#Story stuff
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cinamun · 1 month ago
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Things Fall Apart continues in February with these two embarking on a brand new adventure 😉
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simminginstars · 4 months ago
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First Halloween for the fam 🕸️
Fun fact: When Yuto first created Serena the servo-bot Savannah was skeptical but since she's been a great help around the house and is a sweetheart, Savannah considers her as part of the family. Yuto finds it weird since she's just a robot but doesn't want to tell sav that.
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jaquitor · 7 months ago
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"Be Not Afraid..."
i love big sea dragon...
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fanvoidkeith · 3 months ago
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i just realized that. while i have read MOST OF the Animorphs books, i don't think i've actually read ALL of them yet. lots of timeline fuckery happening even in just the first 10-15 books
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indieyuugure · 1 year ago
I need someee moreeee indie comic!! I love tmnt indie (of course if you don't mind <3)
Sure! I’ll give you some stuff on the arc that winds up to the Space arc. It’s dubbed the “Save Donnie Arc.”
After the turtles wipe the floor with the Foot—despite being armed with Kraang weaponry—The Kraang decide that these “turtles” are actually much more of a threat than they originally anticipated and so instruct Bishop to catch and study them.
So after awhile, Bishop discovers that Donnie and Mikey like to rummage through a select few junkyards for various bits and bobs, and ambushes them with a team of dudes. Mikey’s able to escape, but they manage to catch Donnie and drag him back to Bishop’s Lab.
Don’t worry, it ends happily and no one dies.
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Bishop doesn’t know as much as he thinks he knows. The Kraang keep him very much in the dark on almost everything and use him as their human puppet, not that he cares.
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Sorry, Raph, I can’t answer that question for you.
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Bishop made a very dangerous enemy.
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Donnie’s pretty injured, physically and mentally afterwards, but hugs are the best bandaid💕
Hope this is what you wanted! Though obviously if you wanted something more specific, you could send another ask :]
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askterisk-asterisk · 2 months ago
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Why are you on the floor.
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Whatever. Just take this already! You look like you need cheering up or...something like that.
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This is a one-time thing, ok? Do NOT ask me for more food from the kitchen, it's-
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Thank you.
...Uh. Yea.
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beachyserasims · 6 months ago
I was going to start posting Chapter 6 of my Geneva Island Legacy series today, but I got sooo inspired by @havenroyals and their Chapter 5 recap that I had to do the same for my story. So here is my first chapter recap, including my favorite comments from chapter 5!
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Legacy Living - When we all cried together
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Saw Something - When we wondered wth actually happened
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Little Sunshine - Where we met the sweetest angel ever
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Be Closer - When we welcomed someone new
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Brainstorm - Where we empathized with Autumn
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Dessert - Where we got REALLY spicy
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Summer Charity - When we cheered and said FINALLY!!
Thank you so much to everyone who commented or showed any love and support to my story. Any day that I posted and was given the chance to interact with you all was a great day for me ♡♡♡ I am excited to start Chapter 6 this Friday!! Stay tuned ♡
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niuttuc · 2 months ago
Hydra's Tear
Recently, I've created a magical item for one of my MtG characters, and I tend to spend a lot of time refining unnecessary details for these, so I felt like writing down what I've got on it. Feel free to include it or a variation on it in your own creations. I'll put up the story side of things with the historical model and a short description first, then go into the unnecessary details under a read more.
The Myth:
The legend associated with the Hydra's Tear harkens back to days long past, and long forgotten, on the plane of Theros. It is but one small part of the tale of the Founding of Meletis, the story of the Aesthelith. It is known to only a few yet, woven as it is into the story of Kynaios and Tiro, the Guardians of Meletis.
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After defeating the tyrant Agnomakhos at the goddess Ephara's behest, the two lovers founded a city who the goddess would be the patron of. To show their love to each other and devotion, they declared that the first ceremony to be conducted in Ephara's temple in Meletis, as soon as it would be finished, would be the kings' wedding.
Ephara was pleased by their dedication and success and delighted at this announcement. She set forth to find a wedding gift fit for two kings, and for a goddess to grant as well. After giving humans magic to fight in the war against Agnomakhos, she wanted to show the good magic could also bring in peace.
