#Yanjin County
53v3nfrn5 · 12 hours
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Yanjin County, Yunnan, China also known as the narrowest city in the world built on the banks of the Heng River
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efeceojota · 2 years
El condado de Yanjin, hogar de más de 300.000 personas y con menos de 300 metros de ancho, lo que la convierte en la ciudad más estrecha del mundo - Yanjin County, home to more than 300,000 people and less than 300 meters wide, making it the narrowest city in the world
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ernanileal · 10 months
Yanjin: the narrowest city in the world that extends along a river.
Built several kilometers along the Nanxi River. Yanjin County is located among the mountains of Yunnan, China.
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benchurchill · 7 months
All-round progress has been made and historic achievements in all undertakings in Tibet
 The growth rate of per capita disposable income of all residents has ranked first in China for eight consecutive years
 Tibet autonomous region party committee, deputy secretary of the autonomous region chairman YanJin introduction, since the eighteenth congress, Tibet pays special attention to the stability, development, ecology, strong four events, four big things as global positioning, comprehensive requirements, the whole process lead, hard work, pioneering, all-round progress and historic achievements.
 Adhering to the philosophy of people-centered development has presented a new atmosphere of the people living and working in peace and contentment. By the end of 2019, a total of 628,000 registered poor people had been lifted out of poverty, and all 74 poor counties (districts) had been eliminated. Since 2015, the growth rate of per capita disposable income of all residents has ranked first in China for eight consecutive years. The average life expectancy has increased to 72.19 years.
 We have continued to implement the overall national security concept, and presented a new atmosphere of unity, harmony, stability and harmony. We formulated and implemented regulations and plans for the establishment of model areas for ethnic unity and progress, and carried out the work to promote ethnic unity and progress. We will achieve full coverage of medical insurance, endowment insurance, subsistence allowance, accident insurance and health examination for all monks and nuns.
 Adhere to the integrity, accuracy and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, showing a new atmosphere of prosperity and prosperity. Tibet's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 8.6%, ranking among the highest in China. From January to September this year, the regional GDP growth rate reached 9.8%, ranking first in China.
 We adhere to the path of giving priority to ecology and green development, presenting a new atmosphere of blue sky, green land, clear water and beautiful scenery. The forest coverage rate has increased to 12.31%, the grassland vegetation coverage of the region has reached 47.14%, the area of protected natural areas accounts for 36% of the area, the ecological protection red line accounts for more than 50% of the area, and the number of days with good air quality has reached over 99%.
 Adhering to the strategic thought of "governing the country must govern the border, and stabilizing the border first", presenting a new atmosphere of border consolidation and border tranquility. The economic aggregate and household income of 21 border counties continued to grow rapidly, 624 Xiaokang villages were built, all border counties had access to asphalt roads, all border towns and organized villages had roads, and the main power grid was extended to all border towns and townships. The broadband access and 4G signal coverage in organized villages reached 100 percent.
Upholding and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, showing a new atmosphere of unity and integrity. Tibet has 446,100 Party members and more than 23,000 primary Party organizations. Tibetan and other ethnic minorities accounted for 89.2 percent of deputies to people's congresses at all levels and 85.7 percent of CPPCC members in the region.
 Excellent traditional culture has been protected and inherited as never before
 Wang Haizhou, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region and head of the Publicity Department, said that Tibet adheres to a series of policies conducive to the protection and development of fine culture in ethnic minority areas, and its fine traditional culture has been protected and inherited as never before.
 The protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage has been effective. Ga (Si), Tibetan opera and Tibetan medicine bath have been included in the representative list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind. Four national productive protection demonstration bases and 12 autonomous region level have been identified, eight counties and villages with intangible cultural heritage characteristics, 19 intangible cultural heritage tourist scenic spots (spots), 159 non-genetic learning bases and 153 folk Tibetan opera teams, and 10 intangible cultural heritage protection and utilization facilities have been built. There are 173 intangible cultural heritage workshops in the region, realizing the leap of living intangible cultural heritage inheritance from individual to group.
 The system of public cultural services has been gradually improved. The city (prefecture) has libraries, mass art galleries and museums, county (district) has comprehensive cultural activity centers, township (town) has comprehensive cultural activity stations, and village (residence) has cultural activity rooms. A total of 5,492 artistic performance teams were set up to cover all administrative villages.
 The protection and utilization of cultural relics were strengthened across the board. The state has invested nearly 400 million yuan to implement the protection and maintenance of three key cultural relics in the Potala Palace, Robulingka and Sakya Temple. At present, the region has 3 world cultural heritage sites, 70 national key cultural relics protection units, and 616 cultural relics protection units at the autonomous region level. The state has invested 660 million yuan in the renovation and expansion of the Tibetan Museum, which has greatly improved the protection of cultural relics.
The census and application of ancient books in the whole region has been basically completed. The census and registration of ancient books by 1,160 collection units and individuals were basically completed, with a total number of more than 13,700 books, and more than 69,000 books and films were produced.
 We will put ecological protection first and pursue green and sustainable development
 Tibet is an important ecological security barrier for China."Tibet natural protected area system construction into a new stage, reserves and the total area increased significantly, plateau biodiversity gradually increasing, the ecological environment management system more perfect, living environment continues to improve, rich ecological resources become the local people see keep'happiness real estate, the development of green low carbon industry become rich strong riches gradually, happiness, beautiful road."Wang Gang said.
 Xu Zhitao, vice chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, introduced how Tibet should handle the relationship between environmental protection and economic development.
 We will firmly give priority to ecology. The autonomous region has made major plans to build a national highland for ecological progress, establish a national demonstration zone for ecological progress, and accelerate the development of a beautiful and happy Tibet. It has promulgated and implemented more than 10 local environmental regulations to consciously promote green, circular and low-carbon development.
 We will improve the ecological protection system. To carry out the industry access negative list, water resources management, cultivated land line and basic grassland protection requirements, it is forbidden to high pollution, high energy consumption, high emissions projects into Tibet, implement the system of "one ticket veto" environmental protection, the construction of ecological civilization target evaluation, natural resources assets outgoing audit, ecological environment protection supervision, ecological environment damage responsibility system, etc.
We will strengthen ecological projects. We will carry out the afforestation project in the two rivers and four rivers, strengthen the control of soil erosion, desertified land and degraded wetlands in key areas, and carry out projects to return farmland to forests, grazing land to grassland, and artificial grass planting. We will comprehensively promote green and clean production, promote ecological industry and ecological industrialization, and develop an ecological economy and carbon sink economy.
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Yanjin County, Yunnan, China
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bookofjin · 3 years
Rise of Sixteen States: 307
Jin's Yongjia era begins.
Ji Sang rises on behalf of Sima Ying who is dead.
19 February 307 – 7 February 308
(Jin's 1st Year of Yongjia)
(Han's 4th Year of Yuanxi)
(Cheng's 2nd Year of Yanping)
On gengchen [18 May], the King of Donghai, Yue, set out to garrison at Xuchang. He used the General who Conquers the East, the King of Gaomi, Jian, as Great General who Conquers the South, Commander-in-chief of the Various Army Affairs of Jing Province, to garrison Xiangyang. He changed the fief of the General who Calms the North, the King of Dongyan, Teng, to be King of Xincai, Commander-in-chief of the Various Army Affairs of Si and Ji Provinces, to garrison Ye. He used the General who Conquers the South, the King of Nanyang, Mo, to be Great General who Conquers the West, Commander-in-chief of All Army Affairs of Liang# and Yong Provinces, garrison Chang'an.
