#Yeah this guy does ballet
cheezyharu · 2 years
Today's my OC's birthday but I'm too busy to do proper art so here's a stupid mini comic about him
Happy birthday, Aziel Rosemary
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mangoisms · 1 year
weird question. but in ur opinion, what major would tim do at college? I was thinking comp sci but making him a business major would be so funny
good question! to be honest.. i want to say it’s difficult to pin down any one major he’d choose, especially because i feel like he’s not exactly academically inclined, at least if he’s doing vigilante stuff? school was always a big issue for him hence him dropping out to focus on The Mission and that seems like All He Is Doing right now thank you dc editorial. but if he isn’t… comp sci is a good choice but for me, i lean towards maybe something like mechanical engineering? or electrical engineering? kinda feel like he has comp sci in the bag already from having to learn it/having learned it in his time as a vigilante (largely due to babs im sure!)
but mechanical or electrical engineering just because of how much stuff he created for his suit when he was robin and how he was always reconfiguring redbird and messing with all of it. although where those skills and that degree could be applied is Another Question Entirely. my best guess is — and this is probably super basic — with WE? or maybe if we want to have a little fun. somewhere like kord industries. or even STAR labs. or maybe a teaching position? could see him being down for that as he gets older
a little more indulgent would be photography but even if not a major i would like to think he at least minors in it or something!
business major would be SO funny because he would be miserable the entire time. i think.
but yeah! he’s just. idk. probably hates prerequisites. probably wants to take ten classes at once. he’d really need to slow down i think which is the goal. ultimately. for me. in any case This got very long my bad <3 i’m just. fascinated by him and his mysterious future
#this is not at all a weird question anon this is a question i’ve thought about At Length#because it’s not at all clear cut on what he would study in college or what he would do as a job#working with WE is a cop out and it’s very intentional because i think he knows that too#and it’s easy. right. so it’s not bad necessarily but it’s like. Expected. and i don’t feel like it’s something he would want to do#For The Rest Of His Life. you know?#wait i hope that doesn’t come off negatively. me saying it’s a cop out. i think it’s like. subtext. known. it’s like yeah he’s working there#and he uses it to his advantage to avoid questions about the future ESPECIALLT if he’s still doing the vigilante thing#and like with the others it’s fairly easy. jason the obvious choice fandom likes is english teacher#Me personally i like him as a nurse/EMT#dick? he’s not a cop idc what dc says HE IS NOT A COP. that man is a gymnastics instructor#or maybe. social worker. had that thought at one point#damian? feel like the obvious choice is something with WE but i do like the thought of him as a vet can’t lie#cass… she does not dream of labor. i do not dream of her dreaming of labor. bruce probably doesn’t either hes totally fine with her just#living her life. doing some ballet on the side. you know. just having fun#you know??#for steph. social worker. i think.#for duke…. oh god. i don’t know. i have Thoughrs. but i’m not sure if they’re correct#first one is counselor. but then i jump to he might be the guy to major in mathematics. OR! comp sci? maybe? i think that could be up his#alley? idk. open to suggestions#open to suggestions for all of these <3 if anyone disagrees. also god sorry these tags are so long#inbox#anonymous
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
hello! your writing is really amazing!! can i please request robby keene with a sweet hyperfem gf that’s a cheerleader or a ballet dancer? maybe how his friends + dad would react to him being with someone pretty opposite him that doesn’t even do karate. thank you sm and once again your writing is awesome 💕
I love this, it's so cute! Thank you so much 🥰
Robby Keene x Cheerleader!Reader
This is a little hijinks and silly fun, so I hope that's okay.
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"What do you mean you can't come to training on Saturday? It's mandatory."
Robby stares at his father incredulously. Not for the fact that he's already told him this fact a handful of times, but for the reason that he's pulling shit out of his ass. He's ultimately unimpressed.
"It wasn't mandatory until you just said that," Robby tells him, rolling his eyes. He takes his drink from the fridge, where he'd been stopped, and walks by his oblivious father. "And I've told you this a hundred times now. This isn't new."
"Where do you have to be on Saturday that you can't come to training, huh?" Johnny asks, following after him.
They walk the short distance to the table, where Robby is trying to study for his GED. His father makes that infuriating difficult, however, he'd rather be struggling through that than answer his question. Though it's been long enough that he's been hiding this secret from his father and friends. It's bound to come out eventually, so why not now?
"My girlfriend has a thing," he tells him, intentionally leaving out what the 'thing' is. "I told her I'd go."
"Wait. Since when do you have a girlfriend?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because my son has a girlfriend." Johnny smiles proudly as if this is some big accomplishment. "Is she hot?"
"I'm not feeding into this," Robby tells him, finding that question weird coming from his dad. He's not surprised by it, but that doesn't make it any less weird. "And that's not the point."
"Right, right," Johnny says, sitting back. He pops open a beer despite it only being four o'clock. "Well, just tell her you can't go. If you tell her something else came up, you won't have to go and she won't get upset at you."
"No," Robby sighs, shaking his head. "I told her I'd go and I want to go."
"Well, what is it?"
"What, like a pagent or something?"
"What? No. Just leave it alone."
Robby gathers up his things and takes them to his room, deciding it'd be best to leave the conversation there. Besides, he'd like to study in peace.
"Where's Robby?"
Johnny gives Daniel a look, his lips pressed thin. "He's not coming. He's going to something his girlfriend is competing in."
"Whoa, wait a minute," Hawk says, inserting himself into the conversation shamelessly. His voice as well as his next question draws in everyone else's attention. "Since when does Robby have a girlfriend?"
"Wait, you guys didn't know about this?" Johnny asks, eyeing Hawk and Miguel as they look back at him curiously. They shake their heads and his frown deepens. "Well, shit."
"So Robby is missing training for his girlfriend?" Demetri asks for clarification, though no one there doubts that he'd do the same if asked.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"And it's because of some sort of competition?" Miguel further inquires.
"That's what he said."
"Aw!" Sam let out with a smile. "That's so romantic. He wants to support her."
"Well, now I'm curious about this mystery girlfriend," Hawk grunts, smirking as he looks at his friends. "I wonder what kind of competition she's in and how much fun he's having there."
"Hold on a second," Daniel says, stopping the teens before they can get too ahead of themselves. "Hawk, whatever you're thinking, it's a no. Whatever reason Robby has for not telling anyone about this girl must be a good one. There's no need to overstep boundaries."
"Fuck boundaries, man. I wanna know who this girl is if she's so special to hide from everyone," Johnny huffs. Daniel glares at him and he glares back, then turns to Hawk and Demetri, the resident cool nerd and huge nerd. "Is there a way for you guys to find out where he's at right now without him knowing?"
"Well, we could check his snapmap and see his location," Demetri says, pulling out his phone.
Hawk watches Johnny's face turn confused and he can't hide his smirk.
"What the hell is a snapmap? Is that some sort of soundboard app or something?"
Everyone looks at him, then each other before Daniel lets out an exasperated sigh. This was not how any of them planned their day, but he seemed to be the only one complaining.
When they arrive at Robby's location, according to Snapchat of all things, they find themselves at some kind of arena. Johnny leads the pack of nosy teenagers inside but quickly finds himself lost as her tries to navigate the event signs that are posted around the place. Hawk takes the lead, deciding the best course of action is to follow the noise.
Daniel follows begrudging behind his nosy daughter, promising himself to keep them all out of trouble. He sounds like a parrot, repeating himself about how this is a bad idea and how Robby will never trust any of them again if they continue on. "Curiosity killed the cat, ya know."
It isn't long before a woman stops them. She wears a sticker on her shirt that says "Volunteer," but the stern look about her screams wannabe event planner or security, or some horrid mashup of both. "Excuse me, only family and school associates are allowed here."
Ever fast on his feet, Hawk said, "No worries. We're with one of the schools."
"And what school is that?"
Sam spies a board with a list of schools on it, happy to see a convenient option on the list. "West Valley."
The woman's attitude quickly changes. "Oh, are you with the yearbook? Your teacher said you'd be coming, but we never heard anything back from him."
"Yep, that's us," Hawk says, pulling on a photo-ready smile.
"Well, let me get you checked in," the woman says, walking them over to a table.
To keep up their little act, Hawk and Sam babble on about having "finally found the right place" and "getting their stuff out of the car soon." Everyone else stays quiet for the most.
The woman grabs a sheet of stickers and writes on them with a black marker, then passes them out to everyone. When she gets to Johnny and Daniel, she says, "You must be chaperones."
Daniel opens his mouth to say something, but Johnny cuts him off with a quick, "Sure we are." It gets them each a "parent" sticker slapped onto their shirts and they're permitted to keep going.
As they walk, Demetri scoffs. "I can't believe that worked."
They find the entrance to the arena and walk inside, hearing some sort of chant echoing off the walls. As they come out from between the seats, they finally see exactly what kind of competition Robby promised to attend.
A group of cheerleaders took center stage as they went through a routine on the mats. They wear bright smiles as they lift their pompoms into the airs and their pleated skirts swished around their legs. Off to the side, other teams sit as they watch with smiles of their own or talk among themselves, waiting for their turn to go up and show the crowd their moves. Upbeat music plays as the performing group does their thing, keeping the crowd in good spirits.
"Oh my god," Tory laughs. She grins wide, never imagining in her wildest of dreams that Robby Keene would ever date a cheerleader.
Miguel nods along slowly, still a little taken aback by the scene. "This wasn't what I was expecting."
Johnny smiles proudly. "Hell yeah. My son's dating a cheerleader."
"Your son's pissed off," a voice says from behind the group.
They all turn to find Robby standing with a small bucket of popcorn in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. True to his words, he wears a less-than-impressed look on his face. If looks could kill, they'd all be dead where they stand.
Johnny steps forward. "Look, Robby, you can't really be mad at us-"
"The hell I can," Robby cuts him on.
"I told you so," Daniel chimes in.
Sam slaps his arm. "Don't even go there. You came here with us."
"Enough," Robby cut in, gritting his teeth. "I can't believe you guys crashed my girlfriend's competition all because I didn't want to tell you-" he points at Johnny, "about her yet. And shit like this is the reason why, on top of the fact that you make everything that is in the slightest bit feminine into some kind of win to men."
"I don't do that," Johnny says nonchalantly.
"Yes, you do," Robby, and everyone else, responds.
He gives them all a look, but then turns back to Robby. He opens his mouth to speak, but Demetri cuts him off.
"The second you found out it's a cheerleading competition, you counted it as a personal win," he says.
"Shut up," Johnny huffs.
Suddenly, the music stops and the announcer comes on over the loudspeaker. "What a great performance! Give them a round of applause. We'll take a ten-minute break, so refresh your drinks and get ready for the great team from North Hills!"
People start to get up and move around, causing things to get a little chaotic and crowded. Robby takes the opportunity, with a major eye roll, to slip away. He walks back to his seat or rather stomps back once he steps onto the bleachers.
His eyes scan the arena but it doesn't take long for him to find the group of cheerleaders he's looking for. Not too far away, North Hills stands, going through some last-minute stretches before their performance. Among them, his girlfriend is drinking from her water bottle. Her hair is done perfectly, there isn't a single crease in her uniform, and she looks absolutely beautiful. Her uniform shows off all of her curves whilst keeping things modest, giving Robby an eyeful of her shapely legs.
As she caps her water off, their eyes meet and she smiles really big. She throws up her hand in a cute wave and he smiles back, momentarily forgetting his anger. He waves back and she blows him a kiss. Only for her, he pretends to catch it and press it to his lips, which makes her giggle.
On the lower levels of the bleachers, farther away from Robby but not too far that they can't see him, his father, friends, and Sensei watch. They're still equal parts curious as much as they are feeling guilty - at least most. Unapologetically, Hawk smirks as he watches the little interaction between the no-longer-secret-lovers.
"That's Robby's girlfriend?" Demetri asks, pointing out Reader among the group of North Hills cheerleaders.
Tory smirks. "She's cute."
Hawk chides, "More than cute."
"I just can't believe Robby would hide the fact that he has a girlfriend," Johnny huffs. He shakes his head, still in a state of semi-disbelief as he watches the group, studying the girl who looks to be his son's complete opposite. "A cheerleader at that."
"Gee, Johnny, I wonder why he'd do such a thing," Daniel deadpans.
Johnny goes to respond hotly, but the announcer comes on to bring everyone's attention back onto the competition. Soon, the North Hills team is coming onto the mats and getting into formation. They take their deep breaths, smiling big and pretty for everyone. Then the music started and they began their routine.
After all of the teams performed and the winner was announced, the room became chaos, but Robby could care less about the people around him. He makes his way down the bleachers to reach Reader, who is celebrating with her team by jumping with joy and talking over each other. They hold a big, shiny trophy as they squeal and congratulate themselves for working so hard to win.
She sees him as he's walking over and she lets out a giddy squeal of his name. She rushes to him and he catches her in a hug, holding her tight as she squeezes him.
"We won! We won!" she cheers happily.
He smiles and kisses her cheek. "I knew you would."
She pulls back, smiling at him. Her eyes shine as she looks at him. "Really?"
"Of course," he tells her. He has always believed in her. This is what she's passionate about, so how could she not win? "I got these for you."
He holds out the flowers for her and she takes them with so much care and admiration. "Aww, thank you! I love them!"
She throws her arms around him again, this time around his neck, and kisses him. He happily kisses back, holding her waist. He pulls her close, against him so that they can deepen the kiss and really share the moment. It's her day and nothing beats a hot kiss from your boyfriend after all the hard work paying off.
However, a whistle interrupts them followed by loud clapping. "Hell yeah!" someone yells and Robby pulls away annoyed.
He looks over to find his father and the others watching him. He glares at his dad, letting him know that he is not at all amused or happy with his presence there. In fact, the anger bubbles back up and his jaw clenches as he stares down his friends.
"I still can't believe you're here," he grumbles, cutting each of them a look.
Demetri and Miguel at least look a little guilty and remorseful, whilst Daniel practically chastises Johnny for encouraging all of this behavior and invasion of privacy. Tory looks amused as all Hell while Hawk takes the moment to shamelessly check out some of Reader's friends.
Sam smiles kindly. "Well, all of our meddling aside, I think it's sweet you skipped practice to be here."
Robby wants to roll his eyes, but Reader grabs onto his jacket and catches his attention. He looks at her and almost melts.
"You missed your practice for me?" she asked cutely.
He hums and gives a little shrug like it isn't a big deal. "I told you I'd be here."
"Aww," she lets out, smiling wide. She plants a big kiss on his cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark there.
He blushes as his friends watch, but he can't bring himself to care too much with her in his arms. She makes it impossible to be a grump when she's around, easily the best part of his days.
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evilminji · 6 months
Broadway :3c
And I hear ya. (Insert spooky joke here) There is a sprawling WEB of central hubs, for The Arts. For trade. For getting drunk and having a good time. The Zone is large and it is endless. You'll NEVER reach the far end. It can never reach you.
All things, in gentle sweeping waves, across eternity.
So when folks want to have "a market" or "a movie theater" or "the waterpark"? You gotta PICK a point on the endless map. Figure if you are close or far enough away for others like it, to make it worth the effort to build.
You might even be the first to do it for GALAXIES in any direction! People might fly for WEEKS to come to your place! Move their Lairs to be closer too it. Like dust gathered by gravity, slowly creating planets and stars. A mega Lair. A CITY.
They rise, they fall, the Zone shifts all the while.
Does the dead starlet stop singing? Does getting gunned down, stop the show?? I think NOT! Where is her STAGE? What musicals? What dramas? What operas and tragedies and forms unknown to human kind??! Ballet dancers who CAN defy gravity! Singers who have no NEED for air! The haunting blend of instruments, that could never in life have met! From empires long turned to ASH!
The greatest show in DEATH!
Ember was a world wide hit. Yes, her voice was hypnotic. But that could be FOUGHT. It was SKILL that carried the game. And she was hardly "I was Literally The Greatest My Planet Ever Produced" skilled. She was good, great even. Not "I was Born For Greatness" Excellence.
And like?
.....eventually? Danny's gonna ask after "cultural-y" Culture stuff. Clothes and food. Music and the arts. To help his parents get used to the whole "our son is half-dead" thing. To show he's not some mindless monster now.
And? Ghostwriter? Probably an absolute legend. Does he know where you can find some CULTURE? Oh THANK ZONE! He thought you'd NEVER ask! You unsophisticated-! *fist fight in a library* Still a dick, though. Always and forever.
And just? Imagine Broadway stretched out into a floating city. That never sleeps. Never stops. Shows ever changing. Some on a cycle, some only once. Dream-like. Beautiful. Eye catching.
And yeah, Danny didn't think he LIKED musicals. It was more of a Jazz thing. But? This was important! Gotta get the whole family in the Speeder. We're going to see a play, guys! We'll pick when we get there! Family road trip! Educational! We can make notes!
His parents are trying to be supportive. Big, fixed, strained grins. Trying to pretend to be excited. But they... DO seem reluctantly intrigued? And Jazz is all but vibrating in her seat. It's basically her "before you go away to college" present. And she is THRILLED.
The longer she excitedly speculates? The more into it she gets their folks. This IS gonna be new! Exciting! Never before seen Ghost Culture! Music! As a FAMILY! Think we could find souvenirs? Ooooh, wonder if they sell CDs??!
Then? They GET there. And it's... it's like seeing the Las Vegas strip for the first time, except multiplied into a city. Made of even MORE styles and eras. At angles gravity would never allow.
The air filled with laughter and excitement, people rushing to shows or humming bits of tunes. Street stalls. Fountains. Flowers growing everywhere.
They could stay for months and not even reach a fraction of these buildings. His parents are taking countless photos. His sister squeeling with joy as she races for an information kiosk like they just arrived at Disneyland. He, at least, remembers to lock up the Speeder. Grab their day bags.
When did HE become the responsible one?
The argue over shows. Obviously. Wouldn't be Fenton's otherwise. HE wants to see the alien one. It's from mars! But it's his sister's trip, as his dad points out, so she gets to choose. She picks a musical set during the Fall of Krpton. He's... reluctantly kinda interested. I mean, EVERYBODY likes Superman, right?
It's... it's amazing. Terrible, but amazing. I mean? A coming of age story cut tragically short? Oof. Hello, massively projecting then getting FEELS about it! Yeah, sure, rip my heart out why don't you? He's fine. No, really! Just drowning in his own emotions over here. The refrain of "A Life Well Lived"? *gargling dying whale noises* he's FINE. Not grappling with anything! Go on without him!
They DO sell CDs.
He... he may end up, kinda, getting a bit of a collection. Going on the weekends, hoping show to show. Wandering to whichever catches his eye in the moment. Buying the CDs for one's he likes. Which? Honestly is a lot of them. Even though there's all sorts of genres and languages. Cause it... it RESONATES you know?
The grief. The anger. The "I have died but I wasn't FINISHED. It isn't FAIR.". And? Something about ghost speak flows so BEAUTIFULLY in song? It's hard to explain. But he... he needs them.
A pair of headphones, a CD, and a clear night sky? Nothing touches it. It's like a trance made of light. Like he can just drift.
The problem? Is the CDs are kinda... Zone made? They're radioactive, for one. Nothing a Fenton CD player can't handle. But... they? Also? Kinda fuckin GLOW? Like... very, very noticeably. And not in a "ha ha, cool glow in the dark paint!" Sorta way.
.........but like FUCK is he leaving his music behind when he goes to college. Gotham will have to deal. It's already a burning shit-nado, it can handle this. Probably. He'll put um in a lead lined box. Actually, speaking OF.... he needs to get a few more of those... *goes back to packing*
Which? Is how? The Bats are treated to some of the most HAUNTING music they've ever heard, belted and crooned from Some Guy's speakers, out an open window, on the "stop for a mid-patrol drink of water and a snack" building. It's one of the intersections of their patrol routes. And THAT? That is some dude listening to a Romani ballad about death and the circus. Now it's a musical about the trenches of an obscure war.