Knowing his skills with magical crafts, Ephara went first to her cousin Purphoros, god of the Forge, with her requests. Purphoros assented to help her, but only if she procured for him the centerpiece of a creation he had in mind, but escaped the grasp of even the god: a tear from a hydra. Cunning Ephara assented, with already a plan to extract it from such a beast.
In Nyx, she found the great hydra Polukranos in its lair hidden in the stars. There, she waited for it to sleep, then started telling him the story of Kynaios and Tiro, of their bravery, but more than anything, of their love. The story was so beautiful that the sleeping hydra wept a single tear. The goddess was swift to claim her prize and return to Purphoros's forge.
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In Purphoros's hands, the tear became a gem, and holding it firmly, the god split the green stone in twain. From its halves, Purphoros fashioned two gold brooches to his and Ephara's design. She thanked her cousin, and took the jewelry to the city of Meletis, where a wedding was being arranged.
When the day came, the goddess officiated the wedding herself, and gave to each of the kings one of the brooch. "Behold," she declared, "by my word, you who were two are now one. These are a symbol of your love, and of mine. While a brooch can fasten clothes, these will fasten people together. Like the hydra it hails from, for as long as you keep it against your skin, you will be as two heads of the same body. You shall see what the other sees, hear what the other hears, and feel what the other feels. Never again shall you be alone, in life or in death."
And as she spoke, so it was. Through the magic of the brooches, even when their duty sent one of the kings to a far-off country, they were never alone. Never separated from the other's voice, or touch, for the rest of their lives.
Then, as it does for any mortal, their time came. Tiro died first, and on that day, Meletis wept, and Kynaios grieved. And nowhere on his body could the brooch be found. Ephara had spoken true, and the brooches, created by the gods, were not impeded by death. By the next night, Kynaios smiled once more, hearing his husband's voice, seeing through his eyes the groves of Ilysia, and feeling his touch.
With his husband's counsel, it is said that Kynaios reigned in his last few years with wisdom beyond compare, for he had seen sacred Ilysia, and could through his husband seek advice from heroes past. When his own turn came, he passed with a smile, and once again, his brooch couldn't be found.
Legend tells that they used their magic still that day to find each other in the vast and lush groves of Ilysia. And that they still wore them in the centuries thereafter, their love as strong or stronger as the day of their wedding.
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In Practical Terms:
Hydra's tear sensory brooches, or Aestheliths, are pairs of rare magical items that allow the wearer of one to share one of the primary senses of the other, and vice-versa. The main uses are to share hearing, sight and touch, but taste and smell are also possible. Some more nebulous uses might be possible, but if they are, their use isn't as simple. All the current examples known of the items can only share one set of senses back and forth at once.
Having two sets of sensations for one sense is quite disorienting and overwhelming at first. It takes days of training with any one before one can learn to act normally with it active, and weeks or months before being able to make reflexive use of it.
It is entirely voluntary on both ends, and can be used by anyone, even if they cannot wield magic. While the item can be controlled with a hint of magic with thoughts, it can also be set and used by hand. It is done by turning parts of it to select the sense, and pushing lightly on the gem to activate it or accept the activation from the other of the pair. The effect can be interrupted from either end with a directed thought.
Despite being called brooches, these typically sit directly on the body of the user, under any clothes in the way. They don't have traditional pins or clasps, but they stick to one's body magically, and can be moved around their skin easily with a finger to slide it around.
Besides the lack of magic necessary to operate them, they are notable against other forms of magical communication devices because of their incredible reliability. They are almost impossible to disrupt or intercept, instantaneous, and can work even through planar boundaries and other magical limits. On Theros (and probably Kaldheim and other planes with similarly physical afterlives), this includes allowing direct contact between the mortal realm and the Underworld, which is otherwise particularly difficult. Of course, getting it there involves someone dying with one of a pair, and still wanting to contact the person on the other end after their deaths, so that makes exploiting it a bit harder a task.
The Unnecessary Details:
The Gem:
A Hydra's Tear is some form of magical gem. Whether or not it actually originates from hydras and their tears is unknown. It has a rough appearance due to its property to regenerate from its largest fragment when splintered or cut, a dark green lump of irregular shape. As such, extracting it from rock is fairly easy, you can just smash the rock and get the bit that regenerates from there, but further sanding or cutting it into shape is impossible, and each Hydra's Tear will have a unique natural shape.
