#Yandere sherif
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girlbloggerlovies · 4 months ago
Yandere sherif
This was the Yandere police officer from the Yandere town. I just think this name is cooler.
Yandere sherif never lets you out of his sight. Even when he’s patrolling or working, you can feel his eyes on you.
Yandere sherif is a man of action, and his love is quietly woven into every protective gesture. When you’re walking down the street, he’s the one who subtly steps between you and anyone that seems to be lingering too long, watching you too intensely.
One night, after work, you walk past a couple of rowdy men near a pub. They start making lewd comments in your direction, and before you can even react, Yandere sherif steps in. He doesn’t say much—just a cold glare that sends them running.
Yandere sherif who asks if you are okay and offer to walk you home. And you don’t want to have to go through that again so you comply.
Damien the Yandere sherif heart races as he is just inches away from you—trying to keep his composure.
Silly you, stumbling over a crack on the ground and landing right into his arms! Yandere Sherif and you lock eye contact and you can see the desire in his eyes and the numbed expression that seals his aching heart.
Yandere sherif whose heart is racing, his skin burning, and his body throbbing. His hands on your waist and back, and it seems he has forgotten that he can put you down.
“Thank you. But you can put me down now…” you say shyly.
Yandere sherif who gets flustered and brings down his hat to cover his face.
Yandere sherif who loves you very very much but would not confess because he knows others want you too. He knows as a officer his duty is to protect the citizens and keep the peace in the town not add to the chaos. So, he dutifully watches you thinking he is just following orders—when he is just following his heart.
That’s all. I am tired i need a break too much Yandere LOL will return
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miniaturesuitgladiator · 6 months ago
Hi 👋 this is the second chapter of the series I've created. I haven't named the series yet so if you guys have an idea pls tell me. I also appreciate everyone that read my last post. Pls don't be rude I'm still new to writing stories. So if you have any tips let me know!!! Thank you for your time and enjoy!!
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Notes: talia is married to bruce. We're gonna act like Jason didn't die and it's ok for him to be seen with the Wayne's.
WARNINGS: Yandere (they aren't really yandere for reader yet.)
You loved church you truly did ,and like anyone else in the would. You observe things that you love. You knew everyone in church. Which wasn't hard because your whole town went. That and the fact that your town was small. The only people that didn't go to church was the people that were just plain bad people at heart ,and even sometimes they went.
They came and left as they pleased and your church welcomed them with open arms ,everytime. Which disappointed your father greatly. Mostly because he's the one that usually had to put them in cuffs when there supposedly good streek was over.
Nevertheless you were also one of the people that welcomed them aslwell. Decideding that everyone deserved a second chance. Anyway, you knew everyone in church by name and address. You even knew what are car they drove.
So image your surprise when there was a new car parked right in front of the church. Right were your father parks. Everyone knew that the parking spaces in the front were especially reserved for the people that helped organize the church. Not even the supposedly bad people at heart parked in your father's parking space.
"What on earth are these people on." Your father says ,and you know your mother's angry by how she doesn't even correct your father on judging people. You cringe at how hard your mother slams the trucks door. Silently you all watch as your mother practically stomps her way into the church.
Now, your mother may have wanted to be early for just about everything ,but she actually had a good reason to be early for church. Your mother was the daughter of the pastor ,and the head manager of the whole church. Everyone knew that.
Your mother was always known as the typical 'preachers daughter' ,but she also did things out of church like ,help with school fundraising ,donate to charities. It was safe to say she was big part of the community. But she didn't do all that to be part of the community. She did it to earn respect. An seeing someone park in the parking space that she's been parking in since she was sixteen and had gotten her first busted up car. Drove her mad. Rightful so, she earned that parking spot ,or atleast she believed she did.
Getting out of your car and walking towards the car that 'stole' your parents parking space. You noticed that it was a very nice car. Like a very ,very nice car. Something that you doubt anyone in you town could afford.
'Maybe their knew and mom will show them mercy.' You think to yourself. They were most definitely rich that was for sure. If they were knew they definitely came to the right place. Everyone important came to this church. So if they wanted to feel included in the community today was the right day. Especially since everyone was going to bring some kind of food to eat at the church ,today.
Everyone in town knew your family. That being said everyone in town knew you. Your grandpa was the pastor, but not only the pastor he's a judge. The only judge that your town has. He was kind as a pastor and a judge. He truly does believe everyone deserves a second chance. He's definitely where you get it from. Your grandma was the towns seamstress everyone knew that if you wanted a dress or a suit you go to her for the best of the best. Unfortunately for them she only made you the best of the best ,and sure others were jealous. But they also wanted to get on her good Side. fortunately for you, you never wore hand me downs dresses. Your grandma wouldn't allow it.
Your father was the sheriff and more often then not he butted heads with your grandpa. Solely because when he would put someone in jail your grandpa would 'turn the other cheek' ,and let them go the next day.
