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lengthofropes · 6 months ago
I’m sorry but I guess right now every Ukrainian out there is having flashbacks of the epic story starring our “beloved” ex-president yanukovich when someone threw an egg (AN EGG!!! A FUCKING EGG!!) at him and he fainted dramatically))))
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wisegardenbluebird · 2 years ago
En su último libro Francisco Veiga analiza las causas y la situación del actual conflicto bélico Francisco R. Pastoriza          Todas las guerras generan una buena cantidad de libros que tratan de explicar desde sus causas y su desarrollo hasta sus consecuencias. No iba a ser menos la de Ucrania, a más de un año desde que el 24 de febrero de 2022 la Rusia de Putin decidiera invadir este país…
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d1nosaurpower · 3 months ago
My friends, loves, and other folks from USA
Reduce depressants/stimulants, they can mess up your psyche if you are already stressed or depressed. Yes, that includes alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine
Do not follow provocations. Republicans cannot be convinced, and you will just drain energy trying to change their minds. Better spend that energy doing something useful
Check organizations before donating. Some folks will try to steal your money using mass panic. Take a moment before donating or sharing info and ask yourself if there is anything fishy about it, or who it actually benefits.
Also! Donate to Ukrainian causes, they need it a LOT.
Doomscrolling doesn’t help. Consider what you can do, what you have to do, and how you can help others.
Drink water and get cookie. Do not forget to sleep. Prepare for marathon rather than sprint.
We are strong together, and together we are undefeatable.
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ohsalome · 2 years ago
I did not have to suffer getting compared to Tymoshenko every time I wear  milkmaid braids for people to dismiss the atomic heart sexbots as “totally unrelated to Ukraine, this is a popular slavic hairstyle”
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Meeting with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych
Vladimir Putin discussed bilateral cooperation and work together in integration groups with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych on May 26, 2013, in Sochi, Russia.
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kvietka · 1 year ago
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Just went on facebook to check on some items I'm selling (basically the only time I use that cursed website) and this post I wrote 10 years ago came up in my fb memories. *sigh* Times don't change, except now I rant about all the horrible shit Russia is doing to Ukraine on tumblr instead of fb.
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aspiringbelle · 10 months ago
This includes Petro Poroschenko, Zelensky's predecessor.
Ukraine is not a democracy.
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plitnick · 2 years ago
Biden's disdain for diplomacy in Ukraine is a deadly mistake
The folks over at Responsible Statecraft published an interesting piece last week from a former U.S. analyst and adviser, George Beebe. He made a persuasive case for why it is becoming more and more of a priority for Joe Biden to change his course of eschewing diplomacy and favoring instead a quixotic military victory. Beebe points to three main factors to explain why it is more important than…
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dearansur · 2 months ago
he fled to moscow, i-
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Assad down??? holy shit. congratulations🎉
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aroacebaker · 11 months ago
Today it’s the 24th of February, 2 years after the full-scale war started in Ukraine. Most know that this isn’t completely out of the blue, since Crimea was invaded 10 years ago, but let’s go back even further.
During the first world war, Ukraine was torn to pieces, literally, it was occupied by Poland, Russia, France, anarchists, and the Whites, Kyiv changed hands over five times in a year, communication inside and outside the country was almost completely cut off.
This war eventually resulted in the Soviet Union occupying Ukraine. Due to this Ukrainian people fought in the Soviet army. At the end of the war Ukraine did gain some independence, for some decisions, such as being accepted into NATO as Ukraine, rather than as the Soviet Union.
On the 21st of January 300 000 Ukrainians lined themselves up between Kyiv and Lviv, forming a human chain for independence and on the 24th of August Ukraine declared itself independent from the Soviet Union.
In 2004 there were presidential elections between Yushchenko and Yanukovich, in which Yanukovich won, however the results were falsified, and the Ukrainians protested for 2 months, this is known as the Orange revolution. The protestors won, and the elections were re-done, where Yushchenko won fair and square.
6 years later there are new elections, in which Yanukovich wins, again, fairly. He promised that he’d integrate Ukraine with Europe and join the EU. However, in 2013 when he was about to sign the agreements to improve relations with the EU, he made a complete 180 degree turn, and spoke about rebuilding relations with Russia. This, naturally made upset the Ukrainians very upset, so they protested for three months straight. They’d eat and sleep on the streets to protest every minute of every day and night, this resulted in police brutality. Every February 20th the people lost during these protests are mourned for their sacrifices for Ukraine’s freedom.
