#Yes Dream said they are friends
nuttersincorporated · 2 years
I want to read a fanfic where, after their reunion, Dream and Hob are hanging out regularly. Then Dream decides to visit Hob in the Dreaming only to find out that Hob is having nightmares about their meeting in 1889 and about the possibility of it happening again.
Dream watched as Hob ran after the memory of him.
“Tell you what, I’ll be here in a 100 years’ time! If you’re here then too, it’ll be because we’re friends. No other reason, right?”
The memory of Dream doesn’t look back as he disappears. The real Dream can’t look away as Hob breaks down, falling to his knees in the middle of the street, big ugly sobs forcing their way out of his throat as tears mingle with the rain.
The dream shifts.
1889 Dream is back and looking down at Hob crying.
“Please, I’m sorry,” Hob cries. “I’ll never say it again!”
Hob reaches as if to cling to Dream’s leg but the imagined Dream kicks him away before he can manage it. Hob cries out in pain, clutching a broken nose.
The real Dream gasps in horror but the version of him that Hob sees looks down at him in cold with fury.
“Disgusting,” he spits before leaving again.
The dream shifts again. Dream recognises this place.
He sees himself and Hob sat at a small table, in the tea shop they visited only yesterday. His doppelgänger is half smiling in amusement as Hob recounts an anecdote from his teacher training.
Then Hob does something he hadn’t in the Waking. He reaches across the table and takes Dream’s hand. The smile disappears from his double’s face. He tugs his hand away and Hob blanches as if he’s been struck.
“You dare.”
“I’m sorry!” Hob says quickly. “I didn’t mean…”
Dream sees the anger on his own face, “You were amusing for a while Robert Gadling but you presume too much. I have grown tired of you.”
Dream sees himself stand to leave.
Hob is crying again, “Please, you said you were friends.”
“Enough!” the real Dream commands. The fake Dream disappear leaving only Hob and the real Dream behind in the tea shop. “Oh Hob, I’m so sorry.”
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wouldntbehim · 10 months
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mix: firstprince (taylor's version)
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flying-cat · 2 months
I feel like people just can't read because how do you take "I hardly saw my friends after graduation since our days off don't coincide" as "they abandoned me" and not "adult life makes it difficult to meet with one another."
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ancha-aus · 27 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Curious Sight
What is this?! Two Drabbles?! @spotaus It is more likely than you think.
Mostly because i was REAL impressed you guys managed to keep it equal. like how? Also because i really wanted to do both so here you go! both!
This one is a lot shorter though hihi
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Just his luck.
Why did he have to have a favourite pie in a whole other universe?
The Toriel looks very apologetic “I am very sorry. They just sold out very quickly this time. I will have new ones tomorrow morning!”
Blue smiles as he pushes down the disappointment “It is okay! I can always try again later.”
Toriel smiles before motioning towards the other goods she has for sale “Anything else? The cupcakes are amazing today.” she smiles.
Blue shakes his skull “No that is alright. Thank you so much for checking!” he waves and leaves the small bakery.
He sighs as he stands outside.
His luck sucks today. He had hoped he could cheer himself up with some nice pie but it seems like they are out after all. Ugh. Then again, maybe it is his own fault for liking things outside his own universe so much.
Blue looks from side to side. Maybe he can look around a bit? See if there is another bakery. He doubts it because the town, and well this very universe, is very small and he hadn’t seen it when he visited this place with the Stars all that time ago.
But well. He doesn’t really have anything planned today.
He looks left and right and decides to go right for now. He wanders down the street and waves at people along the way.
Okay. So he can’t get the cherry hazelnut pie he wanted. Which is a shame. But he can do something else to cheer him up!
It had just been rough in his underground. Alphys had been very distrusting of the human this time around and it had been exhausting to get her to at least try to get to know them. That is not even the multiverse mess.
At least people don’t demand his help at every turn anymore. Sure he loves helping others but before it got so bad. Back when Dream was still doing the positive guardian thing. People had also demanded help of Blue. And Blue loves to help! But there had been the fear that if he said no it would reflect badly on Dream and Ink.
There is a reason he hardly travelled the multiverse alone before. It was just easier to give himself rest that way.
But now with Dream officially having a new god goal and Ink still being MIA it means people stopped bothering Blue all the time!
