#Yes I freaking loved Gang Of Secrets what gave it away?
wolflover2426 · 1 year
Man, I’m in desperate need of more content of MariBug just trying to get through a single day with something going wrong that slowly builds up inside of her (ex: akuma attacks, forgotten homework, being late, had a stroke of bad luck)
And when someone asks Marinette if she’s doing alright, she’ll answer, “I’m fine.”
And when Alya decide to talk to her one on one and Marinette insists that she’s alright. Alya would respond, “No, you’re not.”
And Marinette just crumples and start sobbing right then and there. Please, can anyone recommend me any fics with this premise.
This is also applicable for a fic idea!
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely love “Like Moths to Flame”!! There’s just something about Yandere crows 👀 💕 ! I was wondering if you could write Yandere crows (or Kaz and Jesper if you don’t want the whole gang) x a male Reader who’s a member from a rival gang?
P.S Hope you’re doing better ❤️
Yandere six of crows x male!reader
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Yandere crows x male!reader
Notes: This is romantic. Also idk how Matthias would acted because I’m not to the books yet. But I’m getting there!
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, stalking, obsession, violence, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome.
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Somehow you have managed to catch the eyes of the crows, the ones everyone knew about. Your poor little thing.
It’s going to be chaos from the time kaz learns about you, to the time you’re with them.
Lets say you are a new gunslinger, a talented one at that but you weren’t sent out much. You stayed back to make sure everything was okay, the plan and what ever you’re boss wanted.
Now the first time kaz lays his eyes on you was something he had never felt before, not really. He couldn’t take his eyes away from you for some reason, even when you and your friends were pointing guns at him.
Man made a mental note to look more into you after he got out alive. His team came to give him some back up, after a few deaths your group ran.
But you couldn’t run far enough to escape his mind.
Inej was the next be taken over. She was sent to watch over you and find out anything she could.
And when she first saw you, really took a close look at you she wanted to find out every single detail about you.
She would follow you around the market. How you seemed to be happier there then at your job. She loves your smile. Even sometimes when you were sent out on missions she followed to make sure you were okay.
Lets just say when the two of them start to obsess over you, the others follow.
Even if you are the most talented gunslinger, the biggest man, or strongest. They wouldn’t see you as that. You were weak and fragile and needed protection.
Their protection.
Soon they all talk about you. Or go out to see your face, in secret.
It started to freak you out that random things started to appear on your desk.
It started with Nina sending you sweets from the bakery. She caught you in there one day and knew the ones you liked. Nina had to get them everytime, some for you and her. If you liked them then she would too, makes her feel closer to you.
Then it was whatever you looked at in the market. Silk, clothes, jewelry or anything you liked. Even the ones you didn’t tell anyone about, something only you should know.
I see the team getting into fights and messing with your gang to see you. It was just to cute to see you point a weapon at them. But their little baby wouldn’t dream of hurting the once’s that love him the most. But you’ll see that soon.
Jesper fangirls each time he sees you with a gun. It’s just a sign you’re supposed to be his. He watches you practice all the time. 
That’s when the gifts started to get more freakishly pacific. 
He knows guns. So he knows what your weaknesses and strengths are, like what way you hold your guns. What length you like, he notices everything. So we sends you stuff with notes on them. “This should feel more your style, less weight.” Or anything like that.
Oh, the things that would happen if they hear you were hurt during a mission.
Who ever even touched a hair on your head in a bad way would die, but actually hurt your pretty skin? That’s it for them.
They torture who ever hurt you, saying things like no one should hurt what’s theirs, or that you were to perfect.
I’m taking days of torture, mostly kaz takes it but the others will give a punch or to. And, matthias will help kaz at times.
You started to notice that everyone that gave you trouble ended up dead less then a week. 
Wylan can’t get enough of you, yes he’s more of the “Heart eyes” yandere. He is your number one fan. He admires you so much and he can’t get enough. He blushes each time he sees you, rambles on about you all the time. 
Has poisoned someone before and will do it again. Anything for his love.
Mattias sees you like someone to keep safe. He wants to take you in his arms and never left you go. Him and Nina always fantasize what it will be like when you can finally cuddle with them.
Maybe he can teach you some fighting techniques, or read to you. He’s more of a motherly, but don’t mess with him though. He will rip a man apart with his bare hands for you.
Months of stalking, watching, wanting and waiting they finally kidnapped you. And they couldn’t be happy to be your new home.
They locked you in a bedroom that is filled with things you like, but nothing sharp or anything that you could hurt yourself with. Sometimes if you tried to run out the door they would tie you up.
At first you refused to eat, nina and wylan would beg you sweetly to eat. “I got your favorite.” She would lift it up to your lips. “Come on, it would make me very happy.” But you didn’t care if he was happy or not. They had kidnapped you and now treated you like a pet in a cage.
After a few days of you not eating kaz was getting more impatient, so he took higher measures. “Eat, now or you wouldn’t get another chance.” Being stubborn you didn’t listen to him.
The others were mad at him at doing that to you. He couldn’t stare you! But he had a plan, if he didn’t offer you food for a few days you would cave.
And you did cave.
“See that wasn’t so hard.” Kaz watched you eat the whole thing.
They all take turns who would stay with you at times.
It was hard to accept that you were trapped with them. They were always so clingy to you and wouldn’t let you have freedom.
Lets say after some faking and time they let you leave the room, but only a few times. Like Kaz’s room, being covered and taken to the town for being good.
Of course they were affectionate, even kaz in his own way.
Cheek kisses where their favorite way at first because you blushed and pulled away from them. “They’re too embarrassed.” They would say and not see you didn’t actually want it.
Kaz was carful with his touches, but sometimes he would pet your head or touch hands, only sometimes. But with time he’d warm up.
You were smothered by their love and it drove you crazy. Until your brain blocked off what they had done, and you feel in love them.
But that was easy because you’d never leave them. Never.
Couldn’t even if you tried.
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majesticarlette · 3 years
Gang of Secrets
Miraculous Ladybug + Reader | ONE SHOT
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"Marinette, are you okay?" You touched Marinette's shoulder and looked at her. She turned to you and gave you a forced smile. "Yeah! I am! Just currently so busy with what I'm working on. Yeah! I'm alright!" She rambles as she finds a way to say her excuses. "Are you sure--" "Yes! I am!" She yelled interrupting you, you were surprised at the sudden outburst which Marinette noticed and drop her apologies.
As you were going to say your response, screams and loud disturbance were heard. "It's an akuma attack! We have to hide!" You yelled taking her hand but she quickly retracts it. "(Y/n), wait, I-I think we should split up, so that the villain won't catch us both." Marinette voiced and sprints her way out of the school building.
'Oh right, superhero duties, how could I forget.'
You hid inside the bathroom and waited for Ladybug and Cat Noir to defeat the villain on your phone screen. You sighed in relief when they finally defeated the villain, you got out of your hiding spot and started looking for Marinette before she gets away.
As Chat Noir's about to trick Ladybug to go with him to watch a movie, your voiced were heard searching for Marinette. The troubled and distracted Ladybug came to her senses, she told Chat Noir her excuses and flee the scene. She transforms back and looked for you as well, pretending she has been looking for you everywhere. Little did she know about your awareness of her secret identity.
"Marinette! There you are I've been looking for you. Are you alright?" You asked concerned about her, your question seemed like you're referring to the akuma attack earlier but the truth is that you're worried about her the entire time. Ever since Queen Wasp was defeated, you witnessed the scene where Ladybug became the new Guardian of the Miraculous. You knew how stressful it was to Marinette to have a double life being Ladybug, despite knowing all of this: you never confessed being aware of who she is. "Yes, I am fine! I'm glad Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated the villain." She puts on a smile and was quickly replaced with a frown as she remembered something. "I have to go! I forgot I have something to do--" As she was going to chant her excuses, you interrupted her. "Marinette, calm down." "I'm sorry! I really need to do something!" She's really stressed and troubled from what was all happening. Being a hero is never easy, now that she's looking after the Miraculouses; many danger lurks from Shadow Moth that made her so paranoid. This made you leave no choice, you have to tell her what you know to let her know that someone understands her.
"Look, I'm going to confess something and it's very important." You looked at her seriously as she was stunned by your statement, she was hesitant at first but she gave in. "Can we go to your house, it's really confidential." You added and she agreed.
You're both at her patio leaning on the railings. "Look, I know why you broke up with Luka." You spoke, Marinette was surprised with what you said as she was about to speak, you interrupted her. "I am serious Marinette, I know who you are." You added, and before you let her freak-out you continued what you were saying. "Don't freak out, it's not your fault. No, I didn't see you detransform nor transform into your other business. If you noticed, I'm always wearing this charm." You held your charm attached to a necklace. "May it be as a necklace, earring or anything. This charm somewhat nullifies miraculous magic." Marinette was speechless with what you said. "H-how? That's impossible." "It isn't, this charm was made centuries ago and was passed down to my family to protect us from dangers when a miraculous is in the wrong hands. It's the only charm, I think." You answered.
"If that charm may nullify miraculous magic, then all this time..." "Yes, I was able to see through what's beneath the mask little by little. It took sometime, but there were hints. I could only see you from afar as LB so I couldn't really distinguish who you are, but when I saw you a couple inches away the charm worked it's way and slowly nullified the magic of the miraculous which hides your identity. A simple mask and a suit won't protect your identity, silly. It's the magic of the miraculous." Marinette was shocked. "Then, you could also see Shadow Moth's real identity." She looked at you with hope. "That's the problem, it's hazy. I can't fully see who he is, I haven't met him yet. The charm can't give us what we want right away, it took more than a month to know who you are you know, and maybe it's because I also knew you personally which made it pretty easier to decipher." You answered.
Marinette was about to utter her reply when she heard voices inside her room. She went down and saw Rose about to see inside her dollhouse. She quickly went down and blocked Rose from seeing it. "Don't touch that, move away!" She pushed Rose, which made the cheery girl drop the roof of the dollhouse and broke it. Everyone gasps which made you peek from the patio, 'It's our girl friends'. You refuse to reveal yourself, it might make the girls sulk. "I'm sorry, Marinette." Rose kneels to pick up the broken roof. "Will you please leave my room?" Marinette declares as she showed annoyance to the group. "Chill out, Marinette. It's just a dollhouse, we'll totally help." Alya responded. "No you won't! Please go!"
As the group tries to help Marinette to voice out her problems, the dark haired girl lashes out on them and told them that she doesn't want to be friends with them and told them out. The saddened group left and you finally went down in her room to accompany Marinette. The kwamis were surprised by your appearance and tries to hide but Marinette assured them you're aware. "I had no choice, I had to do it." Her eyes are swollen, she really tried her best to keep her loved ones safe. "We know, Marinette. Someday, they'll understand why you had to do it, but lashing out on them wasn't the best thing to do." "At least now I won't have to lie anymore--" She voiced out between her cries and you cut her off. "No, Marinette. You mustn't think about that." You hugged her and let her cry.
When talking to Marinette about her issues, the both of you were interrupted by your phone, it was your mother telling you to go home. You bid each other goodbye which leaves Marinette into working on the Miracle Box's safe.
At home, you were browsing through channels when the news came up and reports a strange phenomenon about the Eiffel tower. "What happened?" You looked outside from your window and saw what was happening: it was the girls, they were akumatized by Shadow Moth. "Oh no, they must be after Mari." You closed the curtains and called Marinette but she wasn't picking up, you left a text and continued watching the news to have updates on what was happening.
After some time when the villains were defeated, you received a text from Marinette. She was asking you to visit her in their house. You prepared your things and went on your way. You climbed up, knocked, and opened the door to Marinette's room. You saw Alya and the kwamis which made you smile. "You finally told her, huh? I'm happy for you." "Thank you, (Y/n)." She hugged you. "Wait, (Y/n) knew?" Alya crosses her arms. You explained to Alya how it happened and what happened earlier at the patio which she understood and cleared things up.
"So, that's why you haven't gotten akumatized yet." Alya realizes. "That's cool! Then, you also know Chat Noir." She added. "I-I dont! Yet.." You quickly answered. "Mm-hm. Then it's pretty risky for you, huh? Keeping LB's secret identity to the public." Alya said. "It is, there were times where I had to take off my charm and I'm afraid someone will get akumatized and get me, like Truth or Queen Wasp." Alya hugged you and told you that you are a true friend, the both of you noticed Marinette in deep thought. "Hmm... The charm protects you from being akumatized." "What is it, girl?" Alya asked.
"I think I know what we should do next."
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faint ~ beck oliver;victorious
word count: 1217
request?: yes!
@xoxogamergirlxoxo “Hi! Do you still do request for Beck? Because I can’t stop thinking about y/n passing out during class and boyfriend Beck freaking out. When y/n finally wakes up he takes her home and they cuddle :) If you still do requests for Beck could you make this into a imagine? Would love it”
description: when she faints in the middle of class, her boyfriend comes to learn the truth about how much she has on her plate
pairing: beck oliver x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Cat raced into the classroom, doubling over to catch her breath after running from one end of school to the other. Beck looked at his friend in confusion, trying not to break character but it was hard when your bubbly red-headed friend bursts into the classroom out of nowhere.
“Beck!” she suddenly exclaimed, racing to the stage and taking hold of Beck’s arm. “You gotta come with me, it’s important!”
“Cat, I’m kinda in the middle of something here,” Beck said, motioning to the scene he was performing for Sikowitz. “This is my final, I need to finish it - ”
“It’s (Y/N). She passed out during class, she’s in the nurses office right now.”
Beck didn’t even look to Sikowitz for permission, he immediately dashed out the door, following closely on Cat’s tail.
When he entered the nurses office, he could see (Y/N) laid down with an ice pack over her head. Her eyes were still closed and her skin was so pale she was nearly translucent. Beck tried to go back to her, but was stopped by the school nurse.
“Can I please see (Y/N)?” he asked her. “Or at least know she’s okay?”
“She’s okay, she just needs to rest,” the nurse told him. “I think her fainting spell has to do with over stress and malnutrition.”
Beck looked at the nurse in confusion. “Stress? Malnutrition? That makes no sense.”
Cat suddenly gasped beside Beck and covered her mouth. Beck turned to look at her. “What do you know, Cat?”
“She made me promise I wouldn’t tell anyone!” Cat responded. Both Beck and the nurse gave her a look. “But this is a serious topic so I’ll tell you: she took 10 classes this year.”
Beck’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What?! How is that possible? How does she have the time with lunch in the middle?” Cat looked down at her feet. “Cat, is she eating lunch?”
“She told me she eats between classes!” Cat said. “I’m sorry, Beck, I promised.”
Beck sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He turned back to the nurse. “Can I stay with her?”
“Of course,” the nurse responded. “But she needs to rest, let her sleep for a while.”
Beck nodded. He pulled up a chair next to (Y/N)’s bed and took her hand in his. (Y/N) stirred a moment, but didn’t wake.
Beck sat with her for about an hour. In that time, Tori stopped by the nurse’s office to give Beck food for himself and for (Y/N) for when she woke up. She didn’t stay for long, but Beck could see the brief flash of sympathy in her eyes before she left.