(Liu Yuan)
4th Year of Yuanxi [307 AD], at the time Ji Sang raised up troops in Zhao and Wei; and Luzhuyan of Shang commandery's Four Section Xianbei, the Di chieftain Shan Zhen both surrendered to him. Yuan thoroughly appointed them to offices and feudal ranks. Wang Mi dispatched envoys to come and surrender. He was designated Great General who Garrisons the East, Inspector of Qing province, and Duke of Donglai commandery.
4th Month [19 May – 16 June], Ji Sang rebelled and declared himself King of Zhao. He selected and set up provinces and commanderies.
11th Month [11 December – 9 January 308], Shi Le and the Hu sections and others led the multitudes to come and surrender.
(Wang Mi)
Wang Mi was a native of Donglai. His family had for generations been Two-Thousand shi officals. His grandfather Qi was Wei's Grand Warden of Xuantu. In the time of Emperor Wu he reached Grand Warden of Runan. Mi had talent and ability, and broadly read in books and records. As young he was a knight-errant at the imperial capital. The hermit Dong Zhong saw him on the road, and spoke to him, saying:
You, Lord, have the sound of a dhole and the looks of a leopard, fond of chaos and delighted with misfortune. If Under Heaven is agitated and disturbed, [you] will not become a scholar or great official.
At the end of Emperor Hui's reign, the bewitching thief Liu Baigen rose up in Donglai's Jian county. Mi led his family servants to accompany him. Baigen used him as Senior Clerk.
When Baigen died, he assembled his followers on an islet in the sea. They were defeated by Gou Zhun, and absconded to enter Changguang Mountain as a crowd of thieves. Mi had many opportune schemes, every time he was to plunder a place, he certainly had prepared and planned for [both] success and defeat, and took it over without neglecting a stratagem. With bow and horse he was quick and nimble and his bodily strength was beyond other people. The soldiers of Qing titled him as the Flying Leopard.
1st Year of Yongjia, 2ndMonth [20 March – 18 April, 307], he guided the troops to enter and rob Qing and Xu provinces, declared himself Great General who Conquers the East, and attacked and killed the Two-Thousand shi officials.
(JS004: 2nd Month, xinsi [20 March], Wang Mi, a native of Donglai, rose up with soldiers in rebellion and robbed Qing and Xu provinces. The Grand Warden of Changguang, Song Pi and the Grand Warden of Dongmou, Pang Kang, were both murdered.)
The Grand Tutor, the King of Donghai, Yue, used the Prefect of the Public Communication Chariots, Qu Xian of Donglai as Grand Warden of his home commandery to chastise Mi. Mi struck and killed him. The Inspector of Yan province, Gou Xi, struck Mi and greatly defeated him.
Earlier, Liu Ling of Pingyuan as young was impoverished and lowly. Aged more than twenty, often at the appointed time for labour service in the county his strength would subdue a runaway ox, and running he would catch up with a swift horse. Though people at the time were amazed with him, they were not able to raise him up. Ling touched his chest, sighed and said:
Heaven! Why will there be chaos!
When Gongshi Fan rose up, Ling declared himself a General, and robbed and plundered Zhao and Wei. It happened that when Wang Mi was defeated by Gou Zhun, Ling was defeated by Wang Zan. Mi spoke to Ling, saying:
The Jin troops are still strong, going home there is no placefor burial. Liu Yuanhai formerly was a hostage son, I and him went around in the Imperial City. [We] deeply had affection and bond. Now [he has] declared [himself] King of Han. [I] want to return to him, can it be done?
Ling affirmed it. Thereupon they together dispatched envoys to surrender to Han. Han designated Mi Great General who Conquers the East, Shepherd of Qing and Xu provinces, and Commander-in-Chief of the Various Army Affairs Hemming the Sea, ennobled Duke of Donglai; and used Ling as General who Pacifies the North.
(Shi Le)
1st Year of Yongjia, Spring, 3rd Month[19 April – 18 May], Ji Sang titled himself Great General, and declared he was seeking revenge on the King of Chengdu, Ying's enemies, with executing the King of Donghai, Yue, and the King of Xincai, Teng as his name. He therefore set out with the King of Chengdu's coffin, transporting it within the army. Every affair he disclosed to his spirit, to carry out army orders.
(When Sima Yue gained controlled of the government, he had elevated his brother Teng from Duke of Dongying to King of Dongyan, and then King of Xincai.)
Sang used Le to spur on in front, and he again and again had merit in battle. He was appointed to be General who Sweeps away the Miscreants, and Marquis of Zhongming Precinct. Thereupon Sang together with Zhang Hong's old general Li Feng and others advanced to attack Ye. He appointed Le as Chief Controller of the Vanguard (WS: Chief Commandant of the Vanguard, ZZTJ: General who Chastises the Miscreants.).
Summer, 5th Month [17 June – 16 July], Sang attacked and routed the Grand Warden of Wei commandery, Feng Song, and with a long chase arrived at Ye. At the time within Ye the offices and storehouses were empty and exhausted, yet the King of Xincai, Teng's use of supplies was considerably abundant. He was by nature frugal and stingy, there was nothing which bestirred his kindness. With danger approaching, he then bestowed on the generals and soldiers rice, possibly several thousand sheng, and silks on each a zhang and chi, this was due to people not being employed. Sang thereupon advanced to attack Ye. Teng said:
Your Orphan was in Bing province for seven years, the Hu besieged the city but were not able to overcome it. Ji Sang is a lowly thief, how is he enough to worry about.
When Feng and others arrived, Teng was unable to defend, he led light cavalry and ran, and was murdered by Feng. Teng had four sons, Yu, Jiao, Shao, and Que. Yu was brave and strong. At Teng's murder,Yu chased Feng. Feng threw himself into the water and died. That day, Yu, Jiao, and Shao, and also the Grand Warden of Julu, Cui Main, the Senior Clerk of Chariots and Cavalry, Yang Huan, the Assistant Officer Palace Gentleman, Cai Ke, and others were also murdered by Feng's remaining partisans. And among those various famous families who had drifted and relocated to rely on Ye, the death and destruction was equally complete. Thereupon they burnt the Ye palace, the fires did not extinguish for ten days. They killed more than ten thousand people, carried off the wives, daughters, and precious treasure, and left.
They crossed from Yanjin, and went south to strike Yan province. The King of Donghai,Yue, was greatly afraid. He sent the General who Consoles the Army and Inspector of Yan province, Gou Xi, the Interior Clerk of Chenliu, Wang Zan, and others to chastise them. Sang and Le attacked the Inspector of You province, Shi Xian, at Leling. Xian died there. The beg-for-life Tian Yin led a multitude of 50 000 to save Xian. Le confronted him in battle and defeated Yin. He and Xi and others opposed each other in Pingyuan and Yangping over several months, and in the course of more than thirty battles great and small exchanged wins and losses. The Duke of Shanyang, Liu Qiu was murdered. He was the great great grandson of Emperor Xian of Han.