Yanukovich, unable to resist these protests fled the country, While the population was looking for a new president Russia invaded Crimea, there was a referendum, which was accepted due to the pressure and the country we are dealing with, Crimea was taken, and soon the fight over Donetsk and Luhansk begins.
Then, on the 24th of February, the full-scale invasion begins. Ukrainians have fought strongly, never ever giving up, fighting for there freedom, for the freedom of Europe, fighting for the truth and honesty Russia has yet to show. Take a minute today, after reading this far (thank you for still sticking around!) and thank the Ukrainians who have lost their lives in these battles, those who have lost their lives in merciless attacks, and those left behind.
Now, let’s listen to the experiences of one awesome Ukrainian: Living in war is terrifying, “you stop caring about food, sleep. Just staying alive, only thing that matters. We [Ukrainians are] Europeans. We’re not Russia. We died for this, and we continue to fight, every day, for this. We’re not just some people dying somewhere. We are real! We have our language, our songs, our fairytales. We exist. We matter.
Finally, a line from the Ukrainian anthem: "Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу, І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду” Meaning “We'll lay down our souls and bodies to attain our freedom, And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation” Слава Українi!
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thelostdreamsthings · 11 months ago
[Ten years ago, neo-Nazi thugs from the Svoboda party and their affiliated Right Sector militia executed a violent U.S.-backed coup to oust Victor Yanukovich, the lawful President of Ukraine.
These ultra-nationalists took Ukraine down a hate-filled path of confrontation with Russia.
When looking for someone to blame for the tragedy that has unfolded in Ukraine since that day, one need look no further than to the origins of the violence.
One can only hope that the people of Ukraine wake up and rid themselves of the cancer of Banderism.
Otherwise the Russian program of denazification will continue unabated to its bitter end.]
Scott Ritter
William Scott Ritter Jr. (born July 15, 1961) is an American author, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector
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Kharkov to Odessa
~100 years ago, banksters in US/Europe funded a color revolution in Russia.
Two years ago, Putin started Special Military Operation (SMO) to de-Nazify and demilitarize Ukraine, a new geopolitical pawn of the same globalists who have been trying to conquer Russia since the days of Napoleon, who had his own version of NATO.
Hopefully, this will be the last time the psychopaths will poke the Russian bear.
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Russian leadership is not elected to suit US.
We understand Washington would've loved a Zelensky in Moscow, ready to sell his country and people for a couple of villas. Not happening.
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reality-detective · 1 year ago
Who is Victoria Nuland? 👇 Part 1
◾️In 2014, Biden oversaw the overthrow of the Ukrainian President Yanukovich.
◾️Victoria Nuland handpicked the new puppet government of Kiev - (listen to the leaked phonecall, in which they call the Mayor of Kiev, Klitschko, a "complicated electron”)
◾️Azov Battalion and other extremist fringe groups were nurtured and weaponized against Russia and Russian-speakers.
◾️Russia then took back Crimea, its historic Naval port and ONLY access to the Black Sea.
◾️Putin did not take back the Donbass then, which is now at the center of the conflict - in hope that Ukraine and its handlers would fulfil the Minsk agreements (which promised referanda in Donbass.)
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etrangersvoyageant · 6 months ago
It’s 10 years exactly since a Russian Buk missile ended the lives of 298 people, who were on their way to Malaysia.
Over the years I've written multiple times about this event on various blogs, so I'll keep it short this time.
Today not only marks this tragedy, but also the knowledge that the western side of Europe got another wake-up call to the Ukrainian cause. Putin's Russia had already shown up in Chechnya and Georgia. Maidan already happened, Yanukovich had fled and Putin had taken Crimea before this commercial plane was shot out of the sky.
Throughout the years, Russia has denied responsibility, tried to sow seeds of doubt and misinformation and continued to distort the truth on. Yet the evidence in the court cases was crystal clear, Russia is responsible.
