#Yip Man Story
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motivationmaze · 9 months ago
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diversionedge · 10 months ago
Against All Odds: Yip Man's Motivational Journey
Back in 1893 in Foshan, China, a boy was born; he was called Yip Man. Yip Man grew up in a well-to-do family, however, behind his appearance were a lot of battles and obstacles throughout his life including the path of Wing Chun martial arts. Yip Man started showing his keen interest in martial arts. Soon after, he met Chan Wah-shun who taught Wing Chun martial arts at the age of 13. Yip Man…
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sematarygirls · 21 days ago
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GONE  GIRL.                             masterlist
if you know the whereabouts of this person, please call 911 or contact the kildare county sheriff's department at 252-290-6688
       NAV ! Part Four. Part Five. Part Six.
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USB Evidence – Witness Statements
EVIDENCE: USB-07-23-2023
CASE NO: 2023-002 (Y/N L/N – Missing Person)
DATE LOGGED: July 25, 2023
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DATE: July 24, 2023
STATEMENT: "Y/N? Man, I don’t know. Last time I saw her was at The Island Club. She was arguing with Rafe before she got into his truck, but I mean, that's not really anything new. They were always fighting. It's not like Rafe would've ever done anything yknow. They just... she's a Pogue, yknow. She's not like us. Her and Rafe didn't fit."
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WITNESS: KELLY CROMWELL (The Island Club Manager)
DATE: July 24, 2023
STATEMENT: "She left her shift early, said she had a family emergency, but… I swear, like five minutes later, I went on a smoke break out back and saw her in the parking lot, arguing with a man in a dark SUV. I remember thinking it was weird, ‘cause she was supposed to be gone already, and she seemed pretty in a rush before."
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DATE: July 25, 2023
STATEMENT: "Y/N was troubled. She had a lot of problems, and quite frankly, I don’t think it’s a mystery why she would just... leave. Girls like her, they get caught up in things they can’t handle. If you ask me, this isn’t a ‘missing person�� case. She's always been a little reckless. All Rafe and that girl did was get into trouble.
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DATE: July 25, 2023
STATEMENT: "Look, I ain't seen her that night, alright? Yeah, she used to hit me up, but she told me she was gettin’ clean. Said she was ‘done’ with that life. If she got herself mixed up in somethin’, it ain’t got nothin’ to do with me, so unless you're gonna charge me with somethin' i'm gonna go."
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DATE: July 25, 2023
STATEMENT: "I didn’t see her leave again that night, but I did hear her come home after work. She slammed the door of a car outside. I remember because it made my little Yorkie, Muffin, perk up and start yipping like crazy. I was real frustrated at the time, but now... Anyway, she slammed the door and a low voice called after her, something like, "You think you can just walk away from me? You don’t get to decide when this ends.” I just assumed she was having a lover's quarrel with that boyfriend of hers."
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NOTE: Verify stories with security footage from the Island Club
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notes .ᐟ who do you believe 👀
taglist .ᐟ @lovemesailor / @all4l0vee / @kissesfrmriri / @bradshawed / @rafeslittleangel / @bakugouswaif / @fakedhearts / @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 / @riaras-everthroner / @memoirofasparklemuff1n / @st4rkeyl0ver / @starkeying / @stayonmars / @mileyraes / @davinashifts333 / @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account / @or-was-it-just-a-dream / @elvislover1967 / @maybankslover / @sereneera / @venicebiatxh / @izurelia / @starkeysswife / @drewstarkeyspecs / @rafeysbangs / @jeonjungkaka / @laniirackssss / @vanessa-rafesgirl
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overtake · 4 months ago
Where vet Max’s foster dog decides to chase down a rotisserie chicken and potential boyfriend Maxiel | 2.5k
CWs: light references to past animal mistreatment re abandoned kittens or dogs with trust issues - nothing explicit and every animal is okay!!
Max has fostered exactly thirteen dogs and cared for hundreds each year at his job, but none have ever challenged him quite like FiFi.
He hadn’t picked her name, he’d told Victoria sternly when he picked up the small, fluffy monster to show her off to the camera. She’d been regaled with two straight days of stories about how his new foster dog was tearing up his apartment and barking non-stop. Clearly, she’d been expecting him to show off the same pit bulls that decorated his “successful fosters” photo wall, barrel-chested and strong enough to overpower him. They, however, have all been gentle, doe-eyed angels. FiFi, on the other hand, probably has some underground demonic breed in her, and she isn’t afraid to express it.
Max never judges any of the fosters that come to him. They've all been betrayed by humans and were scared to trust again. It’s his job to make sure they can learn to feel safe with him and the people who will eventually adopt them. FiFi, despite her small stature and general cute fluffiness, is his greatest challenge yet.
Struck out on all possible ideas to get her to stop yapping all day, Max has resorted to walking her endlessly around a nearby park and tiring her out so thoroughly that she forgets her life’s mission to rack up noise complaints for Max. She’s good with other dogs, so he's happy to let her run free in the dog park and get out all that energy.
What Max hadn’t accounted for, apparently, is that FiFi has been hiding Olympic-level pole vaulting skills. He watches in horror as FiFi escapes the small dog exclusive zone to leap right over the shorter fence and barrel toward a tan, Roman-nosed guy wearing Beats and swinging along a grocery bag without a care in the world.
“FiFi!” Max calls, swearing as he scrambles over the fence with more difficulty than she’d somehow faced. The hot guy has finally caught on to the small white fluffball at his heels and burst into a run, FiFi nipping after him the whole way.
“FiFi, come here!” Max says desperately, breaking into a run of his own. His lungs burns with the effort. For such a tiny fucking creature, she can sprint like absolute hell.
The guy rips off his headphones in terror as if to better hear FiFi’s impending attack, and Max yells out to him. “I’m so sorry! She’s not dangerous, I promise!”
The guy doesn’t slow. FiFi lets out a little yip that sounds like disagreement, and Max watches in amazement as the guy throws himself against a tree trunk and begins scrambling up the branches. When FiFi reaches the tree, she scratches at the base, wriggling her tiny body and whining when she’s not able to magically scale it - though at this point, Max wouldn't be surprised if she'd magically gained that ability.
Max finally catches up, bending over and catching his breath. He heaves in and out, failing to form words in the meantime. It takes him three tries to grab FiFi and clip the leash onto her harness.
“I’m so sorry,” he pants up to the guy, who is staring down at FiFi’s fluffy body in abject horror.
Then, when the ridiculousness of this image hits them both at once, they begin laughing in unison. Max is trying really, really hard not to make fun of the guy, but it is objectively funny to see a grown man chased up a tree by a creature Max can hold with one hand.
“It's okay,” the hot guy says, though he waits until Max has FiFi cradled against him before he shimmies his long, muscular limbs down the tree. “I guess I shouldn’t buy a rotisserie chicken and walk by a dog park. Lesson learned.”
“I hate to victim blame, but you were asking for it,” Max agrees. “I’m Max, and this demon is FiFi.”
“Daniel,” hot guy says. “And FiFi? Seriously? I’m changing her into something big and scary when I retell this story. Definitely calling her Killer or something."
“Don’t listen to him, Fi,” Max sniffs haughtily. “You’re very intimidating.”
He glances Daniel up and down, really taking him in. He’s in long athletic shorts and a big hoodie, brown curls escaping a beanie pulled low over his forehead. He’s even hotter when he’s not a sprinting blur or hidden amongst branches.
“You have leaves on you,” Max says, pointing at his own head to indicate where little twigs and branches caught on the fabric of Daniel’s hat. Daniel unsuccessfully attempts to brush them away, and Max shakes his head.
“Do you mind if I —?” he asks, and Daniel acquiesces, bending his head down for Max to gently pull at the debris. When Daniel straightens, Max catches the way he looks at Max's thighs in his too-short shorts — thank god he's been too lazy to do laundry for a pair that fit — and goes for it.
“Can I get your number?” Max tries to blink his eyelashes in a way that looks more sexy than seizure-y. He grips FiFi’s leash tightly for confidence, willing himself not to look away. Daniel smiles, taking in Max’s appearance again with an appreciative up-and-down, and Max is sure he’s about to agree.
Then, like FIFi senses that something might actually go right in Max's life for the first time since he brought her home, she lets out one short, sharp bark. Daniel’s attention redirects to where Max has her pulled tight into his chest. When his gaze flicks back to Max, his face has transformed back into something cautious and polite, and he leans back against the tree instead of curling toward Max like he was a second ago.
“I’m really flattered, but I’m not looking for anything right now." The apology is thick in his words, and he does look genuinely upset about it. “It was nice meeting you, though.”
Max doesn’t let the disappointment weigh him down too much and tries for a casual shrug. “Yeah, no problem. Sorry again about her.”
He doesn’t put FiFi down as he walks away, letting her warm body comfort him as he strokes her soft fur. “I do not think you helped my chances,” he whispers to her. She looks at him with an innocent expression, and his eyes involuntarily well up. She didn’t mean anything bad by it. She was just hungry. According to the shelter, she’s permanently nervous that someone is about to snatch food from her. He can’t be mad at that face for being traumatized and wanting food from a hot guy.
“I’ll get us chicken tonight,” he promises her. As if she can understand him, she melts into his chest instead of trying to find an escape route. For the first time, she lets him carry her the whole way home.
Max is on his third Red Bull of the day when Logan walks into the break room with the put-on innocent smile that means he’s about to ask Max to stay past close for some bleeding heart case because he’s too afraid to ask anyone else.
“No,” Max says before Logan can even start. “I have been here all day. There are four other vets at this practice.”
Max loves his job, truly. Getting to work with animals was always his dream. No matter how painful it can be, every time he sees a sick animal return to health because of his care, he remembers why he started this practice in the first place. 
Logan, however, is driving him insane. Outside of work hours, they get along just fine. Max had actually given him this job after Oscar at the shelter begged Max to give Logan a shot. Unfortunately, this also means Logan immediately turns to Max to take on the walk-ins who find injured dogs or stray kittens. Max may technically be in charge here, but Logan barely knows anyone else and gets too intimidated to ask them to stay late.
“It’s so easy,” Logan says, words spilling out quickly so Max can’t cut him off. “It’s just some stray kittens this guy found in a parking lot. It’ll be fleas and shots, and Oscar already agreed to help sort out a foster. They are so fuzzy, Max. The cutest little noises.”
Max bangs his head against the table once, twice, three times. “I’m not fucking kidding, Logan. This is the last time. Next time, I am dragging you in front of Lewis and telling him you’re too scared to ask him to work overtime.”
“They’re in room two,“ Logan says gratefully, then scurries out before Max can take it back.
He finishes the last dregs of his drink, tipping the sharp metal against his lips to be sure not a drop of caffeine is wasted, and puts on his most approachable face. Despite his exhaustion, it isn’t this person’s fault that Logan agreed to extending his workday.
When Max raps on the door and makes his way inside the room, he finds a ratty cardboard box, clearly having been exposed to the elements, with three mewling kittens inside. They’re young — probably two or three weeks old. Max washes his hands and pulls on gloves, not tearing his eyes away from the sweet little creatures.
“Max, right?” a voice asks. Max forces his glance up from the kittens and startles at whose fingers are protectively clutching the mangled box.
“Daniel!” he says, surprised. Hot park guy looks a bit worse for wear. He’d clearly gotten caught in the unexpected storm outside when he came across the cats. His hair is plastered against his forehead, and his clothes are clinging to him with that distinct rain-dampness.
“I didn’t know you were a vet,” Daniel says. His hands reflexively clutch the box when Max moves to take it from him, but he relaxes and entrusts the kittens to Max.
“I think we were a little too focused on FiFi not eating you to talk about jobs,” Max shrugs. He carefully examines the smallest of the three kittens. As suspected, she’s got fleas, but she looks surprisingly healthy all things considered. “Where’d you find these babies?”
“In the parking lot at that park, actually,” Daniel tells him. He’s focused on the furry body in Max’s hands, eyes unreadable but soft.
“I can’t believe you returned back to such a traumatic place,” Max jokes. He weighs each of the kittens, carefully cradling their bodies, then takes their temperatures. They couldn’t have been outside all that long. All things considered, they aren’t too underweight or cold.
Daniel laughs. “Well, FiFi maybe undid years of work getting over my fear of dogs, but that park does have the best running path. How is FiFi doing? Still terrorizing innocent guys for buying rotisserie chickens?”
Max resists all temptation to run his eyes over Daniel’s legs in their tight workout shorts and compression leggings and very, very bravely looks into his ridiculously attractive face instead.
“She’s good,” Max beams. He doesn’t want to rewash his hands, or he’d show off the photos he'd received last week of her cuddling her adoptive family. “Settling into her new house well.”
A look of horror and guilt flashes across Daniel’s face. “Oh my god. You didn’t rehome her because of me, right?”
Max rolls his eyes. “I’m literally a vet, Daniel. No, I would not dump an animal because some guy in a park was scared of her. She was a foster.”
Understanding widens Daniel’s expression, and his mouth forms a little o-shape. “So I turned you down for nothing?”
Max pauses his movements from where he was about to listen to one kitten’s tiny, thumping heart. “Sorry?”
The red on Daniel’s face is almost imperceptible, but it’s definitely there. “I don’t date guys with dogs,” he explains, wringing his hands together in slight embarrassment. “I thought FiFi was yours, so…”
Max ducks his face down to the kittens before he can let himself smile too big where Daniel might see it. “No. Definitely not mine.”
Max finishes up the exam, explaining each step to Daniel and making small talk about Daniel’s job as a music producer. Daniel’s witty and sharp, and he keeps a steady stream of conversation going, unbothered when Max has to tune him out to attend to some kitten \-related matter.
“They’re good to go,” Max announces. He gently places the last kitten back onto the fresh towel he’d pulled out and lets her curl up with her siblings. He digs out his phone to text Oscar for a foster plan, but pauses with his fingers poised over the message thread.
“Are you interested in fostering them?” he asks Daniel, gesturing to the sleeping kittens. “The shelter tends to prefer experienced fosters for such young kittens, but they’re honestly pretty healthy. We'd have to do a background check and training and all, but it's definitely an option if you want.”
Daniel eyebrows shoot up into something more panicked than when he was in the tree. “No,” he blurts out, then quickly clarifies. “I mean, they’re cute and all, but I don’t trust myself with that. Could I — would it be possible to get updates on how they’re doing though? If the foster doesn’t mind?”
Max’s heart physically expands a few sizes. Daniel’s stroking a gentle finger up and down the smallest one’s spine now that Max gave him the okay to pet them, and there’s fondness even in the uncertain, trembling touch.
“It won't be a problem,” Max assures him, mind made up in a second. He texts Oscar the update and runs through his mental list of whether he’s missing any supplies. He’s been pretty focused on dog fosters in recent years, but he should have everything he needs at home. “I’ll be their foster.”