He was starting to nod off himself when he heard the sound of the paper on the cot rustling, indicating that (Y/N) was moving. Beck sat up as (Y/N)’s hands moved to her face to sleepily rub her eyes.
“God, my head hurts,” was the first thing she said when she became fully conscious again.
Beck couldn’t help but chuckle at this. “Well, you did faint and hit your head.”
(Y/N) looked at him in shock. “I fainted?”
“You don’t remember?”
“The last thing I remember is being in class with Cat...how long have I been out?”
“About an hour.”
(Y/N) cringed at this. Beck took her hand in his again, bringing her attention back to him. “(Y/N), why didn’t you tell me about all the classes you were taking?”
Her eyes widened in shock then. “Cat told you? I told her - ”
“Why would you keep that a secret?” Beck cut her off. “Babe, the nurse said you’re malnutritional, that’s why you passed out. Don’t you know that’s dangerous?”
Tears started filling (Y/N)’s eyes. She quickly buried her head in her hands, trying desperately to wipe the tears before they fell down her face. Beck got up from his chair and moved to sit next to her on the bed. “Don’t cry, baby.”
“I’m so sorry, Beck,” she said through sobs. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just...I didn’t want to worry you.”
“And you thought passing out during class was the best way to do that?”
(Y/N) managed to give Beck a playful glare through her tears. “Obviously not. I thought I had everything taken care of. I was on top of my school work, I was eating fine between classes. Some classes even let out early during your lunch period and I was able to actually eat with you and the gang.”
The times (Y/N) had shown up near the end of lunch and said she got stuck with a project or in detention or any number of excuses flashed through Beck’s mind. He had always believed her, now he felt silly for doing so.
“Why are you taking so many classes?” he asked her. “That has to give you such little time to do anything else in the day.”
“It does,” she admitted. “But...I have to. The school I transferred from apparently ‘lost’ my transcript, so I’m missing a whole bunch of credits in order to pass.”
“What? How is that possible?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t know! Principal Helen called me in before school let out for the summer and told me that there was no record of all my former credits because my old school failed to send them over. She called them in front of me and told me they lost the records, so there’s nothing official saying I did all those classes. Helen told me that, because it’s so many credits, there’s no way I’d be graduating with you guys, unless I tried to make up for them all and also took the classes I needed this year. Guess which option I took.”
Beck cupped (Y/N)’s face in his. “Baby, you don’t have to work yourself to death. You could do summer school, and then you’d still be walking with us at graduation in September.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “I have to work over the summer, I can’t afford college if I don’t.”
“You can’t afford to stop eating and stress yourself to death either.”
(Y/N) felt the tears pricking her eyes yet again and quickly wiped them away. “I don’t want to be held back, Beck. I wanna graduate with you guys.”
“And you will! Just let us help you, let me help you. You don’t have to do this alone, baby.”
(Y/N) smiled and slowly sat up. Beck helped her, making sure she was stable enough and wouldn’t fall over or pass out again. When she was sure she was alright, (Y/N) cupped Beck’s face and pulled him for a sweet kiss. He smiled and kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
“I love you so much,” he told her, pulling her in to rest her head on his chest. “Please, tell me about these things in the future. I was so scared today.”
“I’m sorry, Beck,” she mumbled into his chest. “I promise I’ll talk to you in the future. I’ll take better care of myself, baby.”
“That’s all I ask. I want to have you for the rest of my life.”
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themculibrary · 2 years
Smut with Fluff Masterlist
Links Last Checked: January 12th, 2024
A Little Unsteady (ao3) - kipli loki/tony E, 68k
Summary: After observing the battle at the airport between Captain America and Iron Man, Loki stumbles upon Tony Stark hidden away in the depths of a panic attack. Loki finds himself drawn to Stark in ways he’d not expected.
Catfish (ao3) - L1av steve/bucky E, 28k
Summary: Catfish /ˈkatˌfiSH/ - A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances.
Steve Rogers is a famous movie star, known for his role as Captain America. Bucky Barnes is a bored law student who drinks too much wine. Bucky gets on match.com to boost his confidence. What he doesn't expect is a guy using Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating profile. Bucky decides to mess with the guy. After all, what idiot uses Steve Rogers' pictures on a dating site?
Not like it's really him, right? Bucky may need more wine.
Deep as a secret nobody knows (ao3) - This Girl Is (non_sequential) steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: To be fair, Steve is moderately drunk the first time. Not smashed, but drunk enough to make Tony and Clint’s ideas sound brilliant and hilarious.
Or: “the story where steve gets dared to call a phone sex line and of course bucky is on the other end. and then feelings happen.”
Easy Work For Easy Pay (ao3) - AustinB steve/bucky M, 45k
Summary: Bucky's working his way back up through the ranks at S.H.I.E.L.D. after a mission took his left arm and Stark gave him a new metal one.
So when Fury tasks him with integrating the newly defrosted Captain Rogers into the 21st century, he jumps at the promotion.
Hands-Free (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: Or: Five times throughout their lives that Steve and Bucky chose not to use their hands to make each other come - and the one time they had no choice.
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 85k
Summary: Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event"
Basic Steps to Getting Yourself In a Pickle With Both Your Family and The Guy You've Secretly Crushed On For Five Years (A Guide):
STEP 1: After being perpetually single and constantly making up excuses to your family, give in and lie about having a boyfriend. STEP 2: Agree to bring said boyfriend to the family cottage for a week so he can be your date to your parents' wedding anniversary party. STEP 3: Panic. STEP 4: Say 'yes' when your best friend and closet crush - who you're convinced isn't interested in you that way in the least - offers to be your pretend boyfriend. STEP 5: Try your best not to fall in love with them during the trip. STEP 6: Fail miserably.
Just Hold Me (ao3) - shanology steve/bucky E, 10k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is living in Avengers Tower, and all he wants in the world is to be cuddled. He sets out to get his new friends to give him the snuggling he needs, because it's not something he can ask of Steve yet.
Steve doesn't see it in quite the same way.
Also, there are Avengers movie nights, possibly with a showing of The Covenant. Just saying.
Just the Two of Us (You and I) (ao3) - MiniRaven steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Tony and Steve have been a couple for a long time, and they’ve been teammates for even longer. They head to a beach house on a remote island to take some well-deserved time off.
Las Vegas (ao3) - elcapitan_rogers steve/natasha E, 219k
Summary: Steve was freaking out over his own wedding and the gang decided to take him to Las Vegas to unwind him.
Lazy light of morning (ao3) - quandong_crumble steve/tony E, 2k
Summary: Tony bends down and presses a quick kiss to his lips. "Something I have to check on in the workshop. I'll be back before you wake up again."
"Sundays are sleep-in days." Steve wants nothing more than to drag Tony back into bed and keep him there, but he lets go and settles back against the pillows. He tries to keep his eyes open long enough to watch his naked boyfriend wander around the room in search of yesterday's clothes, but his eyelids are heavy and sleep claims him again.
Like Rocks Under Tide (ao3) - Potrix bucky/steve/tony E, 10k
Summary: Taking a shuddering breath, Tony shuts off the alarm, puts the phone away to stall for another moment or two, and then finally gets up, and reaches for what he has—very aptly, in his humble opinion—named The Stick of Destiny lying on the edge of the sink. He fumbles with it, almost drops it twice before he manages to turn it right side up, and sees the two bright pink lines that mean he’s royally screwed. And not in the fun way.
“Shit,” Tony croaks.
No One Wants Your Opinion (ao3) - thepinupchemist steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Wherein Bucky loves to cuddle Steve Rogers, Steve comes out on national television for the sole purpose of spiting conservative politicians, Tony sees things he wishes he hadn't, and Pepper doesn't know why she even bothers.
One Date Wonder (ao3) - Arukou steve/bucky, bucky/steve/tony E, 20k
Summary: Every week, the same guy comes into Steve and Bucky's diner and every week, he's got a new date on his arm. Guy just can't seem to catch a break, and after a particularly bad date, Steve and Bucky start taking matters into their own hands to help him out.
One Reason Why (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight peter/wade E, 149k
Summary: An Arranged Marriage brings Alpha!Prince Wade and Omega!Prince Peter together and neither are happy about it. Wade is obnoxious and Peter is stuck up and despite a fairly adorable accidental first meeting and instant attraction, they can hardly be in the same room without arguing. Alpha! Wade is determined to win the bratty Omega over and tries with sarcasm and humor and enough one liners to make Peter scream. Omega!Peter is brilliant, beautiful and too hurt from a past Alpha to try again. He doesn’t care about Wade’s scars, but if the Alpha doesn’t stop talking, Peter might just kick him out a window. An unexpected moment forces them together and even Peter can no longer deny their bond. Even if he still isn’t sure he wants an Alpha, he can’t stay away, and every kiss and night spent together brings them closer to bonding. But outside forces want to tear them apart, and when tragedy strikes, Wade asks the Omega to bond so they can face it together but Peter still isn’t sure. Can Wade come up with One Reason Why Peter should be his?
Storms (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight tony/thor E, 29k
Summary: When Thor returns to Earth, the first place he goes is the Avengers Compound. He is anxious to see his friends, and more than a little anxious to see Tony--hoping to perhaps pick up their cuatious flirting and little moments together they had had before Ultron. But the compound is empty, and Tony is a mess- drinking himself to sleep and not eating anymore, not even working in his lab anymore. And when Thor learns what happened while he was gone, what happened in Russia, he decides to stay and try to help. Tony doesnt want his help, but Thor stays anyway--soothing nightmares, and making food and trying to show Tony that he is still beautiful and worthwhile.
And one ngiht, with storms raging outside the window, Tony gives in and lets Thor love him like hes always wanted to, and they find comfort and peace in each others arms.
But when the team comes home, Thor realizes that some of Tonys wounds might never heal, that things might never be alright again. But Thors not giving up on Tony Not now Not Ever
The Ballad of The Three Legged Werewolf (ao3) - The Notorious Trollop Vo the Terrible (Voishen) steve/bucky E, 84k
Summary: Funny how the perfect time to begin again is right after you realize everything you had is gone. After being a test subject and a weapon in the hands of the humans for fifteen years, Bucky is finally free. His first order of business is finding his own kind and maybe some answers about the holes in his memory. When he meets the pack's First Alpha, he quickly realizes there is something irresistible about him that has nothing to do with his pack standing. With mating season on the horizon, it's time to pick a partner and he knows exactly which alpha he'd like to keep his den warm. Now if only he could remember how seduction works.
Three Weeks, Ten States, and One Million Reasons to Fall for You (ao3) - leftennant bucky/darcy, steve/natasha E, 73k
Summary: When Darcy considers all the things she never planned to do, going on a ten state road trip with the Winter Soldier ranks right up there with jumping off the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier sans parachute. Falling for said Winter Soldier somewhere between New York and New Orleans? Never. Gonna. Happen. Probably, at least. I mean, he is pretty damn sexy when he's not glaring at her. Whatever. She's only in it for the taser batons.
Time Falls Away (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/tony, peggy/steve M, 79k
Summary: The Battle of New York: Tony flies himself and the nuke through the wormhole and when his suit shuts down and he starts to fall, he knows he's going to die. But then he wakes up in an alley in Brooklyn, two strangers staring down at him in confusion and Tony is sure he is dreaming when he shakes hands first with pre-serum Steve Rogers, and then Bucky Barnes. Trapped in 1942, Tony befriends Steve, and falls in love with Bucky but America is at war, and Bucky and Steve ship out to join the cause. Tony knows all the stories about the Howling Commandos and knows what’s coming for the soldiers, and has to live through history as first Bucky falls, and then Steve disappears. Tony is left alone in the 40's, crying himself to sleep in the house he had shared with his best friend and his lover. But then he wakes up on the pavement in New York, the Hulk roaring in his face, Steve staring down at him, and he has to wonder if it was all a hallucination. When Tony fell through the sky, did he fall through time as well? Why does Steve act so cold towards him? Were he and Bucky really that happy together?
Did it all really happen, or is Tony in love with a life he can only have in his dreams?
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bucky-hues · 3 years
sambucky fic recs
hellooo!! i've been wanting to do a sambucky fic rec, so i thought i'd do one for @fuckyeahsambucky ‘s fic yeah friday! here are some sambucky fics i love <3 do read the warnings on each fic!
when i'm in a room with you (that missing piece is found) | @omg-just-peachy
sam x bucky
Three times Bucky falls asleep on Sam, and one time Sam asks why.
double dare | @omg-just-peachy
sam x bucky
Bucky follows his therapist’s advice to cultivate friendship, Sam makes him work for it, and by the time he’s sure they’re friends, Bucky has an entirely new problem on his hands.
press conference | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
Sam watches from a distance a journalist from Denver, Summer, puts her hand on Bucky’s arm and laughs at something he says. Her hand trails further up and squeezes his bicep which Bucky doesn’t seem to mind at all. If anything, he laughs along with her and leans in closer to her to say something. Sam closes his eyes briefly and swallows back his anger.
accidentally | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
x | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
request: during the time when sam is tracking bucky in romania, after sam and bucky get caught up in a fight against some hydra agents who were also tracking bucky
sam gets hurt and bucky feels guilty so he carries him inside to patch him up, they talk some stuff out, its all very intimate and both start to fall for each other a little
acquiring alpine | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
prompt: alpine being cute
x | @sammy-souffle (18+)
sam x bartender!bucky (modern au)
regrets | @sammy-souffle
sam x bucky
x | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Bucky being completely oblivious that him and Sam have been dating for like 6 months and Bucky finally understands why Sam has been kissing him, sleeping in the bed with him, and being an all around sap with him.
reckless idiots tend to fall | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Bucky and Sam are arguing cause Sam did something reckless on a mission and Bucky freaks out but oblivious Sam genuinely has no idea why. And then Bucky accidentally yells ‘because I love you’
tell me a secret | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Every time Sam gets drunk he finds Bucky and asks him for a secret. Bucky always gives him one.
fucking ridiculous | @jeffersonshattricks
sam x bucky
Sam is pining and a bitter grumpy grump, Bucky is mostly oblivious but also pining. misunderstandings happen, feelings get hurt, people get hurt (like physically), and then confessions happen and all is well. yay! also the other avengers are just their nerdy selves for the most part!
come to the ocean, even when you're broken | @liminalmess
sam x bucky
“Bucky, hey, man, fancy meeting you here!” he said with an exaggerated enthusiasm that he probably knew would get under Bucky’s skin, clapping him on the shoulder as he sat down.
“I thought we were taking separate vacations,” Bucky grumbled back.
Or, in which Sam and Bucky go an accidentally not separate vacation to the Bahamas.
feelings | @yaksomins
sam x bucky (modern au)
sam crossed his arms and inspected the lobby. they were indeed the only people there, not including the few staff members seated at a table near a magenta-tinted arcade area with their noses buried in their phones.
