#Yeah yeah yeah - I'm using Hayden
residentdormouse · 4 months
And continuing my nonsense....
Guess I'm writing for Baldur's Gate 3 now too. Just a short one shot. Got inspired by a Galemance prompt, and decided, 'why the hell not'.
So if you feel inclined, check it out (AO3 linked below) and let me know what you think.
'From Waterdeep'
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Rating: T / Words: 2,516
Summary: In which Gale receives a surprise gift and Hayden (OC Tav) unlocks a later dialog.
Tags: Gale x OFC, Named Tav, Not even close to having a Beta, mostly Gale POV - so Tav features/abilities/etc aren't a large factor at all.
“And here I was thinking you were supposed to be the smart one amongst our merry little band of miscreants. Shame. Turns out you’re just as dull as the goblin blades littering this gods forsaken patch of nowhere.“ With a snap, Gale turned to face the smug looking vampire that had at some point managed to find a place at his side. The combination of the jab with his deliberately pronounced smirk brought his blood to a boil, but he pushed it down as best he could. Falling into the blatant attempt at goading could only serve the instigator in question, but to what purpose was pure conjecture. Simply for the sheer enjoyment of it was not ruled out. Still, the comment ate at him. Intent or not, the slander could not stand. At least he was able to compose himself enough to come at him with a level head. And a bite of his own, of course.  “I’ll have you know, I have countless hours poured into various studies at Blackstaff that you wouldn't even dream about delving into. The sheer amount of time put in on illusions alone is more than even I would care to admit. So while, I'm sure you could say I have quite a few other less favorable qualities, dull would most certainly not be one of them.” “And yet you still can’t see what’s right in front of you. Mastery levels of observation for sure; I am ever so envious.”
Continued on A03...
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delicatereader · 11 months
I need you (stephen!hayden x reader)
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• summary: Stephen is a little rusty in sex and needs some help
• warnings: well smut
• a/n: this is about hayden/stephen not the actual one. I didn't go deep with the smut bc I am just getting the hang of it so yea. enjoy! (btw I haven't proof read it so there are mistakes...
You've had an exhausting day at work, unfortunately you have to work overnight. All you want is a get away from this shit. There were only few others with you left. You peacefully working in your space, reading reports in your spinning chair when Stephen comes in.
He hastily grabs a chair and pulls it next to you to sit. You ignore him because you what was coming, he's gonna rant about how everyone thinks he's gay and no one likes him. You didn't think that way, you've had a cute crush on him for a while but didn't do anything because you worked with him and didn't have the time. You've always liked the way he talks and his glasses (you found them slutty and hot).
"What do you think of me?" he asks
"What do you mean?" you try to confirm, still reading the reports
"What do you think me?"
"You're kind, generous and hard-working!" you reply looking at him
"No like what do you think of me?" he repeats
You let out a harsh sigh annoyed.
"Like physically, do you find me attractive?" he blurts out
"What?" you respond in surprise
"Like am I attractive?" he asks again
"Yeah? why? did someone say anything to you?" you ask him concerned
"No..." he drags
"Spill" you demand
"Ok! It's been a while since you know..." he says
"What? I don't know"
"Since you know!" he looks at his pants and back up (twice)
"Sex?" you answer
"Shhhhh!" he silences you, making you giggle
"Someone will hear you! But yeah since I had sex" he continues
"So you want to start having sex again?" you ask
"Well yeah! It's been a long time" he admits
"How long?" you ask curiously
"Ummm...2 years?"
"What!? 2 years?! omg!" you yell whilst whispering
"I'm a bit rusty..." he says
You scoff as a response, "you will be"
"Oh shut up!" he responds
"Can't belive it! 2 years!" you laugh out loud
"Yep..." he says embarrassed, nodding his head
"Ok I won't laugh! I promise! you speak" you take a deep breath
"So everyone thinks I'm gay, I accidentally let people- no men stick their tongue down my throat and the girls I get run away when they hear the gay rumours" he explains his situation
"Well they just haven't seen your search history! trust me your straight!!" you confirm for him.
He leans back on the chair shocked
"How do you know my search history?"
"The other week you left early and forgot to log out. I did it for you" you smile at him proudly
"Anyways what am I supposed to do about this? I have some friends who might be interested..." you advise resting your head on you palms.
"No" he replies instantly
"Then?" you ask raising your eyebrows waiting for some details
"I need you" he mutters
"What?" you yell in shock
"You. I mean I don't know anyone else better. I'm close to you so it won't be that awkward!" he explains further
"What?! I can't!"
"Yes you can. Nat, Smith and Jade are leaving right now" he says placing a hand on your lap
"What?" as you respond you hear an elevator reach your floor seeing your colleagues leave
"It's just us! please!" he begs. You could see the desperation in his eyes.
"If I agree to this..." you drag
"I'll owe you a million" he offers
"Fine" you shrug even though you've wanted him for so long, you put on a act.
He instantly gets off the chair and kisses you
"Is that ok?" he asks
You nod in response
His kisses get more passionate and confident. His lips are awfully soft. His hands travel from your lap to your cheeks. He starts to kiss your neck, but whilst leaving a trail of kisses from behind your ear to you collarbone you get up and turn so he is in the chair. You're sat on his lap legs on both sides of him. He slips his around your waist and let's them travel your back and slip through your hair.
You pull his dark blonde curls, making him whimper. "You like that?"
The only response you got was a moan.
He starts to unbutton your shirt kissing your chest and around your bra. You follow his actions and pull his shirt off. He takes your bra off and kisses your breasts.
You slowly start to grind on him, making his head fall back in pleasure. "Fuck y/n!"
His breath starts to get heavier. He pulls his hand from your waist to tale off his glasses. Suddenly, you stop him.
"Whay are you doing?"
"Taking of my glasses?"
You lean against his mouth with a smirk
"The glasses stays on" you demand
"You have a thing for glasses?" He asks, locking his lips with a smile and carrying pire lust in his eyes.
"Shut up!" you say rolling your eyes at him whilst giggling
"We'll see who needs to shut up after this" he says with a mischievous smile leaning back in to kiss you
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delqcate · 5 months
hi angel!!! im aware of how super busy you are rn, but I can't get like frenemies scott barringer and reader out of my head, imagine it, like he's so annoyed by everything she does, she's the total opposite of him, sweet and kind, but also the sarcastic angry feminist, and he's the self-righteous football captain arsehole.
But no matter what he does, she's constantly stuck in his head, and it's kinda like the song "you look so pretty, pretty like the sun, i could watch forever while you shine on everyone" and he's so in love and a little insecure, which he covers up with this pompous arrogant fboy persona
anyways, you're writing gives me life more than anything! when i first discovered your flannel shirt fic on scott, i became obsessed and stalked your profile and obsessively read through all your fanfics, hayden characters or not, I read them all, and im head over heels in love w u :) you genuinely write the best fluff ever, like your my favourite blog for fluff, like don't get me wrong smut is cute and that, but god i would kill for some forehead kisses and hayden fluff
because i love you.
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scott barringer x reader
anon you own my whole heart ilysm!!! you're soso incredibly sweet and being your favorite fluff writer??? such an incredible honor 🥹 i'm sorry it took me a while to get to writing this and i feel so bad cause i feel like i just didn't have enough inspiration for this so it's all messy but I hope it's still good. scott and shelby don't get together here but they're still good friends
summary: you and scott don't necessarily hate each other, but you can't tolerate both that much either. after a plan gone wrong, turns out there's a reason why.
warnings/cw: swearing, kissing (i don't know if that's warnings but yeah), fluff fluff fluff
word count: 1.9k
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Where does Scott even begin with you? The Cliffhanger's sweetheart, the epitome of the sun in this hell hole, is his friend. Well, sort of.
Because every time he was near you, it felt like he was constantly basking in the sun, yet at the same time, he was warmed up by everything you did, from your smile to your voice. It was almost like he was constantly taunted.
He couldn't get enough of you, though. You were everything he's ever wanted—the warmth and love of another—and yet he still seems to be pushing you away.
But then that all changes when a little surprise is left on one of the class boards one morning when Scott and the other Cliffhangers are called to meet up with Peter and Sophie.
Scott walks into the classroom, wearing a sweater he just threw on due to the cold, and looks at the board in confusion. "Morp? Wh-what's a morp?" His brow was furrowed, and he frankly didn't care too much about decoding it until Auggie followed from behind him. "Oh, cool, a prom?"
Scott looks at Auggie, realizing everyone else is inside already. His eyes land on you, and he suddenly can't focus on anything but you. Everyone was taking a seat, and it took him a moment to realize you sat with him until a hand waved at his face.
"Scott, y'there?" Your voice rings out, and he looks at you, his face brooding as always. "Why? What's up?" He clears his throat and focuses his gaze on you. Despite hating you, he seems to be interested in what you have to say. Probably just sucking it up so it would be over.
You look at him, and suddenly you find yourself drawn to his eyes. Do they seem more blue than usual lately, or have they always been this way? But you don't have time to ponder about that because now it’s his turn to snap you out of your thoughts.