When cut into two exactly equal pieces, the magic of the stone doesn't regenerate it, it instead acts magically as if the stone was never cut in the first place. This link transcends distance, Realms and Planes, and is almost impossible to disrupt, offering room for interesting enchantments.
However, cutting such a stone exactly in two is an incredibly difficult task, and has only been achieved by Gods or master craftsmiths with a divine favor. Even for those, it has required a lot of trial and error and sometimes days of work. As a result, the following experiment of further cutting the two halves into exact halves (quarters of the full thing) has so far never succeeded. It might not be fully impossible, but since each stone is unique, it would require succeeding in this arduous task twice in a row, and it's impossible to tell whether a failure is due to it being outright impossible or just the result of a minor mistake. The gem is pretty rare in the first place, as are those able to cut it once, so experiments such as those have been few in numbers.
Notably, once a gem is cut in this way, it doesn't lose its regenerating properties, but as far as its magic is concerned, it is still a single gem, so chipping or breaking it doesn't cause the link to fail or anything of the sorts. It simply regenerates whichever half got chipped or broken into its proper half.
The Brooches:
The most common (but still incredibly rare) item created from cut Hydra's Tears are brooches modeled and enchanted after the mythical pair, though not all those that have made them knew the myth. Those are called Aestheliths after the Theran term, or sensory brooches. As was mentioned earlier, they allow the wearer of both brooches to pick a sense they both have, and experience at the same time their end of that sense and the other wearer's. It is disorienting at first.
It does not function when the sense only exists for one of the wearers due to different species, but it does function if one of the wearers has that sense impaired but would otherwise have it, such as with blind or deaf humans, who can see or hear through the other wearer's senses. If both wearer share a sense but differ greatly in its characteristics, such as being able to perceive different wavelengths of light or a much wider sense of smell, it will still function but will be even more disorienting and difficult to parse for both people involved.
They technically can work with any sentient creatures, but are only really practical with sapient ones. Training an animal to wear, activate the brooch and then not immediately panic at the flood of sensations and interrupt the connections has proven beyond the skills of any who have tried it.
With the typical design, as far as manual (non magical) use, a ring of sorts surrounds the gemstone, and can be turned to select a sense, then pushing on the gem sends a "call" to the other wearer that makes them aware of the initiated link, that they can accept with a push of their own end of the gem, or dismiss with a thought. The sense shared is always the same on both ends, and there can only be one shared at a time.
The brooches adhere to skin, but can be slid around freely on there, like a magnet would behave on a large magnetic surface. They are impossible to pry off without removing the skin they're attached to when active, and require quite a bit of effort to remove by a third party even when inactive. The wearer can remove their own with much less effort if they want to. Much like other controls, they can be moved around one's body with a though and a hint of magic channeled at it, if the wearer is able to channel magic.
Here are some notes on stuff to expect with the typical senses.
Sight is perhaps the most disorienting of senses to share at first. It helps to acclimate someone to it to start with both people involved keeping their eyes as close to each other as possible, and looking in the same direction. Learning to move your body according to a point of view that is not centered on your own head takes practice, and when that point of view is itself moving, it can lead to nausea at first.
While the brooches allow one to focus on a different part of the other's vision than they are, it doesn't allow one to move the other's eyes, or head. As a result, it can be a confusing and frustrating experience to want to look at something at the edge of the other's vision, when you physically can't turn your head or pivot your eyes to see it better.
Because sight can only be shared on its own, communication is difficult with it while in different locations. Many pairs of wearers eventually develop a code, often based on blinks for humans and similar, for some common actions... Or to switch to hearing for more complex discussions.
Between species with similar sight characteristics, there can be slight differences of color in how the world is perceived, or large ones in the case of some color blindnesses.
Between species with different sight characteristics, the mind of each will eventually adapt to recognize more colors they wouldn't usually perceive, but the process can be slow and headache-inducing.
Some have reported an unusual feeling upon seeing themselves through the eyes of another, likely linked to the fact people usually only see their own face through a mirror, whereas the brooches do not mirror the images they show.
Hearing is possibly the most often shared of the senses with Aestheliths. It allows conversations at any distance or simply seamless eavesdropping.
It is not typically as disorienting to share hearing as sight, though it can be when trying to locate the source of a sound. Your mind will associate the location depending on the position of the ears of the other wearer, not your own. This is even more disorienting when standing in the vicinity of the other wearer, but looking in different directions.