"i think i can help with that," a voice said from behind sam.
sam turned and found himself face to face with the clerk they'd bought their tickets from earlier, the scruffy-looking man that seemed a little out of place amongst the younger staff. sam gave him a quick scan, his eyes catching the name plastered to his chest via a paper name tag, scribbled by hand using a marker.
"and what exactly can you do for us...bucky?" sam frowned. what kind of name was ‘bucky’?
"i can be your extra," he said, removing a hairband from his wrist and swiftly tying up his hair into a tidy bun. with more of him now visible, sam could get a better view of his face, all hard lines and soft eyes. "and it's a nickname," bucky added, smirking and moving past a puzzled sam towards the game room. "c'mon, let's suit up."
x | @yaksomins
sam x bucky
prompt: leaving each other notes
x | @yaksomins
sam x bucky
bucky takes sam for a ride on his motorcycle
i'll make this feel like home | @buckywilsonbarnes
sam x bucky
sambucky domestic fluff
x | @transjoaquintorres
sam x bucky
sam loves bucky's handwriting
just let me adore you | dharmainitiative (AO3)
sam x bucky
“Alright, what gives?” Sam demands. “Why do you turn down every single person I try to set you up with?”
He expects Bucky to avoid the question, come up with all sorts of excuses. What he doesn’t expect is for Bucky to start laughing.
“C’mon, Sam. Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously.”
“Sam,” Bucky finally says, slow and deliberate. “I’m not interested in anyone you’ve tried to set me up with because I’ve been gone on you for ages.”
watch your words | dancer_in_the_rain (AO3)
sam x bucky
sam insults bucky and then loses his shit when someone agrees with him
love, punch | @clintbartonswife
sam x bucky
Bucky can get protective, but Sam reminds him he doesn’t need to be defended - a confession is made
exchange rate | @joycesully
sam x bucky
Bucky's older memories are coming back, sometimes at the cost of more recent ones. What he cannot forget is tearing the wings off Sam Wilson. Too bad Bucky just let Steve talk him into staying with him and Sam. Consumed by guilt, the only thing Bucky knows to do by way of apology is to let Sam hurt him back. Fortunately, Sam has better ideas.
stubborn wounds | @constantwriter85
sam x bucky
When Bucky’s badly injured after trying to protect his partner, Sam realizes that he needs Bucky more than he’d care to admit.
nurturing | the_buzz (AO3)
sam x bucky (pre-slash)
Bucky isn't the only one who feels alone after coming back from the Blip.
keep the ashes from my heart (and walk away) | @coffeeinallcaps
sam x bucky
In which Sam starts dating someone who is not Bucky, and Bucky pines, gets seriously injured, and proves himself wrong.
you're blowin' my mind (with the things you say to me) | @jemgirl86
sam x bucky
After getting an earful from Bucky at the cookout, Sarah suggests Sam and Bucky have a chat... and they do.
(sometimes) all i think about is you | @softhauntedwinds
sam x bucky
Bucky discovers Sam Wilson's pre-blip media content and things escalate.
when the wheels come off (i'll be your spare) | @returnsandreturns
sam x bucky
“What, the government doesn’t pay you enough to buy some art?” Bucky asks, a minute after Sam lets him into his apartment, gesturing at the blank walls. “It still looks like you just moved in.”
“Uhm, I’ve been busy being a national treasure,” Sam says. “The government doesn’t pay you enough to buy a shirt that fits?”
Bucky glances down at his long sleeve t-shirt for a second before he looks back up with a grin.
“I’m just a part-timer,” he says, shrugging.
forever and a day | @returnsandreturns
sam x bucky
When he sets the needle, Ella Fitzgerald croons and he glances over to see Sam sitting up, looking interested as she sings it’s very clear. . .our love is here to stay.
Bucky can flirt and he can really tell that he’s still got it by the way Sam’s mouth drops open for a moment when he saunters up and offers a hand, smiling with all the potential of where this could lead and asking, “Care for a dance, doll?”
Sam stares up at him before he sighs and mutters, “Fuck, that’s really working for me somehow,” and lets Bucky pull him onto his feet and into his arm.
world's greatest uncle | @novembermurray
sam x bucky
Rhodes arrives in Delacroix to bring Sam up to speed on their newest mission and deliver the bad news: Bucky Barnes has gone AWOL. He's in for a few surprising discoveries.
panic | alienspronkles (AO3)
sam x bucky
When Sam and Bucky go to Sarah's place for a get together, Bucky's anxiety starts kicking in. And he's trying to hide it from everyone there.
sam and bucky first date 2: electric boogaloo | ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
sam x bucky
Sam is gearing up to ask Bucky on their first date, but he is interrupted by a bullet wound to the shoulder.
sam and bucky go to a fourth of july party | ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
sam x bucky
Sam and Bucky, recently engaged, make an appearance at the annual Delacroix Fourth of July Block Party, and Sam ends up partying a little too hard.
the gang navigates and airport | ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
sam x bucky
Sam and Bucky have to navigate an unexpected layover on their way home from a mission, made more difficult by the fact that Bucky has just taken a sleeping pill designed for Super Soldiers.
he followed me home one day | AshaCrone (AO3)
sam x bucky (au)
He was supposed to be starting fresh.
Sam Wilson was moving from New York to Washington and picked the worst possible Friday to finish his move. But he does what he does best- stops to help.
And asks a passing stranger for a little muscle to get some trapped people out of a car. Feeds the stranger a protein bar.
Now a lost cyborg has followed him home. And he isn't quite sure what to do about it.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
°• ✾ •°𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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You were currently locked inside a secret room in your mansion. Hongjoong specifically had it made for situations like this. Even though the possibilities of someone finding you were slim to none, you were still frightened. You just wanted Hongjoong to get there as fast as he could and comfort you.
As if on cue, the door opened and Hongjoong appeared. You immediately got up and held onto him as if your life depended on it, the tears you've been holding in now finally pouring out.
"Shhh calm down honey, it's ok. I'm here now, don't cry." Hongjoong ran his fingers through your hair in an effort to comfort you, get you to calm down.
"I was so scared. I kept thinking they'd find me and maybe harm me or our.."
You couldn't finish the last part, but Hongjoong knew what you meant when you placed a hand protectively around your baby bump. He smiled at you softly and put one of his hands on top of yours.
"I promised that I'd take care of you both and I'm not breaking that promise. Don't be scared anymore, I won't let anyone hurt either one of you."
°• ✾ •°𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪°• ✾ •°
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Seonghwa was currently trying to discuss a possible merge with another gang. Things seemed to be going pretty well, both sides satisfied with what the other had to offer. They were finishing up details on the contract when one of Seonghwa's men burst in, interrupting the meeting.
"Sir! Your wife just called! Some enemy broke into your house!" The man exclaimed, trying hard to catch his breath.
Seonghwa completely forgot about the meeting. Not wanting to waste another second, he ordered his car to be ready as he ran out of the room, some protests and groaning heard from the other people in the room.
But Seonghwa didn't care. You and the child you were carrying were his top priority. That's how he went well above the speed limit so he could reach the house in time to save you. Once making sure you were both all right, he started packing a few things.
"I'm taking you to stay somewhere else. I'm not risking anything again."
°• ✾ •°𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸°• ✾ •°
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At first, Yunho wasn't going to take the call, but when they told him it was you, he immediately took it, knowing you wouldn't interrupt a meeting if it wasn't an emergency.
"Baby? What's wrong? Is everything ok? Oh my god! Please don't tell me the baby is already on the way!" He kept rambling on.
"No, not that. However ..... we have a little problem..." You stated.
"What kind of problem?" Yunho asked.
"Well, I heard glass shattering in the living room, so I went to look-"
"You went to look?! What if it was someone breaking in?!" Yunho scolded you.
"Well you hit the nail on the head, it was someone breaking in." You sighed.
"What?! I'm on my way! Stay calm! I'll bring back up just in case." Yunho was already grabbing his car keys.
"Can you also bring one of the medical staff?" You asked kinda sheepishly.
"Why?! Are you hurt?! Is our baby hurt?!" Yunho felt like he was getting a heart attack.
"No....but the guy who broke in is. You see, I was in the kitchen, so before I went to check, I was holding a frying pan.... and I may or may not have hit him really hard on the head with it and....well he ain't moving." You confessed rather awkwardly.
Yunho stood silent on the other line, trying to process all of this. He didn't know whether to laugh or get mad or just continue freaking out.
"Well I guess it's good to know you can still defend yourself. I'm on my way."
He shook his head as he hung up.
"That girl is gonna be the death of me."
°• ✾ •°𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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Yeosang kept fidgeting his finger on the armrest of his chair. He couldn't concentrate anymore on what was being said at the meeting. His mind was thinking about you, worrying about you and your baby's safety. He knew he could trust the men he sent to go help you out, but he was still worried about you. Perhaps he should have gone himself, he kept thinking that.
One of his men quietly came up to him and whispered.
"Your wife is safe. We found the intruder and we have locked him up. You have nothing else to worry about."
Yeosang released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He thanked the man before excusing himself from the meeting. He neglected you for too long. Upon seeing you, he ran to you and hugged you tightly.
"Thank God you're both all right!"
You could tell he was becoming emotional so you smiled to ease his worry.
"Yes, we're fine. Nothing happened." You assured him.
He took your hands in his and looked down.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there myself..."
You leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"I trust you Yeosang, you know that. I know that even if it's not you personally, you'll still protect us no matter what. That's why I'm never scared." You confessed.
Yeosang felt immensely happy when you said that. He kissed your forehead and held your growing belly.
"Thank you for never doubting me or my love for you both."
°• ✾ •°𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷°• ✾ •°
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San burst into the house, not caring that he literally busted his own front door down. He signaled for his men to quietly search around, not wanting you to be more frightened than what you probably already were. He searched in your bedroom.
"Y/N?" He called out to you.
Slowly, you peeked out from underneath the bed.
"San?" You asked.
"Y/N! What the-"
He walked over and pulled you out.
"Out of all the places, you choose to hide underneath the bed? You could hurt yourself or our baby!" He began fussing around as he gently rubbed your barely visible bump.
"Oh relax. I'm not that far along yet, and leave me alone! I panicked and that's the nearest place I could think of." You pouted and crossed your arms.
San chuckled at how cute you were and cupped your cheeks.
"You're so adorable." He pecked your lips.
One of his men interrupted you two.
"Sir, perimeter is clear, no sign of any intruder anymore."
San's smile disappeared and was replaced by a scowl.
"Fine. Search for any clues that could give out their identity. Report back to me when you find something." He ordered.
"Right away sir."
San turned back to you, who was standing with a smirk.
"What?" He asked.
"Your duality seriously is no joke." You teased him.
San giggled and pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek repeatedly.
"I'm just really soft for you and our little jelly bean."
°• ✾ •°𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲°• ✾ •°
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"Mingi! I think someone broke into the house!"
Your voice echoed through the entire room, as Mingi had put you on speaker.
"What?! What do you mean?!" He asked.
"There's a mess all over the living room and kitchen! The couch is ripped up and several furniture is turnt over!" You were shouting now.
"Oh my god! I just heard some shuffling..." Your voice suddenly went quiet.
"Baby....just stay down and we'll be there." Him and the other members were already getting their guns ready.
"I see something moving in the corner! It's still here! It's it's-"
"Just lock yourself in the safe room!" Mingi interrupted.
"It's a dog?" You suddenly said.
"What?" They all asked in unison.
"Yeah. It's a dog." You repeated.
"What kind of dog?! Does it have a collar?!" Yunho asked happily.
"I think it's a golden retriever, let me get closer."
"No! Don't get close to it! It could have rabies!" Mingi warned you.
Suddenly the sound of something falling was heard.
"Y/N! What happened?! Do I need to call animal control and put the dog down?!" Mingi asked frantically.
"No! Don't put it down!" Wooyoung begged.
Your giggles were heard, making everyone confused.
"It's licking my face! And he's so cute! Can we keep him?!" You squealed.
"If you say yes, can we help name it?!" San asked.
Mingi pinched the bridge of his forehead, trying to calm down.
"Well this was certainly a very entertaining meeting." Seonghwa laughed.
°• ✾ •°𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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"So uh... don't freak out Wooyoung..." You started off.
"Oh no. Every time you tell me not to freak out, it's cause it's something worth freaking out about. So what is it?" He asked.
You sighed. "Ok. So while I was sleeping, someone broke into the house."
"What?! How?! Do you know who it was?!" He began asking, already gathering some people to go with him.
"No, I was sleeping." You calmly said.
"How could you have been sleeping?!" He exclaimed.
"Hey! Being pregnant makes me tired and when I'm asleep, I'm practically dead!" You defended yourself.
"Ok fine! But are you sure you didn't hear anything?" He asked.
You face palmed on the other end.
"Wooyoung... I told you! I was asleep! I didn't see or hear anything! I only know that someone broke in because the front door knob is broken." You responded.
"Ok that's it. I'm installing better security and hiring someone to watch you while you're sleeping since clearly, anyone can just come in then hurt you and you won't even notice till you're dead." He said, his voice raising 2 octaves.
"No! I won't be able to sleep if I know someone is watching me." You cringed.
"Fine. I'll watch over you and our baby then." He said decidedly.
"That's even worse!" You shouted.
"It's called making sure you're alive! Goddamit woman, stop being so difficult." He screamed back.
°• ✾ •°𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸°• ✾ •°
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Jongho looked back and forth at you and the man currently tied up to a chair in front of you both.
"Run that by me again?" He asked, unable to believe your story.
"It's simple. I heard someone looking through some documents in the office, so I went to go check-"
"That was already a pretty stupid decision." Jongho cut you off.
You glared at him.
"I took a weapon with me!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah! The expensive vase that my mom gave to us on our anniversary!" Jongho gestured to the broken pieces of porcelain scattered around the floor.
"Well it was the closest thing I had in hand! Besides it worked! Knocked him out long enough for me to tie him up and wait for you to get here." You were actually proud of yourself for being able to handle the situation like you did. Jongho always said you were tiny and couldn't protect yourself, that's why you needed him.
Jongho sighed and looked back at the guy next to them.
"I mean.....I'd asked you to confirm her story, but I think you tied up basically sums it up."
The guy only nodded.
"Are you going to torture me now?" The man asked.
"Listen my man, you got knocked out by a tiny and pregnant woman, you a grown man. I think you've suffered enough humiliation for one day." Jongho snorted, but he was also proud of you for protecting yourself and your child.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 4 years
What are we, then? - JJ Imagine
A/N: I fell hard into a new obsession: JJ Maybanks yes it is. So, I badly wanted to write something but had literally no ideas so I took this prompt list and made a friend choose 2 random numbers. They picked: 9. “we’re not just friends and you know it”
27. “what do you mean maybe? that was a yes or no question”
So yeah. Enjoy some angst.
Words: 2.249
Pairing: JJ x female!reader
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—Don’t you fucking dare walk away from me! —JJ shouted after her.
—Watch me, asshole. —she stopped her steps and half turned her body just to give him the middle finger. Her facial expression showed the rage she felt.