Blue tries to ignore the hurt that thinking about Ink brings. He had done so much to help Ink and had thought they had been friends! That Blue meant something to the other! Apparently not. Seeing as Ink hasn’t even shown his face anywhere yet, aside from meetings but Blue doesn’t really count that. They don’t even hang out afterwards. Ink just leaves again.
Blue shakes his skull and keeps walking. It is fine. Ink is also a god and probably busy with god stuff. Reaper was going to talk with Error and Ink about their godhood after all. Ink is probably just busy.
Blue just… he hopes Ink didn’t just… forget him…
Blue shakes his skull and pats his own cheeks twice. Come on Blue! Snap out of it! You got this! No need to dwell on the negatives. Especially if you don’t know what Ink’s reason is! There is no reason to worry or feel sad about things you don’t even know yet!
Blue sighs as he grabs his phone. His phalange hovering over Dream’s icon. No. Dream is dealing with enough. And asking him to track down Ink just so Blue can ask him why he doesn’t want to hang out anymore is just… a lot.
Blue scrolls through his contacts and pauses when he sees Red’s name. Huh. It has been a while since he hang out with Red. Maybe the two of them can go to some motorcross universe and drive a set of bikes around? Just go fast and have fun with a friend? He taps a message and sends it.
Blue grins at his phone as he waits. Oh this is going to be great. Just him and a friend having fun and talking about motorcycles!
A ping and Blue grins before it falls. Red says he can’t at the moment. Bad run going on in his universe and that his brother is very stressed. Apparently the last reset had gone very badly and Red had died and apparently Edge had gotten somekind of memory or dream about it and is hovering a lot more than usual.
Blue sighs but types back that he gets it and if he needs help just to let him know. Red answers with a thumbs up and a thanks.
Blue sighs and just looks up. Huh. He recognises these streets but can’t quite remember where from. Maybe all these areas just look alike? Blue shrugs and looks back at his phone.
Maybe he can ask Sans, or whatever everyone decides to call him. Sans is a bit… strange. No one is quite sure why, Sans least of all. It is just weird how everyone just decided that no nickname really fit him. They tried Comic and Classic. But in the end everyone just ends up referring to him with Sans.
Which is weird as fuck with all of them originally being Sans. Yet Sans is the most Sans.
It is hard to explain.
He finds the number and grins as he is typing a message.
A moment later he answers that he is down to hang out.
Blue grins as he starts typing, not really paying attention to where he is going. He texts his friend about maybe going to Outertale to just hang out at the café. Or even to try and find a new universe.
Sans says he is down and asks if he wants to meet wherever he is now to travel together or to meet at Outertale and search for each other there.
Blue thinks and is about to type for Sans to come to him as he looks up for a reference for Sans to teleport to. Only to freeze.
That is the Cuddly Cat.
More importantly.
That is the back of Killer’s jacket leaving around the side of the building.
Blue doesn’t even answer the text as he runs towards the other road.
He gets there just in time to see the portal melt shut. Blue searches for the right app on his phone and holds it near the slowly fully closing rift. Praying he was fast enough to manage and get there in time.
It takes a moment and the signal the app is picking up disappears. But it is still loading and Blue stares at the program as it slowly slowly loads.
Then it pops up with coordinates to an universe!
Blue stares in shock before seeing another message of Sans appear at the top. He quickly texts him that he is very sorry but that he just spotted the gang out and about.
Sans’s reply is mostly confused. Asking why it matters as Sans thought that was all already solved? So why try and track their movement?
Blue is thorn. Does he share that Dream doesn’t actually know if Nightmare is dead? That Dream is actually looking for Nightmare?
Blue ends up typing that Dream still wants to personally apologise for the gang and Sans says he gets it and just let him know when he got time to hang.
Blue sighs as he opens the right chat window and starts to type. But then removes the message as he tries to type one again.
Over and over as he struggles over what to exactly say before he settles on a message.
“I saw the gang. I know to which universe they went. We got a lead if you want to check it out?”
And he waits.
His phone pings.
Seems like he got plans after all.
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garlicbreadslice · 5 months
Do you guys ever think about Kevin Day. About the number on his cheek. About the horrors he survived to keep it there. The physical and psychological torture that he endured just so he could have the shiny number 2 tattooed on his cheekbone. How brave he was to go through all that.