Your father was tall and quite intimidating. He's probably the reason you've never had a boyfriend. It's a small town and it's not hard to see that your the sheriffs baby. Sure your brothers the youngest but your his princess, his angel, his world. And no one wants to get on the sherrifs bad side, especially not with the connects your family has.
Your uncle and aunt are definitely the ones that spoil you the most. With your uncle being the mayor and your aunt being a lawyer. They definitely have some money. Sadly your aunt is infertile ,and their always so busy so they know they won't be able to adopt. So they treat you and riley as their kids. An In their hearts you two are their kids.
You know your family has controll over this town. Not only by what you see but by how people treat you.
Today's no diffrent than any other Sunday except for the fact someone 'stole' your parking space. Just like clock work you walk into the big church door and are greeted with friendly smiles and waves. By now though you can tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones.
You hug you grandmother and she's excited seeing you wear the dress she made for you. You thank her and decided you should look for your grandfather since he's usually the first one that greets you at the door. How unusual. You walk by the church kitchen and spot your mother and father working on putting some food away. You can just hope your mother's not angry anymore or it'll definitely ruin your sunday.
You smile as you spot your grandfather talking to someone in the hall by the bathrooms. Not wanting to interrupt you simply offer a kind smile to your grandpa and begin to walk to the stage. But your grandpa had other plans. "And this is my granddaughter. " Your grandpa says pointing at you. Feeling awkward you just smile and slightly wave.
"Come say hi to are guest ,sunshine" Your grandpa says motioning with his hand for you to come closer. "Hello" you say with a small wave.. "Hello I'm bruce wayne and this is my wife talia." The man says gently shaking your hand and pointing at his wife. You offer the women a kind smile to which she doesn't retaliate. Shaking her hand she almost looks disgusted by you but you shake it off. Maybe she's just shy. " Well I'm y/n. Nice to meet you." You say and the women simply rolls her eyes. 😁
You suppose your grandpa saw that and got offended for you because of what he says next. "Well sunshine the Wayne's are in need of some land and since are towns land connects right to gotham their trying to by some." Your grandpa had said. It was true your towns land did connect to gotham. But you also knew that other people had already tried to buy land in your town but couldn't. Due to the fact that all the people in your town were plain stubborn.
If you hadn't know your grandpa and your town like the back of your hand you would have thought that your grandpa was just telling you what the Wayne's wanted. But you did know your grandpa ,and town like the back of your hand. You heard the teasing tone in your grandpa's voice and how his smile slightly betrayed him.
To the waynes it was a simple conversation just your grandpa telling you what they were talking about. But between you and your grandpa it was like mocking them. Which you've never seen your grandpa do. Especially not in the church. You knew that the people in your town had a hard time selling cows because of how possessive they are.
Your town was small because of its small number of people ,but it wasn't small in land. No it was quite the opposite ,in land. Your town was probably as big as gotham or maybe even bigger ,in land. Just not in people. And your town liked that. They liked what they owned. They liked having to work hard to keep what they have. Not only for themselves but for their children.
They found confort in knowing everyone in town. So did you. You smile kindly at what your grandpa says playing along in his 'teasing' manner.
"Well, that's exciting." You say staring at the women with the greenest eyes you've ever seen. "Well sunshine why don't you say hi to their children, they do look awfully lonely." Your grandpa says. Looking at their children, all boys ,sadly. Maybe if they were girls you'd have something to talk about ,but their boys. They do look rather lonely or maybe that's what your saying in your head to have some courage to go up to them.
Why your grandpas so sweet to these people you'll never know. You don't want to see these people any longer but you doubt they'll leave before the service and they have kids. Hopefully their kids aren't as rude.
"All right grandpa." You say hoping these people don't hurt your grandpas feelings. Your grandpa did have a sensitive heart after all.
Walking toward the group of boys you had began feeling nervous. What would you talk about. No, what could you talk about. They are nothing like you ,and if they were anything like their mother than you already disliked them.
Maybe it was God listening to you or just luck but before you had reached the boys. You heard someone call your name. To Your surprise it was Lola your bestie. She smiled widely as she waved at you. Quickly changing which direction you were walking you smiled back at her.
"You're actually early today." You say giving her a hug. "I know ,right. My mom wanted to come earlier to help with the food." Lola had said hugging you back. Lola family was usually almost late to church. So you didn't expect to see her so soon ,but oh how grateful you are that she's here today! Today was truly gonna be a good day...
"What were you doing before I came?" Lola asks breaking away from the hug. "Well some knew people came today. So my grandpa wanted me to welcome their kids and make them feel comfortable." You say slightly motioning to were the Wayne's kids are sitting. "So thats who parked in your parking spot ,today. " Lola says kind of shocked. "Yep , my mom was pretty angry." you say kind of laughing. "Well everyones already talking about it." Lola says.
