#Yearbook of agriculture
augdawg888 · 5 months
the office characters as teachers!
in honor of teacher appreciation week!
(and also my math teacher was flirting with some other teacher and my brain immediately went to jim and pam)
the staff:
michael scott: the principal
dwight schrute: gym teacher & vice principal
jim halpert: also a gym teacher
pam beesley: art teacher
holly flax: counselor
oscar martinez: personal finance teacher
angela martin: math teacher
phyllis lapin-vance: language teacher
kelly kapoor: fashion / interior design teacher
andy bernard: music teacher
& creed bratton: janitor
(other characters are mentioned, but i didn't have enough to say about them)
general headcanons:
michael scott: mr. scott
super laid back and chill
he never gets people in trouble
'yk, when i was your age, i did that all the time'
stops in classes just to distract people
assemblies all the time !!!
theyre always super fun though, lots of games !!
he's always recognizing the teachers for their hard work
he has a lil bulletin board (that pam designed) for spotlight moments
hangs out in the art room with pam a lot
'pamcasso' 'pamanardo dibeesley'
his office is littered with toys, pictures of holly, and pictures with his kids
he also brings his kids to work every so often
when he visits the gymnasium he always tries to impress the students
dwight schrute: mr. schrute
takes being vice principal way too seriously
also takes being a gym teacher way too seriously
he and jim participate in all the games and activities
but dwight is always trying to one up some high schooler
loves dodgeball.
he tries to 1v1 jim in basketball (and he fails miserably)
he instructs a health course once a year and jim always has to cut it short
he's the best hype man though
feeling insecure in gym class ? dwight is def hyping you up
not like a quiet, off to the side pep talk, like whooping and yelling
'let's go !! you guys are doing fantastic'
he also gets to do a karate course during the school year
has an agriculture club after school
jim halpert: coach jim
chillest gym teacher ever
unlike dwight, he does the quiet off to the side pep talks
its all very appreciated and sweet
he's looking out for all of the students
and they all have a crush on him too (who wouldnt????)
he's always goofing around and trying to have fun
he's the basketball coach too !!!
always going to the art room for any reason
he needs pam to design some flyers for friday's game, or his pen ran out of ink (he uses a laptop)
he's always pranking dwight
the pictures of the pranks always get put in the yearbook too (it's like a special section)
pam beesley: ms. beesley / ms. pam
shes so sweet.
all of her lessons are really well thought out and passionate
she loves teaching about claude monet and impressionism
shes doing art with the kids too
michael is always taking her finished pieces to hang up somewhere
shes also a volleyball coach !!! so shes constantly going to the gymnasium to make sure theres enough equipment or to check on the players in gym class
shes really there to see jim (but thats besides the point)
she's apart of phyllis' book club (yes phyllis has a book club)
all of her students ask if she and jim are going to date/are dating
'you guys are aware i'm engaged right?'
anytime roy visits shes always stressed afterwards
jim brings her lunch !!!
holly flax: holly / mrs. flax
shes so sweet and understanding omg
when a student needs something to fidget with she just steals a toy from michaels office
has a yoga club after school (michael is always there)
her office is so cozy and lighthearted
shes one of those teachers with memes printed out on her wall
has lots of knicknacks
knows every students name
loves loves loves helping kids pick out their schedules for the next year
shes super close with all the teachers too
very inclusive !!! she has an assembly every month for different cultures and information about different heritages
has a lot of stuffed animals in her office
and every single one of them have been named
shes also apart of phyllis' book club !
oscar martinez: mr. martinez
he takes his job super seriously and is a little strict
but everyone still loves him and respects him a lot
no matter how strict he is, he cannot stop gossiping with all the students
'okay, but did you hear about jim and pam?'
his classroom is so boring though, super bland
gets a lot of kids coming to him
super comforting teacher !
always plays music in the background
its like fucking classical music though
also in the book club !
he and pam always have a lot of gay kids in their classes
they're both just prepared for people coming out to them
angela martin: ms. martin
super strict and serious
but has her fun moments
everyone knows her cats names
she has the lil baby poster hanging up in her classroom
theres literally nothing else in there
she noticed how some teachers left out bowls of candy, so she did the same thing, but with mints
advocated for class pets, but kept getting shut down
when asked her opinion about other teachers it's usually negative, but when it comes to dwight it's always slightly positive
phyllis lapin-vance: mrs. vance
gets called mrs. vance refrigeration a lot
doesnt talk too much
always asking for help with her computer
her lessons are short and sweet
has a candle burning during class
but it's like a grandma smell
everyone loves watching her and bob
they're so sweet together !!!
she runs a small book club with teachers and students after school
loves when they all choose mystery books to read
she tries to teach different books every year
her classroom is right next to angela's and that can lead to some unpleasantness
funky sweaters !!!
kelly kapoor: kelly
hates hates hates being called ms. kapoor
it's just kelly
most of her lessons are just rants, but theyre educational !!!
loves working with everyone in her class
asks if ryan ever mentions her
wears the clothes that students make
designs merch for the school
desperately wants the schools colors to change
'theyre just so old looking !'
always so energetic in the mornings
besties with the students ofc
wants to hear ALL THE TEA
also keeps everyone updated on jim and pam
her classroom is sooooo cool too
like pink everywhere, comfy seats, and hello kitty
she loves hello kitty and i will die on this hill
andy bernard: mr. bernard
he's like the perfect music teacher
he brings instruments into class that no one has even heard of
and plays them perfectly
all the music they sing are show tunes
they watch musicals in the class when it gets slow
talks about cornell a lot
the rants about here comes treble get so old after a while
'it's funny you guys mention that song, did you know when i was in college i performed that with my acapella group?'
yes he's really trying to get an acapella group started
when students are frustrated with something he uses the same techniques he learned in anger management to calm them down
when asked if he wanted to be the golf coach he turned it down immediately
he was too busy trying to make sailing club a thing
but, he is the theater club leader (idk what theyre called)
loves directing everyone
has to kick michael out a lot
he wears funny ties !!!
creed bratton: creed
omg hes so mysterious and cool and no one knows anything about him
but also we know everything ?
he knows all the kids names
celebrates their birthdays
know one knows how he knows their birthdays though
shows up simultaneously in every class
plays guitar in andys class
tries to crash a fashion show in kellys
he was just wearing sunglasses and a blazer
plays basketball in gym class
and then he tries to convince dwight he is in fact a student
and why does it almost work ?
everyone's pretty sure he lives in the school
the lunch ladies are always complaining about food going missing and then creed will talk about how much he likes that food
he sells fake weed to the students
and fake ids
pam is still looking for her laminating machine
has an mp3 player still (its 2024 creed, get a phone)
his music is BLARING
air guitar in the hallways
everyone loves how he dresses up during spirit week
i was thinking of doing more in depth ones about spirit weeks and assemblys, but that's a lot of work lol
lmk if you want those !!
also the timeline is really random. i wanted holly to be in here and her and michael to be married, but i didn't want jim and pam to be married yet, sorry about that !
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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Appendix XII: Mutual-Aid Arrangements in the Villages of Netherlands at the Present Day
The Report of the Agricultural Commission of Netherlands contains many illustrations relative to this subject, and my friend, M. Cornelissen, was kind enough to pick out for me the corresponding passages from these bulky volumes (Uitkomsten van het Onderzoek naar den Toestand van den Landbouw in Nederland [Results of the Research into the State of Agriculture in the Netherlands], 2 vols. 1890).
The habit of having one thrashing-machine, which makes the round of many farms, hiring it in turn, is very widely spread, as it is by this time in nearly every other country. But one finds here and there a commune which keeps one thrashing-machine for the community (vol. I. xviii. p. 31).
The farmers who have not the necessary numbers of horses for the plough borrow the horses from their neighbours. The habit of keeping one communal ox, or one communal stallion, is very common.
When the village has to raise the ground (in the low districts) in order to build a communal school, or for one of the peasants in order to build a new house, a bede is usually convoked. The same is done for those farmers who have to move. The bede is altogether a widely-spread custom, and no one, rich or poor, will fail to come with his horse and cart.
The renting in common, by several agricultural labourers, of a meadow, for keeping their cows, is found in several parts of the land; it is also frequent that the farmer, who has plough and horses, ploughs the land for his hired labourers (vol. I. xxii. p. 18, etc.).
As to the farmers’ unions for buying seed, exporting vegetables to England and so on, they become universal. The same is seen in Belgium. In 1896, seven years after peasants’ guilds had been started, first in the Flemish part of the country, and four years only after they were introduced in the Walloon portion of Belgium, there were already 207 such guilds, with a membership of 10,000 (Annuaire de la Science Agronomique [Yearbook of Agronomic Science], vol. I. (2), 1896, pp. 148 and 149).
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From State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College, Farmingdale's 1971 yearbook.
They've had many lives and many ages: cats I've met in my time travels.
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attapullman · 8 months
Mo-Mo, once again, I have returned with our favorite frat boys (lol).
-One of the poor nerdy pledges was getting harassed by the Alpha Beta pricks on the way back to the house one day. He was the textbook definition of a nerd, really, really smart, had a work study job in the I.T department and could fix a car motor like nobody's business. Poor kid had gotten something nasty thrown at him from an upstairs and Rhett and the other brothers were PISSED when they found out. So what do seventy fully grown manimals decide to do? Take matters into their own hands of course. They basically made a bunch of paint grenades and decided they were gonna lob them all at the Alpha Betas to teach them a lesson. The last one was the big one and Rhett and Kayce gathered all the brothers before them and read "The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch" speech before letting it fly onto the enemy house (lol).
-Bo Andreola, one of the brothers, grew up in the backwood ocean-marshy areas of Mississippi and was the first in his family to be able to complete college (alot of people in his family had dropped out for either health related issues or for military service). Growing up in Mississippi, Bo was definitely a chunky brother with a thick ass drawl and tended to steer away from people, but knew where and how to find critters. So when all that shit was going down with the Alpha Betas, it was Bo's idea to go to the agriculture students and barter with them for a couple of pigs which he gladly unleashed into the Alpha Beta house.
-Speaking of which, the guys all mooned the Alpha Betas once and they had "Alpha Betas suck dick" each with a letter on their buttcheeks.......it made the yearbook (lol).
-Rhett felt really bad for that poor idiot who couldn't memorize the sex manual so he, Kayce and a few others decided they were gonna do a hands on portion to see if the kid did better. Of course they had to borrow some things from the medical classrooms but once that kid got going he was more than prepared for Florida Fuckfest.