How brave he must have been to let it go.
To say: I’m giving up my number, the one I’ve dehumanized and killed myself over. I’m giving it up, but my suffering for it wasn’t in vain.
To realize that he didn’t deserve the number 2, not because he was no longer second best without the Ravens, but because he had always been better than all of them.
He was the deadliest piece on the board.
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
🕰️🩷🧋and 🥘 for starstuck Dee please and thank you.
[ >>> kirby oc ask meme <<< ]
🕰️ (Clock) - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
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well i couldn't resist drawing it once i'd thought about it, so here she is! still pretty recognisable, but i think that large elements of her story and the suspicions surrounding her would be different, due to the fact that waddle dee/bandee is usually the one and only waddle dee. i think she'd still be found in a meteor crater at the edge of town by meta knight, but i think this time he'd bring her to bandee instead of president dedede, mostly due to the clear visual similarities. bandee would take her in instantly, and she'd follow him around the mechanic shop, learning to tinker and serving as his glorified assistant. learns to make really good apple tea instead of being a friendly chatterbox she would be shy and selectively mute, speaking out loud exclusively to bandee. though she still forms relationships with kirby and meta knight, i think that sadly in this world president dedede would frighten her, despite how highly bandee thinks of him 😭 at meta knight's suggestion, after he finds her squinting skyward on the roof at night a few too many times, she makes herself a pocket telescope for looking at stars and surveying the weather. she uses it to give bandee reports, which he discretely passes on to kirby and dedede for their races.
🩷 (Pink Heart) - If they were a Dream Friend, what would their moveset be like? How much HP do they have? Would they be a strong attacker, or would they take on more of a support role?
she would be a support role for sure, but i also can't resist also giving her some specialised abilities... > hp: small health bar, but practically immune to damage. will still die in insta-kill scenarios like lava or crush blocks > basic attack: if bandana waddle dee, meta knight, or king dedede are on the team she'll get a simple swing attack with a toy/training version of their weapon. if at least two are on the team, it's upgraded to an attack with a three-swing combo, and she'll alternate at random between which weapon she pulls > basic support: drawing magic from the environment around her or other allies or enemies present, she can give a wide variety of power effects. i previously said she'd give blustery and i stand by it, because even if there are no other elements around there's always air, but i think she could give the others too. she cannot attack with any of these herself > healing: under CPU control she'll focus on running ahead to pick up heal items, and bring them back. if everybody has full health, she'll actually store the item and bring it out later whenever anyone gets below half health; tdlx bandee style > meteor shower: this is a charge attack that starts with a 3 minute cooldown. after charging, she can use it by jumping in the air and pressing a multi-button combo, to avoid accidental activation. this is a full screen, crash-like attack with a shooting star visual, similar to team meteor. all on screen enemies defeated, and most bosses down to at least 1/3 health. > downed: unfortunately after using the charged attack she will drop her inventory, pass out, and need to be piggy backed for about 5 minutes if you want to keep her on the team (walking over to her will activate a 'piggy back' bar instead of the standard 'revive'). she cannot heal or give buffs during this time, but can be dropped by accident or when attacked, and can take damage that cannot be healed. if she makes it she wakes up at partial health, but returns to being invulnerable while conscious
🧋 and 🥘 both answered here!
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hydrachea · 8 months
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Canon Stellaron Hunters high school AU fresh from our very own Trailblazer's mind.
(Bonus: Dr. Edward said you can only dream about criminals if there's a little footnote in the bottom right corner of your dream at every moment reminding viewers that crime is bad and criminals are bad also.)