Angry outbursts were pretty common between them. They’d known each other since kindergarten, a couple of years before John B came to the picture. So, their relationship was stronger, deeper. They knew each other to the bones. The gang was used to their loud yet harmless fights. JJ was short-tempered, and so was she. At the end, the fact that they shouted their opinions at each other at the moment they felt it was healthier considering they always reconciled half an hour later. 
But this time something was different. An event that had happened between them a few days earlier had changed it everything, and nothing would ever be the same. Such event was unknown by the others, and maybe that’s why they were all so confused.
The thing is, for the first time, neither of them were spitting their feelings out. And oh boy it did cause a lot of misunderstandings.
She and JJ decided to shelter from Agatha at John B’s place. It was no news JJ tried to avoid his house as much as possible. She always convinced her parents of letting her go with them as JJ was considered another son and spent a lot of time at hers, and they also wanted their daughter to be a good friend to John B after his dad went missing. Once her throat burned due to her shouting at John B to get his ass out of the ocean in the middle of a hurricane she gave up and waited for them to come back. Luckily JJ found a little sense within his logic and convinced John B of getting out of the water as the storm was way too heavy.
At the Chateau, they cooked some noodles and ate between anecdotes and candles due to the lack of power. Around 3 in the morning Agatha was still blowing, a few cans of beer empty were around the coffee table, she and JJ were sprawled on the sofa bed and John B asleep in his bedroom. The pair was listening to I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing from her phone as they heard the wind and thunder outside. They’d smoked a blunt and were then absorbed in the flame of the candle in front of them.
Her pupils were dilated and she couldn’t feel his eyes on her. Or at least that’s what he thought.
—Staring is rude dude… —She voiced out loud, but softly, in a sleepy state.
He let out a short laugh and then directed his sight to the candle. —You’re so mean to me.
Now it was her turn to laugh. —Yeah, so?
He gently pushed her arm and then let his head fall on her shoulder, his blonde locks tickling her skin. She rested her head on his and closed her eyes but a moment later he looked up and set his eyes on her face, more serious this time. Her eyes locked with his.
—What? —she said in a whisper.
But he was at a loss of words, which didn’t happen often. They just got in a trance where a lot of emotions were in each pair of eyes with a classic love song in the back. At a certain moment his gaze moved down to her lips and his breath stuck in his throat. JJ was never a shy one when it came to girls. His ego, not confidence, always led situations smoothly. But for the first time in his life, he had no clue what he was doing. It’s not like they hadn’t shared alone moments like this before, they always had. The amount of trust between them had no comparison. They were totally sincere with each other, since they’d met there was not a thing they didn’t know about each other. 
JJ leaned in and stopped closing the distance just when there were 2 millimeters left to create contact. His blue orbits checked for permission with hers first. She didn’t move at all. He took that as a green light and collided his mouth with hers.
The kiss was soft, and meaningful. Yes, they had a couple of beers running through their veins, and yes also a little of weed into their systems yet they felt like time stopped. It was like the Universe was created for this and only this moment. They felt everything around them vanished. It felt right, just like when you fit the last piece of the puzzle.
The sound of a lightning striking near their location pulled them apart. They shared one more look though this one was loaded with a bit of embarrassment. The moment got kinda awkward and they dealt with it by pretending what happened did not actually happen. She turned around and he cuddled her like they always did.
The next morning John B woke up first, walking from his bedroom to the porch, catching the pair of friends peacefully sleeping in each other’s arms. He ruffled JJ’s hair asking him if he’d been outside yet only earning a groan as a response. Hours later she woke up and went home without talking to her best friend about the intimate moment they’d shared. 
A few days later they threw the kegger, there happened strike one. JJ eventually disappeared with a smokin’ hot tourist, which did not go unnoticed by her. She’d seen JJ go from a clumsy kiddo to the sex symbol boy, she’d been there through the beginning to the end of his puberty, she knew better than even bother by his multiple random hookups. Still, after the intense look he had given her before kissing her had left her somewhat overwhelmed. And the fact that they had shared such a passionate moment together days ago made her actually uncomfortable at witnessing JJ get it with some other girl. This was brand new for her, literally she had never been jealous of the blonde. Oh and, one more time, feelings were bottled up.
Strike two took place at The Wreck when the group was in for a fast food meal. They’d gone inside towards their usual table while Kie went to the kitchen. The boys were just sitting when she was approached by Tom, a pogue, with a “Hey, how have you been?” to which she replied with a genuine smile. The boy had had a crush on her since middle school. He was kinda cute, light brown hair, green eyes, a couple of freckles under his eyes and on his nose. And he was nice, a good guy really. Her mom always wanted them to date but she didn’t find the chemistry reciprocated. And JJ had secretly been relieved by that. Not because he wanted her romantically or anything like that but because he dreaded the time she’d got a boyfriend and stopped hanging out with him. Tom asked her to go surfing with him the next day and she agreed, partly because she hadn’t surfed in weeks, and partly because she had bottled her jealousy at the kegger and kind of wanted to hit it back to JJ, as she was completely aware of how JJ felt towards Tom. Through the corner of her eye she caught JJ’s irritable gesture when she accepted the invitation.
A week after the secret kiss, the gang was at John B’s hanging out. By now, the tension between the two was clear to everyone, and their friends knew an explosion was coming soon. They weren’t teasing the hell out of each other as they usually did. They weren’t sitting next to each other in the boat as they usually did. And they also were hitting each other every chance they got, like when she had smacked his head from behind in the afternoon that same day when they were at the beach and the blonde was flirting with a girl, ruining their moment. Or when she was going to the fridge to seek for a beer can and he was coming out of it and shove his elbow into her arm, earning a gasp and a scowl.
—Yo! What is your problem dude? —her voice denoted she was at the edge which only pleased the blonde even more making him smile.
Kie and John B shared a look as Pope sighed resignedly foreseeing what was coming.
—Maybe the fact that you ruined my moment today.
She scoffed and walked past him rolling her eyes. —Yeah, sure. Cause you have so much trouble slutting around with everything that walks.
—Uhhh, excuse me. Do you have a problem with it? 
Their friends sighed and walked out to the porch in order to give them space and to be honest, they were not in the mood to witness another of their fights so they rather stargaze outside while the two sorted it out.
—Oh no, be my guest bro. I’m just sayin’ why do you call me out on “ruining your moment” when you can have “your moments” whenever you want.
He smiled sarcastically and looked down at the floor before lifting up his gaze to her. —You’ve been a pain in the ass the whole week, you are the one with a problem obviously.
—I am not. I’ve been the pain in the ass? Are you sure? Cause someone else comes to my mind. —she rolled her eyes and exhaled loudly as she let herself fall on the couch and took a sip of her drink.
—You’re unbelievable.—Did you mean it?
He looked at her in confusion. —What?
—You know what. Did you mean it?
He shrugged his shoulders and looked down to hide the light blush of his cheeks. —Maybe.
Strike three, you’re out.
—Maybe? What do you mean maybe? That was a yes or no question.
—I-I don’t know —his hand went to grab his hair. —Maybe.
—Forget it. —she stood up and he freaked out.
—What? Are you in your period or something?
That’s when she stormed off the Chateau fuming.
The sound of the slammed door got the other three’s attention, turning their heads to look at the person walking away.
—Don’t you fucking dare walk away from me! —JJ shouted after her.
—Watch me, asshole. —she stopped her steps and half turned her body just to give him the middle finger. Her facial expression showed the rage she felt.
After a few minutes John B, Pope and Kiara all got up and went inside to find JJ standing in the middle of the room with a hand grabbing his hair and with the other holding a beer, looking down at an invisible point on the floor.
—What did you do? —Kie asked him with furrowed eyebrows.
JJ grimaced and sighed. —I might have said the period line… —Kie let her head fall backwards and took a deep breath. —Of course you did…
—That’s just a dick move. Anyway, what is going on between you two? You’ve been annoying all week. —John B voiced.
But he only closed his eyes and breathed out heavily.
Hours later the surfer skated all the way to her house. He threw some rocks at her window to wake her but after a few minutes nothing happened, then he noticed a shadow on the roof, next to one of the windows of the big house. He climbed up and jumped from the tree to the roof, a few feet away from her. She was hugging her knees and staring right ahead with her chin resting on her arms. There were no signs of remaining anger, just plain tiredness, and a touch of sadness. He caught that in her eyes, he knew her so well, and it made his heart sunk to know he had caused it. He cleared his throat and dried his palms on his shorts. He felt nervous and it caused his hands to sweat.
—I’m sorry.
She blinked slowly but kept her gaze set ahead. He felt ashamed by his behaviour.
—We’re not just friends and you know it. —now he did get her attention.
She just smiled and rolled her eyes changing her pose, resting her palms on the roof and leaning her core weight on them.
—What are we exactly, then..? —she was teasing him and he smiled sweetly. He nudged her and they both laughed. A second later he looked down and bit his lip deep in thought. She turned her head to look at him.
—You’re everything to me. —he said quietly, still not daring to lift his sight. —I never want to lose you. —he said with an expression of pain on his beautiful face. She furrowed her brows and hugged him. —You never will, idiot. Have I ever given up on you? —she whispered near his cheek due to the hug. His eyes filled with forbidden tears. He nodded no with his head as he didn't trust his voice. Her smile grew wider and she kissed his cheek softly. —See? I’m always there with you. Every day, every week, every year. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. —he half laughed half sobbed and immediately cleaned the tears forcefully with the back of his hand. She held him tighter and he put his head on her.
—So, I guess the answer is yes, I meant it. 
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to OPTIGAMI!!
I have never been so nervous and scream so much during an episode of this show before. And if you know me, that's saying something. Gabriel and Nathalie are getting seriously scary. Their plans are getting much more convoluted and are getting closer and closer to actually succeeding. And because of this, Alya's involvement is a lot more important now because there's no way Chat Noir and Ladybug would have managed it without her. Let's be real, the reason they chose Nino as their target was because Gabriel's still bitter about Adrien and Nino being friends after Bubbler. Awww all the Kwami's are so cute, wanting to go along. Trixx being like, oh well I have an owner so I can go! And Marinette being adamantly against it. It was at this moment I knew, Alya's getting that Miraculous permanently. But I didn't know if it'd be in this episode or not, so I didn't get too excited yet. But Trixx and Alya's bond is something I really like and want to see more of. Nino and Alya's little high-five/handshake is so cute I can't help but smile every time. x3
Marinette's freak-out about getting in the elevator. Luka's got a soft look on his face. Kagami's like "why are you like this" Max's just confused at what's going on AND THEN THERE'S ADRIEN WITH THE SOFTEST LOOK When you realize that Marinette adoringly (and appeared like she wishes she could have that, too) watching Alya and Nino do their little high-five/handshake is what saved everything in the end.....😬Cutting it really close. I thought Alec got trapped by Hawk Moth and that that's why he didn't show up. Who knew he was playing video games in a bathroom stall instead of doing his job lol. Lesson learned, I hope. xD I'm just surprised Hawk Moth's in the bathroom instead of his lair. He could do the same thing from home. 😂 I'm not a fan of Audrey, but that was really cold. The exchange between Marinette and Alya during an akuma attack is what I've been waiting for since Gang of Secrets. Adrien being wonderful and protecting Chloe, which could've messed up everything had Kagami not saved him. It's so sweet that despite what happened between them, she still risks herself to save him. "Plagg-" Marinette comes bursting into the elevator, looking in her bag "Tikk..iii!" OOF So I screamed, a lot. And laughed hysterically 😂 All Marinette had to do was run in facing the other way and she'd see Plagg and it'd be all over. All that had to happen was for her to run in a second or two later. All that had to happen was she noticed Adrien a second or two too late. But Adrien heard her say "Tikk...iii" in an attempt to cover herself. Remember, he's always had suspicion of Marinette being Ladybug and came to the conclusion easily enough. Kwamibuster did divert his attention away from it a bit, but Chat Blanc took place after and he didn't hesitate to think otherwise. Aww poor Zoe :c She's part of the "Chloe's used me as a human shield" club. (((Everything after this point, I had to completely redo because tumblr decided to suck and wouldn't allow me to post my message due to an "error" (which has never happened to me before), then wouldn't let me save it as a draft. Then when I went to copy it all, somehow everything got eaten and it wouldn't allow me to undo to bring it back 😭 Goodbye an hour and a half of my time. And another hour and a half redoing it all. So if I happen to leave anything big out, I'm so sorry. My luck has just been extremely awful lately.))) You can take the Miraculous away from the kid, but you can't take the Miraculous out of the kid. Max and Luka showing their hero sides while not suited up is so nice. Loving the Oblivio parallel! Marinette says softly, "I'm sure Chat Noir will save us." While I know she's Ladybug and knows Ladybug won't show up to save them, he doesn't know that. Her response of Chat Noir will come save them, shows that she has confidence in him. Even if Adrien knows Chat Noir won't show up, that's such a sweet thing for her to say and I hope he noticed that. Marinette: "I'M STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR" Alya: "Ohhh? With
Adrien?" Marinette: how did she know? "Yeeeeees!" Alya: oh wait this is really bad Adrien: "I'm stuck in the elevator with Marinette!" Nino: "How cool! Adrien and Marinette are stuck together in the elevator!" Alya: "Haha yeah so cool and not problematic at all!" I love this entire scene. Alya teasing Marinette but then being like oh shoot this is seriously bad. Nino being totally oblivious to it all and thinking that it's good news to get their friends closer. And Adrien's just like, I'm not going to ask for help, I'm just informing my friend I'm stuck in an elevator with my just a friend. xDD And that kiss on the cheek from Alya was adooorable! Emergency phone for the Kwami's is such a good idea. But yeah, if they all screamed "Hello?!" in my ear, I'd be chucking my phone across the room too. Adrien's like, "who's that? That sounded like a lot of people.: "I called the fire department." OK. Yes, because you tell the fire department not to fly but to ride a horse to come rescue you when you're in a skyscraper. And repeat it again "Understood, firefighters? Ride in on a horse." Adrien's over in the corner like what the heck? You also, to firefighters, totally yell, "No, no, not prehistory!" and then sheepishly grin at the person you're with. Totally not sus and makes absolutely perfect sense! And then here's the part that has me going ??? Adrien saw Optigami's eyes on the wall, immediately alerts her to that and shushes her. Now, they're hiding from an akuma, but the thing sees them. There's no hiding from it regardless of what's said. So why be quiet? And yet, he's shushing her which convinces her to hang up. Had she continued trying to talk to them, Nathalie might've caught on to there being something up. Adrien's in Chat Noir mode here, as if what she's saying could expose their identities to Hawk Moth. That intense look he gives her after the fact too really shows that, he's not messing around. They also were both just about to tell the other their identities, them being extremely close to each other to do so. They came so close! So what's going on here, exactly? Adrien's come to the conclusion Ladybug is Marinette before. In Chat Blanc, after Kwamibuster showed him supposedly that LB and Marinette are different people, he didn't hesitate to think that Ladybug was Marinette. I don't think he's ever let that possibility go. And the events in the elevator where she started calling for Tikki, and her nonsensical comments over the phone that'd be something Ladybug does, may really have him leaning in that direction. Also, so very sus again that once Optigami went away, they both were like "Oh it was nothing" "I was only wondering what that strange eye thing was." Yeah, that's why you guys sounded nervous like you had something important to say and got in each other's faces! :D It's also interesting, because whenever Marinette and Adrien are in a situation together, Adrien almost always is the one that takes hold of the situation and is more aware of his surroundings over Marinette. xD This man over here just eagerly eliminating children. x.x Like a lot of things in this show, if Alya had just answered that phone call from Nino, events may have played out completely differently! o.o There goes the Eiffel Tower again xD It never not gets blown up, knocked over, or teleported. LOL it's so funny to me, and also such a yikes moment, that while Alya rushed over to Marinette's, got the Miraculous, teleported back, found "Nino" and gave him the Miraculous, then teleported into the elevator, Ladybug and Chat Noir's civilian selves are just trapped in that elevator, awkwardly, and all alone. Likely deep in thought feeling guilty they're powerless to do anything without exposing their identities. xD But at least they're both brooding over the same thing and probably couldn't care less if the other one talks or not, nor noticing enough that the other's really quiet. XD And the way they both reacted to the portal being opened in the elevator. Cautious, but then Adrien puts his hand on Marinette's back and kind of has