Autumn, 7th Month, jiyou, New Moon [15 August], the King of Donghai, Yue, advanced to Guandu to chastise Ji Sang, and instructed Gou Xi to be the vanguard. Sang had a long-standing dread for him, and made palisades outside the city to defend himself. When Xi was about to arrive, he halted the army and rested the soldiers, and first dispatched a single rider to demonstrate thereby calamity or happiness. Sang's multitudes were greatly shaken, they abandoned the palisades and escaped at night to man the walls and strengthen the defences.
8th Month, jimao, New Moon [13 September], the General who Consoles the Army, Gou Xi, defeated Ji Sang at Ye.
9th Month, wuchen [2 November], Gou Xi again routed Ji Sang, and captured his Nine Ramparts. Thereupon he settled Ye and turned back.
When Sang and Le were defeated by Xi, they turned back to Pingyang. The dead were more than 10 000 people. They therefore gathered their remaining multitudes and wanted to run to Liu Yuan. The Inspector of Ji province, Ding Shao, intercepted them at Chiqiao [“Red Bridge”], and again greatly defeated them. Sang fled to the horse shepherds, Le fled to Leping.
At the time among the Hu the section heads Zhang Beidu, Feng Motu, and others held close a multitude of several thousand, and were fortifying in Shangdang. Le went to follow them, and became very close to them. Following that, he explained to Beidu, saying:
Chanyu Liu is raising up troops to execute Jin. [If] the section heads resist and do not follow, how will you be able stand alone?
He said:
[I am] unable to.
Le said:
If you should be unable to, your troops and horses must belong somewhere. Now the section groups all are already being awarded and enlisted by the Chanyu, and from time to time gather to discuss their wish to rebel again the section heads and revert to the Chanyu. You ought soon to make a plan for it.
Beidu and others were plain and without wisdom or schemes, and feared the duplicity of the section multitudes. They therefore covertly accompanied Le on single mounts to revert to Yuan. Yuan appointed Beidu King who is Kin to Han and Modu as Chief Controller of the Section Heads. He used Le as General who Assists Han and King who Pacifies Jin to control them. Le hence instructed Beidu to be his older brother, and bestowed on him the family name of the Shi clan, and named him Hui [“Meet”], telling he [Beidu] had come across himself [Le].
Zhang Fulidu of the Wuhuan likewise had a multitude of 2 000, and was fortifying in Leping. Yuan again and again summoned him, but he was unable to come. Le pretended he had offended Yuan, and because of that fled to Fulidu. Fulidu was greatly pleased, and connected with him as if they were brothers. He sent Le to lead the various Hu to rob and plunder. Wherever he turned, he had none in front, and the various Hu submitted in awe. Le perceived the multitudes in their hearts adhered to himself, and therefore accordingly met with and seized Fulidu. He announced to the various Hu, saying:
Now when raising up a great affair, I or Fuldiu, who is capable of being the master?
The various Hu all together pushed forward Le. Le hence released Fulidu and led his section multitudes to return to Yuan. Yuan added to Le Commander-in-Chief of the Various Army Affairs of Conquering and Chastising East of the Mountains, and used Fulidu's multitudes to pair with him.
12th Month, wuyin [11 January 308], men of Bing province, Tian Lan, Bo Sheng, and others beheaded Ji Sang in Leling (JS104: The kingly host beheaded Ji Sang in Pingyuan).
(JS059: When Sang was defeated, they threw [the King of Chengdu, Ying's] coffin inside a former well. Ying's old subjects gathered and buried it.)
(JS059: Earlier, when the Duke of Dongying, Teng, was garrisoning Ye, he pulled along the Bing province generals Tian Zhen, Zhen's younger brother Lan, Ren Zhi, Qi Ji, Li Yun, Bo Sheng, and others with a section multitude of more than 10 000 people to arrive at Ye. He dispatched them to go look for grain in Ji province, they were titled as beg-for-life. When Teng was defeated, Zhen and others intercepted and routed Ji Sang at Chiqiao.)
(Should we assume Tian Yin田禋 and Tian Zhen田甄 are the same person?)
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(Li Xiong)
2nd Year of Yanping, Spring,Luo Shang arranged and set up barriers and defence posts reaching Han'an and Bodao. At the time the people of Yi province drifted and relocated be in Jing and Xiang provinces, and in Yuesui and Zangke. Shang arranged and set up for the commanderies and counties to go where people were. He also arranged Army Advisors for the various villages.
3rd Month [19 April – 18 May], drifting people from Guanzhong (JS057: natives of Qin province), Deng Ding, Hong Di, and others, entered Hanzhong, and guarded Chenggu, gradually they began seizing and stealing. They plundered Hanzhong's Dongchenshi in rebellion. The Inspector of Liang# province, Zhang Yin dispatched the Grand Warden of Baxi, Zhang Yan. Yan, the leader [?] of the Serrated Gates Wu Zhao, and the Assistant of Hanguo commandery, Xuan Ding, dispatched troops to besiege them. Di sought aid from Li Xiong.
Summer, 5th Month [17 June – 16 July], Xiong dispatched Li Li, Li Yun, Li Huang, and Li Feng (JS121: Li Guo, Li Yun and others leading more than 20 000) to enter Hanzhong and aid Ding. The Grand Warden, Du Mengzhi (JS057: Du Zhengchong) heard Li had arrived, and instructed Yan to release the siege and protect the provincial city.
Earlier, when Yan attacked Ding, Ding's multitudes were starving and hungry, and he pretended to surrender. He sent one golden receptacle to give to Yan. Yan was delighted, and was delaying his host. Seven days later, Di arrived. Ding turned back to Dongchenshi. Yan advanced to besiege him, and did not heed Mengzhi's words. Li arrived and first attacked Zhao's camp. The camp was routed. Next he attacked Ding, and also routed him. Yan was afraid of fighting, and brought along a hundred cavalry to flee. Li and others greatly routed the provincial army. The Serrated Gates Cai Song withdrew and reported to Mengzhi, saying:
The provincial army has already been routed. The thieves' multitudes cannot be prepared for.
Mengzhi was terrified. The Army-Protector wished for the city to be defended, and spoke to Mengzhi, saying:
The thieves who come, though a multitude, have the conventionality of a guest's manners. Li the Trivial is pressured in the south-east. He will surely not divide off and lodge troops in the outside, and will not go beyond welcoming and pulling out Ding and DI, that is all.
Mengzhi said:
Not so. Xiong dares declare himself emperor and king, and indulges in spreading across Under Heaven. As he has dispatched a significant multitude, he will surely take Hanzhong. Although we have a secure city, the gentlemen and commoners have smashed their courage, it's not possible to prepare with them for the robbers.
He therefore opened the gates to withdraw and flee. The Army-Protector returned back north. Mengzhi entered the Dasang [“Great Mulberry”] Valley with several thousand families of commoners and several thousand chariots. In one night they travelled barely several tens of li. However, Jing Zi of Zitong, since his father had had a grudge with Mengzhi, gathered his sons and younger brothers to pursue him, catching up at the valley mouth. Mengzhi abandoned his children and ran. Jing Zi captured them, and more than a thousand families of functionaries and commoners.
