#Yeah it's a fic for a fest
inastarlesssky · 2 months
Oh my poor Draco, I'm putting him through the ringer in this one.
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awetfrog · 3 hours
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19 imitator
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thefollow-spot · 12 days
"Untitled" (Idol)
Merlin & Arthur ● General Audiences ● WC: 200 ● No Warnings // Written for @merlinmicrofic 2024, for the prompt 'Sunlight'.
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starwarned · 5 months
my little entry for @aftg-420-fest !! <3
andreil, 1k words, rated T
“Want any?” Andrew asks, but he’s not holding out the joint anymore. The next inhale that Andrew takes, he holds for only a few seconds before releasing, the smoke brushing past Neil’s cheek. Neil blinks at the sudden onslaught and he catches on to what Andrew is offering.
read it on ao3 or literally right here!
A soft flick of metal striking makes Neil look up.
For a split, panicked second, the sound reminds Neil of a cigarette lighter and the passenger seat of a police car. Before that old terror can take hold, Neil’s gaze catches on Andrew’s face.
His pulse steadies.
Andrew flicks the lighter again and takes a slow drag from the joint he has tucked gently between two fingers on his left hand. Neil’s brain gets stuck on Andrew’s familiar fingers for longer than strictly necessary, but he manages to pry his attention back to Andrew’s eyes.
Judging by the look Andrew is giving him — something unsurprised and almost smug — Neil was obvious in his distraction.
“Staring,” Andrew says, and then takes another, smaller hit, inhaling deeply before releasing the smoke into the air above Neil’s head.
They’re on the roof, and the sun is setting, and Neil likes this so much. He tucks his hands behind his back, officially bidding goodbye to his textbook that’s open on the ground in front of him. He and Andrew have been occasionally coming up here on weekends for hours at a time, now that it’s warm enough to do so. Andrew was a bit smarter for the long term with his pants and orange hoodie, but Neil is perfectly content in running shorts and a long sleeve. He’s sitting in an easy stretch on the blanket that Andrew had brought up with them, his foot a few inches away from Andrew’s.
He pokes Andrew with his socked toes.
“Know what year the War of 1812 was yet?” Andrew asks in retaliation.
Neil doesn’t answer but shuts his textbook, shoves it off to the side, and then scoots in closer.
Andrew holds out the joint in offering, but Neil doesn’t take it. He has smoked with Andrew a few times since Andrew and Aaron picked it up, and doesn’t mind it when they do with more regularity, but he hasn’t really gotten the hang of it yet.
When Neil scoots in even closer, Andrew tucks his legs in so he’s cross-legged between Neil’s outstretched legs. Neil tucks one up and Andrew’s hand immediately goes to his knee, softly running his fingers over Neil’s skin, tracing the shape of his kneecap.
“Want any?” Andrew asks, but he’s not holding out the joint anymore. The next inhale that Andrew takes, he holds for only a few seconds before releasing, the smoke brushing past Neil’s cheek. Neil blinks at the sudden onslaught and he catches on to what Andrew is offering.
He shrugs, and then eyes Andrew’s mouth, where he’s already drawing the joint back to his lips. Andrew wraps his mouth around the filter, and then inhales, his cheeks bowing in with the movement, and Neil doesn’t bother to hide his staring again.
“Andrew,” Neil says.
Lifting his hand from Neil’s knee, Andrew tucks it under Neil’s chin, and draws him close. He squeezes just enough that Neil’s mouth falls open slightly.
His mouth barely an inch away from Neil’s now, Andrew exhales the smoke. Neil doesn’t have to move. He just inhales, sucking in softly, and letting his eyes shut at the feeling of the smoke entering his lungs. It’s easier this way, and Neil hums softly as he lets out the breath.
“More?” Andrew asks, and his voice is low and soft. Neil tries not to get turned on by it. (He fails supremely.)
“Yes,” he says, and Andrew takes another hit, adjusting his hand so he can slide two fingers under Neil’s chin, and pull him in again. This time, Andrew’s lips brush against Neil’s as he exhales and Neil has to focus in order to inhale properly.
Neil has to turn away to exhale and Andrew drops a kiss against the shell of Neil’s ear. Neil turns back to him, and they’re barely a breath apart.
Then Andrew’s mouth is on his, a whispered, “Yes or no?” tucked against his lips. Neil’s responding “Yes” is muffled, but clearly received.
The effect of the weed isn’t immediate, but Andrew’s mouth is, and insistently so. Andrew kisses Neil with an intensity that never fails to absolutely floor him.
They kiss with fervor that only slows slightly as the weed kicks in. It’s barely a buzz in Neil’s skin, just weighing him down, settling his brain a bit. He bites down on Andrew’s lip and then sucks on it, grinning when Andrew inhales sharply. When Neil pulls back just a bit, he finds Andrew’s stare and stifles a smile at how high he looks already — mouth soft, eyes hooded, gaze easy.
“Done?” Andrew asks, holding up the joint, which has long gone out, but could be relit if Neil wanted it. He doesn’t, so he shakes his head. The joint gets dropped unceremoniously on top of Neil’s textbook.