"Hey, are you there?" He gives you a small smirk, and you playfully roll your eyes. “Yeah, sorry,” you say, clearing your throat and resting your head on your palm. “Sophie and Peter paired us for morp planning.”
His eyes widen slightly, but he immediately covers them up with his emotionless stare again. “Why us? ," he asks, sounding annoyed. “Dunno,” you reply. “Probably ‘to build a stronger relationship between us’,” you say, playfully mocking what Peter constantly tells everyone whenever there’s a team activity.
He let out a soft scoff but couldn't help but let a smirk form on his lips. He was starting to let his guard down, something he rarely does around people; besides Shelby, she relates to him more than anyone. "Yeah, all that bullshit."
You nod and chuckle, watching as he bounces his leg, a habit you share with him. "All we have to do is plan the music, so it shouldn't be too bad. They're letting us use Peter's office and a couple more gadgets, I think." You shrug, but all you could think of was Scott.
Spending time alone with him in a room for days on end sounded both eventful and terrifying. But at least it was him instead of anyone else; at least you could get some peace and quiet for once.
It had been days since you and Scott were assigned to make the playlist, and despite the bickering and constant grogginess you two would feel the next day, it was bearable. It caused something in Scott to brew—something he thought he could keep in, but it was just waiting to burst.
Scott dragged Shelby away to a corner in the common room—not the best place to have a private conversation, but it'll do.
"Let me guess," Shelby starts, her gaze landing on Ophelia talking to Peter and back at Scott. "You need advice to ask her out?" Scott scrunches up his face, annoyed but thinking about it. "Well, yeah," he says after a moment.
She chuckles and looks over at you again, trying to think of anything. "Morp's tomorrow, Scott. How are you sure Auggie or someone else asked her out?" Scott suddenly seemed upset at the thought, however. "You think Auggie has more of a chance than me?" His angry question was a little too loud, loud enough to catch your attention, at least.
Shelby quickly looks away and narrows her eyes at Scott, slapping his arm playfully. "Will you keep it down, you idiot?" He whines and leans against the wall, crossing his arms and staring at you from afar. "How am I ever going to ask her out? I'm just the cocky football star, a pompous asshole fuckboy. Every bad thing you could think of."
She sighs and moves closer, taking his hand and watching his expression before continuing, "Sure, you can be a complete asshole." He scoffs and looks at the floor. "Great way to start that off," he muttered. She rolls her eyes and continues with, "But all that matters is what they think of you. You wanna go all out and be stupid with your promposal? Go ahead. I'll be there every stupid step in the way."
He moves his gaze on her and mutters, "Stop calling me stupid. But, thanks."
The plan was perfect. You and Shelby would be hanging out together, saying some good stuff about Scott, and Scott would play football with Auggie. Auggie would throw the ball at you, and he would save you. He would tie that to some smooth way to ask you out, but he would worry about that later. What was the worst that could happen?
Scott watches nervously as Shelby and you sit at the bleachers, taking a deep breath as Shelby discreetly nods and Scott starts to play. Your gaze moves to Scott, and a small smile grows on your face. Seeing Scott play football was cute to you. Despite being an ex-football captain, he still never lost his love for the sport, and you admire him for that.
Shelby notices your stare and chuckles, looking at Scott and back at you. "You eyeing Scott?" Your cheeks heat up and your eyes land on her, shaking your head as your face gets all flushed up. "No- well yeah, but not in that way! He's my friend; I just want to watch him."
Your gaze moves back to the two boys playing, and you swear you saw Scott wink at you, but maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you; he probably got something in his eye.
But you didn't even have time to think because the football started flying towards you, and Scott's amazing plan came crashing down as soon as the ball hit him right in the face.
"Scott!" You yell out and rush down to him with Shelby. He lets out a loud groan and covers his face. He's never felt so much pain and embarrassment before. "Auggie, fuck!" He groans out. "I didn't mean to, I- I'm sorry!" Auggie frowns and looks at the two, watching as you take Scott into your arms and prop your leg up for him to rest on.
"Shit- Scott, move your hand." You frown and try to move his hand, watching as a crowd of people form, someone rushing to grab Peter. Scott whines and shakes his head, saying something about how it really hurt, but it's muffled from his hands.
"C'mon, please? I swear the pain will be gone soon; I need to see how bad it is." You were trying to stay calm for the both of you, and after a moment, he moves his hands away to reveal a bleeding nose and some tears.
You wince and help him stand up. With the help of Shelby and Auggie, you guys safely bring him to the girls rooms and onto your bed, hurrying off to the bathroom while the two find something that could help Scott besides a wet rag.
You return to him on the bed and move his hand away. A small hiss escapes you, and you start to clean him up. The silence was killing you after a while, so you mumbled out, "That was stupid, y'know?"
He looks at you with an annoyed expression and scoffs, trying not to move too much as you clean his nose and check if it is broken. "Well, I'm sorry for saving your life," he says sarcastically, clearly upset that you didn't appreciate him saving you. Maybe his plan was just stupid.
"I mean, I appreciate it, but look at you now." You frown and place the rag on your side table, grabbing some tissues to clean the spot better. "Why'd you do it? Ruin your oh-so-perfect face for me?" He smirks and looks at you. "You like my face, huh?" You roll your eyes, and he lets out a small laugh as you punch his arm.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it." He lets his laughter die down and listens to the two of you breathing. It calmed him down to hear your breath, especially because he definitely needed to calm down. He took a deep breath and calmly let out, "Because I love you."
You stop your arm and move your gaze from his nose to his gaze, which was locked onto yours. You couldn't tell if it was because he was frozen in embarrassment or because he wanted to show you he really meant it; either way, it left you shocked.
How does he like you? He's made it very clear that he has some hatred towards you , so it didn't make sense. "But the way you act around me—" he quickly interrupted you. "It's because I'm insecure." He sighs and looks down at his hands, feeling the embarrassment creep up on him.
"You're just so- so gorgeous. You make everyone smile and laugh; it's like the goddamn sun. You shine so bright, and I can't help but feel this jealousy towards you because everyone gets to experience all of that." Although he didn't outright say it, it was clear to you that he was jealous, and it was incredibly adorable.
You let out a soft laugh, and at first he thought you were laughing at him, but a small smile formed on his lips when he realized you were laughing with him. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I feel like I shine brighter when I'm with you. You make me sparkle, I guess."
He chuckles and moves a little closer, sensing the change in tension, and he was sure you did too because you moved closer. "Sparkle, huh? What are you, a vampire?" He smirks and wraps his arm around you, making you roll your eyes and cup his cheek. "Just shut up and kiss me."
"Yes, ma'am." He smirks wider and kisses you gently, immediately crash-landing into heaven as soon as he feels your lips. They were soft and felt heavenly, just like he imagined. The kiss grew deeper but didn't last too long as someone threw a box of bandages at them.
Scott pulls away in annoyance but quickly gets flustered as soon as he sees Shelby and Auggie; he completely forgets they were coming back. "Congratulations, lovebirds!" Shelby smirks and moves her gaze between Scott and you. "But do us all a favor and get a room, will you?"
You let out a small chuckle and quickly helped Scott clean up, hearing the pair's footsteps as they headed outside. Despite both of you being complete opposites, Something told you it would all work out in the long run.
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taglist: none!
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gxllavichswhore · 7 months
Liam: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, because you're not going to like it
Stiles: Just rip the bandage off.
Liam: It's Theo.
Stiles: Put the bandage back on
Derek: I trust Scott.
Peter: You think he knows what he's doing?
Derek: I wouldn't go that far.
Malia, struggling to keep upright in their 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don't really think heels are for me
Lydia, pointing at her and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
Liam: crushes are the worst. whenever i'm near mine, i start acting stupid
Theo: pfft you're always acting stupid
Liam: yeahhhh, don't think about that too hard
Isaac: Stiles, could you pass the salt?
Stiles: Isaac, could you pass away?
Scott (to the new pack members): This is normal.
Liam: I'm kind of a handful
Alec: I'm also a handful
Scott: I have two hands!
Theo and Liam: *staring into each other's eyes*
Theo: *opens soda loudly*
Liam: We're having a moment!
Theo: and I'm having a soda
Mason: Well, you know what they say, when life gives you lemons...
Corey: Put them in a facemask
Nolan: Use them in a battery
Hayden: Throw them at people
Theo: Squirt the juice in life's eyes. Steal life's wallet and assume its identity. Now you are life and hold dominion over all. Your enemies cower at your feet.
Liam: *scared*
Mason: .... make lemonade, guys. The answer was make lemonade.
The pack: Malia, that was highly illegal.
Malia: Oh this is so sad alexa play despacito
Liam: We played Scrabble. It was a nightmare.
Scott: Scrabble? Scrabble's great.
Liam: Not when you're playing with Lydia, it's not. She put words like "ephemeral" and I put "dog."
Stiles: You're only dating Liam to annoy me!
Theo: No, I'm dating Liam because I like him. Annoying you is just an added bonus.
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belovedbastardremus · 3 months
I think something I'm never not going to be sad about it how UNDERUSED the potential of the chimeras in Teen Wolf was. Like what do you mean they're fucked up vaguely human experiments, and then we never talk about it again ?!?!
