#Yandere visual novel theory
KLEIN V.01 Theory - Where the Power button is.
This is just a quick little thing I threw together to get back into writing my theories and analysies so its a bit short.
I had written this before in an ask to the blog when my tumblr crashed so hhhhhhhh I wish it stayed because I don't like this as much as the OG.
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I'm going based off the process of elimination here for the answer to this and it's all because of one post that really got me thinking.
It was asked if the power button was on Klein's center chest and the answer was no because it could accidentally be pressed during tight hugs.
That tells me that wherever it is, can't be somewhere that could accidentally press it in mundane activities.
Process of elimination/Where it couldn't be:
It can't be above heart because once again, it could be pressed during a tight hug of some sort. This could basically count for his whole front torso so we can mark that off.
It can't be on his back due to there's also different ways it could be accidentally pressed there. Laying down, getting back hugs from MC, leaning agaisnt a wall etc could all cause an accidental shut down.
Behind the neck or around neck area has already been crossed off as well, I sent an ask slapping the bar code on the back of his neck and Klein himself says that it wasn't there along with us seeing his neck and there was clearly no indication around there.
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He even goes as far as to mentioning that they could look around for whatever button they wanted but the shutdown button was off limits.
The lower legs below the knees...yeah I can't see how that would work in anyways. Also it would be stupid if he got shut down because he got hit in the ankle with a scooter.
Just kinda outer body if you get me.
Places it COULD be:
I've thought about this for quite a while and even studied some of his art, but on terms of not being able to activate on access I say probably inner thigh perhaps but then that doesn't make much sense but at the same time it does. Ahshdhdbdb
Going around that same groin area I also thought of that area where its under your belly but also not actual crotch, that way in would be in an easily accessed spot but I couldn't easily be activated. And no I'm not going NSFW situations because the creator said the game is not 18+.
Now, back to where I said design wise I was thinking maybe somewhere on the arms, with his jacket having a slight glow to it and the fact it is a somewhat heavy one could stop accidental presses and whatnot.
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[Glowing on the right (left?) Arm sleeve does look a bit suspicious to me but that could just be a second bar code.]
Well, that's all I have for now but than you for reading this descent into insanity because this is one of the few visual novels that have genuinely left me scared shitless, its an amazing VN.
Klein belongs to: @kleinv01
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dualityvn · 2 years
me theory posting again? more likely than you might think
Demo Spoilers below
now that my ban on talking about this has finally been lifted since its now out in the open, lets talk about some things. so, the boys exist as two entities in one body, they both have their own thoughts, feelings, and motivations, but when those align, they can co-exist in the body at the same time. this can be painful (see that one 'bad' end) because Keith's body isnt built to hold more than one person at a time. speaking of, it is technically Keith's body, it was the one made by his parents that he would have inhabited alone without Tenebris' being there, and Tenebris has a different form that is entirely his own. they are not aware of the outside unless they are the person actively in control, but they can share thoughts and dialogue with each other when only one is in control.
now that we have that all established, which does answer like, all of my initial questions, we're gonna get off on a tangent. now, this hasnt really come up before, but one of my favorite things to theorize about is morality issues, specifically when it comes to controlling the narrative a person sees. and i see a Very Delicious moral dilemma with Keith and Tenebris and how Keith is like, the only person Tenebris regularly interacts with.
let me explain. like it or not, we are all a product of the things we interact with on a daily basis and the experiences we gain from those experiences. whether its the lessons we learned from our parents as children, or the interaction we have with our friends on a daily basis, the way other people interact with us is fused with who we are and how we react, even if just on a subconscious level. now lets apply this to the boys. Keiths parents hated Tenebris, and treated Keith coldly as a result. This would be hard on anybody, but especially young children who arent able to really understand the complexities of the situation they were in. this would also continue to be a problem, due to the nature of their inseparability making it hard for either of them to make friends, Keith having difficulties because of Tenebris' existence in his life and Tenebris having difficulties because he's not human, and also presumably because he's not around all that much. this makes socializing hard to impossible for both of them, leading to the state we see Tenebris in in the Demo.
Presumably, Keith is the one who has taught Tenebris everything he knows about humans/the human world/ human customs, but theres still a lot of holes in his knowledge as we can see demonstrated by Tenebris thinking it is alright and normal to just,, show up in our house. There are things that Keith has forgotten to mention because he thinks of them as pure common sense, common sense that Tenebris doesn't have because he never had a social support network to allow him to develop common sense. Keith can't be expected to have explained everything to Tenebris perfectly, especially when Keiths own understanding of the world might be a little skewed.
Lets not forget that they are Both Yanderes, Keith's twisted idea of love may stem from his abandonment issues, but its still there. and considering that Keith is the one who teaches Tenebris everything, its no small wonder that their combined "love" for the MC was enough to put them in sync enough to co-exist completely.
basically what im getting at here is that Keith is the epitome of an unreliable narrator and having an unreliable narrator as your only consistent source of information about the world leads to a very fucked up idea about the world. im not saying that Keith would lie to Tenebris on purpose, i dont even know if he could since they read each others thoughts, but if the lie isnt on purpose then thats a whole different game.
anyway, yeah, Thoughts. once again, congratulations on the demo release!!
I've missed your huge theory asks, Cacti.
But the funny thing is, Tenebris wasn't born at the same time as Keith. Yeah, he was also a "kid" when he entered his body, but he also got a small amount of knowledge from his own species. He started out with a few prejudices, if you can call them that.
In truth, the two of them being together kinda resulted in Tenebris getting better and Keith getting worse :') Since Keith did his best to teach Tenebris compassion and empathy, things that he did not have. But the struggles and trauma he suffered along the way tore at Keith's mind.
As for the yandere tendencies. Well I don't wanna spoil anything for you guys.
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duhgutter · 6 months
greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you too much by sending in such a random ask. may I please have a romantic matchup for scott pilgrim? if you’re feeling sassy maybe a character from the John doe, frost bite, sunny day jack, etc type games (does it even have a genre aside from horror/Yandere visual novels? Lmao)
I use they/he pronouns and I’m pansexual. my myers briggs type is INFJ and my star sign is taurus.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m kind of introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black (trad, mopey, mall, black-metal, and hippie goth styles mainly, both fem and masc. chill days I settle for dark street wear. ) or and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, analog horror, witchcraft, true crime, ghost hunting, necromancy, anatomy, etc. I typically consider myself a "gorehound" ig. I participate in "Vulture Culture"; and I also like to visit abandoned places just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start talking, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
when I become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. most of my humor comes off really insulting, and I’m brutally honest, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke or I didn’t mean it. though if I’m right a become a petty bitch..and quite honestly I’m vengeful to anyone who’s really wronged me. even though I do have a hard time understanding social cues.
lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though, and I own a herd of four guinea pigs that I protect with my life. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’ve also been told I never know when to quit, and I find I hold grudges for certain things. It’s not as common now but I used to get called a vampire by other kids when I was younger since I had oddly pointy canine teeth. I find it funny, seeing how I am today. I also have an inside joke with my family where they call me "Irl Wednesday Addams" which I find funny too (if not a little annoying at the wrong times).
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. especially with the types of people mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, listening to music ( the cure, london after midnight, type o negative, deftones, slipknot, rob zombie,,,, sometimes melanie martinez , insane clown posse, jazmin bean or mother mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games, reading, writing, or talking about a random conspiracy theory or shower thoughts I have. I also like to play D&D with my friends when I can, it’s super fun. I do acting in my spare time as a small hobby too, and I’m learning how to play electric guitar. I also work as a scare actor, and in the future I have a dream of being a theatrical actor.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I also have this specific blanket I can literally not sleep without. Im also a caffeine addict, and I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from a handful off mental issues like asd, insomnia, depression and anxiety; plus chronic conditions like asthma and fibromyalgia. These have all been diagnosed professionally, and I’m definitely not trying to make myself "quirky". unfortunately health problems run in my family.