Okay, that was DEFINITELY Kryptonian. Like... coherent Krypto- *Bruce gets a call from Clark on his "work" number DEMANDING to know where that is coming from. Who is that voice Bruce?!* huh.... Well Then.
@hdgnj @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @babbling-babull @spidori @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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marlenesluv · 1 year
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۵pairing: fem!albonsibling!ballerina x platonic f1 grid. slight readerxlandonorris
۵type: social media au
۵authors note: i’m super excited to continue this! i’m hoping it will be a little series :) also, the picture for the series has my main blog name but i’m too lazy to change it lolz.
۵warnings: slight language
۵summary: y/n albon and her partner seem to have a little fall out…how will her fans and friends react?
۵this is part 2! please read part 1 before this (it’s my work, just on my main blog)
masterlist here -> masterlist link
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liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc, and 838,103 others
y/n.albon: solo practice mornings 🩰
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user9: no ben…?
↳ user2: he’s been kinda absent as of lately…
lilymhe: you look like an angel
↳ y/n.albon: i love you more than i love alex
↳ alex_albon: excuse me??
user5: the bell jar? someone cooked here
user3: solo???
landonorris: i’ll just come to your studio and keep you company!
↳ y/n.albon: yeah, you can not do that. my ballet instructor would literally kick you out
↳ landonorris: oh😟
user8: anyone else notice that ben hasn’t liked any of y/n’s recent posts?
↳ user6: yeah, i noticed that too!
↳ user8: kinda suspicious since they usually always like and comment on each others posts…
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liked by destinyyy and 251,007 others
bens.insta: a day with my love 💓
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destinyyy: i love you💓
↳ bens.insta: i love you more💓
user4: wait a damn minute…..
user7: y/n and ben practiced everyday together since they were 16, and he stops to go on a date??
f1updatepage: oh boy, drama is upon us, folks
↳ user2: you got that right
user9: ben ditches y/n for his gf and lando said he would come over to keep her company? idk. i wish lando was a ballet dancer fr
↳ user1: LMAO SAME. he seems much more reliable
user0: this is some crazy shit right here
user7: so..are y/n and ben partners, orrrr?
↳ user8: they didn’t say they weren’t, but here ben is, posting his gf when he should be at the studio?
yourinstagram story
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seen by landonorris, danielricciardo, and 789,024 others
F1 Updates @f1updatepage • 5hr
Y/N Albon has recently posted her solo practices on social media, leaving fans speculating. Her ballet partner of 8 years, Ben, went on a date while she was practicing. Fans believe that Ben and Y/N might have stopped being partners since Bens girlfriend, Destiny, came into the picture. What do you think?
↳ Y/N FanPage @y/n4lifeee • 5hr
I think Y/N deserves a ballet partner who she can rely on😭 If Ben actually left because of his girlfriend, that’s not only rude to Y/N, but stupid. They are amazing together, but whatever. His call I guess.
↳ Ferrari Fans @ferrariclassics • 5hr
Ben is a piece of shit. That’s what I think😙
↳ Carlando Babe @carlandocontent • 4hr
We should just wait for Y/N or Ben to speak out about whether they are partners or not. Speculating does no harm, but it’s just a never ending circle of ‘what if’s’.
↳ Albon Siblings!!! @albonsibsupdates • 4hr
As much as I like Ben and Y/N as a duo for ballet, I don’t like when Y/N has to solo practice. She deserves the best, not some half-assed guy who’s too busy with his gf.
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liked by y/n.albon, charles_leclerc, and 389,240 others
tagged: y/n.albon, charles_leclerc
lando.jpg: grid party🍾
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user8: y/n is at party with the grid??
↳ user2: this is suchhh a slay
flupdates: this wasn’t on my bingo card but i’m living
y/n.albon: last night was sm fun
↳ landonorris: do you remember anything?
↳ y/n.albon: ummm.. next question
alex_albon: ive never seen my sister so shit faced
↳ lilymhe: i have
↳ y/n.albon: omg lily
↳ alex_albon: wdym, lily?
↳ lilymhe: uhhhhh jk
user4: lily exposing y/n time
user7: HELP😭 who’s pouring champagne in y/n’s mouth💀
↳ user6: looks like kika LMAOOO
user1: i love how close y/n is to the grid
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liked by destinyyy and 190,377 others
bens.insta: hi, guys! a lot of stuff has been going around on the internet and i wanna set some things straight. first of all, yes, i have officially quit ballet. but it has nothing to do with y/n and all to do with the fact that i am just not as in love with the sport as i use to be.
secondly, please keep my girlfriends name out of your mouth if you are going to bad talk her. she’s done nothing wrong.
lastly, i really do wish y/n the best with ballet. she’s very talented and i know she’ll make it far. that being said, no, we don’t have any communication as of late. things have been said that we both regret. i hope you all understand.
*comments have been disabled on this post*
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liked by lewishamilton, landonorris, and 1,012,004 others
y/n.albon: i suppose it’s my turn to speak about this. ben posted last night about him quitting ballet, which is obviously a fact. it sucks that i’m loosing a partner i’ve been doing ballet with for 8 years, but that’s life. friendships were made, but new ones can be made. friendships were also torn down. it’s unfortunate, but the ball was not in my court. i regret not a word that i said to ben. ending these types of professional relationships sucks, but that’s what it was. professional.
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alex_albon: so glad you spoke your part. you’re an incredible sister. me and lily love you
↳ y/n.albon: aww, i love you both too
landonorris: sorry about ben. should i bring pizza or indian for when i come over?
↳ y/n.albon: indian pls!
↳ alex_albon: you’re going over to her house??
↳ alex_albon: why is no one answering my texts???
user7: i frankly don’t gaf about ben. i’m more invested in the fact that lando and y/n are hanging out without the grid
↳ user1: REAL. like, plsss i need content
charles_leclerc: you’re an amazing dancer, you’ll find another partner!
↳ y/n.albon: ty charles!!!
f1updates: “i regret not a word i said to ben” and ben said “things have been said that we both regret.” like ben, babe, that’s embarrassing for you
F1 Updates @f1updatespage • 1hr
Quick update about Y/N Albon & Ben:
Both have made posts on the situation and announced Bens leaving in ballet. We wish Ben well.
Another side note that people have picked up on, is Landos comment on Y/N’s Instagram post. The comments insinuate that they are hanging out together without the grid in Y/N’s apartment.
Comments have been disabled on this Tweet in respect for privacy of Ben!
*comments have been disabled*
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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seonghwaddict · 7 months
ateez’s favourite positions — masterlist
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requested by anon. genre. hc, smut rating. mature. warnings. sexual content mdni, various sex positions, nicknames n stuff. wc. 768.
[ lilo’s notes . . . ] thank you for requesting~ i had to do research for this and like… why are there so many names for the same positions??? and some of these are such weird obscure names i genuinely stared at my screen so blankly cuz who came up with these- not only that but some of the positions i saw looked SO UNCOMFORTABLE??? anyways, moving on and if you aren’t familiar with these position… i suggest looking them up because i will NOTTTTT be providing any links 😁
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face sitting. when he says sit on his face he means sit on it. he likes how his mouths drives you wild and how you have to stop yourself from just grinding on his face—he’d lift you for like two seconds to encourage you to do just that. and you see that couch in his studio? yeah i’m not gonna elaborate.
“baby, sit.”
missionary. when he’s not torturing you with his tongue, he likes to fuck you deep and slow. missionary may sound very plain, but occasionally he’ll throw in a blindfold or some restraints. almost if the time, though, he wants it to be just you and him. he likes this position so he can see your face clearly, watching the way you unravel with each frustratingly slow grind of his hips.
“hm, look at you… so pretty and all for me.”
backseat driver. he’s not very picky about positions, but he does like having you in his lap while he’s gaming. whether it’s him ending a game badly and needing relief right there or you wanting to tease and distract him, he will always revel in the subtle arch of your back and bounce of your tits, having to keep both you and himself quiet when he’s on a call and playing with his friends.
“keep it down, yeah? we don’t want everyone to hear you like this, now do we?”
leap frog. he’s an ass guy idc what ANYONE says. if you’re telling me he won’t stare at the way your ass bounces against pelvis, you’re dead wrong. he likes to reach over and give your clit some attention too. yeosang also leans down to kiss your back sweetly while also fucking you like his life depends on it. guys i am DEEP in yeosang brain rot rn if i continue i fear i won’t be able to stop.
“get your face out of that pillow, pretty girl. let me hear you.”
spooning. i think that, yes, occasionally he’d like to be rough, but i will NEVER back down from my soft dom!san agenda. in this position, he’s able to hold you and keep you warm and make you feel good all over. the technicalities(?) of spooning you feels good for the two of you—your thighs pressed together making your walls hug him tighter. this is also a good position for him to gently fuck you to sleep at the end of the day. also: comforting kisses all over your shoulders and the back of your neck… he just wants to make you feel nice and comfortable and keep you safe in his arms :(
“just relax, baby… you know i’ll take care of you.”
tabletop. if no one’s around, he’ll risk taking you right on the kitchen counter. if that’s not possible, he’ll lick the bedroom door and sweep any items off his desk and take you there. there’s something about seeing you say somewhere and being the one standing between your legs and coaxing orgasm after orgasm out you that makes his insides feel all hot and tingly. this also give the two of you good access to kiss each other all over your torsos.
“i’ve got you, doll, just give me one more, i know you can do it.”
ballet dancer. specifically against a wall, or door, or window, or- you get the point. any vertical surface will do. one hand on your waist or breast or neck and the other hitching your thigh around his hips. sometimes he’ll be fucking you so well, your nails dig into the skin of his shoulders or chest—he really likes that.
“does that feel good, jagi? yeah? i’ll keep doing that then, but make sure i can hear those pretty sounds, hm?”
cowgirl. don’t be fooled, though you may be on top, he’s still in control. he lets you fuck yourself on his dick for a bit and when you close, he’ll flip you over so quickly you get whiplash. but that’s on days where he’s feeling like a menace. other than that, he does actually love the sight of you on top of him, claiming him as yours. he doesn’t have a preference for sitting or laying down, he’s perfectly happy as long he can see your fucked out and desperate face.
“there you go… you take me so well…”
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churipu · 7 months
𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐨! 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 ๋࣭ ⭑ֶֶָָ֢֢☆
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featuring. gojo satoru x reader
warnings. cheating (but it's not u or him dw, it's someone else lol), cursing, non-sorcerer au.
note. i was reading a webtoon, and the male lead was a ballet dancer, then i saw gojo in him. i feel like gojo will do and enjoy doing ballet, you feel me? and just saying guys, my requests are not open :(( so if you sent in one, it might take a bit of time to get it done
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ballerino! gojo who had to share an apartment with you because you're both broke fresh graduates — what more of a blessing for a fresh graduate if it's not a place half the price, with your own room? even if it meant living with a complete stranger who could actually be a serial killer.
"you must be y/n? i'm gojo satoru." he introduces himself, shoving a hand out for you to shake.
and you did, with your hand blotched with various colors of dry paint from your job— freelance artist — mumbling out apologies for being so dirty.
ballerino! gojo who was supposed to be in the same house with his long-term girlfriend since college, but she bailed out last minute. and when she found out about his new house mate — she wasn't happy the slightest bit.
"so you're the new house-mate?" she asks, eyeing you up and down menacingly as if you had tried to hit on the male.
gojo had to bring her away from the house. apologizing to you about it after he comes back home.
ballerino! gojo who usually does his warm up in the living room while watching netflix on the television, casually doing a split, hunching to the front, eyes on the television intently.
"you do ballet?"
gojo was startled to hear you, but he got over himself and nodded vigorously, "mhm."
"that's really cool."
ballerino! gojo who seemed miserable every time his girlfriend cancels out on their date through a phone call. like a one-sided relationship, except it's the part where he's actually starting to give up on her. but you said nothing about it, since it wasn't really your business in the first place. only focusing on your current client's job — jotting down shades of blue on the canvas.
"hey, you're good . . . is this what you do daily?" he sighs out, sitting on the couch you were leaning on after he ended the call with his girlfriend.
you nodded, "yeah, i draw for people."
"'ts amazing."
ballerino! gojo who went out one night to go on a date with his girlfriend, and is apparently trying to surprise her. but he came back an hour later with his tear stricken face — throwing down the bouquet of flowers he had gotten for his girlfriend earlier during the day.
the smile no longer on his face as he walks to his room, slamming the door shut before you could say anything to the male.
ballerino! gojo who acted like last night didn't happen and was casually doing a split in front of the television. shooting you a small smile when you emerged from your own room.
"are you . . . alright, gojo?" you question him, walking towards the kitchen to grab yourself a cup of cold water.
"sorry about last night." he mumbled out, head hanging low, pushing himself up — brushing his pink colored shirt and grey shorts.
"no worries. all of us have bad days." you brushed him off with a small tired smile, a few streaks of paint marking your cheeks, "how're you feeling?"
"good for someone who found out he has been getting cheated," he chuckled — scratching the back of his head, "you got a lil' something there," he points to your cheeks.
using your arm, you grazed your cheeks, "oh, i was up all night and fell asleep doing work."
ballerino! gojo who later in the day got so busy throwing everything that reminded him of his ex-girlfriend and whatever she had ever given him. doing it like he gets paid. hell, he even threw away a pair of ballet shoes that he still uses out of spite.
"what'cha doing?" you questioned, eyes focused on the canvas sitting on your lap.
"taking out the trash," he grunted tossing what seemed to be a pair of ballet shoes into a box.
"ballet shoes too? are y'quitting ballet?" the male chuckled and shook his head — and the moment you see a frame with a picture of him and his ex, you got an idea of it and said nothing else.
ballerino! gojo who for the next eight months, spends a lot of time with you in the house, doing all sorts of things. making breakfast for each other (taking turns depending on who wakes up earlier), cooking nights, baking nights, learning ballet — even learning how to draw. he forgot his ex pretty quickly.
"my toes hurt, how'd you even do this?" you seethed out in pain, curling your sore toes.
"ha ha. very funny, gojo."
ballerino! gojo who got to know you better, and vice versa during those months. learning how you had a passion for drawing and how you've always wanted to be an artist — or how the last time you've been in a relationship was during the early days of college and broke up because your partner then said that they weren't ready for a relationship (shitty excuse).
"so they just broke it off like that? why start a relationship when they're not ready? that's just a stupid excuse," gojo muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"that's what i ask myself. but 't doesn't matter anymore." you laugh, sipping on a cup of hot chocolate, chewing on a mini marshmallow you threw in just before.
ballerino! gojo who that night asked you out for lunch the next day, and you accepted. it was only lunch after all.
"uh . . . if you're not busy tomorrow, i'd like to take you out for lunch . . ." he nervously chuckled, scratching his nape. his doe blue eyes looking everywhere but at you.
ballerino! gojo who actually did take you out to lunch, even paying for it. but everything went wrong when his ex was there at the same time, the male actually thought of burying himself six feet under when the girl approached you both.
"i knew there was something fishy between the two of you," she muttered out.
gojo was pissed. as hell. he didn't even bat an eyelash at the person he once adored, a deep frown on his face and he scorned, "get over yourself, we broke up a long time ago because you fucking cheated."
his ex-girlfriend was mortified, because she never remembered gojo being this hateful towards her — all the time they have been together, gojo was always nice and understanding. too nice and understanding, perhaps.
"maybe you cheated on me with them before i even did." she accuses and you immediately jumped in, since she was dragging you into her mess.
"woah, gojo and i never had anything going on. we only started getting to know each other?" you defended, eyebrows perched up at the audacity of this girl, "and mind you, gojo was miserable every time you decided to cancel on a date a few hours before, and through a call? that's low of you."
gojo shot you a smile, "hear that?"
oh, the girl was embarrassed to the roots. muttering out curses under her breath before stomping out of the place, fuming.
ballerino! gojo who apologized to you thoroughly during the whole lunch, in between chews, and even on the way home — for how his ex-girlfriend caused a scene with you.
even if you did tell him it was fine, he said it wasn't. and he wanted to make it up to you, by prepping a movie night. the notebook. one of your favorite movies, you were absolutely down.
supposedly focusing on your client's work, but the moment he puts on the movie — you'd find yourself on the couch beside him.
ballerino! gojo when it comes to the movie's "not supposed to dance in the streets" scene, stands up and shoves a hand to you, "do you want to dance with me?" he invited you as the male lead in the movie asked the female lead the same question.
you chuckled, "you know, i don't dance. gojo."
he raised a brow, "everyone does. and i thought we're close enough to be on first name basis y/n." the male teasingly said, grabbing your hand to tug you up.
"do you know how to slow dance? because i don't."
he smiled down at you, "i do ballet, sweetheart. slow dance is nothing to me — plus, i've learnt how to do slow dancing since . . . years ago. i've always dreamt of doing this with the person i like," it was the perfect setting. as the movie plays out a soft tune, the male pressed his hand on the hollow of your back, guiding you along.
you inhaled his cologne, "so is this like a confession, satoru?"
his chest vibrated as he mustered out a soft laugh, "maybe. if you don't want it to be a confession — think of it like i'm quoting a movie."
you did pend his confession in your mind that night, thinking of it like he's quoting the movie as you both danced the night away.
ballerino! gojo who acted like he didn't just confess his feelings to you last night, greeting you in the morning, and even went all out to make you breakfast after he did his usual ballet warm up.
"hi, sleepy. i made pancakes, but 'ts a little burnt . . ." he laughs, sipping what seemed to be tomato juice.
"thanks, 'toru. love you."
ballerino! gojo who immediately froze when you said that, and stares at you. but there you were, eyes shut and your mouth full of his pancakes, gojo was sure you didn't even realize what you were saying. but still, it made him happy.
"did you know what you just said?" he chortled.
fluttering your eyes open, you shake your head, "what did i say . . ?"
gojo brushed it off, but really — he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
ballerino! gojo who returned home from a day out with a couple of friends to be greeted with a plate of food for him. you made it. with a small pink colored post-it note beside the plate.
hi 'toru, made this before i went out to meet my client. hope you like it, ps. i dropped a lot of pepper in it because the lid fell off :( pls throw it out if it's not edible, i'd feel terrible if you got sick cause of my mistake, i love you <33
gojo ate the plate clean, even if he felt the tingling spice in his throat. he didn't care at all — you made it for him, and he won't waste it. and plus, he didn't end up getting sick, so that's a positive.
when you came home that night, he was still awake waiting for you to thank you for the meal (and to ask you about the 'i love you' on the note).
"i know, i didn't answer your confession at all that night when we were dancing, yet. so?" you cheekily tell him, indirectly saying how you like him too.
ballerino! gojo who was ecstatic about it and kissed you right there. the male was so happy he could feel his whole body thumping in excitement.
"d'you know how long i wanted to do that? to kiss you?" he has a wide smile on his face, his large hands cupping both sides of your cheeks, squishing them lightly making your lips part.
ballerino! gojo who finally feels the love he deserves with you that he thought he'd never feel again. from the smallest things like you texting him whenever you were going to be busy so if you replied late you were sorry, or giving him a call (and leaving a voice note when he's not able to answer) to tell him and ask about his day whenever you both aren't together.
he feels like he's wanted and loved, "hi 'toru, i tried to call you but you might be in a dance routine right now so i'm just leaving this voice note for you. i'm not gonna be able to reply fast in the next couple of hours because i'm meeting a client right now, but i'll get to you once i'm done. make sure to take care of yourself and don't hurt yourself, i love you."
and you feel the same, getting the same feedback with the same excitement, "hi baby, sorry for not answering your call, i was in fact in a dance routine. i have a show coming up, i'm excited! i hope the meeting goes well for you, tell me all about it once we get home, please please? i can't wait to see you, i love you more!"
ballerino! gojo who shows you his ballet moves for his show, inviting you to watch him dance. and you, of course, agreed.
when the day comes, you are more excited than the male is. gojo didn't expect you to come, especially since he knew that you had a big client that needed their painting in a short amount of time. the male was used to his ex-girlfriend promising and ended up not coming, so he was a bit crestfallen at the thought of you not coming to see him.
but there you were, sat on the front row with a big smile on your face. waving at him when he walked in.
seeing him on stage, you felt so proud — unknowing to him, while watching him, your hand was tracing his every move. the tip of your pencil elegantly dancing along with him on top of your sketchbook.
ballerino! gojo who was surprised when you showed him a sketch of him doing his move. he felt so emotional at this new form of love. oh, to be loved by an artist.