COREY HAD WINGS MOTHERFUCKER. Mason was made to host a centuries old French mythical creature. Donovan had gaping sets of teeth growing out of the palms of his hands. Hayden's eyes glowed like fucking glowsticks!!!!
Like, what does that mean for them on the daily ? What changed, can they still have a day to day life as they knew it ? Did their diet change, you can't tell me those bodies processed things the same way human do.
I continue to think we should have seen them live as a group, like yeah they have their homes but maybe they hung out together in between evil deeds. They could've be seen discovering the Doctor's lair, having Theo really explain what it means to be a chimera to them. It would have been absurd and hilarious, it would've made Theo killing them at the end to be much more tragic.
I have this headcanon that since they're inhuman and extremely resistent their bodies adapt to the extremes but not to the daily, like how science can be at the same time very mechanic and awfully delicate.
It'd be hilarious for one of them to be like "hey Theo I don't feel good" and have him answer with a straight face "take a glass of ac1d it'll settle your stomach's ph".
Or caffeine losing it's potency and Theo explaining to them how to do hard dr0gs cause it's basically their version of a cup of coffee. See, that is weird as fuck, that's suspicious, that underlines the horror of what the Doctors did to them. Imagine Hayden and Liam hanging out and she just does a line of c0ke like "don't worry bout it it'll help me finish my geography paper."
And at the same time, they're extremely fragile cause the Doctors didn't know exactly what they were doing. Imagine one of them eating something they used to be allergic to thinking "surely that's taken care off" and almost died the stupidest death in supernatural history.
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hanasnx · 1 year
Omg what is starlet reader was ewans daughter and Hayden used to babysit her when she was a kid
MINORS DNI 18+ NOTES: i rly liked this concept :) feel free to ask me about it more! i think this was a good broad start to it WARNINGS: dead dove do not eat | age gap | dark content proceed with caution | there is absolutely no predatory acts mentioned, but because the situation is inherently predatory i'm tagging it | sexual content at the end | implied smut | no y/n
! ── "Yeah, no problem. We'll stay on site at my trailer, order a pizza. How hard could it be?" HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN assures Ewan, who frowns at him in response, clearly amused. "Alright, I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." he pats Hayden on the back as he exits, and when he gestures to you, he tells you a simple "Be good." Your complexion flushes when Hayden lays eyes on you. "You ready?"
! ── "I don't need a babysitter." you tell him as he picks up a slice of pizza from the box, the strings of cheese stretching thin until they break. You have a raging, hormonal and proximity induced crush on your dad's co-star. Not to mention he's a total babe, and so kind. Desperately, you want him to see you as independent, as cooler than you are. You think he's so grown up even though he's barely older than a legal adult. "Sure you don't. We're hanging out." he replies so easily that you almost believe him, even though he's only saying it to make you feel better.
! ── You've always been so standoffish with him. You found any excuse to be around him, but you'd jade yourself out of fear he'd find out your embarrassing feels for him. Often you'd fantasize about him confessing his love to you— but had no idea how problematic that'd be if he did. Now, you're inside his trailer, alone with him, and he's coaxing you out of your shell by making you play one of his video games. It smells like a boy's room in here. "Ugh! I'm no good at this!" you cry, throwing your hands down into your lap. Frustrated over your lack of progress, you've been going around in circles in this mission for what felt like hours. It exacerbated your already heightened stress levels around him. Would he think less of you for not doing well? "Wait a second, hold on," His voice is surprisingly soothing, muffled by the pizza crust stuck in between his molars like a cigar. You don't realize it's because he's resisting the urge to leave you here when he steps outside to smoke. He promised he'd keep an eye on you, so that's what he's doing. Besides, he doesn't wanna be a bad influence on you. He reaches over, and you relinquish the controller to him, his hand grazing yours in the process. "Let's see here..." Instead of paying attention to the screen, you stare at where the point of contact was. "There, see? You had it." he tells you, handing you back the controller after he'd gotten you past your obstacle.
! ── It would be several years before you'd see Hayden again, but you didn't forget him or his extraordinary kindness. He had a way with words, a way of making you feel heard and important. That doesn't change at all— he hasn't changed at all. Besides the way he looks at you now that you're all grown up, established in the world as your own person. Ewan thinks to reintroduce you to Hayden, but he didn't forget your name. Exclaiming it even as he pulls you into a polite embrace, relaying to you he hardly recognized you, that you look great, etc. Just like that, your raging crush is back. Like it never left.
! ── It picks at you until you act on it, until you confess to Hayden you've always had a thing for him. You're both older now, which means you're not so ashamed of yourself, but can look back on it as normal childhood feelings. You're thankful your fantasies were never answered until now. "A crush? On me?" he asks in entertained disbelief, gesturing to himself. "Yes! Obviously," you insist, "You were always so nice to me. Watching out for me when my dad was working later than he thought. How could I not? C'mon," "I'm not judging you," he assures, and he shrugs, "I just... didn't know is all." It's apparent he doesn't know what to do with this information. "Does that make you uncomfortable?" "Yes and no." "Why?" He meets your eyes. There's a tentativeness to his countenance, a debate behind his gaze over whether or not he should say his next words, if they're appropriate, if they'll be received well. "Because I've got a crush on you now."
! ── Going through your normal stages of adolescence, experiencing the journey of discovering your sexuality, exploring it as an adult with your own autonomy— there was always that inkling in the back of your mind reminding you of your lingering childhood crush on Hayden Christensen. How you've never felt anything for anyone as intensely as you did for him. Those buried feelings manifest when you finally allow them to roam, sweeping you up and away. He'd invited you to his trailer to catch up, and you end up on top of him.
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phoeebsbuffay · 1 year
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Imagine you work with Hayden Christensen and… you fall in love with him.
Warnings: fluffy, comfort/light reading, filled with old cliches.
You are in that moment of your life where daydreaming about men in general has long lost any sense; when flirting happens you sabotage it: when you just enjoy solitude, even though there is this small part of you that never really quit that romantic side.
Nevertheless, at long last you are working hard, so there is little time to think about those things. You work so hard, however, that family and friends warn you about your mental health. But you dismiss their concern. You just like occupying your mind, is all.
Hayden thinks likewise. After divorce, romance has long disappeared out of his sight and mind. Of course, he engages in casual flings every now and then, but even so it’s been… what? Two, three years since he actually got laid?
Not that he minds. His return to “Star Wars” saga, or rather his come back to acting in general, besides his daughter, have been the main reasons to let him busy enough to such nonsenses.
But it so appears that destiny holds something different, though… And so, dear reader, we are invited to investigate how this will roll.
Today is the first day of the filming of a movie that Hayden is starring after finishing his work at “Ahsoka”. So as he arrives and you too, such paths collide.
You, distracted, just tumbled when Hayden, who happens to be nearby, quickly comes to aid you, thus preventing a worse fall to occur.
“Whoa whoa, calm down, take it easy Miss”, so he says, concerned.
“Oh thank you, sir. Disastrous me, uh?”, you joke in response, getting a smile from your savior.
“Aren’t we all sometimes?”, he chuckles. “Glad I could be of help, otherwise that would be such a fall.”
“Indeed. Mondays are…Mondays. Suppose my body has been, well, getting used to the routine”, when you realize this handsome man is talking to you, actually engaging to a silly conversation like this, you start to ask yourself if being that far from the single market got you mental.
But this is not a thought shared by Hayden, who, however, does find you a beauty, quite taken with your y/c eyes and your smile.
“It happens to the best of us", he agrees. "Specially after vacations. I'm Hayden, by the way. What's your name? I'm afraid we have not been introduced."
You smile, somewhat shy mostly due to the embarrassment of the situation. Nevertheless, you offer your hand for him to shake. As he takes and shakes it, you speak:
"Nice to meet you, Hayden. I'm Y/N. Are you working with us on this project?"
"Yeah. I got the main role, in fact."
It's when you realize...
"Oh." You try to mask your shock, but Hayden sees it--and truthfully he finds your disconcert adorable. "Of course. Welcome, welcome. It is indeed not a most appropriate moment for us to meet".
"Allow me to disagree, Y/N. The timing could not be better."
One smiles to the other. This is where the fun begins indeed...
You should know by now that if a conversation was merely enough you wouldn't keep every single detail running in the back of your head. What are you, 18? But could you help yourself, though?
When you speak, he actually listens; he does pay attention, he is there. He is not asking nonsense questions or anything of the sort. Because Hayden is interested in what you have to say.
Despite finding himself a handsome man whose company often brings you delights, you don't dare to harbor any sort of feelings mostly because of your old scars.
Yet, there is one detail that keeps hammering your head, bringing you to reason so you don’t get yourself too dreamy about it: he is, for all effects, your coworker. Therefore, all he can be for you is a friend.
And you force yourself to content with that.
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?”, he asks you one day. There is concern in his eyes, which leads you immediately to wonder it’s related to work, but the way he smiles at you at the same time makes your knees weak.
Oh, holy shit.
“Of course, what is it?”