I’m very fidgety, and often bite the inside of my cheek or bounce my leg rapidly. you don’t need to rocmantasize this stuff ofc, but I think it’s good to know so the person can tolerate me.
you do get to this, thanks for your time. <3
that was certainly fun to read. ur a rlly cool dude. ANYWAYS MATCHUP TIME
ok so for the scott pilgrim matchup I narrowed it down to kim and ramona then eventually settled on ramona. both of you are more introverted so I see that well, as well as the more alternative semi similar styles that you have in common (both stealing each others clothes/accessories.) she’s not really sensitive either, so coming off as rude or sarcastic wouldn’t bother her, she’s kinda similar so she’d probably joke the same way too. basically twinflame uhhh match made.
now for the horror/yandere visual novels I’m thinking peter. I feel like you’d stand out to him because of your style (considering his old goth phase) and another thing that kinda stood out to me is your mbti which is infj and the same as the y/n in the game lol. other than that even though you can be seen as intimidating and brutal, he’s a literal slasher and confirmed masochist so I’d say match made.
also extra but you i totally recommend ‘The Loverman Killer’ it’s a short web comic kinda series that kinda lines up w your interests and it’s made by mortis fox.
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aaronbbqd · 6 months
Hello hello !! Welcome to my updated :: B L O G B I O ~ x3
(These pics might change, just gimme a bit xD)
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Im AaronBBQ !! You could call me Aaron if you’d like, or BBQ ! Im that enby digital//traditional artist with the burnt watermelon sona—
Im Nonbinary (wheres my masc enby pals at ??), Pansexual, Ambiamorous (Inbetween of Polyamory and Monogamy), and hella HELLA greysexual (not asexual, greysexual).
(Man, im love love loving these colors. .)
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On this blog you can expect to see things with the following TW//CW’s ::
Blood🩸, Scars (Self harm, or other) 🔪, Basic human indecency (/hj) 🧠, Abuse (not glorified AT. ALL) 💥, Unhealthy relationships 💔, Gore 🫀, Mental illness(es) (portrayed with proper research) 🫂, and all the nasty things that go along with those !!
By making this type of content, i am FULLY. AWARE, of the audience that i might gather. I do not condone or glorify anything negative that i may portray with my OC’s, Backstories, Fanfiction, or other forms of creative output. When i make this content, the intent behind it is pure, i make it to cope and feel better about the interactions that i have been through, and i wouldnt want ANYONE to go out there and think that what i draw is ok to commit in real life. What i draw is purely fiction.
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Now that-thats outta the way. . lets get onto the fun stuff !! SOME (not all) FANDOMS//COMMUNITIES IM IN (in varying degrees of saneness) ::
UT!AU’s (is this even a question ??)
Scene/emo (i dress like this irl! !!)
Visual novels (throw anything at me ill like it)
Yandere boys (i love a man thats obsessed)
Gore (believe it/not theres a community for that)
Furry (no i dont own a fursuit-)
MLP (infection. Au.)
Good omens (i deserve fluff too >:()
Big bang theory
Squishmallows (yes i play the roblox game)
Homestuck (not the biggest homestuckie tho-)
Obey me! (I go ravenous for these men-)
Death note
Will wood
Academics (i like school :))
Im aware that the creators of some of these communities may not be the best. But, i choose to support the CREATION not the CREATOR. Don’t send hate to me P L S- (xD)
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Now, lets get to the M E A T. 🥩 (whats wrong with me-)
Some of my boundaries (if youd like to be moots or msg me) ::
I dont share my location online (not even state. Dont ask.)
I dont share any personal info
I dont give out money, or favors, for anyone
I dont talk anything sexual on this blog (may be a separate blog in the future)
I dont give out free commissions (c’mon guys the price is so low-)
I dont talk about my past experiences, but i am always open to vents
I dont share my face//body online
I dont vent on this blog (again, may be a separate blog in the future)
Dont repost my art without credit !!
Feel free to ask me to draw anything in my drawing suggestions ! (Keep it SFW, gore is fine)
Any blog you see the name “AaronBBQ” on, is either not mine, or inactive. And yes, im doing fine. Are you ?
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Some projects im working on ::
(MAIN) Wicked Love ᥫ᭡ -a visual novel following 2 characters throughout their adult life. Akee is shopping with their best friend (the reader), and bumps into akai. Akai then afterwards begins to stalk you and akee, manipulating their thoughts. Only to finally confess his love, but akee loves you—
Strange odds -a story about an alien crashing to earth to escape his violent and crazy planet, soon befriending a human and becoming space explorers—
BBQ Lovely -a girl that caught a violent sickness, forced to be experimented on to find a cure. Soon the experiments become more than just testing medications— (also, my sona)
Under!cult -a man was given a second chance at life after suicide, causing him to be at the grim reapers bidding, soon going insane and ripping away from the reaper, only to be left in a void, trying to piece together his world again— (its kinda stemmed from undertale)
If youd like to hear more, shoot me a message !! :)
(These stories include more details, but, for the risk of rambling, i have only given the jist~ of each one.)
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For examples of my art, scroll through my Tumblr !!
PRICES (kaching!~)
Banners: $15
Full body: $10
Headshots: $5
Emojis: $2
Additional character: +$1
You must :: pay me 50% before I start and the rest afterwards
I don't draw :: Sexual content, Mecha
My T.A.T:: 1h-1 day
I am willing to negotiate on pricing
All comms are done digitally
If using my art for commercial use : include 👏 credit 👏
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(Hehe, if you got this far, GIMME A FOLLOW >:3)
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Yall gonna hate me but class of 09 is everything i liked in theory about yandere simulator but done better. If it was an open world game instead of a visual novel, it would literally just be a better replacement. What i mean by that is that i really love the idea of a game with a main character who is evil and manipulative to other characters, but yandere simulator does a lot wrong imo in that regard (or at least that i prefer in class of 09).
Basically ive seen rlly good yandere simulator concepts made by fans and im like "damn, the concept was there but just done poorly".
Im not going to elaborate on why i prefer how class of 09 does it because uh i dont want to
But if it didnt suck, it could have not sucked
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echantedtoon · 8 months
IMPORTANT!!!: Plz Read!!
If this is your first time to this page I welcome you. Please read the rules below before asking anything. Masterlist of works will be underneath.
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-I’ll post what I like when I feel like it, please be patient if waiting for content. Sometimes irl stuff happens and it takes time to make content.
-Will not accept controversial/gore/nsfw/sensitive topics and such other asks.
-Please be a kind person.
-Unfortunately I don’t do commissions or requests
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-All works of mine are sfw. I don't write anything nfsw.
-Some stories will have scenes of violence and other things that'll be made aware by warnings.
-If any works come with warnings please read and HEED them.
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20yrs+ She/her
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll mostly find Y/n x Character content however I will also post crackships, cannon x oc, and cannon ships from multiple fandoms I enjoy. I also reblog a lot of self insert and Y/n x Cannon art and stories. Most stories will be cross posted from my other blog @hazbinextgeneration.
