#Yeah I'm sorry I talk so much about this but it really doesn't ever slow down
ask-artsy-oncie · 10 months
Something that really particularly pisses me off regarding the general sentiment of "Tumblr is the neurodivergent website" is that so much of this userbase STILL treats the western animation/cartoon fandoms like they're anomalous for existing.
Like there's somehow this culture of "cringe culture is dead! Enjoy cute little things and plushes and nostalgia and heal your inner child ♡" combined with this general reaction to cartoon fandom existing being "lol why is this trending? Why do so many people like this? Are you 3? Watch Adult Media for once lol" and I'm not kidding - I've seen both goddamned sentiments being pushed by the same people!! Our existence in the wider tumblr fandom space is largely disregarded or erased because, for whatever reason, people outside of these fandoms seem to respect us so little that they're genuinely confused by the fact that we exist at all. That includes the selective amnesia about how "weird" it was that x animated movie or show had "such a big fandom" because the implication is that western animation doesn't have fandoms. Not "normally". (This implication ignoring every other prominent animated fandom at the time that anyone on this side of tumblr could pretty easily tell you about).
Buddy, we are on opposite sides of tumblr. To me, it's "weird" when a post about Marvel or K-pop or Supernatural makes it onto my dash because that's buy-and-large not the kind of community I follow and keep up with. You don't see me constantly questioning the existence of these fandoms at all, and of course you don't. I'd look like a fucking nutjob to the wider fandom ecosystem. That's what yalls look like to me when you spout your bullshit, especially when you follow it up with how proud of your weirdness, your cringe, your authentic enjoyment of something is.
I'm not here to play the victim, I'm just so fucking sick of this shit. Just check yourselves!!! You do not get to tout "cringe culture is dead" and then go around and berate fandoms of western animated films, or whatever the current popular western cartoon fandom is, and constantly speculate on and laugh about how low their media literacy skills and brain capacity must be when you know literally none of them!!! Like you sound like a stock-standard bully, either fucking own it or grow the fuck up and get over yourself, but at the very least stop being a hypocrite.
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mcdynamite · 9 months
Kissing has never done all that much for Steve, if he’s honest.
It's just not really something he's ever given much thought to before - the way someone kisses - despite the fact that he's locked lips with plenty of people. For him, kissing has always been something nice, but not particularly special. It's never been earth-shattering. Never taken his breath away, the way people talk about in movies and books. It's just a way to be closer to someone, and it's nice, but it's never anything more than that.
Then, Steve kisses Eddie for the first time, and suddenly he gets it.
They're high when it happens, laying side by side in Eddie's unmade bed while the weed sinks into their bones. Steve loves the way it seems to slow down the world around them - makes everything syrupy and sweet, so he feels every brush of Eddie's fingers against his own in every inch of his body as they pass the joint back and forth.
The casual contact makes him long for more, and when he's high, Steve just...gives into the longing. He lets himself drift closer until they're pressed together so closely that Eddie can hide his face in Steve's uncharacteristically messy hair when he's trying to cover up a snort of laughter in response to Steve's deranged weed-induced musings.
Tonight, they meander their way through a directionless conversation - as they so often do when they get high together - until the joint is so small it nearly singes their fingertips. When Eddie finally sits up to stamp it out in the ashtray on the bedside table, Steve tries not to miss the feeling of Eddie's body against his own too much, knowing it'll be back soon enough.
"I'm thinking of handing over the DM throne to Will for the next oneshot, after we finish this campaign," Eddie says, speech slow and thoughtful as he puts out the blunt. "Think he'll be good at it."
Steve just hums, eyes heavy-lidded, gaze fixed on the curls he wants so badly to run his fingers through, just to know what it feels like. He's high enough to not care about the consequences when he decides fuck it, and reaches out to feel the soft ringlets beneath his fingertips.
"You're good at it," he muses - a delayed response to Eddie's comment. If Eddie is bothered by the way Steve is carefully petting his hair, he doesn't show it. Instead, he turns back to look down at Steve with a soft smile that makes Steve's insides feel all gooey.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, a hint of a smirk overtaking the softness. "You ready to admit that you like watching me play my little nerd game, Harrington?"
Steve blames the quiet whine that escapes his throat on the weed, along with the way he honest-to-God pouts in response to Eddie's words. He tugs on a lock of Eddie's hair petulantly. "Don't like it when you call me that."
Eddie's face does something strange then, and Steve can't quite parse out what it means with the weed making his brain all foggy. He looks...surprised? Fond? Maybe both?
"Sorry, Stevie," he replies, teasing but somehow genuine at the same time. Steve smiles dopily, an expression that Eddie returns. "That better?"
Satisfied, Steve nods. Hums in affirmation. "Yeah. I like that one."
And it's true. Steve loves when Eddie calls him Stevie, because Eddie always sounds so fond when he does, and it makes Steve's heart feel too big for his chest.
"Oh, yeah?" Eddie asks, still grinning as he leans down until he's propped up on one elbow, hovering just over Steve on the bed. "What else do you want me to call you, hm? Stevie? Steve? M'lord?"
The last one makes Steve laugh and close his eyes, happy to bask in the sound of Eddie's voice as he floats along with their conversation.
"Sir Steven? Sweetheart?" Eddie continues, and Steve's heart jumps just a bit at the second one. Then, Eddie murmurs, "Baby?" 
And Steve's eyes fly open.
Steve stares at his friend with wide eyes - lips parted as a soft, punched-out oh escapes him - and it's weird, is the thing. Because Steve has been called baby before, lovingly by his grandmother when he was still a little boy causing mischief while his parents weren't watching, meanly by boys on the playground when he cried over something silly like a scraped knee…and when he got older, teasingly by the girls he took on dates.
It's not a new name for him, but it feels groundbreaking nonetheless.
Because the word sounds so much better coming from Eddie's mouth than anyone else's. It's soft, and fond, and knowing, and...
It's longing.
"Yeah,” Steve croaks. "Yeah."
"Which one? Sir Steven?" Eddie asks playfully, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. He grins maniacally when Steve huffs and shakes his head in disappointment. "No? Which one was it, then, that you liked the most?"
"Eddieeee," Steve complains, burying his flushed face into the pillow and avoiding his friend's gaze. "You know which one."
Eddie shakes his head in an almost scolding manner and Steve is convinced he must've moved closer, because Steve can feel Eddie's breath against his skin, and the air in the room feels about a hundred degrees hotter.
"Nuh-uh, Stevie," Eddie says, poking him playfully in the ribs. "You gotta tell me which one."
Steve hesitates, feeling more and more self-conscious by the second. He sort of wants to hide, but he also really wants Eddie to call him that again. It's probably thanks to his intoxicated brain that he allows himself to answer truthfully. "Baby," he murmurs, uncharacteristically shy.
"Yeah?" Eddie says, voice and smile softening in tandem. "You like when I call you baby, Stevie?"
Steve stares up at him with wide eyes, hardly able to believe this is really happening, and nods. "Yeah. That one."
Eddie is so close, now, that Steve can feel the warmth that emanates from his skin; can see the flecks of gold in his eyes amongst the molten chocolate brown. He's got freckles - Steve realizes. Tiny little dots across the bridge of his nose and the apples of his cheeks that form constellations on his skin. Steve thinks, maybe a bit deliriously, that he would be perfectly happy spending hours tracing them, the way astronomers of old once traced the stars.
"Eddie..." he breathes, heart pounding as he begins to feel more and more desperate for...for something. Anything to let him know that he's not the only one succumbing to the gravitational pull between them.
Eddie blinks slowly, and his eyes widen as though he's just realized something important. Steve watches his throat bob nervously before Eddie finally whispers, "Yeah, baby?"
Steve inhales sharply through parted lips - a soft, plaintive gasp that draws Eddie's eyes to his lips, and-
That's what Steve wants, isn't it?
"I-" Steve tries, helpless to stop his own gaze from falling on Eddie's lips - pink and parted and just a little bit chapped, and so, so close.
"Baby," Eddie says again, and this time it's different. Unintentional. Like Eddie said it without meaning to. And maybe it's just the weed, but Steve swears he can feel the word burrowing its way into his chest and settling around his heart like a blanket. It makes his whole body feel warm - something only made worse by the hot coal of desire that begins smoldering low in his gut.
He's so lost in it all that he can't even bring himself to feel embarrassed when he whispers, "Please."
Steve waits with bated breath until finally, any remaining nervousness retreats from Eddie's eyes, and Eddie smiles in that way that makes Steve's stomach flutter. It's such a pretty smile. Steve can only watch as it grows closer, going cross-eyed for the briefest moment in his quest to to stare at Eddie's lips until suddenly his eyes are fluttering shut, because...because...
Because Eddie kisses him with lips still curled into a smile, and Steve thinks - utterly nonsensically - that feeling Eddie's lips against his own is so much better than just looking at them. The thought makes him giggle, just a bit, and he finds himself grinning into the kiss, too.
They part for a moment so Steve can let out another quiet giggle, and Eddie seems to pause for a moment, smiling down at Steve with poorly concealed affection. "Baby," he murmurs reverently, and then he's leaning down to capture Steve's lips in another kiss.
This time, Steve is ready for it, but it draws a muffled whimper out of him nonetheless. His nose fills with the scent of weed and cigarettes and cheap cologne - the smell of Eddie - and it's so overwhelmingly good. He lets his lips fall open on a gasp...doesn't close them when Eddie tentatively brushes his tongue against Steve's own. He shuts his eyes, because the press of Eddie's hand to his cheek and Eddie's chest to his own feel like so much more like that.
Eddie breaks the kiss to gasp in a breath, and inexplicably, that's what really sends every last bit of restraint in Steve's brain packing. It's so simple, so ordinary - the soft, quick sip of air Eddie takes in. It's a breathy little sound that Steve has heard from countless others before, but maybe that's why it puts him in this unfamiliar chokehold of wanting.
This isn't just anyone.
This is Eddie.
And Eddie is making those quiet, lovely little sounds because he's kissing Steve, and Steve is very rapidly realizing that he is utterly incapable of being normal about any of this.
He feels his cheeks go hot as he forces his heavy limbs to move so he can tangle his fingers in Eddie's curls, holding him close (because Steve thinks he might die if Eddie stops kissing him, now). And it's bliss. It's addictive. It's ruinously tender, and Steve feels himself unraveling from within. Feels the knots in his heart - left behind by absent parents, cruel friends, and distant girlfriends - turn to dust at the gentlest brush of Eddie's lips.
He whimpers into Eddie's mouth and clings to him even tighter, feeling his throat grow strangely tight as his eyes sting at the corners, and when Eddie pulls away he's got a small furrow in his brow, just under his bangs. 
"Stevie?" Eddie murmurs. His eyes dart to Steve's cheeks, and when he brushes his thumb along the skin just under Steve's eye, it drags a bit of wetness with it. Only then does Steve realize...he's crying.
And Eddie is wiping away his tears.
"I..." Steve croaks, eyes wide and spilling more tears with every blink. He drags his hands down from Eddie's hair to rest on his chest, beginning to curl into himself as the embarrassment sinks in.
Christ, he's crying. And all they've done is kiss.
Eddie's frown deepens, but he doesn't pull away completely. Instead, he lets their noses brush and breathes, "Baby..."
Steve's breath hitches.
"You're shaking, sweetheart," Eddie continues, still brushing Steve's tears away with gentle fingers. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" Steve gasps hurriedly, because as far as he understands, it's the truth. "Nothing's wrong, I just..." He closes his eyes. Swallows the lump in his throat and admits with a trembling voice, "I didn't know it could be like this."
He opens his eyes and sees Eddie's expression soften, but the concern remains. "What do you mean?"
"I just..." Steve tries, sniffling and letting out a quiet, distressed laugh. He slams his eyes shut again and rubs them roughly with his palms, trying to force the tears back into his body. "Jesus, this is fucking embarrassing, man."
"Steve..." Eddie murmurs. He sounds sad. Conflicted. Like he's not sure what to do or how to help - if he should stay or go - and that just won't do, because Steve is certain he'll drift away on the breeze without Eddie to ground him. He's got to try to explain, even with his thoughts still feeling syrupy slow from the weed.
He wants to tell Eddie that he's kissed dozens of people before, but kissing them never felt like this. He wants to explain that he's used to taking the lead, and that it's nice having someone else set the pace, for once. He wants to tell Eddie about the way most people he's kissed have done so - frantically...lustfully. Kissing has always been a simple means to an end. And it's never made Steve feel like this.
What he actually manages to say is slightly different, though.
"No one's ever kissed me like they love me, before."
His eyes are still covered by his own hands, so he can't see what is surely a stunned expression on Eddie's face, but he can hear the way Eddie gasps in response to Steve's words.
It’s too much, he thinks. He's said too much, fast-forwarded too far into the movie. It's too early to be talking about love. Steve knows this. It's just...
His stupid, floaty little brain can't envision a world where someone kisses the way Eddie does without being hopelessly, irrevocably in love.
"Shit," Steve breathes after several minutes of silence. Or maybe it's several seconds. He really doesn't know. Time feels funny, when he's high. "I know that's, like, way too much. I'm too much. I don't know why I-"
"Steve," Eddie interrupts, and Steve snaps his mouth shut. He feels Eddie's hands wrap carefully around his wrists to pull them from his eyes. Eddie is being so careful with him...like he can't see that his tenderness is exactly the thing that’s ripping Steve apart at the seams.
Steve wants to scream. He wants to cry. He wants to drag Eddie back down and kiss him until he can't breathe. Until Eddie's sweetness becomes warm and comforting instead of feeling like the scalding heat of jumping into a hot tub after a dip in the cold waters of the pool.
"Baby, look at me," Eddie says softly.
Steve is helpless but to obey.
Eddie's gaze is sad but kind when Steve finally meets it with his own. He's got the barest hint of a smile on his pretty lips - the same ones Steve so desperately wants to feel against his own, again - and Steve feels his stomach swirl with something he can't quite describe.
"It's not too much," Eddie continues, voice steady. "And neither are you, okay? You, Steve Harrington, are never too much. Not to me."
The words settle over Steve like a blanket, and he can't decide whether it's comforting or suffocating. He just wants to stop talking about things so they can move on. He just wants Eddie.
"Eds..." he rasps desperately. "I don't- I just want-" He cuts himself off with the hitching breath of what may be a sob. He's not really sure, at this point.
"What can I do, honey?" Eddie says, and he really needs to stop with the pet names, or Steve might genuinely fracture into pieces. "What do you want?"
Steve is sunk too deep into the syrupy slow feeling of the weed - too desperate to feel Eddie pressed against him again - to do anything but tell the truth.
"Just want you," he says.
Eddie smiles - eyes crinkling at the corners - and Steve breathes the sight in like oxygen. "You have me, baby," Eddie murmurs. He's rubbing small, comforting circle into the sensitive skin of Steve's wrists now, and it's perfect. It's wonderfully, disgustingly perfect.
"I do?" Steve asks dumbly. His brain feels fifteen seconds behind everything, but he thinks that's probably okay. Eddie seems to be just fine waiting for him to catch up.
"Yeah, Stevie," Eddie chuckles quietly. "Had me for a long time, now. Just wasn't sure if you would want me the way I wanted you."
"You want me," Steve says breathlessly, more to himself than to Eddie. "You wanna kiss me."
Eddie's resulting laugh is a bit louder, a bit brighter, this time. "I do," he says. The sadness is fading from his eyes, giving way to something that looks an awful lot like elation. Steve remains still and watches, entranced, as Eddie carefully hauls himself up until he can swing a leg over Steve's to straddle him.
Still smiling broadly, Eddie leans down until their faces are mere inches apart, studying Steve with those big, brown eyes. "You gonna let me?" he asks Steve, a teasing lilt to his voice.
Steve nods, lips parted in surprise he can't quite seem to shake, and Eddie's expression softens.
"Gonna let me kiss you like I love you, Stevie?" Eddie whispers.
Steve's not sure when, exactly, his tears had begun to dry up, but he knows they must have at some point, because they're returning with a vengeance, now. "Please," he breathes.
Eddie shifts, and Steve expects Eddie to go right back to kissing him, but that's not what he does.
Instead, Eddie releases one of Steve's wrists and cups his cheek tenderly. This time, the feeling of his thumb brushing the tears away is a familiar one, and it makes Steve smile dopily.
"You know the reason I kiss you like I love you?" Eddie asks. Steve shakes his head and tracks Eddie's gaze as it drifts towards the place where his fingers are still wrapped around Steve's wrist. His lips quirk into a smile as he uses his grip to pin Steve's hand to the mattress, right beside Steve's head, and laces their fingers together.
Their noses are brushing, now, and Eddie's hips are resting on Steve's, and Eddie's hair has fallen around them like a curtain to keep the rest of the world out, and it's so much. Eddie is everywhere, and he's everything, and Steve is completely, unquestioningly in love with him - probably has been in love with him for ages, now, and just never let himself think too hard about it.
"I kiss you like I love you, Steve Harrington," Eddie breathes, and their lips brush as he speaks. "Because I love you."
And the thing is…Steve has spent his entire life wondering what it would feel like to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was loved. It's something that's eluded him for twenty years.
So it's all the more miraculous when Eddie kisses him again, and suddenly, Steve knows. He knows that Eddie Munson loves him. He feels it in the way Eddie kisses him slowly and deliberately, like it would never have crossed Eddie's mind not to. He feels it in their linked hands, in the way Eddie squeezes his hand when Steve makes a desperate, wanton sound into his mouth.
He feels it when Eddie brushes the hair out of his eyes and smiles before kissing Steve's forehead, then his nose, and then his lips again.
Feels it when Eddie's lips begin to wander down his neck.
When Eddie sucks a mark into the thin skin above his collar bone, just because Steve begs him too.
When Eddie pulls Steve's shirt over his head with careful hands, then lets Steve do the same, because Steve needs the intimacy of skin on skin.
He feels it when Eddie stops Steve's wandering hands from venturing too far south with a firm grip and apologetic eyes, because Eddie wants him - of course he does - but not when they've been smoking. Not when there's even the slightest chance that Steve might wake up and regret it in the morning.
And he hears it, too, later that night when they're laying in Eddie's bed exchanging soft, sleepy kisses, unwilling to drift off and let the night end, just yet.
Their legs are woven together - bare, aside from their boxers - and Steve has lost track of how long they've been tangled up in each other like this. He doesn't particularly care, though. He's pretty sure he could happily spend the rest of his life exactly like this.