“I would like to know what are your thoughts about these lines”, he shows you the script. “I’ve been considering changing some to this. Listen up.”
It’s difficult not to be captivated by his passionate speech. You don’t think you’ve met someone as interesting as him, or as intelligent. He loves what he’s doing and is always seeking to improve. You learn from these traits too, aware that you have always to be the best in what you do, but not in a competitive way: only in one where you overcome yourself by getting better daily.
Unbeknownst to you, Hayden appreciates that you do actually hear him, seeing him as who he really is and what he aims to be. You are sincere, kind and decent: qualities he appreciates in a woman.
But because you two are co-workers, all he can do is find excuses to speak to you because insofar he lacks the courage to ask you out. Specially because he’s still unsure how to get himself in a possible relationship after he got divorced—even though he’s been divorced for a long while now.
“I think you are doing a great job”, you tell him after you two share some ideas. “But I also think you are working too hard. I mean, so am I, it’s been crazy days. Do you like coffee?”
And just like that it comes out. You don’t even think twice, it blurts out naturally. Hayden doesn’t see it coming too, finding rather charming the panic that starts to rise in your eyes once you realize what you said.
So it’s reciprocal.
“I do, yes. This weekend my daughter is staying with her mother because it’s her grandparents’ wedding anniversary, which means I’m good with hanging out after work”, his smile spreads when seeing a blush coloring your cheeks. “Does it work for you?”
“Coffee on a Friday evening? 5pm?”
“It works just as fine”, you beam.
“Great. I’ll see you soon!”
It’s Friday. You try to act casually, giving double focus in your job. But whether you spot him acting or speaking to someone of the crew, your heart races and your body reacts in a teenage manner that makes you blush violently.
You struggle to be discreet but damn it, that owner of such a pair of blue eyes is too handsome. You sigh deep down and there you have it: the return of your romantic side.
“Hello, hello! Back to Earth, Y/N Y/LN”, you hear your boss teasingly calling you.
You don’t know, but there is already gossip between some of the ladies of the production part, because apparently you are not entirely discreet when it comes to Hayden. Naturally, however, no one is speaking it in front of you even if your boss is tempted to tease you about it.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been a little out of…”
“…the radar? Yeah, I can tell. Is there something amiss?”
“Not at all”, you lie. “It’s been an intense week, is all.”
“You’ve been working hard indeed”, he agrees. “Keep going, you’ll go far, my dear”.
He pets your shoulder before leaving you to your thoughts: certainly you didn’t expect to hear such a thing. But what do bosses know?
You sigh. At least Friday is coming soon.
Hayden dresses fancifully for this day, even though the coffeeshop you are going is one like Starbucks. He does want to impress you, though. Curious is how he feels alive after a long time off the market for some silly reasons.
But today is the day. Once his filming ends, he comes after you, praying he’s not entirely antiquing in matters of dating. However, every doubt dies when seeing how big your smile is and how sparkly your eyes are. Clearly you don’t know how expressive you can be.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Your heart races when he addresses you. A smile comes naturally as a result.
“Hey, Hayden.”
“Let’s go?”
“Yeah.” As you two walk side by side, you start to wonder whether you are a grown woman or what, because this man makes you weak every time his eyes are set on you. “How was your day?”
As he side eyes discreetly at you, you cannot know that Hayden is thinking almost the same. Charmed by your presence, your enigmatic aura draws him to you, despite his fears of starting a new relationship—or perhaps is he misleading himself in desiring so?
“It was good, thank you for asking. Had fewer scenes today, but those were more intense per usual. I suppose you could tell that because I didn’t have the time to come to you as the rest of the days…”
He smirks at how adorable you look when going pink.
The coffeeshop is not so far, so it doesn’t take you a long time to reach it. Once you do, you and Hayden pick a discreet table that are not too much at the people’s sight.
It’s not until both of you order for black coffee and a piece of lemon cake that you engage in proper conversation.
“Indeed I’ve noticed you’ve been quite busy. That’s what you get for being the main star”, you smirk in tease, pleased for bringing him to laughters.
“What can I do? I try my best”, he responds in an amusing tone.
Does it feel like it’s going too fast? Neither could tell. You and Hayden speak as if you’ve been more than friends over years. Without your notice—or even his—, he takes your hand and gently locks fingers with you.
Between one exchange of glances here, some laughters there, you just know. It’s scary, it’s frightening for sure, but you know.
He is the one.
So what now? Well, you panic internally and opt not to tell anything. Just in case…
“You’ve been dating her for what, five weeks now?”, says Ewan when meeting Hayden for some heads up.
“Yeah, I have. She’s a really nice girl, I mean… I haven’t brought to laughters for a long time”, Hayden smiles as he remembers the last date you two had together. “She’s funny and her wit doubles her beauty, you know.”
He chuckles.
“Hayden, my friend”, Ewan places a hand over his friend’s shoulder. “Why are you wasting your time? Ask her to be your girlfriend. I am surprised she’s this patient, honestly.”
“Well me too”, he admits it. “But I wasn’t entirely sure…”
“It’s always appropriate to have some good sense and caution, but fear only holds back for living… Don’t sabotage yourself. Go for it.”
Hayden looks thoughtful, but in truth… Maybe it’s just time to be impulsive again. Or not so impulsive since he comes to discover he’s in love with you.
And here come your insecurities again. You start to question yourself whether you got yourself in this too fast, if there’s something wrong with you, or even if you haven’t learned with your previous experiences in failed relationships yet.
All of this because… you’ve been going on several dates with him and nothing gives you the certainty that he corresponds you. At the same time, if this was casual he’d drop you on the first weeks because you are openly against casual sex.
So today you decide to break things with him. You don’t like uncertainties and your heart is already pained with disappointment when Hayden surprises you by paying you a visit right after you had breakfast on a Saturday morning.
“Hey, Y/Nickname. May I come in?”
“Hayden!”, you cannot conceal your surprise and Hayden may have detected your suspicious, perhaps waiting for the worse. “I wasn’t expecting you coming this early! Is everything all right?”
“Yeah, it is. I know this is unexpected but in truth there is something I wanted to talk to you.”
He hesitates, probably waiting for some reaction from you. As you say nothing, he proceeds:
“I know we’ve been hanging out more than a few weeks. I know it may seem I haven’t made my mind yet about us… The truth is always cliche, too predictable to be denied”, he hurries to short the distance between you two.
“Then tell me if it’s worth the waiting, Hayden”, you whisper, staring down to his eyes as he cups your face. “Or else I will leave…”
“No. I am not losing you, Y/N.” He murmurs firmly. “I love you.”
Your eyes go wide and your mind goes blank.
“You w-what? Are you sure? Are…”
He decides to give you an answer that will shush your doubts, doing so by kissing you fervently as he holds you in his arms.
From that day you both held the certainty in your hearts that you two are meant to be…
Epilogue: a year later.
Hayden watches as you take his daughter for a horseback ride, proud of how easily you bonded with her. The scene is precious before his eyes.
“Show me that trick again!”, she exclaims at you as you do some magic with a coin you had in the pocket of your jeans.
You are leading her over her mare in a green scenario, mixed with blue skies and different shades of colors that paint the walls of Hayden’s farm house. There, you live with him, occasionally joined by his daughter, precious Brie Rose, whom you get along just fine—and adore like she was your own.
And to spoil her a little more, you do as requested and she is brought to laughters. Not much later, Hayden joins you two.
“What are my favourite women in the world doing?”, he asks, hugging you from behind as he laces his daughter with a free arm, pressing a kiss on top of her head before doing the same to you.
“Riding a horse”, she tells him excitedly. “All by myself, see? Auntie Y/N taught me well.”
You cannot help at how she calls you and giggle softly. Hayden smiles brightly upon the affection she has developed to you.
“You know what, Brie? Do you think we could do this forever?”
When she turns her face to you two, you see a spark in her eyes.
“Of course! What do you think, auntie?”
You giggle quietly.
“That depends of your father, my darling.”
Hayden gently pulls you against him, a smile growing on his lips.
“Is that a yes?”
“When did I ever see refuse you anything, my love?”
And just like that a new beginning rises in the horizon for this family that you grew devoted to. One kiss and unspoken vows are sealed…
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thesassypadawan · 5 months
Lose Myself (Knight Anakin x FemReader)
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Summary: It’s been one month since you’ve seen your dashing knight, since you’ve last held him in your arms. Longing to say those simple words to him, you sing your heart out every night…until he returns to you. (Song that was used is ‘Lose Myself’ by JC Chasez)
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Just good old-fashioned love making…and Ani’s big dick.
Notes: Happy Hayden's (And Mine) Birthday Event! In honor of the man, the myth, the legend; I will be posting nothing but Anakin, Vader, and Hay stories all April long!
A little something for @kombatkid! It was truly a pleasure to write this! I had a lot of fun trying out this writing style!  Hope you like it! ❤️
Funnel Flowers are native to Tatooine.
“This next one is for someone special. Wherever you may be, I hope you know how much I love you…how badly I want to say those words to you.”