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Oc x Cannon Playlist 2
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
no but imagine like a whole backrooms like scenario and it's like a whole ass horror game scene- but the entity that has been following you is lonely has actually been waiting for the moment you basically 'noclipped' there. There isn't an escape because they plan on keeping you there (unlike the many others who ended up appearing on their level)
tw - imprisonment, forced codependence, obsessive behavior, mentions of death/violence, slight generalized monster fucking.
i mean, they're just as trapped as you are. they might not be exactly the same as you (no, no, they've been here far too long for that), but they can't leave either, and when they find you, lost and confused and so obviously helpless, they can't help but get a little attached - like a child might if they find a stray puppy whining in an alleyway. they do their best to appear friendly, to smile, to speak softly, but it really isn't necessary, you're as desperate for help as they are for company. it doesn't take any time at all for you to ask if you can stay with them, if you two can try to survive this dim, dark, endless hellscape together. of course, they're more than happy to let you stick around. it's not like they have many other options here, anyway.
and you're so nice to them, too, so much more understanding than the last few people they've stumbled onto. you don't blame them, or insist that there has to be a way out, or ask any questions when they ask you to stay at the little encampment they've set up to take care of... things you shouldn't have to deal with, not so early on, not when you're still so full of life and love and warmth, more warmth than they've felt in a long, long time. you're so sweet. you don't even say anything when they start to relax, when they fail to keep the light in their eyes as bright as it should be or forget which color their hair was the day before, just because they have so much more to think about now that you're by their side. you've never tried to run, but you take their warnings so well, and they've never had to explain what they mean when they tell you that they just wouldn't know what to do if you ever left them to rot here, that they just wouldn't be human any longer if you ever tried to abandon them. you can go years without seeing another person here, and there's nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to look forward to. they wouldn't have anything, if you ever tried to run away. there wouldn't be anything, if they had to get rid of you too. they wouldn't survive. there wouldn't be anything of them left.
but, they don't have to worry about that, right? because you're not going to run. because nothing's going to happen to you.
because they're never going to be alone again.
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altimys · 4 years
Zero Escape Thoughts
I just finished playing all the Zero Escape games over the course of the past three weeks. Some thoughts.
Overall, I really liked the series. Most of the characters are well-written and dynamic, the plots entangled and unpredictable, and the ties to science, psychology, and sci-fi quite well done. I’d been dying to play these games since high school when I first heard about 999, and I’m very glad to be able to finally accomplish that goal. Spoilers ahead, of course.
999 is by far the best one in the series, maybe because it was planned as a single game and the series wasn’t anticipated. I’m a fan of the visual novel style, and the puzzles in here took advantage of math and cryptology, which was really cool. Junpei was an excellent protagonist, because he had the right balance of naivete, heroism, and wit to pull through the story. The banter with all the other characters made him feel a lot less shounen protag and more like a real person, someone who could say a lot of silly stuff at odd times, or slyly try to make Akane say perverted things. The other characters were also quite charismatic!
When the reason for the Nonary games was revealed, the impact was unforgettable. Unintentionally dragged into a plot to reach across time to save the one you loved. Like fated lovers, though it felt more than a simple romance because of how everything was entangled, and the fact that Junpei was not exactly saving adult Akane but the Akane that was a child. The true end was really great, with Aoi and Akane on the run (felt like noble outlaws), but the hope that Junpei could and would catch up with them.
Virtue’s Last Reward
I admit, initially I was not impressed with VLR, because the mechanic of the AB game and the overly mascot-like Zero III felt like some contrived death game rather than a masterfully crafted plot like 999. As the game progressed however, the mystery of the bombs, Radical-6, and the killer on the loose really got me engaged, wondering what the heck was really going on.
Sigma was also a pretty fun protagonist to play as, with his clueless nature and his sometimes perverted lines (ahaha). I felt like his relationships with the other characters were much more developed (as compared to Junpei), and his banter with Phi was more fun and relaxed as compared to Junpei and Akane in 999.
They really latched onto the multiverse theory with the jumping and everything, giving it more of a mechanic than 999, which was okay, but it kind of makes the “fate” of 999 lose a bit of its impact. Otherwise, the jumping mechanic was really cool, and did reasonably frame the reason the Nonary game here was started in the first place. However, the weakest plot points here were that somehow Hongou was said to have done the original Nonary game as a Free the Soul experiment, which was a weak excuse for a connection to the first game (no mention of FtS whatsoever then) and Akane being so cold as to never contact Junpei in that history and help conceive a game that *had* to kill people before it achieved its goal. Also, who is ? in the last scenario, and where did K go? It felt like it was implied to be the player, but the question is never answered.
The game introduced Luna, and I really came to like her a lot. I felt extremely hurt every time I had to betray her. I cherished her ending with Sigma, and did kind of ship them a little (LOL). Little did I know...
Zero Time Dilemma
The tone of this actually was more of a contrived death game than VLR, because it was implied that there was no chance at all nine characters surviving whatsoever, unlike 999 or VLR. Luckily, they got rid of the mascot and just went with a sinister Zero. The deaths were much more gruesome than the previous two games and definitely showed more blood. Shock value?
The fragmented timeline both adds and subtracts from the overall experience. It helped me as the player experience firsthand the disorienting gaps in time and memory that the characters were going through. However, the lack of a chronological timeline, or at least following different timelines in a more organized or linear fashion made decisions lose their impact. Every event felt transient.
Junpei and Akane were written far too out of character from what I would imagine them being like one year after the events of 999. Within one year, would it be possible for Junpei to be that jaded and edgy? Would he not try to revert to parts of his old self and at least be neutral, if not nice? Akane also had some serious yandere bits, which were bizarre because I didn’t think someone who is so focused on saving humanity would be that unhinged, especially if it was the death of someone she steeled her heart from interacting with. I would have expected her to show frustrated disappointment or even disdain, not straight up crazy murder time.
The new characters were difficult to get to like. You could like Carlos through his friendly banter with C-Team, and Diana because you could tell she was kind and synergized with Sigma and Phi, but Sean, Eric, and Mira were difficult to like, because no rapport was really built between the three of them at all. Almost all the Q-Team interactions were wrought with tension and misunderstanding. I also felt like Mira was supposed to play the role of The Killer (like Ace or Dio), but since the teams were so separate and memory so limited, it was incredibly difficult to rouse the same kind of suspicion and fear, so she just because a lackluster pretty killer. Not really much of a satisfying redemption arc for her in her post-game files either.
D-Team was simply my favorite, probably because Sigma and Phi were still true to their VLR personalities, and as mentioned before, the whole team synergized very well. The two bombs that were dropped in this team were the parts that make this game redeemable for me. The first reveal, that Diana was the one Luna was based off of, made me drop my jaw, but it also did not prepare me for the second reveal, which was the entire Sigma/Diana/Phi/Delta thing. Suddenly, everything made odd sense, even though it was kind of fucked up. No wonder the D-Team chemistry was there. Even now, I’m still kind of shocked at how unbelievable it is...
Well, the true ending was okay, but it felt largely unsatisfying, since Zero was portrayed to be some kind of anti-hero/anti-villain, but really it came across as just a big asshole who didn’t really care about justifying the means. Even with the “we will save the world because of this” mentality that was induced in the participants, it really felt like a letdown that we wouldn’t be able to serve justice for all the horrible things that happened to the characters, nor actually see the foiling of the future terrorist’s plan. Really felt like a cop-out. Other post-game complaints are (1) where the fuck is my post-game D-team files and (2) where is ? and K???
I do think ZTD is the weakest by far, but the writing that surrounded team D was emotional and well done, and is my favorite part. Without that, I don’t know if I would really have liked everything else that happened in ZTD.