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yardsards · 2 years
s1 luz was at least a little bit gay for willow i will not be told otherwise
idk if it was a full on crush but it was at least one of those types of nebulous not-quite-romantic not-quite-platonic "hahaha, unless..." type friendships that a lot of queer teens have, u know the ones
#girl was just walkin around sayin shit like ''you're right! my friend IS very cute!''#which can be just regular platonic bc luz is friendly like that but in this case i feel like it's A Little Bit Gay#eliot posts#toh#the owl house#luz noceda#willow park#just. remembering why i liked willuz/willumity so much.#i kinda headcanon willow as grey-aro and polyam (this literally came to me in a dream)#and i feel like her ideal relationship IS a kind of ambiguous sorta-but-not-quite-romantic sort of dealio#tho i also like the headcanons that she's just plain bi or pan or lesbian in this context too#bc again that sort of ambiguous friendship seems to be VERY common among queer teen friend groups (and not just aspec queers)#like it was A Thing between some of my high school friends and many other queer ppl i've talked to have said similar lmao#tho i also find the headcanon that she's 100% aroace and also uninterested in any relationships outside if friendship to be v fun#just like. basically everyone falling in love w her but her being totally uninterested#but being her friend is so Delightful that none of em rlly have any complaints there#like that scene in carmilla where dani turns down kirsch and says she just sees him as a friend and he gets really excited like#''yes! i am in the friend zone! she sees me as a friend!!! she's so cool i am excited to be her friend!''#willow taking after canon aroace icon lilith ''constantly turning down suitors but keeping their gifts'' clawthorne#my sister is just straight but this one time when she was in hs a guy asked her out w a massive tub of cheese puff balls#(she was obsessed w those things)#and she turned him down but kept the cheese puffs and ate them for like a solid month
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maharellasa · 2 months
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randomnameless · 11 months
I think the "Billy should ditch the boar" takes comes from AM being the one route that breaks their self-insert fantasy. Flamey and Emile doing their stuff and the Jerry thing etc do not matter bcs its not being directly mean to YOU, the player, in YOUR story. Edel-chan is a very sad and traumatized girl that will ALWAYS love YOU no matter what you do and she will doodle YOU and squeak about rats n stuff, but you don't have to actually deal with any of her supposed trauma in a realistic way (+)
(cont) She will always be fine and ready to gush after you, the trauma is only a plot device to make her wary of other people that aren't you, and be attached to only you. What she does to randoms doesn't matter as long as she's nice to you. But the evil european barbarian boar dares to actually show his trauma and negative emotions around you, and make you uncomfy, and bring any sort of realism to your fantasy! how dare he! Not only that, but he admits he didn't like you at the beginning!!!(+) (cont) you, the player, isn't above other characters when it comes to him being rude because of his trauma and mental illness, and the story dares to show your avatar feeling sad and powerless instead of badass and cool. He won't listen to you until another character opens his eyes first, and even if you marry him he's still hearing voices and struggling with his issues, your love won't cure him!! Not only that, but AM is his story, not yours! (+) (cont) It relegates your self-insert to a supportive deuteragonist instead of the main hero the plot centers around. He will become The King and you will be just a religious leader, following the footsteps of the Evil Lizard Lady!! Obviously you don't want that!! this is your story, where you can dump all your anti-church IRL arguments into, and be a super cool baddass mercenary who never has to deal with negative emotions!! And that's why AM is the only FE16 route where I actually like Billy.
Sorry anon for the tardiness of the reply!
Yep, I feel like for both Dee and the evil lizard lady, at one point, they are unhappy/upset/angry and more or less negative at Billy - who is, in this situation, taken as the player.
I remember during the heights of 2020-2021 discourse people sending asks to other asking how can they like Rhea bcs she was meant to "u" and whatnot, and it's just... Self-insert at its finest?
But Billy - the character we see in Nopes, FEH and FE17, wouldn't feel like the player in those instances (because Billy the character would never pick the "uwu" option in the Holy Tomb, and Billy the character would understand and/or at least get how Dimitri doesn't want to talk right now) - so again, it's the same old question, who is Billy? An empty self insert who feels a lot of sad uwus when Rhea threatens to rip their heart out as they assist and support who swore to kill her because her ears are pointy and cries whenever Dimitri doesn't want to talk to them, or is Billy the character we see in other games, who shows more empathy and tries to understand people, and thus, wouldn't have been able to pick a certain route in FE16?
Lol I just remember now how some people didn't like Cyril or even Seteth because they didn't slobber over Billy - as the self-insert - in their first 5 lines unlike the rest of the cast ^^
Granted, this "YOU must be the most important person EVER" comes back in full force with the S-supports (tfw seteth doesn't mention his family to billy when they hold hands) and it reiterates something I always knew : Avatars were a mistake.