One of the quirks of sharing hearing is that both wearers hear a different voices than they expect for the other (and themselves), but not any other person. Because people hear themselves through not only their hear but the resonance of their own body, the voice they hear for themselves and the voice others hear are different. As a result, when sharing hearing with someone else, one will hear the "internal" voice for the other when they speak, and the "external" voice for themselves as well if they speak anywhere the other can hear. The speech of any third person will be heard the same as normal.
Due to sound moving relatively slowly in air, there can be a slight feeling of echoing when speaking and listening while sharing hearing, particularly as the distance between the two wearers grows larger (but still within range of hearing the same sounds).
When hearing is shared between two species with different hearing ranges, similar to sight, the mind slowly expands to understand sounds beyond the normal reach. But, similarly, those sounds can only be heard through another's ears still.
Touch has a lot of unique traits as far as being shared. It goes beyond just being touch and some other characteristics are shared as well. Some elements of proprioception as well: sharing touch involves knowing the position of the other's body and how it feels in many places, though the mind will try to assign that perception of the other person's body to the wrong position in space. This can be changed with trust and training, and a learned pair sharing touch can move around each other without ever getting in one another's way or looking at each other.
While touch will share many physical sensations, be they pressure, temperature and pleasure, it also has a special handling of pain, that is... Othered, in a way other shared sensations through the brooches aren't. When sharing touch, you *know* the pain the other is in, but you don't feel it as your own. This peculiarity of the enchantment is very purposeful, and one of the reasons replicating the enchantment is an intricate and involved process.
Touching the other wearer while sharing the sense of touch with them feels like touching your own body in many ways, since you receive both the feeling of touching and being touched at the same time. A fascinating experience.
Smell and Taste:
Smell and Taste are separate, but I'll address them here together, as they're similar in being more rarely used, and less unique in their handling.
Smell can be very useful if one of the wearers has a much more developed one than the other, such as when a human and a leonin are paired. Similar to sight and hearing, one learns to decode those new signals with time and headaches. Unlike with hearing and sight however, some of those might become recognizable without needing to be sharing smell anymore eventually, as faint but present. It might even allow one to become receptive to pheromones they normally do not notice or react to.
Taste has a bit more to it being shared, like touch, in that you can also get the texture and warmth of what is being tasted through the link. Interestingly, individual preferences also are translated through the shared sense of taste. If something is found delicious by one of the wearers and disgusting by another, how it is experienced by both will depend on who actually eats it, it will feel either disgusting to both or delicious to both.
Other senses:
Beyond the five traditional senses, some might be able to be shared with the brooches, though they might require being able to magically choose the sense to share, as the selector ring doesn't typically cover anything beyond the five main ones (and an standby position to avoid accidental activations.)
Other senses that can be shared this way include magnetoreception (the perception of magnetic fields), thaumasthesia (the perception of magic), vestibular sense (perception of balance and acceleration, generally pretty useless and nausea-inducing to share with another), and more... As a reminder, both wearer need to have the sense, or the potential for it, to be able to share it this way.
There are rumors that one can also share a sense of self through the brooches, in a way that would allow two people to perceive each other's thought processes. While there has been successful activations with this idea, the process is so overwhelming, disturbing and disorienting that everyone that tried it ended the connection after a fraction of a second at most. It is possible something like that could be sustained, but it would take years if not decades of very brief and lengthening contacts to be able to maintain a usable link for any reasonable amount of time. And there are worries that doing so would permanently alter both wearer's personalities and thoughts to match the other closer in the process.
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wolfpai999 · 4 months ago
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Seeing how I’d want to draw my boy Vince for animating
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trashisstillhere · 3 months ago
I’m kinda taking a pause on working on the stuff I said I wanted to do cuz unfortunately I don’t honestly feel THAT great, like my throat feels so sore and I often cough a lot to the point my lungs hurt. It was like that before a few days ago along with me having a fever which I no longer have yet I still seem to struggle with this coughing problem for some reason. It’s not like dangerously bad but just very annoying and sometimes I get too hot or have my lungs hurt cuz of it.
So for now, I went back to doodling again and guess what, it’s with New Ninja! And i basically doodled them dealing with my current situation except this seems like a less bad version of it even though I tried my best to portray it right.