This music begins to swell. Gazing out at the small cantina crowd, you bring the mic to your lips…and begin to sing softly. Your mind wandering.
Yeah, yeah-yeah…
One month…
He loves Funnel Flowers, and…
He keeps 'em on his window sill
When the wind blows his smell fills the room…
One month since you last saw him…
Last held or touched him…
Last laid with him…
He dreams in color…
But does he know that I love him…
I'm swimming in my abyss of insecure blue, yeah…
Hands slid up your shirt…
Pulling it off your body…
Peppering kisses on your bare skin…
And I'm losing my head..
And I can't get no sleep…
(No sleep)
But if I reached out…
(Reached out)
Would you reach out for me, yeah…
Biting your lip, you watched him strip…
Slowly, tantalizingly…
Walls fluttering as he pulled down his pants…
Purring when his hard length was revealed…
Knocked unconscious, walking on water…
Cause I'm thinking of you…
(Thinking of you, thinking of you)
And don't you know that love's intoxicating and I need the abuse…
(Need the abuse)
Because I'm endlessly falling…
You're my destiny calling what you're making me do…
(Destiny calling what you're making me do)
It's all because I lose myself in you…
All because I lose myself in you…
Hovering above, face mere inches away…
He captured your lips, mouth melding with yours…
Kissing you passionately, deeply…
Fingers following and trailing the curves of your body…
Caressing, squeezing along the way…
Muttering softly…
“Perfect, you’re absolutely perfect…”
I don't want to be invisible…
I just want to be compatible…
Longing for something that can only be filled by you, yeah…
Hiking your legs over his hips…
His blue eyes darkened…
Length rubbing against your slick lips…
Cause I'm fighting with my confidence…
Build up my courage, give myself a chance…
Because the only thing I think about is you…
A whimper escaped you…
Soothing voice and words met your ears…
“Are you ready for me, hatari?”
Do you know that I'm here…
Do I even exist…
I'd dance on velvet skies…
For just the thought of one kiss, yeah…
Heart stuttered; face grew warm…
You felt like you were the only one who mattered…
The only one he would ever…
“Yes, need you…”
Knocked unconscious, walking on water…
Cause I'm thinking of you…
(Thinking of you, thinking of you)
And don't you know that love's intoxicating and I need the abuse…
(Need the abuse)
Because I'm endlessly falling…
You're my destiny calling what you're making me do…
(Destiny calling what you're making me do)
It's all because I lose myself in you…
All because I lose myself in you…
Lining up with you.
His hand rubbed up and down your thigh…
You shared a knowing smile…
“Then I won’t keep you waiting…”
Cock slid into your warmth…
Stretching you out so deliciously…
I see the beauty in your strength, baby…
And you fight to keep it in you, yea…
But I break down your walls…
(Break down your walls)
With my army of love…
(Army of love)
Taking a shaky breath, your chest heaved…
A twinge of pain shot up your spine…
Quickly overridden by overwhelming pleasure…
“Oh, Ani…”
Take a journey through my heart…
It's a test of fate…
(Test of fate)
As we hold each other close our spirits gravitate…
Let's drift into forever…
As our boundaries melt away…
His hips sat flushed with yours…
Cock seated deeply inside you…
Palms slid up, settling on your sides…
Squeezing and kneading hungrily…
“You look so beautiful right now…”
Thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you…
Dragging slowly back, your vision filled with stars…
Rocking forward, left you a babbling mess…
I found myself intoxicated by this drug…
Sent to my knees cause I'm addicted to your love…
All because I lose myself in you…
All because I lose myself in you…
Pace steady, near desperate…
Your hands gripped his biceps, nails digging in…
The feeling of him on top of you, skin to skin…
Fingers toying with your clit, tears pricking at your eyes…
All because I lose, I lose myself in you…
All because I lose myself in you…
Back arched as he thrusted into you…
Hitting that spot over and over again…
If you share with me…
Then I'll find you…
And I'll meet you there…
Down in nowhere…
Soft whines fell from your lips…
“I’m so close…together…”
A low groan slipped from his…
If you share with me…
Then I'll find you…
And I'll meet you there…
Down in nowhere…
You released all over his aching cock…
He spilled deep within your needy cunt…
Walls clenching to milk him for every last drop…
His hips bucking a few times before coming to a still…
Baby my life is yours…
Just open up the door…
I can't believe I found you, yeah-yeah…
Basking in the afterglow…
You shot him a beautiful smile…
Eyes shining in admiration…
'Cause if you share with me…
Then I'll find you…
And I'll meet you there…
Down in nowhere…
Pressing a soft kiss to your lips…
He muttered a breathless…
“I adore you…”
And gently pulled out…
Down in nowhere…
One month…
Yeah-yeah, oh…
Lose myself, yeah…
The room was silent, before erupting in cheers and applause. Scanning the faces one last time, you took a small bow. “Thank you.”
Leaving the makeshift stage, your heart is heavy until…
“Didn’t know you’d miss me that much, angel.” There was Anakin, leaning against a stack of crates…his arms crossed over his chest.
Your eyes lit up and a small smile crossed your face. “Maybe just a little.”
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you’re engulfed by his. Kissing one another softly, tenderly. You finally whispered those words that you had longed to say. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he muttered back, forehead pressed against yours. “Now what do you say we head back to your apartment? Maybe get lost in each other for a whole week?”
“Yeah,” you giggled. “Down in nowhere.”
@espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @cacti5539, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen
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flashfuture · 7 months
In 2001-2002 there were these little bits of Kyle Rayner's Green Lantern run by Judd Winnick that were heavily focused on sexuality. Mainly about Kyle's teenage assistant Terry Berg. Terry was assigned to help Kyle by the illustration company Kyle worked for. And they became pretty good friends. Kyle at this point in time lived in SoHo (Lower Manhattan) with Jennie Lynn-Hayden or Jade the daughter of the original Green Lantern Alan Scott. Jade for background is like a living Green Lantern ring and her skin is green because of this.
So let's get into the issue I'm going to discuss. Green Lantern vol 3 #137. This released in 2001
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So Kyle tells Terry he proposed to Jenny and she rejected him (they had recently gotten back together and she told him to slow his roll which he got but it still stung a bit) this made Terry very standoffish.
He and Kyle argue Terry says some pretty terrible things. Kyle yells at him for it.
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To which Terry starts crying and Kyle realizes Terry has a crush on him as he runs off.
Then Kyle's like manager? Andre or something comes and what follows is one of my favorite comic sequences ever. Modern comics on sexuality could never be this organically funny
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"God. What about you, Man. You're an unmarried artist living in Greenwich Village. What do you think people say about you?"
Yeah Kyle what do the people say about you?
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"Have you insulted anyone else about their sexual orientation this afternoon?"
"No just two, but the day isn't over..."
Very good Kyle set your goals high
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So then Kyle realizes he is the very last to figure out Terry was gay and thinks maybe he could use a therapist to talk it out with. To which Jenny calls him a moron because the only person Terry will want to talk it out with is Kyle and send him off to go tell Terry the truth. Whatever that means to Kyle
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Kyle's little cross "so" he's so awkward I'm obsessed. But Kyle starts giving Terry a pep talk. "And I don't really a lot of insight on this subject. But I do know this-- it's perfectly normal to ask these questions about yourself." And he promises Terry there is nothing wrong with him and Terry is getting pretty cheered up about it.
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And then Kyle makes it clear. He's real flattered however
"But I'm with someone."
"And you're not gay."
"No I'm not. And you're sixteen. And, like I said, I'm with someone."
There is a point here that Kyle is rejecting Terry on the ground of being a kid and Kyle is dating someone else. Terry is the one who brings up Kyle not being gay. Which Kyle confirms he's not gay. But this entire story hinges on Kyle having never thought about this and then sitting down besides a teenager with no clue what to say other than it's normal to question this about yourself.
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And the story ends off with Kyle and Terry joking around and a good hug and Kyle telling Terry he was very brave today.
[The next bit of Judd Winnick writing Kyle having personal feelings about sexuality as a whole is a much less feel good story. It's the Hate Crimes two issue arc in 2002. Which I discuss here if anyone is interested]
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
The last episode of Ahsoka-
Literally- blow my mind- I had to stand up at least 3 times cause I was just so ???!!!!! !?!?!?!?!?!?!!??
Words can’t describe
The feeling that felt - xD
calming down for 2 seconds the cinematography was great this episode and the pacing was a definite improvement from ep1, which filoni also directed! this played into his directing strengths a lot better w the action and emotion. i won't lie i'm still not sold on the show as a whole i do think eps 1-3 were okay i guess, 4 was a step up and 5 is like. wow ok go girl. also the way they used anivader in this episode made me rlly sad for the kenobi show bc that show should've been smthn like this, using him as a vision for obi-wan's development instead of the villain of the show bc thats a tired fight but hey! this is abt ahsoka not kenobi i digress. SPEAKING OF loved how it was actually ABOUT the titular character for once. anyway. going insane. i don't have too much faith the show can keep this up but i'll be happy if it can reach smthn close to this as it goes on
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fuji09 · 3 months
I'm seriously sick of people using the jokes and sarcastic remarks about killing Jackson as a justification for Scott to believe Stiles would actually murder someone.