Erhhh well, thanks for reading, I guess! Despite its faults (like overexplaining concepts like jesus shut up sometimes), I do like this series a lot!
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cherriipeachcreme · 4 years
Since I’ve wanted to update my blog again and it seems to be promo hour, I decided to post now!! o(•͈ᴗ•͈)o
Hey everyone, I’m Cherrii! This is an 18+ only blog where I plan to post about self ship, fandom-related stuff, headcanons/theories, and AUs. Please keep in mind that many of my self ships contain yandere and other darker themes, so it isn’t for everyone.
Please read my links listed here or below before interacting, because they are very important to me!!
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Drama and politics will not be tolerated here. I’m not comfortable sharing faves, sorry. :(
My interests are listed in my Fandoms page, in case anyone likes the same things or has other F/O’s from the same sources. I’m a huge fan of certain RPGmaker games, visual novels, cartoons/anime, and other video games (Especially N.intendo)!
Thank you for reading this far if you have!! I’m looking for more people with similar interests to chat with, so if you’re okay with everything I said and want to be friends, please feel free to send me a message! ( ノ ^ω^)ノ *✲゚* ♡ ☆ These are some of my other accounts:
RP Tumblr | Pillowfort | Twitter | Yandere/N.S.F.W Twitter | AO3 | Toyhouse | Dreamwidth
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dualityvn · 2 years
I also wanted to enter this Part of theories, so mine goes, although there are unfinished details. The truth is that I am somewhat lost with the story through so many answers my theory goes Since there was Keith's breakdown and he spoke in a somewhat hurtful but Revealing way, Beyond showing his Sensitive face, If you pay attention beyond always referring to himself as "Someone who is broken", "someone who Deserves a punishment / is always the bad guy in the story" speaks of someone who from his subconscious knows that something is not fair, someone who knows that he is alert, then he would mention that for short moments there is talk of a "he" who would come to be a Already an authority figure or An example, for something Keith is terrified or afraid of him (as if Keith owed something to that person) as well as a certain search for help, but it does not mean that it is entirely correct because For something they mentioned that " Pity whoever had him as a Therapist" must be a first-class manipulator to do that, even to Convince someone in a chain (perhaps it would explain a little why Tenebris does not answer many things about "him" or maybe he is just lazy) , just like the first Keith's anger is different from the second, since in the second he shows more Fear and Terror of failing than in the First he showed anger for Failing and mentions a Disappointment, Rather than giving him Help, it may also have given him information about the MC as to sneak into his house as indicated by the Demo and planned to go more Quiet but Tenebris said "you have to be Direct" (sorry I stray easily), maybe Keith has a pact of silence with this "him" for which he takes him out to light in vulnerability. It's too long, maybe I should leave it here before anxiety and hyperactivity make me walk on walls plus a sleepless night.
Actually, Keith wasn't more scared and vulnerable this time because of "him". He was like that because he felt like he was failing and his desperation was reaching its peak, which resulted in the suicidal attitude. It was more like a culmination of always being the one MC picks on out of the two.
So he's not scared of "him", he's scared of losing his one chance at having someone by his side.
But thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
#emberplays: doki doki literature club
AKA. Why Doki Doki Literature Club is So Freaking Good The First Time You Play It and It’ll Blow Your Goddamn Mind (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
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When I first posted this on my other tumblr it was way before any youtuber did a letsplay of it, so I’m gonna have to rewrite parts of it and readdress some things. Thats not at all saying I dislike them, I actually found a majority entertaining. But now everyone pretty much knows what happens in DDLC, the jig is up and we all are #triggered with two infamous words.
So, listen. I know what you’re thinking. Why am I recommending a totally moe looking VN? I’m not moe, I don’t go gaga for animu girls. But I do love me some visual novels, and I love me some meta-level fuckery. Doki Doki Literature Club is a ren’py VN that just (now somewhat) recently came out that looks completely harmless. What could possibly go wrong? And It’s COMPLETELY FREE, yes you heard me, free. So fucking play it (unless it's going to trigger you, in which case pls don’t). And it’s… really interesting.
Spoilers and heavy triggers for DDLC under the cut (I didn’t want to spoil that but I think it's only fair to let you know what you’re clicking on)
Ĵ̷̙̑ ̴̳̯̘̞̘̺͍̩͔̙̘̗̲͚͊̍͑͋̒̽U̵̡͓͖̰̣̪̫̘̐͜͝ͅ ̶͇̮͎̝̫̩̊͊̊͛͘Ş̸̛̥͓͙̞͕̼͗̽̽́̈́̈́̽́̚̚̚̚ͅ ̶̡̨͍̰̽͋̀͆̊͑̂̅̓͆͠T̴̪̝̼̖͙̲͎͖̘̩̒͆͜ ̴̨̘͈̘̬̱̟͕͖͔͈̞̺̇̆͋̏̀͋̇̉͒͒͝ ̶̧͓̥̻͒̓́̊̈́̔͑̀͆͗͊͜M̴̘͚̀̑̆͒̋͌̈́̕͝ ̷̧̡̞̹͙̖̣̝̖̣̜̙̻͋̅͠͠ͅO̶̢̡͉͓̞̰͔̬̔̊͆̊̄͗̆͝͝ ̷̫̦̱̹̈́N̵̘̺̬̰͍̗͙̾͂̈́͊ ̷̺̲̝̜̦̘̒̈́́̈́͜Ï̷͉̻̖͉̣̥̣͕̟͍̜͍̳̥͎̋͂͑̆̋̇̊͆̆͗͘̚͘͘ ̸̡̧̨̙̻͈̮̻̫̤͖͉̱̟̤͗̈̔͑́̂̚̚͘͝Ķ̷̧̮̼͓̺͓̱̹̩̅̈́͝ͅ ̵̧̥͍͓̬̻̙̀͋͆͜ͅͅA̶̢̲͎͎͕̟̋̇̎́̐̍͛͐̈́͋̕͝͝͝͠ ̵̛̦̺̖̘̝̜͕̮͇̤͔͈͐̓͐͂̀̏̈͒͊̏͋͝͝͠J̴̝̼̫̃̃͌̅̏́̈́̽̒̊̋̏̚͝͝ ̷̡̢͚̬̜̯͍̲̰͎̩̮̤́͋̈́͑͊́͆̈́̀̃͘͝Ų̸̨̼͓̬͉͖̰̜̣̺͔͇̀̔̐̎͒ ̷͇̲̗͎̱͖̮̳̹̜̜̬̦̠̖̈́̒̾͋̽̍̿̌̽̋̏͑́̕̚S̴̢̰͎̯̪̠̗̏̈́͗͒̓̍͊͜͝ͅ ̷̠͑̈́T̷̮̾̂͊̂̎̈́̊͑̍̍͘ ̷̛͖̺͚̬͎̠̥̱̓͐̔͆͂̈͋̕͜ ̶̨͙̣̭̺̬̙͚͖͔̭̰͓̠̇̈́̐̊͘͠͠M̸̮̹̾̎͌̃͠͠ ̸̮̱̗̤̖̼̺̟͍̓O̷̢̡͓̗͇̰͈͕̟̫̓͝ ̸̨̛̛̲̮̞̑̈́̇̀͋̀͐͆́͘͘̚͠Ń̶̖͕̖͉̱̝̃̊̈ͅ ̵̙͇̠̜͔̖̖̯̪͔͊̋Ị̴̮̺̬̈́͗́̀ ̷̯͖̤͙̬̜͈͔̪̮̳͔̄͂͂̂̎͊͗͠͠K̴̹̳͈̰̫̖̠͈͛̔́̐̓̅͋̈́͂̎͘͜ͅ ̷̠͔̗̳̲͕̲̱̪̊͂̅́̚Ḁ̵̡̠͍͔̩̲̦̯̗̔͐͑ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋Ḿ̶̡̼̤̯̥̳̤̰̠͍͍͔̝̯ ̷̢̦̓Ǫ̸̞̳͇̜̮̜̞̉͆͐̍̎͂͗̔͆́ ̴͚̂̍͜͠N̸̨͌̃͌̑͒̄̚̚͝ ̶̢̡̼̩͙͈̬̰̬̙̞̔́̒͌̅̑̓͛͛́ͅI̵̟̗̤̲̹͍͍̖͊́̎͒̃̽̓͒͒͊̕͘ ̴̛̱̿̄̑̈́̇͑̂̎͘͝K̴̝̜̑̏̾̿́̒͗͊ͅ ̸̡͍̠͐̅̒̈͂̓͆̉̚͝Ȃ̷̧͍̗̲͇͇̱̜̊͛̀̎̐͛̌̈͜ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋
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To really talk about why I enjoy DDLC so much, unfortunately, we need to talk about when this cute moe dating sim turns into a glitchy acid horrorshow. The game starts with you choosing your name and being introduced, and then the game introducing your next door neighbor and close friend Sayori who looks like a bubbly ray of sunshine. She convinces you to join her (*surprise*) literature club at school, and you meet three other girls: Nasuki, Yuri and Monika. They seem like pretty nice girls. Nasuki is the typical young tsundere, Yuri the quiet passionate type, and Monika, who seems, well… pretty normal. You join their club and immediately get wrangled into things and this is when it starts taking a weird turn. Monika breaks the fourth wall. Yuri drops she’s into some weird shit. Nasuki has troubles at home. And Sayori might have a little bit of a crush on you. 