-One time the shenanigans were so worth catching on video. You and a few of the girls in the Phi Gamma house decided to capture the footage of the boys being complete dumbasses during mating season and had the voiceover narrate it like a David Attenborough nature documentary (lol).
-One time during winter midterms, the guys were so stressed out that one of the pledges ran outside naked and started singing "Do you wanna build a snowman" to one of the statues in the park nearby........this is in Montana.......IN THE WINTER!!!!! (lol).
-One time Smitty pissed the boys off really good at a rager. He had snuck in and nobody had realized it. Well, sure enough, dickhead snuck up to you at the bar where Foster's boyfriend was tending and that word went up the chain faster than you could blink. Rhett called everybody into the living room for an emergency meeting to decide what they were gonna do when Foster and Cairo just kinda look at each other like "Bro relax we've got this". Now mind you, Cairo not only tends bar during the ragers but he also does it part time and does the occasional comedy drag show and decided to put his work skills to good use. The Delta Tau brothers snuck into the other house, kidnapped Smitty and dragged him to the basement which Kayce, Foster, Kyle and the rest of the brothers rigged up to look like a sex dungeon. Smitty is literally tied, spread eagle to a bed and handcuffed while Cairo comes out in full drag with a riding crop and everything, ready to give Smitty his "punishment". Rhett and the gang are laughing their asses off and so aren't you. Needless to say, nobody messes with the First Lady on their watch (lol).
Mo-Mo, this had me chuckling on the way home this afternoon and I just couldn't resist (lol).
Mary!!! The detail in this was astounding!!
These boys truly take "don't fuck with us" VERY seriously!! You mess with one of us or our partners? Consider yourself dead meat!
I'm absolutely exhausted, but squealed like a happy little school girl reading through all of these!
Love how these boys endlessly have each other's backs! It's a no questions, no deliberation, we-already-got-you-bro situation always. And Foster and Cairo truly always save the day!
And all of them cooped up in the house, studying hard, knowing that they'll be given an earful from you and your Phi Gamma sisters if they goof off. Thankfully you and the sisterhood have a little something fun planned to blow off steam after finals! (hint: it involves a slip n slide, too much lube, and good use of all those condoms in the front closet 😉)
Thank you for blessing up with our favourite cowboy DTD boys!
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askeletaldomain · 1 year
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From Kansas State Agricultural College's 1916 yearbook.
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cdchyld · 5 years
Just added to the Vintage shop - “Keeping Livestock Healthy” Yearbook of Agriculture 1942, United States Department of Agriculture
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ggsstudies · 6 years
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OBSESSED WITH THIS. pretty sure this is my favorite theme in my bullet journal ever. 
also, let me know if you want a tutorial as to how i drew that little cloud!! 
if you’re curious to what my theme is, go back to my post on february 1st to read the full explanation :)
xo- gg
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ndsuarchives-blog · 6 years
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The 1924 Bison yearbook uploaded to Digital Horizons
The 1924 Bison yearbook for the North Dakota Agricultural College has been uploaded to the NDSU-NDAC Historical Documents Collection on Digital Horizons.  The yearbook is 276 pages, with photos and short bios of students.  Photos and member lists for organizations on campus. Photos and synopsis of each athletic team's performances throughout the year. Section containing faculty names and a short description of each department at NDAC.  This is the first yearbook that was published after the change of the sports team name from "Aggies" to "Bison”.
Thanks go to our work study student Walker Charbonneau, for the hours of hard work put into scanning the yearbook, and Kate Ryan for her time transcribing the pages in the yearbook.
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sabrinawhill · 3 years
2020 Was A Banner Year for Ag Exports According to Recent Report
2020 Was A Banner Year for Ag Exports According to Recent Report
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2020 was a banner year for agricultural exports. The 2020 U.S. Agricultural Export Yearbook shows moderate gains in overall ag export value. Increasing seven percent from the year prior, ag exports were valued at $146 billion dollars; the second highest level on record after 2014. Increased shipments of corn, soybeans, and pork to China helped…
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nemfrog · 4 years
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Dessert cubes for astronauts. Protecting our food. Yearbook of Agriculture. 1966.
Internet Archive
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From Kansas State Agricultural College's 1906 yearbook.
They've had many lives and many ages: cats I've met in my time travels.
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weirdyearbook · 2 years
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"Don't follow my footsteps."  From State University of New York Agricultural and Technical Institute's 1967 yearbook.
It all connects: vintage skeleton imagery.
Wondering about this post?  Wait for the dissertation (TBA). For now:  Weblog ◆ Books ◆ Videos ◆ Music ◆ Etsy
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lychens · 3 years
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Insects: The 1952 Yearbook of Agriculture published by the United States Department of Agriculture. Illustrations by Art Cushman.
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
meet me in your memories (knj)
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✂︎ pairing: memory traveller namjoon x gender neutral reader
✂︎ wc: 11.8k
✂︎ TW// car crash, mentions of death, crying, mental health, mental breakdowns, spoilers for frozen 1?? um, vomiting, mentions of PTSD, three seconds of family drama, memory loss
✂︎ notes: a little gift from me for being away so long <3 luv yall also ignore how short and shitty this is!!! ignore it!!!!! 
✂︎ synopsis: namjoon is a memory traveller - he is thrusted back and forth into his world and the world of his memories, forced to re-enact his past experiences. but he doesn’t recognise you, who keeps showing up in his memories. why doesn’t he remember you? why can’t he recall any of these scenes if they’re supposed to be his memories? and why does it always feel like he’s forgetting something? 
he comes to find out that he would choose you over and over again, in whatever lifetime or world he’s in. because he always returns to you. 
✂︎ fic tunes: "eight"- iu (prod. & feat. suga) but you're at your favorite secret spot after a long day by neptjoon
masterlist asks
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The road is slippery and Namjoon cranes his head out to look at the window. Rain splattering everywhere, he notes worriedly. He hopes that nobody crashes. The bus driver sitting about three meters in front of him is humming a melody to a song he doesn’t know nor recognise. While listening to the poor man hum the off beat tune, Namjoon sits in silence, wondering how sad it must be to drive a bus with no passengers but himself. 
Suddenly, his stomach drops and his head spins, and this time Namjoon is certain it’s not from the rain or the driver’s subpar driving. He lurches forward, watching as the rain knocks against the window and falls in thick ribbons. 
In an instant, Namjoon’s world collapses around him and he is thrown into his mind. 
Seoul is sweltering hot - hot like he’s never felt before. Namjoon reaches up to clutch his head, which is still spinning, and finds himself standing in a pair of light washed baggy jeans and a sleeveless tee shirt, unlike the padding coat and thick boots he had on just a moment ago. 
“Namjoon!��� Someone squeals behind him and his heart jumps. He jumps around, facing you and the view of hot street food stalls and tall buildings behind you. Suddenly, his hand is reaching out to grab onto yours and you smile softly. 
He hears his own voice ring out, clear as day: “Don’t run. I was looking for you.” 
“Psh.” You wave off his concern, handing him a shiny golden hotteok. You hold an identical one in your fist, so he accepts it and murmurs his thanks, tearing apart the pancake and stuffing it into his mouth. Sweet, hot honey and small pieces of walnut flood into his mouth, and Namjoon is momentarily surprised. Science states that you cannot taste or physically feel anything in your dreams. 
But Namjoon already proved that wrong long ago. 
He takes you by hand and drags you over to a shelter, for some rest, apparently uninterested in your cries of wanting more tteokbokki or some Chinese food. He flings you over to his side and places his hand over your shoulder, while you both silently devour your hotteoks. 
“This was a nice date.” You mumble tentatively, and oh. That’s what this is? A date? He wants to turn around and ask you for your name. Where are you from? Why am I here again? He wants to scream it out until his lungs hurt and he gets an answer that makes sense, but no matter how much he tries, his throat will not allow those words to tumble out of his lips.  
Why don’t I remember you?
Instead, he replies: “Yeah, it was. This was fun.” He tilts his head down to smile at you and Namjoon finds himself nervous. Nervous enough that his hands are shaking against his will, but he tells himself that the sweat and the nervousness are all side effects of the swampy heat this summer. 
You beam at him and Namjoon thinks you’re an angel. You lean up onto his chest to place a soft kiss onto his lips and Namjoon thinks about when he’s going to be thrown back out of his head. 
“Wanna go home?” He asks, nudging at the sky, which is already filled up with first streaks of the sunset. Purple hues and pinks and blues that all blend together nicely. You watch the sky for a moment.
“Never.” You offer no explanation after that and Namjoon doesn’t pry. He feels like he understands you, which is scarier than any other encounter he’s faced, in real life and in here. You stare up at him more intensely, and a shudder of fear runs down Namjoon’s back. “I just want to stay here forever,” You enunciate, like you want him to remember this. “Just Y/N and Namjoon.” 
Something tugs in his chest and Namjoon screams in his head, no. Longer. Not now. He slips away, gone, disappeared from the world before he can even tell you how pretty your name is. And he awakens back at the bus, where the driver is shaking him and yelling at him to get out. 
Namjoon walks home in the rain, yelling out your name in happiness until his neighbours come over politely asking him to shut the fuck up. 
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“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N… Y/N?” He keeps repeating the name over and over again, enough to make Seokjin annoyed, who has moved away from Namjoon’s desk to the sofa in his office just to escape the random spiel that Namjoon is hurriedly rushing through. 
“I can’t find a single Y/N in here!” Namjoon cries frustratingly, and the corners of Seokjin’s eyes soften in something that is either pity or empathy. He discards his non-fiction novel about drag queens and wigs to come over and clap a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder. 
“My friend, my crazy, idiotic, slightly insane friend.” Seokjin bends down. “You’ve checked all your yearbooks, social media, archives, newspapers… Have you perhaps considered that this person wasn’t that important? Just a passing stranger?”
“No.” Namjoon shoots down stubbornly. “They appear far too often for them not to be important.” So Seokjin shrugs, leaving Namjoon to, once again, search through the Facebook friends of a friend of a friend of a friend. 
But no Y/N’s pop up, and he’s wondering if Y/N was just a nickname. Was it even your real name? With a sigh and one single (rather impressive) agitated brow wave, he lets go and spills. He tells Seokjin about how he finally learned your name, about the places you’ve been together and how much you adore street food. 