"Do want to come say hi to them with me?" You question hoping she says yes. "Why not." She says shrugging her shoulders. "Come on." she says grabbing your hand and walking towards the wayne children.
Walking up to the group of boys the seem to stop talking about whatever they were talking about. And just stare at you and Lola. Standing in front of the boys your usually extroverted best friends mouth goes dry. You could definitely understand why. I mean these boys practically looked like models.
The silence was just to awkward so you had to swallow all the anxiety that you had and be the first to break it. "Hello my names y/n l/n." You say reaching out to shake their hands. The first boy that reaches out is not the tallest but does look like the oldest. He has black hair and baby blue eyes. "My names Dick." He says shaking your hand with a kind smile. He definitely was a sight to look at.
The next one is definitely the tallest. He has some what of a aggressive presence when you shake his hand and has a white streek in his hair. "The names jason." He says shaking your hand and you can tell he's forcing the smile he's giving you.
The third ones the smallest but you don't think he he's the youngest. "My names Tim Drake." He says gently shaking your hand. You can tell he's the more manned one by how he presents himself. He definitely seems friendly or atleast the less intimidating one.
Then you reach out to shake the last boys hand. He looks the youngest. He also resembles his mother and father the most. You look into his eyes as you shake his hands and notice their just like his mother's. "Damian." He says almost as low as a whisper but you heard what he said.
He looks as if he's glaring at you as you begin to speak but you ignore it. "We'll we just came to welcome you to our church. It's not everyday we get new guests." You say with the kindest smile you can manage.
"Well thank you. The people in gotham aren't nearly as nice as the people in your town are." The boy tim says. With a kind smile matching yours.
Your sure that if you were in a cartoon you'd have heart eyes right now. He was just so pretty.....Snapping yourself out of whatever trance you were in ,you begin to speak.
"Well, we try. So you guys live in gotham?" You say wanting to asking a million questions ,but you don't. "Yeah. Wait you don't know who we are. " The one that's named jason says. You slightly turn to look at him forgetting he was their for a moment. "No?" You say hoping to not embarres yourself. You are the niece of the mayor after all. Your supposed to know some important people.
"Well thats knew." Dick says as he scratches the back of his head. Almost like he's embarrassed that you don't know him. 'Who are these people.' You say in your head. But sadly the last name wayne just doesn't ring a bell. "N/n mama says that you need to help set up the stage." Your brother says running up to you. Thank goodness your brother saved you. You were literally about to pass out from embarrassment.
" ok , riley." You say gentle patting his head. An just as quickly as he came ,he left. "Well we have to go set up the stage ,but I hope you guys enjoy the service." You say grabbing Lolas hand. "Well thanks for talking to us." Dick says awkwardly and everyone slightly cringes at his words.
Finally getting enough distance from the Wayne's it's like you can breath agian. And you suppose Lola feels the same by how she Finally snaps out of the trance she was in. "They were sooooo hot!" Lola says practically jumping up and down.
You snicker at how excited she is. Even though she didn't say a word to them." Yeah hot enough to make you mute." You say. "Can ya blame me they look like angels. Especially the one with the blue eyes and straight hair. " She says walking up the stage stairs. "What was his name agian." She questions " Tim." You say smiling. " Of course you remember. You were practically drooling at him." She taunts but you know she's just teasing. You playfully roll your eyes and smile. "Come on we gotta get everything ready." You say nudging Lola's shoulder. "Yeah ,yeah gotta make sure everything's perfect for your future husband." Lola says nudging you back.
--------------------20 minutes later--------------------
They service began soon enough. You watched from you seat behind the preacher were all the choir members sit. You watch as everyone takes their seats and watch as the Wayne's sit near the front. You can practically feel your mother's anger from were you are. The guest never sit up front. Never.
Your grandpa began to preach as he usually did. With confidence and pride. You can tell he loved what he did and you admired him for that. While some might say that this was the best service your grandpa ever preached. The Wayne's seemed to differ. The Wayne's were obviously different then the people in your town ,but did they have to look like they were in pain while your grandpa preaches?
Soon enough it was your choirs time to sing the closing songs. You sang with confidence and peace as you usually did. But you couldnt shake the shiver that ran down your spine as you saw the Wayne's families eyes stare at you like you were an object.
Like you were prey.
You obviously don't understand that, that's what you are to them. Prey.
Thanks for reading!!!!!
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year ago
Kinktober day 7- uniform kink
Bo Sinclair x cop reader
Warnings: uniform kink, sex on the hood of a car, vaginal sex, dirty talk, degradation, small bit of yandere, handcuff use, dub-con vibes
Content: Bo tries to distract you from the truth, by any means possible
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It was meant to be routine check of Ambrose to make sure that no kids had vandalised the town or turned it into a crack den.
So they sent you, a small town rookie cop with big dreams, to the lost town. But they failed to mention the Sinclair brothers, specifically the perverted twin who seemed to have a thing for girls in uniforms.