Scott knows Stiles, they are brothers, they know each other better than anyone else. Scott knows Stiles doesn't actually want to kill anyone. He knows Stiles doesn't mean it. He knows Stiles' defense mechanisms and he knows Stiles jokes and makes sarcastic remarks to lessen the tension.
He knows Stiles would be eaten away by guilt if he killed someone. He feels guilty about his mom's death! He knows Stiles isn't capable of murder.
Now the nogitsune being a reason, I can totally understand, because both those boys have PTSD from that. Scott being overwhelmed by everything? Eh, not really a good enough reason to believe his best friend would actually murder someone, in my opinion, but I can see how it can add to the nogitsune trauma.
Stiles lying a lot? Also not a good reason. Most of the lies Stiles tells is to protect Scott and keep the supernatural shit a secret and also to protect his dad from the supernatural shit as best as he can. Stiles is always lying for others, even at his own expense and at the expense of his relationship with his dad.
How Stiles treated Scott during the full moon while he was handcuffed to a radiator? Also a stupid reason for Scott to believe his best friend is a murderer! Scott was acting like a total dick, he made out with Lydia when he knows Stiles has been in love with her since the 3rd grade, and Scott was super aggressive. Yes, I know it's because of the full moon. I get that. But also Stiles wasn't torturing Scott. In fact, while sitting there he was taking all the shit Scott was saying to hurt Stiles.
Stiles made dog jokes and he tried to keep Scott contained so he didn't hurt anyone. But how Stiles treated Scott while beyond hurt and betrayed by his best friend? Yeah, no, not a justification in believing Stiles was capable of murder. Stiles had every right to be hurt and angry with Scott.
The biggest issue was they both were not communicating clearly. With Hayden dying inside the vet clinic, this was definitely not the time to have this "talk". But Scott chose to do it right then. Stiles didn't start it, Scott did. Scott literally blocked Stiles from going inside the clinic and Stiles is bewildered.
I'm not blaming this entire interaction on Scott, so don't come at me, both boys were at fault for the miscommunication.
Also Stiles didn't trust Theo to tell Scott the truth. Stiles knew no matter how Theo spun it, Scott would be upset about it. The only one who trusted Theo was Scott. And yeah, Theo saved some of them and helped them, but Scott should have known Theo was lying when he said Stiles kept hitting Donovan over and over again even once he stopped moving. I know Scott was a teen, I know he had a lot of his plate, I know he had trauma, but he also knows Stiles.
Stiles got defensive because he felt judged, he was hurt, his whole world was crashing down because what was happening was exactly what he knew would happen if Scott ever found out, his biggest fear of losing Scott seemed to be happening right before his eyes. Being rejected by his brother and having his guilt validated caused him to spiral.
They should have to waited to talk. Have Stiles explain everything then Scott would realize Theo lied. But drama and angst is necessary for this show apparently.
This isn't to start anything, I've just seen more and more posts about how Stiles was all in the wrong and Scott did nothing wrong and it's annoying. Is Stiles my favorite character? Yes, but I can acknowledge when he fucks up just like when any other character fucks up.
Both boys were bad friends to each other multiple times. But honestly Scott believeing Theo is so out of character for him. Scott knows his best friend, his brother, there is no good reason for Scott to see Stiles as a killer.
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sammygems · 9 months
Things I Have Noticed/Remembered from my MCDiaries rewatch
I will be updating this as I continue my rewatch, currently everything listed is out of order, cause I've started writing this as I am on episode 64 of season 1 and I don't feel like fixing it to be in order, so sorry!
What the fuck was Garroth's "plan" he mentions to Zenix in the first episode 😭
Zenix seems to be younger then Garroth in Diaries, considering the way that Garroth talks about him, but I think in MyStreet, Zenix is either the same age or slightly older then Garroth, so far this is like, the only obvious age difference between the series (besides Travis and everyone else of course)
I forgot how entertaining Brendan's character is, he's far less annoying then I remembered
I love Vylad, but I legit forgot how much he was in Diaries season 1, I thought he was in it far less
Currently at the stage of Diaries where there is no lgbt+ people, i'm very disappointed by this (we haven't even reached the queerbaiting)
KC's character is....not as bad (racist) as I was expecting, still not great though. I'm choosing to believe that KC is from Tu'lu and Maid Cafes are a thing there, and "Kawaii~Chan" is just a stage name for her work.
Y'all know how Cadenza went missing and she was actually turned into a chicken? Yeah, the way Hayden, Castor, & Laurance talk about her to Aphmau makes it sound like Cadenza is a small child. But then it turns out she's the same age, if not older, then Laurance and Aphmau.
Aphmau should've just made Joh and Hayden lovers, I'm so serious, it would make the whole Cadenza and Laurance being "close like siblings" in season 1 to I think actually being called as siblings in season 2 and in MyStreet a lot easier to understand and make a lot more sense.
Why does Kenmur have like, some sort of romance with all the girls from Meteli??? He was engaged to Sasha and is stated to have feelings for Cadenza.
I love when the episodes open from Sasha's POV, and she goes and talks to Gene and there's just no voices. I love having to pause to read what they're saying. (this point is sarcasm)
The way literally everyone reacted to learning Laurance was blind was....icky. Like, I understand Cadenza and Aphmau reacting as like "we need to find a way to bring his sight back", but the fact that it was literally EVERYONE who decided he needed to get his sight back was so weird.
I don't mind Laurance ACTUALLY getting his sight back, but I wish it was done differently. Like, personally, I'd have him like, have to wash his face with the water of the fountain of Lady Irene.
Emma & Corey, Dale & Molly, and Logan & Donna are very sweet couples.
After Zoey and KC were able to turn Cadenza back to her human form, Zoey mentions that she "recognizes Cadenza from somewhere", but I don't think this goes anywhere???? I'm assuming it was supposed to hint at like, Cadenza's backstory.
ngl, I kinda wish we got more of Zane and Kiki's relationship, I really wanna know what side of Zane Kiki actually saw.
Anyway, Kiki is currently expecting.
Nicole (my beloved) has showed up. I've decided I won't question the logic behind her iron fists being able to break bedrock, and instead say that her referencing her iron fists just made me think of Ace from One Piece and Natsu & Gajeel from Fairy Tail.
I need to mention that in one episode (before Aphmau went to Scaleswind and learned about Lady Irene), Garroth says to Aphmau "by the seven", which I think she was hurt, but the use of "by the seven" is similar to how the same phase would be used in Game of Thrones or to how irl lots of people say "oh my god", so I'm really wondering if there were originally supposed to be 7 Divine Warriors instead of 6.
The way when Aphmau found Levin and decided to keep him and Garroth IMMEDIATLY decided he would be Levin's father figure.
The way when Laurance found out that Aphmau had a kid, his response was to play with Levin and say to Aphmau "you didn't tell me you had this little buddle of joy/energy".
That's all for now, I'll like, update when I have more to add.
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kteezy997 · 10 months
6 Months- Part Twelve, Epilogue//t.c.
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Warnings: okay this one just gets filthy, like tit sucking, female receiving oral sex, missionary, doggy, very possessive Timmy, light breeding kink, breast milk kink? Idk what you’d call it really, oh yeah and there’s cursing, and a cumshot
A/N: This is mostly sex I hope no one is disappointed.
18+ readers only, please
Two Months Later…
Hayden called Cameron to apologize for his behavior when they met for lunch. He sounded sincere, and genuinely embarrassed by the way he acted. He even told her that he was monitoring his drinking and that he was happy for her in her new relationship. To her, he seemed to be doing a lot better.
Cam responded by inviting Hayden for dinner one night, after getting Timmy’s approval. She didn’t need Timmy’s permission for anything, of course, but she didn’t want to make her boyfriend uncomfortable in any way, especially in his own home.
She was thrilled that Timmy welcomed the idea, because she had a new idea in mind.
Hayden, like Timmy, was a good guy with some emotional issues that he was working on. He had the potential to be a great partner for someone. And Cam had someone in mind for Hayden: her agent, Darcy.
Darcy had met Hayden a few times through working with Cameron. She agreed with Cam that Hayden was more like a good friend to her, rather than a lover. Cam had no qualms about setting them up. She would have bet money that they would be compatible.
Cam decided to invite Nova over for dinner too, so it didn’t seem too much like a set-up. But that didn’t really matter because when Hayden came in, he saw Darcy and they locked eyes, it was like instant chemistry. They smiled at each other, exchanging kind hellos. Everyone in the room could feel it, their connection. Cam was satisified.
Even Timmy was impressed by Cam’s matchmaking skills, “I gotta admit it babe, you’re kind of a genius.”
She shrugged and added a little smirk, “I just knew that they would hit it off tonight. I’m so glad that Hayden is doing better and doesn’t hate us anymore.”
“Yeah, I’m glad he came around too. He’s not a bad guy. I'm sure he was just hurt, but that's in the past now."
A little while later, Timmy got settled in bed, and waited for Cam. As she was coming over to the bed, he said, "So, you promised that you'd tell me what the book is about tonight. Spill it, Reese." he smirked.