Daniel doesn’t look up from the little bodies, but Max can still see how his face transforms, crinkles forming next to his hopeful eyes. “Really?”
“Really,” Max says. He holds out his phone, a new contact entry open. “Put your number in. I’ll send you lots of photos.”
“I guess this makes sense with no FiFi around to eat them,” Daniel jokes. He’s put his name in Max’s phone just as Daniel (park). Max makes sure he sees Max deleting ‘(park)’ and adding the poodle emoji after instead, which earns him a flirty arm swat.
Daniel’s hand lingers over Max’s upper arm for a second. He has a rose tattoo down the side of his hand, Max notices. He’s never felt one way or another about tattoos, but he wonders what other ones Daniel’s hiding beneath the long sleeves and skin-tight leggings.
“So, what do I owe you?” Daniel asks after a second, clearing his throat and pulling his hand back like he only just realized it was hanging there. “Sorry, I was in a panic and left my wallet in the car, but I swear I’ll come back in to pay. You have my number now and everything.”
Max shakes his head. “You owe nothing but messaging me back to tell me how cute the cats look when I send photos.”
Daniel chews at his bottom lip. It’s still a little red where he bit at it when he asks, “Well, what about a date? It’s the least I can do.”
Max’s heart jumps and jolts, but he schools his expression into something contemplative. “I should warn you. I’m still going to foster cats, so I hope you’re not too scared of those.”
Daniel relaxes into the teasing. “I’ll learn to get used to them. After all, they can follow me up the trees, so there's no escape.”
“Maybe we should skip any rotisserie chicken for dinner just to be safe.”
Daniel winks, light-hearted but with something serious behind the words. “There's something else I’d rather have for dinner anyway.s”
Daniel never admits to it, but when Max finds one Polaroid missing from the wall of successful foster dogs (and three bonus entries of the foster fail kittens currently curled up in Max and Daniel’s bed), he knows the pile of ashes in the bin outside once composed a slightly demonic photo of FiFi. 
+++ Bonus brought to you by @yesloulou: this is FiFi chasing Daniel
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kurithedweeb · 8 months ago
Dear Sir Garroth,
Allow me to be plain with you, Sir. I'm angry at you. Pissed at you, really. Extraordinarily pissed, if you couldn't tell from the scorched edge of this letter you will likely never see. I'm not even sure why I'm still writing this seeing as I tried to burn it before I finished the first sentence. Perhaps only because it's something to do.
I was stabbed the day before the battle ended, do you remember? By a frost dagger. I would have appreciated the warning that the cold will run through your veins, perhaps from a man who used to wield one himself? You know how the cold afflicts me, you bastard. No matter, my blood is plenty warm with hurt now. Since you first bound it on the field, my stitches have been torn thrice. I collapsed the moment I stepped through the portal and had to be helped into town to see Donna.
Though she may be a wondrously talented medic, Donna is no healer or witch. There's only so much she could do and so she's ordered I remain on bedrest until I've healed to her liking. I'm loathe to bring that woman's wrath down on myself, hence why I am now writing pointless letters to men stranded in different realms. She has four children now, Donna; Yip, twin boys Lello and Rollo, and a girl named Luca. She's only a babe, Luca, still in her swaddling, but the twins must be nearly ten. I tell you this because it's been fifteen years. We've been gone fifteen years. You may still be gone years and years.
Levin is grown now. Lord, even. He resembles you very much, all keen blue eyes and wisps of blond curls falling in his face, but his mannerisms are alike his mothers'. He has a faint trace of your accent in his words, too. He did not recognize me. I'm told he was too young when we left to remember us properly, though Malachi supposedly does. He's a trader these days, out at sea with Logan when we arrived home. Levin didn't speak with me long, as busy all day as our lady is—was. He did tell me he'd been excited to meet us both, that his brother and Uncle Dante had told him stories of us as he'd grown, and he'd known that if we were anything at all like how they'd described then we were good men he'd rather get to know.
Dante's grown old. I last saw him hours ago, and now he is head guard rather than the slight boy fresh from the academy we knew him as. The dark circles under his eyes make me worry he hasn't had a proper rest in years, and he's thin in a way I wish I didn't recognize. Do you remember the night he snuck away to handle the O'khasian archers? You might not. I've found even so soon after to my eyes the days and nights blend together at times. I remember the great tears rolling down his face when you and I removed the arrow and picked the remains from his face. That night left a scar on either cheek, rough ones shaped like starbursts or comets. The shape far-off lights make in the night when you squint just right. He felt so small in the cradle of my arms then. He's of a height with me now, standing eye to eye.
We missed their entire lives in the Matron's realm. Gone in a blink. Our boys, our brother, our friends, they have all moved past us. Irony of irony, they've sent us off into the Matron's embrace already, Sir Garroth Ro'Meave. Buried us and moved on.
Because of your actions, we have missed the whole of their lives, the lives we could have shared with them. Should have. All for what? For a man you hadn't seen in at least a decade, one you no longer knew at all?
Everything has changed because of what you did, you ass. I should tell you I will never forgive this deed of yours. And yet I miss you already.
Sincerely yours,
Your second-in-command, Sir Laurance Zvahl of Phoenix Drop.
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omegapropaganda · 4 months ago
🎉1k Kudos🎉
Y'all! I cannot believe this! Burnt Honey has over a thousand kudos! To celebrate there's a sneak peak below the cut of some light smut from Chapter 10! (like always with the sneak peaks there is a chance of things changing as I finish the chapter since this is still very much a work in progress)
I cannot express enough how much I appreciate every single one of y'all and the response to this story 🥲 And I'm super thankful that y'all have been so patient while I focus on all my personal life things happening. I hope that within the next few weeks I'll be back home and fingers crossed have time to work on finishing this chapter ♡
“Seillean,” Soap’s voice was sweet and soft as he spoke into your ear. “Can Ah have a kiss?” 
It was a bit of a stretch to angle your head just right to catch Soap’s lips, but it was totally worth it. The kiss was a little rough, his chapped lips scraping slightly over your sensitive skin, but you didn’t mind. He tasted just as good as he smelled and you wondered why it had taken you so long to kiss the beta.
You let Soap dominate the kiss, content to simply exist in this space of want and acceptance created by your pack. You sent up a quick prayer of thanks to whatever power was in control of your life for putting you in the path of these two men.
Without them there’s no telling where you would be. You never would’ve been able to stand up to Graves without their support. The thought made your eyes sting with unshed tears and your omega was scratching at the surface wanting to take comfort in its pack. You let it out without a second thought.
In an instant it was met again by the alpha and the beta, joining together with playful joy.
Your neck was starting to ache at the odd angle you were holding to continue kissing Soap, and the novelty of Ghost’s lazy licks against your armpit had worn off. You wanted more, and you wanted it now.
You pushed at the top of Ghost’s head, trying to get him to move, but all you got was a warning growl from the alpha.
“Bad dog!” Soap growled back as he flicked a finger hard into the part of Ghost’s forehead that he could reach.
Ghost reared back as fast as lightning, his eyes still unfocused and dazed, drunk on the taste of you, before blinking it away. A deep blush covered his cheeks as he looked at you sheepishly from under his lashes. “Sorry, luv. Are ya okay?”
“Yeah, I was just starting to get a crick in my neck.”
Relief filled his scent and settled over you like a blanket, before his expression turned a little more on the mischievous side. “Want me t’ kiss it better?”
Soap let out a loud laugh, before pushing you up towards Ghost. “Go on. The man’s insatiable. Ah cannae blame him, want tae taste you forever, but me Gran always said it’s rude not tae share.” 
Now Ghost brought your back to his chest, and his mouth got to work tasting the slightly swollen scent gland at the side of your neck. This time he wasn’t as gentle, the power of your scent here driving his alpha over the edge. He was careful not to use his teeth, but his sucking kisses were no doubt leaving bruises that would take days to heal. 
Your beasts hadn’t stopped their play the whole time, tails wagging and chasing each other around your mind's eye, but getting rougher each time the beta or alpha caught your omega. Soon they would devolve into nothing more than yips and snarls, all claws and teeth, fighting to gain power over you.
Your eyes settled on Soap as he licked his fingers before bringing them to his core. Two fingers on each side of the flushed nub of his cock as his thumb started up a slow tempo up and down.
“See what you do to him?” Ghost said as he finally let up on the sucking kisses he was leaving on your scent gland. His eyes zeroed in on the way you licked your lips as you stared at Soap’s wet core. “Ya want t’ suck ‘is cock, Vicious?”
“Yeah,” you panted, not taking your eyes off Soap.
“Ya have t’ make ‘im beg for it. Our Johnny’s so pretty when ‘e begs.”
“Ghost, come oan, dinnae make me beg!” Soap whined, but he never let up the light friction of his thumb on his cock. 
“See, ‘e already started and ya haven’t even done anythin’ yet.”
You looked between the two men for reassurance and scented the air to check for any thing out of the unusual in Soap’s scent, but all you found was a cloud heavy with want. 
“Please, Cinder.” Soap whispered, voice deep and needy, giving you a taste of what kind of sounds you could pull from the other man. That thought alone sent a shiver down your spine and had your leaking cock throbbing.
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belovedcloud · 10 months ago
I saw one of your latest fics (PERFECT HONEY🤍) and I just thought you were a great writer and it was like so cute and soft AAARGH
and then I also saw that you were accepting requests and I couldn't help but get excited, because I had an idea the other day - BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE 😭 so...
I was thinking about a short story fluff like with re2r Leon, where he still works at the police station but kind of without those traumatizing events YOU KNOW (or idk, you decide) so,,, he already knows Claire, who works in a cozy café near the police station where Leon usually goes on his break,buttt,, a new employee arrived (reader) and became friends with Claire (and kind of attracted Leon's attention 🥀) and idk, she (you decide if you want to use a feminine or neutral pronoun;) could work as a barista or waitress and was kind to Leon, until Leon started going to the cafe more often just to see her (or babbling about how pretty she is with Claire) until he found the courage to ask for her number or talk properly with her and, I don't know, this could end in a date or just Leon being a fool in love with a kind barista or waitress :)
so...feel free to ignore this if you found it boring hun ^^ Thank you in advance for reading this thought and if you want to accept the idea ;)🩷🩷
Sweet Treats | Leon Kennedy x Barista! Fem! Reader
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Notes: My first request! I hope you like this, I honestly found this concept so cute, and I love writing for RE2R Leon.
WC: 1.7K
CW: Fluffy Leon, no outbreak, Leon just being a clutz sometimes. Claire being your wingwoman basically and getting you both together. Mention of Y/N like once.
After his first week in the RPD, Leon managed to get himself to work early enough to not get a lecture from Lieutenant Branagh. Soon enough, he met Chris Redfield who worked for S.T.A.R.S. Which quickly led to Chris taking him to a nearby café where his sister worked. Claire was a sweet girl, Leon and her slowly opened up to each other after a few days. Promptly, he became a regular customer. Getting the same raspberry and white chocolate muffin alongside a vanilla latte. Today was no different, Leon entering the café - however, he didn't see Claire at the counter. But you.
Leon couldn't help but think you were the prettiest girl he had seen. Trying to avert his eyes from your face he felt his legs subconsciously walk over to where Claire was sweeping the floor. "Morning Claire... New employee?" He mumbled as he nodded his head over to your direction. "Yeah! She came in yesterday. Super sweet." She laughed, taking out the tea towel as she wiped down the coffee table. "You don't have to be scared Leon." Claire couldn't help but snicker as she stared at Leon mentally psyching himself up to not fuck up his order. "I'm not scared.." He yipped back, before walking up to the counter.
Your hands slowly wrapped around the mug handle as you polished the inside of it, oblivious to the man in front of you. A quiet tap of the bell seized your attention, looking up to see a dark blonde haired man staring at your movements. "Oh! Sorry, hold on I'll only be a minute." You frantically rush back to the mug stack, gently placed it on top before returning to the stranger. "Sorry about that, what can I get you?" A bright smile is plastered on your face as you tap onto the half broken machine, trying to input your worker code. "Uh.. please could I get the raspberry white chocolate muffin and a vanilla latte?" Leon asked, fumbling with his thumbs below the counter. Thank fuck he didn't mess up his sentence. His hands slowly travelled to his face as he swept the hair out of his eyes, maybe he really should get a trim...
"Yeah of course! That'll be $6.24 please." Leon fumbled with his wallet after taking out $10. "You can keep the change." Leon uttered as the cash register opened, the till jittering out. You couldn't help but smile sweetly as he offered the change to you. "Are you sure?" He nodded as he saw you put the tip in your pocket. "Thanks... I'll get that for you straight away." Your body shifted towards the coffee machine. Leon couldn't help but admire the way you performed your job, it was somehow so different to how Claire would do it. You were angelic in your movements - his thoughts soon interrupted as he felt someone tap his shoulder. "In love?" Claire teased, earning a nudge from Leon's elbow into her side. "Ouch! Okay.. okay." She laughed as she went behind the counter, packaging Leon's muffin. You couldn't help but glance at Leon's smile. He was cute, super cute.
A few minutes later, a warm takeaway coffee cup and muffin stuffed into a brown paper bag laid neatly in front of Leon. "Thanks." Leon took both items into his hand and waved off to Claire, showing you a small smile as the bell chimed, indicating he had left the store. "Who was that?" You rushed over to Claire, her eyes looking at you with playful eyes. "That's Leon, he's my brother's friend or I guess co-worker sort of? He works for the RPD." Claire responded to you with a funny tone. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You laughed out, slowly wiping down the coffee stains on the counter. Your eyes wondering over to the door, missing the stranger you just encountered. "Oh it's nothing, I'm sure you and him will get along well y'know?" She giggled, shoving the tea towel in her pocket. "What the fuck is that suppos-" Your sentence quickly cut off as Claire shouted "I'm going on my break!"
Days passed, time and time again Leon soon became a person you got used to seeing. Smiling whenever you would see that navy blue uniform. A small crush blossomed in your heart - you couldn't tell him that though. Nor could you tell Claire, but she saw it in the way you stared at him as he ordered the same thing. Soon enough, you prepared it beforehand for him to have immediately. 8:30 AM, that's when Leon would come in. With that same uniform and same hairstyle, oh and of course he was handsome every time. Today was no different, except for the fact you weren't in. Leon's day was 100 times better when he saw you, entering the café he expects to see you. Seeing Claire at the front instead of cleaning caught him off guard. "Where's Y/N?" Leon closed the door behind him, leaving the cold and rubbing his hands together as the cozy environment felt different.