My thoughts today go to those who were in the airplane, those who they left behind and the many Ukrainians who suffered because of the EU’s lacklustre response then and now.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
" Il 7 febbraio [2014], mentre Barack Obama pontificava sul diritto degli ucraini all’autodeterminazione, è stata pubblicata su YouTube (forse dai Servizi russi) una telefonata intercettata fra [Victoria] Nuland* e Geoffrey Pyatt, ambasciatore americano a Kiev: i due già sanno che Yanukovich cadrà e decidono – non si sa bene a che titolo – chi fra i suoi oppositori dovrà essere premier e ministro del futuro governo. La Nuland confida a Pyatt di aver esposto il suo piano di “pacificazione” dell’Ucraina al sottosegretario per gli Affari politici dell’Onu, Jeffrey Feltman, che è intenzionato a nominare un inviato speciale sul posto d’intesa col vicepresidente americano Joe Biden, ma all’insaputa degli alleati della Nato e dell’Ue. «Sarebbe grande!», esulta la Nuland. Che non gradisce come futuro premier ucraino il capo dell’opposizione, l’ex pugile Vitali Klitschko («Non penso sia una buona idea»): meglio l’uomo delle banche Arseniy Yatsenyuk, che infatti andrà al governo di lì a un mese, mentre Klitschko diventerà sindaco di Kiev come premio di consolazione. Pyatt vorrebbe consultare l’Ue, ma la Nuland gli urla: «Fuck the Eu!» (L’Ue si fotta!). Anche il controverso finanziere ungherese George Soros si vanterà di aver partecipato al casting per il nuovo governo ucraino. La cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel e il presidente del Consiglio Ue Herman Van Rompuy protestano per le «parole assolutamente inaccettabili» della Nuland. Ma non perché gli Usa decidono il governo e il futuro dell’Ucraina come se fosse una loro colonia. Mosca grida al golpe. Ma anche un alto esponente del battaglione Azov (nome di battaglia “Voland”), nel libro Valhalla Exspress tradotto in Italia nel 2022, ammetterà che «la Ue non ci interessava» e che Euromaidan «non fu una rivoluzione, ma un colpo di Stato��. "
* Assistente del segretario di Stato John Kerry per gli Affari europei e asiatici.
Marco Travaglio, Scemi di Guerra. La tragedia dell’Ucraina, la farsa dell’Italia. Un Paese pacifista preso in ostaggio dai NoPax, PaperFIRST (Il Fatto Quotidiano), febbraio 2023¹ [Libro elettronico].
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ohsalome · 2 years ago
Again and again and again I see (mostly) westerners accusing Ukraine of "opressing russian-speaking minority" by our language law (without reading the language law itself, obviously). It really looks like people have some kind of pavlovian reflex to the word "minority", immediately jumping to the assumption that minority = opressed by the majority. But a minority by numbers does not automatically mean minority by power. Billionaires, too, make up a minority of population, does that mean that they are opressed by the majority class? Are gaelige speakers in Ireland priveleged in comparison to the English? Are Elon Musk's white emerald mine owning family opressed by the majority black African population?
For the 1000th time, the relationship between Ukraine and russia is that between colonised and coloniser. It is russian identity, russian language, russian culture, russian world that has been privileged on the territory of ukraine for at least last 400 years. It is ukrainian language, ukrainian culture, ukrainian identity that people have been repressed and killed for.
russian propaganda takes this assumption westerners have about how the world fuctions (minority=oppressed) and uses it to twist the reality. To make you believe that Ukrainians somehow "deserve" to be genocided. To make you believe that it's the best course of action for the West to abandon Ukraine to be raped and plundered by russia. But we can call it "peace", because russians won't allow western journalists to report on it, and we all know that if the west doesn't talk about something, it means it doesn't exist :))))
Here are statistics about the "opression of russian language" from 2012 - during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovich, russian puppet and a literal mafioso [source]:
More than 60% of the total circulation of newspapers, 83% of magazines, and about 87% of books (most of which are imported from Russia) are published in Russian in Ukraine.
In October 2012, only 28% of the prime time on the top 8 TV channels was devoted to Ukrainian-language programs, 44% to Russian-language programs and 28% to bilingual programs.
On the 6 top-rated radio stations, songs in Ukrainian account for only 3.4% of the total number of songs in prime time (last year - 4.6%). At the same time, songs in Russian account for 60% of the total number of songs.
Out of 290 restaurants in 29 cities, only 50% of them have signs in Ukrainian, 46% have menus in Ukrainian, and only 36% have employees who answer Ukrainian to Ukrainian-speaking customers (in another 11%, employees switched to Ukrainian during the conversation).
The "oppression of russian speakers in Ukraine" is nothing but the tyranny of russian chauvinism and imperialism losing its footing. Y'all had no trouble understanding how white ethnonationalists complaining about "the great replacement" is nothing but fear of losing the privilege. Y'all had no trouble understanding that "white cis male is the most opressed person" is a moral panic not grounded in the real power structure of the western society. But in this question, you've decided to ally with the opressor.
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Meeting with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych
Vladimir Putin met with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych who is in Russia on a working visit. March 4, 2013
Zavidovo, Tver Region
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