"'m so proud of you 'toru. you were amazing up there," you tell him, holding his hand.
gojo wasted no time pulling you into his chest, hugging you, "thank you for coming," you didn't know why he was emotional — but honestly, you don't mind it so you ended up hugging the male back, patting his chest.
ballerino! gojo who now felt the love he has always wanted to feel. because he knew that this time he's not wasting his love on someone who doesn't appreciate him.
"'toru, look! my client gave me a tip, let's go get that pizza we were talking about!" you cheered, throwing yourself onto him, holding a few bills of cash.
the male chuckled, pressing a warm kiss onto the crown of your head, "my baby did so good, 'm so proud of you," he nuzzled his nose to yours, scrunching his face up.
he promised that he'd work hard for the both of you. hell, he was already thinking about marrying you a few months into your relationship, so don't be shocked when he actually does.
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tryingtofindava · 8 months
𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭*ೃ༄
tw: FEM READER!! And it talks about… well… smut.
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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A = Aftercare
(what they’re like after sex…)
Because of his CIPA he probably won’t be able to feel the affects it had on his body, so if you yourself aren’t too tired out…
You’ll probably convince him the two of you can take a cold shower to get his body heat back to normal. (which may or may not result in a round 2…)
Other then that he’s making sure your comfy and cozy, and the two of you will probably just snuggle the rest of the night or day.
B = Body part
(their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners…)
He doesn’t like looking at himself that much, and tends to cover up as best as he could. (Which almost always leads to him nearly dying of heatstroke because he’ll refuse to take some layers off…)
His favourite part on you (other than your face) is your thighs, he likes smooshing his face against them.
C = Cum
(anything to do with cum…)
If you’re on the pill he’s 100% giving you a creampie. He says he does it because it’s more intimate to him.
But if you’re not, he’s either doing it on your stomach, or tits. He ain’t wanting kids. (for more then one reason)
D = Dirty Secret
(its self explanatory…)
Not really a secret since you DEFINITELY know about it, but…
In his dresser drawer he’s has about 6 pairs of your panties. You discovered it when you remembered he had cough sweeties in his drawer and accidentally found them…
Best to just shut the drawer and pretend you never saw them in the first place. Or tease him about it. At least you know were your missing panties are now…
E = Experience
(how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
You’re his second girlfriend ever. The first being Natalie. And the furthest they got in their relationship was kissing and cuddling, so he’s got them down.
So you were his first time, though he’s not the most experienced out there… He’s a quick learner AND he definitely makes up for it with enthusiasm. But he’s so so very loser-y about it.
F = Favorite positions
(take a wild guess…)
Toby’s top 5 favourite positions not in order!!
1) leap frog
2) cow girl
3) face off
4) ballet dancer
5) missionary
Though he is up to try any position once (maybe more if he REALLY likes it), these are just his go to.
G = Goofy
(are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc…)
He tries to take it as seriously as possible, because you are willing to do something so intimate with him? Of all people??
Though he can’t help but be at least a little silly during the deed.
H = Hair
(how well groomed are they?)
He’s not shaven clean, but he hasn’t got a bush either. Too much hair makes him feel icky. But he doesn’t have to shave often, Toby isn’t an overly hairy guy like Tim.
He’s got a patch of hair on his chin, armpits, and legs and arms. And his happy trail is top tier ¬‿¬
I = Intimacy
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect…)
Depends on his mood tbh, if it’s been a good day he’ll be extra romantic and sweet, praising you and how good you are. But if it’s a bad day, he’ll be rough to get his frustrations out (and even if he is being rough he’s still so gentle about it if ykwim, like he doesn’t wanna hurt you, but like yeah<3).
J = Jack off
(masturbation headcanon…)
He doesn’t do it as often as ppl think, though he still acts like a horny teen. At least jerks off two times a week sometimes more if he’s had a rough day. And he’d be a liar if he said he hasn’t jerked off with your panties.
K = Kink
(one or more of their kinks…)
Praise is a big one for him, he’s more of a giver, but likes receiving it as well. Tell him how good he’s making you feel, he’ll cum 10x faster.
And although he’s likes to praise you, he likes to degrade you too. But only a little.
Mommy kink? Maybeeeeee… Depends if you’re topping or not.
Marking: He’s a total slut for giving you hickeys, he likes putting them in the most obvious places for people to see. Double points if you don’t bother covering them up.
Dry humping. Don’t be shy, hop on his thigh and get to work.
He accidentally discovered his Voyeurism kink when he walked in on you masturbating. He didn’t mean to just stand there and watch… it’s just… you were too pretty to look away.
Mans loves some bondage, tying up your hands and legs is like his equivalent to a Christmas present.
L = Location
(favorite places to do the deed…)
Up against the wall, the bed, in the woods… he’s fine with doing it anywhere. It gives him a certain thrill doing it places were you could easily get caught.
But he does prefer doing it in secluded places like the bedroom, or in the shower. Rather than in public. In his mind, getting caught in public = having to stop sooner.
M = Motivation
(what turns them on, gets them going…)
Baby can pop a boner easily… You could be doing the simplest thing, stretching? Boner. Cleaning? Boner. Just talk to him In general? BONER ALERT!!!
And when he’s deep in you, and you’re making just the cutest little whimpers and moans? He’s not gonna stop as long as you keep that up.
N = Nuh uh
(something they wouldn't do, turn offs…)
Pls do not call him daddy, it makes him feel weird. And he’s not into spanking. No matter how much you say it’s okay. He doesn’t see what’s so enticing and sexy about hitting or harming a loved one.
O = Oral
(preference in giving or receiving…)
It’s 50/50 with him.
On one hand, he likes going down on you. Eating away at your messy cunt. AND WHEN HE DOES…
God does it feel good, he’s got snake bites and a tongue piercing. Feeling the metal studs against your heat is just automatically orgasmic.
“F-fuuckk, I-I think s-she luh-likes me.”
If you cum fast on his face it deffo gives him an ego boost… FEED HIS EGO!!
But he also loves when you’re sucking him off. Your pretty lips wrapped around him… how couldn’t he love it?
“Y-you can t-take wayyy more t-then that.”
He’ll stroke your hair, as he tries his best to refrain from head pushing. He’d hate if he accidentally harmed his good girl…
Р = Расе
(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
He’ll start off slow, letting you adjust. But as time goes on he’ll just work himself up and hammer into you at an unbelievable speed.
Q = Quickie
(their opinions on quickies, how often they may occur…)
He prefers longer sessions so he can please the both of you. But, if he’s desperate… and you guys got places to be… It wouldn’t hurt rutting into you, right?
R = Risk
(are they game to experiment? do they take risks?)
Barebacking. Toby claims that wearing a condom is suffocating. Even though he can’t feel things like that… Good thing he doesn’t have a weak pull out game.
Public sex. He has a weird fantasy that he doesn’t stop, even when he hears someone coming. A part of him wants to make the poor person who stumbled upon you two watch as he fills you up.
S = Stamina
(how many rounds can they go for/how long do they last?)
He’s got a super high libido, and can last about 3 rounds in bed, and at least 2 rounds in the shower afterwards.
And that’s only if he isn’t putting in his best effort…
T = Toys
(do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or on themselves?)
He doesn’t have any for himself, but he has a small white vibrator he uses to tease your clit and nipples.
U = Unfair
(how much they like to tease? And can they handle teasing?)
He can only tease you for a little bit before he gets too desperate and has to take you the second it gets a little too much.
He himself can also be teased for so long… Before he takes matters into his own hands, and you teasing completely backfires on yourself.
V = Volume
(how vocal are they doing the deed...)
As he’s snapping his hips to yours, he’s babbling some random shit.
“S-so t-tight!”
“God… y-you love i-it like th-this, don’t cha?”
“Shit! Y-you’re c-clenc-ching!”
Half the time you can’t even make out what he’s saying. Other than that he just grunts and groans. ALMOST growling.
And bro WILL be speaking German too, it slips out sometimes.
W = Waking up afterwards
(how they are after waking up)
Though he can’t feel it, his muscles are slightly sore from pushing himself a bit too hard.
Besides that he’s gonna make sure you’re okay after the whole thing. And if you don’t wake up, he’ll just opt to fall back asleep snuggling into your chest.
X = X-ray
(let's see what's going on under those clothes(¬‿¬))
A surprising 6 inch, though not that girthy. Makes up for it in hitting ALL the right places. The tip gets redder depending on how worked up he is, leaning slightly to the left. With a vain running up it’s right side.
Y = Yearning
(how high is their sex drive?)
Bro is ABUSING The Operator strength, he can last for god knows how long. Without any breaks. He can go at it with you like a rabbit in heat.
Z = Zzz
(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He won’t fall asleep until he knows you’re completely comfortable and content with what happened.
He doesn’t mean to be creepy, but he’ll watch you sleep for a while. In case something comes up afterwards.
But once he’s asleep, he’s knocked out cold for the next few hours…
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
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XD @flurraz that's brilliant- clothing montage at the Carmine Compound!!!!
but it’s just Clara and Odette holding various weapons up next to Vaggie while their new adopted little sister scowls at her reflection and repeatedly says “NO” to the even more scowling reflection of their mom behind her
Vaggie: “Yeah no. I’m not wielding that.”
Clara: “It has spikes!”
Odette: “And hand protection.”
Clara: “And SPIKES.”
Vaggie: “Great, I could stab myself while swinging it around.”
Carmilla: “Only if you are terrible at it.”
Vaggie: (glaring) “Well I already know I’m not terrible with my spear, so I’m sticking with that.”
Carmilla: (Glowers) (goes back to pretending to check weapon schematics)
Odette: (ticks off failure on clipboard) “Sticking... or skewering?”
Vaggie: “Ha ha, very funny.”
Odette: (ticks off another point for herself on a little odette vs sisters score board)  
Clara: (rummaging in crate) “This isn’t funny and you guys shouldn’t be laughing.” (holds up new weapon) “Now THIS goes with your hair.”
Vaggie: “You’re kidding.”
Clara: “No kiddo, you’re kidding yourself if you think the long-ass shaft of a spear makes sense with a do that lovely and flowing.”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that-”
Odette: “She’s right.” (makes new score board clara vs vaggie with one point to clara)
Clara: “No wonder you had trouble sparring with mom. Like, more that you would’ve had normally.”
Vaggie: “I haven’t been in a real fight in years okay!”
Carmilla: “It shows.”
Vaggie: “I’m. Working on it. I was one of that asshole’s best Exorcists once, I can-”
Carmilla: “Be better than that, hopefully.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.” (GLARES)
Clara: “All I’m saying is- no point fighting against yourself too, right? How hard did you have to focus to keep the stupid butt end from tangling in your hair?”
Vaggie: “I’m NOT cutting it.”
Clara: “Who’s asking?” (dangles weapon enticingly) “Look! Your new best friend!”
Vaggie: “A gun.”
Clara: “I know I know- you like sharp things and staby stuff, but look!”
Clara: (twirls gun dramatically)
Clara: “It has a knife on iiiiiit~”
Odette: “It would also not interfere with your hair.”
Vaggie: “I don’t know shit about guns.”
Clara: “What’s to know? Point and shoot. AND it’s got more reach than a spear! Which is good ‘cause you’re hair might be long, but the rest of you?” (rests elbow on vaggie’s shoulder) “Rest of you kinda comes up short.”
Vaggie: (grinding her teeth) “THANKS.”
Odette: (ticks another point for clara)
Clara: “Wait- You’ll take it!?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Odette: (ticks another failure) “Why not.”
Vaggie: "Oh wow I don't know maybe because-"
Vaggie: (ticks off reason on hand) “With a spear I have to choose every skewering I do and it’s a lot harder to miss and stick the wrong person. Even if I throw it it's only gonna go so far or through so many people. A bullet can go anywhere once it’s loose. If your aim is off by a centimeter that little thing goes wide. Maybe don't give the gun to the woman with a missing eye??? Definitely not when there are moving targets and things around she ISN'T supposed to shoot?"
Clara: "Oh riiiiight." (looks from gun to vaggie's eyepatch) "Huh."
Carmilla: (not looking up) "You were very accurate during our little play fight."
Odette: "I confirm. I've watched the security footage. I'm sure you could compensate."
Vaggie: "Well I'm not. I’m trying to protect my girlfriend and our friends and kill angels. I'm not not in this fight to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone.”
Carmilla: (smiles)
Clara: “Uh-huh. You like being close enough to catch all that blood splatter, don’t you.”
Vaggie: “…it’s just a perk.”
Carmilla: (smiles wider)
Clara: “Ew.”
Odette: “Impractical.” (adds ‘deranged’ to list of new sister’s traits, right under ‘gay’) “Mother, tell her she’s being weird.”
Carmilla: “I fight people with ballet, I’m afraid the toe of judgement I’m balanced upon is rather precarious.”
Vaggie: (SMIRKS) “Pretty badass though.”
Carmilla: “I know.”
Clara: “OH-!”
Clara: (disassembles gun) (chucks it) (claps hands) “I GOT IT!”
Vaggie: “What now.”
Odette: “Nothing good, statistically.”
Clara: “MOM! Mom- maybe she needs- You know!” (GRINNING EVILLY) “If the shoe fits….?”
Carmilla: “….Hmm.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Carmilla: (standing up and prowling around vaggie thoughtfully)
Vaggie: “…seriously, what?”
Carmilla: “Would you spin, please.”
Vaggie: (gracefully turns) “You know what I look like, miss Carmine.” (glares at clara) “There’s not much of me to look at anyway.”
Clara: “There’s enough, don’t worry~”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Wow. Such praise.”
Carmilla: “Can you stand on one leg without falling, or does the loss of your eye-”
Vaggie: “That’s more distance and depth and stuff.” (tucks one leg) “I’ve figured it out, kinda.”
Odette: “Yes? Constant assessment of changes in size and angle of objects?”
Vaggie: “You got it.”
Odette: “Seems rather strenuous for daily life.”
Clara: “Aww you get headaches or shit?”
Vaggie: “More like just tired. Keeping things in the same place when I can manage it helps a lot. Or it does when no one’s moving the lobby chairs around and then LEAVING them messed up like that anyway, for ME to clean up…”
Clara: “Or stumble into?”
Vaggie: “Whichever comes first.”
Clara: "Ow."
Odette: “So tidiness helps.”
Vaggie: “Yep.”
Odette: “Noted.” (notes it)
Carmilla: “Well you certainly are steady. Excellent posture.”
Carmilla: (leans in)
Vaggie: (leans back to maintain distance) (still on one leg)“Don’t forget confused and slowly losing patience, ma’am.”
Carmilla: “Mm? What? Oh sorry.” (leans back)
Carmilla: “You are a dancer, aren’t you.”
Odette: “...Oh no.”
Clara: “Oh YESSSSS.”
Vaggie: “Yes? Why the- why the fuck is she hiding behind her clip board-”
Odette: “I don’t want to relive my trauma.”
Clara: “I DO!”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that have to do with me!?”
Clara: “Everything~”
Odette: “It’s about to be YOUR trauma.”
Vaggie: “What does THAT m-”
Clara: “Welcome to the family!”
Vaggie: “I- wh- why’re you making it sound like a THREAT!?”
Carmilla: “Our family is a threat. Now.” (taps heavenly steel ballet slippers together so they chime) “Can you stand en pointe?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….oh HELL no-”
Carmilla: “You already use your training as a dancer in battle. Weaponizing it fully is merely the next step.”
Clara: “Heheh. Step.”
Odette: (marks a point for mom)
Vaggie: “En pointe?” (clutching her spear) “THIS IS THE ONLY POINT I NEED!”
Carmilla: “Clara, fetch the practice slippers.”
Clara: (salutes) “Yes mom!”
Vaggie: “CLARA WAIT!”
Odette: “May mother have mercy on you.” (follows clara towards door)
Vaggie: “NO HEY- pendejo- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING TOO???”
Odette: “I will oversee the rest of the weapon loading. Also, I do not want to witness this, and am escaping.”
Carmilla: (sighs) “Dancing is a passion that is not always passed down from mother to child…”
Odette: “Not willingly anyway. Much like trauma.”
Clara: (out of sight) “I liked my trauma!”
Vaggie: “I’ve already got some, I don’t need more!”
Carmilla: “But you do not have your order of weapons yet. It will take half an hour to finish bringing out stock, checking each weapon for readiness, and crating them up again. Plenty of time for a little… assessment.”
Vaggie: (folds wings around herself) (backs away) “I’ve- dancing’s just a hobby, I’m, not even that good-”
Carmilla: “Your lies are terrible. Your form is perfect.”
Vaggie: “I’ve only danced for FUN!”
Carmilla: “And is not battle fun for you? The rush, the deadly interplay of partners you know so briefly and so intimately, to move in response and shape their own movements with yours?”
Vaggie: “…. I also like stabbing people!”
Carmilla: “Choreography for a spear. An interesting challenge.”
Vaggie: “Is this part of the deal for getting weapons from you, or-”
Carmilla: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “-en la madre…. fiiiiine.”
Carmilla: “You will submit to a small rehearsal?”
Vaggie: “Whatever.”
Carmilla: “Good. Now tuck those wings away.”
Vaggie: “Won’t I do better with-”
Carmilla: “You are more used to moving without them now, they're very nearly throwing off your balance. That, on top of your long hair, we do not have time to contend with.”
Vaggie: “But-”
Carmilla: “Fight without wings and keep them in reserve or cut your hair. Your choice.”
Vaggie: “…I guess.. keeping them as a surprise makes sense…”
Carmilla: “And you like having long hair, I know.”
Vaggie: “It’s whooshy.”
Carmilla: “Regardless, you will also at least be tying it back.”
Vaggie: (glowering) “Yes mom.”
Carmilla: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Ma’am I said ma’am.”
Carmilla: “I’m sure you did.” (turning away) (hiding smile) "Now. What always comes first?"
Vaggie: (sighing) (resigned) "Stretches..."
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laiiaaa · 1 year
MY LOVE, MINE ALL MINE — CARMEN BERZATTO 1. BUTTERSCOTCH — you finally say hello to a familiar face in the city after a little girl bumps into you. (2.7k) masterlist | next | taglist
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Carmen keeps track of the running grocery list in his head:
Green onions? Check. Shallots? Check. Rolled oats? Check.
“Alright,” he huffs into the phone, a stupid thing tucked snug between his shoulder and jaw.
“Carm, I’m serious—”
“Nat, I got it, alright? I’ll call the fuckin’ guy.” Strawberries? Check. Eggs? Check. “I’m at the store, ‘n I’ll be back, ‘n then I’ll call him. It’s fine.” Dino nuggets? Check. That way-too-sugary cereal Sofia likes—? Even though he wishes Richie never gave it to her—? Check, check, check, so fuckin’ checked. “Now, do you wanna talk to—”
He looks to his side, where Sofia once stood with chubby little fingers hooked on the cart, that raggedy old stuffed animal always caught in the other fist. Gone. Carmen’s heart stops and catches in his throat. 
Natalie’s voice again, much quieter now that the phone’s not at his ear. “Hello?”
He doesn’t even hear his sister, doesn’t process her words.
He turns around. “Sof?” But she’s not there.