"Love you, Stevie," Eddie whispers against his lips. They both smile into the next kiss, and Steve's heart is full to bursting, because he believes it. He knows, now, what it feels like to be loved...to be adored.
"I love you," he murmurs in reply, relishing in Eddie's sharp intake of breath. He giggles a bit, for no reason other than the pure joy that's been coursing through his body all night. "God," he laughs. "I fucking love you, Eddie Munson.
Eddie is quiet for a moment before his face splits into a grin that could rival Steve's own, and he's so goddamn beautiful that Steve almost feels like crying again.
He doesn't cry, though. He just watches adoringly as Eddie smiles and nudges Steve's nose with his own. "Yeah, baby?" Eddie teases.
"Yeah, Eds," he answers simply.
And he's pretty sure Eddie knows - is pretty sure Eddie can feel it - because Steve kisses him for the umpteenth time that night, and he pours every ounce of his heart into it. 
Steve kisses Eddie like he loves him, because he does. God, help him, he does.
And Eddie?
Eddie kisses Steve like he loves him back, and Steve gets it now, because it’s more than just a kiss.
It’s perfect.
It’s earth-shattering.
It’s everything.
Shout-out to @lyphyshard for the beta!
For more of my Steddie blurbs and one-shots, check out my masterlist!
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
"The moon is beautiful tonight" bro if someone said that to me I'd choke 💀. So here's a request ig. Octavinnle and scarabia saying this phrase in casual conversation causes like. it doesn't mean anything in twst, but yuu doesnt know that. So yuu just looks at them like
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And suddenly they're being a hell of a lot more affectionate towards them specifically, which is really starting to fuck with their emotion at this point. Cause like. "I've thought of what we'd act like as a married couple a million times and you are acting exactly like that"
So now like, idk, 2 months later or something, the boys basically do a "reject me so I can move on. Or not, please not, actually"
And yuus like? We've been together for 2 months now? I thought we were taking it slow but not this slow??
He doesn't even fully remember what he said, or the context that brought it up. If someone were to offer him all the world's wealth and power he wouldn't be able to tell them what brought about this change.
If he did he might find it ironic that in your world there was a place and time where "I love you" could be translated into "the moon looks beautiful tonight." For what else could he have been trying to say?
I LOVE THIS TROPE I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. UNREQUITED REQUITED ACCIDENTAL LOVE CONFESSION MY BELOVED. Anyway yeah sure I can do this easy. Also can someone tell me what "ig" means I am an elderly woman ☆ヽ(o_ _)o notes: they/them used for Yuu, angst with the intent of comfort, not all of them follow the flow of the prompt exactly sorry, idk if I like this one? I'm so sorry it took so long I loved this prompt but for some reason when I sat down to write it my brain fried. More fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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What He Says:
You can't actually see the moon from Octavinelle, so how the conversation topic got around to it is quite lost on you. "You just don't really seem like an astrology h- person to me?" It is all you can do to bite back a different description as you try to pretend your focus is on the silverware you are rolling and not the ever so slightly disheveled octomer across the office. You treasure these times, though you have to wonder just how intentional they are. Azul always has an aura of manufactured perfection around him, so to see him with ink stained hands and a crooked tie... you wish you were quick enough to get a picture with something other than your mind's eye.
"I could say the same about you," he smiles as he speaks in a way you want to believe is affectionate "though I suppose it shouldn't, every planet large enough to host life will have a moon." Your fingers fidget with the napkins as you wonder where to take this talk, talking with Azul is a lot like a dance at a masquerade you haven't been invited to. One small slip and he has you at his mercy.
"I was surprised your moon looks so similar to mine." You try. "It was very comforting to know it still represents my deepest, truest self."
"Then it must look beautiful tonight." Azul says softly, as if he is more testing the words in his mind than he is saying them. But still you startle and drop the silverware and make him jump.
"I'm sorry?" You stumble over yourself to pick it up and see a worried Azul standing in front of you.
"I said the moon must look beautiful tonight." He says as he bends to help, so casually that he has to call out to you again to make you realize this isn't a dream.
"It is." You pull yourself up and stand closer to him than you have ever previously dared.
When He Breaks (Two Months Later):
Ramshackle Prefect: Morning Azul ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Azul stares at his phone as if he is unused to the words on his screen. His thumb hovers over the heart as if he could reach out and touch what sits on the other side and know.
You: Morning, a bit early for you isn't it?
Not that he is upset exactly, this is a lovely thing to wake up to. But it's torture, pure torture to lack the context for any of this. When you started messaging him in the morning he had been too pleased to think critically. His mind conjures up images of how sweet you could sound when half asleep, what it would be like to hear that wish from you every morning out loud instead of on a screen. He shakes his head trying to blink back the tears as he rises, these thoughts are like one of those mirages he'd heard Jamil describe before. If he looked too hard it would disappear and leave him with nothing but sand, and there is nothing a merfolk fears more than the absence of water.
Ramshackle Prefect: (。•̀ᴗ-) Ramshackle Prefect: hehe im goin back to sleep now. Ramshackle Prefect: dont overwork urself. it's supposed to be the weekend!!!
"Supposed to be the weekend" he wants to die. His heart hammers away at his chest as reads and re-reads his messages searching for a sign of how or why he is getting these messages. It's a thankless task, he's done this every day for... it feels like years but he knows from his carefully kept notes it's only been two months one week and three days. And he does mean notes, so what if he's taken to keeping Yuu's file in his night stand it's still kept in a file which means it isn't a diary. Not that it would be a problem if he did-
Ramshackle Prefect: oh before I forget is it ok if I stop by the lounge later? I tried making a pudding and want to know if it tastes good Ramshackle Prefect: y'know to people who don't eat literal dirt
-so no he wasn't keeping a diary but maybe Jade is on to something and he should really start because he hears those are good for managing stress.
"Not that I am unimpressed with your efforts," is what Azul says out loud with a great deal of effort "but is it just me or have you been trying to cook a lot more lately?" It had started with little sandwiches and maybe a salad on days he was still at work late into the night, dropped off with the claim that Yuu was worried he wasn't taking care of himself but they never actually stayed to watch him eat it. This was new, as if they were testing the waters of something from their position on his couch, face still puffy with sleep as they settle themselves deep into its puffy cushions and watch him at his desk. Maybe they were concerned he would not want a desert and intended to stay and make sure he didn't throw it out. That had to be it, but then why visit dressed so casually? He can count on one hand the times he has seen Yuu out of an NRC uniform, and none of those allowed him a glimpse of their actual preferences in clothing.
It's like they've forgotten who they are dealing with.
"Well yeah, it's a good skill to have." Yuu looks at him with a genuine unguarded smile. "Besides it's fun to get your opinions on my food, I don't always understand how you come up with them but I feel like it helps."
"My I didn't realize you held my advice in such high esteem." He feels much more like himself now with this information. Of course Yuu has been messaging him more, they need him for something. It might sting, but it's safe. Logical. Something he can work with. "Maybe I'll just have to start charging you, can't have you taking my secrets and stealing away my customers, can I."
But for some reason this just makes you laugh. "No need to worry about that, I only really cook for you. And Grim I guess but like I said, he literally eats dirt. I mean just the other day-
"What did you say?" Azul's voice sounds strained.
"About Grim eating dirt?" You say, and Azul finally for someone so smart and so proud on his ability to read people thinks that he might have made a mistake. "He says he's making a tier list."
"Why are you so painfully human?" His smile is strange, you can't say you have ever seen him like this before, it's a strange mix of happiness and resignation. "Your heart is so- prefect do you trust me?"
"Yes." You answer, seemingly confused as if your answer to that question shouldn't have been something he doubted.
"Would you trust me with your life? Your secrets?" He makes his way out from behind his desk to stand above you, to look down at you and confirm that for some damnable reason you are still calm. "Would you trust me with your life?"
"...only if you wanted it." Finally he sees a trace of fluster in you, finally you feel as nervous around him as he does around you constantly. He places a finger under your chin and forces you to look at him.
"Then tell me how you feel about me truthfully. Because everything you have said and done up to this point has been driving me crazy into thinking I have a chance." You blink. Once. Twice. And then a look of pure confusion distorts your perfect face.
"You- you don't know? But I thought- I mean you said-" And then suddenly Yuu has managed to jump out from the couch and the intensity of the moment stutters closer to comedy as Azul watches you curl under his desk like it's an octopot. "You said the moon was beautiful."
It's Azul's turn to blink. Once. Twice. He feels like he should be holding back tears, or disappointed in some way but- "I did say that... but what does that have to do with, anything?" You don't move and Azul considers his options, and decides to walk slowly to his desk and pick up the pudding before settling himself just out of sight from where you are hiding. And he waits, he waits for you to speak like his hands aren't clammy and he is not worried at all about what you might have to say.
"In my world when you say that it means something." You sound so small and alone, but still he waits. "I was really happy to hear you say it, but I didn't think... no I just didn't think. I'm so so so sorry."
"What did you think I said?" His mind is racing with the possibilities, but he has an idea because really what else could he have said that would explain all of this behavior?
"I don't wanna say it. It's embarrassing." You sound close to tears and Azul can't have that now can he? He crouches down to look at you curled under his desk and thinks that Floyd must have been wrong when he called you a shrimp, how could you be anything other than another octopus, waiting for someone who understood them too?
"As embarrassing as saying it again?" He doesn't wait for you to reply. "The moon looks beautiful tonight." He watches your breath hitch in delight as he fully invades your space and whispers what it looks like he should have just said all along. "I love you."
And gets to hear the one thing he has wanted most. "I love you too."
What He Says:
"And that is the Hero constellation." Jade makes sure to keep his hand as close to you as plausible, resting the back of it against yours as he uses his pencil to point at the star chart you are examining to avoid having to move it away from your addictive warmth. He delights in the way you try to suppress your shudders yet make no move to shake him off, what a dangerous game it is you have decided to play tonight. "Named after the Hero who dove into the underworld to fetch back his beloved from death itself."
"It looks familiar." You swallow and try to focus on the stars, Jade had been kind enough to offer you some "opinions" (because help would cost you and he has no intention to charge yet) when he saw you struggling to read your astrology homework. "But I don't think it was as important to astrology back in my world..."
"Oya? Your world also values the guidance of the stars?" Jade is always hard to read, but even more so in the dark. Something to do with his natural habitat you suppose, not that you are excited about the potential he sees you as some sort of prey. Not that you couldn't be if you knew just what sort.
"Well yeah sometimes. But I think it has more to do with the zodiac constellations and the position of the planets." You smile and hope this little bit of information is enough for Jade to take as payment instead of a favor but he simply hums.
"Yes I do seem to recall you saying something like that." He says with a smile and you desperately wrack your brain for how he could know that when you know damn well it wasn't to him.
You were only sort of right, he had been there, just out of sight listening intently as you described the differences in the mythological origins of the various signs and their importance in match making.
"Only in some cultures Ace!"
But you had made no mention of whether or not that culture was yours, which was all Jade really cared about. Not that he placed much interest or faith in the stars but if you did that was important data. But no matter how carefully he tried to poke the only thing you ever seemed to really like talking about was the moon. "The moon looks beautiful tonight." Jade says, bitterly, head full with ideas that he wants to give but cannot without overplaying his hand. And yet-
"Do you mean that?" He turns his head abruptly, blinking in confusion down at your flustered self. Jade knows right away that he has said something without meaning to, your reaction screams it but just this once- no he is always selfish when it comes to you. So in keeping with his habits, he drops the pencil and folds his hand around yours properly.
"Every word." It is all he can do to keep his teeth from showing as he watches you fold into him. Normally when Jade offers to walk you home you make up an excuse or outright decline, but when he offers tonight you are happy to accept. You even let him help you pick up your things and when he decides to push his luck and ask for your hand-
You let him take it. His brain is fried, the only thing he can think of and feel is the texture of your skin and the weight of your fingers intertwined with his. Neither of you speak on the way back to Ramshackle, Jade barely hears himself whispering you a goodnight as he swears you stare at his lips in the same way he always dreams of yours.
His mind works overtime as he walks back to his dorm, thinking and re-thinking his words and wondering if he has reached the right conclusion. Data, he needs more data on this change. You have let him get close to what he wants in moments of weakness before, but you have never let him touch and as much as he wants to throw himself into you and be consumed with his assumptions...
When He Breaks (3 months later):
He is long past collecting data at this point, he is just being a coward. Jade is fairly certain that Yuu is courting him... but that pesky doubt keeps creeping back in the longer he looks at them. Not that Jade is unfamiliar with doubting himself, or waiting to strike but you...
"Are you alright, Jade?" You're laid across his lap without a care in the world watching that damn moon again, completely unaware of him unraveling beneath you. "You've been spacing out a lot lately."
"I've just had a lot on my mind~" He caresses the side of your face and you let him, you even whine a bit when he retracts it and speed up his heart rate just enough to make him hyper conscious of his breaths. "Can I ask you something?"
"Technically you already have." You squirm to try and dodge his flick but don't seem too fussed by it. "But sure, what's bothering you?"
"Do you hate me?"
"What?" Oh that look of shock on your face is precious he hasn't seen it in a while. Slowly, giving you just enough space to run if you want Jade bends towards you, smiling wide and tootful as he repeats the question.
"I was wondering if you hate me dear Prefect. Because you see," he sniffles and tries to pretend he doesn't hear you groan in exasperation "our relationship these past few months has been nothing but pure torture for my poor self."
"Oh has it now." You don't sound like you believe him how tragic. "I didn't realize I was such bad company."
"Oh the worst sort." He whimpers. "The sort of company that takes advantage of the thin lines between you and does all sort of things to your poor heart."
"... thin lines?" Finally. FINNALY. You sound just as worried as he's been these past three months. He ceases his blubbering and looks at your embarrassed face properly. It's adorable, he'll have to ask for your forgiveness later for his lengthy pause admiring it later.
"Please be truthful." He whispers just a tad lower than is necessary. "And be gentle with me in your rejections so I can move on if I must but first-"
"We're not dating?!?!?" How rude you don't let him finish before you interrupt and try to run away. His long arms interrupt your retreat, pulling you down with peels of laughter (from him it's clear you don't find this funny) as he rolls you onto the grass, pinned directly beneath him. You look good like this, eyes focused entirely on him and no longer pining after the moon.
"There seems to have been a misunderstanding." He says and you try your best to glare threateningly up at him. "I can't quite remember anything I might have done to make you think we were together. Was it something I said?"
"You said... I'm so stupid."
"I don't seem to recall ever having said that outloud." You try to knee him in the groin but he pins your leg down with his own, such useful things though a tail would have made this entire confrontation much more efficient.
"Of course it doesn't mean the same thing. This is a different world." You look genuinely distraught, and though Jade doesn't regret his teasing one bit he doesn't want to keep you in suspense much longer. So he bends his face directly next to your ear and whispers.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." Your breath hitches and Jade rolls to his side, pulling you up onto his chest before you can go back to being angry at him. "You're right, it doesn't mean whatever you think it should here. After all if I wanted to say how I feel about you I wouldn't use a metaphor."
"And just what would you say about me?" You sound so impossibly small, just as in need of reassurance as he had been just mere moments ago.
"I would say that I love you, of course." It's hard to say out loud, but worth the reward of your warmth settling into him once more, with clarity this time and no need for cowardice.
What He Says:
Floyd has been in a strange mood lately, not quite bad, not quite good, and yet somehow very clearly not somewhere in between either. Reflective is the word you would choose yourself, but no one is really asking your opinion they just want you to fix it.
Not that you have any real clue how you are going to do that, you will be the first to admit you didn't have much of a plan when you asked if Floyd wanted to climb up to Ramshackle's roof and shoot the breeze. Not that you are really complaining it had been funny watching him try to figure out the climb.
"I though you were supposed to be good at this." You laugh from your perch waving a bag of flavored potato chips in encouragement as Floyd snorts just below you.
"I'm real good at parkour, just haven't really climbed trees before. I ain't a monkey fish." Still he manages to hoist himself up just fine and plop himself next to you with a thud that reminds you of just how much weight there is to him. He's tall and lean, his figure seems to go on forever as he stretches himself out next to you, eyes fluttering shut as he lets out a breath and holds out a hand for a chip.
You stuff it into his mouth and try not to laugh too hard when he chokes. He spits some of the chip shards back at you and tries not to smile too wide when you sputter and whine about how gross he is for spitting on you.
"Ya do this a lot back home?" It's not the first time Floyd has asked about your world, but it is certainly the most random.
"We've got stars in my world too." You snort, trying to think about just how you are going to turn this conversation around into something more cheerful. "But nah, pretty sure someone would have called the cops if they caught me on the roof at 2 am." Floyd rolls onto his side, propping himself up on his arm to really look at you as you look through your grocery bag of loot deciding which of the drinks you brought up you want to drink.
"I meant invite people to hang out real late." You stop your search to look down at him and find your words caught somewhere between your heart and your throat. Not like this. You want to say. Not for this reason. But instead you shrug and try to offer a bottle he doesn't take. You aren't avoiding the question tonight. "Ya gotta have done something for fun, right?"
"Sometimes I'd walk around a store or something." It's weird explaining stuff to a merman, sometimes they get what you're trying to say but other times they come back with "so it's like that time Jade and I got caught chasing a dolphin around the school playground and got yelled at for tying him up in seaweed" and you just have to smile and say "yeah totally" because what the hell. You're pretty sure it's not but you lack all sorts of context to try and make him understand. "Or we'd sneak out and just drive around and talk about stuff. There's- not a bunch of exciting things I know how to do I guess." If this was a normal night Floyd would roll his eyes and lie back down, whine about that's why you always make him do all the work because shrimpies have shit for brains and his plans are always so much better.
But he doesn't. He reaches over and tugs on your leg, gently enough that you can run away if you want but clear in his desire to have you closer. So you move, expecting his hand to drop but it doesn't, not until he settles his head in your lap and he physically can't keep it there anymore.
"Ya ever talk about things that matter with those guppies?" Maybe he's homesick and that's why he's so focused on this. "Things that make ya miss them?" Maybe he's just projecting that onto you since he knows you will listen and be nice about it. But then his hand reaches up and turns your head so you can look him in his eyes.  They're glowing, you barely realize your own hand going to cup Floyd's cheek before he moves his other to keep it from going.  "You ever miss one of em in particular?"