her in a position where he can pull her back to him and protect her. Which is a very different kind of protection than he's offered to others, Chloe earlier in this episode being a very good example. Just a friend? Yeeaah. The fact that in every single episode that has Marinette and Adrien interact this season, there's something there, and it's just a matter of time before it's addressed. A bit sad that we didn't get actual Carapace in this episode, but I'm hoping we get him in later eps! MAJOR OOOF A train with people in it underwater, a skyscraper with probably a lot of people in it burning in a volcano, cars, what looks to be the building they were filming the music video in Frightningale, and the Arc de Triomphe on the moon. Yeah I'm seeing where things are going now with this. I'm going to write a post addressing some of these things a bit later. Ladybug in a ponytail is the prettiest hairstyle imo. Chat Noir rushes in, sees Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge all together, first wondering how they all got in "Hello, Chat Noir" there went any of his thoughts he may have had about it lol... and feels disappointed. "Sorry! I would have got you, if I knew your secret identity." Whoa hold up. Ladybug, so forwardly talking about knowing his secret identity? o.O I smell foreshadowing. "As I always say, m'lady. To know me means to love me." "Then I'll think about it." as she smirks and giggles. Guys. She's being serious. 😍😍😍 I admit, I wish we could know what she was going to talk to Chat Noir about after everything, since she thought the situation was taken care of and asked him to wait there for her. She obviously had something she wanted to talk with him about. And thank you Marinette's observation skills for knowing that's not the real Nino! But poor Alya, so horrified like that... I bet she's thinking both "What have I done? I just gave a Miraculous away to Hawk Moth essentially." and "How is it that I couldn't recognize that wasn't my boyfriend?" On the latter, Chat Noir's made that error several times as well. Hawk Moth just really sucks to do that kind of thing to these kids. Real Nino's here to comfort Alya. Doesn't even have to say a word, just gives her a hug. I absolutely adore this. They're so perfect together. ;-; "It (Lucky Charm) always shows me the right way, but this time I was shortly led astray." "Hmm." Hmm? What the heck does that mean? More foreshadowing?? What's going to happen next omg. Yes, Marinette needs someone out there who can replace her if something happens. And I know so many people are like, oh no, that should be Chat! But just think about it. Today, Chat Noir and Ladybug were trapped in an elevator in a situation where they were powerless. They came extremely close to needing to transform with Hawk Moth watching. Had Hawk Moth not been Adrien's dad and let him be, they would've transformed and fought, no doubt. A lot of things could happen, and Ladybug and Chat Noir are always in the thick of things. We've seen one or both of them become unavailable many times. It's good that someone else is their safety net. You may see Alya as just Ladybug's but she's also Chat's too. I screamed and cheered so loud when Alya got her Miraculous to hold onto! I've wanted this for sooo long now! ;-; Okay ew, the way the music went from happy and sweet to creepy when Gabriel and Nathalie were on screen. 😬 Watch: Gabriel, in his plot to try to get to know more about Alya, will have Adrien through a party or have some friends get together at his house which will likely include Nino and Marinette as well, and have him use his own son to try to get what he wants without Adrien suspecting a thing, even thinking his father's giving him more freedom and more of a normal life. How sick. x.x This was a seriously good episode! I'm very excited to see how this all plays out, because things are getting seriously intense in many different ways! Honestly, my original write up of this post was much better but I lost it all. Which makes me very sad and disappointed, but it can't be undone. :c So
hopefully this was enjoyable anyway! I'll be writing a few posts that are more in-depth about some of the events that happened in recent episodes, including Chloe's character and situation, Adrien's feelings for Marinette, Adrien/Chat's situation with Ladybug, etc that are too specific and detailed to write in a thoughts and reactions post, so be on the look out for those! c:
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's make a playlist of your favorite songs
Cassie Lang x Male Reader Stark
Request - Can you do Cassie lang x Stark!reader where he and cassie are the same age since they are born in 2007 and should be 16 in 2023. R is Tony's son and survived the snap. Before the snap he was best friend with Peter and ned when he was like a kid and the three of them hang out. Plue Y/n and peter do like spiderman ideas. After the snap he was living with Tony, pepper, and his little sister in the lakeside cabin. In the year 2021 he got bitten by a radioactive spider but has an alchemax logo and number 42.
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Since you were a toddler you have been friends with Peter and Ned. Always together playing together. Even during high school, you didn't lose your friendship with Ned and Peter. You have always been into creating music and art, sometimes you would like to tag the buildings and the trains. Only, Peter and Ned knew they are your supporters.
Sometimes you and Peter would do parkour. You and Peter have sketchbooks and notes of being a hero and being called ’Spiderman’
You, Peter, and Ned never left each other side. People always saw you three spend time together all the time.
Spring 2018... 50% of the population disappeared. The older you got, you started to study what happened during the fight against Thanos. You collected notes, hacked into your father’s computer and his friends’ computers then into Shields.
You survived the snap when you found out what happened it broke you. You cried when Peter didn't survive, or when your dad is stuck in space. You would spend hours in your father’s lab and look at his stuff.
”Y/N, I knew you would be here. You are like Tony can work on something for hours or days” Pepper said.
She put her hand on your shoulder.
”I miss him and Peter,” You said.
”I miss them too. You should see Ned, he came by earlier” Pepper said.
You nod.
”I will go see him. *sighed heavily* I want Thanos to suffer” You said.
”One day he will,” Pepper said and she kissed your head.
Later, you went to see Ned. Ned did give you new ideas for your spiderman gadgets so it won't break half of the time. You and Ned start to work together on it.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
The year 2021...
You walked through the alley for a short cut. You dropped your cell phone, you bend down to pick up. You stood up and checked your phone while walking you hit a web. You tried to get rid of the web and you didn't notice the radioactive spider crawl on your shoulder and bite your neck.
”What the hell?” You yelled.
You rub your neck then noticed the radioactive spider on your forearm. You noticed the spider has an alchemax logo and number 42.
”You are coming home with me” You mumbled.
You went home and straight to the lab. You put the spider in a small tank and watched it move around.
The next day you woke up feeling strange. You couldn't explain it, you are in shock just seeing electricity go through your hands. You start to breathe hard and your heart started to beat fast. You go to the bathroom to wash your face suddenly you turned invisible.
”I have powers!” You yelled.
Your mood changed, now you are happy that you have powers. You always dreamt of being a hero and having powers, you couldn't stop smiling. You called Ned and told him to meet you at your house. Ned did help you figure out what kind of powers you have.
You stare at your father’s suits and you thought about using them. But you wanted to make your identity as a hero, you want to give people hope again.
the first suit you made with Ned it's an armored suit. Ned helped you pick out the colors red, white, and black. When Ned saw you wearing the armor suit, he freaked out.
”Dude, it's awesome! You will be the coolest hero ever” Ned said.
”Thanks. I can't wait to go to the city and start saving people” You said.
You and Ned high five each other. You go to the city and start saving people. Everyone started to talk about the new hero on tv and the Internet, you felt proud of yourself.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Being a hero wasn't easy for you. You found out working alone is hard, some people didn't like what you are doing. Other people do cheer for you. Balancing life and being a hero is very hard. But you got an idea and you worked day and night to make the app called ’Friendly Neighborhood 1.0’
People can report crimes and you will go save them and keep you in the loop, what happens in the city.
Today is slow and no one is in trouble. You decided to go tag some places. You swing to an abandoned building, you take out the spray cans, and started to draw. You stopped to put on your headphones then you started to draw again. Once you are finished you took pictures then tagged the subways.
You got an alert on your app, gang gun shoots in downtown. You started to swing fast and you see people caught in the crossfire. You started to venom blast to fight them and you used your web to take their guns away. You noticed the boy is deaf and you started to do sign language and he smiled.
”You know sign language?” Cassie asked.
You nod. ” Yes. I thought to learn so I can communicate with someone who is deaf”
You asked questions to the boy and you're glad he isn't hurt.
”I’m Cassie and this is Roger,” Cassie said.
”I’m Spiderman,” You said and it in sign language.
Later on...
You and Cassie became friends. She found out your secret when your mask fell apart while fighting Kraven the Hunter. Sometimes you would swing to her place to see her. She would always smile when you're around.
Cassie noticed you set a spider-free and didn't kill it.
”I hate spiders I don't know how you stand them,” Cassie said.
”it was a harmless spider. I don't feel scared when bugs are around” You said.
”I hate all kinds of bugs. But it's cute, you liking bugs and not killing them, bug boy” Cassie smiled.
You laughed and smiled back at her.
”Bug boy?” You asked.
She nods.
”Your new nickname” Cassie giggled.
”Thanks for the nickname?” You giggled.
”Anytime, Y/N” Cassie smiled.
~The next day~
Cassie went to your house. She met Pepper then Cassie goes to your bedroom. Cassie didn't say anything, she watches you make beats and you started to sing, you have your headphones on. She kept watching you and you keep making beats. She tapped your shoulder and you looked up, your eyes opened wide.
”Cas!” You said too loud.
”Hi Bug boy. You are talented” Cassie said.
”Thanks. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in” You said.
”So, you're into music?” Cassie asked.
”Yes, also I'm into art. If you want I-I-I can show you my work” You said shyly.
”I will like to see it, Y/N,” Cassie said.
”Cool!” You said.
You grabbed your sketchbook and she starts to look at your art.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
The year 2022
You told Cassie you wanted to upgrade and design a new suit. Again Cassie caught you making beats this time you teach her how to make beats.
”This is fun, Y/N,” Cassie said.
”I’m happy that you're enjoying making beats,” You said.
”Y/N aren't you scared when you swing around the city?” Cassie asked.
”At the very beginning, I was terrified when I would swing and jump from extremely tall buildings. Much later on, the fear went away so I'm not scared anymore. If you want you can swing with me around the city” You said.
”Okay. That would be an interesting experience, but yeah let's do it. Oh, I got an idea how your suit can look” Cassie said.
”Tell me,” You said.
Cassie started to explain how your suit should look with what colors. Music is the main inspiration for your suit 2020.
You are standing on the roof with Cassie. She wrapped her arms around you very tight.
”Ready?” You asked.
”Y-yes,” Cassie said.
You hold her tight and you start to swing. Cassie’s heart is beating faster and faster, you feel her grip tighten. You keep swinging and you noticed how scared she is. You stopped on top of the hotel building.
”Are you okay?” You asked.
She put her hand on her chest.
”No!” Cassie yelled.
You laughed and she smacked your arm.
”I’m guessing you had fun?” You teased.
”I got scared halfway. I thought I was going to fall, I don't know you get used to that” Cassie said.
”Takes time. I got over my fear the more I started to swing” You said.
”I won't do it again,” Cassie said and you laughed.
Cassie is sick and you went to buy soup for her. You knocked on her window, she opened it and let you in then you take off the mask.
”I got this for you, Cassie,” You said.
”Thank you, Y/N” Cassie smiled.
”Cassie, I know we been friends for a while but I really like you a lot and I hope we can be more than friends,” You said.
”Y/N, I like you too a lot. I would kiss you but I don't want you to get sick” Cassie said.
You smiled and she sneezed.
You and Cassie do spend time together mostly watching tv or movies. Cassie finds it sweet that you're taking care of her. You gave her medicine and reheat the soup. Later, you and Cassie do play board games, video games and asked questions about each other.
You noticed Cassie has in her bedroom for a while. You go upstairs and you can hear her crying
You sit next to her on the bed ”Cas, what's wrong?”
”I miss my dad so much” Cassie cried.
You wrapped your arms around her and she starts to cry more. You rub her back and you listen to her.
You did try to make her feel better worked for a little bit, but she is still feeling depressed. You stayed with her all-day
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Finally, your 2020 suit is complete. You can't stop smiling and start to put on the suit. The led mask, you loved it when Cassie told you about it. You got an alert on your app
”Time to test out the suit,” You said.
”Be careful, Y/N” Cassie said.
”I will,” You said.
Cassie watched you swing away.
You were busy saving people, Doctor Octopus and Kraven the Hunter kidnapped Cassie. They sent you a message and you got angry. You started to swing rapidly to Doctor Octopus’s lab. Cassie is tied up in a chair and she is feeling terrified.
You start to fight them. You used venom blast to punch Kraven, then Doctor Octopus grabbed you. Kraven punched you then you kicked him in the face and you used your web to cover Doctor Octopus’s face. You turned invisible and you started to fight them.
You grabbed Cassie and left the lab. You stopped on a roof and she hugged you tight then she smacked your chest.
”What was that for?!” You yelled.
”You know I hate it,” Cassie said.
”I’m not a speedster. I had to swing us away from them” You said.
You take off the mask.
”I know but I still hate it,” Cassie said.
Cassie started to ramble on then you did the same ramble on. She kissed you and you kiss her back, you and Cassie pulled apart and smiled. It's the first kiss.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Time Skip~
Everything changed for the best. You found out Tony came back from space, you ran to him and hugged him.
”I missed you, dad,” You said
He kissed your head and held you tight.
”I love you 3000, Y/N,” Tony said.
Peter came back and he hugged you and Ned. Ned told everyone by mistake you are dating Cassie. No one knew about the relationship just yet.
”Sorry, bro,” Ned said.
”When we will get to meet her, Y/N,” Tony said.
”Soon, dad. Don't worry about it, Ned” You said.
You celebrated with everyone and you can't stop smiling.
You and your family moved to the woods, now live in a cabin. Now it feels like a family and you don't want that to change. Your little sister started to scream and ran towards Pepper.
”Why do you have a pet spider?” Tony asked.
”I hate spiders,” Morgan said.
Pepper was going to kill your pet but you stopped her.
”Stop!” You yelled.
The spider is in your hands.
”The spider is my pet. I got used to him being around” You said.