Wind whips across the rooftop, sudden and stinging cold. Neil’s exposed legs get the brunt of it and he shivers, but the gust is short-lived. With the sun this low to the horizon, it is colder than when they first retired to the roof. Neil scoots in closer to Andrew, and Andrew completes the move by gripping Neil around the waist and tugging him up into his lap. Neil wraps his legs lazily around Andrew’s hips.
“Andrew,” he murmurs, face pressed into his hair.
Andrew doesn’t say anything and sets his mouth against Neil’s neck, leaving a kiss there and then tilting his head to run his nose along the same spot.
“Andrew,” Neil says again, and it’s a sigh this time. Barely there, whipped away in the next harsh breeze.
“Don’t fall asleep.”
“Stop being so comfortable,” Neil mumbles.
Not rising to the comment, Andrew tucks his face fully into Neil’s neck and rests more of his weight on him.
It’s not Neil’s fault that he falls asleep a little bit. It’s not his fault that he never feels safer than he does in Andrew’s hold.
Andrew doesn’t call him on it. He just holds him. Neil trusts Andrew to take his weight, to hold him there.
Neil trusts Andrew to wake him up if he’s going to smoke more.
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hl-obsessed · 3 months
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kasper-tag · 1 year
✨ Here's the first chapter of my new fic, Meow and Forever!✨
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Title: Meow and Forever
Pairing: Malec
Rating: Mature
No archive warnings apply
Word Count: 3,000+ (still writing and editing)
Summary: When Alec returns home from a week-long work trip, Magnus is nowhere to be found. The doors are locked, there's a horrible, lingering smell in the loft, and a big black cat shows up out of nowhere. Alec tries his best to solve the surreal mystery he's faced with while questioning his sanity. Where did this weird cat come from, and where the hell is his husband?
Written for @animalecfest for the prompt: Lost
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tallglassofchoccymilk · 2 months
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Apologies for my absence please take these please and thank
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nikarie5 · 11 months
Moonster Monster - Snippet
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Rating: General audience Description: Remus's Lions and university worlds start to bleed into each other with a little prank welcoming him into the league as a player. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @noots-fic-fests, @hazelnoot-analyst for their general awesomeness.
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"What the heck?" Remus pulled the hard, thin object out of his suit bag. Flipping it around, he saw the bright primary colours of Dr. Seuss, and the classic Dr. Seuss font. "Give us a read", shouted Nado, seconded quickly by Walker. "Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now!, by Dr. Seuss", started Remus, before adding, "feeling really welcome right now, guys."
Moody and Arthur walked in, saw the players circled around Remus, and grinned.
Moody barked out, "That was an instruction! All of you, GO NOW. There's a traffic jam en route, and we are already running ten minutes late. Story time can wait until we're on the bus."
Once on the bus, however, Talkie started pulling books out of his bag and stacking them on the seat next to Remus.
"It appears you've been holding out on us a lot more than we knew, Loops. Or should I say, Moony? Quite a few former Badgers have started sending me these - he plonks down a pile of books and starts reading off titles - Goodnight Moon, Moony Luna, The Magical Drawings of Moony B. Finch, more than 10 different books titled Moon Monster, and, AND you haven't even noticed that I've been scattering them around the rink for the two weeks!" "Geez! That was what was going on? I thought we were having another book drive!"
"And the donation bin is your stall? So. Are you Moony, or are you Loops?"
"Loops." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Moony doesn't fit me anymore. I like Loops, it feels good."
"K, Loops." Kasey pipes in from the seat behind, "Kay Loops. We still want story time though." Remus sighs, and grabs the first book off the pile. "Goodnight Moon, written by Margaret Wise Brown, and illustrated by Clement Hurd." "In the great green room, there was..."
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milliesfishes · 2 months
nobody is ready for you and i’s flufftober duo im cooking with ideas and you’re gonna floor people with your writing 😈😈🙏🏾
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I AM SO EXCITED!! guys we’re doing Flufftober this year!!!!
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imaginary-wanderer · 2 years
Reading German and Italian fics auto-translated in English with Google Translate, from two different fandoms, is interesting. I have a better level in Italian than German (should be the contrary but I learned German at school 25 years ago and Italian in 2021 so... yeah) so I can switch between the original version and the translated one when the translation is strange to check the original text and see what I understand of it (very often, the translation is way too literal or it extrapolates like mad. Very strange).
Google definitely translates German more “stiffly” than Italian. I don’t know if it’s more about the writing style in German in general, or just the writers’ styles even, but in Italian>English, things are flowing a little more. 
The common thing is how it mixes pronouns/articles. With Italian, it’s quite understandable but it also shows the limits of the AI. And they’re low in this case. In Italian, you can not use articles when you know who you’re talking about, if it makes sense in context. So in a fic full of male characters, clearly depicted as “he” or “him” and other gendered articles several times, Google still replaces the “missing” articles in English by “she” or “her” when two male characters are interacting. It never replaces both by “she”, though, it’s always one of the guys... So many mlm romantic scenes becomes het scenes and it’s a NO.