"Not really."  How could you when Floyd looks like this?  "It'd be nice to see my friends again, sure, but it's not like there's one specific person I miss."  Floyd lets out a breath that it sounds like he has been keeping in for a long, long time.  His hands both fall to his side as he lets you look away in embarrassment, wiggling in slight happiness when you choose to rest your hands on his shoulders.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." Floyd's voice sounds sleepy and oddly content.  Your eyes immediately snap back to him, but he isn't looking at you now. There is a a slight red tinge to his ears that makes you laugh quietly as you run a finger over the shell of one.  So that's what this is about.
"It's always beautiful with you around Floyd."  And finally he is looking at you with a smile.
When He Breaks (2 weeks later):
When you gave Floyd a guest key to Ramshackle he'd been extremely happy. Sure he'd acted like it was no big deal in front of you, beyond a few teasing comments about how buttering him up wouldn't get you anywhere unless you put it in writing. But back at his dorm he had been beyond insufferable, obsessing over just what color thread he should attach to it (purple for the sea witch, teal for the eel, or grey for ramshackle? decisions decisions), wanting to keep it close at all times until he had an excuse to replace it with you.
Because that's what he needed right? An excuse? Floyd wasn't exactly... shy in showering you with his affections but you. You. Until that stupid conversation on the roof a month ago you had always been sort of shy about it, if not outright dismissive. He assumed it was because you just didn't reciprocate but now...
"Floyd?" You can't really remember the last time he knocked, even before you gave him the key he sort of just let himself in. But today he knocked, only once and waited for you to open the door in eerie silence. Even when Floyd was coming over because he was bored he still managed to drag himself through the door or a window if he was so inclined.
So why not today?
"Not having a good day?" You try softly, he walks into your lounge with an eerie quiet about him. The last time you saw him something very nice happened, so you can't exactly say you are too worried but. It still sucks to see someone you care about in distress.
"Kinda." Floyd doesn't look like he had much of a plan now that he's in your dorm. "Had a lot on my mind is all."
"Aw that's no fun." You both stand doing nothing for what feels like an hour but you're sure is only a few seconds. "Do you uh want to talk about it?"
"..." And just like that Floyd feels really silly. He wanted to see you so that's why he came, but he wants to be as far away from these painful feelings as possible. "I kind of want to take a nap."
"Oh?" You don't sound surprised, but are clearly confused. Floyd begins to head towards the guest room without looking back. The guest room feels like you just enough that it can soothe his longing and distance himself from his internal conflict. "Would you like to use my room?" Or he could just not be allowed to distance himself at all because you could just say- "I've got some stuff to do but I can join you af-"
"Are you fucking serious." Floyd's voice is dangerously low and he is dangerously close to your face like you have said something wrong. "Look Shrimpy-" He swallows, like he's really considering what it is he has to say so he breathes and just goes for it "Yuu. You're killin me with this. Humans are already so fucking confusing. I give ya a shell and you get all cold for a week, and now, now you wanna sleep with me?" He pouts at you, like your suggestion had been scandalous. "'s like you think we're together or something."
"... we're not?" That's the only thing you can think to say even though the fact you have to say it answers the question for you.
"No?" Now Floyd sounds confused. "Ya- you can't do this to meeeeeeee." Despite his protests he seems just fine with grabbing onto you and dragging you into an embrace and resting his cheek on your head so you can't see his face anymore. "There's supposed to be a process to these things ya know? I'm supposed to give you gifts, and then you're supposed to give me some back and then I tell you I love you but every time I tried that I said something stupid instead. Like 'oh wow the moon looks beautiful tonight or some shit." He huffs and he puffs and he waits for you to say something. But you don't, you take a deep breath.
And laugh.
"Is this fucking funny to you?" Floyd is taken so a back he lets go of you only to find you laughing harder. You stand and reach to cup his face. Floyd doesn't like being squeezed, but there's something about the light squish you give to his cheeks that he likes, he likes a lot.
"No- well maybe a little bit. It's just, I knew. I knew what you were trying to say." Yuu says it like it is the most obvious thing in the world, like it's something Floyd should have known all along. "I owe you an apology, I should have asked, made sure you knew. In my world, it's sometimes considered too forward to say 'I love you' so instead..." You close the distance between you once more, leaving just enough room that Floyd can back away from you if he wants, "instead we say 'the moon looks beautiful tonight.'" Floyd takes in a deep, deep breath and you wait. The anger and frustration slowly fades as he exhales, shoulders sagging as he searches your face for signs.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He says it slowly, voice dipping low with the same strange gravity it had the first time he said it.
"It does, doesn't it?" You smile, and Floyd finally reaches for you, arms wrapped much more loosely than you ever thought possible.
"You're really mean sometimes ya know that." As if he doesn't find that attractive.
What He Says:
Sometimes you worry about Kalim. He has this way of talking about things that, if it had been anyone else who said it, should be a major cause for concern. But because Kalim seems relatively happy most all of the time and has a family with a bunch of money no one really makes much of a fuss about it.
So when he says, off handedly, completely as a joke, that you should listen to his worries sometimes you don't give him a chance to play it off. You sit up from where you had been lying down in the Scarabia Lounge and move just a bit closer to where Kalim is relaxing so he can see how serious you are.
"Of course you can talk to me if you have worries." Your voice must have been abnormally serious because Kalim doesn't respond immediately. At first you wonder if the noise of the party behind you had somehow drowned out what you said but then you see Kalim's face. He looks conflicted, as if there is something he desperately wants to say, but instead he looks at you with a smile.
"I don't really have any." But he doesn't laugh when he says it, not that he sounds unhappy exactly just thoughtful. He doesn't move away from you either.
"Even if it's something you think might be silly," you say slowly forcing yourself to continue even as Kalim looks away "of if you're able to dismiss them. If something makes you sad for even a moment, you can tell me. I won't offer my opinion if that's not something you want, or won't help, I can still listen."
"You're really insistent about this huh?" Kalim sits up now too and you turn to look up at the stars decorating Scarabia's night sky. You wonder briefly about how exactly they might have gotten that to work when he says it. "The moon is beautiful tonight." He sounds so wistful but it's gone in a blink as he reaches for your hand and doesn't let you respond to his admission. "C'mon! Let's take the magic carpet and get a better look." You try to contain your excitement as he lets you lace your fingers together and doesn't even try to let go.
What He Breaks (1 week later):
Technically, Kalim isn't the one who breaks. He notices, of course he notices, the way you are more comfortable in seeking him out. How comfortable you now are with his casual touches, how willing you are to hold his hand and even give it a little squeeze. It's heaven, like he found the treasure cave the Sorcerer of the Sands had searched so long for. If it was up to him he would have let it go a little longer.
But it isn't exactly up to him, it never is. Not that Jamil looks angry exactly, but then again as Kalim has come to accept he's not the best at reading his moods.
"I thought you said you weren't going to ask Yuu out?" No Jamil sounds confused and Kalim fidgets with his bracelet under his questioning stare because he knows what he's about to say will probably actually make him mad.
"I didn't." Jamil takes a deep breath and Kalim immediately waves his hands to try and soothe him. "Promise! I remember everything you said about wanting to know and I agree it's just... are you sure you aren't misreading things? That Yuu isn't just... comfortable around me now?"
"... it's always a possibility given just how weird the prefect can be, but no. I'm pretty sure you must have said something that's given them the wrong impression." Jamil sighs and rubs his chin thoughtfully. "It's going to be awkward, but you should probably clear things up with them and tell them how you really feel."
"You mean tell them I'm not allowed to-"
"Like I said before," Jamil actually smiles now, and Kalim really hopes it's real "it's not my place to tell you who you can and cannot date. Sure your parents might have an idea about what they want you to do, but you and I know that a political marrige would never really work for you. It's just not how you're built." And with that he leaves Kalim to his thoughts.
"Have you ever considered throwing smaller parties?"
"Haha this is a smaller party~ I only invited you and your freshmen friends." So Kalim says and so you see, but you suppose everything Kalim does comes from a rather skewed sense of small. It's nice to look out on though, Ace is amusing one of your other classmates with his card tricks while Jack and Deuce take turns at arm wrestling. Epel even manged to get Sebek to participate in something, though he might have regretted making it an eating contest. And above it all, tucked away in a little alcove, Kalim rests his head on your shoulder and hums along with the music playing through his dormitory loudspeakers. It feels domestic in a way despite the grandiose display around you.
"It's very nice Kalim." You lean your head on top of his and he sighs in contentment. "But you said there was a worry you wanted to tell me about?"
"Mhm. I'm worried I said something accidentally that made you realize that I liked you." If he wasn't holding you so intimately his words would have been like ice water over your self confidence. You still cringe and Kalim laughs slightly, happily holding you just a bit closer. "Hey I didn't say that I don't like you, I just want to make sure you understand what that means. I could put you in a lot of danger you know?"
"More than half a dozen overblots?" You lightly joke but Kalim just hugs you a little harder at the thought. "We'll cross those bridges when we come to them, it doesn't make me love you any less. After all," you press a gentle kiss to his forehead and smile as he shakes in happiness "the moon looks beautiful tonight." Kalim gives a little gasp.
"Oh that's a wonderful way to say it!"
What He Says:
"I get that your world is a bit behind ours because it doesn't have magic, but really?"  Jamil's voice lacks the usual venom that would accompany his teasing if he hadn't been the one to propose this idea.  "Wanting to make a mix tape has got to make you practically per-historic."   You try to suppress your own smile as you watch him work from across the floor.
"I prefer vintage."  Your smile breaks free as Jamil finally laughs, you wonder if he knows just how beautiful he is as he swipes a misbehaving hair out of his eyes and gives his stereo another once over.  "I'll have you know making mixtapes have a long and storied tradition in my world."  You keep some of the possible implications to yourself, and try to pretend the concept hasn't been swirling around in you brain since he first suggested this.  "Why aren't you using magic to clean it?"
"Because I get to keep you here longer."  The words dance on the tip of his tongue and he forces them away with a smile.
"It's old, and I don't really want to go searching for a new one if I break something."  The lie has just enough of a trace of truth to fool you, but Jamil isn't one for taking chances.  "Aren't you supposed to be looking for stuff you like?  You won't get that by staring at me."
"Not like I'm going to find anything till your done cleaning."  You snort and finally take your distracting eyes away from him and direct them to his tapes.  "I don't know any of this stuff."  But you can still tell this collection is pretty impressive.  Some of the tapes look newer, but there are others that while well cared for are clearly old.  Album art featuring sandy landscapes and people posing is sandwiched between vaporwave cartoons and aesthetically confusing 3-d models.  This belongs to Jamil so you have a feeling it's organized, but you can't tell how.  Not that he leaves you wondering for long lightly taps your nose with a new cotton swab and nudges your pouting face towards a specific section of the box.
"Here, I set some aside based off the kind of music you said you liked."  And some that just reminded him of you, but that's nothing you need to know, yet if ever.  "Anything else you can think of?"
"Do you have any songs about the moon?"  The question pops out of your mouth before the thought that birthed it is fully formed, making you stumble over your explanations.   "Yeah go ahead and laugh there's just... this one song I miss."  It makes you think of him, from the few words you can remember.  You've written it down again and again to try and make sure you don't forget them, but the tune has begun escaping you; much like all your memories of home will one day be fragmented, not that the reality makes it hurt any less.  "I'm worried I'll forget what my moon looks like."  Jamil's amused confusion remains, but his eyes soften in response to your distress.
"Is there a specific reason you need the song?  Yo- The moon is beautiful tonight, do you need the exact song to see it?"  Jami
"N-no."  Your voice shakes.  Neither of you move to look away, what gives you the strength to move yourself to sit next to him you don't know.  But he doesn't move away and you let out a deep breath from sheer and relief and joy.  "I think I'll be able to see it just fine next to you."
What He Breaks (two months later):
Things have been going missing from Jamil's room lately. Nothing he actually needs really, the sort of little things you would take if you were really desperate to remember the feel of a person. The sort of things you would take if you were dating that person, which isn't at all the thought he would have had if he didn't know who was taking them. Not that Jamil could come up with a reason for Yuu to be taking these things, his first thought had been to take something of Yuu's the next time he visited Ramshackle, but that seemed to make you happy. "Fair game" he'd thought. "I want an excuse to see you and you want an excuse to see me."
Still he wasn't prepared for this.
"Jamil!" there is something refreshing about how calm your happiness is. You've always had a way of extending that calm to him, wrapping him in it and allowing him some space to breathe. But today, today. Today the Ramshackle Prefect has decided that he wasn't allowed peace, because yesterday they had stolen his sweatshirt, and today they have decided to wear it. "Everything ok?
"ha." Jamil wants to tug the hood of his dorm uniform over his head. He wants to run, he wants to shake you, he wants to scream. He wants to do a three act play complete with an interpretive dance because that would be easier than trying to speak. But he has to, because there's only so many deep breaths he can take before you reach out to make sure he's ok. So he takes your hand in his as you do and places it directly over his heart. "You know," for some reason he finds it easier to smile now that you know how nervous he is "you can't have taken that without knowing what people might say."
"Oh I don't know." You smile and bring yourself into his space, that strange calm he finds in your happiness begins to weave itself around him again. "Maybe I wanted to clear some things up. Make it good and clear where I belong." Jamil takes another deep breath, your arms go around him and he makes sure to look long and good into your eyes to make sure there isn't a shred of a crimson glow. That this is something you have decided of your own free will and not a dream or an accident involving magic.
"I never properly asked you out..." Technically he never asked you out at all, but Jamil would rather die than say that out loud. Maybe sometime long long in the future when he's ready to laugh at it and not now when he needs you to confirm that's what you thought he did in the first place.
"Oh! That's not-" You bury your face in his chest with a light laugh and he tries not to die in the time between the seconds until you respond. "I was so happy to hear you say the moon line it didn't really occur to me you might be worried about that."
"Who wouldn't?" Not that he's worried now, every other possibility has been ruled out so he can say exactly what he's been wanting to for so long. "Will you be mine?"
"I already was." It sounds so much better outloud than he could have ever dreamed.
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donutz · 8 months
Dogday “x” reader
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Summary||Not romantic, at all, but you do give DogDay his legs back ^_^
Going over to the eerie hall, you see a bunch of cells.
I hear.. footsteps? No, not Catnap’s. It’s someone else.
Considering this absolutely terrifying place, something’s gonna pop out at me. Alright before I almost get murdered I’m gonna go to that area that I didn’t check out.
Oh. They’re fading away.
I see a room. With a big paw in the middle. Well, like a paw pillow. You think this is where Catnap sleeps? There’s little Smiling Critters. 
Cute. I just realized how adorable that is. Catnap sleepin here while little critters are above him. He’s still just a kitty.
Like 10 years ago..
Anyways I’m gonna go back.
I hear footsteps.. Again?
I go over to the last row a cells and— HOLY—
“You… You’re Poppy’s angel”.
I don’t want to exaggerate, but my mouth was WIDEE open. But I closed my mouth because that was pretty rude to do.
“Come to save us”.
I wanna do something but I’ll let him talk, not for long though, I can’t let DogDay be in anymore pain.
“Nothing left to save, not here”...
Lies, I could save you right now!!
“You’re in Catnap’s home, angel”.
Alright I’m done with you talking. I start, luckily since I used to mess with the toys, getting out my tools to start working.
Well, I find the sharpest one so I can cut the belts holding him up.
“Their home”.
“A million pairs of—”
I take one big swing at all of the belts, and fortunately they all snap! Of course I caught DogDay in time.
“I’m gonna make sure you’re okay, puppy.” I declare, not joking. Like 100%, DogDay is not dyin’ on me.
“But Angel I’ll only slow you down—”
“The only thing I need to worry about is getting you safe, not you ‘slowing me down’!” I tried to sound a lot less annoyed, I’m not, at all. But I don’t want DogDay to burden himself even more.
I was also running from a bunch of small demons so yeah.
They were chasin’ me like they were tryna eat me alive!
No pun intended.
While I was speed crouchin’ through, there was little critters on the right side of me— I kicked them.
“Sorry little one!” I apologized, I didn’t feel fully bad but I still do because y’know! They’re still— a little bit like the bigger, original critters!
Even though they kicked the smaller critters, they still apologized.. They really are an angel.
Finally making it out, I see three colored slides. I made a quick decision and decided to slide down the middle one.
Luckily that was the right one.
“Keep going angel, you’re doing good”..
DogDay is by far the best dog I’ve ever known.
I quickly switched my green hand to my purple hand and used the jump pad—
“Hold on”!
We made it on the platform and thankfully a metal door shut behind us, cutting off the smaller critters.
I pressed the button so we could go up, and waited.
“Angel, that was amazing! But why would you save me?” Wouldn’t it have been better if they left?
“Because I don’t want you to die. Plus, you didn’t slow me down. Also are you okay? Y’know, because of how much I was moving..?
“I'm alright Angel, are you”?
“I am completely fine! Physically”!
I gave him a smile, a real smile. Just so he doesn't think I'm lying.
“Plus, I'm really happy that I was able to get you outta there.”
Now, I just need to get the parts to rebuild him. I 100% do not mind doing that.
After some time, you were able to find a somewhat safe spot that was found by Poppy and Kissy.
And yes, you held DogDay the whole time. Like a little kid holding their stuffy.
You placed DogDay on the ground, he held himself up with his arms so you didn't need to worry too much.
“This might take a while, but the result will be worth it. Or not, depends on your opinion”.
“You reattaching my lower body will be worth it no matter how long it will take”.
I was a little surprised that he said that— he's still outgoing and kind after all these years…
I lifted my head and saw that he had a genuine smile— of course, I smiled back.
After— about two and a half hours I was done. My back is kinda sore but that doesn't matter.
“Okay, you wanna try sitting up”?
There were visible stars in his eyes.
He was in awe because of my work, and gave me a hug. A really big hug.
“Thank you, Angel”...
“You've done so much for me, how could I ever repay you”...
While he was hugging you he stood up at the same time.
Omg he can walk!! I mean stand.
And Jesus he was tall, not 6’2 type stuff but he was like— 5’0! That's tall for a ‘toy’.
I hugged him back and we were there for a while.
I completely forgot he asked me something.
“Oh! Uhh, you do not need to repay me. But your way of repaying me is just being alive”.
“... I promise Angel”.
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eggyrocks · 2 months
divider credits to roseraris
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She likes Kuroo.
She likes his crooked grin and the way he smells like tobacco and vanilla. She likes how he leans in when he talks to her and she likes how he takes the cigarette from between her lips to inhale it on his own and she likes how he stayed after all his friends left just to talk to her.