Your police station was ran by an old perverted misogynistic sherif who enforced that female officers must wear a shorts version of your usual police uniform. Making you wear what you would consider quite a slutty uniform.
By the time you reached Ambrose after getting the wrong directions twice, it was dark and you pulled up your cop car on the side of the road.
You didn’t expect to meet the charming devil Bo Sinclair, nor did you expect to be bent over your cop car with him standing behind you with his hips thrusting against yours.
“Such a fuckin’ slut” bo groans out as he bullies his thick cock into your eagerly wet entrance “prancin’ round in this fucking uniform, looking at me like that”
You whine as your cheek rubs against the cold car bonnet. Your hands were bonded together with your handcuffs so no matter how much you pulled, you were at his mercy.
“You look fuckin’ good though baby” bo says through a dark chuckle as his hands grip your hips, forcing you to take his Cock deeper to the point it kissed your cervix pleasurably “like my personal wet dream”
“Fuck, Bo” you moan out as you move your hips against his, desperate for some friction on your neglected clit “please, fuck me harder”
“Got the fuckin’ cops drooling over my cock” he says with a cruel laugh as his hand snakes it’s way around your waste to furiously rub on your throbbing clit with his eager digits
You cry out as your hips thrust back and drool goes down you chin. The feeling of his Cock hitting that special spot inside you that no man had ever reached before was addicting, this man could ask you to be his personal cum dump and you wouldn’t even protest you’d just get to your knees and open your mouth.
“Gonna cum slut?” Bo asks curiously, slightly out of breath as the pleasurable feeling of you wrapped around him almost becomes too much “I can feel your clit twitchin’ like a fuckin’ rabbits nose”
You tighten around him at his words as arousal courses through your entire body. He lets out a growl at your body’s reaction and his hip thrusting increases to what feels like an inhuman pace.
Just as your about to cum, the thrusting knocks the car and knocks the siren to the floor and causing the siren to go off. The lights blinded you and the siren drowned out your pleasurable screams.
Bo took a look at where the two of you connected and saw a milky ring around the base of his Cock. He threw back his head as he moaned before he released inside you. His hot seed filled your womb deliciously before he pulled out and it dripped down your thighs.
“Think I might have to keep you” Bo said with a laugh as he holds your body closer to his.
You fail to hear him over the loud siren, so you just stand there wondering why he hadn’t undone the handcuffs yet.
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^bo took this seriously
I know I’m a day behind I’m sorry 😭
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cupids-archives · 1 year ago
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ YANDERE + SHERIFF THOUGHTS ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ (contains, nsfw + non/con themes, (nothing incredibly explicit), kidnapping and mentions of passing out. )
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been thinking about going camping in a forest near a small town… your with a few of your friends and everything’s going fine until one of your friends goes missing during the night. For the first couple hours, you guys believe they are just playing a prank on you, the friend having a history of being a prankster. But by hour four, the three of you decide to split up and look for them. After looking for some time, you return to the camp where one of your friends are already waiting, but your other two hasn’t come back. both of you are obviously freaking out, but decide it’s best to go to sleep and take the car into the town the next morning.
The town is nice and simple, southern flags and stereotypical people, you and your friend go to a local shop and ask where the local sheriff is, the person at the counter looks polite enough, a young women, average height, average looks. she looks at you weirdly before pointing you there. You can tell the people in the store are looking at you weirdly, especially the older men and women. when you arrive at the station.
The sheriff is strange, he looks fairly young for a sheriff and has deep dark eyes, ones that look like he’s seen the world and more. he eyes you up and down and asking what your doing in a town like this, you tell him about your friends and he remarks how he can’t help you but you can file an report. You agree of course and he leads you two to the back. before you can enter, he tells you that you and your friend have to be separated, your friend freaks out and tells him that you guys can’t be separated, both of you are pleading with him not to let separate the two of you, and before you know it, he grabs his pistol and knocks your friend out with the bottom of it, he looks unamused as he approaches you, tears already flowing down your face as he knocks you out too.
When you wake up. Your laying on a soft wooden bed, your not wearing your precious clothes instead a white flowly nightdress, the sherif is sitting in a chair at the foot of your bed. His head is leaned down and he looks like he’s asleep, you try to sit up but your ankle is attached to bed with a chain. You start to tug at it to no avail, but the noise wakes the man up, he looks at you with a amused expression, the corner of his mouth goes up in a smile, his eyes look hungrily at you. He goes over to you and pushes your hair behind your ear. You immediately ask him where’s your friend and he shushes you and tells you that she’s safe. You inwardly sigh in relief but your still worried about the predicament your currently in and even more what’s going on in this town and it’s fucked up sheriff. He starts to tell you how he’s been looking for a wife for a long time, someone to warm his bed at night, you know?