Then you have to write a poem.
This process repeats but the game starts forcing you (or at least in my playthrough) into decisions, which in my experience with VNs is a telltale sign of an Oncoming Bad End (see mysme, amnesia, etc.) Monika becomes an ominous figure of knowledge (at first I thought maybe she was a yandere stalker… oh, was I wrong). Yuri goes batshit crazy yandere obsessed with you. Natsuki keeps a somewhat level head, surprisingly enough. 
Sayori though, poor Sayori has it pretty rough. You find out she’s dealing with a surprisingly accurate depiction of MDD (major depressive disorder) at least by cutesy video game standards.
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Shit gets real when the day of the festival when Sayori ends up being missing and Monika heavily lampshades something bad. You race home and the game starts glitching out as you find Sayori has committed suicide. Having seen a fair amount of bad endings in VNs, I was like “wow this is over the top, but ok” and the music gets lowkey terrifying. I was expecting to see the BAD END screen as most otomes go and for the title screen to show up and it does, but YOUR SAVE FILES ARE MISSING. (nice page out of cheritz book y’all, good shit ;) )
This is refered to as ACT 2 of the game and the demarcation line of when we realize we are playing a horror game not an otome. The title screen is glitchy and corrupted over where Sayori was. And then the game starts bugging the fuck out and shit gets real. Shadow selves with darkened text, crazy yandere eyes and Monika handwaving everything away. The poetry gets to a level of insanity that’s unreal as Yuri basically goes cuil theory on your ass at one point.
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Anyway, JUST MONIKA, amirite?
Let’s skip ahead then backtrack. What I think makes this game so great is the level of awareness we must assume Monika has. She’s completely aware she’s in a video game and is forced to watch her friends around her be romance options and fall in love, but she’s been relegated to the role of side character and thinks she has no agency in the story. And this takes a toll on her sanity. She tells you in The Final Room that she started messing with the character data to make you dislike the others, but since it backfired and it only drew you closer to each of the other girls she had to take more drastic measures.
Completely frustrated after all the corruption of their data doesn’t work, she resorts to pushing Sayori’s depression to suicide. Letting Yuri’s cutting finish in a finale of garbled text and stabbing herself to death only to let you stay with her as she rots over the weekend at school. Nasuki gets outright deleted from the game on a whim by Monika, and then she goes so far as to delete everything so it’s just the two of you sitting in a room. The assumption is that it’s a pretty permanent situation. Try turning the game on and off at this point. Yeah.
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Anyway, Monika is without a doubt, one of the best versions of how a yandere knowing the meta of the situation can make a situation horrifying. Think like Yuno Gasai from Mirrai Nikki. If you know the plot and have god-levels of information, you can fuck around mercilessly with the viewer/player. And Monika does. The slow descent into madness the game takes because of her corruption of the game is probably my favorite part. The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it changes of the characters, music, and surroundings. And the railroading you into choices giving you such a sense of helplessness as you play. I really felt like I was on a train off the tracks by Act 2 and it was great.
You really think you have choices (at least at the end), but the more and more I think about this and go in for another playthrough I don’t think you ever truly have ANY choices and Monika’s holding all the cards. It begs the question what is Monica supposed to be? A sentient AI? What actually is Doki Doki Literature Club? Some weird form of a reverse turing test once you get to the Monica Room? It’s bizarre and oddly novel in its take on the VN horror genre by stripping you of any power to do anything and sit back terrified as it gets meta on you. No matter what you do the culmination of the game is essentially the same and there’s no real happy end in sight or resolution once you realize that even the game is aware it’s not real. At that point you are finishing it to finish it, to come to an ending. 
And that's simultaneously the best and worst part about it, but man I can’t complain, that was a wild 5 hours of my life....
