problems and feelings. Most of the time she keeps to herself where her depression becomes worse.
Chae has had depression and anxiety ever since she was young. Sometimes it became very serious but sometimes she overcame it.
Her depression reached its peak during 2011 to the point that during a performance for her fanmeeting, she slowly attempted to jump off a platform that held her high above the stage. Thankfully she stopped herself by gripping the handpost.
She is the strongest pillar of super junior despite her anxiety.
In 2008, a group of people started an organization to make her leave the group and give her a lot of hate. With the name Only Male. Her supporters were already big at that time so they sued the organization and got them to leave Chae alone.
During Eunhyuk’s scandal with IU in 2012, she protected Eunhyuk against very malicious comments.
She even let the management reveal her and Lee Seunggi’s dating news just so Eunhyuk won’t get the hate. And it came out badly. Chae got all of the hate especially for being together with the nation’s younger brother who had a very innocent image in contrast to her rebellious and sexy image.
Though Chae didn’t care. She was glad Eunhyuk didn’t get hate about it as more.
In an episode of Exploration of the human body, Chae was tasked to get the tears of each of her groupmates. (that was when they still promoted with hangeng, 2008) Surprisingly with the hidden camera prank her and her manager did the members all cried quickly without knowing about the prank.
Chae developed problem where she doesn’t cry. She gets scared to cry because of her trauma with her step-father. From the past year of Super Junior, Chae had only cried once and thats only 3 tears during the funeral of leeteuk’s grandparents.
Her close friends outside SJ and outside SM are: G-Dragon, TOP, Jessi, Lee Hyori, Rain, the whole njttw cast and Dara
Chae is incredibly blunt, she is much more straightforward, blunt and savage than Kim Heechul or any Korean idol / artist at that fact
Chae has a lot of tattoos.
She also has a high pain tolerance.
She is also known as the Queen of KPoP and Hallyu wave.
Her favorite food is spicy food, rice cakes and chicken.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“‘One of Greatest Crooks’ Given Five-Year ‘Pen’ Term,” Toronto Star. March 7, 1941. Page 05. --- Robert Roy Wood Served Sentenes in 10 U.S., Canadian Cities ---- FACED 40 CHARGES ---- ‘A’ Police Court At City Hall, Magistrate Gullen ‘He is one of the greatest crooks in the country and has an international reputation.’ So declared Crown Attorney F. I. Malone, when Robert Roy Wood pleaded guilty to 16 charges of false pretences, 14 charges of uttering and 10 of forgery.
‘Forgery and uttering is the worst kind of deception,’ said Magistrate Gullen, sentencing Wood to five years in Kingston penitentiary on the forgery and uttering charges and six months on the false pretences charges for amounts under $20. The sentences will run concurrently with a two-year term imposed on Wood in Montreal, Jan. 16, for false pretences.
The criminal record of Wood dates from 1915 and includes terms in Kansas City, Joliet, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Boston, Erie, Pa., Atlanta, and Toronto. he has been deported from the United States to Canada several times and returned almost immediately.
Wood was arrested in Montreal as the result of a circular sent out by Toronto police. At that time he had about 15 national registration cards in his possession and when questioned by Det.-Sergt. Fred Skinner and Det. John Sinclair, who brought him back from Montreal, Wood told them he purchased them blank in Montreal.
Det.. Sinclair stated that Wood was truthful. ‘He filled out the registration cards in different names and then used them as identification when he cashed the worthless cheques,’ he said.
Worked 11 Ontario Places As a result of Wood pleading guilty and his truthfulness, the police were saved considerable work and the court commended him for this. His worship also commended Skinner and Sinclair for the able manner in which their case was presented to the court .
Activity of Wood in Ontario started last November and he operated in Toronto, Hamilton, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Long Branch, Cornwall, Chatham, Kitchener, Ridgway, Prescott, and Port Hope. Altogether he obtained $848 of which $432 was obtained by worthless cheques and the balance by raising money orders.
