#Yautja Predator
billfinarts · 2 days
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The Hunt... has begun.
It's here! It's here! Tales of the Hunt has officially started!
The beginning of our story dates back to 1562, in Eastern Canada. The Algonquin tribe are unaware that something is watching them from the trees. Something lurks in the dark and is ready to strike...
@kenosisofabrami and I are so excited to finally start sharing this story and bring it to life for all of you! We've been having an absolute blast working on this together so far and can't wait to bring more!
New pages will drop on Wednesdays! Stay tuned!
@kenosisofabrami did the amazing colors!
I did the lineart and storyboard :D
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naoutchi · 8 days
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Black Momba
Finally i got around to drawing her, this certified baddie belongs to @black-suns-rim.
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rainrain64 · 5 months
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I finally understood how to draw yautja predators, the forehead to face ratio used to drive me insane
Featuring my oc crimson
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sweet-mary280 · 8 months
Me: Ow, my back...
Me: hey hot alien, can you help me to make my back better?
Yautja: hm... Sure.
Yautja and me:
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Me: thank you.... *die*
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neteyamssyulang · 6 months
When I tell yall..
IM FUCKING FERAL FOR THIS😩, why do they have so make them so fucking sexy. This is making me wanna write a yautja fic but ofc add one of our blue men aswell🤭🤭
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xplore-the-unknwn · 7 months
📢 GOOD NEWS for the Predator Franchise! 📢
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Ive recently discussed about the problems with developing the Predator Franchise in here . And now theres news that our big boys are finally gonna get a shot at more quality content! and the best part is Dan Trachtenberg (Director of Prey) is involved and at the center of more future projects!!! We, the fans just have to trust in his vision and SHOW SUPPORT!!!
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To the directors, producers, executives etc. funding these projects- Pleaaasee give us more opportunities to love the Yautja Universe. Show us MORE LORE, EXPAND it!! Make us root for our Yautja boys! To more hope for this franchise! And may Dan Trachtenberg have the best meals in his entire life! 😌
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i still love her tho, my very first yautja oc!!!!
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cynicatalyst · 3 months
Imagine seasoned yautja hunters, absolute masters of their craft, still fucking struggling to smack the shit out of a fly or mosquito buzzing around them.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 10 days
In Predator 1987 Dutch should have made love not enemies and fucked the Yautja. Yaoi-tja if you will.
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crazy-concubine · 19 days
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God he's so fine
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billfinarts · 10 days
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An older illustration I did of Berserker with his cub, my oc, Ja'mu.
Despite this piece being two years old, I still love it to bits <3
Little Ja'mu is so precious in his father's arms. Even the most vicious hunters can be gentle at times
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naoutchi · 29 days
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Shortly after finishing his apprenticeship to become the Clans next shaman, Dahar went on spiritual a pilgrimage across yautja prime.
The young shaman was gone for longer than what had been planned and his clan could do nothing but guess that he had died
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It was a stormy evening when a dark silowet was seen on the edge of the tree-line, where the lush and dark jungle took over.
Further inspections by guards, revealed the identity of said person.
It was Dahar.
His ship was nowhere in sight and he was practically naked.
He did not speak of his journey or the things he had seen. Simply staying quiet or changing subject when asked.
All that he knew, was that there is so many things out there than just divinities like Cetanu and Paya.
Dark things.
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On a pale morning, a few months after returning, the young shaman claimed that he had gotten a ominous vision in a dream.
What exactly it was- Dahar didn’t want to say. He just said that they needed to decamp from their lands.
The majority thought that he had gone mad and didn’t lisen, the minority who did followed after Dahar.
The rest of the clan went on living as usual. Until the headaches started.
Followed by high fevers, chills and harrowing nightmares that disrupt sleep. Leading to severe physical and mental fatigue.
The progression of these symptoms varied, depending on the immune system of each individual.
But the symptoms above was followed up by the development of painful, blister-like lesions that oozes a vicious dark liquid.
The victims would often report of a burning sensation coursing through their veins, resembling an internal fire.
As the skin lesions expanded, they became neurotic, causing excruciating pain. The nightmares escalate into hallucinations, with infected individuals experiencing imagined horrors that often lead to self-harm.
Severe dehydration sets in due to excessive inability to eat, resulting in muscle cramps and spasms.
The body begins to shut down, with patients slipping in and out of consciousness. The skin turns ash-grey, and the necrotic lesions burst, leading to an unbearable release of pressure and fluids.
Most victims succumb by this stage, either from overwhelming pain or secondary infections.
Within a few weeks, Dahar’s old clan was no more.
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The departed group of yautjas Lead by Dahar, became a tight ring and flourished in a new way of life.
Dahar is X’aravaths deceased father and Zi’ytes first mate. Enjoy this subtle lore tease ;)
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ryr-art · 2 years
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Messy illustration piece trying to explore style of my yautja ocs!
No, I didn’t forget this was in my drafts since 2021, nope, no, not me
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sushiplayz · 2 years
A yautja’s reaction to fireworks:
Yautja are very cultural and have their traditions as we all know. So when some of us pop fireworks it’s like “woohoo we’re still alive to see another year!” It’s a very “human” tradition that anyone can participate in.
Too bad yautja are sensitive to sounds. They’d most likely disapprove of this method where as it makes too much noise and can easily lure in other predators.
“But this is supposed to be a celebration of course it’s gonna be loud!”
“Think of it as a gratitude continuing life, like praising Paya as a thank you!”
Our yautja friend could not roll their eyes farther into the back of their head at their small human’s foolishness.
*But I do not doubt yautja would respect human culture and try to study it. Some culture from certain groups of the human race they can relate to and other their own, but cultures that only exist with humans would spring up research
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xplore-the-unknwn · 1 year
I am so infuriated at the missed potential and opportunity for the AVP franchise!!!
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We already had Dan Trachtenberg’s Prey to show us how successful this concept can be if delivered perfectly. And now they had an animated show in production that was cancelled. AN ANIMATED SERIES COME ON!!
It would have fit so well for the AvP aesthetic and action scenes. It would also give the opportunity to expand more of their lore. Shouldn’t that be the goal? Its what the animated Clone Wars and Star Wars:Visions is doing for the Star Wars Franchise!! Do they even want to make films anymore at this point??
I am just disappointed on and on at the current decisions that Disney is doing- Shelving and cancelling shows before they even see the light of day, not giving proper environment for their writers and CGI/VFX artists to be able to create and craft a well-written story.
They’re not making films for the audience or making films for Art’s sake anymore. Its all CAPITALISM now.
I just hope with every fire in my heart that the AVPverse gets out of Disney’s greedy hands and in the hands of a Studio that would LOVE and care for its universe, respect its characters-
Give us a unique Yautja that loves art! And is amused when he sees some paintings in Paris or hears an opera house on his first hunt on Earth!
Give us an animated episode of a Yautja on a hunt for Bad Bloods during Edo Period Japan!
Show us Yautja brothers in the beginning of their training and how they learn the values of an honorable hunter!
Take us to their homeworld, give us an aspiring Yautja matriarch who is eager to learn about their culture and their history with the Xenomorphs!
I just wish someone with the power and money would give so much love to this franchise because there is so much to tell and expand!
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Yautja bbyyyyyyy this is just a random dude i dont know what to name him
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