She has her hands hooked around the back of his neck, and he tastes like the burn of vodka. Her back is pressed against the brick exterior of the club, and the smell of the overflowing dumpster and hidden alley-puke is mixing unpleasantly with his cologne. She pulls away, and looks up at him with wide eyes. "Wanna go back to my place?"
Kuroo grins, catlike and wide. And he opens his mouth to respond, but what she hears is not his rough, low voice, but something much more annoying.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
It makes them break apart, the way Iwaizumi's voice echoes between the brick alley. Kuroo steps back, as if he's been caught doing something he shouldn't.
She rolls her eyes, and crosses her arms over her chest as Iwaziumi approaches. "Fuck off, protein powder."
Iwaizumi stops just a few feet away, flicking at the end of his lighter. He takes his time getting the end of his cigarette lit, and once he does, he takes a deep, slow inhale. Smoke billows in the air above him. "You're not going home with her."
Her eyes narrow dangerously. "Can you walk into traffic? I'm so serious."
He ignores her. "Don't take advantage of drunk girls," he says plainly, his gaze fixed on Kuroo.
She doesn't look over at Kuroo. Her cheeks burn and she can't stand to see his reaction. "I'm not drunk," she asserts through clenched teeth. And she's not. Not anymore than usual, at least. She's pretty sure Kiyoko started watering her drinks down hours ago.
"You look pretty trashed to me," Iwaizumi says, gesturing towards her with his cigarette. "You're swaying on your feet."
Her jaw clenches, and she's about to lunge at him when there's a hand on her shoulder. Kuroo looks down at her apologetically, like he's committed some sort of grave transgression. "Sorry, I didn't realize you had that much to drink," he tells her lowly, and she can do nothing but gape. "I'll walk you home, make sure you get back safe."
"No need," Iwaizumi interjects, "I got her."
Kuroo looks back down at her, trying to silently confirm if this is okay with her. And the thought of walking back to her apartment with Kuroo after this is almost too uncomfortable for her to even imagine. "Yeah, it's fine don't worry about it. I'll see you later."
Kuroo gives her one last nod. "Yeah, alright. See ya."
She watches, mourning the night she was going to have, as Kuroo rounds on his heel, and disappears behind the staff-only door. And once that door closes behind him, she fixes her attention on Iwaizumi, rage coming off of her in waves. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Iwaizumi looks unbothered. If anything, he almost looks pleased with himself. He gives her an easy shrug. "My job."
She takes an unsteady step towards him. "I'm sorry, were you like, sent here by some business competitor to try and like drive me to insanity, or something? Because if so, that's not going to work. I'm just going to end up killing you."
"Yeah, I'm really shaking in my boots."
She swears she can almost see red. "Sorry, but like what exactly is your deal? Are you like some weird incel trying to make the rest of the world suffer because no one in their right mind would ever want to sleep with you? Like, can you tell me? I'm genuinely confused. What is actually wrong with you? Do you have like, brain damage? Were you unloved as a child? Why are you like this, like actually?”
Iwaizumi flicks ash off the tip of his cigarette. "Are you done throwing your little fit yet, brat? I wanna go home."
"Go home then! I definitely don't want you here."
He drops the cigarette to the ground and stomps it out with his heel. "Gotta walk you back to yours first, remember? You're trashed."
She throws her hands up in frustration, unable to stop the groan that escapes her. "God, you're so fucking annoying!"
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iwaizumi accompanied yn on her walk home; he rode his skateboard slowly beside her as she was speed walking on the sidewalk with her arms crossed the whole time wearing her giant platform boots
she was throwing insults at him the whole time and he was throwing them right back
akaashi does NOT make breakfast for the whole apartment when bokuto sleeps over, he makes it for bokuto and everyone else just helps themselves
so akaashi just started making extra for breakfast
everyone in the yn apartment (+bokuto) ate breakfast together and listened to yn retell the story of iwaizumi interrupting her and kuroo from the night before
bokuto was like "do you want me to give you kuroo's number so u can try to go out with him later" but yn was like "no im over it the moment's over"
bokuto and omi think that iwa was probably just fucking with her to piss her off
akaashi thinks that iwa wants her bad
kiyoko thinks he was just tying to do his job “so please stop making him try to quit yn”
yn is 1000% friends with the yn from @nectardaddy's hot to go! they talk all the time and below is the proof:
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taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @bedeater @deluluforcarlos55 @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @causenessus @kawaii-angelanne @thatonecroc @v1oletfury @lonesomedrive @nnnyxie @guitarstringed-scars @nbcvs @garfieldissocool @iheartpinky @mollyrolls @yogurtkags @yuminako @michivrse @19calicos @sunnyskiezzzz @bailey-reeds @staileykout @kitskasoboring @loverlunaire @iluvaquaphor @lllaw @alpha-mommy69 @acowboykisser @karasyuu @aquariarose @torkorpse @wave2mia @southernfrogprincesd @mfcherry @adorerinn @soulfullystarry @jaynawayna
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vampire-matcha · 8 months
Part 4 of cheating!Soap. Simon's POV. Angst. Potentially ooc Simon.
Simon Riley is a bad man. He wasn't given much of a choice really. He was dealt a bad hand that kept getting worse and worse. He tried to live a good life, despite his childhood, but it was all taken away from him in fire and blood. So he threw himself into it headfirst. He dove into it and found comfort in the fire and blood. He knew fire and blood. He's good at fire and blood.
Simon Riley is a lonely man. All his life, he's never had anyone. He keeps everyone he meets at arms-length at a minimum. He doesn't do love. He doesn't believe in it. The last time he tasted it was from his mother, and that taste has long since been replaced by the tinny taste of blood. He's comfortable being alone. He fills his time with work, and on the rare occasion he's sent back home to his barren flat in Manchester, the most he does is find a quick fuck at a pub.
He doesn't care about their names, he doesn't particularly care if they're a man or woman or something in between. He doesn't care what they look like, he hardly looks at them at all. They're just a means to an end for him. Just a warm hole to stuff himself into to feel good for a bit, to make his head quiet for a bit. He leaves once he's done. He never stays the night, never even stays much longer than to tie off his condom and pull his trousers back up.
It all changed when he met that damned spitfire of a man John MacTavish. Goes by the name 'Soap'. A ridiculous nickname in Simon's opinion, but then again, he goes by Ghost, so he doesn't have much room to talk.
Soap is loud and brash, but he can be careful and focused, too. He's intensely loyal and has a deep sense of justice. He fights for what's right, Ghost has seen it. He makes the icy shell around Ghost's heart melt, ever so slightly.
It's a slow progression, the way Soap draws Ghost into his orbit. Ghost doesn't even fully realize its happened until Las Almas. There was a moment when he thought he lost Johnny- when did Soap become Johnny? They had gotten separated and Ghost waited for him. Ghost never waited. But he couldn't, in that moment, hiding out in a church with a whole militia after him, even fathom leaving Johnny behind.
By the time Simon realized he loved Johnny it was too late. Johnny was married. Simon hadn't noticed that when he read Soap's dossier years ago. It must have happened in the time they had known each other. Simon had never pinned Johnny as someone to keep his cards so close to his chest like that, but he was proved wrong.
Johnny didn't wear his ring in the field. It was a liability, not just to have jewelry on in life-or-death situations, but also for anyone to see he was married, be it friend or foe. He didn't find out until after Chicago. It seemed that Soap's near-death experience at the top of a skyscraper had shaken him more than he'd let on. He'd snuck off at the bar to use the payphone and Ghost had followed.
"Hey, its me... Just needed to hear your voice, bonnie... No, no, I'm alright, just a wee bit banged up... Yeah, I miss you too, lovie... No I promise I'm alright. Just got a bit worried the whole 'til death do us part' thing was comin' sooner than expected... Sorry, bonnie... No, no, you're right, it's not funny. I'm sorry... I'll be home in a few days... Yeah... I'll see you then. I love you."
Simon hated you. He hated you and he didn't even know you. He didn't even know you existed and he hated you. Who were you? Some civilian? Some random woman who decided to shack up with Johnny? Probably just chasing valor or benefits or something. What could you possibly have to offer someone like Johnny? You could never understand him the way Simon does. Their bond is forged in fire and blood. You could never hope to understand it. They'd been through hell together. And yet you've wormed your way in between them. You, a woman he doesn't even know, have ruined everything. But Simon, ever the stoic sentinel, keeps it all under wraps with practiced patience. He didn't survive this long by letting his emotions control him. He'll figure out a way to fix this.
Then several months later, Simon meets you. It's after another mission, and you're picking up Soap from base, who had gotten a mild concussion and couldn't drive himself. You're there, waiting for him with a lovesick smile on your face. Simon watches as you embrace Johnny, wrapping him in your arms and holding him for a long time. Too long, in Simon's opinion. And then you pull back and hold Soap's head in your hands, turning his face side to side to get a better look at him. You laugh at something he says. Simon sneers. Oh, aren't you just perfect? A sweet little doting wife?
And then Johnny brings you over to introduce you two. You shake Simon's hand with both of yours, gratitude broadcast to the world as you thank him for getting your Johnny home safe. Your Johnny. Simon hates it. He hates how sincere you are. He wishes you were something worse, something worth hating. But Ghost reads people. He's great at it. But he can't read anything but genuine in you. And it makes him hate you more.
It isn't fair, Simon thinks. You don't deserve someone like Johnny. You haven't earned him. You haven't fought for him like Simon has. You haven't fought alongside him like Simon has. Simon has suffered. His whole life has been nothing but blood and fire. Doesn't he deserve something good for once? Hasn't he earned it? Even the devil himself got to taste heaven before he fell to earth.
That's what he tells himself on that night. The night they were stuck in that frozen safe house in the middle of Bumfuck, Russia. They'd narrowly escaped the enemy, and they didn't dare poke their heads out for risk of being spotted. Soap's radio had broken in the escape. Ghost was the only one with a means to communicate with Watcher. She tells him exfil will be there in the morning. He unplugs his radio. He tells Soap he can't get through. He tells himself that he's justified. He's a devil seeking a taste of heaven.
And what is Johnny if not heaven? Simon needs him. He needs to taste him. Johnny is worried. Simon can feel it rolling off him in waves. Simon can make it all better for him. Just for tonight.
"Who knows when exfil's gonna get here?" He asks. "What do we have to lose? It's just for tonight. Just let me take care of you, Johnny."
Simon can feel the hesitation in Johnny's body when he kisses him. But Johnny let's Simon lay him down. Simon whispers words into Johnny's ear. Not quite words of reassurance. But Simon Riley is a bad man, and a lonely man, and those two things make a nasty combination.
Simon tastes every part of Johnny's body he can get his mouth on. Neither man has bathed in days, and a lesser man would be disgusted, but Simon has experienced far worse. Besides, nothing about Johnny could ever disgust him.
And when Johnny let's him inside, Simon, that devil, finally tastes his slice of heaven. A whole life of suffering was worth is just to feel Johnny beneath him. It's perfect, he thinks. Even if only for the night. Simon looks Johnny in the eye. Simon stays with him afterward. Simon sleeps beside him.
Then morning comes. Exfil comes. Regret comes for Johnny, but not for Simon. Maybe he shouldn't had lied about his radio, but it was worth it, wasn't it? But now Johnny won't look at him. He won't speak to him. He practically runs from him when they land.
No, no, no. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This was supposed to fix things! It was supposed to fix what you had ruined! You, Soap's perfect wife with your perfect life, perfectly ruining Simon's. Johnny was supposed to see that he needed Simon more. Johnny was supposed to see that he needed Simon as much as Simon needed him. What happened? What went wrong? Simon blames you. He always blames you.
Simon calls Johnny late that night, after he's sure you must be in bed. He pleads with Johnny to come to his senses. It wasn't a mistake! How could he say that? How could he say that it was wrong when Simon had never felt so right in his whole life? It's your fault. You've got Johnny trapped under some kind of spell. You can't love him like Simon could, like Simon does. Simon changes tactics.
"You have to tell her," Simon tells him. Maybe if you know, you'll leave. Then Simon can have Johnny all to himself, without you getting in the way again. "The guilt will eat you up, it's better if you just tell her. Its the right thing to do." Johnny reluctantly agrees.
Simon waits for Johnny to call him the next night, to tell him you've kicked him out. He waits for the call so he can swoop in and be Johnny's rescuer. Maybe then Johnny will see how much he loves him. But Johnny never calls. Simon would be tearing his hair out with anxiety if it wasn't so close-cropped to his head. What's happened to him? He hasn't lost control of his emotions like this in years. What have you done to him?
Simon drives to Johnny's house. He watches from the curb through your window. Johnny's alone. Good. He has half a mind to walk up to the door when he sees you come around the corner. He watches you two talk. He watches you cry. Crocodile tears, they must be! Poor you, having your perfect life be derailed. Simon was justified. It's only fair that you suffer even a fraction that he has so he can take some of your perfect life for his own.
But then Johnny is holding you. Johnny is kissing you. No, no this isn't right! You should be screaming at him to leave! You should be beating Soap to a pulp so Simon can put him back together! Why won't you let him have this?
He watches Johnny carry you away. He forces himself to drive away before he does something he'll regret. He speeds the whole way home. He turns his apartment upside-down. In the back of his mind he's thankful he lives in a shit part of town where no one calls the cops unless someone is actually dead. No noise complaints as he shatters every mirror.
It's your fault he's losing control. You you would just let him have Johnny, it would all be fine. But you, you selfish bitch, want to keep Johnny all to yourself. Why? Because you've got a ring? Because you made a vow? Well, Simon makes a vow to himself. No matter how long it takes, he will make Johnny his.
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weird-is-life · 2 years
Black cat energy reader getting all blushy and out of character bc of her huge crush on spencer ❤️
Hii, thank u for this request. I don't know If I wrote what u wanted, but I tried. Sorry this is so bad🥺🥺🤭 (1k)
Slow day at the Bau means, that everyone is trying not to fall asleep at their desks.
Hotch is in his office, hard-working as always. Spencer dissappeared somewhere. Rossi is pretending to be working, but he is in fact badly hiding a book in his lap. Emily and Derek aren't even trying to pretend to work, they find you more interesting than their reports.
You are munching on your cookies, while you frown at your paperwork.
Well, they aren't particularly staring at you as they are at the cookies on your table.
They are contemplating wether they should go ask for one or if they want to live.
Everyone knows, that you aren't the most optimistic person on your good days and you are even grumpier on the worse days.
Today is the latter. Your day didn't start well and it just kept getting worse. Yeah, so you are now just frowning at your papers, willing them to go away in your mind.
"I'm going to ask her for one," Derek says bravely, Emily eyes widen and she laughs, "good one, Derek."
"What? I'm being serious..."
"Right, well I want to see that," she dares him, she literally saw you curse the hell out of the coffee maker, so she bet, that it won't go well," grap one for me too, then."
"Watch me," Derek gets up, but before he even takes one step, Spencer appears next to them
"Why are you guys staring at y/n?" Spencer asks, looking confused at them.
"Better question is where were you?" Derek eyes the coffee in his hands.
"Ah you know, around" he says quickly, sipping on the brown liquid, that is clearly not from the office.
"But why are you staring at her?" he raises his eyebrows at them.
"She isn't in a very good mood today and her cookies look tasty" Emily answers.
"Oh, really?" Spencer asks, eyes softening immediately at the mention of you, as always.
Emily and Derek exchange a knowing look. It's clear to them and everybody else, that Spencer likes you and that you like Spencer, too. Well almost everybody, you two are as oblivious as one can be.
"What's up with that look?" Spencer frowns at them, when he sees their weird faces.
"Oh come on, like you don't know" Emily scoffs, Spencer just frowns more, not knowing what she is talking about, " you couldn't be more obvious about y/n," she chuckles and Derek laughs, too.
"Yeah, pretty boy. And it's obvious, she likes you, too. " You always become such a uncharacteristic rambling mess, that even a blind person could see, that you like Spencer.
"She doesn't," Spencer quickly shuts Derek down. There is just no way, that you like him back, no way.
"She really does. She likes you so much, that I bet she'd give you one of her cookies right now. " You don't like to share, it's not that you are selfish, not at all, but you never ever share your food with anybody, no matter what.
"Not funny, guys" Spencers says, he's been teased about hs love life enough by Derek, but including you in the teasing just stings.
"But it's true! She's always all shy and blushy around you" Derek defends," if you don't believe us, you should see for yourself. Go ask her for the cookie."
"Just go ask her and you'll see we are telling you the truth," Emily adds, Spencer looks uncertainly at her. He doesn't want to make a fool out of himself, especiallynot in front of you.
But before he can object, Emily pushes him in your direction. So he goes.
You don't notice him approaching at first, but when you do, your cheeks, that are full of cookies heat up.
"Hi" he greets you, you clumsily wave at him and the cookie you have in your hand falls on the floor.
"H-hi Spencer" you shyly greet him, cheeks even redder as you pick the cookie up from the ground.
"How are you doing? Are you bored, too?" Spencer chuckles.
"So bored, the paperwork is so boring," you sigh,your eyes are basically burning holes into the paper. Spencer chuckles at your exasperation and you go all blushy again.
Spencer only now notices, how much your cheeks go red and how shyly you smile around him.
He thought, you are like that with everyone, but now he realises you aren't. He's never seen you blush at anything, that the other team members had said, ever. He thinks about that one time, when Emily complimented you on your new hair and you just said 'I know' and walked away.
"I'm bored, too. Also a little hungry" Spencer's stomach growls to support the statement.
"D-do you want some cookies?" you immediately offer him some with a soft smile. Spencer thinks he might die.
Emily and Derek were right. Or maybe he is just thinking too much into this little gesture. Or maybe you do in fact like him.
"You are offering me your cookies?" he asks, bewildered.
"Umm yes? Shouldn't i be?" you puzzle.
"It's just that you never share your food" Spencer explains and your eyes go wide, the blush at this point isn't leaving your cheeks .
"No that it's bad or anything. I totally understand, I don't really like sharing food either" he adds, so you know, he isn't judging you.
"Well yeah, but I w-want to share with you now, so do you want some?" you sheepishly ask again, averting your eyes from him.
"No." Your eyes widen after his answer.
"O-oh , okay, " you look almost heart broken, after he says it. So Spencer quickly adds.
"No, because I think we should get some proper meal," he smiles at you.
"Yeah, we. Do you want to grab something? I know this great place not far from here."
"Really?" You question, hopeful small smile on your face.
"Yes, really."
"Okay, I'd like that."