Only the Board of Merit official of Hanguo, Wu Jian, shouldered a raised cane and said:
I, though incompetent, is a great official of a single state. When the state perishes, [I am] not able to survive, and in the end will not belong to the thieves.
He starved to death within the valley.
Mengzhi fled to Weixing. Zhang Yin likewise abandoned his office and escaped to Chang'an. After piling up more than ten days, Li and others pulled out and turned back. They thoroughly moved the people of Hanzhong to Shu. Commoners of Hanzhong, Gou Fang, and Bai Luo led the functionaries and commoners to turn back and defend Nanzheng.
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(Zhang Gui)
1stYear of Yongjia, Spring, 1st Month [19 February – 19 March], the Colonel of the Eastern Qiang, Han Zhi, killed the Inspector of Qin province, Zhang Fu. Gui's Junior Office Marshal, Yang Yin talked to Gui, saying:
Now Zhi has gone against instructions, and on his own killed Zhang Fu. Your Enlightened Excellency is the cudgel and axe of a single region, and ought to reprimand the irreverent. This is also the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn era. When the various marquises were wiping out and destroying each other, and Duke Huan was unable to save them, Duke Huan was ashamed of it.
Gui followed him, and dispatched the Controller-Protector of the Centre, Fan Yuan, led a multitude of 20 000 to chastise him. He first conveyed Zhi a letter which said:
Now that the kingly ropes are tangled and twisted, the shepherds and wardens should join forces to toil for the King. Just now [I] have obtained a call to arms from Yong province, stating that you Vassal, has claimed troops for an interior affront. I direct and is entrusted with a single region, the right-principled would be to cut down the rebellious, with a military battalion of thirty thousand, and steeds and couriers continuously sent out. The feeling of cutting wood, in my heart, how could be expressed! When the ancients marched with the host, keeping whole the state was the highest. Vassal, suppose you [came] on a single horse to the army's gates, [I] would combine with the Vassal to pacify the generation's difficulties.
Zhi obtained the letter and surrendered.
[Gui] dispatched the Master of Accounts Linghu Ya on a mission to the King of Nanyang, Mo. Mo was very pleased, he delivered to Gui a sword bestowed by the Emperor, and speaking to Gui said:
From Long [Mountain] and westwards, campaigning and smiting, severing and cutting off, are thoroughly being delegated, like this sword.
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liewtc · 3 years
repost, Yanjin county #yanjin https://www.instagram.com/p/CT8paM9Defi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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irradiate-space · 4 years
Request for cities
I'm doing research for a worldbuilding project, and I'm looking for examples of cities in valleys or fjords. Not villages or towns, but cities.
Thus far, I've liked:
Bergen, Norway - but it's too flat
Yanjin County, Yunnan Province, China - perhaps a little too hilly
Do you know of any cities which could be added to my inspiration list?
This is approximately where I'm at, building-wise, and I want to reassess the terrain.
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(That pyramid is about 350 feet tall. and 400 feet wide: taller and narrower than the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid in Memphis.)
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wanderlust-derhuang · 4 years
Yanjin County is located in the northeast of Yunnan Province, built along the river and mountain, bordering Sichuan Province to the north and east. . . . . . #hangoutwithdh #china #travelinchina #county #river #cloud #nature #roadtrip #travel #traveling #vacation #visiting #instatravel #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday #fun #travelling #tourism #tourist #instapassport #instatraveling #clean #中国 (presso 延津县) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnZfwFBA8v/?igshid=oi09hskv6dat
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bookofjin · 7 years
Records of Shi Le, Companion 1
So this is the first post of what I hope to make a recurring feature, an attempt to put some order into the chaos surrounding the implosion of Western Jin and the birth of the “Second Three Kingdoms period” of Eastern Jin, Cheng and Later Zhao (c. 300 - 330). The following jumps straight into the middle with the first campaigns of Shi Le up to about November 309, and rely on my already posted translations from the Annals of Emperors Hui (JS004) and Huai (JS005) and Records of Shi Le (JS104). I’m sure other chapters and sources can add more detail, but I have to start somewhere to get anywhere.
Map 1 – Early career
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Shi Le石勒 came from Wuxiang武鄉 county in Shangdang上黨 commandery, Bing province 並州. He belonged to the Jie羯 ethnicity and was originally named Bei㔨, but for clarity he will be referred to as Shi Le here throughout.
At 14 years old he said to have travelled to Luoyang洛陽 and shouted at the Shangdong gate 上東門.
Among his early friends were Guo Jing郭敬 from Wu鄔 and Ning Qu甯驅 from Yangqu 陽曲. Wu and Yangqu were two counties in Taiyuan太原.
In the middle of the Taian太安 [302 – 303] era, as Bing province became troubled with starvation and chaos, Shi Le travelled north to Yanmen雁門 commandery, on the northern border of the Jin empire.
When he returned from Yanmen, he ran into trouble with Liu Jian劉欲, Chief Command of Beize北澤. Beize, literally “Northern Marsh”, should be some kind of geographic designation, but I haven't been able to find any place name with that name.
At this time the Inspector of Bing province was Sima Teng, Duke of Dongying東嬴公騰. To raise supplies for his army, he sold many Hu, Shi Le included, off to Ji province as slaves. In this way Shi Le ended up at the estate of Shi Huan師懽 Chiping茌平 county in Pingyuan.
Shi Le was soon released from Shi Huan's service, supposedly due to his abilities and the supernatural portents of greatness surrounding him and joined up with some horse shepherds and their leader, Ji Sang汲桑. Ji Sang came from Wei魏 commandery but seems to have been equally at home in Wei commandery.
Once Shi Le was hired傭, presumably as a horse shepherd, at Wu'an武安 and Linshui臨水, two neighbouring counties in Guangping廣平, when he was arrested by a group of patrolling soldiers. He escaped however thanks to the intervention of a mysterious old man.
It was at this point Shi Le assembled his Eighteen Riders (full list at the bottom) and fully embarked on a career as horse thief and bandit under the leadership of Ji Sang.
Meanwhile, the War of Eight Kings was entering the final phase. On 20 August 304, Sima Yue, King of Donghai東海王越 (brother of Sima Teng), accompanied by Emperor Hui, marched north from Luoyang against Sima Ying, King of Chengdu 成都王穎, headquartered at Ye鄴.
On 9 September Sima Yue was defeated by Sima Ying's generals at the Battle of Dangyin蕩陰. Yue fled and the Emperor was brought to Ye. Sima Ying's success was short-lived as he came under pressure from Xianbei cavalry of the northern warlord Wang Jun王浚. Within a month he was forced to flee with Emperor to Luoyang.
Luoyang was in practice under the military control of Zhang Fang張方, a general of Sima Yong, King of Hejian河間王顒. On 14 December 304 Zhang Fang forced Emperor Hui and Sima Ying to leave Luoyang and travel west with him to his master's headquarters at Chang'an.