He appreciates Seokjin for being a good friend, for sitting there and not interrupting to call him a crazy person, even if he is most certainly thinking about it in his head. Because Seokjin, at least, knows about a miniscule part of Namjoon’s tragic life. He doesn’t understand, but he gets it, and that’s all Namjoon needs in a friend. 
He doesn’t tell Seokjin about how soft and pillowy your lips feel against his, he doesn’t tell you how much he longs to do unspeakable things to you when you show up in those blue short shorts. He definitely doesn’t tell him how much he loves your name. 
Seokjin suggests a number of things. That perhaps you are a character from long ago, or maybe a passing stranger Namjoon once had a summer fling with. You may be someone long forgotten like a mutual friend in high school or college. He also suggests a psychiatric hospital to screw his head back on (as a joke, Namjoon’s pretty sure.) 
But none of those seem right. Namjoon does his best to explain, he really does. For an award winning journalist and aspiring writer, he does just about a terrible job of trying to string his words together. Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose and falls back onto the sofa, already spacing out. Namjoon weakly cries out that he knows you. He really does - he just doesn’t remember how, or why. 
Like a puzzle with a few missing pieces. 
He wonders when and if the missing pieces will ever make their way over to him. 
Namjoon gives up and flops down onto the sofa next to Jin, who squeaks out various protests about how heavy he is and how stupidly huge his arms have gotten after he started working out, along the lines of comparing him to Jungkook and calling him a gym rat. 
As usual, Namjoon doesn’t listen. 
It’s difficult to explain the feeling of falling to someone who hasn’t experienced it. The cursed Click echoes out and suddenly, the world spins around, the axis breaks and he’s physically thrown into another time, another place… another memory that he can’t seem to recall. His stomach lurches, his head hurts and there’s a small breeze flowing in. 
For a short moment, the loops of space and time are completely open to him. He can’t see it, but he can feel it. It flips his mind completely upside down and boom. He’s in a specific, random time and place. His body feels light, and every step he takes, he can physically feel it: He doesn’t belong here. He isn’t supposed to be here. Everything feels different. Even the air is more smoky, because something in this world is suddenly wrong, and it’s him. 
The next time he meets you, he is in just about the worst place to fall. Sitting in a press conference, his stomach drops and he’s dreading the fall. Namjoon can already hear his boss screaming at him, and he desperately tries to root himself to his seat, typing whatever the assemblyman is yapping on and on about. About farming and agriculture and tax cuts… 
He can distantly hear the assemblyman candidate talk about corrupt government workers as he’s thrusted out of his world and into another. 
The memory he has the pleasure to be in this time is something not too unfamiliar. For a second, he thinks if this is just a normal day of him in his cramped, tiny city apartment. Until he turns around and realises you’re lying right next to him, sound asleep and nuzzling into the side of his neck. 
The air is crisp. It’s spring, not winter anymore, and he can hear the flower petals outside his apartment complex falling lightly on the ground. This, Namjoon thinks, may just be the best memory he’s been in. The press conference and his life and his boss slips his mind and he cradles you in his chest, holding you closer and closing his eyes shut. 
“Mm?” You mumble, half asleep. “You’re suffocating me.” You hoarsely call out, and Namjoon releases you with an insincere apology. He brushes the hair out of your hair and grins, framing you in his head. He reaches to his alarm clock, which is right next to his bed as it always is to check the time. 
April 1st, 2017. 
Oh god, Namjoon winces. This means he still has that god awful haircut right now. He reaches up to feel his head, and sure enough, the horrible slicked back bleached hair is still there, an unfortunate result of his friend Hoseok daring him to drunk dye his hair. 
“You’re awake?” He asks you, and you nod slowly. 
He wonders if this memory precedes or follows the one he had with you last time, and he desperately hopes things are going in chronological order. He wants to know you just as much as you know him. Namjoon naively prays to whatever deity that controls his dreamworld: Please follow things step by step, follow the clock. 
You roll around, saying something he can’t really catch. He asks you what you said and for the first time today, you peel open your eyes directly facing him. Namjoon’s heart almost falls out of his ass, seeing your eyes bore into his own. 
“Where’s my morning kiss?” You ask cutely, nudging his nose with your own button nose. 
“Right here.” He finds himself saying, leaning in to close the inches in between your two faces. You taste like hotteok, even early in the morning. You taste like a spring day and a never ending forever. As your lips capture his and his everything is consumed by thoughts of you, Namjoon begs himself to kiss you harder. 
His past self declines politely, and Namjoon thinks about whether this counts as himself being controlled if he himself is still controlling what he says and does. 
In that moment, listening to your slow breathing and someone across the street playing simple, melodic piano chords, Namjoon tells himself: Do not ever forget April 1st, 2017. You rise from the bed and some form of protest bubbles up from Namjoon’s mouth, to which you just laugh and drag him out of bed with the excuse of wanting breakfast. 
You push him into the bathroom, where he expects to meet his sad single grey towel and foggy mirror. You push him in front, and he cringes at the sight of his hair in the mirror. You sigh. 
“Calm down. The blonde looks sexy. You can dye it back black later.” He laughs, because it’s clearly not very sexy. For once, his past self is doing exactly what the current Namjoon is pleading him to do. Does it count as reliving your memories if someone else was living through them originally? But, he reminds himself while you hand him a green toothbrush and squeeze a dollop of toothpaste on both your toothbrushes, this is him. He lived through this once and he is just taking a trip down memory lane. 
The person who lived through this before was him. 
He has to remind himself many more times before it sinks in. 
You brush your teeth next to him, fluffing your hair and squinting in the mirror to wake yourself up. Without a second of hesitation, Namjoon brings the toothbrush up and starts to brush his teeth. Nothing has ever felt more domestic or right than this, despite the tentative steps and heavy lead feeling in his throat telling him he still isn’t supposed to be here. 
You spit out toothpaste in the sink to gargle your mouth and Namjoon mimics you exactly. Somehow, you find yourselves in the kitchen, giggling while making some sort of french toast with an abundance of cinnamon floating through the air. Which makes Namjoon cough and makes you laugh even harder. 
“This is a perfect morning.” You say, peering out the window to watch the city life slowly bustling to life. People scrambling out their doors, ushering their children or pets with them. People you don’t recognise going on walks or runs. Mailmen and delivery people dropping off packages and people yelling into their phones as they hurriedly walk along the sidewalk. 
And you and Namjoon, calmly staying in your pajamas while frying toast on the pan. 
“Is something burning?” You ask, sniffing the air, and Namjoon’s blood runs cold. 
“Oh, shit!” 
You smile and shake your head while Namjoon attempts to save the blackened piece of bread to no avail. He catches sight of the corners of your mouth lifting, even as you chastise him about watching the stove and ranting on about how you’re never going to trust him in the kitchen again. Namjoon watches your pink lips, stained with a brown mudge of cinnamon french toast mixture, which lifts up and your head falls back, hair flowing around your head like a halo. 
Your laugh plays out in front of him in slow motion, and absentmindedly, he thanks that deity he prayed to for slowing this moment down. Because if there’s anything he yearns most to remember, it’s the way you laugh. A chuckle makes its way out of his own throat as well, and he’s not sure who’s in control at the moment. 
Himself or himself in the past?
Either way, they both did the right thing. Namjoon forgets. He forgets the life he has back home, he forgets Seokjin’s warnings, he forgets that he has at least a hundred articles waiting for him at work to be written. He forgets that this world is nothing but a chance for him to follow the footsteps of what he once did, with no control to say or do anything he wishes to do himself. 
But, oh, he really can’t bring himself to care. 
Those piano chords from before blend together beautifully, and you scrape the black toast into the garbage can, still teasing him relentlessly, and oh. Oh, this is what it means to have a home. You made this junk of a house into a home, and he feels like he has to return here. This is where he’s meant to return to, everyday. Each time. 
You turn around after discarding the toast and with a bright smile, you ask him to kiss you again. Namjoon thinks that he doesn’t ever have the capability to deny you when you smile like that, so he complies and crashes his lips onto yours. 
The lead, heavy feeling in his throat is still weighing him down. Except Namjoon isn’t sure whether it’s weighing him down to this world or the real world.
 The cursed deity pulls him back, pulling him through the time and space back to his own responsibilities and life. His heart is wrenched out and he reaches out, trying to grasp your hand for the last time. He falls back to his own world in a hospital bed and an IV attached to his arm with half a piece of french toast dangling in his mouth and another promise he makes with himself to meet you again with a smile on his face. 
Memories… memories that he’s lived through but can’t remember. Memories he slips into to live momentarily through the actions and words of his old self. 
Somewhere along the line of diving back and forth his own life and this past one, he has forgotten which is which. 
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“Most likely due to exhaustion. Lack of sleep, lack of rest. It’s quite common with working young adults, workaholics. I’m putting him on medical leave for the rest of the week. He needs a rest - He needed it yesterday. Don’t worry too much, Mrs. Kim. A long nap and a meal or two will fix him right back up.” Namjoon groggily registers the white walls and beeping noises, the chatter of doctors and nurses rushing around. 
He’s in a hospital, and a rush of fear runs straight through his blood. He sits up to eye his mother, sitting next to him and holding his hand. She shushes him, laying him back down on the bed, but all he can do is panic. 
“No, not here. Not here again.” He mumbles incoherently. His mother puts a hand over his eyes, shushing him again and telling him softly to go back to sleep. He doesn’t want to go to sleep, he wants to get out of here. But his eyelids are already feeling heavy and he weakly fights against his body, but before he can even process it, his eyes are shut and he is asleep. 
Seeing her son close his eyes and drift off to sleep, Mrs. Kim turns back to the doctor. 
“I’m not surprised,” She starts. “He’s always worked himself to the bone. But that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about his brain.” The doctor cocks his head and looks through the papers which are clipped to a clipboard in his arms. 
“Ah, yes. I see he was in a car accident a few years ago.” Doctors are some of the most heartless people, and you can always tell how experienced a doctor is by how much sympathy they show. This doctor shows none at all, which must mean he’s been working for a long time. 
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Kim.” The doctor continues, peering over Namjoon’s sleeping body. “I see he suffered light effects after the accident. Selective amnesia, no external damages to the skull. He didn’t suffer as much. In fact, I believe the doctor in charge believed that the amnesia was mostly due to the shock of the event. But he’s received treatment for PTSD since then, right?” 
Mrs. Kim nods. 