As Spencer patiently waits for you to get your thing, he looks over his shoulder and sees Emily and Derek with the biggest grins on their faces.
"Assholes" he says under his breath.
"What?" You think, he said something.
"Oh nothing. Ready to go?" You nod almost giddily and start to walk to the door. Spencer has a big grin on his face, too as he walks next to you. Maybe, he will thank Derek and Emily for being too hungry for your cookies later.
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messedupfan · 3 months
Chapter 19
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Summary: Y/n finds some interesting information about Rachel while cleaning her room.
A/n: I wasn't sure about this chapter but considering tonight is the presidential debate, nothing can be worse than that. I hope this is better than that. Enjoy!
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Wanda sets the last box on top of another and puts her hands on her hips as she looks at the shed. It was a mess when she first opened it yesterday. She couldn't believe how much crap had collected inside over the years. She threw out most of the useless items and whatever gardening and landscaping tools she had, she moved to the garage. Though she doubted she'd need them again since the tools were only used once by Vision before he hired a team of people to take care of the yards. 
The shed is once again a disorganized mess of boxes but she knows that you won't let them collect dust. “I should probably patch up some holes in here before I leave, I don't know what the weather is going to be like before I can get in here and really set up and I don't want anything to get ruined.” You say as you analyze the space. 
Wanda nods, “Yeah, do whatever you have to. It's your space now.” 
“Almost like we're moving in together,” you joke, which makes both of you laugh awkwardly. “Sorry I don't know where that,” you start but Wanda doesn't let you finish as she waves you off. 
“It's okay,” she says with a kind smile. The two of you get quiet and stand in front of each other awkwardly. Not sure what to say or do. She wants to ask you so many questions. She wants to hold you and tell you that she loves you. She wants to throw caution into the wind and ask you to move in. But she knows that she can't. She's not ready. She takes a slow breath and opens her mouth to ask if you're feeling better but thankfully, her phone starts ringing. “I have to take this,” she says as she puts the phone to her ear. “Hey, yeah, let me get somewhere private.” She mouths an apology to you just before turning to the back door of her house. She rushes up the steps of the deck and then to her office. She feels you trailing her up until she gets to the stairs inside of the house. 
“Since when do you need to find privacy to talk to me?” Agatha says on the other end of the call.
Wanda hurries into her home office but isn't careful enough to ensure that the door is shut all the way. She stands in the middle of her office with her back to the door. “Since I realized that I'm in love with Y/n and I needed to get the words out before I self implode,” she rushes out as if she was holding a deep breath. 
“Woah, woah,” Agatha says with a hint of humor in her tone. “I’m going to need you to slow down and annunciate for me, honey. What's happening?” 
Wanda swallows and inhales through her nose. “I'm sorry, I'm kind of losing it lately. Ever since I started seeing Dr. Winslow I feel like I can't keep a secret anymore because it doesn't feel good. But now is not the time for me to go proclaiming my love to Y/n.” Wanda starts to nibble on her thumb nail. 
“Why not? I'm sure they'd love to hear how you feel about them,” Agatha asks.
“Because they have a lot going on. And I still have a lot of things to work through.” She doesn't want to go into the details with Agatha so she keeps it vague. “But I can finally admit it to myself and well, you, about how I feel.” 
“Yeah, why are you telling me this now? I’ve been losing bets over this and now you feel this way?” Agatha scoffs as she thinks about how much money she's lost because she could see what her friend continued to deny. 
“I'm sorry, it's still relatively new to me. If it makes you feel any better, you indirectly helped me get to this point,” Wanda lamely offers up. 
“That's why I called you,” Agatha says as she is reminded why she even dialed up her friend. “How has the therapy been? Good for you?” 
“Oh they've been amazing! Thank you for introducing me to Dr. Winslow, I really don't think I could thank you enough,” Wanda says gratefully. 
“I told you, he's really that good,” Agatha states proudly.
“Yeah, he has made me feel things I haven't felt before, or I guess, he's made me understand feelings that I haven't been able to identify before. Yeah, that sounds better,” Agatha laughs and it makes Wanda laugh too. “Stop with your dirty mind. You know what I mean.” Agatha agrees. “It’s really weird though, I feel like he understands me better than I understand me. I'm not sure I like it but it's been helpful so I can't really complain can I?” 
“I told you not to go to him unless you were ready to really learn about yourself,” Agatha says. 
“I know, I know. I am appreciative and grateful and all of the other positive words. But gah, I miss the ability to hold in my feelings.” Wanda shakes her head as she thinks about you. She turns around when she hears footsteps and her eyes widen as she realizes that she didn't shut the office door all of the way. “I um I uh shit! I have to call you later Agatha! I forgot to close the damn door!” 
“So much for that privacy you were looking for,” Agatha quips. “I love you, hon. Have a good rest of your evening?” She ends the call and Wanda sets her phone on her desk as she sits against the front of it and puts her face into her hands. 
She takes a moment for herself then she remembers that she hasn't washed her hands yet.  She quickly makes her way to the bathroom in her bedroom to wash her face and her hands. By the time she dries off she has convinced herself that you didn't hear anything because you would have come inside and done something. She considers that one of the kids might've heard but she knows who's footsteps those belonged to. They were definitely yours. 
Wanda walks into the kitchen to find you chopping vegetables. “You're already starting on the salad? We haven't even talked about what we're having as the main course,” she says as she grabs her apron to have her hands do something other than wrap around your body. She hardly wears it but it was a mother's day gift from her boys a couple years ago so she keeps it around. 
You shrug as you focus on chopping. “Yeah but I'm sure it's going to include a salad so I figured it'd be better to start instead of sitting around doing nothing.” You stop chopping for a second to look at her. “How was your phone call?” 
Wanda gives you a tight smile as her heart pounds in her chest with fear and anticipation. She isn't ready for you to know about her feelings yet. “It was good. It was Agatha. She was just checking on how my therapy is going. Since she recommended him to me and all,” Wanda opens the pantry to start pulling out ingredients. 
“I should probably start looking into therapy,” you state as you start to feel like an idiot. Of course she was talking about a therapist! She didn't push you away to be with another person, she pushed you away to be with herself. But that doesn't mean you need to feel guilty about dating. It's what she wants and you're respecting that.
Wanda surprises you by placing her hand on the middle of your back but you settle into the touch as it spreads a warm tingly sensation throughout your back. “I think with everything going on, that sounds like a great idea.” She leans her head against your shoulder. “Have things ended physically between you and Jean before?” Wanda asks carefully. Her hand starts to rub small circles on your back. You stop moving the knife as there's no more vegetables to cut. 
“I wouldn't say that it was crazy physical but this isn't the first time she's smacked me out of anger. It's probably the third or fourth time. That's not to say I didn't deserve it,” you say softly. Wanda shakes her head as she moves away and turns you to face her. “Wanda, I should not have confronted her like that. It wasn't fair to her. And honestly, I felt out of control. I'm glad it went the way that it did and not the other way around.” 
“Do you really think you're capable of something like that?” Wanda asks as her eyes bounce back and forth between your eyes. 
“I like to believe that I'm not. I didn't feel like I was going to hurt her physically. I had no intention to. The idea wasn't in my mind. But who knows what any of us are capable of?” You reply as honestly as you can because you don't know if you are capable of inflicting physical harm on anyone. You got into little nothing fights in high school that ended in laughter before anything got serious. But nothing has pushed you past your limits enough. Even drunk and getting into arguments with someone, it never ended in a real physical fight. 
“It was never going to end that way. Don’t doubt your abilities to keep yourself in check, Y/n. You are capable of many things. Choosing physical violence isn’t one of them and that’s a great thing,” Wanda says with a firm tone that makes you believe her words. You nod and thank her. “Any time. Now let’s make these kids some dinner before they start getting cranky,” she says with a kind smile before stepping away from you. 
The two of you step into an easy rhythm of cooking together and when the ingredients start to create an aroma that travels throughout the house, the kids are running down the stairs eager to be part of the process. There isn’t much for them to do other than watch and wait since it was just a simple pasta with a side salad. The kids, however, made themselves useful by setting the table and getting drinks poured for everyone. When the meal was ready, everyone served themselves before meeting at the table. You love the dinners that you are fortunate to have at Wanda’s but you know that you’re going to have to dial it back soon. It’s not fair to the kids to get attached to the idea of this family. Because it's not real. 
Something that you didn't realize was already a problem until a couple of weekends later. You are cleaning Rachel's room because it had gotten messy throughout the weeks and you didn't feel like arguing about it. She wasn't a bad kid and with things being tense between you and her mother, you don't feel that she should be punished for an unkempt room. You remember being a kid with a tense family dynamic and how your room would be a mess as a result of it. Cleaning her room for her healed a part of your inner child. The younger version of you who was struggling for a long time and instead of being met with compassion or concern was only ever berated and punished for things like a messy room. 
Rachel had a sleepover with Tommy and Billy at Wanda’s house the night before. Wanda tried to convince you to join them but you declined. Instead, you spent the free night with Nebula. The two of you met for dinner then ended the night at your place. She has a great sense of humor and she made you laugh for hours. You attempted to do the same, unfortunately she had to politely inform you that your humor needed some work. 
“But don't worry, I'm still willing to stick around,” she flipped her hair and leaned in. You smiled at her and kissed her cheek. You enjoy her company, you aren't sure what kind of future you'll have with her, but you like her enough to find out. 
Spending time with Nebula made you realize what you liked about Daisy and why you kept that relationship going for as long as you did. It was how she admired you. At least how she admired an idea of you that she cultivated for years. That she managed to still like you past the mental pedestal. You might not have been aware of her crush on you when she was younger but the comments that Kate made about it made you feel good about yourself. Being with her made you feel a bit more confident even though it was at her emotional expense. 
Being with Nebula is refreshing. She isn't your former boss’ daughter. She isn't your current one's sister. She doesn't know anything about your past aside from what you choose to share. And you have no ties or connection to her and her past. A past that hasn't come around to haunt her. Not that you minded Wanda’s troubles. You have plenty of your own. But spending time with Nebula gave you a new perspective when it came to dating. Sure, you still have stronger feelings for Wanda, but she doesn't want you. This time around, you have a real confirmation that she doesn't want to be anything more than a friend. You can't put your life on hold on the chance that she might change her mind. 
You are snapped from your thoughts when you step on something poking out from under Rachel's bed. You look down and see a small trail of ants marching from there. “Gross,” you make a face and leave the room to get gloves and a face mask on as well as a handful of trash bags and bug spray. You hated finding old food. You hadn't realized how bad she was getting until you looked under the bed. There were stacks of paper plates with food leftover in them. There were some clothes that you suppose were meant to help hide the unfinished food. You feel a little better when you see bite marks in the moldy food but you know that you're going to have to have a talk with her when you pick her up. 
You end up having to move the bed in order to get it properly cleaned and disinfected. Jean used to do the same thing when the two of you were growing up. You hope you can help Rachel with the habit before it gets bad. As much as you don't want to talk to Jean, you know you're going to have to discuss this with her. Especially since she's going to have to clean under Rachel's bed at her house. 
When you're done cleaning from under the bed, you decide to strip it so that she can have clean sheets to return to. When you do that, you notice something sticking out from between the mattress and the box spring. The paper looked oddly familiar and you are reminded of the top secret project that she wouldn't let anyone see. You want to respect her privacy but the curiosity and concern takes over and you lift the mattress to pull it out carefully. 
It's a flimsy poster made up of construction paper taped and glued together. At the top in big letters it says, “How to get Ms. Wanda and Baba together!” You pull it all of the way out and sit on the bed with a deep frown on your face as you read the steps of her plan. At the bottom is a little note that says, “Check Rocket for updates.” You set the poster down and go into her closet where you had found her plush raccoon toy earlier. She named it Rocket because it has a spacesuit on and she was in her astronaut phase when she received the toy as a present. 
You didn't know that it had a zipper on the back until now when you find it as you try to figure out how he was storing updates for her. You open it and find folded pieces of paper each labeled with a date. You open the one from the beginning of the year and are shocked to find out that she witnessed the kiss between you and Wanda. You open another one and read about the time that you and Wanda played a dance game together in the living room while you guys thought the kids were playing with each other upstairs. She wrote about how happy Wanda made you. 
Another page, she wrote about how she really felt about her accident. That she was having nightmares about the fall but that sometimes you or Wanda were there to catch her in the dream. She wants Wanda to be her mom. She wrote, “With Anna I didn't get a choice. Mommy loves Momma Anna. She's nice but she isn't Ms. Wanda. I know that I can't make Baba choose Ms. Wanda. But I can make them see that Ms. Wanda is the best person for them. I think Baba could love Ms. Wanda already. They are brighter and happier when we are with Ms. Wanda. The smile on Baba’s face is bigger than when we have Miss Daisy over. I don't like Miss Daisy. She isn't Ms. Wanda.” 
You stop reading because these updates feel like personal journal entries. You fold them back up and stuff them in Rocket. You finish cleaning her room and make her bed. Not sure what else to do, you drive to a nearby store and buy Rachel a real diary with a set of pencils and erasers for her and put it all together in a small gift bag. 
You leave the present in the car when you get to Wanda’s house. You text Wanda to have her meet you outside so that you can chat with her before confronting the kids. You stand outside of your car with the poster and Rocket in your hand. As you were putting the papers back inside, you realized that some of them weren't written by your daughter. So this matter wasn't just a one on one with you and Rachel. The twins were involved as well. 
“What's going on?” Wanda asks as she meets you in the driveway. You hand her the poster and her eyebrows twitch with confusion. She smiles at first and it slowly drops as she processes what she's reading then it returns because it’s so silly. “Honestly, this is so cute. They ship us,” Wanda turns to you with her amused grin.��
“You don't see this as a problem?” You ask as you pull out the “updates” that the kids have written and hand them to her. She reads a couple of pages before her expression changes. 
“Okay, it's kind of creepy knowing that they're watching us so closely. Gahd, I really thought Billy bought that story that you had a nightmare,” she shakes her head as she lowers the pages from her view. “But, I don't know. It's kind of sweet that my boys want me with someone like you. Someone that they've only ever seen make me happy. And that Rachel would choose me to be another mother for her. Especially with everything going on with Jean. How is that by the way?” 
“I stay in my apartment at pick ups and drop offs now. They don't want me near their house,” you state. “Which is fine with me, I don't want to see them either.” Wanda nods to show her understanding of the situation. “Anyway, I think we need to talk to the kids about this. I don't think it's good for them.” 
“They're just kids with an innocent fantasy of becoming a family,” Wanda defends their actions. “What's wrong with letting them continue to believe that they can bring a family together?” 
You frown as you look at the so-called operation. You don't know why you feel the need to crush their dreams. But it's not going to be a reality. “It doesn't seem like it could be damaging? Now I know why Rachel was so adamantly against Daisy. She won't accept anyone I date if she thinks there's a chance,” you look away from Wanda. Avoiding actually having to verbalize a rejection you're still coping with. You close your eyes and take a slow breath through your nose as you think about one of the reasons this bothers you. “I started seeing someone. It's still new and I don't think I'm at the point of introducing Rachel to her. But I might someday and I don't want a repeat of last time.”
Wanda tries to keep her expression neutral. She can't believe that you're already feeling serious about someone else. She thought you might date around but in the way she was dating around. Nothing serious, just a person or a few people to have fun with every now and then. She didn't think that you would find someone you would like enough to crush your daughter's dreams. 
“You've made it clear that you don't see that kind of future with me,” you state with an emotionless expression that catches Wanda's attention. She wants to correct you but she doesn't feel that she has the right to. She knows that she is in love with you, but she isn't ready to be in a relationship. Not yet. Telling you those words would only mean she felt that way and not that she was ready to act on them. 
“Right,” she nods. “Well, I don't think we should rush in there and tell them that this will never happen. Let's think about it. If by next Sunday we don't agree on an appropriate approach, then we will think about it longer. It will be okay. Besides, they might grow out of the idea.” 
You nod as you feel a little bit better about the whole thing. “You're right, we shouldn't confront them about it yet.” 
“Where did you get that?” Rachel says with the boys standing behind her. You and Wanda turn to look at them, then look at each other with panic in your eyes. Wanda tries to hand off the evidence to you but you push it back towards her. She pushes it towards you and the two of you go back and forth until you surrender. 
“Kids, we need to have a little chat,” you finally say as you take the papers from Wanda's hands and walk towards the house. You pace in front of the kids as they sit on the sofa. The evidence is displayed on the coffee table between you and them. Wanda stands behind you, leaning against the wall. 
The three kids look at each other as they wait. Each of them comes up with a different story in their heads as they wait under your glare for you to say more. They can't handle your silence and crack under the pressure. Tommy is the first to point a finger at Billy who blames Rachel who then throws Tommy under the bus making him turn on Rachel. It goes in circles until you hold your hand up. They all stop. 
“No one is in trouble,” you start. You look at Wanda who doesn't have much to say on the matter. She wishes they had the week to think about this. You turn back to the children, not quite sure where you're about to go. “We are just concerned because,” you helplessly look back at Wanda. “Want to help me out?” She shakes her head and encourages you to continue. You drop your head for a second and return your attention to the kids. 
“Can you explain what this is exactly?” You ask helplessly. The three children exchange looks but end up deciding to stay quiet in the end. “Okay,” you back up to where Wanda is standing. “I'm not good at this,” you whisper to her. 
“I think you're doing great,” she says with humor in her eyes as she holds back from laughing. You tilt your head at her unamused. She sighs, “Okay, let me try.” She steps forward and crouches down to level with the coffee table. She looks at the pages that are full of words and drawings. Her eyes danced from page to page in thought. “Y/n is right, none of you are in trouble. We're just concerned and a little confused. What exactly are you guys hoping will happen if you,” she looks at the master plan, “‘keep leaving us alone together’ and ‘drop hints to be together.’ Do you guys think that's how families are made?”
Rachel is the first to crack this time. She starts with a shrug. Then a soft, “I don't know.” Wanda nods and with a soft expression she asks Rachel to try and explain the idea. “I just, it started when my Baba was building your wall. And I got to hang out with Billy and Tommy and Luna. I don't like being an only child. I like pretending I'm Billy and Tommy's sister. We have a lot of fun together. Then we were having the kind of family dinners I've always dreamed of. Plus Tommy said that my Baba is nicer to you than their dad.” 
Tommy chooses then to speak up. “They make you smile a lot. Dad, used to make you smile sometimes but not like Y/n. I like how happy you are when they're around.” 