He tries again, facing forward, a little louder. “Sofia?” Nothing. “Fuck,” he mumbles to himself, ending the call without a second thought. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck—” 
He shoves his phone into his pocket, abandons the cart altogether, pokes his head into the aisle over. “Sofia.” Nothing. “Shit—”
He can’t breathe. A closed fist shoots to his chest to try and soothe the droughted ache. The ceiling’s closing in from above, every aisle looks the same, his feet are too heavy to carry him fast enough through the store.
Where’s his fuckin’ kid?
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You’re spooked out of a fatigued trance by a clumsy little girl at your feet in the produce section. 
She can’t be older than four, her chubby little face framed by golden brown curls, dressed in a cute little black dress and pink tights, ballet flats to boot. By her hand is a well-loved stuffed animal: an orange tabby cat with lint fuzzies along its body, teetering on the edge of the display about to fall into the lettuce.
“Well, hello,” you start.
She peeks up at you through stray curls with a grin. “Hi.”
You do a quick scan of the immediate area but spot nothing other than a worker stocking bananas twenty feet away, another pushing a cart of mangoes. “Where’d you come from, hm?” You perch down next to her and try to offer a warm smile to keep her calm.
“I’m here with my daddy.”
“Yeah? Where’s he at?”
Her lips, shiny with drool, puff into a pout. “I…” Her little voice wobbles, and you know that fucking wobble, that precursor to something uncontrollable and wretched, and for a split second you consider letting her cry, just on the off chance her dad hears it.
But you come to your senses: it’ll take all but five, no more than ten minutes to cover the entire store ground. You graze your hand by her back and offer her the sorry excuse for a cat. “Hey, don’t worry, it’s alright. I’ll help you.”
“B-But…” Those pretty brown eyes of her turn glassy, ready for tears, and her lip quivers, her cheeks puff out.
“I’ll help you find him, okay? We’ll wait right here, and I promise he’ll find you. We won’t leave this spot til he does.”
She hesitates before she nods, gives you a warbled, “Okay.”
You give her your name—something you read or heard from word of mouth, how putting a name to your face makes you more trustworthy. “What’s yours?”
“Sofia,” you repeat. “That’s a very pretty name.”
The dimples that come through with her smile have you swooning, your chest filling with something sweet. A supercut you’ve long since abandoned flits through one of the best and worst years you’ve endured: kisses at the door for hello and goodbye, chilly Chicago mornings spent in someone else’s sheets, serving coffee in thick handmade mugs and being thanked for it with lips pressed to your cheek. But that was a year ago, and it’s long gone. You’re better off now—occupied with work, and running a business, and trying new things, and finding comfort in the solitude of an apartment that’s filled with nothing but the smell of coffee grounds.
Your pointer finger lifts her toy’s head: “And who’s this?”
“Butterscotch,” she says, Butter sounding a whole lot like Buttah.
“Yeah? Where’d you come up with that name?”
“My daddy’s a chef, he teached it to me.”
A chef, you hum, No wonder he’s here at seven in the morning.
And you do just about everything you’d want someone to do if this were your kid: you keep her right where she is like you promised her, you listen to all her stories she has with Butterscotch, you answer the silly questions she asks while she holds your finger in a squishy hand and bears a gummy smile.
A man wrought with stress approaches. Fitted white tee, loose denim on his hips, beat up Nikes that’ve probably seen better days. Golden brown curls like the little girl’s, only thicker, darkened with age, and half-straightened, probably from the way he runs his fingers through them like he does as he walks toward you and the girl. Buff arms, built shoulders, and they’re littered with tattoos…
Not what you expected. And he looks so fucking familiar, yet you can’t put your finger on it—
“Sofia,” he huffs, and she scurries over to him in tiny yet quickened steps and jumps into his arms, his eyes closing and brows furrowing with a relief that’s palpable as he tucks his nose into her swirling hair. “What’d I tell you about comin’ to the store w’me, huh?” A veiny hand with the letters S O U inked on the fingers cups the back of her head as he sways her from side to side, failing to give her much of a stern look at all despite his frustration. “You gotta stay by my side, I told you, you’ll get lost.”
“But I wasn’t lost, Daddy,” she pouts, “I was right here, and—and I had to find Butterscotch, and you—you weren’t there—”
“Okay,” he soothes, rubbing his hand along her back before he thumbs away budding tears from her fleshy cheeks. “Okay, hon…” He props her at his hip. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You just scared me ‘s all, alright? Didn’t know where you were, had me lookin’ all over for you.”
“...I’m sorry,” she mumbles, clearly upset, nuzzling into her dad’s shoulder as he presses a sweet kiss to her head.
He looks to you, then, and you lend him a sympathetic smile.
“Sorry about her, she’s, uh…” He peeks at her, so lovingly— “She can be a handful sometimes.”
“No, don’t apologize, she was great.” Your eyes drift to his hands. They’re big, strong, like he knows what to do with them around the house, with a baby girl...with her mother, too, though you wonder where that stands. You try not to. “She’s talkative, makes for a fun conversation. A great storyteller, too.”
He smiles, and it’s hearty, with a twitch of a brow as he draws just a bit closer—it’s slight, so slight you almost think you’re imagining things. “Think so? She doesn’t usually, um…doesn’t usually wanna talk to people, y’know?” He hikes her up again, and she turns so that she’s facing you. “Get all grumpy, don’t ya, Sof? Like with your Uncle Richie?”
“But she’s nice,” she chimes in, lifting her head from his shoulder and leaving the cat’s head peeking through. “Not mean like he is.”
Again with that smile, he looks at her with raised brows, bobs her up and down as he holds her tight, like she’s his entire world. “Yeah?” He shoots you back a look, half-impressed. “You don’t wanna see him today, huh?”
“No,” she grumbles, face smushed into his tee. “Can she come to work with us instead?”
“Sof…” He scoffs, cocking his head to the side, and his eyes dart between you and his girl. “That’s not—we can’t just—”
“Pretty please, Daddy…” She pouts at him, pulls on his neck with her arms looped around it, starts trying to lean back to stir up trouble but his hands hold her firm to his torso. “You said Eva and Vivi can’t play today…”
“I—I know, hon— . . . It’s just— . . .” Kissing his teeth, he contemplates for a moment. “She probably has work to do, y’know? Just like I have to work? And how sometimes you can’t come with me?”
“Where does she work?”
“Uhhh…” In an awkward pause, he seems to realize the dilemma. The expectant glance your way is almost painful. “Shit,” he hisses, holding Sofia with one hand to run fingers through his hair, “I’m sorry, I should’ve—I should introduce myself, right?” The pained look on his face makes you think the question is genuine, and he offers his right hand to you— “I’m Carmen, but, um, most people just call me Carmy.”
It clicks: He’s Carmen Berzatto. Not just some guy or some chef in the grocery store you’ve happened to meet, but the guy. The guy who owns the fine dining joint across the street from your cafe; the guy who showed up to the city a few years ago only to revamp his family-owned sandwich shop in its entirety; the guy you’d heard so much about from the gossip around the block between vendors; the guy who left his roots to be something so much bigger than anyone could’ve imagined; the guy who came back with a reputation with none to rival and a shattered family in its shadow. The prodigal son of Chicago. You heard of him but never met.
“Y-Yeah, right, right,” you nod, stumbling for the right words. “I thought you looked kinda familiar.” You take his hand graciously as you give him your name. His handshake is firm, solid, sure of himself, with a callused palm and dry skin and cracked knuckles, an inked-on hand with a knife through its palm on the back of his hand. “You own The Bear, right?”
“I do.” Sheepish, like it’s embarrassing to be successful.
“Cool, cool, I’ve, um, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, but I’ve never been.”
“Yeah.” Something warm in your belly comes to the surface and you try to drown it. “I own the cafe across the street—? Just a, uh, a smaller place—” You shake your head as if to dismiss the thought of him even knowing about it. “I dunno if—”
“No, no, yeah, I know that one, a few doors down—” he nods, fervently— “Etta’s, right?”
You smile. He knew of it so quick, with so little detail you want to think it means something. “Yeah, that’s the one.” For fuck’s sake, the guy probably just likes to support his local businesses. Get a grip.
“My sister loves that place, goes there all the time. But I, uh…” A soft smile at his girl. “I don’t usually have much time to go myself…”
“Yeah, I can imagine you’re pretty busy with her.” Unless her mom is in the picture…?
But he doesn’t take the bait—he only smiles, hums with a subtle nod, gives Sofia a pat on the back to get her attention, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Hey, cub, guess what?”
She comes to only slightly, with pale blonde locks like angel’s hair tickling Carmen’s neck. Grumbles something akin to a Hm?
“You know those chocolate chip muffins you like? The ones your Aunt Natalie gets for you?”
Her curls are already caught in her eyelashes. “With the sparkles on top?”
He gives you a knowing look: sugar, not sparkles. “Yes, with the sparkles. Did you know our new friend here runs that shop?”
Her head perks up with a gasp. “What?” Her excitement is so soft, and she can’t even stave off a smile now, tiny teeth shining through to show the dimples in her cheeks again.
“You heard me.”
From her mouth is only a whisper, a doe-eyed look targeted right at you. “No way.”
You smile at her. “Yes way.”
She puts on those puppy dog eyes, looks at Carmen with a pout as she tugs on him again. “Daddy, can we please—”
 In one fell swoop, his hand whisks her hair out of her face. “Uh-uh. Nice try.”
Oh, but she’s a stubborn one. “But please—”
“Not today, baby, we gotta finish shopping, hm? Then go to work?” His eyes dart to meet yours in a knowing glance, a silent apology and excuse to leave. “Maybe I’ll ask Aunt Natalie to get them for you tomorrow. How’s that sound?”
She huffs and buries herself into his neck again, turning away from you now that she’s in a surly mood.
“Okay,” he sighs, smiling to himself, and you can’t deny the comfort in seeing his little girl so cozy with him, like he’s either the only parent around, or he’s really just that good of a father—and husband, or fiancé, or boyfriend, or whatever he might be. You don’t know if you should feel guilty for wanting to pry.
The conversation lulls to a hesitant stop, like neither one of you is sure how to bid farewell—or whether you want to do so at all.
“Y’know,” he starts, with a finality to his tone, “I’ve still gotta—”
“Yeah, me too—”
“And I left the cart in the other aisle—”
“Right, right, of course—”
“And they need me at the—”
“Same here, I need to, uh—”
“Right, yeah, so um—”
“I guess I should—”
“And, uh—…”
“It was nice to meet you, though,” you finish, maybe a little too enthusiastic for only having just done so minutes ago.
But if it were, Carmen doesn’t show it. “Yeah, it was nice to meet you, too. I’ll, uh…I’ll see you around.”
You offer a softened smile. “Guess so.”
And he leaves you with a curt nod before he turns around with Sofia’s face smushed into his shoulder, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck to leave Butterscotch hugged to the nape of it. That’s all you see, then: just a beaten up stuffed animal and springy golden curls as Carmen rounds the corner of the aisle, your breath gone short and face gone warm by the end of it.
Half of it, you’re sure, is the simple brevity of it all: consoling a lost child, to chatting with her father, to finding out he’s a business neighbor. And against your better judgment, the other half of it is a twinge of attraction to him.  Even though he has a kid, and he may very well be married, or at least in a relationship, and by the looks of it, stressed out of his goddamn mind…
But there’s just something about him.
The way he was worried about his daughter like he’s supposed to be, the way he holds her and dotes on her and rubs her back like it’s nothing but natural to him, the heartwarming smile that reaches his eyes just by looking at his precious girl. The hard-earned strength in his hands and arms, the symbolic imagery of his tattoos that you’ve yet to dwell upon in late night hours, the awkward demeanor about him like he doesn’t know if he’s allowed to talk to you—or if he even knows how. And all this, you see in a man working down the street, a man you’ve never spoken to until today, who could be the worst person in the world for all you know.
You don’t, is the thing. You don’t know his middle name, or his favorite color, or favorite food, or where he’s even worked, really, other than here in Chicago. You don’t know if Sofia’s mother is still around, or whatever happened to her if she isn’t, or if it’s a topic he breaches freely or not at all.
You don’t know enough about him yet to judge. You don’t know much at all. You don’t know if you want to, whether it’ll send you head first into a mess of pasts not unlike the one you’ve been trying to crawl out of alone for the past grueling months, if it’d upturn all the good you’ve tried to make stick.
But if there’s one thing you do know, it’s that you want to see him again. 
And that you’ll have to make a batch or two of muffins first.
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@knight4xmas @ajourneyforjoy @penguin876
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arachine · 2 years
— what's going on down there?: a dick analysis
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ᥫ᭡ featuring :: jake sully, miles quaritch & norm spellman
ᥫ᭡ includes :: their human forms + avatar forms
ᥫ᭡ genre :: mature
ᥫ᭡ content warnings :: talking about dicks obviously, explicit sexual content (?), humor lol
ᥫ᭡ note :: if you know anything about arachine, you know i love a good dick analysis. these posts are intended for comedic purposes only, which means they’re not to be taken seriously.
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— jake “ima slut you out” sully
. . . human form .*+!
⟳ length: as we all know, jake’s life on earth was very unfulfilling. he was a man who sacrificed his legs for the fate of the country, only to be disposed of into the unforgiving hands of society, with no way to reap the benefits (or lack thereof) that veterans were promised to receive. and after losing the privilege of mobility, his body changed drastically. he got smaller, his body got weaker, and yet, one thing remained—that dick! jake is a survivor, through and through—his personal motto is: if it ain’t broken, then it’s still working—and boy, he does not disappoint when it comes to the downstairs department. standing tall at 7 inches, is little jake (maybe not so little). when flaccid, his length measures at a solid 5.7 inches. definitely a grower. 
⟳ width: a little bit on the skinnier side, but he knows how to use it and that’s all that matters!
⟳ color: i think for the most part, his shaft definitely matches the rest of his body; though, i can see it maybe being slightly a little more darker at the base, like a very light beige. when he’s flaccid, his tip is a pretty pink, almost like a ballet slipper (aka the best pink). turns into an angry red when fully erect!
⟳ extra:
01. groomed?: jake pegs me as the kinda guy who doesn’t really care? i mean, trimming isn’t foreign to him, because he has trimmed it before, and does so when he notices it’s gotten to be too long…but, i don’t think it’s something that he does often. to him, it’s just hair. he’s on his grown man shit, you know? 
02. curved?: uhm, yes! you know that one beyoncé lyric? yeah. 
03. any veins?: absolutely covered in ‘em
04. how he fucks with it: i’d like to think before his accident, he was a doggy style connoisseur—come on, it’s jake we’re talking about here. can’t nobody tell me otherwise! i just know he had bitches bent over, weaves sweated out, makeup all over the pillows…mans was f-u-c-k-i-n-g okay? fuckingggg. 
. . . avatar form .*+!
⟳ length: the masses may attack me, but it’s time i spoke up. the man has a monster schlong. a cooter cat killer, if you will. if you thought his human form was big, shit, you ain’t seen nothing yet! completely flaccid, his cock measures to about 10 inches. when fully hard, he grows an additional three! talk about impressive…
⟳ width: so thick that it basically slaps his thighs when he walks. the man could create a beat with it, get em into the soundcloud business now!
⟳ color: self explanatory tbh, it’s fucking blue. as blue as papa smurf’s ass. 
⟳ extra: 
01. groomed?: i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that because he’s an avatar, he grows hair there. even if i’m wrong, i’m right. i don’t give a damn what james cameron says. he’s basically my character at this point, and i will him to have hair damnit! just…the idea of him having a full bush down there, in the wild, all primitive and shit…does something to me. idk. don’t ask me why i’m so nasty, blame my deadbeat father. 
02. curved?: is a banana yellow? there’s your answer. 
03. any veins?: i might have a brain aneurysm just thinking about it, but yes! god, yes. so many…so, so, so many. ribbed for her pleasure or whatever trojan said. 
04. how he fucks with it: is he still the doggy style connoisseur? yes. but now that’s got the strength of 20 men, backshots sound a whole lot like gunshots now. they say every time the mighty toruk makto thrusts into a cunt, a tree falls down or something. so, yes. fucks hard, fucks rough, fucks like he’s on a mission. what’s that one tik tok audio? “rest in peace to all the soldiers that died in the service, i dive in her cervix.” yeah, he lives by that. 
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— miles “on your knees, cadet!” quaritch
. . . human form .*+!
⟳ length: just gonna cut right to the chase. he’s huge. like pussy splitting huge. i don’t care what anyone says, you can argue with ya friend, you can argue with ya mother, but you cannot argue with me! coming in at a solid 6 when flaccid, quaritch takes the cake for the biggest cock on this list (at least, human form wise). at full length, he measures to about 7.8 inches! 
‘booooo’ you say, well, guess what? it’s the truth, and i’m just the messenger. whether you hate him or love him, he’s just that guy. 
⟳ width: surprisingly average. but it’s okay, sometimes you can’t have the best of both worlds. 
⟳ color: if my memory serves me right, he was pretty tan in the first movie. so, i’m gonna stick with that and say that it’s a pretty tan that transitions into a pale pink. i don’t know if some of you have seen old dick, but their tips get less saturated with age. it’s a phenomenon (not really, the blood flow to the groin is just a lot slower, which can make it appear kind of gre—anyway, i digress!)
⟳ extra: 
01. groomed?: this man is a colonel, so he’s all about discipline and keeping things nice and tidy. so, obviously, his hygiene reflects that. i don’t think he goes completely bald, but he does give it a good trim. kind of like a fade…just imagine a patch of grey, prickly hair. yeah. 
02. curved?: yes, and since he’s older, it’s probably curved a lot. you could probably hang something on it. maybe a towel, or a lanyard. it’s definitely useful for something!
03. any veins?: god, i don’t know why, but i have it in my head that he’s on steroids. he’s just so buff and strong, and i mean, yeah, he could just be really fit…but he could also be a self-image obsessed freak who takes drugs to be the perfect soldier. the correlation, you ask? well, i just feel like people who take steroids are really veiny, and i feel like his dick would be really, really veiny. so, thus the rant about steroids. steroid dick. 
04. how he fucks with it: don’t let his age fool you. he may very well be pushing his late fifties, but he’s still a young man at heart—and he’s definitely got the sex drive to prove it! i can see his favorite position being something like missionary. not so much because he enjoys the intimacy of it (like being face to face), but more so because he’s got a size kink—and definitely a dacryphilia kink. he enjoys seeing his partners cry, whether in pain, or in pleasure, or both! so, when you’re fucking him, don’t expect anything romantic. he just wants to see your pretty little face all teary eyed and pathetic. 
. . . avatar form .*+!
⟳ length: so big you can see it from space; that’s how the RDA mfs know they’re close, because they can see the tip protruding from pandora. no, but seriously, it’s still really huge. like maybe 12-14 inches—maximum. 
⟳ width: probably twice as thick as a human’s forearm. and god, it’s sooooo heavy. big breeding balls to match. 
⟳ color: blue blue blue…like wet fun dip. with just as many stripes as the american flag or whatever. 
⟳ extra: 
01. groomed?: yes, but the hair is black instead of grey and it’s probably really straight because na’vi hair is straight as fuck. 
02. curved?: sir, yes sir. 
03. any veins?: what’d i say? steroid dick. but even worse (better) now bc he’s so damn tall, he needs all the blood he can get down there.
04. how he fucks with it: has you in all types of positions. his favorites are anything that shows off his new found strength, so i’m betting on full nelsons and mating presses. just fast, powerful strokes. lives by the motto: can’t stop, won’t stop.
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— norm “what’s the sq root of 69?” spellman
. . . human form .*+!
⟳ length: i’m sorry to disappoint the norm fuckers (if there are any), but he’s not that big. when he’s soft, his cock measures to about 4.8 inches, and at most, 6.2 inches when hard. 
⟳ width: skinny dick. 
⟳ color: dawg he’s so white, it’s like hella pale and the tip is so pink that when he’s aroused, it looks like there’s something wrong.