In his evidence, Det. Sinclair, in explaining how Wood operated said: ‘In Toronto, he purchased a money order for 32 ents and raised it to $4.32. Another he got for 72 cents, and raised it to $72 and anotehr for $2 cents was raised to $82. After he raised the orders he would enter different stores, make a small purchase and receive the balance in cash. Altogether he raised 10 money orders, issued also nine cheques under $20 and eightfor more than $25. His practice was the same in every place he visited.’
Asked by Crown Attorney Malone why he raised some of the money orders to less than $5, Wood with a smile said: ‘You can see that they are stamped - not more tan $5.’
Some of the aliases used by Wood included Robert Gormand, James Trimble, and John Thompson.
‘You will go to jail for six months,’ Magistrate Gullen told Thomas Hyles after he pleaded guilty of stealing a radio.
Facing charges of theft of a radio and a suit of clothes from Yonge St. Stores, My rush pleaded guilty and was sent to jail for four months.
Arthur E. Maura pleaded guilty of stealing a purse and contents from Miss Grace Morris. P.C. Albert Lumley said he saw accused drop a letter address to Mrs. Morris. 
He said he found the purse, but later admitted stealing it,’ the officer said. Maura was remanded to March 12 for sentence.
‘Accused entered an Adelaide St. store and attempted to steal a length of cloth,’ said P.C. Art Kray, regarding Joseph Bennett, who pleaded guilty. He was remanded to March 14 for sentence. ---- A VARIETY OF ITEMS --- B Police Court at City Hall - Magistrate Prentice Presiding Pleading guilty to taking a car from the Ontario Auto Co. without consent, and theft of a camera and a pair of opera glasses, Andrew Stephens was remanded to March 14 for sentence. Russell Fraser, jointly charged on the auto theft count, who pleaded not guilty, was discharged at the request of the crown.
Pleading guilty of registering and recording Bets, Hymie Noble was found $200 or 60 days. Plainclothesman Codlea stated that when he and other officers had visited a west-end apartment they had found slips indicating bets recorded on horse races in the United States. ---- JAIL SOLDIER, WOMAN --- ‘C’ Police Court, at City Hall, Magistrate Browne One year definite and three months’ indeterminate in Ontario reformatory on each of three charges, terms to run concurrently, was the sentence given Frank W. Mattin, a soldier recently engaged in Bren gun instruction at Camp Borden.
The charges were theft of two army blankets and two army great coats, from the department of national defence, theft of a letter containing a cheque for $66, the property of Mrs. Annie Robinson; and receiving about $68.50, obtained by an indictable offence, the uttering of a forged document, knowing such money to have been so obtained by an indictable offence, the uttering of a forged document, knowing such money to have been so obtained.
On four charges arising out of the same set of circumstances, one theft, and three of forgery. Frances Smith was given three months in jail, on each charge, terms to run concurrently. She pleaded guilty.
‘On Jan. 31 last,’ stated Det. Sergt. Herbert W. Gadd, ‘the accused woman, along with Mattin, left a house on Mutual St. and went to Bloor and Bathurst St. The accused woman stole a cheque belonging to a Mrs. Margaret McMurray from the letter-box of a house on Bathurst St. Mrs. McMurray’s husband is overseas with the armed forces and this was a dependent’s allowance cheque.
‘The accused woman then went back to Mutual St.,’ the officer continued ‘and put the cheques along with two others stolen previously. She then endorses the three cheques and went to three different banks in the vicinity of Bloor and Yonge St., where she cashed them, having just obtained three blank national registration certificates which she said she found in one of the rooms in the Mutual St. house. She then went home and divided the proceeds between herself, Mattin and another woman.’
Det.-Sergt. Gadd added that the accused woman had made an effort to make restitution. The other cheques, he said, were a pension cheque for $66 payable to a Mrs. Annie Robinson, Bloor St. W., and a pension cheque for $60 payable to Mrs. Alice M. Mann, Bloor St. W.
According to Crown Counsel Arthur Klein, Mattin had two previous convictions, one at Port Hope for breaking and entering and having burglar’s tools, in 1939, and another at Toronto for assault in 1936.