“Good. Doctor Park also noted at the time that his amnesia actually didn’t affect much of his memory. He couldn’t remember distant relatives or kindergarten friends, but that seemed to be the extent of his amnesia. Oh,” The doctor slipped through the clipboard. “He also couldn’t remember certain knowledge about philosophers such as Freud, which he was, quote, ‘devastated over’ un-quote.” 
Mrs. Kim stays silent. 
“So, you don’t have to worry too much. Best thing your son could do for his well being is rest. And a therapist if he has a relapse or shows some symptoms such as sleep difficulties or nightmares, or physical signs like fatigue and nausea.” 
Mrs. Kim nods. “Thank you, doctor.”
That’s it, and she turns back to her son, with her hand in his. She stays there, unmoving until he opens his eyes, mumbling incoherent questions and asking his mother why he is in the hospital again, demanding to be discharged immediately. Her heart breaks a little, small cracks form for her beloved son and she kisses him on the forehead, telling him he’d be out of here in no time. 
“What did you see?” She asks quietly, and Namjoon is surprised. She never asks him about his memory walks. It’s taboo to mention it in his household. Not even his sister is comfortable talking about it. “Anything? At all? You passed out at a rather unfortunate time, I heard.” She continues. 
“Nothing much.” Namjoon replies, lying through his teeth and trying to justify it with the sight of your laugh. He leans back and closes his eyes once more, bringing up his memories of you and your bedhead. He tries to fill the gap inside of him with thoughts of you, as if that can make up for the empty feeling that he’s forgetting something. 
In the hospital, staring at a white ceiling and glaring lights, Namjoon is left to think about what’s happening to his head. During the end of his rather short stay, he comes up with a terrifying conclusion. One that scares him more than he could imagine, but it’s the only one that makes sense. He’s falling in love with you. 
He voices out this concern to Seokjin when he visits after his mother leaves. Seokjin stays silent, mumbling out an apology that feels like the wrong thing to say. The elder boy can only look at his friend with sadness in his eyes, telling him that someone as great as Namjoon shouldn’t be suffering so much pain. Namjoon jokes that a witch must have cursed him when he was born. 
None of the two friends laugh. 
This routine continues on and on, without Namjoon dwelling too much on it. Which is so much unlike Namjoon, whose main personality trait is overthinking about the smallest things. He lets the flow of time and space take him wherever they wish to plop him down. He lets the evil deity toy with his heart and wrench him away whenever you smile the largest. 
It hurts right after he is torn away from you, but he’s filled with so much joy in the moment that he can’t bring himself to do anything else about it. Even if he wanted to do something without it, he has no idea where on earth he might start. 
Sometimes he questions the validity of his memories. What is real, what is fake? He still can’t answer, and this is what he spends most of his time wondering about. The memories he has with you don’t make sense. Those are large gaps in his life that he seems to have no recollection of. 
He goes everywhere with you. 
One day he showed up on November 5th, 2015. 
The next day he jumped to August 23rd, 2017. 
Another time, he was thrown into March 15th, 2016. 
None of it makes sense. Are they not memories? He thinks. There’s no possible way he’s spent this much of his life with you and can’t recall any of it. What is real - the world he spends with you, or the world where he always returns to by default?
And yet, nothing else can explain these short periods of blackouts. Ever since one day in some horrible hospital, he’s gone under and pulled and thrusted into some land where he has no control over his own hands. Everything else makes sense. This world, everything else is accurate from the settings to the props, with one anomaly in his memory. 
A character who goes by the name of Y/N. 
He could go the science-y logic route that he so often frequents, come up with theories that can somewhat explain these periods of time. Theories that include explanations such as hallucinations, or that Seokjin’s right and he’s finally gone crazy. You’re just a figment of his imagination, that this is all in his head and he’s out of his mind. 
But he rejects all those theories when he’s clicked into another memory. Somehow, he just understands. These are memories. These are memories he’s had with you, whether that was in a past life or in some sort of messed up alternate timeline where he’s actually happy. 
Is this a gift or another curse from this stupid deity?
He has too many questions. 
He cannot explain these memories using science, logic, common sense, or even using his own words. But in the moment, while you’re in his arms, he can feel it. He can explain it by describing the way you smell, like pancakes and fresh mint. He can explain it by describing the way you feel, like a warm marshmallow filling up his insides and consuming him. 
It’s cheesy, cringier than Seokjin’s dad jokes, but only he gets it. 
Namjoon is in his living room, switching channels on the TV and thinking about this when his stomach sinks again. He braces himself, and disappears. 
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Seoul is freezing cold. The air is light and he is sitting on a bench on his college campus, rubbing his hands together and zipping up his huge jacket over his sweater. Namjoon shudders, his body not yet used to the bite of the cold compared to the warm breeze he was just enjoying. 
He sniffles, nose slightly red like some knockoff Rudolph and wanders around. His body pulls him to go to the right, despite the warm coffee shop being on the left. He shudders again and tries to protest, but his body won’t listen, standing up and walking over to the right with no particular destination in mind. Students are rushing around, complaining about the cold and talking about their next party or study session. 
Namjoon pulls himself forwards, and thank god this version of himself still has terrible tolerance for the cold, because he reaches up and pulls his beanie down over his ears, still wandering around aimlessly. Where are you going? Namjoon wants to scream out frustratingly. 
His brain doesn’t reply and Namjoon sulks. 
Eventually, he is pulled over to another bench, outside in the cold, and he sits down, deeply resenting himself and wondering why on earth he just stood up from one bench to walk to another one. If anything, it’s colder here. He watches the students that pass by for a minute or two, thinking that this is the most boring memory he’s ever been in. 
There is no snow falling, but almost everything on campus is lined with a sheet of ice or cold steam. Namjoon nuzzles deeper into his own clothes, cursing himself for not being able to go buy another sweater or something to fight the extreme cold. 
Suddenly, you appear in front of him and Namjoon perks up. There you are. He thinks. Finally. You come over and sit down, holding something in your hands. He smiles, waiting for you to speak up and greet him with a kiss that will surely warm him up, but you silently sit next to him, ignoring him. Namjoon urges himself to say something, but instead, he continues to watch the students bustling through campus grounds without looking at you. 
Are we fighting? Is Y/N mad at me? 
This is excruciatingly frustrating, Namjoon bites his tongue and thinks. Why can’t he just say something? Abruptly, something lands on his jacket with a splat and he straightens up, snapping his neck towards you, who is looking at the yogurt splat on his jacket with a look of terror. 
“Oh my gosh!” You squeak out, quickly setting your yogurt aside and reaching for some tissues in your purse. “Oh, god, oh god, I’m so sorry. Please, let me-” Namjoon frowns, taking his hands out of his pockets to thumb at his jacket, debating whether he wants to take it off or not. 
You lean over, pawing at his jacket and wiping the yogurt off of his jacket. “I’m so sorry!” 
“No, don’t worry.” Namjoon says, chuckling. He reaches for another tissue, helping you get the yogurt off of him. “It’s no big deal.” The yogurt is mostly wiped off and you side eye him with the unmistakable look of guilt filling your eyes. Namjoon laughs again. 
“It’s fine, really! No, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m literally so sorry. Do you want me to pay for dry cleaning? Laundry? I can, um, wash it for you! I’m not the best at laundry, but it’s the least I could do?” 
Namjoon briefly wonders why you’re being so polite. 
“No, it’s fine.” The words tumble out his mouth again before he can process it. “Really, this jacket is old, anyway.” Not really, Namjoon thinks. It feels really new. “But who the hell eats cold yogurt in this kind of weather?” He jokes. “You sure you’re not a demon?”
You freeze, terrified before realising he was cracking a joke. “Oh. Hah! Yeah, no, I guess I just really like yogurt.” You offer lamely, and you break out into a small giggle. “Yeah, I guess I kind of am a psycho for eating it right now. It’s freezing today.” 
“God, tell me about it.” Namjoon says, stuffing his hands back into his pockets. 
“Thanks for not going bonkers on me. This jacket looks insanely expensive.” 
“Not really.”
“I’m Y/N.” You greet, holding a hand out for him to shake. I know, Namjoon thinks with a secret smile, but everything makes sense now. You don’t know him yet. To you in this moment in time, he’s just a random stranger who didn’t blow up on you after spraying some yogurt onto you. To him, you’re… you’re… 
“Oh, um, I’m Namjoon.” He says, hurriedly taking a hand out of his pocket to shake your outstretched hand. Your fingers meet and Namjoon swears a small zap just went through his hand. 
“Namjoon. Nice to meet you, Namjoon.” You say with a small smile, yogurt already long forgotten on the bench beside you two. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” He says in return, even though he doesn’t mean it. He already knows you, he knows you better than everyone. He knows your favourite food is Korean street food, and you always wake him up with kisses and your favourite colour is periwinkle and you absolutely hate abalone with more passion than he’s ever seen in his entire life.
But this is your first time seeing him, ever, he reminds himself. This is your meet cute. This single moment set off the events in the next god knows how many years. This is the first time he ever had your name grace his tongue. This is the first time you’ve seen him. 
Another moment to treasure. You let go of his hand, after realising you two have been shaking hands for much longer than the socially acceptable rate of hand shaking. Blushing, either from the cold or humiliation, you sit, turn back around, grabbing a hold of your yogurt once more. 
Suddenly, Namjoon finds himself blurting out: “Hey, you wanna go get some coffee?” You look over curiously, pointing to yourself like you can’t believe he’s asking you out, because you don’t know that you’re all he ever thinks about at any given moment in any given day. “You’ll probably freeze your ass off if you keep eating that yogurt.” He jokes, pretending like this is all because he’s caring about how cold you are and not how cute or incredible or kind you are. 
“Sure.” You say, nodding shyly. He stands up, leading you to walk over to the left where the campus coffee shop is. Along the way, you throw the yogurt cup in the trash. 
“You can’t bring food brought from outside into a shop, right?” You ask. 
Namjoon smiles. “Yeah.” He stays there until night takes over the sky and one single twinkling star in the sky is signalling that it’s time to go home. Possibly the longest time he’s ever spent in a memory. He keeps glancing at the clock, praying that he gets one more minute with you, one more second, one more moment. 
At any time, he could be pulled out of this world, and he needs to make the most of it. You tell him about your childhood bedroom and your major. You tell him about the love you have for pancakes, and how much you want a puppy even though it’s prohibited in the on campus dorms. He nods, pretending like this is all new information even though it’s not, and he’s known all of this for the longest time. He knows you better than you know yourself, which he keeps to himself. 