⟳ extra:
01. groomed?: like jake, i don’t think he really cares.
02. curved?: straight like a pencil
03. any veins?: like two, and they’re really prominent because he’s so fucking pale.
04. how he fucks with it: i don’t think human norm is getting puss, let’s be real. 
. . . avatar form .*+!
⟳ length: i am a firm believer in N.W.B.C—nerds with big cocks. it’s just the universe’s way of saying thank you, they just…they just do so much for us, you know? norm may not have been packing down there in his human form, but this was his second chance at redemption. he’s now a proud member of N.W.B.C, sporting an impressive 15 inches. you know that one scene in the first spider-man when pete’s looking at himself in the mirror and he looks inside his briefs? yeah, that was norm when he found out. the man got so excited, he accidentally catapulted a scientist out of pandora’s atmosphere with the weight of his cock. joking. 
⟳ width: on the skinnier side but still toe curling, nonetheless.
⟳ color: laffy taffy blue, with little (big) blueberry balls.
⟳ extra:
01. groomed?: no, he’s too busy in the lab and getting na’vi puss.
02. curved?: unfortunately no
03. any veins?: more than before, which he was pleasantly surprised to see.
04. how he fucks with it: norm’s got a big dick, but he acts so shy, like he’s scared of it or something. like stop playing boy and drop them drawls, the fuck? anyway, i think norm’s a sub. he pegs me as the type of guy who likes strong women, women who’ll tell him to shut the fuck up (because he talks so much) and eat their pussies. i guess this makes him a munch. yeah, he’s a munch. ice spice actually wrote that song with him in mind!
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© arachine 2023
3K notes · View notes
Last Minute Changes - Jake Kiszka’s Version
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A/N: Remember when I said Sam was Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker coded?? Yeah, well… So is Jake, and since we have now experienced so much Ballerina Jake on stage, I just couldn’t help myself. Also disclaimer, I haven’t done ballet in 5+ years now, so please forgive me if I misname anything. Also, if you are not familiar with the Nutcracker pas de deux, I have linked it HERE for you to go watch (I recommend watching it before reading this, if you have the time or even just the desire to!). Please excuse any errors as always, and I hope you all like it! <3
WARNINGS: Excessive language, excessive practicing, some name calling (bitch, asshole, etc), hate!fucking, asshole!Jake, degradation, fingering, edging, slight mirror play, overstimulation, choking, biting, sort of public sex? sex in a studio, unprotected sex.
“You two will be excellent together!” You can hear the smile in your choreographer’s voice. At least one of you is excited. “Well, have a lovely day, dear and I will see you back tomorrow to continue rehearsals.”
You say your goodbyes and hang up the phone, immediately sighing to yourself as you toss your phone to the side.
This is just great, you think to yourself.
What are the odds that the original Cavalier would suffer an injury and have to back out and Jake of all people, will be the one stepping in. It’s a serious lose/lose situation for all parties involved.
It has been quite some time since you’ve worked with Jake Kiszka, but to your knowledge he is no different than he used to be. Arrogant, cocky and an absolute asshole. Not to mention, the extensive hours that he chooses to practice are arguably a little unhealthy and excessive. Though, you have to give a nod to the way he strives for perfection. He’s one of the most talented dancers within the Ballet company the two of you work for. It’s admirable in its own sort of fucked up way.
Not that you don’t strive for that same level of perfection, you just have a different view and approach on how to get there.
After a moment or two of sulking, you decide to call Danny. A fellow dancer at your company and one of your best friends - but also a pretty close friend of Jake’s, you’re almost certain.
The phone barely rings twice before an excited Danny is answering the phone.
“Hello?” Danny’s voice finally cuts through, warm and genuine. As it always is.
“Hey! So uhm…” you start to trail off. “You know Anthony, right ? The guy who was originally the Cavalier?”
“I do, why? What happened?” He asks, concern and curiosity seeping into the way he speaks. “You sound kinda upset...”
“Oh, I’m definitely upset… Anthony has an injury and is being required to take a break…” you pause for a moment, before adding more details. “I mean, he seemed to be in some pain when we were practicing last night, but he told me not to worry.” A long sigh pushes out of your lungs. “But, now Jake is Cavalier...”
What you can only assume is slightly stunned silence, takes over his end of the phone.
“Jake…?” He questions finally. You can practically see his raised eyebrows and wide eyes. “Jake is Cavalier now?”
“Yeah…” You confirm, sighing heavily at the incredibly draining thought of it. “Danny, I don’t even know what to do.”
“Are you joking? What do you mean you ‘don’t know what to do?’” Danny practically scoffs at your words. “You’ve always wanted this part. You would really let Jake ruin this for you? That’s kinda ridiculous, bug.” He scolds you. “Not only that, but you’re already well into rehearsals. You’ve only got a few days left before dress rehearsals start up.”
“Danny, Have you not worked with him?!” You laugh humorously into the phone. “He’s an ass. A complete and total fucking ass.”
Danny laughs at your little outburst, immediately taking up for his friend. “I have and… yes, he can be a lot to handle, but he’s a perfectionist. Everything he does on stage has to be perfect, in his mind.”
You bite at your bottom lip, not at all soothed by Danny’s words whatsoever. You’d made up your mind about Jake and that was that.
“You two will be phenomenal together,” Danny says, breaking the moment of silence. “Give it a go. Don’t just throw away your dreams of doing sugar plum just because of this.”
“I’m really not… it’s just… I really don’t wanna have to do that pas de deux with Jake.” His name spits out of you with pure distaste, making Danny laugh lightly. You can imagine the gentle shake of his head, too.
“Like I said… you two will be amazing,” Danny reiterates, tone warm and genuine. “Don’t stress it too much. Just do what you do best and I’m sure everything will be cool.”
The first few days of rehearsing with Jake go… well, anything but smoothly. Things are rocky and feel out of place, some parts of the routine having to be changed to suite you and Jake, instead of you and your original partner, Anthony.
And today’s practice rolls around too quickly, just like the last three days have. You go to bed, only to wake up feeling like you only slept for a solid five minutes, before you have to get up and reconvene with Jake all over again.
For the first time since joining this professional company, it feels like actual work. Not that it isn’t always work, but you’ve not ever felt this genuinely frustrated by the thought of going to the studio.
The door of the building slams closed behind you, finally separating you from the chilly, early December air.
You make your way down the long hallway, towards the room that your instructor had originally assigned for you and Anthony to use for practicing your Pas De Deux, but has now been for you and Jake.
As you reach the door, you can’t hear anything from the other side of it, and you wonder if Jake is even around yet. In all fairness, you are incredibly early. However, you’ve come to know that Jake takes early to a whole new level.
You open up the door to find he’s nowhere to be seen. Though he isn’t present just yet, realization is like a slap across the face, as it has been each day since you’ve started rehearsing with Jake.
It hits you in a brand new wave. Every. Single Day: This is really happening. You are stuck with Jake from now, until the end of the run.
But, there’s never enough time to dwell on what’s already in motion - which you’ve come to realize that it’s probably better off that way. You shove all the thoughts and feelings stirring up, as far back as they will go, placing your bag and coffee down, so you can begin getting ready to warm up.
Unfortunately for you, not nearly enough time passes before the sound of the door handle is beckoning for your attention and Jake is stepping through the doorway.
You turn to face him, a tight lipped smile being the only thing he offers you as he turns around to close the door. So, you return the half-assed smile and go back to putting on your pointe shoes and stretching out.
The more you spend time rehearsing with him, the more you realize that truly, he’s absolutely gorgeous. Quite possibly the most beautiful man you’ve ever had the pleasure of dancing with. But, it isn’t really feeling so much like a pleasure to actually be dancing with him.
You swallow down the annoyance already bubbling up, “Do you need to warm-“
“I warmed up already,” Jake cuts you off before you can even finish your question. “I’ve been here for a while working on my variation.”
He places his things down, then makes his way over to you.
The annoyance floods right back in like it never even left, “Alright, then.”
“Let’s work on those new pieces we added.” It comes out as a command, setting your body even more ablaze.
“No need to get all bossy, Jacob.” You bite rather harshly. “That’s what I’m here for. Not to just bullshit around.”
“I wasn’t-“ Jake stops himself short, the two words sounding very defensive and annoyed.
The audacity for HIM to be annoyed.
He sucks in a sharp breath, trying to calm himself. “I wasn’t trying to be commanding.”
“Whatever.” You glare up at him, filling the space between you with even more tension.
“We can just carefully skim through the whole thing, sans the lifts, if you’d like.”
He stares at you with what can only be read as a stunned expression for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders and reaching up to roll the sleeves of his shirt.
“Ready?” Jake extends his hand out towards you, while clearly trying his best to release the unwanted tension in his shoulders.
You take his hand and let him guide you, stepping through slowly until you reach the first lift.
“Aaaand we’re skipping this part,” Jake sings in a mumble, moving with you into the next few steps.
You move with him flawlessly through it all, letting him guide you around the floor. It might even feel nice, if it isn’t for the raging distaste you have for him.
The softness of the which he handles you, doesn’t go unnoticed, though. You notice it almost right away and it slips you into a distracted daze, focusing more on the way his face keeps a calm and even expression and his body moves so fluently.
“Shit!” Jake hisses suddenly, quickly followed by a gasp from you as you bump into his body, causing you both to stumble. “Are you even paying attention?! Goddamn.”
“You grabbed my arm wrong.” You lie quickly, smirking internally as you watch pure annoyance start to show itself all over his face at even the suggestion that he’d messed up.
“You’re joking, right?” Jake snaps at you, practically burning holes into your head with his intense stare.
“No, I’m not joking.” You fire back, trying to make your eyes just as cold and harsh as his are, “There’s a lift there, Jacob.”
Any sort of normal, appropriate volume for the space the two of you occupy is suddenly out of the window completely.
“We aren’t even doing the fucking lifts right now!” Jake’s hands fly into the air dramatically.
“Jesus Christ. This is already giving me a fucking headache.” Your fingers rub at your temples and you fight to not raise you voice like Jake just had. “Let’s just start over? We can do the damn lifts this time, if that makes you happier.”
“Just don’t fucking kill yourself.” Jake mumbles, adjusting the bun hanging lowly at the back of his head.
“If something happens to me, it’ll be because you’ve dropped me.” You scoff, emphasizing with an intense eye roll. “And I wouldn’t put that past you.”
For once, you seem to have stunned him into silence for a brief moment.
“Are you not capable of just fucking practicing?” Jake questions, dropping his arms down to his sides, his shoulders slumping. “Or is it always just going to be a bitching contest?” He takes a step closer to you, pointing and finger at your face. “Because if so, I fucking quit. They can find you a new partner.”
There’s barely a beat of crippling silence before he’s adding on, “And good luck getting your shit together with him before dress rehearsal in three days.”
Your jaw drops as shock washes over you. The first instinct of your body is to simply just reach up and smack him, however, it’s not worth the consequences that will surely follow such an action.
Getting down on the floor, you start frantically untying your pointe shoes.
“What are you doing?” Jake’s volume is still a little too loud for a place of work. “Get up.”
“I have a fucking better idea-“ You pull both pointe shoes off quickly and stand back up. “Find yourself a new partner, dick.”
With that, you storm over to your bag and drop your pointe shoes inside. You grab your regular shoes and your bag, not even turning back to look at him as you make your way to the door.
So much force is put behind your movements as you jerk the door open and slam it closed as you leave.
“Woah, there, hot stuff…” Josh greets you, with an air of caution to his tone. “What’s got you so pissed off?”
“Your twin.” You respond flatly. No emotion for him to gauge in your tone whatsoever as you continue storming down the hallway.
“Right, right… Cause he got…” he sighs, trailing off.
“How about we go take a little break?” Josh suggests as he catches up with you, stopping you in your tracks. “I was about to go grab some coffee on my way home, but you can come along and i’ll just bring you back here after?”
Though, you aren’t sure if you’ll even want to come back yet, you give him a slight nod, and that’s all he needs before his arm is motioning for you to follow him.
The two of you walk to his car in silence for a minute, until you’re both inside and buckled in.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Josh asks as he starts his car.
A strained sigh forces its way out of your lungs.
“I mean…He’s just…” you pause, trying to word yourself carefully as you don’t want to disrespect Josh by talking so harshly about his brother.
But Josh beats you to the proper words you’re searching so hard for. “Hard to work with?”
You hold back the scoff that bubbles up in your throat. “Yeah… Yeah, that’s one way to put it.”
Much to your surprise, a genuine giggle leaves Josh’s lips as he drives through the little bit of lunch hour traffic lingering on the streets of the city.
“You don’t have to sugar coat it, love,” he assures you, flashing you a quick smile. “I know he can be a bit… mm…difficult.”
“He acts like I’m not also just as much of a perfectionist! I don’t get it!” Your hands gesture up for emphasis, slamming back down into your lap with a soft smack. “I felt like I was having to walk on egg shells earlier.”
“I wish I could sit here and tell you that things will get better, but…” Josh trails off, running his hand over his face. “This part is stressing him out. He never expected to be doing it… I know he doesn’t want to fuck it up. Now, that doesn’t excuse his actions, but just…give him some time. He will loosen up eventually. Hopefully…”
Despite Josh’s words being true, you don’t feel as though they’ve really soothed you very much, if at all.
“You haven’t danced with him in a really long time, either and you dance differently now. I mean that in a good way, but Jake is also having to learn how you work now, on top of everything on his end.” Josh adds, having sensed the uncertainty still lingering on your face.
“I’m not going to lie to you… I’ve been fucking up, too.” You tell him honestly. “Like our routine.”
Josh looks over at you, clearly surprised. “You? You’ve been fucking up?” He questions. “How? I watched you and Anthony do it just last week and it was beautiful!”
“I… I don’t know. I guess Jake just… makes me nervous?” You admit.
Josh turns his face towards the window, trying to hide the grin tugging at his lips until he can collect himself.
But before Josh even has the chance to formulate a response to that, you’re asking him the question that’s been burning your brain since you left the studio.
“Do you think he’ll still be there when we get back?” You ask him softly. The fear of having to go to your director and explain such an outburst between you and Jake, settling deep within your bones. Or worse, Jake has already gone to someone and explained the situation, ultimately kicking you from your role.
“I can assure you, he’ll be there when we get back.” Josh answers seriously. “He isn’t going anywhere.
The conversation about Jake drops for the remainder of your little adventure. Until you’re watching the studio slowly come back into your line of sight, as Josh drives the two of you back.
“What if he’s still mad?” You can’t help but bring the situation back to the surface.
Josh’s shoulders slump slightly, and he seems to be thinking about the best way to answer you. Because the sickening truth is, even he knows that Jake is probably still boiling below the surface, just waiting for another fuck up from you, or anyone else, to send him exploding all over again.
“Just… Don’t go back in guns blazing…” He tells you, trying to choose his words carefully. “Try to be level headed and just get as much practice in as you can. The more you dance, the less room you leave for talking…or an argument. Ya know, whichever... And hopefully, the nerves will ease up little by little, then he won’t have anything to be a shithead over.”
“Right. Because that really worked earlier.” You finally let the scoff you’ve been choking back slip out. “I’ll try again, anyway. Thank you, Josh.”
“Anytime, love. Anytime.” He waves you off with a smile as you close the door and head back inside.
Just before you step inside, you hear Josh calling for you and you turn around to face him.
“If you need me to come back and beat his ass, just call!”
Your head falls back as a genuine laugh explodes from your lungs. The most you’ve laughed all day, really, and it feels lovely.
Shaking your head, it’s your turn to wave him off, trying to get inside before the cold starts to make your bones ache any more than it already has.
It’s quiet, as you’re reaching the later hours of the afternoon, daylight just barely lingering still.
You make your way down the hall, back to the dreaded, mirrored, room that you and Jake have to continue to share. Assuming he’s still here… or he hasn’t had you replaced and you just don’t know it yet.
When you reach the door, you can hear the familiar song playing from the other side. The doorknob is freezing cold beneath your hand, a drastic contrast to the heat of anger still somehow lingering in your body. Shoving it open slowly, careful not to disturb who you can only assume is Jake, you peak your head in first to see him practicing all on his own.
His movements are flawless. Each step he takes and every movement of his arms, so precise and strong. The white tights he’s wearing accentuate the muscles running throughout his legs, his black t-shirt hugging his shoulders just so. He holds himself with utmost confidence, his eyes never casting themselves to the floor, looking out into an imaginary audience, or at an imaginary partner, when his attention is meant to be focused on her.
Suddenly, you become very aware that you wish to be the one under that gentle, but attentive gaze of his - completely unlike the way he had looked at you earlier. While you may be his partner, he won’t ever look at you that way -gentle and attentive- until he’s on stage and even then, it likely won’t feel real. It will be nothing but acting. It stings, but you shove the sour feeling deep down inside you and step fully back into the room.
“Can you turn the music off for a second?” You ask him, trying to keep a cool and collected tone.
The sound of annoyance Jake lets out doesn’t miss your ears, despite the music still playing.
He walks over and pauses the music, turning to you with an expectant look - just waiting for you to have a damn good reason for essentially asking him to stop what he had been doing. As if the two of you don’t have a lot more work to do.
“I’m…sorry for earlier.” The words are a bit strained as they leave you. What’s to be expected, though? You don’t really want to apologize to him, but you know it’s the right thing to do.
“It’s alright.” Jake mutters, barely nodding his head in acknowledgement to your apology. “I’m sorry, too. Let’s just get back to it, yeah?”
You’re stunned for a moment by his returned apology, having not expected him to give you one at all. Although, you can’t bring yourself to open space for any hope that things are maybe going to get better from here. That’s something you won’t believe until you see it happening consistently. Besides, there’s still an obvious hint of something unpleasant in his tone.
“Yeah, okay…” you agree, sitting your things down. “If you want, we can just work on the lifts for a while… ya know, just for a change of pace.”
The air in the room seems thick with awkwardness, of which you’re not helping to aid at all, being that your tone is rapidly fueling it and Jake without a doubt takes notice of that.
Though, he continues to act completely immune to the awkwardness filling the space. Leaving you to suffer in it all on your own.
After only offering you but a short and flat, “Sure,” you and Jake move on to the lifts. Of which go smoothly… Until they don’t.
“Fucking-“ Jake grunts, arms wobbling slightly as you struggle to find your balance in his hands. “Shit!”
No sooner than the curse of annoyance and distress rumbles out of him, you’re plummeting almost to the ground, Jake’s arms catching you just in time to save you from completely hitting the floor.
“God damnit,” Jake sighs, running a hand over his face once you are standing on your own two feet again.
“This one is just… I can’t get my balance right.” You admit to him. At least you’re being truthful.
You aren’t really sure why you’re having so much trouble. You had done these exact same lifts just fine with Anthony for weeks before Jake even became Cavalier.
Perhaps it was the tension between you and Jake. The mutual, very strong dislike for one another. The lingering bit of hostility from your’s and Jake’s outburst, not even two whole hours ago…
Or his hands on my body… Wait-
You’re quick to interject on your own thoughts. You simply cannot stand the idea of letting your mind wander off with such thoughts about Jake. You refuse to feel that way.
“I see that.” Jake’s words are once again dripping with that same amount of aggravation from earlier - Of which had lead to you storming out on him.
He throws a judgmental glance your way, likely wondering how you even got sugar plum in the first place.
“Let’s try again.” Jake steps behind you, placing his hands on your body just so, adjusting his stance as he prepares to lift you up into the air. Hopefully with more elegance and grace than the first time. “I’m going to count to three, and then you jump.”
You think you’re taking advantage of the fact that he can’t see your face, rolling your eyes at his commanding tone. Much to your misfortune, you seem to have briefly forgotten that you’re both facing a wall, perfectly lined with large mirrors.
“Can you drop the fucking attitude, for god’s sake?” Jake snaps in question, his hands squeezing where they’re planted just above your hips.