The way he’s talking makes it seem like he’s known you forever and you’ve been his sick crush since he’s was a boy. He sits down at the side of the bed, and out of fear you don’t say a word. his hands meet the end of your gown, tracing up your thighs. You start to push him away, using all of your weight to move his upper body but fail. He starts to move so that your back is against his chest, making it harder to fight him, his fingers inch closer up your thighs and he asks you if you want your friend to be okay, you hurriedly shake your head yes. and his fingers touch the top of your pussy, circling your clit, he finally whispers in your ear that if you want your dear friend to stay alive, you’ll have to convince him..
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outcasting101 · 2 years ago
Spider-Man Best Friend
Yandere various x reader. Found this cool idea what if each spider always have this buddy they are Yandere for but they all tragically die except for Miles world, Earth-1610 as they shift of cannon logic doesn’t apply to them. The story progress and their role is as same as other continues with the pursue to help their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. That is until they face more than one sherif in their town
you loves miles, you really do, but covering the hundreds time. You can feel the tension in the air as the women other side of the desk, eye glimmer with disapproval at the missing client. Miles been exceptional, sure you weren’t as smart as him, or have any super power, not that he know of.
nevertheless, you felt the sweat dripping of until the boy came aaand he left again. Great now you have to comfort his mom, you were thankfully a good listener, the greatest power of them all. You had the patient if it mean miles pay you from his side job being celebrity. Thought you did really care for them, they just make you feel family to them.
——Time Skip——
You met Gwen sure happy and lol that but now facing of Miguel onward with his lecture of the multiverse function no what would happen when disturbance occur, butterfly effect small but great. You would have listen to it clearly if it weren’t for that fact you are mildly uncomfortable from each eye Spider hero you ever encounter. Some were sad, others were happy, few were angry - you feel it a rooted from grief.
Miguel is no exception, sighing more than ever, eye never met, focusing on other work hoping he might turn a blind eye to your presence. Did you really matter a much to every Spider-Man throughout the spider verse as Gwen first met you. She was clingy to say at least and way too close to whenever danger happen, you weren’t that helpless, were you?
now your on a run with more spider, holding on to familiarity of Miles grip as the machine vine web to web finally brining you hope. Until you weren’t, seeing your own face graffiti where Miles Uncle supposed to be until a smack p, feeling weightless as the last thing you see was a neon purple.
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corbits-comet · 6 months ago
I have a story I’ve been writing stuff about for a little while and I wanna see what tumblr thinks! It’s historical fiction set in the 1850’s in Iowa, it’s set in a boomtown, where someone has been slowly picking off the aristocracy under mysterious circumstances. So detective Mic Cahill comes to investigate the case, he’s never been bested and has been looking for a case to truly top off his career before he retires. When he arrives he finds the mystery is much more twisted than he could hav ever imagined, as he struggles to find who’s at fault when it seems like everyone has skeletons jn their closet. It would actually be a lot easier if the towns detective, Vernon albers, didn’t keep getting in his way being all stuck up and proper, like he knows anything. the town is full of some characters so here’s what I’ve got on the quick rundown of some of the boomtowns most illustrious residents!
the sheriff: a bit of a party animal but still a sherif any town could be proud of! But he refuses to give mic key bits of information, what is he hiding
the deputy: a friendly young woman who was given the job as a joke but is totally kick ass at it
Becky: a sex worker in the towns flourishing red light district, she’s got all the best gossip, but the deputy’s never been able to get anything out of her on account of. Well. Becky does have some beutiful blue eyes
Penny’s worth: the miserable old Scrooge at the book keeping office, holds the towns financial records, loves to spread misinformation
‘Willie’ William ahlborne: the former mayor who now sits on his poarch in his undergarments and yells at passerby’s
Fiona conely: the sheriffs young daughter, she’s the town spitfire and currently looking for a husband, everyone expects her to be the perfect match for mic but there’s something off about her…
Issac Owen’s: the only and most successful cattle rancher in town, the sherries political opponent. A silver fox and golden opportunist, they say something wicked’s about his farm
Vernon albers: the stubborn local detective that seems to have it out for mic, a recluse by nature, mic has been warned to stay away from him
mic Cahill: the hotheaded young famous detective called in to solve the mysterious string of murders, acts a little too brashly for his own good…
and that’s the crew! This story’s got everything a tumblr user could ever want ! The toppling of a repressive governmental system! Complicated characters with questionable motives! Chronic illness representation! Enemies to lovers! Yandere (not romanticizing it tho cus that’s gross)! Gay people getting a happy ending! Poison! And everyone’s favorite, the killing of the rich and powerful!