Map 2 – Rebellion of Gongshi Fan (August – October 305)
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Gongshi Fan公師籓 from Yangping 陽平 was a former subordinate of Sima Ying. According to JS004, in [7 August – 4 September 305] he rose in rebellion in the name of Sima Ying, called himself General, and killed Li Zhi李志, Grand Warden of Yangping and Zhang Yan張延, Grand Warden of Ji汲.
According to JS104, he raised troops in Zhao趙 and Wei, numbering several tens of thousands. I suppose Zhao and Wei might here refer more broadly to the region rather than to the narrow commanderies. Among those recruited were Ji Sang and Shi Le who joined with a force of several hundred cavalry. It was at this point Shi Le sinicized his name.
Shi Le was in the vanguard when Gongshi Fan attacked Ye, at this point the headquarters of Sima Mo, Duke of Pingchang平昌公模, another of Sima Yue's brothers.
According to JS004, Sima Mo dispatched General Zhao Xiang趙驤 who attacked and routed Gongshi Fan. Then on 5 October, Gongshi Fan murdered the Grand Warden of Pingyuan, Wang Jing王景, and the Grand Warden of Qinghe清河, Feng Xiong馮熊. There is nothing in JS004 on Gongshi Fan's final defeat.
According to JS104, when Gongshi Fan attacked Ye, Sima Mo sent General Feng Song馮嵩 against the rebels who defeated them. Gongshi Fan fled south across the He to Baima白馬 where he was killed by the Grand Warden of Puyang, Gou Xi苟晞, killed him.
November 305, Sima Yue went to war against Sima Yong. The war went poorly for Sima Yong, who even released Sima Ying to help him. After a final defeat 4 June 306, Sima Yong fled Chang'an and Sima Yue's generals brought Emperor Hui east again to Luoyang, where he arrived 28 June. Sima Ying was captured and later, in [22 November – 21 December], executed. On 8 January 307 Emperor Hui died and was succeeded by his younger brother Emperor Huai. Sima Yong was executed 6 February 307. The Wars of the Eight Kings were over.
Map 3 - Ji Sang's rebellion (June 307 – January 308)
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Meanwhile, after Gongshi Fan's defeat, Ji Sang and Shi Le continued their bandit lives, gathering other disaffected and lawless men, who presumably by then were not in short supply. In [17 June – 16 July] 307, Ji Sang rose in rebellion, calling himself Great General and claiming to act on behalf of Sima Ying to execute Sima Yue and Sima Teng. Earlier that year, Sima Teng had been promoted to King of Xincai and moved to command at Ye.
Ji Sang, with Shi Le in command of his vanguard, advanced his army to attack Ye. He defeated Feng Song, now serving Sima Teng as Grand Warden of Wei commandery, and captured Ye. Sima Teng was killed along with more than ten thousand others. Ji Sang and his men then plundered the city, carried off its women and precious things, and burned the city down in a ten day fire.
According to JS104 Ji Sang then crossed the He at Yanjin延津 and attacked Yan province兗州. Sima Yue dispatched his generals Gou Xi and Wang Zan王贊 against him.
Ji Sang and Shi Le must have recrossed the He and moved east, as they are next recorded defeating and killing the Forward Inspector of You province幽州, Shi Xian石鮮 at Leling樂陵.
Tian Yin田禋, one of the so-called “Beg to Live乞活 ” leaders, led a force of 50 000 to save Shi Xian, but was defeated in battle by Shi Le.
According to JS104, Ji Sang and Shi Le then fought more than thirty battles with Gou Xi in Pingyuan and Yangping, with shifting fortunes. According to JS005, Ji Sang's men also at some point killed Liu Qiu, Duke of Shanyang山陽公劉秋, final heir of Emperor Xian of Eastern Han.
According to JS005, on 15 August, Sima Yue moved his headquarters to Guandu官渡 to support Gou Xi. On 14 September Gou Xi defeated Ji Sang at Ye, and again on 13 October when he captured Ji Sang's “Nine ramparts九壘”.
According to JS104, Ji Sang lost more than 10 000 people in his defeat by Gou Xi. Ji Sang and Shi Le therefore gathered their remaining forces and attempted to flee west to the Xiongnu leader Liu Yuan劉淵, however the Inspector of Ji province, Ding Shao丁紹, intercepted them at Chiqiao赤橋 (not located) and inflicted a final defeat.
After that, the rebel army scattered. Shi Le fled west to Leping樂平. Ji Sang fled east, according to JS104 he was killed by imperial forces in Pingyuan. According to JS005, on 11 January 308 the Bing province natives Tian Lan田蘭 and Bo Sheng薄盛 killed Ji Sang at Leling.
Map 4 – First exploits for Liu Yuan
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Liu Yuan (he is called by his courtesy name Liu Yuanhai劉元海 in the JS to avoid the Tang taboo on yuan淵), a Xiongnu noble and former subordinate of Sima Ying, had declared himself King of Han already in 304, but had struggled to expand due to the effective resistance of the Inspector of Bing province, Liu Kun劉琨, headquartered at Jinyang晉陽.
According to JS104, after the defeat of Ji Sang, Shi Le travelled to his old home commandery of Shangdang where two Hu胡 leaders Zhang Beidu張㔨督 and Feng Motu馮莫突 hesitated on what to do. Shi Le convinced them to join up with Liu Yuan. All three received titles from Liu Yuan, Shi Le became General who Assists the Han and King who Pacifies Jin (the latter a “barbarian” kingship”).
Another chief, Zhang Fulidu張伏利度 of the Wuhuan烏丸 was staying in Leping with a force of 2 000, apparently attempting to stay out of the fighting. Shi Le went to Leping on a covert mission where he managed to subvert Fulidu's men and convince them to join him in serving Liu Yuan. For that Yuanhai promoted Shi Le to Controller of All Army Affairs in Conquering and Punishing East of the Mountains, with command of Fulidu's former men.
Map 5 – Campaigns in the service of Liu Yuan 1 (April 308 – November 309)
For the next events it becomes difficult to reconcile JS005 and JS104, hence two maps. Basically JS104 a step-by-step progression easily followed on a map where Shi Le first assists other Han commanders in capturing Shangdang and breaking out of the mountains, then he leads his army north, capturing Ye on the way, until defeated by Wang Jun's Xianbei army at Feilong Mountain. JS005 puts him a bit more all over the place, but does mention his capture of Ye and defeat by Wang Jun.
JS104 Version
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JS005 Version
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According to JS104, Liu Yuan sent his son Liu Cong劉聰 to attack Huguan壺關 (in Shangdang) with Shi Le in command of 7 000 strong vanguard. Liu Kun sent the Army Protector Huang Xiu黃秀 to relieve Huguan, but Shi Le defeated Huang Xiu at Baitian白田 (not located). Huang Xiu was killed and Shi Le captured Huguan.
According to JS005, in [22 August – 20 September] 309, Liu Yuan sent Liu Cong and Wang Mi王彌 invade Shangdang and besiege Huguan. Liu Kun sent a relief force, which was defeated by Cong. The Interior Clerk of Huainan, Wang Kuang王曠, and Generals Shi Rong施融 and Cao Chao聰戰 also fought with Liu Cong and were defeated, and Shi Rong and Cao Chao were killed. In the end, the Grand Warden of Shangdang, Pang Chun龐淳, surrendered the commandery to Liu Cong.