If looks could kill, the glare you send him through the mirror would have surely taken him out cold. “How bold of you to point fingers on someone’s attitude. I’m not the only one with an apparent attitude problem here.”
“I’m sorry? In case you haven’t noticed, you are the reason i’m irritated.” Jake is slowly starting to seethe again. You can tell by the way his jaw has clenched itself painfully tight.
You ignore his comment, just staring at him blankly for a moment before finally speaking up.
“Just…count to three. And lift me.” You enunciate your words firmly, sucking in a deep breath in attempts to prepare yourself.
Jake on the other hand, releases a long breath, rolling his shoulders back in hopes to relax his body, at least a little bit. “Fine, then.”
“One…” He begins to count, checking his grip on your waist. “Two…Three.”
The second he speaks the last number, you’re jumping just enough for him to gain the leverage needed to lift you up into the air above his head.
“Good. Good!” Jake praises from below you, watching you attentively through the mirror.
“Tighten your core just a little more,” He tells you, lowering you slightly as you start to wobble a bit. “Yeah, there you go.” He lifts you back up where you’re supposed to be. “Now, hold it.”
You extend your arms out, focusing solely on holding your pose. There’s still the slightest shake to your position, but you hold it pretty successfully, despite that.
“There it is.” The prideful tone of Jake’s voice makes you smile internally, though you’d spend your last drops of energy on keeping said smile off of your face for him to physically see.
“Okay, I’m gonna bring you down now…”
Jake slowly lowers you back down and you hold your next position until you feel your pointe shoe touch the hard floor.
“Thank fuck,” you sigh, relieved that it was somewhat smooth.
Of course, Jake can’t let the slightest little fuck up slide.
‘Everything has to be perfect, at least in his mind.’
“It was still shaky as hell.” Jake complains, giving a dramatic gesture with his hand.
You suck in a quick, sharp breath. The anger resurfacing is nearly blinding, clouding your vision in a red hue that you can’t hardly believe is really there.
“How do you suppose I fix that, then? Hm?” Your voice drips with a venom that’s so unlike you, normally.
“You practice more.” Jake says, as if it’s the most obvious fucking thing. Like you should have already known that.
“Wow. What prophetic fucking advice, Jake. I appreciate it,” you scoff, crossing your arms like a pouting child.
“Since you obviously don’t think you need it, let’s run it, then. Start to finish.” Jake suggests, knowing good and well he just wants to try and prove a point.
With a cool shrug of your shoulders, you agree. “Fine.”
Jake saunters over to his phone, where it lays right by the speaker sitting on one of the chairs, and presses play.
The familiar and oh-so beautiful orchestration starts to fill the room - it brings butterflies of realization to life in your stomach. This is your dream role and while you may be doing it with the absolute last person you would have ever picked on your own, you know in the end, once the two of you work out the kinks of your mutual dislike, you will be a flawless pair.
You take your first few steps that lead you to Jake, where you finally come to meet in the middle and delicately, you lay your hand atop of his palm. His fingers close carefully around your hand, then, lifting your arm above the two of you to slowly spin you around.
There seems to by a shift in the energy within the room and between the two of you, and it’s most certainly a welcomed shift.
As you continue through the routine, the new found comfort of dancing with him slowly overtakes you. Unfortunately, the burning sensation his hands leave in their wake as they help guide you, is making it harder and harder to focus. And of course, that only makes frustration bubble within you.
*Why can’t I dance with him? Why does he have to affect me so much? I don’t like him. He doesn’t like me.
Questions upon questions bounce around in your mind, inevitably distracting you from the important task at hand. It’s dangerous waters to swim in, the closer you get to the crescendo of the song; running the risk of one of you getting hurt somehow by lack of focus.
Focus. Focus. Focus.
You internally chant the word to yourself, desperately trying your best to pull your mind back to one collective place.
“Come back to me.” Jake’s tone is firm but not angry, as he prepares to bring you into the first lift.
Here goes nothing.
Forcing your brain to remain solely honed in on the task at hand, Jake’s hands find your waist and in the blink of an eye, he’s hoisting you into the air, much smoother and more elegantly than the first time.
And by some complete miracle, the first few lifts go flawlessly. Jake even finds it in himself to give a few mumbles of praise and encouragement as you go.
That confidence and momentum doesn’t carry through nearly as long as you hoped it would, though.
As the music builds and builds up to the first of what you would consider the “big” lifts, your heart rate increases. Suddenly your hands are clammy and a little shaky, and your stomach has twisted itself into a sickening knot.
Jake’s so into it, that you can’t bare the idea of asking him to stop, simply because your nerves have taken over. So, you continue into the lift, against your better judgement.
You make it into the air without much trouble, but as Jake brings you down into the next move, your form breaks and causes him to nearly drop you.
“Goddamn it!”
“Oh, my god!”
Both of your exclamations and curses fly out at the same time, only startling each other even more.
“Jesus christ, I knew you weren’t ready for that!” Jake shouts, hands running over his face as the adrenaline and realization of how hurt you could have just gotten, pumps through his entire body. “Do you even realize how fucking hurt you could have gotten just now?!”
“I am ready!” You argue right back, completely ignoring the hint of concern he was displaying for you.
“No, you are fucking not!” Jake’s voice booms, like a bang of thunder that shakes houses, after lightning has struck something. “We wouldn’t be having so much goddamn trouble if you were!”
“I didn’t have all these problems with Anthony,” you point out, matching his unruly volume. You even dare to take a step closer to him.
“What’s the difference?!” He practically screams, taking a step equal to the one you’d just taken. “We’re doing the same routine, for the same show! What. Is. The difference?!”
“Because you’re, you!” Your arms fly up into the air, before smacking back down against your sides.
Jake tilts his head back almost challengingly. “I’m what?”
“You’re the favorite! The one Everyone wants to have the fucking pleasure of dancing with!” You emphasize your words dramatically as you yell nearly right in his face. “You never fuck up anything! Ever!”
“And does that make you jealous?” Jake questions, his tone becoming smug and arrogant.
“No, it doesn’t make me jealous! It makes me nervous!”
Though half of the sentence is a lie; it definitely makes you both jealous and nervous, as soon as the words leave your mouth, you want to snatch them out of the air and shove them back in.
“Really?” Jake raises his eyebrows at you. “Nervous, huh?”
“Yes! Nervous, you fucking asshole!” You yell. “You’re arrogant as all hell and it’s absolutely insufferable, in case anyone hasn’t told you! It’s a nightmare trying to work with someone who is constantly picking apart every little move you make!”
“First of all-“ Jake wraps his hand around your pointed finger and shoves it roughly out of his face. “-Get your finger out of my damn face. And stop fucking yelling at me.” His eyes burn through yours, knocking you down a notch, but you refuse to outwardly show it. “Second, you shouldn’t be talking. You get everything handed to you, like the perfect, pretty little thing you are. You hardly have to work for shit.”
You snatch your finger out of his grip and immediately fire back at him. “I don’t get anything fucking handed to me.”
“But you do!” Jake chides, hardly making a legitimate point.
“No, YOU DO, Jake!” And now you’re back to screaming, throat threatening to go raw by the strain you’re putting on it. “How do you think we got here in the first fucking place!”
“If I got everything handed to me, don’t you think I would have had this from the beginning?!” Jake nearly closes the little space between the two of you, with one more step. “Don’t you think I would have gotten it first, instead of Anthony?!”
A wicked smirk grows on your face. “Right, right. So you’re just their backup, huh?” You watch as Jake’s face grows red and his eyes flash with rage. “Not even good enough to be cast as Cavalier the first time, are you?”
“You should be concerned about the fact that we start dress rehearsals in two days and you can’t even get all the damn lifts right.” Jake jabs.
His close proximity is making it hard to think anymore, the features of his beautiful, anger-hardened face proving to be a major distraction from the comeback you should have been already able to conjure up.
“Well, they- their hopes can’t be but so high, now that they’ve had to settle for you.”
Jake’s jaw visibly tenses, causing the muscles to protrude around his cheekbones and down his neck, the crease between his brows setting in even deeper.
Before you can even bat an eye, or open your mouth to add a little more gasoline to the already raging fire, Jake’s hand is tightly wrapping itself around the back of your neck.
“Is this entertaining you?” You can see Jake’s free hand gesture about, through your peripheral vision. “Being a little bitch?”
You’re frozen, stuck in place - not only because of his grip on you, but because you can’t decide if you actually want to move away.
One might find that name absolutely enraging, but apparently you don’t, considering the way your cunt throbs as the word travels from his mouth, to your ears.
“Fuck you.” You spit through gritted teeth.
“Would that make you less bitchy? If you fucked me? Hm?” Jake taunts, clearly taking in the newfound enjoyment he’s getting out of this.
“Call me a bitch again.” You say threateningly, but it holds no real weight. You just want to keep up the fight a little longer, perhaps a bit too addicted to the way he’s making your blood boil.
“Or what?” Jake all but growls, leaning his face in, so that he’s right next to your ear. “Are you gonna storm out of here like earlier? Like the little fucking brat you are?”
Your skin is screaming to feel his lips. They’re mere inches from your skin, the heat of his breath casting a heat that almost resembles when you sit just a little too close to a campfire.
“I bet you’d perform a lot better if I fucked you.” Jake speaks the wondering thought out loud. “Trained you to be a good little dancer for me.”
“Jake…” you sigh, chest heaving rapidly.
“What?” Jake seethes. “No smart ass comeback? No attitude?” He slides his other arm around your back, but doesn’t pull you quite close enough for your body to touch his. “Come on. Say something else. I dare you.”
Your thoughts spin around themselves as you attempt to conjure up another snarky comment, while Jake’s eyes stare intensely into yours, occasionally flickering down to your lips and right back up.
Finally, it comes to you.
“I’m not taking insults from a boy who probably can’t even fuck me hard enough to keep me out of rehearsal tomorrow.”
The silence that falls between you and Jake is deafening. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears, hear the blood running hot beneath your skin. If you listen close enough, you might even hear Jake’s heartbeat banging against his own ribcage, too.
Neither of you move for what feels like an eternity, only adding to the tension that’s already about to burst at the seams.
Jake’s mouth opens and closes quickly, but he still doesn’t speak - only adding to the torment of the moment. Anticipation fills you up so much, you feel like you may start throwing it up.
Slowly, Jake’s eyes narrow until they’re practically shut, and his hand tightens around the back of your neck tightens.
“Are you challenging me, sugar?” The name typically used for endearment, spits out of him like it’s anything but sweet. He’s so cleverly alluding to your role as sugar plum.
“I-If that’s how you wanna see it, go ahead.” You half choke out. Your words are becoming less and less intimidating and lethal as the moments go by. “Since you want to try and prove a point soo badly.”
“I don’t think you deserve anything else from me today.” Jake says, not even bothering to fight off the smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
Shock fills you up the second the words float out from his mouth and you’re even more shocked at the way disappointment comes along to mix in with it. You may have been annoyed with him for petty shit before, but now you’re genuinely upset.
“W-what…?” The word is barely audible coming from your breathless lungs.
Jake lets go of you and steps away, taking little steps backwards in the direction of his things. The expression adorning his face is downright evil.
“I think you heard me loud and clear.” Jake shrugs, grabbing up his things. He doesn’t even bother to take off his shoes - likely just leaving you to go off to a different room and practice alone.
You watch him, completely dumbfounded as he makes his way to the door, not even giving you glance as he goes by.
The door opening feels so obnoxious, given the newfound silence hanging between the two of you. He’s about to step over the threshold, but turns around to face you one more time.
“See you tomorrow.” He glances over you for a moment, tongue visibly poking the inside of his cheek. “And you better not fuck up.”
After a horrendous night filled with constant tossing and turning, the cool light of the gloomy morning wakes you up out of the sleep, that has only just found you a few hours ago.
Begrudgingly, you force yourself to get out of bed and take a shower, then dig out a pair of tights and one of your favorite leotards. And as much as you don’t want to acknowledge it, the brief question of whether or not Jake will like it, plants itself in your head. It’s black, with long sleeves, and the daintiest lace details at the top around the chest.
You force the thought away immediately. The mere mental thought of Jake making your body tense with anger, and… whatever the hell is left lingering from last night’s little… moment.
The drive to the studio is severely uneventful. Music being the only thing to keep you company throughout the short trip over there.
Seems like you’ve been living there these last few days. Which, might not be so bad if Jake wasn’t such a constant thorn in your side.
As the studio comes into view, a lump over nerves nearly makes you choke. Last night’s interesting turn, still at the forefront of your memory, despite your efforts in trying to ignore it.
You grab all your things and make your way to the door, walking as quickly as you possibly could to get out of the cold air. A swift glance around the parking lot as you go, is enough to see that Jake’s car is nowhere to be seen.
There’s no denying the relief that washes over you. Perhaps you’ll actually be free of Jake for a little longer than normal, to perfect some things by yourself, without the intense and judgmental stare of Jake’s eyes.
Just as you’ve hoped, as you walk down the hallway to your room, there’s nothing but silence on the other side of the door. But just to be safe, you slowly push it open and peak in, only to confirm that Jake is nowhere to be seen.
You take the opportunity to practice certain pieces of the pas alone, hoping to work through most of the imperfections that Jake has pointed out, time and time again.
What you don’t realize though, is how much time actually passes as you fall into a zone. Completely locked in on what you’re doing, practically floating around as though Jake is there to guide you, except you’re doing it all on your own.
Little did you know, Jake is standing at the door… admiring you just like you had done to him yesterday. For him, it’s different; his moment or slight admiration and ogling. He doesn’t have nearly as much trouble admitting to himself that he finds you ridiculously attractive and talented.
Will he say that directly to you? It isn’t likely, but to himself, he absolutely will. Although, the odds of him telling you his thoughts, are far more likely than you vocalizing your’s to him.
Jake stands, body halfway slipped between the cracked door, intently and quietly watching you. Until finally, you turn and your stop brings you to perfect face the door.
The sudden sight of Jake makes your entire body jolt, startled and unprepared to see him in such a random way.
“Jake!” You half screech, your hand coming to grasp at your now aching chest.
“My bad.” The softest chuckle dances with his words. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine…” you mumble.
Looking at him for the first time since last night is… definitely different, to say the very least.
The air in the room has shifted and it feels so heavy that it may crush you. Given Jake’s cocky strutting across the room, you guess that he doesn’t feel it the way that you do, or he’s doing a really good job at ignoring it. Like he always does. Yet another thing about him that you envy; his ability to be so unaffected.
“You- uhm… How long were you watching from the door?” You ask him timidly, chancing a quick glance at him as he sits down his things.
“Long enough to see that you’re perfectly capable of a flawless and confident routine.” Jake replies, bringing a soft, pink tint to your cheeks. “Which I suppose is great, except you can’t seem to do that with me.” His tone is the slightest bit playful, but you can’t ignore the way it claws at your skin.
“A bit early to be making digs, don’t you think, Jake?” You raise an eyebrow at him, awaiting the death glare he’s sure to throw towards you any second now.
But it doesn’t come. He just ignores your little muse all together, continuing to stretch and warm up.
Silence falls over you both, as you work on a few moves on the opposite side of the room in front of the mirrors.
Occasionally, you glance over your shoulder through the mirror at Jake, but you don’t let your eyes linger on him for too long, in favor of not getting caught and the refusal to let yourself get carried away.
After a few minutes, you catch a glimpse of Jake getting up and setting up his phone with the speakers, before making his way towards you and finally speaking up.
“Ready to run this thing?” He rubs his hands together in front of him.
“As I’ll ever be,” you mumble in response and follow him back over to the middle of the floor.
Jake steps back to his phone and presses play, bringing the beautiful instrumental to life throughout the whole room.
It eases you, much to your surprise. But not enough to ignore the fires that Jake’s hands seem to be lightning, gradually, all over your body in each place that he touches you.
You do your absolute best to try and remain calm and collected, focusing solely on the dance and nothing else.
Further and further you sink into the routine, and so does Jake. It’s evident in the electric energy that’s suddenly buzzing throughout
the room. The way Jake’s eyes stare into yours so intensely, it makes your knees want to give out beneath your weight. The passion of which he’s exuding…
The way he grips your body to lift you up into the air, unintentionally gripping you harder and harder with each passing lift, until you’re certain he’s going to crush you.
You’re not sure what exactly snaps in your brain, but when it snaps, there is no going back.
"Jesus fucking christ- Put me down!" You yell over the music and Jake immediately brings you back down on your own two feet, but not exactly gently.
"Fuck- what now?!” Jake hisses through his labored breathing. “Can you not go two minutes without bitching?!”
"You have a fucking death grip on me!” You grab at his bicep for emphasis. “Are you trying to bruise me!?”
“You should feel so lucky.” Jake spits back, sarcasm mixing with cockiness in his tone.
“Oh, shut the fuck up Jacob!” You screech in his face. “The last thing I want is you leaving any kind of marks on my body.”
“Trust me, princess, I'm not interested anyway." Jake fumes, face red and jaw set tight, nose glistening with the lightest layer of sweat.
“I’m not either!” It feels like a lie, the second it leaves your mouth. But the volume behind your words, masks the way you hardly believe it yourself. “You’re just an arrogant, self centered, asshole, who always has to get his own fucking way with everything!”
“And you're a fucking bitch who never knows when to shut her mouth." Jake practically growls, his face just inches from yours.
"You’re such a piece of shit." You retaliate lowly.
"Back atcha, princess.” Jake grits, the muscles in his cheeks and neck pulsing rapidly.
"Stop. Fucking. Calling me that.” You demand.
"No.” Jake shakes his head, pushing his tongue into his cheek. “No, I don’t think I will.” He adds. "All you ever do is bitch and complain about me doing something wrong and it's so irritating. I know what the hell i I'm doing. I'm a fucking professional. It is not my fault that you're so goddamn picky about every little thing!"
"Well, excuse me for wanting to do this perfectly!” You shout back at him, praying internally that this explosion between the two of you hasn’t drawn any attention outside of the room.
"How ironic.” Jake chuckles humorlessly. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Sugar plum, but you're not even close to it.”
"It would be perfect if you didn't grab me like a caveman!” You chide, feeling the sting of Jake’s words prickling under your skin.
"It would be perfect if you stopped squirming every time i lift you!” Jake argues, throwing his hands into the air.
"Maybe if I fucking trusted you, I wouldn't get nervous when you have me in the air!” You shoot back.
“You know that’s not really why you get shaky when I lift you, but whatever.” Jake scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Maybe aybe if you weren't such a hateful little shit, you'd be able to at least pretend to trust me."
"You. Are insufferable.” You turn to walk away from him, leaving Jake glued to his spot as his brain processes what he’s about to say.
"And you clearly need to be put in your goddamn place." Jake says, stopping you in your tracks.
You turn back around to face him, taking a few little steps forward defiantly. "I fucking dare you to try.”
The challenge spits out of you, and not a bit of you thinks he’ll really see it, considering he had the opportunity last night and trashed it.
"You couldn't handle it.” Jake says simply. His words only raise your anger somehow.
"I hate you.” You seethe, closing in on him with a pointed finger.
"Not nearly as much as I fucking hate you.” He flashes you the fakest smile you’ve ever seen in your life, immediately dropping his face back to his previous, stone cold expression.
The tension hanging in the room is so thick, even a chainsaw would likely struggle to cut it. A deafening silence falls over the two of you, nothing but the sounds of both your heavy breaths to fill it.
Your teeth are so tightly gritted together, you worry they may shatter any second now as you await his next move. Because you certainly are not backing down first, from this eerily silent stand off.
Jake’s face is still sharp and set with anger, not even a glimmer of that chocolaty brown left in his eyes.
Just as you open your mouth to foolishly provoke him even more, he’s lunging for you, roughly gripping either side of your face as his lips sloppily crash into yours. You can’t stop yourself from kissing him back. He tastes intoxicating in the best and worst way. A drug that now that you’ve had just a taste of, you aren’t sure you’ll be able to put it down.