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systembug · 4 months ago
I dont usually do music games but lets try one 😅
I also dont have a playlist I put on repeat as I usually put on one song for days until im sick of it, so here's my general music stuff
1 Jonathan Young - Army of tigers
2 Yuki Kajiura - Absolute configuration (madoka OST)
3 Reinaeiry - Hellfire (fem cover)
4 black dresses - express yourself
5 DMC 3 - Vergil battle 2
6 Ultra Sherif - Galactic fame
7 A sound of Thunder - Queen of hell
8 Fever the ghost - Source
9 Hozier - Work song
10 HMK - Omnissiah
my taste is all over the place XD
@niseag-arts @lazywriter-artist @yandere-isopod
Shuffle Music Tag!
Shuffle your on-repeat playlist, post 10 songs, tag 10 people.
tagged by: @vossn (thank u my guy!!)
Raja Kumari - KARMA
Sleep Token - Chokehold
Charli xcx - Hot In It
Lillian Hepler - Nightmare
Lewsi Capaldi - Forget Me
Charley - Timbomb
Chase Atlantic - Swim
NF - Mansion
Little Mix - Heartbreak Anthem
Falling in Reverse - Voices in my Head
Tagging: @raeb33s, @captastra, @redbatchedcumbermayned, @systembug, @aethersflames, @maggotknight
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deardollz · 3 years ago
Hi! May i request yandere almond cookie headcanons?
I understand if it took some time and I hope you have wonderful day!
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tw: mentions of death, isolation, kidnapping, forced affection, drugging, starvation, mentions of walnut cookie, cream puff cookie, and latte cookie.
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Being a cop and also working with cream puff and latte cookie I would imagine Almond cookie has seen a quite the dangers in the world. Having a child of his own and dealing with the constant travel to find criminals would make him pretty anxious of his safety and soon to be your safety. Almond would most likely be a very paranoid and strict yandere.
Almond cookie met you at a crime scene where a criminal had broken into your house late at night. Almond cookie is used to the strict and harsh treatment he’s put under his job, but your kindness when he saved you made him quite shocked. You were so thankful of him saving you even inviting him to your home if he ever wanted to come.
A week later Almond cookie decided to come to your home just expecting you to show him around and a nice thank you. To his surprise you were joyful to see him stop by inviting him to lunch with you and even letting him stay the night. Almond cookie began to melt in your kindness not used to this new emotion he felt often. He swore he would only visit once. One visit became two, two visit became once a month, once a week to almost coming every day.
The more Almond came to your home the most infatuated he became with you, you were so kind to him and almost greeted him with a nice smile every time he came. Almond cookie then started to worry for yourself safety. He’s seen all the bad things that could happen what if it’s happen to you? He can’t loose you now your already to deep into his heart to leave. Almond cookie swore to protect you but still keep a distance until the day he feared came.
During a long night at work at police report came in about a criminal on the loose. The criminal was wanted for many murders and his path was going straight to your home. He went mad, dropping everything he had and drove fast to your home. The criminal was creeping closer to your home, but before he could make a move he was dragged into a dark alleyway. The next day the criminal was reported mission and marked off as a death, the cops asked almond what happened and he only replied in “He ran once I arrived.” That night Almond cookie paranoia took over his thoughts and he had enough of the danger this world puts you in.
The next morning you woke up as the cold air took over you. Your eye fluttered open to see you in a dark room tied to a chair, a set of panic flooded into you as you began to untie the ropes. All you movements stopped as you heard the door creek open as your eyes widened to see Almond cookie at the door. He explained how this was for your safety and how your better off with him then the world. You began to feel soft tears roll down you cheek as almond wiped them off saying “Things will get better with the two of us dear me you and my our child.”
There’s many times where you’ve tried to escape some plans looking to be better than others. Like going through the window, unlocking the door at night but they all seem to fail. Almond cookie hates when your trying to escape but with his knowledge of a cop you won’t even get far from him. Almond doesn’t like to but he isn’t afraid of punishing you, he mostly isolates you with barely any food for multiple days. This method always seems to work well with him as your always crawling back for his touch. Almond has a lot of rules set in and he wants them all to be followed.
At the end of week Almond was beginning to get ready to go back home to see you but the sherif stopped him. “Officer Almond we got another missing case of Y/N cookie we assume they were kidnapped by the missing criminal.” Almond cookie turns to the door and replies “Sure I’ll keep a lookout for them I’ll provide updates soon.” Almond walks out the door with a smirk on his facing knowing 𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 will ever find you again.
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A/n: my first order omg!!! I’m so happy I’m getting orders now I had a lot of fun with this so I really hope you enjoyed!!
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1-800-sope · 4 years ago
Captured love (M) part 1.
Paring: OT7 X reader
Rating: M 
Gener: Yandere
Warnings: Kidnapping, Obsessive behavior, murder.
Summery: Of course with being the new girl you would capture people's attention, you just wished you didn’t capture their attention 
“Now we are going to ask you some questions regarding your former classmate Miss. Y/l/n.” The Town’s sheriff spoke as he took a seat in front of the young boy, They were in a small room that was located in the back of the police station. The young boy sat up straighter and nodded. 