”Y/N, I will never understand why. But please just keep him in the cage” Pepper said.
”I will,” You said.
You go to your bedroom and put the spider in the tank. You feed him and just watch him.
✬ ✫ ✯ ✬
Date Night...
You arrived with pizza and she kissed you. You and Cassie played videos and it became competitive. You were going to take her out, but there is a rainstorm. The night is going well, she is having fun with you. You and Cassie eat pizza and started to debate what is the best movie and worst movie.
Later, you and Cassie started to play Uno but you and Cassie argued about the rules. You and Cassie eat more pizza and tried to play Uno again. Later, you and Cassie watched a movie on the couch, but end up falling asleep.
Scott found out what happened, he is in shock. He rushed home and knocked on the door. Cassie opened the door, they start to cry and they hugged each other. You did spend the night at her place, then Cassie introduces you to Scott.
“Wait, you're Tony’s son!?” Scott said.
“Yeah, I'm his son,” You said.
“Hurt my daughter and I will go after you,” Scott said.
“Dad!” Cassie yelled.
“I won't break her heart,” You said.
“I will keep my eye on you, Y/N,” Scott said.
“UGH!” Cassie mumbled.
Later, Scott joined you and Cassie for breakfast.
Later, you meet up with Peter to show him your 2020 suit. Peter is loving the suit and asked many questions about how you build your suit. You and Peter worked together to save people.
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
I got it, what stuffies do the bucci gang members have?? Cause no matter WHAT they say, each of them has a comfort stuffy
Hell yeah Bucci gang comfort stuffies Bucci gang comfort stuffies (because even our boys in Passione have at least one)
Go give @jjadegreen a follow because her thoughts make up 99.9% of the head canons I post!!!
-Our boy’s got one medium sized plush ladybug. Narancia definitely gave it to him (he probably got it when he was sick or something just like what happened in The Unknown!)
-It was definitely the first stuffy he’d ever owned and he had no idea why they were giving it to him at first
-He has this external mindset that toys are for children but he literally loves this thing so much
-He’s too ashamed to tell anyone even though Narancia practically has a collection and he knows no one is gonna judge him for it
-It usually sits on a shelf but when Giorno has tough nights he hugs it to comfort himself and fall asleep
-It’s extremely well-kept because it’s Giorno's first stuffed animal. He adores it
-On one of his worse nights, Narancia walks in on him curled up under his blankets just—full-on crying into this poor ladybug. He skeets out of the room real quick and Giorno thought he’d completely fucked up and starts freaking out a bit only to see Nara run back in with more than an armful of stuffies and just dumps them all onto his bed
-They eat chocolate and take the best nap ever. This becomes a nice little weekly routine for the boys where the two of them can just sit and spill all their secrets and all that bro shit
-When Bruno catches wind of this via Narancia, he makes sure that they all give him a new plushie for his birthday
-Giorno acts like he could care less about it and politely thanks them, but Narancia gives Bruno all these little updates about how much Giorno loves every single one of them :’)
-Surprisingly? Beanie baby collection
- He started collecting when he was a kid and paused the collection for the beginning of his time in Passione but started it up again about 3 years ago
-Beanie baby attic? Beanie baby attic
-When Fugo first moved in with him and just saw like—a room full of beanie babies he had no idea what to think but it's become a ritual at this point for each new member of the bucci gang to stare longingly at the vast collection when they first move in with them
- None of the beanie babies are exceptionally rare but he takes very good care of each and every one (like a good parent should)
- Although he doesn’t really have favourites, he does have a certain attachment to Smoochy the Frog because it was a gift from Leone (who begrudgingly denies that he has anything to do with the frog whenever one of them asks about it)
-What he DIDN’T know was that Polpo had a massive one. Like, a huge one because he was Polpo and of course he did
-Once he inherits all of Polpo’s shit he’s handed like, a million beanie babies and he is overjoyed
-He still keeps his own special collection separate from those ones, though. Because that shit’s special
-Enormous plushie collection. Seriously.
-He cuddles with a different one each night like a devoted bro
-He has super tiny ones and huge ones that are bigger than him and a whole variety of them and they’re just fucking everywhere all over his room
-He can literally nap anywhere thanks to vast amount of comfiness in his room now
-They all have names which no one else can seem to remember other than Bruno.
-He always has special ones on hand specifically for lending out to the others (usually Giorno or Fugo) whenever one of them gets sad or overwhelmed
-Whenever he gets a new one he always asks everyone for name ideas (Mista is the best at coming up with names)
-Whenever one of his old animal plushies gets too old/can barely even function as a toy anymore, Giorno will turn it into an actual animal for him so it can still live on in a way :)))
-His favourite is a dirty, crusty, old plush lamb named Pecorey that he got from his mother when he was 2. When I tell you this thing is crusty, it’s CRUSTY
-But it’s very dear to his heart so it doesn’t matter ;-;
-Bruno has tried to clean her a few times but it seems like the grime will never come off. Narancia thinks the dirt gives her personality though.
-Refuses to admit he has any plushies
-He has 2. One teddy bear he found at a garage sale that had Bruno’s hairstyle, so obviously he bought it.
-The second one is a tiny plushie that Narancia made by hand. Yes, the plushie also looks like Bruno. Abbacchio claimed it was ugly when narancia made it but he takes very good care of the tiny Bruno.
-Will not bring them out of his closet under any circumstances. Even when he’s sad ;(
-He helps Bruno dust off his beanie babies, even though he swears that he hates doing it
-His plushie is... can you even call it a plushie?
-It’s a teddy bear he got as a baby, but mista never took good care of it so it’s just.... a stuffingless husk. Just skin.
-Mista claims the bear is named Cattivo but the rest of Team Bucciarati usually refers to the bear as ‘it’. Abbacchio keeps trying to throw it out but he always fails.
-They always wonder why Mista still keeps it around and one night they find out that his eldest sister found him after he came out of jail and gave it to him and it's the only item that he has left that stuff connects him to his family (and also the last time he saw his sister)
-They start calling the bear Cattivo after that
-It sits on his bookshelf and he puts it next to his pillow when he gets sad
-Has no plushies of his own, though he used to have hundreds back when he lived surrounded by wealth
-When he turned seven, his parents took away all toys that he owned and replaced them with books and school supplies, telling him that he’s fated to do well in academics and doesn’t need any distractions
-He still has it drilled into his head that he doesn’t need them or doesn’t deserve them and makes it clear to everybody that he doesn’t want any (even though he kinda does)
-He does frequently steal plushies from Narancia though
-He always returns them in the end because he just ends up feeling bad for wanting one but Narancia doesn’t mind.
-He usually takes this one huge dragon that’s big enough to hug with his entire body. While fugo will never admit it to his team, he really likes affection with those that he trusts, so having a huge plush (even if he’s just borrowing it) to hug is nice.
-Collects those tiny Japanese plushies which are like... food, drinks, etc,,but with those cute little eyes.
-She buys like, 4 of them a week.
-Her favourite changes almost daily, usually just whichever one she bought most recently :)
-Fugo and Giorno don’t really see the appeal in food with faces, but Mista and Narancia LOVE Trish’s collection
-If she orders one she ends up not liking, she gives it to Narancia for his collection (and sometimes Mista if he begs hard enough)
- Trish has an entire LED display wall in her room for her collection. Her impulse buying of these plushies knows no bounds. She tries to save up for huge ones but she ends up buying a bunch of small ones on impulse.
-Bruno did get her a few huge ones for her birthday, though!
-Whenever Abbacchio is out shopping and runs into one of them that she doesn’t have, he kind of just,,,sneakily buys it and puts it on her bed while she’s not there for her to find later
-She has no idea who keeps gifting her these blessings, but she has a feeling that its him hehehe
I  still have this cat stuffy in my room that Jade got me when I was 3 or 4 (but she was like 2 when she “gave” it to me so it was more like our mom bought it lmao) and I named it Kitty because I was super original. When I was 5, I lost it once and refused to sleep for days without it so my parents “found it” which really meant they went and bought me a second one and right after that WE ACTUALLY FUCKING FOUND IT LMAO
But like 6 months later my parents split and now I have one at each of their houses so it works! No Kitty is more superior than the other, I love my children equally😌😌
Listen, I know all y’all have at least ONE toy/item/memento somewhere, even if you haven’t seen it or thought about it in years. And I wanna know what it is. 
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aalissy · 3 years
Andd this chapter is done :). I hope you guys enjoy it <3 <3. I had a fun time writing it bc I loveee writing love confessions haha. Be warned this DOES contain slight spoilers for Gang of Secrets so watch that ep first plzzz :). Lemme know what you think!
“So,” Ladybug started after she swooped in through Adrien’s window one night. She blinked over at him rather innocently as a small blush lit up her cheeks. “I heard a rumor the other night.”
“What kind of a rumor?” He frowned at her, looking rather confused.
“A-a silly one, I think.” She brushed a stray strand of hair away irritatedly, glancing away from him.
Adrien chuckled softly, leaning close to her as he gave her a small smile. “So silly that you snuck into my room in the middle of the night to ask me?”
Ladybug’s blush turned a shade darker and she shoved his shoulder lightly. Quietly, she muttered, “I do this most nights, Adrien. And I thought you were alright with me coming over.”
“I am! I am!” Adrien rushed to reassure her. “I just can’t remember the last time you came over because of a rumor. Especially a silly one, like you said.”
Ladybug took a deep breath, shaking her head before sitting down on his couch. “You’re right. It was stupid. J-just forget I said anything, please.”
Adrien shot her a soft look before following her. He sat down next to her, placing a hand over hers before he murmured, “Nothing is stupid if you say it, Ladybug. Just tell me what it was. It’s obviously bothering you. Besides, maybe I can help to clear it up or not.”
She tugged on one of her pigtails anxiously. Nibbling on her bottom lip, Ladybug glanced away from his sparkling green eyes that begged her to reveal her secrets. Fiddling with her hands, she eventually sighed before speaking, “O-one of my friends said something to me today... S-she, um, might have heard that you liked me.”
She took a cautious peek over at him, feeling butterflies roar to life in her chest as she recalled that conversation with Alya. Her best friend had been elated to tell her that Adrien liked her. Or, well, Ladybug... She had casually pushed her to confess or at least tell him that she knew. Which, for some reason, she was actually doing. 
Carefully, Ladybug shot a quick peek over at him, wondering if she could gauge his reaction from his face. If anything, it just made her more confused. He didn’t seem shocked by the revelation that she knew. Instead of the shy grin or displeased frown she was expecting, she instead got a confused smile.
“Of course I like you, Ladybug,” Adrien laughed, gesturing around the room. “You come over practically every night. It’d be weird if I didn’t like you. We’re basically best friends.”
Oh, she blinked. He didn’t understand. Great, now she needed to rebuild her confidence to ask him again, as though she wasn’t already freaking out.
Steeling herself, Ladybug sucked in another deep breath. “I-I meant that she implied that you liked me.”
This time, she kept her gaze firmly focused on him, watching as Adrien’s eyes widened in shock. Her heart stumbled in her chest as she tried to analyze every microexpression. Did that mean she was right? Or had Alya been completely wrong?
Adrien coughed, glancing away from her as his cheeks lit up a bright red. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he asked, “W-where did you hear that from?”
Shifting slightly in her seat, Ladybug murmured quietly, “My best friend.”
This had been a mistake. Obviously, Alya had heard wrong or his crush had been in the past. Either way, this was one of the most embarrassing things she had ever done. Feeling her face burn a bright red, she jumped up, already tightening her grip on her yo-yo. “N-never mind! Y-you can lorget... I mean for get I said anything! L-like I said it was just a silly rumor. I don’t know why I even asked you about it.”
“Wait, wait, Ladybug!” Adrien hopped up too, reaching down to grab onto her hand before she could fling her yo-yo out and flee. Nervously, she glanced back at him and he flushed, tearing his gaze away as he cleared his throat. “W-what would you do if I said it was true?”
Her mouth fell open in shock as she gaped at him in disbelief. If it was true? Well, she’d probably yank him into a kiss and never let him leave her side again. Of course, she couldn’t exactly say that without completely scaring him off. Instead, Ladybug settled on a small smile. “Well, I’d probably tell you that I liked you back. For a while now, actually. H-hypothetically speaking, obviously.”
Adrien froze, tensing up in shock as he gazed up at her. For a second, she wondered if she had broken him before he quickly snapped out of it, shaking his head. “T-then your friend was correct. I do have a crush on you. A pretty big one too. It actually probably started before we began our little midnight meetings.”
Now it was her turn to freeze, her heart practically stopping in her chest as she heard his words. Adrien liked her. Was this real or had she passed out in class again? Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, she quickly opened them back up to see that Adrien was still grinning at her. Yep, definitely real. 
Relaxing completely, Ladybug gave him a shy grin, feeling butterflies flutter in her chest again. “I-I like you too, Adrien. And I definitely liked you before we began our little, secret meetings, too.”
His face split into a wide beam before he cupped her cheeks, pulling her into a sweet kiss. Her eyes widened for a split moment before she relaxed into his embrace, wrapping her arms around him as she sunk into their kiss. Running her hands through his hair, she let herself rejoice about the fact that she was finally kissing Adrien. Tingles ran up her spine as he tilted his head, deepening their kiss.
After a few moments, he pulled back, murmuring, “Was that alright?”
“D-definitely,” Ladybug giggled back. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”  
“Me too,” Adrien laughed, caressing her cheek.
She leaned into his hand, closing her eyes as she enjoyed his warmth. Eventually, her eyes fluttered back open and she smiled at him. “So, now that we know we both like each other... A-Adrien, would you like to be my boyfriend?”
“Yes! Definitely,” he practically shouted, his eyes sparkling with joy.
Giggling with glee, Ladybug pulled him back into another kiss, nibbling on her boyfriend’s bottom lip. She definitely needed to thank Alya after this was over. Her best friend deserved the entire world after this.
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years
the darkest hour pt 1
the destiny and chicken podcast is finally back so I finally started rewatching merlin season 4. so basically i'm just going to make a list of things that I thought about while watching
'rests on the shoulders of a young man'??? PLS BBC
the opening scene in camelot. i just love it so much. tbh i'm kind of in love with all the "inner working" stuff of working in the castle
ok also, is this the first appearance of merlin and his purple shirt????? i love it
gwen is absolutely perfect. how is angel coulby so pretty. also, her serving the king after everything she'd done to him. wow
morgana and morgause going to the isle of the bless 💀💀
omg the feast back in camelot. when merlin falls and lancelot is the one who runs after him??? and arthur ?? Idek what kind of reaction that's suppose to be. right off the bat it looks annoyed?? but it could also be 'oh i'm the prince, but also i'm worried that's merlin, jeez keep your composure man. come on now, overcompensate so no one knows how you're actually feeling'
again, it's only lancelot and gaius with merlin after he passes out.
merlin wrapped in a blanket like a little burrito is just 🥰 he's talking about the dorocha but still
also they mentioned samhain and i want to talk about but not here. anyways, i'll get back you to guys on this note.