Wanda starts to feel herself getting choked up and you can feel the weight of their words. You decide to sit with Wanda at the coffee table to continue to hear them out. “Yeah, I've never heard Y/n call you mean names. Daddy called you so many mean names,” Billy says next. “He calls us names too and we don't like it. But Y/n is always nice to us and they're nice to you.” 
Wanda tries to fight her tears as she is overwhelmed by her emotions. She fucked up. That's all she can think about. She fucked up. “Mom don't cry, we're sorry,” Tommy says as he stands up and walks around the table to hug his mom. Billy joins in, cutting in between the two of you to hug her other side. It causes Wanda to cry harder even though she doesn't want to be having this breakdown in front of her boys. You start to rub her back to offer your comfort and support. Wanda believed that she was careful to not let the boys witness the darkness that loomed over her relationship with their father. That only recently they've witnessed the relationship taking a turn. To know that they've always been aware of the animosity is heartbreaking. 
Rachel joins the pile. She apologizes as she does and Wanda can't tell her that she shouldn't because she is sobbing. You didn't realize that Wanda had so much pain built up inside of her. You feel guilty that you can't give her the privacy that she gave you weeks ago. With the way she holds onto her boys, it's easy to see that she doesn't mind at the moment. 
When Wanda stops crying she excuses herself to clean up and instead of following her, you stay with the kids. You sit with them and listen to what they have to say. It is flattering to know what the boys think of you. And it's sweet of your daughter to want you to have what she thinks is the type of love her mom found. She wants you to be happy and she thinks that's with Wanda. You sigh at the thought. 
“Honey, I am happy. I don't need a relationship to be happy. You know that,” you say. You don't want her to believe a person's happiness stems from another person.
“I know, but I want you to be happier. Ms. Wanda makes you happier,” she argues and you sigh again. She wasn't wrong but you couldn't tell her that. 
“Alright, we're going to drop this and we're going to order something to eat. How does that sound?” You say because you don't know what else to do. You don't want to tell them that it's not a possibility when deep down, you hope things will change. 
They agree and you clean up their little project. You don't want to throw it away so you just collect it and remove it from the coffee table. You take it out to the truck and put it in an unused folder for safe keeping. You walk back inside to find the three debating on a movie. You take the time to look for Wanda. 
She is lying on her side on her bed. She is clutching a pillow to her chest. You don't walk into her room just yet. Instead, you walk back down stairs and fill a glass with ice and water, the way she enjoys water the most. The kids are focused on a movie when you pass them. 
You gently knock on Wanda's half closed door and wait to be invited in. She lets out a soft, “I'm okay, I'll be down in a few.” 
It breaks your heart to hear her so forlorn. “It's me,” you say in a broken whisper. 
“Come in,” she sniffles and you step through the door. You shut it behind you before you walk to the side of her bed. She doesn't move when she sees the glass of water so you set it on the coaster on her nightstand. You sit on the floor in front of her and the both of you stare at each other for a long time. Her nose is red and her cheeks are pink with puffy eyes. She has mucus making its way down her nose. Her cheeks are wet with tears. You want to take the tissues from her nightstand and wipe her face but you don't want to invade her personal space without her permission. 
“What do you need,” you ask after a while. 
“A time machine,” she answers softly with a small tug on the corner of her lips. You flash a smile and look down at your hand for a second then look back up at her. 
“Don't we all?” You pause and tilt your head so that you match her head's position. “Unfortunately, I don't have access to one of those. Is there anything else I can do for you?” 
Wanda scratches under her nose and cringes. She quickly grabs tissues to clean herself up but it ends up being for nothing as she starts crying again. “I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening.” 
“You've been carrying a lot. It's okay to have moments like this,” you say you offer your hand. She takes it and squeezes it tightly. 
“I know, but why today? Tomorrow would have been better. Or Monday. Or even next Saturday. Why now? When my boys are here. When you and Rachel are here,” she whines as she stuffs more tissues in her face. You frown and sigh as you shake your head. 
“I don't know,” you answer honestly. “At least you’re not experiencing this alone. The kids are fine, they will continue to be fine. I will be here, I will take care of them. I will take care of you. I will-” Wanda’s body starts shaking as she starts to cry hysterically again. “Screw it,” you say as you climb in the bed with her and wrap your body around her to help soothe her. “Breathe, Wanda,” you say as you hold her tightly. “Breathe,” you take slow breaths for her to mimic. She struggles at first but eventually she is able to breathe with you. When she settles down and stops shaking you stop holding her and you climb off of the bed. 
You clear your throat, “Drink your water. I’m going to chat with the kids and order some food. I'll check on you in a bit.” You walk out of the room and shut the door behind you as you do. 
The kids each state what they are craving and so that you can help them come to an agreement, you offer them three options that come close to their requests. Then you have them vote on which one they want the most. Tommy is the first to cast his vote which makes Rachel lean in a different direction. Billy ultimately agrees to whatever Rachel wants so it makes it slightly easier until Tommy gives a compelling argument. It doesn't take too long before you're putting in their orders for Chinese food. You order your favorites and order what you know Wanda likes. 
You stay with the kids and watch the movie with them to allow Wanda the time alone that she wants. Tommy expresses his boredom when you're trying to pick another movie so the four of you start to play a video game while waiting for the food to be delivered. 
When the food does arrive, you serve the kids before you collect Wanda's food and display it on a tray that she has stored in one of her kitchen cabinets. You make her another glass of water and set it on the tray and carefully carry it to her room. Wanda’s face is clearer when you walk in. She sits up in her bed when she sees you and offers a tired smile as you set the tray over her lap. 
“Oh this is perfect. How did you know?” She asks as she looks hungrily at the food on her tray. 
You shrug and smile, “I'm just that good.” You grab her empty cup from the nightstand. “I'll leave you to it.” She thanks you as you walk out of the room. You enjoy your meal with the kids on your own and when everyone has cleared their messes from the table, you decide to bring out a board game. Wanda finds the four of you laughing together while she is bringing her tray of empty dishes down the stairs. Instead of continuing on, she hides in the shadows and just watches. 
She used to do this when the boys were younger, usually after fighting with Vision. She thought about leaving him so many times but then she'd see him with the boys. He would be watching a soccer game and the boys would want his attention. He would typically ignore them or give them something to distract them or he'd send them off to their room. Those times, she worried about what their lives would be like without her. But there were moments when he was a doting father. He'd play with them. He'd watch their favorite movies with them, at the time they were animated musicals, and he'd sing along. That's when she was reminded of how she fell for him in the first place. Because when he was in a good mood, he could light up a room. He had the ability to make everyone feel as good as he felt. His mood swings were not healthy, but she couldn't justify leaving him at the time. 
Now she wishes that she had done it sooner. She wonders if she had left him before he left her, would she have been able to let you in when you confessed your feelings to her? She wonders if she would have this doubt that she will ruin you and make you as bitter as Vision. Logically, she knows that Vision has always been who he is. But there is a convincing irrational voice in her head that says she is the reason Vision went from loving and present to distant and bitter. 
She walks down with her tray and a fresh face. She tries to pass without bringing attention to herself but her boys jump out of their seats and run up to hug her. Wanda smiles as she greets them. You stand up and take the tray from her hands so that she can hug her boys. She thanks you as you take it all to the sink. 
“Do you want to join us?” You ask, walking out of the kitchen. 
“Um, I don't know. I don't want to mess with whatever you guys have going on,” she says as she looks at the board and how far they are into the game. 
“Oh we were just about to start a new game, right guys?” You try to get the kids to go along with you but they disagree. 
“You only want to start over because you're losing!” Rachel says, making you shake your head to deny the accusation. 
“Mom, we're kicking Y/n’s butt,” Billy giggles as he looks up at his mom. 
“Yeah, Y/n only wants us to start over because they're really bad,” Tommy laughs as he squeezes his arms around his mom.
“Alright, alright,” you surrender. “We're not starting a new game but I can use your help with being the banker. It's been difficult for me to keep track of everything on my own.”
“Okay, sure,” Wanda sits down next to you and takes over the banker role. She mediates arguments with the rule book. She helps you catch up with the kids with some tricks she's learned over the years and you wink at her when you notice the difference her help has made for you. 
When the game is over and Billy has won, Tommy looks like he's about to throw a fit but you quickly tell him how impressive he was throughout the game. Then you say that you are proud of both of them. He holds his hand out to his brother, says “Good game,” then goes upstairs to get ready for bed. 
You take Rachel home after washing the dishes and saying goodnight to Wanda and the boys. You give her the gift and suggest that she should start writing how she feels in the journal instead of random notes stored in her stuffed animal. She thanks you with a hug. When you get home you sit her down and talk to her about her recent food habits and ask her to come to you when she's ready and that for now, the two of you will be eating all meals at the table including snacks. 
“You're not in trouble,” you clarify when she starts to cry and apologize. “Your mom struggled with food for a long time, honey. It's not your fault baby girl. It's no one's fault. Just, we're going to figure this out together okay?” You say as you hold your struggling daughter. Promising her that everything will be okay. 
The next morning, you decide you have to violate the new rules that Jean and Anna have implemented with pick ups and when Anna sends the text that she and Jean are waiting for Rachel in the parking garage, you walk with your daughter hand in hand. Anna gets out of the car when she sees you in order to keep you away. 
“You're not supposed to come out, we still haven't forgiven you yet,” Anna says defensively. 
“We agreed that Rachel comes first, I need to talk to Jean about her,” you state firmly. Rachel squeezes your hand and looks up at you. She shakes her head. 
“I don't want to talk about it with mom, please baba,” she pleads and you lower yourself to her level. 
“Honey, your mom can help you with this better than I can. She needs to know. She can help me too,” you explain. 
Anna softens a bit and turns to the car to tell Jean to get out. The four of you walk back into your apartment and sit down at the kitchen table. You go over what you found underneath Rachel's bed and some of the things you read from papers you found around her room. You didn't mention that it was from entries for her plan to get you to be with Wanda. That wasn't necessary. Jean covers mouth and starts to cry as she thinks of her history with this struggle and feels terrible for passing this trait onto her. You rub her back as you offer her comfort telling her to not blame herself. 
Anna watches her wife be comforted by her ex over an issue that she wasn’t aware of. She had no idea that Jean had a food problem and she starts to realize that the signs have always been there. Moments when Jean would only serve her and Rachel and claim that she had a big lunch. Or the odd smell that came from Rachel’s room and the way that she would freeze whenever it was mentioned to her. The missing items of her step-daughter’s clothing that she couldn’t find and Rachel claimed she left it at her Baba’s house. She can’t believe she missed the signs. And she feels isolated from the family again. She feels isolated from her wife as she watches you and Jean start to make a plan for helping Rachel. Another reminder that she is your daughter.
You are unaware that Anna feels left out as you focus on Rachel and her needs. Jean thanks you for bringing this situation to her during this tense time between the two of you.
“Our differences aside, I will always put Rachel first as I’m sure you feel the same way,” you say while you hold Jean’s hand between yours. She nods as she agrees and that’s when Anna rises out of her chair. It feels a little abrupt to you.
Anna clears her throat and checks her phone, “We have to go, my mom invited us to see my parents' new place. Um, bye, Y/n,” she doesn’t look at you as she starts towards the front door.
You let go of Jean’s hand as you get up to walk your daughter out of your home. “Honey, I don’t think that’s a good idea today,” Jean tries to explain. “It’s been a very emotional day for us. I don’t know if Rachel is up for that.” 
Anna stops outside the door, “Sure she does!” You are confused when she smiles at Rachel. Anna used to be the kind of person that would initiate a conversation like this. You learned a lot from her on how to be present, question, and listen to your daughter's actions and words. You don’t understand why she is brushing off something like early signs of an eating disorder. “Don’t you want to see Gammy and Pop-pop?” You cringe at the way she is talking to your daughter with a baby voice. You wonder what’s going on with her. 
Rachel shakes her head and wipes her tears as she leans into your side. “No, I just want to go home,” she says in a small voice. 
Jean looks at Rachel and starts to comb her hair with her fingers then looks at Anna, “Babe, let’s just go home. I’ll call your mom and apologize to her myself.” 
“Fine. Yeah. Okay,” Anna mutters as she walks off. 
Jean sighs, things have been weird between them after they lost the baby. Anna wants a family of her own. She knew that you weren't going anywhere and that you are very involved in your daughter's life. But she thought that she would be able to have more than a third of a say in what happens in her family. She thought you would keep your life separate from her's and Jean's and at first when she realized that the two of you were still close she thought she could handle that. Now, she almost prefers it when the two of you are fighting. Jean senses a frustration and a shift from Anna and she has begun to fear that her marriage might be in jeopardy. 
After Rachel is gone, you sit in your apartment alone in silence for a moment. Letting go of the tension in your body. This was an emotional weekend. It started off pretty light then plummeted from there. You need some relief. Your first thought is Wanda because you’re not sure if she should be alone today. But you decide against the idea. You can’t be there for her like a partner would and that’s exactly what it would feel like. If she wants to hang out, she will call you. Next, you think about dialing Darcy up to hang out and when you can't think of a reason not to, she declines your invitation. She is supervising the team that is packing up her belongings. You can’t believe that it’s almost been three months since she told you she was leaving. 
You haven't had a one on one with Steve since you found out about his relationship with your coworker. You've hardly even spoken to Bucky, who you've seen every day since. Neither knows that you're aware of their relationship. They think you're still upset over Steve's bad attempt at a joke. You're not against them being together but it's just weird for you. 
You knew Peggy and you liked her enough for your friend. For some time you thought her and Steve would get married and start a family. You feel somewhat responsible for breaking them up by introducing Steve to Bucky. Rationally, you are aware that you're not at fault. But you can't help the guilt. And you're not ready to face them about it. 
So you call the least complicated person in your life at the moment and invite her over. Nebula is more than happy to see you for a second time this weekend.
Chapter 20
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles @the-ox-fan20 @shaniiwm @casualreadersstuff @neopolitan-torchwick
94 notes · View notes
jamiedc-they-them · 5 months
Good People Part III: As you would have them do unto you. (Platonic)
Note: A summary of episode 3-4-beginning of 5. CW/ Discussions of PTSD flashbacks, trauma - mild mention of what happened in Reader's past; needles
Summary: Capture, being used as bait, having internal spirals you can't control, losing a finger, and almost having your organs harvested; something about that really bonds two people together.
Part 1 Part 2
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"It's smart," you say, carrying the head, "his idea. His head, and whatever the hell is inside it, for your dad. It's a fair trade."
"It's horrible," Lucy objects.
"Most things are here."
"I hate it."
"Yeah, me too," you admit.
"How have you survived all on your own up here? I mean, no weapons or anything," she then realises how that sounds, "sorry."
You wave it off, accidentally waving the head in her direction, "you're good. And, I used to. I wasn't alone. Had some people."
"What happened with them?"
"Most of them took our stash and ran."
"'Our'?" She catches onto.
You pause at a water filled place. No way you'll get through that without something eating you.
You clench your jaw, "yeah...I was the only one left after a few days."
"I'm -" she goes to reach out, then remembers how you reacted before. She doesn't touch you, but her hand hovers near your shoulder, and she instead finishes her sentence, "sorry. I'm sorry for, whatever happened."
You shrug, "yeah, well. Guy pissing on my wound ain't the worst thing in the world, I'll say that," you leave the conversation there.
As you try and find a way through, a gulper jumps out of the water. It grabs Lucy on the leg, and knocks you away.
"Y/N!" Lucy calls out, being dragged, "Y/N, my gun!"
You put a hand to your head, it ringing. You blink to focus your vision, finding Lucy's drug gun in front of you. You crawl to it, the world moving in slow motion almost.
"Here!" Lucy says, throwing you a shot. You open the gun, and slot it in place.
You aim it up, as Lucy tries to kick the thing to get it to let go of her leg.
You fire. It hits the target. It works for a moment. Lucy gets scratched, but she isn't worried about that right now.
"Y/N! The head!" she calls out to you. You're already watching the Gulper run away with it and go into the water. You are already up and running. Lucy isn't far behind you.
"Dang it!" she says, before looking at her Pipboy, looking at the tracker for it.
She takes off her bag.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You say, putting an arm out to stop her, "I'll go. I can swim better."
"You can't be serious!"
"Like you ain't just gonna jump in there yourself!"
A whistle breaks up your argument. There he is, the Ghoul from before. Lucy is on the ground the next moment, and a pistol is in your face.
"Don't move now, sunshine," he says to you, before asking Lucy about the head.
She doesn't know, she lies. Even saying "I lost it" instead of we.
So, you're both then tied up, and dragged.
To you, it's too similar to...to before.
You go silent, almost numb.
Lucy is dunked in the water. She keeps begging with the Ghoul, that doesn't help with your memories...
"Be like your friend," the Ghoul says, "and be more quiet, huh?"
You don't talk, not for a long time in your journey. You're just stuck in your head.
She's tried to talk to you time and time again, each time getting more concerned - even airing it to the Ghoul - but nothing comes of it. There's only one instance, when he talks to his Ghoul friend, you come back, sensing the atmosphere. You turn to Lucy, and look away from the scene. Lucy looks to you. It's enough to not let her see the man get shot at least. Even if the blood hits you both.
She can see that you've gone back to how you were when you first met, a mess on the edge it seemed. Desperate, and dying.
Now, more than ever, she understands what that's like.
"Y/N...drink, please," she begs. And, for a moment, you come out of your internal hell.
Slowly you approach it. And then human instinct takes over. You drink, as much as you can fit in your mouth, greedily. It isn't like when she met you. Here, you're a survivor. Not a friend.
You couldn't be that survivor right now. So, she would be in your place. She promises to.
It's why she runs, to try and buy you some time to fight back.
She gets lassoed, but rips off a finger. She loses her own.
"Now, as much as I respect you for it," the Ghoul admits, "try that again, and it's your friend who's next. And I'll give them something to stew over, ok?"
She nods, but he see's the threat in her eyes as well. A fire that's there. He looks back to you. someone who is so lost.
It reminds him of himself in the first few years of his search. He doesn't ask you, though. He tells himself he doesn't care - and, part of that is true, you're just cargo to get more of his meds - but, it's mainly because he's scared of what you'll say. And if it'll drag him back there as well. Grief, loss, pain, a hell of a motivator, but something you could also drown in as well. He drowned for a bit, for god knows how long - it's how his legend grew. But, he pulled himself together. Once you're gone, you can pull yourself together or not - that's not up to him.