Jackson was a small town located in Virginia, It was the town where everyone knows everyone, where crime was less likely to happen, petty theft every now and then.
So of course a call from two parents stating how their child went missing would spread like wildfire giving the town a rude awakening.
“What was Y/n like during school?” Sheriff kim asked as he opened up his notebook.
“That’s a good question Sherif. Y/n she was one of the good ones ya know? Sat at the back, stayed out of trouble, actually did her school work.” Min Yoongi responded as he leaned back in his seat a glint in his eyes appeared but quickly vanished. If Sherif Kim looked up he would have caught it.
“She was a good student, very hard working.” The class present Kim Namjoon said as he leaned forward placing his hands together a sorrow look on his face. “She never got anything lower than an 80%.” Namjoon let out a grimace that caught the sheriffs attention. “Her grades did start to slip a week before her disappearance.” 
“I don’t really know much but she definitely looked like she enjoyed her alone time but she would be seen around Jimin every now and then. Park Jimin was his full name.” Hoseok spoke.
“Mr. Park a lot a lot of people said that you were the one seen around Y/n a lot?” The sheriff asked with a raised eyebrow Jimin scoffed.
“So what? Does that mean I’m the one that kidnapped her? Bullshit, how do we even know she was kidnapped? she could have ranwaya she always talked about it.”
“Talked about running away?” Sheriff kim picked up his pin and started writing away. “Yeah she talked about how she wanted to get away, get out of this boring town and I really don’t blame her.” Jimin spoke nonchalantly as he crossed his arms.
“And did you have-” Sheriff got cut off. “Look Sheriff I did not have anything to do with Y/n’s disappearance, yes I was seen around her a lot That’s because she was the new girl and I wanted to welcome her with open arms. Changing High schools in the middle of the year is stressful on a student, a friendly face helps out a lot.” Jimin satated explaining his innocent.
“Y/n was a chill girl, I didn’t really have any one on one conversations with her but I did speak to her when jimin was around.” Taehyung the school’s art prodigy said. “Wait that’s a lie, I did have one conversation with her. She complimented my art.” Silence filled the room as a pained look fell over the Kim’s face. “It’s so sad that this happened, please send her family my condolences.” 
“Y/n..Y/n..I’m sorry but who?” Jungkook asked with a squint of his eyes. His eyes grew big when realization grew over him. “Oh you mean the new girl? Damn she went missing?” Jungkook let out a whistle as he leaned back in his seat.
“I’m sorry officer sir, but I have nothing to say. we’re not in the same year so I didn’t see her around that much.”
The Sheriff walked out the room with Jungkook following him. “Thank you for your time Jungkook. Go on and head home before curfew.” The young boy nodded and walked out of the police stationed.
“any luck?” A lady officer asked the sheriff as she walked by. “Nope, nothing at all.” He responded throwing the notebook on a desk.
But maybe if the Sheriff was paying close attention, he would have caught the way yoongi smirked, How there was a mark on Namjoon’s left hand that looked like someone bit him. The Necklace Hoseok was wearing, how Jimin was a bit too flustered. The bruise under Taehyung’s right eye, and the notification on Jungkook’s phone that read “Don’t screw this up Jungkookie.” from Namjoon.
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missrown · 4 years ago
"Haha, there's a new sherif in town..."
1. DNI if you don't respect, support people from different religions, race, lgbtqia+
2. DNI if you sexualise minors and Asian people
3. I do not take requests.
4. There is no consistency in writings.
5. Do not spread hate. Treat everyone with respect.
6. There will be no nsfw in this blog.
7. I may reblog or write dark content (Yandere) to avoid that, block this tag. "Yandere (.)"
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fluffybunnyartist · 5 years ago
How would a yandere slashers Bo , Vincent and Thomas react to their S/O trying to escape from them ? How would they punish her? Would it be physical , sexual or mental punishment???😏
Oooh! This is a good one!!
NSFW: Manipulation, gore, and sex/r*pe
He sees you trying to hide behind a wax man and he slips over to you unnoticed. He grabs a handful of your hair and tugs harshly, causing you to shriek in pain. He chuckles darkly.
"Comere love, you like it rough. That's why you keep runnin right?" He growls.
He slams you onto the ground. Sore and teary eyed you try crawling away. He steps on your back and adds pressure. An agonizing pain goes down your back. You scream. He clicks his tongue as his eyes roam your body, dressed in one of his t-shirts, too big and some undies you had in your suitcase. He grabs your arm and presses a kiss into your hair. As his lips touch your hair he moves is foot from your back to your arm. His hand grasps yours. He plants his foot down harder on your arm. You wait. Snap! Pain shoots through your now snapped arm. You scream, throat raw and sore, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"You needed to be punished Y/N. But I'll give you a treat for takin' it so nicely. Okay?" He lifts you up into his arms, being careful of your arm.
You whimper and whine the entire way back to his room. He sets you down in a chair.