"She called in sick, why? Are you lovestruck?" She poked fun at him, getting his order ready. "Oh shut up.." He chuckled, sitting down at a nearby table. Thinking about Claire's words, he knew she was right. He was lovestruck by you. Leon couldn't help but find you so attractive, the way you were so attentive to him. That small talk wasn't awkward with you. He had a crush. "Honestly, yeah." His eyes diverted to the muffin and latte ahead of him. Claire's ears perked hearing his mini confession? "Oh?" She smacked his shoulder lightly. "She's beautiful and super sweet, don't get me started on how.." Leon soon rambled on about you, from your personality to your looks, the way you carried yourself. Losing himself in time as he subconsciously sipped on the latte, finishing the muffin. Claire had to sit down for this, it was cute seeing him chatter about you. "Fuck, sorry about that." He chuckled, checking his wrist-watch, seeing the time flicker to 9:00 AM. "Shit, I gotta go. Thank you for the treat Claire." Leon hastily got up and dashed out the door. Oh how Claire couldn't wait to tell you all about this tomorrow.
"You're shitting me right?" You mumbled, polishing the mugs as you looked over to the wall clock. 8:25 AM. Leon's order by your side as you heard Claire laugh. "Why would I lie about him basically confessing his love about you?" She nudged your arm, snickering as your eyes rolled back playfully. As if Leon could have a crush on you. I mean, you were just a barista who served him his raspberry white chocolate muffin and vanilla latte. What could've been so special about your actions? "Get out of your trance, it's 8:28." You heard Claire from one ear to another as she moved to dust the corners of the room. Oh how cruel could she be to leave you with this new information? The chime of the door caught you off-guard, seeing that same man in that RPD uniform.
"Good morning Leon." A shaky voice elicited from your throat. For Christs sake, pull yourself together. "Morning.. I see my order there." He chuckled, pulling out his wallet, taking out a $20 bill. "Keep the rest." A small grin crept on his face as he passed it to you. You couldn't accept this, not for basically doing something that took you three minutes at most. "Oh Leon, I can't accept this." A breathy laugh pursued out your lips. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Please, it's on me. You've been nothing but sweet to me. And this place must be a pain in the ass to clean up at the end of the day." Leon laughed as he took his muffin and latte, sitting down at a table. That was unusual. He usually left to enjoy his snack, but today seemed different. Your friendship seemed different. Leon was right, the sticky sugared tables and coffee splatters were annoying to clean - knowing he would refuse the money if given back to him, you stuffed the change in your pocket. "Thanks Leon.. but you really don't have to tip me each day. Makes me feel guilty, like I owe you." You muttered as you came out from behind the counter. Leon's eyes wondered over you, a small smile corrupting his lips as he thought of something.
"Well.. if you think you owe me, come sit down with me for a bit?" A teasing tone was laced with his words, but who were you to deny him. Even if the blush on your face was evident. "Alright, but why are you sat down? Don't you have to get to the station quick?" Your question rang in his head, your voice melodic in his ears. "Not really, if it comes to it I'll run." He chuckled, sipping on the latte. Burning just the tip of this tongue - warming up the rest of his body. Nothing warmed him up like you though, those pretty lips that rested peacefully on your face. Your giggles enticing him as he looked at your hands slowly fiddle, it was clear you were nervous. Fuck. So was he, but to him this was now or never.
"I uh... can I have your number?" Leon hastily said, averting his eyes from you and staring into the little leaf shape carved by the frothed milk in his hot drink. Did he mess up? Troubled thoughts rushed over Leon's head until he heard you speak. "My number, sure." You couldn't help but smile, Leon just asked for your number. This was practically a dream come true. A quick exchange of each others phone numbers soon lead to a conversation. Getting to know each other was time consuming which soon lead to Leon's face dropping as he checked his wristwatch. "Shit it's 9:15." He laughed, putting his leftovers in the bin. "I'll text you later yeah?" His hand waved off to you, feeling content in yourself.
Throwing your bag to the side of your room, your back aching from the constant horrible posture you had as you bent over tables to wipe them. Your phone buzzed. It was from Leon.
Leon: Can I take you out for dinner this weekend?
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! thank u for reading :)
-> masterlist
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idkfitememate · 1 year ago
Miss. Hina?!?
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Fox Reader x Itto, Gorou, and Shinobu
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 518
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Fluff & crack
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This wasn’t supposed to happen this wasn’t supposed to happened this wasn’t supposed to happen this wasn’t sup-
You just wanted to nap. And Itto understood that. He wanted to get a book by Miss. Hina, and you decided you wanted to rest around his shoulders.
He promised to not squeal if he saw any Miss. Hina posters.
So everything was fine right?
Because OF COURSE Gorou would be here. OF COURSE he would. WHY WOULDN’T HE??
You barely had your eyes opened and yet you saw the man before Itto had. Quickly and quietly, you shoved your tail in front of his eyes, causing him to chuckle - he assumed you were still asleep.
You looked up at the General who was now facing the large chuckling Oni who was messing with the fox tail in front of your eyes, and a fox who was looking at him with urgency.
You pointed in another direction and tried to make a shooing motion to get him to leave, only for him to tilt his head… it was honestly really cute DAMN IT-
A huff escaped your lips and you continued to shoo him, but then Itto finally managed to move your tail and you curled up again to appear to be sleeping.
He looked around before locking eyes with Gorou.
“OH. MY. ARCHONS!!!! MISS. HINA!!?!?!?!”
You felt him start to run over to the now wide eyed dog boy, so before he could really start running, you nipped his neck. He hissed slightly before looking down at a glaring you.
“Ah… right… sorry マイ・リトル・ナンバー・ドス. HEY MISS. HINA! I’LL HAVE TO TALK TO YOU LATER!! OKAY BYE!!”
You slapped your head before leaping down off the man’s shoulders. You could hear him questioning what you were doing as you walked up to the cardboard cut-out of ‘Miss. Hina’ and began to drag it over to the still noticeable confused Gorou.
You hopped up into his shoulders, then head, which made him yelp, before swatting at ‘Miss. Hina’.
You watched as Itto looked at the cut-out, then Gorou, then the cut-out, then Gorou, then the cut-out, then Gorou. You have never felt more disappointment in your life.
Finally the lights turned on upstairs as Itto looked wide eyed at Gorou, before pointing and in a betrayed voice shouted:
… To which the General replied with:
“No???? Who even are you???”
You sighed and hopped down, beginning to walk away from the honestly pathetic sight. Finding Shinobu nearby - watching from the shadows of course - you yippee at her, causing her arm to shoot out to you. You leapt up and curled around her neck to rest as she continued to watch.
“I love the guy, I really do, but really?” She mused. Her hand began to scratch behind your ear.
“At least we have you to help keep him in check right?” You yipped in response, a nod following. “Yeah… but even you have your limits, it seems.” She chuckled.
You huffed and curled closer, finally returning to the wonderful world of sleep.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Fox!Creator didn’t sign up for this shit. The would probably love staying home with Granny Oni. But then… how would we get all these stories??? Hehe poor fox. ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
*My littler numero dos - Itto to you
I’m sorry but this guy is not good a nicknames and I stick by that headcannon-
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goodbyeyellowbrickcloset · 1 month ago
Taylor Swift and the Yellow Brick Road: A Queer-Coded Journey - Masterpost
The Wizard of Oz is my all-time favorite movie. It has shaped the way I see storytelling, art, and the power of symbolism. At its core, it's a story about self-discovery, chosen family, longing for home, and stepping into a magical but often deceptive world. Over the years, I’ve grown to appreciate its deeper layers—particularly its historical ties to queerness and coded storytelling.
In recent years, Taylor Swift’s engagement with The Wizard of Oz has completely opened up a new perspective for me. Her references to Dorothy, the Yellow Brick Road, and queer-coded themes are not just random. They are braided into her storytelling, her visuals, and even her activism. When you lay it all out—the lyrics, the imagery, the performances, and the deeper cultural implications—it becomes impossible to ignore. This deep dive will also explore how the people around her—friends, collaborators, and industry figures—play into the story in their own way... and how all roads somehow lead back to Taylor.
So let’s follow the Yellow Brick Road. 🌈✨
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The Queer Legacy of The Wizard of Oz
Before we talk about Taylor Swift, we need to talk about why The Wizard of Oz is one of the most queer-coded films in history.
1. “Friend of Dorothy” as Queer Code
🌈 Did You Know:
“Friend of Dorothy” became secret slang for LGBTQIA+ people in the 1940s-1960s. Because being openly gay was dangerous and illegal, queer people used coded language to identify each other safely.
Dorothy, played by Judy Garland, was loved by queer audiences because her story mirrored that of many LGBTQ+ individuals—leaving home, finding an accepting chosen family, and realizing that home (identity) was inside her all along.
2. Judy Garland’s Connection to Stonewall
🌈 Did You Know:
Judy Garland’s funeral on June 27, 1969, took place the day before the Stonewall Riots. Some historians believe her passing played a role in the emotions that fueled the rebellion.
Garland was one of the first mainstream Hollywood stars to be openly supportive of queer people.
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3. "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as a Queer Anthem
🌈 Did You Know:
Somewhere Over the Rainbow was written by Yip Harburg, a closeted gay man. The song is about dreaming of a world where you can live freely and openly.
For decades, it has been a symbol of longing for queer liberation.
Who’s Behind the Curtain? Taylor Swift’s Oz-Themed Symbolism
Taylor has been referencing The Wizard of Oz for over a decade. And when you map the out the references, they tell a bigger story.
1. “Mean” Dreaming of Leaving Kansas – Speak Now (2011)
📺 Watch Here: Taylor Swift – Mean (Official Music Video)
One of the earliest visual nods to The Wizard of Oz appears in the Mean music video. While it may have been subconscious at the time, the imagery is striking:
📌 Key Visual Similarities:
The rustic, old-fashioned farmhouse setting in Mean resembles Dorothy’s Kansas home.
The wooden interiors, neutral tones, and rural landscape mirror the black-and-white opening of The Wizard of Oz.
Much like Dorothy, the protagonist dreams of something bigger, longing to escape a world where they feel out of place.
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In The Wizard of Oz, Kansas represents a limiting world, one where Dorothy isn’t fully seen for who she is. Similarly, the Mean music video centers around characters who feel stuck, ridiculed, and misunderstood, before eventually stepping into their true potential.
If Oz represents self-discovery and queerness, then Kansas symbolizes rigid societal expectations.
Mean centers around struggling against judgment—a theme deeply resonant with LGBTQ+ experiences.
The journey from a restrictive, sepia-toned existence to a brighter, more authentic future mirrors Dorothy’s path in The Wizard of Oz.
The themes introduced in Mean—of feeling trapped in a world that doesn’t understand you, longing for something more, and finding your voice despite opposition—are revisited throughout Taylor’s discography + performances. Kansas in Mean mirrors Dorothy’s world before Oz—a place where she is underestimated, ridiculed, and told she can’t be more than she is.
📌 Other Key Visual in the Music Video:
In the locker room scene, the bullied boy (a key character in the video) is wearing lavender while being mocked by football players.
Lavender is one of the most significant colors in queer history.
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🌈 Did You Know:
Lavender has been associated with queerness for over a century.
In the early 20th century, the phrase “lavender lads” was used as a coded way to refer to gay men.
During the Lavender Scare of the 1950s, LGBTQIA+ people were targeted and purged from government jobs.
In the 1970s, the Lavender Menace was a group of lesbian feminists fighting for inclusion in the women’s rights movement.
💡 The bullied boy wearing lavender in Mean could symbolize queer youth facing discrimination. The locker room setting mirrors real-life bullying that many LGBTQ+ people experience in school. I won't go into it here, but as some may know, Taylor references lavender several more times throughout her discography, most notably in the song Lavender Haze... and ohhh, does the sapphic lore run deep with that one.
2. Happy New Year! Blake as Dorothy & Taylor as Ariel—A Hidden Message? (2019)
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Blake Lively, Taylor Swift, and Gigi Hadid dressed as childhood heroes to welcome the new year in 2019. Blake Lively dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. Taylor Swift dressed as Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
📌 Key Visuals in the Photo:
Blake, as Dorothy, stands above Taylor on a staircase—Dorothy, historically, is a guide to self-discovery and finding home.
Taylor, as Ariel, looks upward—Ariel, like Dorothy, is a character who longs for something more, fights for change, and ultimately reclaims her power.
The placement and dynamic could symbolize Taylor’s journey toward reclaiming her voice and true self.
At first glance, this seems like a fun, nostalgic costume choice. But given Taylor’s history of layering symbolism into everything, this pairing leads to questions:
Was Blake’s Dorothy a nod to “Friend of Dorothy” symbolism and queerness?
Was Taylor’s Ariel a reference to being silenced and struggling to reclaim her voice?
💡 In the context of queerness, Ariel’s story mirrors that of the queer community who feel silenced or unable to express their true selves. Given the themes in The Wizard of Oz, and Dorothy’s role as a gay icon, Blake and Taylor’s pairing feels too thematically perfect to be a coincidence. Take a little detour with me, I feel this must be included here.
⭐Ariel’s Story as a Metaphor for Queer Identity & Taylor’s Journey
📺 Watch Here: Ariel Losing Her Voice – The Little Mermaid (1989)
📌Key Themes in The Little Mermaid
Ariel longs for a different life—she feels out of place in her world and dreams of living freely.
She sacrifices her voice in exchange for a chance to become her “true self.”
She spends much of the movie silenced, unable to communicate her thoughts and feelings.
Eventually, she fights to reclaim her voice and identity.
🌈 Did You Know:
The Little Mermaid was written by Hans Christian Andersen, who was widely believed to be queer and wrote the original story as an allegory for unrequited love and hidden identity.
Disney's The Little Mermaid was released in 1989.
Taylor Swift has frequently expressed frustration over losing control of her voice, whether in the music industry (the masters dispute) or in her personal life.
Ariel’s story could reflect Taylor’s own experiences of being silenced—either by the industry, by public perception, or by personal constraints related to queerness.
⭐Connecting Back to The Yellow Brick Road & Taylor’s Imagery
Ariel’s story in The Little Mermaid and Dorothy’s journey in The Wizard of Oz share striking parallels, both serving as allegories for self-discovery, longing, and transformation. Just as Dorothy leaves the dull, black-and-white world of Kansas in search of something greater, Ariel dreams of escaping the constraints of her underwater world, longing for a place where she can be her true self. Both heroines sacrifice a part of themselves to enter a new world—Dorothy is swept away by a tornado, while Ariel gives up her voice to walk on land. In these new realms, they face obstacles, meet guides and allies, and learn that the world they once idealized is not as simple as they thought. This theme of searching for belonging, navigating a new identity, and reclaiming personal power deeply resonates with queer narratives, making both stories enduring metaphors for LGBTQ+ self-acceptance and the journey toward authenticity.