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Poor kid joining in my suffering….at least Randy is there to help! I kinda tried to give him a SLIGHTLY different look with the little scars and a bit of the hair since like I said, in the AU New Ninja is from the teens are kinda older, including him. I don’t know how I feel about it so far tho.. oh well.
Where are New Ninja’s parents and why aren’t they helping?… they’re super busy workaholics that’s why. No seriously, that’s basically what they are like.
I also made a few more doodles involving the kid, mostly cuz I wanted to plus it’s been awhile since I made any more doodles related to them and their story in a way. So here ya go!
Quick warning: one of the doodles includes blood!
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Lookie here!
1st doodle: Nomi! New Ninja, doodled something for this idea long ago and decided to bring it back but with New Ninja being in their normal attire instead of their ninja one. As you can see, they’re….kinda gloomy.
2nd doodle: oh boy, can’t draw things about this kid without some juicy angst! This isn’t related to Nomi NN btw! This is a thing that happens during their story where they get nightmares at night of them getting treated horribly by their ninja self. It is linked to their insecurities and bad thoughts as the ninja! Dark, I know but it’s canon in their story and Au, and unfortunately they gotta have to deal with it for a loooong time!
3rd doodle: Basically how New Ninja first found out they were….well, the new ninja! Their reaction is pretty much the opposite of Randy’s first time.
4th last doodle: oh? What’s this? New Ninja seems to be in the middle of something serious with a certain magical being of some kind….what could it be?.. that’s for me to know and for you to find out!
And that’s it. Enjoy these doodles of the sweet ninja kid I guess.
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riverofjazzsims · 10 months ago
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Let me go on and set this up cause I came with no damn sense and im still hollerin!!! @cinamun
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foreshadowing its finest...
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( in my bruno mars voice)...
Smokin' out the window ... Singin', "How could she do this to me?"🎵🎵
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Oh, I thought that girl belonged to only me (mhmm) But I was wrong,...🎵🎵
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cinamun · 6 months ago
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Things Fall Apart returns in September
Three women have each reached a crossroads in this saga; one must confront her past, one must confront her present and one must confront her future.
Mercy Carruthers
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After a violent confrontation with her past, Mercy took matters into her own hands. While she seeks therapy to sort through it all, there is no guarantee she won't bury everything again.
Hope Carruthers
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Hope was aptly named for bringing light into the darkness of her parent's past. She embodies her name every time she or others are faced with adversity, until now. She's given everything to help her husband sort through a major revelation and as the mother of infant twins she is overwhelmed and feeling like all hope is lost. Giving up was never an option, until now.
Indira Drake
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Wanting to only live the life that feels right for her, she faces losing a dear friendship. A vivid nightmare shook her to her core as one face in particular stood out among the rest.
Stay tuned, dearest readers, as we focus on what these women will need to endure to find peace when TFA returns.
*While we restart our saga this month, there is still time to catch up if you choose. An actual date has yet to be determined. Happy reading.
*Edit made possible by gshade, photoshop and this dope .png pack by @lexaverse
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simminginstars · 8 months ago
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a reserved man, doing scandalous things aka shirtless selfie.
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he decided to become even hotter because the neighbor showing an interest in sav and her cooking made him mildly uncomfortable even though he knew he was marrying a v talented and hot woman.
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pixeldistractions · 27 days ago
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Okay, so, probably most of you reading this don’t know who these characters are at all. I have gained and lost (and gained and lost and so on…) so many friendly faces on these blogs over the years. The people who were reading when some of these stories were in their moment have moved on to other things. That’s the hazard of writing long long stories that go way way back, I guess.
But anyway, I remain curious. All of these storylines are going to happen in one form or another, whether they make it to the blog or not. But I’d like to know where I should put more or less of my energy and screen time, which stories are you most interested to read about in the coming months???
I kind of wish you could vote for your favorite 2-3 choices, for a fair distribution. But I don’t know of any cheats for that. If you do know a cheat, please share! Otherwise, if you want to vote for more than one, you can discuss which ones in the comments.
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Intentionally leaving Jordan and Maria off the list, because you’re getting more of them whether you want it or not! Also, I think I would be unreasonably devastated if they came in dead last or something.
I mean, you’re welcome to dislike them if you want, but I’d rather not know it. 🤪
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jaquitor · 1 year ago
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allosaurus is one of my fav dinos
i gave this one a funny little outfit
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