Cam sighed with a blush, "Okay, here goes: it's inspired by us."
Timmy was taken aback. "How?"
"Very loosely, it's based on our story. Me and you. But he is a mafia boss and she is an aspiring fashion designer. He kidnaps her and gives her six months to fall in love with him."
"Oh, shit." Timmy didn't know what to say. He felt kind of guilty. The bad feelings that he wished away came crawling in, but Cam brought him back.
"You know, it's kind of funny to think of how scared I was in the beginning, and how much I hated you. That was only four months ago, but now I feel like I've known you all my life."
"I only hoped that we would be like this, I feel like you're my soulmate, Cam. I want to do everything in life with you. But I'm sorry for how our story started."
"Don't apologize for it anymore." she leaned over the bed, cupping his face in her hands, "I'm here with you, there is nowhere that I would rather be." She then kissed his lips. When she pulled away from the kiss, she said, "I have the first draft on my phone, want me to read something to you?"
"Yes, please." he implored her.
Cam read a bit of her smut from her unpublished book, Six Months, to Timmy. "'Don't provoke me', warned Nicholas." she read, "'I'm not used to being gentle'."
As she continued to read to him, Timmy got turned on. He started to undress himself and his girlfriend as she kept her eyes on the screen and stimulated him with her words and her voice. "I can't believe you write this stuff. You're just as perverted as me."
Cam grinned and then bit her lip as Timmy started to leave kisses on her thigh. She cleared her throat, reading on, "Sienna looked down, his cock was growing hard, but she paid his desperation no mind." Cam let out a soft moan when she felt Timmy's hands on her breasts, "She turned away from him, but he caught her aggressively by the throat." She did her best to stay focused on her words.
Timmy piped up, "So it seems that Sienna doesn't mind provoking him." he smirked up at Cam. "What happens next?" Without any warning, he latched onto her breast with his mouth.
"Fuck!" Cam whimpered, not expecting it. But she kept up the conversation, knowing that it was fueling her man's libido. "Well, he fucks her in the shower."
Timmy hummed on her tit, letting her know that he was listening. He wanted her to keep reading, all while he sucked her tits.
"Ooh, mm." she moaned as he squeezed the breast that was not occupied by his lips. He pinched the free nipple as he suckled the other. "'What are you gonna do?' Now Sienna was the one daring him. Nicholas was astonished at her disobedience, and he answered, 'I'm gonna wait until you want me, and then I'm gonna fuck you so hard, they will hear you moaning in Nevada." Timmy then bit down on her nipple. "Ahh!"
Timmy chuckled as he popped off of her tit, "You fucking whore. Stealing my line so blatantly for your book, huh?" he nestled between her legs, touching her wet pussy with his deft fingers.
Cam laughed, laying back to let him have his way with her.
"Fuck, just listening to you, I get hard. But that fact that you wrote those words makes me want to fucking impregnate you."
Cam moaned, and he slipped his fingers into her pussy, “Oh? You want me to have your babies, Timmy?”
“Fuck yes, you’re having my kids.” He pumped his fingers in and out, and rubbed her clit with his other hand.
“Mm, yes, of course as many as you want.” she rolled her hips, meeting the thrusts of his fingers.
“I’ll fill you with my cum, my love, and you’ll swell with our baby inside you. I’ll make you a mommy. I want my children to be as smart and beautiful as their mother.”
Wow, he is so into this, Cam thought. “Yes, I want that so much, baby. You know my tits will be huge when you get me pregnant, right?”
“Oh, god yes.” Timmy stopped what he was doing and leaned down, grabbing her breasts, “I want them full of milk for the baby, and for me to try, if you’ll let me?”
Cam giggled, “Okay, only if you’re such a good daddy, I’ll let you suck them for milk.” She was surprised how delighted she was at thought of her man drinking from her. “But the baby would come first.”
“Yes, I know.” He then kissed her, then he caressed her face. “I want to ask you something and you can definitely say no because it’s so fucking weird and possessive of me, but I’d like to be the only one to drink your milk from your boobs. You’d pump milk for the baby, and we’d bottle feed him or her. I just want your tits for myself.” He bit his lip, anxious for her response.
“Hmm, you are oddly possessive. But I kind of love that about you, babe.” Cam touched his cheek. “We can do that. No one has to know, it’s just for you and me. I love how much you love my boobs. It’s a way for you and I to bond too.”
“I don’t want to overstep. It’s your body. You decide what to do with it, not me. It’s just an idea.”
“No, no. It’s okay. I’m not even pregnant yet, so we don’t have to think about it right now.”
“Okay. I want you, now, Cameron.” he said plainly with a grin before he climbed over top of her to kiss her. He then backed down, burrowing between her thighs to lick her pussy.
“Mm.” Cam cried, shoving her hand in his messy hair.
Timmy lapped steadily on her clit for a moment before taking the sensitive bundle gently in his mouth and moaning, making her body vibrate.
She gasped, accidentally squeezing his head with her thighs in response.
He didn’t mind. In fact, he grabbed her thighs, locking himself between them and assaulted her clit some more, holding it in his mouth and rubbing it with his tongue.
“Yes, I’m gonna come, Timmy, don’t stop!” she shrieked, tugging on his curls with one hand and gripping the sheets with the other.
Just another minute more of his tongue fidgeting over her clit, and her knees were knocked together as she came for the first time.
Timmy came up for some air, finally. He panted as he grinned at her, pushing his curls back out of his face. He slid his cock into her before she really had the time to come down from her orgasm.
Cam writhed and arched her back as he pounded into her. His balls slapped her wetness with each thrust.
He put his hand on her, his thumb resting on her pussy and he rubbed her clit that way. His other hand snaked up her body and he squeezed her throat.
She put her hand on his wrist and they locked eyes as he choked her, all while he bucked his hips against her.
He moved his hand from her neck to her jaw, and she sucked on his thumb suggestively, moaning around his digit. Timmy pulled his cock out of her, and picked her up, turning her over with her ass up.
Cam gasped, then bit her lip as he grabbed her by the hips and stuck his cock back in her pussy. She snuggled into the pillow as he took her from behind.
Timmy thrusted hard and began to sweat. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer with his view of Cam’s ass bouncing on his waist. He kneaded the softness of her butt as he stopped moving and he smacked her cheek.
She moaned and steadied herself to back her lower half onto Timmy’s cock.
“Yes, baby. Fuck me. Fuck your future baby daddy’s cock.” He kept his hands on her, running them over her ass and hips as she gained some strength and fucked him back harder.
Cam threw her hips back hard, leaving loud smacks on Timmy.
Timmy shook his head, loving what she was doing to him.
She moaned, growing tired after a moment.
He took ahold of her hips, knowing that she was almost through. He gave her a round of steady thrusts. Gently, he tugged on her hair to raise her head up and she obliged him. He leaned forward and kissed her on the head.
Cam cooed lovingly at his sweet kiss. She whimpered as she felt his fingers on her clit, slow at first, then a little faster. He made her come just a minute later.
Timmy rolled her over, stroking his cock over her stomach.
She panted as she watched him, eager for his cum on her skin.
He groaned softly as his cock spurted out several drops of his cum onto her belly. Once he was finished, he captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
A/N: I may or may not have an idea for a sequel to this, if anyone would be interested?? Or should I move on to something else?
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @chalametbich
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garadinervi · 11 months
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For her, poetry is a social act, by Mickey Fridman, «San Francisco Examiner», December 7, 1977 [Constellations of Black feminism in UC Berkeley’s archives – Stories of UC Berkeley Library. Carton 6:50, Barbara Christian papers, BANC MSS 2003/199 c, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA]
For her, poetry is a social act
By Mickey Friedman Examiner Photo by Katy Raddatz
(Image description) June Jordan is seen in front of a chalkboard, looking toward the camera. (Image caption) June Jordan: The New York Times wrote: 'Whatever becomes of poetry in English hereafter, Jordan's poems will likely be a conspicuous part of it'
While many who write poetry do so for private self-expression, poet June Jordan feels that inner satisfaction is only half the story. For her, a poem is a social act. "If you hope to deserve the attention of anyone other than yourself, you're serving a social goal," she says.
At 41, June Jordan has published 10 books. She is black, politically active, a native of Harlem who grew up in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, where she was a member of a gang called the Royal Bops. She is divorced and has a son at Harvard. Her latest book of poetry, "Things That I Do in the Dark" (Random House) is a selection of her work from 1966 to 1976.
Of the book, Hayden Carruth wrote in the New York Times Book Review, "Whatever becomes of poetry in English hereafter, Jordan's poems will likely be a conspicuous part of it."
Jordan does not talk about other people understanding or empathizing with her poems. What her readers can do, she hopes, is "use" her work, implying an active partnership between writer and reader. "If you write a love poem, if it's a good poem, you've depicted your feelings with accuracy. If other people can use it, they come to a better understanding of their own love," she says.