MERLIN WAKING ARTHUR UP. stop that was so homely and i loved it.
when arthur is comforting the girl who came to camelot because her village was raided?? idk if raided is the right word but that's what i'm going with rn
oh haha when the gang rode out to the girl's village and we get jump scared by the chicken?? yes, yes i did get jump scared by the chicken
gwaine and his apples?? yes pls
i just kept on thinking that the dorocha kept reminding me of dementors. idk it's not exactly the same because dementors sort of suck your happiness and merlin couldn't use magic against the dorocha, but still idk i just felt connection vibes
literally angel is so pretty. and then gwen goes to check on the soldier despite SO MUCh danger?? i love her.
omg when gaius goes "no mortal has ever survived their touch" and i'm just thinking. MERLIN MERLIN MERLIN MERLIN MERLIN. anyways
alskfjalsjfa;sdlkfa when merlin and arthur are in arthur's chambers and the candle rolls away and they're pals. they're actually PALS. like they have some quips here and there but they're honest to god pals and not even arthur can deny that
'definitely not humorless' 'that's because you're not funny' PLS
when pervical saves those children and elyan saves them?? i love them all
ofc arthur is gonna sacrifice himself. freaking savior's complex. 'i love him though' to pieces.
omg. i hate uther with everything that i am, but still arthur taking to his father and giving him a forehead kiss before he goes off to die?? and uther saying 'don't leave me" "please"??? come on. i'm crying
SLAK;FJSLAJF. idc if you ship merthur i sure as hell do but still. these moments between arthur and gwen and just *golden*. just this whole scene. i love them so much. i love arthur so much.
god this show. having the gang walk in slow mo?? pls spare me
FRICK MY LIFE. when arthur gave agravaine the seal it reminded me of the deleted scene where arthur gives merlin the seal and i just get MAD again that they cut it out. PLS
merlin's whole speech about dying for arthur. i mean, we all knew it was coming but still. and gaius. gaius sucks but still, merlin is practically his son at this point, and gaius just has to let him go and i'm crying
fricken hell the knights in their capes?? i can't handle that they look so noble omg
until the line where gwen goes 'will you grant me a favor' i completely forgot about this heart wrenching fic that I read. Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic ?? dude your fic absolutely ripped me to SHREDS and i completely forgot about it until the one line and i PHYSICALLY screamed. good on you you're the best.
anyways. i'm dying at this. when lancelots says he'll protect arthur with his life and that gwen has his promise?? pls.
literally, any scene of just lance and merlin reminds of that fic now. whenever i see lancelot looking at merlin i just think he's pining and i'm crying.
god some of the scene are actually beautiful.
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the knights all working together?? bros being bros
merlin using magic and then doing that little lip quirk half-smile at lancelot is just UGH
aw when merlin insists on getting firewood with arthur and arthur asking if merlin is the right person and merlin saying as if arthur knows what he's talking about when it coming to collecting firewood and the knights LAUGHING?? i love them
just the whole scene of merlin and arthur together
i would parse out individual pieces but tbh just the whole thing
i love it
i love them
the callback line where they think they might've 'gotten on' if things were different?? pls
oh god you knew this was coming
merlin throwing himself at the dorocha instead of arthur.
all of them running towards merlin
merlin's FACE
anyways. i'll be back tomorrow to rant more about the darkest hr pt 2 so i'll see you then!
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 5 (Lighting Up in a Rainy Town)
Wattpad Link
Ch. 1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna and Matteo stunned by the announcement stare at each other with worry and unease. “What do you mean the Jam and Roller is shutting down?!” Luna blurted out right before Simón and Ámbar came rushing in. “Ok I think this is all a misunderstanding everybody. You see the Jam and Roller isn’t shutting down, here’s just a…. guy who does finances and is just checking up on the place. I think what he meant to say was that the Jam and Roller will shut down if nothing is kept in order with the payments, which it obviously has been cause I have my binder with all the receipts in them. So, no need to panic alright; everything is ok,” Ámbar announced to the gang pulling the man with the suit, who now has a confused expression on his face.
A wave of uncertainty is felt in the room. “Luna I’m worried this doesn’t add up right. The guy never mentioned any of those reasons. He said he came to do the final paperwork cause the Jam and Roller is closing,” Nina whispered to Luna. “You’re right Nina, this doesn’t add up. I think it’s time for Watson and Holmes to get on the case.” Luna and Nina each give each other a smirk cause the dynamic duo is back into investigating on a new mystery.
Matteo grabs Luna’s hand, takes her away from Nina, and pulls her out the door. “Where are you taking me, Chico Fresa?” Luna asked curiously. “Remember I told you I had a surprise. Well, it’s in the car.” Matteo and Luna walk to his car and stop at the Black Lamborghini in the parking lot. He opens the trunk and reveals a pair of shiny new skates. The pair is glittery pink and are laid on top of their box. Luna gasped at the thoughtful present Matteo displayed to her. “Matteo I... I…. I LOVE IT,” Luna exclaimed before running up to Matteo and giving him a bear hug. “And that’s not even the best part. The wheels light up. I purposely got this cause your Luna and Sol. Eres la luna y brillas como el sol. You’re Luna (Moon) and you shine like the sun. So, whenever you roller skate, the glitter will shimmer while the wheels light up just like you. Te quiero Chica delivery. I love you,” Matteo professed to Luna. Luna was in awe of Matteo’s gift and how he still remembers the exact same words he told her right before he kissed her at the Sky Concert. As tears were slowly falling on her cheek, she gave another hug to Matteo right before he kissed her.
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Ámbar flips through the multitude of pages in her binder as the guy in a suit looks at her with a stern look in his face. “Sorry sir but are you sure we can’t wait any longer. Maybe we can still negotiate a deal with Vidia.” The guy immediately shakes his head and states, “I’m sorry but that’s not possible. Vidia doesn’t want to be a part of the Jam and Roller anymore, they have other ideas in mind for the future and those ideas do not include this place.” Simón holds Ámbar’s hand when he notices her teary eyed as she puts her other hand over her face in disbelief. “Look I’m sorry Ms. Smith but the deal is done. The Jam and Roller is now in the market to be purchased,” the guy responds to Ámbar. She swiftly looks up. “Mr. Tobias, What do you mean the Jam and Roller is up for sale? I thought Mr. Trabeck was going to buy it to turn it into a club and bar. Also, you can call me Mrs. Álvarez from now on.” Simón and Ámbar glance and give a smile to each other.
Mr. Tobias thinks for a second and replies, “Mr. Trabeck pulled out his offer and decided not to purchase this place so it’s currently up for sale.” Ámbar and Simón immediately look at each other with hope in their eyes. Yeah, the Jam and Roller is being sold but maybe, just maybe, the owner can preserve its originality and keep it the way it is.
Luna dashes inside with her new roller skates in hand. Nina notices and approaches her. “Luna are those new skates? They look beautiful!” Nina compliments. “Thank you, Nina. Matteo bought them for me! I’m so happy right now. He got me specific ones just for me and the words that he told me inside reassured my trust for him. I love him and he loves me. Ooh I can’t wait to try them on. I’m planning to head to the rink right now and skate in them so I can easily break them in and get well acclimated,” Luna stated to Nina with exhilaration in her voice. “Alright than I’ll leave you to it. See you later Luna. It’s getting late and I want to go home quickly so I can read the book that’s been waiting for me!” Nina gives Luna a hug and heads towards the exit as Luna runs to the rink with her new pair of roller skates in hand.
“Jim, I think we should go back to school so we can finish packing up our things to bring them back to our apartment,” Yam said to Jim. “Really…. Can we please stay a little while cause I’ve been dying to skate.” Yam shook her head in response to Jim and replied, “We shouldn’t, the quicker we get it done the quicker we can come back to roller skate tomorrow.” Jim nodded in agreement. “I can drive you guys back since I’m also going to head out,” Ramiro stated. The three amigos (friends) headed out the door.
As Matteo closes the trunk of his car, he notices at the corner of his eye Gastón walking towards him. “Hola Matteo. Wow nice car, didn’t know my buddy was already going to spend some of the cash he earned from his big sold-out tour.” Matteo laughed at Gastón’s compliment. “Originally I wasn’t planning on it, but I decided to treat myself after seeing how huge of a success the tour became to be,” Matteo boasted with excitement on his face. “Makes since, you totally deserve it.” Gastón than showed a worried look on his face. “Que te pasa? What’s the matter,” Matteo asked. “The thing is Nina got a call from Eric today. She’s planning to meet up with him tomorrow morning. She said they’re only friends, but I know Eric. He’s probably still heartbroken that Nina broke up with him. What if he tries to get her back? What if he's still not over her and tries to steal her away from me? This is not good! I should’ve told Nina that was a bad idea for her to agree to have a meeting with Eric,” Gastón pondered right before freaking out.
Matteo looked at his distraught friend. “Don’t worry too much about it. Remember Nina broke up with Eric because she didn’t have feelings for him in the first place. She’s always been in love with you. If your still super worried about her than… maybe… spy on them. See how the date goes,” Matteo suggests. “Spy on them? Heck no I’m not going to do that. What if she catches me,” Gastón immediately rejecting the idea. “If you do it right, she won’t find out. I once spied on Luna when she did that music video for Sebastian Villalobos and she never caught me. Trust me bro you’ll be fine.” Matteo’s advice calmed Gastón down as he contemplated on whether or not he should spy on Nina.
The phone in Matteo’s pocket starts ringing. Matteo picks it up. “Yes hello…. Oh hi Viviana…. Yeah I’m a little busy does it have to be right now…. Alright fine I’m on my way.” Matteo hangs up the phone and says goodbye to Gastón. “It seems like I have to go. Viviana apparently needs help with this song. I can’t reveal much other than the fact that she wants to release a collaboration soon. Rafael thinks it’s a great idea, so I have to help her,” Matteo revealed to Gaston. “Like I said before, I think Viviana is bad news and you should try to stay away from her as much as possible. I understand that your manager keeps pushing for you too to hang out more frequently but don’t trust her,” Gaston advised Matteo. “It’s ok. She means no harm and I only see her as a friend. Plus, now that my tour is over, I can finally hang out more with Luna.” Nina comes running to Gaston. “I’m ready mi amor.” Gastón and Nina say goodbye to Matteo as they all head to their cars and leave the parking lot.
Simón enters the rink and sees Luna skating with light up, shimmery roller skates. “Hola Luna! Love the skates. They finally glow just like you,” Simón cheered to Luna. She skates towards Simón and gives him a hug. “Oh, Simón I am just so in love with these skates! I won’t lie I still prefer my other ones, the pink and orange ones since I have so many memories with those, but I don’t know these new ones give me hope. Maybe someday the Roller team can get back together. I know we’re all very busy but who knows! It is the summer, and anything can happen,” Luna bubbled to Simón. Simón scratches his head and swallows hard. He feels bad keeping a very important secret from Luna but doesn’t want to break her heart. He knows how much the place means to her and doesn’t want to bring her down. “You never know Luna. Maybe Juliana comes back, or maybe when we have time, we can enter a competition,” Simòn swallows hard. “Oooh that would be incredible Simón. Truly a dream come true, but I guess I have to wait to see everyone’s decision, but I will propose it to them. Hopefully they say yes,” Luna gushed. “You never know.”
Pedro comes walking in with Delfi. “Simón, it’s getting late and me and Delfi are really tired. We just came back to say goodnight and don’t forget to lock up,” Pedro reminded Simón. “Yes of course Pedro. Buenas noches! Goodnight,” Simón replied. Everybody told each other goodnight and left the rink. Simón heads over to Ámbar in the cafeteria while Luna heads to the lockers to grab her stuff.
Simón sits down over to where Ámbar’s table is at and talk about the Jam and Roller. “Mi amor I don’t know whether to feel hopeful or worried that the Jam and Roller is for sale on the market. What if someone buys it to only remodel the place and get rid of the rink? Keeping this secret is just too much for me knowing how much this place means to all of our friends.” Ámbar holds Simón’s hand after admitting what’s been worrying her. “I know exactly how you feel but hopefully someone does buy it to keep it the way it is and don’t shut this place down. We just need to keep having hope and faith alright.” Simón caresses Ámbar’s face and hugs her as she lays her head on his shoulders. Little did they know Nina had entered and overheard their conversation.
Nina secretly sprints to the lockers to get her journal and sees Luna there. “Luna you would not believe what I just heard. So Simón and Ámbar were talking and apparently the Jam and Roller is up for sale and they may shut it down!” A terrified look is plastered on Luna’s face hearing Nina’s big news.
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9tzuyu · 4 years
the art of delicate hands pt. ii
[ it's your turn to learn! (or maybe not.) ]
part. i
99% of the words that are italicized are wanda signing :).
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After Natasha discovered Wanda's secret, she immediately wanted to begin learning it. She asked her girlfriend if she'd teach it to her, to which Wanda happily agreed, but only because Tasha was her girlfriend. Wanda started off with the basics, teaching her the alphabet and numbers. It'd keep Natasha busy for awhile before she mastered that set and wanted something new.
(because that's how good Nat was, she was far above average when it came down to memorizing and remembering things she needed to know).
And together, they practiced every night when the rest of the house was either asleep or not around.
Sometimes Wanda would catch Natasha practicing to herself when she was meant to be studying. She was a perfectionist – something Wanda frowned upon; not because Nat wanted it to be perfect, but because she would be too hard on herself.
Like now.
"Will I ever fucking get this right?" Natasha growled, letting out a frustrated sigh. Wanda saw this and came up behind her, placing soft kisses all over the side of her face. Natasha instantly relaxed into Wanda's hold, grinning as she felt her girlfriend's smile against her cheek.
"Study. Or else I won't practice with you tonight, sweet girl." Wanda giggled, sending small vibrations through Natasha's neck.
"You're so cruel." Wanda gave her a wink and walked off into the main room, leaving Natasha alone to work. She found her brother and Steve in the kitchen, preparing what seemed like some sort of lunch. She grimaced as she walked by, seeing a bowl full of unmixed items cooking on the stove-top.
'What are you making?
Pietro looked up and smiled at his little sister, "Food, Wanda. Food."
‘Do you even know the first the about cooking?’ She laughed and he gave her a not-so-serious-serious look. "Please, Of course I do! Do you know the first thing about cooking?" He challenged.
'Yes. And I know that you're not supposed to burn whatever you're making,' she smirked as Pietro panicked and went to fix his mistake. Steve awkwardly stood in the back, quickly getting secondhand embarrassment from the silver haired man.
'Hello Steve,' she greeted. He waved back at her and went to help Pietro with his mess. Wanda walked off, letting the two figure it out on their own.
She was bored.
All her studies were complete, she didn't have work today, and everyone else was busy. What could she do? Whatever it was, she didn't want to do it alone that's for sure. She wanted to have fun.
Licking her lips, Wanda suddenly had an idea. "Fun," she repeated. The brunette bounced her way back to her room (though it was more their room) where her favorite redhead was. She peeked in and saw Natasha biting her lip, her eyes focused on the textbook in front of her.