📌 Key Lyric + Movie Quote:
“But daddy, I love him”
One of the most emotionally charged lines in The Little Mermaid comes when Ariel, desperate to be with Prince Eric, defiantly shouts this to her father.
This moment is pivotal—not just in the film, but in queer-coded readings of Ariel’s story. It represents a young woman asserting her independence, challenging authority, and risking everything for a love that is considered unacceptable.
So when Taylor Swift lifted this exact line for a song on The Tortured Poets Department in 2024, it immediately raised eyebrows.
📌 Parallel Themes:
Defying expectations – In The Little Mermaid, Ariel’s love is forbidden. In Taylor’s work, the phrase could represent a love that is misunderstood, denied, or rejected by those in power.
A plea for acceptance – Ariel isn’t just declaring love; she’s begging to be understood. Taylor using this phrase suggests a desperation to validate something others refuse to accept.
Queer Subtext – The phrase has long been used in queer narratives where love is met with opposition. Could Taylor’s use of it be a wink toward a love that’s hidden, complicated, or unapproved?
I'll do a whole analysis on Taylor's storytelling inspiration from The Little Mermaid. When I do, I will link it here.
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3. ME! Out Now - April 26th, 2019
Taylor Swift's ME! music video is rich with vibrant visuals and hidden references, some of which mimic scenes from The Wizard of Oz. Taylor announced the song and music video in social media posts that stated: ME! out now... This happened on April 26th. This day is significant because it has been nationally known as Lesbian Visibility Day since 2008.
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📌 Key Visual Similarities:
Skipping Toward the Rainbow: In one scene, Swift and Brendon Urie skip hand-in-hand toward a magical rainbow and towering green building, reminiscent of Dorothy and her companions heading toward the Emerald City. In this scene, they're surrounded by people in pink suits lining their path strongly resembling the poppy field from The Wizard of Oz—the final obstacle Dorothy and her friends must pass before reaching the Emerald City.
Emerald City Imagery: At the beginning of the music video, as Taylor storms out of her home and begins approaching the outside world, the interior space she passes through is similarly detailed to that of the interior of Emerald City. Once she makes it outside, the video's colorful, fantastical setting continues to evoke the land of Oz, with its bright hues and whimsical architecture.
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📌 Symbolism of Glinda & Taylor’s Role in ME!:
In The Wizard of Oz, Glinda serves as Dorothy’s guide, helping her navigate Oz and ultimately leading her to self-discovery.
In ME!, Taylor plays a similarly uplifting and empowering role—celebrating individuality and self-love, much like Glinda encourages Dorothy to embrace her own inner strength.
Glinda is loved by many and known for her charm, grace, and wisdom. Taylor’s larger-than-life presence in ME! echoes that same enchanting, benevolent energy.
🌈 Queer Interpretation & “Good Witch” Symbolism:
Glinda is often associated with queerness and camp culture—her over-the-top glamor and theatricality have made her a beloved figure in LGBTQIA+ media.
Taylor’s use of pastel colors, dreamy fantasy elements, and exaggerated femininity in ME! aligns with camp aesthetics, queerness, and a deliberate embrace of joyful theatricality.
Could this be Taylor symbolically placing herself in the “Good Witch” role—a figure of guidance, encouragement, and transformation?
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📌 Key Visual:
In the ME! video, Brendon Urie wears a white floral suit with a large heart pinned to his chest, reminiscent of the heart-shaped clock that the Wizard gives the Tin Man at the end of the film.
In The Wizard of Oz, the Tin Man believes he lacks a heart, but the Wizard tells him that he had one all along—he just needed a symbol to prove it to himself.
The ME! video is all about self-love, individuality, and reclaiming joy—similar to how the Tin Man realizes he was never truly heartless.
Brendon Urie’s heart could represent emotional validation, much like how the Tin Man receives proof of his capacity for love.
💡The scene could also symbolize Taylor Swift’s own journey of reclaiming love—whether for herself, her art, or even her personal identity.
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This scene from the ME! music video, featuring people dressed in black tumbling through the air while clutching broken umbrellas, strongly evokes the imagery of the Wicked Witch’s flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz.
📌 Key Similarities:
Dark, Winged Figures Falling from the Sky – In The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West sends out her winged monkey army to terrorize Dorothy and her companions, swooping in from the sky. In ME!, the airborne figures dressed in black mimic that chaotic, unsettling motion.
Umbrellas as Symbolic “Wings” – The tattered black umbrellas resemble the leathery, bat-like wings of the flying monkeys, further cementing the visual connection.
💡Taylor’s rainbow-filled Lover era could be a deliberate nod to Somewhere Over the Rainbow—especially since it never explicitly referenced queerness while being deeply associated with it. I'll elaborate soon.
4. Evermore Cover: The Braided Narrative (2020)
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Perhaps the most overlooked queer-coded reference comes from Evermore.
📌 Key Visual:
Braiding in poetry has been used as a technique to reflect intersecting identities, hidden truths, and fluid perspectives, making it especially relevant in queer poetry and literature.
The braided structure allows for hidden narratives, nonlinear storytelling, and parallel experiences—elements that resonate deeply with Taylor’s songwriting, especially in Evermore.
If the braid on the Evermore cover is intentional, it could symbolize interwoven themes of identity, hidden meanings, and layered storytelling—just as queer-coded poetry often does. It could also reference a famous hairstyle from a famous icon... I'll let you guess who that may be.
🌈 Did You Know:
Evermore was announced on the birthday of Emily Dickinson, a well known poet. Many scholars believe Emily Dickinson is queer and had a lifelong love affair with her childhood friend Susan Gilbert.
💡Evermore is one of Taylor’s most coded albums, with “Dorothea” being one of its bigger Easter eggs.
⭐Dorothea - Evermore (2020)
📺 Listen Here: Taylor Swift – Dorothea (Lyric Video)
Dorothea = Dorothy Gale—the parallel is undeniable.
The song describes a girl who left a small town for Hollywood, but the narrator still longs for her.
Many fans (or at least I) believe Dorothea represents Karlie Kloss, with the song reflecting a lost romantic relationship.
“It’s never too late to come back to my side.”
📌 Key Themes:
Dorothy leaves Kansas to follow the Yellow Brick Road, longing for adventure but ultimately realizing there’s no place like home.
Dorothea is about someone who leaves a small town, finds success, but is still deeply loved and missed by the narrator.
This theme of longing for someone who has moved on, feeling left behind, and struggling with what that means is a deeply queer-coded trope—one that Taylor often returns to.
I'd like to also mention, the It's Nice To Have A Friend / Dorothea mash-up that Taylor swift did on The Eras Tour in Edinburgh on June 9th, 2024. Guess who's birthday is June 10th? Dorothy Gale herself, Judy Garland. The implications of this. 🤯
📌Why Tupelo? The Yellow Brick Road, and The Ones Who Leave
I've always wondered about the significance of Tupelo, Mississippi, in this song. So, I started digging into possible connections between the narrator, the muse, and Tupelo, and—unsurprisingly—it led me to Sir Elton John. This won't be the last time I mention him, certainly not in the broader context of understanding Gaylor. There are plenty of reasons for that. But for now, humor me: assume that the ties between Taylor and Elton run deep, and follow me as I decode Tupelo in Dorothea.
I referenced this Reddit Post while deep diving Tupelo.
🌈 Did You Know:
Elton John has a song called Porch Swing in Tupelo. The song explores themes of leaving home, returning, and nostalgia—mirroring the journey Dorothy takes in The Wizard of Oz.
📺 Listen Here: Elton John - Porch Swing in Tupelo (2004)
As Porch Swing in Tupelo paints a lovely picture, Gaylor's have made a connection to an unreleased song from Taylor in 2003.
💡 Bridging This to Taylor's song, Me & Britney
📺 Listen Here: Taylor Swift - Me and Britney 
While Dorothea and Porch Swing in Tupelo focus on someone who left, longing, and nostalgia, Taylor’s unreleased song Me & Britney adds another angle to this theme.
In Me & Britney, Taylor sings:
Britney made it to Memphis, and that’s where she wanted to be.
Memphis (home of Graceland) is where Elvis went after leaving Tupelo—and his story is often framed as one of fame, longing, and isolation. Sort've a side note, but definitely ties Taylor's old music to Dorothea and aligns with the same trope. Stay with me...
💡Dorothy, Elvis, and the subject of Dorothea all followed a road that led them away from home—but was it really what they wanted?
📌 Key Lyric in Me & Britney That Feels Queer:
I was just jealous of the boy that she fell in love with.
This aligns with a classic queer storytelling trope—where attraction is framed as “jealousy” over a male love interest rather than outright romantic feelings.
💡 Final Thought:
If Dorothy realizes that Oz wasn’t what she thought it would be…
If Elvis became trapped in the fame he once sought…
If Taylor keeps returning to themes of people leaving, longing, and hidden feelings…
🌈 Could the Yellow Brick Road be a metaphor for realizing that what you were searching for was already inside you—whether that’s home, identity, or love?
5. Elton John & The Yellow Brick Road as a Queer Metaphor
🌈 Did You Know:
Elton John—one of the most famous openly gay musicians—has drawn inspiration from themes of The Wizard of Oz throughout his career.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is often interpreted as his rejection of the expectations placed on him, including those of the heterosexual, traditional lifestyle.
The song describes escaping an artificial world—one where he was expected to play a role rather than be himself.
📌 Key Lyrics:
“You know you can’t hold me forever / I didn’t sign up with you.”
“So goodbye yellow brick road / Where the dogs of society howl.”
💡 How This Relates to Taylor Swift:
If Elton saw the Yellow Brick Road as a false promise, could Taylor also be questioning the path she’s been on?
⭐Taylor Swift’s Own Yellow Brick Road: The Fame vs. Reality Conflict
📌 Key Songs That Reflect This Theme:
“The Lucky One” (Red, 2012) – A song about the dark side of fame, where the narrator envies someone who escapes it.
“Nothing New” (Red: Taylor’s Version, 2021) – A reflection on the fleeting nature of fame, mirroring the “illusion of Oz.”
“The Archer” (Lover, 2019) – Explores feelings of isolation and longing for something real beyond the performance of celebrity.
💡 The Yellow Brick Road Parallel:
Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz follows the road to what she believes will be her dream, only to find out it was all smoke and mirrors.
Elton John realized the world he was chasing wasn’t real.
Taylor has repeatedly questioned whether the life she built is truly what she wanted.
Further connections between Elton John and Taylor include the release of Elton's documentary: Elton John: It's Never Too Late on Friday December 13, 2024. Taylor Swift's birthday? December 13th. Again, there is more to say about these two, but it's going to require its own post.
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6. The Most Fabulous Closets in Oz: Harry, Taylor & The Magic of Bearding
I referenced this Reddit Post for this section.
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In 2021, Harry Styles dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz for his Harryween concert at Madison Square Garden, fully embracing the camp aesthetic of Oz with ruby slippers, blue gingham dress, red tights, and a Toto-filled basket. This moment was more than just a fun Halloween costume—it was a bold embrace of gender fluidity and queer-coded imagery, further aligning him with the broader queer themes of The Wizard of Oz.
📺 Watch Here: Harry Styles - Over the Rainbow - Harryween Night One
📌 How This Relates to Queerness:
Harry’s choice to dress as Dorothy plays into his broader exploration of gender nonconformity and theatrical self-expression.
The act of a male pop star dressing as one of cinema’s most famous female protagonists challenges traditional gender norms, something Harry has done consistently throughout his career.
This moment fits into a larger trend of Oz being reclaimed by queer artists as a symbol of self-discovery and belonging.
⭐The Taylor Swift Connection: A Relationship That Was More Than It Seemed? A Public Relationship with Career-Boosting Benefits
So what's the connection between Harry and Taylor you may ask? Maybe you weren't around for the pap walks and easter eggs these two gave us. Have no fear, I'm here to outline that, from a Gaylor's perspective of course.
Harry and Taylor’s highly publicized relationship in 2012-2013 came at a crucial time for both of their careers.
Taylor was transitioning from country to full-fledged pop, and aligning herself with Harry—who was breaking out as a global pop phenomenon with One Direction—helped solidify her move into a new genre.
Meanwhile, Harry was preparing for an eventual solo career and a public relationship with Taylor further cemented his status beyond being “just” a boyband member.
Their short-lived but highly visible relationship seemed almost perfectly orchestrated for media attention, which has led many fans to speculate that their pairing was a mutually beneficial bearding arrangement.
💡 The Bearding Theory:
Both Harry and Taylor have been rumored to be closeted, and many believe their relationship was staged to divert speculation away from their personal lives.
This would not be the first time high-profile celebrities have engaged in strategic PR relationships to control public perception.
If this was a double bearding scenario, it would mean both Harry and Taylor were using each other as a cover while pursuing their own private lives off-camera.
🌈 Queer Implication in the Wizard of Oz Narrative:
If Harry and Taylor’s relationship was about public image rather than personal romance, it fits into the Oz allegory perfectly.
The Wizard of Oz is about facades, illusion, and realizing the person behind the curtain isn’t what they seem.
Is Taylor revealing these hidden truths through her constant Oz references? One things for sure, these two have been creatively aligned from a distance for over a decade. Neither have gotten on a stage to profess their sexuality, but with a *sometimes* obsessive interest in the stories they tell, its hard not to see parallels in the queer undertones that have littered their work for years.
💡Take this for example: Harry Styles and Taylor Swift both have a song called Daylight. I will reference Taylor's song in the next section and will provide a deep dive into the parallels of Harry and Taylor's song in a different post. But for the sake of Oz, I must note - the chorus of Harry's song Daylight says:
If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you
Which feels pretty parallel to the lyric from Somewhere Over the Rainbow,
Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh, why can't I? If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I?
No? Sure, okay... moving on.
7. Optimistic Voices Line by Line, Taylor’s Lyricism, & the Journey to Daylight
📺 Watch Here: The Wizard of Oz – “Optimistic Voices” & The Snow Scene
📺 Watch Here: Taylor Swift – “Out of the Woods” (Official Music Video)
📺 Watch Here: Taylor Swift – “Daylight” (Live From Paris)
There's a lot to unpack here. Let’s start with lyrics and move into imagery.
⭐Escaping the Darkness: Out of the Woods & The Journey to the Light
📌 Key Lyrics from Optimistic Voices
You're out of the woods, You're out of the dark, you're out of the night, Step into the sun, step into the light.
📌 Key Lyrics from Out of the Woods
Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet?
📌 Key Lyrics from Daylight
I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night (Now I'm wide awake) And now I see daylight (I see daylight), I only see daylight (ah)
At its core, Out of the Woods is a song about living in a state of constant anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. While it has been widely interpreted as a song about a fragile, doomed relationship, when viewed through a queer lens, the song’s themes take on an even deeper meaning:
🌈 Queer Interpretation:
The fear of being found out.