Ĵ̷̙̑ ̴̳̯̘̞̘̺͍̩͔̙̘̗̲͚͊̍͑͋̒̽U̵̡͓͖̰̣̪̫̘̐͜͝ͅ ̶͇̮͎̝̫̩̊͊̊͛͘Ş̸̛̥͓͙̞͕̼͗̽̽́̈́̈́̽́̚̚̚̚ͅ ̶̡̨͍̰̽͋̀͆̊͑̂̅̓͆͠T̴̪̝̼̖͙̲͎͖̘̩̒͆͜ ̴̨̘͈̘̬̱̟͕͖͔͈̞̺̇̆͋̏̀͋̇̉͒͒͝ ̶̧͓̥̻͒̓́̊̈́̔͑̀͆͗͊͜M̴̘͚̀̑̆͒̋͌̈́̕͝ ̷̧̡̞̹͙̖̣̝̖̣̜̙̻͋̅͠͠ͅO̶̢̡͉͓̞̰͔̬̔̊͆̊̄͗̆͝͝ ̷̫̦̱̹̈́N̵̘̺̬̰͍̗͙̾͂̈́͊ ̷̺̲̝̜̦̘̒̈́́̈́͜Ï̷͉̻̖͉̣̥̣͕̟͍̜͍̳̥͎̋͂͑̆̋̇̊͆̆͗͘̚͘͘ ̸̡̧̨̙̻͈̮̻̫̤͖͉̱̟̤͗̈̔͑́̂̚̚͘͝Ķ̷̧̮̼͓̺͓̱̹̩̅̈́͝ͅ ̵̧̥͍͓̬̻̙̀͋͆͜ͅͅA̶̢̲͎͎͕̟̋̇̎́̐̍͛͐̈́͋̕͝͝͝͠ ̵̛̦̺̖̘̝̜͕̮͇̤͔͈͐̓͐͂̀̏̈͒͊̏͋͝͝͠J̴̝̼̫̃̃͌̅̏́̈́̽̒̊̋̏̚͝͝ ̷̡̢͚̬̜̯͍̲̰͎̩̮̤́͋̈́͑͊́͆̈́̀̃͘͝Ų̸̨̼͓̬͉͖̰̜̣̺͔͇̀̔̐̎͒ ̷͇̲̗͎̱͖̮̳̹̜̜̬̦̠̖̈́̒̾͋̽̍̿̌̽̋̏͑́̕̚S̴̢̰͎̯̪̠̗̏̈́͗͒̓̍͊͜͝ͅ ̷̠͑̈́T̷̮̾̂͊̂̎̈́̊͑̍̍͘ ̷̛͖̺͚̬͎̠̥̱̓͐̔͆͂̈͋̕͜ ̶̨͙̣̭̺̬̙͚͖͔̭̰͓̠̇̈́̐̊͘͠͠M̸̮̹̾̎͌̃͠͠ ̸̮̱̗̤̖̼̺̟͍̓O̷̢̡͓̗͇̰͈͕̟̫̓͝ ̸̨̛̛̲̮̞̑̈́̇̀͋̀͐͆́͘͘̚͠Ń̶̖͕̖͉̱̝̃̊̈ͅ ̵̙͇̠̜͔̖̖̯̪͔͊̋Ị̴̮̺̬̈́͗́̀ ̷̯͖̤͙̬̜͈͔̪̮̳͔̄͂͂̂̎͊͗͠͠K̴̹̳͈̰̫̖̠͈͛̔́̐̓̅͋̈́͂̎͘͜ͅ ̷̠͔̗̳̲͕̲̱̪̊͂̅́̚Ḁ̵̡̠͍͔̩̲̦̯̗̔͐͑ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋Ḿ̶̡̼̤̯̥̳̤̰̠͍͍͔̝̯ ̷̢̦̓Ǫ̸̞̳͇̜̮̜̞̉͆͐̍̎͂͗̔͆́ ̴͚̂̍͜͠N̸̨͌̃͌̑͒̄̚̚͝ ̶̢̡̼̩͙͈̬̰̬̙̞̔́̒͌̅̑̓͛͛́ͅI̵̟̗̤̲̹͍͍̖͊́̎͒̃̽̓͒͒͊̕͘ ̴̛̱̿̄̑̈́̇͑̂̎͘͝K̴̝̜̑̏̾̿́̒͗͊ͅ ̸̡͍̠͐̅̒̈͂̓͆̉̚͝Ȃ̷̧͍̗̲͇͇̱̜̊͛̀̎̐͛̌̈͜ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋
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Oh, by the way, hope you’re familiar with deleting files out of your game library, because Monika isn’t going anywhere until you do... still she has like tons of unique conversation if you wanna stay and chat for a while.
I did enjoy her anguish when I got rid of her even though I ended up really liking her later. I’m excited to see what happens because she’s rumored to be the protagonist in the next team salvato game. Yeah.
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My only complaint of this game is once you know the premise it really doens’t hold replayability value, quite the same as anything from the horror genre is never really as scary as the first time around. It does what it does so well its not the same and is basically only worth playing again to fuck with your unassuming friends.
Which I, of course, did.
What did you guys think of DDLC? Was it over the top? Did you know what was going to happen? Or have it spoiled? Have you tried deleting other character files and playing the game or decoded any of the secret info files? 
Send your thoughts to my inbox and stay tuned for the next time #emberplays otomes!
NEXT TIME: #Emberplays: Keisuke Sanan (Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds)  LAST TIME:  #Emberplays: Toma Time (Amnesia: Memories)
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emberashcosplay · 7 years
#emberplays otomes: Doki Doki Literature Club
AKA. Why Doki Doki Literature Club is So Freaking Good The First Time You Play It and It’ll Blow Your Goddamn Mind (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
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Okay, listen. I know what you’re thinking. Why am I recommending a totally moe looking VN? I’m not moe, I don’t go gaga for animu girls. But I do love me some visual novels, and I love me some meta-level fuckery. Doki Doki Literature Club is a ren’py VN that just recently came out that looks completely harmless. What could possibly go wrong? And It’s COMPLETELY FREE, yes you heard me, free. So fucking play it (unless it's going to trigger you, in which case pls don’t). And it’s… really interesting.
Spoilers and heavy triggers for DDLC under the cut (I didn’t want to spoil that but I think it's only fair to let you know what you’re clicking on).
Ĵ̷̙̑ ̴̳̯̘̞̘̺͍̩͔̙̘̗̲͚͊̍͑͋̒̽U̵̡͓͖̰̣̪̫̘̐͜͝ͅ ̶͇̮͎̝̫̩̊͊̊͛͘Ş̸̛̥͓͙̞͕̼͗̽̽́̈́̈́̽́̚̚̚̚ͅ ̶̡̨͍̰̽͋̀͆̊͑̂̅̓͆͠T̴̪̝̼̖͙̲͎͖̘̩̒͆͜ ̴̨̘͈̘̬̱̟͕͖͔͈̞̺̇̆͋̏̀͋̇̉͒͒͝ ̶̧͓̥̻͒̓́̊̈́̔͑̀͆͗͊͜M̴̘͚̀̑̆͒̋͌̈́̕͝ ̷̧̡̞̹͙̖̣̝̖̣̜̙̻͋̅͠͠ͅO̶̢̡͉͓̞̰͔̬̔̊͆̊̄͗̆͝͝ ̷̫̦̱̹̈́N̵̘̺̬̰͍̗͙̾͂̈́͊ ̷̺̲̝̜̦̘̒̈́́̈́͜Ï̷͉̻̖͉̣̥̣͕̟͍̜͍̳̥͎̋͂͑̆̋̇̊͆̆͗͘̚͘͘ ̸̡̧̨̙̻͈̮̻̫̤͖͉̱̟̤͗̈̔͑́̂̚̚͘͝Ķ̷̧̮̼͓̺͓̱̹̩̅̈́͝ͅ ̵̧̥͍͓̬̻̙̀͋͆͜ͅͅA̶̢̲͎͎͕̟̋̇̎́̐̍͛͐̈́͋̕͝͝͝͠ ̵̛̦̺̖̘̝̜͕̮͇̤͔͈͐̓͐͂̀̏̈͒͊̏͋͝͝͠J̴̝̼̫̃̃͌̅̏́̈́̽̒̊̋̏̚͝͝ ̷̡̢͚̬̜̯͍̲̰͎̩̮̤́͋̈́͑͊́͆̈́̀̃͘͝Ų̸̨̼͓̬͉͖̰̜̣̺͔͇̀̔̐̎͒ ̷͇̲̗͎̱͖̮̳̹̜̜̬̦̠̖̈́̒̾͋̽̍̿̌̽̋̏͑́̕̚S̴̢̰͎̯̪̠̗̏̈́͗͒̓̍͊͜͝ͅ ̷̠͑̈́T̷̮̾̂͊̂̎̈́̊͑̍̍͘ ̷̛͖̺͚̬͎̠̥̱̓͐̔͆͂̈͋̕͜ ̶̨͙̣̭̺̬̙͚͖͔̭̰͓̠̇̈́̐̊͘͠͠M̸̮̹̾̎͌̃͠͠ ̸̮̱̗̤̖̼̺̟͍̓O̷̢̡͓̗͇̰͈͕̟̫̓͝ ̸̨̛̛̲̮̞̑̈́̇̀͋̀͐͆́͘͘̚͠Ń̶̖͕̖͉̱̝̃̊̈ͅ ̵̙͇̠̜͔̖̖̯̪͔͊̋Ị̴̮̺̬̈́͗́̀ ̷̯͖̤͙̬̜͈͔̪̮̳͔̄͂͂̂̎͊͗͠͠K̴̹̳͈̰̫̖̠͈͛̔́̐̓̅͋̈́͂̎͘͜ͅ ̷̠͔̗̳̲͕̲̱̪̊͂̅́̚Ḁ̵̡̠͍͔̩̲̦̯̗̔͐͑ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋Ḿ̶̡̼̤̯̥̳̤̰̠͍͍͔̝̯ ̷̢̦̓Ǫ̸̞̳͇̜̮̜̞̉͆͐̍̎͂͗̔͆́ ̴͚̂̍͜͠N̸̨͌̃͌̑͒̄̚̚͝ ̶̢̡̼̩͙͈̬̰̬̙̞̔́̒͌̅̑̓͛͛́ͅI̵̟̗̤̲̹͍͍̖͊́̎͒̃̽̓͒͒͊̕͘ ̴̛̱̿̄̑̈́̇͑̂̎͘͝K̴̝̜̑̏̾̿́̒͗͊ͅ ̸̡͍̠͐̅̒̈͂̓͆̉̚͝Ȃ̷̧͍̗̲͇͇̱̜̊͛̀̎̐͛̌̈͜ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋
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To really talk about why I enjoy DDLC so much, unfortunately we need to talk about when this cute moe dating sim turns into a glitchy acid horrorshow. The game starts with you choosing your name and being introduced, and then the game introducing your next door neighbor and close friend Sayori who looks like a bubbly ray of sunshine. She convinces you to join her (*surprise*) literature club at school, and you meet three other girls: Nasuki, Yuri and Monika. They seem like pretty nice girls. Nasuki is the typical young tsundere, Yuri the quiet passionate type, and Monika, who seems, well… pretty normal. You join their club and immediately get wrangled into things and this is when it starts taking a weird turn. Monika breaks the fourth wall. Yuri drops she’s into some weird shit. Nasuki has troubles at home. And Sayori might have a little bit of a crush on you. Then you have to write a poem.