In return, he tells you about his own childhood bedroom, which was adorned with posters of western hip hop rappers. He tells you about his passions for writing and music, that if he didn’t major in journalism, he’d be studying music production in school. He tells you that he’s obsessed with philosophy, and in all honesty, is a bit of a nerd. 
Instead of laughing or pulling a face, you nod and smile, saying that you think he should tell you more about philosophy on a second date. 
You leave the coffee shop with a small goodbye, and even though he desperately wants to, Namjoon can’t kiss you. 
He gets pulled back after you disappear pass the corner of the street, and the world morphes into a huge motion blur. When he gets pulled back into his living room, the TV is playing late night TV shows already. Namjoon checks the time. He was pulled in for five hours, the longest he’s ever been in that world. 
After that, no matter how much more he prays and begs, he never stays any longer than that. 
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Three days later, Namjoon suddenly pops into Hong Kong, which is hotter than anything he’s ever felt. The streets are heavy with people, squabbling in cantonese while selling raw meats in a wet market. The sun is glaringly bright, and Namjoon starts to sweat almost instantaneously. Taxis and huge buses drive past, Namjoon jumps to a side only to find a vast ocean. He’s at the harbour front. 
The smell of food, of egg tarts and pineapple buns and meat dumplings along with other Hong Kong delicacies waft through the air, combined with the salty air of the sea. It makes for a strange combination that confuses his senses but works nonetheless. 
He thought he knew a city like Seoul, but this is a true city. This is busy and fast paced like he’s never even seen before. People shove each other aside to catch the bus, dogs are yapping everywhere and he soaks it all in before the thought enters his head.
What the hell is he doing in Hong Kong?
It’s like every time he wonders aloud, you pop up. “I’ve been looking for you.” You say, echoing the words he said to you that day in the streets of Seoul. 
“I was exploring!“ He says defensively, and you roll your eyes. 
“Come on.” You say, walking along the harbour front. 
“You’re not still mad at me, are you?” Namjoon asks, the words spilling out and surprising himself. Are you mad at him? You’ve never been mad at him before, not in the memories he’s seen. He hasn’t ever seen you fight with him, and immediately, he wants to apologise, fix things before he’s pulled back out and he has to live with the guilt and overthinking of whether you’re still mad at him for the next week. 
“Can’t believe you’re mad at me during our vacation.” Namjoon says, and that’s why he’s in Hong Kong, he realises. He’s on vacation. How strange. Namjoon thinks back to when the last time he took a break from work and the only thing he can think of is when that doctor put him on medical leave not too long ago. Oh no, you’re mad at him on holiday?
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” You retort back, and Namjoon has never heard your voice this curt. “Just sit around pretending like everything's okay?”
“What do you want me to do?” Namjoon replies. “You act like this is my fault!” 
“It is your fault!” You cry out indignantly, and Namjoon knows that, but why? What did he do? What did you do? “Is this even a vacation?”
“Yes!” Namjoon cries out again in response, and you shake your head. 
“You promised, Namjoon.” You say like it’s a warning. 
“Yes, I know,” Namjoon says, even though he doesn’t and really, what on earth did he do? “But this is out of my hands! I can’t just say no, you’re not looking at this from my point of view.”
“You’re not looking at this from my point of view!” You argue back, and Namjoon looks around, realising that this squabble is attracting a small crowd of chinese people, gathering around to watch the free entertainment along the sidewalk of Victoria harbour. He awkwardly laughs, raising his hand and bows, a universal sign of apology, grabbing your hand and walking to the other direction. 
“Come on, I’d rather not have the whole city witness our fight.”
“Oh, so this is a fight now?” 
“What? Yes!” Namjoon says exasperatedly. “How else would you classify this argument?” 
Once he makes it to somewhere with at least a sliver of privacy, he turns around with his brows furrowed and a glare etched on his features. Why do you look so angry? Namjoon chastises himself. Just relax, relax, relax. As usual, his body doesn’t listen. 
“Why are you so mad at this?” Namjoon asks, and feels a flow of relief go down his spine. Finally. 
“It’s not just this instance, Joon. I know work is important, but sometimes it feels like you put literally anything else above me! Like last time? You bailed on our date, like, at least twice. You keep saying you can’t say no, but you can. You have that right, Namjoon.” 
Namjoon’s heart softens a little bit. His workaholic tendencies ended up biting him in the ass after all. Sighing he rubs the back of his neck, eyes glued to the floor. “I’m not prioritising work over you, baby.” He tries to explain, and tries to ignore how his heart sinks when your eyes turn stony at the sound of the pet name he often uses to address you. 
“It’s just important to me as well, okay? It’s not my fault my boss heard I was going to Hong Kong and insisted I come to interview some investors about Hong Kong’s economy.” He explains slowly. “It couldn’t take more than a single day to get everything organised and tidied up.” 
“But-!” You huff angrily, spitting out your words. “You don’t understand! You keep doing this, Namjoon. You keep working, working, working. It’s been this way since college. It’s like you’ll die if you just take a break to come talk to me. I even went over to your office to have lunch with you last week and they told me you were in a meeting.” 
“It was important!” Namjoon insists and he can feel things sinking and getting worse and worse with every word he says. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? You can’t expect me to put you in front of all of my responsibilities. I’m sure you have things you can’t give up for me too.”
Hearing that felt like a slap to the face to both you and Namjoon, and he’s screaming at himself internally, why would you say something so, so, stupid?
“Excuse me?” Your broken voice rings out and Namjoon’s accusatory finger falls. 
“Wait.” He mumbles, fumbling with his hands. “Wait, I didn’t mean that. Wait, I-” 
“Fine!” You yell angrily. “You think nothing’s more important than work? You think I haven’t given up anything for you, Kim Namjoon? Because I’d quit and give up anything for you, you asshole.” You bite out, tears desperately trying not to fall. “You fucking asshole.” You say, before turning back around to weave through the crowd. 
“No, wait, baby!” He calls out, and even he knows that he’s messed up. Messed up big time. That was more hurtful than any cuss word or insult he could’ve ever said. “Kim fucking Namjoon, you idiot.” He mumbles to himself. Seeing you cry is more painful than anything else in the world, Namjoon thinks. He’s not ever going to see that sight again if he can help it. 
He walks forward, trying to find you. Maybe you went back to the hotel, or went to look at the sea to clear your head. He thinks he sees the back of your head for a second, and he reaches forward, clutching at air. He’s about to cry, and Namjoon has never seen himself be more pathetic. 
“Oh no, where are you?” He murmurs to himself like a crazed man. What if you were hurt somewhere? He needs to know you’re safe, he needs to know you’re okay, he needs to make everything better. With each step, the lead feeling in his throat grows heavier and heavier until he feels like it’s sunk to his chest. He wants to kneel down, he wants it to stop hurting, but he can’t. 
He must aimlessly follow his shell to do whatever he is doing now. 
The lead feeling continues to grow, and Namjoon feels like he’s suffocating. He’s not supposed to be here, he reminds himself. But he has to find you first, then he can leave. Then he can go, but where are you? He wants to cry, he wants to breathe. 
Namjoon tells himself to gasp for air, but he cannot. He tells himself if this is the last time he ever sees you, he needs to see you smile. He needs to see you laugh. 
Like the pattern in the rest of his meaningless life, an evil deity always pulls him away from the ones he loves when he needs them most. He feels the lead feeling being lifted and pure panic races to Namjoon’s head. He tries to croak out no. He tries to resist, he shoves people aside and calls out your name. But no one answers him, and the cruel deity laughs at his demise. 
He is too weak, too weak to control himself. 
Namjoon is plucked out of the world and transported back to his bedroom with the threads of time slowly ravelling and tangling themselves around his neck, all while he reaches forward, only to grasp at air and pretend in his head that everything’s alright. 
When he reaches his bedroom and wakes up, he stumbles into the bathroom and vomits, all while longing for the warmth of your lips.
Walking around dazedly, Namjoon somehow manages to make his way to Seokjin and Jimin’s apartment, knocking and hoarsely asking them to open, open up please. Because he’s not sure he can hold on to another night alone. Jimin opens the door instantly and catches Namjoon in his arms, frantically calling for Seokjin to come fast. 
They lay him on the couch, hearts slowly breaking and trying to convince themselves their friend will be fine as they watch Namjoon whimper in his sleep. 
Namjoon wakes to the smell of breakfast, of bacon on the stove and Jimin chattering around while watering his plants. He gets up, headache pounding and throat sore. Seokjin wordlessly hands him a few pills and a glass of water, while Jimin plates up breakfast, placing the sausage, eggs and toast separately on the plate because Namjoon can’t stand it when food on his plate touches. 
Silently, the three friends eat. Nobody speaks until Namjoon clears his throat and looks up. 
“Thank you.“ He whispers. 
“What are friends for?” Jimin says. 
Namjoon wonders why he’s got such amazing friends. Jin replies that he was born perfect and God created him like this, so Namjoon shouldn’t dwell too much on it. Jimin and Namjoon both throw a spoon of scrambled eggs in his direction simultaneously, high fiving without missing a beat when Jin lets out a protest of unjust behaviour. 
 As the three friends sit quietly, Namjoon says: “I think I’m going mad.”
“I’m glad you’ve realised.” Seokjin replies offhandedly. 
“I don’t think I can keep going between these worlds. I think it’s making me lose my mind.” 
Jimin stills. Seokjin stops washing the dishes and turns off the faucet. 
“Do… do you know how to stop it?” Jimin asks hesitantly. Namjoon shakes his head, and Seokjin sighs, in deep thought, which is a strange and rare sight to see itself. 
“Well, I guess we’ll have to figure this out together.” Seokjin says casually. Jimin agrees and the faucet comes back on, Seokjin going straight back to washing the pan he used to fry up the scrambled eggs. Jimin unplugs the toaster and Namjoon sits, smiling at his beloved friends. 
“You can borrow some of my shirts.” Jimin calls from the bathroom. “You know, if you want to stay over a couple more nights. Feel free.”
“Make yourself at home and shit.” Seokjin mutters, waving his hand around sarcastically. Namjoon almost bursts out into tears of happiness, but he decides to hold it in until Seokjin doesn’t have access to his phone and won’t put Namjoon’s breakdown on instagram live. 
The next day, the entire gang comes over, all with varying degrees of understanding what the hell is going on with Namjoon. For example, Yoongi pretty much knows as much as Seokjin does, who still doesn’t really understand what’s going on. Taehyung was just told Namjoon’s been feeling down because God knows that boy has a big mouth and definitely can’t keep a secret to save his life. 