The struggle of navigating a love that feels fragile and threatened.
The desperation to hold onto something that the world does not want to survive.
💡 Optimistic Voices tells the moment of reaching safety—it is the sound of emerging from a place of struggle into clarity. Out of the Woods, on the other hand, is still trapped in uncertainty, asking the question: Are we safe yet? Are we in the clear?
⭐ Where Daylight Fits in the Journey:
If Out of the Woods is about struggling to escape the fear, then Daylight is about finally arriving at a place of clarity and acceptance.
The lyric “I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night” mirrors the journey of stepping out of the woods into the sunlight—into truth.
⭐ Stepping Into the Light: Visibility & Queer Self-Discovery
📌 Key Lyrics from Optimistic Voices
Step into the sun, step into the light.
📌 Key Lyrics from Out of the Woods
The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color.
📌 Key Lyrics from Daylight
You gotta step into the daylight and let it go Just let it go, let it go
🌈 Queer Interpretation:
The contrast between "black and white" and "screaming color" reflects the experience of queerness in a heteronormative world.
The “black and white” world is society’s rigid, traditional expectations.
“Screaming color” is queerness—vibrant, alive, but existing in stark contrast to what’s expected.
⭐ Daylight completes this arc:
In Out of the Woods, the sun is rising but it’s still a question of safety.
In Daylight, Taylor is fully in the sun, embracing its warmth and clarity.
It’s not just about stepping into the light—it’s about choosing to stay there.
📌 Much like the journey from Kansas to Oz, the transition from Out of the Woods → Daylight is about leaving behind a world of confusion and entering a new, golden reality.
🌈 Did You Know?
The Emerald City has often been compared to the idea of a queer utopia—a place where people who have been marginalized in the “real world” can be free. (I may have already told you this 100 times, haha)
Daylight being "golden" aligns with the Yellow Brick Road leading to Emerald City—a literal path toward truth, clarity, and belonging.
⭐ Holding On Through the Journey: The Final Push Toward Safety
📌 Key Lyrics from Optimistic Voices
Hold onto your breath, hold onto your heart, hold onto your hope, March up to that gate and bid it open.
📌 Key Lyrics from Out of the Woods
Remember when we couldn't take the heat? I walked out, I said 'I'm setting you free.'
📌 Key Lyrics from Daylight
My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in Everyone looked worse in the light.
🌈 Queer Interpretation:
Optimistic Voices is about reaching the final destination—the Emerald City—after a long, uncertain journey.
Out of the Woods describes a love that is filled with tension, fear, and the possibility of collapse at any moment.
Daylight is the final realization—that love doesn’t have to be cruel, it doesn’t have to exist in the dark, and when you step into the sun, you see things for what they truly are.
⭐ Final Thought:
Out of the Woods asks if the journey is over yet.
Daylight declares that it is.
Optimistic Voices sings the moment when you finally step into the light and let it all go.
Maybe Daylight is that moment of realization—that the fear, the hiding, the uncertainty—it was never love. Love was golden. Love was daylight. At least that was her hope for the Lover era. I will deep dive this when I write about the failed coming out of 2019.
9. Out of the Woods and the Snow That Awakens Dorothy: A Symbolic Parallel
Now let's explore how the striking visual connection between The Wizard of Oz and Taylor Swift’s Out of the Woods lies in the use of snow as a transformative and awakening force. In both stories, snow serves as an intervention—clearing a path forward and signaling a moment of clarity.
📌 Key Scene:
As Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion approach the Emerald City, they become trapped in a poppy field—a symbol of illusion, intoxication, and losing one’s way.
They begin falling into a deep sleep, overwhelmed by the enchanted flowers that prevent them from reaching their goal.
Glinda, the Good Witch, intervenes, sending a magical snowfall to neutralize the poppies’ effect and wake them up.
The moment marks a turning point—Dorothy and her friends can finally see the Emerald City clearly and continue their journey.
🌈 Did You Know:
The poppy field has often been interpreted as a metaphor for external forces that sedate or mislead people, from addiction to societal expectations.
The snowfall, then, represents a cleansing moment—a realization that breaks through illusion.
⭐The Snow in Out of the Woods: A Moment of Survival & Awakening
📌 Key Visuals:
The Out of the Woods music video follows Taylor through various brutal landscapes—fire, water, mud, and snow—each symbolizing the emotional turmoil of a doomed relationship.
The snowstorm sequence comes toward the end of the video, as Taylor collapses in exhaustion.
As she pushes through the deep snow, she appears more alone than ever—but also closer to breaking free.
At the end of the journey, she reaches the ocean and finds herself, leading to the final message: “She lost him but found herself, and somehow that was everything.”
💡 Parallels to The Wizard of Oz:
Just as Dorothy’s group was lost in a dreamlike haze, Taylor, in the Out of the Woods video, struggles through disorienting landscapes, lost and overwhelmed.
Snow acts as both an obstacle and a catalyst—it is the final challenge Taylor faces before she reaches self-discovery.
Like Dorothy waking up in the poppy field, Taylor’s emergence from the snow signals that she has survived the journey and can now move forward.
Many fans have pointed out that Taylor’s music video looks eerily similar to The Wizard of Oz's journey through different landscapes—leading up to a final realization of self.
💡The journey through these trials mirrors the queer experience of fighting through shame, fear, and external pressures to finally find one’s authentic self.
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7. "Karma" Music Video: A Nod to Dorothy (2023)
📺 Watch Here: Taylor Swift – Karma (Official Music Video)
In May 2023, Taylor released the music video for "Karma," featuring Ice Spice. The video is rich with symbolic imagery, notably a segment where Taylor embodies a character reminiscent of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. Dressed in a gingham-style outfit with braided hair, she skips down a yellow brick road, evoking the classic journey to Oz. This portrayal not only pays homage to the iconic film but also reinforces the queer themes associated with it.
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The "Karma" music video is replete with Easter eggs and references, with fans noting the deliberate parallels to The Wizard of Oz, further emphasizing Taylor's engagement with queer-coded imagery.
💡 This could represent Taylor realizing that the world she built for herself isn’t real—just like how Dorothy learns that Oz is an illusion. To throw in some more imagery, the hour glass plays an important role in the life or death of Dorothy, In Karma, Taylor puts her "duel self" (oh boy, what a deep rabbit hole that concept is) inside of it. Further evoking connections to running out of time, anxiety, and the long journey of waiting.
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8. Karlie Kloss as Dorothy: The Chessboard & “Mastermind” Connection
Karlie Kloss’s Halloween costume as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz may seem like a simple tribute, but the details of her social media post led to potential deeper meanings—especially in relation to Taylor Swift, “Mastermind,” and black-and-white chessboard imagery.
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📌 Key Visual in the Post:
In Karlie’s Halloween Instagram photo, she’s dressed as Dorothy and positioned next to a chessboard.
This small detail immediately caught fans’ attention because chess and strategic planning are key themes in Taylor Swift’s song “Mastermind.”
Karlie’s decision to post a chessboard next to herself while dressed as Dorothy is too deliberate to be ignored.
Fans speculate that this could be a nod to her connection with Taylor—whether as an inside joke, a strategic message, or an acknowledgment of their intertwined histories. As of 2025, this post has been removed from her grid. Kinda fishy if you ask me...
📌Chess as a Metaphor in “Mastermind”
📺 Watch Here: Taylor Swift – Mastermind (Lyric Video)
In Midnights, Taylor Swift’s song “Mastermind” is all about strategically orchestrating relationships and events, using chess as a metaphor.
Key Lyric:“What if I told you none of it was accidental? / And the first night that you saw me / Nothing was gonna stop me.”
The song describes a calculated, almost fated connection between two people, a theme that many have associated with Taylor’s relationships—both personal and professional.
📌Black-and-White Imagery: The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show & Eras Tour
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📌 Key Visuals:
At the 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, Taylor Swift performed while Karlie Kloss walked the runway, and the two famously held hands on stage.
The stage floor was a black-and-white checkerboard, setting the scene for the chessboard imagery seen in Karlie’s Halloween post 10 years later, lol. I know, sounds crazy but stay with me.
In The Eras Tour, Taylor replicates the black-and-white stage design, reinforcing the symbolism of duality, strategic moves, and interconnected paths.
💡 The chessboard theme in Karlie’s post, Taylor’s “Mastermind” lyrics, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show checkerboard stage, and the Eras Tour black-and-white motifs all tie back to themes of control, fate, and strategy.
Is Karlie subtly responding to Taylor? Is this an inside joke or an intentional reference?
One thing is clear: The chess pieces are still moving. ♟️✨
🌈 Did You Know:
Black-and-white checkerboard imagery has long been used in queer-coded storytelling as a symbol of duality, secrets, and transformation.
It is often associated with hidden messages, underground queer spaces, and coded communication—just like the way queerness has been subtly signaled in art for decades.
💡The black-and-white color scheme of the chessboard and Karlie’s setting mirrors one of the most iconic cinematic transitions of all time—when Dorothy leaves the black-and-white Kansas world for the vibrant, complex, and magical world of Oz.
⭐Black-and-White Transitions: From Kansas to Oz & Taylor’s Career
📺 Watch Here: The Wizard of Oz (1939) – The Moment Dorothy Enters Oz
📌 Key Moment in the Film:
The first 20 minutes of The Wizard of Oz are filmed in sepia-toned black and white, representing Dorothy’s dull, restrictive reality.
The moment she arrives in Oz, the world explodes into Technicolor, symbolizing her awakening, self-discovery, and entrance into a more complex reality.
⭐ How This Relates to Taylor:
The black-and-white Kansas vs. Oz transition mirrors Taylor’s career transformation.
Many interpret Taylor’s use of black-and-white motifs as representing her “Kansas” era (the media’s constructed, controlled version of her) versus her true, colorful, more authentic self (Oz).
Karlie’s chessboard post reinforces this theme of strategy, hidden messages, and transitions between different realities.
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10. The Tortured Poets Department & The Aesthetic of Kansas in The Wizard of Oz
For this section, I heavily referenced this Reddit post.
📺 Visual References:
Taylor Swift – The Tortured Poets Department (Concept Aesthetics) TTPD Announcement Video
The Wizard of Oz (1939) – Kansas Scenes Opening Scene of The Wizard of Oz
Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD) era is characterized by a stark, desaturated, grayscale aesthetic, heavily focused on themes of melancholy, confinement, and longing. This muted, dreamlike quality bears a striking resemblance to the sepia-toned depiction of Kansas in The Wizard of Oz—a world of restriction, where one longs for escape but also finds deep-rooted meaning.
📌 Kansas in The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy’s life in Kansas is drab, isolated, and full of longing for something more.
The world is monochrome, reflecting both emotional and physical constraints.
The tornado serves as a rupture—transporting Dorothy from a limited reality into a world of heightened color and discovery.
📌 TTPD Aesthetic
Taylor’s album visuals are stark, black-and-white, evoking a feeling of nostalgia, loss, and self-reflection.
The concept of being “trapped” in a poetic department mirrors Dorothy’s confinement on a Kansas farm—both feel like places where creativity is stifled or existence is dull.
Fans have noted the “literary sadness” of TTPD—it embodies the idea of a writer trapped in their own melancholy, longing for something beyond the grayscale world they inhabit.
💡 Queer Interpretation:
Just as Dorothy dreams of escaping Kansas for something more vivid and fulfilling, TTPD could represent a moment of longing before stepping into a fuller identity.
The monochrome aesthetic could symbolize repression or living in a constrained world—before fully embracing one’s truth.
If The Wizard of Oz is a metaphor for queerness, then is TTPD the period before Taylor’s own “tornado moment”?
📌 Key Lyrics from The Tortured Poets Department
But you awaken with dread Pounding nails in your head But I've read this one where you come undone I chose this cyclone with you
Nod to waking up (as Dorothy does in the movie)
Nod to reading (reading about the journey which is undertaken in the Wizard of Oz
Nod to the cyclone (need I say more? Fine, I will.)
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The Tornado as a Symbol of Disruption & Change
📌 How Tornadoes Function in The Wizard of Oz
The tornado represents a violent rupture in reality—breaking Dorothy out of the mundane and sending her somewhere new.
It is both terrifying and necessary—it destroys her former world but also leads to her greatest self-discovery.
📌 How This Relates to TTPD
If Kansas = TTPD, then where is Taylor’s tornado?
Could TTPD represent a moment of painful self-awareness before a transformation?
If Taylor follows the narrative structure of The Wizard of Oz, then what comes after TTPD could be a transition into something entirely new—a moment of “color” after the storm.
Visuals At The Beginning of The Eras Tour:
When considering this, I wonder if the intent is to draw attention to the era in which Taylor really began overtly queer coding, Lover, with the dark, swirling cyclones behind her? The screen visual feels like another acknowledgement of Kansas.
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If this could be so, and it is true that Taylor connects Lover to Oz and TTPD to Kansas, it is worth noting theories that the costumes for the The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived segment of the TTPD set at The Eras Tour could be a callback to the ME! music video but with all the color removed.
📺 Watch Here: ME! Live From The Billboard Music Awards
In the ME! music video, Swift dons a pastel marching band uniform over a crystal-encrusted bodysuit, complemented by patent boots. This ensemble aligns with the video's overall colorful aesthetic, symbolizing themes of individuality and self-empowerment.
"ME!" Music Video: The colorful uniforms and lively marching underscore a message of joy, unity, and self-celebration.
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During the Eras Tour performance of The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, she wore a white military-style jacket featuring epaulettes and frogging, accompanied by a synchronized marching routine with her backup dancers, who played drums. The act concluded dramatically, with Swift and her ensemble collapsing on stage, symbolizing the song's themes of vulnerability and introspection.
Eras Tour Performance: The white military jacket and structured marching reflect a more somber and introspective tone, culminating in a staged death that signifies the song's exploration of personal struggle and defeat.
📌 Key Lyrics from TTPD:
Taylor Swift’s use of animal imagery in The Tortured Poets Department carries striking parallels to The Wizard of Oz, specifically through references to the lion, tiger, and bear—three creatures that are deeply embedded in the Oz mythology.
These references mirror the iconic phrase from The Wizard of Oz:
“Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh my!”
In the film, Dorothy and her friends chant this line as they enter the haunted forest, anticipating unseen dangers. Each animal in the story represents a distinct archetype:
The Cowardly Lion – Symbolizes fear, insecurity, and the search for courage.
The Tiger – Represents strength, intensity, and a predatory nature.
The Bear – Associated with both protection and untamed aggression, embodying both nurturing and destruction.