"Can I trust you to stay put while I grab the shit?"
You nod and sniffle. He coos and kisses you, you don't resist anymore. The soreness and pain overwhelms you. He comes back with a box and he clicks it open.
"You know this is the second time I've had to cast you, hopefully it'll be the last."
You nod as he starts to fix your arm. A lot of pain and tears later you have a dark blue cast.
"Matching, cute right?"
You nod, looking at the ground. He lifts your face up and smiles, a genuine smile.
"Come on, let me make you feel good babygirl."
He lifts you from the chair and to the bed, he lays you down underneath him and he grinds into you. His lips press against your neck. The pain was still overwhelming and his touch made you sick to your stomach. But when he slips inside you, you close your eyes, pretend he's someone else and bear it.
You had finally uncuffed yourself from his bed and you knew he might be back soon so you booked it up the stairs. Hearing footsteps you slip into an open doored room. You smack into a solid figure. Him. The masked man. Vincent. He tilted his head at you. You go to run but he grips your arm pulls you into him. You struggle and kick and cry. He holds onto you as he sobs quietly. Why can't you just stay with him? Can't you just pretend to love him? Is that so hard? He provides for you. He gives you almost everything you want, makes sure you're comfortable and he doesn't force himself on you. So why cant you just love him?
"Please, please, stop." He whimpers while holding on you. "I love you.. so much."
He grips you, not to hurt you but keep you still and you feel a pang of guilt. This is the first time he's really spoken to you. You've heard him mumble to his brothers but never to you.
"I want to go home, Vincent." You sob. "I miss my family."
"What about me?" His voice quivered and he gripped you tighter as he sunk down to the ground, you in his arms and he whined whever you tried to pull away.
You stayed there for awhile letting him nuzzle into you. His sobs dying down. You stayed there and waited it out. He picks you up and carries you back down. You didnt know how to respond with his crying and you didnt want Bo finding out. You shudder at the thought. Vincent notices.
"Are you cold, Y/N?"
You shake your head.
"I want to make you happy, here with me." He says softly setting you down on his bed and kneeling in front of you and placing his head on your lap. "Please stay, I dont know what I'd do without you, I'd die!"
Your body shaking, hand reaching to his head. It lands softly in his hair and you pet him gently. He shivers and looks up.
"Thank you! Thank you-" he starts coughing.
After the fit he starts stroking your cheek, sighing dreamily.
"You wont regret this I promise."
He lays you back on the bed and holds you close to his chest. Guilt, regret and shame fill up your glass body.
You hated him. You hated every last brown strand of hair on his head. That large, scary bastard who wanted you. You pry at the wretched bear trap at your ankle. The teeth sunk deep into your right leg. You hear chuckling and look up, tears still falling down your face. It's the creepy ass sheriff.
"Well, what do we have here? A runaway bunny?" He tsk'd. "Tommy's gonna hafta punish you. You are his girl after all. And speak of the devil."
You see his looming figure behind the sherif and you tried backing up, the teeth sinking in deeper and you cry out in pain. He quickly snaps it open and throws you over his shoulder, kicking and screaming all the way. He set you down in a chair and tied you down, your injured leg left free. Hoyt and the beast left for a bit while Luda Mae help a drink up to you.
"It'll help."
You shook your head and let out a sob. She covered your nose. Blocking out the air. As soon as you opened your mouth she funneled the hard liquor down your throat. Coughing and sputtering you feel the effects rather fast. Your voice slurring as the boys come back in.
"She good and fucked up mama?"
"Yes... poor thing."
"Hold her leg up proper!"
The chainsaw revs. A dull pain in your leg makes you aware you're never going home. As your calf and foot fall onto the floor Thimas starts sewing and wrapping you up.
"You're all... fucking psychotic..." you slur. "I can't believe you..."
"It's just the alcohol taking Thomas. Take her back upstairs and let her rest." Luda Mae demands.
He nods and carries you up the stairs in his arms and upon reaching the room he sets you down gently. He started stroking your cheek. He loomed over you and started to unbuckle his pants.
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hannahpanda-agere · 4 years ago
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hello, fellow littles! today i have constructed a list of disney movies that me and my carer have either seen, or have been waiting to watch! ever since the united states was stricken with covid, ive been taking mental notes of what i would like to see in the near future! keep in mind that some of these movies may not interest you the way that they did me. ♡
Disney Movies:
coco, emporers new groove, meet the robinsons, onward, zootopia, ratatouille
frozen, frozen 2, moana, tangled, princess and the frog, toy story 1, lilo and stitich, christopher robin
Disney Shows:
gravity falls, big city greens, the owl house, amphibia, milo murphey’s law, the lion guard, puppy dog pals, pj masks, mickey mouse club, sherif callie
minnies bow tunes, molang, tsum tsum, yokai watch, wander over yander, pokemon
Disney Games:
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