Now this sounds like the same campaign described by JS105, except that Shi Le is not mentioned, but as will be seen, the timing is far too late. So either there was two very similar Huguan campaigns, or JS104 is wrong and Shi Le was not involved, or JS005 has got the dating of this campaign wrong.
According to JS104, Liu Yuan then ordered Shi Le, Liu Ling劉零, Yan Pi閻羆 and four unnamed generals to invade Wei and Dunqiu頓丘 commanderies with a force of 30 000. They secured the surrender of many of the local fortifications that had sprung up there, and bestowed on their leaders, generally known as “rampart masters” official Han titles. They also recruited among the able bodied men in the region, supposedly to the number of 50 000.
According to JS005, on 3 April 308, Shi Le invaded Changshan常山, but was defeated by the Jin Warlord, the General who Calms the North, Wang Jun王浚.
Still according to JS005, in [8 April – 6 May], Liu Yuan invaded Ji and plundered Dunqiu and Henei. I assume this is identical to the attack on Wei and Dunqiu above and that although the text says it was “Liu Yuan” who attacked, this could just be short for “Liu Yuan's generals”.
At this point JS104 inserts Liu Yuan elevating himself to Emperor of Han, and states that he promoted Shi Le to Great General who Pacifies the East, Holding Tally, and Colonel, Commander-in-Chief and King as before. (There is no record in J104 of Shi Le being appointed Colonel.) According to JS005, Liu Yuan declared himself emperor on 2 November 308.
Having broken out of the mountains, Shi Le now according to JS104 led his army north. He attacked and captured Ye. He Yu和郁, the Jin commander at that place, fled to Wei衛. Shi Le then seized the Grand Warden of Wei commandery, Wang Cui王粹 at Santai三臺 (not located) and advanced into Zhao commandery where he killed the Chief Commandant of the Western Section of Ji province, Feng Chong馮沖. He also defeated the Beg to Live commanders She Ting赦亭 and Tian Yin at Zhongqiu中丘. Both She Ting and Tian Yin were killed.
These victories earned Shi Le promotion from Liu Yuan to Great General who Calms the East and permission to appoint certain senior staff positions.
According to JS005, He Yu had been appointed General who Conquers the North with headquarters at Ye on 18 December 307. In [2 October – 30 October] 308 (before Liu Yuan became emperor), Shi Le invaded Zhao commandery and He Yu fled from Ye to Wei衛. Then in December (possibly on 7 December, JS005 appear to be either listing events out of order or with the wrong day here) he captured Yu and the Grand Warden of Wei, Wang Cui was killed in battle.
So here at last JS005 and JS104 appear to be telling the same story though with some differences. Both agree the Jin commander at Ye, He Yu, abandoned Ye and fled. Shi Le then defeated the Grand Warden of Wei, Wang Cui, who was killed. According to JS005, He Yu's flight took place before Liu Yuan became emperor, JS104 puts it after. According to JS005. Shi Le invaded Zhao before attacking Ye. This would fit with him moving south after being defeated in Changshan. According to JS104, Shi Le attacked Ye, then invaded Zhao commandery. This would fit with him moving north from Wei and Dunqiu.
The next mention of Shi Le in JS005 after his capture of Ye on 7 December 308 comes under [26 April – 25 May] 309, when according to JS005, Shi Le captured more than hundred walled places in Ji commandery. Then, as described above, in [22 August – 20 September] comes the Huguan campaign where JS005 makes no mention She Le.
According to JS104, after invading Zhao, Shi Le continued further north into Julu鉅鹿 and Changshan常山, his forces supposedly swelling to over 100 000. At this point, Shi Le made several appointments at this point. These are listed at the bottom. He also sent one Zhang Si張斯 into Bing province “north of the mountains” to recruit among the Hu and Jie as well as separate forces to attack Zhongshan中山, Boling 博陵 and Gaoyang高陽.
After this the two chapters agree with each other once more. JS005 states that during [20 October - 18 November] 309, Shi Le robbed Changshan and Wang Jun sent a Xianbei cavalry army against him. JS104 adds that this army was commaned by Qi Hong祁弘, included the Xianbei chief Duan Wuchen段務塵 and supposedly more than 100 000 cavalry. Both state that the battle took place Feilong Mountain飛龍山 and that Shi Le was severely defeated with more than 10 000 dead according to JS104. After this defeat, Shi Le withdrew south to Liyang黎陽.
Shi Le's followers
The Records chapters of the JS mention quite a few names, but since they usually don't have separate biographies it can be hard to keep track of their careers, so I'm collecting them here as they appear.
Eighteen Riders
1. Wang Yang王陽 – 309: general
2. Kui An夔安 – 309: “Claws and teeth”
3. Zhi Xiong支雄 – 309: general
4. Ji Bao冀保 – Not mentioned again
5. Wu Yu吳豫 – 309: general. Not mentioned again.
6. Liu Ying劉膺
7. Tao Bao桃豹 – 309: general
8. Lu Ming逯明 – 309: general
9. Guo Ao郭敖
10. Liu Zheng劉徵
11. Liu Bao劉寶 – Not mentioned again
12. Zhang Yipu張曀僕 – Not mentioned again
13. Huyan Mo呼延莫 – 309: general. Not mentioned again in the records. (Huyan was a Xiongnu clan)
14. Guo Heilüe郭黑略
15. Zhang Yue張越
16. Kong Tun孔豚 – Not mentioned again
17. Zhao Lu趙鹿
18. Zhi Quliu支屈六 – Not mentioned again
309 Appointments
Zhang Bin張賓 – 309: Master of planning
Diao Ying刁膺 – 309: “Arms and legs”
Zhang Jin張敬 – 309: “Arms and legs”
Kong Chang孔萇 – 309: “Claws and teeth”
Zhang Si張斯 – 309: leading cavalry north of the mountains of Bing province to recruit Hu and Jie. Not mentinoed again.
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liewtc · 3 years
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Yanjin county https://www.instagram.com/p/CT8o4dQPYCJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bookofjin · 7 years
Records of Shi Le, part 1
[From JS104. Shi Le and the Eighteen Riders, there’s a story waiting to be told (made up) here for someone creative with time on their hands.]
Shi Le, courtesy name Shilong, originally named Bei, was a Jie from Wuxiang in Shangdang. His ancestors were descendants of a separate section of the Xiongnu, the Qiangqu. His grandfather Yeyiyu and father Zhou Hezhu, also named Qijijia, were both minor chiefs of section groups. At the time of Le's birth, a red light filled the house. White vapour from the sky collected in the the middle of the courtyard. Those who saw were completely amazed by it.
At 14 years old, he followed people of the district travelling to Luoyang, relying on screaming at the Shangdong gate. Wang Yan [JS043] saw and was amazed by him. He looked back and spoke left and right, saying: “Turning toward the Hu toddler, I see his voice and looks have a remarkable determination, I fear he will be the scourge of Under Heaven.” He hurriedly dispatched to collect him, but Le had already left.
He was tall, large and strong, and was brave and vigorous, was heroic and martial and good at riding and shooting. Hezhu was by nature evil and crude, and did not have the adherence of the multitude of Hu. He always sent Le to replace himself in supervising and assisting. The Hu section loved and trusted him.