💡 How This Relates to TTPD
The “coward claimed he was a lion” lyric in LOML suggests a false bravado—someone pretending to be strong but ultimately lacking courage, much like the Cowardly Lion’s arc in The Wizard of Oz.
The lyric “Way to go, tiger, you look ridiculous and you have no idea” suggests mocking someone who thinks they are strong or in control.
The bear in The Bolter represents the tension between control and freedom, echoing how Dorothy’s companions struggle with their own limitations.
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11. Lions, Tigers, and Football Players, Oh My!
Follow me into this theory where I explore the idea that Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are both on that journey together—not as a romantic couple, but as two people navigating a carefully constructed public image while protecting their private truths.
🌈 Queer Allegory:
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy finds her people on the road—each struggling with their own identity crisis.
Similarly, if Taylor and Travis are indeed “walking the Yellow Brick Road” as a protective duo, then this relationship could symbolize two individuals working together to maintain a shared safety net in the public eye.
💡 Possible Implications:
If Travis is queer (or in a long-term private relationship with Ross Travis), and Taylor is also closeted, then their relationship becomes a shield—allowing them both to exist more freely behind the scenes.
This would align with other known Hollywood “double bearding” arrangements, where two public figures strategically date to deflect speculation.
⭐ The Kansas City Connection: From Allegory to Reality
📌 Key Connection:
The Wizard of Oz is set in Kansas, a place Dorothy longs to escape but ultimately learns to appreciate.
Now, Taylor is literally in a public relationship with one of the biggest Kansas City figures in the world.
💡 If Kansas has always been a metaphor for longing, escape, and self-realization in Taylor’s work, then does this relationship mark a return to something safe and stable, rather than a new romantic revelation?
Follow the Yellow Brick Road… to Arrowhead?
I just wanna note that I do not believe the Cornelia Street lyric below was premeditated to be referential to the Tayvis relationship, however, it's always peculiar how Taylor's life so stunningly imitates art.
As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead Leading us home
Where is Dorothy trying to go? HOME! KANSAS!!
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📌 How This Theory Could Fit the Timeline:
Khalen Saunders (former Chiefs player) is the brother of Kameron Saunders, one of Taylor’s backup dancers and close friends.
The theory suggests that Travis and Taylor may have been introduced through Kameron via Khalen, setting up a mutually beneficial dynamic.
If this is true, it would mean Taylor and Travis’s public debut in July 2023 was premeditated long before the world caught on.
Aside from the Khalen + Kam connection, it is worth noting that Karlie, originally from St. Louis, Missouri, has publicly supported the Kansas City Chiefs and Travis specifically.
In May 2022, Travis Kelce attended a Formula 1 cocktail party hosted by Karlie Kloss in Miami. This event indicates that they were acquainted prior to Travis's relationship with Taylor Swift.
🌈 Queer & Symbolic Interpretation:
In many ways, this fits a classic queer narrative of finding safety in partnerships that protect one’s truth.
The Wizard of Oz is about longing for a place where you are safe, understood, and able to be yourself.
Could Travis and Taylor’s relationship represent a way for them to exist more freely within their respective closets—while the world watches a different story?
⭐ Why This Relationship Works—Regardless of the Truth
Whether this theory is correct or not, one thing is undeniable: Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have a public dynamic that feels mutually beneficial in ways that go beyond romance.
📌 What Travis Provides for Taylor:
A strong, masculine, straight-passing relationship to appease media and conservative backlash.
Genuine public adoration—he is protective of her and supportive of her success.
A sense of stability and safety in a relationship that does not threaten her independence.
📌 What Taylor Provides for Travis:
Elevated status outside of sports, making him one of the most visible athletes in the world.
A PR shield—any speculation about his private life is drowned out by their high-profile romance.
Increased crossover appeal—his branding now extends to pop culture in a way it never did before.
💡 If they are truly bearding for each other, it would mean they are not only protecting their personal lives, but also strengthening their own public legacies in the process.
This theory presents a compelling reframing of Taylor and Travis’s relationship as something more complex than just romance.
🌈 Is this truly Taylor’s Dorothy moment—finding her “home” with Travis in Kansas City? 🌈 Or is this another carefully constructed part of the larger story, walking the Yellow Brick Road together, knowing full well the truth that lies at the end?
Maybe, just like Dorothy, they already know the truth—but they have to walk the path anyway.
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Conclusion: “Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain”
Taylor Swift’s repeated return to The Wizard of Oz—through imagery, lyricism, and visual storytelling—feels deliberate, layered, and unshakable. For over a decade, she has woven Oz into her art, a recurring thread in a larger tapestry of hidden meanings.
So what is she really telling us?
Is Oz a metaphor for fame—an illusion, an Emerald City that’s never as real as it seems? Is it about queerness—the journey of self-discovery, longing, and finding a chosen family? Is it a hidden love story—one written between the lines, only visible to those who know where to look?
The answer? Maybe all of them.
Taylor Swift is still following the Yellow Brick Road. And for those of us who have been paying attention, one thing is certain:
🌈 There’s more to the story than meets the eye.
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35 notes · View notes
storiesofsvu · 6 months ago
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Amanda Rollins x reader warnings: none? brief mention of pet abandonment. all cutesy fluff. Man. I rarely ever get requests for Amanda, and every time I do I am reminded of HOW MUCH I LOVE HER. More justice and love for Ms Rollins please. I need to think of more ideas for her. Love Amanda? Sign up for the taglist here! Got an idea for a story? Send it on in here!
Even though you missed the jingling of Amanda’s keys in the hallway you knew she was a few steps from the front door at the way Frannie’s head popped up, looking over the back of the couch at the incoming noise. After a couple of sniffs she seemed satisfied, plopping her head back down beside you, continuing to chew on her bone. You gave her a little scratch behind the ears and let out a breath, your pulse quickening at the sound of Amanda’s keys in the lock.
She opened the door to find you on the couch, television turned on to Bluey as you were (presumably) cooing to Frannie.
“Oh, that’s it.” You laughed softly, “such a good girl. Okay, ohhkkay, ssssh.” Your hand reached out to pet her as she let out a low whine. “I know, I know. She’s home now, okay.”
“Awee.” Amanda let out a chuckle, “did someone miss me?” She whistled quietly, “c’mere girl.”
Frannie popped up on the opposite end of the couch from where you were facing, quickly jumping down and trotting over to her mom to say hello. At first, distracted, Amanda didn’t notice, cooing at her dog as she gave her a very welcoming pet and big scratch. Her ears picked up another whine that definitely wasn’t human and her head titled back up to catch you with a sheepish look on your face.
“So… if Frannie is over here…”
“That was… my stomach?” You offered with a wince and Amanda let out a small scoff of a laugh. She straightened up, letting out a small sigh as whatever you were hiding on the other side of the couch let out a yip.
“Sounds like you haven’t eaten all day.” Her hands fell to her hips, “what’d you do?”
“I… did not do anything.” You made a little kissing noise and the other dog finally popped up into Amanda’s sight line over the back of the couch. It looked like a chocolate lab, big enough to look like a fully grown dog but small enough Amanda knew it was likely still just a big puppy. You cupped its head in your hands, making more kissing noises as it sniffed at your face as your voice slipped into puppy dog mode. “But some big meanie left this gorgeous angel in the alley way.” You turned to look at her, “I told you I heard something crying last night. Bastard left her outside in the storm all night tied to the damn dumpster. I saw her when I went out this morning.”
“Are you absolutely sure someone wasn’t coming back for her?” Amanda asked, slowly approaching the back of the couch as you went back to playing with the dog.
“Yes.” You nodded, nodding the dog’s head in your hands as you did so, “yes, I am.” You looked back to your girlfriend, “I went back down with some food and water right away, she was super friendly and just wanted some love. I left her all afternoon just in case, it was already getting dark and the poor thing starting crying again. Frannie and I just couldn’t bare listening to it anymore.” Your lips formed a pout and Amanda could almost see the glistening of tears starting in your eyes, “when I went back down she was just so happy to see us! Instant friends with this one, I tell ya.” Your hand reached out to give Frannie a little scratch. “Then I found the note on her collar…”
“Someone really just left her?” It was her turn to pout, finally reaching out, letting the dog sniff the back of her hand, giving it a few licks before she scratched her behind the ears.
“Yeah. Note said she was a Christmas present for the kids, but the kids weren’t ‘doing their chores’ of taking care of her and the family didn’t want her anymore.” You said the last part in just over a whisper as you covered the dogs ears, “she’s house trained, no issues and is up to date on all her shots and stuff. Though I did make an appointment with the vet for tomorrow just in case.”
“Baby…” Amanda’s head tilted and you let out a sigh at what you knew must be coming. “We can’t keep her.”
“Why not?!” You whined and Amanda nearly laughed as both the new dog and Frannie let out whines in practically the same pitch as all three of you stared up at her.
“We… already have Frannie.” She gestured, “and I work late hours. I feel guilty enough leaving one dog cooped up in a one bedroom apartment all day.”
“I work from home like, eighty percent of the time, you wouldn’t have to worry about us. Besides, another big dog means another level of protection.” You countered, “you always say you wish I was safer out at night, or when you’re working overnights. Can’t get much safer than this.” You gestured to your lap which was slowly being taken over by both dogs, Frannie nuzzling at ear while the other one licked your cheek.
“She does really seem to like you.” The blonde replied, chewing on her lip.
“They get along perfectly too!” You bartered, gesturing to the dogs as you picked up a toy, swinging it between them before tossing it down the hall and they both ran off, instantly starting to play with each other like they’d grown up together. “See? Instant best friends. You can’t deny Frannie that.”
“Oh my god.” Amanda laughed, running a hand over her face. “What happens when you’re out for a walk and the kids see their dog and come crying wanting it back?”
“Note said they live in Staten Island, left her here so that wouldn’t happen.”
“They seriously drove all that way to dump her in the garbage? When there’s plenty of shelters all around the city?” She wasn’t just frustrated, she was pissed now, a feeling the dog could sense as it jogged down the hallway and went right up to Amanda, nudging at her legs until it was getting pets, “oh you poor thing.”
You knew it, a smile creeping up on your lips as Amanda crouched down to actually greet the dog and her face instantly melted. The look of love and adoration immediately taking over her eyes as she cooed at the dog who nuzzled as deep into her as it could.
“Oh, you’re a good girl.” She cooed, “such a sweet girl. What’s your name, hmm?”
“Cocoa.” You replied, and the dog let out a quiet bark.
Amanda stood back up with a small sigh, glancing between the two dogs who immediately started playing together again before looking over at you.
“Puh-leeeeaaase.” You pulled an overdramatic pout and faked crying.
“You are worse than a child, you know that?”
“At least I have my own source of income to support Cocoa and now we’ll each have one to walk when we take them out. I mean, Manda… look at them. They’re so happy, she’s so much happier not being tied to a dumpster in the rain… you’re not going to ruin that, are you?”
“Wow.” She laughed, rounding around the couch to drop down beside you.
“Well?” You batted your eyelashes, “yes?”
“Fine.” She finally agreed with a small smile and you let out a shriek, launching toward her to pepper her face with kisses.
The noise alone was enough to pull both of the dog’s attention, barks echoing through the apartment as they jumped back up onto the couch, jumping on the both of you, cold noses and wet kisses getting everywhere they could.
“Okay, okay.” Amanda laughed, gently pushing Frannie down onto her lap, “you win, you win.” She booped her nose, “you got a new sister, happy?” Frannie agreed with a small woof, rubbing her head into Amanda’s hands.
“You hear that?” You cooed to Cocoa, scratching underneath her chin, “you get to stay! Welcome home Cocoa.”
You looked back to Amanda with such love and happiness in your eyes that she knew there was never a way in a million years she would have actually said no to the whole thing. She loved you too much, loved seeing you happy too much and this way Frannie would have someone to play with when no one was home.
It was a win win for everyone.
@mickey-gomez @hbkpop @bisexualcrowley @red1culous @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @lesbianspacecowboy @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @beccabarba @mysticfalls01 @alexbllake @infernumlilith @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @emskisworld @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @sia2raw @dxtery @anlin2058 @itisdoctortoyousir @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @7thavenger @m00nkn1ghts @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @noahrex @temp0rary-bliss @wittygutsy
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dckweed · 1 year ago
summary: In which bob floyd gets himself into a bit of a pickle and calls on his hot, recently single neighbor to help him out, the situation is mutually beneficial..in more ways than one.
warnings: fake dating, violence, domestic violence mentioned, nicknames, slowburn, eventual smut.
this is an x reader fic where reader is referred to as sunshine or sunny as a nickname, also i know the moodboard is a lil wonky no one say anything im gonna fix it! i made it on my phone half asleep lmao.
part one: here
After the whole fiasco of snorting water out of your nose and scaring the poor man half to death, Bob insists on taking you to the quaint coffee shop on the corner of the street you guys lived on, just a few steps away from the front doors of the apartment building. Reluctantly, you agree, curious to know more about the predicament your neighbor had gotten himself into. He lets you have a few minutes to throw a cropped zip up hoodie over yourself, and a baseball cap to help shade the still slightly visible bruise on your face before you meet him in the hallway. He had clipped Cosie to her leash and the excited little furball was yipping excitedly when you stepped out of your home, closing the door behind you. 
“Hi Cosie baby!” You say excitedly, your voice sweeter than honey as you crouched down to her level to excitedly scratch her behind the ears like she loved. “You being a good girl for your dad?” You ask teasingly, you knew she could never be bad, and Bob practically treated her like a princess anyway. 
“Always is..” Bob says, his accent drawling out a few of the syllables in a way that you just loved to hear. God, you thought to yourself, this man could record an audio book and have everyone swooning.  “You ready?” 
You smile, straightening up. “Yeah, lets go..” 
He was truly a gentleman you noted, he held the door to the apartment building, and the coffee shop for you as if it was second nature, only humming in response to your simple thank you, and when he pulled the chair out for you at the small table on their outdoor patio, you hoped that he didn’t notice the blush on your neck and face. Were you really so used to guys that were such brutes that you got flustered by basic acts of kindness? He hadn’t argued with you too much on paying for your own drink, letting you do it after a small squabble..or maybe you really didn’t give him a choice..you had already payed with your phone while you were arguing before he had even gotten his wallet out of his back pocket. 
“So,” You say as he sits across from you, looping Cosie’s leash to the more shaded side of the table. “Can you elaborate on the whole girlfriend thing for me?” Now it was him who was turning red. 
He fidgets awkwardly with his hot, black coffee for a moment, those eyebrows knit tightly together again. He clears his throat before he speaks. “I kind of..already told all of my friends that we’re dating.” He says, you lean back in the chair, your head tilted slightly towards the sun as you listen to him. You enjoyed the warmth on your face.“I..i don’t know what came over me..we were all drinking, and they said something about dating it somehow turned to me..and i just..i’m so tired of Hangman and his fucking manwhore whorier than thou attitude and always teasing me for not going on dates all  the time..” 