So, he leaves you alone. Continues with Lucy, shooting the Vault-tech sign and all. He hated putting his thumb up for that dumb advert.
Lucy looks back to you. That gunshot has made you jump, but now your eyes are darting around. You're trying to find exits. You're, somewhat, back in the present.
You look to her, genuinley fearful - but she's just glad you're back with her. That she's not alone anymore. Selfish, she knows, but she's glad. Gets her hopes up somewhat.
You arrive at your destination, a supermarket. There, the trade goes by.
"Nice to have you back with us, sunshine," The Ghoul says to you, "shame it happened too late," he quips before shoving you forward.
You and Lucy enter the market. A Mr Handy robot greets you both.
"You will both be swell in no time," the bot says to you. Another, identical bot, approaches you, "my colleague here will have you in tip-top shape in no time."
You look to Lucy, 'fight' you say to her. She nods; 'be safe' is what she says to you.
You both go to different rooms.
"Now, my friend," the Handy says to you, "how may I help you today?"
"Uh, couple of cuts," you say, "some infection of some kind from urine."
"Oh, I do say, old chap, that does not sound sanitary at all!" you shrug, "well, not to worry. I have just the thing for you here."
You see the robot go past different cabinets. It even spins around at some point - maybe it was the urine that threw it off - but finally it finds something for you. Rad-away, and some antibiotics.
"Get those down you and let the Rad-away do its thing, and you should be good as new in no time at all!"
You inject the radaway into you, and take the antibiotic. You don't know if it's just you making it up in your own mind - fooling yourself - but you do feel stronger.
"How do you feel, old chum?"
"Better," you say, "thank you."
"Absolutely no worry, at all, my friend. Now, just sit still for this next part."
You do so, but soon regret it; as you are forced down onto the chair.
"What the fuck --"
"Now, now, no need for language like that! All will be ok soon. Just a small prick for your organs and then you're free!"
Well, when you put it like that --
A saw starts up. You struggle in the straps. Restrained, and having no choice but to wait for death, you've been here before. It was what made you be alone.
You manage to, just, loosen one of your arms, and turn just enough to make the saw hit the straps. You grab a tray, swinging it into the robot. Using the brief time you have, you undo your other strap and shove the bed into it. Adrenaline at a high. You can fight this time. You can stop it this time.
You grab a scalpel, and jam it into one of the eyes. You do it to another after dodging a swing or two. It falls to the floor, and you begin stamping on it. It won't get up, but you also can't let it live. This isn't a man pissing on you; this was something - programmed by someone - to harvest your organs. This is a threat. A raider like threat.
Still, this Mr Handy isn't to blame. It's been programmed to kill you. That, and it did heal you.
So, you crouch down, putting a hand on its head, say 'I'm sorry' to it, before driving your blade into it one more time.
It doesn't speak after that.
Removing the scalpel, you collect yourself. You did it. You set it right. The ghosts in your head can leave you alone now.
You get up, finding what sharp objects you can, before you start to leave and --
"Oh! Oh, Y/N, thank god!" you run directly into Lucy.
You both give each other a once over, nodding when you don't find any wounds.
"You have colour to your cheeks!" Lucy celebrates, "did yours --?"
"Try and kill me? Yeah. Yours --" you pause, looking at Lucy's, "...didn't?"
She looks back at it, then to you, "Oh, no, it did. I just reprogrammed it."
You put out your bottom lip and nod, impressed, "atta girl."
Lucy chuckles, "alright, what do you say we bust this place?"
You nod, and smile a genuine one, "let's do it," you say.
So, together, you do. Making them release the Ghouls. The last one...however, isn't a good call.
"Move!" you say, dragging Lucy away right as she grabs a gun. It goes off, the Ghoul goes silent. It's just you both left.
Lucy looks at her hands.
You get up, and move in front of her, crouching down, "it - it's ok," you say, not used to being the comforting type after so long...the ghost in your head of your previous time being like this play on you. Lucy isn't like that, like them, she's alive. She's had your back. So far, anyway.
She looks to you again, eyes lost like your one's once were.
"Hey..." you say, putting your hand out, letting it hover near hers. She looks to it, to you.
"How -- I --"
"I know, I know," you say, "it's ok. You had to."
It takes a moment, before she gathers herself. Her eyes go a shade of colder, "the, uh, the man who took us?" she says, seemingly out of the blue, "he traded us for those," she nods her head to something to your side; looking, you see it's vials. Orange ones.
You look back to Lucy, "no one else?" you say, knowing her line of thinking.
She nods, "no one else. Not if we can avoid it."
So, you give the Ghoul some vials, and leave him be to whatever it is that's next for him. It's not up to you.
Now it's you both again, walking side by side with some weapons to your name.
"Can I ask you something personal?" Lucy asks. her voice isn't as chirpy or in awe of everything as before. It's rougher, more serious.
You nod.
"What were you thinking about as we were dragged along?"
"Some people I let down."
She nods, "your family."
"I thought they were."
She nods again, "I lost some of mine, too. I never really knew my mother. I lost some friends to Raiders."
You nod this time, "you know what they're like then."
"You know they made me watch?" Lucy stays silent, knowing that you need this, "they took all my stuff, killed all my friends who wouldn't join them? Left me for dead. A...reminder, or something."
"How long ago was that?"
"Lost my Pip," you say, "didn't really count the days. Just sort of wandered as best I could. Guess I hoped the circles or something would be best punishment."
"You don't deserve that."
"Yeah, well, you don't deserve to be hauled around like cargo," you say, coming to a stop, "you don't deserve to drink that piss water. Or get shot at, or anything. You deserve the vault, and family and not the fucked up place that is up here with fucked up people like me!"
You hate the tears building in your eyes. Lucy hates seeing them.
"I'm not a good person, Lucy. And, to be honest, I don't fully know why you came looking for me."
"Because you're my friend -"
"Am I?" you fire back with, "I mean, jesus, I got you to Filly, got shot, then came with you for my own survival. I didn't help with the Ghoul, or any of that."
"Am I angry at you?"
"I don't know why you aren't."
"Because, and it's why I came back for you; you're my friend, when things come down to it, I know you'll help me," that smile returns, one of a genuine belief in people and her mission. You shut your eyes, your mind and ghosts of past failures telling yourself you don't deserve that look - let alone being called a friend - but you open your eyes and look at them. Not hiding from them.
You hear something, a cry out, and both turn to an abandoned tunnel.
You both go forward. Roaches are climbing over a Brotherhood of Steel suit. You and Lucy shoot the roaches.
"Look, my friend and I here, everyone we've met so far - aside from each other - have tried to kill us," Lucy tells the man in the suit. He promises he won't.
Lucy goes to say more, but instead vomit comes out.
"I have rad-away!" the man says, "I can help. Please, just let me out!"
Lucy collapses. You don't even think, you catch her and lay her down. Trying to shake her back awake.
"She doesn't have long until she's unconscious," the suit says, "I have what she needs to -"
"I know what she needs! Come on Lucy, come on!" You say, shaking her again. More vomit leaves her. You put her on her side.
"Look, just let me out and I can help her! Please! Please!"
You don't have many options. Desperation is a hell of a motivator. You go to the suit, turning the wheel and letting the man out.
"Thank you. Thank you --" he says to you.
"Thank me by saving her," you say, pointing to Lucy.
He nods, grabbing the radaway like he said. You put Lucy's head in your lap.
"You're gonna be fine, ok. You're gonna be fine," you promise her. You move some hair from her face. She coughs.
The man looks to you, and you nod. He injects the needle into Lucy. You see the transfusion start.
It takes time, but slowly the colour starts to return to Lucy's skin.
"Can --" she whispers, quietly, "can I hold your hand?" she asks.
You put your hand in hers.
"I - I knew I was a good judge of character," she wheezes, eyes opening and blinking a few times as she recovers, "I knew you were a friend."
You chuckle, half between that and a sort of sob of joy, "yeah," you say, "yeah, guess you were right."
You look to the Knight you saved, and give a nod of gratitude. He nods back, and sits back onto his hands, trying to recover himself, He's covered in sweat, likely having been put in the suit for a while.
"Thank you," you say to him, gratitude pouring through and walls being fully down.
"Thank you," he parrots back.
You nod, looking back down at your friend. She looks at you, giving you a smile.
You smile back.
She's ok. You haven't failed this time.
You've saved a friend.
You've saved a friend.
Part 4
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luveline · 2 years
Hello,dear writer!if your requests are still open,how about an s/o that gets really lovesick for eddie when drunk?
absolutely!! tysm for ur request!!! ♡ fem!reader
"Eddie," you say, sweet but clumsy, smelling way too much like red wine.
He frowns at you because you've lost your jacket and an earring, and he hadn't known there was red wine in Harrington's house to drink.
"Where've you been?" he asks, a concerned murmur. Your neck is hot under his hand as he pulls you toward him, an intoxicated flush.
Your earring is definitely missing.
"Steve found wine. His mom's wine. And she's, like, super rich."
"Yeah? So you had the whole bottle?"
"Two glasses," you correct.
Your voice is lilting, near melodious as you talk, and your smile is uninhibited. Being drunk has made you look very, very pretty. Eddie wants to sit you down in his lap and tell you all about it, but sober you is really gonna miss that earring.
He follows down the crook of your elbow and takes your hand into his. You make sure to thread your fingers and squeeze three times. He squeezes back.
Through the hallway and into the kitchen again, he finds Steve and Robin in states similar to your own. Being drunk hasn't made either of them any prettier — Steve has his head in Robin's lap, eyes glassy and somewhere else as she pets his forehead.
"Steve," she coos, "you're so dumb."
Eddie laughs. You spin, stop, and beam at him. Your tenacity is kind of creepy.
"What?' he asks. He looks down at the front of his shirt. "I got something on me?"
"You have the nicest laugh ever, teddy."
"Oh, you're drunk. Can't believe I forgot."
You ignore his serious tone and bring your joined hands up to your chest. "Laugh again? It was really nice."
"Let me think about it."
You look over his shoulder at his friends, who seem to be having simultaneous breakdowns. Robin has dissolved into laughter thin and delicate as candy floss. Steve complains in her lap about being a spectacle for her, "You're fucking so mean. Where did Y/N go?"
"Hi Steve."
"Oh, she's right there. Hey! Are you gonna come and save me?"
You step closer to Eddie and drop your cheek into his chest. He raises his eyebrows in surprise as you begin to nuzzle like an overeager puppy.
"With my boy, sorry."
"Ugh, whatever. Why are you in here?" he asks Eddie.
"You want me so bad, Stevie-kins."
Steve chokes on a breath and turns into Robin's stomach, muttering, "This is all your fault. Told you not to let me drink wine again."
You've lost all will to move on, melting and melded to Eddie's front. Your hands rove over his waist until you've found what you want — the hem of his t-shirt. You slide a hand underneath and he tries not to laugh as your fingertips tickle as they climb his back, nail scratching gently against the dip of his spine.
"What's the matter with you?" he asks, wondering if maybe you're clingy because you're upset.
"Y'smell really nice. Nice and," — you wrap both arms around him tight, the soft of your stomach squished to his — "warm and... You're such a good hugger. Best hugs ever."
He ignores your drunken little hiccups and instead looks over your head to scour the floor for your earring.
"Sweetheart," he says, dipping his face to speak into your ear, "I'm never letting you out of my sight again." Because you're wasted, he doesn't say. Extremely wasted, considering you'd been apart for half an hour.
"I don't wanna be away from you either. Ever. Makes me so sad when you have to go."
He softens. "Maybe we should go home, huh? Get you into bed."
He rubs circles into your back to sweeten the deal. Eddie's nothing if not persuasive.
"No, just wanna hug you," you mumble.
"You can hug me in bed."
"Wanna hug you now."
Eddie's not an idiot. If a pretty girl like you wants to hug him all night then that's what's gonna happen. Your back rises under his hands, your drunken breathing slow and sluggish, and you make a contented sound that vibrates into each of his fingers. He pats your back in return, to say Yeah, the feeling's mutual.
"Kiss?" you mumble.
He leans back. You smooth all the hair out of his face in preparation, eyes widened by an obvious infatuation. You almost step on his toes as you raise off your heels and give him a surprisingly lovely kiss. You taste like wine, and you're a smidge too far to the right, but the tips of your noses touch and you're soft as silk under his hands.
"Love you so much," you murmur into him, turning your face to one side.
He kisses you harder than he means to and then holds you at shoulders length. "Love you, sweet thing. Home now?"
"Mm, yeah please."
He cups your cheek. You smile until your lashes touch at the corners.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
heyy, ignore this till ur requests are open, but i just had the best idea EVER. I've been needing some angst so... can i please get hc w reader saying their safe word w pietro and tan? xoxo
(btw can I be 🇺🇸🦅 anon?
hii lovie!! I couldn’t wait til when they’re open😭 when you sent this in, I was having thoughts about writing something like this, on the EXACT same day!! so I had to write it straight away. sue me but I love stuff like this. and yes you can:) thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x fem!reader || pietro maximoff x fem!reader
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word count. 761
warnings. angst (bc I love it) with comfort!! suggestive but minimal use of sexual words or descriptions. contents of ask
I feel like tangerine is always very attentive, always looking at you - studying your reactions, watching how expressive you are while he's inside you. so he frequently checks you're okay ( he's probs really big, so he's worried (??) about hurting you ) he'd see how your brows knit, but different than usual - not in pleasure. he'll pause movements, asking if you're still okay, and you'll say yeah ( trying to brush off the tinge of pain you're feeling ) because of the way you said yeah, he's a bit hesitant, so he goes extra slow. his brows would furrow and his neck would cock - watching you intently, seeing how your eyes screw closed, how you'd bite down on your lip or how your features contort
then you'd quietly murmur the safe word, maybe covering your face with your hands as if you're shielding yourself. he doesn't need to hear you properly to know what you just said. he'd very slowly pull out ( not wanting to cause you any discomfort ) he'd balance on one arm beside you and with the other would try to pry away your hands so he could see and cup your face. he'd be very soft and loving, whispering, "what's going on? love? talk to me, tell me what's going on," maybe he thumbs away and/or kisses your stray tear, his face very empathetic. "did I hurt you? did something happen?" he kinda rambles with it, not knowing how you're feeling or what to say or do. maybe it's the first time you've said it, and he feels awful about it. he tells you how sorry he is and kisses your cheek, asking you to tell him what's wrong
he's very sweet with you, and you appreciate it, maybe you don't feel like talking right now, so you ask to cuddle for a bit. he doesn't try to pursue anything else with you, even if you ask for it. you'd cuddle in silence ( spooning ) but his head would be very loud - questions and guilt spinning around. he tells you he loves you, softly speaking behind your ear, you tell him that you know and kiss his hand, holding it close to your chest ( heart bc 🥲 )
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I feel like with pietro he often gets a little carried away with things, so he'd be working you up in more ways than one - his hands and lips all over you. maybe he forgets you don't have the same stamina and tolerance as him, so time slips his mind sometimes. maybe it's been a couple rounds, and he's been teasing you too much - doing you too good for too long
he'd have his eyes closed, maybe his face tucked into the crook of your neck - he can't really see you. maybe you make a cry-like noise, but he's not able to differentiate it from the others just yet. you'd have silent tears streaming down your face and would mumble the safe word - barely audible. he thinks it's a choked-out mutter and that you're rambling, so you say it again a few times - mushing the words together because of how quickly you're saying it. he'd piece it together quickly and would whip his head up to look at you, his face would display like 7 reactions in 2 seconds - guilt, shame, upset etc and he would snatch himself from you. his hands would instantly cup your cheeks, blurting out how sorry he is. talking very empathetically, "no— aw, no baby, i'm so sorry. you okay? what happened?"
you kinda shake your head, quickly wiping your eyes - maybe shifting up the bed ( to make it extra angsty😏 ) he wouldn't let you get away, he'd follow you, eyes fixed on you - head moving to follow you sorta thing. he'd apologise profusely, telling you how he didn't mean to hurt you and how he got carried away and he was being selfish. he'd hesitantly hold you while you calm/ come down, softly stroking your arm and/ or hand
you'd roll into him, hugging him back and asking if he's okay - and that you're sorry for scaring him. you reassure him you're okay and tell him you love him because you know he feels awfully guilty 
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to sum, I think you'd say it with tan bc of how consuming and intense he can be, but with pietro, you'd say it bc of how much he does at the same time or bc of his crazy stamina
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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cod-dump · 11 months
Ok, I don't really talk much, but I've been seeing your ideas (skits) whatever they are, (I love them) about teen Simon. I also have something that I'm working on where Simon is completely abandoned by his very abusive family at thirteen(ish) and is soon after picked up at a foster home.
Bouncing from home to home and then two years later ends up with Price, who he stays permanently with. Simon (having all his incredible trust issues by this point) does really, really love Price and connects with him. And sees him as a father, what a father should be.
And then Price gets a boyfriend, and Simon absolutely hates him. Everything about him. He hates his smile, his eyes, how happy he is, and most importantly, how he takes his dad away. Simon being terrified that he'll be forgotten because Price is so giddy over his new relationship and always spending so much time with him.
Simon who feels like he's competing and doesn't want to lose the only family he's ever actually wanted. He's a little (a lot) selfish because of his past and doesn't want anyone interrupting his home with his dad.
So when they break up he thinks their good again and things are good. When Nik comes along, he has to take it slow and work hard to not only love Price, but show Simon he can be trusted and wants to love on him too. Basically showing him it isn't a competition.
Ok- yeah I'm sorry for completely thrusting this onto you but I figured I'd send it in and see what you thought of it?? It's been brewing in my head for a while. 😅😅😅
I fucking love this
Price holding back on getting into a serious relationship because of he’s worried about making Simon feel unwanted. He does everything he can to remind Simon that he loves him no matter what. Nik comes into his lives and Price wanting this to work so bad. This was Simon’s home and he wasn’t going to make him feel uncomfortable/unwanted there. Nik wants to get Simon to like him, wants to love him because Price loves him.
Simon feels conflicted. Nik asks about his interests, gets him gifts (things that he actually likes), and respects his boundaries and is very careful about not crossing any lines. He’s a good man. But Simon can’t shake the feeling it’s all a facade. All fake. He’s going to pull him in close, wait until his walls are down— And shove him out. And Simon refuses to let that happen, he refuses to lose his father and his home.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Eddie's Version. Part two 💕💕
Will be breaking this up into two parts, purely because I love the drama and wanna make Eddie suffer a lil bit ;)
Warnings: Angst, Eddie is painfully slow at realising his feelings. Wayne makes an appearance. Jealousy.