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This process repeats but the game starts forcing you (or at least in my playthrough) into decisions, which in my experience with VNs is a telltale sign of a Oncoming Bad End. Monika becomes an ominous figure of knowledge (at first I thought maybe she was a yandere stalker… oh, was I wrong). Yuri goes batshit crazy yandere obsessed with you. Natsuki keeps a somewhat level head, surprisingly enough. Sayori though, poor Sayori has it pretty rough. You find out she’s dealing with a surprisingly accurate depiction of MDD (major depressive disorder) at least by cutesy video game standards.
Shit gets real when the day of the festival when Sayori ends up being missing and Monika heavily lampshades something bad. You race home and the game starts glitching out as you find Sayori has committed suicide. Having seen a fair amount of bad endings in VNs, I was like “wow this is over the top, but ok.” and expected the title screen to show up and it does, but YOUR SAVE IS MISSING.
The title screen is glitchy and corrupted over where Sayori was. And then the game starts bugging the fuck out and shit gets real. Shadow selves with darkened text, crazy yandere eyes and Monika hand waving everything away. The poetry gets to a level of insanity that’s unreal as Yuri basically goes cuil theory on your ass at one point.
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Anyway, JUST MONIKA, amirite?
Let’s skip ahead then backtrack. What I think makes this game so great is the level of awareness we must assume Monika has. She’s completely aware she’s in a videogame and is forced to watch her friends around her be romance options and fall in love, but she’s been relegated to the role of side character and thinks she has no agency in the story. And this takes a toll on her sanity. She tells you in the The Final Room that she started messing with the character data to make you dislike the others, but since it backfired and it only drew you closer to each of the other girls she had to take more drastic measures.
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Completely frustrated after all the corruption of their data doesn’t work, she resorts to pushing Sayori’s depression to suicide. Letting Yuri’s cutting finish in a finale of garbled text and stabbing herself to death only to let you stay with her as she rots over the weekend at school. Nasuki gets outright deleted from the game on a whim by Monika, and then she goes so far as to delete everything so it’s just the two of you sitting in a room. The assumption is that it’s a pretty permanent situation. Try turning the game on and off at this point. Yeah.
Betcha feel like you can make choices now, fucko.
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Anyway, Monika is without a doubt, one of the best versions of how a yandere knowing the meta of the situation can make a situation horrifying. Think like Yuno Gasai from Mirrai Nikki. If you know the plot and have god-levels of information, you can fuck around mercilessly with the viewer/player. And Monika does. The slow decent into madness the game takes because of her corruption of the game is probably my favorite part. The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it changes of the characters, music and surroundings. And the railroading you into choices giving you such a sense of helplessness as you play.
You really think you have choices (at least at the end), but the more and more I think about this and go in for another playthrough I don’t think you ever truly have choices and Monika’s holding all the cards. Just Monika. JUST MONIKA.
Ĵ̷̙̑ ̴̳̯̘̞̘̺͍̩͔̙̘̗̲͚͊̍͑͋̒̽U̵̡͓͖̰̣̪̫̘̐͜͝ͅ ̶͇̮͎̝̫̩̊͊̊͛͘Ş̸̛̥͓͙̞͕̼͗̽̽́̈́̈́̽́̚̚̚̚ͅ ̶̡̨͍̰̽͋̀͆̊͑̂̅̓͆͠T̴̪̝̼̖͙̲͎͖̘̩̒͆͜ ̴̨̘͈̘̬̱̟͕͖͔͈̞̺̇̆͋̏̀͋̇̉͒͒͝ ̶̧͓̥̻͒̓́̊̈́̔͑̀͆͗͊͜M̴̘͚̀̑̆͒̋͌̈́̕͝ ̷̧̡̞̹͙̖̣̝̖̣̜̙̻͋̅͠͠ͅO̶̢̡͉͓̞̰͔̬̔̊͆̊̄͗̆͝͝ ̷̫̦̱̹̈́N̵̘̺̬̰͍̗͙̾͂̈́͊ ̷̺̲̝̜̦̘̒̈́́̈́͜Ï̷͉̻̖͉̣̥̣͕̟͍̜͍̳̥͎̋͂͑̆̋̇̊͆̆͗͘̚͘͘ ̸̡̧̨̙̻͈̮̻̫̤͖͉̱̟̤͗̈̔͑́̂̚̚͘͝Ķ̷̧̮̼͓̺͓̱̹̩̅̈́͝ͅ ̵̧̥͍͓̬̻̙̀͋͆͜ͅͅA̶̢̲͎͎͕̟̋̇̎́̐̍͛͐̈́͋̕͝͝͝͠ ̵̛̦̺̖̘̝̜͕̮͇̤͔͈͐̓͐͂̀̏̈͒͊̏͋͝͝͠J̴̝̼̫̃̃͌̅̏́̈́̽̒̊̋̏̚͝͝ ̷̡̢͚̬̜̯͍̲̰͎̩̮̤́͋̈́͑͊́͆̈́̀̃͘͝Ų̸̨̼͓̬͉͖̰̜̣̺͔͇̀̔̐̎͒ ̷͇̲̗͎̱͖̮̳̹̜̜̬̦̠̖̈́̒̾͋̽̍̿̌̽̋̏͑́̕̚S̴̢̰͎̯̪̠̗̏̈́͗͒̓̍͊͜͝ͅ ̷̠͑̈́T̷̮̾̂͊̂̎̈́̊͑̍̍͘ ̷̛͖̺͚̬͎̠̥̱̓͐̔͆͂̈͋̕͜ ̶̨͙̣̭̺̬̙͚͖͔̭̰͓̠̇̈́̐̊͘͠͠M̸̮̹̾̎͌̃͠͠ ̸̮̱̗̤̖̼̺̟͍̓O̷̢̡͓̗͇̰͈͕̟̫̓͝ ̸̨̛̛̲̮̞̑̈́̇̀͋̀͐͆́͘͘̚͠Ń̶̖͕̖͉̱̝̃̊̈ͅ ̵̙͇̠̜͔̖̖̯̪͔͊̋Ị̴̮̺̬̈́͗́̀ ̷̯͖̤͙̬̜͈͔̪̮̳͔̄͂͂̂̎͊͗͠͠K̴̹̳͈̰̫̖̠͈͛̔́̐̓̅͋̈́͂̎͘͜ͅ ̷̠͔̗̳̲͕̲̱̪̊͂̅́̚Ḁ̵̡̠͍͔̩̲̦̯̗̔͐͑ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋Ḿ̶̡̼̤̯̥̳̤̰̠͍͍͔̝̯ ̷̢̦̓Ǫ̸̞̳͇̜̮̜̞̉͆͐̍̎͂͗̔͆́ ̴͚̂̍͜͠N̸̨͌̃͌̑͒̄̚̚͝ ̶̢̡̼̩͙͈̬̰̬̙̞̔́̒͌̅̑̓͛͛́ͅI̵̟̗̤̲̹͍͍̖͊́̎͒̃̽̓͒͒͊̕͘ ̴̛̱̿̄̑̈́̇͑̂̎͘͝K̴̝̜̑̏̾̿́̒͗͊ͅ ̸̡͍̠͐̅̒̈͂̓͆̉̚͝Ȃ̷̧͍̗̲͇͇̱̜̊͛̀̎̐͛̌̈͜ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋
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Oh by the way, hope you’re familiar with deleting files out of your game library, because Monika isn’t going anywhere until you do.