“So you told them you were dating someone?” You ask, seeing where the story was going. You could tell that the story alone was irritating him by the was his hand clenched around his coffee cup and the tightness around his mouth, the tick in his jaw. You wondered how long he had been putting up with this ‘Hangman’ guy. 
Bob nods. “And then they asked her name, and at the time the only thing i could come up with quickly enough to not seem suspicious was Sunny..so..” You laugh a little bit, this man was adorable, and obviously gentle even though he was clearly upset by what he was talking about. You liked that about him, you decided. 
How could you not help him? And really, what could it hurt? “How long would you need me to be your girlfriend for?” You ask, bringing the straw of your iced latte to your lips, moaning softly as the heavy caramel flavor hit your tongue. You could drink it forever. You see his body sag a little at your words, a little more relaxed. 
“Just long enough to make it believable.” He states, eyeing you from across the table. Cosie’s cold nose pokes your leg and you happily reach down and scratch her head, giving the little baby all the attention she wanted. “A couple of nights out with my friends, obviously, and im sure Nat will want to hang out with you one on one..” He says, actually thinking of the scenarios that would most likely take place. “A couple of official work events, probably, I would say, a few months..” 
You turn your attention back to him, lips pursed. A few months? That would land you around the beginning of the year..through Christmas..you had agreed to go home for the holiday’s this year. You arched a brow as you thought. It would look good if you brought a man home to your family, especially a man like Bob, they would swoon all over him..you wouldn’t have to spend the whole week hearing your grandmother tell you that you should be married already, or have a family like your brother and sister.. “Okay, i’ll help you out, but only if the fake boyfriend thing can be used in my favor too..” You say. He nods immediately. “So..rules?” 
The two of you talk for a couple of hours at the coffee shop, the little table filled with the occasional laughter as you talked about rules of the arrangement, and what would need to be done. Later on you found yourself on one side of your couch, Bob on the other as the two of you tried to work out a schedule. 
“Can you meet with me and the crew at our usual bar tomorrow night?” He asks, looking up from his phone at you. Natasha and Jake were blowing up the group chat about meeting you and it was slowly driving him insane. He had about forty text messages from this morning until right that moment. 
You shake your head. :”I have work tomorrow night, but i’m off Monday.” You say, looking up from your own phone. You had been texting your sister about your plans for the Holidays. “My sister wants to know where you’re from, and what you do and i dont think she’ll take ‘navy dude’ as an answer” Bob looks at you, slightly offended. 
“Navy dude?” He asks, setting his phone down for just a moment. “Sunny, i’m not just a ‘navy dude’, i’m a weapons system officer. I control the weapons and radar in multi million dollar government aircraft.” He looked completely offended by your terminology and you struggled to hold in a giggle at the way he was explaining his official job title to you. “..and I’m from Montana.” 
“That explains the accent.” You say, texting your sister back.
Bob scoffs. “Accent?” He’d never been told he had an accent before. “Where are you from? This is basic stuff we should probably know about each other if we want people to believe this, you know?” You hummed in response, he was definitely right. “Also, Phoenix wants to know what your instagram is..” 
“Well, that depends on how much you want your friends to know about me.” You say, setting your phone down to look at him. He looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed again. You have the sudden urge to reach across the damn couch and smooth the area with your thumb, but you resist. “Don’t look at me like that, you know what i mean. Are they the judgemental type?” He opens his mouth, as if to protest and say no, but then closes it and gives a slight nod. “Okay, so fake insta it is.” 
It was a good thing you already had a fake instagram account for your grandmother and other family members because it made it a hell of alot easier for you. “A fake instagram? Won’t they think something is weird if it doesn’t have any pictures of us together on it?” He asks, not fully sure of your plan. You roll your eyes and maneuver yourself so you’re laying in Bob’s lap, looking directly up at him. 
His entire body goes stiff and you can’t tell if its from surprise or from being uncomfortable with your proximity, but you don’t move and after a few moments his thigh muscles untense. He smells good, you realize as you breathe in slightly. “My fake account isn’t exactly fake, okay?” You say, opening the instagram app on your phone and switching it to your second profile. “It’s just not the one I use mainly that i post on for my friends or well, if you were actually my boyfriend, you, to see..” 
“Then what is the point of it?” He asks looking down at you, his accent flowing smoothly through you. His voice was a little quieter now that you were so close to him, and in all honesty you didn’t mind it one bit. 
You chuckle, giving him your phone so he can scroll through it. “I normally use it for my grandma and other family members, so they won’t have a damn heart attack..they already don’t like my line of work, there’s no need to go killing them with some pictures.” Bob hums in response, scrolling through a few of the posts. “It’s the extremely tame version of my main account.”
His phone pings again and he grunts, rolling his eyes. Before he can even try to hand you your own back, you grab his off the arm of the couch above you and thank god that it was already unlocked. You gasp at the text. “Hangman wants proof that im a real girl and not just a figment of your imagination.” You say, an idea coming to mind. You roll off of his lap and quickly stand, pulling him by the forearm to his feet as he makes a disgruntled noise. 
You lead him down the small hallway, past your bedroom and into your bathroom (which was thankfully not its usual disastrous mess of makeup and lingerie scattered everywhere). “Okay, stand there..” You grab him by the biceps, shocked at how solid they are because he honestly didn’t seem to be overly buff to you, and position him exactly where you want him. 
“Sunny, what’re we doin’?” He sighs, letting you move him around every which way. He had to admit, he liked the way you grabbed his arms, the way you squeezed at his biceps. He tried not to let his mind linger too much on it though, tried not to notice the way that your fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in their wake every time they lingered anywhere on his bare skin. 
“Taking pictures, duh.” You say as if it should have been obvious. You turn around, satisfied with his position, and face the mirror yourself, positioning his arm around your shoulders and over your chest as you press back against his surprisingly solid body. You weren’t exactly a short person by any means, but there was definitely a noticeable height difference between you and him. Your head just barely cleared his shoulders, his chin able to rest perfectly onto of your head. It made for a cute photo, you thought and you pretended not to notice the goofy smirk on his face as you captured the photo as stealthily as you could, leaning back into his chest as his chin rested on top of your head, his arm over your chest and your hand wrapped around his forearm as you took the picture, acutely aware of his hand just over the waistband of your lululemon pants. 
You hum, thinking about what other positions would be cute enough to send to his friends and post to your fake insta account, you wanted to hard launch him to your family too if you were hard launching to his friends. You turn the camera of his phone front facing, and set it up to take rapid photos on a timer before you abruptly turn around and jump up, locking your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. 
“Smile at me.” You say, as your hand snakes up into his hair. You didn’t really have to though because he was already smiling at you in surprise as you leaned your forehead against his. “I didn’t think you’d be able to hold me.” You giggle suddenly, and the sound makes his smile grow wider as he adjusts his hands so they’re fulling on your ass, supporting you as he drops his head to your shoulder. 
The whole ordeal of the photo session takes about fifteen minutes or so, and when you’re finished you lead him back out into the living room. “Sorry to jump on you like that, but i had to catch you off guard, i wanted it to look believable.” You say, sitting back down on the couch. He only hums in response, taking a spot next to you as he watches you pick through your favorite photos in his camera roll to text to yourself. 
“You’re awfully good at that,” He ques, watching you edit some of the photos you had sent to your own phone, before you compose an instagram post of the best ones. “I always just take them and post them, i never thought that filters really mattered..” 
You chuckle at the man, shaking your head. “What’s your instagram, bobby?” You ask, using your nickname for him as you type out a caption for the post. 
“Oh, uh,” a slight blush heats up his neck and face and he clears his throat before responding. “It’s @thewizzo ..natasha actually came up with the handle.” You type it into your caption, eyebrows furrowed. You’re about to ask him what the hell a wizzo is when he answers it for you. “It’s uh, well, sometimes its a nickname, or another acronym for WSO..” 
“Oh, snazzy..” You say showing him the post. It was a series of four photos and a small, but cute caption.
“Is it Bobby approved?” You ask. He gives you an affirmative nod and you hit the post button, knowing it would only be a matter of minutes before your sister and brother blow up your phone. “Okay, well, here’s to our fake relationship!” You say, attaching the photo of Bob holding you with his hands on your ass to a text with your instagram handle and sending it to his friends group chat. 
The phone pings before you’ve even handed it back to him. 
Hangman: holy fuck she’s real.  Phee: shut up you moron, im following her rn!!  Rooster: …wait i thought i was imagining this conversation last night Payback: oh, shit..way to go Bob!!
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@mamachasesmayhem @hangmandruigandmav @shotgunhallelujah @shiara04 @3tabbiesandalab @tgmreader @flrboyd @goosterroose @mrspedropascal5683 @sugajar
@dory-98 @justherebecausesafarisucks
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novankenn · 9 months ago
Nora in : Tea with Jaune's family... Story-Time
"In a time before antiquity, a lonely young woman sat trapped, impressioned in a tower by her father. The once kind man, had shattered when his wife, the mother of his daughter passed while giving her birth. Obsessed with keeping her safe, he locked her away from the world..."
Nora: Wait... this sounds like that fairy-tale! The girl in the basement?
Nora: It's the Girl in the Tower!
Nora: So you are REALLY telling me a story.
Nora: Would you just listen! This is important!
Nora: Well can we get Bob to bring some finger sandwiches, or cookies? This is going to be long isn't it?
Nora: Okay. Bob!
Bob the Beowulf sticks his head in through the door.
Nora: Bob could you get us some cookies and pastures, and some hot chocolate, please?
Bob(Beowulf): *Yip
Bob's head vanishes back through the door.
Nora: I like Bob. He's nice.
Nora: Yes he is. Very well mannered, and extremely focused on his duties. Did you know that Bob is the FIRST ever Grimm to earn a doctorate in Butler Sciences?
Nora: How did he do that? He couldn't have gone to a normal school.
Nora: Correspondence courses.
Nora: Makes sense.
Nora: Anyway, while we wait for refreshments, I shall continue...
"So trapped behind a magical barrier, unable to leave the girl suffered. Her father cold, and caring only of her as a possession to keep safe, locked away from the world. So she started to wither, and it was only through her nanny and the books did she know of the outside world."
"But her reading gave her a taste for life. A desire for adventure, and by accident she discovered she could send tings pass the barrier that kept her trapped inside. So armed with ink, quill and paper she convinced her father to allow her access to, she started to send messages... seeking someone to save her...."
Nora: Is there a point to this fairy-tale?
Nora: Yes, there is.
Nora: Can we just get to it? I appreciate the build-up and the attempt to get me interested, but you're me. You know.
Nora: Yeah, your right. Okay, so the TLDR is that Grandma-ma Salem was the girl in the Tower.
Nora: Is that true?
Nora: Yes.
Nora: Well if it is true, she looks astoundingly good for someone older than dirt!
Nora: Anyway the rest of the TLDR is that Ozpin the Headmaster is the reincarnated soul of her rescuer, lover and husband.
Nora: Okay?
Nora: They got married, he grew ill and died. She tried to cheat death by conning the brother Gods... it failed, and in a fit of depression she threw herself into a pool of grimm goo.
Nora: She obviously survived.
Nora: Yes. Anyway Ozama, which was Ozpin's original name came back and the two fell in love, had four beautiful daughters... but Salem wasn't happy. After all those years alone, watching humanity rebuild she grew just a tad power hungry... and decided the best way to help Remnant would be to rule it.
Nora: So Ozpin... er Ozma thought differently and they fought didn't they?
Nora: Yes, they did. Salem attacked Ozama when he tried to leave during the night with their daughters.
Nora: No...
Nora: It happened...
Nora: Nora... this is the main point... in that clash of magical energies, one of their children was flung through time... that girl was Jasmine, Jaune's mother...
Nora: Now I'm getting a headache. So Jaune's mom is Salem's real daughter, meaning Fearless Leader... MY Jaune-Jaune is directly related to the queen of the Grimm?
Nora: Yes.
Nora: Question?
Nora: Yes?
Nora: Is this a universal constant like us?
Nora: Yes, it is but the problem is Salem and Jasmine don't know the other is alive, so it takes... Outside forces to get them to connect.
Nora: Forces like US!
Nora: Exactly!
Nora: But how does this all work? Like Queen of the Grimm just giving up, because she has great-grand-babies?
Nora: Salem has eons to fester with guilt and regret. Finding Jasmine opens her wounds, allowing love to finally touch her heart, which you know as well as I do the Arc's are masters of showering someone with love.
Nora: I do.
Nora: So do you understand? The ned for you and Jaune to have children?
Nora: So Salem has something else to occupy her time?
Nora: No, to fill her life with a loving family that will withstand the tests and trials of time.
The library door opened and Bob the Beowulf entered pushing a cart loaded with sweet pastries, cookies and a steaming kettle of hot chocolate.
Nora: Thank you Bob. Can you go ask Salem to join us?
Bob just nodded and padded off, leaving the two alone.
Nora: Question, does Jaune know about any of this? Because this seems like a BIG deal, and Jaune should know about it. Like it's not everyday you find out you're directly related to the big bad who controls all the grimm in the world!
Nora: To be honest... I don't know if he does... but you're right he should.
Nora: You think we could do the whole snatch and talk to him here routine you've been using on me?
Nora: Don't see why not.
(Master List)
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shr1mply-here · 4 months ago
[Appears behind shrimpo]
Well well well looks like you’re gonna need to enter a deep dark passageway to find a goob.
lucky for you i have something to help with searching the dark.
[Takes out a big ball of yarn and a flashlight]
just tie this here yarn to the outside so you can find your way out and use this flashlight to see in the dark.
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Oh.. Jeez—
You’re just giving stuff.. Okay—
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..hmm… this reminds me of that lame Greek yoghurt story Astro has… something about a maze and cow man??
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~few minutes later~
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and I got Duct-Tape ✨
~a minute of duct-taping later~
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SooOo.. ready for this!
Yup! letsgobeforeIchangemymind!—
Time to save a derpy-cheeseball from whatever’s down there…
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prehnite-soul · 5 months ago
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gggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need to write a story about this. nnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhh
It's under the cut
[[ @valrayne-faeu by @antlered-knight & @owl-bones ]]
Snowfur OneShot
Soul huffed out a breath as she ducked under a branch. Oh dear. Her falcon had to have been caught MILES out, poor boy.
"I should have brought along a ride." Nightmare growled. Right. Soul lowered her head. Why was he here? She didn't want to go alone, and Nightmare still had a favor open for her. So she used that one.
She gave him an apologetic smile. "I was not aware of how far the way would be. I apologize for that."