Haphazardly, Jake starts guiding you backwards towards the barre, not even breaking the kiss to make sure that’s where he is going. Like a man about to die of thirst, he drinks in the whimper that you release, as your back collides with the barre. His hands find your wrists, and he shoves them up above your head and pins them there.
“Tell me to stop.” He huffs out through rapid breaths, free hand staying planted on the wall by your arm.
"I thought you were putting me in my place.” You narrow your eyes at him. “Or are you all talk?"
Jake just growls, swiftly reaching down to cup your heat, making you gasp desperately. His foot kicks your legs farther apart, middle and ring fingers stroking over you so lightly, you could scream.
Except you can’t. You’ve been struck with utter speechlessness, thanks to the sudden advance and the merciless ache he’s creating between your legs.
“What? Nothing to say now?” Jake questions tauntingly. “I think this is the longest you've been quiet around me. It’s truly a nice change"
“M-maybe you're just not doing a good enough job," you stutter, pressing yourself into the palm of his hand.
"The way you’re stuttering and the wet spot that I can feel right here, says otherwise.” Jake’s fingers tap against you.
You let out an exhale that is dripping with attitude, but make no move to break away from Jake. And you won’t, really. You both know that at this point.
“Do you get tired?” Jake mumbles, leaning in to ghost his lips over your cheek. They trace around, until he settles on your ear. “Do you get tired of being so defiant? Being a fucking brat and causing me so many stresses? Does it get you off?”
“What if it does?” You answer in a whisper, trying to turn your head towards his, but he isn’t having it.
His hand comes up from between your legs and wraps around your throat, causing you to whimper at the loss of contact.
“Let’s get something clear,” Jake starts lowly, his voice rumbling like nearby thunder as he begins to warn you. “Drop the fucking games, or I’ll make sure to fuck you so hard, you’ll have to fucking crawl your way out of here tonight.”
“I will never give you such satisfaction.” You know you’re about to eat these words, but you can’t find it within your being to care.
Faster than what your brain is capable of processing at this point, Jake is turning you around to face the mirror, leaving you no choice but to grip the barre in front of you.
“Then take it.” Jake says, pressing himself against your ass and wrapping his other hand around your jaw. “Take everything I fucking give you, right here. And when I’m done-“ He uses the grip to turn your head towards the door. “-I can’t wait to watch you limp to that fucking door.”
Jake’s hand abandons your jaw, his fingers hooking themselves around the top of your leotard and pushing it off your shoulders. You help him work it off your body from the front, until it finally falls down around your ankles. As you move to step out of it, he stops you.
“Ah. Don’t.” Jake uses his own leg to halt the movement of your own. “Leave it there.”
You huff, but place your foot back where it was, leaving your leo pooling on the floor around your feet.
Jake’s hands work their way up for your hips, to your shoulders, before his dull nails scratch down your back just enough to make your muscles tense and cover you in goosebumps. He repeats the action one more time, watching your body shiver under his touch in amusement.
“Beg me.” Jake commands, dipping the tips of his fingers into the waistband of your tights.
“What?” You meet his eyes through the mirror, both of you taking notice of the pink tint your cheeks take on.
“I said, Beg. Me.” Jake repeats himself, but not without placing some firmness behind his tone.
“For what?” You spit the question like it’s drenched in poison, though, you know good and well what he’s asking you to beg for.
In a blink, Jake bends down just slightly and yanks your tights down until they’re sitting just around your knees.
“Aren’t you gonna take them off?” You ask him through a scoff.
“I only take off the clothes of good girls,” Jake smirks slyly from behind you. “And you’re most certainly not one of those. Are you?”
You don’t answer him, mostly because you’re hyper focused on the way the air feels cool against your cunt, the slip of your inner thighs from the arousal soaking them and the fact that Jake is the one that has caused it.
A swift smack to your ass pulls you back to him, though.
“Are you?” Jake asks again. You can see his hand drawn back through the mirror, prepared to deliver another blow.
“No,” you finally answer, not nearly loud enough.
“Louder.” Jake demands.
“No, I-I’m not.” Your voice cracks as you raise your volume up, hoping it will suit him.
“That’s better.” Jake attaches his lips itno your shoulder, sinking his teeth into the muscles as his fingers unexpectedly slip through your folds.
“Ah, fuck!” You cry, squirming slightly at the pleasurable pain of his teeth biting just enough to leave a bruise, paired with the coolness of his fingers. You’re ever so slowly losing your own game of defiance.
“Aw, do you not like it rough, sugar plum?” Jake asks, feigning sympathy for you as he lets his fingers tease around your dripping heat.
“I- I told you I can take it,” you remind him, but it’s hardly as believable as earlier.
“Yeah?” Jake pulls his hand away from you and smacks it across your hand again, the wetness coating his fingers making it sting just a little more.
“Jake, come on,” you beg, dying for him to pay your throbbing clit some attention, even though it likely won’t be for long.
“Oh, so now she begs…” Jake scoffs, returning his fingers to your core.
Instead of going where he knows you want them the most, he slowly sinks a finger into you, curling it upwards upon hearing your whiny moan. The force at which his finger curls into, sends you lurching forward, damn near hitting your head against the glass of the mirror.
His free hand reaches up to grip at your jaw again, forcing your head up to look at him.
“How’s that feel? Hm?” He asks, voice low and gravely, like it has to travel over rocks before it reaches your ears.
Adding in a finger, the thrusts of his fingers become deeper and the sweet curl into that spot that has your knees buckling, grow harder and more intentional - hitting the same sweet spot over and over and over again.
“Goddamn, Jake…” you moan breathily, eyes fluttering closed.
“Open your fucking eyes and look at me.” Jake commands, emphasizing his words with a particularly deep thrust of his fingers.
How he’s managing to reach these untouched places inside of you, you’ll likely never know, but you don’t really care. You force your eyes open and meet his reflection. Tendrils of his hair have fallen out of his bun, framing his face so perfectly. His eyes are dark and dancing with lust and more emotions that are too entangled to place.
“You feel like you’re about to cum…” Jake observes, pulling his soaked fingers out and wrapping his arm around your waist to reach your aching and horribly neglected bundle of nerves.
The circles he’s drawing over you are quick and tight, enough to throw you into an orgasm and completely wipe your mind blank in the process. It’s almost too much pleasure.
“Not so mouthy now, are you?” Jake snaps, cracking his hand against your cunt, before returning to the dizzying circles.
You open your mouth to smart off, but the second your lips part, the most feral moan you’ve ever heard come from your own lungs, bursts right out of you.
“You’re so much more pleasant to be around when you’re moaning instead of bitching.” Jake comments, leaning in to bite at your shoulder again.
You don’t have much wriggle room this time, as his grip around your neck keeps your firmly in place as he bites all along your neck and shoulder.
“Jake!” You whimper, so close to sounding more like a sob.
You want to jerk away from his far too skilled fingers, but you don’t want to run from the earth-shattering orgasm that he’s steadily dragging you towards.
“Do not cum yet.” Jake says against your skin, but his fingers don’t stop.
“Jake, i-“
“Nope. Don’t fucking cum yet.” Jake says again in a much harsher tone.
He’s pushing you. Seeing just how much you can take, how long you can keep yourself dangling you over that steep edge before you’re crying and pleading with him to stop, because you just can’t hold it anymore.
And you’re not far from that, as hot tears sting the corners of your eyes and the knot in your belly is aching and screaming for release.
“Fuck, I can’t-“ You choke out, gripping the barre so hard that your knuckles are paper white. Even your knees have started to slightly bend, forcing Jake to bend down with you in order to not lose the contact. “I can’t, Jake! Please, just let me!”
“Fuck no.” Jake snaps, bringing his fingers to an agonizing stop before removing them from you completely. “What makes you think you’ve earned it?”
Jake’s hands abandon you and just barely, you catch sight of him pushing his own tights and underwear down to his thighs, fully revealing himself to you, hard and practically soaked with pre cum.
As much as you want to hate every bit of this, you can’t wait have him buried inside of you. The way you imagine it will feel to have him stretching you out, hitting all the perfect places inside of you, is replacing all coherent thoughts in your brain.
“Fuck,” Jake groans, stroking himself a few times. “Goddamn how did you fucking get me like this?”
Reaching forward with his opposite hand to grip your hip tightly, he lines himself up and pushes in to the hilt, his dark eyes intently watching your face contort in pleasure.
“Yeah? You like this?” Jake asks, his words slightly rushed from his own pleasure as he moves in and out of you a few times. “Can’t believe this is all I needed to do to get you to shut your pretty fucking mouth.”
All you can do is moan. You’re far too gone to come up with a good and bratty response to that. Besides, you coming to not mind the way he sounds degrading you. It’s addicting, just like his fingers and cock.
Your chest heaves with anticipation as he continues his slow thrusts. One of his hands ventures up your spine from your hip, stopping to firmly grip your shoulder for more leverage.
“You think your dancing has imperfections now?” Jake growls into your ear, his black t-shirt grazing your bare back. “Just wait until you come in and try to dance tomorrow.”
Jake pulls nearly all the way out of you before slamming himself right back in without warning, setting the most relentless pace possible.
A choked moan rips its way out of you, the pleasure of Jake’s cock pounding into you, shooting through your whole body in debilitating waves.
“Come on, sugar plum,” Jake taunts through labored breaths. “Mouth off some more. M’sure you have plenty to say now, don’t you?”
“F-Fuck you…” You force the two strangled words out through your throat, through an array of moans a high pitched whines.
Using his bruising hold on your hip and shoulder, he brings you back to meet his thrust, driving himself even deeper with each stroke.
You can feel the pleasure shooting down through your legs, all the way down to the tips of your toes - sore and likely blistered from your pointe shoes. The sensations popping up all over your body, make you feel like you’re choking on air - little hiccups of whines and ragged, loud breaths being all that makes it out of you.
Jake’s sounds of pleasure aren’t lost on you, though. The deep grunts and growls, an occasional higher whimper falling in here and there. But god, his voice… the way he talks to you. That, you’re sure, will be what drives you into the life changing high that’s finally starting to rebuild itself within you.
“Oh, my god, Jake…” You croak, wishing you could hold onto him. Sink your nails into his shoulders and run them down his back, or arms. Anything.
“Are you gonna cry for me when you cum? Huh?” Jake asks tauntingly, raising his voice slightly to ensure you hear him over your constant moans. His hand travels from your shoulder down to your cunt, and he begins swirling his fingers over your clit.
You writhe in his hold, forcing him to wrap his other arm around your waist, the palm of his hand splaying over your chest to hold you against him.
“Nuh uh, this is what you fucking wanted, so take it.” Jake growls lowly into your ear, kissing the side of your neck just below it.
It feels too good. Way too good. You’re just waiting for your body to short circuit, as Jake continues to mercilessly pound into you, expertly toying with your clit as he does so.
“Look at yourself,” Jake scoffs, sliding his hand up from your chest to your jaw. “So fucked out and pathetic. You gonna leave looking like this?” His eyes scan over the little bruises littering your shoulders and neck. “Gonna show everyone that their pretty, sweet, sugar plum is just a little whore?”
Words have completely fled from you, as have the loud moans you were emitting before. You’ve dwindled down to nothing but a constantly open mouth, with hoarse and uneven breaths panting out, makeup running and strands of hair falling out of your bun, as your orgasm slowly pulls you under.
“Ja- Jake!” You sob, a deep ache settling low in your stomach. “I- I’m s- I-…”
“Give it up, pretty. Go on…” Jake encourages, his thrusts just barely faltering as you begin fluttering around him. “F- Fucking. Give it to me.”
The orgasm that takes hold of you, nearly ravages you. It’s head-spinning, body numbing. So all consuming that your vision and hearing go out entirely, for what feels like an eternity. Your lungs burn as your body locks in place, until you’re finally able to suck in a gasping breath and release the most pornographic cry into the room. It echos and bounces around, and Jake is quickly committing it to memory.
Faintly, as Jake delivers a few more paralyzing thrusts, you can hear him cursing under his breath. Groaning as he pulls out quickly, removing his hand from around you to work himself through his own high and spilling his release over your lower back.
His fingers have yet to come to a stop over you, even through his orgasm. You frantically grab for his wrist, whining desperately as overstimulation takes you for a dizzying spin.
Barely having regained his composure, Jake turns you around, pressing his body flush against yours as he sinks his fingers into you and uses his thumb to continue working your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“Jake, please! It’s too much, please!” You beg him, more tears prickling the corners of your eyes.
“You’re a tough girl, right?” Jake mocks, kissing your cheek with a wicked smirk on his lips. “You can take one more.”
“Jacob, please!” You beg him again, unsure of how you’re even holding yourself up anymore.
“Hush.” Jake commands, watching you with dark eyes as you start fall back into another high.
Your head falls back against the glass with a soft thud, eyes screwed tightly shut and mouth hanging agape just like before.
“That’s it, sugar plum,” Jake rasps. “You’ll give me one more because I said so. Good girl.”
Those last two little words do you in. It isn’t quite as intense as the first, but it still does you in, nonetheless. Your legs tremble beneath you, the muscles in your stomach clenching as you come undone for him again.
As you come down, Jake carefully withdraws his hand from you - soaked and glistening with your release.
You watch his movements with hooded eyes, as he brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks them clean of you.
“Like sugar…” He hums with a shit eating grin. “How fitting.”
Bending down, Jake guides your tights back up, followed by your leo - pulling it up just to your chest.
He then takes a step back from you, pulling his own tights back up over his hips, eyes never leaving your face as you watch him in slight, post-orgasm confusion.
“It’s late,” he speaks up calmly, taking slow steps backwards. “I’ll see you back here tomorrow. Same time.”
You watch him in walk away disbelief, as you attempt to follow after him on weak and shaky legs. By the time you reach him, he’s already flinging his back over his shoulder.
He turns towards you, tossing you a little jar without any warning.
Your hands shoot out to catch it just in time to save it from shattering all over the floor and upon a little examination, you read, ‘Epsom Salt’ written across a little sticky note, taped to the side.
“Might wanna soak in a nice little bath tonight,” he suggests as he heads towards the door.
You watch him pull it open and step out, still completely speechless and rightfully exhausted, your mind spinning in a whirlwind of thoughts about what the hell just happened.
“I need those to be working tomorrow.” Jake adds smugly, quickly pointing at your legs. “Oh, and cover those marks. Can’t go in to dress rehearsal tomorrow night bruised up.”
“W-What…?! I thought dress rehearsal starts the day after tomorrow?” Your sleepy eyes grow impossibly wide.
“Nope.” Jake shakes his head once. “Best be ready, huh, sugar plum?”
With that, he leaves you to be alone with l shock and insanely sore legs, wondering how the fuck you’re going to manage a full day with him and dress rehearsals, now that he’s fucked your body to the point of no return.
@ascendingtostardust @joshsindigostreak @streamsofstardust @builtbybrokenbells @shutupdevvie @gretasmokerising @stardustvanfleet @stardustcatcher @wildbluesorbit @jaketlover @of-infinite-wonders
@tripthelightfatality @vanfleeter @ofburningskies
@sunandthemoontwinflames @juliensbakery
@jakesguitarsolo @gretavanfreaky
@ageofbarbarians @gretavanfleetposts
@gvfpal @theweightofjake @alwaysonthemend
@twistedmelodies @belovedsamuel
@watchingover-hypegirl @jakes-eyebrows
@watchingovergvff @streamingcolors-gvf
@jakekiszkasbuttsweat @writingcold
@starcatcher-jake @sarakay-gvf @groovyvanfleet
@i-choose-the-road @stillstreetjoshua @doodle417 @positivegvfthings @greta-van-fics @greta-van-chaos @gretavanbitches
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A dancer dies twice
LeonKennedy x ballet!fem!reader
Summary: Leon attends ballet performances from time to time and a certain dancer caught his eye. An unexpected turn occurred and the favored ballet dancer stopped performing, causing Leon’s heart to break a little.
Warning: comfort/angst. mention of depression and weight loss. not proofread lol. nothing sexual but still.
a/n: I’ve been having this idea for quite some time lol. Why did I stop ballet dancing? Idk, I was a dumb kid lmao.
“A dancer dies twice - one when they stop dancing, and this first death is painful.”
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The curtains were closed as Leon walked towards his reserved seat in the house. He wasn’t like other people nowadays dressing causally, he dressed up in his fancy suit. The first button of his dress shirt unbuttoned, just the way he always preferred. He finally got himself a small vacation and what better way to enjoy the weekend than watching a group of people dance along to Tchaikovsky?
He shifted in his seat as he looked over the pamphlet of the acts. He doesn’t know a thing about ballet but he does know that he likes the emotions conveyed in the way the dancers move. Whether it was the betrayal in Swan Lake or the serene feeling of the sugarplum fairy from The Nutcracker, he loved it all. But he would never admit it to his colleagues.
The orchestra began to play in a crescendo as the curtains pulled open, revealing a group of white dressed ballerinas huddled in a circle. And that’s when that serene feeling came. The ballerinas danced in their point shoes as their skirts moved gracefully every time they did a pirouette. It felt magical and he felt a sense of relief. Leon was an analytical guy, he analyzes everything he sees and tonight was no different. For tonight, he noticed a certain new dancer. Her hair tied up in the same bun as the other ballerinas but somehow it looked better on her. The white corset she was wearing hugged her lean figure just right, her arms moved under the spotlight swiftly. As if she was a doll. This was her performance.
Leon kept attending each time he could just to watch her. To watch the way her arm and leg angled perfectly at every arabesque she did, her grand jeté followed by the common chassé. She was just breathtaking. As if her purpose was to dance all night. And she did. She was the white swan. She was Clara. For months he watched as she slowly took over the main roles, she was that good.
But all that good came down with a price. Recently, he noticed the way she started to appear less and less. She danced the lesser roles now. And he couldn’t help but wonder why? Was she okay? Is she taking care of herself? For nights he felt worried. He even searched up her name online to find her social media. But the poor man couldn’t find it. It’s like all she did was perform.
Until one day, he spotted her walking down the street from her dance studio. He was out for a smoke when he saw her in her practice clothes, backpack over her shoulders as she walked towards her car. His eyes widened at the sight and he quickly threw his cigarette on the floor and put it out with his foot. He looked both ways before crossing the street and began to make his way towards her.
She didn’t notice until he spoke out to her, “Hey, you performed last week, right?” He asked even though he knew the answer already. She turned around and looked at him surprised but quickly smiled politely.
“Yes, I did. Did you enjoy the show?” She asked in her quiet voice, she seemed tired. He couldn’t help but nod as he looked down at her. “Yeah- you were amazing.” He mumbled under his breath, his heart beating fast as he began to feel his ears turn pink. She was even more beautiful up close.
And god was her laugh even more breathtaking. She giggled at his words and that only made him want to make her laugh even more. Just to hear that beautiful laugh.
It’s been a few days after their exchange and he couldn’t help but feel like a teenage boy for being able to get her Instagram. Turns out she purposely hid her account from the ballet house. Makes sense since she looked like the type to not want to be bombarded with messages from strangers.
They texted for some time and he kept attending her shows. He even bought her flowers after one performance in which she got the main role again. His heart nearly bursted into little pieces as he watched the look of surprise and joy on her face when she saw the flowers. He wanted to make this girl happy, as much as he could. So he kept bringing her gifts. And she kept them in a special memory box. It was all so romantic.
One day, she was walking home from dance practice with her headphones on. She was talking to Leon on the phone about some minor things like how much her feet hurt and how she needed new shoes. And he listened to her, no matter how much she talked because she talked a lot. He took in every word and analyzed it. Should he buy her the shoes? He would gladly spend his money on her if it meant she’ll keep dancing. If it meant she’ll keep following her dreams.