"Hmm?" She put down the book and stared at her girlfriend. (God she's beautiful.)
Natasha shot up, "You know I'd never turn down spending time with you. Let me get my jacket and we can head out." Wanda clapped her hands excitedly as she was ready to go.
The two women sat together in a tight embrace, enjoying the cool air. It was perfect – her head rest gently in Natasha's lap, fingers tracing Nat's jawline from below. Wanda couldn't remember the last time she felt so secure.
‘How are your classes?’ Natasha groaned, causing a small laugh to slip out of Wanda's mouth. "I came here to get away from that, not to talk about it."
"Here to help," the brunette whispered. After a few minutes she sat up, turning her body to face more Natasha. Wanda stared into green eyes, softly tucking a loose piece of red hair behind Tasha's ear.
She did what she naturally knew to do. She signed.
'You're beautiful like the sky, and the trees, and the earth all around us. I know you're the only one for me.'
Natasha tilted her head, curious as to what Wanda was signing. When she was done, Natasha placed a soft kiss on her lips. Both of them smiled into it, wanting nothing more than to live in the moment forever.
Unfortunately, however, their blissful time was soon interrupted by the sound of loud voices coming from behind them. Wanda looked over and saw a group of boys ganging up on a smaller girl.
Everything in her body told her to go help. She got up and jogged over to where the commotion was, surprised that no one else was stopping this. As she got closer, she could hear all the mean things they were saying about her.
"Stupid girl."
"Nobody will ever like you."
"Mute freak."
The last insult angered Wanda even more than before. And before she could control herself, she yelled.
"You think it's nice to pick on other people?" All three of the boys turned their heads, wide-eyed because they'd been caught.
But one always had to be a smart ass.
"It's not like she’s going to fight back anyway." The taller boy argued. "Don’t go near her again." She growled. Natasha stood back from the scene, watching her girlfriend with a proud smile on her face.
(Of course Wanda would stick up for someone who couldn’t fight for themselves. And it was so like Wanda to not care about using her voice in that moment.)
"Why should I listen to you?" He spit out, anger evident on her face.
Wanda quickly found the boy’s mother heading their way, her face scrunched in disapproval.
“Because I wouldn’t want your mom, who’s right behind you by the way, to get upset with her sweet boy.”
The boy paled as he turned his head to find his mom fifteen feet away from him. He tugged his friends away and ran towards his mother, leaving Wanda alone with the girl.
'What's your name?' She signed.
The little girl's eyes lit up. 'Aniah. Thank you for helping me.'
'I'm Wanda, and it's no problem. Where are your parents?'
'They're here somewhere. I'll find them. Is that your friend behind you?' Wanda smiled and looked back at Natasha. 'That's my girlfriend. She's the love of my life. She'll never know just how much I love her though, only a small amount.' She winked.
The smaller girl blushed. 'I hope I can find someone that loves me like that someday.'
'You will, I was just lucky. I don't actually deserve her.' Wanda finished and grabbed Aniah’s hand seeing that the child spotted her parents.
Before Aniah made her departure, she made sure to give Wanda a hug and a small wave to Natasha. Both women were left with a smile on their faces.
Wanda turned to Natasha, "She seemed like such a sweet girl, I don’t know why-” A soft pair of lips cut her off. Hands started roaming her body. Oh.
Before Nat could take it any further Wanda stopped her. "Tasha we're in public."
"Oh I know." She purred in Wanda's ear, sending a chill down the brunette’s spine.
"But for now, are you gonna tell me what you told that girl? What'd she say?" Natasha wondered curiously. She intertwined their hands together as they began walking.
Natasha couldn’t help the rush of excitement she got as Wanda continued to talk. This was a large step for her, but Natasha knew not to make a big deal about it. Instead she listened intently, taking in every accented word Wanda spoke.
"She told me that her name was Aniah and that she was thankful I helped her." Natasha snorted, "Oh come on! Even I know there was more to it!" Wanda simply shook her head, holding in a laugh because it was true, there was more to it.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart."
The redhead let out a small whine, "Wanda please."
"You know..." She pouted.
"I really don't," Wanda smirked. Natasha decided she'd had enough and delivered a small pinch to Wanda’s side.
"Hey! That hurt."
"Doesn't hurt as much as it does when you won't tell me what you were saying."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "I wasn't saying anything, I was signing." Natasha raised her eyebrow, "Wanna repeat that, princess?" Wanda shook her head, backing down from the playful argument.
She knew she'd be paying for it later in bed.
"That's what I thought."
For the time remaining the two walked together making their way back to the house, hands clasped together.
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youare-mysonshine · 5 years
miss independent || oscar diaz
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(gif is not mine. credit to owner💗)
Summary: Oscar has feelings for the reader meanwhile the reader has feelings for Mario. Oscar is struggling to accept that.
Requested: yes!
Pairing: Oscar Diaz x reader, Mario Martinez x reader
Warnings: a bit of angst, cursing as per usual.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: to whoever requested this, I hope this is what you wanted. I decided to use Mario because I just felt like he fit perfectly. Obviously this takes place during season 2 and amber isn’t a thing lmao I wrote this way before season 3 came out and I kinda just left it because I got stuck, but I’m back and I figured I’d finish it. It’s not the best but ENJOY! I’m open to doing a second part, I have been doing Oscar dirty and I am sorry lmao
When Y/N and Mario had ended their relationship, there was absolutely no bad blood between them - they had been together for most of high school. They were each other’s first loves. They went through a great deal together. They essentially grew together. They had been together way too long to end on bad terms.
No, the reason that they had ended was because Mario had gone away to college and Y/N had stayed in Freeridge, having decided to take a break from school for about a year or so. It hadn’t been an easy decision, but they both ultimately agreed that they should break up - prior to him leaving for college, they had agreed that long distance would be just fine, that they’d be able to do it, but once he was gone, it was an entirely different story. They barely talked, Mario was busy with meeting knew people, going out with his new friends and focusing on school. It was something Y/N didn’t blame him for, she knew what the deal was when he went away, but still, life was getting in the way and neither of them wanted to make the other feel like they weren’t important.
Their break up had been hard but amicable. And it certainly wasn’t something that someone could just get over in a short amount of time. Neither of them knew if they’d get back together again, but the feelings were still there. Y/N was sure that they’d always be there. A connection with someone like that, it didn’t just go away. It’d stay with you, forever.
It had been a few weeks after their break up that Y/N had gone out to the liquor a few blocks away from her house to buy some snacks - call it comfort food - when a green car had slowed down across the street from her to match her pace. Inside the car, which was blasting music so loud she could almost feel the bass of it reverberate against the sidewalk, were about 4 guys. Prophets, she quickly realized, judging by amount of green they wore.
“Damn ma, what you doin’ out here alone? You lookin’ fine as fuck. Let me get that ass.” Was among one of the many things thrown her way. Being a young woman, it hadn’t been the first time that she had been cat called and it likely wouldn’t be the last, but that fact never stopped it from being creepy and making her uncomfortable, especially when it was coming from the Prophets, one of Freeridge’s known gangs. Especially given that they had been following her in their car, going as fast she was going to keep up with her.
Y/N had sped up her walking but that did nothing because they sped up too, still yelling things at her through the window. Her heart had begun racing and she could feel the cold sweat on her forehead - were they gonna follow her home? The young woman had contemplated just booking it and hoping that they’d lose interest and leave when she heard the rumble of another engine, this time heading in her direction. Up ahead she could see a familiar cherry red impala. She knew who it belonged too. Almost everybody knew who it belonged too.
Oscar had sped up just slightly when he had seen the green car, coming to a stop when he was beside Y/N, effectively blocking her from the view of the Prophet’s. Suddenly, she had gotten just that much more freaked out because she knew, everybody knew, of the tension between the two gangs, the Santos and the Prophets. She didn’t want to find herself in the middle of a shootout when all she had just wanted to do was go home and eat her damn fucking chips.
“The fuck you doin’ on this block? This is Santos territory. You punk asses know you shouldn’t be here.” She had heard Oscar say. “Get the fuck outta here. Now.” He left no room for discussion. That deathly calm, but frightening stare wasn’t something she wanted to be on the receiving end of. Across the street, she could see the Prophets in the car debating his words, contemplating on listening to the Santo and leaving or starting some shit. In the end, they decided on heeding his words and they drove off, not before throwing some comments his way, and her way.
“We’ll be seeing you, Spooky.” “Watch your back.” “We’ll be seeing you too, ma.” None of it phased Oscar, who watched as they disappeared through the side mirror of his car. Suddenly, his dark eyes were on her and she left out a tiny breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding.
“You good?” He asked, nodding his head at her. The y/h/c haired female gave a small nod, clutching at the plastic bag in her hand.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks for that. I didn’t think they were gonna leave me alone.” She admitted, sending a small smile his way. His dark eyes analyzed her for a second, and she began to grow hot under his gaze, feeling the heat creep up her neck, to her cheeks, all the way to the very tops of her ears.
“You’re Mario’s girlfriend, right?” And that sent a painful little jab to her heart, the remembrance that she and Mario were no longer a couple. Clearing her throat, Y/N shook her head.
“Uh, no. No, we broke up after he left for college. Long distance just wasn’t our thing.” She revealed. Oscar gave a slow nod at her words, letting out a little ‘hm’. She had figured the conversation was over at that point so she was about to turn away and carry on her journey home when his deep voice spoke up once more.
“You want a ride?”
Now, Y/N had been familiar with Oscar because of Mario, but they had never actually had a full blown conversation like the one they were just having. They had never been alone together, they had never spent copious amounts of time together. Oscar had gone to prison for a considerable amount of time as well. So, the fact that he had offered to give her a ride was a bit surprising to her, and she had almost declined his offer when the words of that one Prophet replayed in her mind.
“We’ll be seeing you too, ma.”
Were they lurking around a corner somewhere, waiting until she walked away from Oscar? Waiting to follow her again? Now, maybe she was being entirely paranoid but she certainly did not want to take that risk. So, giving Oscar a nod, she walked a few steps forward, pulled open the door and climbed into the passenger seat of his precious car.
That had been the start of an unlikely and very surprising friendship between Y/N and Oscar Diaz.
After that fateful day where he saved her from being harassed by Prophets, they had started hanging out more, they had become quite close. She’d spend more time at his house than her own. They’d drink cheap beer and smoke blunts and just talk about anything and everything. Dumb shit, funny shit, little shit. It was a friendship that Y/N had really grown to cherish. Hell, Oscar had even let her drive his car, and that wasn’t something he let anybody do, not even his brother.
(“You better not fucking crash my car, pendeja.” “Shut the fuck up, I’m not gonna crash shit. Relax, vato.”)
But somewhere along the line, it had changed for Oscar. Having a girl as a friend was something that he was never really used to - he hadn’t anticipated on an actual full blown friendship to form between him and Y/N but he couldn’t say that he regretted it. Y/N looked at him and saw something more than just a cholo, more than just a guy with two strikes working against him. He really did start to care about her, and he looked forward to the days where she’d go over to his house and they’d just hang out. Or the days where they’d get into his car, drive down to the beach and watch the sunset.
He had found himself wanting more than just a friendship - it was her smile, the way her smile seemed to light up the entire room. It was her eyes, the way they’d twinkle and shine so bright they could rival the stars. It was her nose, the way she’d crinkle it up every time she’d take a drink from some beer, which he’d always tease her about because she could never seem to get used to the bitter taste.
But the only issue was that she still had feelings for her ex. Oscar knew this, it wasn’t exactly as if it was a secret - Y/N openly talked about Mario with Oscar, she’d tell him how she missed him, how she often thought about them and their relationship. It was a tough pill to swallow, and it was why he had almost reconsidered inviting Mario to the Santos party, but nah, he wasn’t like that. He could be fucked up if he wanted, but Mario had always been good to him, he respected him too much to start acting like a dick.
Music played from the speakers that stood beside the DJ booth. People were dancing, drinking, smoking - it was a good time, everyone was having fun.
Everyone but Oscar that is.
His eyes kept drifting over toward Y/N and Mario as they sat on that worn, nasty old couch in their own little world, deep in conversation. He took notice of the way her eyes were shining bright, of that smile that never left her face. Or Mario’s face.
Y/N had arrived shortly after Mario and Ruby had and when she had caught sight of Mario, it was like she was that nervous girl going on her first date with him again. She thought that overtime her feelings for him would fade, that distance would make her move on. But it didn’t. And seeing Mario again.. she remembered just how much she truly loved him.
So, she and Mario had stuck by each other’s side throughout the entire party, talking, catching up, reminiscing about old times.
“So, you and Oscar? How’d that happen?” Mario asked her. He had been a little surprised when he found out that his ex-girlfriend had struck up a friendship with the gang leader. She had told him herself when they started talking again, and Ruby had told him that they had spent an awful amount of time together.
Y/N’s smile softened and she turned to glance over at Oscar who was having a conversation. But it was like he felt her eyes on him because he turned and looked over at her. Their eyes met and she sent him that sweet smile that had him falling for her all over again. Then she turned back to Mario.
“It was after you left, actually. I went to the store and some Prophets rolled up on me,” Mario looked concerned, his brows furrowing. “But, Oscar was riding by in his car, he saw and he helped me out. He gave me a ride home and after that, we just started seeing each other more. Hanging out. He’s cool, I like him.” She said, that smile never leaving her face.
“So, there’s nothing more going on between you two?”
“What? No! He’s my best friend!” Y/N said. “Honestly.. I.. I haven’t been with anyone since we broke up.” She admitted. “I miss you. It’s hard being without you. Oscar made it easier, but.. I still miss you. I’m glad you’re here, Mario.” She said. Her ex-boyfriend gave her a smile, that smile that had her weak in the knees.
“I missed you too, Y/N.”
Oscar knew he was probably being a cock blocker but he didn’t care. He walked over and you noticed him immediately, sending a smile his way. “Why you guys hidin’ over here? It’s a party. Little Ruby is making more friends than you two.” He nodded over to the young Martinez who was indeed having the time of his life. It was the happiest that Mario had seen his brother in a while and he was glad.
“We were just talking. Catching up. She told me how you helped her after some Prophets rolled up on her. Thank you for that.” Mario said as the two stood up off the couch. Oscar shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at the female, his eyes sparkling as he looked at her.
“It was nothing. I’d do anything for her. She knows that.”
“I do know that. And you know that I’d do anything for you too. You’re my best friend and I love you.” She said to Oscar and his heart actually sank down into his stomach.
Best friend.
That’s all he was to her. Her best friend and nothing more. She was his best friend but he wanted it to be more. But standing with her and Mario, seeing the way the two looked at each other.. he knew nothing more would ever come from it.
But at the same time… having Y/N in his life as his friend was better than not having her in his life at all. If she was with Mario, then all he could do was support her and be there for her because all he really wanted was for her to be happy. If it was Mario that made her happy then so be it. Mario was a good dude so he didn’t have to worry about him hurting her.
He had her in his life one way or another and he was just thankful for that.
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