Seokjin supplies homemade snacks and burgers fresh off the grill, Yoongi brings over his unlimited Netflix and HBO account passwords he probably stole off of some innocent family member to watch Disney movies, Taehyung comes over with Yeontan clutched to his side because that’s the group's emotional support dog. Jungkook and Hoseok offer up their extensive alcohol collection and bring over some quality wines. Jimin, after a long three hours of consideration, gives up his lucky plushies and fluffy blankets to build a fort. 
For one night, the seven boys crowds around the television, watching everything from The Lorax to Tangled to Frozen and bawling their eyes out when Anna turned to ice (spoiler alert!!!) For one night, the fully grown men all turn back into their 8 year old selves, playing video games and staying up as late as they wanted even though they all had responsibilities to tend to the next day. 
When they all awake from their mega-sleepover the next morning, the remaining six friends all insist they just felt like watching Disney movies and drinking wine suddenly. It certainly had nothing to do with the fact that Namjoon’s been feeling a little off in the past few days. 
Absolutely not. 
Namjoon’s eyes brim with tears and he tackles all the boys to the ground in one incredibly coordinated group hug, ignoring Yoongi’s complaints of being anti-social and that his love language is not physical touch. 
“Thanks, guys.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jungkook mutters. “Now could you please get the fuck off?” 
“Never.” Namjoon says, muffled because he says it while his head is buried in Hoseok’s chest. 
“Love you.”
“... Love you too.” 
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The next time he falls, Namjoon thinks he’s prepared. Ready, not to get attached, ready to make clear of what belongs in his world and what doesn’t, after lots of pep talks and therapy sessions with Seokjin and Jimin and Yoongi, who is surprisingly helpful with shooting down ideals of toxic masculinity and talking about mental health. 
He’s wrong- he’s not ready, but he doesn’t know that yet. 
He’s come to resent that stupid sound. In an instant, he’s dropped into a car, which is strangely familiar. You are next to him, driving, and thank goodness, because everyone knows Namjoon cannot drive. If he were dropped in the driver’s seat, things may have taken a turn for the worse. 
“You want to play some music?” You ask, and Namjoon nods. 
“Yeah sure, turn up the radio.” You reach over to flip a switch and a pretty tune fills the car, echoing and bouncing off the walls of the small vessel. You bring your hand down and interlace it with Namjoon’s, who is suddenly hyper aware of his surroundings. 
“You’re driving, baby.” He says, and a great sense of relief floods back into his system when he sees you smile at the pet name. He hopes this moment is after the Hong Kong trip. He hopes he did the right thing and made up with you afterwards. 
“We always do this. When there’s not many cars around, anyway.” You hum along with the music. “Nobody’s on the road tonight.” Sure enough, there are no cars in sight and Namjoon sighs, curling his hand tight against yours. He looks out the window. 
“No stars tonight, either.” 
You snort. “There are never any stars around the city, babe.”
“Ahh.” He huffs playfully. “Fuck global warming.”
“Fuck capatalism.” You add on, and he nods, wholeheartedly agreeing. 
“I love you.” He murmurs. 
“I love you too.” You reply with a sweet smile and Namjoon just realises that no, he’s not ready to let go of you, because his heart still flips like crazy when he hears you say that. He’s so unbearably, horribly, absolutely in love with you. Not in a creepy or obsessive way like he was probably in love with you a few months ago, but so in love with you. 
He wonders why on earth he’s so drawn to you, but as usual, there’s no definite answers to his questions. Namjoon thinks about how he likes the way you cook pancakes, and how he likes the way you always reach down to pet a puppy no matter where you are or where you need to be. He loves the way you’d give up anything to defend the people you love. He admires your bravery and your courage. He admires the way you present yourself to the world. 
He loves you simply because you are who you are, unapologetically and unashamed, which is something he never had the guts to do. But he gets pretty damn near to being fully and truly himself when he’s around you, so maybe that’s why he’s so in love with you. 
Namjoon feels bad for a moment because he realises his love isn’t selfless or humble like the ones he sees on dramas and TV. His love for you is shamefully selfish, because he needs you more than anything else. He voices this out to you in a long speech while you keep your eyes on the road. 
“I need you more than you think I do, Joon.” You say, while laughing, and Namjoon doesn’t know whether to feel offended or relieved. 
“You think your love for me can trump my love for you?” He asks with his eyebrows raised.
“One hundred percent.” You drawl out, and this time, Namjoon’s offended. 
“Excuse me? Who the fuck?” He asks, sitting up. You laugh bashfully, enamoured but mostly just entertained by your needy boyfriend who is very willing to prove how much more he loves you right now. “I love you way more than you love me!” 
You laugh, your eyes still fixed on the road. “Oh no, please, we’re not arguing about this.”
“Yes we are!” Namjoon demands with a huge smile on his face. “How could you possibly think you love me more than I love you?” Your laugh only grows louder. 
“I don’t even know if you’re being serious or just joking around anymore.” You say through bit back laughter. 
“I’m being dead serious.” Namjoon softens for a bit, laying a hand on your thigh. “You’re my everything. You’re my future, you’re my present, you’re my past.” A part of you wants to tell him he’s being cheesy again, but the romantic in you who doesn’t want to hurt your boyfriend immediately shuts the realist in you up. 
“That was sweet.”
“I try my best.”
You turn your head back to the road and he keeps his eyes on you. On the hoodie you’re wearing, which definitely doesn’t belong to you and he now has a certain inkling of where his missing hoodie went. He likes how it swallows you up. He likes that you have something of his on you. 
Not as a weird mark of possession, but he likes that you’re comfortable with wearing something that essentially brands you as his. But you are his as much as he is yours and wow, Namjoon thinks in his head, is this the real Namjoon or the past Namjoon speaking? And his brain replies that it’s both. 
“I love you.” He repeats, because as much as he seems to say it, he can’t seem to express how much he loves you (hint: it’s a large amount). 
“I love you too.” You say right back. 
He wants to say it more. He wants to say it better. He wants to repeat it until you get annoyed and tell him to shut up, he wants to let you know how much he loves you. But his lips are sealed, and he can’t say another word. Instead of what he wants to say, the words that come out his mouth are, admittedly, just as true. 
“You’re pretty.” 
You giggle. “Did you just realise?” 
Namjoon shakes his head. “You’ve always been pretty. You were pretty on the day we met. You were pretty the day we fought in Hong Kong. You were pretty the first time you stayed over. You’re pretty when you cry, you’re pretty when you… I wanted to think of something that rhymes with cry, but it slipped my mind and now everything’s ruined.” 
You laugh, a real, huge one this time. He can always tell when your laugh is real or not. 
“Thank you.” You say. “For the record, you’ve always been pretty too.” 
Namjoon leans back into his seat. “Damn straight.” 
“When d’you think you first fell in love with me?” You ask, genuinely curious, and Namjoon thinks for a moment. He thinks about what the Namjoon in this moment would say, and he thinks about what the present Namjoon would say. 
If he had verbal control, what would he say? That he fell in love with you during the very first memory he was thrusted in? But that wouldn’t be true, and that wouldn’t be honest. He fell in love with you during the memory of when you met? But that wouldn’t be true either. He fell in love with you in between memories, when all he could think about was the next time you could be in his arms, or how much he longed for your touch. 
He tries to say that, he really does. 
Instead, what comes out of his mouth is: 
“I don’t know. I don’t know if there’s a specific moment. Maybe it was that time we went to the movies and watched Coco while crying over popcorn, or maybe it was that time we went to Disneyland.” Namjoon’s heart slouches, because he doesn’t know any of those moments. He hasn’t been in any of those memories. 
“But I don’t think falling in love is a one moment, time stops kinda thing. I was always falling in love with you. From the time you spilled yogurt on my jacket to right now, where you’re asking me when I fell in love with you. I’m going to be falling in love with you tomorrow and the day after that, until the day where we shrivel up and die from old age.”
Oh, good answer, Namjoon thinks. 
“Good answer.” You say. “I think I’d say the same thing.” 
“Great minds think alike.” Namjoon sighs out. 
Something strikes Namjoon’s heart. It’s not the lead feeling or the heavy weight he’s grown used to. It’s strange, like a wave of deja vu. And suddenly, Namjoon stops thinking. He glances over to the control board to look at the time, which proudly reads: December 3rd, 2018. 
So that’s why he’s always had the feeling that these were memories. Why he was so adamant to believe these things really had happened to him. Even more strangely, what feelings strike him then is not panic, nor fear. It’s a strange flow of calmness that rushes through his veins. He looks over at you again, driving now with both hands on the steering wheel. 
He wonders why the deity would make him witness something as cruel and horrible as this, and he gets the weird feeling that this will be one of his last memories to enter. Namjoon looks at the dark blanket covering the sky and sadly thinks that the deity could have at least placed a few stars in the sky on this night. As consolation, or perhaps an apology. 
Something is ticking in the background, and Namjoon has no idea if it’s coming from the car or if he’s imagining it. Flashing memories go through his mind, so fast he can barely register them as images or moving pictures before they are gone again. Your smile, your laugh, your first date, your second date. The day he asked you to move in, the day you told him ‘I love you’ for the first time and he literally fainted. 
The day he came to pick you up from work for the first time, the night where he first laid his hands on you and kissed all your worries away. 
It comes fast and hurtles towards the two of you, but Namjoon doesn’t even see it coming because all he is looking at is you. Your face, your lips, your eyes, trying to engrave it all in his memory. You yelp out something to him, which he doesn’t hear. Floating images spin around both your heads and a high pitched screech rings out, a spark of orange lighting up like a stack of fireworks. The dark van shoots forward and collides into the driver’s seat. 
The world collapses. It goes sideways, rotates then flips completely upside down, and the dark fog starts to eat up Namjoon’s eyesight. Oddly, nothing hurts. Perhaps because of the shock, or panic, but nothing on Namjoon’s body is in pain. Everything crashes, Namjoon’s head hits the window with force. Something breaks, glass cracks, people scream and he cannot tell which is which. Red and white flashes are all he can see before everything fades to grey and he can only reach around in the darkness, to find your hand. 
He clutches onto your unmoving, still hand desperately, trying to calm his jumping heartbeat. Are those sirens in the background he hears or is that his imagination? Is that your voice he hears or is that a hallucination? 