But man, did I enjoy her anguish when I got rid of her.
What did you guys think of DDLC? Was it over the top? Did you know what was going to happen? Or have it spoiled? Have you tried deleting other character files and playing the game or decoded any of the secret info files? 
Send your thoughts to my inbox and stay tuned for the next time #emberplays otomes!
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carodrugficrecs · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Ozmafia!! (Visual Novel)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Fuka/Kyrie (Ozmafia!!), Caramia/Fuka (Ozmafia!!), Dorian Gray/Manboy/Alfani/Fuka, mentions of fuka/everyone but its basically Kyrie/Fuka
Characters: Kyrie (Ozmafia!!), Fuka (Ozmafia!!), Caramia (Ozmafia!!)
Additional Tags: reset theory fic, Kyrie POV, Sorry Not Sorry, Obsession, Slight Yandere, Recursion, Drinking, spoilers for most of the routes obviously, mostly kyrie caramia and brothel endings, i guess you could also read this as soulmates au maybe
Summary: “Tell me Fuka-chan, how did it feel making me love you and then leaving me behind?” She tilts her head, yawns. Drops her head back to his chest, muffling her belated reply as she traces foreign shapes onto the skin of his naked abdomen. “Like tearing apart a puzzle before someone holding the last piece finishes it.” “Then we’re not so different after all, dear.”
0 notes
Probably yuri. Probably yuri with a canon based on gametheorists Portrait of Markov theory. Mm. :). I get hyper unsettling memories and i revel in them. I want more. I want more world breaking memories. More reality bending. More horror. More resets. More being lines of code in a story that i dont belong in. More reading and fantasizing about my true life. More of visual novel me knowing this isnt where i belong. Its kinception folks. I love it (#malamong #yandere cw)
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Colored Gaze: Zachary Sallows Analysis
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Me after writing all of this SHWJFJWKRNJS
Mhm yeah its time for the british bastard to get anaylzed and theorized-
Not much has been said about Zachary's childhood except that he got his photography hobby from his dad and that he was raised to be a gentleman. I've mentioned this before but I think they may have mentally affected him alot and made him hold himself to high standards which feeds into his depression that has been confirmed that he has, all that going along with that Zachary hasn't felt love for anybody until meeting MC. 
Along with having years of repressed sexual desire which is probably why he's such a slut.
I also think that maybe MC being the only person he's felt love for is why he's so damn possessive over them. He finally met somebody that he feels something for so you bet your ass he's not going to let them go and show them all the love he can.[Even if he does it in a fucked way]
And Zachary is definitely more of a traditional yandere and I think its possible that Zachary would even break MCs legs to keep them with him. And of course I'm not saying this just because he's seems like the type but there was a post where it was very subtly hinted at.
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Take note of the "To him, its too early for that yet." Might be looking to far into it but thats what I'm getting from that.
Speaking of Zachary hurting MC one of the most surprising things is that Zach might be on some levels "the safest one" because he's the only one I can't see killing MC. I know alot of people give Seth the title of the safest but comrades- Lets not forget how this mf acts when he's mad. But alas even if Zachary wouldn't kill MC I definitely see him mind breaking MC if it comes to that point. After all it has been said that if things don't go his way then he'll bend it until it does.
There's also other evidence for that considering his favorite flower is a rose because roses still look beautiful even when they wilt. Now wouldn't somebody that your obsessed with still look beautiful even if their broken? :)
Also if anybody thinks that Zachary is safe because of his overprotectiveness,keep in mind that it's been confirmed that the reason Zachary wants to protect them is because it feeds his ego. 🙂 [Also once again could be something else of his depression since it makes him feel good about himself].
I would also like to mention one of my past theories for this next part,So yall remember my "Simon is a cannibal" theory? [That was debunked btw keep in mind] Well I noticed that in the devs response to it they said something among the lines of "When is my Zachary going to get a theory like this" and at the time I pushed it aside because I couldn't link it to any of the other clues I had about Zachary.
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[Credit to Colored Gaze on Twitter]
But it immediately clicked for me with that one art on Twitter of Zachary cooking- So does anybody else remember how its been mentioned that Zachary has other "hobbies" but its always been very vague about what they are? Well I think I had a correct theory just wrong LI-
Because with Simon it was just Entity being a lil goofy that made me think he was a cannibal but for Zachary now there's actual evidence(?) That HE is a cannibal. 
It makes me wonder why though he may be a cannibal and I've come to two possible answers even though I got to admit, their somewhat of a stretch.
So it could very possibly be that since he's uninstalling people left and right for MC that it might be his way of hiding the bodies. But then again its very possible that Zachary could have been killing before meeting MC to for this "hobby".
Or (and this one is a major strech), looking at all the other things he's into he could possibly have a thing for anatomy but I won't put much since I don't really have that much proof for it.
Also let me take you back to Zachary's ref sheet for a moment. You remember that "Has a unique sense of beauty" part? What if his unique sense of beauty is actually just what he wants. What he visuals. Of course he cares about what MC wants and their opinions but he still wants the future that he visualizes and he's going to do anything to get that.
But honestly, Zachary's not all that bad as some of us make him out to be. Yes even though he can get mad easily he won't show it to MC or take it out on them [Maybe in woo-hoo but thats not my point] and he's just a romantic guy that will take you to dinner and give you roses [andkidnapyou] and don't quote me on this but Zach actually looks very cuddable.
I already have a lot of theory/analysis on this post so I think I'll stop here for now until we get more info in Zachary. And thank you for reading my rant about this possessive bastard and have a nice day <3
Zachary belongs to @clrdgaze <3
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @amelia809
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