It also happens with translated German. I’ll need to check the original versions when it happens but it’s really weird when there’s no female characters at all in a short oneshot, not even mentioned once, and the male characters are written several times as “he”. Where do the female references come from in the translation? Or is Google Translate trained primarily on het content... 
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kinardgo · 2 years
love and respect to all the mick-centric pairing besties but schumag girlies (gn) literally have the fattest asses and hearts of gold and also have never done anything wrong.
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everythingsinred · 1 year
random midnight ramblings but.... its tragic how difficult it is to effectively pull off a jealous!mikan plot in au fanfics, not bc mikan hasnt been jealous (bc she HAS and HOW) but bc natsume is so devastatingly a one-girl-only kind of guy that its hard to put him in a realistic situation where mikan would be jealous in a meaningful way.
like in the sports fest arc, natsume is forced into pretending to date (?) luna. he holds her hand and spends all his time with her, meaning that mikan HAS to confront her feelings in a way she didnt have to before. its a pretty big deal in terms of her storyline, but natsume had to be forced into that situation for it to actually play out. otherwise, he'd never leave mikan's side.
and that's pretty much the biggest problem for fanfic writers who wanna explore that aspect of jealousy: how to realistically have that storyline play out in a world where natsume is not in the da class/a child soldier. how to get natsume, who is ultimately only interested in mikan when it comes to romance, to even glance at another girl without it being forced.
it's very weird to think about and i think it's part of the reason why i've never really liked the idea of natsume having ex-girlfriends who actually meant something. narratively, i'd honestly rather have natsume be a playboy and y'all know i dislike playboy!natsume so much.... at least if it's some sort of ridiculous serial dating without any real feelings involved it stays true to natsume's unique devotion to mikan. i still don't like it but ig if i had to choose...
so yeah it's a weird and tricky situation and i get it, fellow fic writers.... it's so hard. bc i LOOOOVE mikan's jealousy so much but it's so hard to make it come about in a natural way that stays true to natsume's character.
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Nothing makes you realize how little you know about the human body and medicine like trying to write Saw fanfiction.
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daydadahlias · 1 year
do u think fandom fic-fests/challenges/exhanges would be a good way for writers of a fandom that arent 100% confident/havent posted enough to be recognised as like A Writer to join the community and make new friends or just be more motivated to practice and write for themselves
well, if i may, i do think there's definitely a lack of awareness here for the fact that it isn't about the Amount of work you're posting that establishes you as A Writer to join a community and, instead, everything to do with the Way you're posting and the manner in which you are interacting with the community.
Like, this sort of mindset that "if I post enough of something, it will therefore deserve interaction by sheer virtue of being" (which I've seen a lot of from new writers recently in a way I never have before) is one I don't really agree with.
If you just post something into the void (especially in the very small and very limited fandom we're in currently), you can't really expect that people are going to confidently and enthusiastically engage with you, especially if they don't know you. A lot of my interaction is based on the fact that I've been here for three years and, at this point, I'm pretty... known by everybody. Which makes me sound like a dick <3 sorry <3 But also, in this fandom, even "established" writers (who have been here for many years) have seen a serious downward trend in interaction as of late. and I don't think a fic fest/challenge/exchange would solve that issue. especially considering there's not a lot of active writers and there is also a very serious lack of readers right now.
if you want to make new friends in the writing community, you just need to be the one interacting; you can't really expect people to come find you and place that emphasis on them. When I first joined this fandom, I had maybe one or two fics posted when I started going around and talking to other writers. I was commenting on their fics and engaging with them and, often times, that inspired an incentive of reciprocation in which they read my work too and we talked about writing together. and now im still friends with most of those people!!
I think that fic fests are absolutely lovely but, as I've said many times, we just don't really have enough interest right now to make them. and, also, the issue of not feeling like part of a community is often times more a matter of just personal interaction and how you are choosing to engage with the preexisting community. Like... you can't post into the void and expect people to flock to you, y'know? you do sort of have to put in the work for yourself.
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so-you-melted-22 · 2 years
i wish i could actually write what i want to because right now im just being plagued by visions and its really not that much of a vibe
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WIP Game
RULES: Post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @enchantedlandcoffee for tagging me!!!
I do divide my WIP folder in "stuff I'm currently working on", "stuff I have temporarily abandoned" and "stuff i will work on in the future". Posting just the first one for the sake of brevity.
Men of steel, men of power (Larry)
Wanderection shit (Larry)
Ziall (self-explanatory lmao)
Pet fic (Larry)
The one in which Stiles summons a demon to play videogames (Sterek)
Lyra (Cora/Lydia from Teen Wolf, I know the correct ship name is cordia, but...)
Tagging (no pressure ofc ofc!!!) @hellolovers13 @persephoneflouwers @imogenleefic @larrysballetslippers @alwaysxlarrie @onlythebravest @goldenkinglouis
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