It was all going great until she noticed a car swerving slightly. She shrugged and kept walking as she talked to Leon over the phone. The car kept getting closer and closer until it swerved right into her direction. Her instincts jumped in and she was able to dodge the car, but her leg got caught under the tire. She screamed in pain and Leon quickly tracked down her location. He got his keys and drove to her, he didn’t care how fast he was going. He needed to be there, he needed to help her.
When he parked on the side of the road, he saw her holding on her leg as the driver staggered in his walk. He was drunk, Leon thought to himself. A drunk driver just ran over a dancer. A ballet dancer’s worst dream came true in the snap of a finger. Leon felt a lot of things. Anger, frustration, sadness, he felt it all. And his heart broke even more as he saw how much she was crying. He ran to her side and quickly called the ambulance.
He sat waiting in the lobby of the hospital as she was undergoing surgery. She had suffered a bone fracture and needed immediate medical attention. He stayed up as much as he could and waited for her. He would ask any doctor how she was doing, and honestly, no one told him anything yet.
Her assigned doctor finally came out and approached Leon. He told him that she was currently sleeping from the anesthesia but that he could see her. And he rushed towards the room she was in.
He saw how she laid on the bed, peacefully sleeping. He saw how she had wires tied to her arm. He heard the sound of her heart monitor beep at a normal pace. He slowly approached her and sat on the chair next to her bed. Leon took her hand and squeezed it gently. He couldn’t do anything except wait for her to open her eyes.
And he waited.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked around as her vision tried to adjust to the harsh hospital lights. She looked down at Leon’s head resting on her bed as he held on to her hand. She smiled softly until she looked down at the cast on her leg. Her face fell and her heart shattered.
Her quiet sobs reached Leon’s ears and he woke up immediately. He cupped her face with his hands and brought her to his chest as she cried. She wrapped her hands around his back and held on to him. Her whole passion and dreams were now gone. And it wasn’t even her fault.
She spent months in her bed, getting up only to eat and go to the bathroom. But that was it. Leon took the liberty to take care of her. To bathe her, to feed her, to try and distract her. But she always had that emptiness in her eyes. Her light was gone and she was no longer under the spotlight. The ballet house had to let her go since her leg was so injured she couldn’t dance ballet anymore. She could dance but just not ballet. And it broke her soul.
She would no longer wait for the curtains to open, she would no longer dance along to the orchestra, she would no longer spot Leon sitting among the crowd watching her. It was all gone.
Leon slept on the couch as he took care of her. But even from the living room he could hear her cries. He noticed the way she lost her muscle and lost weight.
He walked to her room and sat down on the side of the bed with food. “You need to eat, y/n…” he spoke softly as he laid his hand on her shoulder. “I’m not hungry.”
He couldn’t do anything but frown. He didn’t want to force her to get better but he also hated seeing her in this state. He would do anything to go back in time and prevented the whole thing from even happening.
He helped her shower, kneeling down against the bathtub as she had her back to him. She had her knees on her chest and hugged her legs. His fingers gently massaged the shampoo into her scalp. It wasn’t anything sexual. He was just trying to help her.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled under her breath as he poured water down her hair to wash off the shampoo. He furrowed his brows and replied back in a soft voice, “What for?”
She rested her chin on her knees and continued, “For all of this. I feel like a burden to you. You could be doing better things but instead you’re taking care of my depressed ass…”
His heart broke again, his fingers stopped going through her wet hair as he tried to think of a way to reply to her. “You’re not a burden… I chose to take care of you, none of this is your fault…” he whispered softly. She frowned as he kept washing her hair, “I know but… I just feel so… empty.”
He couldn’t do anything except stare at the back of her head with a sad look. He kept washing her hair and her body in silence. He wasn’t a man of words but he hoped that his actions spoke for the lack communication. He hoped she took his actions as a way of comfort. Because he knows what it’s like to lose something you love. He knows that feeling all too well.
He helped her into some new pajamas and tucked her to bed. He was about to leave when she took hold of his wrist, “Stay.”
She wanted him to stay.
And he did. He laid down next to her on the bed. She laid her head on his chest and cried. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. His shirt getting wet from her tears but he didn’t care. Leon ran his hand through her hair as the other rubbed her back gently. Her hands gripped on his shirt as she sobbed.
Her head remained on his chest as she slept after crying. And he did not move. He stayed like he told her to. Not because he was forced, but because he wanted to.
And he’d stay all the time if he was able to.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- His Ballet Girl
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I had the idea of Tommy dating someone who is a ballet dancer and one of my followers gave me the idea of Tommy cheating on his wife. This does not represent my beliefs, cheating is horrible
Warnings- Tommy cheating on his wife and reader not caring.
YN has been dancing since she could walk, she feel in love with ballet when her parents took her to her first theatre show. From that moment on YN begged her parents for ballet shoes and lessons.
Now being 29 years old she is now dancing in the same show she first saw, The Nutcracker.
YN sits in the garrison with the Shelby's, who she's known for many years. Even though she was from a different social class she always got on with the brothers and Ada, but she's specifically close with Tommy... very close to Tommy.
YN walks through the garrison to their room. Not knocking she walks in and sits next to Arthur 
"No thanks Arthur. Have rehearsal early tomorrow"
"How is it going?" Lizzie asks sitting on Tommys lap. Although YN feels a little jealous, she knows that tonight Tommy will be warming her bed not theirs which puts a smile on YNs face
"Good thank you. Are you guys coming to the first show?" YN asks looking around
"Actually I wanted to ask you for a favour" YN looks at Lizzie "I'm not sure if you know this, but Tommy is throwing me a huge party for my birthday" YN did know because Tommy was in her bed moaning about having to throw this party "and I was wondering if you would perform"
"Of course. Tommy can let me know the date" Tommy sits quietly, he's not uncomfortable with this situation, his wife and his mistress talking
"So YN how's your mystery man?" Esme asks
"He's great. Bought me this" YN shows off her necklace
"When are we meeting this mystery man?" Lizzie asks, oh if she only knew
"Not sure. He needs to leave his wife first" Tommy coughs nudging Lizzie off his lap
"I have to get going if I want to get to London at a decent time"
"Ok. I'll miss you" she leans down and kisses his lips
"Yeah you too" he replies leaving the room
"Well I'm going to head off home" Lizzie says saying goodbye to everyone
"You sure you don't want a drink?" Arthur asks
"No I'm good thank you. I probably should also go home, go to bed early. I'll see you all tomorrow".
"When are you telling her?" YN asks Tommy lying in bed
"Soon. I want to get her birthday out of the way" YN groans "I know your having fun messing with her though. Showing off your necklace"
"Yes but she's sitting on you lap, asking me to dance at her birthday, it's a bit fucked"
"You agreed to do it" Tommy chuckles making YN smile
"Yes because I wasn't going to get invited else and I would love to sneak off with you at some point during the day"
"I'm sure you would" YN yawns interrupting Tommy "tired?"
"Mmm" YN hums
"Go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning" Tommy kisses her forehead.
Weeks later and it's Lizzie's birthday, she's going around bragging about how amazing Tommy is for making this party possible. YN is stretching before performing when Esme walks over to her
"I know who the mystery man is"
"I'm guessing you spoke to the spirits" YN jokes standing up
"Don't be stupid YN. How long have have you and Arthur been sleeping with each other?"
"Arthur!" YN yells getting you "you think I've been sleeping with Arthur?"
"Well you sit next to him every time we're at the garrison, he's always getting you a drink, taking you home"
"I promise you it's not Arthur" YN watches as Tommy walks into the house without Lizzie "I'll be back later Esme" YN follows Tommy into the house looking for him. Suddenly she's pulled into another room by Tommy locking the door behind him. His lips are immediately on YN's smudging her lipstick.
"Who the hell is it Thomas?" Lizzie whisper yells at Tommy while YN is performing. After Tommy and YN's rendezvous Tommy went back to his wife, not knowing their was lipstick on his shirt
"I'm not doing this now Lizzie"
"Not doing... it's my birthday and you've been fucking someone?"
"Lizzie" Tommy sighs rubbing the temples of his head "just enjoy your birthday and we will talk about this tomorrow" Lizzie crosses her arms in a huff and turns to look at YN who's dancing. She notices YN glances in their direction, she looks at Tommy and notices him staring at her. That's when it clicks
"It's her. You fucking bastard Thomas Shelby" Lizzie storms off but Tommy doesn't go after her. He stays to watch YN.
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gothicwidowsworld · 2 years
Domestic L.H
instagram edit - Domestic dad!lewis x wife!reader
its been a while since i’ve done an ig post but i had an idea for a while but not enough inspo for a full imagine unfortunately
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Liked by y/nHamilton, nicolashamilton, and 513,581 others
Lewishamilton Racing has always been a part of me, from my first remote control car, my dad tinkering in the shed putting together second hand parts just so I could race to fighting for my eighth World Title. Formula One has given me a platform to share my voice, bring awareness to the injustices & be a part of something worthy of the history books.But nothing will ever beat the feeling of walking my little girl home from ballet class, having tea parties, mornings where the only sound that fills our home is love and laughter. But most importantly allowing me to being the Father & Husband I’ve always dreamed of being.
view all 492,628 comments
georgerussell63 I swear she’s grown each time I see her
y/nhamilton Don’t let Lew hear you say that George… Apparently he’s not ready for her to grow up
| lewishamilton and you are? 👀
sebastianvettel Our children are our future, we should cherish all the moments we have with them no matter how irrelevant they seem
emotionalf1damage not seb being deep af in the comments
Hamiltonhugs221 Sylvie is so adorable i actually love her
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Liked by nicolashamilton, mercedesamgf1 and 286,715 others
y/nhamilton lets play a game of spot the difference
view all 147,533 others
Mercedesamgf1 Only a Hamilton could look so 🔥
| y/nhamilton She learnt from the best
hamiltonisgoat how does a literal child look better than me
User3083 Sylvie is serving straight looks sorry not sorry
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Liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 63,466 others
y/nhamilton I ask Lewis to fix a lightbulb a week ago and it’s all “Yeah Baby I gotch you, it’s on my list.” Baby Hamilton pouts for 0.5 seconds and it’s automatically “Daddy will fix it right now!”
view 37,953 comments
Cullen_angela The Hamilton pout will get you
| y/nhamilton tell me about it Angie 🙄
georgerussell63 want me to fix your lightbulb y/n/n?
mercedesmad3234 George Russells the kind of guy to offer to do his teammates diy
russellgeorge2018 ik that trend is like so dead but he literally is… george russells the kind of guy to say “just call me a professional’ after accomplishing the most simple task
nicolashamilton it’s ok y/n that superpower skipped me so you’re not the only one
| y/nhamilton You little liar Nicky that's so not true at all
hamilton44ever y can i for real see that happening 😂
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gunilslaugh · 1 month
Haiii, ik you’re on hiatus but I miss your writing sooooo muchhh and I got this idea that I couldn’t get out of my head and I thought that you’d be the perfect person to turn this idea into a masterpiece. Hyeongjun having a s/o who is his total opposite, like he’s all punk and rockstar and she’s all cutesy and bright, like how he has black nail polish and she has pink.
Yk the “he was punk, she did ballet” kind of stuff.
Hi 🫧 anon! I am currently on hiatus but I just had to write this lol. As a former ballet dancer I always take the "she did ballet" literally so you're getting punk Hyeongjun x ballerina reader lol. I hope you enjoy
Han Hyeongjun Summary: Hyeongjun was a punk, you did ballet. [yes that’s the summary I’m going with lol] (non-idol au) WC:~1.6k Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Y/n come with us to open mic on Saturday,” Jiseok says. 
“Can’t I have dance,” you reply. 
“You always have dance,” he sighs 
“Exactly, so you should have known better than to ask her,” Seungmin chimes. 
“I just feel like we only see her in school. I want to hang out with you y/n.” Jiseok grabs onto your arm and shakes it.
“Yeah it’s funny we only see y/n during school and only see Hyeongjun outside of it,” Seungmin chuckles. 
“Who’s Hyeongjun?” you ask, never having heard the name before. 
“Our friend who is killer at shredding the guitar. You could meet him if you come on Saturday.” Jiseok tried to persuade you. 
“I can’t I-” 
“Have dance,I know. What time does class end? Maybe you could come after.” You shake your head. 
“We have rehearsals for our summer show. I won't get out till late,” you state. 
“Well what time does it start? Maybe you could pop by before.” Jiseok tried again, not ready to give up. 
“I have a pas de deux class at five,” you  inform, shrinking into my shoulders. 
“I give up,” Jiseok throws his hands up. 
“I told you I don’t know why you bother,” Seungmin said. 
“Would it seriously kill you to miss one class?” Jiseok questioned. 
“Yes! There’s nothing worse than missing dance for me,” you say. Jiseok grumbles at your response. “Look, I have a two week break after our summer show. We can hang out then.” Jiseok perks up. 
“I’m holding you to that.” He points at you.
Jiseok indeed was holding you to your word. That’s how you found yourself in a small crowd of people in front of a small stage. 
“It’s kinda cramped,” you speak loudly over the music playing. 
“It’s part of the fun,” Jiseok smiles. 
Soon the lights dim and a band walks onto the stage. 
“This is Hyeongjun’s band,” Seungmin tells you. He points out which one is Hyeongjun. He had long black hair. Was wearing baggy jeans, a band tee and his fingernails were painted black. The complete opposite of your bright and feminine aesthetic. Down to your light pink fingernails.  His aura intrigued you. It seemed dark and a little mysterious. Seungmin wasn’t lying when he said he had killer guitar skills. The way his fingers moved along the strings captivated you. 
After the performance was over Jiseok and Seungmin took you to meet Hyeongjun and his band. 
“And who’s this little lady? Doesn’t really look like this is her kind of scene.” One of Hyeongjun’s band members asked. 
“Jooyeon, this is y/n.” Jiseok points at you. “Y/n this is Heyongjun and Gunil.” He points to either of the two males. 
“Nice to meet you. You guys were good,” you compliment them. 
“Really you thought they were good? You were just awkwardly standing while they were playing, so I kinda thought I made a mistake taking you out of the studio.” Jiseok says. 
“Studio?” Hyeongjun asked. 
“Oh I do ballet,” you inform. 
“Oh my god we’re punks and she does ballet!” Jooyeon joked excitedly. 
“You do look like a dancer now that you say that,” Gunil said. 
“Wait, so you can do the splits?” Jooyeon cut in. 
“Why does everybody ask that?...Yes I can do the splits,” you say. 
“Do them-”
“How long have you been dancing?” Hyeongjun cuts Jooyeon off. 
“Since I was three,” you tell him. 
“Do you have any videos?” he asked. 
“Yeah in fact we just had our summer show.” You pull out my phone to pull up the videos. “Here.” You flip your phone around to show him the video of your performance. “I’m right here.” You point to yourself. 
Just as you became captivated by Hyeongjun watching him play, Hyeongjun became captivated by you watching you dance. Seeing your delicate lines, soft flowing movements. It stirred something inside Hyeongjun’s heart. The others are quick to notice the daze-like state Hyeongjun is in as he watches you dance. Seungmin smirks, having noticed your daze-like state earlier when you were watching Hyeongjun play. 
“You look really pretty when you dance,” Hyeongjun compliments when the video ends. 
“Thanks,” you smile. “You look cool while playing guitar.” Hyeongjun smiles too 
“Thanks,” he returns. The others share glances at yours and Hyeongjun’s exchange. 
“Hyeongjun, have you ever thought about learning to ride a skateboard?” Jooyeon randomly asked. Jiseok laughs at his question. 
“Um..no. Why?” Hyeongjun responded. Jooyeon smiles. 
“Just asking.” 
“We’re gonna hang out with Hyeongjun and the others this weekend. Do you want to come?” Jiseok asked. 
“I almost forgot I’m on my two-week break. I was about to say I have dance.” you laugh, so do Jiseok and Seungmin.
“So do you want to come?” Seungmin questioned. You couldn’t deny that the thought of seeing Hyeongjun again made your heart feel a certain way. 
“Sure I’ll come,” you agree. 
“You brought Ms.Ballerina,” Gunil notes upon your arrival. 
“She usually has dance so we’re taking full advantage of her two week break,” Jiseok says. 
“Yeah I’ve seen the outside world a lot recently,” you joke. Hyeongjun smiles. He’s happy to see you again. The bright aesthetic of your white flower blouse and pastel blue skirt feels like a breath of fresh air to him. Not that he could imagine not dressing in his punk rock aesthetic nor was he tired of it. Just something about you and how you appear to be the complete opposite of him really pulled him in towards you. 
“Talk to her.” Gunil nudged Hyeongjun, easily noticing the way he was looking at you.
“About what? I doubt that we have much in common.” 
“Just go.” Gunil literally shoves Hyeongjun over to you. Hyeongjun stumbles his way over to you. 
“Hey,” he greets you. 
“Hey,” you smile at him brightly. Your heart rate picked up a little with joy that he was talking to you. Hyeongjun tries to think about what to say to you. 
“I’m glad you came today,” he expressed.
“I am too. It’s nice to see you again,” you reply. Hyeongjun’s heart warms at your words. A silence comes over the two of you. Neither of you know quite what to say, but you remain walking side by side. 
“Do you paint your own nails?” you asked, looking down at his hand covered with black polish.
“Oh yeah I do,” he answers, bringing up his hands. 
“They look nice,” you say.
“Thanks, your pink nails look cute.” he gestures to your hands.
“What bands do you like?” you carry on with the conversation. Hyeongjun’s a bit shocked by your question. Not really expecting you to know much, if anything about bands, but he tells you nonetheless. Giving you the names of his favorite songs and bands he finds inspiration from. 
At some point you and Hyeongjun broke off from the others without even noticing. Being too caught up in learning (and falling) for one another. It wasn’t until either of your phones went off with a text from Jiseok with a picture of the two of you sitting on a bench together with the caption. “He was a punk. She did ballet” that you both realized the others were nowhere to be found. A blush brushed over both of your cheeks.
“We should find the others,” Hyeongjun said. 
“Yeah we should.”
Of course when you reunited with the others they had to tease the two of you by asking how your date went. Even though the two of you denied you both liked the thought of going on a date together. 
3 months later
“Hyeongjun!” you happily called your boyfriend as you walked out of the dance studio. His punk attire certainly sticking out amongst all the dancers also leaving the studio. He smiles, sticking out his hand for you. 
“How was class?” he asked as you linked your pink painted nails with his black ones.
“Good. I’m gonna be sore tomorrow though,” you chuckle lightly. You continue to tell Hyeongjun about your class and even if he only understands every other ballet term that comes out of your mouth he still listens to you intently. 
Yours and Hyeongjun’s personalties were polar opposites, yet somehow the two of you blended together so perfectly. You were bright and he was dark. You brought light into his life and he brought a sheltering shade into yours. It was the perfect balance. He was a punk. You did ballet. What else is there to say?
Bonus Scene
“Heyingjun come here,” you call for your boyfriend. 
“What is it?” he asked, entering the room. He sees you sitting on the bed with a bottle of pink polish out. 
“Sit down.” You pat the bed. 
“The pink is making me nervous,” he says pointing to the bottle. 
“Just a little tiny bit,” you say, making a small space between your thumb and pointer finger. 
“I don’t know,” Hyeongjun said. Yet he still lets you take his hand in yours when you reach out for it. You take the bottle of pink polish and open it. Then carefully you take the brush and paint a french tip across the black nail on Hyeongjun’s ring finger. “See just a little” you smile. 
“Let me see your hand” Hyeonjun tells you. You stick out your hand for him. Hyeongjun grabs a bottle of black nail polish then carefully uses the brush to paint a black french tip across your pink nail. “There now we match.” The two of you smile like two fools in love holding your ring fingers next to each other. Hyeongjun imagines that one day there will be a pretty ring sitting on your finger too.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @ezlynkisses @chewednails @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143 @seungseung-minmin
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