In the end, his final thought before leaving the world once again is a wish. A wish that he prays the deity will grant him. He hopes that in your final moments, you were not scared. 
He falls. 
When Namjoon arrives home, his entire body is numb. He doesn’t know where he is, nor what he was doing before he was clicked in. He opens his mouth and screams for a full minute without stopping. 
It feels good in a fucked up way. 
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Namjoon has never been one for confrontation. Just ask his middle school bullies, who tormented him all they wanted because he wouldn’t do anything but put up with it. Just ask Mingyu from work, who keeps piling his unwanted projects and articles onto Namjoon because he never protests or complains to the higher-ups. 
But while walking towards his childhood home with the birds chirping and his hands placed casually in his pockets, confrontation is all he can think about. He lets himself in the door; his mother never locks it and walks in calmly. 
His mother is sitting on the couch, stitching up a sock which has a hole in it. 
“Mom. I’m home.” He says softly, and his mother greets him normally. Namjoon leans on the wall and his mother stares at him strangely, calling him over to sit and have some fruit. He declines, telling her he won’t be staying very long. “That car crash that happened two years ago.”
The needle in his mother’s hand stills. 
“They said I had selective amnesia, right?” 
The needle picks up speed, stitching faster and faster, his mother’s hand moving faster than light. 
“What did I forget again?” 
“What did you remember?” His mother asks, never one to beat around the bush. 
“Mom.” He says, firmly this time. “What did you do to me.”
The sock is torn apart in his mother’s hands. “Namjoon,” She starts and Namjoon already has a growing urge to shake the truth out of her. “When you got into that crash two years ago, you came out of it with very little injuries. We were all so relieved. When you woke up, you didn’t remember Y/N.” All that fills the air for another moment or two is the spongy sound of silence. 
The gap in this family became clearer than ever to Namjoon. He thinks about how everyone must have been in on the secret, even his sister. And he was left to suffer, wondering why his life seemed so empty after forgetting something he couldn’t clutch onto. 
“And what?” He demands, screaming and throwing his hands out of his pockets. “Do you think you can just keep something like that from me? The love of my life, and you just decide to erase them from my memory?” His mother stills and looks up at her son. 
“You didn’t remember Y/N. You lost contact with all your college friends, and then when I asked the doctor how selective amnesia worked,” His mother cleared her throat. “Sufferers often forget some parts of their memory. Relationships, talents, skills, certain areas or certain people.” His mother looks up directly in his eyes. “Sometimes, especially after going through a traumatic event, people forget certain parts of their memory as a coping mechanism. To erase bits of pain and regret.”
“I thought,” Her voice breaks and her face twists in regret and bad memories. “I thought maybe by forgetting her, I’d be saving you from more pain and hurt. I just wanted you to stop hurting”
Namjoon held eye contact with his mother for three full seconds before collapsing and gasping for air, lying with his head on her lap. All words of scolding, anger. All the confrontational tactics and all the accusations he’d thought of shooting towards her had gone. 
“Hurts.” He let out through large gasps of breaths. “Hurts, mom.” He lied there, with tears threatening to spill out his eyes for the rest of the night, with his mother caressing his hair and apologising to him with tears in her eyes. 
“Miss Y/N. I miss Y/N.” He hiccups out, and his mother wipes away his tears, but it feels different from when you used to do it. 
“I know, I know.” The woman looking down at her son wonders why she put him in so much pain. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” The night carries on like that, with the lights eventually dimming and the night covers up the light in the sky. The mother son pair repeat their grievances and apologies to each other until the sun comes back up, peeking through the curtains and extending out their warm embrace as if it wants to comfort the hurting humans. 
It doesn’t take long for Seokjin and co to come knocking on his door, sent by his mother who must have filled him in on everything, judging from the looks on their faces. It only takes one single glance at his friends, tilting their heads and all asking to come in for him to burst into tears. Ugly crying, with snot coming out of his nose and eyes bloodshot red from the nightmares. 
Jimin is the first to reach forwards and bring Namjoon into a hug. Soon after that, the six friends surrounded Namjoon, comforting him with the warmth of their arms and soft spoken words of encouragement. 
“You did well.” Someone mumbles into his hair. 
“We’re all proud of you.” Someone else says. 
Namjoon’s sweater sleeves are sopping wet with tears when he asks the boys to help him get into therapy. 
Things went on like that for another while. 
Therapy isn’t as bad as Namjoon had thought it might’ve been. He wasn’t forced to be vulnerable or open up or confront his worst fears. He certainly didn’t want to tell the truth about the world he’s thrusted in, for fear of getting thrown out of the building and into a mental institution. 
Even his mother didn’t believe him the first time he told her about it. She urged him to visit a doctor. How could a therapist who doesn’t even know him believe the nonsense he spouts? Even he himself wouldn’t believe himself if he hadn’t experienced it firsthand. Slowly, but surely, he began to open up, and to his surprise, there was no calling of hospitals or kicking him out. His therapist sat there and listened like everything he was saying was valid. 
He started eating again, mostly because of Seokjin, stuffing his creations down everyone’s throats every two seconds, claiming he needs opinions on his new recipes even though Namjoon’s fairly certain that the past three dishes of spaghetti were the exact same recipe. 
Namjoon started to workout again with Jungkook, much to the younger boy’s surprise and happiness. They talked about their own struggles while panting on the treadmill and spinner. Jungkook eventually tells him that he also has a secret he keeps from the rest of the guys, which is his high school sweetheart who broke his heart so horribly that he still feels hurt from it. 
Jungkook told him to cheer up though, because most of the pain fades away with time. It’s still there, ever as present, but other things will become more important to you and cover up a scar or a wound with blooming flowers. 
“Like us,” He said cheekily. “Your friends.” 
He talked to Yoongi most days of the week about nothing in particular. He enjoys the time with Yoongi because he’s the only one who never walks on eggshells around him. He still pelts him with pillows and roasts the outfits on Rupaul’s Drag Race with him. Taehyung and Jimin even helped him adopt a dog, an furry white Eskimo named Rap Mon which is literally now Namjoon’s entire life. 
Would likely kill all of his friends if one of them hurt his precious baby. 
Life is good, Namjoon learns. He gets better at his job. He never forgets you, but things seem to hurt less. But he gets relapses sometimes. Some days he wakes up screaming about the stupid lead filling up his throat. Sometimes he gets nightmares so intense he has to take medicine.
Therapy isn’t as bad as he painted it out to be, but recovery is ten times harder than he thought it would be. Some days all he can do is lie in bed or do nothing, thinking of you. 
His therapist tells him that his life is more than his past memories. Both Yoongi and Hoseok agree, when he pulled up a random conversation about it late at night. Hoseok says that there’s never going to be a time where he won’t think of you, or still love you. Perhaps not as much as he once did, but he’ll never forget about you. Yoongi tells him he’s healing, and that they’re all proud of him.
Namjoon meets his friends, for the first time in the two years he’s known them. Taehyung has an extraordinary and (slightly strange) obsession over art museums. He’s been to almost every single one in Korea, and he dragged Namjoon over to one an hour away in Gangnam in the summer. Jimin is an amazing dancer, which Namjoon never knew.
Until Jimin brought it up casually, looking through old footage of his dance competitions. “Nothing big,” He said. “I used to dabble.” Namjoon’s eyes bulged out of his head and he told Jimin if that was ‘dabbling’, then he was wasting away his talent. He asked Jimin why he never made a career out of dance, and Jimin replied casually:
“I feel like if I start to make money off of it, and I’ll lose my love for it. Now that I haven’t really has time for it... I dunno. I feel like I’ve lost the talent a little bit.“
Namjoon told his friend that talent is nothing but a bunch of practice and time dedicated to a certain skill. Nobody loses talent, people just get a little unfamiliar with it. Jimin turned around in deep thought and told him he may just have a point. 
Still, some days, he can do nothing but sulk around, feeling like a waste of space. Take today for an example. He walks down the street and out of the corner of his eye, he thinks, and he might be wrong, he thinks he sees you. The back of your head, anyways, but you’re wearing a red sweater with headphones over your ears and you turn around the corner. 
Namjoon panics. He drops his coffee, which splashes all over his leather shoes and runs. He runs past the corner and he doesn’t know what on earth he’s doing but all he can do is run, and the wind dries his tears faster and faster, and he forgets all over again, that you aren’t here, that there’s no way he can go back and see you unless it’s in his memories, which he doesn’t even know how to control. 
Somewhere deep in the depths of his mind, he knows something about this doesn’t seem right. That it couldn’t possibly be you, because he watched you go right in front of his eyes. He knows that in order to heal, he can’t chase after you or center his world around you. He knows all of that. But in that moment, he forgets that he still doesn’t remember everything about you. 
He forgets that you’re dead. 
And one day he’ll be free from this constant spinning. One day he won’t ever have to think twice when he cooks pancakes but that day and all that work he’s put in is the last thing on Namjoon’s mind and all he can think about is if that’s really you. 
He sprints faster and reaches out, misses your wrist by an inch and ends up clutching at nothing but air. He heaves a huge breath, about to clap his hand over your shoulder-
tags; @jksbbyfacebunny @extremeobsessions101 @dwcljh @bishuthot @s0seo @stonyiscanon @cecedrake2217​ 
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nancypullen · 2 years
Knock Knock
Anyone home?  Sorry, I sort of bailed on the ol’ blog for a few days. It’s been busy around here.   I have boxes packed and stacked in every room of the house, and we’re ready to go.  We closed on the Mt. Juliet house on Monday morning, were briefly homeless, and then closed on the Denton house Tuesday afternoon.  It’s been a whirlwind of signatures, money transfers, and even a few tears - some happy, some bittersweet.  We’re so ready for this next chapter, but this little house has meant a lot to us.  We didn’t have two dimes to rub together when we built it and had to put in sweat equity in the form of painting and the like.  It was worth it.  We celebrated lots of important family milestones within these walls, but we’re going to make many, many happy memories in the new place too.  I’m really happy with our choices, and excited about what the future holds.   Our realtor in Maryland did a final walkthrough for us before closing and sent us video and photos. The previous owners (super nice people) were in the process of loading a U-haul and there was a cleaning crew busy inside.  Everything looked spotless.  It’s ready for us!