Don't copy, reuse or repost my work.
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Eddie felt like an idiot. He couldnt believe the stupid shit he said to you. Him and Chrissy had gotten into another fight because he's been so fucking pissed off.
Pissed off at himself for what he said to you.
He doesn't understand what's wrong with him? Ever since he saw you with Steve, picturing you sleeping with him it's like there's some fucking monster inside of him.
"What does it matter to you who she sleeps with Eddie?" Chrissy had asked him after he had told her about your fight.
There was no answer he could come up with, Dustin told him point blank that he was a total douchebag.
"Dude, you do realise that you sound jealous right?" the little butthead told him like it was so obvious.
There was no way he was jealous. He was with Chrissy. He proclaimed that he wasn't and Dustin just rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Eddie, Steve told me what happened. It's like you've deemed him a threat because he's been with yn and you hate it"
Once again Eddie had no reply for that and decided to throw himself into apologising to you.
The next day he's at your door, nervous and kicking himself for being a douchebag. What if you didn't forgive him? You had evert right to tell him to fuck off.
Eddie hated the thought of you not being in his life, he adored you and needed to show you how much you meant to him.
You were beautiful to him, he hated that he made you feel so low, what the hell was he thinking? (He wasn't that was the point)
You open the door and look like you want to slam it in his face.
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I was a dickhead and I understand if you don't want to talk to me but I just had to tell you that"
The anger subsides from your features and you soften just a fraction.
"What you said really hurt" he swallows and you let him inside.
"I don't have any excuse princess. Just that I'm so very sorry, you're beautiful, the sweetest person I've ever met and I hate myself for hurting you"
He's barely slept and he's so tired but he had to see you.
"Just no more stupid shit Eddie please. I'm confused enough about this stuff with Steve as it is" he ignores the twinge in his chest at this.
"Do you like him?" he asks quietly and you sigh.
"He's my friend Eddie, hes a great guy. There's this spark between us but it's just physical because he still loves Nancy and I love... You freeze and trail off.
"You're in love with someone?" It's like his stomach bottoms out as he hears this and he fights to keep his tone casual.
"It doesn't matter. He doesn't feel the same way" You blurt out and frowns.
"Well then he's an idiot" he tells you gently and you look away flustered, the tension in the room ratcheting up.
"I'm making pizza. Wanna join me?" you ask and he jumps at the offer. Anything to get away from these thoughts racing through his mind.
You wish you hadn't come to this stupid party, Eddie was still acting a little weird and you had no idea what was going on in his head. Things were better than they were but still nowhere near what you two were usually like.
Yeah he had apologised profusely for what he said but what the hell was his deal with Steve in the first place? You were not here for it and wouldn't hesitate in calling him out.
Speaking of Steve you wish he was here. At least you would have someone to talk to, Chrissy had Eddie attached to her and you could barely get near him.
When you did see him for a few seconds here and there conversation was stilted.
To your delight Steve and Robin do show up to the party and that helps you relax.
"Who the fuck thought having a party in the woods was a good idea? After all the shit thats happened here?" Steve asks unamused.
You grin agreeing with him and hand out beers for him and Robin.
The sparks between you two were still there but he was right, he was still hung up on Nancy and you were hung up on Eddie.
If it happened again then it was strictly physical and nothing more.
Eddie meets your gaze and downs his drink, his eyes trailing over to Steve then you, he grabs another beer and stalks off and you groan.
What was his problem now? You attempt to follow him and get about half way there when you see Chrissy already by his side and tucked under his arm.
It feels like you've been sucker punched in the gut and you turn away. Unfortunately, Jason Carver is right beside you.
Fuck, you should have went home when you had the chance. He's drunk as hell and way too close to you for comfort.
"God it makes me sick watching Chrissy with that freak" He's unsteady on his feet and you cringe as you smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Don't call him that" you snap at him in no mood for his pity party and him being a shit about Eddie.
"Don't know why you aren't more upset though. Aren't you like in love with Munson or something?" this stops you in your tracks and you stare at Jason. How does he know that?
"I don't... I'm not" Jason cuts off your response and snorts.
"Babe come on? It's obvious. He's hardly going to look your way when he has Chrissy is he?" the way he says this so casually and cruel, it hurts like a bitch.
"Gee thanks" he misses your sarcastic tone and moves closer to you. He's so close you can barely move away. What the fuck?
"Hey, maybe we should hook up. That would show them" You gape at him and move away.
"No fucking way" your reaction causes you to sneer at him and he snorts at you.
"Whatever, doesn't stop the fact that you're never going to be Munson's type and you know it"
Jason walks away but the words linger in your mind, you hurry away having enough of this party.
Steve is at your side straight away, he notices your tears and nods over to Robin.
"What's wrong?" you shake your head and wipe the tears away.
"Nothing, just Jason being a dick" Robin joins you and Steve.
"Yeah, I'm thinking a movie night sounds good about now don't you?" she suggests and you nod in relief.
"Sounds perfect"
Before you leave Eddie jogs up to you looking concerned.
"What's wrong? You're leaving already?" he stiffens as he notices your tears and gently wipes them away. The gesture is sweet and it makes your skin tingle.
"Fine, I'm fine. Just Jason being his usual self. Gonna call it a night" he looks disappointed but nods.
"Kay, I'll come see you tomorrow?" you nod and walk, away, chancing a look back at Eddie who watching you go.
Eddie finds himself driving to your house after the party, he doesn't know if your parents are home so he decided to do his usual routine of greeting you at your bedroom window.
It takes a minute for him to climb up onto the roof. He's about to knock when he hears you giggle and moan.
His blood runs cold and he scrambles away from your window. He nearly falls on his ass as he gets down and ends up kicking over your trashcan.
"Shit" he swears and makes attempts to make a hasty exit but you must have heard him because a minute later your at the door.
"Eddie?" you stand at the doorway in a hastily thrown on robe and his stomach sinks at the sight.
"Are you okay? After earlier?" you ask him concerned and motion him to come in.
He does, his eyes linger on Steve's jacket and his jaw tightens.
"Steve's here" he comments and you can't figure out his tone.
"Yeah, we're friends. What is your problem with him right now? You've been getting on great the last few months"
He stubbornly looks away.
"Friends who've sleep together" he murmurs and you grow impatient.
"Why are you so fixated on that? Do you want the details? How many times he's made me fucking come? How good it feels" you snap.
It's like he comes undone at that point. His expression darkens, his eyes almost black and your body reacts to the sight, it's hot and you're pissed at yourself for thinking this because you're furious with Eddie.
"You know what? Fuck you Eddie. Come back and see me when you have a better attitude" you walk away from him and he gently grabs your arm.
"What?!'' he gazes at your for a second, his eyes trail down to your lips and you freeze.
The air is heavy with tension and he licks his lips, eyes flicking back to your gaze.
He comes to and backs away then he's out the door leaving you in shock. You make your way back upstairs and find Steve at the top of the stairs shaking his head.
"I don't know what his deal is" You reply helplessly and Steve softens.
"He does. He just wont admit it sweetheart. Come on, let's watch a film yeah? Not really in the mood anymore" You agree and follow Steve downstairs.
Eddie slams the door to his bedroom shut, his heart is racing and all he can think is what you said about Steve.
Images of you with him race through his mind and he the pain in his heart triples at the thought of you and Steve together.
Steve making you come over and over again, those moans, you writhing under Steve and saying his name. He can't stand the thought of you with Steve.
He lets out a yell of annoyance and slumps on the bed. What the hell was wrong with him. He hated this.
Uncle Wayne comes into his room and sighs, looking to the door then Eddie.
"Thought you were out tonight boy? You have another fight with Chrissy?" he nods his head and Wayne sits beside him.
"You ever wonder if she's really the girl for you?" he stares at his uncle. Really thinks on the question and struggles to answer.
He hadn't been happy for a while now.
"I don't know anymore. Things have been tense for a long time and then there's yn"
Wayne knows something is going on with you and Eddie right now but he isn't privy to all the details. Naturally he's curious because the two of you are very close.
"What's happening with you two. You not hanging out tonight" Eddie slumps back on the bed and shakes his head.
"She's with Steve" he scowls and Wayne raises his eyebrow.
"Harrington? Those two are together now?" Eddie nods tightly.
"More casual. Of course she would want someone like Steve. He's rich and goodlooking, all the chicks dig him. I get it but I still think of her with him and I don't like it, I've said stupid shit" he swears.
Wayne smiles and realises what's up with his nephew.
"Give yourself a break son. We all do stupid shit when we're in love" he pats Eddie's arm and Eddie jolts up staring after his uncle.
Wayne thought he was in love with you but that was totally fucking impossible right?
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jongbross · 7 months
Hello ❤️‍🔥 Who do you believe would focus on a relationship a lot and who would neglect their partner to focus on career more? (Unfortunetly, it is what it is :()
this is so crazy, i was actually thinking about this but like, about myself. i was thinking about what i'm willing to put on the top of my priorities list and stuff. 🤨 anywaysss...
minseok: he's balanced, i think. minseok seems to me like the type of person to pay more attention to work when it's needed, and then more attention to his partner when it's needed, so no one and nothing could be neglected. the person should be understandable when he has to spend more hours/days away than he would like to (cause honestly if they don't, then they might not be the right one for him).
junmyeon: he's very work oriented, but maybe it's just because he hasn't met the right one yet? i can't see junmyeon stopping, but i can see him slowing down to focus on his family. at some point, i do think his partner/family would be his top priority, but he could never, ever leave his career and his eris behind him.
yixing: absolutely work oriented, i'm sorry. even if he loves his partner to death and wants to have a family with them, i don't think yixing would put his work aside. he seeks wealth and he wants to be the greatest artist he can be, and that's his main goal, that's it. tbh i can only see one thing making yixing slow down/stop and it's his health, and i hate to say it because i love him so much and i worry so much about him and how he overworks himself :( but yeah, his career is his partner for life, sorry to break it to you.
baekhyun: this is a tough one, tbh. he breathes work too and that can be a problem to some people i guess. i think he is or at least tries to be as balanced as minseok, but also doesn't plan to stop like junmyeon. at some point, especially if his partner gets pregnant, he would be all about them and slow down a bit - but then he would miss the hectic life of being a singer, a dancer, a ceo, and would go straight back to business. probably would have both career and partner/family as priorities, side by side.
jongdae: family oriented, and i'm not saying this only because he's already a father. i see jongdae as someone who cares so, so deeply for people, and that just got stronger as he got his own family. he plans to be an idol for a very, very long time - but he might stop at some point, though.
chanyeol: work oriented, but willing to drop some of it if he meets the right person. would never stop totally though, i can't imagine him not doing something, even if it's just producing and composing.
kyungsoo: kinda trick, i guess. at the moment he's very career oriented, he has a goal and i don't think he will stop until he accomplishes it. however, i can see him dropping a few of his activities if it means he could spend some more time with the ones he loves, especially if we're talking about partners and kids. will always be in the business somehow though.
jongin: the most balanced one, believe it or not. he's very workaholic, but he's also the definition of a family guy. can balance both things really well, so he would never make his partner feel like they're being neglected somehow. work and family will always be jongin's top priorities, side by side, no matter what (but tends to lean in the family side if he truly needs to choose it).
sehun: family oriented, he loves his job but nothing is as important as the people he loves. sehun doesn't want to (at least not now), but he won't hesitate to disappear from the public eye for a bit if he needs to prioritize his family or his partner. he's just so so loyal, i love him :(
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doumadono · 10 months
hii it’s the twice & dabi anon again.
i’m sorry to ask for another emergency request but i’ve been having so much difficulty with my mom over the past year and a half, maybe two. it’s only been getting worse and now she doesn’t even talk to me. i only get updates from my little sisters and— oh my god it’s just horrible. i feel so bad that i had to leave them. but, i just couldn’t stay, you know?
could you maybe write something about twice & dabi comforting their partner/gf about the situation??
you don’t have to write for both!! either or is perfect!!
i just love the comfort you’re willing and able to provide. (even though you don’t have to. it’s truly heartwarming seeing you do this all. i really appreciate what you do.)
i really hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. please be sure to eat properly and drink water!!
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A/N: I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. It's important to prioritize your well-being, and I hope things get better for you soon. Also, thank you so much for your kind words! Your appreciation means a lot. Even though I'm not doing well lately, I'll make sure to take care of myself. Wishing you all the best too! 🌟
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Amid the chaos that permeated your mind, Jin Bubaigawara appeared with a boisterous greeting that momentarily broke the heavy silence that surrounded you. "Hey, babe! Twice is here to lift your spirits!" he declared with his characteristic energy, though his eyes held a genuine concern as he noticed the weight on your shoulders.
As you poured out the complexities of your strained relationship with your mom, Twice listened attentively, his empathy shining through. "Dang, that sounds tough. But you know what? You're strong for facing it head-on, I admire that," he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of reassurance and admiration.
He enveloped you in a tight hug, and his voice softened, "You did what you had to do for your own well-being. Don't beat yourself up about it." He pulled back, looking into your eyes. "You're not alone, okay? The League's got your back, and so do I."
Twice pondered, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps you'd like to engage in something? Not sure what exactly. Toga mentioned once that staying busy is beneficial - it keeps your mind from wandering into overthinking territory. And hey, if you ever need a clone to handle some mom-related drama, I got you covered. Double the trouble, double the fun!"
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The faint glow of Dabi's cigarette illuminated his face as he leaned against the wall, his stoic demeanor unwavering. "Come here, doll," he said, gesturing to the spot next to him.
As you recounted the painful saga of your relationship with your mom, Dabi listened in silence. When you finished, he took a slow drag of his cigarette before speaking. "Family can be a real mess, I know that. Sometimes, you gotta step back to save yourself."
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Leaving doesn't make you weak, ya know? It takes strength to break away from toxicity, in fact." His voice was low, carrying a raw honesty that resonated with your own emotions.
His long fingers traced soothing patterns on your back as he continued, "You're not alone in this. The past doesn't define you, and you're building a future for yourself, not for them, yeah?"
Dabi's lips curled into a smirk. "We're both well aware of the hell it is to deal with toxic nonsense within our own families. Parents messing up their own kids? That's a special kind of mess."
He lightly tapped your nose. "Take it easy, and find ways to keep that beautiful head of yours focused on other things. Overthinking is just a slow way to kill your own self. Don't let it consume you."
He extinguished the cigarette and looked directly into your eyes. "Just so ya know, if you ever need someone to lean on, I'm here. We're in this together."
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"There he is, there he issssss ohmigod!! (Co-worker's name) he ... is ... here. How do I look?" You bent your knees down to look at yourself in the small mirror in the back of the coffee shop, straightening your hair that was already perfectly fine for the situation.
"You look fine. You always look fine. Calm down, y/n. He's just a man."
You gasped, "Take ... that ... back. He is my future husband. The father of my unborn children - I mean, if we want to have any. We'll discuss that later. Over dinner. On our anniversary."
"Oh my god, you're insane. You're literally insane. Whatever. You better get out there and make his coffee or you-know-who will take care of it."
"Over my dead body!" You ran out to the front of the cafe and tried to slow your heart. But it was no use.
Kafka was standing in front of you. Cuter than he was yesterday. His spiky hair stuck out from his head and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at you.
"H-hi. What uh, what can I get'cha?" You asked, trying to sound even a little bit confident and failing miserably.
"I dunno. Dunno what I feel like today. What's your favorite thing here?"
You blushed, fighting off the urge to say 'When you come in' to him.
"I like the [your fav. drink]. And you're in luck. I make it better than anyone else here.
He smiled, "That sounds good, I'll take 2."
"Comin' up." You looked calm on the outside - at least you hoped so. Busying yourself with the 2 drinks for him, you tried not to peek over your shoulder to see if anyone was coming in to meet him.
You'd never seen him with a woman here. But that doesn't mean anything. Sighing heavily, you wrapped up making them and wiped down the machine.
"Here you go, 2 [your fav. drink]. Anything else?" You could feel your heart sinking deeper into the recesses of your chest. It felt hollow and it made you want to scream and throw yourself on the floor because someone was going to get that second drink that you made with love. No, not 'love'. Affection, maybe? No, it was definitely made with love. You have never been able to lie to yourself, why start now.
"Thank ya much. But I'll only be needing 1."
You tilted your head, not understanding what the hell he was talking about. "You ... you did say you wanted 2, right? I didn't hear you wrong?"
Kafka laughed, writing something down on one of the cups, "Nooo no no. I did say 2. This one ..." he put the cap back on his pen and held the drink out for you to take back. "...this one ... is for you, darlin'." He blushed and turned his head away from you. No doubt trying to hide the most beautiful shade of pink you've ever seen on a man.
"F-for me? What ... I mean, thanks?"
He looked disappointed for a second. "I uh, I wr-wrote something on the cup. F-for you, I mean."
You frantically turned the cup in your hands and ended up spilling the drink everywhere. "Shit! Oh my ... shit." You tried to read the writing on it but the drink caused the ink bleed and made it illegible. "Great."
Kafka stood there in shock. The amount of strength it took him to build up the nerve to write his phone number down for you was one of the hardest things he's ever done. And it was all washed away in less than 10 seconds.
"I'm so sorry. What did you write down?" Your face was twisted in embarrassment. "Y'know what, my god. Here. Here is my number," you wrote it down on a receipt, "call me. I like you. Ok? I've liked you for about 2 months now.
He smiled and pulled a napkin from the stack on the counter. He took his pen back out and wrote his name and number on it. Putting his hand out for you to take the napkin, "Call me. Anytime. And uh, I like you too." He pulled the napkin back, "Careful! Don't throw this away or something. I'm going to think that we're not meant to be or something, heh."
Tucking the napkin in your pocket, you looked him in the eye, "Don't talk like that! But yeah, I'll try to remember to clean out my pockets before doing laundry."
He smiled and took a sip of his drink. "Oh, this is really good."
You grinned, "I know, right? I told you!"
He looked at you and smiled, "I can't wait to taste you."
"Pardon?" You coughed out.
"I MEAN, I can't wait to taste what other drinks you can make. Jeez."
You narrowed your eyes at him and smirked. "No, no. I heard what you said."
"No you didn't." He tried convincing you ... and himself.
"See you tomorrow," you looked at the napkin, "Kafka?"
"See you tomorrow," he looked at the receipt, "sweetheart."
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@supersecretsaga @katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa
@arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
@trevengersprincess @reiners-milkbiddies @viburnt
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