The accused man’s record may have been all right in the army but not before that,’ commented the bench. ‘This appear to me like a premeditated scheme.’
[AL: Not mentioned here but Wood had already been sentenced in Montreal to two years in St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary in January 1941, and was transferred to Toronto to stand trial and then transferred to Kingston Penitentiary. A widower, with 20 years of prison sentences to his name, including a 1935 to 1937 sentence at the Kingston Penitentiary, Wood was put to work in the farm gang. He was released February 1945.]
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minimouette001 · 5 years
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Park Dae-jung (left) & Lee Yong-sun (right) for @yooniesim‘s Sugar Free ent.
These two guys are best friends since Highschool. One is a true clumsy joyfull  fluff ball while the other is an handsome overconfident player. They moved together in the city in order to acheive their goal of becoming idols. Their dream? To start as trainees under the same company and make it into the musical industry. 
–More info under the cut–
Park Dae-jung: 
Gender - Male
Age - 17
Skills - Signer / Dancer 
Entertainment experience - He went to the blind audition of the voice but didn’t pass. He does have a Youtube chanel where he do covers of balads and Rnb song. 
Personality - Joyfull / Clumsy / ?
Bio: Park Dae-jung is a fluffy, but clumsy, little ball of joy. He always loved being on the scene since his younger days. He’s been a member of the theatre club in high school and a member of the choir at his local church for many years. He his the yougest of his sibblings, all sisters. He’s been friend with Yong-sun since his first year of high school… Back then, some bulies liked to pick on him since he was clumsy and smaller than the others. They tried to play a prank on him but things went wrong. Yong-sun who passed by saw everything and intervened just in time to prevent harm. He beated up the bullies and ended up in detention because of that. Dae-jung felt guilty that his savior ended up in trouble because of him, so he decided to follow him around to pay back his debt. Even if he mostly annoyed him at first, they gradually developped a brotherlike relashionship and influenced eachother to become their best self. After they both failed at The Voice, they moved in the big city together and help eachother to acheive their goals. 
More info: 
- He have three older sisters, all very protective of him.
- He never dated before and never really though abouth it since he focus mostly on his creatives projects. 
- He is deadly afraid of insects, spiders and horror movies.
- He is a master of Aegyo 
- Girls group’s dances are his favorite to practice to. 
Lee Yong-sun: 
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Sexuality - unsure
Skills - Dancer / Visual
Entertainment experience - He went through the audition process of the voice with Park Dae-Jung but did not make it pass the first selection process. He also do cover collabs with Dae-jung sometimes for his youtube chanel. He is an Ulzzang with a growing audience and got his first sponsors last year.
Personality - Romantic / Self-Absorbed / ?
Bio: Lee Yong-sun is the popular type of guy. Self assured and a little bit of a player, people always gravitated around him. He have absolutly no trouble to make himself loved by others. He’s been friend with Park Dae-jung since highschool, this little fluff ball started following him around after he helped him and really got on his nerve at first, but he slowly developed a instinct of protection toward him. He’s kinda like the little brother he never had, and since his parents are always absent working, he felt comfort being with him. It is also because of him that he discovered his passion for music and finaly found a goal: making it into the entertainment world. 
more info: 
- He won’t admit it, but he love Dae-jung’s Aegyo
- He knows he’s handsome and it shows
- His signing might be lacking a little, but he make up for it with his dancing skills.
- He thinks he might be pansexual, but he still have trouble defining his sexuality and has been confused abouth it in the recent year. 
I left their bio not too detailed because 1:it is much more difficult to write creativly in english than I though... 2: to leave some place to creativity from the story teller if they are chosen ^^'. I will post their CCs and tray files if they are not selected.
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any-n-everything · 4 years
So when I get into a new fandom
I start getting fanfiction ideas. I start wanting to write. This lasts for about as long as I’m fixated on the fandom.
Right now I’m obsessed with Mystic Messenger.
So right now I have a f*cking MysMe project in the works and I’m cRYING
Anyways, enjoy this teaser under the cut (if you’re interested).