Parasocial maybe saved the franchise from turning into another F-Zero like saga, but damn if it nuked a lot in the process (and by, a lot, i mean coherence and characters networks).
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jortoise · 2 years
I don’t think anything in books will ever make me as unhinged as when there are beautiful, love encompassing lines used in platonic contexts. Like “while I’m gone, dream me the world. Something new for every night”??? I’m eating glass. “LIFE IS TOO SHORT AND LOVE IS TOO LONG”???? You will hear from my lawyers
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madamescarlette · 1 year
#shocked with myself (maybe pleasantly surprised? is the right phrase)#at actually liking barbie a great deal more than i had prepared myself to#it was just a lot more sincere than i had expected; i was afraid it wouldn't be/be more on the snarky side of cinema lately#but it was strangely so much more heartfelt than that#of course some points felt rushed/too on the nose#but the girls and ryan gosling made me so happy#and her at the end saying (spoilers obvs) that yes YES she does want to take life by the hand and pay the price to live and live#also as a former representative of unrequited love the throughline felt a lot gentler than i was prepared for it to be#it was a lot more about emotion and the joy of growing up and growing old than i expected#i don't necessarily think its heart is as pure as a truly great movie??#but it didn't laugh AT you. it made you laugh and it also meant what it said#which idk idk in a sea of endless winks at the camera laughing obnoxiously loudly media i appreciated the at least#wanting to live and live well aspect of it all and how it took that seriously#like someone on my dash said. i don't really know if it was a good movie?? but the borders of my mind are stretched#something in me is dreaming because of it. so i think that at least is worth it all#also all the girls in the theater laughing their heads off did something to me!!!#there were countless friends (including mine) decked out in pink and it was so so so sweet to me#(anyway. you didn't need these thoughts and maybe I'll retract it later when I've come down from the high of hugging both my buddies)
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redflannelsheets · 1 month
#feeling extra melancholy tonight#all of my feelings and loneliness just simmering in the salty broth of my tears#yes I’m still melodramatic but to be fair we were both melodramatic and i think that’s why we were such good friends#or i think we were such good friends; perhaps I’m misremembering now#breathing in ​the miasma of retrospect i suppose#i can’t reduce it all to ‘one thing that hurts the most’#they’re interconnecting pieces—a glass jigsaw puzzle and no identifying pattern to help put it together#your requests for my patience and my endless store of it#your invitation and my fear it would be retracted#my faith in your assurances and your subsequent retraction#you said you only asked me because you were sad and lonely as though the potential hadn’t been dangled in front of me for years#this all sounds bitter i know but it’s really just me thinking out loud#because if I’m never going to get closure on any of this#i should be allowed to put my feelings somewhere they can be read at a later date#i would never think to email you any of this#for one it would make me look crazy—the woman who couldn’t take no for an answer!#clearly i took the ‘no’ and left you in the peace you so desperately wanted#but being ghosted after so long of being your pal and your confidant… well that hurts in a way i was never allowed to express#of course i still love you. i will never not love you#but you showed up in my dreams again last night#taunting me about all i cannot have#i know it’s my subconscious being a complete dick#and not really you#and then i got into it with him tonight about how i just have to accept this platonic life#most of the time i deal with it just fine. i have lots of hobbies as you know#hard to stay sad if you’re wrangling yarn and puzzling over reflexive verbs#but in the quiet hours i used to love so much#everything floods in#please forgive me my elaborate tag salads directed toward your unfillable absence#goodnight my darling dearest
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mcnuggyy · 1 year
love seeing everyone getting into the primos discourse while I finally reached my “I could not care less about the animation industry rn” phase of my life <3 everyone let’s ignore every major animation company and make silly story’s with our friends yayyy!!!
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thewickerking · 11 months
had a dream I had a boyfriend and he wanted to come to a therapy session to talk abt smn unrelated to our relationship (this was 100% cool with me) but my therapist instantly hated him and she was like "justify to me why you're here 🤨🤨🤨 name something u like abt ridley and then maybe ill let u talk" like what 😭😭 it was just me being a mediator bc they were arguing. Which is insane it was like couples therapy but evil
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bitegore · 1 year
Genuinely fucking batshit how some people will act as though the bare minimum level of care + respect for the people around them with different problems is like, an insurmountable fucking bar
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