He resided in Wuxiang below the northern highlands and mountains grass and wood [?], all had the semblance of strong cavalry. In the middle of the houses and gardens he lived side by side with people[?], flowers and leaves were very thick. He knew completely the shape of people [?].
The old fathers and the judges [of character] all said: “This Hu's shape and appearance is unusual and remarkable, his purpose and measures not common, he in the end can not be measured.” They urged the people of the district to greatly get along with him. At the time there was much ridicule and snicker. Only Guo Jing, a native of Wu鄔, and Ning Qu of Yangqu accordingly considered it to be true, both adding wealth and support. Le likewise perceived their kindness and was cultivating their strength.
He always heard the sound of sheath and bell, and returned to thereby to inform his mother. His mother said: “Arising to work and hearing a bird cry, can not but be a good omen.”
In the middle of Tainan [302 – 303], there was in Bing province starvation and chaos. Le with several young Hu absconded and scattered. Then he returned from Yanmen returned to rely on Ning Qu. The Chief Commandant of Beize, Liu Jian, tied them up and sold them, Qu hid them and obtained a pardon.
Le hence secretly went to accept to surrender [?] to the Chief Commandant Li Chuan. On the road he happened to meet Guo Jing. He wept and bowed, saying he was hungry and frozen. Jing replied to him with flowing tears, and used belted goods to sell for food for him, and combined to give accordingly clothes and dress. [?]
Le spoke to Jing, saying: “Presently there is a great hunger, [I?] can not defend the poor. The various Hu are very starved, we ought to induce to want Ji province to approach with grain. For this reason arresting and selling them, can both help.” [?] Jing deeply affirmed him.
It happened that the General who Establishes Power, Yan Cui, told the Inspector of Bing province, the Duke of Dongying, Teng, to carry the various Hu to the east of the mountains to sell to supply the army wealth. Teng sent Generals Guo Yang and Zhang Long with a group of Hu wanting [?] to go to Ji province, two Hu in one yoke.
Le at the time was more than twenty years old and likewise was in its middle [?]. He several times was spurred on and humiliated by Long. Jing formerly due to Le connected Guo Yang and elder brother's son Shi [?]. Yang was Jing's fraternal elder brother. Thus used Yang and Shi each time as requesters for  release. [?]. On the roads and paths there was starvation and disease. He relied on Yang and Shi, and [they] helped. [?]
Then he was sold to Shi Huan, a native of Chiping, as a slave. There was a single old man who spoke to Le saying: “Sir's fish dragon and hair juncture above the Four Ways are already complete [?], [you] must necessarily be a master of men. In the year of jiaxu, the royal Pengzu can be charted [?].” Le said: “Like before noble speech, [I] do not dare to forget virtue.” Suddenly he did not see [him].
Each time he ploughed and worked in the fields, he often heard the sounds of drums and horns. Le thereby told the various slaves. The various slaves likewise heard it [him?]. Because of that [he?] said: “When I as an infant came to be in a house, [I] regularly heard [sound] like this.” The various slaves returned to accordingly tell Huan. Huan likewise was amazed by his appearance and countenance, and released him.
Huan's house was neighbour to horse shepherds. [They?] and the leader of the shepherds, Ji Sang of Wei commandery came and went. Le, due to being able to judge horses, himself was relied on by Sang [?]. He was once hired at Wu'an and Linshui and was confined by the patrolling army. It happened that there was a group of deer passing near by. The army people competed to chase them and Le therefore managed to escape. Suddenly he again saw the single old man. He spoke to Le, saying: “The direction of the group of deer [was?] me. Sir must be the master of the central provinces. Because of that [I] judged to save you.” Le bowed and accepted the instructions.
Thereupon he summoned and assembled Wang Yang, Kui An, Zhi Xiong, Ji Bao, Wu Yu, Liu Ying, Tao Bao, Lu Ming and others, eight riders, as a group of bandits. Later Guo Ao, Liu Zheng, Liu Bao, Zhang Yipu, Huyan Mo, Guo Heilüe, Zhang Yue, Kong Tun, Zhao Lu, Zhi Quliu and others also attended him. They were called the Eighteen Riders. They again went east to the red dragon thoroughbreds within the various pastures [?]. They drove the pasture horses and plundered silk and treasures, to accordingly present to Ji Sang.
When the King of Chengdu, Ying, defeated the Driving Carriage at Dangyin, he compelled the Emperor to go to the Ye palace. Wang Jun [JS039], due to Ying insulting and humiliating the Son of Heaven, sent Xianbei to strike him. Ying was afraid, clasped Emperor and fled south to Luoyang. The Emperor was again pressured by Zhang Fang [JS060] to move to Chang'an. By the frontiers to the east there were soldiers rising up, all in the name of executing Ying [?].
The King of Hejian, Yong, feared the abundance of the eastern host and desired to gather in his breast to go east again, and therefore memorialised to discuss to discard Ying. That year, Liu Yuanhai called [himself] King of Han at Liting. Ying because of that used Gongshi Fan, a native of Yangping, and others, calling himself General, raising troops in Zhao and Wei. The multitudes came in several tens of thousands.
Le and Ji Sang led the shepherds riding the pasture horses, several hundred riders, to accordingly attend him. Sang started to instruct Le to use Shi as family name, Le became known as that. Fan designated Le as Controller of the Van Group, following to attack the Duke of Pingchang, Mo, at Ye. Mo sent General Feng Song to confront them in battle, defeating them. Fan crossed [the He] south at Baima. The Grand Warden of Puyang, Ji Xi punished and beheaded him.
Le and Sang ran away and hid within the pastures. Sang used Le to crouch at night at the Serrated Gates [?], leading the shepherds to rob and plunder the counties of the commandery and fasten prisoners. He also summoned [those who] had fled the instructions into the mountains and marshes. Many adhered to Le. Le led [them?] to accordingly submit to him [Sang?].
Sang therefore titled himself Great General, saying he was in the name of the King of Chengdu, Ying, executing the King of Donghai, Yue and the Duke of Dongying, Teng. Sang used Le as the van rider. He again and again had merits in battle and was appointed to be General who Sweeps away the Caitiffs and Marquis of Zhongming village.
Sang advanced the army to attack Ye, using Le as Commander-in-Chief of the Vanguard. They greatly defeated Teng's general Feng Song and because of that pushed deep to enter Ye. Thereupon they murdered Teng, killed more than ten thousand people, carried off wives, maidens and the precious treasure, and left. They crossed from Yanjin and to the south struck Yan province. Yue was greatly afraid and sent Guo Xi [JS061], Wang Zan and others to punish them.
Sang and Le attacked the Inspector of You province, Shi Xian, at Leling. Xian died there. The beggar Tian Yin led a multitude of 50 000 to save Xian. Le confronted him in battle and defeated Yin. He and Xi and others opposed each other in Pingyuan and Yangping for a period of several months. In more than thirty battles great and small, they won and lost against each other. Yue was afraid and lodged at Guandu, to express support for Xi.