Title: Mysterious Simulator
It’s the year 2066 and society has developed AI assistants and holo-technology. Smartphones had become obsolete and mobile games were labelled retro. Mystic Messenger was one of such games. But like many retro games, there were still groups of people who fondly played it. Of these groups, however, one decided to take it further.
The Mystic Simulator was just for fun. A secret, fan-made project just for their friend group—the Mystic Fan Association (or MFA).
The Lee Twins, Chaeyeong and Chaewon, co-developed the virtual reality simulator algorithm. Popular scriptwriter, Lily (real name: Nari Jung), adapted the messenger game elements into a simulator’s story elements with her best friend, Yong Jun—a practicing therapist who greatly assisted with characterization. Successful holo-artist, Sunhwa Yoon, provided holo-artworks of Seoul, South Korea (circa 2016) for the simulator’s background settings. Meanwhile, Park Enterprises’ heir, Ji-Won Park, contributed VR hardware while his younger cousin, Ji-Eun Park, acted as the group’s intermediary, in-between her college studies.
And all of this started with a suggestion from Mina Choi, head secretary of Park Ent. It was unsurprising as she was also the reason that they managed to befriend one another. So it wasn’t a stretch to say that this project was a group effort.
The MFA just wanted to have fun playing a virtual reality version of the Mystic Messenger game. It was just that…
None of them anticipated that the simulator would lead to the creation of an artificial intelligence.
Let alone a sentient one.
Me, to the MysMe characters: *throws confetti* YOU get an MC! And YOU get an MC! EVERYONE GETS AN MC~!
Anyways, this fic will basically be me, combining all of the routes into one story, with a different “MC” per route. There will be lesbians! There will be gays! There will be everything I like! If you like it too, then that’s great!
(If you don’t like it then don’t read! Please have some common sense!)
Anyways, what do you guys think?
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7even-teen · 4 years
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Seventeen (세븐틴) is a K-Pop band that consists of 17 members: S.coups, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon, Ella (the hip-hop unit); Woozi, Jeonghan, Joshua, Yue, DK, Seungkwan (the vocal unit); Hoshi, Jun, Seohyun, The8, Dino, Mimi (the performance unit). Seventeen debuted on May 26, 2015, under Pledis Entertainment. As of May 25, 2020, Big Hit Ent. became Pledis’ major shareholder, but Pledis will continue to act as an independent label.
seventeen fandom name | carat
seventeen official fan colours | rose quartz and serenity
seventeen offical accounts |
instagram | @saythename_17
twitter | @pledis_17
facebook | seventeennews
v live | Seventeen channel
offical website | seventeen-17.com
fan cafe | Pledis-17
youtube | Seventeen
tiktok | @seventeen17_official
seventeen female members profile |
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stage name | yue (유)
birth name | liu ying yue (刘英月)
korean name | lee yong yu (이용유)
position | main vocalist
birthday | june 22, 1996
zodiac | cancer
height | 165cm (5’5”)
weight | 56kg (123lbs)
blood type | o
subunit | vocal team
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stage name | seohyun (서현)
birth name | jung seo hyeon (정서현)
position | lead dancer, sub vocalist, visual, producer
birthday | june 4, 1997
zodiac | gemini
height | 162cm (5’4”)
weight | 51kg (112lbs)
blood type | a
subunit | performance team
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stage name | ella (엘라)
birth name | ella han
korean name | han eun ji (한은지)
position | lead rapper, sub vocalist, face of the group
birthday | february 14, 1999
zodiac | aquarius
height | 167cm (5’6”)
weight | 50kg (110lbs)
blood type | b
subunit | hip-hop team
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stage name | mimi (미미)
birth name | yoo mi young (유미영)
position | main dancer, lead vocalist, maknae
birthday | august 1, 2000
zodiac | leo
height | 163cm (5’4”)
weight | 49kg (108lbs)
blood type | a
subunit | performance team
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kpoptimeout · 8 years
Top idol rock band CNBLUE is back with “Between Us” MV!
Do you like this pop rock ballad?
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