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You know I already have some plans for the landscaping. With the color scheme of the house it’s practically begging me for red geraniums in window boxes.   As for this house, I’ve walked around and said goodbye to the pink drift roses, the hydrangeas, the Jane Magnolia and the beautiful Crape Myrtle that shades the porch.  Did you notice that the new house also has a Crape Myrtle shading the porch?  It’s meant to be!  I even did a deep dive and found some old Google Earth pictures and I think that it’s a white Crape Myrtle, just like the one beside our porch. Perfect.  I’ll have a lovely spring and summer adopting some new plants and finding out what works best and where.  Since the Eastern Shore is an agricultural area, I’m excited about the soil - surely I won’t have to deal with this awful red clay and rocks anymore. The process of packing up 23 years of life in a house has been exhausting but also entertaining.  I’ve come across loads of stuff that made me laugh, and just as many items that warmed my heart.   When I was still with the school district we were required to sit on the stool for picture day.  I hated that.  I don’t enjoy having my photo taken, I don’t need a packet of pictures of myself, and I wouldn’t mind the old “Gone Fishin’ ” graphic in my designated space in the yearbook. Our school IDs were also printed from that one snap, a fact I forgot when I sat down one year and handed in a bogus form. I figured it would be a joke between me and the yearbook teacher, a good friend.  Oops.  For the remainder of the year, according to my school ID, I was Anastasia Beaverhausen.
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Please note that the worst thing about that ID is not my fake name, it’s that helmet of hair I’m sporting.  What the heck?  I know those cards print dark, so hopefully it didn’t look as bad as it does here - but I think it did.  It reminds me of Lego people, or maybe Duplo?
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Anyway, aside from finding another page for my book, “A History of Bad Hair”, I came across things that made me nostalgic. School mementos for the boys, maps and tickets from our travels, and this newspaper from January 21, 2009.
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I really miss that America.  Maybe we can get back there, but it feels like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube....ya’ know, if toothpaste was racism and hate. All I can do is keep loving (and VOTE!). It’s a gorgeous sunny day today so I’m going to throw open some windows, keep a song in my heart, and continue to organize this move.   Forward, forward, forward.  This is my HQ for the move. These stickers have been a huge help.
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Every box is labeled with contents and then gets a sticker designating which room it belongs in.  On the other end when the moving truck arrives I’ll have  signs on each door/room that match - living room, kitchen, bedroom #3, and so on.  I’m really hoping that it helps them, and I know it will help me to unpack in a more sensible way.  I don’t want every box to be like a Christmas present -”I wonder what’s in here?”   I don’t have the time or patience for that.
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That’s a fraction of what’s been packed.  Every room has boxes.  The cats love it but I’m feeling very unsettled.  I’m a nester by nature and it feels like a storm has tossed my home.  I’ll just make like a bird and rebuild.  The Army brat in me loves the adventure, the old lady who has lived in this house for decades is dreading placing each twig back in the nest.  That’s all normal though.  I keep my eye on the prize and that is the fun we’re going to have living close to the world’s most adorable grandgirl as she grows up.  Family is everything and she needs more family around her.  My sister will also be about an hour away, and we’ll be able to get into all sorts of shenanigans.  I think the halfway point for us would be Chestertown and there’s all sorts of fun to be had there.  So much to look forward to! Alright then, I’ve talked myself up, down, and around and I’m invigorated!  Time to tape up another box.  Then I’m going to trot off to Target and pick up a gift from a neighbor’s baby registry, and maybe get myself something spa-like and soothing - a new face mask, a fizzy bath bomb, a pretty new nail color, we’ll see.  I’m feeling the need to treat myself but it needs to be tiny - something I won’t have to pack! More later. Stay safe, stay well, stay focused! XOXO - Nancy
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litwitlady · 4 years
Date Nights (3/5)
Read on AO3.
The hour for date night had come and gone not at all noticed by either Michael or Alex. Probably because Alex had answered the door half-naked and still dripping wet from his hurried, after-work shower. Or maybe it was the new olive green sweater Michael had been wearing, the color bringing out his eyes and slapping Alex in the face. Whatever the reason, they’d fallen into Alex’s bed less than one minute after quick hellos and blatant lustful stares.
It had been a long week and the science exhibit at the Roswell Museum of Modern Art wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Date night could wait.
‘You smell different.’ Michael nips at the lowest of Alex’s ribs, enjoying his sharp inhale and noticeable flinch. ‘Earthier.’ He bites at Alex again, harder this time and it earns him a harsh yank at his hair. ‘I like it. A lot.’
Alex pushes roughly at Michael’s shoulders, flipping him onto his back and straddling his waist. ‘New soap. They were out of my regular.’ He leans forward to press their chests together and repeats his action from earlier, jerking at Michael’s curls until his throat is fully exposed. Tracing Michael’s adam's apple with his tongue, he shifts his weight backward, grinding his bare ass against the crotch of Michael’s jeans and gasping at the friction, denim rough against his naked skin. ‘Why are your pants still on?’
‘You got distracted earlier, remember?’ Michael sits up abruptly, sliding an arm around Alex’s waist to keep him from toppling over.
Michael’s teeth tug lightly at one of his nipples, and it takes Alex a while to respond. ‘It wasn’t me who got distracted, Guerin. You’re the one who dropped to his knees where I could no longer reach that damn belt buckle.’
They both laugh, and then Michael suddenly falls quiet. Hand gently sliding around the base of Alex’s throat. Alex swallows, not knowing what to make of Michael’s fingers wrapping around his neck. But he waits, trusting Michael implicitly.
‘Tripp’s dog tags. They’re gone.’
It’s not what Alex had expected him to say, but he’s also not surprised that Michael noticed. ‘Yeah. They’re in the box with mine. On the top shelf of my closet.’ He massages his hands up Michael’s biceps and along his shoulders, resting his palms flat against Michael’s chest. ‘That’s where they belong.’
‘But Tripp means so much to you.’
‘I wanted Tripp to mean something to me. And he does. I just didn’t realize what he meant until recently.’ He clears his throat, fingertips tapping nervously at Michael’s collarbones. They haven’t talked much about Michael’s mom, and he’s unsure whether now’s the right time. Or even if there is a right time. ‘I don’t know how to talk about this.’
‘About my mom?’ Alex nods. ‘I want to talk about her. Especially with you.’
‘I let Tripp’s story get in the way of Nora’s. I wanted so badly to see the good in him that I didn’t see the harm he’d caused. The harm he’d allowed to happen to her for decades. Or, really, I ignored it.’ His hands move up to cradle Michael’s neck, fingertips disappearing into his curls. Emotion floods his face, forehead wrinkling. ‘If it was you in Caulfield, I’d never stop trying to get you out. I’d try every day. A million times. Until they locked me up next to you or --’
‘Or you died trying. I know.’
‘Tripp did nothing. Your mom deserved so much better. She deserved the sun on her face and the moon in her eyes and every single wish she’d ever wished on a star. She deserved you. To watch you grow up.’ Michael reaches up to run his fingers through Alex’s pillow-mussed hair while Alex’s arms wrap around him tight, nose buried in his neck. They sit holding each other for a long time, sifting through the ripple effects of their shared history.
Abruptly, Alex leans forward to grab something out of the top drawer of his nightstand. ‘When I finished reading the journal, I found this.’ He hands an old black and white photo to Michael. ‘She looks so happy and so much like you.’
The photo is of Nora mid-laugh. Head tossed back, cheeks rosy and eyes bright. Her happiness radiates off the page, and Michael can’t stop the tears that burn at the corners of his eyes. ‘It was a mess. Stuck between two pages, image garbled and half-gone. But you can find anything on the internet, so I looked into photo restoration and shipped it off. Got it back this morning.’
Michael runs his fingers over the picture, marveling at how complete and perfect it looks. ‘Thank you, Alex.’
‘You’re welcome. I didn’t really do much, but since we’ve started collecting old photos, I figured this one would be a great addition.’ They both glance over to the top of Alex’s dresser - really their dresser these days - where their yearbook photos sit in simple walnut frames that Michael had ended up making himself. ‘Or you can take it with you to the Airstream or wherever you want.’ Alex smiles at him and caresses the bare skin above the waistline of his jeans.
‘I like it here.’ He climbs out from underneath Alex’s lap and sets the picture of Nora next to his own. And it’s instantly clear how right Alex was. He really does look so much like this mother.
He steps out of his jeans before returning to straddle Alex’s lap, sighing at how satisfying it is to press their bare skin together. At how the magic in their touch never seems to dissipate no matter how many years go by. He kisses Alex quick and filthy, all tongue and teeth, pulling back with a loud smack of their lips. ‘Since I don’t think you’re ever going to get there on your own, I’m going to fill you in on a stupidly obvious secret.’
‘Yeah? What’s that?’
Michael cups Alex’s neck in his hands. ‘You are the good Manes man.’ He runs his thumbs along Alex’s jawbone, enjoying the scrub of stubble. ‘Fuck the past. There’s nothing we can do about it. But we get to make our future. And our kids will be the best of both of us.’
Alex’s eyes blow wide, and Michael knows it was a risk to say that out loud so soon in their beginning. The last time he’d mentioned wanting kids to Alex must have been high school. The days of agricultural engineering, dad bands, and dreams that hadn’t yet died.
‘Our kids?’ Alex swallows around the words. ‘Yours and mine? Ours...together?’
He tries not to jump straight to panic at the uncertainty in Alex’s voice. Tries not to worry that maybe Alex doesn’t think he’ll be a good dad which is what he sometimes worries too. Squaring his shoulders, he tells the truth. ‘That’s what I want.’ He needs to ask Alex if that’s what he wants too, but the words get stuck like putty in the back of his throat.
Alex’s eyes dart to the pictures on the dresser and then back to Michael. ‘You’ll be a great dad. Any kid would be so lucky to have you.’ He grabs Michael’s hands that are still clasped at his neck and pulls them down over his heart. ‘Your hands were made to build, to hold, to love.’
Michael threads their fingers together and kisses the backs of Alex’s hands. ‘And yours were made to protect, to create, to love.’ The air between them has grown thick with meaning. He laughs to relieve the tension. ‘I don’t mean tomorrow. We should probably start with a puppy. Or maybe a fish.’ That finally pulls a smile from Alex.
‘When you showed me the yearbook photo of you, my first thought was that I’d want our kids to look like you. That mess of curls, those big, hazel eyes.’ His smile stretches up to his eyes. ‘So yeah. That’s what I want too. One day. And we can tell them all about their amazing, brilliant Grandma Nora.’
Michael tackles Alex into the pillows beneath them, picking up directly where they’d left off.
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