"Mpfh." Ooookay then. Soul bit her tongue and continued walking.
It was silent in the forest. The cold snow hung heavy on the branches of the trees. The thick layer of snow on the ground made it hard to walk- Soul knew Nightmare would rather they fly, but she was quite unskilled in it.
Her wings twitched as she grasped the pendant of her necklace tighter. The pull that dragged her towards her falcon Blizzard was getting stronger the closer she got.
Soul looked up to the night sky. The lantern that floated by her shoulder gave off a warm, orange glow. She glanced at Nightmare who had his wings spread to avoid dragging his wing-tails trough the snow. It... was rather unsuccesful.
"... humans have a wonderful word for this: It's-" "Save it." Soul frowned. Well that was just rude.
A growl sounded through the forest. The female fae stopped. "... what-" "Down." She linked at Nightmare who'd raised his hand, a teal flicker announcing him preparing his magic. Soul ducked, grasped the bag with food that they'd taken along.
A soft wave of teal magic ran from Nightmares raised hand, splitting the darkness like the waves of a sinking pebble on an otherwise calm water.
Soul could see his good eye narrowing. Before she could say anything, the man drew his sword.
She heard branches crack. What... was that? A griffin? A bear?
... only silence.
Just as she wanted to draw in a deep breath, the night sky covered her eyes, and a body slammed into hers-
Soul merely stumbled. Cat like claws scratched over her horns and her thick collar, and the thing clinging to her face was barely weighing more then Blizzard. Why did she only see stars? Had she been blinded?
Soul didn't even yelp as her back and wings hit the snow. She reached up, pulled the thing off her. Her fingers found... fur. Surprisingly easily, she dragged the creature off her.
"Oh my stars! Look at you!" Soul cheered. Nightmare growled.
A small, fuzzy dragon hung in Souls grasp. Its red tongue was hanging out, revealing sharp and long teeth within the eyeless snout. The dragon had no horns, but white, fuzzy fur on its back and legs, and it's claws, bellies and wings were mirrors of the night sky.
It's tail was wagging as it squirmed in Souls grasp- the dragon was barely longer then her arm, tail included.
What a threat, right, Nightmare?
"Put it down." The king scoffed as he sheathed his sword again. The dragon on the other hand let out a 'Yip! Yip!'. Soul was absolutely smitten.
"Ohh- look at him, Nightmare! He's so cute!" Soul got up carefully, letting the small dragon nuzzle against her. With a grin, Soul cradled the dragon like a baby, it's claws digging into her thick poncho.
"Put. It. Down." "But why?" Nightmare pinched the bridge of his nose.
"It's a dragon."
"I know!" She didn't see how Nightmares wings flapped in irritation. "Are you suicidal? Put it down! The mother must be around." He drew his sword again. Oh well.
His words had the opposite of the wanted effect on Soul. Her eyes brightened, widened, and she turned her gaze to him in adoration. "A BIG one??"
"Oh, no. No, absolutely not. Soul, you will not go to search for the dragon, interact with it, or do anything but return to me in case you see said dragon."
Her wings folded flat against her back, and her ears twitched. She slumped, and looked down onto the small dragon, who was still trying to paw at her. "... yes, my liege."
"Good. Now put it down. The mother will smell you anyways, but if we're lucky she won't come after us." Nightmare growled. The female fae sighed, running her hand through the fuzz of the dragon. She put the dragon down like a cat, careful. Soul didn't stop the dragon from rubbing against her hand- Nightmare had to grasp her collar and make her stand. He turned her around, staring into her eyes.
"Soul. Do you hear me?"
"Yes, Nightmare."
"Will you go after the dragon?"
"No, Nightmare."
The king nodded. "Good."
He swished some snow off his shoulder. "Now let us search for your falcon before I need to make use of my sword."
Soul looked back at the young dragon, which was digging through the snow.
"... of course, Nightmare."
ARGH this took me half an hour, did NOT spellcheck or re-read it whatsoever because I have swordfighting in like half an hour =).
There. Have it. I hope you enjoy =)
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sansxreaderbraindump · 1 year ago
"Stored Away" (a story idea)
Plot idea Sans au x reader One day when you were cleaning out your old drawer, you found your 2016 old fanart and fanfiction of you and sans being lovey dovely. you made this way back in middle school before you fell out of the fandom, man you were obsessed with this character and that alone made you cringed. You laughed as you made fun of yourself inside your own mind, going through the drawings and writing. Cringing at every word mistake and not very detailed parts like first meeting then straight towards dating? Kid [name] really wanted to go to the part they wanted. "Thank god, nobody had to see this dumpster fire."
Even though you hated your own old writing and drawings, you were charmed by it. It gave the embarrassing feeling yes, but also made you feel nostalgic.. So you grabbed a Black shoe box and threw in the "sansxreader" trash and stored it away inside your closet. Hoping to god that nobody can ever find it and be lost in time forever. After you finished cleaning out your old dresser, you cleaned yourself up and went to bed, But before you could even settled into bed you heard voices and groans from your closet. * well this isn't how I wanted to come out? * WHO DA F*CK ARE YOU PEOPLE!? WHY THE HELL AM I IN A CLOSET!? OW- BASTERD YOU JUST ELBOWED INTO MY F*CKING RIBS!! * NOW NOW NO NEED FOR CURSING, AS UNORTUNATE THIS SITUATION IS. I, THE MAGNIFENET SANS WILL BREAK OUT OF THIS IMPRESSIVE TRAP NO MATTER WHAT! MEHEHEHEHEH!! * NOW STEP BACK ME'S IM GOING TO FREE US!! * ok. Then BAM! Three sanses just broke out of your closet and in a instant they looked at you. * oh hey look its a human. "WHAT THE FUC-" (end) this very cool idea I agree 😎 also i thought of in the future chapters of this story idea if it becomes a fanfic, i would add in 2 sanses to the mix so you have 5 sanses to make sure you are loved 💪💪♥ Guess that snas's 2 Hints (very obvious) 1: "bro just don't be hungry *dies*" 2. "womp womp womp made ya kill ur own bro :/" did you guess it? YIP YIP HOOARY YOU GUESS IT RIGHT (because it very obvious) ITS HORROR AND DUST!!! :DDD had to put them in because they are my bad boy crushes 🥰 so uh if you reached to the end just want you to know I'm gonna make headcanons of this story ideas so stay around if ya want. (plz)
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burntbatchoffics · 21 days ago
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Commander Fox x OC [Kira Kintsugi]
AN: My first fanfiction in years. Please enjoy Fox and Kira's first meeting.
TW: Medical Emergencies [Seizures] and Canon Typical Violence [Head Injury and Blood]
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This is not how Kira had been planning to meet her Clone Commander.
Kira gazes up at a tall armored man as she lies on her cot in the Halls of Healing within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
He's a picture perfect soldier.
The Commander is in parade rest and looks down at her to make eye contact through his helm.
The monitor she's hooked up to beeps as it measures her heart beat. It fills the silence.
She's been given a role as the General of the Coruscant Guard.
Kira Kintsugi looks at herself in the fresher-mirror of her apartment at the Jedi Temple.
She has to look presentable as a representative of the Jedi Order and make a good first impression for her Commander.
It has been only recently that she'd become a Jedi Knight after training under Madame Jocasta Nu. It still feels odd to see herself missing the Padawan Braid.
Kira has managed to style her long thick brown hair so that her traditional homeworld braid was neatly woven with white silk ribbon. The little charms attached each dangling from the ribbon in order to tell the story of her life. She'd be heartbroken if she lost any of them. She just needed to look and make sure they were all still there: a book, a sword, a dragon, a star, and a wolf.
She gently touches the grey wolf charm.
She shakes it off. Now's not the time.
Her almond brown eyes search herself for any imperfections. She can't risk a single strand of hair out of place.
She had debated wearing the ceremonial kimono that Madame Jocasta had gifted her for special occasions after her knighting. Kira eventually decided against it, far too formal to meet the Commander in that.
Maybe her usual hanbok would work?
Gazing at her reflection she thinks she made the right decision.
Kira fixes her cream and beige hanbok. The brown skirt and ribbons contrast nicely with the cream top.
Simple, classy, and easy to maneuver in. Perfect. No need to fix something that wasn't broken after all.
Hopefully she could make a good first impression.
As Kira stands before the door to her apartment she makes a mental checklist of the essentials.
Lightsaber? Check.
Handbag? Check.
Keys? Check.
“Mana?!” Kira turns and calls back into her apartment.
She hears the sounds of his little paws hitting the floor before she sees him.
Mana turns a corner barreling toward her already in his bandana and having squeezed himself into his service vest.
The abnormally chunky tooka jumps into her arms with a meow and a purr.
“We're going to start our new job today, you ready?” Kira says putting the large loth-cat down as gently as she could.
A yip.
Ready as they'll ever be.
Okay, she could do this.
In Kira's defense she'd felt fine at first.
She'd made her way to the refectory and cobbled together her breakfast. Nothing special, she just made four rice balls and grabbed a vitawater.
Kira made her way through the hallways of the Temple taking small bites of rice and sips of the drink.
It was a nice life at the Temple. Kira truly loved it here.
Life in the Jedi Order could be physically and emotionally taxing, but it felt worth it to help preserve peace in the galaxy.
It’s as she's making her way down a stairwell and into a hallway toward the archives that it happens.
She feels a sharp pain behind her eyes like an icepick.
Before Kira knew it she was on the tile floor of the Temple.
She was gazing at the ceiling. The lights were suddenly so bright like supernovas.
Colors seemed to dance like a borealis in the bright lights. Every spark, every flash showing her images and making her feel sensations she could just barely grasp.
The hum of her lightsaber and its familiar yellow glow as she ignited the blade. The comforting weight and feel of the hilt in her hand.
A blaster shot. The smell of burning skin.
A pain in her chest.
Fireworks. Sparklers. Kindling. The crackling of wood and smoke in her eyes.
The colors, sensations, and visions stop.
It is just the ceiling staring back at her now.
Kira turns her head to the right. Her palm is outstretched. Her hand is tingling and she can barely curl her fingers.
Oh. A seizure then.
The last thing Kira remembers is Mana running away making loud cries looking for someone to help her.
That's how she ended up in the Halls of Healing with a Clone Commander of the Coruscant Guard standing at her bedside.
“I am CC-1010 of the Coruscant Guard. Happy to be of service, General.” The Commander quickly salutes her. “I was told by Jedi Command that you were ill and could not make our initial appointment. As such, I made my way here to meet you properly.”
“I'm Kira Kintsugi. A pleasure to meet you Commander.” She manages to smile back despite the lingering ache behind her eyes. “This is Mana my service tooka.” Kira pets Mana who's sitting on her lap in the cot with her.
The Commander gives a stiff nod of acknowledgement.
“Do you go by any other name Commander?” Kira tilts her head genuinely curious.
It wouldn't hurt to ask for his name would it? After all, they would be spending the foreseeable future together.
Eventually, after a very pregnant pause the man speaks.
“My designation is officially CC-1010.” He pauses again before continuing “However, my chosen name is Fox.”
“Commander Fox.” Kira parrots back softly with a nod. She lets his name roll off her tongue. What a nice name. It has a certain charm to it.
“How long have you been on the Coruscant Guard?”
“I've been at the Coruscant Guard since our initial wave posting after the Battle of Geonosis.”
Kira nods. Commander Fox had been here since the beginning of the war then.
“Do you have any questions for me Commander?”
Fox’s posture seems to stiffen for a millisecond before he tilts his head slightly in thought. It seems like he had not been expecting that.
“May I ask about your experiences?”
“In what way, Commander?” Kira tilts her head to parrot Fox.
“In general, I suppose?” He shrugs his shoulders ever so slightly.
“I trained under Madame Jocasta Nu as her Padawan. I just recently graduated to Jedi Knight. I’m only Twenty Standard Years.”
Kira hums as she tries to think of what else to say.
“I formerly worked on Relief and Rescue Missions with Master Plo Koon and the help of Commander Wolffe, before my reassignment here as your General.”
Fox visibly reacts standing straighter at the mention of Master Plo Koon and the 104th Commander.
It's as he does this that a pressure returns behind her eyes and a spark flashes.
She was on the bridge of the Triumphant.
They braced for the impact.
A surge of purple in her vision.
The ion cannon.
She stumbles grasping at the edges of the Holomap.
The impact was hard.
Her head cracked right on the edge of the table.
Another hit on the table.
There is a nanosecond where she sees her own blood splattered on the edge of the map.
She crumbled, falling backwards where there is another audible crack as her head meets the durasteel floor of the bridge.
She couldn't move.
Vaguely she remembers the warmth of her own blood pouring down the side of her head.
Commander Wolffe and Master Plo Koon had to help her to an escape pod.
She'd lost consciousness and woken to Wolffe covered in her blood dragging her out of the pod onto a new ship.
Then it's gone.
Commander Fox’s hand is on her shoulder in concern. Kira realizes she had been fisting the sheet of the cot, her knuckles white. She lets go. Mana is pawing at her in concern.
“General, are you alright? Should I send for a Healer?” The Commander’s level voice pitching slightly in concern.
“No. I'm fine. I suffer from force visions from time to time. As long as they don't incapacitate me or last longer than a minute they're usually fine.”
“Is that what's making you ill, the visions?”
Healer Che walks into the room.
“The visions are a problem, but they're not the cause of the illness.” Che says as she picks up a datapad with Kira’s vitals. “Almost all of Kira’s complications are the result of major head trauma. We're dealing with seizures, black-outs, migraines, visions, alongside auditory and visual hallucinations.”
She lightly pokes Fox’s chestplate with the datapad stylus as she walks by him to compare the data to Kira’s current vitals.
“I expect you to notify me immediately should Kira experience any symptoms during work hours.”
“Certainly, Ma’am.”
Che sighs, putting the datapad down and handing Kira a ridiculous amount of pill bottles and medication from the medical cart she wheeled in.
“Remember to take these, Little Light. Things will get worse if you keep neglecting your basic needs. Remember-”
“A tooka gummy a day keeps the doctor away. I'm aware, Healer Che.” Kira flushes pink in embarrassment as she shoves the medication into her handbag.
“Good.” Che pats Kira on the head and shoos both Fox, Mana, and her out the Halls.
The two of them are just staring at each other alone in the hallway. Mana is sitting at attention at Kira's feet.
Kira gives an apologetic look.
“I'm so sorry for missing our appointment and for you having to see me in such a state. I-”
“It’s a non-issue, General Kintsugi. I was told you have complications and that it was the primary reason for your stationing with the Guard.” Fox interrupts her as he crosses his arms in front of himself.
“Still. I apologize for the unconventional first introduction.”
“We'll agree to disagree, General.”
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