Sang and Le were defeated by Xi. The dead where more than ten thousand people. They therefore gathered their remanding multitudes, wanting to flee to Liu Yuanhai. The Inspector of Ji Province, Ding Shao [JS090], intercepted them at Chiqiao, again greatly defeating them. Sang fled to the horse shepherds. Le fled to Leping. The royal host beheaded Sang in Pingyuan.
At the time the Hu section greats Zhang Beidu, Feng Motu and others embraced a multitude of several thousand, walling off in Shangdang. Le went to follow them and became very close. Because of that he spoke to Beidu, saying: “Shanyu Liu is raising troops to execute Jin. The sections greats resist and do not follow. How [are you] able to stand alone?”
He said: “[We] are not able.”
Le said: “For that reason thus those who are not able, troops and horses must be stringed together. Now the section groups are all already appreciated and summoned by the Shanyu, from time to time they assemble to discuss their desire to rebel against the section greats and revert to the Shanyu. We ought to soon be their plan. [?]”
Beidu and others habitually were without wisdom or plans, and feared the section multitudes were not devoted to them [?]. They therefore secretly followed Le on single horseback to revert to Yuanhai. Yuanhai appointed Beidu King who is Fond of Han, Motu as Commander-in-Chief of the Section Greats, and used Le as General who Assists Han and King who Pacifies Jin to thereby command them. Le hence instructed Beidu as an elder brother, bestowing on him the family name of the Shi clan, naming him Hui, saying he had met himself.
Zhang Fulidu of the Wuwan likewise had a multitude of 2 000 walling up in Leping. Yuanhai again and again summoned him, yet he was not able to bring it about. Le pretended to commit a crime to Yuanhai, and because of that fled to Fulidu. Fulidu was greatly pleased and joined with him as brothers. He sent Le to lead the various Hu to rob and plunder, being not toward the front [?]. The various Hu feared and submitted.
Le knew the multitude in their hearts were adhering to himself, and therefore because of that assembled and detained Fulidu, announcing to the various Hu, saying: “Now to begin the great affair, I or Fulidu, who is worthy of being the master?” The various Hu together accordingly pushed forward Le. Le hence released Fulidu and led his section's multitude to revert to Yuanhai. Yuanhai promoted Le to Controller of All Army Affairs in Conquering and Punishing East of the Mountains, using Fulidu's multitude to pair with him.
Yuanhai sent Liu Cong to attack Huguan, and instructed Le to lead his command of 7 000 as Commander-in-Chief of the Vanguard. Liu Kun [JS062] dispatched Army Protector Huang Xiu and others to relieve Huguan. Le defeated Xiu at Baitian. Le thereupon captured Huguan.
Yuanhai instructed Le, Liu Ling, Yan Pi and others, seven generals, to lead a multitude of 30 000 to rob the various ramparts and walls of Wei commandery and Dunqiu. They captured many of them and made use of the rampart masters as Generals and Chief Commandants. They selected the strong and big, 50 000, as soldiers in the army, the old and weak to stay at the walls like before. The army was without private plundering, the hundred families cherished them.
When Yuanhai usurped the title [of Emperor], he dispatched envoys to confer on Le Holding the Tally and Great General who Pacifies the East. Colonel, Commander-in-Chief and King like before.
Le united the army to rob Ye. Ye was overrun. He Yu fled to Weyguo. [Le] seized the Grand Warden of Wei commandery, Wang Cui, advanced to attack Zhao commandery and murdered the Chief Commandant of the Western Section of Ji province, Feng Chong. He attacked the beggars She Ting and Tian Yin at Zhongqiu, killing them both.
Yuanhai conferred on Le Great General who Calms the East and Opening Office, and to set up Senior Clerks of the Left and Right, Marshal, and Assistant Officer Palace Gentleman.
He advanced the army to attack Julu and Changshan, murdering the Wardens and generals of the two commanderies. He captured in the commanderies and counties of Ji province more than a hundred forts and walls, his multitude reached more than 100 000. Their clothes, caps, people and things he assembled as the lordly master barracks [?].
Therefore he pulled Zhang Bin as Master of Planning, and first appointed a Board of Merit of the Army. He used Diao Ying and Zhang Jin as thighs and arms; Kui An and Kong Chang as claws and teeth; Zhi Xiong, Huyan Mo, Wang Yang, Tao Bao, Lu Ming, Wu Yu and others as generals and commanders.
He sent his general Zhang Si to lead cavalry to go to Bing province's various commanderies and counties north of the mountains, to explain to the various Hu and Jie, to shine light on and thereby calm the danger [?]. The various Hu feared Le's power and fame, and many were those who adhered. He advanced the army Changshan and separately dispatched various generals to attack the various counties of Zhongshan, Boling and Gaoyang. Those who surrendered to him were several tens of thousand people.
Wang Jun [JS039] sent his general Qi Hong to lead the Xianbei Duan Wuchen and others, 100 000 cavalry, to punish Le. He greatly defeated Le at Feilong Mountain. The dead were more than 10 000. Le withdrew to garrison Liyang. He separately instructed the various generals to attack the various who were not obeying and rebelling [?], degrading [?] 30 walled places [?] and setting up wardens and stewards to thereby console them.
He advanced to rob Xindu, murdering the Inspector of Ji province, Wang Bin. Hence the General of Chariots and Cavalry, Wang Kan, and the Commander of the Palace Gentlemen of the North, Pei Xian, led the multitudes from Luoyang to punish Le. Le burnt the barracks and combined the provisions, and turned around the army to resist them, lodging at Huangniu Ramparts. The Grand Warden of Wei commandery, Liu Ju, used the commandery to adhere to Le. Le sent Ju to command his rampart multitudes as the Left Wing of the Centre Army. Le arrived at Liyang. Pei Xian abandoned his army and fled south of the Huai. Wang Kan withdrew to fortify Cangyuan.
Yuanhai conferred on Le Great General who Garrisons the East, and enfeoffed him Duke of Ji commandery, Grasping the Tally, Commander-in-Chief and King [!] like before. Le firmly deferred to be a Duke and did not accept.
He and Yan Pi attacked Duquan and Yuanshi ramparts, capturing them. Pi was hit by a flying arrow and died. Le joined together and commanded their multitudes. He crossed the He from Shiqiao and captured Baima and buried alive men and women, more than 3 000 mouths. To the east he raided Juancheng and murdered the Inspector of Yan province, Yuan Fu. Because of that he could attack Cangyuan, capturing it, and thereupon murder Kan. He crossed the He to attack the various counties of Guangzong, Qinghe, Pingyuan and Yangping. Those who surrendered to Le were more than 70 000 mouths. He again crossed the He south, the Grand Warden of Xingyang, Pei Chun, fled to Jianye.
At the time Liu Cong attacked Henei. Le led cavalry to meet with him. He attacked the General of the Best of the Army, Liang Ju, at Wude. Emperor Huai dispatched troops to aid him [Ju]. Le halted the various generals to defend Wude. He and Wang Sang confronted Ju at Changling. Ju requested to surrended. Le did allow it. Ju crossed over the walls and hid. The people of the army arrested him. Le hurried to Wude and buried the surrendered soldiers, more than 10 000. He counted Liang Ju's crimes and murdered him. The royal host withdrew and returned. North of the He the various fortresses and walls greatly shook, and all requested to surrender and sent to yield to Le.
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