Along with poems on blackness, politics and a gamut of other topics, a section of "Things That I Do in the Dark" is devoted to love poems — some of them passionate and lyrical, others, like "About Long Distances on Saturday," slightly wry:
he calls me from his house and the timing seems bad and I offer to call him back later but he says "no" I'm about to split for the weekend so call me yeah early next week or sometime and the answer is that the question is (isn't it) where are you going baby without me?
Jordan, very much the conscious artist, does not write in the "confessional" mode that "dominated poetry in the '50s," she says. "I feel that confessional poetry was a part of my life in my late teens, at a time when I wasn't really interested in other people," she says. "Most of us stop being teen-agers, and want other people to care about what we're doing. During the '60s, the civil rights movement, the peace movement and the women's movement served to propel us out of the confessional mode into a more political posture. In the context of these three movements, poetry received an enormous boost in interest."
Since language is one of Jordan's basic concerns, she has been empathetic about preserving the nuances of black English and not teaching black children that their speech is wrong. She has written, "… as a black poet and writer, I hate words that cancel my name and my history and the freedom of my future; I hate the words that condemn and refuse the language of my people in America." In her own poems, the cadences of black speech are often evident.
Jordan says she became a poet "as a result of reading Shakespeare and the Bible when I was much too young to understand them. I was influenced by the music of the words." She was also strongly affected by hearing recordings of Dylan Thomas reading his poetry: "It had a tremendous influence on me. It was almost as if he were speaking Spanish in English, it was so musical. My other big influence was Shelley. He's also mellifluous and musical."
One of Jordan's most pressing concerns at the moment is the deterioration of language. "This is one political struggle I hope I'm a serious part of," she says. "If we don't retrieve our language so we can trust it, the possibilities for interaction are gone. There isn't an alternative to words." Mentioning George Orwell's essay, "Politics and the English Language," Jordan says that political figures have been prime offenders: "The guiding principle that has been inculcated in our leaders is that they should only deal with one idea, and reiterate it over and over," she says. "Most things are more complicated than that. This is a public style of dishonesty that comes from the misuse of our language."
In these days when rhyme and meter have largely gone by the board, it is sometimes hard for the layman to judge what constitutes a good poem. Can objective standards be applied? Jordan says emphatically that they can, and sets forth guidelines in a series of questions: "First, find out what the poet was trying to do. What is he trying to have you see, feel, smell? Then, ask yourself if he has done it. Are the images hackneyed? Is there consistency in the kind of language that's used? If not, does it add to the impact of the poem? Are the verb tenses consistent? Do you feel the voice inside the poem is clear?"
Jordan is currently working on her second novel, "OK, Now," which will be published in the winter of 1978. "The idea is an enormous idea, in the Utopian tradition," she says. "It's written with a somewhat proselytizing attitude. It's about a commune, and land reform in Mississippi. I have to take it through good and bad times, enough so people don't feel I've loaded the scales."
How is writing a novel different from writing poetry? "In a poem, you can contain two voices at best. But in a novel, you can encompass a likely variety of contemporary Americans."
After the novel, Jordan wants to write a book of poems "that will involve getting to know this country. I think it's ridiculous to call yourself an American poet and all you know is New York." To help her learn the country, Jordan is considering moving to the Bay Area, where she would teach at UC Berkeley. "In New York, everything is so expensive and so dense," she says. "I want to come out here and see how people live when the environmental stress has been drastically reduced. I'd like to know how it feels to be able to park your car next to your house."
Page 22—S.F. Examiner Wed., Dec. 7, 1977
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residentdormouse · 22 days
OC in Fifteen (or Less)
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Thanks for the tag, @watermeezer. Sorry I've been sitting on this for a while. Didn't realize it was in my drafts til I went to post my chapter update. I really need to start getting back to interacting on here outside of living in the Gale Dekarios tag... Ah well, suppose the yearning rats know what they want...
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I've got one main OC that kinda just goes everywhere (the Stand, original worlds, Baldur's Gate), so Hayden Flynn it is:
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"You'll have to excuse my ignorance, not exactly a local."
"Just because he is what he is, doesn't make him a threat. Only his choices would do that. You do make some pretty questionable choices sometimes, though.”
“Yeah, I'm apparently an open book…"
"Hey, I don't think life is going how anybody imagined it would. But it doesn't mean we can't make the best of what life is now. If you need somebody to listen, well, just know I'm here."
"Ok, so I'm gonna sound bat shit crazy right now but..."
"I'm just trying to make sure I'm not imposing! Stop letting me babble on like an idiot."
“It's what he said… I’m afraid of who I was, failing at who I am, and I’m not able to help anybody… just wasting energy on dead men.”
"An ace can be high or low, y'know. You can decide when you play that hand."
"Woah there, pot, I know I'm a kettle here too, but uh, I'm using magic for healing. And maybe to catch a buzz. It's not like I'm flying around here eating people or some shit. Let's just keep things in perspective, kay?"
"I would have remembered none of this if you all didn't choose violence first. And that. That's called karma, my friend, and she is quite the bitch."
“I don't think you want to be the bad guy, but that's just a gut feeling I'm having. Like to think I'm good at reading people, especially stuff they're not trying to advertise. Besides, what's to lose? I look like an idiot asking for help from an unlikely source. What does it matter, in the grand scheme of things? I have to try.”
This is the first time I'm here, yeah? Maybe it's time for a monkey wrench in the gears?"
And I don't believe it would be a true representation with at least including:
"Fuck off, Flagg." (It's a staple.)
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No-pressure tagging: @cxttlefishcxller, @darknightfrombeyond, and OPEN TAG for anybody who wants to join in! (Like I said, out of the game, and barely leave the Gale tag...)
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stylezxsilvermoon · 2 months
mila's summer watches review list (ft...hot ass actors)
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hey everyone i've been watching a hella lot of movies with hot men in it (hence the pictures) and i wanted to do a review or wrap up list, because this summer i've watched an unbelievable amount of movies and shows this summer (like may to august) so yeah why not make a list! and maybe rate some of them!
(not in chronological order at all)
hayden christensen
factory girl
shatterd glass
life as a house
virgin territory
little italy
vanishing on 7th street
higher ground (show)
american heist
little italy
hayden christensen faves:
i might be a bit bias (i am) (denial) but i really did semi-like everything hayden was in, although some of it was a bit weird. but my faves that you should SO WATCH is life as a house (2001) i just rewatched it for the 4th time and its just such a classic coming-of-age 2000's movie about this edgy teen that has separated parents and his dad takes him for the summer, and its just a whole thing you have to watch it.
also not to mention higher ground (show) its about these teens that are troubled and end up at a summer camp for abuse survivors and druggies and it just goes so in depth about serious topics and i just love it so much, there's a tiny bit of drama but it's not so over the top its unbelievable, and its realistic too.
tom sturridge:
the boat that rocked/ pirate radio (uk version vs us version lol)
on the road
like minds/ murderous intent
sweetbitter (show)
3 way junction
waiting for forever
effie gray
tom sturridge faves:
literally just the boat that rocked/pirate radio (2009), its so good, its about these middle aged men who start an illegal radio channel on a boat, and the godson of one of them is tom sturridge's character and it takes off from there, also set in the 60s...and made in 2009...so ehem...ya know...
but still really good! fun fact this was the first tom sturridge movie i watched and it's still my fave! also another fun fact you can literally find all of waiting for forever full movie on youtube uploaded by some random person here (not a rick roll, literally the full movie no joke)
mike faist:
(not that many since i just got into him but he still makes the list lol)
panic (show)
west side story
the atlantic city story
i can i will i did
mike faist faves:
ok so we probably all know challengers is gonna sweep right..right? yeah but actually WRONG it was panic (2021) but challengers (2024) is a close 2nd for me, the reason being i did not get it at all first watch, but i watched some movie reviews on it and watched the interviews with the cast and i actually was like wow this is deeper than i thought (mainly bc i just hated tashi the whole movie) lol blame my probably ocd high morality and anxiety that was PROBABLY flaring while watching it but its just! a character! so we can look at it from a regular standpoint
but yeah, panic just had me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time and it was such a good show, im sad it got cancelled but what I saw of it was SOSOSO good I'm clawing at the walls of my enclosure
and yeah to wrap this post up I just wanna say all 3 of these men are insanely talented and I'm looking forward to watching all of their movies and shows...and out of all of them in total I'd say my favorite one is probably life as a house (2001) and it just captured those summer vibes for me and it was one of the (1st? I think) movies I watched of hayden's that started this ENTIRE thing, this monstrosity of me foaming at the mouth for these fine ass men and posting about it several times lmfao
and btw moots! And ppl who I don't follow or don't follow me feel free to talk about any of these that were mentioned because they were all a joy to watch some more than others obviously
other things i watched that aren't hayden/tom/mike related:
black clover
young justice
and bro black clover (anime) is SO good literally my favorite show of 2024 if you haven't watched it you need to show-wise is my favorite rn and blows these out of the water in enjoyment but that's just bc I watched it literally since like may 2024 @blackclovershowrunners SEASON 5 NEOWWW!!!?? I DONT WANT ANOTHER DANG MOVIE I WANT SEASON 5 (take ur time tho so it's good)
also for fun, here's a poll:
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